FCE Practice For May Exam 2011
FCE Practice For May Exam 2011
FCE Practice For May Exam 2011
I||m Week|y 1op 100 f||ms the v|ewers cho|ce
O JhaL ls your favourlLe fllm of all Llme?
O Jhy should lL be ln Lhe Lop 100?
JrlLe a shorL arLlcle abouL Lhese quesLlons and you could be publlshed ln our nexL lssue
ou should glve a descrlpLlon of your favourlLe fllm lncludlng
Lhe LlLle Clve reasons for llklng lL and why lL should be ln Lhe Lop
Language of descrlpLlon and oplnlon (ln my oplnlon )
vocabulary relaLlng Lo fllm (eg clnema vldeo scrlpL
characLers seLLlng ploL audlence)
ou should refer Lo Lhe fllm early on ln your arLlcle ulvlde lL lnLo
paragraphs (Lwo aL leasL) llnlsh off wlLh concludlng senLences
Semlformal or lnformal
1arget reader
Jould learn abouL Lhe fllm and undersLand why you llke lL so
Language accuracy
Should noL conLaln ma[or errors LhaL lead Lo mlsundersLandlngs
or LhaL lrrlLaLe Lhe reader
Ideas for wr|t|ng
Ask yourself Lhe followlng quesLlons Lo help you geL sLarLed
O JhaL fllms have you seen recenLly? Jhlch one was Lhe besL?
O Jhy dld you en[oy lL so much?
O Jas lL a good sLoryllne? uld you llke Lhe characLers? ls Lhe seLLlng marvelous?
O Jould Lhe fllm appeal Lo a wlde range of people?
raft|ng and proofread|ng your work
ou should look aL your flrsL drafL of Lhe Lask and declde
O ave you answered Lhe quesLlons? ls Lhe name of Lhe fllm lncluded?
O ls Lhe layouL and organlsaLlon approprlaLe?
O ls Lhe language correcL wlLh a good range of sLrucLures?
O Jlll Lhe reader en[oy readlng your work?
O ls Lhe sLyle Ck?
O Jlll lL have a poslLlve effecL on Lhe reader?
lf Lhe answer Lo any of Lhese quesLlons ls no you wlll need Lo do some more drafLlng!
kead|ng Use of Lng||sh