Time Management

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One must have some aim or Goal in life and work towards achieving this. Therefore set your Goals. You have many roles to play in your life as employee or employer , husband or wife, father or mother, son or a daughter, teacher or a student and so on. For each role what is your life ambition. This ambition is your Goal.

Time is a valuable and scarce resource.

A critical feature which distinguishes successful people from others is their attitude towards this valuable resource. Successful people invest the time on value added activities. Time differs from other resources in that it is uniform for all. It is a level ground and all have equal opportunities irrespective of any status or social differences or age differences. If you want to be more successful in your life than others, use this resource carefully. It is for your success, manage your time.

When once you identify the role and the goal you want to achieve in each of these roles determine what you should accomplish during each year till goal is reached. Then write down what activities and time is required to realise your targeted goal. Here comes the demand on your time. 6









- I am trying to spend my time wisely

- I have found that I can save my time by making a to do list every morning before work.

- I am trying to spend my life wisely

- I have found that I can save my life by making a to do list every morning before work.

- I tend to waste my time after dinner

- Time is not a commodity

- I tend to waste my life after dinner

- Time is measurement of my life.

An average Indian Spends his time 1. 2. 5 Years in eating 4 Years in bathroom

3. 10 Years in redoing 4. 6 Years in waiting


5 Years in meetings
5 Years in Travelling

7. 17 Years in Sleeping

8. 13 Years in value added activities This is where you enjoy your living. If this 20% of effective time could be increased to 30% the life will become more livelier. 65 Years Average Indian life time

Do you have control over your Boss Workload Interference you get Traffic Domestic Problems Then how to improve your life.- Frankly NO In every one of them there are many chances to bring them under your control. There is no time management package available. Do it your way, understand some time management techniques to fit your personality and life. Concentrate your effort and energy on these elements of time management that you can control. Focus on possible. I will try to give you some tips now.


Let us look at the way we work and what opportunities are available to create time within the time to achieve your goals


Time is a perception
Can you ever imagine life without the time keepers. Probably not. We are not aware of time. We are driven by time, besotted with time, engulfed in time. I work better under pressure. We have pride in telling this. We put our faith on our ability to perform under tightest deadlines. Even relaxations have become under pressure. Look at this Bird watching competition. Fun is no more fun. Honestly when you look back after you had calmed down you will admit that the quality of the work suffers when you race through it. So better get the perception of the time to enable you 13 to take on possible load on you.

1. Interruption Telephone
2. Interruption other visitors. 3. Meetings. 4. Tasks you should have delegated. 5. Procrastination and indecision. 6. Acting with incomplete information. 7. Dealing with team members. 8. Crisis Management


Unclear communication.

10. Inadequate Technical knowledge. 11. Unclear Objectives and Priorities. 10. Lack of Planning 12. Stress and Fatigue. 13. Inability to say No. 14. 15. Mis-Management and Personal disorganisation. Clutter

Do a simple exercise of making an estimation of various activities you need to do in a week. Clock the actual time taken for these activities when they are completed.
Generally you will find like this. Estimated : 2 Hrs. Actual : 5 Hrs. Basically we make wrong estimation of our time and bring ourselves to a jam which gives a feeling of busy.


It is the tendency to put off taking decisions or doing things under the disguise of laziness, indifference, forgetfulness, over work, but behind these all there is one single emotion that is fear.

Fear of pain, fear of embarrassment, rejection, failure, fear of success, fear of finishing. This fear prevents you from taking decisions.
Another reason for not taking decisions is you have not really committed to do the job. The reason could be You do not think it is your job. You think it is somebody else job. The Job is waste of time. Then answer these two question. 1. 2. What is in it if I do it? What will happen if I dont?

The first one will motivate you and second one may become avoidance of something unpleasant.- Anyway you can decide. Put off the urge to put it off.

ASK THE QUESTIONS: (Before the meeting)

1. Are you meeting as a substitute to action ? 2. Are you meeting out of a habit instead of need?

3. Could you get together with some one informally in the hallway and accomplish your purpose?
4. Could you meet by conference call?

5. Would electronic media like e mail or fax or written message be more efficient way of distributing information?

Do you know that the probability of getting off the subject varies with the cube of number present. Please note there is a very big difference of meeting of five and six. The sixth person whom you think to invite or not to invite is most likely to get you off the track as he is not directly involved.

