You Mean I M Not Crazy

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You fvlean I'mNotLazs,sfupi orCrazy?!

A Self-Help for Adults Book withAttention Oeficit Disorder


Foreword LarryB. Silver,M. D. by

New York

A FiresideBook Publishedby Simon & Schuster London Toronto sydney Tokyo


FIRESIDE Rockefeller Center 1230 Avenue of the Americas New York, NY 10020 Copyright O 1993 by Kate Kelly and P.ggy Ramundo All rights reserved, including the right of reproduction in whole or in part in any form. First FiresideEdition 1996 FrRrslor and colophon are registeredtrademarksof Simon & SchusterInc. Designedby Tony Magliano Manufactured in the United Statesof America 5 7 9 1 0 8 6

Dara Cataloging'in-Publication Library of Congress Kelly, Kate. book for adultswith a You mean I'm not lazy, stupid or crazy?!: self-help attention deficit disorder/KateKelly and PeggyRamundo. p' cm. and index' Includes bibliographical references 1. Attention-delicit disorderin adults-Popular works. I. Ramundo, Peggy. Il. Title. 94-40538 RC394.A85K45 1995 CIP 616.85'89-dc20

rsBN0-684-80116-7 (Pbk) rsBN0.684-81531-1

This bookis dedicated the memory Fred Clwison,my to of dearfriend and,s,ometimes parent. With hisunfailing sunogate cornpassion sense humor, Fred enriched hives all and of the of who knew him. He wiII be missed, neqter but forgotten. I(ote Kelly

Thls bookis dedicated my family: to To Rob-for l<eeping everything togetlwr I could" so write it To Alison-fo, fiuingmy life with your bomlless love and joy To Jeremy-for struggling cowrageously yow ADD so with and teaching so muchaboutmine me Peggy Ramlznldo

Table Confents Of


Foreword by Larry B. Silver, M.D, Introduction: ADD Isn't Just For Kids Anymore!


Chapter I
From the Porch to the Printed Page: A Reader's Guide to Understanding This Book How To ReadThis Book . Who Should ReadThis Book o Diagnosis Isn't a Do-lt-Yourself Enterprise

Chapter 2
Understanding the Disorder That Makes Us Feel Lazy, Stupid or Crazy About Definitions and Descriptionso The Big Three: Inattenrion, Impulsivity,Hyperactivity o But Why? . How Common Is Itl o Not Justfor BoysAnymore

Chapter 3
The Impact of Growing Up with ADD o o AgesandStages The Cycleof Disapproval Abilities and Disabilities



CoNrENrs -

Chapter 4
How Are We Different? . One Channel Operation o Locking In/Blocking Out o I Hate Details o DefectiveFilter r TouchyTouchability r Emotional o Roller Coasters IntenseINTENSITY . The IDP Dynamic o Bottomless of Needs o Supersonic Pit Brains r Activity Levels in Flux o Thrill Seekerso InrracrableTime Tyrant . Space o Struggles Action/Inaction Imbalanceo ReactionTime Irregu. Miniscule Mental Fuel Tanks . Undependable larity Memory/ o Leaming Systems ImpairedSocialSkills' Control Centers


Chapter 5
The Not So Fine Art of Coping Bad is Better Than Stupid . fh. perfectionisro The Blamer o \Uho Cares?o Manipulation . Withdrawal o Chip On the Shouldero Thke Me or LeaveMe o It Ain't So o Helplessness o Controller o Peter Pan Syndrome o SpaceCadet . The Party Animal o EmotionalIncontinence. The Blabber. The Bulldozer


Chapter 6
I KNOW. . .I TIIINK. . .I HA\ZE ADD:WIIAI DO I DO NO\ry? The Savvy Mental Health Consumer o The \7hy and How of the DiagnosticEvaluation o After the Diagnosis-You Are \forth All the \fork It \7i11Take to Recover o Self-Discoveryand the Grief Process: Shock of Recognition;Anger-Why Me?;DenialNot Me!; Bargaining-lt Can All Be Fixed;Depression-Reality Sinks In; Acceprance-Outof the Depths!

| 06

Chapter ?


About Balance, Toyotas,@ Porschesp Circus High Wires, and the Twelve Steps of Alcoholics Anonymous Finely Tuned and In Need of SensitiveHandling . How-To'sof Achieving Balance:The 12 Step Framework. A one Rat Study: o Analyzing Strengthsand lTeaknesses Constructing a PersonalizedSafetyNet for Your High Wire Act



Chapter 8
Interfacing In Action: Groups and Friendships The Art and Scienceof Communication o Hazard:SocialSlippery Running Spots o Act I, Group Interactions:Mental Gymnastics; . Survival Tips: Out of Gas;CruiseControls Set on Mega-Speed 'lTorking Group Interactionso Act II, One to One Encounters: At Not Working So Hard, NegativeSelf-Talk . SurvivalTips: Friendshipso Effective Communication


9 Chapter


Interfacing in Action: Getting Along on the Job A Variation on the Theme of Inter{acingo Act III, Getting Along Office Politics,Written and At \7ork: Complex Interrelationships, o SurvivalTips:On the Job . High Tech ComUnwritten Rules 'lUork Related Out of State! o munication,or Don't Fax Yourself o Stress: Noise, Doorsand Telephones Foot in Mouth Disease o 'What Do You Want to Do \7hen You Grow Up? o Are You Failing On the Job or Is YourJob Failing You?

chaptero l


Interfacing In Action: In The Dating Game and The Family o High StakeRelationships Act IV The Dating Game:Intensity; Insatiability; the Walking \Tounded; The Prince Charming Trap o Survival Tips: Intimate Relationshipso Act V SceneI, Marriage and Child Rearing:Meet the Bakers,1 Plus 1 Is More Than Two, Parentingand the ADD Dimension o SurvivalTips: "Planned BounParenting". Act V SceneII, Chaoson the Cul-de,Sac: d"ry Issues and Invisible Circles . Family Therapy o Survival Tips: Emotional Living Space

Chapterl I
From Mealtime Mania to Outing Ordeals: flow,To's of Decreasing Discord Scenes From the Kitchen Table and ADD Family Fun o Family Life Through the Eyesof Tom, Jan, Amy, Zacharyand Jennifer o o CombustibleMix of ADD Temperaments Survival Tips: Reducing the Chaos and Tuming Down the Volume . Survival Tips: From Chaos to PeacefulCo-Existence




Chapter 12


Principles of Governmenfi Family Style Poisedfor Defense Attack . Establishing SharedGovemmenr or a o Principlesand Rulesof Conduct for Family Meetings o Equal Opportunity Participation:Problem-Solving, Bargaining, Negotiation, Contracting o GuardingAgainst Expectations Perfection of

Chapter3 |
Dynamics of ADD in Organization: Mechanics and Methods Life is Difficult for the OrganizationallyImpaired o Creating Order: Where Do You Start? o Designinga Clearing Our and Storing Systemo Home Office Management:the Peaceof Mind Payoff o PracticalTools for MessManagement o PaperPile Managementand Its Cardinal Rules o Ji3 Do's and PaperPile Mis. management. Time Management:Thming the Time Monster


Chapter 14
Dynamics of ADD in Memorys Mechanics and Methods The Memory Chain o Memory and Learning:You Can't Have o One Without the Other o How Are Your Memories? How Do r Memory Tune.Up You Leam: What's Your Leaming Style? . Techniques Leaming Tipt o Leaming Disabilitiesand ADD


Chapter l5
Cmtches, Ladders and the Decision to Seek Professional Help About Crutches,Laddersand Assumptionso Are You Readyto 'Whar's Ask for Help? o Alternative and MainstreamTherapies: the Difference?o The Value and Limitations of Research. Becoming Your Own CaseManager o J[ Be. . . or Not To Be Medi. cated o The Issue Substance of Abuse


Chapter l6


Medicine and Medicine Management o A tial and Error Process The How and \fhy of Medicine o Benefits,Action, Side Effects, DoseLevels:Stimulant Medications; Tricyclic Antidepressants; Misce[aneousand Newer Drugs . SelfMedicationso Medicine:A Starting Place,Not the Final Destination



Chapter |?


Therapy and More Therapy ftgl"pt Dilemma o Cognitive and BehavioralTherapy . Speech and Language Therapy o EducationalRemediation .- Psychodyo namic Psychotherapies Miscellaneous Therapieso Family o Social Skills Tiaining o SensoryIntegration o PsychoTherapy education o Support Groups o Asserriveness taining o Alternative Therapy:Yoga; Massage; Brain Massage Virnril Reality (l); and Progressive MuscleRelaxation o Visualizationo Tianscendental Meditation o Natural Childbirth Techniqueso Diet Therapy o EEG Biofeedback

Chapter8 |
From Obstacle to Opportunity If You Could Pusha Button and Not Have ADD Anymore, !7ould o You PushIt? o About Joy,Hope and Possibiliries ADD and the Specialized Brain o Abilities Within Disabilities: The ADD Advano r Storieso What Is Success? Finding Your Niche: !"ge Success Better Late Than Never o The Bright Outlook for Us o ADD is More Than a Disorder:It Is Also An ADDed Dimensionl


Imagine a World Without ADD

4tl 414

Appendix A
Suggested Reading List

420 427

Appendix B
Resource List


Kate Kelly: I find myselfapproaching this sectionwith sometrepidation. I wonder if my erratic ADD memory will do its job adequately. I fail If to mention someone who has contributedto this project,please chalk it up to faulty memory rather than a lack of appreciation. First, I wish to thank the membersof the Cincinnati ADD Adult S.rpport Group for sharing invaluable information about their personal experiences with ADD. They have alsofunctioned ascheeileaders, readers people. and resource Specialthanks are in order to the ADD Council of Greater Cincinnati which has organizeda superbnerwork of ADD parents,ADD adults and interestedprofessionals. This community network has made my job easier. GeorgeSchoberhas eamed a heartfelt thanks for helping facilitate the supportgroup,providing editorial assistance being a good friend and even ashe struggledwith a personaltragedy.Georgeis an ADD adult who has becomemy role model for gracefullybalancing the various parts of one'slife. I am etemally grateful to Dr. Bonnie Green who contributed to the process writing this book in several of job ways.She did a superb of supportingmy husbandthrough the difficult task of writing his doctoral dissertation.As his committee chair, she went above and beyond the call of duty, giving the extra encouragement would have provided if I I hadn't been so preoccupied with my own project. She has alsobeen an enthusiasticsupporterof this book from concepr ro completion.



I alsowish to thank Rob Allard both for filling in assupporrgroup facilitator and providing feedbackon the rough draftsof this manuscript.Billy Stockton, Marjorie Buschingand Marta Donahoealso took time out of busyschedules read and comment on the book. to Thanks also to Angela Field who provided child care and the useof her computerwhen mine wasunavailable.SuzanneBehle,my daughter's teacherfor the past three years,has been a listening ear and support personwhenever I neededit. I wish to thank my co-author,P.ggy Ramundo and her husbandRob Ramundo for their contributions to a greatwriting/publishing team. I have been part of many work groupsin my life but none has functioned aswell asthis one. I hope we will continue to collaborate projects on for many yearsto come. Last, but certainly not least,a round of applause goesto my family. To parents,Barbaraand CharlesKelln who did a greatjob of raising a my very difficult child. To -y daughterTyrell whosemany love notes, drawingsand hugskept me going when the going got rough. Thanks, Tyrell, for being such a greatkid and for being so patient with me. To my husbandDoug who has believed in me from the beginning. He was there with his supportwhen this book wasonly a half-bakedidea.He didn't hesitatewhen we took the plunge together,committing most of our personaland financial resources publishing it. Thanks Doug, for to helping me make my dream a reality.

'Words Peggy Ramundo: are inadequateto express appreciation my for my parentswho supportedme in countlesswaysduring the process of writing this book. They reminded me to eat and sleep,took over many chauffeuringduties for my children and provided numerouschildfree weekends. They didn't alwaysapproveof the intensity with which I approached this project, but they never failed to supportmy efforts. To -y husband,Rob-what can I say? You've kept me in clean, ironed clothes,my cabinetsstockedwith groceries, car filled with gas,my ffiy computer stockedwith paper and my children embracedwith your love. You've fed the dog you never wanted and protectedme when my



all old cat died.You'veassumed the rolesI've given up the pasttwo years-l couldn't have done it without you. My children Alison and Jeremyhave both shown incredible maturity Thank you for getting and understandingat being semi-motherless. leaving love notes on my your own breakfasts, entertaining yourselves, computer and working so hard to understandwhy mommy couldn't go awaywith you and your daddyfor the weekend.I love you both so much! I'd like to thank my friend, Bunny Hensley,for her emotional support. Thanks for your friendship, Bunny, and for encouragingme to take sometime off once and a while. Liz \fymer, my son'steacherfor three years,has provided ongoing Thanks, Liz, for taking such good care of supportand encouragement. providing the structurefor him to manageon his own and Jeremy, putting up with all the times I've gotten him to schoollate! My thanks to all the ADD adults and parentsof ADD children who and have sharedtheir lives with me. Your insights,experiences struggleshave contributed in invaluable waysto this book. From Both of Us: Mury JaneJohnson,founder of the ADDult Network hasbeen an enthusiasticsupporterof our efforts.She has reviewed and has sharedboth information and conthe book at variousstages the efforts at organtzingADD adults across tacts. Her single-handed Thanks to Mary Jane, results. United Stateshasproducedimpressive we have been able to gather information from ADD adults throughout the country. who specializes the diagin Schroeder, neuropsychologist a Dr. Joseph generously donatnosisand treatment of ADD adults and adolescents, ed his time and expertiseasa consultant.Dr. \UayneHarrison has conliterature and offering his ongoing on tributed by passing professional moral support. trips Our thanks to Rita R. Stull for taking this manuscripton business and spendingher free time helping us dot the i's and crossthe t's.Thanla, but alsofor Rita, not only for your command of the English language your insightsand experiences that have addedto the qualiry of this book.



And last, but certainly not least,we'd like to thank David Stull for his contribution to naming this book. The title changedinumerabletimes during the process writing it. Our pages possibilitieswenr in the of of trash after Dave'sexcited phone call one day.His creative brainstorming culminated in our creating the presenttitle that we feel truly caprures the realitv of ADD.


percent of children with Attention It is now clear that at least 5Oo/o Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) continue to have the disorder Recent studiesconfirm that at least30Voof thesechildren asadolescents. continue to have ADHD as adults.The behaviorspersistand causeas much difficulty asthey did when the personwasa child or adolescent. Someadultsfirst leam of their ADHD when their child is diagnosed. Suddenlythey say,"That's me. I have the sameproblems."Other adults first leam of their problem when they read an article in a magazine or seea specialon television. Unfortunately, too many adultsnever leam of their disability. Adults with ADHD continue to be hyperactive,distractible,and/or impulsive.They can have difficulty with organization.In addition, many developsecondary emotional, socialor family problems.Often planning or job relatedproblems.Further, many of there are career theseadults alsohave learning disabilitieswhich, like the ADHD, might have been undiagnosed and untreated. Thus, adultswith ADHD need information about their disability and its impact on themselves, their families,their work and their sociallives. Kate Kelly's and Peggy Ramundo's book,YouMewt I'm Not Lazy, Stupid or CraTy?1, doesan excellentjob of providing this information in an accurate, clear and easyto readway.Of equalimportance,theseauthors go beyondproviding information by offering specificsuggestions and programsto address each problem area.



his It is critical for eachadult to understand or her pastand how ADHD might have affectedpersonaland family life aswell asschool perforThis understanding can result in a better manceand peer relationships. past difficulties and can be the start of rethinking one's understandingof The authorshelp the readerdo this. The adult is then helped self-image. Possible to exploreeachareaof his or her life, identifiringproblemareas. problemswith self, with communication, with meaningful others and practical with work areexplored.Whenever a problem areais discussed, for it suggestions addressing are presentedwith many examples. Men and women who first discovertheir disability in adulthood have Ramundo much to leam and much to do. I thank Kate Kelly and Peggy for writing such an informative and very helpful book. A11adults with ADHD and all familiesof adultswith ADHD will benefit from reading and studyingthis book. Larry B. Silver, M.D. of Clinical Professor Psychiatry; Director of Training in Child and Adolescent Psychiatry GeorgetownUniversity School of Medicine

Dr. Silver is a national leaderin the field of Leaming Disabilitiesand Attention Deficit-Hyperactivity Disorder.For over twenty yearshis primary research, clinical and teaching interestshave focusedon the psychological and socialimpact of subtle,often invisibleneurological disabilities. His extensivewriting includesover one hundredthirty publications.These include his popular book, The Misunderstood ChiA Disorder: A and two recent additions, AttennonDeficitHyperacnvity and Clinical Guide to Diagnosis Treatment,for clinicians and Dr. Inrry . Adq,)ice Par entson AttentionD eficit HyperacnviryDisordBr to Silqrer's



eDD Just Kids lsn'f for Anymore!

If you're readingthis book, you probablyfit into one of the following categories: l.You are well informedaboutAttention Deficit Disorderand are readingthis book to seeif it containsany new information. 2.Youhave beendiagnosed with the disorderand are wondering, "\Uhat do I do now?" 3.Youhave a growingsuspicion, perhaps fueledby your experienceswith a child, grandchildor siblingwho has attention deficits, that you may have the disorderyourself. This book is for all of you. It isn't a scholarlytext but a practicalguide for understandingand managingthe dynamicsof ADD in adulthood. There is a lot of availableliterature about ADD in children. Booksare filled with strategies managingthe symptomsof ADD at home and for at school. But availableinformation for managingADD in adulthood is in short supply. What do you do if you have ADD and aren't a kid anymore? How do you manageyour own disorder? This book has been written to offer someanswers thesequestions. to This book is written for ADDers by ADDers. \7e both have exrensive experiencedealing with our own disorders and those of our children. \7e have alsodealt with ADD issues our individual professions in of mental health and education.\7e have drawn on our professional experiences writing this book. But at the heart of the book are our perin sonalperspectives experiences thoseof many other ADD adults. and and



ADD is About Abilities and Disabilities and ADD Adula are Capable of Helping Themselves These are the underlying principles of this book. Having ADD means of that each of us musr deal with an assortment disabilities.But if you take off the "dis", you can discovera multitude of abilitiesaswelll We are committed to rhe belief that each of us can useour unique abilities our unique disabilities. to manage Our goal in writing this book is to educateand enlighten, and to en' an .o.rrug. each readerto assume active role in coping effectivelywith his or her disorder.\7e hope that each of you will useit not only asan but asa celebrationof differences: examinationof disabilities

ADD: A Disorder

An ADDed Dimension?


CHaprEn 1 -

Frorn Porch thePrinted the to ?age: Reader's fo A Guide Understanding Book This
Dear Reader: Plcase don't skip this section! Although it's really a preface, 'We we've written it asa separate chapter. thought that many of our readers might approacha new book the way we do-by skipping the miscellaneous pages and jumping right into the good stuff! But the information in this brief sectionis too important to gloss over.It will help answersomeof the questionsyou may have asyou go along. Over two yearsago,we sat on a porch swing and sharedour vision for this book. Our original ideastook the form of a three pageoutline which becameour frameworkthroughout the writing process. Many long daysand countlessrevisionslater, our original PorchSwlngPlanningsession evolved into the book you are about to read. During the writing process, vision changedlittle from our original our outline. The chapter you are readingnow is the only addition. \7e choseto add this section to sharewith our readers the underlying philosophythat guidedour writing and the decisionswe made r"ga.dirrg the book'sformat. In the Introduction, we explainedour goal of writing a book an ADD adult could useto understandand manageher disorder.\7e wanted this book to be practical and easyto readfor anyonewith specificreading and language deficits.To that end, we chosean informal writing style and worked hard to minimize the complexity of somerather complicatedscientific concepts.\7e also includednumerous cartoons to

You MpaNI'u Nor Lazv.Sruproon Cnazv!?

make the text more understandable. 'We would like to comment on the organizationof this book before you begin reading the three chaptersthat follow and questionwhat we just saidaboutease reading!During the editing process, agonized of we over theseearly chaptersthat aren't aseasyto read as the rest of the book. They are denselypackedwith rather technical information that is difficult to simplify. We didn't want to losereaders who might react in one or more of the following ways:1. "Have I been tricked?Is this a text book?I thought it wasgoing to be a practical,self-helpbook!" 2. "l've alreadyreadthis information in several other books."3. "How is this book going to help me if I can't understandthe first chapter?" considereda variety of options from eliminating someof the information to reorganizing format. \7e concludedthat none of the the 'S7e options would solve the problem. knew that our readers would have varying levelsof knowledgeabout ADD and that somewould need an in-depth introduction to the disorder. \7e were alsokeenly awareof the curiosityof ADDers who don't often acceptsuggestions without first asking,"But whyl" !7e decidedthat without this background information,the anecdotes and practicalsuggestions folthat lowed wouldn't make much sense. we choseto leavethe format So alone and to offer the following guidelines. If you've alreadydone extensivereadingin ADD, you might want to just browsethesechapters. you'renew to ADD, just hang in there If with the earlychapters, taking them at your own paceand allowing time to digestthe material.If you get really boredor befuddled, take a break! We promisethe going will get easier and later chapters will take a look at the lighter,more practicalsideof ADD. \7e alsowant to explain how we deal with the issue sexistlanguage of in this book. The seeming erratic useof "he" and "she" isn't an editing 'V7e choseto alternate the useof male and femalepronounsby error! chapters. you will discoverasyou readthis book, ADD isn't just a As problemfor boysand men. The assumption that the majority of ADDers are male has been challenged knowledgeabout ADD has grown. as Since this book is for all of you, men and women alike, we wanted to make the language inclusive aspossible. as So, the odd numbered 'We

A S3':?T5 R,l;'# J:Jl3"fiil? +i?,1"""

chaptersusefemalepronoun references and the even chapters,male. By the way, there is no significance,other than a flip of a coin, for beginningwith sheinsteadof he! Parallelingthis issue sexistlanguage, of we have alsotried to avoid stereotypes, including examples both men of particularly and women in non-traditionalroles.This seems appropriate, sinceADDers tend to be rather non-traditionalfolk. Finally, we want to include a word of caution. In reviewing the book, a nationally known ADD expert raisedan important issue. voiced He his concem that everyadult who read it could identify with the describedADD behaviorsand make a self-diagnosis ADD. This con. of cem is valid. In our work with classroom teachers, many report that the manifestations ADD characterize of everychild in their classrooms! 'S7e want to emphasize that ADD is a complicatedsyndromewith diversesymptoms varying degrees severity. isn't surprising of of It that educators observe ADD behaviorsin many of their students because the symptoms ADD are an exaggeration behaviorsand experiences of of that fall within the normal human range.Anyone can sometimes have lapses memory act impulsivelyor have difficulty concentrating. in The problem with ADD is one of degreeand persistence the sympof varying situations.ADDers have symptoms toms over time and across that begin in childhood and .".n" significantproblemsin school,work and relationships. Another part of the diagnosticdilemma is that variousmental health problemshave symptoms that overlapthoseof ADD. For example,pople with schizophrenia depression proor have information processing blemssimilar to ADD adultsbut often to a greaterdegree. Virtually all mental health problemsinterferewith organizationand information processing. it's not hard to imagineADD becomingthe new bandSo, 'S7e wagon everyonewants to jump on. can picture the constemation of mental health professionals confrontedwith officesfilled with people demandingtreatment for the ADD they've self-diagnosed. 'We can't emphasize enough that a diagnosisis not a do-it-yowself enterprise. personwith schizophrenia, example,might have A for attention deficitsbut her treatmentwould be radicallydifferentfrom that of an ADDer. Using stimulant medicationin her treatment

You MEaNI'v Nor Lxzy,Sruproon Cnazy!?

would likely have the effect of dramatically worseningher condition. The point is, an accuratediagnosisis an essentialcomponent of treatment. This book isn't a scholarly,diagnosticmanual. Severalexcellent books of that kind are availableand are listed in the appendix.If you're reading this book because suspect you you have ADD, follow the guidelines in Chapter 6. Develop a relationship with a professional who can provide a formal evaluation and diagnosis. Ife don't believe,however,that an official ADD diagnosisis a prerequisite for readingthis book. Individuals with orher mental health problems and thosewithout symptomssufficiently severeto be considered ADD, can benefit from someof this material. Many of the self-help strategies usefulwith or without a specificdiagnosis. example, are For a readerdoesn'thave to know why she is disorganized benefit from to someof our suggestions Chapter 13. In addition,we hope that spouses, in friends and colleagues ADDers and other adults who sffugglewith of relatedproblemswill readthis book and developgreatersensitiviryro 'We individuals with specialneeds. can all benefit from understanding how glitchesin brain processes wreakhavoc in the daily lives of can many people. Finally, we hope that you'll find this book enjoyableand informative. Ifqgr readers have half as much fun reading it aswe have had writing it, we will have accomplished mission.\7e welcomeyour comour ments,personal experiences anything elseyou would like to share or with us.

Sincerely, Kate Kelly and Peggy Ramundo

CuaprEn 2 -

Undersfandine The Disorder Makes Feel That Us

Lazy, Stupid Crazy Or
It's difficult to grow up with the hidden handicapof ADD. Many of us feel that we've spentour lives disappointingeveryone- parents,siblings, teachers, friendsand ourselves. When we were children, our teachers repeatedly told us we could do our work but chosenot to. Our report cardswerecontinual remindersthat we weren't very bright. Those C's,D's and F'sdidn't lie. They definedour self-perceptions kids who as were lazy.Sometimes felt smart.\7e cameup with wonderful invenwe 'We tions and imaginativepluy. often amazed ourselves, teachers our and our parentswith our wealth of knowledgeand creariveideas. We didn't want to cause trouble.We didn't start our dayswith a plan to drive everyonecrazy. didn't leaveour roomsin total chaosto make We our parentswring their handsin frustration.We didn't count the thumb tackson the bulletin boardbecause enjoyedwatching the veins pop we out of a teacher's neck when he yelled at us to get to work. tVe didn't yawn and stretch and sprawlacross desktops, just our totally exhausted, to make the other kids laugh.We didn't begfor more toys,biggerbikes or better birthday partiesbecause wanted our moms and dadsto feel we terrible for depriving us of thesethings. \7e dld thesethings because had ADD. Bur unfortunately,most of we us didn't know that. Most of our parents,siblings,teachers and friends didn't know that either. So most of us grew up with negativefeelings that developedaroundbehaviorseveryonemisunderstood. Pay attention. Sropfoolingaround.

You MraN I'r'l Nor Lazy,SruproOn Cnnzy?!

If you would jwt try, you could" it. da You'relazy. Settle down. Youcut da tt whenyou went to. Why are Jou actingthisway? You'retno smartto get srchternblegades. Why do you always mal<e things hnrdfor yowself? so Yow roomis always mess. a" You jwt haveto buckledawn. Stopbothering otherchildren. Are you tryingto driueme craTy? Why can'tJou actlil<e yow brother...sister? Why sre you so inesponsible.t Youaren'tgratefulfor anything. Have you ever heard any of thesecomments If you're a parent,have I you ever saidany of them?Our bet is that your answerto both questions is a resounding, "Yes!"



UNDPRsTRNDING rue DtsonornTuRr Mnrrs Us FEprLnzy,Sruprnon Cnnzy

It's unlikely that anyonewould tell a child in a wheelchairthat he could getr.rpand walk if he tried harder.His handicapis obviousand everyone understands limitations. Unfortunately,not many peopleunderstand his the hidden handicapof an ADD child. PR: "l have somerimes wishedthat my son had a physicalhandicap insteadof ADD. Of course,I don't really wish he had a physicaldisability. If he did, though, it would be easierto explain his llmitations to peoplewho don't understand. would be easier *e to understand It for his limitarions." For most of us the misunderstandings faulty assumptions and continued into our adolescenr years.Since we were old en'ough know better, to our behaviors weretoleratedeven less. the time we becomeadults, By many-ofus are convinced that we indeedwere-and still are-lazy, stupid or crazy.

Understanding Through Education

As we move through this book, we'll offer many suggestions strate. and giesfor dealingwith ADD. But the first and most important one is ro repeatat leastone hundredtimes: "I am not la7y,stupidor craTy!" ff you aren't convinced yet, we hope you will be by the end of this book._\7e hgne you'll be ableto formulatea new,positiveself-perceprion to replacethe old one. Reframingyour self.perceprions your firsi 1ob. is To accomplishthis, you'll need an in-depth understanding ADD. of The ADD Council of GreaterCincinnati offersa variety of services relatedto ADD issues has a missionro "FosterUnderstanding and Through Education".This is alsothe missionstatementof this book. To understandyour symproms and take appropriatestepsto gain control over them, you have to leam asmuch asyou can about yo.rr disorder. Even if you've alreadydone your homework in ADD, we encourage you to readthe following section.You may not discovernew infoimation per sebut you may discovera new frameworkfor understanding

You MrnN I'v Not LnzY,SruptoOn Cnezv?!

of specificissues ADD in adults.\7e will usethis frameworkaswe exyour workplaceand amine the dynamicsof ADD in your relationships, your home.

About Definitions, Descriptions and Diagnostic Dilemmass Is It ADD or ADHD?

(CNS) of ADD (or ADHD) is a disorder the centralnervoussystem of in by characterized disturbances the areas attention, impulsiveness and hyperactivity. that ADD is a new problem. Recent media focusgivesthe impression to Somesubscribe the theory that ADD might not be new but is being numbersof parentsto excusetheir children'smisbeusedby increasing havior. A few yearsago,one local principal concludedthat ADD was '80'sJ of Disorder the the Yuppie to would comeasa surprise Dr. G.F,Stilll a tum-of-the' This observation who worked with children in a psychiatrichospital. cenruryresearcher \7e doubt there weremany yuppiesin 1902when Still workedwith his hyperactive,impulsiveand inattentive patients.Although he usedthe label, "A Defect in Moral Control", he theorizedthat an organicprobof the lem rather rhan a behavioralone caused symptoms his patients. This wasa rather revolutionarytheory at a time when most peoplebe' misbehavior. lieved that bad mannersand improperupbringing caused supported In the first half of the twentieth century other researchers Dr. Still's rheory.They noted that variouskinds of brain damagecaused of parienrsto displaysymptoms hyperactivity,impulsivity and inatten' with brain injuries and children with damage iion. World'War I soldiers from a brain virus both had similar symptomsto children who apparently had been bom with them. The labels many labels'havebeengiven to the disorder. Over the years, at have reflectedthe stateof research the time: c Post -Encephnliti D isorder Hyperkinesis Minimal Brain Damage

UNoEnsTeNDING rHs DtsonoERTuRr MRrEs Us Fml Lnzy, Srupro oR CnRzy

Minimal Brain D ysfunction Hyperkirctic Reaction Childhood of AttentionDeficit Disorder with and without Hyperactivity The focuson structuralproblemsin the brain-holes perhaps, other or abnormalitiesdetectedthrough neurologicaltesting,persirt"d until the '60's. Then research legan to focusprimarily on the sympromof hyperactivity in childhood.In 1968,the American PsychiatriiAssociation to (4IA) responded this research revisingits diagnosticmanual by (DSM-IIX The revision includedthe new label:"Hyperkinetic Disorder of Childhood". During the '70's,research broadenedits focusbeyondhyperactiviry and concludedthat subtlecognitive disabilities memoryand attention of problemswere the coresof the disorder. Theseconclusions, ^hyp.tcoupled with the discoverythat attention problemscould exist without activity and continue beyondchildhood, requireda secondrevision of the diagnosticmanual. In 1980,the APA'srevised manual,the DSM-llla creatednew labels: "ADDH, Attention Deficit Disorderwith Hyperacriviry";"Atrenrion Deficit Disorderwithout Hyperactivity" and 'T.esidualTyp." (for those whosesymptomsconrinued into adulthood). If your son wasdiagnosed 1985with ADDH, why wasyour daughter in diagnosed 1988with ADHD? Are you confused in yet?\fell, you g,i.rsed it. The labelschanged againin 1987. A number of expertsbelievedthat hyperactiviryhad to be presentfor an ADD diagnosis. They theorizedthat the other relatedsymproms were part of a separate disorder. Revisedin 1987,, current version of the rhe {lagnostic manual,the DSM-lll-R5, reflecrsthis theory with yet other labels:"ADHD, Attention Deficit HyperacrivityDisorder"or'"LJndiffer. entiatedADD" (for thosewithout hyperactivity).And, jusr ro keep you abreast research of developments, advisedthat *oik is in progress be on the DSM IV! Is thereany reasonto rememberthe DSM label revisions? suppose We you could drop terms like the Diagnosticand StatisticalManual bi the

I't.l You ME,A,N Not Lnzv,SruptoOn Cnnzv?!

friendsat your next party! American PsychiatricAssociationto impress The information would be usefulif you happento be studyingpsychology and need the information for an upcomingexam.Otherwise,the only reasonto know about the changinglabelsis that they reflect an ever' of changingunderstanding ADD. The debatewill continue about ADD issues-what is it exactly and who shouldbe includedin the diagnosticcriteria?To provide guidelines the for diagnosticians, APAs manual attemptsto label and describe different groupsinto distinct assigning variousclustersof symptoms, of categories disorders. with this attempt to The problem is that human beingsdon't cooperate behavior.Behaviorsjust won't fit into tidy little boxes.If you caregorize report or the songyou over naming your business have ever agonized jusr composed, know the limitations of a title. It's difficult to capture you of the essence somethingin a few words. In practicalterms,this meansthat relativelyfew peoplefit the classic There is alsomuch symptomoverlap betrveen difDSM diagnoses. of so ferent disorders an individual may have symptoms multiple disorders.The significancefor an ADDer is that he shouldn't expect his to symptoms be exactlylike his child's,friend'sor spouse's. we've madethe decisionto usethe genericlabel of For our purposes, ADD in this book. First, it's easierto type than ADHD! Secondand more important, the ADD label avoidsthe hyperactivity/nohyperactivity issue.

Specific Symptoms of ADD

you'll becomeawareof the imprecision As we review specificsymptoms, particularly asthey apply to ADD in of definitions and descriptions, adults.One reasonfor this imprecisionis the complex nature of the a This complexitycreates billion-piece brain and centralnervoussystem. jigsaw puzzle possible Each of us is a puzzle and symptoms. causes of piecesuniquely different from another of with an assortment puzzle ADDer. Adding to the diagnosticdilemma are the rapid behavioral difficult. that make a precisedescriptionof the disorder, changes


UNornsrnNDING DtsonogR rur Tuar Merls Us FEEILxzy,Sruproon CnRzy

Definitionsand descriptions adult ADD are alsoimprecise of because adultsdon't have ADD, right?This \.\'as prevailingrheoryunril fairthe ly recently.The focuson hyperactivitythat frequentlydecreases adoby lescence caused researchers missmany of the more subtleproblems to that persistin adulthood. Despitethe diagnosticdilemma,you need ro understandthe impact ADD symptoms have on your life. You don'r have to be aWalkingEncycbpediaof ADD , but you do need sufficientknowledgeto capitalizeon your strengthsand bypass your weaknesses. the following secrion, In we'll examinethe three major symproms ADD. In Chaprer4, we'll of take a broaderlook at an ADDer's differences rhat don't quite fit into the diagnostic criteria.

Attention spanis a concept that has recently capturedthe public imagination. There is even a tongue-in-cheek TV show,The Short Attention SpanThearcr, purportedlydesigned the easilybored. for Most peoplecharacterize attention deficit disorderasa problem of a an short attention span.Th"y think of ADDers asmental butterflies, flitting from one taskor thought to anotherbut never alighting on anything.In reality, attending is more than simply paying arrenrion.And a problem with attending is more than simply not paying artention long eno,rgh. It's more accurateto describeattentional problemsascomponentsof the process aftention. This process of includes clnosingtheright stimulus to focuson, susfdining focusover time, dividingfocus the betweenrelevant stimuli and shr/ang focusto anotherstimulus.Impairedfuncrioning can occur in any or all of theseareas attention. The result is a of failure to pay attention. \Torkaholism, single-mindedness, procrastination,boredom-these are common, and somewhatsurprisingmanifestations attentional probof lems.It might seemparadoxical that a workaholiccould have attentional problems.It might seemparadoxicalthat a high-energyadult could have trouble getting startedon his work.


You MpeNI'v Not Lazv.SruptoOn Cnazv?!

are Thesemanifestations baffling only if ADD is viewed asa short When ALL the dimensionsof attention spanor worse,an excuse. easierto understandthe diverit attention are considered, becomes of sity of the manifestations ADD. The Workaholic might have little difficulty selectingfocusor sustaining it but have greardifficulty shifting his focus.Unable to shift in attention betweenactivities,he can becomeengrossed his iob to the exclusionof everythingelsein his life. Similar behavior can be seenin the personwho has trouble sustainso ing attention. He struggles intently to shut out the world'sdistractions that he getslocked in to behavior that continueslong after it shouldstop. It's asif he wearsblindersthat prevent him from seeing anything but the task at hand. The housemight bum down and the kids might run wild but he'll banish that last dust ball from the living room! The Procrastinator has the oppositeproblem.He can't selectively about his focushis attention and might endurefrequentaccusations In laziness. truth, he'sso distractedbv stimuli that he can't figure out where or how to get started.Sounds,smells,sightsand the ranof dom wanderings his thoughtscontinually vie for his attention. most Unable to selectthe most important stimulus,he approaches

o o



UNoSRsTRNDINGDIsoRosn rur Tuer Mnxrs Us FEErLAZr,Sruprnon Cnezy

tasksin a disorganized fashion and has trouble finishing or some. times even starting,anything. If the task is uninteresting,it's even harder for him to sustainfocus. Heightenedinterestand a belief in one'sultimate success improves the quality of aftending.With an inability to maintain focus,many ADDers require intenselystimulating situationsto maintain alertness and attentiveness. \Tithout this stimulation,attention wandersand many of us are told we're unmotivated. 'We're not unmotivated!Our problems with selective attention compromiseour abilities to stayfocusedand productive.So it looksasif we don't careand won't tryl In reality,we have to exertmany times the effiortof non-ADDers to maintain adequate levelsof motivarion.

Impulsivity is a failure to stop and think. Being impulsivemeans that many of us act and react with astonishirrgspeed with little and thought about the consequences. brainsdon't control behavior Our the way they should,so we sayand do things rashly. \7hen we werechildren, we might have violated classroom rules, insultedour parentsor run into the streetwithout looking.As adults, we might blurt out confidential information or shareintimate details with relative strangers. might pull out from our driveways !7e without checking the rear view mirror or leavework two hours early to enjol a beautiful springday.Controlling impulses tough for many is ADD adults! Impulsiviry playsout in other, lessobviousways.It can affectthe qual. ity of work on the job. The ADDer often rushes through taskswith little preplanningand many careless errors.He might ger into debt with impulsebuying, discardan imporrant documenror ruin a new pieceof equipmentbecause takestoo long to readthe instructions. it "He l<nows rules but breal<s tfu themanyway ." , "Hls work is careless because won't tr\." he "He's wasting ability his ." Thesecommentsreflect a misunderstanding the impulsivewords of and actionsof ADDers. Most of us do know the rules.\il7el<nowour




You MpnNI'v Not Ltzu, SruptpOn Cnazv?!

work is neaterwhen we work slowly.Wel<rnw we arecapableof more work. Knowing thesethings, however,doesn'tmean that accurate we can easilycontrol the impulsivebehaviors.Peoplewho make about us don't understandthe enormouseffort faulty assumptions in we expendkeepingour impulses check.

Hyperactivity is probablythe first symptompeoplethink of when they talk about ADD. Th.y might immediatelyconjureup an image off of an overactive child bowrcing the wallsandhangingfromtfuLight activity can be a fixnnes!\Tithout question,this random, excessive only one part of a larger primary symptomof ADD. But it describes that includesa wide rangeof behaviors. activity dysregulation Rather than moving too much, someADDers talk too much! Barely pausingfor breath, they talk so much and so fast that no one else


UNDTRsTRNDING DtsonorR TuRr MnrcEsUs Frrl Luzy,Sruplo on Cnazy rHE

has a chanceto.sayanything. The speech a driven quality to it asif has the wordshave beenbottled up for centuriesand ared"rp"r"t" ro get our! PR: "At a recent conference, congratulated I myselffor sticking to my schedule. Just in time for our break,i sharedsomeinformation about own symptoms. commentedthat, unlike my son,I wasn'tparticularly I -mY hyperactive. A memberof my audiencestoppedme ar the coffeepot and sharedher observations my-presentationityle. of she said,'you might not be hvp"" active' but do you know how fastyou talk?I have atten?edlots of *orkshops, havenever leamedthe quantiryof information I just leamed! but And one more.thing. Do you know how many times you took the top gf yo-ur At n9n 9ff and put it back-onagain?' the end of the workrhoi,' she thanked me profuselyfor the wealth of material I had shared,o f guess didn't overwhelmher too much with my non-hyperactivity!" I This anecdote two messages. has First,we can never stop leaming about our behavioreven when we think we have a goodhandie on it. Se.o.,d, it points out that hyperactivitycan manifestitself in more subtleways than physicalover-acrivity. Thesesubtlebehaviorsreflect generalized restlessness impaand _the tie-nce many of us experience. might have leamedto stop bouncing \7eoff the walls and on the fumiture but we might still feel u..omfortable" when we have to sit still. So we fidget, t"p o,lt fingersor twirl our hair. Relaxing can be impossible we might take o. *-.rous hobbies, so work secondjobs or run in marathonson the weekend. There is a final thing we shouldmention. Hyperactivity can be either a deficit or an asset, dependingon the quality of the behavior.If the activity is purposeful, hyperactivitycan help us ger more accomplished. Someresearchers have studiedhyperactiveindividualswho don'r have any of the other symptoms ADD. Thesefolk are exrremelvactive of but don't seem have problems to with attention,mood swings any of or the other roadblocks that interferewith productivity.The issuJfor hypen active ADD adultsis that much of their activiry is dysregulated, ,".rio* and unproductive. $

You MEnNI'v Nor LAzt, SruptoOn Cnnzv?!

But. . .Why??
ADDers are curiousfolk. Th"y are rarely able to let anything go by without asking,"But, why?"You may be askingthis questionabout your "l symptomJ. u- inattentive, impulsiveand hyperactive-but why do I have this baffling disorderl"If we could give you a tidy answerto your Since no one knows would herald our discovery. question,,erearchers ADD, the bestwe can do is examinepossibilities. for r.rr" what causes of To get started,you'll need a crashcoursein the I'letnoLogy theBrain closethe book yet! \7e promise Don't System. and,theCenualNerq/ous ADD But as to makethis aspainless possible. it's difficult to understand without knowing someof rhe "whys" of the disorder.Why is your ADD seemto changeso \Uhy do your symptoms different from each of ours? causelittle or no problem? sometimes much?Why do your symptoms that this disorderis \Tithout somebasicknowledge,it's easyto assume your fault. So,here goes.

Research Tools
focused has As knowledgeabout ADD hasgrown, research increasingly are on rhe possibiliryrhat the ADD brain and centralnervoussystem Testingsomeof the theoriesis tricky be' somehow wireddifferently. can't open up an ADDer's skull to studyhis brain! researchers cause to Even if they could, it would be nearly impossible isolateand examine particular chemical or a specificportion of the brain. The human a brain is simply too complex and has many interrelatedparts. imagingdevicq to scanthe are Instead,scientists usingsophisticated one promisingtechniquethat maylrovide inforbrain. Brain Imaglngis about th" cutnesand treatment of ADD. You are undoubtedly marion familiar with the X-ray and CAT scanthat provide picturesof structuresinsidethe human body.Another imagingtechniqueis nuclear imag' (NMR.), alsoknown asmagneticresonance magneticresonance, (MRI).Thesetechniques magneticfieldsto obtain clearerpicuse ing t,ri"r than thoseof a CAf scan.All thesemethods,however,have limitations. They show the structureor shapeof the brain but don't tell us much about hoq,the brain works. to alsousedrug responses indirectly studybrain activity.Th.y Scientists in the know that certain drugsincrease quantity of neurotransmitters


UNoSRSTaNDING DIsoRnpRTHer lv{.lrEs Us Fprl Lnzy. Srupro on Cnnzy rHE

the brain. A positive drug response suggesrs insufficiencyof the an neurochemicalaffectedby the particulardrug. How doesthis fit into the theoriesabout the possible causes ADD? of Lett take that crashcoursein Neurologyto glt better understanding " of the "why's" of your disorder.

The Basics of Neurology

(CNS) funcThe brain and other partsof the central nervoussysrem tion asa wonderfuland intricate CommsrdCentpr, This commandcenter coordinates systems the human body through a messenger all of system. It sends messages receives and thosesent from variouspartsof the body and from the outsideworld. It alsoregulates controlsbehavior. and The messenger system the CNS consists millions of nerve cells. of of These are cell bodieswith long, thin projectionscalled axonsanddendrites. Impulses carriedalong the length of a nerve cell and jump from are one cell to anotherin much the same wayelectricitytravelstbrougha wire.

"The Brain's Postal S"ystem"


You Menr I'rt Not Lxzt, SruptoOn Cnazv?!

in.the nerve cell'sdendrite.The are Messages first receivedby receptors in the form of an electrical impulse,travelsfrom the dendrite ;;d. throuih the cell body and the axon. At the end of the axon is a syn' message The eiectricalimpulse,.or I apse, g"p betweenthe nervecel1s. calle messengers d newo' by the is[.i"d across synapse chemical the across gapfrom one ian ^itters. Thesechemi."li carry the message cell'saxon to another'sdendrite. Endorphins you might be familiar with someof theseneurotransmitters. that act asthe body'sown ar" th"lain relieving neurotransmitters causes morphine.An outpouringof endorphinsduring vigorousexercise protectshis body-from "liigh". This increase the marathon r,rni-rer's and;oints-an athlete is often un' f."n"g the pain of stressedhuscles better known asadrenaninjury until he rests.Epineplvine, This "*".if is rhe neurorransmitter that mobiliresthe reaction to danger. alin, The the fghr or fhghtresponse. heart beatsrapldlVand the breath".ti,r"t", wider so one can either run or fight an enemy. b".ome ing passag"t That wasn'ttoo bad,wasit? Now let'susethis informationaswe consider from research' sometheoriesthat have emerged

Current Theories About the Key Players in ADD

that there Since the Command Center is so complex,it isn't surprising Although there isn't of are conflicting theoriesabout the causes ADD. is agreethat this interrelatedsystem dysreg' ,nurryresearchers consensur, someof the examines The following discussion ulated in somefurhiorr. of as theoriesabout this dysregulation well asan assortment other proposedtheories. Neurotransmitters to research conclude have usedindirect d*g response Someresearchers may play dopamine that an insufficient quantity of the neurotransmitter of ADD a role in ADD. Since stimulant drugsusedin the treatment dopaminelevels,an insufficient level of this chemicalmight increase be a part of ADD. Frontal Lobes have Researchersu found reducedblood flow in the frontal lobe areaof of ADD adults (Seedrawing).They have been able to obthe brains the brain in action through a combination of scanningdevices __s_e_rve


uNoeRsreNDrNc DrsonosR rur THRI MnrEsUs FmrL,+zy, sruproon cRazy



RErrc u u/tG{ AcrrrzATl G N


"The Commurtication Feedback Laop: The Reticular Activating Systemand the Frontal Lobes" and radioactivetracers. Areaswith high levelsof the radioactivesubstancehave the greatest blood flow. Since blood flow is an indicator of brain activity or work, a reducedflow in the frontal lobessuggesrs loweredactivity in this area. The frontal lobesarecritical to many of the brain'sexecurivefunctions. Thesefunctions include planning, initiative and the abiliry ro regulate behavior.It makessense that they might, therefore, play a signifiiant role in ADD. Actual frontal lobe brain damage causes impulsiviry,mood swings disinhibitedbehaviorand sometimes hlperactiviry.Thesesymproms resemble thoseof ADD but aremoresevere. Reticular Activating System The reticular activating system in the brain stem.It's the seatof arousal is in the human brain and regulates stateof alertness the from deepsleepto full, wakingcornciousness. Sincealermess a big problemfor an ADDeris he hastrouble staylngawakeand payingarrention-an impairmenrin this system might cause somesymproms the disorder. of


You MraN I't,tNor Lnzv,SruptoOn Cnnzv?!

and the frontal lobes The functions of the reticular activating system . some expertsbelieve that the lno1 interact asa conLmwicanon feedback in along this loop, perhapsasa shorc problemsof ADD lie somewhere the wiring.T and This intriguing theory might explain the inconsistentperformance of erraricsymproms ADD. Similar to a looseelectricalwire, a short in functioning. Somedysregulated the loop of the brain'swiring could cause it and sometimes doesn't. times it works Primary Sleep Disorder theorizethat the core problem in ADD isn't excess Someresearchers In but rather,underarousal.u other words,peoplewith ADD acdviry that a high achypothesize aren'rfully awakeand alert. Thesescientists tivity level might be in part an effort to stayawake.Sleepdisturbances are fairly common in ADDers. Many experienceirregularpattems of Others sleepso deeplythat arousalis and sleeplessness reawakening. difficult. to into sleepingand waking pattems suggests someinvestigaResearch In from a primary sleepdisorder. other words, thar the disorderarises rors problems result,hasarousal poorly and asa the personwith ADD sleeps indicatesthat deepdreamstates during the day.Other recent research to to arenecessary anchor leaming in memory.This suggests us that leaming problemsbecause associated adult may demonstrate someADD interferewith this deepdreamstate. their sleepirregularities Parenting or Heredity? questions about ADD but we know that There are many unanswered it's in many,if not most cases, an inherited trait. Children with ADD are likely to have ADD parentsor closerelatives.This might not come if asa surprise you are the ADD parent of an ADD child. pass on Not all family traits resultfrom genetic inheritance.Parents and their childto characreristics their children through their behaviors rearingsryles-children imitate their parentsand tend to adopt their and soundslike a taped values.When your son talks to his playmates recordingof your voice with preciselyduplicatedwords,inflections and pauses, know the power of modeledbehavior. you


UNoERSInNDING Dtsonopn THer Mnxes Us FEErrHE Lnzy. Srupro on Cnazy


The questionof nature versus nurture has alwaysbeen tricky. Do we inherit our behavioralcharacteristics do we leam them? or PR: "'W'henI wasin collegein the late '60's,the theme of respecting individual differences wasan integral part of my "methods"courses. I wastaught that behaviorand leaming problemsresultedin largepart 'Was from emotional and environmental factors. there a new babv in the home, a death in the family or a divorcel The underlyingphilosophyof my training wasthat nurture, or environment wasthe primary determinerof behavior.During my four yearsof educationcourses, don't ever remember I hearingthat nature,or inbom genetics playedany role at all in leamingproblems." Theory of Blame This theory holds that the only reasonable explanationfor misbehavior or leaming problemsis that someone, usuallya parent, is doing something wrong. If you are a parent,you'reprobablywell acquaintedwith child-rearingexperts believe in this theory.Thesefolk are the friends, who family and teachers who eagerlyoffer unwantedcommentsand advice about the correct method for raisingyour children: "He woul.d neverbehaue that in my house." like "You. too toughon him." ere "YoLr aren'ttough enough onhim." " ALIhe needs grandma's is spatulaon lusbottom." Many of us do our own shareof blaming, especially beforewe leam about our disorder.Unaware of the underlyingADD, we often grow up blaming our problemson our upbringing and believing that everything wrong in our lives is caused our dysfunctionalfamilies.Our analysis by focuses on the impact of environment,minimizing or excludingconsideration of a neurological make-up. This rather limited view of human behaviormay be fosteredby the value \Testem culture placeson self-determination.'!7e preferto feel that we have control over eventsand can shapedestinyby our actions. It's unnerving to think that our childrert comeas theyare and that we have somewhatlimited influenceon their behavior.


You MEaNI'vt Not Lazv.SruptoOn Cnnzvl!

adoption studiesn Although the jury may be out foreveron this issue, indicate that heredity has a strongerinfluence on ADD than environof that areunclear,a high percentage adoptedchilment. For reasons parentshave a low incidence dren haveADD even though their adoptive has of the disorder. When research studiedthe birth parentsand families of theseadoptedADD children, it hasfound a high incidenceof ADD. Thesefindings point to a geneticbasisfor the syndrome. Many other studiessupportthe theory of a strongheredity component. A University of Minnesotastudypublishedin 1988examinedthe were identical twins who The subjects effectof genes personality. on at had been separated birth and rearedapart.The studyfound that the for twins sharedcharacteristics such asa preference cold coffeeand wearingthree rings on one hand and four on the other.l.The research findings raisedcritical questions about environment asthe primary influenceon personalirydevelopment. or has Relatedresearch focusedon inbom personalitycharacteristics, The New York Longitudinal Study" followed a large temperament. groupof children frorn birth until late adolescence. Three groupsof from the research: different temperamental stylesemerged

Easy Children
well adapt to routines adjust quickly fairly to change mild show to moderate levels intensity of for cryonly specific needs: hunger, wet diaper, etc. positive display moods reactions and

Slow,to,Warm, up Children
with to adjust difficulty new situations from withdraw new expeflences quietly withdraw from change well adjust eventually

Difficult Children
irregular have eating patterns andsleeping poor display adaptability respond with high intensity 0verreact t0 sensory stimulation generally have negative moods levels have activity high


rHE THnr M.,lres FEsrUs Lezv,Sruptoon Cnezv UNorRsrnNDrNG DrsoRoEn

As infants and young children, ADDers often fall into the categoryof with difficult children. In one group of young children later diagnosed of had symptoms their disorder ADD,t' asmany as 70olo demonstrated by agetwo or earlier. Although not all difficult children have ADD, their irregularpattems of the of reacting,eating,and sleepingresemble symptoms ADD. Some expertsconsiderADD an extremein the rangeof normal temperamental differences. s{le that This research emphasizes a child is bom with a temperamental that remainsremarkablystableover time. Although a parent can influa ence the developmentof his child, he can't cause difficult disposition. Pregnancy and Childbirth Complications No one is sureabout the relationshipbetweenbirth complications,prethere is evidence of natal factorsand ADD. In a smallpercentage cases, the that pre andpostbirth problemsincrease infant'srisk of developing symptoms ADD. The risk factorsinclude poor matemal health, maof or temal ageof twenty or less,long labor,fetal distress post-maturity. Most peoplewith ADD don't have a history of theserisk factors.Conversely, most children with historiesof prenataland childbirth complihowever,that early damage cationsdon't developADD. It doesappear, percentage ADDers. of to the CNS is a factor in a small Environmental Toxins in There is ongoing debateabout an increase the numbersof children with ADD. Since definitions of ADD have changed newly diagnosed over time, particularlyregardinghyperactivity,it's difficult to analyze but Somearguethat the incidencehasn't increased that this increase. diagnosticmethodshave identified children with more subtle improved forms of the disorder. that environmentaltoxins play a role. It is undoubtedly Othersspeculate are true rhar environmentalhazards threateningour health. One third of of children with lead poisoninghave symptoms ADD. The role of ADD is a big questionmark. or other pollutants in causing exacerbating to that they might play a part asother substances k's reasonable suspect damage. do, in variouspattemsof neurological


You MpaNI'v Nor L,+zv. SruproOn Cnazv?!

Food Dyes, Additives and Sugar Have you seenthe cartoon illustrating a mother in the grocerystore with her hyperactivechild?\XAile he runs up and down the aisles, she "This cerealwill take the hyperreadsthe label on a box that promises: activity right out of them!" If only it weretrue. For years, number of parentsand professionals a have sworn by the Theoryof FoodDyes,Addinues andSugarasthe cause ADD. Dr. Benof jamin Feingold,"a pediatricianand allergist, developed special a diet to eliminate food additivesand salicylates. The diet doesseemto relieve the symptoms about 5o/o ADD children. Dr. Lendon Smithtaholds in of that the primary culprit in ADD is the consumptionof a largequantity of refined sugar. testedwith little corroborationof The,.etheorieshave been repeatedly proponents'findings.Someparentsare convinced that sugarin their particular,makestheir children hyperactive.Scientific studiesaside,if a particularfood or additive seems contribute to symptoms, makes to it to sense eliminate it from the diet. There may be a subgroup ADDers of who aresensitiveto somefood substances. Information Explosion Somebelievethat "psychological hazards" our increasingly of complex contribute to the higher incidenceof ADD. In his book Fuune society Shoclc, Alan Toffler'5predictedthat dire psychological consequences would resultfrom the rapid changes modem society. in The Theoryof InformanonExplo.sion validity. Many people regarded has asentirely normalin a simplersociety,could becomeoverwhelmedby the demands a fast-paced, of complex one. This doesn'tmean that the psychological hazards cause ADD. It doesseemlogical,however,that they could make the symptoms more noticeableand disabling. Just a Bad Apple \7e doubt that anyoneis doing research this popular,unscientific on goeslike this: The enaticbehnq)ior '\DD children adulx is theory! It of and intenti onal,mnliciouslyplanne misb d ehavi or, This variation on the theme of the Theoryof Blameis basedon the assumption that an ADDer can control his behaviorbut chooses not


UNornsrnNDrNG DrsonogR rsg THRI Mnrrs Us Frel Ltzy. SruprooRCRRzy

to. Of course,thesetheoristsdon't have ADD and don't have a clue what it's like to live with the disorder.

\ . 4


: -

As an ADD adult, you didn't askto be bom this way but you do need to work hard to shoot holes in this theory.Using your disorderasan for behaviordoesn'thelp your personalgrowth and excuse irresponsible gives the BadAppl" theoristsammunition. A11of us need to develop to strategies manageour symptoms-but we need to do it with selfEverypersonwith a disability has to make and forgiveness. acceptance the best of the cardshe'sbeen dealt.

How Common is ADD?

How many of us arethere?Is ADD common?We have to say,somewhat that we don't have the answerto thesequestions!But apologetically, here are some guesstimates.


You MEnNI'r'rNor Lnzv.SruproOn Cnezv?!

The prevalence literature vary widely figuresreportedin professional from 1olo Z0o/o the population. Studiesthat include individuals to of prevalencefigure.The estimateacwithout hyperactivirycite a Z0o/o (in ceptedmany professionals a conservative our opinion) 3-5o/o. is Your question,"But why?"may be on the tip of your tongue.!7hy is there so little consensus? First, there is a lack of agreement about symptorns. Someresearch studies include individualswithout hyperactivityand somedon't. Second,most research focusedon children and hasn't included adolescent has and adult subjects. The lack of consensus about diagnosticcriteria and a somewhatlimited number of studieswith ADD adultshas resultedin statisticsthat vary from studyto study.

Am I Still ADD After All These Years?

\X/hile the expertsexaminedefinitions, statisticsand the existenceof ADD in adults,many of us are too busydealingwith our disorderto debatetheseissues. know, or at leaststronglysuspect, We that we are SrilJ ADD After AILTheseYears. And we're strugglingdaily with the realiry of this disorderin our lives.\Ue've been trying to tell everybody with our wordsand behaviorsthat we haven't maturedout of this "childhood disorder". Until fairly recently, one waslistening. no The nature of our hidden handicapand our ability to manage sympour tomshave fooled scientists into thinking ADD is just for kids. As children we may have worn ow '\DD on oLLr sleeues we bounced off walls as and destroyed everything in sight. By the time we becomeadults,however,most of us have leamedto channel someof the energyinto more sociallyacceptedactivities.Neurologicalchanges might alsocontribute to someof theseadaptivebehaviors.The result is adultswho still have ADD but who have leamed to hide or redirect their more obvious symptoms. KK: "My experience has heightenedmy awareness about the prevalence of ADD in adults.Three yearsago I beganteachingin a small liberal arts college.A year into my teaching,I discovered that I had ADD and beganeducatingmyselfabout the disorderin adults.


ruE Llzv,Srupto on Cnazv UNoERsTRNDING DrsoRognTHRI Mnrrs Us FeEr-

I lUith this new understanding, becameacutelyawareof studentsin my classes who were like me. The first thing I noticed wasthe fidgetiness. hyperactivebut continually jiggled Thesestudentswerenot classically their feet, tappedtheir pencilsor doodled.After the first of two lecture hours, they would begin to sigh impatiently. I madethe startling observationthat I could identifu problemsof attention and organizationin studentssolelyon the basisof their activity continually often the brightestin my classes, levels.Thesestudents, blank looks of coninterrupted to askwhat I had just saidor registered fusion. Somehad difficulty with written work, their brainsgoing so fast they skippedover transitional ideasor left out important details.Th"y alsotended to blurt out irrelevant comments.Many had leamedto in quite well but becamedisorganized novel and stressful compensate situationssuch asthe start of new nursingclinical rotations. who arejust beginning adult life should take heart from Youngreaders my experiences. Many of my students wereexcellentleamersand workerswith positivequalitiesof extra energyand fresh,creativeapproaches. Th"y are representative many adultswho copesuccessfully of with ADD. I have little doubt that severalof them will have distinguished careers. My experience with nursingstudentsbringsme to another point. With one exception,the women I identified with probableaftention deficits hadn't been diagnosed children. This is common for many adults, as particularly women. Little girls with ADD tend to be lessphysically hyperactiveand aggressive than ADD boys.Th"y may receivelesspunishment and disapproval but than their male counterparts often become lost in the shufrle.Their symptoms so subtlethat no one identifies are their problems."

ADD is a Childhood Disorder that Occurs Primarily in Boys

'We hate to break this news to the old-schoo| thought of experts,but authors Kelly and Ramundoare ADDers who are neither boysnor children! The assumption that many more boysthan girls have ADD, is being challengedasincreasing numbersof adult women are newly diagnosed.


You MraN I'v Nor Lezy,SruproOn Cnazy?!

Historically,six times more boysthan girls have been diagnosed with the disorder.The ratio is closerro one:one if ADD without hyperactivity is included.t6 Thesestatisticssuggest that the leaming and adjust. ment problemsof many ADD girls are too subtleto be identified. This apparentunder-identificationof girls and non-hyperactiveboysis a problem.Thesechildren-and adults-have specialneedsthat serious are too often overlooked. 'We have consideredseveralquestionsthat don't have easyanswers. Although most of us are uncomfortablewith ambiguity,we need to focusour attention on other issues that do have answers. "How hasthisdisorder an irnpact mJ life?" had on "How do ^y differences out in my dnily Life?" play "How canI lwlp myselfl" In the next three chapters, we'll look at the impact ADD has at various stages life and at the wayseach of us is uniquely differenr from our of non-ADD peers.!7e'11 devotethe remainderof the book to rhe third questionand sharelots of suggestions managingsymproms for and discoveringyour ADDed Dimension.


CHaprEn 3

Thelrnpacf of Growing witheDD Up

R"*"-ber the Theory of Blame?Blame often fuels a deadlycycle of disapproval. Considerthe following scene. Youare in the grocerJ storeuying to shopwith your child" is tosslng who oranges dcross produce the aisleand pulling rhings the shelq,tes. are off You keenlyawareof the disapproving glares other shoppers of and"hear seueral muttered,"I would" never all.ow child to act Lil<e. my tlwt!" In response the to disapproval JoLLr growing and frustration, Jou angrilygab Jour childand, teIIhersheis an embarrassment you've justabouthad" with her and it obnoxious behauior. Sheresponds eitherby throwingan orange Jou or at writhingin a ternper tantrLun thefloor. on Many of us have countless childhood memories similar scenes.We of werereactingpredictablyto the ADD wiring in our brainswhile our parentswere trying to do the best they could in a tough situation. Thesenegativecyclesof interactionsand reactionsresult from blame. Teachers an underachieving of studentblamethe parentsfor not properly supportingthe child's leaming. The parentsblame the teachers their for incompetence. And everyone blamesthe child. Thesenegativeinterpersonalcyclesbegin early in an ADD child's life and impact in a varieryof wayson her subsequent development. ADD adultshave to copenot only with individual symptoms also but with the negativereactions others.It hasbeensaidthat personality of develops around the ADD handicap-the way each of us dealswith our abilitiesand disabilitiesis affected our life experiences. by


You MraN I'u Nor Lazy,SruproOn Cnazy?!

To examineADD's impact at different ages and stages life, we'll borof row psychologist Eric Erikson'st? Dr. frameworkof psychosocial development. The backdropwill be the Cycle of Blame and Disapproval that makesgrowing up with ADD so difficult.

Developmental Ages and Stages and the Cycle of Disapproval

Infancy-Thrst vs. Mistmst This first stagelastsroughly through the first year of life. The infant's world is filled primarily with sensory experiences. Especially the early in months, shehas little control over her world and relieson caregivers fo1h9r safetyand security. many babiesand their familier, th. stage For of infancy meansfrequentdiapering,soothing,dressing, 3:00 a.m. feedingsand fatigue.But parenrand babydevelopa happycoexisrence. can play out quite differently in the houseThe ADD Infant: This stage hold of an ADD baby.Many of our owrr mothersmight still talk rwenty or thirty yearslater about how difficult we werebeforewe wereboml Even in utero, someADD babiescontinually kick their morhers,allowing them little sleep. Somemothersof ADDers speak ruefullyof the pregnancy asa training period for the lifetime ro come! Sleepless nights and harried daysbecomea way of life asthe parenr copeswith irregulareating and sleeping patterns.Her infant tendsto be over active, cranky,easilystimulatedand loud! Her attemprsro calm and comfort her babyarefrequentlyunsuccessful. fact, holding In her screaming daughterseems make things worse.It isn't uncomto mon for this mother to saylarer that her baby"jusr didn't like her". Difficult infants are uncomfortableand unlwppy.Their parenrsfeel a mixture of anger,disappointmentand self-blame their own apparenr at incompetence.During rheseearly months, the dynamicsof ADD already begin to have a negativeimpact on family relationships. Toddler Years-Autonomy vs. Shame and Doubt From about 12 months to 3 W- yearcold,the toddler develops waysof acting on and reactingto her world. This is a time for gaining self-con. trol and a sense pride asshebeginsto make choices. of


THeIupncr Or GnowrNcUp Wrru ADD

During this time, shedevelopslanguage skills and struggles separafor tion from her caretakers. masters word "NO!" and acquiies She the the behaviorsshe'll need for admissioninto the elite Tenibl^e club. Z's She'sno longer totally dependenron others and beginsto jockey for power in the family unit. This_frstadalescerrce the powerstruggles and that ensueareremarkably similar to the one that followsabout ten or twelve yearslaterl Parents cling with desperate hope to the folk wisdomabout the Terrible 2'snot lasting forever.For many,this is a difficult period. It requiresenormous patience as they attempt to guide their children'seffor$ towardsindependence without beingover-controlling protective. or The ADD Tbddler:The battle of wills betweenthe ADD child and her family really heatsup during this stage. Tempersflare as rhe child's negativepersistence poor adaptabilityclashes and with parentalattemptsto contain the out-of-controlbehaviors. Even the most consistent, conscientious parent can becomedisheartened her child'sseemat ing unwillingness follow rules. to Once mobile, the ADD toddler may be somewhat lessfussyasshediscoversthe excitement of new worlds to conquer.This is often a mixed blessingfor her parentswho are led on a merry chase "My child never ! walked,shealways ran," is a common refrain.The ADD toddler also rolls, climbs,jumps and swings herselfinto situationsthat strike teffor in her parent's heart. Hyperactive,impulsivetoddlersand preschoolers are more likely to have accidents and accidentalpoisonings than nonADDers. PR: "l have a vaguememoryfrom when I was 18 months old, of a room with yellow tile and a red lollipop in the corner of my mourh. That's all I rememberabout that early emergency room visit that ended with five stitchesin my rongue. But I vividly recall an accidentseveral yearslater that wasbut one in a long string of injuries. As I crashedthrough my neighbor'swhite picket fence,I clearlyremember yelling, "oh, oo, not more stitches!" And I alsoremembermy morher looking ar my bloody eye and saying, "Not again!"


You MenNI'v Nor Lnzy.SruproOn Cnnzy?!

