Mechtronics Question Papers 25082010

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Unit I MECHATRONICS , SENSORS AND TRANSDUCERS 2 mark Question and Answer 1. What are the main applications of mechatronics? 2. Compare open loop control system and closed loop control system? 3. Sketch and name elements of feedback system. 4. Mention the examples of automatic systems. 5. Name few elements of engine management system? 6. Draw a beat sketch of a PLC. 7. How do you define the sensors 8. What is transducer 9. What is meant by the static characteristics of transducers 10. Define the terms accuracy and precision. 11. Define readability 12. Define repeatability and reproducibility? 13. Classify the types of strain gauges write short notes on LVDT 14. Define the term hall effect 15. What is the difference between absolute decoder and incremental decoder? 16. List down the types of proximity sensors 17. What is stroboscope? 18. List out the instruments used to measure pressure? 19. Name various types of liquid flow sensors? 20. State advantages and disadvantages of orifice meter? 21. List down the liquid level sensors 22. Define temperature 23. List down the instruments used to measure temperature 24. What is thermocouple 25. What is the principle of RTD. PART B 1. A) explain the difference between open and closed loop control b) what are the elements which must be present in a thermostatically controlled electric heater 2. A) explain briefly a measurement system of a filled thermal system 3. A) what are the types of measurement system?

b) discuss the requirements of a control system? 4. Explain the types of control system? 5. A) discuss the basic elements of feedback control system with its neat sketch b) Classify feedback control systems 6. Explain the shaft speed control system neatly 7. Explain sequential control in a washing machine. 8. Explain the engine management system 9. Explain the working principle of automatic camera. 10. Explain the various types of transducers 11. Discuss various performance terminologies used in transducers 12. Describe neatly potentiometer sensors. 13. A) Discuss how resistance strain gauge differs from strain gauge 14. Explain the working principle of LVDT. 15. Explain the working principle of photoelectric proximity sensors. 16. A) How do hall effect sensors differ from photo-electric sensors? b) Discuss how velocity is measured by using electro-magnetic transducers 17. Explain three methods of velocity measurement 18. Describe any three force sensors with its neat sketches 19. Explain the use of bellows and a diaphragm pressure gauge differs from tube pressure gauge 20. Describe the function of a bourdon tube pressure gauge in detail. 21. Write a detailed note on pressure measuring system and pressure measuring transducers 22. Explain in detail about the characteristics of fluid flow and measurement of fluid velocity 23. Explain the working principle involved in temperature measurement using bimetallic strip 24. Explain the temperature measurement using thermocouples 25. Explain the working principle of thermistor 26. explain the different types of pyrometer explain with neat sketch 27. explain the following: thermoelectric thermometry, thermoresistive elements and thermocouples Unit II ACTUATION SYSTEM 2 mark Question and Answer 1. mention various components of a hydraulic system 2. List down the various components of a pneumatic system. 3. Compare hydraulic system with pneumatic stem transducer. b) Differentiate between sequential controllers and microprocessor based controllers.

4. What are the types of pumps used as energy source in a hydraulic system 5. What are the uses of air receiver? 6. State the functions of a control valve. 7. Draw the symbols of air servicing equipments 8. List different control valves. 9. What is the use of flow control valve 10. Classify actuators based on motion 11. What is meant by cylinder sequencing 12. When is cascade control needed? 13. Mention the various types of motion that are generally used in applications. 14. Define the term degree of freedom 15. List down various inversion of slider crank mechanism 16. What is a cam 17. Classify gears 18. What is gear train? State its functions 19. Mention the use of ratchet and pawl mechanism. 20. List down the types of belt 21. What are the factors to be considered to select belt drives? 22. What are the factors to e considered for selecting solenoids? 23. What is zener voltage 24. How are input/output connections made in transistor configuration? 25. Classify electrical motors PART B 1. A) List advantages of multistage compressors as compared with a single stage type b) Explain the purpose of a pressure sequence valve 2. explain two industrial applications for which air is the only applicable process motor? B) Compare physical components of hydraulic and pneumatic systems. 4. A) Why is pressure regulation important in a fluid power system? Explain briefly? B) Explain objectives of DCVs 5. Explain control of a double acting with a suitable pneumatic circuit 6. Explain control of a double acting with a suitable hydraulic circuit 7. Describe various types of cams with its neat sketch 8. List down types of cam followers. Explain each briefly with its neat sketch 3. A) What is the principle difference in construction between a vane pump and a vane