Agenda should indicate what you hope to decide not just what you want to discuss. If you send a circular like I invite you for a discussion on . means you are in effect asking them to come & chat. Look at this way. I invite you or your representative to attend a one hour meeting in my office to decide. By this we can make the people to come prepared.
18 Consider standup or walking meeting. This makes meeting shorter and livelier.

Start on time.
This sets the tone for a brisk business like meeting. The last man who comes for the meeting after scheduled time can be asked to take note or serve tea for others. If plead, threaten, reprimand, bribe, cajole or,..?. do not work just start the meeting on time. The reason people come late to meetings is usually that they have learned from experience that the meeting is going to start late. Let them learn from experience that it will start on time and that if they are not there, they will have to find out what they missed.

The meeting is for an agenda, use it. Even if you are not incharge of the meeting you can use the agenda to stifle the person (and in every meeting there will be atleast one) who wants to get on to extraneous subject. Before meeting is adjourned the person who called the meeting should summarize briefly what has been decided and what assignments are made.


Distribute minutes promptly. Recorded Minutes are necessary. A survey has brought the truth as Average number of points remembered by person was only 8.4 % of those who attended. 42 % of the items remembered were incorrectly remembered substantially so.

Many of the things remembered were not said at all or were said on some other occasions.

Ask every individual who come to meeting to bring 2 or 3 ideas.


Preferably have between Tuesday to Friday in afternoons. Mornings are peak performing times, it is best spent on doing things.


A busy executive had his desk pilled high with disorganised papers as his habit. One day while he was away from the office, his secretary organized everthing into neat stacks. When he returned he needed a particular paper but didnt know which pile it was in, so he stirred everything as if he were tossing a salad, then reached in and triumphantly pulled out the paper he wanted!.


That may work in very few cases, but it doesnt work in most of the cases. There are some rare executives who can operate efficiently despite an untidy desk, but for most of us clutter drastically diminishes efficiency. Clutter doesnt mean a lot of papers on your desk; it means a lot of unrelated papers. We meet with a lot of resistance on this point. Some people argue that all the papers on their desk are important, that they dont want to risk overlooking any of them by having them out of sight. Nonsense. You can concentrate on only one thing at a time. Select the highest priority item, and put everything else on a side table, with the second most urgent on the top of the pile. Accept the fact that no matter how important all these projects may be, you can concentrate on only one of them at a time. The more important the others are, the more distracting they are : Each time they catch your eye you must stop your train of thought, remind yourself that despite their importance you cant do them yet, and then try to regain your momentum on the higher priority task at hand. Some people run this mental obstacle course dozens of time a day!

You should make it a habit to clear your desk completely each evening before leaving the office because it compels you to make some unpleasant decisions. (Remember that a pile of paperwork is usually a pile of postponed decisions). And it gets the next day off to a better start: Arriving at a cluttered desk is like getting up in the morning to a sink full of dirty dishes. Thats no way to begin a day.
And when I recommend clearing your desk completely at the end of the day, I mean that literally. Dont just tidy up, putting things in stacks. Something mysterious takes place when you leave two papers on a desk overnight: In the morning there will be four!.


A frequent cause of time waste is lack of clear, direct communication between people. Voltaire said words were given to man to enable him to conceal his true feelings. Too often we communicate with our boss, our fellow workers or our sub-ordinates, in terms of what we think we should say or in terms of what we think the other persons would like to hear instead of expressing our real feelings. We call it tact, human relation- stupid. You do not communicate to your end requirements. Some times, we even praise for unsatisfactory work of our subordinates. If sloppy work goes unchallenged it will increase your work load and add to your time problem.

Open, frank communication is better for every one concerned, keeping the air clear, avoiding a lot of time wasting wheel spinners.

Of all the principles of Management none is more basic than concentration. People are trying to do too many things simultaneously. If pointed out to do one at a time, here comes the answer :All are important. May be they are. But they cant be done simultaneously. The amount of time spent on a project is not what counts it is the amount of uninterrupted time you spent. Successful people learn the importance of concentration. If you want to hit a bird on the wing, you must have all your will in focus. You must not be thinking about your self, or neighbour, you must be living with your eye on that bird. Every achievement is a bird on the wing.



Excessive Record keeping is a symptom of insecurity. Ask what is the worst thing that can happen if the file does not exist?. Most of the time the answer will be nothing will happen.

Brief Precise Do not try to be perfect



A fat file is better than lot of thin files to save time of searching.

This is a terrible time waster.

People trust on your forgetfulness. Empty promises are made with no intention of carrying out the task. Use assignment sheets as this instead of depending on the memory, greatly increases the chances that tasks you delegate will be performed on time.