KK: "One of my more memorableemergency room visits resulted from plugginga barbecue fork into an electrical outlet. The experience made a lasting impression. this day,I have a fear of plugging To in anything electrical! I have been told that when my mother wasfeeling particularly desperate, shewould tie me to a tree in the yard so I wouldn't hurt myselfor


someoneelse.\Uhen I first heard this story I washorrified! After I becamea parent myself,I could empathizewith the frustration my mother must have felt. And I only have one child-I can hardly imagine how my pregnantmother managed all, with her 1 year old daughter at and veryhyperact 2 yearoldl" we SomeADDers are rather calm and placid asinfants and toddlersonly to wakeup later aspreschoolers. homesof thesetoddlersmight not be The


THEIupncr Or GnowrNcUp tJilrruADD

battle zonesbut can bear a striking resemblance designated to disaster areasafter a major storm! Debris from toys and belongingsare often strewnall over the houseby the distractibletoddler assheflits from one activity to another. The ADD child's lack of control getsin the way of her establishinga healthy sense independence of and creates serious feelingsof inad"q.racy in her parents.Misunderstandings frequently erupt betweenthe parentsof this child, particularly if one parent isn't working outside the home. just a few hours with the child in The working parent usuallyspends the early evening.This parent can be unsympatheticro rhe complaints of the exhaustedspouse who spent all day with the difficult toddler. One stay-at-homemother reportedthat the best thing that ever happenedwasher husband's losing his 1ob.After about three weeksat home with his ADD toddler, he profuselyapologized his for earlier,unfair assessment his wife'sparentingskillsl of Preschool-Initiative vs. Guilt The preschoolchild leams to make increasinglypurposefuldecisions and behavioralchoicesduring this stagein her development. She has mastered her autonomy,has a clear sense herselfasseparate of from others and beginsto developfeelingsof empathy.Through daily trial and error, she gainsan awareness her position in the schemeof of things and assumes someresponsibility her behavior. for The ADD Preschooler: this point in an ADD child's life, the parBy ent knows that the folk wisdom isn't true. The Terrible 2'sshould be over by now but her child is aswillful and difficult asever.The power struggles that have been raging for a while, escalate. The parenr often feelsthat she is fighting a losing battle againsther child's inabiliry ro plan and acceptlimits. She worriesthat while other children are coloring, building with blocksand developingfriendships, daughteris her wanderingaround aimlessly. Somepreschoolers continue to have irregulareating and sleeping pattems and resistall attemptsat toilet training. Motor clumsiness alsobecan comemore apparentasthe older preschooler undertakes complex the


You MEnNI'v Nor Lazy.SrupinOn Cnazy?!

tasksof dressing and tying shoes, cutting, coloring and writing. The preschool teacheris usuallythe first personto describe ADD the child asimmature.It's a word that her parentswill probablyhear for yearsto come! In a preschool setting,the age-inappropriatenessthe of child'sbehavioris particularlynoticeable.Thntrumsthat werenormal during the Terrible 2'sare an embarrassment 3 or 4 yearsold. at Interestingly,many immatureADD children who often have difficulty with change,don't seemto sufferfrom the separation anxiety characteristic of their age-mates. The early,fierce independence seems to smooth the ffansition from home to preschool. PR: "l countedthe daysuntil my youngson would start nurseryschool. While my friendssharedtheir anxietiesabout leavingtheir children, I could hardlycontain my joy at the prospect! \7ith my son in tow, I hunied pastseveraltearful mothersasupsetas their children wereaboutthe impendingseparation. must admit that I I wasn'tprepared my feelings for when Jeremy into his new classroom, ran never even tuming aroundat the door to saygoodbye I wonderedwhy ! he wasn'tjust a little sadaboutleavingme. I didn't feel any better when I returnedto pick him up. After dodging preschoolers leapingjoyfully into their mothers' arms,I greeted son my who lookedat me and said,"l don't want to leave." Many parentsbegin their searchfor answers the riddle of their ADD to child during the preschoolyears. On the adviceof the preschoolteacher, a parent decides find out why her daughterdoesn'tlisten and to follow directions.The fact-findingmissionto the audiologist usually is unproductive.The evaluationrarelyyieldsany information about a specific\earing loss. This trip to the audiologist often overlaps multiple visits to the pediatrician for recurringboutsof otitis media (middle ear infections).The temporaryhearinglossthat accompanies theseear infectionsconffibutesto the ADD child'sdifficultiesin listeningand following directions in preschool. Developmental lagsin speech language or can also


Tur Ivpncr Or GnowrNcUp Wrru ADD

occur if the infections becomechronic. The parent might find herself visiting the audiologistagainfor her child's language therapy and ear tubesto prevent additional infections. Not only is there a strongcorrelationbetweenADD and middle ear infections,there is alsoa high incidenceof allergies, asthmaand other problems.The respiratory familiesof ADD preschoolers often spend hours in physicians' waiting rooms! The preschoolyearsaren't necessarily easyonesfor ADD children but are in general,lessproblematicthan the schoolyearsthat follow. The placedon young children take into accountthe wide difdemands ferences betweenindividual children of the sameage.Preschoolteachers expectchildren to be at differentstages social,emotionaland academic of development.Freedomof choice is built in to the structureof early childhood education. Expectations changedramaticallyasthesechildren move into elementary school.As an ADD child makesthe transition to the next stage, she encountersincreasingpressure competeand perform sociallyand to academically. Elementary School-Industry vs. Inferiority The elementary schoolyearsare critical onesasthe developingchild beginsthe process acquiringthe skills sheneedsto take her place in of society.Children who are for whatever reason,unable to masterthe requiredskills, often develop a sense inferiority. This is when the of proverbialyouknow whathits the fan for many children with attention deficits. The School-AgedADD Child: The philosophyof earlyeducationis to teach children generalskills through exposure varied experiences. to \Tithin the preschoolenvironment,the ADD preschooler's deficitsmay be relativelyhidden or ascribed immaturity. to In elementaryschool,however,the ruleschange.Suddenly,the curious preschoolerbecomes studenr. a She is expectedto learn specific skills and demonstrate knowledge in measurable her ways,ie. tests.The grades marked on her papersand report cardsreflecthow shemeasures


You MenNI'ruNor Lxzy. SruproOn Cnnzy?!

up to classmates. Thesemeasurements include specificsubjectsaswell aseffort and conduct. As demandsfor perforrnanceand comparisonsto peersincrease, becomes risk for failure and subsequent of she at loss selfesteem. Many ADD children have trouble leaming in traditional classrooms whereteachers talk and studentlisten. The overuse written testsand of one word answers measures leaming addsto their problems. as of Th.y often find it difficult to measwe up.


THr Iupncr Or GnowrNcUp lhrH ADD

Strong verbal skills can help an ADD studentfill in the gapsof the in. formation she misses. the other hand, she might sufferprecisely On because can get by. As she movesup through the gradelevels,she she may begin to fail. The complexity of details and demandsfor instant memory recall tax her fragile skills. "Help" often comesin the form of lecturesabout her lack of effort. As the quantity of requiredwritten work exceeds abiliry to produce,she is accused carelessness, her of poor motivation and irresponsibility. This litany is a constanttheme in the lives of ADD schoolchildrenwhose qualiry of work variesfrom day to day.Information that seems clear on Monday is suddenlyincomprehensible Tuesday. on Teachers often misunderstandthe confusionthesechildren feel and comment that they aretoo smartto be acting sodumb.This often leadsto the label of "underachiever". A child with lessability often escapes criticism that plaguesthe the underachieverbut she may be written off and missthe opportunity to reachher potential. Faulty assumptions relegare rhis ADD child ro rhe lowest readingand math groupswhere she is never expectedto accomplish very much. An impulsiveADD child often spends much time in the hall or as principal'soffice asshe doesin her classroom! The frustratedteacher sometimes suggests the disruptivestudentbe evaluatedbVthe school that psychologist. testingrarelyuncovers attention deficits. More often The the than not, the child receives placementin a specialclass the emoa for tionally or behaviorallydisturbed. In socialsituations, impulsiveand hyperactive children arecharacterized asbullies and the non-hyperactive,reserved children asweird, flaky or nerdy.Although many ADD children experiencesocialproblems, the "bullies" seemto have somewhatlesstrouble than their "weird" counterparts. Peers often admire or at leasttolerate rowdinessmore than they do eccentricity.The impaired socialskills of non-hyperactive ADD children (who are often girls) resultsin lonely isolation. Ostracized classmates, may spendtheir recess by they times playing alone. Parentsoften saytheir greatest concem is their daughter's lack of friends.


You MEaNI'v Nor Lazv.SruptoOn Cnazv?!

The drive to be competent in the school yearsincludesa keen interest activities.Even if an ADD child fails in excellingat extra-curricular field can on or her academically, physicalprowess the soccer baseball provide an opportunity for success acceptance. the other hand, On and in if an ADD child makeshumiliating mistakes kickball and on the of math test,shefacesa double-whammy failure.Her peersmay ridicule her in classand reject her everytime they chooseplayersfor their teams-and chooseher last. Relationshipson the home front can also be shaky.Often the ADD child falls apart when she comeshome from school. After hours of working hard just to tread water,her tired brain givesout. \il/ith anticfor might start searching ipation of her arrival,her parent or babysitter inner strength.The chancesare good that the child will walk through the door with a displayof her worst behavior. it The behaviorseems reflecta feelingof: I can'tl<eeDup anJ more... to justhaveto beme. The ensuingbattles over now that I'm safeat home,I Momings choresand homeworkundermineparent-childrelationships. of the can be just asdifficult asthe ADD child anticipates stresses the procrastinationdrive her harried,latecoming day.The dawdling and ! for-work-parents, crazy opThe elementaryschoolyearscan be very difficult. There are endless portunities for humiliation at home, school and in the neighborhood. often getsits start in The I dan'tcareattttudeperfected adolescence, by childhood. The youngADD child startsconstructinga shieldto protect herselffrom embarrassment. The picture isn't totally glnonry,huueuer. Although the teachermight not appreciate ADD child's improbabletalesor detaileddrawings the of monsters, classmates often do. They know that a greatimagination comesin handy at recess. Her creativity and imaginationcan be valuableassets. shedevelops If adequate socialskills,shecan becomea leaderwhen the group discovers that her ideasare interestingand fun. Thankfully, there are many creative,outstandingteacherswho appreciate and respectthe ADD student'sunique talents and gifts. Author Ramundo'sson has worked with several.At the end of his primary


THr Ivpncr OpGnowrNc Wrru ADD Up

cycle,his teacher said,"l thoroughlyenjoyedhavingJeremy my in class. The things I taught him don'r comparero the things he taught me aboutchildrenwith learningdifferences." Adolescence-Identity vs. Confusion for Tbit is a period of searching an identity and experimentingwith different waysof behaving.During this time, the adolescenr struggles to feel successful competent.She measures self-worthprirnarily and her by her success academics, in socialrelationships extra-curricular and activities.Although theseare important issues the school-age for child, they have enormous significance the adolescent. for The ADD Adolescent: Research shownthat adolescents has with ADD are at greaterrisk for loweredschoolachievement, suspension from school,anti-social activity and poor peerrelationships.', Although hyperactivitymay have decreased, difficultieswith aitention, concentration and impulsivitygenerally persist. the ADD adolescenr As measures success the three important areas, often concludes her in she that shehasfailed.The baggage negativefeelingsshecarries of from childhood addsto ever increasing feelingsof inadequacy. School often becomes nightmareof unattainable a goalsevenforADD reens who managed survivein elementary to school. The physicalenvironments largejunior and hlgh schoolbuildings of can be impossibly distracting-hundreds of studenrs move about,lockers slamand bellsring. l)ue to the sheernumbers students, of educarion ar this level resembles assembly an line: Stud,ents in to the classroom, Iisten,tnke notes, real the textbook, prefile pareresearch papers, popquiTTes written exams. and nke and After 50 minutes;conueJor beltsrapidlymovethe stud,ents their hastilygathered and materials another rc work sffidonin the assembly plant. At the next stetion, pushes barningbuttonof the nixt subject, the process anotherteacher the and" begins again. We hope that our metaphordoesn'toffendreaders who arejunior or seniorhigh schoolteachers. But this is how it feelsfor the ADD adolescentwho keeps falling off the conveyorbelt-she simply can'r regroup fast enoughto keepup.


You MEnNI'u Nor Lxzv,SruploOn Cnnzv?!

The heavy demandson fragile memory writing and organization skills can overwhelm the ADD student who previouslysurvivedor and parentsrarely Teachers perhapseven excelled,academically. peerpressure considerthe possibilityof ADD. Instead,they assume is causingthe new academicfailure: "Youknowhow a teenager Slrecares moreaboutherfnenls isJ wouldiustburkle down atd spend work. If she than her school . ." lpss time sociali7ing. \Tithout question,the peergroup is of primary importanceto adolescentswho expendgreatenergytrying to fit in. Unfortunately,many don't do any better sociallythan they do academ. ADD adolescents ically. At this point in their lives, somemay decideto give up on and quietly retreat from interpersonal the idea of peer acceptance Others develop an attitude-at leastthat's how relationships. theseADD teens. characterize parentsand teacherssometimes

TUEIupncr Or GnowrNcUp WrrH ADD

Failing at home, schooland with peers, they work at perfectingthe "l don't care" attitude they beganfosteringin childhood. This bravado of beingbadoften emerges cover up social and performancedeficits. to There is usuallya high school peer group who shares this attitude toward school and adult authority. Believing shehas no orher viable options, the ADD adolescenr may gravitate to this group. She hopes to finally find a measure peer acceprance. of Normal adolescence a time for experimentationasteenagers is struggle to define their identities and separate themselves from their paren6. The impulsive ADD adolescent who experiences failure in every area of her life might take this experimentationto an exrreme.The porential for serioustrouble is real if sheexperimentswith drugs,sexor other risky behaviors. W"henan ADD child becomes adolescent, parentstake an her a deepbreath and hope their growing child can successfully negoriare the hazards. The transition to adulthoodis generallya challengeeven for a welladjustedadolescent. Balancingthe need to break awayfrom parenm with a continued need to be caredfor, is tricky. This paradoxis especially confusingfor an ADD adolescent. Although she may balk at rules and authority, shesecretlyfearsthat she won't be able to make it on her own. She is painfully awareof her shortcomingsand knows that sheneedsto dependon her parentsfor so many things. She is overwhelmedar the prospectof taklng responsibility for the details in her life. How can she manageher life ,rh..t shecan't even manage her homeworkassignments? Emancipationfrom parentsis generallystormyasshebattlesher parents and her fearsof failure.The markedirritability of earlier childhood often developsinto intenseadolescent rebelliousness argumenand tativeness. The normal moodiness this stageis magnifiedin an ADD of teenagerand contributesto the tenseatmosphere within her family. The picture isn't totally gloorny,hupeqten For someADDers, adolescencecan be a time of discovering specialtalentsand abilities.A gift for writing, math, art, physicalprowess mechanicscan rescueheror she might gain statuswithin her peer group and usefulskills for adulthood. Somesociallyskilled ADD adolescents becomequite popular with peerswho admire their energyand sparkle.


You MreN I'v Not Lnzv,SruptoOn Cnazvl!

An early diagnosisand long-term supportivetreatment can help the weather this difficult stage.Without ADDer successfully adolescenr thesefactors,the joumey is much more difficult, but not impossible! are difficulties,most ADD adolescents able In spiteof long-standing grow up and join the majority of ADD to uncovertheir abilities.They adults who are self-supporting. Adulthood entersadulthood. demandscontinue asthe ADD adolescent Escalating with many symptomsof her disorder.And of course, She still struggles with her. of baggage failure and low self-esteem she carriesthe excess when shefinishesher school career. don'r magicallydisappear These eatingat The ADD adult might still find herselfaloneon tlrcplaygroLLnd, go her deskwhile her colleagues out to lunch together.She remainsaloof she because can't trust her socialskills.Her erraticattention,faultymemory and inabiliry to readsocialcuesimpairher ability to participate in the give and take of conversations.

Tur Iupacr Or GnowrNcUp Wrru ADD

The grown-upADDer often has trouble working steadilyon the job, especially the work is boring or repetitious. if She mentally drifts off, distractedbv the samethings that have alwaysderailedher. Inconsisrency can affectthe qualiryof her work. When shewasa studenr,shetumed in late projects.Now shemisses deadlines and business appointments. Although shedoesn'trun aroundher office, shemight fidget a lot and makenumerous trips to the watercooler.Her coworkers might complain that shedoesn'tdo her shareof the work because seems it she'salwavs doing somethingother than working. Argumentswith spouses coworkers and and yelling matcheswith children can becomea way of life for someADDers. The short fusethat caused tempertantrumsin childhood can now createproblemsof intensified,negativeinterpersonal relationships. The adult with ADD experiences world differentlythan orhers the and externalizes experiences, her frequentlyblaming everythingon factorsoutsideherself.She is so distractiblethat she isn't withier long to Unable ro process emotions feelings enough dealwithher emotions. very well and blaming the world for her problems, might experience she explosiveoutbursts depressive or episodes. During theseperiodsshe can barelyfunction at all. Impulsivebuying can creategrowingdebt and financial hardship.A pattem of living for the moment with little attention to rhe future, makes household budgeting and long-termplanning,difficult. Savings accounts might be non-existent.Credit cardsmight exceedtheir limiti. Financialplanning and guardianship the children might be left to for fate,with no consideration a will. Impulsivity and a needfor intense of experiences often result in risky,thrill-seekingbehavior.This might be a factor in the high incidenceof auto accidentsin the ADD population. ADD adultsarealsoat somewhat greater for substance risk abuse. Impulsivity,socialisolationand an inability to handle emorionscan makethe escape alcoholor drugsparricularlytempting.There might alsobe a of biologicalpredisposition substance for abuse, this questionhasn'r but been adequately researched.


You MpnNI'u Not Lnzy.SruproOn Cnezy?!

Adulthood is a mixed-bag.ADD doesseemto improve with agebut in many cases doesn'tgo awayentirely. Research suggests that about half of ADD adults are sufficiently well adjustedthat their symptomscause little or no trouble.te isn't clearwhetherthe symptoms It actuallydiminish or if the ADD adult has leamed to managethem better.Marital instabiliry,frequentjob changes, substance abuseand an increased number of auto accidentsare common characteristics ADD adultswho conof tinue to struggle with severe symptoms. There are somevariablesthat seemto have an impact on adult outcome. Th"y include:intelligence,socialskills,socioeconomic family status, mental health and aggression. general,intelligent children with In good socialskills and a mentally healthy family of higher socioeconomic statushave the bestprognosis. The variable of aggression seems to be a predictor of a pooreroutcome in adulthood.Successful adjustment in adulthood is seriouslycompromised2o ADDers who displayagfor gressive behaviorsin childhood. Adulthood is challengingfor ADDers. \7e arc funcrionaldysfuncrionnls, strugglingwith roller coasterlives we rarely understand.\7e are high smkes'folk with the potential for both disaster and hitting the jackpot! The picture isn't totally glnomy,howeeer.Many ADD adults lead productivelives by usingtheir particularstrengths. Deficits can become assets. Hyperactivity can translateinto incredible productivity and impulsivity into a strongneed for closure-getting the job finished by the deadline.The risk-taking behavior that givesa parent a heart attack can becomea sourceof pride when the child growsup. She takes the big risk that puts her on the map or makesher a millionaire! Excitability can becomesparkle, decidedadvantage socialsituaa in tions and the workplace.Persuasiveness animation are assets and in public relations,sales and advertising. Adults with ADD often shine in thesefields.High struogrcreativeADDers can be exciting presenters and welcomechanges from calm, placid speakers who bore their audiences death. to The ADD child who spenther school yearsin a fantasyland can leam to useher mental free flight in the creative process. This ability to see


THpIupncr Or GnowrNcUp Wrrn ADD

the big picture is valuablein jobs requiring vision and creativiry.Many of us usethis ability to assume positionsof influence. If we leam to make our wanderingminds obey us, they can becomepowerful tools. The restless, jobs that make novelty seekingadult can avoid sedentary her symptomsso difficult to manage.A friend loveshis 1obasa long distancetrucker. He doeshave to sit for a long time but doesn'thave to worry about bothering anyonewith his singing,tapping and wiggling. And he likes the sensationof movement.Another acquaintance has tumed her excess energyinto a lucrativesideline,renovatingold houses in her free time. ITithout a correct diagnosis, many of us may blame our behaviorson depression, anxiety, traumatic life eventsor lack of character.Understandingthat thesebehaviorsare symptoms a central nervoussystem of disordercan have a powerful impact on thesefaulty assumprions. This knowledgecan radically changeour self-perceptions we can leam so to blend in with the rest of humanity. !7e can leam not onlv to survive but to excel!

"Some forms of the disorder dre more disorilerly than others." An ADD adult recently made this interestingobservation.It really capturesthe essence the complexity of ADD. If ADD were a matrer of of symptoms slotted into the three broaddiagnosticcategories, would it be far easierto understand. Figuring out how ADD adults rick, however,isn't nearly this straighr. forward.The disorderis severelydisablingfor someADDers and much lessso for others.To understandhow ADD playsour in individual lives, we need to explore the behavioraldifferences the disorder. of In the next chapter we'll usetheseunique differences understand to why we ADDers behaveaswe do. This will provide the starting place for identifiiing your particular strengthsand weaknesses beginning and your process recovery. of


CHaprpn 4

How We Are Different?

llow We tre [iffenent?
HowAreWe Dtffercnt?
If yo., have ADD, your disordermakesyou different. There'sno doubt about it. You come into the world with differences that are part of the wiring of your brain. Not only are you different from others who don't have ADD, you are alsodifferent from others who do.

Different Doesn't Mean Defective

Yes,eachof us is differentbut differentdoesn'tequaldefective.It's foolish to ignoreour differences pretendthey don't exist.It's equally or foolish to focusexclusively the debit sideof thosedifferences. on Although our lives would probablybe easierwithout ADD, they wouldn't be more valuable. In the first chapterwe examinedthe three broadcategories ADD of symptoms. Now we'll enlargethe discussion considerthe impact to thesesymptoms have in your daily life. You'll learn about your disabilities. You'll alsolearn aboutyour abilities-abilities that are someyour symptoms timeshidden by the problems cause.

So How Do the Differences Affect ADD Adults?

Although we talk of ADD asa distinct disorder, makesmore sense it to think of it asa syndrome:a group of symptomsthat tend to occur together.The concept of a syndromeseems appropriateway of an thinking about a centralnervoussystem that doesn'twork quite right.


How AnEWE DrmntNr?

Researchers disagree about the specificoriginsof ADD bur mosr agreethat the regulatoryfunction of the CNS is somehowerraric and inefficient. !7ith an impaired regulatorysystem,an ADDer may have wildly fluctuating behaviorsfrom day to day or even minute to minute. He may alsohave leaming problemscaused erby ratic attention and information processing. The Wandering Mind Syndrome Most of us have minds that wanderhither and yon. !7e daydream and drift among looselyand tenuouslyconnectedthoughts.As our o*1 thoughts intrude, we changethe subjectand inte.*p, with irrelevantcomments. Regardless the "why" of distractibility, the behaviorsassociated of with it are often mistaken for rudeness eccentri city. Tlw WanAeror ingMind Syndrome, all ADD differences, its plusesand like has minuses. on the minus side,an ADDer might engagein mental free-flight when he should be working. Bosses r.g"id his partially finish.i ,.ports and unretumed phone calls aseviden.. of incompetenceor a poor attitude.In conversations may listen with on" he but con"ur tinue on somelevel to follow his own train of thought. It's obvious to his bossor friend that he isn't all there.His r."*Lg disinterest doesn'twin friendsor influencepeople! On the plus side,he can usehis wanderingmind ro notice things others missand make new and interestingconnectionsbetween ideas. His creativemind can roam beyondconvention into imagination and possibilities. If an ADDer can leam ro conrrol his wanderingthoughtsand cap^ italizeon their richness, can discovera.raluableasiet.Think he about the stereotype the absent-minded of professor the talented or artist who has incredille gifts but stumblesalong trying ro manage the practicaldetailsof life. \7e don't believethisitereoiyp. is mere. ly a myth. If we wereto surveyindividualsin crearivepiofessions, ^of we feel surewe would find a disproporrionare number nnn adults.


Sruptoon Cnazv?! You MrnN I'v Nor L,+zv,

One Channel Operational SYstem \7e Most of us areEqinl Opportunity Attenders. give everything ?ld anyrhing the opportunity to grab our attention! An ineffective filtering systJmnt"ko us vulnerable to distracting stimuli in the environ' ment and in our minds and bodies. and responding It's hard ro get things done when you keepthinking_about diffe."n1 things. The quality of the work you do manageto ro so many your focusis intemrpted so much. accomplisitis often *"rgin"l because juggleseveral things at once' many Although someADDers are able to find this difficult, if not impossible. To accomplishanything, many of us have to operateon o-^lyone channel. Let', .rr" the metafhot of channelson a radio to understandthe dynamicsof One ChsnnelOPeranon. During a drive through the mountains,you may hqve to simultaneously listen io ,",r"r"1 ,t"ti6t s asthey fade in and out. You may spenda lot to of time hitting the scanbutton that is supposed bring in the strongsoonerdo you happily start singing along with your_ est chan."l. No favorite songthan it fadesout as*Jt.ottg"r signaltakesover your radio. The normal brain doesn'tseemto have trouble with channel selection. dinner, he selectsthe food channel. He \7hen a non.ADDer prepares can arrend to this strongiignal and cook the food without buming-it. At the samerime, his biain scansand locatesother strong signals-that channel and bring in imporranr information. He monitors the children argumentensues. switchesto it when a sibling is An abiliry ro rune in severalchannelssimultaneously usefuland to radio in the ADD brain, however,seems have a mal' essential.'The let him switch channelsefficiently. functioning scanbuton that won't Rather th"l" pulling in the strongsignal,it pulls in everychannel with' in a thour"rrd mile radius!He keepi losing track of the channel he's listening to. For many of us, the solution is to tum off the scanbutton. It's the only way ro prevent the weak channelsfrom interfering with our attention to ih" 6ne we're trying to listen to. So we stay tuned in to only one


How AnEWt DrmnrNr?

channel. If we dare switch to the children channel, the pork chops becomedried out, hardenedobjects,permanentlyattachedto the pan we cooked them in! \7e think the one channel phenomenonhas implications for kitchen designers. They really should take a crash.o.,rr. in ADD. If they were awareof this phenomenon,they would never designkitchens wittr large, open spaces preparingdinner and chatting with guesrs rhe ru*i for at time. It may be a greatconcept for non-ADDers. For one channel folk, however,this kitchen designresultsin lousyfood or lousyconversation. Handling both at the sametime is virtually "missionimpossible"! This differencecauses undesirable behaviorsin a one channel ADDer. Demandsto switch channelsare cruel intrusions.He snapsat the interrupting party, snarlsat the personon the phone or losestrack of what he'sdoing. He may tune out the interruption, not even noting it or reacting v-e-py slowly to it ashe undertakesthe arduoustask of switching gears. KK: "'S7"hen worked on a psychiatricunit, I sharedthe responsibility I for answeringthe telephone.I had trouble switching gearsfast enough t9.n1c\ up the phone after a few rings. Often, I never heard it ring ai all. Other staff membersresented*y failure to do my shareof thii 1ob. Th.y mi.stakenly assumed thought I was"roo good" to do this mun. I dane task." An ADDer can be at a disadvantage the workplacewhen he has to in tune in to many channels.The phone,boss and coworker channelsall competefor his attention. Many workerscomplain that numerousinter. ruptionsforce them to bring most of their work home in a briefcase. Thev can't get anyrhing done ar rhe office. The Locking In and Blocking Out Phenomena An int_e_resting correlateto the one channel phenomenonis overpersistence.When an ADDer becomes locked in ro a rask,he can'r ttop. Hi, overpersistence makeswitchinggears can very difficult. It can alsocause a friend, colleague spouse leap to erroneous or to conclusions. "lt's 1. obvioushe can pay attention when he wantsto." 2. "He's so rudel He completelyignoresme."


Sruploon Cnnzv?! You MEnNI'trlNor L,+zx,

that causeproblemswith Erratic focusand the generaldysregulation seemincompatiblewith overpersisconcentrationand stick-to.itiveness tasksand short attention spanscharacteristic tence. Aren't unfinished answeris yes.. .andno! of ADDers?We|l, the paradoxical could be just Overpersistence Much of ADD behavioris paradoxical. anotherdifferencethat is at oddswith a "short attention span".But we submit that it's more than that. An ADDer expendsgreatenergyand effiortto shut our rhe distractionsof other channels.With an unfiltered world rushing in to his brain, he has to developsomerather powsensory may be one of them. to er{ul defenses ,,r-ine. Overpersistence \7e believe rhar an ADD adult may deliberatelyusethis locking'in ability to shut our rhe rest of the world. It can insulatehim from the wear and tear of handling the flood of incoming information. A one strategy as channel ADDer may usehis overpersistence a compensatory at one time. in a socieryrhar valuesthe ability to bounce many balls and Spouses friends is Overpersisrence definitely a double edged_sword. and write for hours,oblivious *u1rfl at rhe abiliry to sit at a computer tums to annoyance'how' to everything else.E t ry of this self-absorption ever,*ir". ."ui.,po,rrsunnoticed through open windowsor the tomado siren evokesnot even a blinkt The good news is that this disability/ability differencecan be usedto The good"ad,ranrage. bad news is that locking-in can be inappropriate, certain situations.ReIo.rrrt.rproductive or downright dangerous-in computer insteadof racthe tomado siren-ltcking-in to the *.-b.i consequences! could have disastrous ing for the basement The "I Hate Details" DYnamic Many of us have an aversionto details.An inability to scanand switch channelsplaysinto this aversion.To scanfor details,we have to attend ro numerouspiecesof data. We find that our brains are uncooperative \7e when we try io absorbmany detailssimultaneously. may forget remembersequential much of what we seeor hear.\fhen we try to the details,we can losethe first stepbeforewe can assimilate second. de' for the gestalt(the big picture) over miscellaneous Our preference difficulty with data processing' tails, may in part result from this


How Anr WEDrrpEnENr?

The (Don't Do Today What You Can Put Off Till Tomorrow" Dynamic Many peoplelive by this creed.Filing several extensions a federal on income tax filing can put off this oneroustask aslong aspossible.But 'We're we'renot talking about a conscious decisionto procrastinate. talking about the frustration many of us feel every time we rry ro ger startedon anyrhing. What appears be stallingor an apparentunwillingness do someto to thing is often a sign of the superhuman effort requiredto begin concentrating on a new task.Refocusing painful. It takesa lot of blood, is sweatand tears.Although an ADDer may do great after he getsgoing, he has to work hard to shut out the rest of the world and t.r* off theother channels.It's possible becomemore efficient at self-starting to but it takestime and self-discipline leam this skill. to A Defective Filter Another brain function that goesawry in ADD is the filtering mechanism.A brain that is working at peak efficiencycan selectwhat it needsto concentrateon and filter out extraneous distractions.It works much like the oil filter in a car. It filters out the dirty, useless parricles so the engine can operateefficiently with clean oil. Coffeefiltirs per. form a similar function, preventing the bitter groundsfrom gerting mixed in with the liquid. ADefective Filterpermits the "groundsto get mixed ,rp with rhe coffee." An ADDer experiences world as a barrageto his senses-noises, the sightsand smellsrush in without barriersor protection.Normal noise levelscan interferewith his ability to hear conversations maintain or a train of thought. Even in a relatively quiet restaurant,backgroundnoisescompetefor his attention and interfere with his abiliry ro listen ro rhe r"ilr"r. During a telephonecall, he may snapar a spouse who makesthe slightest noisein the room. Unfiltered visualdistractions can make shoppinga nightmare.The process scanningthe contentsof a largedepartment of store can be agonizing.The quantity of choicesis overwhelming and often createsfeelingsof intense anxiety and irritation.


You MrnN l't,rNot Lazv.Sruploon Cnnzv?l

Touchy Touchability of An ADDer can be very touchy about being touched!His sense touch channelsare. is vulnerableto overstimulation asthe rest of his sensory An intolerance of touch or closephysicalproximity is a fairly common differencenoted by ADD adults.The term TactileDefensiveness of found in occupationaltherapy literature, capturesthe essence this At it Similar to most ADD symptoms, waxesand wanes. difference. times the need for physicalspaceis acute and an ADDer simply can't toleratebeing aroundother people. he of It's ironic that with his poor sense physicalboundaries, may bump physicalspacewhile he fiercely protectshis own. into someoneelse's "Peoplelike me-other ADDers-can One ADDer ruefully observed: drive me crazy.I hate to be touched and they keep bumping into me." pets don't have Others saythey don't like livlng with animalsbecause for respect physicalboundaries! Roller Coaster Emotions

oNE,ono*at R'LLER cob$g*s hgDr*'Ltug

the We're not exactlysurewhat causes problemswith mood and emo. tion in ADD. \7e do know that ADDers often saythey live on emotion{luctuate,with extremealterationsin Feelingstates al roller coasters. the highs and lows over hoursor even minutes. involving Maintaining emotionson an even keel is an intricate process For by fine adjusrments different partsof the brain and nervoussystem. He seems be dysregulated. walksprecariousto an ADDer, this process ly on his high wire never knowing how he'll feel at a given moment. The peoplein his life may tiptoe aroundhim, fearinghis next bad mood. Intense INTENSITY Feelings amplified are ADD adultsasintense. Peopleoften describe and blastedout with little restraint.W"henan ADDer is angry he might yell or throw things. \7hen he'shappy,he often captivatespeople with displaysof positive energy. dazzhng


How AnEWEDrrpEnrNr?

Low moodsfeel like the end of the world. Many of us have passionare natures,artistic temperaments react quickly and to an extreme.Our that tendency to boastand exaggerare may result from experiencingthe world so intensely.If we alwaysseethe world in vivid living .o1o., we'll describe that way to others.It isn't a plannedexaggerarion it bur a valid reflectionof our perceprions. A Short Fuse lfhen somethingpushes ADD adult'stemperamental an butrons,impulsivity often kicks in. It may take little to r"i off his explosiveremper or tum him into an irritable grouch.The outbursrthat resultscan be ", baffling to him as it is frightening to the peoplearound him. After the explosion that seems come from nowhere,he often feelsashamed. to He can't understandwhy he madesuch a big deal out of nothing. His angerusuallydisappears quickly as it appeared the angerhe as but elicits in other peopledoesn'tgo awayquite asfast.They headsat his childish reactionto a bumed pieceof toast.He couldjust get another piece.Instead,he fusses fumes.Since setbacks and throw him off balanceso easily,he startscomplaining when he should be trying to solve the problem. The IDP Dynamic-Irritability, Dissatisfaction or Pessimism The moodiness ADD can be expressed generalized in as irritability. There may not be dramaticexplosions temperbut rather,a continual of Unfortunately,thgirritable ADDer misses on the highs, our insteadexperiencingchronic dissatisfaction. seldomexpresses He positive thoughts or feelingsand travels through life exuding an aura of pessimism. Through no fault of his own, he views his world through gray-colored glasses'. Another manifestation this generalized of irritability has lessto do rt_th pessimism than with a feeling of being consranrlyannoyedby other peopleand events.The ADDer may be sarcastic, rude or abrupt with others. Depression? The-symptoms depression of and those of ADD can be remarkably similar.Mental health professionals somerimes have difficultv disiin-


You MreN I'u Nor Lxzy, Sruproon Cnezv?

guishingone disorderfrom the other. When in doubt, many choose an antidepressant the medical treatment since it can help sympas toms of both disorders. and ADD occur together in the SometimesClinical Depression sameindividual. $sregulated emotionscan alsoappearto be symptoms of depression when they're not. The symptomscan mask underlying attentional problems.It isn't uncommon for a mental of health professional make a diagnosis depression to and totally missthe ADD. The depression-like symptomsof ADD adults might be part of the neurologicaldysregulationthat causes disorder.They might be the part of an emotional response repeatedfailure. Likely, the moodto inessof many ADDers is a little of both. Differentiating ADD from can be difficult but it's vitally important. The Clinical Depression emotional piece of ADD is often just the tip of the icebergof other problemsthat must be addressed. Boffomless Pit of Needs and Desires "I want.,,I need...Imustl'taqte" On any given day,parentseverywherehear theseimmortal words! In the grocerystorecheckout,the beggingcan be for a pack of gum water pistol. Alor candyand at the toy store,for the latest,greatest though it isn't easyfor children to leam that they can't have everything, they usuallygrudginglyleam to acceptthe deprivation. For many ADDers, the intensefeelingsof need continue forever.It's part of the dysregulation ADD. of ongoing problemswith his An insatiableADD adult experiences appetitefor many things-sex, alcohol,excitement,etc. He is a bottomlesspit of needs,alwayslooking aheadand never feeling satisfied.The simplerpleasures life are too mild. Intenseexperiences of must match his voraciousappetite. This insatiability can manifest itself in varied ways.Inside, it feels like an overwhelmingcraving. The craving is often non-specific-


Ho'w Ans Wr DtmnENr?

not it's for somethingbut for anything in particular. An ADDer might the to food, sex,liquor or shoppingsprees appease greedyNeeds use Monster.Unfortunately, feeding the monster makeshim grow larger and more insistent so the ADDer setsa vicious cycle in motion. He can exhaustfriends and lovers with demandsfor attention and affection becauserta olnount is ever enough.

SomeADDers developpattems of behavior that include habitual overearingor binge drinking. It's conceivablethat a significantpercentage of the membqrin the "Anonymous" groups-alcoholism, codependen. cy, and sex.airdlove addictions,could have ADD. \Uith hard work, an insatiableADD adult can leam to say"No" to the of non-stop"l want, I need,I must have" message his NeedsMonster. cravingsby dabbling in sportscar racing or He might quiet his restless tiLL his bungeejumping. He might assuage need to sh.op yardrop througha of strategyan acquaintance ourshas designed.


You MreN I'rnl Nor Lezy.Sruproon Cnazy?!

She goeson periodic shoppingbinges,frantically charginghundredsof dollarsof merchandise. Having happily fed her NeedsMonsrerwith all her packages, headshome. But wait a minute. Doesn'rthat she makehim grow even larger? her case, doesn'tbecause In it there'sa secondpart of her strategy. The key is that shehas taught herselfto bring the packages home and never open them. She has leamed that within a few hours or days,the cravingsfor her purchases will have subsided. Then she goeson another shoppingtrip ro retum everyrhing shebought! Activity Levels in Flux SomeADDersare hyperactive, thoughnot all thetime. SomeADDersare hypoactive. Most ADD ersare hyperactiqre hypoactive and . Literature frequently refersto ADDers as hyperactives-a referenceto excessive activity levels.This reflectsa viewpoint that is both contro. versialand somewhatoutdated.Although someprofessionals focus still on high activity levelsin diagnosing preferro considerthe ADD, we issueof hyperactivity asone piece of a more generalized dysregulated acnvitylevel This dysregulation can include roomuchaction (hyperactivity ) too little action (hypoactivity) andfluctu^ations betweenthe two extremes. SomeADDers know somethingthat many professionals don't understand:hypoactivitycan be a troubling parr of ADD. A hypoactive ADDer movesin slow motion and hearsmany "Getmowing's." only If he could. It would take a bonfire beneathhim to causeany movemenr at all! He may envy his hyperactivecounrerparr. A hyperactiveADDer's differences most noticeablewhen he has are to sit still. That's when he starrsswinginghis leg or gnawingon his pencil. If his job permitsphysicalactivity, the hyperactiveadult can be indistinguishable from his non-ADD colleagues. Travelingsalespeople copewith restlessness stayingon the road and by on the move.Nursesjoke about needingroller skates get from one to end of the shift to the other. Likewise,the construction worker has a


How Anr,We DrrrpRrNr.

job that lets him expendphysicalenergy. The level of activity required jobs can provide a neededoutlet for hyperactivity. in these that Many ADDers are both hyperactiveand hypoactive.It seems activity levelsfluctuate betweenextremes,much like the other dysregulatedsymptoms ADD. Sometimes ADDer movesand talks at of the mega-speed only to flip to a stateof inactivity that makeshim appear nearly comatose. SomeADDers report that on a given day,their activity levelsseemto build from morning to evening. They are slow moving and thinking in the morning, functioning well only if they can carry out routines withwith family members out interruption. Early moming conversations TheseADD adultsdecan consistof grunts and one word answers. as scribethemselves operatingon "autopilot", capableof little more than routine, automatic functions. Thesefolk begin to gain alertNothing helpsto speed this process. up nessby midmoming which is a problem when they work standard daytime hours. By noon, they're going full tilt, using their energyto drained talk nonstop to coworkersover lunch. With energyreserves by mid-aftemoon, the big slump often hits with a fight to stay awake. The cycle often continueswith a late aftemoon shot of newly found energywhen they start revving up again.For many,the evening hours are the most productive-late aftemoon or evening shifts enablethem to work at peak efficiency. This pattem is certainly not unique to ADDers. After eating in particular, many peoplesufferfrom a slow-downastheir bodiesmobilize for food digestion.The practice of the siesta many countriesmay be in relatedto this normal physiological cycle. An ADDer's cycles,however,seemto have more intensepeaksand slumps. a group,ADD adultstend to be night owls.Many have As trouble getting startedin the moming and displayirregularpatternsof hyperactivity and lethargy throughout the day. Although many expertsregardhyperactivity asa primary symptomof for ADD, others hypothesize that it's an attempt to compensate under-


You MrnN I'u Nor Lrzy, Sruproon Cnnzy?!

arousal. Likely, both theorieshold parcels truth. At times,rhe ADDer of seems be frantically trying to keep himself going by being physically to active.Insteadof taking Ritalin to maintain focusand regulation,he might usestrenuous exerciseto boost his flaggingenergyand attention level. At other times, he seems frantically driven by hii hyperacrivity, a force over which he has limited control. Peoplewith high energylevelscan accomplishmany things in a short time. \7hi1e others complain that a twenry-four hour day isn't long enggghto get everythingdone, an ADDer might search extra things for to fill up the unusedhours. Hyperactivity can be helpful. Unfortunately,many ADD adultsenergetically spin their wheels,go in circles and get nowhere.The goal of trearmenror self-helpcan'r be just to slawthe ADDer dawn, but to help him leam to useand direct his energy more efficiently. Thrill Seeking Lack of restraint can causean ADDer to risk life and limb in pursuit of excitement.As a group,we tend to be thrill seekers, minimizing inher. ent risk and danger.As children we fell out of treesand dov. fto* great heights. !7e may have made frequent trips to rhe emergency room to have our bruisedand batteredbodiespatchedup. As adults 'We we're on our own without anyoneto remind us of the dangers. may still be making emergency room visits for far more serious injuries. Insteadof climbing trees,we may be climbing mounrainsor skydiving. An ADDer isn't the only adult who enjoysactivitieswith a high element of risk. But he may approachtheseactivities without sufficient planning. His behavior can be more risky because engages thrill he in seekingwithout recognizingthe inherent risks involved. He fails to pay sufficientattention to registerthem. Since he doesn'rregister or process information about risks,he doesn'treally believein them. the Fuzziness about the extemal world may make him feel invincible and may give him a falsesense safety. of The Intractable Time Tyrant Time is an elusiveentity to many of us.Sometimes feel we'vehave we entereda time warp-a twilight zonewherewe treadwater,get nowhereand accomplish nothing. Our sense time is elastiC of and we


How AnEWE DIrrrnENr?

the characteristically underestimate time it will take to do anything. As children, we're late for school,stay out beyondour curfewsand As misshomework deadlines. adults,we might be late for work and bosses coand have trouble completingprojectson time. Teachers, or workersoften misinterpret the tardinessaslaziness an indifference to their needs.In reality, our behaviorscan result from an altered time sense and an inability to plan. An unscientific diagnostictool could be to count the items on a person's"To Do" list for a given day.In Chapter 13, we'll offer a "test" we'vedeveloped diagnosis to ADD asa measure disorganization! of The daily list of an ADDer usuallyincludesfar more than any human friend planned to could accomplishin three or four days.A professor write three articles,a book and two grantsover the summermonths. His unrealisticgoalswerequite typical for an ADDer! Perhaps there is a brain function called "Time" that doesn't operate are efficiently in an ADDer's brain. More likely, his TimeTroubles caused variousdeficits and his failure to factor in their impactson by his life. He figuresthat it shouldn't take more than two hours to prepare a small dinner for friends.So, he decidesto add a few extra things he to his afternoonplans.Regrettably, fails to plan for the inevitable distractionsthat will derail him. Preparingthe meal alwaystakesmuch longer than he thinks it will. both Time toubles play out in other waysaswell, with time passing more quickly and more slowly than it should.\fhen an ADDer is lost in his own compelling thoughts,the hours fly by in an instant while routine work hours inch along at an excruciatinglyslow pace. Sometimes, even unpleasant taskscan grabthe ADD adult. Most people don't think of houseworkastheir favorite activity. Then why doesan ADDer who hateshouseworkspendhours "spit-shining" his house while other choresremain unfinished?The answerlies in overpersistence.It's not uncommonfor him to becomelocked-in,obsessively as attacking tiny specks dirt. The day evaporates he scrubsa small of portion of a room into antisepticperfection.This would be okay if he had the time or inclination to spendhis life pursuingthe elusivedream


You MpaNI'u Nor Ll:zy.Sruproon Cnazy?!

of a spotless home. Of course, time is limited and must be divided his among a variety of chores. The time he neqter accountedfor is eatenup by lisx tlwt are too long: Anotherday is gone.. .Itt 3 o'clnckin tlte morning, .The alarrn will go off , in threehows. . .Doesn'ttlw TtmeMonstnreuer sleep? ?? Space Stmggles An ADD adult can alsohave a distorted sense spaceand problems of of directionality. As an adult, he might still rely on the visual clue of his wristwatch to identify right and left. He might have difficulty following a road map or understandingthe compass settingsof North, South, Eastand \Uest. He can alsohave a distorted sense how his body movesin spacein of relationshipto other objects.As a consequence, bumpsinto other he peopleor fumiture. He might be unable to gaugethe speedand direction of a ball in tennis or baseballgames. Sportsthat demandfinely tuned spatial abilities can be particularly difficult for him. Similar to a distortedsense time, an alteredsense space of of might be relatedto excessive speed and deficient planning. It can alsoresultfrom the impairedinformation processing a specificleaming disability. of Spatial problemsaren't limited to sportsactivities and directionality. They alsohave an impact on organization.An ADD adult often lives with a daunting amount of clutter and disorganization. Even when he slowsdown to take the time to tidy up, he facesa nightmarish task of figuring out what to do with his chaotic surroundings. may dream He of having enough money to hire the right personto organizeall the stuff in his life so he can ger on with the business living. of The ADD brain seemsto have trouble sorting and filing. \7e ADDers tend to focuson all the exceptionsto the orderly rulesof the world. \7e play a perpetualgameof "But what about. . .l' It's difficult to organize either space a filing system or without an ability to decidewhich things belong together. Memory alsoplaysa role in an ADDer's SpaceTroubles.Beforehe can

How AnEWs DtrprneNr?

he organizehis belongings, has to rememberwhere they are.After he finds them he still has to figure out what to do with them! ourselves Some of us dismissthe e{fectof clutter on our lives, assuring with that tidinessis simply a wasteof time. Others becomeobsessed putting things in order and have time for little else.Although neither courseof action is particularly helpful, problemswith spatialorganization are common for many of us with ADD. The ADDer's environment is a confusingone over which he constantly of struggles gain a semblance control. A certain degreeof order is to important for emotional well-being. Preventingthe overwhelming feelingsof confusionthat resultfrom untamedpiles of junk is an important goal. Information Processing of Some of the differences ADDers can be understoodwithin the conprocessing. How do we think about and act on the text of information information we receivefrom the environment?Do we have unique To ADD thinking and acting styles? answerthesequestionsand examas in ine other differences ADD adults,we'll usethe Theoryof Systems a working model of the brain'sfunctions. partsorganized into a whole to servea funcconsistof assorted Systems from the tion or reach a goal. Every systemusesenergyand resources input into an the or environment as its input. It transforms, altemative form called outputand sendsit back to the environment. A computer systemtakesinput from humansby way of the keyboard. new information asoutput on a printout. it It processes and produces Similarly, the human brain receivesinput from the outsideworld processes and producesoutput in the form of it through the senses, wordsor actions. If a computer malfunctions,we look at the three parts of the systemto find out what'swrong. Human error can interfere with input if information is keyed incorrectly.A problem in the information processing of the computer itself may alsoexist. Finally, the output function can be flawed if there is a mechanicalproblem with the printer.


You MraN I'u Nor Lxzy.Sruproon Cnnzyl!

Breakingdown the workingsof the brain in to thesethree components can help us better understand what'shappeningwhen things go wrong. A significant problem for many of us with ADD is mismatchedinput, information processing and output capacities. In general,an ADDer processes intemal information rapidly but has a lessefficient capacityfor the input and output functions. Problemswith selectiveattention and filtering compromise qualiry of input-getting the information into his brain. Difficulties with impulsivity,activity levels, memoryretrieval, motor control and rambling speech compromise the quality of output-effectively communicating or acting on the pro. cessed information. Let's take a look at how input/output weaknesses and intemal processing strengthscreatesomeunique ADD differences. Action and Inaction Imbalance \7e know that asADD adults,we have problemswith aftention. That's why our disorderis called an Attention Deficit Disorder.\7e have trouble with selective attenaon-focusing on one part of the vast array of information that bombardsour senses. This is just the first step in processing information, however. '!7e alsohave trouble with the secondstep, sele,ctiqte intention-selecting one response from a variety of possible action choices. Levinezt examines interplayof selectiveintention and selectiveattention the in his book on developmentalvariation. He makesthe point that it's rare to find a personwho has difficulty with attention without also having difficulty with intention, or acrion. \Uhen your teachercomplainedthat you weren't paying attention, washe observing neurological process your brain?Of course the in not! He wasobservingbehavior.Your action-looking out the window rather than at your math book-resulted from listening to the blue jay insteadof your teacher. The action part of attention depends balancingthe forcesof action, on and inaction, inhibition. The brain needsto facilitare, or supfacilinaon port helpful actionswhile it inhibits, or blocks the harmful ones.Many of the differences unique to an ADDer resultfrom an imbalancein this area.\fhen he should be in his inaction mode, he blurts out a hasty,


How Anr WE DrrrrneNr?

sloppyresponse should have inhibited. \Uhen he should be in his he action mode, he fails to answera questionhe should have facilitated. In tennis, facilitation helps him react quickly to retum a shot and inhibition preventshim from reacting too quickly and moving when he should be waiting. A bad gameof tennis is one thing but social errorsare somethingelse. Disinhibition causes many of the socialproblemsan ADDer experiences.He says things he shouldn't say,interrupts conversations and intrudeson a friend'spersonalspace.Because has trouble slowing he down enough to stop and think, he may not even realizehis mistake. Sometimeshe may realizeit but is too embarrassed apologize. to Failure to restrainor inhibit can causeproblemsfar more seriousthan a socialfaux pas.An ADDer tends to react quickly and intenselyto his impulses. may strike out at his children or let loosea streamof He verbal abuse. Arguments with his spouse can quickly get out of hand ashe saysthings in the heat of the moment only to regret them later. He doesn'tmean to lash out and is ashamed his behavior.The hasty of wordsor actionswere neither planned nor intended. If behavior judgedby intentions,we ADDers are blnrnelessis we didn't,mean it! While it's true that we're not calculating criminals, we need to look beyond good intentions. These impulsive wordsor actions can destroy relationshipsand psyches.\Ue have to considerthe impact of our people,especially loved ones. behavioron other our A failure to inhibit one'swords isn't alwaysa negativequality-an ability to sayjust about anything can come in handy.Thlking about personalexperiences and problemscan open doorsfor others to share confidences. Most people are enormouslyrelieved to discoverthat others sharetheir fearsand insecurities. The mushroomingnumber of supportgroupsis evidenceof this need to shareand be intimate. Many peopleseemto be starvedfor connectionsto others.


You MEaNI'r.,t Not Lxzy, Sruproon Cnazy?!

Peoplelaugh when the truth is exaggerated, twisted,or expandedto the level of absurdity. An ADDer who doesn't inhiblt the flow of his thoughts can dreamup outrageously funny things to say-things that others wouldn't dare to utter! If he can leam to monitor himself sufficiently to keep from steppingover the line into offensiveness, can he contribute a sparklingsense humor. of The Supersonic Brain Statedsimply,the ADD brain goesfast! Although we've listed it separately,the Srzpersonic Brain is closelyrelated to the action/inaction balance. An ADDefs ahered cogninve rcmpocan translateinto unmonitored rapid-fire speech. \Tithout pausingfor breath, he may prevenr anyone elsefrom getting a word in edgewise. Handwriting and other aspects of task perfrormance alsosufferashe fails to slow down enoughto balcan ancehis intemal processing physicalcapabilities (output). As a and result,he makescareless errorsand has trouble with motor tasks.The authors,for instance,have had a long-standinglove/hate relationship with tennis that hasresultedin part from the Supersonic Brain phenomenon. PR: "Kate and I should have our nameslisted on a plaqueof notable accomplishments, kind of Guinness a Bookof Records. merit incluI7e sion on the basisof our record setting number of yearsin beginner and advancedbeginner tennis lessons Regardless how hard we worked ! of at our game,we never seemed make much progress. to After we both startedtaking Ritalin, we experienced startling improvementin our a skillson the tennis court. Lest strugglingathletesread this and race to their pharmacies their for physicalskill pills, I need to emphasize that the improvementwe ex'!7e periencedwasone of mentalskill. were playing better because we werethinking better,or at leastmore slowly and with better planning. Taming our runawaythinking temposgaveus a more accuratesense of time. Our abilities to strategize s-l-o-w d-o-w-n improvedour game. and With relief and a sense accomplishment,we finally graduared of from our beginnerlessons."


How Aru We DrrrpnrNr?

Applying the brakesto our SupersonicBrains often getseasierby the time we becomeadults.Many of us manageto achievesomedegreeof balanceand an ability to stop and think-at leastmore often than we did aschildren. Unfortunately, assoon aswe start feeling complacent, something invariably goeswrong. KK: "I'm certainly no whiz at higher mathematicsbut I can accurately add long columns of figures.I prefer doing my addition without a calculator so I don't have to worry about pushing the wrong buttons. Severalyearsago,however,I made the mistakeof rapidly calculating our householdbudget to ascertainwhether my husbandand I could afford a major renovation. I didn't recheckmy figuresbeforeassuring my husbandthat the project wasfinancially do-able.I sweptawayhis natural caution with my enthusiasmand energyand implied that he wasa stick-in-the-mudfor raisingquestions and objections.After we had committed to the project and were up to our earsin plasterdust, I found a glaring omissionin my figures.I had neglectedto add the mortgagepaymenrro our monthly budget! My saintedgrandmotherbailed us out. If shehadn't given me a portion of an inheritance, we might still be in debtors'prison-assuming such placesstill exist! \7e could have lost our houseand still feel the pinch of my mistake.Frankly,it scared devil out of me!" the This anecdoteis illusffative of an important balancing act for many of us with ADD. We have to put the brakeson our racing thoughts grad. ually enoughthat we don't come to screeching halts, paralyzed by fearsof making impulsive mistakes.Alternately, we don'r alwaysapply the brakeswhen we should, especially when we're working on some. thing easyor familiar. !7hen we're feeling overconfident we may "put the pedal to the metal" and sendour racing thoughts careeningout of control! Paralysis of the Will The balancecan also tip in the other direction, with a failure to act ar all-something like a paralysis the will. The output function totally of 'S7hen stopsworking. this happens,the ADDer may find himself in a frozenstate,unable to take appropriateaction. He may watch the softball whiz by as if he were a spectatorinsteadof the player responsible for intercepting it. \7hen it's time to answersomeone's question,


You MEaNI'v Nor Lezy.Sruproon Cnazy?!

he may standback feelingstupid,because can't think of a response. he Input problemsprobablyalsoplay a part in this paralysis the will. If of he hasn't input the information he needsto properlyrespond,the quality of his output will be impaired. Reaction Time Irregularity Our discussion the fast-thinkingbrain may seempuzzling. of You may be thinking, "That's crazy!My brain moveswith the speed a glacier of and it makesme feel pretty stupid."This is anotherof the ADD paradoxes.Your brain movesboth very slowly and very rapidlyJepending on the task. If an ADDer is free to direct his own thoughtsand actions,the rapid freewheelingaspectof his brain takesover. When he has to fit into someone else's agenda either with wordsor actions,he finds it more difficult to function well. In other words, it's easier ect thanreact. to Reactingdepends the problematicinput and output functionsof an on ADD brain. If you can rely on your ability to process information interyou can often take swift and decisiveaction. nally, Fluent self-expression independentof an ability to respondto quesis tions. A personwith the gift of gabwho ignoresyou when you ask direct questions, might not be rude or disinterested. might have He trouble retrieving things from memoryin a demandsituation. PR: "I have a particular gift for speaking and conduct workshops without missinga beat.\fhen I get readyto shareinformation with an audience, becomeenergized focused. thoroughlyenjoy this I and I work and am never at a lossfor words.But informal gatheringsare a totally different matter. Even in a group of friends, I often flnd myself gropingfor things to sayin response questions. to This bafflingbehaviorconfused until I understood ADD. Now me my it makesperfectsense. am in chargeof my thoughtsand the direcI tion of my work during my conferences. rely on the wealth of my I knowledgeand my excellentlong-termmemoryto orchestrate these sessions. questionand answerperiod isn't a problemeither The because focusis somethingI know well. But at the socialgatherthe ing, I have to react and respondto conversation generated other by people.My brain often doesn'twork fastenoughto find what I need to say.On the way home from thesegatherings, usuallythink of many I


How Anr Wp DrpreRENr?

things I could have said." Clearly,most peoplefunction bestu'hen the task or subjectis something they know well. You don't have to have ADD to be at a lossfor words.But ADDers seemto regularlyexperience this phenomenon.It resultsfrom a significant imbalancein action and reaction capabilities. Connections to the world are generallyslow and inefficienr while internal connectionswork with lightning rapidity. Ourpur can be difficult because ADDer has to synchronize mental speed the his with his sloweroutput. An inability to respondquickly to requests seems be to stubbornor non-compliantbehavior.In reality,thesebehaviors can be manifestations irregularreactioncapabilities. mouth, brain and of His body just don't cooperate very well in demandsituations. As many of us struggle with mismatched input/outputcapabilities, we feel out of control. We live in a world of paradoxes, world that seems a to tossus about by inexplicableforces. Our needfor control doesn't come from a desireto be one up on others.It is often a desperate attempt to managea situationso we can function with a degree comof petence.Otherwise,it's so easyto look and feel stupid. ADD children may not work well in the groupsettingof a classroom but perform well with a tutor. An ADD adult can have difficulty working asa committee memberyet perfrorm admirablyas the chairperson. He may standaroundthe kitchen of a friend preparinga dinner party, unable to figure out how to assist. But he may successfully orchestrate a socialactivity of his own design. These behaviorscan make you feel lazyand bad about ourself.It's important to remember that this is anotherpieceof ADD. Thesecontradictorybehaviors can reflectyour genuineinability to reacrquickly and efficiently ro situations. The Minuscule Mental Fuel Thnk Unlessyou happento be in excellentaerobichealth, a frenzied hour long chasethrough the park after your escaping Great Dane would probably do you in for the afternoon. If a nap wasn't warrante akick d,


You MrnN I'v Nor Lazv.SruproOn Cnnzv?!

back,put yourfeetup andreadabook breakprobablywould be. You are exhausted! of This scenario similar to the daily experiences an ADDer. Though is his body might not dashmadly arounda park, his thoughtscan race aroundhis head.He is mentallytired. A rapidlyworking brain expends much energyand quickly uses its daily allotment. up information at a mind bogglingpaceand burn ADDers tend to process out just asquickly.An eight hour workdaycan be torturousfor someone

whosemental energyand productivetimessimply don't last long enough.Somehave sufficient energyto get through the day but run out of steamwhen they get home. Familiescan't believethat the slug they in front of the TV could ever be of any useon the job. For years, have never seenhim move off his couch! Many of us think fasterand fatigue more quickly than our non-ADD 68

How Anp Wr DrnpsnrNr?

peers.Each of us needsto be awareof the impact of cognitive fatigue on our work tempo. Some adults conservetheir resources coasting by at work, particularly if their jobs aren't too demanding.This rtr" can backfire.Without a high level of motivation, the ADDer's job perfrormance really suffer.Conversely,the mental fatigue caused can by demandingjob can overloadhis brain'scapacityro fu:nctionwell. " The challengeis to conservehis mental energyby working ar his own paceand rhythm. Shut Down Susceptibility' What happenswhen the brain'scapacityto process information is exceededT shuts d.oq,^nl. It Many of us live in terror that we'll shut 'We down at a critical moment and becomeuseless a crisis. in may freeze response loud noisesor unexpectedeventsand feel that in to we're in slow motion. An ADDer's overloadedsystemcan make him so tired he can barely move, talk or think. It is as if he is in a remporarycoma. He experiencesattemptsof communicationasassaults his very being.He on either ignoresthe assault snapsan irritable reply-taking any acor tion is an impossibility. An overloaded brain is similar to an overloaded computersysrem. If you load up the working memory of a computer with excessive data, it might crash,losing dataor the functions of the software.Your program will be temporarily useless. a mainframecomputer,overloadcan On shut down the entire system.With excessive sensoryinformation, the brain can alsosufferfrom overload. Even the most efficient,resilientpersoncan becomedisorganized under certain conditions. Recent discoveries the brains of individuals in sufferingfrom Post-Traumnnc Scress Disorder good examples. are Research of this condition has grown from an interest in the mental health problemsof Vietnam era veterans. Post-Traumatic StressDisorderfollows a psychologicalffauma to eventsof war, sexualabuseor natural disasteroutsidethe usualrange of human experience.The sympromsinclude nightmares,flashbacks, substance abuseand an exaggerated startle response. Previouslywell


You MEnNI'u Nor Lezv.Sruproon Cnazv?!

adjustedpeople aren't immune to the disorder-the symptomscan occur in anyonewho has experiencedseveretrauma.

The symptomsoften persistyearsafter the traumatic event. Recently, actual biochemicalchanges psychobiological have discovered researchers It that stress.zz appears in the brainsof individualswith post-traumatic in overloadexperienced extremesituationscan alter the the massive brain, perhapspermanently. ShutDown, Although no one can explain the biochemistrythat causes we know from experiencethat it's troubling for many ADDers. Of course,we aren't the only peoplewho shut down under demanding It The differenceis in degree. takesa fairly low level of situations. it's to yell "uncle". And when it happens, stress the ADD brain for definitely not fun! for This baffling coma of Shut Down is troubling but essential our must stop the onslaughtso continuedwell-being.It is as if our brains of we can heal ourselves and renew our depletedreserves mental


How AnE WEDrrrpntNr?

.19tgy. Rather than fighting it, we need to give in to it and acceptthe self-imposed rime. Our brainsmusrt..h"rg.. Eachof us ha, to rest find the bestway to facilitate this renewal. Undependable Memory and Learning Systems If you look at a picture of the brain, you won't find an arealabelled The Memop_. Mpmory is a-process rather than an identifiable part of the brain. The function of memoryis a sysrem with multiple parrs scatteredthroughour the brain. Someof the differences ADDers experienceare.related problemswith memory.In the following to section,we will examinethe impact of ADD symptoms the on memoryprocess. The First Step of Memory: Acquisition-The first step in the process' acquisition,is closelyrelatedto selective attention. Besides payingattention to incoming information,it involvesa preliminary decisionto acceptand storeit. As ADDers, many of us feel embarrassed how much we don'r know. by Our selective attention deficitsmake it difficult to acquireinformation that never even finds its way into our memorieslThe positive sideis that an ability to notice things othersmiss,resultsin a fascinating and eclecticstorehouse interestingknowledgel of The second s!"p of Memory: Registration-we have to register information beforeit can becorn"puit of memory.In this seco.rj ,r"p of the memory process, consciously we make an effort to securethe information in our memoriesfor subsequenr recall. If we superficially registerthe data, we'll have difficulty ritrieving it later. Protlems of 'We arousalor alertness often impair adequate regisiration. may only partially understand conversations, phone *"rr"g., or directionsand jump the gun on new tasks. coding and rehearsal two important parts of registration.Every are tlme you usea file cabinet,you areusing ryrt"rnof " decidewhether to file the pieceof papei uy r"liecr, writ"r,i .r"*. o1. type of requiredaction. If you recall fiom the discussion spatial of organization, this is no small taskfor someADDers


You MenNI'u Not Lezv.Sruproon Cnazvl!

Registeringinformation involves essentially the samekind of sorting and filing. \7e decideto code,or file incoming information asa visual image,a word or a sound. For example,we can code the name "Tom Thumb" in severalways.The code can be a "picture" of Tom the mid. get with an enormous thumb (visual),a word, "finger" (verbal) or a sound,"Tom Thumb is a bum" (auditory). Rehearsal what children usedto do in their one-room schoolhousesis memorizingby reciting their lessons aloud. \7e userehearsal practo tice and repeatinformation until we anchor it in our memories.To be effective,rehearsal must be more than rote memorization.It must include elaboration information. If you have ever memorizeda word of list by singing a silly songyou createdfrom the words,you have used rehearsal elaboration. Rehearsal another problem for an ADDer because tediousand is it's patience.Theseare usuallynot his bestqualities!He is crearequires tive, though, and can be quite inventive with the sometimes off-thewall coding methodshe designs. The Third Step of Memory: Storage-The third step involves storageof the processed information. There are four storage instant systems: recall, active workingmemor!, short-term memoryand long-termmemory. These storagesystems aren't characterized their sizebut by their by duration or how longinformation is storedin each. Instant recall has the shortestduration. Seeing flash of lightening the in your mind's eye is an exampleof instant recall. Touch-typing also usesthis kind of memory.The typist holds the key'slocation in his mind only long enoughto press it. on Active working memory functions much like the working memory of a computer.\7hile you work, the wordson the screenare held in the computer'stemporarystorage. the power goesout, you loseyour If work forever unlessyou have savedit to permanentdisc storage. RAM memory capacityvariesfrom one computer to another.If you try to run memory intensive software,your computer might respondto the overloadwith a shutdown and lossof data. If you're lucky, it might


How Anr WE DrrpEnrNr?

givg you a a chance to closefiles or changesoftwareby alerting you ro its low memory. Similar to RAM memory your active working memory can shut down if you try t9 overloadit. It's too bad your brain doesn'tgive clearer messages impending shut-down-maybe somethinglike, ,,This is of you.brain.I am preparingto self-destruct!" Complexiiy of detail seems to shrink the storagecapacity.An ADDer often tur remarkably " unreliable temporarymemory that regularlylosespower and data. He beginsthe first step in solving a complex problem only to lose it ashe undertakes secondstep.The jigsiw piices keepfailing off the table the beforehe can put the whole puzzle tog"ih"r. Short Term Memory alsofunctions as temporarystorage.Its capacity is quite limired with a maximum of five seconds r"rr"r, items or (plusor minus two). Its unique limitations make it vulnerableto a variety of interferences. Distractibility wreakshavoc with short rerm memory.It doesn'ttake more than a brief mind trip for a personro losedata that he wasn'tmentally presentto register. An imaginativethinking stylecan alsointerferewith short rerm memorystorage. Elaborationand association old and new data is a great of anchor for long term storage. But it can compromise qualiry of"short the term storage that requires focuson specificdetails. unlimited storelotg Tery Memory is the permanent,seemingly houseof facts,experiences, values,routines,and generalknowledge. You can think of it as a huge bank vault that contains numerour of"depositboxes.Memoriesyou needto storeforeverare in a separate box_deep insidethe cavemous vault. The onesyou need to remember while you completeyour errandsare in your safetydepositbox right inside the vault's steeldoor. The data in this bank vault is consoh dnted,or translated into a permanent code.The codedetermines which box will srorethe information. When you identifu a Honda, Buick and Ford asauromobiles, are you usingconsolidation.From experience and leaming,you form associations by elaborating the characteristics eachcar and crossreferon of encing them to other vehicles.


You MpaNI'v Nor Lxzy.Sruproon Cnnzy?!

A rich imaginationenhances theseassociations is an asset and for long term memorystorage. Since an ADDer tendsto be a conceptualizerrather than a rote learner, consolidationskills can be superb. his He may possess wealth of information in his bank vault but routinely a forgetwherehe put his car keys! Fourth Step of Memory: Access-Access is the process recalling of storedinformation through recognition or retrieval memory.Recognition relieson funiliariry to refreshthe memoriesof superficiallyleamed data. For example,you userecognition memory to take a multiple choice test or find your way to a location by noting landmarksalong the way. On the other hand, retrieual requiresprecise,accuraterecall on demand. \Uhen you take an essay exam,you have to retrieve information as an accuratewhole. Finding a specificword in your memory banks is another retrievaltask. Retrieval relieson data you have firmly fixed in memory.To anchor data in memory,you have to usespecificstrategies. Precise recall is you only asgood asthe strategies usedto storethe information.That's why rote recitation is a lesseffectivestrategythan memorizingby principle. Rote learningresultsin isolateddetailsrather than generalideas and abstractions. An ADDer's unique abilitiesand disabilities greatvariability in cause his abiliry to access information.Accurate retrieval is a combination of attention to the detailsof what he needsto memorize, plannedstrategiesfor storageand fast information processing. With an aversionto details,an ADDer tends to approachmemory choresin a rapid, superficialand haphazard manner.This compromiseshis ability to developstrategies registration. for His limited reserves mental energyimpair his ability to maintain sufficienteffort of to memorizesomething.As he quickly bums out, he often rushesto get the memory chore finished. His divergentretrieval is usuallymuch fasterand more accurate than his convergentretrieval.Remember dynamicsof reactiontime? the


How Anr Wr DrrrpnENr?

