Img 038
Img 038
Img 038
Decimals are really useful if you want to say "between 7 and 8" but need to know where in between. Is it a little bit more than 7? More or less in the middle? Just below 8?
Tens 3 3 3
Units 2 2 2
Tenths 1 9 5 is just a bit bigger than 32. is almost 33. is right in the middle.
+ 1 .6 3.9
1) It's like normal numbers. 2) You start at the right and add each digit. 3) If it gets to ten or more, you carry the 1 over to the next column to the left. 4) But watch out make sure your decimal points line up. EXAMPLES:
2.7 1 .3 1 .4
Can't do 3-7... ' frk , *~