Date Person Assigned Responsible


Due Date Completed


Fax, Computers, electronic mail, online database, Voice mail, Computer graphics, Cellular phones all these and many more products of modern Technology have one common goal. The production and distribution of more and more information to be absorbed by the human brain. But nobody has come up with any ideas for increasing human brains capacity to absorb more information. The crucial element in social system is not information but knowledge. All a computer does is process information. Knowledge on the other hand is obtained much more by the loss of information than by gain of it. Infact that is what an organisation is all about. Somebody has called an organisation a hierarchy of waste baskets. In other words, a structure to prevent information from reaching the executive desk. Otherwise, executive gets an information overload. A fool takes in all sorts of information that he comes across, so that the knowledge which might be useful to him gets crowded. Holms professed ignorance of how solar system is working. He said somebody is telling earth is revolving around Sun. It will not make even penny worth of difference to me or to my work even if earth 30 moves around moon.

Leverage is what a 50 Kg. Person can jack up one tonne load. Leverage your time using 80-20 rule. 80% of the result will come from 20% of the effort. A great deal of your satisfaction will come from relatively few of the thing you do. Put your time where it pays.


Of all the time-saving techniques ever developed, perhaps the most effective is the frequent use of the word NO

You cannot protect your priorities unless you learn to decline, tactfully but firmly, every request that does not contribute to the achievement of your goals.
The tendency of many time-pressured people is to accept grudgingly new assignments without realising that they will not be able to do it on time. Such people worry about offending others-and wind up living their lives according to other peoples priorities.


At work, of course, you cannot always turn down the request that you take a job you think is a waste of time. But you can win a good percentage of the time if you try. Point out to your boss how the new task will conflict with higher priority ones and suggest alternatives. If your boss realizes that your motivation is not to get out of work but to protect your time to do a better job on the really important things, youll have a good chance of avoiding unproductive tasks. But you have to speak up. Remember, every time you say no to something, you make it possible to say yes to something else.

You can greatly increase your effectiveness if you simply give yourself a deadline for each task and do your best to stick to it. Most people work better under pressure, and a self-imposed deadline can provide the pressure you need to keep at your task until it is completed. Until you set a deadline for a project, it isnt really an action program; it is more like a vague wish, something you intend to do some day. The problem is that, as someone has pointed out, someday is not a day of the week. Remember Parkinson's Law: Work expands to fill the time available for its Completion. It follows that an assignment to yourself or others should never be open-ended. Sometimes it helps to announce your deadline so that other people are expecting you to have the work done by a certain time. This increases your motivation. If the job is complex, give yourself intermediate deadlines so that you can keep working at a steadier rate instead of having a burst of frantic activity just before the zero hour.

Respect deadlines. If you get into the habit of stretching them, they lose their effectiveness both as a motivator for 34 you and as a spur to the people around you.

1. Dont promise anybody a minute until you know what they want it for. 2. Dont schedule or call for a meeting until you are sure you need one. 3. Never waste your employees time. 4. Tell Workers why, when you tell them. Help them see the big picture the purpose for their work. 5. One thing at a time for you and for every one who works with you. 6. When you say no, you have given a complete and sufficient answer. 7. You may never be certain and will never know everything. Act anyway.

1. Learn from your mistakes. Never dwell on them.

2. Dont be afraid to look ignorant. If you dont know, ask.

3. Be the master, not the slave of technology. Learn how to make it work for you and never the other way around. 4. Check the source of all information and check it with a second source. 5. Dont confuse between fact and opinion.

1. Eat, Sleep and exercise at about the same times every day. It may sound boring, but it is healthy. 2. Do the hard jobs when you are most alert. 3. Keep time to your own (bio) rythms. 4. Learn how to declare a truce in the war on stress. 5. Dont waste time and effort trying to eliminate all the stressors. Take the stress inside you. 6. If it is worth doing, do one thing at a time. If it is not, put it in the to hell with it basket.


1. To tame your anxieties, you first have to name them.

2. Make a plan. Do something right away. Decide to do something later or decide there is nothing you can do. 3. Your own anger undermines you. Choose never to be angry and work to put your decision into practice. 4. Among other techniques, deep breathing, positive visualisation and laughter helps eliminate anger. 5. Let your creativity interrupt you. 6. Schedule creativity sessions. 7. Note your core value and translate them into specific actions and schedule your time to do these activities. 8. Stop letting worry rob your time and energy. 9. Create time to think.