An ADD adult functionsbetter when he acts(divergenrrerrieval)on his own ideasthan when he reacts (convergentrerrieval)to a direct question.He often impresses friendsand himself ( !) with the fluency his of thoughtsstructuredaroundhis knowledgebase. Everythingis grear until someone interruptswith a questionor even worse,changeslhe subject.He suddenly feelsanxiousand annoyedthat he has to switch to his faulty convergentrerrieval. rifth Step of Memory3 Tiansfer-tansfer is a complex process of rearranging individual piecesof data to form new knowledge.It can include combiningfragmented piecesinto a largerwhole. [t can include applyingdata from one applicationto another.It can alsoinclude generalizations the common threadsbetweenseemingly of unrelatedideasor evenrs. A precise memoryfor factsis invaluablein answering quesrions about a specificsubject.It is lessvaluablein information transferthat depends on associations. instance,children and adultswith mental retarFor dation can't transferskills from one setting to another.They have to learn skills in eachof the semings they will userhem. Transferof knowledgedependson the creative and flexible useof a knowledgebase. data is storedin separately If labeledboxes,rransfer of knowledgeis impossible. Mixing the contentsof the boxesor combining them in new waysis unthinkablel An ADDer tendsto be a creative,divergenrrhinker with an ability to put.knowledge and ideastogether.He resists purring things in boxes with neat labels. Although this can be a disadvu.ttug" when he needs precise memory it is a decidedadvantage transferring for knowledge. He can wanderthrough his safe-deposit boxes,finding information ro usein new and interestingways.He can applyknowledgeand solve problemsin waysundreamed by more orderlythinkeis. of ADD adultsdon't have bad memories but their unique symproms creategapsin the memoryprocess. Although eachof us has a unique memoryprofile, we sharesomefairly consistentpatterns.Recognition memoryis usuallygood.That's why many of us performedwell in


You MeaNI'u Nor Lnzv, Srupto on Cnezv?!

about the historic implications of world events discussions classroom but failed miserablyon teststhat requiredone-word answers. It makessensethat your memory would be good for a specificsubject or task that comeseasilyto you. But what about that tough physics classin high school?Why did you do so well in a difficult subjectthat memory retrieval?Your teachermight have wonrequiredon demanl, deredthe samething. He might have pointedly usedthis asevidence of your ability to do it whenyou warltedto. Your abiliry to excel Your teacherwaspartially correct in his assessment. wasrelated to motivation but not in the way he thought-your lack of motivation wasn't the result of your poor attitude. It wasthe result of an ADDer's need for intenselycompelling motivation to grab the dysregulatedselectiveattention. It alsohad a lot to do with individual teachingstyles. Everyonehas his own unique leaming style.The visual leamer leams by seeing,the auditory leamer by hearing and the kinesthetic leamer If by doing/experiencing. you are a visual leamer and the coursein questionwastaught with many char$, diagramsand other visual aids, your brain receivedthe optimal kind of stimuli. Your memory wasgiven just what it neededto function efficiently. Recognizingindividual leaming stylescan be very helpful in bypassing weak areasand focusingon strengths.The memory of an ADDer can compromisehis attemptsto leam, converseand carry out instructions. goesa long way toward helping him readjust Understanding the process his self-assessments. \il7eADDer's aren't stupid or oppositional.\7e just need to leam and to demonstratewhat we've leamed, differently than others do. \7e'11 examine thesedifferencesin greaterdepth later in the book. Impaired Social Skills' Control Center of ADD has a profound impact on all areas life, including socialadjustment. Symptomsof the disordercan affect interpersonalrelationships in a variety of ways.


How AnE\7E DrrrEnENr?

Somepeopleseemto be bom with socialgifts and skills of intuition that_theyusero "read" orher people.Perhaps they have highly devel"Social Skills' Control Centers" in their brainsl \7ith litile effort, gPed they seemto interact admirablyin socialsituations. Many of us with ADD, however,really have to work hard at leaming and using social skills.

\7e leam mannersand other forms of socialrules in childhood-but successful relationships requiremore than memorized rules.The rules are somewhatflexible and can changefrom situation to situation. The development socialskills is more an art than a science of because we must leam to readthe ever-changing reactionsof orhers.If deficient selectiveattention getsin the way,an ADDer's perceptions may be flawed by inaccurateor incomplete information. If we are unsureof the rulesin a given situation, we watch other people for cluesand gauge their reactionsto our behaviors. inabilitv to An process information efficiently can result in a failure ro assimilaiethe leY rulesquickly enough.Combinedwith impulsivity,this deficit can leadto numerous socialmistakes.


You MrnN I'u Nor L,+zy. Sruprnon Cnnzy?!

Developingfriendshipscan be difficult for an ADDer whoserestlessnessinterfereswith the process. Building lasting friendshipsrequires slow,carefulplanning and nurturing. Many of us simply can't wait around long enough for this process take its course.So, we try to to pushing ourselves speedit up and cqme on like gangbusters, into other'slives. "l know you saidthat you would call me, but I figuredI'd just drop over and seewhat you weredoing.Yeah,I know it's Z:00a.m.Yeah,I know I alreadycalled three times today." An ADD adult may have brief conversations with many peoplebut be unable to focuslong enoughon a given relationshipto make a connection. It's just too difficult to hang in there for the duration. Intimacy, with its demandsfor carefulattention to another person,ffixy elude him. He works so hard at following the rules and not looking foolish that he may have insufficient energyleft to focuson someoneelse. If you are an ADD adult who has grown up feeling like a socialreject, don't despair!It's never too late to developa socialnetwork. You may have unrealisticexpectations yoursell believingthat you shouldbe for like one of the gang onThirty something, with friends dropping in all the time. It can be healthierfor your soul to recognize that this lifestylemay be unnecessary undesirable. and Using your energyto develop one or two positiverelationships can be a much better way to go. Someof the eccentric traits that causedan ADDer's childhood peers to labelhim "weird" often becomeadmirableffaits in adulthood.\Ueird becomes unique,specialor interesting. Creativity,a specialtalent, a sense humor or an enthusiastic of zestcan be a socialmagnet,drawing other peopleto him.

By this point in your reading,we hope you have a better understanding about what ADD is and the impact it has had on your life. \7e hope you have begun to forgive yourselffor the failuresand shortcomings you may have blamed on your lack of character.\7e hope you know that your ADD isn't your fault.


How AnEWt DrppgneNr?

In the next chapter,we'll look at someadditionaldynamicsof ADD. our focuswill be the unproductive waysmany of us have leamed to cope with our disorder.Growing up different affectsthe wav each of us interactswith our individual worlds and the people in them. By understandinsyggr disorderyou've alreadybegun the process of dismantling your self-defeating assumprions. continrr" ihi, imporTo tant process, need to considerboth the adaptiveand maladaptive you coping strategies you'vebeenusingto copewith being different.lUith this-knowledge, you can make decisionr your bJhaviorsand modifir those that are getting in the way "borrt recovery. of your


CHaprEn 5

Art TheNotSoFine of Coping

. "I won't thinkaboutthat rcday . .lll thinkaboutit tomorrow." times in the movie, line several O'Hara usedthis classic the Gone withtheWind. She had mastered art of dealingwith the problemsin her life by avoiding them-she put them out of her mind. but S.url"tt may have been a fictional character, shedid what all mechanisms, s, human beingsdo. She developedcoping strategie defense to defendherselfagainstpsychologicaland emotional harm. are Defensemechanisms the survival techniqueswe leam through our feelingguilty Scarlettleamedto protectherselfagainst life experiences. for hei lessthan admirablebehaviorswith her, "l'11put it out my mind" becomearmorsthat shield Scarlett and Defensemechanisms defense. all of us,from hufts and disappointments. we of Because our differences, ADDers enduremore than our fair share By rejection and feelingsof inadequacy. the time of disappointments, systems erectedelaboratedefense *" r"".h adulthood,many of us have We dontt or to hide our differences distract othersfrom seeingthem. want to be different and will jump through hoops to fit in and gain againstemotional So, acceptance. we build shieldsto defendourselves harm. beneficial.They can be can mechanisms be psychologically Defense They can alsobe psycholog-mechanisms. adaptive,positivecoping that underminegrowth. icaliy harntfrl, maladaptivecoping mechanisms Scarietsomerim", ,r"d her Denialdefenss-('[f I don't think about the


THr Nor So FINE Anr Or CoprNc

problem, it doesn'texist" asan adaptivecoping mechanism.lUhen she killed a man in self-defense, refusalto think about the devastaring her circumstances enabledher to survive its horror.

Unfortunately, Scarlett overusedthe defense. She usedit not only to surviveemotionalharm but alsoto insulateherselffrom ever thinking about the possible consequences her actions.Because didn't of she allow herselfto considerthe impact of her behavior,sherealized too


You MraN I'v Nor Lnzv.SruptoOn Cnnzv?!

late that shewasdestroyingher marriage.Even in the final scenewhen with his declarationthat their relationshipis over, Rhett Butler leaves Scarletrefuses confront reality. Again she invokesher standard to refrain, "l won't think about that now, I'11think about it tomorrow." helpful and The defense mechanisms that ADDers useare sometimes sometimes harmful, creatingmore problemsthan they solve.It's important for each of us to analyzethe maladaptivebehaviorsthat get us in we'Il examinesomeadaptive trouble.In later sections about recovery, for we coping strategies can substitute the harmful ones. 'We've of compiled somecharactersketches real peoplestrugglingto If cope with their differences. Each usesa maladaptivecoping strategy. you you recognize yourselfin any of their descriptions, will already your have taken an important step in your recovery.If you can analyze you emotionallyhealthmaladaptive defenses, can begin to substitute ier ones. Bad is Better than Stupid thought she Susanis 15 yearsold. Justa few yearsagoher classmates She her wasweird. They teased for being in the "ozone"during class. waspuzzled and hurt that no one wanted to befriend her. Now at long her. last, shehas found a group of kids that embraces Susanand her new friends wear extreme,punk hairstylesand clothing. mentality. Since they're surethe world is going They have a doomsday to to Hell no matter what they do, they think it's useless work hard at They are smartkids. They use schoolor to try to excel at anything. their collective intelligenceto write nihilistic poetry and makedarkly humorousjokes.They flirt with death asthey take drugsand have sex without safeguards. Although the groupisn't violent, eachof the kids has a hostile, sarcastic and tough manner.Their peersare afraid of them. SometimesSusanis too scared by the talk of suicideand the useof IV drugs.But at least The other kids don't dare shefeelsaccepted u groupof her peers. by make fun of her now and she is off the hook asfar asschool work goes. Elementaryschool wasalwaysdifficult for Susan,but junior high and with Many ADDers can empathize hlgh schoolhave beennightmares. her. She has always felt incompetent,stupid and rejected.Slow and


TUE SoFINE OrCoprNc Nor Anr awkward in leaming new sportsand masteringthe art of conversation, shehasn't faredany better in physicalprowess in her sociallife. or She has leamed one thing very well-adolescents admire kids who are cool and in control. Driven by the adolescent's intenseneed to fit in, Susanhas learnedthat rebellious behavioris more acceptable than the uncertainfumblingsof someone struggling with disabilities. She has decidedthat BeingBad better than BeingStupid. is Facedwith reality assheexperiences Susanchooses it, inclusion in the gangover humiliation and alienation.She hasa third choice.She can leam new waysof dealingwith her differences. She doesn'rconsider this option because is driven to saveface.She'salwaysin trouble she with her parentsand teachers is willing ro pay this high price for but acceptance. The defense mechanism Susanhas learnedis common in adolescence. A defiant and snnart reply to a teacher's questionscan get a few laughs and perhapssomeadmiration from other kids. It's a way to avoid answeringa questionwithout looking stupid.The stint in detention hall that follows can be a reasonable price to pay for maintaining one's image.And anyway, getting plenty of detentionsis cool. TOUGHNESS creates smokescreen nasLVULNERABILITY. a to If v9u separate Susanand her friendsfrom their group and managero dig beneaththe tough shells,you find troubled,uncerrainkids. Muny vulnerableADD adolescents continue to weartheir shieldsof toughnessinto adulthood.They usuallymanageto keep themselves and their tough facades within the boundsof society's rulesand don'r become major league criminalsor radicals. hostile attitude, however, A intimidatesother peopleand preventsanyonefrom getring too close. This defense mechanismdoesdouble duty asa cover for pioblems and an insulator from other people.Unfortunately, Susanand her counterpartsmay pay a high price, indeed. The Perfectionist Unlike Susanwho protectsherselfby rebellingagainsr sociery's rules, Debrahas taken rhe oppositetack. She hasdecidedthat being the


You MEnNI'r'rNor Lazy.SruproOn Cnazy?!

best,regardless the cost,is the only way to hide her deficits.Debra of is a Perfectionist. She hasADD but thosewho know her would neverbelieveit. Although her poor conduct grades reflectedher restlessness, behaviorwasn't her disruptiveenoughto cause serious disciplineproblemsin school.In general,shefollowed the rules and did what wasaskedof her. Before -in the top 3o/o shegraduated ofher high schoolclassof one thousandpart in many extracurricular she took activities. Everyonecountedon her to volunteer for any task that neededto be done. You might be askinghow someone with ADD could function so well. \fell, Debrawasn'treally functioning very well despiteher carefully constructedfacade.She rarely slept more than four or five hours each night. This had nothing to do with insomnia.She didn't sleepmuch because didn't have time-she had to studytwice aslong aseveryshe body elseto leam the material.She regularly"pulled all-nighters"and never had time to relax or hang out. Sometimes desperately she longedto get off her treadmill but didn't darerisk disclosure. shefailed to do everything,her secretwould be If out. Everyonewould know shewasn'tnormal. The hitch wasthat Debra didn't have a clue about what "normal" was.She had kept her secret so long that shehad inflated ideasaboutwhat other peoplecould accomplish. She thought that if shesaid"No" ro anyrhing,shewould be found-out. Her inability to say"No" got her into serious trouble in all areas of life. Beginningin seventhgrade,shehad sexwith any boy who asked and pushedthe bad feelingsabout herselfto the back of her mind. Even a pregnancy and an abortion didn't changeher sexualbehavior.Her impairedsense sell distortedby differences didn't understand, of she caused to do anything that would bring acceptance. her Now 32 years old, Debrais marriedand hasa setof twins and a successful business. still worksherselfto death,compelledrc do it all. kb She becomingincreasingly more difficult to do it all with so many conflicting demands her time. Children, husband, on volunteerwork and clients all vie for her attention. Lately shefeelsthat she's losingcontrol and that at any moment somethinghorrible is going to happen.


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She can't keep all the piecestogetheranymore. \fhile Debramay look good to outsiders, feelsterrible inside.She she has to spendall her energyrunning and hiding behind her facadeof perfection.Knowing that she hasjust about pushedherselfbeyondher limits, shewonderswhen she'll totally self-destruct. There are many Debra'saround. It's interesting to speculate numthe bersof supermen and women who strugglewith disability beneath their in controlexteriors.Readers who are familiar with codependency may recognize similar traits in Debra.She'strying to gain control of her life by taking careof everything and everybody. Recoveringcodependentscould tell her that it doesn'twork. The Blamer Steve never admits he'smade a mistake.When he can't find important papers the blackhole in that constitutes office,he accuses his his secretary losingthem. He terrorizes wife, kids and employees of his by flying off the handle and accusingthem when anything goeswrong.

You MsaNI'u Nor Ltzy. Srupn On Cnazy?!

At 28 yearsold, Steveis a chronic Blamer.lf food falls out when he jerks the refrigeratordoor open, he yells at his wife for putting the groceries awayincorrectly.If his kids don't understand instructions, his he blamesit on their stupidityor inattention. It's an impossibilitythat his instructionswere unclear.Enduringhis daily accusations anger, and his family beginsto believe they are at fault. Most peoplewho know Steve characterize him as an arrogantSOB. \Uhat they don't realizeis that beneathhis blustery,aggressive exterior is a scared, rejectedkid. Steveis shieldinghimself againstfeelingsof inadequacy shifting the blame to others.This keepseveryonefrom by looking too closelyat his performance.He's terrified that he'll be exposedfor the bumbling idiot he really is. Although he'sa successful businessman, still feelslike the kid who wasregularlyridiculed and he punished.Thpesfrom the pastkeep playing in his head, "How could you be so stupid! You'll never be worth anything!" The defense mechanismof Blarning similar to BeingBad except that is the blamer fendsoff peopleby actively accusingthem of stupidity or wrongdoing.The badpersonkeepsothers off balancewith angerand hostility but not necessarily with criticism. Blamerscan never let anything go. To maintain their fragile emotional equilibrium, they must have a scapegoat blame for everythingthat happens. to For the blamer, accidents don't exist. ttWho Cares?tt Jim is 30 yearsold and has worked asa waiter or cab driver most of his adult life. He is intelligent and well-informed. He loves to engagein lively discussions about current eventswith his friends and anyone elsewho will listen. He has a good sense humor about things in genof eral and himself in particular.At his legendaryhigh school graduation (his friendswere amazed ever managed graduate), joined in he to he the laughterashis buddiescarriedhim down the aisleon their shoulders. Peopleenjoy being aroundJim because he's likable and easygoing. Nothing seems bother him, even when bosses to and coworkersask him to work unpopularor extra hours.They know he won't complain. for Jim makesexcuses the peoplewho do him wrongor maintains that


Anr Or CoprNc THsNor So FrNs

to the things they do don't bother him. He professes be content with his life the way it is. Secretlyhe feelsbad that he didn't go to college did. He isn't at peacewith himself and has ashis brothers and sisters physicalsymptomsto prove it: tension headaches, high blood many pressure and an ulcer that regularlyflairs up. with Jim feelsthat he's a failure and maskshis feelingsof inadequacy persona. knowledge his \X/ho Cares His wide circle of friendsand broad The defense mechbasedon't make up for his academicshortcomings. Borrowing from anism he usesto protect himself is similar to Susan's. fable, both pretend that things out of reach the fox in the sour grapes' arroganceand Jim's indifference aren't worthwhile, anyway.Susan's are shieldsof armor to prevent anyonefrom seeingtheir disabilites. Janepresentsa slightly different version of the Who Caresdefense. Jane,a 47 yearold mother of two, is intelligent and creativeand has ADD madeschoola impressive artistic talents.Despiteher gifts,Jane's It monumental struggle. took twice the customarytime for her to complete college.Beforechoosingto stayhome with her children, shehad always held jobs well below her educationallevel. competition and materialismin Janeis outspokenabout the excessive proud of her skill at budgetingmoney and has today'ssociety.She is goodsothersconsidernecesleamedto live without the many consumer sities.She doesn'town a VCR or clothes' dryer. wise useof resources enablesher to devote time to her family Jane's and have enough left over to pursueher own interests.Her choice of saying"No" to the rat race to live by her own values,is admirable.The problem is,Janeisn't entirely comfortablewith her decision.She "Doth protesttoo much" when shescoffs academic at and careerachievement. There is a distinctively angry defensiveedgeto her voice when she much time explaining herself. rationalizesher life choices.She spends is but and Jane's assertive, both are careJim'sindifferenceis passive fully designedmasks. She Janedoesn'tfeel successful. usesso much energyon defensethat she can't acceptherselfor honestly evaluate is her choices.Perhaps beneaththe bristly Wha Caresdefense a real the desireto accomplishsomeof the things sherejects.Perhaps choices


You MEeNI'v Nor L,+zy, SruproOn Cnezy?!

shehas made are right for her. Regrettably, she works so hard at protecting her fragile ego rhat shehas little energyleft for living the life she has chosen. Ji-, on the other hand, can't realisticallyassess himselfbecause he worksso hard at prerendingnorhing bothershim. His "what me w_orry" attitude maskshis real feelingsthat probably include anger. He is a-ngry himself for his shortcomingsand at the peoplewho at take advantage him. His armor protectshim but alsopr"u.rrt, of him from grapplingwith ambitionshe'snever been able^to admit. If he'sever able to let his guarddown, he'll need to confront his If ?ng_er: he can leam to deal with his feelingsup front, he may even find that his physicalhealth improves. Manipulation arrracriveand charming.He T.dd is 47 yarsold and is restless, frequentlychanges relationships, living arrangemenrs iobs. He and uses disarming,boyishmanner asa powerful lure to hook others his into willingly taking careof him. He never pulls his weight at work, relying insteadon his masrery manipulationro ger oth"r, to do of the work for him. Facedwith a tediousor difficult task,Todd flattersand cajolesothers into bailing him out. Sometimes actshelpless, he gettingcoworkers do his 1obunder the guiseof teachinghim. He says something 19 like, "l never wasany good at that. I really admirepeople.uho cin do it." Sometimes tells a tale of woe about his bbsspiting work he on him or about emergencies his life. His manipulaiivebeharrin ior usuallyworks and someone stepsin to bail him out. As soonas he feelsrestless coworkers on to him,he simply changes or ger jobs. Fdd usuallymakesdecentmoneybur regularlyendsup flat broke because he'scareless impulsivewith hir rp"nding. To deal with and his financial difficuhies,he relieson the women in his life to support him. His women do more than simply contriburero his financial support.They are alsochargedwith keepinghim out of trouble. They keep track of his checkbookand his ho.rieholdand social responsibilities. Todd manipulates them by usingguilt, charm,sex appeal-whatever maneuverwill work in a given situation.


THr Nor So FtNrAnr Or CoprNc

Often he manipulateshis current woman into keepinghim together enoughto hold down his 1ob.She getshim up in the moming, monitors his performanceand smoothsthings over with the bosswhen Todd up. messes More often than not, he endsthe relationshipwhen he a by feelstoo constrained the "mothering".His behaviorsounds lot but like an alcoholic's he doesn'tdrink. He hasjust leamedto manipwho does. ulate like someone unfeelinguserwho will stop at nothing Todd might seemlike a ruthless, to ensurethat his needsare met. He isn't pure villain, however.He's an ADD adult who has learnedto useManipulationas a cover for his underlyingproblems. running scaredall the time. He lives in a constant stateof emergency, to mistakes feelshelpless prevent but He knowshe regularlymakes by them. So he survives usingother peopleto coverfor him. It's the only way he knows to survivealthoughhe'sawarethat it's unacceptable for a grown man to be caredfor this way. his Todd simplyhasn't figuredout an altemative method for satisfying He nor His manipulationsareneither conscious premeditated. needs. doesn'tconnect his actionswith their impact on others.His impulsivity and lack of attention to detail makehim unawareof much of his behavior and its consequences. Websterdefinesmanipulatingas"controlling or playing on others usingunfair means".Manipulation may be a dirty word but everyone Although we may not like being manipulatedas usesit on occasion. as use puppetson a string,we may need to occasionally this defense a matter of survival. of ADD adultsin particularcan becomemasters the art of manipulation. It's a tough, competitiveworld out there with dire consequences for thosewho sink to the bottom of the heap.Many of the newly homelessare hardworking folk who slid over the line into poverty following startsout in life a setback such asunemploymentor illness.If someone are with a physicalhandicap,learningdisabilityor ADD, the stakes great temptation to useany available higher and riskier.There is a meansto improveone'soddsof survival.


You MpnNI'v Nor Lnzy,SruproOn Cnazy?!

This isn't to saythat the majority of peoplewith disabilities become manipulative.Most are rather heroic in their striving to achieve.They qelgrall-v9op9by learning to work harder than non-dirabled people. ADD adults,however,have additionalrisk factorsthat increase ihe oddsof their becomingmasrers manipulation. of Withdrawal Barb is both unattachedand detached.Twenty-five yearsold, she lives with her parentsand works as a file clerk. She has rarely dated,has no closefriends and spends most of her free time watching TV. Occasionally she goesout to dinner with a coworkerbut that's th. .*t"nt of her sociallife. She spends vacationstaggingalongwith her parents. her Although Barb has an aboveaverageIQ, she is a marginal wbrker on the job. She makesmany mistakesand has trouble keeping up with her colleagues. Barb is different from most of the ADDers you've mer in this chapter. She isn't anxiousabouther performance and doesn'tworry abo,rihe, lessthan glowing appraisals. After a childhood of academic and social failures, shehasdecidedthat giving up is the safesr thing shecan do. She has chosento accepther mediocrity.The price she paysis a life of boredom,loneliness and depression. Barb is freefrom thl risksshe would faceif shedecidedto live her life fully. But is it worth it? Similar to many ADD adults,Barb's handicaphasnever been identified. She is neither hyperactivenor impulsive.Everyone has alwaystold her that she is lethargic and spacey. Barb believesthis characrerization. She has chosensurvival through Withdrawal. This defenseis a cousin to the \XAoCaressrancebut operates slightly differently.Barb has given up completelyand hascarefullyburiedher feelingsand doubts.She never givesany thought to the possibilitythat her life could be different.Jim, on the other hand, maintainsnagging doubtsabouthis abilitiesand lack of achievement. somele""l, h" On continuesto think about theseissues that trouble him. Insulatedfrom pain by suppressing feelingsof inadequacy, Barb can'r make a thoughtful decisionabout her life. The Barbisof this world haven't madepeacewith themselvgs-i1'sas if rhev'reburied alive.


THENor So FrNs Anr OpCoprNc

Chip on the Shoulder poises full-scale for While Barb quietly withdraws,Paulaaggressively moment of her life. She'sonly 19, but has developed an battle every prickly suit of armor.When her husbandasksif shehas taken especially She offersa long-winded explanout the trash, she reactsdefensively. ation of why shehasn't been able to get around to the chore yet. As she becomesincreasinglyangry and indignant, she switchesto the attackingher husbandfor overworkingher with his demands. offensive, he Paula's husbandaskedabout the trashonly because wasgoing outwanted to take it with him if it wasstill in the house.He sideand from the house,wonderinghow his good intentions wearilyretreats endedup in this ugly scene.Paularetreatsto nurseher angerat a world dissatisfied with her efforts. that is always life Paulais a selfishshrew,making her saintlyhusband's miserable. respondingto innocent comShe has a colossalChipon the Shoulder, of excuses explanations. least and At mentswith a barrage defensive what they seem. aren't always this is the way sheacts.But appearances Paulais an ADD adult who spent much of her childhood rebukedfor things sheforgot to do or didn't finish. Her soul is raw from all the for times sheworkedher heart out only to be chastised the one thing of shedidn't do. Her life hasbeen filled with falseaccusations thoughtlessness laziness that no one knew weresymptoms her subtle of and disability.She ruminatesabout the injusticesin her life and the unfairnessof it all. is Paula'sChip on The Shoulder a protective suit of armor designedto shoreup her sense self.She continually defends of herselfasa matter of reflex even when sheisn't being attacked.The intensity of her defensive stancemay be out of proportion to the imaginedslight but her life experiences have taught her to expectcriticism. She can never let down her defenses. has to be readyfor the next assault her being. on She Paula's defense serves anotherpurpose. inoculates againstrequests It her for her time or energy.With deficits that interfere with an organized that are somelifestyle,shefrantically tries to keepup with demands Her prickly shell fendsoff at leastsomeof the times overwhelming.


You MpnNI'ruNor Lazy,SruproOn Cnezy?!

extra demandsas it makespeople rhink twice about approachingher with questionsor requests her involvement. for There isn't anything inherently bad about emotional self.defense in the faceof real injustice. In Paula's case, however,her knee-jerkdefensiveness the maladaptivesuit she wearsevery moment of her life. is She has sufferedso many woundsthat she can't differentiate between real and imaginedassaul$. She focuses exclusivelyon protection, never allowing herselfto find the strengths that would leadto positivegrowrh. Thke Me or Leave Me You probablyknow highly effectivepeoplewhoseself.confidence you admire.They are self-assured comfortablewith themselves. and They assume healthy attitude of "'!7har you seeis what you ger-I'm okay a and have nothing to hide." Th"y userhis posrurein a positive way.Th.y are unlikely, for example,to wastetime on relationshipsthat probably wouldn't work anyway. Peteis aTal<eMeor Leaqre man in his mid-'30's.He is attractive Me and affable,drawing peopleto him with his sense humor and gift of of gab.He comesacross honest, straightforwardand comfortable-with as his limitations. He sincerelyapologizes when he misses imporrant an deadlineat work or forgetsto attend his daughter's school pluy. Pete disarms most peopleby being the first to admit his weaknesses. fre. He quently makeshimself the butt of his own jokes. "'What you seeis what you get" Pete,has chosena positive coping mechanism.. .Or hashe?What makesPetedifferent from the selfconfident peoplewe described? differenceis that Pete's The Take Me Or LeaveMe attitude is a carefullyfabricatedfacadebehind which he hides. He is a grown-up classclown who "keeps'em laughing" so no one will notice the things he can't do. He uses excellent sense humor to his of createa smokescreento hide difficulties and deflect criticism. \7ouldbe critics find the wind taken out of their sailswhen Petebeatsthem to the punch by making a joke abouthis failings.He leaves them with nothing ro say. It's healthy to take ourselves seriously. less Pete,however,doesit to


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excess. Though he readilyadmitshis weaknesses, never doesanyhe thing about them! He retreats behind his self-deprecating facadeinsteadof honestlystudyinghis behavior. He'sbusyhiding and is unawareof the increasing frustration and anger of his friends.They continue to forgive his failings but are beginning rotteninDenmark.Pete's to have naggingfeelingsthat somethingis a "good guy",but he'stotally undependable. isn't doing basically He anything to improve himself. His mistakesare getting lessfunny and his refusalto take anything seriously causingincreasing is resentment. Pete's copingmechanism doesprotecthim, but it's maladaptive. preIt vents the introspectionhe needsto makepositivechanges his life. in It Ain't So Donna'sfamily of five lurchesfrom crisisto crisis.She alwaysattributes her family'sproblemsto extemal eventsand people.Euerythingwillbe of is or a fine when the excitement Christmas oqter whenoneof the kids gets new teacher. She spends much of her time waiting for things to return to normal, but they never do. Donna is 34 years and hasgiven up a professional old careerto stayhome with her three children who are all hyperactiveand disobedient. Donna is gentle and spacey, rarelyraisingher voice to her children or asserting herselfwith other adults.She works hard at a difficult parenting job but her children continue to be unruly,and her householdremains noisy and disordered. \fhen a crisiserupts,sheconsultswith professionalsbut promptly disregards their advice.She deniesthat a real problemexists. SeveralyearsagoDonna wasdiagnosed with ADD. Her physicianprescribedRitalin and shetook it for a short while. She explainsthat she stoppedtaking the medicinebecause interferedwith her sleepbut it shenever botheredtelling her doctor about the sideeffect. It's obviousto anyonewho knows Donna that her ADD has a big impact on the problemsshe experiences. The chaoscreatedby her unruly children overwhelmsher. Her deficits make it nearly impossibleto provide the firm disciplineand structureher children need so


You MenNI'v Nor Lxzy,SruproOn Cnnzy?!

desperately. continuesto deludeherselfinto thinking she can manage She everything by herself. Donna avoidsher problemsthe way Scarlett O'Hara avoidedhers.She chooses deny they exist.Denial is an integralpart of grief when a to loved one dies.It providestime for mobilizingsrrengrhro copewith the realizationof the loss.Denial is a healthy,essential srepthar leads to ultimate acceptance. The end of a relationshipor a job, the lossof a body part or an alteration in self.image can alsoset the grief process motion. Donna is in grievingthe lossof aperfect,healthy , replaced self with the label of ADD. She has always known that somethingwaswrong but hasn't found comfort in her diagnosis. Similar to a widow who keepsher long deceased spouse's belongings if he werestill alive, Donna is stuck in as denial. Because can't acknowledge limitations shecan'r move she her beyond them toward a stageof acceptance. Donna uses her It Ain't Sodefense run frantically in circles,trying to to avoid facing herself.Unable to own her ADD, sheconrinuesto attribute her problemsto somethingor somebody else.She refuses ro take neededmedicationor avail herselfof professional hetp. She expendsconsiderable energyrrying to keep everythingtogerher.Her misguided efforts,however,don't yield results. shecan ever faceher If situationrealistically, she'll be able to useher creativemind to find solutions. Learned Helplessness Tiacy is a modern day Prissy, flaky servantgirl in the movie Gone the With theWind who didn't "know nothin' 'bour birthin' babies'l Plaved by Butterfly McQueen, Prissy affecteda simple-minded that helped air her avoid responsibilities. In the era of slaverythis defense wasboth clever and appropriate."Srupid like a fox" Prissy usedher helplessness a mechanism control as for without risking the severe consequences outright rebellion.Tiacy of has leamed that helplessness works aseffectivelyfor her as it did for Prissy. Approaching her fiftieth birthday, shehas spenryearsleaming to play the role ro rhe hilt.


TUE Nor So FINIAnr Or Copnc

Tlacy never worriesabout failure.Similar to the manipulator,sheavoids at her responsibilities work and in her sociallife by getting othersto do everything for her. She smilescharmingly asshe appealsto others helplessness for help. Her method differsfrom Todd's.She openly uses contrasting asher ploy. She flattersand booststhe egosof her rescuers, poor, dumblittle me act with their competence. her as Women have beenfrequentlycharacterized incompetentand help'We perpetuatean unfortunate stereotype castby less. aren't trying to is feminine role. Her helplessness a coping ing Tracy in her maladaptive groupssuch asminorities of usedby many members oppressed strategy was,you can use as and women.If you are otherwisepowerless Prissy control. Few men usethis some to helplessness surviveand exercise playinghelpless isn't an acceptable male role because coping strategy Men can't get awaywith it! in our society. her Although Tracy is bright and personable, ADD has alwaysmade her feel unableto copewith the realitiesof her life. LearnedHelplessto ness makesher life easierto handle. She manages remain unstressed, Tracyneedshelp in affirmingher abilitiesso but alsounchallenged. she can feel comfortableenough to risk failure and find success. Controlling similar.At 56 yearsold, he lives You probablyknow Jackor someone himself as "He who has the gold, rules".He establishes by the adage, ruler of his kingdomsat home and at work. He has the undisputed usedhis intelligence,creativity and high energylevel to rise to a high and poweredposition in a largecorporation.Jackhas aggressively reHe to lentlesslyclimbed high on the ladderof success. seems have used and shouldbe congratuthe symptoms his ADD to his advantage of lated for his efforts.. .Or should he? of his againstextemal rewards financial gain. Jackmeasures success his through his domination Unfortunately, he has orchestrated success and insistson conversations of the peoplein his life. He monopolizes at having the last word. He makesall decisions home and on the job. his He regards beautiful wife asan eamed bonus and trea$ her as a in subject his kingdom. At work he alwayssetsthe agendaat meetings If elsechairsa meeting, even when it isn't his responsibility. someone steeringit in a direction that suits the he subtlyundermines agenda, his needs.


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t o


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He makesunilateraldecisions, often incurring the wrarh of his peers for his failure to consultwith them. His resentfulcolleagues u.d "-ployeesare readyto lynch him. His wife is fed up and is thinking about leavinghim. He has madean impressive arrayof enemies who would like nothing more than to overthrow king. the the helpless woman,Jackrepresents JustasTracyseems stereotyped the stereotyped domineering,aggressive controlli.rg *"n. Certainly and there arewomen who operarein similar fashionto Ja&. Usually they are toppledmore quickly.In general,controlling behaviorin females isn't accepted any more than helplessness in men. is One could arguethat "The way Jack is, is the way he is; he'sjust a controlling kind of guy."k's true that men and women with ADD may be aggressive bossy temperament. and by Controlling behaviorlike Jack's, however,can be more than an expression one'snature.It can t" of " learneddefense mechanism that becomes hiding placefrom deficits. a


THpNor So Fwr Anr Or CoprNc

\Uhile it isn't readily apparentfrom his behavior,K,ttgJacklives in perpetualterror of looking stupid. At home, he controls his family's agendato avoid the risk that his wife will choosean activity that will At exposehis weaknesses. work, he commanlsall discussions because he knows he'sonly effective when he follows his own train of thought. By not letting anyoneelsecontribute, he avoidsthe confusion and he embarrassment feelswhen questionsand commentsderail him. defense mechanismmay backfire.One falsemove Jack'sControlling and he may maneuverhimself out of a job and a family.

Character Sketches of Folk You May Know

The ADDers you've met useacquireddefense 'We've to protect mechanisms public exposure their deficits. from themselves of examinedthe rationale for their choicesand the waysin which their coping strategiesare maladaptive. Human behavioris too complexto explain within the context of defensemechanisms alone. Beneaththe defenses the individual charare we acteristics arebom with. MaladaptiveADD behaviorsare a combination of variousleameddefensive maneuvers and specificdeficits. In the next section,we'll look more closelyat behavioralmanifestations of specificdeficits.Thesevignettesaren't condemnationsof ADDerswe get plenty of theml Rather,we have designed them to illustratewhat can happen if ADD symptoms flourish without control or intervention. The Peter Pan Syndrome3 48 Going on 12 popularized a You may be familiar with thePeterPanSyndrome, in book on the subject.'3Peoplein our societynormally experience some regretat leavingchildhood and taking on adult responsibilities. Most of us, however,manageto bite the bullet and make the transition into adulthood. Chris ts a PeterPan who has decidedthat growing up is simply not worth it. As Chris approaches forty-ninth birthday, he continues to live in a his stateof perpetualchildhood. He has a personalitythat attractspeople. Energeticoptimism,a wacky sense humor and a warm acceptance of of others make the people around him feel good.


You MpeNI'u Nor LAzv,SruproOn Cnnzy?!

He afways more invitations rhan he can accepr. has The ease with which he connectswith peoplepromises intimacy that never materian alizes. After an initial periodof an intenseconnection,would-belovers and closefriendsfind him an elusiveman, impossible pin down. He to refuses make plans,preferringto live from moment to moment. The to notion of commitment to goalsor a relationshipis incomprehensible to Chris. He just wants to have fun and is mystifiedwhenother people feel betrayed his broken promises by He disappoints bosses coworkersaswell asfriends.His high energy and level and intelligencegenerate expectations superiorjob perfo for r. mance.After an initial burst of energy, Chris typically becomes bored with a project and loses motivation. His work becomes sloppyand careless. !7hen-a job becomes boring or a bossbeginspr"r* him to get serious, Chris switchesto another one.


TUENor So FrNrAnr Or CoprNc

Loversget similar treatment. \il/hen they begin to make demandsfor a more committed relationship, they find that Chris has moved on. The women hurt by his "love 'em and leave'em" lifestylefeel usedand abused. Chris believes, however,that he'sjust operaringunder a different set of rules.He lives accordingto the pleasure principle and its primary goal of maximizingpleasure and minimizing pain. All of us operateon the pleasure principle to a certain extent. \7hen we'rebom, we'revirtual bundlesof wants and needswithout any sense of peopleoutsideourselves. we grow and are socialized family As bV and society, gain awareness our responsibilities others.The we of to psychologically healthy adult leamsto strike a balancebetweenher needsand the needsof the peoplein her world. Chris is an adult by virtue of his chronologicalagebut he hasn't developedpsychologically emotionallybeyonda child of t7. Similar to or just don'twannagrowup. PeterPan,he Peoplewith ADD often have many childlike qualities. lifelongsense A of playfulness an ability to take risksare delightful qualities.But if and we allow our essential nature to have free rein, we can begin to resemble '!7e Chris. can drift mindlessly through life, heedless our responsiof bilities and our impact on other people. The Space Cadet It isn't uncommon for ADD adults to saythey are spacey. \Uhen the mental fog descends, they can becomedisorientedand forgetful.Some of us,however,settle too comfortablyinto waking dreamstates, becoming lifers in the Acadnmy Space CaABts! for Seanis 37 yearsold and has joined the academy. is a gentle soul He with a fanciful imagination and a gift for poetry.He spends days his daydreaming, writing, and having long philosophicalconversations with his cronies.Seantakeslittle notice of practicalities.He earns meager wages a writer but doesn'tworry because as material things are of no consequence him. to He doeshis own thing, obliviousto the world aroundhim. \Uhen he wassingle,his lifestylewasn'ta problem.But now he'smarriedand has


You MrnN I'u Nor L,qzy, SruproOn Cnnzy?l

four children. Sean's wife is exhaustedand at her wit's end trying to cope single-handedly with the largefamily. Sean is alwayspleasant and soft spokenwith his spouse and children. He tries to do wharever they ask of him-that is, when they manageto caprurehis arrenrion! Sadly,Seanmakeslittle effiortto rune in to the world around him. Unlesssomeone demands attention, he'sconrent to spendtime his drifting on his own mental clouds.He never serour to dump all the responsibilityin his wife's lap but that's effectively what has happened. He playswith the kids when he wakesup long enough ro norice rhem but his wife rarely leaveshim alone with them. She'sterrified that the toddler would poison herselfright under her daddy'slessthan watchful eye.Seanisn't callouslyallowing his wife to work iik. dog while he " sits and daydreams. doesn't He euennotice. The varied dutiesand details of family life totally escape him. Seanmay not be a manipulativeuserbut he certainly isn't off the hook. It's okay to retreatto a dreamworld when you have only yourselfto consider.It's a different story entirely when you're responsible a for family and the welfareof young children. Even though Sean'sADD can't be cured,he could work harderto shoulderhis responsibilities. Right now he's too comfortablein the fog that obscures things he shouldworry about. The Party Animal The Party Anima|lives for the weekend,enduring the work week that paysfor her fun. She reluctantlycontrolsher impulsiveand hedonistic tendencies enoughto eam a living, but lets them run amok after hours. Someadultswith ADD don'r even rry ro curb their impulsivity.They cut loosewheneverthey can, short of getting into big trouble. You may know Ginny. She is an ADD adult in her late '20'swho works job full time at a secretarial sheabsolutely hates.She doesn'rdo anything about changingher work situation, however,because thinks she all lobs are probablyequallyboring. At work shespends much time as asshe can get awaywith, chatting on rhe phone with friends,doing her nails and dreamingabout winning the lottery. She wearsa bored expression and frequenrlyyawnswhen people talk


TUENor So FINE Anr Or CoprNc

to her. She bidesher time, counting off the daysuntil the glorious TGIF! On Fridays, the handson the clock point to 5:00 p.ffi., Ginny as you wouldn't even recognize. tums into someone Her routine follows the samepattem everyweek.First,shehits several HaPPyHours with a group of partying friends.She getsmore than a little smashed she flirts her way around the room, making only brief as contactswith individual men. After the happy hour, Ginny and her friendsgo out dancingand usuallyclosethe placedown. She spendsa good chunk of her paycheckon clothes and most of her free time on shoppingand scopingout the latest dancesand fads.Despite her talent for tracking current fashions, hasn't apparentlyheard she about safesex or the joys of sobriety. Ginny has never had trouble finding other Party Animnls.She has a great sense fun and enough energyto get any party off the ground. of Her weekendis an endless round of sex,drugs,dancing and anything elsethat seems be fun. Lately, however,Ginny has been feeling a to little uneasyabout her lifestyle-one of her friendsrecently testedpos. itive for the HIV virus. Her partying crowd seems be getting younger to younger.Friendsher own ageare settling down to careergoalsand and families. Nonstop partying is a lifestylethat beginsto look pathetic asthe years go by and the expectedsettling down never happens. isn't only empry It but downright dangerous this ageof deadlydiseases rampant in and drug problems. "The Party'sOver", sooner Ginny may besingrng . than shethinks. . Emotional Incontinence This behaviordoesn'thave anything to do with bodily functions! Rathet it is rampant,uncontrolledemotionaloutput. As ADDers, we have a hard time modulatingour erratic moods.Stayingreasonably calm can be a full time job! Unlesswe want other peopleto write us off as immature or crazyr have to expend the effort. we At 27 yearsold, Jeffhas a serious caseof Emononal Inconnnence. He


You MEaNI'u Nor Lnzy.SruproOn Cnezyl!

doesn'tmake any effort to control his extremeups and downs.The atmosphere his houseis alwaysrhick with the fallour from his latest in mood. His family ridesthe roller coaster alongwith him, cowering from his rages, sinking into gloom or becominginfectedwith unreason. able giddiness. The members his householdfeel exhausted of and tense. They depletetheir energyreserves they try to cope with his moodas iness. has lost more than one job because his temperand is close He of to losinghis secondwife, aswell. Sadly,in socialsituationsbeyondhis home,Jeffdoesn'thave any impact at all. Other peoplesizehim up quickly and decidenot ro take him seriously. They view his rages the pathetic tantmms of a young child. as They ignore his great ideasbecause alwaysexpresses he them in an embarrassing outpouringof enthusiasm. They ffeat him asa child who lacksrestraint.Acquaintances him on the head asthey quickly pat dismiss him. In Jeff'scase, more is definitely less.Emotional expression greater has impact asit becomes more inlsn5g-but only to a point! Dramacan quickly deteriorateinto melodrama,evoking laughter rather than em. pathy.Peoplelike Jeffwho don't control their emotional output run the risk of becomingcaricatures themselves. of The Blabber M"ry is Jeff'scloserelative.She alsohas a bad caseof incontinence but hers is VerbalInconnnence. Although her official title is "Manager of Order Processing", colleagues her have dubbedher TyphoidMary, RrnnorDistnbutionMannger. They can count on hearing the latest office dirt from Mary who has assumed responsibilityfor broadcasting everyone's confidential information. !7ith her warmth, good listening skills and grandmotherlymanner,60 year old Mary easilymadefriends with coworkers.Her new friends, however,quickly learnedto keep their distancewhen they discovered that M"ry talked asmuch asshe listened! Now, everyonefearsthe effectsof her loosetongue. She isn't a viciousback-stabber. truly caresabout her colleagues She and wantsto lend a listeningear when they have problems. But she


THr Nor So FrNrAnr Or CoprNc

fails to reflect on the confidentiality of sharedinformation and indiscriminately and inappropriately distribwes rumors . The angryreactionsthat greether newscontinually surprise her. Since shehasno qualmsabout sharingher own deepest secrers with total strangers, can't understandwhy others are upsetwhen she shares she their secrets. Mary the human raceis just one big huppyfamily and To familiesdon't keepsecrers from eachorher,do thevf The Bulldozer A bulldozeris a well-designed pieceof machinery. short order,it can In transforman acreof tree-covered land to a flattened,barren landscape. In similar fashion,someADDers bulld"oze their way through their li,res, leavinglittle untouchedor unharmed.This is Richard's,ivl" and it has left him with an empty life. Richard'smother says wasborn with a will of iron and a voice that he could shatterglass with a whisper.From his earliesr days,he made ryeryone in the householddanceto rhe tune of his angry cries. Throughout childhood, he went directly for anything he wanted and shovedanybodyasidewho gor in his way.Now that he'sa 43 yearold adult, he seems ruthlessand cold ashe continuesto bulldozehis way over other people's feelings. is successful business lives in a He in but lonely world. He doesn'tunderstand why peopleseemto avoid him. Richard really doesn'tget it at all. He'sobliviousto rhe impact of his forceful nature and is honestly puzzled when orherskeep him at arm's length. At h9 pushes way through life, he'sawareo.tly of his goals his and takeslittle notice of the peoplehe shoves asidero reachtheir. Please remember. the negatives ADD comprise that of only one dimension of the disorder. ADDers come in an usort*"rrt of packages. There are differences specificsymproms in and in the wayseachofirs manages thesedifferences. Many of us do an amazingly wonderfullob of coping with symptoms the ADD we neve. of knew we had! ",r"., Lacking an understanding their deficits,many ADDers feel comof pelled to spendinordinaretime and energytrying ro pass normal. as


You MEaNI'rr,r Nor L,+zv. SruptoOn Cnezv?!

This is a term we've borrowedfrom Afro-American history. With a long history of discrimination in this country, it isn't surprisingthat somelighter skinnedBlacksmanaged their lives by pretendingthey werewhite. In similar fashion,many of us with ADD can passasnormal (whatever normal means).!7e work hard at hiding our differences. We can idensuccesstify with the adultsin this chapterwho have beensomewhat ful in their effortsbut who have paid dearly for fitting in. in We spend ow hiues fear, out impostors willbe found" at anymoment. who feelinglike A recurring theme throughout the vignettes is the importanceof facing one'sbehaviorsand honestlyevaluatingthem. Many of squarely us,alongwith the peoplein our lives,have spentlifetimeswondering why we do the things we do. \7e have never consideredour behaviors as assymptoms and haven't analyzed coping strategies defense our Lacking knowledgeabout mechanisms to hide inadequacy. developed to the role ADD playsin our lives,we resignourselves the "truth" of the assumptions madeabout us-we are indeedlazy,stupidor crazy! If a parent or teachersuspected problem,sheusuallyattributedit to a poor motivation or a dysfunctional of family.Even when a diagnosis hyperactivitywasmadein childhood, the prescriptionwasfor Ritalin and patience."Thke this pill twice a day,Monday through Fridayduring the schoolyear,and wait until you outgrowyour hyperactivity in adolescence."Someof us have beenwaiting a very long time for this miraculouschangeto occur! at have never been evaluated all. The fact is, many of our readers it Although there isn't anything magicalabout a diagnosis, is a vital, Even if you feel fairly initial stepin changingfaulty self-perceptions. you have ADD, you owe it to yourselfto have a complete certain that evaluation. of In the next chapterwe'll look at the process a diagnosticevaluation information that can help you make somedecisionsabout and share the accessing help. As you may guess, diagnosticevaluationof this


Tur Nor So FINE Anr Or CoprNc

ADD adultsis lesswell definedthan that of children. So, you'll need to proceedwith caution in finding the professional you'll work with in this important part of your recovery.


Crteprgn 6


Tn. diagnosis treatmentof a gardenvariety illnessis fairly straightand forward. A throat culture uncoversa strep infection and the patient takesa round of antibiotics and goeson his way.A few dayslater he feelsgreat.He has come to expectthat powerfulantibioticswill quickly and easilyfix his illness.He viewshis medicalcareasa relatively simple process: Symptom s-me dicaI tests-diagno sis- treatment-C URE J The process uncoveringADD is considerably of more complicated. Often, the process never even beginsbecause symptoms behavthe are ioral, not physical.Many peopleview behaviorasthe cause, not the symptom of disorder. usuallygoessomethinglike this: It Behavi s-f aulty as or swnpnons-blnme-pwti shmentPOOR PROGNOSISJ For many,if not most of us,the initial discovery ADD doesn'tcome of from a professional. comesfrom readingan ADDer's life story that It could be our autobiography. comesfrom talking with a friend whose It descriptionof his ADD sounds remarkablysimilar to our own behaviors. It comeswhen our children, who are "chips off the old block", are with ADD. diagnosed Adults in supportgroupstalk of learning about their ADD in all these proways.Most of theseadultssaythey waited a while beforeseeking fessional help to confirm their self-diagnoses. They usedthis time to


I KNow...l TurN<...I HevpADD-WHnI Do I Do Now?

readaboutADD and to examinetheir lives to seeif the information fit their experiences. Unable to find much informarion aboutADD in adults,many resorted readingthe predominantlychild oriented to literature. Your Job as a Mental Health Consumer If you are beginning a similar process self-discovery of your first responsibiliry is to thoroughlyeducate yourselfabout this disorder. Part of vl,r, self-education should include leaming about the professional resources in your community. lfhen you're readyto proceedwith an evaluation, you shouldn't yory firys9rt tlv walkingthloughthe yellow pagesof dD 4t the phone book to find the servi."r yor'rlllneedl recommendthat you conracrthe nearest chapterof an ADD supgroup.The gloyp can give you a list of ADD informed professionPgrt als in your area.Make surethat you askfor namesof professionals who are competentin diagnosing and treating adults.Also askyour local organization put you in touch with other ADD adultswho can tell to you about their experiences with professionals the referrallist. You on may be fortunate to locate an ADD adult supportgroup that can be an invaluable,informal referralnetwork. For help in locating a group in your area,referto the resource in the appendix. list Rememberthat you are the customerand a consumerof mental health services. be an informed consumer, To you need to do your homework beforeyou make ygul first appointment. You need to proceedcarefully because many good therapists have little knowledg. ADD. "to.rt \fhen you.first meer with the mental health professional you have chosen,askasmany questions you want. Ifyou aren't comfortable as with him after your initial meeting,don't hesitatero go on to the next professional your list. Your mental health is too important to entrust on to someone you don't think understands your issues. After the evaluationis completed, sureto request follow-up apbe a pointment to discuss resultsof your testing.If you don'r speiifically the ask,the professional may just senda highly t".h.ti."l report ro you or your psychiatrist. 'We


You MEnNI'u Nor Lezv,Sruproon Cnazv?!

Psychologist or Psychiatrist What's the Difference?

with the mental health profession, If you have had limited experience you may find a confusingarrayof titles: Ed.D.,M.D. Ph.D.,Psy.D., Educational Psychologist, Neuropsychologist, Clinical Psychologist, Neurologist,Psychiatrist Psychologist, Cognitive Psychologist, But a brief clarification It really isn't quite asconfusingas it appears! may of the role of thesevariousprofessionals be in order.The specialties psyEhologists physicians.Although and fall into two broad categories: (psychiatrists) in have expertise testing,the diagnostic somephysicians will This professional be evaluationis usuallydone by u psychologist. Educational Neuropsychology, from the field of Clinical Psychology, A or Cognitive Psychology. neurologistwho is a medical doctor, solrleevaluation,however,is ustimes doesthe evaluation.A neurological disorderor other specific of exceptin cases a seizure ually unnecessary problems. neurological your mental health professional make recomwill After the diagnosis, mendationsabout treatment options and may refer you to someone for else.You can chooseany ADD informed professional subsequent non-medicaltreatmentbut you must consultwith a psychiatrist(Mn1 will prescribe and monitor medifor drug treatment.The psychiatrist or cation in concertwith your psychologist aspart of his own overall treatmentplan for you. The Diagnostic Evaluation ask Parents sometimes how they shouldpreparetheir children for the medicalteststhat will be part of the diagnosticprocess-the blood questionsincethesetesting This is a reasonable testsand brain scans. procedures often part of a medicaldiagnosis. Although blood tests are used work-upsare sometimes aren't included,extensiveneurological with ADD children. In general,this won't be included in the diagattention deficit disorderin an adult. nostic evaluationof a suspected yet, you may alsobe If you haven't gone through the evaluationprocess wonderingwhat to expectduring the testing.After all, the very thought of testsmav strike terror in vour heart!


I KNow...l THrr.rx...l HnvpADD-WHnI Do I Do Now?

. v 2 rv2
r' I

o a

Tests-aren't those things always the we failedlt Well, you may "fail" someof thesetoo, but that'sokay.The testswill be usedfor the right reasons-for knowledgeand discoveryof your strengthsand weaknesses. won't have to cram for thesetestsand You we can't even tell you exactlywhich onesto expect.Eachpsychologist uses slightly differentbatteryof testsfrom a numberof available a choices. Your psychologist will evaluatethe resultsof theseteststo confirm what he has leamed from the history of your problemsand his observations your behavior. of The psychologist usesthe test resultsin much the sameway your physician uses chestX-ray to confirm his diagnosis your pneumonia. a of Although your physicalexaminationand reportedcomplaintsmay stronglysuggest pneumonia,your doctor reduces margin of error by his confirming his diagnosis with the X.ray.


You MrnN I'rrr Nor Lezy.Sruproon Cnazy?!

Since there are no lab testsavailableto confirm the ADD diagnosis, mental health professionals often rely on educationaland psychological testing.They provide a more unbiased, objectivemethod of diagnosis than observation and history alone. Understanding Your Diagnosis Your follow-up appointmentshouldbe a detailed,fact-findingmission. You should ask questionsabout why certain testswere used,what they measured how you compared with the normal rangefor a particular and explainsyour results, for clarification ask test.\Uhen your psychologist if he uses termsyou don't understand. No two ADD peopleare alike. You shoulduseyour follow-up meeting to leam asmuch asyou can about your unique neuropsychological profile. If you leave this meeting armedonly with your checklist of deficits,you'll have only half the information you need.You must also and the positive have a clear understanding your unique strengths of you compensatory strategies alreadyuse. You can't expectto leavethis meetingwith all the tools you'll need to manageyour ADD. You can expect to leavewith specificinformation about your individual strengthsand weaknesses a frameworkof and treatmentoptions. After the Diagnosis-Your Role in Tireatment The homework you did in locating your mental health professional will pay dividendsasyou begin treatment.You must becomean active participant in your treatment,working with your physicianor psychologist to problem-solve. Since information about adult ADD is limited, a flexible,experimentalapproachto treatment is usuallynecessary. If you'regoing to usemedicinein your treatment,it's essential that you establish partnershipwith your physician.Finding the right media There isn't any cation and dosage generallya trial and error process. is magicformula the physiciancan useto determinein advancethe medicine that will work bestfor you. or If your mental health professional becomes defensive patsyou on 'We've find a new one! the headwhen you askquestions offer ideas, or in been contactedbv adultswho can't find informed professionals


I KNow...l TnrNr...lHnvr ADD-\UHaIDo I Do Now?

their areas. should you find in _yourself a similar situation,you may have to seekour someone who is willing to leam! The Practical side of Evaluation and TreatmentWhat's it Going to Costl This discussion wouldn't be completewithout a word about cost.The testingprocess time consumingand can rapidly run up a largebillis the fee for psychological testing."n rurrge from $+OO to$1500. Before committing to testingor treatment,askabout approximate costsand waysto cut cornersif you are uninsuredor on a tight may be able to work out a paymentschedule advan.. if the b"illfor testing in is too largeto pay at one time. Carefullyscrutinize your insurance policy.Somedon't cover or only partially cover psychological services. Somespecifically excludeADD from coverage. \7e don't want to discourage you from s.eking a diagnosisand treatment. You are worth the price even if it melr,r ,kipping your summervacation this year.\fe just want you to be prepared so you can plan and avoid rude financial shocks. In a later sectionyelll talk specificallyaboutvariousrreatmentoptions for ADD adults.Although professional help will likely be an important part of your treatment,we want to focuspiimarily on self-helpwhich is the guiding principle of this book. \7e firmly beiievethat you arecapableof helping yourselfand we want to help you leam how to do it.

Getting Down To Work

Okay, so you know, or feel fairly certain that an Attention Deficit you know you werebom with Disorderis at the root of your problems. the deficits and grew up with them. You know you're different from someonewithout ADD. You know you've learnedvarious notsogreat

wavs coping of with them. ryHAr Do you Do No\r t so

\7ltq, you do now is take a deepbreath, find sometime for yourself and look squarelyar y_our ADD. It is inseparable from who you are. W.lrat you do now is decide that you are worth all the work it will take to recover.


Nor Ll'zv, Sruptoon Cnnzv?! You MenNI't',t



(something stolen, lost, etc.) 1. a)togetback (health, etc.) consciousness, b)to regain losses) for; up 2. to compensate make for(torecover etc. composure, balance, of back 3. a)to get(oneself) toa state control, etc. of (oneself)from stumble, betrayalfeeling, a slip, or b)tocatch save

1980 SimonandShuster, of Neu., WorldDictionary theAmericanlangrage,

oneself-this is getbackconwol udbalance, saqJe To regain, compensate, of you do now. The remainderof this book is about this process what practical and offer recovery.\7e'11move from the theoretical to the that and suggestions can make recoverypossible. specificguidelines 'SUe that requiresa enough that recoveryis a process can't emphasize lot of work. It isn't somethingthat will magicallyhappenafter you read this book. You must commit yourselfto believing that you are worth all the work it will take to recover.


I KNow...l Tunr...l HnvEADD-\fHnr Do I Do Now?

If you'restill reading,we can assume that you'vemadethis important commitment to yourself.You won't be sorry.You have so muctr, offer to and so many talentsto discover!Let'sget startedand take a look at someimportant issues you'll need to consider. ADD is inseparable from who you are. We made rhis observarionat the outsetbut what doesit really mean?ADD is an acronymfor Attention Deficit Disorder. Deficit...?Disorder...? ADD is inseparable If from you are,doesthis mean that disabilityis your only dimensionl *h-to Absolutelynot! Your differences -onlyone part of you. If socieryhas leamedanything are from the effortsof the physicallydisabledto gain equal access, thal it;s we are all peoplefirst. If more rime and energywere spent developing the unique abilitiesof all people,we would have a more productive society. As you learn to help yourself,you must never focusmore on your disabilitiesthan the total personyou are.It's a mistake,however,ro totally ignore your differences. The tricky thing for ADD adults is that maLy oj us grgw up never knowing we had a disability.ADD is inseparablefrom who we are because forgedour senses self arotrndit, we of never knowing it wasthere. Most of us haven't grown up with the benefit of knowing we had a handicap.\7e grew up thinking we just weren't assmart,competentor valuableasother people. Now that you know you have ADD, it should be easyto make a recipe to rum out a grearperson,right?\7e11, doesn'tquite work that way. it You may know intellectuallythat you have ADD. Grapplingwith that knowledgeon an emotional level, however,is a very different and difficult proposition: It is o task of truly accepting thnt you (nen't perfect. You mus! ray good-byeto your old self-image, whareverthat may have been and admit that your problemswon'r go awayby changingyour job, your friends or your spouse. The vaguefeeling you've alwiys had that somethingwaswrong has been confirmed and given a name. What a scaryplace to be-in adulthood, trying to figure out who you'll be


You MpnNI'v Nor Lnzv.Sruprnon Cnnzv?!

when you grow up. Your newly acquiredself-knowledge may be scarybut it's alsoliberating. It offersa wonderful opportunity to take control of your life by looking squarelyat your limits and growing beyondthem. This requirescourage that and time. It requires working through a process self-acceptance of grieving. beginswith \fhen a loved one dieswe can't move on with our lives until we have grievedand moved through the stages shock, anger,denial, bargainof ing and depression. Similarly, when we lose a part of our psychological including an alterationin our self-concept, must grievethe we selves lost sense self beforewe can work on building a new one. You may of not have thought of your ADD in this way,but: Qrieving has to be the beginning of your self-discaeery. works.You may alreadyhave moved Let'stake a look at how the process It through someof the stages. never hurts, however,to regroupand rethink your progress sincerecoveryis an ongoingprocess. Grief-The Shock of Recognition The diagnosisis often both a punch in the stomachand a vindication 'We of yearsof struggleand feelingsof inadequacy. knew something waswrong and now we have the test resultsto prove it. We don't have anymore,living in fear of being found out. \What to feel like impostors a reliefl '20's,my in constant KK: "When I went through psychotherapy my felt different. I alwaysstruggledwith comparingmytheme was that I self to other people,unableto figure out how they could so easilymanagethe things I sweated over. I wonderedif they had somesecretto a which I wasn'tprivy or if they managed accomplish lot at the exto penseof their families. Since I couldn't go to collegeand do much of anything elseat the sametime, I assumed that being a studentmeant giving up everything for outsideschool.I didn't know that it wasjust easier other people. I assumed to that I wastoo self-indulgent acceptthe challenges.


I KNow...l THrNr...l HnvEADD-'ilUunr I Do Now? Do

\7hen I wasdiagnosed with ADD, the relief wasenormous-l was finally able to make sense my struggles. of Having ADD meanr that I wasn'tbad, lazy,unmotivatedor stubborn.It meant that I could look at my life through different colored lenses. could stop filtering my acI complishmentsthrough the expectationsI basedon comparisons to others.I beganto marvel at all I had managed do in spite of a sigto nificant disability. The mid-life crisisI had beenworking on resolveditself when I sheda positive light on the life I had lived ,rp to that point. Although I had gainedpositiveself-esteem a resultof psychotherapy, wasnothing as it comparedto the boost of my changing view of myselfas a heroically struggling adult. I beganto feel lessapologeticfor my shortcomingsand more deserving of help and understanding. Accompanying the relief wasthe hope that I could be fixed now that I finally understood basis my problems." the for PR: "l alwaysstruggled silently with my deficits.Neither my grades in school nor any of my relationshipsever sufferedoutwardly.The only personwho knew I wasa failure wasme. It wasan incredibleburden. The peoplein my life didn't destroyme. I destroyed myselfwith inrense feelingsof inadequacy. Perhapsthe worst period in my life waswhen my little brother died. I was 14 yearsold and into driving my parenrs crazy with my adolescent stuff. Rogerhit a tree when he wassledding and died the next moming. He wasonly 10 yearsold and indisputably the perfect child in my family. He wasso perfect. I wasso imperfect. And he had to die! I knew that it shouldhave beenme. No one ever knew how I felt. To this day,my parenrsdon't know how I agonized over screwingthis one up by not being rhe one who died. Leaming at 39 that I had ADD didn't miraculouslyfree me from my impairedsense seli but it offereda peaceI had never known before. of It wasa relief to know, at leastin my intellectualself,that my feelings had a basis. struggles My camefrom deficitsover which I had no control. The diagnosis alone didn't undo yearsof silent pain bur gaveme a reality I could useto work on readjustingmy self-image.


You MEaNI'v Nor Lnzy.Sruprpon Cnnzy?!

I wish my brother hadn't died but I've been ableto alter my perspectives of his life and mine. Neither of us had more value than the other. His death just happenedand I finally believethat it's okay that it wasn't me instead." Grief: Anger-"Why Me?" The initial smgeof relief and euphoriaoften givesway ro a period of anger.The diagnosisthat freesus from faulty assumptions beginsto feel like an unbearable burden. Factsdon't lie. We are imperfect and it just isn't fair! "Why me?Why did I haueto be born thisway?" "Why did everyone-parents, teacherstherapists-blamemy , dfficultieson depression, of motiuation poorcharacter?" lack or "WhJ didn't somebody believe me?" in "WhJ did ewerybody &ssLlme worst-that I just wasn'ttrying the hardenough?" "Why was I misunderstood reprimanded and whenI was uying my lteartout?" "Why did all those pretendto know more mentalheahhprofessionals " tlwn theyreallydid? 'We may feel furious at the people in our lives who failed to recognize 'We our deficits. understandthat no one knew much about ADD ten or twenty yearsago.But somehow, still feel that if only our parents we had loved and respected enough,they would have figuredit out. us They should have known our problemswere real. \7e often begin to feel helpless and victimized. Grief: Denial-Not Me! Remember Donna?She struggles with her inability to move beyond the intellectunl knowledgeof her ADD to the emotionel knowledge.It's not that sherejectsthe reality of her disorder. She simply deniesits impact on her life. Denial can take several forms.After an initial sense anger, of we might decideto reject the diagnosis, wonderingwhy we ever wasted our money on the evaluation.\7e might, asDonna does,announceto


I KNow...l TurNx...l Hnvr ADD-!7unr Do I Do Now?

friends that we have ADD but then not seektreatment. \7e might pick up our prescriptionfor Ritalin but never useit. \7e might take the medication with the mistakenbelief that we have found the cure for our problems.We move into this new phaseof our lives with rosy fantasies how with the help of our local pharmacyr can conquer of we the world. Regardless the brand of denial we chooseduring this stage, aren't of we dealingyet with the reality of our ADD. We needtime to process our new knowledgeand confront ourselves with our weaknesses. this At early stagein the process recovery we don't recognize facereof the flecting back to us in the mirror: "Th.atisn'tthe person usedto be, I andl'm not readyto figne out who it reallyis."

/ '

,/', , / ,'

You MrnN I'u Nor Lnzy.Sruproon Cnnzy?!

Bargaining-It Can All Be Fixed As we begin to makesense everything,we bargainwith God or fate of to forestallfacing the inescapable fact of our disorder.The deal goes somethinglike this: "lf I'm really good,you'll give me back what I've lost." For many ADD adults the bargainingis around medication that often bringsat leastinitially dramatic,positivechanges. whole world A opensup asthe medication helps us emergefrom lifelong fogt. Sights and soundsthat had previouslydrifted by our conscious awareness are noticed for the first time. \7e are better organized and focused. \7e feel energized with a new sense purposeand feel calmer and happier. of This new tool is a greatbargainingchip. 'We promiseourselves work diligently at pursuingthe right doseof to medication.When we find it, we know that our symptoms will go away.We'll be able to take responsibility our behaviors for and be like everybody else.