9. Discuss the importance of various terminologies used in gears 10. Describe the types of belt drive with its neat diagram 11. A) What are the factors to be considered in selection of belt drives B) Compare chain drive and belt drive 12. A) Classify bearings and explain each briefly B) Compare the advantages of roller contact bearings over needle bearings. 13. Explain working of an electric motor with a neat diagram 14. Explain working principle of synchronous motor and AC servomotors with a neat sketch 15. Describe the workings of a 3 phase AC motor 16. A) List the major differences between JFET and the MOSFET B) List the major differences between Bipolar and JFET transistors 17. A) Explain SCR, and the ways to turn an SCR B) Differentiate the difference between single phase and ploy phase motors 18. Explain the principles of operation of a stepper motor 19. Describe a 3 phase, AC synchronous motor. Give their advantages and disadvantages 20. Explain principles of induction motor and list their advantages. Unit III SYSTEM MODELS AND CONTROLLERS 2 mark Question and Answer 1. What is damper? 2. List down the components of rotational mechanical systems 3. Note down the basic elements of electrical systems 4. How does thermal resistance differ from fluid resistance? 5. Define thermal capacitance 6. Define transfer function 7. What are the parameters to be assuming in liquid level control system? 8. What is meant by steady state error 9. How is stability defined in routh-hurwitz method? 10. Name the three operations carried out to achieve control action. 11. Mention various applications of ON/OFF control 12. Mention the advantages of integral control. 13. What are the advantages and disadvantages of PID control? 14. Mention various features of digital controllers. 15. What are the ways to mention binary negative numbers? 16. What are Boolean algebra and Boolean numbers 17. What is meant by logic gate?

18. List down the applications of logic gate 19. What is a microcomputer? 20. Write short notes on programming counter register 21. Write down the steps for summing two numbers using MAR? 22. Mention various memory types in microcontrollers 23. List down the various tasks performed by I/O interface. 24. What is memory mapping 25. Name any two applications of microcontrollers.

PART B 1. What is the procedure for obtaining the system differential equation of mechanical systems? 2. A) What is the difference between field and armature controlled motors? B) Describe advantages and disadvantages of a PID controller 3. Explain an analogy between ohms law and the flow of liquid through a resistor 4. Explain what is mean by thermal capacitance, thermal resistance 5. Write a short note of the followings Fluid capacitance; Fluid resistance; Fluid pressure; Mechanical spring; Mass; Damper 6. Describe the applications where ON-OFF controllers are used and give their limitations. 7. Explain the features of proportional controller, PI controllers and PID controllers 8. Name five modes of controller and give a brief description of each mode. 9. Describe any application of proportional controllers and their limitations. 10. Determine the proportional offset required to maintain proportional band at 12% for proportional controllers with gain P = 0.4 11. A commercial temperature control system has been set to operate within a temp range 10 degree C to 40 degree C. the display indicates the value of both the error and process temperature as a percentage value. Determine the indicator reading from the following operating data: Set point value = 40%

Measure temperature = 17 degree C 12. A proportional controller is used to control the temperature of water which varies from 0 to 50 degree C. the required temperature is 40 degree C. the controller stops the heater when the temperature is 45 degree C and switches ON when temp is 35 degree C. what proportional band and transfer function will be required? 13. A integral controller has a set point of 50% and valve of Ki = 0.15/s. the error changes at 5%/s for 2 seconds and starts at zero and become constant for 3 seconds. 14. Determine the output after 1 second. 15. In a PID controller, proportional band is 5, integral time is 0.2s and derivative time is 1s, set point is 50% and measurement is 35%. How long will it take for the output to change 5% if the measurement remains constant? 16. Explain with a block diagram of arrangement of a micro-computer 17. Explain the different types of logic gates with a neat diagram