The three little words that can eat up all of your time. Telephone rings: Are you busy? says from other side. No! Im just sitting here waiting for your phone call You want to say. Is this a good time to talk? Theres never a good time to talk! Got a minute I have got the same minute you do! What do you want to do with it you want to say. May be you are tempted to say like this. But you are conscious and caring human being. You have learned that the customer is always right and that everybody, including your colleagues, is in one way or another your customer. So, instead of sarcasm or confrontation, you probably reply with something along the lines of, Nows fine 39 or How may I help you?

You have just signed a blank cheque. Now the caller gets to fill in the amount. Those three little words, Got a minute? may be stealing your life, a few minutes at a time. When call comes make smart decisions? 1.What does the caller want to talk about? 2.How much time does the caller want?

When you have this information, you can decide if youll talk and, if so, for how long


1. Stay open to the third side. 2. Cast your nets widely Car wont go without gasoline, and you cant make a decision without information.

3. Make a list Layout potential actions side by side.

4. Count the pot Before folding your card what are the potential consequences of each actions. What is the worst that can happen? 5. Talk it through Writing down helps you. Similarly, talking to some one else also helps. 6. Sleep on it If you could make an early decision then sleep over it for a while without acting. This will enable to experience new ideas through sub-consciousness. This may help in executing your ideas.

7. Just do it
v v Dont decide by default. Dont wait to be certain or to know everything before you act

How to eliminate mistakes?

1. Ask for feedback. 2. Be open to honest criticism 3. Consciously take efforts to minimize errors.

How to do right the first time?

1. Learn, dont burn: Accept the inevitability of mistakes. Forgive yourself for making them. And heres the really tough part encourage others to point your mistakes. Ask others. The criticism that makes you the maddest has the most to teach you. Dont get angry. Shut up and listen. Even though we did not mean to make mistake, we try to find meaning to it & justify. Sometimes it may turnout to be right also. 2. Create an error checklist: When you make a mistake, learn from it, correct it, and get on with it. Encourage others to point out your error to you. Find the pattern in your mistake so you can avoid making them again.

3 ways to escape from waiting

1. Accept the wait as inevitable Provide for this. Do not over pace.
2. Rename the wait Call it as rest. Waits are cold frustrations, rests are warm comforts. 3. Use the Wait Read new things which you would have never read. Use the inevitable delays to rest, plan, or indulge your imagination.

Life asks you to do the seemingly impossible several times a day, and like the good, willing soul you are, you do your best-often performing feats of high-level. Do not try to perform to perfectionism. If you are a perfectionist your best will never seems perfect to you. You must come to see that your best is plenty good enough. If you have a hard time setting for anything less than perfection, you are much less likely to attempt a project in the first place. The penalty for failure is just too great, and failure is almost assured if you insist on measuring your performance against the ideal. You do your best. Not perfect (Whatever that means) Less than perfect does not mean bad or sloppy. Your goal should always be to do the best you can, give your ability, knowledge and experience, the time and resources available to you, and the level of quality needed in the particular situation. If you are a perfectionist, your best will never seem perfect to you. You must come to see that your best is plenty good enough and quite possibly as good as most anyone could have done in the same 44 circumstances.

Three reasons why you get angry

1. Loss of control 2. Thwarted goals

3. Moral outrage Somehow we manage to cling to the notion that life is supposed to be fair no matter how often experience teaches us to the contrary. It makes us angry when things dont work out the way they should.. In life, in fiction, and in football, we want the good guys to win. We want virtue to be rewarded and bad behaviour to be punished. When this doesnt seem to be the case, we get angry. Large, distant events make us a little angry the murderer who goes free because of a legal technicality. Small, personal events make us even more angry a coworker who takes credit for your work and gets away with it.

How to redirect your anger : Anger gives you energy, tons of energy. If you could somehow redirect it to something positive, you had have a powerful force working for instead of against you. 1. Take action. 2. Create a purpose Patience is a virtue. Traffic jam is the best example to improve your patience. 3. Learn a lesson : No matter what else you do with that anger, use it to burn a relevant lesson into your brain. Redirecting your anger can improve your health, your mental outlook, and your time efficiency greatly.