This strategyworks for a while until awareness growsthat maybethis isn't the answerto our problems.Our improvedability to pay attention makesus increasinglyawareof our mistakes. \7e grudginglyacknowledgethat our medicinehasn't curedthem. It doesn'tmakeus normal even though we promisedto do everythingright if only the Ritalin would fix us. We begin to notice the drug'suneven symptomcontrol over the courseof the day and our decreased functioning when the drug is at a low level. Our diagnosis vindicatesus from the invalid assumptions peoplehave madeabout us.\Ue'vespentour angerrailing about the injusticeand have taken a steptowardsdealingwith our symptoms. we aren't But fixed. Our bargainingdoesn'twork but we'restill not readyto own our disorder.We still aren't ready to accept that we'll struggle with ADD for the rest of our lives. Reality Sinks In-Depression Our diagnosis supposed free,not imprisonus.But that'soften is to what happensat somepoint in our grief process. adults,we resent As having to relive the identity crisisof adolescence. may not have We


Hnvr ADD-Wunr Do I Do Now? I KNow...l TutNx...l

beendoing greatbeforebut at leastwe thought we knew who we were. At this point depression often setsin. For someADD adultsit retums periodically, threateningto undermineprogress.


set KK: "When depression in, it wascompoundedby the growing certainty that my daughteralsohad ADD. I mixed us up in my mind during that time. Tyrell wasmy bright hope for the future. I put a lot so of energyinto carefullynurturing her self-esteem shewouldn't have that ADD wasat to go through what I did asa child. When I realized the root of many of my problems,I wasfrightened for my daughter. In my stateof gloom,I beganto think that shewasdoomedasI was.If I this problemwasinherited and biological,there wasno escape. agonizedover Tyrell'sfate and my own. I ruminatedabout all the things I couldn't do and all the times I had failed. I relived eachpainful and


You MraN I'v Nor Lazy,Sruproon Cnazy?l

humiliating experience from my past.My positiveattributesand accom. plishmentsceased exisr.There wasrhe triple whammyof feeling to helpless a parent,generallyincompetentand without hope for tle as future. I saidgood-bye many of my dreams, ro both the realisticand the unrealisticones. This stagewasmarked by extremefragility. I constantly burst into tearsand innocent remarksset me off. I laughat it now but just hearing the word "memory"would bring tearsto my eyesbecause reminded it me of my deficits. I sat in church every Sundaytrying to hide the tears streaming down my face." PR: "The relief I felt after my diagnosis wasshort-lived.In the months that followed,it wasreplaced with an assortmenr conflicring feelof ings.Depression one of them. It wasa placeI had frequentlyvisited was during my life. This rime, however,there wasno vagueness about my feelingsof gloom. I had often lived under a cloud of helplessness hopelessness. and The discovery my ADD, however,broughrmy negativefeelingscrashing of down aroundme. I had previouslybeen able to pull myselfout of my black fogsby reasoning that things really weren'rthat bad. My diagnosisbrought this reasoningro a crashinghalt. Things really were that bad! I would never be okay. I alreadyknew that my rhen 8 year old son would never be okay.I vividly recall the moment two yearsearlierwhen my fantasies about R. Jeremyabruptlyended.I sat in the psychologist's office,mentally checkingoff all the things he would never be able to do. Four months pregnantwith a babygirl conceivedafter several yearsof infertility treatments, felt gut-wrenchingrerror for both my children. I Remember brother Roger? my \7ell, I had given my son his name and I had an intense,frighteningfeelingof deia vu.'What awful cursehad I visited on my son?\7ould he alsocome ro someterrible end? Depression in with a vengeance. had previously set I resolved issues my aroundJeremy's deficitsand had accepted imperfections. here his But it wasagain-that damnedADD. This time it wasmine. My feelings


I KNow...l THrNr...l Hevr ADD-WHaI Do I Do Now?

and fearsabout both my son and myselfconverged into somepretty thoughts.Just when I wasgetting a handle on his self-destructive problems, wasfacedwith the reality of my own. I It wasn'teasyto move beyondmy depression. didn't happenoverIt persistence a sense humor, I climbed night. But I did it. With and of out of my deep,black hole again.I decidedI didn't like it in there-it wastoo dark and I'm into bright, open spaces! figuredthat with my I family of four, I was2 down, with 2 to go.I did it twice and if I had to, I could do it again." Out of the Depths-ACCEPTANCE! you If you keepworking on the grief process, will come to a new and place in your life. The stages you will go through are often difbetter ficult and painful but they're essential. \Uhen the going getsrough, don't get discouraged. Visualize whereyou'regoing-to a placewhere you will discoverand learn to useyour valuablegifts. PR: "One day last summera terrible thunderstormrocked our house and terrified my 4 yearold daughter.\Uhen it finally ended there was the an incredibly beautiful double rainbow stretchingacross sky.Alison wasdumbstruckbecause had never seena rainbow.After watching she it a while, she announcedthat shehoped we'd have another bad storm replaced soonso shecould seeanotherrainbow.Her feardisappeared, with her child'soptimism. I've thought often about that storm sinceAlison comfortedherself with the wonderof the resultantrainbows.It may be a cliche but my joumey through my own personalstorm has taught me to believe in the gold at the end of rainbow.It's there. It's real. It's within my grasp. probably alwayshave more stormsthan rainbowsbut I know that I'11 goeswith the territory.I know that my joumey will be an uphill that strugglebut the rewardsare worth *y efforts.I acceptmy son and 'We're myselfaswe are. all we've got, so we'd better make the most of limitless our lives.Those complexand beautifulrainbowssymbolized possibilities. And so do we, my son and I." KK: "l don't remember exactlywhen the depression beganto lift. I

YouMEeu Nor Lezy. I'v Srupro Cnnzy?! on know one sign of my emergence from gloom and doom wasregaining the abiliry to laugh at myself.I joked about starring a new kind of AA group for people like me. I would call it Airheals Anonymous. Understanding that I wasn'tto blamefor the way I was,relievedme of the guilt I had lived with for so long. I wasa valuablepersonwith a disability. I had deficits but they no longer defined who I was.Th"y took their rightful placeasone dimensionof a multi-dimensional person.I beganto feel more confident about my parenting skills and becamelessanxiousabout my daughter's future. I reasoned that if I could make it without any help during my childhood, Tyretl could do even better with support. Coming to terms with my ADD meanr spendingfar lesstime and en. ergyhiding my deficits.I concentratedon understanding rhem without being consumedbv them. I wasfinally free to take chargeof my life and realisticallyassess ir. The months that followed were exciting and productive as I evaluated variouscareeroptions.It became clear that I had a gift for writing and an ability to understand and connectwith people. I wasalreadyusing my peopleskills in my teaching and nursing but realizedthat many of the routine detailsof my work werepainfully difficult for me. I decided to usemy risk-takingability to embarkon a new venrure,althSughit wasn'treadilyapparentwhat it would be! I had been intenselyinterestedin ADD sincemy diagnosis and wanted to specialize it in someway.I just didn't know what direction to in take. I liked the flexibility of teaching and enjoyedmenroring students but sensed that perhaps this wasn'tquite the right niche. I wrestled with the issue securityvs. optimally usingmy interests of and talents. With my newfound sense inner strength, I wassurethat I would of eventually find what I waslooking for. !7hen the answercame,everythingfell in to place.I decidedro write this book and askedP.ggy to join me in this venrure.The project had my name on itl I knew there were millions of peoplesffugglingwith ADD and that there waslimited help availablefor them. This book would be the perfect work choice for me.


I KNow...l THrNr...l HavpADD-Wunr Do I Do Now?

I had impeccable credentials-who could know ADD better than variedbacksomeone who lived with it? I could usemy experiences, groundin educationand mental health and my peopleand writing What skills to work at somethingin which I wasintenselyinterested. a perfectjob! Life still has its upsand downsbut I feel that I'm living it more fully now than I ever could have beforethis journey.Insteadof hiding my weaknesses working at things that are wrong for me, I can now or celebrate gifts." my

In the remaining chaptersof this book, we will offer a frameworkyou The can useto maximizeyour abilitiesand minimizeyour disabilities. 'We focuswill be on what you can do rather than what you can't do. want to help you discoveryour hidden strengthsand talents and celebrate the personyou are. '!7e We don't presumeto have all the answers. can, however,help you formulate the questionsyou need to ask asyou take responsibilityfor your recovery.We shareyour pain and your hope because are strugwe gling alongside you. As you continue on your personaljourney of recovery,considerthe following quote by Cathy Better of Reistertown,Maryland. It appeared and is an empoweringaffirmation in the Commwtity Timesnewspaper availableto you with hard work and a deepcomof the possibilities mitment to yourself. clwnce. Eachday that we awakeis a new start, another Why wasteit on self-pity,slothand selfishnessl of RoIIthnt dny arowrd on yo1,4r tongue,relishthe taste itsfreedom. Breathe deeplyof the morningair, savorthefragranceof opportunity. 24 Rwt your handsalongthe spineof thoseprecious hows in andfeel the suength the sinewutd bone. Life is raw material.We are artisans. into Vle can sculptour enstence somethingbeautiful, it or debase into ugliness. It's in our hands.



Cnapren 7

About Balance, Toyofasl Porsches Circus Wires, theTwelve High and Steps Alcoholics of Anonymous
Dia we get your attention?Are you wondering about the connecrion betweenbalance,cars,high wire acrs,AA, ADD and recovery? lfell, there is a connection and it's an important place to start learning how to effectively manageyour ADD. Balancemay be somethingyou only think about at the end of the month when your bank shtement comes. One of life'slittle joys is a balancedcheckbook.This doesn'rhappen nearly often enough.How many times do you decidethat it isn't worth trying to figureout rhe dis. crepancy-that it's easierto acceptthe balanceyour bank says you have?

"The ADDer's Precarious High Wire Act"


Aeour BaI-nNcE,ToyorAS, PoRscurs, CtRcus HrcH \7rRrs, ANn THe Twr,r-vn Sreps Or AlcoHolrcs ANoNyl,rous As ADDers, achievingbalancein our lives is critical and considerably more difficult to achievethan balancein our checkbooks. What is It's balance? a generalconcept,similarto freedomor success, each that of us definesindividually.Let'sfind out how balanceissues have an impact on the lives of ADD adults. Warning-It's Very Easy for an ADDer to Lose Her Balance! ADD folk have nervoussystems that are erratic and poorly regulated. Rapid thoughtsand an excitablenature are at oddswith a central nervoussystem that can't handle too much input. The paradoxis of an enthusiastic, creativeand impulsiveADD adult who is often driven to get involved in more than shecan handle.Sincehaving ADD means that her basicnature is at war with itsell her life can indeedbe a High Wire Act! Achievement and Less Tangible Goals: There are many waysfor an ADDer to losethe balancein her life. The delicatebalancebetween achievement and other, lesstangiblegoalsis a critical balancingact. Thesedaysit seems that many feople feel they live on fast-moving treadmillsthat lack off switches. Careers up family time and escaeat lating demands createpressure cookerenvironments. Unlike peoplewho react to this pressure with mild stress symptoms, ADDers can fall apartcompletely. coursethis is often a first, essenOf tial steptowardrecovery. Falling apartcan be the equivalentof an alcoholichitting "rock bottom". For somealcoholics, rock bottom is getting a DUI citation. For others,it is a string of DUI's, a divorce, unemploymentand hitting skid row. As awful asrock bottom may seem at the time for an alcoholic or an ADDer, it's often the startingpoint for a new and better life. It beginsthe recoveryprocess because its awfulness forcesthe personto make somechanges. Structure and Freedom: To keep ourselves from falling off our high wire, many of us alsoneed a properbalanceof structureand freedom. We ADDers often balk at the structurewe desperately need.A tendencyto becomeeasilyover-stimulated meansthat chaotic lifestyles can get us into trouble.On the other hand, lives routinizedinto dullnessby too much regimentationdon't provide sufficientchallenge.


You MrnN I'v Nor Lnzy,SruproOn Cnnzy?!

know that an ADD child needsextemally imposedstructurero thrive. \7hen shebecomes adult, shecontinuesto need limits but an has to provide them for herself.Adults are expectedto managetheir own lives.The challengeis to establish balancethat offersorderwitha out stifling creativity,one of many ADD adulm'bestattributes. Ways of ThinH.g, Activity Levels, Emotions and Needs: ADD brainsand nervoussystems often out of balancewith behavior are swingingrapidly from one extreme to rhe other. An ADDer tends ro excesses, alternatingbetweenboutsof workaholismand sluggish inactivity. Her moodsswing up and down and her performanceis erratic. The following list outlinessomeof thesebalanceissues that can cause you to loseyour footing on the high wire: Work vs. Play Do you tend to get over-involved in one or the other and have trouble shifting gears ? Your Needs vs. Others' Are you obliviousto the feelingsand points of view of othersor do you always put yourselfdeadlast? Over vs. LJnderstimulation !: What is your optimal level of srress, noise,work and challenges? Hyperactivity vs. Hypoactivity Are you so active that you drive others crazy do you vegetate or most of the time?This includessleepand restpattemsaswell as daily activity levels. Detailed vs. Global Thinkittg Do you get caughtup in too much detail unableto seethe forest for the trees,or do you tend to focuson the gestaltor whole picture?If you focuson big picrures, you have troublekeeping do track of details? Depression vs. Euphoria Are your moodsout of balancewith too much sadness excessive or happiness? you swingbetweentheserwo extremes? Do



Aeour BalnNcE, ToyorAS, Ponscues, Ctncus HtcH'WtnEs, ANo TnE TwEr-vp SrEps Op Ar-coHot-rcs ANoNvvrous

The Value of Examining Balance Issues

It's easyfor your balancein eachof theseareas becomeskewedin to either direction at differenttimes.Altemately, you may find yourself regularlyswingingerraticallyfrom one extremeto the other. The point of examiningeachof theseareas that imbalancein any of them can is problems your mental health or family life. cause for \Uhat's the connectionwe mentionedbetweenbalance,Tovotasand Porsches? somerespects, ADD adult is designed In the like a Porsche. She is spirited,dynamic,powerful,exciting and readyto go with the rapid acceleration an expensive of sportscar.Her non-ADD peersare more like the family Toyota.Equallywell engineered, this Toyotahas a more "even temperament." is designed comfort, reliability and It for fuel efficiency.If the ADD adult is to maintain and maximizethe high performance her Porsche, has to take especially good careof of she herself. 2 One of the bestwaysyou can do this is to work on achievingbalance in your life. Having a well-balanced lifestyleis akin to taking good careof your car.It subjects system lesswearand tear.To usethe the to metaphoragain,working on balanceis similar to continually tinkering with and tuning up your car.If you want to keepyour whole system in working order,you'll have to make on-goingadjustments. With limitations they can't ignore,ADDers who recovermay well lead the rest of societyto a sanerway of life. Competenceand levelsof achievement have becomethe societalstandard that measures pera son'sworth and success life. Thosewho are "unproductive"due to in age,health, or disabilityhave beendevaluedbecause they don't "measureup". Societyno longervalueschildren or the agedas it previously did. A shockingnumberof children sink into poverty while stressed caregivers abuse many seniorcitizens. This philosophizing isn't just the wanderingof creativeminds but relatesdirectly to achievingbalancedlives.You have a unique opporruyour success nity to redesign model and get off the ctazy treadmill everyoneelseis on.


You MreN I'v Nor Lazy.SruproOn Cnazy?!

If you pay attention to the messages your body and soul,you'll realize of that you can't be all or do it all. If you work at your recovery, you can useyour new self-knowledge designa life that really worksfor you. to You can be at peacewith yourselfand your environmentwhile the rest of the world skyrockets out of control. 'We've alreadytalked about the connectionbetweenbalance,carsand high wire acts.Now let'sconsiderthe last part of this chapter's titleAlcoholics Anonymous-as we move from generalconceptsro practical applications achievingbalancein your life. for

How,To's of Achieving Balance

To help you get started,we're going to borrow the invaluableframework of the Twelqte Sreps '\boholics Anonymous. of Although this program specifically refersto alcohol and alcoholics,it's possible substitute to virtually any chronic problemor disability.A variety of suppoftgroups have adoptedthis frameworkwhich is a soundprogramfor crearinga balancedlife. Briefly,the programis a systematic plan for acknowledging limitations to oneselfand others,making amends otherswheneverpossible to and coming to a greaterself-acceptance.Working progranmeansmaking the a commitment to follow rhe sreps daily life. in The Twelve Steps of A.A.'a l.'We admittedwe werepowerless over alcohol-thatbur lives had becomeunmanageable. 2.Came to believethat a Powergrearerthan ourselves could restoreus to sanity. 3.Made a decisionto tum our will and our lives over to the care of God aswe understood Him. 4. Made a searching and fearless moral inventory of ourselves. 5. Admitted to God, to ourselves, to other human beingsthe and exact nature of our wrongs. 6.'Wereentirely readyto have God removeall thesedefects of character. 7. Humbly askedHim to removeour shortcomings.


Aeour BalaNcE, ToyorAS, Ponscups,Clncus HrcH'WIRES, ANn TUE TwElvr SrEpsOp Ar-coHolrcs ANoNyvous 8. Made a list of all persons had harmed,and became we willing to make amendsto them all. 9. Made direct amendsto suchpeoplewhereverpossible, except when to do so would injure them or others. 10. Continued to take personalinventory and when we were wrong,promptly admitted it. I 1. Soughtthrough prayerand meditation to improveour conscious contact with God aswe understood Him, praying only for knowledgeof His will for us and the power to carry that out. 12. Having had a spiritualawakeningasthe resultof theseSteps, we tried to carry this message alcoholics, to and to practice theseprinciplesin all our affairs. Using The TWelve Steps for Your Personal Recovery from ADD The stepsareframedarounda central conceptof spiritualawareness that has relevance ADDers. It's the glue that holds all the stepsof for the programtogetherso that peaceand self-acceptance be achieved. can Spiritual awareness isn't specificto organized religion. The Twelqte Steps "God as we und"erstnndhim'i carefully talk about leaving the specificsto the individual. The word "God" can be replaced with a more generalized"higher power" that has meaningfor each individual. The higher power could be the fellowshipof other alcoholics(or in our case,other ADDers) or the whole of mankind. The idea is to focuson something greaterthan ourselves and realizethat we c&n'tgo it totallyalone.The SerenityPrayersumsup this philosophy: GOD GRANT ME THE SERENITY TO ACCEPT THE THINGS I CANNOT CHANGE, TO CHANGE THE THINGS I CAN, AND THE \TISDOM TO KNO\y THE DIFFERENCE. Closelyrelatedto spiritualawareness integralto the programis and the issue morality and wrongdoing.For the alcoholic,this issue a of is critical part of her recovery. Typically the alcoholismhas caused havoc in the lives of her friendsand family and shemust assume responsibility for her actions.This includesmaking amends eachof the people to shehasdirectlv hurt.


You MraN I'v Nor Lazy.SruprnOn Cnezv?!

Theseissues aren't relevantto your recoveryfrom ADD exceptasthey relateto thoseaspects selfyou can change.For instance,if you've of learnedto usesomemaladaptive coping mechanisms that have hurt other people,you shouldtake responsibihty your behaviors for and make appropriate amends. The issueof powerlessness detailed in the first three steps,however,has a direct implication for you asan adult with ADD. It meansthat you are powerless over your ADD in that it isn't anyone's fault and can't be cured. Applying thesestepsin your own life meansthat you need to stop blaming your parents,spouse, children and yourselffor the problemscaused by your ADD. This doesn'tmean that you absolve yourselffrom all responsibility your behavior.It meansthat you acknowledge for the reality of your imperfectself.Confronting your powerli:ssness includes an admission that you can't do it all-you arehuman and have unique limitations. If you have begunyour process grief,you may alreadybe of confronting and working at acceptingyour limitations. The fourth principle alsohas significance you asan ADD adult. for This stepinstructsthe individual to take amoral inventory.This should be similar to the one you developfor your homeowner's renter's or insurance. Rather than noting the condition and value of possessions, you shouldexamineand list your assets, abilitiesand your liabilities, or or disabilities. Your inventory is central to your recovery. Since your ADD can't be cured,your goalshouldn'tbe to eliminate your deficits.Insteadit should be to identify, accept and manage them. A failure to confront your limitations can result in damaged emotional and spiritualhealth and a diminishedsense self.Later in this discussion, of we'll offer somesuggestions abouthow to compile this important inventory.

Evaluating Balance Issues in Your Life

We talked earlier in this chapter about general balance issuesthat can be important for you as an ADD adult. Now it's time for you to think about the balance in your own life. The following is a list of questions


Aeour BalRNcE, Toycrr.\s, PonscHrs, CtRcus HrcH'W'IRes, ANn Trrp Twgr-ve SrEnsOr AlcoHot-rcs ANoNyvous you can useto get started.\-.,u may never have really thought about someof them and may not be irbleto answer of them right now. But all keepthgm in mind throughoutthe discussion this chapter.If you try in someof the thingswe suggesr, may be ableto answer \'ou them later. 1. \Yhat is your daily/weekly work capacity? 2. How much sleepand restdo you need,including "down time" when there are no demands placedon you1 3. What is your financial bottom line-how much income do you requireto maintain an acceptable standard living? of 4. How much time shouldyou devoreto family and friends? 5. \7hat must you do to renewyourselfspiritually,not just in the sense religion but regarding of anything rhar givesyour life ' meaning? 6. How much and what kind of recreational activitiesare critical for your well-being? 7. How long can you work efficientlywithout a break? 8. What obligationsmusryou fulfilll 9. What things are cluttering your life and shouldbe eliminated? 10. How much time do you spenddaily on self-mainrenance: grooming,dressing health carel or

Is Your Life in Balance?

You probablyknow that "a11 work and no play makes Johnny a dull boy."A balancedlife must include time for work, relarionships, spiritual renewal,recreationand rest.In today's fast track, dual .ut"". society, the pressures suchthat even calm, well-organized beco fraz. are folk me zledasthey arremprto find time for everything. Th9 jugglingact is dauntingfor you asan ADD adult. If you just go with the flow, lou're likely to find yourselfdrifting in directionsthat aren't particularlyhelpful. You can ger immersed work and forget in that you have a family or allow your socializingar work to interfeie with the quality of your performance. Since you'redistractibleand have an elasticsense time, you can't expectto let balancetake care of of itself.You have ro carefullydesignit.


You MrnN I'rr,r Nor Ltzv, SruproOn Cnnzv?l

Conduct Your Own One Rat Study To answerthe questions posedabout the balancein your life, we you'll need to conduct your own research experiment.It shouldinclude a daily log that tracksyour activitiesfor several weeks. Write down everythingyou do and how much time it takes.Also keep track of the difficulty of eachtask or evenr. Rate the difficulty on a scaleof one ro ren. If you have trouble deciding how to rate something, pay attention ro stress indicators. !7hat happens when you facetoo many demands? Somepeople react to stress with muscletensionor headaches. Othersbecome initable or start tuning out. \ilAat is your pattem of sffess indicators? \7hen your diary is complete,examineit for observable pattems. Did your stress indicatorsincrease after a certain length of time on a task?If so,you have discovered how long you can work without a breakor a shift to anotheracrivity. In similar fashion,you can begin to estimateyour overall daily and weeklywork capacity. By keeping track of stress symproms and altering the number of hours you work, you can determinehow long you can work efficiently. Don't neglect the other areas your life when you analyze of your diary.Doesexercise seemto lower your stress level and improve the quality of your work?What about the time you spendwith your family? Make a Personal Schedule It's time to developa tentative weeklyschedule that includesan estimateof the time it takesto do eachactivity. As you pencil in time estimates your schedule, very careful.Referto your diary on be to find out how long it took to completevarioustasksand factor in extra time. Doubling your esrimate everythingexceprsleepwill for give you a cushionfor unexpected eventsand the distractions that inevitably derail ADDers. 'We can almostguarantee that after the first week,you'll decidethat your schedule unworkable!You will probablyfind that everything is you neededto do didn't fit into your time frames. \7e bet that if you did manageto stayon schedule, you were frazzledbythe end of the week.


Aeour BalnNcE, ToyorAS, PonscHEs, CiRcus HrcH'WrRr.s, ANo Tue TwEr-vESreps Op AlcoHoI-rcs ANoNyvous Your life is out of balancebecause you'retrying to fit too much into it! This includesnot just the quantity of activitiesbut an accumulation of demands your capaciq for work and stress. on After you'verecovered from the shockof recognizing impossibility doing it all, you'll the of need to reviewyour schedule with the goalsof slicing and dicing itl The demands your life needto match your capacityand abilities on and alsofit into the time you have available. How do you get started figuring out what to cut outl In the next section,we'll get back to the moral inventory we talked about earlier.This will be the placefor you to start.

AnalyziurrgPersonal Strengths and Weaknesses

Although we wouldn't presume minimize the enormoustask of reto coveringfrom alcoholism,in somerespecrs might be easier it than recovering from ADD. As an ADD adult, your flawsare lessapparenr than thoseof the alcoholic's and may thereforebe somewhateasier ro deny and ignore.You have the power ro take control of your life by looking squarely your limits. at Acknowledging your limits offersan opportunity for you to grow far beyondthem. By limiting the activitiesthat stress your fragileskills, you will free up energyand time for thoseyou do well. It's time for you get busyon your moral inventory to help you better understand your strengths and weaknesses. the following questions an outline Use as for this important job. What Can I Do Welll This first questionmay be the hardestto answer!Membersof our local adult supportgroupwere initially stumpedwhen they tried to describe someof their strongpoints. Severalexpressed that they couldn't think of anything positivebecause they wereso accustomed focusingon to their mistakes. Over time, it becameapparentthat there wasindeeda wealth of talent amongus.After several months,groupmembers gradually becamelesstentative about their strengths. If you have a similar problem,we suggest that you work first on enlarging your thinking aboutwhat constitutesan asset. instance,as For


You MEaNI'v Nor Lnzy,SruproOn Cnezy?!

someof our groupshared particulartalentsin their jobs,one participant (we'll call her Sarah)wasinitially apologetic aboutnot working outsidethe home. As the sharingcontinued in subsequent meerings, becameapparenr it that Sarahwasa virtual geniusat living a balanced life. She had conductedher own elaborate"one rat study" to determineher work capacity. She addedup all the mental and physicaltasksperformedin a typical week to arrive at a total numberof working hours.Her calculationswerevery precise. Sarahdeterminedthat travel time to her son'sschoolconferenceconstitutedwork and time spentat the support group wasleisure.She informed the group that she didn'r counr rhe time it took her to get dressed the moming-but if shehad to change in into her grass cutting clothes during the day,she counted it aswork! Sarahspentseveral weekstracking her signsof sffess shemanipulated as the numbersof hours she worked in a given week.At the end of her study,she concludedthat she could work no more than fifty hours a week without exceeding acceptable levelsof stress. Since shealready had two children, motherhoodwasn'ran oprional role but sheknew that shecould makedecisions abouther other roles. She realized that shecould only manage part time job outsidethe a home but didn't wasteenergyfretting about the loweredfamily income. Instead,sheturned her creativetalentsto devisingstrategies living for well on lessmoney.She growsmuch of the family'sfood in a backyard garden,swimsin a smallpool dug with family labor and barterswith friendsfor other goodsand services. Shb carefullyconsiders impact the of labor and money decisionson the family systemnot only asfinancial expenses, alsoasthe cost and value of energyand time. but The resultis a family that is truly in balance.Sarah,whoseparricular gifts aren't easyto measure defineby societalstandards, extremely or is successful. could be a valuableconsultantto manv harried. sffessed She families. \7hen you make your list of things you do well, go beyondthe obvious. Many of us with ADD measure personal worth by the yardstickof peoplewith more orderlyor ordinarylives and minds.I7e consider


Aeour Bala.NcE,ToltrrAs, PonscHes,Ctncus HtcH V/tRrs, ANo THp TwEr-vESrEpsOp AlcoHolrcs ANoNyvous ourselves successful we plav tennis or golf well, have careers if with a steadyupwardclimb and pert,rrmtasksefficiently.Remember, abilour ities are often more offbeat l KK: "My youngerbrotherhasADD and is a mechanicalgenius. \fhen he wasa kid, he got in mega-trouble because alwaystook things he apartand neglected pur them back together.He did, however,have to a talent 'We wasvery useful.He could figure out how ro open any kind that of lock. always calledon him when family members had locked their keys in the car. He wasa lifesaverwhen my dad who worked for Colt firearmsaccidentally locked my Aunt Mary in a pair of police handcuffsone Friday night. Unfortunately, the key was in Dad'soffice that wascloseduntil Monday morning. Aunt Mury would have spent a very uncomfortable weekendhad my brother not come to her rescue !

\ \ z

You Mr,qNI'u Nor Lnzy.SruproOn Cnazy?!

My brother would have madea grearburglarbut he might alsohave tumed his unusualtalent into somethingboth income-producing and legal! I don't know. Maybehe could have designed securirysystems. Actually, he becamea chef who happensto have many other untapped talents. \fhen I was23 yearsold and doing my own self-assessment, iniI was tially hard-pressed figureout what I did well. A string of failures to had left me wonderingif I had any abilitiesat all. I sidestepped the questionof my abilitiesby taking a look at what I liked to do. Identifying my talentsfollowed logicallyfrom this startingpoint. The first item on my list wasthat I liked to spendtime talking with my friends.I realized that not only did I like it, I wasalsogood at it. Peopleoften called on me for help when they were in trouble or feeling unhappy.Bingo! I realized that I wasan effective,albeit untrained, therapist. I addedmy love of readingto my list. I realized that besides books,I loved readingpeople and trying to undersrand them. My list grewro include attributessuch asmy toleranceand acceptance others'faults of and my problem-solving skills." \fhen you begin working on your own list, try srarringwith the things you like to do. Since we often preferactivitiesthat comeeasiest us, to you may find yourselffocusingon your talentswithout even realizing it. Include asmany things asyou can. Don't limit yourselfto standard or marketable skills suchasbeing a computerwhiz or a good dancer.If you can tie a knot in a cherry stemwith your tongue,include it on your list. If your talent is playing the Star-Spangled Banneron your reerh, don't hesitateto write it down. Theseabilitiesmight nor have any apparentvalue. But somecreativethinking can lead to somesurprising uses seemingly for useless sffangetalents! and What Can I Do Adequatelyt Your downhill skiing talentsmay not exactlyqualifufor an Olympic gold medal.If you can manage, however,to ger down the hill in one piece, add this item to your inventory. \fhat about the costumes you sewed your daughter's for schoolplay?Maybesomeof the seams ripped


Aeour BaleNcE, Toyt.T.\s, PonscHrs, CtRcus Htcrr 'WtREs, ANo Tue TwElvr Sl.i.. Or Ar,cc>Hot-tcs ANoNyvous apart and had to be pinned rtrggl|-t.r the performance you did for but manageto get the twenty-fivc Ctrslpp"ssewedtogether. well. fh" point is, you shouldincluJc eachthing you can do reasotwbly Theseactivitiesmay not L'e\'t'rur tavoritethings to do and they may not be a showcase your tale hut at leastyou can get by with them. of nt, If you area mediocre tennispl.rver, includeit aslong asyou don't play so poorly that you facehumiliation eachtime you stepon the court. If cooking is fairly routine and unexciting but edible,it belongsin Y-our this category. What Can't (or Shouldn't) I Dol This final sectionof your inventory is extremelyimportant because it will help you makedecisions about the things you shouldsimply srop -by doing.- you remember Do Debrawho tries to hide her deficits doing everything? Not only doesshetry to do everything,shetries to do everythingbrilliantlyl Of course, continuatlyfeelsstressed she and inadequate due to her unrealisticexpectations. Even_if you aren't trying to do it all, you areprobablytrying to do things you shouldn'tdo. You may be a whiz in mathematics that doesn'i but necessarily mean that you shoulddo your income rax preparation. Do you really have time to fit this in ro your schedule shouldyou pay or an accountantto do it? \7hat about thosethings that really aren'r your fort6?If you are experiencing failure when your effortsdon'r accomplishwhat you want them to, perhaps your only failure is in trying to do someof thesethings at all. No one can be wonderFul everything. at Many ADDers try so hard to be normalthat they are unrealisticabout the_ir capabilities. playingsoftballalways If resul$ in an agonizingly embarrassing experience, don't do it-even if your three closest friends pressure into joining them for this grearpasrime. you Bland, rarher tasteless mealsare acceptable if you repeatedly but burn down major sections your kitchen, it's time to reevaluate of your cooking. Theseactivitiesshouldbe addedro your Can'tlshouldn'tDo list. As you examineyour assets liabilities,be honestabout your weakand 'S7e nesses. certainlydon't encourage you to focusexclusively your on deficits.But through the process examiningand identifying rhem, of


'rlrD?u"tapun pyl Klaps D t{tpo pv anl[q8t5t SJaCI61y uv,,

'a;11 rnol' Suuaunlf,un [q penarq]e aq Lluo uef, af,ue 's -lBB ',,eldurrstr dee;tr,, aserqd paleadar B 'VV u1 'l,rerrof,eJ tuauod Jo -uroJ IBcnrJf, B sr eJuleq reqr eJe.tte.{lernce eJe,{\sdarg eAIaA/rIoqt sn rq8norq or{^,\TIo} asr^{aql 'tau.{re;es rno.{.8urp1nq pue e}ll rno[ 3u1L; -llduns pue Suraue8ro ro; luudenlq e se fuotualur IEJorurno,{ asn II(noA 'ef,uBleq tno sr teqt aJIIB ruo{ IIEJaql 1eerq ot lau pau8rsapruotsnr e Jo elnlosqB uB ere Laqr speeu sn Jo qJBE 'clcv qrl,ntsn Jo lsoru ro; .&rssaf,eu 'op Lueru 1nq 'stau fua;es asn sreuuoyed snf,Jrf,aJIA r{8H IIB roN {uryr al6,

iqleaurePurl leN AraJes e s.eJaql arns a{el^l lng err./K rl4tt eql uo qIlIIIc :sreurJoFed snrJl3 roJ lsnf l,ue.ry slrv EulcuelBg
'TSBru Laqr sartrlrqeeqt ot uo alour uec noL
'XZVI rON l^{.1 NVshJnol ijAZVUCUO AIdnJS


InosBqf, T;#:,f nru#;ff ,:'],:"rr":i:,Li:'ilti"1,f .Surqrdrana

seJeqsJIBJJno uBrlt eJotu Surop eJ(e^\seurrt Lue14 rn_q pue 8urqr,(ue op ot sanlesJno elrJp am tBgl suortetf,edxaol dn Suunsearu lou Jo PleuB os eJ(eA 'suollBllrull Jno tnoqB f,rtsrlBeJun eJ(e^ttBrll lBouB [ers ol sa^rl rno IIB prBr{ os palro^\ e^Bq acv grl,n sn Jo Aue14

'sr ino{" eq ot eABqtr seop 'tuBel Jof,f,os uotlsanb_eqJ aqt r{f,eof,Jo uouerJossv Jer{Jeel-tueJed eql azrueSro'aanlruuof, r{f,JnqJ er{t uo >lJo/\t speeu,(poqaruos .ellql,\ ol -r{uo^r puB tuBtrodur are ,{eqr teqt esueseqt ul op ?lno\s IIB a^\ sSurqr sraqunu petrurllun aJBereql 2stsenber spuBruepelelu eldoad ro Jo Jaqto uar{^\ e^ruesseeJourSureq uo lJoA{ no/. ue3 l,(eql are [ro]e8tlgo A\oH 'suoneSrlqo sBpatsrl an,no/. sSurqr eqt raplsuoc lsalrlllqlsuodser etuos eIetu no^(ue3 PUEseItIAItf,B tsII rno[ o] stuaurrsnlpef,r]srleeJ Jo rnod grlartro JlasrnoLl,q reqtre '[ofua no,t s8un{l Burop roJ 2l^11ue; Uel atull aprll araqt sl 'ef,uBturo;redpuB uouertuaf,uoc rno[;o [rrlenb eql ledur uec daals eltrll oo1 ;8urdea1s plnor{s no[ orul] oqr Bursnno,{ eq ere 'paqslug IIB tuoqt ra8 o1 1,{rrcedec rno.{ Surpaacxaqsrldruof,re ol SurLrr er,nod s8urgr Jo srequrnu eqt arv .elnpaqrs rnol. ]B 1ool raqtoue aIBt pue tsrl sertrlrqer/sresse rnod grlm rr; [eqr sBuaq] raprsuof,ag .a]ll rno[ ur senssr ef,uEIBgeql tnoqe pesod e^\ suor]sanbeqt ol IJBq ra]eg

aJI-I JnoI ur ..s(oq,lsU{,, pue,,s,o0,plnogSD eyl Eupenle^fl

'asnoq Suruealc roJ esn uec no[ >lJo^\aueq e ]E {ool s(te1 .,trrlenprnlpq rno[ 1lng ot retlB puB loDuos uBf, noA s8urqr ,{ueur erB areqr tnfl .aruD aqr IIB tuBd\ nol, reqn [pcexa op ](ueJ noL asrnot JO (('tl r{tr1K leme ra8 pue tuBlr I ter{,.l op t(uec I 'f,rtsrlearaq 'uo aruoC,, ,8ur1urqt ar,nor{teq o/X\

eqt PIo^Bot aJIIrno[ tuog zhessaceuun Suueururlle aq] tnoqe sselqtnr ag 'ernlleypereader esnBrlBr{t asoqtJo sselpue IIa^\ op no[ s8urqr er{rJo erourop uBf,no[ mog lno a:n3u o] pseu no 'raprolBuratur eruosaprnordIII^\ erntf,nnsleurstxa eqr ,a1.{rsaJII peuueld 1o earSep [11n;erec q]rl\ uets/,ssnonJou e petuelpqunJer{ter rno.{uoddnsnol,;1

-lllnbe radorde Suturetureru sanrlCCV rno SurL;lldrurs ,ie1 eqJ sr or uor1enbfl ^f1xeldv,to3Threpdu4g rno azdluuy '[auour sseluo anrl o] A\oqtnoqe IIaA,\ suotlsaSSns [ueru seqlooq er1]'suouereprsuoc seprseg lecrqdosopqd 'spoo8 uo srseqduassalgrlrn BurnrlroJsapr^ord arp uoddns IBIretBu looq rno[ ur se8ueq]IElrpBrraqto rq8rurno,t rnfl ie;11 Ieroruer{t ruog trJeuaq a1eruJo setluouual/{erp urol noL reqt SurrsaSSns ](uarBaA 'e]ll aldrurs agl Surnllpunoretllnq sr erntlnf,pue uor8rlerasor{/!\ setruouueryeql sef,ueuadxe eplA\plro^\ uo paseq 1ooq aqf s:ssa-I:1il6ar"ow eqr sr Jo 3u1n11'Iooq o] tuellaf,xa s,alce8uol uezuefsuoq pBeJ tue,l\ [eur no1 '[auoru sseluo ro; IIe^{8urnr1 'qot Surpueruap seeplgtlartdn euoo ot urerq CICV ennearf, rno.{es11 ssalB 8ur1erl,q ro srnoqrnoA Suruatror{s peol {ro./y\ ^q rnoA ef,nperol epllep Aeu no iuorrenbesrqt ecuBlq [e.n lsaq aq] oplrep uer noA ot [pO '8urnr1 ]Bqt uree ot sa1etrl IIor eqt sr aprsreqto eqt ug '8urnr1 uIBUef, roJ serrsaP sPeeu B rnor{aJB uonBnbaeqr Jo epls Jo PJBPUBIS 'uortenbeuB setr jo Pue 'tno euo srqt arnBIJ ,{rr no'{ sy euo uO or Iqqr iffiowlm oPI uDr10wA iruurcdul stiD\A tol sr ilnalft.Lvls lnuuassa wtpy :pu[u ur suor] 'otuocurur uonf,npeJ -sanbesaqtgrlm stuetutlulurof, rno[ ezr]rJorJd B ueeruLeruslql 'spueruep af,nparot s,(em {ool ot paau Llqeqord eqr tE no[ '[lrcedeo1Joly\ rno,tSurpeacxa pesseJ]s [q al,no,(;1 Lauorussal 'op uo Lq raBol ,{rrpqrxe6 a^eq 'renemoq sn;o Lue61'tno tnf, ol eqr 8urqr,{ue rpleeq pue retleqs'{pooJ speauclseq3ur roJ t(usraraqt 'oJBJ -tearulsnl ar,no,i;y,ilsnolnqo BerB slq] ur sa8ueqc aletu ot '{e,r e eJeql i s1'8urnr1Jo rno.{te lool preg B eIBt '^relprnof A\erner sy noA prepuets uonenbg lelruuulf rnol ezdpuy rnoL;o rred eq plnoqs llJo atuBIBqer{r ^\\on{t[aql op ro a;11 Aaqrter{r ernsl,lalnlosqens^(3:s-elnpeqls pue fuoruelur rno[ Jo ]xet -uof, eql ulqll^r ruaql uo lf el]eg 'e1,bsa;ll rno^ 1o rred petdaooe erB uB aqt rno11o; seapler{t tnoqe lurql teqt s(op-ot reprsuo:^i11n;eref, terlt no'{ sy 'ureqt;o eldnol E tnoqe srg8noqtJno}o otuosaJBqs tuB^\ ol eA\tng 'e;y1 rnoL ur s(op-lsnur s(op-plnoqs tnoqe uorteunuJetap eqt pue B elBru uec no,{[Iuo 'no,{JoJsuorlsenbeseq];o due Je^\sue t(uBf,e1x\

TbI i8ututoy4aql ul Eurrwrypuy 4n noasp$ wql ualruaftulnoaNV-lolrra[E pag Ktnuoqrnlooag aq;

'uorlBlnurlsJePun uoueln Jo -tultsJelosI uelqord rno,{ eulruJetap ure8esuortsenb ot eql;lasrnod JI 'qlntu oot uo 8ur1et tnoqtr^\ a;11 rno.( otur e8ueller{t erotu lcelur lsv o1^\or{tno arnSlJ aq III/I\{sBr rno^ 'le^el leurrdo uE 18uortsunJ o1 or q8nou31sn[-3rou eIDII B]lesrno,{ no .pateln qsndot peau^(eru 'paroq -tunsrapun3q i(eu no[ 'pesserdap cr8:eqre1 ro lee] ueuo nol;1 'Jer{tre 'll"^ uortf,uryt(uop sreccv 'a3ue11eq3 luerf,rllns tno -t{lll[ 'uoltJarlp errsoddo ur af,ueleq drt uec noL er{t aql 3urr1 }1esrno,t 'alduns -urr1 Llareles^q CqV rnod gtl,n Surdorueaqen,nori;1 OOI rl eIelu ot elqrssod 'al4uls l18ufiaa>1]o s,t1 anlB^eqr SursseJts ueeq el(a^\ q8noqlly 'tce SurcuBIBq qf,Be eprll oot ro q3nruoot uee^\tequnrrq jo
snohr^NoNv s3r.IOHOC-rV JO sdsrs an-rE,4a.IaHJ ANV 'sauI26 HcIH ,EoNV-IVJ snculC 'saHcsuod 'svroloI rnogv

'elqBaSBuBtu erotu s(lBqlelnpeqrs^l -{ee^t B e^Bqno^ suoltef,r}lpour eteudordde8urleu pue suortsenb Iltun 8ur1se ssef,oJd enuuuoO ituaqt ta8 nor{ter{t eJnsue ,(emoruos srqt ol Jo ereqt sl isleerq roj peeurno[ Suueprsuoc ^{11n;erec erv ialpueq nol, uec no,{ueqt seurnuce eJotueABq no,{oq 2Surtuoor8 puads uo lerf,os no/, eruttJo tunorue eqt uo ul\op tnc nor(uBC 'lsr1rno[ uo seeJe er{] '.aJll rno[ u/t\opSuued enu]uof, oI pelnpeqf,sro^o IIE tE lool B eIBt s,o([,lsnl^l Pue s,oQ,plnoqs snoeueilersu l rnol Eurzr(puy ')tcegSuruno tnoqe {ulqr 'surotdruds ot peeu pue tltull rnoL peqf,BeJ l,lqeqordan,no,i. ssarts Jaqto ro .{}atxue no[;1 'a8uelleqJ la^a1lerurrdornod Sutcuetradxa rJers Jo sa8ueqroIBI{ 'srnol sr ef,roqoaql itueru pul; uec nol os [11enpi;r8 -etrf,xe papeeuaplnord^qqo,{^reuB plnorN lrepro ul eg uortoruord e 8ur>1ees a8ueqcqof B plno/N 'e8ualleqrpue ecrds ro ]refur uer no,( sAem eunuexeot peauno,('a;J1 rno,{}o sBaJB Jeqtoeqt tB 3ur1oo1 u1 'Suru.roru ur eqt JetBIeuop are Sutnlos-ruolqord elnbar ler{t s{st eqr teqt os /.ep1.rozlr rno/, ueld or fur oslv 'eie^re [ll.J ere no[ Ilrun spueuep [ue eleu ro no/. ot llet ot tou L1lrue; rno.(1sy ;Suruoupltu re 8ul1ee; lllrs[ ,r\oq aq lqSru r{3lr{^\-dealsejlErl er(nol uetlm tueq] op plnoc nor( oC tetlt tro#e olull os ertnbertet{t s8urqt.{1uo 'tolld-otne uo lentrr Suturou rno.(g8norqr oBrsnf'sd1aq f,r]Burotne ssecord 3ur1e14 aql '[ep eqr Suunp elr]rnpord erorupue reuoq IaeJ 'trqeq B seruoleqtl ef,uo ,tl ,{eu no,{ itee} ploc ra8 11,no,{ rnoqeqcnru oot 1ulql noLJI pue ,{see t(usrSururou eqt ur 3uro3;lasrnoL Burrrag 'daa1s >lleqoBpue ot rno[ q8noqr tl tnqs ot sr [ruepue] IBrntBu #o uele rureleaqt Jo punostsl; eqt re paqJo lno dog or ylesrno[ule{ e itonafg pag {"tuuonnloftaddnq rO 'teq/rtre]tetu ou peqJo tno la8;lesrnol aleru pue 'spua{eet\uo uele 'lq8ru fuena1]olc rurBIB rnol, Jes'osy1;Surua8AlaurrnoJ ueeq a^Br{nol, ueqr deelsssal noL oq 'rq8lu qseedaelsno^{, grlrn Jeltaq1ea; srnoqJoreqrunueql uo SuruncLq rueur:adxE;dae1s tser qf,nruoot Surue8nor{ery ro IcBq
NVAI{ nOtr iiAZVUCUO Ardnrs'tZVl ION t^{,J

sselpue uo drunILlgsere/x\ '.(ssef,rns aqt slenba IllurPBerl IBrre]BIAI ecuetaduroC,, uouenbeeqt otur [ng or [sea s(]rtBr{l aldoad tBqt .sJerlto Jeqlo qllrn dn dael or ,{rrlqeur Jno tnoqBr.{f,nlu furom o1x\ os Suunseau'o strqer{3uo1a11 tsure8esenlesJno e^Br.{ }o Lueyrl sn aqf qfpt\ d11 daeX ol ernssard eql tqseg no uBC iseseuof ilellB/t\,{rdrue uB r{lr/Ksdut Surddoqs rno,{ ueld Jo spJBf, llpeJ3rnoL dn tnc ,salots ,urelgorde sr 8ur,{nqeslndurl .[1yrue; Jo lno l,etsol e^Bql,eruno,t }l ro esnods rno[ g]lrn tl pessnJsrp eABr{ nor(ytun aseqcrnd roleru l,ue e>1eru tou alnr B aIBIAI((itl pro#B I uBC islqr peeu L11ear ot I oCl,-8un1tdue Lnq nod eroJeg {uFIr pue dots ot lesrnol, ulerl 'dl"q Leruserf,uepuer rnol Jo ere^reSureqLldung 'ra]el {urqr puB rsly dnq ,{eulnoL tllnrslndurr sl CCV Jo s>lrBrullBq Jo euo ecurs eqr earslndwl uo u^loq fnC nor\ ueC isesuqrrnd 'ra8pnqe Surleru slretepSurrulaq^\raloeqt qrl/r\ no,(dlag ot rau Jo -ue1d B errr{'r1proge uec no,t;1 'l,ezn reul5 deqr r{euoru B IBrruBurJ erlt tB peslrdrns eydoed ere elqenlBlurure81112n tsoy{ .uorteurro}ur no,{-'11 q8norgrylasrnod ueo no[;1 'reeLarr]uauB ro; slllq pue qsnd sldrecerIuBq '>1ooq>1caqr Surmernar ssef,ord rno[ 3uo1e sr sn{I Jo rno puadg nol ,taoH lLauo;41 aunrrreleC ol la8png e e{ul I nol ueC

'IJo,r l(uoA\teqt seuoeqt tno ssolJo lglporu uler{tJo euos fur no,{regr pueuuof,ar op e1)N lueqt uo Surtoe PUE ille nod uets dlerrtslndrut reqt puatrnuorart(uop arN .tnoqglurqr or sfiurqr eulosnortanr8/,eruA\olloJ tBr{t seepleqr Jo etuosrng .Sulclppue Surcrls rnod gtlrn peaoordplnoqs no,{,rog ,(pcexano,i 11er t(uef,em ,eslnoJJO rnoA$tldturs IIIA\peplrep 1a;yy an,no,i, se8ueqcaqt eIBru no,{uec A,\or{ 'tr Sulnerqceur {Jo/t\ IIIA\ tng sPoqreu rBr{/r\ pue noL ro} suBelua}ll peluBleq B rBq^\ eplcepueo no[ AIrO 'suapJnq enpuneJnpeJ lau,ba;esrnoi{BuucnrtsuoJ srseq ot JoJ eqr eg Jllmuragl lnoqB alBru nod suorsrf,ep er{J 'eldrsa;11 tB Iool rno,t sf,uBIBq uorssnf,srp adog e16 srqr PerPusB aIBt noL dleq uBf,senssr Jo

EUIcIC pue EuIcrJSJo s(ol,atoH

snohr^NoNv s3r-roHoC-r\/ ccl sdsts an-ra,4a.I EHJ ANV 'sEuIrN HoIH snculC 'saHcsuo4 'svrolol ,Ecxvlvg rnogv

tr a{Bt '[ep ryom rno[ ]o pua aqr tB tetnb Jo rnoq ]ler{ B PeeunoL;1 ispeeN lerluassg rnol Eupaa;,qlnoqv ur4{ no erv 'uo Jer{Jaoqf,pue serultetuos aIBt ot tuered JecJos Joq 'sarue8 rnoLJo euo fuenaPuatte ol s,retq8nep reccos Jeqtoue>lsv ueq/n Peeuno,i 11ltuaqr dn {cld e^Br{t(uoP no^;erols er{l lB s(er{s 'no,(ro; sSurqleluosoP o18ut11tzlt eq Plnod\ retsrsrno,i.t(uf,Aqm,, ro oq,!\ L11ue; spuel5 a^BqLlqeqordno 'retel ro^e' aql tunler eJ(no,{ uaqn [eznaqr uI PuBlsaplrd ]el l(uoc uBf,no 'pspBolJeno ift pae51no uerl1\ dl"; Euy4sv no erv surqrLra^aop ot e^Bql(uop no 'elqee8e Tlasrnol, -ueru eJorua;r1rnol, a>leur dlaq uB]-JoJ JeueqUBO PJo#B Jo uEf, nol, ' sJeuepre8 'srettrs-lqeg 'eldoedSurueelc no,i, ro SurqtAue euo/.ue idlaH aplslno etuos laC no ueC
pue uonener8Se pue leuoru 'slualBl rnor{ azIluIXBuI ol eABs ol saunp Sur8uegf,xe Jo] ruets,{s

palouoq-eruu e sr Sutratreg 'paau no,t Surqteruos roJ tl a8ueqcxE lasle euoeluos lllaueg PIno^\ lBI{l luelBl ro III{S B a^Bq no,{ oq iserr res Pue sPooc roJ reuBg no uBc 'lueql luog r{emeeulll eluos aAEr{no[ ueqA\ senssll'11ue; gtlrn IBap ot pulru Jo etets leuoltotua retteq uI 'lasrnoL pur; rq8rtu rnol aleru rg8nu eldoed Jeq]o ot suoll notr 'SurtseJetul eJotu a;11 -f,ouuof, pue ,{euolu BJlxa elllll E Jo sPJB^\eJ eqJ 'qo[ aull-ued e 1o eulr-llnJ B tuBA\ tou,(eu uouelnulrs eqt poau nol, eg,{eurtn9 JeeJBO ',{llrueJJaq grlrn eruoq le 8ur[els JoJ]no lnf, st euol{re^e loN notr

;guo{ rnotr l,us1 Euqua.redeurniln{ euroH eql aplslno qol e leC nol P1notls JI
'sasuadxa eqoJpJe.t Jo eJBcpltt{c 'Suunururoo rno,{ JaA\ol Lllenroe plno^\ qol ruereglp e sdeqra4,e8ueq] qol e 8ur1eu ro srnoq JeAreJ 8ur>pom[q reer pue JBe^\Ieuoltotue uI enes nod uec tBq/N

irlf raDeg e ro; sqof a8ueq3 ro ser1mqlsuodsag rno a8ueq3 no trBC qof

'senlBnrno 8ur1un{teJ [q sserts '(usuetunsuoc 'pulqeq ef,nperuBf, sn Jo qrBE Jo Ual eq II,e^\ PIBTIB
NVal{ nOI uO I/AZVUS Ardnrs'LZYI rON l^{,1

B aq III^\ tl teqt pulru ur daal 'eseurq3ureel ot ueerp 3uo1a;11IIIllnJ B 'ssatordparecrlduror sr a)ue1eq ot eprf,ep no.{;1 B rq8u eqr Surpurg 'leABJun lJels uBf,OJII ol rno,{ 'slqt op ot rcelSeunoA;1'stuerutsnfpe req]rn] roJpreoqSurznerp rno,{ ot urnlar ol Peeuno^ 'ratlll,o tno sr a;11 rnol' JI irl uo pof,Bld spueurap eqt ot lenbe Llq8nor IIIts sserts pue lrolv\ ro; &nedec rnoL sl 'eJuBIBq eqr lrer{f, puB uortenbaaq} otenle^aar'ue1de;11 rnol ul sa8uer{o a{Bru ro l,rrllqtsuodsar ^\eu B ppe no,( arurrqcBE'sa8ueqcoJIIpue sa8uelleqo ^\eu tf,ageror ueld rno[ arepdnAllenurruof,o] peau ll,nor\.'a;11 rnoL ',{gseo8erun sV ur ef,ueleqSurnalr{rerB pellHs aJotuaruof,eq 11,noL



'JJoeulll eluos oABq uer no'i, jo qloq os eref,Pllqr etBuretlB ot puelu B qrr^\ IBap B a{BIAJ'elull tseJ euros elnpaqf,sol aJnseq lsnf'reruaf, sseutr]rnoA ol Jo tunesnur eqt ot dur e eq plnor lsar jo [ep rnotr ']ser yo l,ep peuoncues e 8ur -^Brl ur ruopsr^\ sr eJeqt 'lsraqle loolt\ eqt ur pai{p B eJEno,t;l ue^E '3ureq-11e/lt rnol JoJtl JoJorml e1etu o] peau no,( 'e;11 rnod leuonotue yo rred tuetrodur uB sr slqr JI 'uorsrf,ep rno,( {urqteJ 'elnpaqcs Lsnq rnod ruo5 ruaqt tnf, eABqtng saf,rlres snorBIIeJ puottB ot pasn nol, y1

iqrBqqBs eqr Euldeey nol erv 'eroqc isasnolqrnod ur sal{urJl\ eqt yrlm a^rl ot rtrBolnor{uec 'sarlrllQedec aqt eunssBot Sutlpzn s,ar{ lnq Suruor s,asnods rnoL }l ltzeJJ tou deurno^ iSulQaa>psnoHKnayT qlngH8t1-urle eg rnoqB Io eql ol eqlJJsqns uBf,Jo fuesseceu no,{ tr11ear asnoquBel3rednse s1 rno^ re^ao'I no^ usc isPJsPuels 'op ot Surlprnere no,{qJnur ,v\oq luauatels Jo JBalf, qtr/r\se[rlrqrssod B ssncslp etuosur dlaq o] luE/r\nod;1 'uortBsJe^uof, pue rtlrdruordpuB sseue^lsuaJep raSuetnor{]r1K "telr eqt ro rnoi( leedar eJoruapErusr lsanbeJ il 'elpuBq er{r IBSnJaJ "{puelsrsur ere uec noii,sBr{f,nruseSurop/.pear1e noAteqt ,{8o1ode tnoqtr^\ pue dluug 'A1ert1od erets 'arurt rno,tJo stuatutnuruof, slsanbar JoJ ot SurAes af,rlf,BJd Lrerqll lelol eqt uo Suuealunlol ,,oN,, iaeunutuoo ol re^o uel aurr aIDII eqt etBuopot a^Bqno,{og 'se^rlrnod qroq 'p1lqc Jo slrelepeqr Sur8eueru spuBqrno,r e^Bq,(lqeqordnod IlnJ ro COV uBJo tuaredACV eqt ere no[;1 ;^{8o1ode rpn8 ]noqtrA\
'saul4tr HcIH snculC 'saHcsuo.l 'svrolol

'EONV-IVg rnogv



'sdrqsuolreler ul leuosredretur CeV jo sclrueuLpagr 8ut .roldxe ur8aqor g rardBqCot urnt s(teloS 'fuanorarrno/, ut sdats reqto 'e111 rnoAur senssr eouEIBq tB Tool aq] eluosot uo elotu o1 [pear er,no,i Surdocrno,{pue CeV rno,(Surce; palpnrse 8ur1erere pue susrueqf,eru Alarenbs e ar,no,{ 'ssef,ord Suro8uo'rno1s sr ,i.reno)alteqt JequeruaJ JI 'uznopA\ols'.paurlaqt\rano B 8ut1ee; er,noA;1 pue rpeerq daapB e{et rlq 'aruu euresaqr rB sa8ueqca;11 roleru Aueruoot 8ut>1eru l,q suaprngelqrssodrur t(uoq 'L8reue rol B se1eltBqt {roA\ tuel ppe Jo 'sanrllQedec -rodurrsr SurnerJC e ol rno,{Jo tueussesse cusIIBeJ e>leru B rlnll;;1p eq llllv\tt 'acuetdarcellas;o ear8ep elelr{te pue ssef,ord;au8 aruosSurleru ut8aq or ,{pear eqt q8norqt {rorA uec no,t lltun 'sa8uerlc slq] pBeJeJ paaurq8tu no[ 'qqy ot llleuorrorue eJ(nol, uarlzn JetBI Iooq enrsselxa rno/.tnoqe re8ueJo sseupes qtrt\ 3ur133nns ar,nor{;1 IIIrs 'tJo#a ratear8elnber sdelsrarpo eqJ 'e;11 rnol, tnoqe dtlne} asuJe a8pelntou>l or eruosa{Bur ot pue suortdrunsse suorsrcep eqt A\eurno,i,Sursner,nol tBqf edoq a41 'dafs]seISBe ,ilquqordst uoltBc -npg 'e;11 rigrleegunSurllueruslp rnoL Burcueleqpue Sutnelr8'sasua;ap :ssecoJd erlt uoncnJtsuof, ut sdats peulurexe IBJeAas ]lasrnodSurrecnpe 'steu,be;es Surpllnqtnoqe sI loog slql Apearle eA(e/X\ pezlleuosred 'llBj a^\ ueqd\ sn qf,tef,ot steu fra;es pllnq uec eA\]ng sdatssrur ateulrulle J(uBrerN 'punor8 egr ol 3ul3un1dsenlesrno Jno PulJ 'P^roJf, e^oqBse^lesrno or esuBIBq tdrualle ed\se eqr pue II,er\,,\ drls euo af,B} Lep fueng 'seAIIJno ot JatruoJ a^\ se8uallerlc pue s{srr i(reurproeJtxo -red arrmq8tq eqt Jo roqdererueql Lldd ot paeu em 'sllnpe CeV sV
'elqeurBuBun,{lsnornardarem rBq} saf,Ioqf, Pue serlrunlJoddo ^reu ralof,slp osle ,{eru no 'ef,ulBq u1 a}lJ rnoL dee>1 'uouelnrulls Jo IIIrs pue slllIs ,ry\eu roqunu enrsseJdur ue elelnulncce 'sda}s peJnseeu ur ailJDatf 4n Jo lelel leunrdo rno,{ uretureru uec no,t 'arurt eurBseqt te sa8ueqc,{ueu oot uo elgdrou pue l'lsnoltnef, no,i;1 enuuuof, ol sr {f,rn aqI'a8ue11eqf, ^\eu B uo e>lBtot A8reuerno,{ Sutsn ' tnoqe {ulr{t uer noA 'lllls d\eu eqt pere}setu an,no,i.Jer}V reu Sutqr -eruosruBel ol ,(8raua lBluotu;o Llddns poo8 B se{Bt ll issef,ordmols
'tZVl JON I^{,1 NVE'\ nOA UO i2AZ\rUC) OIdruS

Cuapren 8

lnterfacing Action: ln ln Groups Friendships and

Tttit chapter marksa changein direction from the first part of this book. In educationaljargon, the information in the first sevenchapters wasReadiness. were providing information that will be the basis \7e for everything that follows. Since we want to be effective teachers, we need to remind you to periodicallyreview someof the old materialas you continue your reading.\7e will usethe moral inventory againso if you haven't completedit, we hope that you have at leastbeen thinking about it.\7e hope that at a minimum, you've addedit to your To Do list! In precedingchapterswe talked about the impact of ADD on other peoplewithin the context of specificsymptoms, differences and defense going to examinethe impact of ADD specimechanisms. Now we're fically within the context of relationships. We've borrowedfrom computerterminologyin naming chapters eight through ten. The term "interfacing" is usedto describe communication betweencomputers.!7e think the term capturesthe essence the of issues "getting along". of Although much of the focusof thesethree chaptersis interfacing and communication,we'll alsoconsiderrelatedissues. Chapter 9, for In instance,we'll examine variousfactorsthat have an impact on an ADDer's ability to "relare"to his iob responsibilities. Now that you know whereyou'reheadingin your reading,let'sget busyexamining interfacingin action. We all interact daily with other people.When we talk on the phone, participatein a meetingor sharedinner with a friend, we're relating


You MreN I'rvr Nol Lxzv.SruprpOn Cnezv?!

whether brief, of with other people.The success theseinteractions, largelyon depends or relationships, one-timeencounters long-lasting communicationskills. adequate Virtually everything we do asmembersof the human race is a form of communication.Volumeshave beenwritten about the art of effective focuson its importance Family and marriagetherapists commLlnication. open. and attempt to help people keep the linesof communication skills. on commr.Lnicanon Based all the College courses teach posinue that it of attention given to issues communication,one can assume more complexand difficult than simply talking! must be considerably if you alreadyknew that. Relationships would be a breeze Of course fall this werethe case.In reality,even the briefestof interactionscan So apart through a misunderstanding. let's take a brief look at the dyof namicsof communicationasa startingplacefor our discussion interactionsand relationships. We interact with eachother by transmittingour thoughts,feelings, In and desires through the medium of language. its simplestform, languageinvolvesspeaking and listening:I talk and you listen and you how lantalk and I listen. Soundssimple,doesn'tit? To understand guageis anything but simple,we'll considercommunicationin the world of computers. Communication in the Computer World many different With the explodingtechnologyof the pastthirty years, have becomeavailableand arealmostindispensable kinds of computers for personal use. and busindss \il/ith the arrival of modemsand netrapidly sendmail electronically. don't have to \7e working, computers '!7e wait for the US PostalServiceto deliver a letter two dayslater. else's can instantly sendthe report on our computerscreento someone through telephonecabling. This capabilityhasbeen limited by communicationproblemsidentical to the onesencounteredby German who tries to speakto an Amer" because they speakdifferent languages. ican. They can't communicate greatstrides have been madein developing In the world of computers) lanof that bridgesthe capabilities dissimilarprogramming software \ 148

INrEnrRcrNcIN AcrroN: IN GnsunANo


guages. Macintoshes and IBMs, for example,usehardwareand programmedlanguages can usea unique to eachof them. Both computers package calledMicrosoftWordtM, but their word processing software "brains" (hardware)can recognize programonly if it written in their the "language".Beforethe advent of specialsoftwareprogramsthat own of translatethe unfamiliar language one computerfor the other, Macs and IBM's were unable to interfaceand communicatewith each other. they may be unable have the samehardware, Even when two computers to communicatewith each other if they don't usethe samesoftware. softwareMacFor instance)a Macintosh that usesthe word processing 'lTritet*, hasn'tbeenableto reada letter formattedin Microsoft\Uordt* are because programminglanguages different the hardSimilarly,peoplecome in differentmodelswith individualized information Each of our brains processes ware and softwarepackages. of softwarethat can't readthe language other differently and uses people.If an IBM lacksthe capabiliryof talking to a Macintosh,it simply in worksby itself and doesits own thing. When differences programming makecommunicationbetweenpeopledifficult, we still have to interwe face with each other because sharethe world ashuman beings.

The Art and Science of Communication

Although Mom and Dad often frantically try to figure out exactly what theirone second infant is alreadycommunicating. oLd the crying signifies,, real language, uses he squeals, Long beforethe growingbabyacquires gestures facial expressions "talk". to and problemor a specificlanguage most disability, Unlesswe have a speech of of us learn to talk fairly early in our lives. We learn the science communication rather effortlessly. learn to pronouncewords correctly !7e and to usethem to communicateour needs. is often considerably more difficult to leam. The art of commuLnication rely on a mastery interactionswith the taxi driver or a spouse Successful of this art form. Similar to a painting, communicationcan be designed that includes a and interpretedin a variety of ways.It sends message of multiple elements form, color intensity and shading,subtlety,and


You MpnNI'u Nor Lezv.SruprnOn Cnazv?!

detail. Unlessyou are an art aficionado,you may walk awayfrom an abstractpainting asconfusedasyou are after someconversations. An adult with ADD can have real problemswith communication and relationshipsbecause rulesof the art form continually change.As the he tunesin and out, his deficits interferewith his ability to truly underHe stand the meaning of conversations. may communicatemessages he he never intended and misinterpret the messages receives. The Rhythm of Language Unlike a painting, communication isn't a static art form. It has rhythm to and movement.\7e have to synchronizeourselves its flow and to know where, when and how much to contribute to a conversation. has many elements.It includesa Similar to a ballet, a conversation proper time to make an entrance, an awareness what others are of doing, allocation of time for a solo and rulesfor executinga graceful finale and exit. Many of us could really usesomedancing lessons! Verbal and Nonverbal Communication In Communication is an interplay of wordsand body language. general, to peoplefrom one country usewords incomprehensible foreigners. Peoplein the samecountry may speakdifferent dialectsdependingon the ethnic group or areathey come from. It has alsobeen suggested that men and women speakdifferent languages. ADDers and non-ADDers alike differ in their ability to read the interplay of verbal and body language. someof us, the additional clues For help rather than hinder our communication skills. of body language 'We gestures facial expressions fill in the gaps to and can useobservable of wordswe would otherwisemisunderstand. Others may graspthe precisemeaningof spokenwordsbut misunderDuring a visit to Australia, stand the message non-verbal language. of by PresidentGeorgeBushheld up his fingersin the "V" recognized Americans as the classicsymbolof victory. Much to his chagrin, he learnedthat an Australian usesthe "V" to communicatethe same thing as an American holding up his middle finger! PresidentBush really should have taken a crashcoursein the Art of I'lonuerbalComrrundcation beforehe madehis historic blooper!


INrERrRcrNcIN AcrtoN: IN GRoups ANo FRtpNosHtps


' '/


/rz\ \ I/'- I


Communication is fraught with the potential for misunderstanding. You may know the meaning of the words,"You should leave" but your will vary accordingto your ability to usethe art of communresponse you might respond, ication. If you rely only on the words themselves, "Yes,I probably should get going." But what about the accompanying body language? You should leave: The speakeris relaxedand smiling. He looka at his that it's time for your next class, watch and realizes you SHOULD leave. He is enjoying the con' so versationbut is concemed that you'll be late. movescloseto you and his face is You should leave: The speaker He expresslonless. looks at his watch and says angrily that YOU should leave. He isn't at all concemed about your punctuality. And at the moment, he doesn'tcare much about leaving for his classeither. He wants Torlout. NO\f!


You MrnN I'v Nor Lazy,SruproOn Cnazy?l

You should leave: The speaker backsawayfrom you and his eyesare little more than slits.His mouth is set and his lips barelymove ashe grabsar his watchbandand hisses that you should LEAVE. The message is that you've done enoughalready-he doesn'twant you to breathe,flinch or talk. He wantsyou ro IBaqte never,ever rhink of coming back! and \7e think you get the message. Words,voice inflections,facial expressions,gestures, body postureand positioningall communicatesubtle (or not so subtle!) messages. ADDer can repeatedly An facesocial slipperyspotsashe attemptsto negotiarearoundthe obstacles sucto cessful communication.Let'sexaminejust two particularlydangerous hazards beforewe move on to issues variousrelationships our lives. of in

Hazard-Social Slippery Spots!

