Nea Taree LCT
Uae a Tagen Oe ercaay ap eon terreear an
Cisiuaracsr et]
Fe og et ee
Poe Ney
‘aul 03 poob op Mujeuaa WH
f A , } 9 Thursdays? Vrat and Puja
i of Shri Saibaba of Shirdisae sos a lntFoduetion
garam Nee She deny
Ss? Cam me ch iste ona?
is ant lie of eng he
BoB oe frees ins of me nd nt eT
send dad to spe pind cn By be Se ae
Teaocs tne
Wp Ga hr ea ecard arte ie
‘etal bear eh ae
a st |
26 Hint tan hs Pains BAe
te pibaracence oe
face a Eee cay
deve a oy
cg DOH om out hein Hae permed ag
eae ot ls s ae
site rome cs wih irda ste tae tt
si Se evo Cpe Php ots ae
Sa Daa is Got,
at Sac eo ce ha ly
swishs wil be flied and saci romovel, Ths he
Sherine ths at epee nt mst THE ae fr
Rules for observing Saibaba vrat
‘Thi vat can te ay om
ie reves By (Men. women and
This yrat can be observed by persons of any caste and
Sincere fh and devotion while
Siar ath and devon tik observing this wa yids
This vet shouldbe stared on + Thursday wih a sincere
FID 2 Su tthe dete awit
won bout (un) ad pen ssl yl ct che
Asan std Keep Su bus photo on Wipe he plate wh
kan cloth and apy sandal pte and kes eto
Sais fovtead offer en's gard ov flowers of Yellow
olou Ligh slp and incense ticks in ft of his Pte
sd med the Sal vat sty” Naik and ay hoe
Convey your wishes Yo hin ily.
When voice tg Mee aha devin tn wer
ac som filled, Devotion tS sould burn teghy I Our
ral re Dhand9f Sa We shoal ten too
fener sl ad immersed in the derotioe of alata bee in sect.
seling lt.
“Stacked his devotees not seitch God ouside, beease
God is ery muck within us,
‘Whocer las go complete and whole heared devotion to
So} bab, wil have fis enlamis and danger warded ff and his
elle il be cade by tabs Sai has asd in Sevetoce
That he wil leas tad by his devotes atthe tie of esis and
{Se dacosee will erly experince he pesonce and Sat wl
{ake the fave fom a his Jevle to Slest his children
‘Salis ever indebted bone who surrenders his body, sul
and welt: we ester burden om hi, He bears for.
‘Wherever thee isa decay of lama, and an ascendancy
cf uanghtscuanes, Ged mations mune For the proctor of
the viruous the destin of vis. andthe easiest of
‘nohecwones, Gol ineumates in an wad ape Per ap
‘Saibss of sind is ne of hese ncamations, Devotion to
Su is he pomerfel magnet whieh attrac eros of peopl
‘Nobody knows his reign or caste” He-sang_quraic
verses besflly tthe same tine verses quoted fram Hada
rises Heated ae a unique Qondvech indus and
CERna Te
Chil fn nines eying he at
syn See Bie ar pre Pad
intl |
«SRS tte ere ie ta fo fs
sar IGha GA mi sts) an ment, ee
‘Bona te ot yet dre or de) Tea
SO ASAT Sy each om
ee nearby Sai raandir all the 9 Thursdays. If Sai
‘Meir ntadety sen pe be done Dooly he
1. Bibi eve te we hh i ae
Se “Thursdays, at cytle for lade
ane The ic esa i of
Rrra ade etre ps a
‘ory ot cout a Td
‘Udyapanant (completion of wat ules
eaten be sapest ntt fe mae oF
TM Rt por pron Thue ering oy
of devotes.
2. Wolaread the ecu ofthis wat debut Sa bbs vat
books (5, I oF 21) ely.
2. On Sh Thora place these bocks in pu o that reeves
‘was be bleed.