3 Steps for diffusing your anger:

a. Catch yourself : Before you can handle your anger, you need to anticipate it so that you can get the kettle off the flame before it boils over.
Count 1, 2 or 10, 20 and so on when anger is getting developed. As you count, breathe slowly, deeply & gently. It is almost impossible for the body to whip itself into a mad fit if your breathing is regulated. Visualise : practice to visualize a situation when your boss exhibited his anger on you. How silly it was. This practice must help you to bring in this visualization where you get anger. Anger makes you sick, stupid, and unpopular You can choose not to be angry. Stay away from situations that are likely to push your hot buttons. Dont fume. Take positive action. Anticipate your anger and diffuse it with deep breathing, positive 47 visualization, and laughter.



v v v v v

Like this you can list out any number of time wasters which you will come across on daytoday life. Please take steps to save you from the time thieves so that you have enough time to focus on your life style.


Now let us look at how to prepare a time management plan for achieving your goals. Get into time management plan only if you have goals.


Breaking goals in to steps. Focus on your basic goals, those ultimate that underline your life and give it its meaning. Whats really important to you ? Family? Spiritual growth? Financial security? Health? Phrase these values, your personal mission statement, as precisely as you can. No one has to ever see, much less judge, these statements. This is just for you.

To the extent that youre able to organize your life around these fundamentals, youll be able to achieve satisfaction.

Break long-term goals into small steps and small steps into specific activities. Then do them! When you add something to your schedule, figure out specifically what youre going to drop. Give yourself three weeks to begin to establish a new routine.


1. Do not put too much into it 2. Slightly over estimate your activity time.

3. List possibilities, not imperatives

4. Do not keep it rigid, keep it flexible and do changes if required. 5. Make sure that the most important tasks get done before you drown in a sea of relatively trivial ones. 6. Schedule breaks. 7. Be ready to abandon the list.

8. Be realistic about how much you can accomplish.

9. Create a not to do list which you should delegate and simply stop doing. 10. Allow time for the unplanned in your plan.

1. Dont let the merely urgent push out the important. Schedule important activities that you arent making time for now. 2. Ask question: Is this what I want or need to be doing right now? 3. Ask these three fundamental questions when scheduling What must be done? How much must be done? How fast must be done? 4. Balance every addition to your schedule with a deletion of equal time. 5. Dont schedule Lose weight. Schedule Work out at the gym for forty minutes three times a week. 6. Dont expect results immediately, and dont quit just because you backslide. A change in behaviour takes time and practice.

Log your time for a minimum period of one week and understand where the time is spent. Having understood where the time goes the next stage will be to plan where it should go.




Organising your time for activities

Carrying out the activities

Work with other to complete the activities

For these activities allocate time. People should not mistake the time management is to pack all sorts of activities 54 to fill up the time. It is the allocation of time to those activities which add value towards the goal.




7.00 8.00 9.00 10.00 11.00 12.00 1.00 2.00 PHONE DO


When planning has been done start again logging in a new format.

4.00 5.00 6.00 WRITE






First thing before you go for time allocation to your Goal based activities you must know how your current time is spent. How much they are directed towards the goal. For this log your time in a format similar to this.

ACTIVITY : 7.00 7.30 8.00 8.30 9.00 9.30 10.00 10.30 11.00 11.30 12.00 12.30 1.00 1.30 2.00 2.30 3.00 3.30 4.00 4.30 5.00 5.30 6.00 6.30 7.00

Targetted Task 3 Others Priorities

2 Fire Fighting & Crisis 4 Time Wasters

2 % Fire Fighting & Targetted Task Crisis 3 % 4 % Others Time Priorities Wasters

Record number of blocks of time devoted to each activity.

Calculate percentage of time devoted to each activity



Business Function


7.30-8.00 x 8.00-8.30 8.30-9.00 9.00-9.30 9.30-10.00 10.00-10.30 10.30-11.00 11.00-11.30 11.30-12.00 12.00-12.30 12.30-13.00 13.00-13.30 13.30-14.00 14.00-14.30 14.30-15.00 15.00-15.30 15.30-16.00 x 16.00-16.30 16.30-17.00

Re ad Di ing ct a Pa tion pe Ph r W on ork Co e C ns all s M ulta ee ti o t In ings n sp e Tr ctio av n s e Pl l an n O ing th e Sa rs le s Pu rc h Pr as od ing u Fi cti na on n Pe c e rs o Cu nn st el o A d me m rR i O n. R ela th er ou tion t in s s e

x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x

x x

x x x x x x x x x x x

Notes Incoming mail Letters to Mgmt. To get Material Labour Laws Shop Floor Budget Forecast Meeting visitors TPM Meetings TPM Meetings Travel to S/C Lunch Visit to SC IT Development Call from MD Shop Floor Mtg. Dept. Heads Dev. Proposal Admin. Work 57 Call from Hosur

After you have logged your activities for full week. Put the following questions and analyse your time use How much time you spent on planned activity? How much time wasted in fire fighting? How much time spent on doing some others job? How much time spent on unnecessary work? How much time you spent on value addition? How much others interfered with your time? How much you spent effectively and efficiently? How much time was spent towards your goal? When once you analyse this, then you will know how stupidly we are spending our time. Then it becomes easier to you to plan & assign your priorities. In the absence of data you will not have the feel for the time you spend.