Social Slippery Spot #l-Basic Manners: We would venture ro saythat most of us with ADD need to proceedvery cauriously this in 'We're area. not sayingthat ADDers have comered the market on bad manners.But societalconventionsof politeness can be hazards because of our particulardifferences. W"henpeopletalk aboutgood manners,rhey'reusuallyalking about rule-govemed speech and behavior.Grandparents bragaboutlheir well. manneredgrandchildand teachers admonishtheir studentsto show better manners. Good mannersrequireadequate communicationskills that include an ability to monitor behaviorind pay closearrenrionro detail. Since theseskills can be shakyin an ADDer, he may behavein an unmannerlyfashion,making enorsof both omissionand commission: \ "I Teacher: will thankJou to keepthose opinions yourself to !" "Oh, you'rewelcome!" You: womnn whose in "WeII, excuse me!" Dlace line you just tookoqter: You: "Oh, aml in yourway?" An ADDer may fail to say,"Excuseme" when he jostlessomeone (omission)and interrupt and monopolize (commission). conversations He probablyknows the rules,but haphazardly appliesthem. Since


INrERpactNclN At:rtoN: IN Gnoups ANo FRtENosHtps

theseskillsmay not comenaturally to him, he needsto make a coneffort to learn and practicethe behaviorexpectedof adultsin scious our society. KK: "'W'henI first lived awayfrom home, I rememberbeing shocked that the rest of the world didn't function the way my family did. Since by most of my family wasaffectedto somedegree ADD, we developed on a styleohnq"ruction based behaviorthat camenaturally to us.Mealtimes were a free-for.all,with everyonetalking at once and no one listening.Interruptingwasnormal behavior.It wasa revelationto discover that mosrpeopletake tums talking and listening to eachother!" PR: "The ADD Council'shot-line coordinatorrecentlyshareda huwith a repeatcaller with me. He had a conversation morousanecdote who usuallyspokewith one particular phone volunteer.When he that suggesred the caller speakwith the volunteershehad previously spokento, shereplied,"Oh, I don't have enoughtime to talk with "Melissa".She'sbeen a greathelp but she'll talk so much and keepme on rhe phone so long that I'll forgetthe one questionI neededto ask!" I don't know who the phone volunteerwas,but it could have been do, me! As ADDers sometimes if I'm not careful,I can get carried conversation.I becomeso involved with sharing awaywith a one-sided that I forget the cardinal rule of effective my advice and experiences communication:LISTEN ING ! fall I have gorrenmuch better at this but sometimes into old habits.I to put my hand over the mouth pieceof my phone to have sometimes the cue myselfto stop talking. Perhaps Council'sphone line coordina' tor shouldteach this trick to his talkative volunteer!" Even if an ADDer avoidsclearlyrude actionsand bad manners,his social of life can be hamperedby the generalfogginess ADD. He may be un' able to clear the cloudssufficientlyto really connect with other people. cadet!".. . He "ls anyonehome?".. ."Earthto Mark!". . ."'Whata space dreamythat he doesn'tseemto exist in the real may be so vagueand world. He may be ridiculed for being out to lunchor rebukedfor caring only


You MraN I'vrNor Lezv,SruprpOn Cnnzy?!

abouthimself.He doesn'tmean to be rude or uncaringbut his failure to respondcan look like selfishness. social slippery spot #z-Tye lelephone: A greatdeal of daily communicationis conductedby telephone.Telephones a grear are invention but do to It's !h"y sometimes a terrible disseivice ADD"ers. not that we fail to appreciate convenience, we'renot too crazy the but about the uncanny ability of a telephonero changeou.p.rronalities! .H""-" you ever met someonefor the first time after talking to him only --' by phone and been amazed the difference? by Can rnir Utight,f"r.inating personreally be the samecharacterwho seemed roi"il on the telephone? What about the sparklingtelephoneconversationalist who becomes almostmute in face-to-fu.J..counters? a changein our dispositions. Th: telephonecan alsocause remarkable Perhaps you can identify with this phenomeno" 6f Telep,hone-Tiansformation: PR: "l sufferfrom TTTS: Testy,Telephone Tyrant syndrome! A ringing telephonecan transformme into a mean,confrontationalp.rro"] !f you are the unfortunate individual who walks into the ,oo* when I'm o1 the phone, you will endurescathinglooks.If you ,*k" th" mistakeof making noiseor talking to me, yJu'[ ..rdur" f", ra,orr.. Simply stated,I-getnastylMy children w"t.h in continual amazement their as relativelyeven-tempered mother transforms into a screamingmeanie! I have never understood powerthis inanimateobject wields.\7hen the the phone rings,I instantlv go into a sranceof defenr. o, aitack. I elsewill answerthe incessanr ringing. After the ryait,hoping someone third or fourth ring, I relucta.-rly answerit, after,,i..i?rg that "Nobody better interrupt me during this call.,' If my *;r;;g goes unheeded,my family is in for the asia,.rlt the telephone-iyr".rtl" of KK: "Beforeeither of us knew anything about ADD, my husband usedto accuse of having a disease called Phone-a-'Phobia. me he He claimedI inherited it from my mother who hassimil". ry*proms.,, A phobia is a fear out of proportion to the actual threat in a situation


INrERpRctNcIN AsrtoN: IN Gnoups ANo FnteNosHtps

and peoplewith phobiasgenerallytry to avoid the situationsthey fear. SomeADDers do avoid using the telephone.The avoidance,however, isn't a phobic reaction to inappropriateanxiety or fear-they have real problemswith telephonecommunication. the an The problem is sometimes inability to process meaningof words Telephoneconversations without the visual cluesof body language. to for requests the speaker repeathimself with silences, may be peppered phrases such as"l.Jh" and "um!" An ADDer may forget and charming to identify himseli leave out important information or abruptly end the conversation. An inability to filter out backgroundnoise alsocontributes to the An difficulty with telephoneconversations. ADDer can becomea telephone ryranr ashe fights to shut out noisesand interruptions. of Listening and making sense communication is hard enoughwork having to contend with outside interferences. without


{ +



You MreN I'u Nor L,+zy, SruprnOn Cnazyl!

9yrvival Tips for the Telephone fh. telephone may never be yo,rr preferredmode of communication but there are somethings you can io to make it more user-frie"Jrv. Here are a ftLEl"phone strategies that may reduceyour pho.r"."Phobia and TTTS: t Rehearse and write down what you're going to saybeforeyou make a call-your greeting,the major points-youwant to make and the way you'll politely end the conversarion. o Keep your nores in front of you during the call jog to your memory. t Stick to your script to avoid the "wandering"conversation. t Make your phone calls in a quiet, distraction-free place.One person we know had a phone jack installedin her bathroomso the ihi,. noiseof the exhaustfan would block out distracrions. you ,tv If this, don'r forg_"! oery important detair.Telephoro one elec"r" consetrical devices. Used in water,they can have f", mor" serious quences than Phone-a-Phobia TTTSI and t If someone callsand catches you off guard,briefly excuse yourself, sayingyou'll have to switch phones, the door or return the ".rsr., call later.Then take a few minuresro compose yourselfand g"rh., any written information you might needfor the'conversation. If you have taken the call in a noisy areaof your house,take the time to request quiet or switch to anotherphone.

With this-general frameworkof communication and interactions in place,we'Il turn our attention to interfacingin groupand one-to-one encounters. you considertheseissues, As your guiding principle should be the theme of this book-maximizing your rt-r.rrgtli, and 1nirri-irirrg your weaknesses. Don't attempt to becomelike folliwith ."1- remperaments.You'll fail miserablyand losesight of the plus sideof your moral inventory.since we'readvocates the open bobk test,we encourage of you to keep,yourinventory noteshandy ai you conrinue readingl WE'ff test you at the end of the book. Only kidding. . .


INreRrRcnc lN AcrloN: IN Gnoups ANn FRtgNosulps

Relationships: A Play with Multiple Acts and a Cast of Many Characters

If the world werefilled with fellow ADDers, many of us would probably with experience With our personal do just fine in our relationships. ADD, we would understandthe "quirks" of the ADDers around us. Of course,the world is madeup of many different kinds of people,many who can't figure us out at all! If we're going to fit in, we have to figure with and relateto others. out how to communicate You may need to completelyreprogramyour mental computer to improve its interfacing capabilities.You may have unique strengthsin to this areaand need only minor adjustments your program.You may in any weaknesses alreadybe using your identified strengthsto bypass of this areaof functioning. You may have a keen sense humor and of vivid imaginationthat attractspeopleand repairsthe damage a socialfaux pas.You may be judiciouslyusingyour disinhibition-saying or doing things other peoplecensor-to developa frank and open comothersand puts them at ease. munication stylethat disarms

Act I: Interfacing in Groups

\7e live, work and play in groups-families, socialclubs,meetingsand 'SUe can't avoid theseinteractionseven if we wantedto. If committees. you are like many bright, enterprisingADD adults,you may facegroup as situationswith about asmuch enthusiasm you do a trip to the denTo tist! What can you do to prevent the socialsuicideyou fear? help somesocialsituationsin action. you with this issue, let'sobserve Michael Michael is standingin a clusterof four peoplewho have been talking about a variety of topics.He hasn't addedmuch to the conversation he because doesn'tknow anything about the latest softwareor the His caterpillars. brain is racingto movementto protect endangered to think of something say,beforesomebodyaskshim somethinghe won't know how to answer.


You MEaNI'u Nor L,+zy, SruproOn Cnnzy?!

He is preoccupied with planning his verbalentrancero rhe conversation and vaguelyhearsa commentabout recenractivitv in the Oqtal Office.Sincehe'sa builder with a specialtyin cusromrenovation,he jumps in with his accountof an inreresring eagerly circularroom he once built. It suddenlyoccursto him, halfway through his story,that somerhing isn't quite right. He looksup to seefour facesetchedwith question marks!He graduallyrealizes enormiryof his blunderand slinks the awaywith a half-heartedchuckle: "Oval Ofrice. . .White House.. .l knew that. I just wantedto seeif you werepayingattention." Amanda Betweenburstsof sma[ talk with her two companions, Amanda twists aroundto watch her friend Mlchael humiliate himself.She asksof no one in particular,"Can you believehe just saidthat?" She quickly switches gears sheobserves as that her companion's looksjust like tie the one her Uncle Joeusedto wear.To her companion's comment about the benefitsof usingglass insteadof papeiproducrs, Amanda "Do funeraldirecrors asks, recyclethe dearlydepartedloved one's clothingl The reasonI'm askingis that your tielooks exacrlylike the one Uncle Joewore at his funeral." she laughingly assures both men that she'sonly kidding and wonders if the_y've noriced how many peoplehave alreadyleft tie parry and if they have any suggestions aboutwhat sheshouldrav to Mi.hael about acting so stupid Elizabeth Elizabethis standingwith a largegroupnear the buffet table.An animatedconversation about the plight of the homeless so engrossing is that everyoneignoresthe deliciousfood. Elizabethis the onli p"rroi in the groupwho.isn't sayinganyrhing.Her eyeslook glazed und h". faceis expressionless. the woman *ho asks To her opiiion about this serious topic, shereplieswith a yawn,"Oh, I don't .""lly know." Someone elseoffersto drive her home in caseshe'sbeen drinking too much and needsto sleepit off.


INrERrRcluc IN AcrtoN: IN Gnoups Arlo FRtENosHrps

Notes: Act I
the about dividing Mental Gymnastics: Do you remember discussion They are a kind of mental athletics.Sucattention and shifting gears? group interfacing dependson an ability to shift gearsrapidly. cessful The exchangeof a conversationis a challenging task for an ADDer He who can't make quick mental adjustments. has to follow the flow of talk as it bouncesfrom personto person.He has to concentrate enough to understandwhat the speakeris saying.He alsohas to be surehe doesn'tget locked in. Otherwise,he comesto a grinding halt while the generalconversationgoeson without him. Remem, the Someof us take mental time outs to process conversation. ber our slow reactiontime?A breakcan give us time to deal with our 'We may be so intent on frantically lessthan trustworthy memories. rehearsingand rememberingwhat we're going to saythat we block out as everythingelse.\7e do mental handsprings fast aswe can. Unfortunirrelevantcomments. ately,we often end up interjectingseemingly 'We're talking about spring soccerwhen the conversationmoved on five minutesearlierto the winter Olympics. Creativethinking alsoplaysinto the mental athletics.Rather than getting locked in and taking a time out, an ADDer's mind may move taking a detour at the end of the track! A comment at breakneckspeed, him on a wild, stimulates ideathat sends an during the conversation imaginativejourney.Severallapslater he endshis little detour and with either raisedeyebrows shares sometidbit. His comment is greeted or repliesof, "\fhat the H- - - are you talking about?" to to The comment that makesperfect sense him is incomprehensible the rest of the group.They didn't go on the mental journey with the ADDer and don't know wherehe'sbeen.If he'samongfriends,they'll probablyjust shrug it off. If he'swith strangers, they might wonder what planet he comesfrom! for Running Out of Gas: There are other reasons an ADDer's diffiThe atmosphere a groupcan be of cultieswith groupinteractions. filter intenselystimulating.Impairedattention and a defectivesensory Attention can jump from a can be pushedbeyondtheir capabilities.


You MraN I'v Nor Lnzy,SruproOn Cnnzy?!

companion'sperfumeto the crackling fire across room. \Uhere the should he focus-on the speaker's wordsor on the body language of the personstandingnexr to him? Bombarded with sightsand sounds from many differentdirections,his senses rapidly reachan uncomfortable level of overload.Similar to a car climbing a long mounrain road, he quickly uses his reserves fuel. He mayrun out of mennlgas. up of


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Have you everbeen in a stimulatinggroupsituation,feelingasif you've just taken a sleeping or gone into a coma?'Sfe pill have. k's asif the body staysin the samespot while the brain goesoff to a quiet corner somewhere rest and regroup. to That's just greatfor your brain, but what aboutyoul You end up standingthere with a blank look and a yawn. You may not exactly endearyourselfto the speaker who is sharing fascinatinginformation. It's not that the conversation boring-although it might be! It's that is the overstimulationof a groupsituationcauses mental fatigue.Simply put, an ADDer might either tune out or fall asleep. That's precisely


INrsnrRcrNc AcrroN: IN GRoups IN Auo FRrENosurps

what happenedto Elizabethwho attributesher poor socialskills to a lack of sleep. Cruise Controls Set on Mega,Speed: Conversely,the mental cruise control may be flipped on and set way abovethe speedlimit. The Porscheis revvedand readyto go! Foot in mouth disease escalates out of control as the ADDer barrelsaround the track, heedless anyone of who might be in his way.With a poor sense boundaries, may of he careen,literally and figuratively,into other people.He fidgetstoo much, talks too fast and drives everyonecrazywith his intensity. The people aroundhim altematelyview his behaviorasamusingor annoying. Impulsivity and disinhibition aresometimes atremptsto fend off mental fatigueand maintain alertness. course, one elseknows that! Of no Many of us often talk and act first and think later. As Amanda does, we may fill up physicaland emotional spacewith our presence and chatter.Inappropriate, rude or silly remarksare out of our mouthsbefore we know it! How many times have you saidto yourself,"l can't believe I just saidthat."

Synopsis: Act I
It might seemthat you process information too slowlywhen you'rein groupconversation. it possible, a Is however,that you process the information ln greater depththan othersdo?Do you make connections that eludeeveryone elseand have real value?It might seemthat your mental detoursare inappropriatebut that doesn'tmean they're worthyour tangentsand wild leapsof imaginationcan lead the less. Perhaps groupto creativeproblem-solving. And here'ssomethinginterestingto think about.Are your problems in groupscausedby your deficits or by therulesfor interactionthat are ill suitedto your sryleof thinking? KK: "'!7ith professional experienceasa group leader,I mentally geared up for a difficult challengewhen I agreed start an ADD adult support to group.I pictureda groupof peopletalking non-stop,interruptingeach other and jumping from topic to topic. I figured my main function as the facilitator would be to referee. What has happenedis vastly different from what I imagined.The flow of ideasdoesjump arounda lot but this doesn'tseemto be an obstacle


You MenNI'v Nor Lnzy,SruproOn Cnazy?!

to the groupprocess. Generally,the groupasa whole is able to follow the logic of the conversation and sometimes movesit off into wonderful, productive tangents.Thetempo is much fasterthan I have encountered in other groups. But groupmembers, often left behind in "normal" groups, able to keepup with the speedy are conversation." Perhaps the logic of a non-ADD thinker is a different brand from an ADDer's. His logic, formulatedby the generalizations connections and of his distractions, may in somewaysbe superiorto the logic taught in school.It makessense that if he could play by his own set of logical rules,his communicationwould flow more freely. The danceof conversationin an ADD group seems move to music to entirely different from that of other groups.It seems have its own to unique rhythm, tempo and patterns.Perhaps ADDers don't need we dancinglessons after all. We may just need to danceto our own ADD beat! If you have an ADD friend, get togetherand enjoy the danceyou share. you can't always Of course, danceto your own beat just asyou can't always what your impulses do drive you to do. Sinceyou can't avoid being in groupsof non-ADDers,you'll have to learn someof the conventional steps. Here are somesurvivaltips that might help you on the dancefloor.

Survival Tips for Act I

Be Prepared: Beforeyou arrive at the socialgathering,make sure you'reprepared. Start taking notes asa newspaper reporterwould. Find out who will be there and write down their names, occupations, interests, etc. If you'relucky,somebody elsewho lovesradio controlled racecarsasmuch asyou do, will be in attendance. Ask about the dress "code" so you won't arrive in jeansif everyoneelsewill be wearing suitsand ties. Make sureyou write down the date and time of the gathering!Arriving for a dinner party an hour late will definitely not win rave reviewsfrom your host. Do Your Homework: If your mind and mouth inexplicably shut down in groupsettings, rehearse aheadof time. Part of this rehearsal


INrrRrRcrNc AcrroN: IN GRoups IN ANo FRrEr.rosHrps

should be keeping up, at leastsuperficially, with current events.This with the lengthy doesn'tmeanyou have to sit down on a daily basis New York Times.It doesmean that you shouldknow that the changing ru,rcIear farrily isn't a topic about folk glowing in the dark with radiation poisoning! The value in having an awareness, however vague,of names,places and events in the news is that it providesa file of information on which you can draw.If the subjecttums to the primaries,you won't interject a comment about your son'sexperiences the primary grades your in of local school. Instead,you might offer,"Campaignactivity is really heating up, isn't it? I haven't seenthe paperthe pastfew days.Is there anything new going on?" Practice: Rehearsing meansjust that. Write a script. Rehearse. Practice. When you arrive, what will you sayto the host?How will you join a conversationl\7hat wordswill you usel How will you introduceyourselfl How will you respondto the inquiry "\Uhat do you do for a living, Don?" Develop a standardscript for thesequestionsthat come up in groups.Then practice it with a spouse friend or in front of a mirror. or When you work on your script, considerwaysyou can respondto information sharedby others.After you've answered inquiry about what the you do for a living, how do you respondwhen somebody tells you about his 1ob? "What da you dofor aliving, Don?" Someone aslcs: You stnrtJoLuscript:"I restore anaqtefurniune. What'syourjob, Fred?" Fred replies:"I am a mediacenter specialist." "Oh, really.." Youcomment: . The conversationstopsdead in its tracks.What happensnow?Rather than feeling uncomfortableand trying to fill the deadspacewith rambling, you can referto your memorized script of cannedresponses. Questions are excellent because they keep the conversationgoing and draw attention awayfrom you. Generic commentscan bail you out if you have no idea what a media center specialist A rehearsed of is. list questions and commentscan also help with any problemsyou have with monopolizingconversations. someof thesescriptsand Try


You MpeNI'v Nor Lxzy,SruproOn Cnnzy?!

add someof your own: "How did you get interested that area?" in "I don't know verymuchaboutthntfield. lYhat exactlJdoes your work entail?" "Haqte you alwaysdone thiswork or did Jou stertoff in a different fieLd?" "Tltat sounds an interesting Can you tellme moreabout it?" job. like The focusof the conversationwill probablycome back to you after this questionand answerperiod.By then you shouldhave found some familiar territory and will be able to talk comfortablyabout a subject you know. You may get in a bind and exhaustthe items in your script. If this happens, you can excuse yourselfto make a phone call or to ask the host something.Include theseemergency techniquesduring exit your rehearsal. Also includeyour spouse friend in your practice or sessions you'll have someone bail you out when you needhelp. so to If you're a memberof a supportgroup,you can leam about your behavior by watching yourself.Arrange for a video or audio recordingof your group's interactions. Although the cameramight be somewhat distracting, you can leam a lot when you review thi tape. This is a valuableprocess only for reviewingwhat you did wrong, not but what you did right! If you'rea memberof an ongoingsuppoftgroup, you might be able to tape a series sessions. can usethe tapesto of You monitor your progress you practicenew waysof behaving.Of course, as this idea presupposes you feel comfortablein the group and that that none of the members objectsto being taped. Watch and Listen: \7hen you're with an unfamiliar group of people, initially keep a low profile.Look and listen a lot and talk very little. Watch the others to seehow they behave.Find out how much personal information peoplesharewith each orher and try to figure our any unspokenrules.Most groupshave informal codesof conduct that govem the behaviorof members. The hidden codemay tell you which subjects taboo,whereto sit or even how to dress. are \7e don't advocateblind conformity to rules or buying into the idea


INrERrRcrNc AcrroN: IN GRoups Iu ANn FzuENosHrps

that you must fit in. It will be up to you to decidewhether to continue your association with a particulargroup.You can, however,make a reasonable attempt to be cordial and respectfulof the group'srules at leastfor one evening.If nothing else,usethe eveningto practiceyour conversational skills. Watch Your Watch: Focuson the speaker. Force yourself to make eye contact. Play closeattention to the danceof conversationand don't give a solo per6ormance. Beforeyou start talking, make surethat you aren't interrupting.Make it a practiceto askthe speaker he has if finished beforeyou jump in and cut off his next thought. Wear a watch with a secondhand and unobtrusivelynote how long each personspeaks. \Uhen it's your turn, time yourself.Set a mental alarm clock to ntrn yowselfoff rf you exceedyour allotted time. Watclung Joltxwatchcan alsohelp you maintain focusas it givesyou something to do. In casesomebody watchesyou watching your watch, you can alwaysclaim that the batteryseems be wearingout. It's better to to wearout your batterythan your audience! Watch Your Wandering: Pay closeattention to the number of tangential joumeysyou take so you won't start jumping all over,monopo. lizing the conversation.In a safegroup of friends, ask someoneto signal you when you're getting off track. If all elsefails and you're off and running beforeyou know it, acknowledge your rambling. S"y somethinglike, "Boy,my mind is really on a mental marathon,isn't it? Sorry about that. . ." Work on Your Reading Skills: Rememberthat people communicate through verbal and non-verbalchannels. You'll need to practicereading both kinds of language. The verbal channel usesthe voice asrhe instrument to producewordswhile body language and facial expressionsprovidevaluablecluesabout the impact of your behavior. If you notice a look of horror, it's a good bet that your wordssent an unintendedmessage-unless course, you wanted a particularreacof tion! Immediatelyapologize you know your wordswere impulsive.If if you hate to apologrze, your teeth and do it anywaylThink of it as grit balancingyour checkbookor doing pushups. not fun but it makes It's life easierin the lons run.


You MEenI'v Nor Lezy,SruproOn CnnzyT!

If you don't know what caused negativereaction,ask!You could the say,"I noticed you frowned when I said such and such. Is there a prob. lem?"An altemative is to make a joke about your impulsivity.You could saysomethinglike, "l have a bad caseof foot in mouth disease today.Please me know if I've saidor done anyrhingout of line." A let lighthearted approachcan make it easierfor the other personto provide feedback about your behavior. Welcome the Feedback: \7hen you receivethe feedback,LISTEN TO IT! The advice is three simplewords.Responding appropriatelyto commentsabout your behavior,however,is anything but simple!Your tendencymight be to put up your shield and go into auto'defense and mode.You really should try to leaveyour shield at home or in attaak the trunk of your car.Remember, you can't do this all by yourself.You needhelp.
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INrERpncrNcIN AcrroN: IN GRoups ANo FRrrNosHrps

Think of this learning process therapy.In physical therapy,for as instance,the sloganusedto inspirepatientsis, "No pain, No gain." And of course, commentsdon't have to be negative.Don't be afraidto askfor positive feedbackaswell and don't forget to thank the person for taking the time to help you. Careful listening is hard, acceptingcriticism is harder and changing your behavioris the hardestof all. But theseareessential partsof your recovery. Using feedbackto changeyour behaviorcan have a powerful, positiveimpact on your socialsuccess. Carefully Choose Your Social Activities: If you feel washedup and wom out after everysocialevent, it might be time to rereadthe section on balance.Be honestwith yourself.Do you attend thesefunctions you want to or because because you feel compelledto? \fhen an acquaintanceshares very full socialcalendar,do you feel somehow his that you just don't measure socially? up There may be somesocialeventsthat you must attend. Prepare carefully for theseand do the bestyou can, but JustSay "No" to rhe others. Be selectiveand baseyour decisionon a realisticassessment your of abilitiesand disabilities. Small groupgatherings may work betterfor you. This doesn'tmeanyou shouldgive up on learningand practicingyour interfacing skills. You will need them everywherefrom PTA meetings to officeplanning sessions. remember that there isn't a rule requiring Just you to be a socialbutterfly.

Act II: Interfacing in One,to,One Encounters

Someof us preferlargegroupinteractionsthat enableus to remainsome'We what anonymous. may feel far lesscomfortablein one-to-onerelationshipsbecause impossible hide. Our carefullyconstructed it's to shieldsdon't work well in closerelationships that illuminate our shortcomings. Even if your experiences relationships in have beenunsuccessful, don't resignyourselfto solitaryconfinement.If you'vebeen working hard at your recovery, you have knowledgeand skills you may have lacked


You MEnNI'v Nor Lezv.SruproOn Cnnzv?!

before.Your newfoundunderstanding about your balancesheetcan inherent in developingclose supportyou asyou risk the self-disclosure you're awareof the potential relationships.You can be successful if pitfalls and designstrategies avoid them. to In Act II, we'll studysomeother relationships action. Theseare the in one-to-oneencounters with friendsand acquaintances. Let'sseewhat we can leam from them. Ken Ken looksup to seePaulwalking down the aisle.He runs over him, expressing surpriseand delight to seehim again so soon after their first meeting. He asksif Paul receivedthe three messages left for him on he his answeringmachine yesterday. invites Paul to dinner that He evening and without waiting for an answer, beginsaskingwhat his new friend would like to eat. Ken beginstelling his new friend all about the cooking classes he's taking and what he's leamed about designing healthy menus. Carolyn Carolyn invites Jason,her new neighbor to join her for a cup of coffee. She talks briefly about the neighborhoodand commentsthat she's surehe'll like it much better than wherehe usedto live. Jasontells her that he'll missthe cookoutshe usedto have with his three neighbors.Carolyn responds telling him not to worry about it. She tells by him that in this neighborhood,fifteen families sharea block party everysummer!Carolyn refills her coffeebut doesn'tnotice that Jason's is empty.She responds his story about the tree househis son built to "'V7ell, bet I in their old yard,by gazingout her back door.She advises, greattree with my son'shelp, your boy will be able to build a really housein his new backvard."

Notes: Act II
Many of the rulesfor interactions are the samefor both group and 'We individual encounters. must take tums listening and speaking, watch for non-verbalbehaviorand monitor verbal and non-verbal communication.Beyondthesesimilarities,though, individual interactionsrequiresomewhat differentskills.


INrrnrRcrNc AcrroN: IN GnoupsANo FRrENosurps IN

Is your friendshipmode similar to Carolyn'sor Ken's? Don't worry if you identify with either of them because they have a lot going for them. With somerefinements, they could developgood interaction skills. Ken showsgenuineaffection for Paul and is willing to work hard at developingthis new friendship.What he needsto do is work equally hard at not working so hard! He needsto learn to redirecthis' from his needsto his friend'sneeds. Then there'sCarolyn. Desperately wanting her new neighborto like her and his new neighborhood,sheoverwhelmshim with her intensiry. She needsto think about her wordsand review the messages sends. she She needsto watch Jason's body language and note his attemprsto add commentsto her one-wayconversation. singingthe praises By of her neighborhood, she's trying to help him adjusrro his new home. body language would give her a good clue that she's sendingan Jason's unintendedmessage boastingand "". of

Synopsis of Act II
There'sboth good newsand bad newsfor an ADDer in one to one socialinteractions. The goodnewsis that theseencounters fewer put demands the ability to switch gears-there arefewerdetailsto track on and fewerpeopleto read.The bad news is that runing our is more obvious-the focusis on him with no one to run interference!He can't affordto take mind detoursbecause there'sno one to pick up and carry the conversational ball. If you haven't come to termswith your disorder, one-to-onecommuni. cation can be particularlyscary. You might talk yourselfinto failure. "Whnt if shedoesn'tlike me?" "I don'thaqte anJthinginteresting say," to "He'sa professor andl barelyfinishedhigh school!" "What if I forgethername?" "What if I run out of rhings say?" to Engagingin negativeself-talkis destructive you because look at only one sideof your equation.Never forget the other sideof your balance


You MEnNI'v Not Lnzv.SruptoOn Cnazv?!

sheet! Henry Ford said,"Whether you think you can or whether you think you can't, you'reright." If you run from potential friendships, you're acting and believing you can't On the other hand, if you affirm personwho happens have somedisabilities, yourselfasa capable to you are acting and believingJou can. 'We can leam to be greatlisMany of us have excellentpeopleskills. teners,locking in our focusto give a flattering level of attention to the other person.The rhythm of the exchangeis slowerand easierto fol\7e can focus intently, noticing things low in one-to-one encounters. that othersmissand offeringsensitiveand empathicsupport. You may be fortunate to have a closefriend. You may have several closefriends.But if your friendshipsare rocky or shorter-livedthan you'd like them to be, you may needto get to work. As you think about considerthesetips. They your own skills in one-to-onerelationships, may be usefuland give you addedconfidencein thesesituations.

Survival Tips for Act II

Relax and Listen: Don't feel you have to fill every secondwith contalking a mile a minute or versation.ADDers tend to go to extremes, completelytuning out. Somesilenceis okay.If you check out altoin gether,your companionwill think you'reuninterested what he has to say. is The key to maintaining a correctbalancebetweenthe two extremes you to interactwithout filling acrivelistening.Active listeningenables that you are up the conversationwith your words.Send a message listening and interestedin what your companionhas to sayby nodding your head,leaningforwardand maintaining eyecontact. it Inand pay attention to the message sends. Watch his body language terject commentsthat let your companionknow that you are listening. you more?" "Go on" . . ."TeIlme more". . ,"CoLLld explnin thata Little or If you find yourselftalking excessively feeling uncomfortableat a lull in the conversation,shareyour confusion:


INrgnnncrNc IN AcrroN: IN GRoups ANo FRrENnsHrps

"Am I nlking toomuch?. . I'ue run out of things talk about. . . . to Do youhnveany ideas?" Clarify the Message: Rememberthat communication is an art form. The clarity of the message an impact on the listener's has understanding. Moreover,each of us interpretslanguage from an individual frame of reference. The intent of the message be misinterpretedregardcan lessof how clearlyit is stated. Statement: "Things&rea mess thishouse." in "He's accusing of beinga slob." me "He's telhing to cleanup the house." me "He's just noticing and commenting thesnte of on the house."

Possible Interpretations:

Although history may supporrthe first sraremenr, don'r jump ro conclusions. avoid communicationmisunderstandings, To clarify the way you interpreted the message-restateit in your own words.



Interpretations: "Wen you saidthat,I thougfu you were criticiTing me. Is that true?"
Effective ((r.t


tfi,irlr,t,Yt I shoutdsomething do about


.r | "I thought said..."or ( ( r "Wereyou saying " ..." Jou

'We Avoid ttFightin' Words": talked about the importanceof active listening.To ensurethat your companionwill interpret your message accurately, take greatcarewith the wordsyou use.One sure-firemethod for shutting down the channelsof communication is using the words "yo,, always"or "you never'lStrike them from your vocabulary unless you want a full scalebattle to eruptl Thesewordsfeel threateningand accusatory. They assign blameand createfeelingsof defensiveness. Even if your spouse rarelyremembers your anniversary, has been around he for fifteen yearsand rememberingdatesmay be difficult for him. A better technique is to rephrase your words asl-messages communto icate your feelingsabouthow somethingaffects you. !7hen you use


You MEaNI'v Nor Lezy.SruproOn Cnazyl!

you You-messages, direct the focusto your listener and force him to arguehis position.Here are someexamples the differences of between thesetwo kinds of messages: I,rtssflge: "When you didn't call yesterdnJ wondered youwere tf ,I madat me." neuercaLI You,message3"YILL whenJou sayyou wiIL" I,rrrssage: "When you stnrtnlking bef I' m finished I f eeL ore tltnt wl'tat , I haqte sayis unimportarLt" to You,message: "Why do you intenuptme aLl time?" the lUatch your listener'sbody language. he looks puzzled, If stop talking. Ask him to clarifu his understanding what you said.He may be hearof ing somethingvery different from what you're trying to say. There are many other usefulcommunication techniquesbut we hope you get the ideafrom theseexamples. might be helpful to increase It your learning experiences taking part in a classor group that pracby ticestheseskills.The communications departmentof a local univergood place to look for this kind of training. sity would be a Watch Your Intensity Level: ADD adults can be intense,passionate and single-minded aboutpersonalinterests. you'renot careful,you If can scare calmerpersonto death! a Be cautiouswhen you find yourselfdiscussing one of your favorite subjects pet peeves. you find the other personmentallyor or If physically backingoff,lighten up! Tell a joke, aska questionor change the subject. An ADDer can get carriedawaywith a topic because his intensity. of It can alsocause more generalproblemthat pervades whole rea the lationship. He often overwhelmsother peoplewith the ferocity of his friendship.He might showera friend with sincere, excessive but flattery that leaves him feelingembarrassed wonderingif we're really teasing. or As Ken does,he might get physicallytoo close,obliviousto the other person's needfor space.


INrrRrecrNc IN AsrroN: IN Gnoups ANo FRrENosHrps

r Bulru nu !3t '

lJtAp r

Slow Down: Even if an ADD adult is adeptat verbal and non-verbal communication, he can have difficulty maintaining a friendship over the long haul. He doesn'twant to wait for the natural progression of phases developingrelationships. may not be amunedto the in He pacingand gradualeasinginto involvement,trying ro ger roo close, too fast. If this is a problemfor you, it may help to keep a diary or calendarthat tracksyour behaviorin friendship-making. Don't just pick up the phone to call your new acquaintance until you check your joumal. Pencil in when you make a contact and jot down notesabout the encounter,paying particularattention to the other person's response. Indicatein your joumal a date for your next contact and don't call or drop in before that date!

In the next chapteqwe'll move on to relationships the workplace. in Although our focuswill be on issues inter{acingand communication, of we'll alsodo a brief task analysis. \7e'11 look at someof your jobs the on job and offer somesuggestions improving your skills in someof them. for \7e'll also look at your relntionship yaurjob to help you analyzeany to failuresyou may be experiencing. This analysis will include an important question.Are you failing on your job or is your job failing you?


CH.A.pren 9

in lnterfacing Actionl Along theJob on Gettine

Cur."r, can be made or desffoyedaccordingto how well we get along with other peopleon the job. \Uork relationshipsare an interesting variation on the theme of interfacing.There are elementsof both oneThe one-to-onerelationand groupinteractions. to-one relationships but requiresimilar mainaren't closefriendships shipsof employees are tenanceover time. Likewise,the groupinteractionsof employees gatheringsin that they are ongoing. different from social you of In the one-to-onerelationships friendships can choosethe people with whom you'll shareyour time and personalinvolvement. The same is true of the socialgatheringsyou attend-you can chooseto skip a party if you aren't crazy about the peoplewho will be there. But you with whom you'll interact and you can't can't choosethe employees choosethe meetingsyou'll attend.You have to interact with your coworkersin a variety of settings. a The workplaceis a socialarenaand arguably political one aswell. good interpersonal relationships and an Success the job requires on the abihty to understand "politics" within the work setting.Thesedyfor namicscreatesomeunique problems an ADDer with shakycom. of munication skills.With her friends,shecan count on a degree underher she standingabouther ADD. With her colleagues, has to manage deficitswith greatfinesse. in As an adult with ADD, your success the work world is alsolargely of dependenton how well you get alongwith your job. Because your you have to carefullybuild a safety particular deficits and differences, net for your job asyou do for the other parts of your life. Are there


IxrEnrRcxc IN AcrroN: GtrrrNc Ar-oNcOr.r Tur Ton

somestrategies can useto improvethe quality of your work?How you can you makeyour job work for you?Is your job the bestmatch for your particularabilitiesand disabilities? this chapter,we'll expand In interfacingto include thesespecificaspects iob managemenr. of

Act III: Getting Along on the Job

Diane Diane found her niche in sales and quickly becamea rop saleswoman. Single-handedly, increased sales' she the volume of her d"putt-".,t after being on the job only a few months. Her hard work and talents wererewarded with largecommissions, bonuses and a promotion to the position of SalesManager. Three months later,Diane startedtaking aspirinon a daily basisand considered getting back into therapy.She recently found a crumpled piece of paperon the floor and is trying to figure out what to do ubo.rt it. The paperis a caricature her drawn by one of her salesm-en. of In the picture, she_ towering over her sales is force,clutching a huge megaphone in both hands.\7ords are shooting out of the -egaphon" "r,l raining down like fireworkson her "subjects" below.

Notes: Act III

Diane is a hardworking,energeticand creariveADD woman. She'san excellentemployee whoseperformance been noted and rewarded has by her superiors. what is going wrong for her? So There are probably a number of explanationsfor the problemsDiane is experiencing her job. The most obviousis that her managerial in skillsaren't asgoodasher sellingskills.Sellinga product isn'r th. ,u*. assellingpeopleon one'sideasfor managinga sales force.Diane'ssocial deficitsmay have caughtup with her. Although sheroserapidly ro an administrativeposition, she is leaming that stayingup there is tricky. Diane'simpulsivity may play a role in her problems.She is a can-do womzlnwho is usedto getting the job done-nowl \fhen her sales people don't solveproblemsasfast asshe does,shegrabsher megaphort. "nd startsissuingdirectives.She greetsa questionabout her poftciesasa


SruptoOn Cnezv?! You MEaNI'u Nor L,czv.

figures.She can't understandwhy someof her hindrance to her sales' employees refuseto work the samefifty or sixty hours shedoesevery week.She rants and ravesthat shehas to do the work or it would never get done.

Synopsis: Act III

The work environment is a mini-societygovemedby rulesformulated of the ro prorect the rights and establish responsibilities the peoplewho in work there.The relationships a work environment are affectedby the positionspeoplehold, individual personalities 1obresponsibilities, and Although ADD adultsmay relationships. and multiple interpersonal have someunique problemsin this work setting,they are only one part of the equation. have a greatpotential for breakdown. Large,complexorganizations and someof them alsohave Many peoplearepart of work relationships for This makes somevery interest-ing ADD or other disabilities. interfacing!Consider,for example: of tlrc seems Listen who asl<s impossible you. to md The boss who neqter euenwhen sdcksto herjob description The coworkerwho doggedly are deadlines loomand colleagues desperate help. for yorlrs. The boss who contimnllymakeshisemergencJ, to The coworkerwho adnmantlyrefuses take responsibility a for screw-up. of There isn't much you can do about the hidden agendas fellow emyou ployees. you remember that you'reonly one pieceof the puzzle, If \7hen a work relationcan view a situation from its properperspective. your fault-or that it's exclusively ship unravels,you shouldn't assume strugglingwith deficits your unreasonable Perhaps she's colleague's. similar to yours.As an adult with ADD, you shouldbe sensitiveto the who might alsohave hidden disabilities. needsof colleagues \7hat doesall this meanfor you?It meansyou really have your work in cut out for you! To be successful the world of work, you'll need to of review many of the things we've talked about in previoussections pay closeattention to your balthis book. Reviewyour inventory and

1,7 6

lNrrnnncrNc IN AcrroN: GETTTNG Ar-oNc ON THE lon

ance sheet.It will be an invaluable frameworkasyou begin to develop your management strategies. Diane paid attention to hers,shemight If decide to give up the higher pay and execurivetitle to do what she doesbest-sell products.Let's take a look at someideasfor dealing with problemsin the world of work.

Sunzival Tips: Act III

Rules, Procedures and Policies Many ADDers harc to swallowthesebitter pills-unfortunarely there's no way to sweetenthem! Unlessyou own your company,you have to play by someoneelse's rules.You have to follow companyrules,proce. duresand policiesbecause don'r work in isolation. you Much asyou may hate your policy handbook, study it anyway.It outlines your companyt systemof govemment and chain of ssrnrnxnithings such as who reports to whom and areasof individual responsibilities.You can't leaverhis homework undone! You must be very clear about where you fit within the overall structureto avoid oversteppingyour boundsor failing ro carry our your responsibilities. Make Sense of the Rules: Don't arbitrarily ignore the rules that don't make sense you. lUork at trying to understandtheir rationale.\Uhen to you're awayfrom work, talk with your spouse a closefriend about or them. Make a list of all the policiesyou disagree with and analyze each of them. Do somehave validity for the organizationasa whole even though you personally disagree with them?If so,you'll have to leam to live with them. Perhaps you can set up a rewardsystemasa motivating tool. You may decide that not being allowed to listen to rock music in the office is totally unfair. You can't changethe rule but you can rewardyourself for following it by treatingyourselfto a favorite tape during your break. Question the Rules Carefully: You'veprobablyheard the adage, "Rules are made to be broken." \7e suggest you modify the words slightly: "Rulesare madeto be changed."If a rule doesn'tseemto make sense you individually or for the companyasa whole,questionit. for Make sureyour communication skills,particularlyyour listening skills, are solidly in place.Think through the rule you're disputingand ap-


You MEnNI'r',r Nor Lxzv. SruproOn Cnazv?!

proach the appropriatepersonwith your question.And then listen. you can forget . I'm If you receivethe response,". .because your boss," about doing anything beyondswallowingyour objectionsand toeing the line. On the other hand, if your superioroffersinformation you At had overlooked,thank her for entertainingyour ideas. least,you'll who is willing to negotiate.The have a readingon her assomeone door will be open for future exchanges. Sell Your Ideas: Although it's unwiseto challengeauthority at every can tum, questioningpoliciesand procedures be a positivequality. don't move too fast.Keepyour impulsivity in check and proceed Just s-l-o-w-l-yand tactfully.Don't start shakingthings up after you've beenon your new job exactlyforty-five minutes! No one in the companywill buy your ideasif you are an unknown quantity. First, you should demonstrateyour loyalty and dependability. Spendtime keepinga low \7ork on building positiverelationships. profile and doing what you'reexpectedto do. Arrive at work on time, take one hour for lunch and not a minute more, and don't take advanof tageof your sick days.After you've eamedthe respect your superfor iors and coworkers,you can start making suggestions change. try If you have a greatproposal, it out on a trustedpersonin the informal office network to seeif it's workable.She can help you evaluateits factsbefore merits and confirm that you've included all the necessary you formally presentit. Letting the bossthink shecameup with your idea is a time honored A method to facilitate change. carefullyconceivedproposalthat focuses the benefitsfor her asan individual and the company asa on whole, can also work. Make sureyou do your homework first. If you without bothering to come up with a new systemfor order processing "baby,"you probablywon't be in find out that old one is your boss's her goodgraces! Unwritten Rules, Procedures and Policies policy You won't find everything you need to know in the company's handbook. Much of the vital information is unwritten and is part of and an informal network of office politics, rules,procedures policies. This network is the office grapevinethat reflec$ the complexdynamics


INrsRrncrNc AcrroN: GErrrNcAr-oNcON TUElon IN

of the peoplewho work together.It holds the inside information about the real power structurein an organization.For instance,a secretary who isn't officially high on the chain of command,may wield enor. mouspower.With detailed knowledgeabout the company and ready access the boss,she may have great influence within the company. to The real chain of command may operatethrough her, bypassing the vice-president who is simply a figure-head. Get Inside the Inner Circle: If you have trouble figuring out the informal network, develop a relationship with someonewho seems to know what'sgoing on. Gradually draw her out to leam how the company operates. Take it easy, though. Usually the employees "the in know" are old-timerswho have eamedtheir statusand play their roles to the hilt. If you try to make an instant friendshipor start grilling someoneover lunch, you may find her unwilling to divulge her knowledge.You'll need to earn her respectto enter the inner circle. Follow the Unwritten Rules: If written policy dictatesthat memos shouldbe sent to Mr. S and Ms. T, don't fail to sendone to Mr. R. if the unwritten rulescall for it. It won't sit well with your bossor employees if you fail to let them know what you're doing or forget to sharevital information. They don't know or careabout your memoryproblemsand attention deficits.They'lI view you asan arrogantemployee who won't acceptauthority or considerthe opinions or feelingsof subordinates. Make a list of theseinformal procedures. your checklistto be sure Use you'refollowing properformal and informal procedures. Better still, you may want to carry a small calendaror notebookwhereyou keep theseconfidentialmaterials, especially employees your work site if in don't lock their desks. Technology and Communication Since we've alreadytalked about the dynamicsof communicationin variousrelationships, won't repeatourselves. we Review the information about communication skills and continually practice and rehearse. Our discussion and suggestions here will be the dimensions commuof nication that are somewhat unique to work settings. Communication is the transmission messages of from one personor group to another.lfe've focusedon communication asspokenwords and body language but in the workplace,it is frequently in the form of


You MrnN I'u Nor Lazy.SruproOn Cnazy?!

written expression. Businesses have alwaysrelied on written documen. tation and record-keeping. Now there'sa high tech twist-the price sheetis faxed,the ad is scanned, memo is E-mailedand the report the is networkedlThis is anothergoodnews/bad newssituationfor ADDers. For the Good News-High tech equipment,particularly the computer, may be the best thing that's ever happenedto an ADDer. k won't pur gasin your car beforeyour business but it can remind you to do it! trip It will check the spellingand grammarof your lettersand sendthe contents,alreadyformatted,to the printer. You don't even have to wait impatiently at the door for the mail carrier.In a flash,your computeror fax machine with a little help from the telephonecompany,can send inquiriesand receiveresponses. For the Bad News-Haqte youheardrhe jokeaboutthe employee who got his ne caughtin thefax machine and" ended in Neq, Yorkt Three uD things may have happened when you readthis little tidbit:

1. Nothins,ilr*:#:fi:,'lif;;:ff""1,:".""'e vou
If fax machineshad this capability,you can think 2. You laughed: of at leastone personin your office who would routinely end up in anotherstate. If fax machineshad this capability,you know that the personroutinely ending up in New York would be you.

3. You cried:

Eachof theseresponses illustratesthe disadvantages modem technolof ogy.E-mail, networking, scanningand faxing may mean absolutely nothing to you. This isn't a reflectionof your IQ! It's mind-boggling how rapidly new methodsfor transmitting information have developed. \Uhile this book isn't a training manualfor high tech equipment,it wouldn't be completewithout a discussion about technology's impact on communication.Even if you approacha TV remotecontrol with fear and trepidation, you might have to usethe fax machine and telephone that have more buttons than the front of your shirt!


INrrnrRcrNcIN AcrroN: GErtrNc Ar-oNcON TnE Joe


Nrw voBh

Let's take a quick tour of the world of high tech computersand their relatives.What can and can't they dol How can you leam to usethem so you don't fax yourselfout of stateor maneuveryourselfout of a jobyou know, when your cartoon of your bossDiane inadvertently ends ? up on her computer screeninsteadof your buddy's And finally, how can you usethem to your advantage? Computer and ADD Compatibility: Computersare similar to people. sizes and colors.Eachhas its own They come in a variety of shapes, "personality"and communicationstyle.If your office uses several different kinds of computers,you might have a choice about which kind to use.Matching your leaming styleto your computeris important. Briefly, you communicatethrough a Macintosh computer with metaphors (visualchannel) and an IBM with words(auditorychannel). If you're starting out on either one and having a terrible time, don't jump to the conclusionthat you are computerilliterate! You and your


You MrnN I'ruNor Lazy,SruproOn Cnnzy?!

computermay simply have communicationproblemsbecause of learningstyles'incompatibility. Written Expression-Memos, Letters and Reports: A compurer can perform incredible featsif you arc computer comfortable. You may find it very helpful in your job. It can relieveyou of the tedium of details and becomeyour personalsecretary. Even if you usespellcheckers and word processing programs, however,you might continue to have problemswith written expression. If the writing requirements your job are primarily intemal memos of and business letters,considerbuying an easyto usesoftware package of templates.Templatesare preparedgenericlettersfor everything from job order confirmationsto congratulations a colleague's promotion. for With the software,you choosea template that matchesyour need, changethe namesand dates,and presto-you have a polishedbusiness document.In the appendixof this book we've listed severalavailable softwarepackages. Check with your dealeror the adults in your support group for other suggestions. If your responsibilities include writing reportsand other more complex documents, you can still usevarioustemplates your frameworkbut as will need to do the actualwriting yourself. Remedialwriting classes may help you work on shakywriting skills. Considerworking with a tutor or checkingout continuing educationclasses your local university. at You shouldalsorememberto usesomeof the bypass strategies talked we about in previouschapters. you have a secretary, If dictate your letters. Otherwise try using a tape recorderto "write" your first drafts.Your ideasmay flow more easilyif you talk first and write later. Show your work to a sympathetic colleague a critique beforeyou sendit out. for Don't forget to usebarteringasa tool to bypass your weak writing skills. For example,you can collaboratewith a coworkerwho writes clearly but has problemsgeneratingoriginal ideas.Togetheryou may be able to write reportsthat outshineany either of you could producealone. Office Equipment and Cheat Sheets: Many peoplehave trouble usingmechanicalor technical equipmenr.This isn'r exclusively a problem for folk with ADD. But someof the ADD differences do


L.,INrERnRcrNc ActtoN: GgrttNc AI-oNc ON THE los

compoundthe problem. You've seenhow increasingcomplexity has an impact on your perforinteracting mance.This is true whether you'redoing math problems, with largegroupsof peopleor figuring out how to usea complicated telephonesystem. Related to this is an impaired memory.How many times have you approachedthe duplicatingmachineto hand-feeda two-sideddocument and couldn't rememberhow to do it? Ten tries later, with the wastereversed and printed upsidedown, you basketoverflowing with pages you wastedan entire packageof finally get it right! Not only have paper,you've alsowastedvaluabletime. You probably should make a cheat sheetfor yourself.Make a list or and tape it to the top of the duplicating macchart of the procedures hine. If you sharethe machine with others,you may need to keep your set of directions in your deskdrawer.Do the samething for the fax machine,telephone,etc. You might find that this memoryby-pass you because the system ultimately helpsyou to memorize procedure leaming asan anchor.You seethe directionsasyou usemulti-sensory perform them. Work,Related Stress and ADD An ADDer's bossmay compliment her on the quality of her work but with coworkers. express concem about the quality of her relationships that working with alike might complain Superiorsand subordinates her is difficult. They are probablycommenting on her generalirritasymptomaticof her disorder. which are,of course, bility and moodiness These symptomstypically get worseasdemandsfrom the environment can't be eliminated,their severity increase. Although the symptoms levelsin the work environment. can be minimizedby managingstress programs useful management are The generalstrategies taught in stress but there are others more specificfor the unique problemsof ADDers. Noise, Doors and Telephones: First, try to figure out the sourceof your stress. the sourceis everythingaboutyour job, you might be in If is the wrong vocation! Our guess that noiseprobablycontributesa greatdeal to your stress. Intrusionsof noisecan be very distracting


You MEnNI'r,,r Nor LAZr,SruproOn Cnnzy?!

and irritaring. If you have an office with a door you can shut for periodsof time, take advantage it! There are important reasons keeping your door of for open. An openeddoor sendsthe message that yor, asan "r" "rr"il"bl. active participant in the work environment. But you have to balance the need to maintain work relationships with your needfor quiet to handle the detailsof your job. Explain to your coworkersthat you can't concentrateon detailed work when there is excessive noise.Then closeyour door. You don't have to tell them about your ADD. Many peopleare botheredby noise and will understandyour need to work without interruption. Just make it clear that this is your problem.You haven'r closed iout dbor because you don't like your coworkers! Your shouldn't retreat behind your closeddoor any longer rhan absolutely_necessary._\7hen detailedconcenrrarior, the *oik is over, open your door, literally and figuratively.Don't allow yourselfro ger so involved with a task that you snarl at a colleague who comesin for a consultation. You will win brownie points if you're only availableduring cerrain hours but are calm and welcomingwhen your door is operi.Even if this meanstaking someof your work home, it may be wbrth it if you can minimizeyour stress during work hours. Tb. sameprinciple appliesro rhe telephone.Your work quality and telephonemannersmight improve if you schedule designated a rime for handling telephonecalls.You'll accomplishmuch mo"re without the constant interruptions.Beforeyour scheduled telephonetime, you'll have time to gathereverythingyou'll need to handle the calis in a friendly and efficient manner. You may be thinking, ideassoundgreat,but I don't have any _"These control over my schedule" "l don't even have my own office". If you or work in an open_area whereyou can't closethe door, is it possible for you to wearheadphones when you need to concentrate? You could lis. ten to music asyou work or a tape of white noise if music is distracting.


INrEnrnctNc IN AcrtoN: Grt"rtNc At-oNc ON THrJon

if Your bossmight be more amenableto suggestions you offer them as producwaysto improve your efficiency.Document your increased really work. Again, you to convince her that thesestrategies tivity you'reconfident she'll act on unless don't have to shareyour diagnosis your disclosurein a positive way. If you feel that you have no control over your schedule,are you absohave experimented A lutely surethat's the case? number of corporations hours for employeephone calls.They have found with designated in that the decrease interruptions throughout the day improvesproApproach your bossabout this. Ask if your office or group ductivity. phone hours or even designated could experiment with designated quiet time for work that requiresheavy concentration. Talk with coworkersto find out if noise and interruptionsbother them. distracChancesare, they probably alsohave trouble with excessive tions. Enlist their support.You may be able to make changesin your for workplacethat will make the environment more user-friendly everyare to you, but thesestrategies taught in timeone. It may be surprising under You may elicit supportfor thesechanges managementcourses. the guiseof wanting to manageyour time more effectively. If you try everything and still can't control the noise and intermptions, rhink seriouslyabout looking for a new job or even a different line of level from a highly distracting environment can be a work. The stress threat to your mental health. Are you failing or is your work failing you? Miscellaneous Strategies For easeof readingwe've tried to group the managementstrategies The onesthat follow don't really fit anywhereelse,so into categories. we've includedthem togetherin this section. Thke Your Medicine: This probablygoeswithout saying,but if you make sureyou take need to take medicine to manageyour symptoms, it during your work hours. Your ability to handle details and interruptions will improve. Moreover, the condition of your finger nails and the anxiety of your office mate will probablyalsoimprove! As an ADD adult, you may not be in perpetualmotion anymorebut may have the masrered art of foot tapping, finger drumming and knuckle cracking.


You MEaNI'v Nor Lnzy,SruproOn Cnazy?!

This constant fidgeting can be exrremelyannoying to other people. Thesebehaviorsare definitely not conducive to improving interpersonal work relationships. Manage Your Symptoms: Actively work on your problematicADD behaviorsto decrease them or makethem lessnotic""bl". Try substituting a behaviorthat is lessdistractingto other people.Can you move your handsor swing your leg under the deskso that no one sees doing it? you Thppingyour fingersagainst eachother is quieterthan kickrng your desk or drumming your fingerson the desktop.Can you gnaw on the top of your pencil so you look asif you aredeeplyengrossed your work? in How aboutusingyour "closeddoor time" to spin happily on your desk chair?What about carefullyspaced trips to the warer fountain, file cabinet or duplicating machine?Volunteer ro run needederrands.Find acceptable excuses ger up from your deskperiodically. to


INrERrRctNclN AcrtoN: GErrtNc AI-oNc ON THeJon

Control Your Foot in Mouth Disease: Have you ever filed a medical It insuranceclaim for FootinMouthDisease? may not be on the list of you have ADD, you probablyhave coveredmedical conditions but if an itl This condition causes ADDer to spendmost of her life with at she leastone foot in her mouth because doesn'tmonitor what she says she saysit! It's no wonder she stumblesalong in work relationbefore ships.Hopping on one foot while extricating the other from the mouth makesit difficult to managethe detailsof a job! Of coursewe're talking about that troubling impulsivity of our ADD in that keepsgetting us in hot water.It got us poor grades conducton gradeasa man' our schoolreport cardsand getsDiane an unsatisfactory remarkor a poorly wordedmemo can makeenemies ager.A thoughtless and even contribute to the lossof a job. Our adviceto you on this one is to Be a S.T.A.R. You have to work hard to srifleyourselfat work. Monitor everyword that comesout of your mouth and think twice beforesayinganything. Beforeyou speak, remind yourselfto stop and think, look, and act or approachsomeone, you take action, reflecton the resultsof your actions.If listen. \fhen glue necessary, a largeS.T.A.R. on your desktopasa memory teaser for Stopping,Thinking, Acting, and Reflecting.It will take a lot of effort to pull this off. You may need to rewardyourselfby finding a likeyou can let off steamat mindedindividual you can trust. Together, lunch or during breaks in we Review Chapter 8 Again: All the issues discussed group and interfacing apply to the work setting.Refer to the strategies relationin the previouschapterfor continued work on interpersonal shipsand communication. The remainderof this chapter is a departurefrom the format we've to been following. We'll usethis discussion explorethe questionwe posedearlier:"Are you failing in your job, or is your job failing you?"

What Do You Want to Do When You Grow Up?

looking for Have you ever pouredover the want adsin the newspaper job that matchesyour qualifications? How many times have you a


You MreN I'v Nor Lnzy,SruproOn Cnnzvl!

closedthe newspaper without respondingto even one inquiry because you couldn't find a match?Let your ADD imagination roam io, u ,rro. ment and pretend you've just seenthe following ad:

Fast growing company looking for one special employee! The perfect candidate will be someone who h.r, difficulty with rulesand authority, ineffectivecommunicationskills, trouble switching betweenasks, an intoleranceto noise, an inability to handle interruprions, an irritable, moody,unpredictableand impatient personality, an intrusive, impulsive and hyperactivebehavior style. Now, there'sa job_designed ADDers! But let'sget back to reality. for The chancesare slim to none that you'll ever come across ad like an that, Don't just tossit aside,though, until you take a closerlook. To do this, you'Il need to refer to your inventory again.Use your creative thinking and growing awareness your ADD of to hypo"drr".rt"g.i thesizeabout waysro useboth sidesof the equation.

impaired communication skills trouble switching with gears intolerance to noise


Positive Qualities?

difficulty rules authority I develops with possibilities solves and problems and with complexity I only excessive focus+ability onejobdone to get well I super focus+ability onejobdone to get wellI super if it'squiet

inability handle to interruptions I super job focus+ability one done to get wellin small setting irritability, impatience intrusive impulsive and hyperactive up getting things done I shaking complacency; setting; energizing I notsobadin a small things done: stimulating I getting


INrpRrRcrNcIN AcrtoN: Gt-rrlNc At-oNc ON THr lon

Whether you're twenty, forty or sixty yearsold, it's not too late to reasand liability sheetmay help Your asset someof your life choices. sess the you evaluatethe questionabout job failure.Perhaps job you'rein is deadwrong for you. Vocational Planning: For our young ADD adult readerswho are pay consideringtheir future professions, carefulattention to our want ad and list of positive and negativequalities.You may decidebased on your interestand math aptitude,that accountingis an obvious choice for you. Beforeyou spendsubstantialtime and money on a collegeeducation,give plenty of thought to your balancesheet.You If may love math but do you love detailsand paperwork? not, the you to tears.If your painstakingdetail of accountingwork may bore you aspect mathematics, of real love is the creative,problem-solving might be happierin certain kinds of engineeringor computerwork. do To avoid costlymistakes, your homeworkfirst. Check with your in local supportgroup about vocational counselors your area.There for specifically isn'r to our knowledge,vocational testing designed ADDers. But you may be able to latch on to a competentprofessional The information gainedfrom vocawith experiencein ADD issues. your balancesheetand help you make tional testingcan supplement about additionaltraining or higher education. important decisions If you can get by without the eamingsof a summerjob, considerusing your free time to do volunteerwork in your field of interest.You'll it by learn a greatdeal more about a profession experiencing firsthand than readingabout it in a book. you'reconsidering. Ask them detailed Talk to peoplein the profession questionsabout what they do every day.Find out what they like and dislike about their work and think abouthow this fim with your new selfknowledge.Are you cut out for spendingmuch of your working day committeemeetgradingpapers and going to endless writing lectures, If ings? not, you may needto rethink your decisionaboutusingyour love Perhaps becominga freelance of literatureto becomea collegeprofessor. writer would be a more rewarding,though lesslucrative,choice. If you want to attend collegebut have only a vagueidea of your future careerinterests,try to attend a university that offersa variety of degree


You MpnNI'ruNor Lezy,SruproOn Cnezy?!

programs. Talk with a collegecounselor about the course work in various programs. Creditsoften applyacross programs. can usecredits degree You you'vealreadyeamedin a new programif you decideto switch your major.If you plan carefully, you can savewastedtime, effiortand money. You're Grown Up and Still Asking: "What Do I Want to Do When I Grow (Jp?" Even if you've investedtons of money and time in your careerand current job, you don't necessarily have to throw it all away.Beforeyou decideto jump ship, thoroughly examineyour currenrsituation.In many careers, there is latitude for changewithin the profession. Psychiatric and community health nursing,for example,requirecreative problem-solving and a gestaltapproach. Unlike hospitalnursing,they don't includeextensive detail work. In teaching,possibilities exist for a changeof gradelevel or subjectmatter.There are alsooptions for supervisoryor counseling positions. Find Your Niche: Perhaps job you need is the one you already the have,with a twist. You might be ableto find or negotiatea job description that fits your abilities and offersunique benefitsro your company. You may be thinking about beginninga degree programin counseling you feel that you'rewastingyour peopleskills.Beforeyou acr because on your decision,considerpossibilities within your cuffenr organization. Many businesses offer training and consultationservices their emto ployees. Can you becomethe in-housetrainer or consultant? With your individual talentsand someseminartraining, you can offer your services a fraction of the cost your companytypically incurs in hiring at outsideconsultants. Your companymay even be willing to pay for the additionaltraining you'Il need. Match Yourself With Your Job-Start Your own Business: Maybe you'renot a perfectcandidatefor someone's want ad and will need to designa job to fit your qualifications. the oversupply rulesand Is of regulations coupledwith the snail'spaceof changein a largeorganization, unbearable? you shouldexplorewaysof working by and Perhaps for yourself. The difficultiesyou experience someone in else's business may disappear when the business your own. is You may be able to usethe niche you developed within your organi. zation asa jumping-offplacefor other business opportunities. you As


INrrRracrNc IN AcrroN: GETTTNG Ar-oNc ON THr los

you continue to collect a paycheckand gain invaluableexperience, can begin networking outsideyour company.You may at somepoint decide to go off on your own and contract with your previousemployer and other relatedbusinesses offer your services. to As a consulhnt, you have the advantage being your own boss.It can of be easier ignorearbitraryrulesand rigid peopleif you aren't a permto anent employee. You don't have to get caughtup in the office politics and can move on when policiesand peoplestartgettingon your nerves. And it's usuallyeasier be on your bestbehaviorwhen you'rein a new to situationonly for a short time. You may alsobe ableto retain someof the benefitsof workingfor someone else-use of office equipment,secretarial supportand the established network of business contacts. If you chooseto join the ranksof many ADD adultswho start their own businesses, it carefully.Thke a hard look at your balancesheet do and your list of perceivedfinancial needs.Can you affordfinancially and emotionally to live with lesswhile you work at developingyour own business? If you decideto take the calculatedrisk of working for yourself, your use list of assets explorepossibilities to that offer the bestmatch. Keep in mind that working on your own ofrersflexibility but requires long hours your business. alsorequires in the initial stages establishing great of It self-discipline. you'll needto be very careful With no time clock and policy handbook, to establish firm schedule a and set of rulesto keepyourselfon track. After you'vecompletedyour self assessment, the assistance a seek of professional help you develop a business plan for the first three to to five yearsof your new endeavor. business plan will provide the strucA ture, schedules task list an ADDer needsto stayon track. and Temporary Work: Rather than establishingyour own business, you might try temporarywork asa satisfactory compromisebetweenselfemploymentand working for someone else.In temporarywork, you "rent" your skillsby the hour, day or longerbut usuallywork for an agencythat employsa number of temporaryworkers.


You MpnNI'u Nor Lxzy.SruproOn Cnnzy?!

Temporarywork offersseveraladvantages. The ADDer can satisfya restless nature by changingjob settings frequently.Another advantage is the ability to control the hours of work. Many of us find a standard forty-hour,five-daywork week incompatiblewith our unique capacities. Some of us find full time work too taxing. Others prefer working for long stretchesand then taking largeblocks of time off. Many ADDers are alsonight people,unableto function well until the aftemoon.In temporarywork, unusualworking pattemscan often be accommodated. If you'refairly adaptable and can get alongwith peoplefor short periods of time, temping may work well for you. Of courseit doesn't offer carte blanche to do anything you please.If you're irresponsible about completingtasksor developa reputationfor being difficult, you'll stop getting assignments. If you have had a history of employmentfailure,useyour new selfknowledgeto reassess reasons it. Your awareness your balance the for of sheetcan help you realisticallyanalyze your situation,sortingout the problemsthat result from your behavior and those that are related to the behaviorsof others.You may be in a better position to figure out whether you have failed on your jobs or your jobs have failed you. Your new insightsmay even help you becomemore acceptingof the quirks of your colleagues. Your main goalsshould be to improve your work relationshipsand limit the time you spendin interactionsthat are difficult for you. You may decidethat you can and shouldmake somebehavioralchanges. You may decidethat you shouldchangeyour job or career. You may decide that you've alreadymadethe correct choicesand are happy with them. If you decidethat somechanges in order,move slowly and thoughtare fully. Although you need to baseyour decisions your individual on strengthsand weaknesses, don't forget to include your family in the decisionmakingprocess. Maintaining friendships, surviving in groupencountersand interacting job aren't easytasks.But developingintimate relationshipscan on the be even more difficult. In the next chapter,we'll tum to Interacting, Acts IV and V. \7e'11 watch somescenes taking place in dating and


INrrRnRcrNc Acrrox: GrrrrNc Ar-oNcON THEloe IN

family relationships. Thesehigher risk relationships sharesomeelements of the oneswe've alreadyexamined.But they are unique in their depth and complexity and requirespecialcareand nurturing. We'll offer some specificideasyou can useto make them work successfully.


CuRpren 10

lnterfacing6ction: ln ln theDatin and Garne theFarnilv

Tn" "rules" of dating and family relationships similar to thoseof are groupand one-to-onerelationships. The level of complexityand emotional investmentis very different,however.And the stakes much are higher if the relationships fail.

Act Mhe

Dating Game

Sharon and Brad Sharonretums from work to the four messages Brad left on her answering machine.She told him lastweek that shedoesn'twant to seehim anymore but he.isunwilling to accepther decision. He'ssurethat she doesn'treally mean it. He drivesto her apartmentcomplexlate eachnight and leaves notes under her windshieldwipers.He callsher at work several times a day and showsup at her door with flowersand gifts. Brad is heartbroken because knows that Sharon is the only woman with whom he wants he to spendthe rest of his life. Sharondoesn'tknow it, but she is Brad's third "only woman I'11 ever love" in the pastyear.Brad falls deeplyin love-again and again. Angela and Simon Angela and Simon spendeverywaking hour together.They are truly in love and Simon is planning the perfecttime and placeto propose to her. He met Angela just a few weeksagobut winesand dinesher almosteveryday. As weekstum into months,Angela beginsto orchestrate someconflicts that preventher from seeingSimon. \fhen they are togetherthey


INrERrRcrNcIN AcrroN: IN THE DnrrNc Gavr ANn TUE Favnv

have a wonder{ultime, but Angela is beginningto feel a bit closedin. One afternoon,she asksSimon to stopby her house.\7hen he arrives, the anotherman answers door. He tells Simon that Angela is busy and can't seehim now.

