1/25 Core and Lower Body Balancing & Strengthening: Pre-Exercise Message

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1/25 CORE AND LOWER BODY balancing & strengthening

PRE-EXERCISE MESSAGE Ball Massage of the hip Seated Manual Massage of the leg WARM-UP Body Circles: Circle each joint 10x 10x each: Knee-Up Run Back-Kick Run Jumping Jack Circle Run (3x back and forth) TARGETED STRETCHING Note: Targeted means that we are aiming for balance- stretching what is tight and strengthening what is over-stretched to achieve muscular balance. Cat-Dog 10x 30-45 seconds: Triangle Stretch Pigeon Stretch Quadriceps Stretch with Couch Hamstring Stretch (holding a chair in order to sit up straight) Knees-To-Chest & Roll Spinal Twist (on the floor) Kneeling Side Reach (for oblique muscles- your side crunch muscles) TARGETED STRENGTHENING Circuit 1: Legs 2 sets Front Leg Raise, 12x + 10 second hold Hip-Up: 2-legged 10x, 1-legged 10x each leg Dirty Dog: 12x each side Kneeling Lean-Back: 12x

Circuit 2: Core 3 sets Forearm Plank: 30 sec Side Crunch, R side: 12x Banana: 30 sec Side Crunch, L side: 12x Sit-Up: 12x Hip-Up: 12x Traditional Crunch: 12x Reverse Crunch (knees bent, with partner): 12x CARDIO 10-15 minutes: Knee-Up Run 10x Back-Kick Run 10x Jumping Jack 10x Circle Run 3x back and forth REPEAT TARGETED STRETCHING

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