Patent Act 1970
Patent Act 1970
Patent Act 1970
By-Group 6 (Sec. B)
The Uruguay Round ( or the last GATT Round) created an Organization called WTO on Jan1,1995 to resolve trade disputes among member countries. The Uruguay agreement required the member countries to enter into an agreement on Intellectual Property Rights to establish a common scheme of protection to be given by all member countries. The agreement was called TRIPs. It covered Patents, Copyrights, Trademarks, Designs and Geographical Indications.
Patent is a grant or right to exclude others from making, using or selling one's invention and includes right to license others to make, use or sell it. It is an official document conferring a right to an inventor for a term of years to make, use and sell his invention or the monopoly or right so granted.
Invention means any new and useful(I) art, process, method or manner of manufacture; (ii) machine, apparatus or other article; (iii) product produced by manufacture; and includes any new and useful improvement of any of them. The new product or process involves an inventive step which means, a feature of an invention that involves technical advancement as compared to the existing knowledge or having economic significance or both and that makes the invention not obvious to a person skilled in the art . Thus, for an invention to get patent rights , it should fulfil three prerequisitesNovelty Non-obviousness Usefulness
INVENTIONS RELATING TO ATOMIC ENERGY No patent shall be granted in respect of an invention relating to atomic energy falling within section 20(1) of the Atomic Energy Act, 1962 THINGS THAT ARE NOT INVENTIONS Things obviously contrary to established natural laws Mere discovery of scientific principle, new property, new use of a known substance Which causes serious prejudice to human , animal , plant life or environment Discovery of micro organism , mineral or natural gas A method of agriculture or horticulture Any process for the medical treatment of human beings , animals or plants to make them disease free
Patent right can be claimed on a Product or a Process. For e.g. Antibiotic is a product and its preparation is a chemical process. But, prior to 2005 Amendment of Patent Act, in India an individual could claim patent for process only and not product. Reason-industrial development , affordable price , reverse engineering esp. in the pharmaceutical industry. Certain products which could not claim patent were- food, medicine, alloys , optical glass, semi-conductors and intermetallic compounds
Due to the intervention of GATT , the distinction between product and process was done away with w.e.f. January 1 , 2005. Earlier seeds and organisms could not be patented, but after TRIPs recommendations India enacted a separate Act-Biological Diversity Act , 2002 to protect the rights of breeders and innovators of new forms of seeds and plants. Prior to Jan.,2005 Amendment , patent right was conferred for 14 years . But, now it has been raised to 20 years.
Prior to 2005 Amendments , a patentee was given a 3-year period to put the invention into use. If during this time reasonable requirements of the public are not satisfied or the prices charged are unreasonable , then the Controller of Patents on the application by the CG would endorse the remark Licences of Right against the invention in the register and advertise it in the official gazette. For products like food , drug and medicines , Licences of Right was deemed endorsed after the expiry of 3 years. But, as per TRIPs recommendations, there has been significant changes made regarding compulsory licensing by the 2002 Amendment.
Chapter XXII of the Act provides international arrangement with countries outside India This arrangement grants the patentee-citizen of that country to have similar rights and privileges as are granted to the patentee-citizen of India . E.g. India is member of the Paris Convention . Accordingly , the Central Govt. declares in the Official Gazette such country to be a convention country for the purpose of this Act.