Confidentiality Agreement
Confidentiality Agreement
Confidentiality Agreement
As a condition of an offer of employment, {Company} requires that {Employee Name} read and sign this Confidentiality Agreement. Failure to sign this document will result in a revocation of any offer of employment already declared. This Agreement is entered into this {date} day of {month}, {year}. {Employee Name}, by signing this document, understands and consents to the following stipulations:
{Employee Name} acknowledges that {he/she} will be privy to certain Confidential Information during {his/her} term of employment. Confidential Information will, for the purposes of this Agreement, refer to: {description of the confidential information, such as documents, intellectual property, materials, etc.}. {Employee Name} will only use Confidential Information as it relates to the job for which {he/she} was hired. {Employee Name} shall not disclose any of the Confidential Information {he/she) learns and/or comes in contact with during his employment with {Company}, during and after the term of employment. {Employee Name} will not use any confidential information for {his/her} own self-interest, or for the interest of others, during or after the term of employment, unless permission to do so is expressly given, in writing, by {Company}. When {Employee Names} employment ends with {Company}, no matter the method of the termination of the employment, {Employee Name} agrees to return any documents, materials, etc. (including any copies of originals) that are classified as Confidential Information, as defined above. Any violation of this Agreement will be considered grounds for immediate termination of employment, and gives {Company} the right to seek legal recourse against {Employee Name}. {Any additional stipulations company and/or employee wish to add to this agreement}
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This Agreement is legally binding, and subject to any applicable laws and regulations, including laws and regulations enforced by the state of {State Name}. Signed on the {date} of {month}, {year}. ____________________________ Employee Name ____________________________ Company Representative Name __________________________ Employee Signature __________________________ Representative Signature Page __ of __