Prime time is the time in which your energy is peak and your mind is creative. This time may differ from person to person. During this time do the high value addition activity.


1. Control social visiting 2. Expect to control only 50% of your time. 3. Avoid activities which give low pay off. 4. Expect 15% slippage in most of time schedules. 5. Do not over commit your time. 6. Make a habit of deciding quickly in small matters. 7. Form the completion habit.


The way in which you have organised your work area can have a lot of influence on your time effectiveness. Improving desk-manship is an important step towards organising your time. A cluttered table is an indication of cluttered mind. Do not believe these myths. I Know where everything is - How about time lost in searching I need to keep it on the desk to remind me to do it How about distraction it can create. A cluttered desk is the sign of a busy mind In reality it is the symptom of disorganisation and confusion. To improve your desk use TRAF trays. T - Throw it away - Next to dog, waste basket is mans best friend Mr. B.C. Forbes R - Refer to some one A - Action F - File 61

Time heals all Good time has come. It is my bad time As time marches on From my forefather time I do not have time Time is flying.


What some of the world renowned people have said about the time
Plato called Time : The image of eternity Einstein designated it as 4th dimension Arnald Bennet called it Inexplicable raw material of everything Nepoleon said Ask me anything except time

Peter Drucker : Time is the scarcest source and unless it is managed nothing else can be managed. Time is an asset.
Time is like the real estate of the world, the most limited thing in existence. Time is the most valuable thing we deal with. It cant be bought. It cant be recaptured. It must be utilised with the highest degree of effectiveness possible. Since it is your time you are spending, you should master your time, not let it master you, and you cannot master your time until you are first willing to 63 master yourself.

Morphys Law : 1. Nothing is as simple as it seems. 2. Everything takes longer time than you thing. 3. If anything can go wrong it will. There is too much month left at the end of my money. There is too much work left at the end of my time. Parkisons Law: Work expands to fill the time available. Calculated neglect This principle holds that despite their apparent urgency some problem if left alone will go away.


Those who make worst use of their time most complain of its shortness Mr. La Bruyere You delay but time does not Mr. Benjamin Franklin One of these days is none of these days Mr. English Proverb

Length of a meeting rises with the square of no. of people present. Mr. Eilean shanahan
Committee is a group that keeps the minutes and losses the hours Mr. Milton Berle Friend !. Dont be perfectionist. Perfectionism is a curse and strain. Mr. Fritz pris Nothing is more highly to be praised but the value of each day. Mr. Goethe

To Know the value of a year To know the value of a month To know the value of a week To know the value of a day To know the value of an Hour To know the value of a Minute To know the value of a Second To know the value of millisecond -

Ask the boy who had failed in the exam. Ask the mother who delivered a premature baby. Ask the editor of a weekly. Ask the daily wage labourer. Ask the Lovers who wait to meet each other. Ask the person who had missed the train. Ask the person who had escaped a major accident. Ask the person who has missed a gold in Olympics in 100 meters race


Above all else, good time management involves an awareness that today is all we ever have to work with. The past is irretrievably gone, the future is only a concept. Everything that is accomplished in the world is the result of someones realization that today is the only time we can really control. If that seems rather elementary to you, be assured that the vast majority of your fellow human beings seldom fully grasp that selfevident truth. Thomas Carlyle put it this way : Our main task is not to see what lies dimly perceived in the future but to do the things which lies immediately on hand. John ruskin had the word today carved into a small marble block that he kept on his desk as a constant reminder to do it now.

But my favorite quotation is this one by an anonymous philosopher :

Yesterday is a cancelled cheque forget it. Tomorrow is a promissary note Do not count on it.

Today is ready cash Use it.


It is for you to find out how you are spending your time and on which activities. I have only given some clues as to how to look at this invaluable resource called time. You may raise or fall with the time.


There is a story of Alice & Cat. Once Alice asked the Cat Would you tell me, please, which way I ought to go from here

That depends on good deal on where you want to go said the Cat.
I dont much care where .. said Alice. Then it does not matter which way you go said the cat.

hink nnovate



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