By following above rule if the sea is observed and
‘complete with de frmaler, te devote’: wishes wil cerinly
@ Re)
"A pious lady nod Koki ander bash Maes were
living in cy They had pet stacton toward each bee But
Maes nature was Quarts an had ie onl ove BS
Zpeeth a nnpmge.Neigbour were uid ya mae Dot
ea ou ‘ramce Bt godtine kre amne tt
sealers ira dita to
cnt elated
sore a race ome tt
gets amiga pe
‘ Sie ars
foe ne ee me gt
Se Ser eee
Er iitie ep een al
‘hi nl yc 2
se eh
for ne ana
Rbiriirneye: Sawer 0
paler ae tre
je game rnrmivacs aie
Sate ee a a
feat Si Sethe ett
Tate ee a Re aa
‘she completed it with all formalities li ‘ f
Saatchi eo
SRE RS nae ae
Soeetes beh on osc
healer inate rr
Sha seat wicca arses
or have fod nly ence om all 9 Thursday Have rca of $8)
in herby Soi mandir on all9 Thursaayee famtun of Sa
Tk th (le ate tn
aoe eens
Sree ee
So ocean
mone anes
ep ope
See eres eee
Ea weal es ae
se eee ee Ca
Soya eos ae
ocean ateam
* [LRassed SSC exam with good percentag
Het vas wudying in «school and she ar wot able to
cre hs Sh cap ed
vi ‘ hays complaied tht she could not
Fmemier anything. Her parts were wcrred ao he fem
tana She ale in al Subjects garry, a yemy exams
in tenth standard. Some well wshen advacd her 1 abserve 9
“Tuendys via and she sated observing So ra and complied
4 sinew. Has merry iease and the tates Wh had
‘ommpaned carer sted pating te) Saas ge, she
assed SSC exams with 18% ad she joined seers grup in IT"
!alpa tad soere fn fn ber err aid her hearing ably
iso redue o a great Exen. She consulted an ENT specie
Doctor tod he that as
Ir ofthe car and surgery was aa lop) iso ha 1 Be
[ike and he ald the are of he cate an fied Un dt for
This vat can be cheered by all men, women and hilren
‘wigout any retcton on east creed and eign,
Peon pia to Sal's pho, eer yellow flowers ot ark,
Tithe lamp, inense sks and offer saved and peaks
te Prasad with everyone Remember aod meditate on Ss,
entrm at
Read Sa ra sor, SotBovn Sai Calis et respectfully
end 5 yoo pesos om th Tro
Disribte Sa rat oks (5, Il, or 21) neighbors rlaives
Sed other knw pesos
Ate some days, oka received let fam hes sss
law fim Sarat sting that he cdren ave started doing the Sai
(tat and they have sae sdying Wel and sbe abo obeys she
Vat nd disibuied Su vat Books at Ber ofice, Regarding this,
(Be hea rise tm te flee share ceoghuc?s menage oat
Fined with «good slable alice becrase of this wat snd one of
er iulehars Jewel bon ha gt at and afr otersing Sa eat
PPmanths later she” got back her jewel tox (ender teing
nknevea) Such wonderfl expences the Nad narraed ie et
Kolila rized the power of Ssnah and Sat vat ané er
devobon towards Sarath svengened Oh! Sai! Plewe bless us
fad conor us with happines!
Miraculous effects of Sai vi
‘Knee pain vanished miraculously
(Experience of Nisha Jani
Whatever the duese maybe, a person cries despair
to Sa, Sat rcieves hin of hepa sod ore im ofthe disease
Tas sling from severe pain im ny knoe A fe days
back, toy nee were ractared and nes near my Anees were
froken severly, Doctor suggested an operation, but Urefised
Retame slaeh afer some dayn Sadlenly par stata agin. 1
outa dane to walk even few sepa foe a weekend the pat as
So scree All oat faa members wee planing for a shir ip
ain boidays and so fora Kanan np. 1 was imposible
‘serve 9 Thurayn Sat vat and abe postponed the opéron
She ccrplled the Salat by feeding the por and ibang
ui et books, She west the hosp a ook alte requied
tes All tet reper were nena end the tumor had vase,
Doetoild er ft she abslutely normal and there sno 956d
Sor the sage He fathin Sa strengtheneh
Sree eens
iahcaunetiemcme masa
seis arcemee ee
Soe cae eeteseene
pert epee
oncame eign wacas
ec omen a aa
iinet newer
an eae ninartuarnocen
cn metas re ens
Sareea ee ee
eine scarce aea
Eehces pence mar ate
An cecwenra mants
Neca was aevig in an offs. She wat transferred rom
Abmedabad to Kutch, Her nether became very upset and el
SxPThey Wied all mane end applied requesting fo cancel De
‘ans onde And one more order rare het that fhe doce
Jom within 1 daye she wil fe expalln fom the Job Her mobe
ttasensd fo sed her dnugher ale 1 sch a ditt place. 1
Shes 1 Thay. Novas fend Nona vise hor nd warned
The to Observe 9 Thudays Sat vat. Nea sited the rat the