Notes: Act IV
With the exceptionof Sharon,all the actorsin the precedingscenes have ADD.'We can only speculate aboutwhy Brad,Angela and Simon feel compelledto behaveasthey do. projectsat Brad may approach new relationshipashe approaches his work-with intensity and impulsivity.He may be accustomed makto ing quick decisionsand getting things done in a hurry. Unfortunately he doesn'tunderstandthat he can't control the women in his life the plans.He can't enjoy way he doesthe factsand figureson his sales' positive relationships and doesn'tgive himself time to considerhis needs-he never evaluates reality of his feelingsof love. the Brad'sproblemswith his relationships may alsoresultfrom his batteredsense self.He may be one of the walking of wounded, believing that he can be emotionallywhole only when he has a "better halfl' Men and women alike can have unrealisticexpectations aboutbeing savedby relationship.But the powerfulmyth of Prince Charming seems be an illusion with greaterappealto women. to " Angela'sbehavior may reflect her insatiability.Although shegenuinely enjoyed Simon'scompanyduring the first months of the relationship, she may have becomebored. She has an ADDer's tendency to become quickly in relationships absorbed and to becomeboredby them just as quickly.As the initial, intensestimulationof her romancehasdwindled, so hasher interestin it. Although Angela probablydoesn'tchart her partners,including Simon, conquests, may leavea trail of discarded she as a reminder of her frequent, intense affairs. Clearly,this behaviorisn't unique to ADDers. Adults may behavethis The specificsymptomsand differences way for a variety of reasons. of however,can engender lessthan admirablebehavior. an ADDer, this


You MraN I'u Nor Lezy.SruploOn Cnnzy?!

Apart from the moral issueof hurting other people,this callousrreatment is alsoself-destructive. The Don Jwn (or DomtaJwn!) lifestyle is initially exciting but getsold and lonely after a while. Over time even friendswho previouslyenjoyedhearingabout the escapades, asking stop about them. An ADDer's chance to form an intimate bond is under. mined by the reputationthat precedes him. While Angela nrns from a closerelationshipwith Simon, he runs headlong towardsit. In most relationshipsthere'sa subtle or nor so subtle tension betweenthe desireto be closeand a fear of that closeness. Simon seems desperately to fight for closeness. Angela seems desperately to fight to protect her individuality which she thinks is threatenedby the closeness. Simon'simpulsivity may alsoplay into the demiseof his relationship with Angela. He drivesthe relationshipwith his needfor closeness. Angela'sinsatiabilityaside, shemay be terrified that Simon will "swalIow" her individuality. Given time, it's possiblethat her love for Simon would win out over her fearsof closeness. shenever getsthe chance But because Simon'sintenseneedfor closeness the precarious tips balance of their relationshipmuch too quickly.Angela would rather loseher love than her identity.

Synopsis:Act IV
pretty gloomy,doesn'rit? Is it time to head our to a hermir's It sounds hut? \7e11, you've beenpayingarrention-sorry, we couldn't help if it-you know how we feel about doom and gloom. It's fine for disaster movies on the big screenbut it's counterproductiveto your recovery. Intimate relationships a sensitive, are delicatevariation on the theme of communication and interfacing. They are danceschoreographed with intricate stepsand have greatpotential for disaster. Dating relationships vulnerableto an ADDer's intensity and imare pairedcommunicationskills.His enthusiasm sparklecan be a srrong or magnetthat initially attractshis love interesr.But over time, his level of intensity can suffocatehis lover. She'sleft gaspingfor breath and backing awayto get somespace. The ADDer, comfortablewith the


INrpnrecrNc AcrroN: IN Tur Dnrnc Gavr ANn THEFnvny IN




" \

\ {t\

intensepace,may not recognize lover'sneed for a gradualprogreshis sion to closeness. Unlesshe is good ar finding peoplewho sharehis intensity,he must teach himself to control his impulses and slow down. In a romantic or sexualrelationship,an individual risksrevealinghimselfbig time! Everyoneshares this risk which is the inherent narureof intimacy.The risk can be greaterfor the ADDer who hasfailed so many timesand in so many differentways.His generalized feelingsof inadequacy,bome of differences he'snever understood, can explodewhen he bares soul and body to a partner.When he daresto revealhimself his to a lover who subsequently rejectshim, he can suffera serious blow to his fragileself-worth. Someadultsexperience ongoingdifficultiesin intimate relationships because they regardthem assafeports from their feelingsof inadequacy. Even with changingroles,many familiesstill condition their daughters to believethat the rolesof wife and mother will prorecrthem. An ADD woman'slife of negativeexperiences reinforcethis myth. can She may believe that the only escape route from her demandinglife is


You MenNI'ruNor Ll'zy. SruproOn Cnnzy?!

through a weddingring and then a diaperbag.She comesto view a partner as a lifeline or safetynet and may scaresuitorsawaywith the weight of her clinging dependency. PR: "A closefriend of mine hasbeenmarriedand divorcedthree times. Beforethe ink wasdry on her divorce degree, she invariably fell in love again.After her seconddate with a new man, shewould call me to describe new love. This wasthe one! I often enviedher ability her to find so many suitablematcheswhile I found myselfhung up on one from which I couldn't extricate myself. As she continued falling in and out of love, I sat waiting for my knight in shining armor.\fhen he finally arrived,he came in the form of a newly divorcedman involved in a new, intenselong-distance relationship. Though we ADDers aren't known for our patience,I wasvery patient. I ignoredhis repeated wamingsthat he wasin love with someone elseand really wasn'tinterested a long term relationshipanyway. in For four years,while my friend remarriedand divorced, I hung around waiting for my reluctant love to fit me into his busysocialcalendar. To saythis waspainful is putting it mildly. I truly believedthat he was my lifeline-l knew with my whole being that I would drown without him. My sightswere set on marryinghim. I knew that my tortured selfesteem would be healedonly when I had his name.I'm surethe only reasonmy dependency didn't totally overwhelmhim wasthat he was so incrediblyindependent. Eighteenyearsand two children later,my reality haschangedconsiderably, not because andme did ultimately becomeoue, in spite he but of it! BecomingMrs. did saveme but not in the way I had imagined. \7hen my lifeline tumed into a weightedanchor that dragged under me insteadof securely holding he, I cut it loose. No, I didn't divorcehim. Incrediblywe're still togetherand the we is still a big part of us. I changedthe equationby addinga stronger, more self-reliantme into it. I alsocut everypicture of PrinceCharming out of my daughter's storybooks.. ." SomeADDers do just fine with intimate relationships-you may be involved in a positive,fulfilling one right now. Or, you may be taking sometime to regroupafter a relationshipyou'vechosento end. On


INrtRnRcrNc IN AcrroN: IN Tut DRrrNc Gavr ANo THE Fnvny

the other hand, you may be strugglingwith repeated failuresin your attemptsto connect with a significantother. If you are,you'll need to analyzethe reasons your failures. for We didn't useour storiesto illustrate what will go wrong in your relationshipsbut what might go wrong. An ADD adult'sdifferences can contributeto problemsin maintaining intimate relationships. underBy standingthe dynamicsof your disorder, you may be able to figure going wrong. If you'reawareof potential hazards, can out what's you be preparedthe next time you meet someone special,to stop and think beforeyou act. Having clarifiedour message-an important part of positive communi. cation -we'll look at somewaysto avoid the pitfalls and improve the quality of your relationships. Here are a few pointerson successfully playingthe dating game.

Survival Tips: Act IV

Play Hard to Gefi You should never utter the words,"l love you" after just a few dates!\Uatch your partner'ssignalsfor cluesabout the pro. gress the relationship.Use the dynamicsof approachand withdrawal of behaviors your advantage. to Even if you immediatelyset your sights on your new love in1s1s51-as both did on our spouses-playhard we to get for a while. This keepsthe desireand fear of closeness proper in balanceuntil the other personhas time to catch up with your willingnessto make a commitment! This approach may soundsomewhat manipulativebut it doesn'thave an evil intent. Let'sfaceit, an ADD adult has to carefullyplan many aspects his life to make them work. \7hy should relationshipsbe of any different? After all, the hard ro ger approachis jusr a variation of learningto stop,think, act and reflect,right? Monitor the Relationship: Spontaneityis a lovely thing but ADDers can get in trouble when freedomreigns.To a certain extent, you'll needto approachintimate relationships you do everythingelseas with carefulplanning and ongoing moniroring. Keep your finger on the pulseof the relationship.If your partner seems skittish,back off


You MrnN I'v Nor Lazv.SruproOn Cnezv?!

and lighten up! \Uhen the intensity level is too high, be lessavailable for a while. Don't swing too far in the other direction either. You can chasea love require Relationships interestawaywith your apparentindifference. The challengefor an ADDer is to continual work and maintenance. sustainattention to the relationshipover the long haul. Work at your communicationskills.Remind yourselfto listen to your partner,askquestionsto draw her out and pay attention to moodsand non-verbalclues. Dontt Lose the ttMett in '(!Vett' Be sureto maintain your usualinnew.This will help you keep a when you begin dating someone terests reasonable distancefrom the relationshipto prevent your total immersion in it. This will alsohelp you maintain your own identity. Watch Your Impulsivity: Impulsivebehaviorcan createan assortment of problemsin an ADD adult'slife. In a sexualrelationship,it sexuallyffanscan causelife threateningtrouble! In this day of serious mitted diseases, more than emotionalwell-beingis at stake.It's wiseto wait a while beforebeginningany sexualrelationship. You may need to make somerulesfor yourselfto prevent impulsive to decisions. Talk to a trustedfriend who seems be in control of his life. Ask for his advice.How long doeshe think a personshouldwait before having sex,saying"l love you" or living with a new romantic interest? Ask how long he thinks a personshouldknow a lover beforemarriage. Use this information to make a vow to wait x-amount of time before taking any of thesesteps. Enlist your friend'shelp with your vow. In many supportgroups, sponsor a helpsthe individual stick to his program. you call on when you'rehaving Your friend could becomethe sponsor trouble sticking with your program,ie. your rulesfor dating behavior. just Stop and Think: If you'refeelingrestless thinking about suchan unbearably slow paceof a relationship,useyour imaginationand conwho of with siderthis. Visualizea wholeLifetime restlessness a spouse you to death! Visualize giant vise systematically bores a tightening


INrpRracrNc IN AcrroN: IN Tue DRlNc Gnur ANo THE Fnvty

down and squeezing all your hard work at recoveryand rebuilding out your sense self. You are worth too much to throw awayyour progress of by impulsivelyhooking up with someone who is wrong for you. The consequences an impulsive marriagecan be heavy,particularly if of children are involved. Debunk the Prince Charming Myth: This one is for women who grew up believing the myth. Don'r look ar everydate as a srepping stone to marriage. Tiy to enjoy your evening of dinner and dancing without visualizing yourselfat the altar! !7atch out for your yeamingsfor Prince Charming! We know we're repeatingourselves the trap is so tempting that it can snareyou but beforeyou realizeit's happening.This comment isn'r a condemnation of the weakness women. It's a reality of a world that still teaches of women to dependon men for their salvation. \Uhen the going getstough in schoolor in careers, easyto indulge it's in fantasies about marriageasan escape route. There is nothing wrong with wanting to be a wife or mother.Justmake surethat you make rhe decisionfor the right reasons-out of choice.Don't do it because you feel you can't do anything elseor wanr a way out of your currenr,unh"ppy situation. KK: "'When I wasin my '20's,I madea rule that I wouldn't get married or have children until I had found a sarisfuing way ro supportmyself.I didn't know about ADD then but did have a sense that my survival and self-esteem depended my having a sense competence. on of As an older mother,I enjoyedthe experience wrthout losingmy se[festeem. Motherhood wasa joyful choice rather than a retreatfrom a world I couldn't handle. I kept a part time job asa psychiatricnurse, knowing I could go back to full-time work at any time. I didn't suffer from doubtsabout being justa motherasmany of my peersdid. I think this wasbecause had madea clearand conscious I choice from a posi, tion of strengthrather than weakness."

Act V, Scene 1: Interfacing in the Family

Now we'll examinethe most complexkind of relationship.\7e'11 introduce


You MEaNI'r',r Nor Lnzy.SruproOn Cnazy?!

you to the Bakerfamily to help us explorethe unique issues family inter' of actions.The family includesJan,Tom and their three biologicalchildren, A-y, Zacharyand Jennifer.Each of the five membersof the family has ADD although eachhasslightly different problemsassociated with it. Tom hyperactive Tom, a successful estatebroker,is extremelyrestless, real good living but the family experiences and irritable. He eamsa ongoing financial crises.Everyonein the family spendsthe rnoney asquickly as he can earn it. Tom has a Jeckleand Hyde personalitythat changesat the drop of a hat. He flips back and forth from an enthusiastic, fungrouch.Junand the children are loving man to an irritable, withdrawn alwaysa bit afraidof him. Jan She is more of a gentle Jan isn't particularlymoody or hyperactive. space cadet.She has trouble organizing householdand disciplining the the children. She is so overwhelmedby the demands life that she of just lets them washover her. Having few reserves energyto gain of control of her life, shemanages do little more that surviveeachday. to Amy The oldestdaughterA-y, is an extremelybright, chronic underachiever. She has alwaysbeen a maverick.She has problemsfollowing rulesand fitting in with other children. She'scontinually in trouble at home and at school.Amy shares dad'ssymptoms moodiness, her of impulsivity and hyperactivity.At 13, she's becomingincreasingly rebellious, refusing to take her Ritalin and hangingout with a groupof kids who take drugs. A*y and her dad have an explosiverelationshipsincethey both regularly fly off the handle. She and her mom don't arguea lot but they have a tenuousrelationship.A*y treatsJan with contempt,not even attempting to hide her low opinion of her mother. She can't understandwhy Mom is so wishy-washy about everything. Zachary Ten yearold Zacharyis quiet and rather passive. doesn'tmake He waves.He struggles school and receives in only mediocregrades despite putting in long hoursdoing homework.He's anxiousmost of the time


INrpnrncrNc IN AcrroN: IN TUE DarrNc GaurEANo THp FRvrr-y

and has a number of health problemsincluding asthma,severeallergies and frequentstomachaches. He'sshy and has trouble making friends. Zacharywasevaluated and diagnosed with multiple leaming disabilities and ADD. His psychologist recommended intensivetutoring but the family never has enoughextra money to hire anyone.Jan has taken on the job but can't do it with any regularitybecause she'sso over. whelmedby the detailsof her life. So Tacharystruggles alongwithout the educational help he needs. Jennifer Jenniferis the baby of the family and her parenrsrreat her that way. They place few demands her. At 8 yearsold, she'sa delightful child on with a sunny personalityand an engagingsense humor. She'sfairly of hyperactive doesn'tdisplaythe irritability and moodiness her but of fatheror sister.She channelssomeof her excess energyinto gymnastics, cartwheelingor dancing around the housemuch of the time. At schoolshehasbecomethe class clown, entertainingher peersand keepingher teachers busylaughingthat they ignoreher difficulties so with schoolwork. Her grades even worsethan her brother's, no are but one getson her caseabout it. Her teachers assume that shejust isn't very bright. Her parentsare busyarguingwith each other and with A*y. They work so hard at just surviving that they don't have time to worry about their youngest child. Th"y figurethat at leastthey have one normal child even if she isn't anv smarterthan the rest of their kids.

Notes: Act V, Scene 1

Marriageand child rearingpresentall the challenges we've already discussed then some!The intricacy of the danceof family relationand shipsis dramaticallymore complexthan that of groups, friendships or romantic interactions.In this regard, would like you to consider we thesenew math facts.Are you ready? 1 + 1> 7 7 + l=4 Z + 7= ll plus
'We're not going to tell you quite yet what these equations mean, but


You MEnNI'u Nor Lnzv.SruprnOn Cnezv?!

you're the answers correct.. .Sort of. . .It depends the questions are on asking.\fe'll get back to this in a few paragraphs. As soonastwo, ruleschangeand the the complexity and intensity of the relationship increasewhether or not either hasADD. There are often unrealisticexpectations that the spouse fulfill the rolesof Saviot Mother, Father,BestFriend,Expert will Lover, Tower of Strength, Therapist, etc. Further complicatingthe relationshipof a couple,particularlyastime goeson, is the history they have shared.Communications are colored with memories,both good and bad. An innocent remark can sparkan argumentabout a pasthurt or unresolvedconflict that had an impact on the relationship.If we add a spouse with ADD to the picture,the relationship can changeunpredictably. Jan and Tom weredelightedto find eachother and had an exciting courtship.Janloved the spontaneityof impulsivetrips to the beach and phone callsat 3:00 a.m. Tom loved havingJan help him rememwith his opinions. ber to put gasin the car and agree When A*y wasbom in the first yearof their marriage, they seemed to becometotally different people.The transformationthey experiencedis certainly not unique to ADDers. Virtually all parents,even thosewho carefullyplan their families,sayit's impossible imagine to the magnitudeof the changesthat occur with the birth of a child. This brings us back to the answers our equations.They are correct in if we askthe following questions: plus Wlwt doesone spouse one spouse eqtal? does coupleplusonechildequalt one \Y'/hat V{hat doesonecoupleplustwo childreneqtal? that their problemsresultedfrom babyAmy's Jan and Tom assumed constantcrying. A difficult infant can definitely add stress a relationto ship. Even if Amy had been a calm, placid baby,our couplewould have experienced transformationin their relationship. a


INrERrRcrNcIN AcrroN: IN TUE DRrrNc GnuE ANo Tup Favny

With the addition of eachchild, the relationships betweenand among family members becomeincreasingly complicated. The complicarions grow not arithmetically,but geomerrically. This may be why parenrs often saya secondchild addsmore than just double the work of an only child. The extra work doesn'rhave nearly asmuch to do with extra laundryor meal preparationasit doeswith an explodingnumber of relationships. Let'slook at what happens the number of relationto shipswhen you add children to a family: The Couple = husbandand wife (plus their individual + s.llective "baggage") The Couple+One Child = husbandand wife husbandand child wife and child husband,wife and child The Couple+Two Children = husbandand wife husbandand first child husbandand secondchild wife and first child wife and secondchild first and secondchild husband,wife and first child husband, wife and secondchlld husband, first and secondchild wife, first and secondchild husband, wife, first and secondchild

Synopsis: Act V Scene1

If computerprogrammers think it's difficult to inrerfacean IBM" and a Macintosh]' we wonderwhat they would think about interfacinga family unit. They would have to programindividual personalities interto facewith the multiple relationships amongfamily members. The dyad of husbandand wife altersthe one:onerelationshipof pre-maffiage days


You MpnNI'v Nor L,+zv. SruproOn Cnezv?!

even beforechildren add to the complexity of interpersonal relationships. Since ADD tendsto run in families,it dramaticallyaltersthe dimensionsof the family unit and exponentially ups the ante aschildren are bom. RaisingADD children is a challengingjob that taxesthe resources of non-ADD parents.Many adoptiveparentscan attestto this. In a family like the Bakerswhere severalpeoplehave the disorder,the potential for discordand communication breakdownis enormous. Doesthis mean that the equation of ADD adult(s) + children = disasterl Absolutely not! It only meansthat the stakesmay be higher and the pitfalls deeperand more treacherous. You may be a wonderful parent! ADDers are lively people.Many can respondto the challenges of child rearing with incredible enthusiasmand avoid the pitfalls by leapingenergetically over theml A decisionasimportant aswhether to bring a new human being into this world-into your world-must be made verycarefully,l Planning this areaof your life may be THE most important job you have.You must stop and think about your balancesheetof strengths and weaknesses. What if you alreadyhad children beforeyou knew anything about ADD? you never considered What if having a family is what you do because not having one?Well, you'recertainlynot alone! Many peoplehave children because their religiousor family script teaches them to. What if you would have loved to plan your family better but medicalscience failed and you ended up with an unplanned pregnancy? Our goal isn't to establishourselves critics of your religiousprinciples as or contraceptivepractices, but to help you think about someimportant issues. You will need to examineyour ADD balance sheetand consider how it fits with parentingand the math of family relationships. If you already have children,we hope the discussion help you clarifii will and better understandthis dimension of your life. The Job of Parenting: ADD adultshave strengthsand weaknesses when it comesto parenting.A typical balancesheetfor an ADD parent may look somethinglike this:


INrrRrncrNc AcrroN: IN THEDRrrNcGnur ANo TnEFRvrr-y lN

active creative open-minded compassionate senseof wonder curious enthusiastic passionate

impatient moody intolerant of noise and chaos careless with details shakycommunicationskills limited capacityfor work + srress easilybored impulsive disorganized

good sense humor of

How doesthis balancesheetplay out when you becomea parent?It's hard to saywith certainty.Your child's personalityand the interrelated profiles of you, your spouse, and your offspringall have m_ight becomea parent who yells a lot or is grouchy much of the time. The addednoiseand stress having childr"n -"y'push butronsthat of weren't pushedbefore.You might look at your reflection in a mirror and wonder where the mean, angry personcamefrom. On the other hand, you might take advantage the wonderful "imma. of turity" everyoneusedto criticize.!7ith your children in tow, you can giggle,climb on the monkey barsand sing aloud in the grocerysrore without questionable looksfrom other people.You might effectively useyour compassion open-mindedness roll with the inevitable and to punchesof parenring. Your effectiveness a parentwill be testedby the genericprobability as that one or more of your children are likely ro hav. Ann. Their highstrungtemperaments requirespecialhandling. In somerespecrs will your own ADD uniquely. qualifiesyou asa provider of specialhandling. You have insight unavailableto your non-ADD peers. yo,, haven'r if yet achieveda workablebalancein your life, however,you may still require too much nurturing for yourself.You may be unable to provide the carefulguidance your ADD child needs. Parenting-has been compared a scary, to exciting, unpredictable roller coasterride. \7e submit that when ADD is an issue, parenting becomes joumey. It's like guiding an out of .ontrol rocket a more treacherous


You MEnNI'v Nor Lnzv.SruptoOn Cnazv?!

ship at the speed light towardsan unknown destinationlIs this necesof and sarilyso bad? Justthink of all the teacherconferences emergency room visits our parentswould never have madeif it hadn't beenfor usl \7hat would they have done with all that extra timelJust think how boring the world would be without us. '!7e Can we leam any lessons from this surveyof the family dimension? think the most important one is the need for planning. Your parents probablycomplainedso often about your poor planning and teachers that the very word makesyou uncomfortable.As much asyou may dislike planning, it's probably the singularlymost important thing you shoulddo for yourself.Use the following considerations a frameas work for your "PlannedParenting".The job of parentingis too important to leaveto chance.

Survival Tips: Act V, Scene 1

Spacing of Children: Carefully considerthe spacingof your children. This has nothing to do with the psychologyof spacingas it affectsa child's adjustment.Rather,carefulspacingallowsyou to absorbthe impact If of eachchild on your capacityto handle the additionaldemands.


INrERrRcrNcIN AcrroN: IN Tup DRrrNc GnuE ANo THr Favny

you have several children in the space a few years, of you may be pushed your limits beforeyou know it. Spacingbuysyou rhe time you beyond need to make a wisedecision. Personal and Financial Resources: If you and your spouse wanr ro continue full-time employment,can you both emotionallyhandle the secondshift of parenting? not, can you survivefinancially if one parIf ent has only a part time job or staysat homeI Of courseif you're a singleparent,you won't have an option in this regard. Realistic Assessment of Effort and Money: Do your homework. Ask other parents,especially parentsof ADD children, about the work and money it takesto raisechildren. Everyoneknows that children are ex. pensive.But when ADD is part of the financial picture, you'll need to think about the addedexpenses may incur. Your child may need you extrahelp. He may needamongother services, tutoring, speech therapy, psychological medicine or counseling. General Strategies: What resources availableto lighten rhe load? are Are there relativesliving nearbywho arewilling to help?Can you reduce your financial obligations Can you organize work load so eachpar? the ent can have periodicbreaks? lUhen you add children ro your life, you needto be even more ruthless aboutsimplifuingit to maintain balance. Post This List and Reread it at Frequent Intenzals: Each time you consideradding a child to your family, go back over this lisr. Make sureyou are handling what's aireadyon your plate beforeyou dish up another serving.If you and your parrner plan carefullyrlour family relationshipscan be satisfyingonesthat add to the quality of your life. You'll be able to pass to your children your valuable,hard-earned on knowledgeabout overcomingobstacles. Your children can become enterprising, productiveadults.

Act V, Scene 2: Interfacing in the Family

In the following scenes we'll offer a glimpseof the Baker family's inter. actions.They are illustrativeof the complexityof family relationships when ADD is addedto the mix.


You MpaNI'u Nor Lnzv,SruprpOn Cnnzv?!

Jan, Tom and Zachary Jan is tutoring Zachary at the dining room table. Tom walks in and startsto tell her someexciting news about work. When she doesn't by respond, becomes he increasingly exasperated her seeming disinterest. When his raisedvoice finally elicitsJan'srequestto "wait a minute", he leavesthe room in a huff. Tom, Jan and Jennifer at table, drinking his first cup of Tom sitsbleary-eyed the breakfast coffeeand trying to read the newspaper. who is a moming person, Jan day. chats to him non-stop and reminds him that it's garbage Tom finally looks up from his paperand announcesthat the garbage needsto be taken out. Jan testily repliesthat if he'd been listeninghe would know that she'sawareof that fact. Jennifer suddenlyappears out of nowhere to give her startledparentsbearhugs.She is reprimanded for being so rough and slinks out of the room wondering why her mom and dad rejectedher affection. Jennifer, Amy and Zachary room and pounceson the bed to give Jenniferrushesinto her sister's A*y a morning kiss.A-y who is just beginning to wak rp, shoves her off the bed and feelsonly mildly remorsefulwhen Jennifer scrapes her knee on the way down. Now fully awake,A-y headsdown the hall for a showerand lets loosea string of epithetswhen Zacharywalks in to brushhis teeth.

Notes: Act V Scene 2

The Bakerfamily includesfive peoplewhoseindividual deficitscollecAll tively combine to create Chaos theCul-de-Sac. families share on someof their problems-balancing the rights of individual members with the needsof the largerfamily unit. The Bakerfamily has an extra layerof sharedADD disabilitiesthat makesthis balancingact particularly difflcult. Families who live under the sameroof shareboth physicaland emotional spaces. the family is to live peacefully If together,eachmemberhas to of have his fair shareof both. Each of the Bakershas a poor sense physicaland emotional boundaries and impulsivelyinvadeseachother's


INrrnracrNcIN AcrroN: IN THEDarwc GnuEANo THr Fnvny

territory. Acting on autopilot most of the time, they bump, jostle and literally stepon eachother'stoesasthey repeatedly missboth obvious for and subtle requests space. ttKeep Outtt is a fairly clearstatement A closeddoor or a sign that says, of a desirefor privacy.Most of us understandits obvioussignificancebut what about the subtle rrorr-Verbal requests privacy?Many of us for I with ADD misreadthese"signs". Thesenon-verbalsignsare the invisible circlesthat peopledraw around their bodiesfor privacy and protection.The circlesdefine the perimeter "Don't come any closerthan of personalspaceand convey the message: the circle I have drawn around me." These circles aren't fixed in time and space. The diameter of your own circle constantly changesaccordingto your mood, circumstances and relationship to the other person.The circle narrowsto encourage a lover or a beloved child to get closeand widens to keep the sffangeror you dislike,at a safedistance. you'reangryor dbpressed, someone If the circle may becomehuge even for loved onesasyou sendout the ttStay Awaytl For an ADDer, the circle sometimesinexplimessage: cably widenswhen he can't stand to be touched or to allow anyone in his immediatevicinitv.

Synopsis: Act V Scene 2

Awareness and respectfor theseinvisible circlesrequiresgood nonof verbalcommunicationskills.Lacking theseskills,the Bakersimpulsively physicalspaces. trounceon eachother'sfeelingsand invadepersonal Since the whole family has ADD, each personhas a unique need for space. Each personalsohas an inability to prevent his needsfrom colliding with the needsof everybodyelse.Privacyis ashard to come by in this family aspeaceand quiet are.The experienceof living in this kind of family is feeling intruded upon and overwhelmed. Most ADD familiesexperience somedegree difficulty in their interof actions.What can an ADD family such asthe Baker'sdo to make its home more of a haven for the peoplewho live there?The first order of business to seea family therapist. is


You MEnNI'v Nor Ltzy. SruproOn Cnazyl!

This family has been in trouble for a long time. They need an objective outsiderto analyzeand balancethe needsof the family asa unit with the individual needsof family members. The therapist'sjob is to help the family system becomehealthier so it can better meet the needsof each member.Right now, the family is too stressed chaotic to pro. and vide the necessary structureand nurturing. '!7e can't emphasize enough that treating a troubled family is not a doit-yourselfenterprise!A Band-Aid approachmay remporarilyslow down the bleeding but it won't stop the hemorrhage!If your family is really in trouble, get professional help ASAP! If your family is basicallyokay and needsonly minor adjustments, that's wonderful. There are severaltechniquesyou can useto supportand build your family system. The following discussion includesspecificsuggestionsfor improving communication and managingboundary issues.

Survival Tips: Act V, Scene2

Creating Living Space Large Enough for the People Who Share It When we talk about living space, you increase we'renot suggesting '!fe'rethat the squarefootageof your houseor apartment! talking about carefullydesigningsufficientemotional living spaceso that family memberscan coexistwith relativeharmony. Teach Respect for Boundary Needs: Suggest that your family vis'We ualizea boundaryas a hula hoop. know we're showing our agesmany peopleunder 35 have never even playedwith one! Anyway, if you have a hula hoop lying around,put it around you to demonstrate your personalcircle. Ask eachfamily memberto picture himself surroundedby his own personalhoop. The room suddenlystartsto shrink in sizeaspeople and hula hoops begin to take up space. everyonestartsto move around in the space, As the inevitable happens.There'sa fair amount of confusionashula hoops start bumping into each other. Each family membershould put rhis imagein his memory bank for future reference.The next time he startsto intrude on someoneelse,


INrrRrncrNc IN AsrroN: IN THr DRrtNc G,q,urANo THr Fevllv

he may be able to call up the hula hoop imagein his mind. "Seeing" Dad in a hula hoop might just be enoughto makejunior Stop, Look, Listen. . .and Laugh! Design Rest and Relaxation Zones: In many families, there are The den may "belong" to the unwritten rulesregardingprivate space. parents-the children understandthat this spaceis Mom and Dad's from i"tr""t. Similarly, the children often usetheii bedroomsasescapes the demandsof the family. ADD families need to establishwritten rulesregardingthe boundaries of privacy.Each memberof the family should have his own designated could be the balcony,the hall or zone.In a small apartment,this space half of a sharedbedroom.Each family memberhas a right to privacy else. and needsa private retreat-a placethat is off-limits to everyone to Lunch" or "TemporaryShutdown" signscan indicate current "Out zone. o occupationof a personal




You MrnN I'u Nor Lnzy,SruprnOn Cnazyl!

This provision for down timeis essentialto forestall the negativebehaviors of frustration. Each personhas a right to state his need for space. \Uhen he makesthe request,other family membersshouldn't talk to him or expect a response. The samerules apply about being touched.If someonedoesn'twant to be touched,his wishesmusr be respected. Designated QuietZones: You should also designate specificquiet zonesin your home asplacesfor reading,studyingor resting.The television and stereoshould be in an areawith a door that can be closed. This areashould alsobe asfar awayaspossiblefrom the quiet zones. A soundproof room for noisy equipment would be ideal but most homes don't have this luxury. One option is to establisha rule that TV or stereousersmust useearphones. Rules for Communication and Respect for Boundaries: You can'r take anything for grantedin an ADD family! You need to designstructured rulesto protect the emotional and physicalcirclesof family mem. bers.Someof thesesuggestions may be helpful: rSet Aside Speciftc Time Periods for Quiet when the TV should be tumed off and the answeringmachine tumed on. Develop a family schedulewith designated times for studyingor other quiet pursuitsas well astimes to be togetherasa group. oObsenze a Period of Silence when the noise level is too high or emotions are getting out of control. .Require Each Family Member, Includittg Parents, to Ask Per, mission beforeborrowing anything from someoneelse. olmpose a Stop-Look/listen-Speak 'lUhen Procedure for all commu. nication betweenfamily members. a conversationis in progress, the personenteringthe room must wait until he'sinvited to join in. If someoneis doing somethingthat requiresconcentration, such asreading or paying bills, he shouldn't be interrupted exceprfor an emergency. oDetermine What Constitutes an Emergency. An untied shoestring can be an emergency an ADD child. You may need to discuss for and make a list of real and perceivedemergency situations.Insist that everyone refer to the list beforeintemrpting a conversationin progress. an If


INrERrRctNc IN AcnoN: IN THe Detnc

Gnue ANo THe FRutlv

everyoneshould abideby the following rules. interruption is necessary, attention by gently tapping him on the shouldet wait Get the person's and then excuseyourselfbeforeyou begin to talk. for a response .Prohibit All Long Distance Conversations except for announce. ments that the houseis buming down! Yelling up the stairsor shouting from another room to find someoneis a no-no. There are two reasons for this. First, if family membershave to strain to hear, they will freAn quently misinterpretthe message. ADDer can have enoughtrouble without the addedburden of trying to messages sendingand receiving talk to someonein another room. Second,it's rude! Yelling upstairsto ger someoneto come down is a lot like calling the dog-and it feels like it too. ouse Intercoms. You might want to invest in someintercomsto communicatewith people in other parts of the house.Be carefulnot to it. A buzzingintercom everyfive minutes can be as annoying asa bellowingvoice! .Prohibit All "On The Run" Conversations. Thlking to someone while you rush to finish a task, isn't conducive to effective communication. The intended recipient of this one-wayconversationhas to around listen to a programthat fadesin and out or follow the speaker contribute to are on his travels.On the run conversations rude and miscommunication. oEnforce a Rule to Prqhibit Unwanted Teasing or Joking about ADDers often read the literal meaning of individual family members. and messages missthe intended meaning.Since impulsiveADD family often fail to notice the discomfortof others,their teasingcan members into perceivedfull-scaleattacks.Teasingcan feel like quickly escalate to torture and must not be permitted. All requests stop teasingmustbe joke shouldn'tbe labeleda party pooperor The butt of the respected. poor sport. If a joke hurts someone,it's not funny. oSet Up a Message Center in a prominent place. The kitchen may be a good place for this as it's often the center of family activities. The best location is near a phone with an answeringmachine. Preferably, The center the spaceshould have a counter or deskfor a writing surface. a bulletin board,a method for filing mail and important should include papers,a large calendarand an ample supplyof paper and pens.


You MeaNI'u Nor Llzy, SruproOn Cnezy?!

The bulletin board needsto be sufficiently largeto provide a specific section for each family member and one for the whole family. Keep extra coloredpapertacked in eachsectionor usecolor posr-it p"ds. Eachfamily membercan have a personalized color that makesit easy to p_ost retrievemessages. white boardmay be a goodbackdrop and A to the colorednotes.Be surethat everyone, including sma[ children, can reachthe bulletin board. The General. Messages is for anyrhing the whole family needsto area read.The rest of the board should be divided into secrionsfor individual family members. Make a rule that everymessage must include the 'Whenever signature the personwho postedit, the date and the time. of possible, telephonecallsshouldbe handledat or switchedro, the mes. sage centerphone. Encourage family members make a habit of checkingthe message to center several times a day and everytime they comehome. As soon as someone readsa message, shouldremoveit from the board.This will he reducevisual clutter and improve the odds that the family won't overlook postedmessages. someone If addsa generalmessage the board, to he shouldinitial it at the bottom. As eachpersonin tum readsthe message, shouldadd his initials. The last readerwill know that everyhe one elsehasseenthe note and that he shouldremoveit from the board. Besides looking for postedmessages, personneedsto check his each mail slot and listen to the answering machine.Phonecallsshouldbe addedto the board and the tape should be rewound.Beforemaking any plans,everyoneshouldcheck the message center's mastercalendar for important family dates. 'We're not suggesting that familiesdo all their communicatingby way of the message center! Putting things in writing can a big help, how. ever.Otherwise,an ADD child might forgetto menrion rhar Dad is stranded with a flat tire and Sisteris in the emergency room with a broken arm! A disorganized ADD family can truly benefit from a structured systemthat tracksfamily messages appointments. and oContinually Monitor Your Family's Emotional Tiemperature: Monitoring your personal stress level is important, but in your excitable,roller'coaster ADD family,the effectof workloador srress snowballs.It's similar to what happensto the numberof relationships when


INrERrnctNc IN AcrtoN: IN TUE DRrtNc GnvE ANo THE Faltlt-v

you add new family members:7+1is greaterthan 3. This is how it happens.One of the children comeshome after a bad day at school and is bouncing o{f the walls. Mom arrivesan hour later in a bad mood after a difficult day at work. In a matter of minutes,Mom and the hyperactivechild are at each other'sthroats as the child's of noise and activity irritate a mother who has no reserves patience. The fight that eruptsputs everyonein the family on edgeand before long the housefeelslike a war zone. level of each personhas such a profound effect on the Because stress the family, it's important to monitor the demandson the family as a whole. If an individual family member is pushinghimself too hard and it feelsirritable asa consequence, isn't just an individual matter.If the makesrelaxation family asa whole is trying to do too much, the stress and down-time,impossible.

Beforewe closethis chapter,we want to at leastmention the wider in-laws,aunts,uncles, family circle-the extendedfamily.Grandparents, etc., will all have an impact on the dynamicsof your family.Their supportor lack of supportcan be a powerful influence on your efforts '!7e can't examine this issuein depth ADD family. to be a successful in the because subjectis too complicatedto address a few sentences. \fe'd like to write another These chaptersjust scratchthe surface. on exclusively ADD family relationships. book that focuses we're going to address But there are someother important family issues next chapter.With family relationshipsasthe backdrop,we'll in the unique revisit the Baker family to examine somemanagementissues to the functioning of the family.


CHaprEn 11

Mania Mealtime From Ordeals: toOutins Discord How-To'sDecreasing of

Tn. family is a microcosmof society.It includesindividual and group of and rules.It's a system multiple interpersonal rights, responsibilities relationships that must be carefullymanaged. Hundredsof sociologicalstudieshave exploredthe entity of the family nor and how it functions. Since we are neither sociologists family therapists,we don't presumeto be expertsin thesefields. \7e do, however, The ADD Families of expertsin two specificareas: considerourselves could fill volumesas Kelly/Pentz and Ramundo. Our experiences we'resureyourscould too. \7hen we usethe word expert, we useit humbly asa reflection of our We of not lifetime experiences, asa measure our expertise. can't give we you all the answers aboutADD familiesbecause don't have them! and the collective experiences We can sharesomeof our observations of other ADDers and their families.\7e'll rejoin the Bakerfamily to help us do this. Our previousvisit with them provideda glimpseof a family living in your family in you recognize the sitcomChaoson theCul-de-Sac.If the description of the Bakers,do you have to resignyourselfto being part of the neighborhood? there anything you can realisticallydo to Is \Ue're going to take take on make your family life more manageable? the role of the Baker family's therapist to find someanswers. we'll encourage To begin unravellingthe family'scomplexproblems, each family member to communicateher own version of the Baker FamilySrory.This sharingwill have to happen over time and within of an atmosphere mutual support.


Hov-To's Op DpcnrnstNc DtscoRo TruEMa:,-r.r Orrrsc ORnpnLs: To Fnou MEnr-

most of the time. I know I angryand worthless Tbm: "I feel helpless, people,but I just can't seemto losemy tempertoo much and it hurts help it. The angry words are out of my mouth beforeI know it. I feel cringing belonely too. Jan doesn'tseemto know I exist unlessshe's busywith something.She doesn'tlook causeI got mad. She'salways me in the eye and never paysattention to me when I try to talk to her. I'm scaredall the time. I worry that I can't keep pretendingI'm in control. Work just takesit out of me. \Uhen I get home, I don't have to any energyleft for my family. I'm supposed be strong-the man of I the family-but sometimes feel asthough I'm just barelyhanging on." Jan: "I feel as if I'm under water all the time, fighting to swim to the surface never getting there.No matter what I do, I never seemto but get anything accomplished. work hard to take care of the houseand I family but I never have anything to show for it. The place is alwaysa messand we never seemto have a moment of peace. Everyoneis alwaysfighting. I'm a failure.Tom and Amy are alwaysyelling and putting me down. I probablydeserve I'm pretty useless." it. thinks I'm just a rotten kid but they have no idea Amy: "Everybody really feel. I'm scared that I'll never be able to make it asa grownhow I but up. I know I'm a "smartass" that'sjust a cover-up.I'm mean,have terrible moodsand can't seemto get it togetherto do anything worthwhile. What am I going to do when I finish high schooll With my grades, probablywon't make it to collegeand I'm not fast enoughto I I Sometimes wish I were more like do somethinglike waitressing. Zachary.I make fun of him for being a wimp but he's a nicer person I than I am. Sometimes wish I weredead." Zachary: "l hate the fighting at my house.Even when my family is laughingor joking, I'm alwayswaiting for somethingterrible to happen -for Dad or Amy to start a big screaming match. I can't stand it when peopleyell because noisehur$ me. I don't know how to protect the I myself.I get so mad sometimes just want to yell at them to shut up but I can't get the wordsout. It's hard enoughto talk when I'm feeling I calm. \fhen I get upset,I get so confused can't think straight.I feel like a dope. I work harder in school than anybodyI know but I still get I'm mostly C's. My dad getsimpatient with me because not good at to sportsand I won't stick up for myself.Mom seems like me better but


You MEeNI'r,,1Nor Lxzy,SruproOn Cnqzvl!

never has enoughtime to help me with schoolwork. I hate ro even askher because seems busyand tired most of the time. I know I she so cause lot of trouble because hear mom and dad fighting all the rime a I about my doctor bills. I wish it wasmore peacefular my house." at hate dinnertime because Jennifer: "lt's crazy my house!I especially it takestoo long. Everybody's alwaystelling me, Sit down, Jennifer.. . Be quiet, Jennifer.. .Stopfalling off your chair,Jennifer.I can'r stand to sit there all that time. I'd rather be outsideplaying.I like it when my family tells jokesbur a lot of timespeopleyell and get in fights. I hate the yelling. Most of the time, I don't think my family even notices I'm there. My mom and dad don't even seemto care when I bring home D's on my papers. They do saythat ir's roo bad I don't g.t gt"d.t for my talking because soundso smart.I wish they would *"tih n I danceand do gymnastics but they're too busytalking, doing other "stuff or fighting. I don'r like going to school either. My teichershake me be quiet and sit in my searunril I want to jump right out of my skin!" It's obviousthat nobody in this family is happywith the way things are going! There'sone common thread that weavesthrough everyone's storyin the Bakerfamily: the noiseand emotionallevelsaretoo intense. Tom and Amy don't directly complain about the noisebut we can observetheir sensitivitiesto it. Their hot tempersescalate direct in response sensoryintrusions.They alsohave someawareness the to of impact of their yelling on orher family members and don'r feel verv good about it. Familieswho deal with the dynamicsof ADD facenumerouschallenges every day.\7e can't discuss them all but we can examine two that aie illustrativeof several fairly common problemsin an ADD familyMeabimeMania and Outing Ordeals.

Mealtime Mania
It's Mealtime Mania at the Bakerhouse. There areseveral poorly trained dogswho bark, jump up and beg for food throughout the meaf.Amy and Tom who are both sensitiveto noiseand touch, constantlyyell at the dogsand push them awaybut do little elseto train them. Jennifer addsto the generaldiscordand busyness the family meal by jumping of


MrruTrus MaNn OurrNc To ORorRLs: How-To's DrcnensrNc Fnou Or DrscoRo up and down to danceor tum cartwheels. go Three separate, one-wayconversations on asAmy, Tom and Jennifer talk non-stop to no one in particular. Zacharyand Jan try to follow but the conversation quickly tune out asthey becomeoverwhelmed by the chaos. dinnertime wandering Jan rarelysitsdown at the table.She spends napkins absent-mindedly. She fetchesthe forgotten items of silverware, or food that took longer to cook than the rest of the meal. Zachary quietly fadesinto the woodwork,trying to eat his dinner without getting a stomachacheand hoping that a big fight doesn'tbreakout. He knows that his mother won't be much help in avertingthe battle that will inevitably ensuebetweenhis father and sister, A-y. The anticipatedknock-down,drag-outfight betweenTom and Amy is at a common occurrence somepoint in the meal.Both have hair trigger temperscoupledwith foot in mouth disease. This lethal combinaremarksthat iion meansthaieach of them frequentlymakescareless touch off an explosion in the other. Both Tom and Amy tend to hear only half of what is saidand to misinterpretthe other half. Sometimes chaosis fun with lots of joking and fooling around. the \7hen Tom'sin a good mood, he likes to becomea kid again,telling and food fights.Jan silly jokesand instigatinganimal noisecontests and Zacharydon't participate very much but they laugh and enjoy the anticsof the othersduring theseh"ppy times.They're alwaysa little nervousthough, knowing that when things get out of hand, the party will rapidly and disastrously change.They know that Tom atmosphere and Amy, the instigatorsof much of the rowdiness, unpredictable are and irritable.The mood of the gatheringcan changeabruptlyif either steppingon of them becomes annoyed with the noisiness by someone or their toes. to Easilyenraged, their angerquickly generalizes everyoneelsein the yell at Jan for burning part of the dinner, at family. They frequently Jennifer for leaping around like a frog and at Zacharyfor sitting like a bump on a 1og. Invariably,Anty stompsoff beforethe meal is over sinceshehasbeengroundedto her room "for the rest of her life".


You MrnN I'v Nor Lnzy.SruproOn Cnazy?!

Zacharyfeelssick to his stomachand can't eat and Jennifer dances aroundat a manic pace.Sometimes atmosphere dinner isn't as the at much chaotic as it is deadlysilent and chilling with everyonebrooding and poisoningthe environmentwith silent misery.

Notes: Mealtime Mania

With their difficult remperaments, A-y and Tom seemto dominate the picture in the Baker family. But they're not singularlyresponsible for the impaired family interactions.Each of the family membershas shakycommunication skills and a limited capacityfor stress and stimulation. Individually and collectively,thesebehaviors conrribureto the family chaosand stress level. If you plug the individual behaviorsinto a chart of family interacrions, you can understandhow things get so out of hand for the Bakers.As family tensionescalates, becomes increasingly more disorganized J". and disengages herselffrom the family. Tom getsmore stressed as out the burdenof disciplinefalls on him. With his short fusedtemper,he's ill-equippedto handle it. He feelsincreasingly angryat Jan'sfailure to take chargeof the houseand children. It's not that Tom is a sexist pig-he and Jan had agreed the division of labor when shequit her on job to stayhome. Tom getsburned out easily. After a day at work, he can do little but collapse. A-y desperately needsfirm, calm, structureddisciplinebut doesn'tget it. Zacharydoesn'racrivelybother anybody, but through no fault of his own, puts greatdemands family financial and emoon tional resources. Jennifercontributesto the noiseand chaoslevel with her clowning and hyperactivity.She must leam to take responsibility for her behavior.Unfortunately, there isn't anyoneavailableto teach her how to do it. The Bakerfamily is a groupof related individualswho have compelling needsfor structure,supportand understanding-but there doesn'tseem to be enoughto go around.Having fewerchildren probablywould have helped,but it's too late for that option. It isn't too late, however,for the family to make someimportant changesto reducethe chaosand tum the volume down. If Mealtime Mania seems be a wav of life for to


How-To's Or DrcnrnstNcDtscoRo Fnov Mrru Trur MnNraTo Ourrxc ORoERLs:

your family, think about theseideasand considertrying them.

Survival Tips for Decreasing Discord

Reduce or Eliminate LJnnecessaryDistractions3 During meals,the machineshouldbe turned on or the phone shouldbe taken answering off the hook. The televisionor radio shouldbe tumed off and the newspapershouldbe put in anotherroom. The family dogsshouldbe trained to stay awayfrom the dinner table or should be kept in another room the until the meal is over.To further minimize the extra distractions, for one of its dogs. family might considerfinding a new home Establish a Family Signal: The signal cueseveryonethat the noise level is getting too high. Make a family rule that a moment of silence for child, signals if will be observed anyone,including the youngest less noise. Make a "No Arguments at the Dinner Thble" Rule: Conflict isn't all bad but mealtimebattlesaren't very goodfor the digestive at Argumentsshouldbe shelvedand resumed a designated system! time and placefor discussion. Plan a Weekly "Work Detail" Ahead of Time: This should include for a list of individual responsibilities meal preparationand settingand shouldrotate thesejobs from week clearingthe table.Family members much last minute confusion.There is to week.Preplanningeliminates nothing more chaotic than an ADD family trying to work together pitch in without the direcrion of a plan! \fhen other family members wanderto help, the cook is free to join the family insteadof aimlessly follow a rule that no ing around fetching things. The family should one sitsdown to eat until the meal is on the table. Maintain Order by Establishing Struchrre: Meals should have a structurefor dinner conversation.Structure,ordercarefullydesigned What happenedto the idea of home asthe what is this, boot camp? place you can let your hair down and be yourselftLettingyour hair else's down is fine as longas Jou don't droPit in someone foodt In families with ADDers, there is a goodpossibilitythat letting one'shair down into a family free-for-a11. will disintegrate


You MreN I'u Nor LAZy, SruproOn Cnazy?l

Structureand order can take the form of a family ritual or tradition. The ritual signals the beginningof special, sharedfamily time. It can help family members asidethe stresses the day,concenrrate put of on being with eachother and becomeawareof the comforrable haven of home. \7hen the family hasgathered, grace,recite a poem or sing s?y a song.Tiy a "Show and Tel[" time for sharinganecdores telling or jokes.Beginyour meal with word games, trivia or threadedstoriesthat eachpersonbuilds on in tum. The ritual can be anything. The idea is to imposestructureso family members take turns and learn to listen to eachother. Change the Rules: If someone having a difficult day or is particuis larly hyperactive, sheshouldhave permission leavethe table.Just to be sureto have an established procedure requests missfamily meals. for to If All Else Fails, Eliminate Family Meals: They are a lovely convention and can help familiesconnecr.In an ADD family,however,the disadvantages a family meal can ourweighthe advantages. of \7hen temperamental characteristics come togetherin a small space, the mixture can be combustible!


How-To's Or DgcngnsrNc DrscoRo Fnov MEnl TruEMnNrnTo OurrNc ORoraLs:

PR: "Family mealsarenothing more than a memoryfor my family.During our initial visit to our therapist,we decidedthat our nightly ritual frequently destroyed otherwisereasonable and had to be eliminated. day an sportingevent with a Our family mealsresembled hotly contested My angryopponents. hyperactiveson is particularlysensitiveto smells and is an extraordinarilypicky eater.Jeremyspentmost of our tortuous dinner hour falling off his chair and usinghis gifted verbal skills to comparethe smell of the meal to variousdecayinganimals.My husband perfrormed head coach of the opposingteam. He spent most of the as the lack of food in his parents'mountain village mealtimedescribing to in southemltaly. He usedeverymeansat his disposal forceJeremy to my referee's cap,quoting scientificresearch support to eat. I donned my assertion that our son would not die of malnutrition-and I attempted to maintain order. The compromisethat Dr. Melowsky helped us reach reducedthe stress and brought peaceto our kitchen. \7e decidedthat we would invite Jeremyto dinner but he wouldn't have to join us.The dinner rule was that he could decline to eat with us but had to refrain from character assassination his mother'scooking. \7hen he finally got hungry he of for would be responsible fixing his own sandwichand cleaningup after himself. I suppose one could arguethat we gavein to our son by letting him skip the family meals.But the key is that we didn't eliminate our rules. \7e simply changedthem to meet our family'sneeds.The family harlooks of outmony hasbeenwell worth the skepticaland disapproving who don't understand dynamicsof ADD." the siders 'We're going to leavethe family dinner and join the Bakerfamily in an Outing Ordeal.\7e invite you to join the scenealreadyin progress.

Family Fun: An Evening at the Movies

The Bakerfamily is getting readyto go out for a movie and Jan feels moment. As usual,shefeelsperplexed more anxiouswith eachpassing that she'salwayslate for everything. Beforethe children were bom, on shehad alwaysmanaged get to appointments time. She doesn't to


You MrnN I'v Nor Lazx,SruproOn Cnazvl!

stop long to ponder this because Jenniferinterrupts,askingwhereher purseis and A-y engages in combatover the outfit shewon't be her caughtdeadwearing. As shebeginsto put on her make-up,Tom demands consultationon a his slacksand the color of his sweater. Amy's discoverythat her blouse is wrinkled sends Jan running to the laundryroom ro iron it. Now immersedin distractions, momentarilyforgetsthe time deadlineand she decides pick up the dirty laundryon her way downstairs. to \fhen she getsto the basement, startsworking on a stainedpair of jeansand she throwsAmy's blousein the washerinsteadof ironing it. The timer sheset asa waming for the family to finish their prepararions, goesoff. Jan realizes with a start that shehasgotten off track again! She arrivesback in her bedroomto Jennifer's bloodcurtlingscreams for protection againstA*y who hasthreatenedher with death if Jennifer doesn'tstop hiding her shoes. rhe time ticks awayand the As stress mounts,the yelling gerslouderaseveryoneblamessomebody elsefor the problemswith getringreadyon rime. Finally all the members the Bakerfamily are ready16ls2ys-everyof one exceptJan. Zachary,the only personwho took care of himsell attemptsto come to his mother'said asthe rest of the family accuses her of making the family late, again!

Notes: Outing Ordeals

Many of us with ADD aren't well known for our punctuality.With our time sense, lack thereof,we regularlyset new records travel time or for from point A to point B. Somehor, we manage climb in our cars to precisely the moment we'resupposed be arriving at our meeting at to on the other sideof town! \7e have trouble organizing, ger we distractedand we routinely forget things. Getting oneselforganized be somewhere a cerraintime is difficult, to at but getting an entire family organized infinitely more complicated! is If your family is anything like either of ours,gemingdressed out and the door for an outing is a major production.Jan can't figureout why she's alwayslate but it really isn't hard to understand. you multiply If


Fnov MEal Trvr MaNrnTo OurrNc ORoEer-s: How-To's Or DrcnpasrNc DrscoRo

the difficulty by the number of peoplein a family, the extra time required growsexponentiallyasfamily relationships when eachnew do memberarrives. This sceneis avoidableif the family designs action plan. Without a an specificplan, an ADD family'sOuting Ordealswill continue.The following suggestions might be usefulfor your family'saction plan.

Survival Tips for Outing Ordeals

Identify Individual Dynamics: The first step is for each family member to identifu her unique contributions to the family'sdisorganization. It's easyto point the finger at someoneelse-each family member doescontribute to the generaldisorganization and chaos.A more productiveapproachwould be to help eachfamily memberdecidewhat sheneedsto do to be readyon time. Then the whole family can come togetherand figure out an action plan. For instance, Jan may requirean uninterruptedhalf hour to get herself togetherand Tom may needhelp choosinghis clothing sincehe'scolorblind. If Tom and Jan discuss their needsin advance, they can strike a bargain.Tom can agreeto give Jan the time sheneedsby running interferencewith the kids and savinghis own requests until she's ready. Jan give Tom her undivided attention to help him choosean can agreeto oudit after she'sready. Establish Family Responsibilities: The family needsto think through the choresthat must be done beforeanyonecan leave.\7ho will feed the dog and put her in the basement? !7ho will have the responsibilities for tuming on the porch lights and answeringmachine?The division of labor shouldbe explainedand assigned advanceto each in of the family members. The planning may even need to include things such as a bathroom scheduleto avoid the problem of everyonetrying to get in to one or two bathroomsat the sametime. It would alsohelp if everyonegets dressed and readyin separate areas they don't distract one another. so Clothing should be assembled laid out well in advance,so there's and time to do neededlaundryor repairs. Prepare a Work Detail for the Family: To reducethe number of "l


You MrnN I'u Nor Lnzy.SruproOn Cnnzy?!

forgot's"or "'What am I supposed do's",give everyoneher own checkto list of responsibilities. Reduce Distractionss It never fails that the phone rings in the middle of preparations. Take it off the hook or rum the answeringmachine on. This isn't the time for readingrhe newspaper watching TV or either. The "No Distractions"rule for mealtimesshouldapply aswell. The televisionshouldbe off-limits,the newspaper other readingmare. or rial set aside,and the stereotumed off.If someone operates more efficiently with background music,sheshouldwearheadphones reduce to the distractions other family members. for Set a timer: Jan'suseof a timer is a good idea but sheshould probably set it to sounda warning and then a final signalwhen it's time to leave. To allow for a margin of error, the departuretime should should be set earlierthan is really necessary. nice to have extra time to clean up It's the dirt from the flower pot Jennifer knocks over when she cartwheels into it! If it's important to get to an event on time, a pre-wamingsignalshould be set.This giveseveryone plenty of time ro gerdressed readybeand fore the secondwaming rings.Family members can read,watch TV or play short games during the extra time. If all this carefulplanning seems like roo much work, weigh it against the stress and conflict your family experiences when it operates the in usualfashion.Tiv it both wavsbeforevou decide.

\7e have exploredsometechniques creatingthe important balance for of rightsand responsibilities within the ADD family.But implemenration can be tricky. HOW CAN YOU ESTABLISH RULES WHEN EVERYONE IN YOUR EAMILY HAIES RULES AND RESISTS FOLLOWING THEMI This dilemmawill be our focusin the following chapter.\Ue'll offer a frameworkfor designinga system family government that fosterscoof operationand minimizesconflict. 778

CHnprr,n 12 -

Principles Governmenf: of Familv Stvle

S,r.."rrful familiesoperateasdemocraticinstitutions.The parentshave specificrights and responsibilities and so do the children. Collectively worksthrough the experience living in the of they leam how the process family unit. It is understood that eachmemberplaysa different role and contributesdifferently to the effectivefunctioning of the group.In ADD families,however,the interplay of yorz and me rslessclearlyunderstood. poised, ready Similar to a country undersiege, ADD family stands the for defensivemaneuvers attack. Since variousfamily members or may resistfollowing rulesor have trouble with the give and take essential to successful relationships, continual conflict may becomea way of life. power struggles. It's difficult to eliminate thesecounterproductive But it is possible reducetheir frequencyand intensity.To help you accomto plish this, we'd like you to think about the model of family govemment that follows. If you can make your family'ssystemof government more democratic,you may find that things will go more smoothly. In the mini-society of the family, the parent must assume role of the president. you'rea parent,the ultimate responsibility a successful for If govemmentis yours.But everypresidentneedslegislativeand judicial bodiesthat provide a systemof checksand balancesand a method for ensuringcomplianceof rules. Everypresidentneedsan advisorycouncil. The key to establishing a workablesystemin your family is sharing authonty. sharedfamily tfu A governmentmeansthat each personfunctions asa participant in the


'uoueeroaltnoqBsuorsrf, ro; dllunrroddou sapllord r1 'cla 'suoltEJBA -ap Surleru ro, runroJB aq uec SuueetuL11ue;eql 'tueqt ur tred e{Br 'rana,roqserlrlrtoB ,{13ut11trtt euoLraneter{r ef,ueqf,JaneqB s.eJeql IIIA\ 'ISBr.{see t(usrur orerlsol rreqt ueld Allenrnu sJoqrueru Llyure; uB JI ,,tpueJB ro; sertrnntrB 3uruue14:und.fuleg uBId o1 ,gpngoddg uy 'sreeddeslp aulr l,11ue; pexelerpue selJlsuetur le^el sseuseqr elrq^\ oot op ot 8urfut oq l,eul Lllureyeruue eqJ 'eqe auofuanaSurtcage qf,ntu sI ssaJts uonf,EeJ ol s(uosJed d\orl ssncsrp sJequeruAllurey eteud auo ol ro; -orddeqrl 'tlun l,1pe; eqr uo streduu ssens egl qrlq/r\ ur sLem lenpr^lpul 'Surtaaur ureuaf,se uortoB;o ueld B a{Bruuef, sJeqtuetu ol L11ue; l,11rue; eqr,o arnlf,rutseqr urqtr/x\ :sle^e-I ssallS ,$wed Jo luerussessv uv 'sJequeu slr enntsodaqr yo rq8rssasoltr teql srureldruof, pue suralqord Jo seItIIBnb os /.puBJV 'luaule8e gtlrn pardnccoerd oq uec euozJBll\B ur Surterado -Jnof,ue annrsodaJeqs uBf,sraq pue rroddnslenlnu aprlord pue s8urlaa; -tuerurillure; eJeq/r\ aceld eqt osle s(ll 'uorssas edu8 eldrurse ueqt erotu 're8ue'acrtsnful;o s8urleal tal sr tr lng 'uorteusn{ pue srureldruoc Jo] -lno aleudorddeue seprnord L11ue; Surtaeru eq1 spreog Eulpunog y 'plrot\ apl$no er{t ur 8urce3:elur alrtf,a;e Jo}pelnbar 'srorleqaq^\au acrtcerdpue sdrqsuoneler eqr ueqr8uensUBO sIqJ qil{s anrlrsoddole^ep ot ureel uef, slenpl^lpur 'SuueeurAltrue; leuosradretur e;o ,tre;Bs u${rl/N 'saurlrqrsuodsar srq8rrlenpl^lpul pu saror{f, eqt pue 'SurueteeJqt.uou 8ur1eu JoJtueuuoJrlue anDrsod B tnoqe suolsrf,ep 'eloqA\e se,{11tue} saptnordrI aqt Jo speauegr Sururruretep erntf,ruls ro} Surtaeull,1ple; aql :Eqnlog,welgor4 dno.lg peaue8roue saprrrord pue uopnloseg IrIUuoJ 'uonecrunruuroJ e lllsod roJ urruod V 's3unaeur l,lture;Jo salrlJelqo pue sleo8aqr eunuexe ol luBA\em,,'qoJ-aog,, cgloads JejJo eJo;eg'ssaf,oJd ed\ crlercouap B aql q8norqr suorleredostr rotruoru L11ule; sdleq SunaaruaqJ 'looqpuerl 'tueru Lctlod pellerepe dolanapuBf,l,11ue;egt 'arntf,nnsstr urqtr71N -urano8pareqsB rl$lqetsa ot ,{elr ruallerxe ue sr SurtaeyAl l,pruegeqJ ,batcos-lulur srqrJo suezrlrJ sartrllglsuodsal sB rreql erunsse ol ,ilalll eroru are ,teqr 'ssecord Surleru-uorsrf,ep Jo ued ere sJeqrueru aqr 'selpoq aq] Ienpl^lpulJI lercrpnlpue e^rlelsr8el pue llf,unor fuosrnpe
'LZv-lroN h{,1 NVEI^I no^ il,\zvuc uo ardnrs

o^Bqselnreseqtter{t lueuodul sl rl 'Suuaeur.{1>lean ur selnrer{t rreqt eteDoSeuer pue elerloSeuot alqe eq IIII!\ sregrueuLllureg .re8uo1 ,tue uollelperu s,tsrdeJaqt paau t(uol\ r1to8uoJtssaruocaq eqt rilyurejeqr sV 'selnJeser{t tueudolarrep eqr etBrpaul.,{lanrrcefgo pue Jo d1u1ec tsrdereqlstr uo dlar tsnurueuo l,11rue; ot CCV lorluof, Jo rno 'f,Iloeqf,y '.(uorureqL11rue! setrsrnbarard eJB eqt salnJ(ueqt tsure8e Jo 'sreqtueru Iager Letu sreclcv sBqrntu sv lBnpl^lpul Jo srqSuaqr roJ tcadser qsrlqBtse tBqt selnrJo les ^reue doleneptsnu ,(11ure; rxaN eqr 'senssr tuaurued rarpo qSnorql {ro^\ ,i11n;ssecf,nssr d11ue;eqr J} ol dlpe; eseqtSurpuelsrapun.senlesrno tng Ierluasse tlnrrlllp sl sf,nueuLp SurteadeJ eJ(e^\ ^roDI e1X\'sJer{lo spaeueseqtetelcardde dleq Ieuors ur or .se;ord ueuo Laqr tng 'aJedspue erurt JoJslueruelnbar leuosrad Paeu 'sdrqsuorl rlaql SurlgrluaPl poo8 altnb Lllensnere sreqrueru,{lytueg re -Elerretuld1lue;;o Llxelduoc agr qSnorqrSurr;ls ssacord srql etBlr Jo 'serrepunoq -llce; ot testno aqt tB pertnberLlleraue8sr dlaq leuorsseJord Joj af,uBuoduileqr jo sseuerB^\B dolenapot eq tsntu {se] lsJr}eqJ uB '1te;Llqeqord 11l,nr 'satltltqtsuodsar rnor{ Allrue;oseqtgrlrn paterf,osse srualqordaqr ^slroJJe Surnlos;oleo8 B r{t1n\ s8uttaaru,iltruey drunl no,(JI 'seuofueruudaqr otul [eqr lng 'sanssl l(uaJe lueuodun ere oseq]tpea13 'seroqf,uo Sursnro; 'd11rue; rnoL Jo uorlBradoeqt Jeplsuocnortueq/N ;lasrnor{purl Leruno,{

Pefrqs leC ol areq1tl PrrB,laoH

'PIro^\erp ur ereqt tno pepeauqtro/r\Jlesaql Suuats -loq prB/trol,{em3uo1e o3 trun ,(11rue; rroddnspue ecueldacf,e e;o egI 'rlnll#lp ag uBf, sanssr 3ur133nrr5'plro^{ eqt tsurBae grlrn sn ccv Jo -eloq/r\ paljrun e sBtf,auuoJal uBf,sJeqlueur L1lue; ,3uuaeru,t11rue;u1 e 'Jer{loueeuo luo{ petJeuuocsrp ,{11elot aluof,egor sreqtuatu l,1pe; ccv ro; dseas,tl ssleoC lenrnnl pue drFn Jo esues e Jo luaurdoleaec '{ead\ pareu8rsap stq Sutrnpsre;ardeq tEqA\op ot ,{truntroddoue peetuBJBn8 uosrad sr qsBA'sertr^nteSuueu.IetlB alnpeqlsB aq rqSru uoudo auo .JrBJ erB Jo 'uorteuo8au;o ssacord q8norql eq lBql POL{JBaJ uBf,sestruordurof, eqr 'peuueld erBselllntlce dnor8uaqn peraprsuof, ot stsaratur eq lBnpl^lpul
Elll-s Allnvc :IN3r,INU3AOC SstdtCNiud lO

