Visual C++ Compiler
Visual C++ Compiler
Visual C++ Compiler
Microsoft Visual C++ allows you to create many different types of applications. This guide addresses creating and using Console Applications. A console application is a program that runs inside a DOS window.This guide is divided into the following sections:
Starting Visual C++ Creating and Executing a Single-File Console Application Importing and Executing C++ Source Code Files
Figure 1-1
Figure 1-1 shows the initial application window. If your application window looks different, you may need to adjust the menu bar settings. This is accomplished by right-clicking the menu bar and modifying the settings until the Standard toolbar is the only item selected as shown in Figure 1-2.
Menu bar
Figure 1-2
One of the most common programs encountered in an introductory C++ programming class is a single source code file that contains the main function. To construct this type of application, you need to:
Create a Win32 Console Application Project Add a source code file Write the program Execute the program Debug the program
Figure 1-3
When the New Project dialog box opens, enter the following information (see Figure 1-4):
Select Win32 Console Application Enter the project name in the Project Name textbox Select the location for the project in the Location textbox
Figure 1-4
The application provides a default location for saving projects or you can select your own location by pressing the button to the right of the location textbox to open the Choose Directory dialog box. Press the OK button after entering the required information into the dialog box.When the Win32 Console Application wizard appears, select An empty project. (see Figure 1-5) and then press the Finish button.When the New Project Information dialog box appears, select OK.
Figure 1-5
Figure 1-6
When the New file dialog box appears, select C++ Source File, type the file name into the File Name textbox (see Figure 1-7), and press the OK button.
Figure 1-7
Figure 1-8
Figure 1-9
Compiling a Program
Once the program compiles, the results will be shown in the Output Window. (See Figure 1-10.) In this example, the program compiled with no errors and no warnings.
Figure 1-10
After successfully compiling the program, the next step is to take the compiled object code and build the executable file necessary to run the program. In Microsoft Visual C++ 6.0, this is accomplished by selecting the Build option from the Build menu. (See Figure 1-11.)
Figure 1-11
In this example, there were no errors or warnings generated by the build process. (See Figure 1-12.)
Figure 1-12
After the build process has been successfully completed, you can now execute the program by selecting Execute from the Build menu. (See Figure 1-13.)
Figure 1-13
The program results will appear in a new DOS window. Notice that the phrase Press any key to continue has been added to the program output. This additional code was added to keep the DOS window open until you have had a chance to view the output and press a key on the keyboard. (See Figure 1-14.) Once a key on the keyboard is pressed, the program stops execution and the DOS window closes.
Figure 1-14
Program Results
Figure 1-15
Compile Error
You can determine where the compiler found the error by double-clicking on the error message in the output window.This will cause a pointer to appear in the left margin of the source file where the error was encountered. (See Figure 1-16.)
Error pointer
Figure 1-16
Notice in this case that the pointer is on the line after the line containing the actual error. This occurs when the error induces a compiler recognized fault on a subsequent line.While not always exact, the error pointer, in conjunction with the error description, can help locate errors in the source code. Once the error is identified and corrected, the program must be saved, re-compiled, built, and executed again.
Often you will want to compile, build, and execute programs that you did not write. Consider for example the case where you want to execute a source file provided as part of a textbooks supplemental information. The steps are nearly identical to those described above. First you need to construct a Project file as described above. Next, instead of adding a new source file using the New command as describe above, you import the existing file into the project. This is accomplished by selecting the Add To Project option located under the Project menu. (See Figure 1-17.)
Figure 1-17
Once the desired file has been imported into the project, you compile, build, and execute the program as described above.
Microsoft Visual C++ allows you to create many different types of applications. This guide addressed creating and using single source file Console Applications, but the basic operations are the same for more complex programs.
Always start by creating a project file of the appropriate type Create blank files for writing your own programs or import existing files into the project Compile Build Execute Debug, if necessary