Movie Analysis Mr. Jones
Movie Analysis Mr. Jones
Movie Analysis Mr. Jones
Jones that would lead you to consider the diagnosis of Bipolar I Disorder ? 2. What other observations do you have about the clients behavior? 2. Based on the above information and a close viewing of the movie, does Mr. Jones have any close friends? Is he connected to his family? What were the actual scenarios that would justify the support of these people to Mr. Jones. 3. What is Mr. Jones treatment history? What are the barriers to Mr. Jones compliance to the medication? 4. What treatment plan would you outline? 5. Considering the nursing problems of Mr. Jones in the movie, identify at least three priority problem and formulate a nursing care plan for John in a form of a matrix? 6. What factors made Dr. Elizabeth Bowen susceptible to the nonprofessional, unethical relationship with Mr. Jones? 7. Regarding the character, Amanda, who also has bipolar disorder and eventually commits suicide: What risk factors were present?