'pue s,Surteerur{f,BelB sartr^Ilf,B un} ueld r 'stuerueer8e uo 11e g8non{r mollo{ o 'Surteeur txeu aqt rer{r a8pelznoulog o lltun tf,e#e ur eJEstueruaer8e11e 'Suuaeur eqt Jo esolf, eqt tB tuelulllutuof, a8pelnou{f,e pue ezlJetutuns',!pe13 o 'snsuasuof,Jo, {rol[ o 'sanssr IBaJturodur4 o 'suonnlos elqrssodlgltuapr ot senbluqf,et Sututrotsulerq esf) o 'uerPllql Pue sruered tuerueer8e aqr rad uortnqFtsrp rreqt pue saroqf, dresseceutsfl o ,o 'Jaqrueu euo,{ue uo uBr.{]JeqlBJ dnorS ar{l uo snf,o{ o 'Surualsrl alrlf,epeJ pue uollBf,Iuntuulof, enDtsod esfl o 'uouedtclue4 ,btuntroddo lenbg;o ,icrlod B etntltsul r 'senssl Pe^IosaJun pue suolslf,epsnotnard elBnlena PUB((sseulsnq PIo,, zt\elAef,o 'Surleau lxeu Joj sulef,uof, lsII ol auor{ue JoJepua8e ,,dn-u8ts,,B lsod o 'Suttaeru r{oee setnunu Surprof,eJro; Lllllqlsuodsar arBr{g o Jo 's8unearu aql Suuregt roJ ,blpqtsuodsar erelg o 's8uuaaru jo uonernp pauueld pue erult reln8ar B elnpaqf,s . ',,sedtr8,, eql 'L11rue; s8urqr poo8 egt ezruSocef, o eql uI Suruaddeq ere tBt{t tsnl 1ou

s8ulaan ^Uuled roJ lrnPuoc Jo seFu Pue seldltu.Ird lErauac

'lla^ Ieuorsse;ordro; ISB ot etellseq t(uop Sananoq aqr Suruel ro tlf,tetu Suro8 t(uere s8urqr JI 'Je^o aIBr sreIIBt rsaSSrq Surrnogs B otul Surrre8 tnoqtr/n ssaursnqlf,nPuoc ol ,(llIlIBJ B sBlaeru uec no,{ }l ,ipear aJ(no^ '11tJaJJoc ol uoltf,B eIBl pue azrSolode'lt aauSocar ,{11crnbuBOtseal tB Jo rol^Bqaq ,s?unoqto mo u^to rno/. lorl -uof, uec no,{ ,ipear eJ(no 'sruelqoJd lnoqe suonsaSSns aleru PUBJIas JI -rulg ssardxeplFlr tse8uno,{ eqt uela tel ot ,{rrpqe rnor{ uI eJnoasel,nod Jl leuolsse;ord B lnoqtl/t\ Suneeru Llpe; B elPuq o1 ,{pear ar(no1'u/t\o str uo srqt elPuBq ot ,irr|qe s,l,Ilure;rno,t elBnlB^a ol Peau III^\ no 'd1".{

eqr or erq'rr^eul arpuBq Ar111q1*ru urrnf,f,o sa'ueqc r'gr ",-:rllllilinH


:3ur^'rro11o; Jo eruosepnlcurrq8ru seurleplnB eqr paqsrlgelsg uoll ((i -BJtsn{rno[ ]uel tsnf ro ualqord eqr allos o] tuBA\nod oq,, ,seqons uotlsaSSns qll/!\ Surureldurof, B JnrlJnpord-uou ol tf,eJrpeJ paeu^eru uosredrteqler{I 'uoISSes adu8 e Surruoceq ruou Suuaerueqi sruerrard 'af,uelorn uollBf,Iunuluroceltlsod Jo salnJaqr 3ul^trolloC ro lecrsLqd 3ur11ec atueuou sI eJaqtse3uo1sBsuorurdoro s8urlae; iserdxeol tg8u 'sJeqtoaqt ef,uellsuec oqA,\ B ser{auo,fuena ssoqeqt sr euo ou-3f,ro^ 'Suneerul,11ue;eluf,npord e ro; sr lenbe uB sBr{auo.{ranE IBnuesse alnr srq1 :uoqudnlued alpnpoddo pnbg alnu eql erroJufl Jo 'sseusnq ^(uestcnpuoo dlyrue; eql arojoqsaln]Jo lsII aql PBar Alqeqord plnoqsdreterces 's8ur ar{t -toeul ^\eJ lsrrJ aql SuunC .enrtcnpord Burteeru sdaa>l eqr rBqr eJntf,nJts seplnotdeurrtSurpuapeqsrlqBtse .JnoquB lununxBu B qtr^{ uv Jo satnurur l,rrrqr ot []uamt tseeltB aq plnoqss8urtaaru eql Jo uopeJnpeqJ 'srolf,BJ sserlsJo asnBf,aq poo8e Llpraua8t,usrloorlf,suro{ eepl euoq eluof,uerplrql aqt Jo ryo^{ luo{ eluor{seurof, pBCJo tuol^i sBuoos seSutleall[ 'PoxeleJ eq] ]soul sr [11rue; terlt eutn B tB laatu ol aer8e fu1 ol 'rsBI III^\ Surtearu qree 3uo1Aior{ epBru osleplnoqsuolsrf,ep .eoe1d alurl eq y puB ^ lnoqB Surraaru uo ear8epue teruroJeqr eulurretap B Lllure; aql ,ieqla8ol IIIr!\ 'Surlaaru L11rue; ul pe/y\ollo; III^{ reql sernpef,ord epnlcur aqr aq aqr plnoqs selnr aseql :Eurlae;41leplq aqf Eul.rne selng qsilqefsg 'elnpeqls s,Llyrue; Suruueldur eqr ereredo-of, puB selnpeqf,s ot u.,',\o rrer{tJo {f,Brr Surdael rol &11q1s -uodsare{Bt ot sreqrueru d11rue; sa8ernof,ue slql .s1ooqruaururod -de leqr arepdn PuBselnpeqlsJrer{te8ueuearuBf,sJeqrueul,11rueg 'luaAe ro Leld loor{ls Suturocdn tnoge sn\ou>I uB euo[rana tBr{l IEIf,os os Iea/h Sulruoceqt roJ salnpeqlss,,{11ue; aleulprooc ot pasn eqt ,slure1d aq osleuer Surteeur eql 'lroddnslBntnlupuB seJoqc ,i11ue; -uIoJ 'senlea'seopl UoISSnJSIp JoJunJoJe eprnoJd sr esodrnd eqt ot Jo eql 'srequeu ,i1lule;IIE ^q pepuetlBpuB palnpar.{rs .tFe1n8ar 8ul sr -taetu ,(11rue; aql 'IJo^/\saldrcuudleraua8aseqr,!\oq raprsuoJs(te-I

s8u4ael4[ ^11ure{uftsa(I ol saldnrrud lereueg aqr E.rlsn

31AIS AllhlVJ :INEI^{NUA^OClO S3ldrlNiud


'rol^qeq ud\o slq roj elqlsuodser lsnlu eq 'anbluqcar ro alqerdelre uB l(usl 'acol sPl,Ioaulos uosrodqrBE InJdlaq 'rueqr 'Sutlle1 Suueqroqs(ler{d\ lnoqe {lel ro q 4nBuma? Sutrueelcs L11ueC repun ra8uerleql le8 ot Peeusreqruetu ot 8urfut eroJaq lortuof,

'9 'tlun Algrue;aqr Jo suollelf,adxe PUBsleo8 ssncstq

(('JaAAU trOr\.,, lO ,,Sr{,BltlB no ,,

'seqcns saserqd - no Plony 't fuoleurruegulpue saSrssatu 'l,e1otou sI Sutruelq 'C 'Sutrntcal 's8utlaej pue Sutzlf,Illrr IBnPI^lPuluo snf,oC '{lBl ol selnulru 'Z to reqrunuX serloq^\ raleeds eqr Sulldnrretul PIo^V 'crdol eql or 'I {f,lts

'LZVI rON ].^{,1 NVAy\ nOI UO IIAZ\ilUC Ald[LS

uI 'asodrndsrqt roJ Suueerueqt aJntrnJtsol s,{em tseSSns IBJeAes '8urn1os-uralqord uoltnlosertf,ruuor ro; lurod Surtrelseqt II,o/A, puB sapl^ 'Jlesrlur -ord ll 'tueuodrur eroy,q sr SuueqsslqJ :Eu1rt1og lercrleueq 'ruel{ord pue Equr.lolsu.rpJg a^preJffl roJ Eunaa;41 er.pernlrn4s 'suondnrrelur tuanbar; pue esroutnogBurelduoc rq8rul dlpe; eqt ur euofuenE'qrnu ool tun{ re 3ur11a^ s8urlaa;srq Surung sl ruolAl]Br{l [q ureldruocrq8nu uos JnoI 'noL ot Suruetsrl ueeq t(useqasnods rno,{teql uJef,uof, sserdxa op rq8rur no (('JeqleSot ot Suro8eJ(eA\ tBqA\esooqc eru tal t(useopeq-eurl leroads tcedseJ l,ru ro pBCL, ,,ure8req t(useop ar{rJo ued srq ot l3rts t(uo/hpecl,,:spJo^\ eleudorddeerour esneqs uec no 'slueturuof,Jaq tdaoceplnoqs no1 .tl rBqt 'renemog'tsa88ns euoPt(useqeq esnef,ag uBaurs(eqteql ureldruoctg8rur aqs 'Surleeru tuerrnr eqr Jo tJetseqr rV :arq8nep rnol, gtlrn Lep rlcea arult leroads;o selnulru,buerlupuedsot peer8e enerlrq8rrupBC 'Sunaeru snorrrerd rV B 'tuer,b dssoq sr ruoJn{ 'ureldxa ot af,ueqf,B eru enr8t(useopruoy\ e 'r{sIJIes ruol 'srrlecuocLru ot uortualte Surl,Bd sl t,usr tuol 'qolse sr dreqceT 'ueeru q ('''no Pec
fe,re sLot sn{ Surltnd ](usr [nrqteT 'elu qtr/rr elurt lercedsSurpuedst(usr PBCI (' ' '1aa; 1) alepdo.lddy

) alupdo.rddeul

's8urtp ,{esol sdem eleudordde;o seldruexe B qlr^t tsrl ueltrJ/v\ ser{ auolrana;1 dlaq rq8nu t1 'ra8ueSurtelecse Sunurod-ra8ur; ro lnoqtr^\ s8utlea; suolssardxa l,aqr JI Lelo eJBstureldruo3 '{ee^\ snorna.rd are Jo arp Suunp Suro8ueag seq eJIll,llrue; ,!\oq tnoqe 3ur>11e1 e{Bl surnt sJaqrueru l,lyueC 'uolsses snornardeqr jo setnunu eqt pBeJ ol Plnoqs ,{relarces >lse eqt plnoqs eq 'Suuaerueqr Jo Suruur8eq rV 'IIBr or aqr ef,uer{f, seq auo,{-rarre 8ur>1eru epuaSe Surlytuepl tepro ol B arns aqt pue Surtearu 3ur11ef, alqlsuodseJ rrerlf,eql .srseq erp roJ sr SurletorB uo aloJ drgsrepeel erer{s er{t plnoqs auol,rang3lorolor4 Eupaa4 eqf ueI.I 'sa8nssau -1 Sutsnualqord eqt tno llet ot ,{pearsl er{ 'u.troppaurlef,seq aq uer{r6, 'rcafqoe]Brurueur Surpunod yeru eteq;o acerdpeJe^rlepun 8ur uB ro ue -trJ^\'{colq er{t punoreSuruunr 'auo1e Suro8Lq umop Jetuturs go rq8ru uosredI'r8ue eqJ 'ra8ue8u1sn;;lp ueld B epnlf,ul rq8rur salnrrnol ro;
11Il,S ,I.llnv{ :JNE]^{NUE^OC lO S3'IdlSNIUd

'stsrleJeuaS uBqr rer{lBJ LltrueJ CCV rno,( ur ,{pelnctUed stsrler)eds oq ot puat sreqruetu eroq/!\ 'uoltelto8eu pue Surnlos 'roqel Jo uorsrnlp a^rteeJf,E errnbar 1ym slqJ 'pueq ,ulalqord;o a8ersaqt ot uo elolu ot erult s,tt uI lsII qof etll qrlrN 'uortedtcltred ,{ttunlroddo lenbg Jo elnr 'rclguoc,o ef,Jnose ,{lluanbar; sr slql ef,uIS ecJoJuetsntu Jepeel agf eqt 's9o[]o tsII e atereua8 ol tndut s,euo,i;aneesn uec /,pue] eql 's8utlaaru l,11rue; snf,oJeqt ueryo eJeseJoqc ,i11rue; lnoqe suotlsenb PUBsulacuoO Jo '8urrr1os-uralqord puB uolssnf,slP retBl roJ arntf,nJ]saqt ouorsq III^\ rsll slt{I'Peuollualu sI leql Sutgr -ArenapJof,al plnoqs [re]ercas eql'Suneeur aql Surzrlodouotu tuou uosrad euo tuenard pue snooJurBturetu dl".{ uef, sIqI 'strlef,uof, uattlJn\ Leu r1 Jo tsII B t{tl^{ Suttearu eqt ot eulof, ol euo,{rene ro} 1ryd1aqeq 'srrreouoc Suueqs Jeqrueru ,(1pey qcee gtltt eq uef, ssecordeqJ IBtuJoJuI

'SuturotsuleJq q8norqr trresseceu '9 eql sEesrnoJ pue (s)uoltnlosaqr Jo ssauolllce;4a elBnlB^E 'cta'stgeueq'salcetsqo elqrssod UBI.I'9 eqr ssnf,srp (s)uoltnlospaar8e Jo uolletuerueldrur pue 'seepl IBUOIIIPPB re#o pue sleo8urel 3uo1puBrroqs sBsuoltnloselenle^g 't 'suousaSSns 1e q8norqr suoltnloseleJeuaC' pue SuruuolsuleJq pJo)eJ 'stf,BJ slueuerers.q8norqt urelqordaql eul;aQ,'Z Jo ot ssncsrp urelqorde asooqC'I

snp;o leo8 :srualqoJd suortnlosjo uouerto8au enueredo-of,sI ssef,oJd ot '8urn1os-rualqord;o sdars eqt raplsuor s(tal '>po,latueg B sV aqJ leraua3 Lltrue; rno,( JoJeJruf,n[s eqt eunl-eulJ ot ecueptn8 [1e{l 11,no/. peeu teqr reqruoruer]ng tutod Sutuets e se sBaPIesaql esn 'renel\oq ',{11ute1 '^(11n;ssaccns ot CCIV uB /o 11n4 [1cur e]tnb eq uef, strlt
',LZv-lrON r\,1 NVll{ nOI izIZVUCUO AIdnrS

-lul uB grlm euloseJB eJeqJ 'uorsrcap fueurqreleqaaruos IBaPol s'{em 'ruaredaqr sesef, B qll.t\ eueAJelul eneqllln ot atuosur Jo ,Surtaeur eql eql 'snsuesuor qsBerot elgEuneq B L11ue; seluttstuos aql Jo rrBr{f, III^A sLepSuueurerle qot rlncrglp e ereqsot ear8e uo eldo_ed rO '{ae/!\slqt ISBIsnorpo[pelncrrrede op or eer8e o^{} Plnor '8u1teotu .4,eru uosradau_o s({ee/r\ txeu tB ecroqclsJr}eql JoJa8uegcxa 'salorluelrodrurl'pelncyrred ul [e1duor]Eno8au pue Surure8req er5qm s] slql istuB^r LpoqLrena tBqt seuo[see puB sluB^\euo ou ]Eqt sgol rlnrr.lJlpoq III^Aereql esrnoc :uopeqo8aSl pue Eulup8leg esn Jo ']lJ poo8 B sr ereqt erar.{A\ s{set uo ef,ueturoyadpue uortB^rtour senordul tl sedcualcrre,i11rue; enordrulIIF{ slrlJ;r1 8ul -uroyed olqedef, tsour$ oq/r\pue got eqt stue^{og,ra-rrJ tseqeqt uo 1o 'snsuasuor qrear uBf, eq oylcadslnoqBsuoISIreC B . Peseq Plnoqs_s_9o[ daql lllun suottseSSns eteunurlaro ,i;lporuplnor{ssraqrueru eqr ,(11rueg .p ;d1yue;eqt Jo SuruortounJ rl llera^o agt enordurr III/A, 2se8erue^pe$p 't ro slrJeuaq arBtEr{1)N 2sarr}llqB aqt s(euodrane lBnpl^lpul pue sSurleeJ uortBraplsuoc epnlcultr seocl.z i4e! tl sl .1 .eaplqf,Ba B etBnlB^e ol Jo suousanb 8ul,nro11o; asn 'tr eperuoq^\ uosredaqr Buirclpul tnoqtr^\ er{t stlreurstr asrerdde plnoqsuouBnlB^e aql .euo r{f,Be etenlB^e pue ders 'suortseSSns tno sunJd11ule; ueq/N txeu eqt ot o3 or eturt s,tr aql Jo 'paururad r,uplnoqssrqt tnq suorlse88ns anbrr agl "g -rrr ot Surldurats(tJ'seeplSuueqsro; fua;es arer{dsorute qsrlqetsa uB Jo 'u/\4,op ol uollef,Iunulluof,Jo salnJar{l /\{olloj lsnur auorfueng ueltrJ^ir\ 'sl tl pue perdef,3B tsnru oq ^{oqJo sselpre8er uorlsa88ns fuang InJasn 'stuauu8rsse tnoqe suorsrf,ep qoI anr]eradoof, a{Btu ol dnor8eqt asnol sr leo8 orlJ 'ra$vry1w;lo alor ar{t uo Furler tou tnoqe aq rue113ln ot paau11,no,{'tuered sV'sploru lguoqrpgq otur eqt IIr^t zfuen t(uop puB relulunrp tuere#lp B tBeqaql o1q3rBtxol pual tu Jo sreCCy irl oP l,uoq 'uerplrql rnod grlru uorlrpert aqt enurtuof,rq8nu 'e8eqre8 tno eqt no,{ 1oot s,ioqerp pue Suruol er{l pip ur dn zner8 .noz( L11ute; ur spr8er{r}l '1eepl ar{t srqt ruoUrBJII}rser(e^r s11od regr lse88ns esrnoJ xes tnoqtr/r\IJo^\ eqt epl^ JO_'seloJ IBuoI}tpBJt uortEJeprsuof, Jo -lp pue SurgrLra^e ot pelJedxaol ere uetuozrr uetu ,sauit p"r" oP pue -re9II oseqtul :seroqC ^11wed sanssl .lo; Eunlog,wal{ord esn Jo

aqt peppBsJer{]o sluetutuof,eql re^o PBerol eruBl{f,B sBtluosredqlBll 'srJo#e esuBl9rul ,tue uo oslBPue peauSocaruno3 jo B uB ueuo tBrlt suojJaanrlrsodaql jo sseueJB/r\B Jelso,[".[ 'eloq/v\ sB slq Llqule;eqt Jo asot{tpue slueredpue s8urlqrs }o seltlllqlsuodsar 1en -pl^lpq eql 'sanrllQlsuodser $q uo snf,oJ uosradqcBedl".{ st$l eql ul\o 'L11ue; ur uosradr{cee,{q sruaruluocePnlcut eql III^\ rl 'stsll eqr qree ol slueruulor u^\o rleqr '{c"q rsII leq UeBruoyqueq^46 }o ppe ,treqrezpue raluua['[ruv 'P"C 'ruoyyelqel aqr PunoreIrIn] uI ere uosredqcBaor passud stsll peraldruooegt IIV 'fuBq)ezPue reyluuef '[*V 'p"C ro] stsrl rar{ suoue^resqo sasneqs 'lst1 lBnpl^lpur e1eruot 'elduexe 'sreqluelul'1tue; roC uar{A\ leuosradJaq petaldnrocseqtuoJAI uaqJ 'oQ ?lnoc I raqlo eql jo qf,eeroJ lsII rBllluls B se{Blueuo,{rane s8ury; tEiO puu Kyrun ^p oi ruonnqryuoJ (yrq:surunlof,o/v\totul PaPl^ J .lp lsrJ lvllosrad lno slllJ uosradqceE 's{rollr urals,{s A\oqsl slqJ aqr B
'llun arrtleredoof,B sB Llqule; eqt Jo speou IIBra^o eqt uo PUBsuollnqlrluof, PUBsaIlIIIqE IBn '-I -pl^lpul uo snf,oJB ePIAord srsrl eqJ ez'PrBA\eH UIBIIIIIil. PUBStpreq 'C :a"LaH t4S nl [lf [g'stua.tzd "ua\LWD uar,pll:11J \oog?uncnuuoC V 'slsll ueltlr^t 'Iooq eqt ur parseSSns ,(Seterrsslqr roJ sr Tro^tetueg V sasnlEql ruals,i,s peJnlf,nJls 'leruro; eJotu B uI IIaA^. IJOA\ oslB uf, ssef, -ord eql 'a8ueqcxa e q8norqt seepl aleraua8 sluedtrtued 'suots leqre^ -sesSurnlos-ulelgord lsotu ul 3peJrqcn4S ag ueC EulutlolsuleJg 'seroqf, esaqt op ot e^Bq nori ',te1dJIBJ rprds eql ul 'slueluu8tsse Jo ioot '{aa^\ 8utrtro11o; esla euo eql qof asaqr uI Jlasrnol, epnlf,ul ot raqueueg -eluos ol eroqr peteq erll u8rssBIII/I\ noA regr JBalf,rl aIBIAI raqruaul ,{11 .rxBJI{rEe }o selrlllqB pue a8e aqr ol Sutprocoe ,i.pre; seroqr Palue^\un qot eqr u8tsse ol e^Bq eql ernqlrtslp no,( regf tueuodull s,tl i,i,e/I\/,ue nor{ 'xoq reull eql lno uealf, ot slued\ euo ou JI 'elloqJ reqlo lq8p ou eq l,eru areqt serulletuos rng peplo^B eq Plnoqs suolslf,ap fuenrqJv ,,'slgl lnoqe esruordurof, B uo eer8e ot TaeA\txeu urc8e fui qral' ' 'ot aplcep IIIII\ | 't1elr t(uBf, srql ef,uls 'snsuesuof, e lnoqllA\ uorsrf,ep slql aIBu ot ereq,{11ear ',{,es rg81ur eH 'essBduilsrgr Per{f,Ber 1,, aql eleunlroJun Erl reqr e8pald\oulrB Plnoqs eH 'uolslf,eP B seg ,{11uBJ e{Bru ol eABql,eru tuered aqt 'panloser aq tsnru assedruteqt JI 'Suttaaru 'ltem uec uolslseP eql jl 'assed txeu erp tB uolssnf,slpro; pelqet eq uBf, lf
no^ ilAz\/ucuo ardrus'LZv-lroN hl,I NVEhI

'prB^\ar 'crrcadsB e^Bqplnoqs ,uerp151c raSunod qrlrN lellBrBd {sBr qf,Ba aql fuanaSurpueds qsrlert(useop oq,r\Llpe; ia8ere8 uI rno rq8yuLepFC eqr Jo tser er{t ol JrBJun oslB,{eu pre^\erpaua;erdsrH iruooJsn{ ol eq seoqssrq 8ur>1et {sBt slr{JoJu^\olqra^o eq Leu pJe^\er tBqt Jo rotf,BJ Jo enle^ eqr lnq rq8tu i(epFCfuaneJlesurq ot esnoqeloq^\ eql tue/r\d1rur Leru ltrctqte7'sJeqruelu LlFue; Jeqlo uo pJB/r\aJ eqt;o rcedull aql iue prE^\aroqt Jo ssaurlBJ 'uosradeqr;o Lr111qB e8eeqr epnlf,ur aqt puB 'dno.l3e se,t11rueJ eqt Jo asoql pue slseralurpue speeu Plnoqssrotf,ec eqt qtoq Jo srsBq uo epBtueq plnoqs sprB^\er tnogBsuorsrf,ec IBnPI^lPur 'ruolnlgrlm eturl peldrualurun Surpuads tuearc ot ecr etBlof,oqrSurleaor nI Surqclezlr luo{ Surqrduespnlcul uBf,tBql 'serlrlrtJe atrJoAB} lsII IBnPI^lpulue setaldruof, auor{rang sezrualrreql fsrlarua.Latat"4 B ,sp.Lamadsr srql'rsll prnlt B tno IIrJuE3uosradqlBE 'sreqtuaru ,enrtre#etsoru d11ue; IBnpl^lpurdq uesoql aq plnoqsspre^rer 'slueruu8rsse eq oJ qof Jo uonaldruocInJSSaJJns uanr8ag uBf,spJB/r\aJ JoJ 'lcegcLed e ot rBIIrulS'ruetsAs rno,t;o rred elqenle^B eg uBf,luouecroJ -ureJanrtrsod f,rlBruetsLS :s.raqurenl Lpureg JoJ slrBJluoc doleaaq pun iKyanncnpofi KyaaunnQoor uoncunt K1gtuot 41ay4sasrp mnoA a.Lour ary a\i iflun K11unl oj Kyaancat{a affiqtLiuor arour ary lvnpu\rryt d1ay4w sl\1mnoy iasP auoauns \1!n {,Tannn"taQooJ aqr ?lnoqs lsai uos.La4-auo sI auop ro n srp e wlf irct palrns.Lanaq aslaauoaulrrs 4sa D st\j sI i8uluu"opa{ aHp4ncs nqurau Klltunta\i w\i Butytauos to lspt slr/rsI :3urno11o; e)il1suorteraprsuoo snroJplnor{s8ur>1eru-uorsrf,ep eql uo eqJ, 'lBre^aserunssB plnoqs sluaredpuB uerplltlc replo ellq/h ,Jsoru 1Bs]sEl oz\{lro auo uo eler plnoqs uerpllqc reSunotr.o{Brrepuno1 {sBl tuetrodul lsotu eqt esooqo uosredqtee sdleq eloqd\e sed11ruq eqJ
'eJoqf, ,uorssnf,slp dnor8 e srq esooqc or ,{peal sr Jeqrueru r{11ue; qf,Be pue A\erAeJ

slql raUV 'uoltBf,lJIrBIO urF{ {se uf, etls 'elour fuegce7Surgreruos roJ lnoqBuorlsenbe seq lllohl JI 'rsll leurSuosrq ot rueql aredruoco] puB
E].[J,SI'IIWVC :INEh{NUa^OC Sa'rdrCNrud CO

'seJoqf, Jleql Peu8rssB or IIB, Legr jl sef,uanbesuocerp rdeccB ol ear8e ot e^Bq stuered uJoped er{r aqr usAE 'llun e se ,(1IruBJ Jo uollBredoor eJnlf,nJlsPue a8ernoc -ue ot st Suucenuof,;o leo8 oql 'lBlluassa sr Leld rreg 1no[ ro; u8rsep ,(arp stoJtuo3 er{t ur tuedrcrued eAItf,BuB osle tnq stJeJluoc s(ueJP -llqr rno't noA 'luered er{l sV Jo rotBusIuIIuPBeql eq Lluo lou Plnoqs l,11ue;erllue aql PUE ue o Inpl^lpu aqt ot lelf,Ileueq Pue rlJ eq lsnru qllq^A lueuleer8e eql roj,btunlroddo PJE/heJ er{t Jo ssol :af,ueruro;red-uou JoJsoJuenbesuoc aql }o lueruelels B o luotl^\ Aq Pue 'qcnru ^\oq :PJB^ry\aJ jo uotldtrcsep B o eqr uant8 eq III/\\ lI uerl^\ :ilffi:faq

tsnru tI '

Surryornr t(usl tl JI tuerueer8e er{l }o Ued /.ue Suuerle roJ acueA\olle uB o 'f,le (tuered aqr gtltr eq PoTELIS III^ASutuealc Suuds uIoU e8eqre8 BJtxo 'eI :ef,ueruro;red {sBt er{r ol suotldeoxe Jo luaruelBls o

Jequerul.1rue;eq1Jo,br1lqepuee3eeq]o]ryrddeueo selqeulgDv eq lsntu1l'7 ,{Fsauoq llluatssuoc PUB suoueStlqo IIIJInJ IF ,i11ue; eql,o sarnleu8tso ot tueulear8e;otueluatetse sBsJeqruaru eqr {set eqt }o sluaruartnbar IIB;o uortdlrrsepo euoPeq o1 ueq^r PUB sI lI uauo /v\oqPUE lsBl eql oP lllll\ oq^'\jo lueluelBls Bo
IUJOj UollIJz\'\' UI o

q15tds-aq tsnutrl'I '1n;esn '3urmo11o; epnlf,ul aqr Plnoqslf,Brluor e .luaueer8e eqr srureteqt sapnlf,ulteqr tf,Ertuof, ue eq oI IBnPI^lPuI Jo ,(11ute; uaqlfi eqr s>lsel uo sear8e aql uosradqf,Be'spremer su8rs PuB 'Iooqryeqc sdlqcralod eq uBf,s]ulod ro strsodap rel B ur palBlnrunJf,E B ur papJof,eJ .enFAstr ot Surprocce aJB ot B ((eset{f,Jnd,,PatelnrunJf,-B a8rel pJBft\eJ pacud 's>lsel eJueturoyedJoj spJe^\er ctycedsueqt Jeqler stutod sesn sturod jo oqr!\ esooqf, re8relPus sel IBJeAes ubpt slql 'sPJBA\aJ uras,ft {luouoca eqt pue uarPllql rePlo eql qll^\ Pesneq uer uels,{slurod y (s)ruered
ii IZVUC UO AIdruS'XZVI rON h{,1Nv:lhl nOI

'CAV grl,n euoeuros slllls e118er; CCV rno^ ur ruaredaqr ere noLJI Jo eql uo spuBr.uep 3ur3ua11eqc AFelncruedsalelu SurtresLllrue; eqJ

iuoqraped Jo suopslcadxg lsureEy prenC

'e;11 l,11ute; stcedse enursodagt Surrerq Jo -elef,pue suorsrf,ap Surleru 'tcrguoc Surznurulur l,emtuel Jo, lentnu 'alntJnrls eqt sselpre8eg .stf,JtuoJ -lef,xeue eq uec s8urteeur L11ure; Jo 8ur,{uedurof,f,B Surnlos-rualqord tnoqtrnrJo qtrn{ 'suorsses IBuJo}urJo 'esn lsaq eql eu[ura]ep ot peeu serlnu] IBturoj-por{tatu IBnpl^lpul 's8uueeur ro lsnru no,( arntcnJtsPaqlJf,serd elnruJojcr8eruou sr eJer{l A11ute; Jo selnJar{] aJeuorlef,rununuoJ rnol annrsodpue Leld JIEJ JI 'trnq aq rela plnoqss8urlea; s(euo .rBjool oB ol oN [see s(]r-q3eordde snorournqeqr grlrn eref,e{eJ .3ur>1eerq-elnr qrl^\ Surleep poqteu aql grlrlr elqBtroJruor ot speeuL15ue; roJ ag eloq^\ aq1 'sosuelJo stsrlreqt ralsodparuDylsoyrq uo reedde srq B ro tseor,{ruqalec ur atedrcrtred aABq e ol repuegorseS8lg s,lee^.l III^{ aqr sdeqre4'a8al1ntrd Jo ssoleqt ro seroqf,nxe tauoru ur aurj srq e ded or e^Bqrq8nu reTeerq-elnr er{J iploqesnor{ eqr ur euo peteq tsoru aqr sdeql3d-3vsqf, BrtxeuB uosredaqr ,(rq lq81rusrelcrtsJo roqunu peuruueraperd 'tJeqf,B uo sJa{f,rts ((ut\opsqunqt,, uenr8eq IIrA\sJe V -puego ter{t eplceprq8mr l,lyrue; rno1 'euo anrtrundB uer{l raDeq{ro^r ,(eu qceorddBpeueer{lq8lle tng uelsrtsu/r\orno,i,tno lro/n uBf,no1 'salnJJo seJoqJ ef,ueruroyed Jo -uou Jo, saulJtlsllqelseol lue/t\ lq8ru Llpte; rno,( 'saar8e auofuanase 3uo1sV 'ruetsr{s ot peppeeq uBf,secuanbesuof, agr anne8eutnq peuets sr la8 ol de,r rsaqeqr sr{eznle srqJ'eouerlduoc e8ernof,uo sacuanb ol -asuof, enrtrsodasnpetseSSns pue spJEd\aJ en(elrseurleprn8 IBJntBu tf,Buuof, aqJ :ulalsLg EulleerluoC eql ol sacuanbasuoC ppv (npuedde aeg) 'fulunocaqr rnog8nonp,(lecrpouadpleq erepue gdlaq L1 'sure.rSord -Jelnf,rued 'SunueredeAuf,aJE SururB{ JrtetuetsLg ere ro; .IEIS 'EaJB rno,{ut sselJ Suttuered aroldxeot nol, a8ernof,ue plnoA{a/1 e osle 'PBer uec no[ slooq ef,ueJa]er tsrdeJeqt ro rno'{ ol uorssncsrp grdep-uruB eleal III^\ e/N 'pasneg uer stf,rtuof, ^\oq;o Lenrns q e ,{1uo slqJ Jatrg
El^l.s A1InVC :JNEhINNE^OC lO SsldlJNIUd

'serlnuBJu.ry\o Jreqt JoJuouerceJdde uB pue tuarutrluruoo peueqt8ueJts gtlnrt [eme etuof, Lllensn [".{J'se188nrrs rreq] puetsrepun pue areqs sraqto [ueur '8ut ter{t Lrenocsrpeqr re [o[ pue ]ueuqsruotse sserdxasluared tsotu -teotu dnor8 uoddns CAV tsJrJrraqt tB eoupuane reUV 'sansslrellurls pue rroddns aqr asi 'dnor8 aqr gtlm leep oq^\ sroqto Jo suoltsaS8ns 'setlllueJ rnor( erBrls ccv ro; dnor8 uoddns B Puellv Htlm sessef,rns 'dn anrEreleu pue suoga rno,( Joj jlesrno,t alelnler8uo3 ina(" $vI to laam or ro (,vpt"ara{" paredruof, {vpol Sutuoucun} tlun l'1yue; rno[ sI ^\oH isnl 'sdets uo ot eJnseetu pue sserSord snf,oj ot sI Le1 eq1 IIElus ur ssef,f,ns 'srequau Llyue; Ienpl^lput rnoL lo asoqt pue seltlllQestp un\o rnol uanr8 eq uec no,{ tuared rseq eqr aq,{eur no,{ rng 'sueetu 's]uared ragto ot tou reqt Jeleter{1!\-tuared rce;rad B eg tou [eru no 'a^ol JlesrnoL ot slll{s Suttuared rno,{ areduoc ot urel ot e^Bq no 'roruntl 'aJueJelesrad 'Alrnrlearf, sa/iJasar ;no[;o pue uorssedruoc Jo 'sa8uelleql eqt leeru pue }lesrnoL eplsul qoeer ot e^Eq no.,i, plor{ qer8 oI 'erult ot erult ruo5 s8urlaa; eser{t ut dn rq8nec sta8 sn }o qlBE 'euo cQv-uou B ol ,i1lure;rno,( Suuedulos Jo derr aqr otur IIB} or [sea s,l1 lLddeq pue ot tuoJed e se seItIItqB persnlpe IIeA\ os stuaesl'1tule; esoq^\ puelry B rno,i,Suueduroc no/, arv isuonelJadxe f,Itslleerun q8noJr{t eJnllJ ro; dn;1esrno,{ Suruas nol, ary '[11tue;CCV rno,( Jo asoq] Suttdecce rnori,SuudacoB lB {JoA\ lB ryo1!\ osle lsnur nor{ 'sacueJa#lPenbtun u1v\o l,ddeq eql uo euo eql eTI aq no,'s,0S6I eqt uro# uIof,tISuolslnelor reneu Leur l^1pe; CAV uy 'Surruered pue ,illule! lo seapl rnof {ulqreg 'spaau Jraqt ot jlesrnol, eor;lrces no,{ rueqr JI 'sPeeuu^\o rnol ur aldoad dl".t l(uef, no,t rng no[ peau L11rue; ".{J rno/. uo sncoJot IIB; Leru noL 'estmreqro 'uarpllql ACV rno,t roJ a^Bq noL srea; pue suref,uof, aqt r{tr/!\ pardncroerd Sutruof,eq tsute8e pren8 rno/. azrBrauealpue dnor8ar ol peau tsnlu no 'af,uartedJo sanJeser 'Jeqrra ,(Irue; rno/, luou le/l|e atur] etuos elBr ol elBllseq l(uoc no 'sue1q leuorsselordre8 ol etetlseq t(uop -ord elqBtunoruJnsur LlSunuaes Lq peulor{/!\relo 8ul1ea; are PUB,illute; 'dl"q


'uouueue ot eq lllnt leo8 rng 'SuruJBal pue 'fuorueru'uortezrue8ro 'Suruoucun; ;o Leld:eturaqt eurluexaII,ea sratderpo^\t txau egt ul -searB aseql IIBre^oJo f,rrlenbaqr asnuorduof,uBf,rBqr sef,uara#lp '8uru.rea1 uI sef,uereJJlp anbruntsaJluBru pue CCV grlrn stlnpel,ueyrl 'uortezrue8ro sef,ueJaleJ fuoruau ot eperuel(a/v\ eqt tnoq8norql {ooq .ssnssr Jeqlo aruos uo enourol erurtEtr rnq sureJg otur dod,teqr ses8urqr ol Jno Surppe enurtuor ,ilqeqordplnoc e41 's8ulues;oArauel B ur Surce;rer -ur srardeqf, luads e^(e/x\ acv Jo sf,ruBu,ipegr Surssncslp PUB lBre^as
'Surtdecce ssel r{f,nlu ueuo sr tBql plroA\ eqt }o tser aql luog lBertar aJBS eruos B -eq uer tuogetuor{ er{r ',{1yue; CCV eql ur luetsuof, B aq ,(eul tf,rl}uoc aer8ep auos t18noql1y 'reqto qf,Be roJ erntf,nus troddns luelrodur ;o 'trun e se ,t11n;sserrns Lllerrn B aprnord uec sraqrueru l,11ure; Ienpl^lpul 'tcedsar uoucunj ot urBel UBJ sarlnue; CIqV lentnru pue 1ro^{ preq qrlrN
E]AIS Allhlv{ :IN3I^INUE^OC lO SsldlJNIUd

rue aresuedruof,uBf, sgr'"::il""i"1il$1Til1"t:t ro; orasn no^

:sB paZrun&tg ar"own ol sdalg a,nlC r{rns saltll gllrtt qooq Jo qf,rees 'I ur elsre dleqles eqt ro, peeq noA op 'erots>looqB ol oB nol, ueqlA, :srqt e{11 SurqraruosoB rq8nu teqt orreuuortsanbB-loot cusou8elp lueuodtut sdeqred;l JaPuo/t\sn seleru tI 'sn Jo ue Surssturuaeq a^Eq sJar{f,Jeesar B [ueru ro; eJll;o Aezn slueesuol]Bzlue8rosrq ir1 pau8rsePpeq TaCICV slr{t ^res ,{puacar e16 ue JI peJepuo^\ pue pJec Surlear8 B uo a8essaru

i^prJ'n'U ^q

'N 'ltntsBurznnuals(g Aeuesl6l eu1 [q 'atli ro

perledull ^ilBuortBzrue8ro eql roJ llnrIJJIC sI eJI-I

'uoltezlue8rosrp-eJll s,reCCV ue [ueru ]o eueq eqt tnoqe ]eql 3ur11erAsnqte8 s,te1'Surpeerrno[ ro; noL paredard Apadord eA(eA\ Lderegr rv\ol{ 'uorsueurKl Peccy rnol, JeAocsIPol /Kot{ PUBsuoISIf,eP pue eurf,lperu a>lBluo1 /v\oq 'sltctlap III{S cglceds PunorE Iro/Y\ o1 1Kor{ -Jeccv ,{ueru lB uB JoJ ,,s,of-ffbop1,, {ool II,e/A. ire[ Lesol af,uBq] B PBr{ '{ooq eqr uollf,es lsel slql ul t(ueleq am Bunltfuana tnoqe TIBI II,e^{ Jo 'qof rno,{ ot pue aldoed ot Surteler pue uouef,rununuoc Jo sansslparoldxe a^t ueql 'ssacordcttsou8elP eqt PUB eJuBIEq';au8 'srusrueqcetuasuaJep'sacuare;;lp 'sa8etsPUBsa8e'sesneJ '>1ooq eqt }o ued tsJIJeqt ul puB sruordru,{s-sseulpeer uo pasnJoJam 'srerdeqr enrJ uB lxeu eql ur Suro8 eJ(ed\eJeqt\ aes ol d\eIAJeAo pue 'snf,o; ul eJeql\ eas ot A\eIAeJ ueeq eA(eA\ UIr{s Jer{toue lcrnb E op s(te'I s>lreruraldeqo slql asneteq 1ooq eqt lo rePuleuar er{t ro; loedxa ot teq,\\ noL llar ot tuBA\ ert 'uotssnf,slPslqt uo Peuels ta8 a,r eJoleg

pue spotfpt^l stlueqtahl u!009 :uollezlueFJ0 lo st!ufeu'{0

tI usrdvHc


B sB.r,'"iJ:"":;XT:illi rno or re' 'apu*ue' ill #HnlT:*:

Jo IrBJt deal ot Ja^ror{saqt ur qf,teA{;oord JetBA\B Jeelr noA oq.91

2srnoLloed ot to8ro; nol, esnecaqoodrueqs ro ruoor Iatoq IIBI ot e^Br{ no,{ op uauo r!\oH.gI qsnJqqtoot B ro; eJrAJes iruoorpeq rnod Jo rooll eqt uo [elle sellur ]o spuesnoqr sr esef,trns rnoL teqt Jagtuerualpue Iaroq rnod ol la8 noL op serun,tueur A\oH.tI irauJoJ aqt ur pelcedun esectrnsrnoA aleal noL op dut sseursnq JaUBsLepr(uerurv\oH.tI e ;reLrp eqt ur ureqt lnd ol ro8ro; nori,esneceqsIf,os e te^\ qtr^\ arue8Jef,f,os ot oB pllql rnof seop seurr] Lueru laoH.ZI isJnoq JnoJ ,buamt rsed aqr uI lueqt ,{usnoL plp serurt ,{ueru A\oH ;,,to8ro; L, spro/l\ aqr ,{es,{lruanber; no,{ oQ.I I sarurt[ueru A\oH'0I ileel\ rsed aqr uI lueututodde uB Jo' erel nod eJeA\ ilsrl oC o1 rnod roJ tsrl oCI oJ B e^Bq nol oq i]srl oe oI E eABqno[ oq i]srl oC o1 rnoL uo petsrl no[ eneg stue]r r{ueru ,!\oH iesnoq rnoA ur eJeqt eJBlreru peuedoun yo sepd /,ueru ,!\oH itsrl aJots rnor{ lnoqtrllr eJots fuacor8 er{t lB eArJJe nor{ op seurn ,i,ueruA\oH l/.Bp fuene sLal rec Surssnurno,{ Jo} qcJeesno,i,op serurt .{ueru A{oH

'6 '8 .L ,9

ipueq tq8u JnoI ipueq r;a1rno[ uo ue]tlJ^r eABqnor{op sJepurruer ,i.ueu ,!\oH .s SutltJA\aue Lrt nof oq .V iqtuour red serultlerales uretsr{s nol peetsursatour1-rsod grlrn stuoorrno[ e]BJof,ep oq .t ;raded11e^\,o .z iu^{o no.(op s>looq spurl esaqt;o lueu ^\oH Jo

'rualqoJd B o^Brlt(uop nol, '/,euesp Sunueas grlm elqeuoluoJ ere pue eqt Llenrreler nol,;1 'pazrue8rosrp ,(1ysee er,'{eql peeunoL teqznpur; trBO '{ldrurs Lsseu rno,(asnef,eq suelqord t(ueJe qulqr asnods ISeppue $eso1c rno :sseqs sasneC aJI'I rno uI raprosl( eqf raqlegl[ ePIceO 'loJtuoc rno puo,(eqsaf,Joj;oLc.reru tB eqt ot ol IeeJueuo pue plro^\ rno JoJlnrspue erun aqt a8eueru ^\oq /v\ou1 'i11enlad:ad ruees releu snjo [uepi 'f,rlleer,i,1yepeq [eru pazrue8rosrp B erp Surleegiperredur,(lleuortezrue8ro roj rlnrlJllp peepurs1alll 'sura1 -qord aceds rgrcadsaqt Jo ssalpre8eg pue erurt(stlnpe ACIV Jo sesneo

;frefs no^ oO ereYZK-.lePrO Eupea.l3



f,rseq Jo ]lnsere ,(aqrererO 2CCV aql B grlm [r1nc1glp isnooj enrtf,eles ,ieqt erv irapro cgrcads Surureel grlm pe8elcederuocrer{t seurlrgeslp -srpeqt;o sruordulds Lagl ery 'aceds s(JeCCV pue erurlr{trl\ srualqord aqt ro; suoseor rglcads erp Surpre8ar rno IIIts sr ,{rn[ eqI 'fuoueru pue uortuene 'Surureel senssr re8relaqt ruo{ l1 eteredes elqrssodrul ol s,t1 Jo 'uortezrue8ro(srp) ecuereJar qtrl\ rardeqcsrqrue8aqe^a or B q8noqlly 'stlnPB clav reqlo [ueru grlrn Luedruocpoo8 ur ere no,i 'pe1le;no,{}l 'ereunrro;;lasrnod ',,JSat,, no,{ Jeprsuoc srql ot passed JI 'aJeqSurqraruos uo aq rq8nu am eql rtlsouSBrP PezrPJBPuBts 1n9'lsel rno Jo erJelrJc ](ua^eqe/x\ lqql azn
IIIZVUC UO Ardnrs ',XZV'I rON h{(l NVAI{ nol

'poqtetu tf,artof, Suorznro rq8u ou sr eJeqt esnef,eq'uretslts IBuoItBzIueBro rnoL ul JePJoeleaJf, aqt qrlll dn Sutruof, tnoqe 'q8norp ',{rlom t(uoq 'e;11 '[]tnttearf, etuos qrlrN uec nol '8uruue1d pue it(usli11ear ]Jo/t\ pJBr{ rnoL Burzrue8Jo teql 1aa;,{erunoL g8noqr ly '1set alqrssodruruB sr ey11 -lV :uetsdg tea;ued e se Eulqa qtns oN sI ereLII rBqI reqluatueg

'repJo asuase Surdola^ap te {Jo1!\ Jo ot uorsrf,epsnorcsuof,B aleru ot peeu no/, 'dnelld ryomaded pue seull .pBep pessllu g]lrr,rparannlf, s1a}ll rno,{ Pue sarlJ 1no Suulnd Llruelsuor noL'reldeqc srql ar,noAtI'uortBuue?to grlrn uelqord B aABqno,{ znou>1 ot uedo paddrg ,{lererparurulpue stuatuor }o olqer eqt Peuuecsnof 'uouueDe rar{lo aql uo snJo} PUE rnoL Jo sEarB rno,t ertnber reql a;11 'nol, roJ urelqord e t(usl uoltezlue8rostp;1 Tooq eqr Jo ued srqt drls JI

'leaqsef,uBIBq rleql 'L1lue;rno,( rno,{;o rred eq PlnoqssPeeu }O Jo tsor er{t ol elqerdaersrj}oepen srqt teqr tuetrodrul s(tl esrnoc 'ruelqord B B e^Bqt(uop no.('erun ee{ eJtxeJo}#o epeJtfuorce;srtes sBA\ noLuaqn pepllep noL;1 rnoL pepdruoc esnoqlssarue ]Bqt teeqsecuBIBq

nod rg8noqr no.(spezruB8rosrp eq lou Leru sB ialezr\ 'arulr larnb eurospue nol 's8ulq] eseqtjo eerqt IIB pul; ueo nor{JI Iooq -etou Suruuelde 'ltcued e gtll\{ tJets'sruelqord leuoneaue8rocgrcads rno,( lno ernBIJ :.rade4 pue prued e qrl/r sul8ag uonezruefuO oI 'retel eruoopue ell!^\ e roj {ooq eqt asolc'{peruleq/!\reno I ot TOBq ro pesnluoc Surtuof,aq;lesrnoL noL 'elurt B pur; e tB ef,erd 3ur11cer JI 'slungc Jolletrrs otur u^\op rardeqc srqt 1eerg .Surruleqn\reno osle eq ,teruuopBruroJul erunloneql 'uortentrslenpl^lpur rno[ ot dldderou Jo 'suouseSSns;o ,teruqllq^\ eA Jo eruos IInJ1ror{f,sr uortJessn{t ezrleeJ 'uon{sB} eurBs ur rerdeqcsrr{tJo EurrseSrp SurpBer qceorddy er{t eqt pue 'peaue8ro ,s1eo8 eJour Surruoceq ,{em or rno[ uo ,ipeerle ar,nor{ Jo Jequnu ,ig petrturle SulgsrlqBtsa 'rueqt B ro; Jo requrnuelqBuoseer qtr^\ Surleap ueld e u8rsap ueqt pue &ualos ot Surprooce tueqt aatuoud 'seere rual -qordagt 'lrluepl ot paeuno1 iueeru L11ear op teq r 'uosladpezrue8 no,( -Josrp sB e azuetJBJBrIs uagrN 'saf,erd nol, rallerls ur JepJo JlssJnoL Jo BepIIBqo18 apl^lp ot peou noL 'sretrets eql ro{ :4u11 pazluufuO uB uI uouezruefuosrq JnoI qceo.rddv ol paeN no1 (pazruefuO feC oI alqno"Li noi oq aftD\ i\log ill"tS iaulL :8ur11ouuor pB no{" ipau"ws ot ftno\mo aln&{ ot SurC.rt Wta4s op a1.un Wnu moH pup 3uo1n"totpasnunpaurvruar aftmls?uyyt totpg '{,11tuosncco '{,7luanba$nasnvtatqo asapa"tn ua{o moH i.Laftau tno| ialll mo{" WD a1.uoy 11{vcatqowly ayt pat iur 1lonl Wn aft\ noCsacpis u alqat"otruoc no| oq a\i iwap asnnoCop mo\ WD auoy tno("u satoQs arDwW :senssr aoeds pue erurt lereue8Surrnrollo; Jo eqt etuosJaPrsuof, lsrl rnod lnoqB lulql 'teeqsef,uBIBq puB rno,{ ^rer^eu 'noL roJ DIJoA\ teqd\ op pue ((splnoqs,, eqt tno ssotot paeu noL plo 'sr turod eql 'uraqt qsrlodot no,{spuruar roop tuo5 eqr l,q seoqs rno[ Surneelsdeqra4'op or peau lllrs nod puerreeqr rnoqe,fuoruaur rno[ s8o[ ua]s[s r1esnereg leer8B sr qoulroop aqr uo ralcef rnod Sur8uerl eql,e14 eqr se (('qou{Joop uo te{cel rno,(Sueq](uoq. . .euoq le8 no^( uoos selasolf,eql uI seoqsJef,f,os rno[ 1fld,,:sJBe rnor{ur SurBurJ suor] 't1npB ar,nor( -ruoupe ue qSnoqlly leruaredr{rlrnateredolllrs feur nod
UO NVE'\ no^ IiAZVUS Crdnrs'LZvl rON h{,1

pessotsreded,{ueru oot ereqt ary lLsseur{sep rno/, sl 'sruetl-gnslueru gtlrn rualqord eceds B sr ef,rllo paretlnls v 'uelgord eql jo scgrcads aqr q8non{r lurq}'lvzett no[ Sutnlrp s] eclilo Parerlnlf, rnod;1 'raded rnor{ uo rueqt pue Bereurelqord qce }o stueuodruoc rsrl ,i11enpl^lpur ot er{t JeplsuoC 'sued alqea8euBtu erotu 're11eurs u^{op ruaqt Sutleerg Aq sanssr SurL;rldurrsuo snco; stredxe uortezrue8roJegto pue uotsulr6 'no/, JoJsl euo srqt tnq 'sanssr uouezrue8ro ,illrue; lno 8utryom en(e4\ 'suounlos dolanap pue lsrl rno[ IrE]tB ol tnoqe pa{let /.pear1e selun pa8ueueard te;lasrnod gtyrr teeru ot uorsrf,epsnolf,suof,B aTBIAI 'uaddeq 'tl ot punoJB la8 ol tre/r\ Lldruts no,(;1 'rsr18ur Jeleu III/!\ tl 'euru u1!\opaptll -Alos-ualqord rnol g]lrn leep ot BJtxe ouros alnpeqls snorcerd e^Bq Leru nol q8noqrlv 'eurr] eluos patse^\ a^Bq ot tdecxa Surtpou qsrldruolle III^\ noL 'taulQec alIJ elqee8eueuun rno,{ uI erer{^\ -euros rl ollJ pue rB, srqr ra8 nod;1 :tsI'I pezlflrolrd rnotr qlyh ryo/K 'no.ri 'lsr1rno,{;o dor eqt ot esolf,1l luBJ uo seter8 ,{lluelsuof, ssoruaql }l lnq ^\ou rq8u euop aq ot e^Bq t(useop tesolo a8erots eqt tno Surueelo sdeqra4 'tee,l\s ou pue 'aru sraqtoq 'lvzetceru seArJP:uorlB^er88e leuosrad Jo le^el eql uo PesBq Jo tJos eq uec Surluer JnoI 'senssrf,Itetuelqord lsoru eqt uo Lluo Sulsnoo; pue Lq Aezn leraue8 e ur sualqord arp 3ur>1uer rsrl rno,{ azdleue ol drt rq8nu no1 'sruell xrs ot rnoJ tsrrJ eqt tnq Surqt[rene eplse Suutas l,llerrrur Lq rsrl rno,{ uA\op ered 'sruolqord per;lruapl Jo sa8edgrlm dn pue nol, I dn enr8 t(uoq tsearv uralqord Jo sraqwnN aql uo stFrI-I fnd 'tI tnoqe >1utqrno^( sBruelqord qcea u/v\op Surlum Lq ssecord aqr enuluoC lruelqord uo tlq en(no/, 'rotera8u;er rnor( ul jo peetsur flaqs erots Lrecor8 eqt uo IIIrs s(teqt {lllu eqt tnoqe 8ur>1unprsnf snoIXuBIeeJor ut8eq no,i;1 suollB 'pu1u rnort -nlrs snorJBA sesuodsar ol leuoltoue rnori.ol uI paunt Lerg uI luale ,{q tuana fr q8norqt unJ pue Lep lecrdLf B lnoqe {ulr{J 'srual -qord cglcads Surrelosrpue Surlgrtuepl roJ senlf, Inlesn eq uEf, suoltotua 'looq raq ul teqt slseSSns /zuotsulf6 atueqdetg'paZrun8tgSuwag 'suortnlos tno {Jo/!\ /,llecrreruels[suec nod,os srualqord petelosr uo snf,oj ot paau no[ 'pee]sul iuIBBe,i.rrpue reded;o tear{s reqt }Jo JBa} ',,3urql[Jale,, 'sr tsrl rno/. uo e]rJ/r\nol, Surqt tsJI] aql rnol ur s8urq] aqt tnoqe {ulr{J jl 'peilue8rosrp 1ee;noL e{Bru teqt e;11

issot uellrqtsou Pue ssoqstu^8 teA\qlr^r JetBIsrnoq auoq anrrre[eu no 'ueq] pug ot [r..{ BJo rlf,nruoo] ur pue ,irred Sulp -pelseqt roj erel lpearle Llqeqorder,notr'rueq] lnd nor{eraqt\ reqruaru -eJol elqe aq lou [eru nof 'slooq Jeturl\ rnod lno la8 ol eur] s(truaq/X\ 'slle;.lJnrs qr1{r!\ otur seloqIIBIq 'daapere,{aqa iure8eueeseq or relau '138q/y\Brp eruoselqnon '{Felncrrrede e^Bqlnq sef,E1d reqro luou tno reelr no[;;nrs eqr Surdunp roJ saf,Bld reer8ere Leql is]esolr a8erots a8relgtl,n osnoqB ur alrl noAoq :rlrolua^ul JJqS Jno apdulo3 'ue1duonce rnoL JoJ {JoA{ '(*toiuaaul -errlegB eABq a{ aqr $aftDJ"J aW saftueuDWK pue ,(lol 11,noL -uaftul [g sesnf,o] terlt fuoluanurue ll"tS srql Sursn #nrs uo Lllecrycads e{Bur pue rnot esnoqB eIeI 'plJo^\rnoL ur raltnlf, er{r;o slsl,leue uB gtl,n sr ueld snp Surdole^ep uets ot ,(em1ecr3o1 'elll rnol ]o #nts eql V JaAoloJtuof, e^eq ol SuroBer,no,{ ueld In}eJBf, e{Btu ot e^BqII,noI B } 'peredulr ,{leuorleaue8rouerlt peredrur SuruueldeJ(eA\ ol [es elBJnJf,E aJotuLlqeqordErl isa^lesrno op rref,arn3un1rtuerodull tsotu JoJ ,{1:eln8urs sr-asle 8urqr,{ueuBqt aroru areq sn eqr }o lsotu Surqr aqr -8utuue1d leql eruegse sr ,{11ear 'aJIIrno[ [ueur se tl Jo seererer.{]o Suruueldpue tro#e erues sarrnber aqt ppom rnodJo#rus eqr Jo lcerr 8ul -dee; 'Sutrolspue lno Suuealc:stuauodruof, seqtuorua8eueusselnl o/r\t '/v\ou'luauta?vuDll{ ssaru sruelqordaceds Jo uo snf,oJ erurlJo uorssnf,srp pue rerdeqJsrqr ur JetBIro, tuerue8eueur 'srualgord anBS eceds pue eurr Jo &auBAB sepnlrur,ilqeqord II,erN ts11 lsatrrJ aWarysaftueivlt/Krno,{ 'sllnpeCCV l,ueruoIII are no[;1

sseIAI luaruaEuuu;,q lereuac

'ef,uo re Surqlfuena xlj t(uef,nod rng 'tueuodurl aq Leru[r.{I 'lsr1rnol, uo ](ueJB rer{l s8utqr [q pelcenslp ta8 t,uop pue sraqto ar{t arou81'noi{ or leadde]Bql seaplaqt ot rueqt qrtetu ot ful pue a1,bs relnf, lenpl^lpur pue sruelqord -1rred rno[ ]noqe Iult{I 'Iro^\erueq e sBlsrl peznrJoud rno[ asn'rno11o; aqt rBqt seaplpue uorssnf,srp replsuoono,(sV 'ruo]sAs leuouezrue8ro Llleuosred rnoL grlm petrBlsra3 no,{dl".{ III^\ rq pallerapslr{J peu8rsap aqt iqtuoru snornerd o] peurnr IIns repuelef, rno[ s12SumrogJe^o a8egre8 suBJ rno[ ery iLlssalaref, punoJe
UO IiAZVUC OrdruS'LZv'l rON r^r,lNVEhInOI


r5Ufr 0lU mNrsUIt^Ll

tI i,{ezne ^\orqt pue a8unld aql e{Bl 'Surqleulos pesn t(ueleq JeAof,sIP lllts no^ rer{t retel sqtuoru IBJaAes 'eraqn noL uagl1 'A\el^er tuenbesqns Jlar{t ro; arull B elnPeqf,sPUB -etuos [ezn eqf ]o lno Jo tesolf, B uI rueqf lnd 'saxoq o^\l Jaqlo rno/, uo 'a8ero]s azItuIXBuI slsrl s(luetuof, adel 'looqetou rnoA ur Jepulruer e lo[ 'saceld elglssecre ot sa^leqs Sut8ueq ro esecToog e /.nq ot Peau noL;1 uI li11peer stuetl pasn [leutlnor aseqt Surrrnd '*oq lsrg rnoli,qrlnt {rol1 .xoq erull 3uo1 B uI pesn t(ueABH rnoL ul ll rnd rsnf ',lou Jol 'll lnoqe Surlulqf erult etsely\t(uop 'Sutqlaruos dael ol Jaqlaqt\ lBqA/\lnoqe rqnop q JI 'au!I?uo1D :urpasnl(uaftDHPUBasn {l1vuosnrro :sexoq poleqel Lpealc o/!\t Jo euo otul ro uEf, a8eqre8 eql q oB ppoqs esle 3u1ql -Lreng 'xoq aLull a\i noL Butgr lly asn B ut ,{,cuanber;lear8 qrrrn ssof,f,B -Lue tnd 'sratJels JoC 'esn jo /.cuenba5 Jlar{t ol SurprocJe ulooJ qf,Be uI srcelqo eq] eteredes[11ecls^r{d:sexog ftg aalqa qfr aJrla$notr urrv 'tuooJ qceo ul rannlJ eqt tno Sutreelf, Irod\ ot la8 PUB{ceq etuof, ot erurt B elnpar{cs 'alaldurof, sr tsrl rnol, ueql6. 'fuoureru lue3eJ uI erull 'esn lleuunor no,t s8utqr aqr ,(ue pasn t(ueneq pue osn /.11euorsef,Jo :8urqr,{.reneazuo8etBf,pue surunloc aan{t ut reded rnoA ePI^lC 'sruetl asn nor{ ueryo d\ot{ Jo elou B eTeru 'fuoluenut rnori,op nod sy snorJBA

Jno^ueqr Jeqto secldr{ueurur srededsaeu snoeuel puB saurze8eu -larsnu purj II,nod'fuolua^ur plorlesnoqrno[ op no[ uaqn\ tBr{] teq aA\ saurze8el{ pue s.rededsrraaN :at]nlf, PIor{ 'erots>looq -esnoqlo sef,JnosJo e lsnl rB ^\eJ ul Tool s(]eltng lBlol rno,{, 'plrom rno[ Iooq dletlgas B ruo5 seeplra8 uec no1 Jo ]Jntseqt Jo tsour Sur8eueru aqt ot tr alBel II,arA. gtl,ntno,{dleq ot stradxeuouezrue8ro noL rer{r;lasrno'(af,ur^uocsdeq t(uo^\ [11eer ilJnrssn{t Jo ,i.ueesnJeAe -rad 8urnr1 rno,(ruog srcalgoesag]eloruer 11,no,{ lV 'rl pue eceds tseel ur Sutqlauos peeuLllenluanano[ ]uone ,i1e>I1un ur Lpueq lsrl rno[ eqt dea; 'Jrlte ro a8ere8 rno[ ul ]l erotspue esnoqrno/,;o rred ureu eql ruorj tr alorueg 'xog pr,pJsre Kpoag ol $outyy 'quno; B ot rueqt Surnoru 'srualrpasnunaqr eruostno A\oJr{t JeprsuoJ ot }lesJnol,Suuq t(uef, Jo 'peuetsno[ uer{^ruaqr rer]drua[lqeraplsuof,saxoqg]lrn IIIts no^ JI 'slcaqc crpolred dn ra|! 'uel qsertrno'{;o pue l,lqeqord11,noL IBreAes esnIBJeqll e>[eur erun Llqeqords,tr'peqcnotunureruersexoqrnod;1 o] 'uortEcol elqlsserf,B eJoru ol B Surqraruos tr aloru Jo sr tr erer{mtr enBel'or }l ipepeau en,no.{, purJol 'sexoqpeJolsrno[ slsrl s(tuetuof, noz{ene11 rno,{ ot JeJeJ or PBr{ Jo s]ual -uof, agf q8norqf oB 'ztrerleJ fuotuanur rno[ Suunq 'suorsrf,ep uor]ezr -ue8rossesseeJ suorsses A\erlerSurlnpeqf,s ecueuodur eqt sr iooq ot Jo s(uotsur4\ ur eureqt Suurncal V 3,laaraegd.roluaaul uB elnpeqos eql tnogB lJus Surureruer Sur8eueru 'ranaA\or{ ree1f, 'lno uBf,no,{s8urqr IeaJll,noL elqerro;uroJaJotuaqt aJorueqI 'suorsrf,ep a{Btu ol a^Bqt(uop e/r\os Surqrfuane [ue deal or Jarsee sluees 'tuetJodunSurqleruos eJB pJef,srp tl II,aA\qreep ot poJef,s Jno esneJeq pue slles leuorleaue8roJno Jo serJotuetu lsnJl l(uBJ e/y\ 'sn;o eruos srqt op am sdeqra4'Surqtfuena dael ol puat 'renamog ie{BtsrluLq paprecsrp,{lyrseq,iaql llaql pun er xBt aqt elef,olor srrqep aql q8norqr Sur8eruurnJ pue pue ssef,xa suBJqseJtJreql asn dn ot Leu sJeCCVenrslndurr etuos'esJnoJ;g 'e8euetu eAEr{ gnrs;o ot no'{ ,brtuenb or{l saf,npeJ nor{ eqt pJef,srp ruatl qoBAiJeunlo uo JBA\ ur prB elqesuadslpul ag uBf,r{sBrteqJ :uuC rlsu.ra E Jo asfl leraqn a{BI4l uB
uO NVEIAI no[ |/AZVUC aldruS'LZYI ION I^{,1

'ef,Eld eures ur sl,emle IJBJ eqt sr [a>1 ]ng pe^ou aq uBf,sTOBd pue sesrndiruaqt pessolan,no,i, aqr llaq 'eug sr eJeq/!\ JeqrueueJ uBf,no.(Sururnsse loed llaq Jo esrndrno[ ur s[e1 rnoL Burddorq ']I esnot sJegruaru Lprue;stdruordpue alqrssef, -ce Lppeersr f,rJJBu eurl er{t ur 1f,er[rT V 'roop eqt dq rq8u s{ooq Jo fur no,i;1 gtl,n If,Br La1e SurSueq 's,{e1Jo uB lueluuossE eABq Pelleqel

aJBstuell) pezlue8ro estluer{to JeqJo tsoru teqt s[es uo]sullN 2sacard alzzndsnoeuellef,snu pue [e1 {]ol aIIq 'sasse18 uns 's[a1 rec rnod g]lrn op noL op teq/r\ ^\oN 'reunlf, ploqesnoq eqr jo eruos pezrue8ropue sloog dlaq-y1es uoltezlue8ro ot palJeler 'suortsaSSns pBaJen(no Jno #nrs snoeuullersrlt 'r1 ldal noL Lqlr Jepuo^r eulof, no,{ ueqm ssecordSurueelc eql teadar PUEJOIBIenssleql ssoJf,B 'esr^uraqrg 'rdruord e sBJanof, eqt uo Jequnu a8ed pue elJrtJe 11.nol, eqt alou 'enssreruue aqr Surdee1reJard no[ JI ')tro^\ rq8nu Jeplo] ell, pelleqel V iure8e rueqt Surpur; Jo ef,uer{f,B eABr{no[ eraglv\atuos ueql rnd puri eABsol tueA\ no,( sa8ed aql tno JEoI 'JauJof,eqt ut ureql 'ecuareJeJ eJn]n] JoJself,rtJB euros dee>1 tuBnr no[;1 ot lf,Bts tsnl 1,usp 'pepJef,srp saurze8eur eJe pue sradedsnau 1o sapd aqt ueq^\ smor8 areds elqBIrB^B^\or{ Surzerue s(tl 'tl pEeJpuB trs ot aurt a^Br{ 11,noL /lroul noL ueqm Lluo puets JeuJoJ eqt tB radedsmeu B '(nq pue uorlducsqns rno,{ Ief,uBf,'[pe1n -Ber suaddeq srqr JI i^Bp a8eqre8uo urq a1o[cerrno'( ur senssr peerun eqt Jo rllJo^\ s({ee/hB tnd l,llecrdrir noL oq 2rededsuneu tnoqe reql6. 'oJotu [ue [nq o] uoltetdrual aqt lsrseJpue seuo plo aqr tno ^\oJr{l 'rueqt peer ot etun aqt e^Bq ef,ueqr B nol, Eareqt Tqqt L11ear 11,noL ArejB aABS'seArJJB ueq/n esrlou IBA\eueJ eql ur puas l(uop tr JI sanssr 'uouducsqns Jelncrued sensq Jo {ceq peeJun o/v\tueqt oJotu pur; noL;1 itr esn puB uBf, r{sBJlrno,{ lno 1a3os 'sleueteur Surpeereseqt rennlc eqt grlm Burleep;o rred tueuodrur Jo tsotu aqt sI tuarua8euerusseur;o rred tno Suueell eql 's1f,eJeurze8eur

nor oroqa\'srue,i::ll ,nd u*r il*l'JL;'illi,".;lli'l'#]J

'paaue8Josrp aruoceq ,{sea 'ue1dB tno ot s,tr 'PeurJeP -[FI1)N llert\ sseldlpnsn SIaceds ToA\ rnor{'aruorlte er,noLueq/a. 'uro;-radnol, ulset eqr rot 'aceds {Jo/rrauB$er{t sepl^ordr1 ryo^\ $qt }o 'uosradsales sB sJalarueJed agr B no,i,;rrec rnoL;o Jo sselpJe8eg IeABJt 'acrilo uB eq rg8nu t1 'aoeds reas Tf,Bqaqt Jo etrsuonf,nJlsuoce lJod\ B e^BqnoL 'qo[ eq] uo ar,no,i, uoq/A. :acedg ryo1\ IeuosJe4 e uftsaq go,ied leuosradrno,( noL ezIIBeJ dleg Leru eruos eseql pue sanssr reqt ser8alerts tuarua8eueur Aue tB {ool B aIBl s(te1'pulru;o eceadur soruoc gol,ed eql 1^,i,re1es Led t,usaopreqt ryo^, pesBq-auoq sllerepasaql,o {qql uBf,no sB

Suro8uo'tuatsrsrad arnbeJ pue ,{lruanbar;a8ueqcLarp asneJeq q8nor eJB senssr aceds puB erurI 'slsrl oc oI pue slllg 'stuaruturodde-sllBrap '8ur1pueq l,1tep eqt e^lo^ur aseql Jo epntrtlnu Byo Suuotspue Surtros 'tueura8euBur eceds req8not eqt jo eruoslnoqe {u1{t pue erurtJo senssr 'e8eueur ot peeu nor{'1ortuof,Jepuns8urgl eseqt }o eruosle8 noL JaUV ol lsersBe ar,,i.eqt aqr esnBJag senssr,Jnls alN lereue8eseqlyllrn perJBts 'suelqoJd uortezrue8ro of,Jnos Lluo eqt l(usrjJnts Jo ploqesnoqtlareunuoJun 'plro^r rnoAur uortezrue8rosrp re^o Iorl eql 'uals(5 iuauaBmt ssay{Suuolgpun -uoo ur aroru l/\i IaeJor ur8eq11,noL ot mg 3utna13rno,{u8rsepd11n;erec tro#e pue erurt eqt e{Br noL;1

erIJJo lereuec luerue8eue;41


sruetreqr dn 1ctd 11,Leqt ef,uerlf, ralleq B s(ereqt toop eqt tno re8 ol xo9 eqt relo dur i{llerglcerdot e^Bqaldoedjl 'xoq srqt ur paddorpeq uBf, 'uragl eqr Ereueelroqt ot oBol spoaulBql sserp ro lcedloeq s,pllqf,rno qllrn e{Br ol PeeusreqlueluL11ue; tBrll sruetlro} IIe/h Dlro/KoslBxoq v 'esnslr e8ernocue ,{emeruos ol q tl Sutztleuosred xoq aqr Surluredjo tno lcelord B e{Btu uBf,no ro 'seceld 1ryrq8urraqt Surpur;ur ratBl dl".l rnol ro; xoq WoiWDiso'I rer{ ut uaqr dorp uec pl5{r eqJ 's8urqreseqtroJ ulq uortcellof,B eq uBf,ruoor,teldro uoorpeq aqr Jo reurof, aqt ur xoq pelleqBly 'sacard snoeuellef,srlu elpueq ot A{oqA\ou{ t(uop lnq Lemernd sLor3rq eqr eqr re8 ol e8eueru uBf,uerplrqc eruos;sacardalzznd asoqt lnoqe teql6