Unit IV PROGRAMMING LOGIC CONTROLLERS 2 mark Question and Answer 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. Define a programmable logic controller. Draw a block diagram showing various main units of PLC. What are the main component parts of a PLC. Describe briefly CPU in PLC. What is the function of programming devices Describe briefly memory unit is PLC. Mention various tasks of CPU. What is ALU? State its function. What are the types of memory What is RAM? Describe briefly What are the types of field input and output devices suitable for the used with What is meant by program scan? State two methods of input/output processing and explain briefly. List down PLC programming methods. Draw ladder diagram for normally open and normally closed contact. Draw a ladder diagram and truth table of AND gate. Explain briefly the working of OR gate

discrete I/O modules?

18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25.

List down the different types of timers. What is meant by a retentive timer? What are counters? Write down various types of counters. How does jump control work? What are shift registers? What are the factors to be considered for selecting PLC? List down general applications of PLCs for control

PART B 1. A) What are the advantages of PLC over a relay control system B) What are the logic functions used for switches in series and in parallel? 2. A) Compare the PLC and general purpose computer. B) Compare discrete and analogue I/O modules with respect to the type of input or output devices with which they can be used. 3. Describe three basic elements of an I/O address. 4. Explain the function of the A/D converter circuit used in an analogue input modules 5. Explain the basic functions of the three major parts of the CPU. 6. A) Compare ROM and RAM memory design. B) Explain the limitations of PROM and EPROM memory. 7. How would the failure of triac AC output module affect the output device? 8. Draw the symbol and state the equivalent PLC instruction for each of the following. 10. 11. 12. Normally open contact Normally Closed contact Relay output Timer Counter Explain the PLC application of control of two pneumatic pistons Explain the selecting a PLC for the application Explain the ladder diagram to control the operating of a motor. Unit V DESIGN OF MECHATRONICS SYSTEM 2 mark Question and Answer

9. Explain the PLC Application of detection, sorting & packaging unit

1. Mention the stages in designing a mechatronic system. 2. Mention any four statements about the problem definition. 3. Distinguish between traditional design approach and mechatronics approach. 4. How a tradition design of temperature control of domestic central heating system is improved by mechatronic design? 5. What are the requirements satisfied before starting the timer? 6. How can delay be varied in a simple program? 7. What are the advantages of PLC system? 8. What is a windscreen wiper? 9. What are the configurations in operating stepper motor? 10. Write the basic steps of the program to run a stepper motor. 11. What is the function of decoder? 12. What are the various movements of robots? 13. Name the two barriers used in automatic car parking system and state its uses. 14. What is an engine management? 15. What are the uses of sensors? 16. Point out the two important operation categories of sensors in engine management. 17. List out the various sensors used in engine management system 18. What is meant by electronics control unit (ECU) 19. What is meant by fuel delivery system: 20. What is meant by throttle-position sensors: 21. What is meant by exhaust gas oxygen (EGO) sensors 22. What is meant by manifold absolute pressure (MAP) sensors 23. Draw a wiper mechanism with a neat sketch 24. What is meant by coolant temperature Sensor 25. What is meant by knock sensor? PART B 1. Explain the various stages in designing a mechatronic system? 2. Briefly explain traditional and mechatronics designs. 3. A) Compare the traditional and mechatronics design B) Distinguish between machine language program and assembly language program. 4. Explain possible design solutions. 5. Describe the two configurations of stepper motor in operation. 6. Design hardware to interface 7 segment LEDs with 8085 microprocessor. Write software to display numbers from 0 to 9 continuously with a suitable delay time.

7. How simple weighing works using traditional mechanical system? 8. Explain the working of a weighing scale using mechatronics solution compare this over a traditional mechanical system. 9. Write an assembly language program to convert a binary number into BCD number with flow chart. 10. Discuss the desigh aspects of a pick and place robot, in terms of the various mechatronic elements involved. 11. Discuss mechatronic design of an automatic car park system. 12. Explain the various sensors used in an electronic engine management system and their functions. 13. Considering a computer controlled machine tool (CNC machine tool) as a mechatronic system, discuss the design considerations and design solutions to these considerations.

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