'euoqdalet e eABr1 t(usaopecedsaqr }l lll Jo elpplru eqt ur rq8u ro &rnrl -ce L11uey uro$ .(eme raueq Iro^r no[ oq l]rlJert SunuoculJo aurl eql ut ecedsaqt sl lsJer{ro uerp no[ o] Suruo;urof,eJoursJolof, eruosaJV 2Surtcert$pool srql sr Jo aopur/r\ B tno Iool ot elqBeq ol paeu noL oq l,1d ilro1v\ot no,i,roJ erurt lsaq eql sr ueqlN ;ecedslro^\ rnoi{ ur lg3111o -dns poo8 e Surneqra;erdnoAoq 'Iro/t\ or aceld rseqar{t Surunurerap uI speeulenpl^lpul ssesse paeu eqt ezrseqdrue ol suadxeuorlezrue8rg
'uIoOJ B ulqll/t\ ef,IIIo rno[ eleaJf, uec no[ 'ueelf,s Surpuels aeg onrsuedxaur uB pu

AttnueBuletuostlll/N 'rl sesn ruoplas,(11ue; l AFelnorrled'ruoor eqr 3urnr1 rno,(,o pue euo ta8roJt(uoq ;a8ere8aql rnoqe teql6 lrutB rno,{ur Jetllof,pesnunuB eJagtsl 'eJeq^\etuos acedsB pulJ no,(1eq1 'saroqcIBuoIlBzIueSro rno[ JoJruooJateredas elupotu B -ruof,f,B ot q8nouae8relasnoqB e^Bql,uop no,t;l ua^E 'acedselqBIIB^B uo spuedap srrlt esrnorJO ieere IJod\ rnod dn tas no,i 111m araqa oS ',(ltuetssuof, puB Lpeln8artr esnor peurlf,ureJoruaq .lnJlrneeq os eq 11,noL e1fisrnor(qotetu or peu8rsap ot e^Bqseoprl tng aorrro rno ireCICVelgltoenslpB roJsselasn pue 8rq eq gt e^Bqt(usaop Alletol pu InJIrnBeq '{lernlosge se^rtl '/\{oleq predunoc eqt pue IIeq eql ssoJcB sruooJ aql s/r\oPulrn Surlec ol Joolt grlrn stuooJ Jo s^rer^PUB aoueJeJuoc a8rel eJeA\ eJeql 'slle/v\ JorJetur JorJelxe d11enr Jo ou IBJeAes -JI^ ,{1znau ur ,{ltuecareJe^\3rN B rBql ell}Jo sseusnqPalf,nJlsuoc PBr{ 'elqetrolruof, nol, se{Brureqt aceld B eq ot ser{ 1ae; '((lJo/r\ a3rllo,,rno[ op no,(eceld,t1uoeql euocaq lsnu slql rl Puv 'satult uleuef, le srno[ r{larrrsnloxa aq etuoseplsB les IIIA\rBqt eceds 'funxn1srqt e^Bqt(uop nol,;1 'esleSurqrAue pasnuneg plno/\{aceds roJ 'Iro^\ rnoL ro; aoeldperrucrutsB etuoleq srqr ,(11eepl III/I\ ecedssF{I 'a11rnod slretep Jo eqt Ieuorlezrue8ro elpueq III^{ nol, ereg^ref,rlloue dn tes ot peeu no,( 'A8raue qqt pue arult petse^r plole oI iJeDel furnburrno,i.etrJ/r\ ol 'fueuortets'uad eqr a^Br{nod ero;aq peeu nod 11tQ dulets a8etsod pue saceldtueraglp lBrelesor oBot aABr{ op 'lllQ &rltn rno/, ur rorre uB noL etou nol, ueq/N itueruoru eqt tB eg ol ueddeg noL renerer{llr elpueq tr noL op rO llro^\raded elpuer{noL araqmaceldoyoads B e^Bqnod oq

9SZ 'srat1a1 ueq] arou reprsuof, no[ rsnI IIeu ,{puenber; JI :aIBJSaEqso4 'teISBqLlddnsrno,{ ot rueqt ppe ot lue^t rtlSttuno1'JeISee rnod e{Bruot esnuec no[ s8urqrsnorlqo alll ssal'reqro ere ereqt tng 'slllued pue sued 'sreplo;elrJetuospue ece3i.rns Sutru,r ro E rnol drnbe dlpelqnopun 'esnuec noL TSep qrr/lreceds 11,no[ (BaJB Jeprsuoc tueudtnba pue sloot aqr jo euros u8rsep noL sy IJoA{rnoz(

luarue8eue;,q ssel^l roJ slool IBrIlrBrcI

'If,rrt eqt op [etu suor]f,es otul papl^lp xoq e ro leurqBl alrJ3ur11or 'serlddns rno[ ro; a8erols y 'acrgorno[ ro; eceds alqerrodpeeu11,nod al,no[ JI :atoN Sursn pereqs 'dor>1sap ol raldetseqt eloru puBtesoll eqr ur qound aloq er{r erots rnoL 'qf,EalLsea ulqtl^t eJB sruotl eqr rno,{e8ueueeg pasn,(lruanbag os eceds no[ reldetsrnoL esn ire^rerprno[ ]o IlBq eqt uI l1 dee>1 op tep ,fuana noL;1 ireplor{ llouad rnoL ur deal no,{qcund eloq eqt esniena no'{ oq 'aceds 'asnoqrno[ ur rno'{ PunoJB lool ]Jntspue ecedseqt perrotuenur no[ [em arueseq] qlntu ur Lrotuanur eor]Jo leuosredB op plnoqs no1 'peeu nol, regunu aqt pur; ot luooJ aqt ssoJf,B >llB^\ elqnoJl ot qf,nru oot tsnf s,rl 'llec eqr 8ur>1eur eJou8rol ldo,teru no'{,'urooJeq] ssoJJB tasolf,er{t ur sl Lrotcarrpeuoqd agl tnq qcBal urqlr/v\sr euoqd -alal rno[ JI 'uollBaue8ro ur ]ueuodruoc,{e1e s(U'ssef,f,B elqetJo}rrrof, pue Lsearo; u8rsape-Surueeur eldrursE qlr/\,lpJoz!\ Lcue; B sr sf,n[ou -oBrE:uonezruefug aTIJJO IsreueC Jo srrr,uouofug agl reprsuoC 'speautsaleer8rno[ s]rJter{t euo pur} ueo noL lnq 'spaaurno[ saqc]Bru ,ipce;:ad reqt aceldB qtr^/\dn aurocrou rg8rurnotr 'af,ror{c eqt 'ryo,r ol ra;erdno/. srnoqSuru:otu pooSe aq tou,{eru eceds Lpea eqt Suunp asnur s[en1es(]lJI rng 'acedsIrolv\ rno[ roy lllQ eqr rU Leruelqet ueqrrl{ eql ispeaurnor{or puodsarrof, rreqt;o Surrurt esn ar{t seop^{oq 'eoeds eqt esnsreqrueuL11ue; reqto }I .qree Jo suor pue sordeqr arou pue saf,Bds tB {ool B alBJ 'pueq ur {ooqetou Suruueld agr pue Irsued qrrznrnot esnoqB a{81noL sesuousenbaseqrlnoqB {qqJ, ef,rllorno[ ro] srel\erpro teurqef,SulllJB roJ ;serlddns aceldB eraqt s1;acedsa8erols tnoqe rBq/N i IIBI euoqd B ppe no,{uec
UO NVat\ no^ I/AZVUC Ardnrs't\ZVarON r^{(l

eteldruoc uBc no/, 'reded uoqrec SursnJo rrgerl egt ur la8 nod;1 'eceds rnoA Sutrannlf, {JolrJeded ertXo eqt eABq no[ 're]uec Ldoc egr or re8 uec no[ Illun 'etul] Brtxa pue dut lercadse elnber Latll lnq lear8 are seutqceru Surreorldnq 'ellr^\ no[ sra]tel tuetrodun 11e;osardoctuBtsur elBru ot pueq uo ,ilddns e Surdea1 reprsuor plnoqs nolt lng .,iep durer B uo grlm l,e1dor spl>[aqr enr8 am Burqteurosor pare8elerueeq seq raded uoqrec 'sretuac ,(doc lcrnb Jo le^rrre ar{t W}/N :.rade4 uoqJeC 'eJuo Lluo ISEI E op ot aneq no[ os dael sl,eznly 'ece1dredord str ur tr qJEnBeJpue Papeol relders rno^,t e8ed Surssrru eqr purj ot elgnort pue erurt enxe eqt a{Bt or eneq no[ ueqJ ipaddllcun Suturoreq Jo Lem snouatslru e seq reqla8or peddrlc 'peelsur drlc reded B ro; qcear rq8rru ryo^ureded it(uop-pro,t\ B ul nol 'rbdrue sr ralders rno[ uer{^\ req] 'q8noqr 'teq a4t iecueBrlletur rno[ ]lnsur ol 8urfur rou er(a/X\'teISEq [1ddns rnoz(ur seldetsaneq no[ esrno3,O irsll rno ur srqr Surpnlf,ur reqtoq e^\ plnol\ ,{,{m :sa1de1g jtrnq t(usaop tI tnq 'repro Jo esuesB ot lertues -se t,usl ssautBeN 'elqBpBeruneq osle rqSru sprocar rno[ ro; peau noL sserPPB rrlnler ro elBP a8elsod aql 'e11d uI tel' atl t(uop pue ,i.ssaru B eJB sedolenue trrol 'ef,IJJo rno,( ur JapJoeqr ot uonnglJtuoc Inlosn B sr ,{11ear tl tng 'qot stqr roJ aulj tsnf ryom dlqeqord sra8ug rno1 'loor lue]rodrur uB se lsrl ot ruetl l,.1ps reqrer e elll tuaes rq8nu slqJ :.rauedg Jeile-I 'sleqBl Jo lno um nor{ ero}eq luro} reproer eql 'elpuBq ot peeu Ileru ol SuueqrueurerJo uelqord aqr setBunurlaoslB rI nol, sleualeru Jo [rlruenb aqr saf,npal rr ,s1age1 Surperu reded ueqt enrs -uedxe erotu sr druets Jeqgnr e g8noqtly 'Llruanbar; grlrn puodseuoc no,{ aldoad ro; sJeqto IBreAespue sseJppe urnter rnod gllrn aperu druets B e^Bq 'sarlddns Surperu eseqt gtlrn Buoly :dululg sseJppv uJnleg 's8uryeur lerceds rnod JoJpueq uo sdruetsjo ,beuen e dae>1 'e8etsod ssef,xeuo ,{euou Surtse,lr prole o1 :sdurqs Jo luewuossv 'a8elsod tuorf,rilnsur JoJ suJnteJeorllo tl lsod aqt uer{Ar etuu puof,es B ISep rno,{ uo dn pua l,eru ryonreded rnoL 'a1ecsB tno -r{ll45 '{sap rno[ go l,lerelpeurrur ryoznradeder]xa eqr ra8 puB IsBt rnod ereldruoc ot nod selqeue osle tl 'err3Jolsod arlt ot Surnup jo elqnort pue etult eqt seAES auoq te IIru rnol 3urq8ral6 'alef,se8etsode SurLnq

897. spe pelJISS1f, uo e^e uB dae;tr 'secud elqeuoseer [pre; ]B plos ueuo eqt eJBseuo Jeplo aqt 'pacnpoJtur eJBslaporu A\eu sV 'eJoleq Je^e ueqr eldoad eJourJo rlceer IBrf,uBurJegr utqtrl\ are sratnduroc tlareuntJoC 'srsrl oc oI Pazrl -uoud elldruoc pue qot uuet 3uo1B,o slletap eqt aaue8ro 'srurele punos uBf, teqt sruerSordSuruueld lcelord pue Jepunuer Inpapuol\ aJBeJeql 's>loogtueruturodde pue sJBpuelBJ ruarualddns osle uBf, Jetnduoc y 'eJB^\Uos Surtunocf,B qtrl\{ peqsrldruof,f,Blpsee eq UBJ {ooq1oeqJ rno,( Surpouof,eJpue slceqr Sunum lo eJor{f,,(lqfuoru eql :atnduroc eqt jo sf,ruortrele leor8etu er{t eplsul pBatsur perots eq uBf, teurqef, B ur selrJur Perots eq o1 seq ,(11eerd,b req/ll Jo qsnl/{ 'sellt Pue lro1r\reded ;o ,brluenb raaqs er{r Jo uouJnper eqr sr retndruof, B }o a8eruenpe euo 'llel\ se s8urqt reqto i{ueul op uer rl tnq elrrl\ ol &rlrqB rno[ anordun ot ra]nduroc e Sursn]o enlB^ eqt tnoqe pe{ler Lpearle e16 't1 tar8ar JaAOU 'ralndruoc e dnq ol ,{auoru dn seer; ree[ euo ]l 11,noL Suro8ro; JI lnq dur r1s IEnuuB rnol, ernseert [eru no1 iperedrur [11euorr -ezrue?toeqr roJ plB elqenlB^ur uB sr slr{J sJelrr.ud pue .ralnduroC V 'a1/.rsa;y1rnol q]ld\ '[uedruoo IIer!\ {ro/K tq31u tBqt serntBeJSurnesalull l,ueru e^eq [.,{I auogdelet rno,{ Lq pere;;o seJrlJes Suuemsue eteBltsalur ot tuBl!\ oslB rno[ rq8rru no1 'sauo tuetrodrur eqt ssrurt(uop no[ os Lllecrpoued s11eo Suue,lsuy {ceqc ot elnJ B e1eru lsnf'sranes-arun IBaJeq uBf, seurqf,Br.u 'sq1nqrqBII noA llr arou8r uBf, no[ 11es ot ur seruoc IIel E JI 'rl tdacralur uBf, noL 'ur saruof,IIBf, tuetrodrur ue jI 'slllq rno,t Led;o pBatsur tBqf, ot no,{ tdrual lBr{t suortdnuetur /,ueu plone uec noL 'ryom ol u/lrop lrs no[ se eulqf,eru rnori,uo run] ,tlaurtnor no,i;1 '{Jo^\ no,i allr{^\ sller Suruaans Jo} osle tnq tno aJ(noLelyqzlr sllef, Sururetureu JoJLluo tou InJesner,Laql 'ur seuloc IIBo B ueq^\ 1y\ouI 11,no[os sllBf, Surruocur durets-eul] rBqt slepoul ,{ueru eJBaJar{I 'eABq t(uop no,i,/,releJf,eseqt aruof,eq uBf, tl 'auo Anq or noA a8ernof,ue azn'eurqJeru Suualrsue uB ud\o l(uop noL;1 :eurqre4 Eu.ue/rlsuv

'ISaprno/{ puB pulu rno,t lno rl re8 pue qot eqr Jo Jo

'XZVI rON r,^'r,l UO NVEy\nOI iIAZVUC Ardnrs


'slea; tr ^\oq s(teqltsBOI '.lle4\;3ur1oo1 tB ueq^\ Surrildulnu ,i.uuecun seq lreur teql eqt lou eJ(eA\ Jo ,{rrpqedec ^louT ezn l,uplcl islnu ad\eJelx\'oP e/)4, uo eurBurno'{ gtlm raDel ill E re^rlep ot rerrref,IIBIUeqt roJ Sur8uolrequeruar nod op '{pllql e sV

luarue8eue;4 eIId reded

iurnq pue qsero B tsure8e pa -tcatord ar,noA os sf,slpeteredaseeJqt ol uo selrj tuelrodrur rno/. Ldoc ro uetsAs adet dnlceq E esn 1VJVCI U3OI dn )CVg :ereq^\tuanesresn ratnduof,Jo uoltseSSnseqt /nollo; nod eJnsa{BIAI 'lr anerJteJot ee} uee{ e se8reqc tradxe fuanocor ErBpB BtBp rnod asol lltun tseel tB Jo JeAeJoJ 'surnq pue seqseJcenrJp preq rno,{ y1 icr8eur relndruoc Jo suorl 11,no,{ -Blnurl aql lnoqe nor( uounBf, ol luB/r\ e/r\ sJesnratndruof, pauosBessv 'proJJuec nod ter{t ecud B te tuetudrnba retndruoo pulJ l,eru noL pue

ot s8urql rno^ sr tnoqe pauref,uof, eq ot peeu noL fuo8etef, Aluo eql 'sr uorlezrue8ro s(ler{t pue ueld rltrl\{ 8ur>pom oJ(notr 'JapJosrp>potuaded;o tBr{1K tno JePJooleeJc or un8eq lsnI an,nor{'11azrleeJno/, 10u Jo Jaqleql6 's,aq{,nyryroJ prlqr B elld trets ot tuBA\ rq8nu no,{ 'Surdea1 's^ Surgserl reno eauoBe noL;1 'elld redord eqt ul Surqrfuana tnd Llleorsdqd pue xoq rnoA tno drunp ot relerd rq8rru no1 'serJo8etecesaqt Jo euo ur tsrl rel -sBurrno[ luou Surgrfuena ]nd puB JIBq ur raded Jo teeqs puof,as e aplnlcl '*aay ot s?uryT pue qsp,l1 :setro8etef,esn ot [see [lanrreler 'e8re1o/!\l qtrl!\ ]no uets ol tued\ tq8tru nol 'mou JoC 'sued algee8eueru eJotu '11erus o]ur tsrl IBJa -ua8 rnoL epl^lp ot sr qof rxau rno :dnap4.rade4 rno azuo8ele3 'fuotuenu1 >[romraded rno/,;o eapl elqBuoseeJ eABqplnoqs no,i,,ssecord B srqt jo pua eqt tV 'tsrl rno[ o] uretr qrea ppe pue a1ld rnoL q8norqr oB '1aem 'xoq erlt e ur raded;o secardpue stdrecarpetelnru Jo pue eqt tV 'enreceJno,{ s8urqr eqr u/t\op tol'senure -nf,f,e lnd 'os Jo 11e {aal\ B JoC Ileru eqr uaqnl Lep Lrang :uge8y {ooqelo51 Euruueld rnotr asfl 'ue1d B peau nolv' juaua&uunyl 'rerunoc rno[ uo u^\or8 aneg or sreded ure] alld ra4Dd qtlr!\ IBep oJ Jo -unotu e JoJot\t Jo Lep e B uBql eJolu aIBl t(useop 1l JIesJno,(ro; ueltrJl\ en.noL tBqt sJepuIUeJsnoeuellaf,snu etelnrunf,Je osle notr'sldreoeJ pJBf, e3.re1 qtln\ euoq elrrrB ,{eru tlperf, puB seJrolur aJots 'sdr1s B {uBq;o e11d no[ 'spuBJJe ^(epe JoUV 'ryomraded;o ef,rnosLluo er{] t(usr IIBy\ Jo 'Lep fuene esnoq rnol ot de,r rroq] pug teqt sSoleleoe^rJro rno; eqr rnd ol ereld e Surpur; sr a8etue^pesrp eqJ Jerler e eq ueo Suoue esooqf, ot suetr Jo sn\or pue sraddoqs rer{to Jo suortf,Brtslp aqr 8ur 'sserppe -lEuItuIIE 'doqs ot reCCV uB ro;,{em leer8 B eq uec rapro IIBIAT PUB3lueu rnor{ Pasel{3rndaneq or{r!\ saruedruof,reqto ruog sSolelec grlrn pa8nlap Lllcrnb el,no,i, 'Sopteo repJo lleru euo ruog repro nor{ se uoos sV isexoqlleul rno ur Sutntue sdeal >pomaded eqr tng-sJededszneu pue seutze8eurlaf,uef, pue s8ur8uolaq Jno uos uBJ el6 .uorsnjuoJ pue uoueABJSSe;o ef,JnosB sr TJod\rededeqr qtr^\ op ot tBr{A\lno Suun8rg

I9Z 'tsrlC 'seullepln8omt ra#o uBf,e/v\ ruets^_s eqt tng .tl op ol Jo ssalpre8er demBuoJA\ tg8u B t,usl eJeqtesnBf,eq ro rueqt e8ueueor zrroq noL ller t(uef,am 'ure8y;edLl Lq ro l,llecrraqeqdle sap;rno[ dn tas nol, plnoqg

ApuelsrsuoC pue Al.rep8eg tuelsl(S EqUf rnol esfl

:I# eFU IuuIPreC

'PreA\ropq8rerrs Lple; eq III/\{seuo8etef, eseqtor SurprorceSurtros 'depeno eruoseq 'peorq pue eldurs sdnor8rno,{ III^\ arer{l q8noqlly dael ot sI l,a1 aq1 'sallgasnod5 salClvrrosrad'lnnuvmgpuD pue asnoH 'elpueq no,{ yo sauo8etef, fur lereue8Sursn rg8nu no/. rng ryomreded;o asarltezrue8ro /v\oqA11ecr;nads ot Pull eql uo puedep IIIA\rl esnBcaq nol' otur algdeltCo1 rnoAur sreded tros t(uef,e41 'sdnor8-qns aqt 11ar pue sreplolel$ etuoslno la8 ,og .azrs u/v\op ur paredan,no[ ]uarua8e -uBI^{ a114 raded eqr tnoqe snorxue ssellee}plnoqsnof ,]urod syqrly 'lJo/t\radedLlyeprno[ uer{] pa8eueur r{1ysea eJotus(tresnef,aq ruetsLs _ .ssef,r peeu uroplasno,{ Sutl_U -rno,{;orred sn{t qtr^\ trets II,a/)A. ot ryom -rededeqr-elld ellCo1rno,( uo l,1uosnro; plnoqsnod 'mouro{ 'sreploJ .ssef,JB eseqtSurSeueru tnoqe JatBI f,rteur ,,Jog,,tuetrodrur IIBr II,a/N 'sruetrSurpuadpue tuerrnf, -olne 'Lsea ruetsds u8tsepot peeu JoJ. e 11,noL oseqtJo lf,ert daal oT '^\ou rqSu roJ ellJ oQ oI errlue rnod eplsB les '>pomraded;o ,bltuenb eqt ecnper,(ltuecglu8ys no[ ,s8ulql eser{t uec Jo eluos ot e{Bruno[ sy;ryomrededer]xa eqt r{tr/r\ Precslp suoISIOep IBep seutlPeaP lo If,BJt deel or perederd aqt noL eJB'suortf,elas Surpuas PUB dllecrreurorne;oruets,{s sesn B qnp {ooq eql }l irepro rq8nu noi( s>1ooq .tseuoqeq 1nq,no[ aqr jo ,{uepearot eturt e^Bq ,{e/1. 11,noz( due eJaqtsl lsaraturAeur8ul|eru qnls Iooq aql 's,,t11rue; }o esoqtpue e1l,rs rno,{ elll PUB sPeau rnoL pultu ur deel 'ssacord Surtrossrqt enunuof,nol, sy 'fuo8alecallC eqr w eslaSurqrfuane rncl 'fuo8alecoC oI aqt ur 'slllq sBqf,ns'uo tce o1peeuno,{reqr Surqilue lnd alll o1s3ury1 puB oc oJ s8urql :rool' aqt uo sa1ld od\t e1Bur sdnor8Jelletuso^rt ur ls1 rnol tJoS ro 'uoos 'ta[ rua]sLs SurI; e e{ll qf,nru1ool rou,{eru e1rd III^,\rl rno[ q8noqlly '8urun]-aulJ ]o detstxau aql Buunptl esnt(uop pue A\ou 'sagLBw Jo, aprsB prlqr rno[ ]noqtr/r\op Tomradedregr rnd Jo Lro8eleo t(uef,nol,;1 'uec aSeqreS rno,(q eq Lpearle plnoqsqsert or s8urq1 .daa;

'ure8B IoJtuoJ Jo tno 'euroq re8 noL ueq/v\elld,tssaur e Lq pareer8 eq IIIIr Iae' or ur8eq II,no nof 'roop aqr lno ,(em rnor{ uo sef,erdlerenes uado Jo seArJJB uoq/\l, lr 'iJo^/\ ot uesoqc an,no,i,eceld eql ot {ro/n IIeu rno,{ q8norqf drg noL }I 'unr" arry ro -raded snoeuellef,srurpue uo lreur Sunuocul e{Bt s,{e,n1y IIBq tuory eqt ur 'retunoo ueqctrl eqt uo lleul rno,( uedo JeAaNl'aceds aJr#o rno,i,ur plnoqs no1 ryol\raded rnor{ Surlpueq sl,eznle rrqer{ B a>lBru }o 'eurtnor B pue Suruueld 1n;rq8noqt uo spuedep uorlezrue8ro Inlssef,f,ns

areld etuBs eqr uI {ro^rrade4 rno^ eIPueH saenly

:?# elnu leulprec

snonsesrp peads Surqsruotse pue isrlnser eqt gtl,n serldrrlntupue speerds rr-r1rcrn.taQn4 to an?v14 Jo uoueruou 'slqr op ot ueld cgyceds o{Eru .aqd 8urxe1fuad ecuauedxa aqr B 11,noL tnoK Suro8uouB uo 4t"ornt"aQn{ \i!n nauuo] lueru t,uop no[ y1'srseq -ruroddeu ur lycuedpu elnpeqcsrno,i.IleqC 'ryoznreded lleru pue B rno,{ ellJ Sururocur III^,\no,{uaqa tnoqe uorsroep e{Btu Aleterpaurrur 'Surrros noL rer;y taded;o ecardfuanaSulltJpuB sreplo;3ur1aqe1 qsrurJ

saurll PeFPeqts le {ro/$rade4 rnol qrlrh leel l :g# elnu IBUIPTBC

'reploJeuo ur rarlreSor rarpo deal rng 'eleredasesoqldeel ot lue/r\ rq8tur sprof,erpereleJ-aruor{ no,i,'asnoqrnol, 11es ueqA\sesofund JoJstueuranordrur nol, xel euoq deal ot Beplpoo8 B s(tlef,urs 'sreplo,ot\t Jo euo ur suall Jo sprooer ool petelareseqldnor8ot relleg aq Llqeqordplnot\ rI 'petecrldruof, rno,{auu-eur} euosaq III/r\uets^s rno,i,'gSnogr'qcnru oot suorsl^lP 'Suuadre: 'tuerudrnba no,(;1 'cla 'scruoJtf,ele arecuaBI 'secuerldde -ruell dael plnol no 'ellj lerf,ueurg/auog qree ro, sreplo;eleredes deal ot tuBd\ rnor{ur sruetrpetEIeJ puB stueuenordtul euoq }o spJof,ar 'eldruexa Llqeqord11,noL roC 'pezrue8ro oq ot pardurareq l(uoq oot

alduqs l! daay 27# el]l-u FuIPreJ

'Suueeder stuBrrel!\ rnq 'sn1tples [pearle tl nor{ A\Ou)I ',tlluetsrsuof, aA(oA\ e1tr pue l,Fe1n8ar esnlsnru no,{ 'uSrsep tl
il,rzvuc uo ardrus'LZvaroN h{.INVat\ nol

-JetlBetuosgtlrn dn eruocot peeu Aeruno[ '1rop 01n aas paeu noL;1 01 'lr e^elJteJ t,uec nod pue tl uo uortf,eelBr t(uBf, no^ .putru jo tno s,tr'1q3rs Jo tno s(tlef,uo iulp Jo teeJrqSrerepun preLaqt ur tr 8ur/;ng ot urTBag uBO B ur ,(eme ellJ SurqrauosSurDnd'reCIeV uB 'teurqBJ ro; eepl os learSB sr srqt eJns tou oJ(e/x\ elrJeql ur JeploJ ,,tog,, B uI tl rnd plnotls nol, terlt dessuedxauouezrue8ro ssef,f,B dllcrnb uec noAos {Jot\rededlueuodrul slqr lnd ol ereq^\tno ern8g ot aABr{ nod zno51 :sseJrv pue e8uJo1slnoqv uorsl'ao e e{eI^I isrequo puB lsrl rnoLJJoqol eqr ra8 ueo no[ os nol, ro; Surpaen aqr op or pllql pooqroqg8reuE arrH 'l,q o3 sdepeqt sBrstrorls l,ue la8 er{r l(uo^\ spee/K tnq 'op plnoqs ,t11eer Surqtotuos LeruuepreS no.( eq ra^\ol' rno,{ 3urpea41'llB tB rsrl rnol, uo eq plnoqs qot egr reqtar{^\uorl 'e11d oJ rnoA tno puB paqslulJqot aqr -senb ol arun s,lreql,eyrl oCI re8 Jo ot etun ot lercedsB elnpeqf,s elun s,l1eqLe61iselull fueru ool palpuBq uaeq s,lt 'sdtuels elBPur perededllern seuof,eq rededyo eoerd rno,(;1 'suorsrceP eruos e{Bru or nod rdruord III^\ }l 'puoceg 'radedeqt }o tdrecarJo erep ar{r lueurnrop IIIA\t1 'lsJlg 'sasofund o^\t se^res sn{I 'tl alpuBgnoL elull ,i,rene reded;o ecardqf,Bedruetsetepplnoc no[ 'eldurBxe .raded roC aql ueaq en,no,i, salult [ueu A\oqpue Buol ;o acardeurBs Surpgnqs ,!\oq >lJBJl ruals,{s ot 8ur>Feru pul{ eurosesn,Suruossrgl op noL sy Jo 'r;a1 reded;o sacerd tuetrodrurun ,{ueruelq t,uplnoqs nor{'uBJ qseJtrnodJo asnsnorf, -lpnI eperuLpeerlean,nor( 'ruetJodrurun lluetrodul eq [eru lasuodser ]l e Surpuad-tueuodul luoos eruu etuosuo lf,B Jsnru-lueuodrur lllou uo tcB tsntu- tueuodul :allJoCIoI rno[ ur 1ro^\Jaded eleJedas aql ol l,cue8rn;o ear8apeqt asn 'radedyo ecardfuaneot JotJBJ acueuodurr ue u8rsse peau nol 'ryomrededsrq] Jo uorsnjuooeqt grlm ot leep oJ 'tuerue8euetlq sseln{ esoqtgtl,n Jo ePIIIo? ueuo puB tf,asrsturlueuaSeuBtueurDJo suelgord araq^rsr $qI 'e11d oI lnsd-uorleaue8rosrp oC Jo ecrnosfueuud aql qtrll\ IEepol 'tueJsLs elult s,Jr Surp; lueuetuJedrnor{Jo aJBJ ua1Bt en,noA teqt A{oN

luerue8eueurstwelld redsd puB s(oo oI


b9Z 'rer{lreteurqer Sutlt}rno,{ur perotseq t,uplnoqsLlqeqordl1 'ryorvueded 'erntn} oc oI rno,{gll,n eq t,uplnoqsuortBruro}ur Jo pql snlr qSnoqlH eqt ut erun eruospeeu 11,nod salotsJo sef,rnJes sreLgJo spJBJ sseursnq Jo roj salrJ rnoASursnaq lq8rur notr :sa8ed /rlolle Fuosred tueuer.ured ielqnort qf,nrx oot eq LerutaurqBf,Sury; e or 'setelnluncf,B /,e'le >pomreded ruooJeqt ssoJce ot tl eJoJeq {lBA4, SurneH 'sdrtraBurl rno,(1ndol peurlf,ureJorueq 11,noL rnoL tB eJB sep;rnoL;1 'reA\Brp dor eqt relo s8ueqtBql e;o '*oq ellJB ro; dorlsap rno,{uo ruoor e^Bq auo ,i,nq t(uop noL;1 'eceds rno,tjJo ll e^oru uer no,{ os elqBtJod Suraq iro/r\ BJtxeeplnord ot ISOP rI 'Iro/KradedSurpuedpue tuetrodurr rno[ ;o e8elue^pepappBeqr sBr{ Jeueq dael no,i dlaq uer tl 'teeu {ool rou rq8nu lnernureld ,o >lf,Brl ur salrjSurdee>1 q8noqlly 'a1gdotlsep B sr Surgrtsaqtxeu eqt 'tuero -r;;a Lpelncruedt(ueresa11d ecurs 'rre eqt q8norql Surreogrueqr spues ur Surdaa;tr pulrn;o rsn8B lltun tsBOI le-Iro^\ rq8rurselyd petrossreded 'alqBIrB^E eruof,eq Ja^eLeqt JI ruer{tur SuusenurJeprsuof, elrJ e;o eql rg8nu pue steulQec petuor;-sse18 sa8etue^pe eesLlerru -lJePuBf,3/N\ ]ear8E eq plno^\ i3u[pfua ^e 4pl\ r,uplp rr ,{1uo urersl,s }l 'runrululru e ot reunp ecrlJosdael pue U lrol!\reded Jo rol B sarots ,{lruercr3ga 'lryesnsr teurqec ellJ 'uorlsanbtnoqtrlN :elld dol4saq rl 'ro; sl re{seq oqt teq^{ noL purruarot qra uo IeqBIe tnd 'IroA\ -radedasuodsag 3urrre16/euoq[peerly rno,{ro} sl 'n4sngBuryua4 ro; rno,{ 'qrrno; eqJ '>poznreded pue 'uoog/ruerrodrul luetrodurl aqdeyrl 'nrop,/tuerrodrul rnoL roJ sta1sag sEeerqt esn 'stelseqrnoJSursn uI ,i.rr'dorlsep rno,(uo ecedstuerf,rJJns nod;1 3qe{seg fno/ul eABr{ 'lduord IBnsIA B se tf,B ot le^el eLate preoq urtellnq rno,{ 3uep1'pesserf,B pue ueesdllpeeraq UBJsa8esseur setouSurpuad rnoL 'dorlsap rno,{ pue eqt dn ro ;o esuedxe JeAoaJueprser 8ur>1et teurqeJey; rnol;o sqtdap eqt tn Surprser pBetsul'sauo8etel nualrc4w! rnol qf,]Bruot suortf,as Jo rnoJul rl epl^lc 'prBoquuellng e SurSueq reprsuoc 3Preog upellng 'no[ ro; esaqrJo euo sdeqra4'teurqef,alrj eqt ot selueu Irol!\ IIIIKsuollsaSSns

992 rno^ tnd ot tue/v\ngd^uaql6,irl parrdua nod eunt tsl aqt derr eqr IIIJaT ot peJegtuetueJ SununssB-euo ta8 puB Jezeeu ot o3 nol, ,eqnc no,t aqt ef,rue tuB/v\ uaqzn'uortezrueSrosrp nor{ rnod;o aarSap Jo sselpJeSeg eqr 'luauaSvuntu ,ratdeqc Ktoruau Jeqto 1B Jo senssr {ool II,ea 3u1aao11o; uI 'uoltezlue8rosrp JB^\Jno ur ierlre8or eqt uo {ro^ uec }ueru -e8eueyrl a1l4rade4/sseyrl pue fuorualnJ ^\oq reprsuof, s(tal .d;oruaru JeDeq paeu e^\-tuelsr{srettaq E poau[11ear B ](uop ey]\ mau irualsds Jaqloue lal, u8tsopot uauo sr Btuurellp or esuodser eqt rng .ure3e pue etult JlesrlSurreedar orrBuers Surxeldred srqr tBrlt pulj sreccv Lue14 ' ' 'ur8egot /!\oq enlf, B e^Eq t(uop nol, leqr azrlear no[ teruslp rnoA o^t qrnl4J .Iee^\ rsel pau8rsep noL siacordrrr".rrrlr[s aqr erntdecerot 8urfut selrJ rno,{uef,sno,{ ,LtarxueBursBeJour qrlrN lell, Surpuad alr; oCIoI aqt ro ur oBrl pKI i&nbur reqr;o ddocrnoi j"A "o,i srql PIp eraqn lsnl PUV llee^\ ]sBIetor,[ dlnbur eqt o] asuodsar grl/K op no[ plnoqs rBqrN ',{seeun o] urSeqpuB reDal tsrrJaqr uedo lee} no1 'urB8e 1:om lll/r\ tuets[s lear8 rnod ]eqt a8palnoul eqr ur arnf, -as '8urp; pue Surrros seroqf,palnpeqcs jo rno[ uiaeq llruapr;uoo no1 t"al\4aamauo 'afrF autDs oi aWC a\t 'ace1d redord stl ur Surqrdra""p?ltJ,{puarcrge e^Bqnol, esnecag JlasrnoLiopnord ernb IeeJpye eceds rnod punoreIool no1 .Ironreded;o sjpd',ierne 'go SqltJ pue dn Suruarq8rBrts BuuealcuoourauBerrtueuB puadsnotr 8ur irerlrureJ {ool sauecs -^{ollo} eqt oc 'sllBtapeqt qtr^r op o1 teq^\ ol UESIAIEI/{11U aneq nod tanoerol4 'IsBr aqrjo sllerepar{r or puaue puB urers,{s rno,{ rB lro^\ ol e^Bqno[ 'peaue8roJa]teqeq oI 'fuouraur puB uortuane Jo stuau -odruoc eql uo ruapuedap Lla8relsr rueue8eueyq a1l4radecl pue ssel\ ,srduroi.l ,san3 lueura8euel\I eIId .rade.lrssenl pue z{..roura;,q 'sratuafuBJ JoJ rulg pulj or JersBe B s(tl .auBu sly Jeqr.uau lol ,,3),,repun -eJol elqBeq lou derunol 'sdelsqcrod rnod pexlJor{rv\ retuedreceql 'uoterJsre^lv uqo[_1pco] paeu nod uaq/N .eueu l,q uegl reqter ef,rl -resLq [llecrraqeqdleserr]uernof rsrl ot eepl poo8 B ag ,{n1 t8f"i t1 -Ja.L!e e dn erou V ;a8n4 malla1luuosLad les ot ag lq8nu ruarsds-lryasn

992 'selu^\olle^ ur-uortBtueurncop esuedxo 'sraded a8e8uoru-sruetl pateleJesnoqIIB uoneloueJ pue seuueJJezn sr lnd ot luBA\rg8rur noL 'mo11a/. asnoqrno[ JI 'sue]r [auoru ro; uaer8 -uorteruroJur puB Sutqueqro; sreplojuear8ro sleqeluaar8asn IBIruBurJ aqt fuen rq8nu no1 'alpueq nol, ryozmaded;osauo8atef, ot Surprocce uBf,ruetsLs Jno 'Surpoc-Jolof, Alluercrga sr eJour pepoc-Jolof, ryom no,{ dl".{ rq8ru teqt rdruord reqtouv :Eu1po3,roloC Jo r,ualsds * esfl 'rr SuropeJe^\noL moq pue qsrldluof,f,B ol no/. erurt etsenr osle ,(eurno1 'paqslulj 8ur/.rt eJeA\ leqznSuncnrlsuof,eJ nol 'aul] txeu ryo^\ or lceq ra8 qo[ J(use1r\ aql ]Bqt ueuo8ro; e^Br{,{eru 'A\oJJoruor eqt tJEtsaJ ,v\oq;o uorrdrJf,sep nol, uaqm 'osrunJaqlo ot qof tror{sB etrr^\ 'prl* rnoL ur JBelf, lllrs sl qol relnclrredeq] Jo ssecord aql ellqlN 'Peqsrurjeq ol sPaeu al,nozi. tBq^\ IIIISrBr{1\,\ uo 8ur>Fom PUB u^\op lol ol ]l esn 'ISBIBJo elppru aqt ur 3urryom tnoqe setoueruos dots ol e^Bqno[ ueq.,r'{pueq ur seluof,osle1ooqelou SuruueldJno 'erurt rnoL gflrlr op ot s8urqfSurssard eJolu e^Bqdlqeqordnol, 1un1t e^\ 'znoqeuros em i{ro/\r plno^\ tBr{t esoddns 'reded frane ]o uoueool aqt ozrJoruoru trs ot arurt aqt eIBt JeqteJ puB AllecrsLqd salgrnoASurnerl p,noLyl '^\arl ureld ur no,(punoJepeards or Surgrtsaqtxeu eqt eq III^{ rql rnor{'rl op or tl eesot peeunoL;1 'sJeplojrno,t ot sa8uer{f, oleru no^ auIlt Lue fsrl rno/. afepdnot aJnseg 'replo;lrane s]uetuor er{t u^\op Surllol (sellJ rno,(Jo eurltno pe]Bp ro B o{BIAI'sellJ lueueruradpue tuerrnc rno[ q]oq ]o stuetuor aqr Jo 'stno{lelq ruels,{s B Sutlg;o crued lsrl SuruunJ daal ot peeudeurnoz( eqt tualard o1 :ure8y lro t ol {ooqeloN Euluuuld rnol lnd iuoos tl peeu plnon\ nol, nau>1 no,(asnetagelr, log rnol, q tl a1gnoL plc iellc auoH eql ur ro ellc 'a1lc esnodS rno,{repun ll allJno,i pKI :eluBu,(q Llleoueqeqdle lBuosrsd a8erots eql alqrssod asnBf,eq ral 1l alu noL ptc 'elqBraunuurerBsef,Bld -tetu e8erotseruesaqt ruo{ tuaJalJlpLlallua uB sr altn JBr eqJ 'ece1d Llpaleaderno[ esneceq seqnf, eql aJeq/!\ eJB eor /v\ou>[ no1 tueqt ssef,f,e raqto '{ueurur {ool rq8ru no,{'11 lsaceld 'petnlo^uor eroru roj razseu3qt ur Iool J(uo^\,(lqeqordnortqSnoqrlv llqereplsuoJeq LeruqoJeas rno,{'reneznoq'elll] rno,tuo spueq rec
',LZVaroN h{,1NVEIAI UO nOA IiAZVUC qrdnrs

(^Bpdrene aqt ro; ueld pue s>lse] petaldruor uo lsrl Jlesrno^ etelnter8uof, rno[ A\erAeJ Bapl poo8 B s(tl .atep-ol-dn rualsLsrno[ dae>1 o] ]snur no 'f,te 'alnpayrs oL siuaruiuro4IV 'a4.t6 oI sr"anal'a\DW oI iIIDC auo\d;o sauo8etef,ur epua8e rno[ e]eredasot ra;erd fq8rru no .Jte ,>leazn txeu [q ,zvrouour -ol ',{epot oP ot s8urqr-sruetl eurleurt su s8urql dnor8 ro tsrl Suruum euo dea>1 uBf, no1 'epua8e rnoz( ezrue8ro ot s[em Jo [rapel B oJBeJeql 'elllrnPord pue Posnf,ojnoi{ sdaa{ feqr epua8e leuosred rnoL sr tsrl oC oI rno 'ue1d B Jo af,uBtrodul aqt A\ou>1 noL 'epua8e ue tnoqtrm Sur -teoru B ur peledrcrued JaAean,nod 'ruar{r aesuBf, no[ araqa sJopunuoJ JI rno[ daa>1 pue uorqsBJatuos ur ut\op s8ulqr e]rJ1y\ tsnur notr .[rorueur rnod uo l,1erl(uop noL reqr lertuassas,lr ,esn noL poqteur eqt Jo ssal -pre8ag 'e;y1 rnol, ul ,,s,oq o1,, Suypuedaqt Jo Irert dae>1 palsa88ns or an(e^\ seapl oqt Jo IBraAesosn uBf, no^ :lsrl o(I oI Sulo8ug ue daay 'tJEtsot eraq^\ 1Kou{ ot rarsBeeq III^! tl 'ISB] oqt ot IlBq atuof, ,petdnuatur eJe pue Burqr noL uaqlX '8er ro1of, B r{trl\ lods rno^( IJBru -ourosuo 8urryo./y\ eJ(no,(;1'uees ,(11sea pue uo tl l:rts nod ranetBq \ sr #o s8ueq pue perolor eqJ 'rdruord Inlesn reqtouB are s8el rolof, elqe^orueg 'raded.(ue uo sIJo^\ teqt a^rser{pelercadse ,(nq uec noL 'setou l1-rsod un\o rnol e]Bur ot {Jrts nol^;1 .trolleL uo sluaurrutoQQe tued\ rno[ pue ueer8 uo sr"apurunt" oi sl1lq {n4 rno,( 'sa]ou peJ uo eq plnoJ sJ"apurura.L auo\4 Jno 'setou pepof,-Jolof,esn ueo nod ,anrteall \\DJ [11eereg o] rue^, nod;1 'sISBl oC oI tuetrodurl ]o srapunuar se teer8 ar,l,eql tnq ruets,{sSurp; e eceldar t(uer ["qI 's8urqr Inlepuo^\ asoq]Jo lBArrrBeqt eroJag plp aldoed tBq/v\erns tou ar(a1x\:saloN ll,lso4 asfl 'raqueueJ ot nol, ldruord Laqa 'uortezrue8ro;o rred fuouraru eql rroddns dagr teqt sI t{tl/\{ dn auroc noL seaprJellruls Jo sJolof,SursnJoJeleuorl -BJeqJ 'sruatsLs Surpor-roloJ Jar{to,tueur dn tuearp Llqeqord uec no1 'sraplo; asuodsarrol Surlre^\ pue euop,(peerle/dots rno[ ero]s uer seuo par ar{t puv 'sellJSurop tnoqe 'sallJ d\ou op Iqqr plnotls/uA\op /!\ols rnoz(erots ue3 srrploj ^Aolle[ ".{J tsnu-r/8uro8 rno[ ero]s uef, sreplo; uaar8 eqJ. 'dollsep rno[ uo deel re8 no[ sap; ]oq eqt roJ IIa^\ $lro1\rrr{3ll f,rllert e;o srduord roloc eqr Bursn
saoHl-ll{ aNV sllNvHtal/{ :NortvzrNvcuo \l ccv lo scrh{vN^C

892 itsll .LnoK uaxln,q aW ot pE raftau IIm no to 'elqea8eueueJIlrno,( e1eruot q8noua tsnl tsrl rno[ g]lrn dn Surdee>1 tuorxBsn{r raquerueu 'rsrl aql J}o Surqr gtlrn tueruoc aq or ureel PUB -fuenaSurssorc;o no/. seeurlt aqr pue leo8 alqyssodrul ensrnd 'uratsds ernsral 'tsr1 B deels8urso1 rnol o] aABIS eruoJeQ t,uoq leuortBzrue8ro uB eruua rno[ uopueqerg8rur pue ]srl 3uo1l,lqtssodull l,q pa8ernoc 'aruu uanr8B ur qsrldruocce -srppue petertsngeq uec no,i, IIIA\no1 LlqeqordnoA'reqCIV uB sV itsll oe sISBtJo requnu eqt eterunserelo o1 L11ep rnoL gtlrtt [eme pelrref,la8 l,uoq 'areq rapro ul sl e]ou leulJ V 'lsr1 rno[ o] sruetl^\eu ppe nol, seSutpre/v\eJJlasparald st -luof,Lpeerlean,no[ $lse]lJo pessorc Sureag'sLep;o e1dnof, roJ eqt B rsrl oC oI arueseqt esnot sr elerorueqt roJ lear8 s(teqt1f,rrt eprll euo 'ryomreded peuosrnoAgtlrn prp noL eq sBtsII rno,t druelselePnod;l 1n;d1eq oslB/.1qeqord PIno^\l1 Leptxeu

-\ \_____ -\__ -

l _ \ l - l


,blxaldruof,eqt 8url,;rldurls senssr areA\af,ueleq uorssnf,srp jo jo eqt Jo ueotl eqr tV 'sruelqordtueueBeueyrlerulJ uo 8urryol\ petrersr(peerle an,nol ']noqe PaIIBT eA(eA\ selJotuelursnorJBA pelldurocen,no.t;1 eqt 'a{Bl lllzneuo qJee 3uo1,!\oq;o eapl f,rlsrlBeJ a^Bqno[ se 3uo1sBeurJsr Lep euo ur serr^rtf,e Surlnpaqts 'll ro; l,peerla8 ot op ot peeu11,no[ ]Brl^r IBreAas ueld noL dleq t(useoptl tnq tuele uB raqrueruer no,i dleq l,erurepuelef, eqt uo tuaruturoddeue SuuoN 'esues atun ,b1ne;e ro Buruueldrood 'es 'repuelec qlr^{ t(usrrualqordeqt esrnot e aqt Jo rrralqord s,t1 red Jo 'ssog rno,t gtlrn tueutuodde egt u^{op rof ol re8ro;,i1ele1druof, puB ruooJ_,splI ur srsrJf, Jo eqt B er,nol,,uaqclrl Ileqroopeql Lq petf,BJtsrp eqt ot dul rnoL Buunq 'tuooJnI eqr ur a8esseru eIBt noL ueqd\ B Ilnl ueqt lnq plp reqtou rnor{sBleurqBrusqf,trTeqr uo ro Jo tno eq 11,nod eqt rno,{purJuBf,noL reqt sasod IIB^',\ uo rr Sueqplnot no irEpuelB3 -dnserdslql 'repuelBc rno[ o] sruetrppe o] JaquerueJ e^Bqno[ ,]slg ot 'pareorldtuof, erotutlq B s,]l 'reqqv uB roj '{llelN;lg8u 'repualec rnor{ uo tl etou tsnf nod ']uaruturodde JequetueJ paeunod;1 .alduns uB ot os stuaes i{ro^{ leql ](uop [.{^ 'slazrue8ro tl sJBpuelJ ]eer8 qf,nseJB JI tueruturodde pue sJepuolef, Jo pesnl,11erued pesnun lsraaue8ro snoretunu e^Bq osle$looq dleqJlasuortezrueSro se^leqs jo qtr/v\sllnpe 'ruaqt tnoqlr^r 3uo1e ol alqlssodrur /.llenurn ra8 ACV lueur lBg] teq aA\ s(tl 'sJno plJo/r\Lsnqsrql ur tuaruaSeueur jo erult JoJ euo Jegunu 'crseqeqt are ["r{J 'u]eqt sasnl,poqLrenE .eteq ot Ioot reqev uB selol s8urqrere 'slezrue8ro tueuturodde 'uortelaresolf, Jreqtpue sJepueleC 'sqtuotu a^le^\t txau er{t Jo}1ual,il -aSounyl auL rler{t ro; parederder,Leql'suedJrer{tpue sesequndJrer{l Lnq _ gtlm paurrv :ead Sururoraql roj srBpuelec puB erotslelol rreql ol dul e e{Br.u Laql leeA drena raquef,a6l}o elpplru aqt punore erurteruos 'se^rlrler{t slrBrep aruu eqr SurlpuBr{ rxelgordOIDIIe^Bqeldoed/.uey1 Jo 'eurrt jo tueluele eql urqtr.r per.uBg tr 'op o] tno tas nol, tBrl^\ sr l,emsrqt Jo sselpJe8ag {Jo/r\ t(u_seop 'esrnoc '{plJon\ er{t .tuerua8eueru tr qtld\ Jo IEaJ ul #nrs pue aceds ue8aqLprerrlqJe 'uorlezrue8ro uorssnf,srp JoJIJoA\euBU sV eA\ Jno B Jo


eq uBf, rieqr 'puoceg 'speeu pezIIBnPI^lPulroJ Peaulolsnc eq l(uef, Leql 'peneuro;ard er,l,aql ocurs 'lsrrg 's{req/!\eJp Jelnf,Ilred ulro Jleql eAEr{ luerululodde 3uo-ul-llv lue sa1,{rs LleuB^ E ur euros oslB sJezrueSro Jo isurqr,iue Jo qf,ntu allr^\ ol aceds g8noua relJo .\larer Lerp eouls Lllercadse 'tuatua8eueyrl atull to slteleP eql roJ 1ryd1eq Lpelnorfred tou ar,/,agt tng 'sl fr l,ep lI{1\Ilnoge sn Suteno;o qoI aug e{BIx sJepuelef,tsotu 'uotuldo lno B op pue suorteJof,epIIBA\/,1ano1 roj uI 'seruegr Surleaddero sernlctd,brerd grlrn srgPuelef, Surqcreas 'sadegs eql esl\orq aldoad LuerysJolof, PuE saas selleqs s(eJots PaUossE eulll lseg eql ewurrala(l ur aurof, srepuelec :lool luaura8euelt 'sncoj pardmretulun ter{t lols erult B uI JaqteSol sqof uretrec Sutdnor8 tsour agr nol, spJolJB 'sreqlo ueqr no[ ro; tnoqB suolslf,ap eulos oletu ol elqe eq rq8nu no 'suoudnualul pue Jepeg {JoA\ ot rueasteqt spoued aruu tods lg8rur nol auru petsB/!\'/.trnrtcnpord lnoqe uoItBuIJoJuI ePIAord uec 3o1 aurtr Jno ',{ep rno.( rnoq8norql ,hrec uec no[ looqelou no 'ot\l ro B pezls.ta{cod 11erus uI li,rerprnoA dael Llqeqord PI_._o.{t etnunu B uer.{t eJoru selet rer{t 8urqr,{ue JoJserult Surddors pue Sutuels 'oP noL Bulqtfuena etol{ 'rel\oqs e 8ur1er PuB qf,un1 Sutlea Surpnlcul 'ont] ro Lep B JoC u/t\oP fo[ 'aruu rno/. esn nod A\oq;o l^rerp e daal 'pePnllul l(ue^Br{ no,{ reqr 8urqr,{ue 'uotluelu Surppe 'peatsut rueqt esn uBf, nori. II,ea slleleP aql sePnlf,ul 'eJoru euo tsnI op n_oL ]eql /.rotuenul lerour ro ,,/,pnls rBU euO,, rnor{ JI 'tng 'alta lsaSSnsot Suro8 eJ(e/K ryoznrededrno,{ or Surppe eJ 8ur1eu salJoluenul eql ler{l /Y\oDl a16 :Eo1 euIL A11eOe deay ueeq an,no,{, 'lll^a teqt sreqlo dn u8rsap no/, dl".{ leru Aaqr rnq 'd\ollo' e71N teqr set8alerls eql ryo^\ III^I seepr eseqt tBrlt esnuord t(uer 'elqea8euelu erolu e;11 rnol, a1etu UBts ueql ,o auos tnoqe 3ur>1un1r rnoL re {ool PeIPnls eTBl a111 ot uBJ no,{ SurglArena tno lnC 'a1/,rs toa;red aqt tno Sullees etull rno/. else/v\ ol peau noL 'lazrue8ro L11ep a8eueru ol PeuIIeq^\JeAoool eJBsn Jo I'ue14 no,i,aro;ag 'sllBtep er{f 11e .alpueq ot e^Br{ no[ s8urqr Jo ,trrruenb eqr e)nper o] sem aJll rnoA 'a;11 rno/';o uI #nts aqf Jo selrotuelul lef,Ilcerd eroru arlr Jo leo8 aql

Sutuut8aqeql tB JeuuBldrnoL ur sJapurueJ esaqrSuuotuE .setepluel 'rodrut reqlo pue sLepq4q ol Suranceur"r aqt esnI Jo IcBJt daa>1 ruets,i,s 'atels ,tr SururourLpee du ur ueAO aesII,l os Jetunooueqltll fSol aqr uo 8ulgrl-"1_ana 1 'adolenueuB ur Leuourrag rnd pue rl uSrs e^Bel . taploy eleudorddeaqr ruo# drlsuorssruued er{t lno 1pd iqcunl rag >1ced 'peq ol oB aroJeg'eroJoq rq8ru eql Burzrue8;o alquiercsBuiuroru r,q I I elqBlr^euleqr plone {"p lxeu aqr dur plelJe sBqrerq8nepl,ru reqr I elu spunual enf, ,iru eqt jo pue eqr lB JeuuBldl,ru >lcaqcI ueqlN "iep

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eJllue eqt 'peceldsru s,]l JI iuoltBznre8rosrp snouuoue atBeJJot raaue8ro uB asnBf,uec sSurqr aceldsnu ol ,i,cuapuat e ,prrq1 .parecrlduof, ool

Iosruo^e IoJ ,", 1.saurlpeap Bururordn ;TiliiKYiJYj li,?rlll#

,sruarururodde pu' sreqrunu 'sesserppe auoqd r" *JrltHililrtXgttr*



You MreN I'v Nor Lnzv,SruptoOn Cnazv?!

of the year is a great ideabut it doesn'tsolvethe whole problem.With. out an advancereminder,I would regularlyreadthe current day'sentries and discoverthat TODAY is the big day.Unfortunately, it's too late to senda card or gift! on A portableplanner worksbestfor me. I'm always the go and need somethingI can take alongon my travels.When I'm out shopping,I party tomorrow." can rememberto buy the cookiesfor the classroom Teacher Plan Books Are Useful Time Management Tools: The bestare large,8 ll} xl1-inch spiralbound booksthat open to display pages by segmenred subjectand daysof the week.There is often a small sectionnext to eachrow of boxesto jot down notesfor the coming week. You can add your own datesand usethe subjectcolumn for divisions of time. Since they aren't formatted,you can designtime framesthat match your needs. Th"y alsohave with sufficientspaceto write miscellaneous nores.There are often extra pagesin the back for recordingstudent for attendance.You can usethesepages frequently called phone numor bers,birthday reminders anything elseyou want to keepwith your weekly organizer. Strrcttrre Your Planning with Daily Time Sheets: Time sheetsare that managetime by the hour rather highly srructureddaily calendars than by the day and date. Many computer softwareprogramsoffer pre. to If and time sheets. you don't have access formatteddaily calendars your own. these,you can make you'll that you start with half-hour time segments, Although we suggest need to decidehow much structureyou need.Your time sheetcan help for you compensate a faulty internal timeclock. 'lflhenever you schedulesomethingthat involves preparation,get out your planning notebookand make a list of everythingyou'll need.Don't leaveout anything! \Uill you need to weara particularoutfit?Add it for ro your list. Will you needto makeprovisions the family while you're And how about the emergency gone? What about calling a baby-sitter? If will need? you frequentlyhop in your car only numbersthe baby-sitter


DyNnvrcsOr ADD IN OnceNrZATroN: MEcuRNrcs ANo MprHons

to discoverthat the gastank is empty,add a note ro your list to ger gas. Put your reminder list in a logical order,estimarehow long each item will take and doubleyour estimate.If you tend to grossly ,"r.srimare preparationtimes,triple your estimate!\Urite the time of the evenr on your time sheetand work backwards, entering each item on your list in an esrimared block of time. \fhen you've finished rhis process, you'll know precisely when you need to begin gerringreadyfor your appointment. An interestingexperimentto evaluateyour time sense to jot down is your "starting time" guess you go through this process. before After you makeyour list and completeyour backwardtime entries,seehow closeyou were to your guess. Our bet is that you'll discoveryou were pretty far off! Compile Master Lists of Reminders: Consider making a masterlist for recurringappointments. the baby-sitter's Put phone list emergency in the kitchen cabinetso it will be there everytime you need it. Keep a vacationchecklistin your file, so you don't have ro srartfrom scratcheachtime. A lack of planning usuallycauses overwhelmingfeelingsof disorganization. Although this preplanningmay initially take extra rime, ir will ultimately saveyou time, aggravation and the wrath of a bosswho impatiently sits in the conference room waiting for your late arrival. \Uhen you think things through and make detailedlists,the readiness steps becomemore automatic.Over time, you'll probablydiscover that you can accomplishthe planning stepsmore quickly as they become habits. Compile "Everyday, Get out the Door" Master Lists: How many times do you spendyour car trip across town trying to rememberwhether you turned off the iron and turned on the porch lightl Rather than relying on your memory,make a list and post it at your door. Include the things you need to do wheneveryou go our: put the dog in the basement, tum on the answeringmachine, turn off the compurer,rum on the porch light, leave a note for your son, etc.


You MreN I'v Nor Lezv.SruproOn Cnnzv?!

Taking the time to think through your routine and write it down will savemuch time and aggravationin the long run. You won't have to rememberthesedetailsevery time you get readyto leave.You won't have to wastetime racing back home to saveyour computerfrom getting zapped the thunder storm and lightning that hits. A quick by look at your list asyou head out the door will shavepreciousminutes off your preparationtime. Prepare Duplicated "School" Master Lists: If you have school-age children, you undoubtedlywrite many notes for field trip permissions, absences, specialafter schoolbuschanges, Make somemasterforms etc. for asmany of theseactivities asyou can. A generic"pleaseexcuse for Zachary's absence" can be madewith spaces names,datesand reason.A quick fill-in-the-blank later,your note is finishedmore quickly than if you had to composea new note for every occasion.Your forms may not be personal, they will saveyou time. but

DvNnurcs ADD IN oncaNrZATroN: or MrcHaNrcs ANo MrrHons

Buy a (waterproof) Watch with an Alarm: Alarm warchesare wonderful. Dependingon the style,you can set alarmsto ring every hour or at the sametime every day.You can usean alarm waich asa reminder for appointmentsor ro keep yourselfon track. Set it to ring in a reasonable amount of time and then make a decision to work at leastuntil the alarm rings. Plan a break at that point and resetthe alarm. You can accomplishthe samething with an alarm clock but your watch is portable. If your watch is waterproof,you won't have to take it off. It's one less thing you have to keep track of and it can prevenrcold showers. You know what happens-you hop in for a quiCkfive minute showerand emerge shiveringthirry minutes later when your hot water tank is empty! I.Jsestenographer Pads and Large Index cards: Aren't index cards the awful things we were instructedto usewhen we had to write a research paper? They were supposed help us organizeour ideasbut to often endedup being_used paperairplanes! rpit" of any negative as In experiences _may you have had using them, index cardscan helf with organization thoughtsand daily details. of Even the bestsystem the world is put to the test by distractibility. in M,ulV of us get side-tracked because ideaskeep popping inro our brains. \7i!h_t someingenuity,one ADDer we know r.r*r tt".to pads,index cards and his distractibilityro accomplish wonderfulthings. He keepsa supply_of stenopadsat his work site and alsoby everytelephgne and chair wherehe may sit. He uses one exclusivelyfor the'phone callshe receives. \Theneverhe makesor takesa call, he jots down the name an_d nhone number,rhe time and date of the call and any nores that apply.He checksoff eachcall after he returnsit. He startsa new dated list every day.This srenobook is a permanenrrecord he can refer to wheneverite needsto rememberth" d.t"ils of a particular call. More than once, he has been able to access phone number he a would otherwise have lost. He alsouses stenopadsfor jotting down ideas. His work is only briefly interruptedashe captures essence his ideason paper.Ai the the of


You MEnNI'rnr Not Lnzv.SruptoOn Cnezv?!

he his end of a work session, transfers random thoughts to index cards, categorizing them ashe goes.He files his index cardsalphabetically when he addsnew ideasto existing cards until his next work session or creates new ones. Our photographerfriend'ssystemmay be helpful for you. The steno telephonerecord can act asa backup to your phone number directory and To Do list. And the index card systemcan enableyou to usediswithout interfering with the task tracting thoughts to your advantage at hand. The key in usingstenopads,a planning notebookor post-it notesis to usethem to keep yourselfon track and to regulateyour impulsivity. In the middle of writing checks,don't stop to make the hair appointment jot you just remembered. Instead, yourselfa note asa reminderand immediatelyget back to work. Schedule Telephone Callback Times: Schedulespecifictimes to to make or return phone calls. Since you don't have a secretary screen your calls,you will have to come up with your own screeningscript. Tell the caller that you'rein a meetingand will call him back.Don't worry about lying. You are in a meeting-a meetingwith yourself! Discover ttFound" Time: Take another look at your time diary.Are there periodsof lost time?\7hat about the waiting room in the doctor's office?How about the commercialsduring the TV programyou were watching? Seehow much time you can find. '!7e That could aren't suggesting that you scheduleyour life to excess. You don't want to carry your pending file around be quite depressing. with you to work on while you wait for the red light to tum green! But what about the time you spendin the waiting room?You'vebeen wanting to write a letter to your friend who moved out of town. It's been on your To Do list for weeks.Rather than readingoutdatedmagwhy don't you write your letter while you wait?It's something azines, you've been unable to find the time to do. Stnrcture Procrastination to Your Advantage: Procrastination is the number one enemyof Time Management.Although ADDers tend


DyNavrcsOr ADD IN OncnNrZATroN: MrcHaNrcs ANo MErHoos

to procrastinate more than our non-ADD counterparts, one is imno mune from the Perilof ProcrastinationJ What if we make this enemy our friend?What if we makeit an advantage rather than a disadvantage? \7e really do need to prefacethis suggesrion with a warning ro useir at your own risk! It's possible capitalize procrastination it into on but volvesVERY carefulplanning. The unfortunatereality is that many peoplework bestwhen deadlines loom. As the deadlinegetscloser, the adrenaline startsflowing, energy goesinto overdriveand tasksarecrankedout at astonishing speed. If you know your limits and arefairly good ar estimatingtime, you can structureyour taskby purposely waiting until the last minute. This is contrary to conventional wisdom.k's usuallybetter to plan extra time rather than lesstime ro ger things done.So you probably ought to try usingstructured procrastination a job that won't yield for disastrous resuksif it doesn'rger finishedl This is how it works.Figureout the absoluteshortesttime you can reasonably expectto be able to accomplisha parricularjob. Get out whatevertime organizer you're usingand write down the deadlinefor your job. Then add a seconddeadline-the absolutelatest time you can possiblystart working on your task.You absolutely musrhave everythingelseclearedoff your daily time sheetfor the startingdeadline you'veestablished. Then be prepared do nothing elsebut use to your pumpedup energyto finish the job. 'We've usedmany "absolutes" this discussion structured in procrastiof nation because this is a risky sffaregy. We would suggest that you rry this asa last ditch effort.The saferstrategies shouldbe your first line of attack. But StructuredProcrastination might be worth a shot.

\7e've considered time and space distinct organizational as processes. If you recall from the diagramat the beginningof the chapter,you know that organization dependenton memoryand attention. They're is all interrelated-organizationstrategies dependon your remembering. And to remember, must be able to attend in the first place.In the you next chapter,we'll continue our discussion examining the other two by partsof this interrelationship.


'n astt paauno("u ot mo [n urDBD lJnq4Sugal yn

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,,,ouayq {ui,!,;',:,n;ffisr

'>looqtxatE l(usl slql 'a8en8uelfueurproolul sluJetasoqtlnd s,ta1 'uortepllosuoJ pue a8erols'uollertst8er 'uotlts eours 'JaJsuBJl sseJce prre -rnbce;o rualsAs no[ xaldruof,e sI fuourau terlr PauJBel '; rerdeq3 u1 .sessef,ord eruosloJluof, uBJ eA\'8ututea1;osrcadse fuourau Jo slcadse sI IsJIJ lI ilal\ A\oqol 8ut etuosloJluof, LrBceA\ef,uls 'peuJualro 'parlnboB 'peetsul .pJocf,B sB peJolsuolteuuo;ul fuosues fuouaru JaPISuof, II,ea .{ooq eseqtloJluof, srqf q ruaqt eunuexel(uo/y\am 'fuourau Jo slcadse eqr a/n J(uBo af,urs 'fuouraur,ossaf,old ureldxa ol Pasnueeq qloq e^BI{ usrloqEreu ulrq lef,Iueqf,ornaupue ,iruolBue slePol^I'3utoppue Jo sessaoord,ilentrcal uoltf,Bratur lerf,os'3ur1un1l'uoueaue8ro'a8en8uul -lor teqr urari8ulunale lo r,^lJl1i8u1tmseqt s suollrun; fuouteyrl 'seurllqesrp Surureelf,IJlreds;otcedurt aqr JePlsuof, II(a^\tardegc agl luo+ uede fuouaru 1B{ool II,am ur rete-I 'sulelqordEuturualPatelrosse 'uorssncslp rno;o fred fsJlj eqt ul '/trouSurureelpue fuoruaui 'uolluene Jo eqr eqr sdrqsuonelarJalul uo snf,o;II,aa 'alzznd Jo acatduollezlue8ro slqr aJUIS eqt peroldxa,(peaqeeA(eA\ iraBuol,i'ue>1ooq e{Btu erBPaA\ q8noqtly )FIqt t(uop elrr'sutlseretul aq PIno^{uoltsanbsrql SulreqaP zsn3ojot ,brlqeur uB ruoryllnseJslllls uouuzruu8rouo tcedrul anlte8auslr pue ayt ,fuouraur perredrul uB seocl (;rtotiu;iw lo 1J"p st &.tou,aul ilD a47,, to 'etorun uosugof IanuBS roqlne qsrlSuEarp 'o8e sreal ParPunqo^I

pue spotfphl stlueqtal^l :6J0uahf 009 l0 stltueu'{O u!

tI )rErdvHc

sesdetsaqt pezrlensrl aru^ril B paurBOI oq^BI 's8uurseoqsrno[ no^ ro Aq egr e^Bq grlm pelqun; noAsesdalsatp Surreader ssacord peorrcerd eruosur uonerrrro}ularqt rq8tru no1 'lllls at{t rueel ot uorqsJ paZrunln no1 'peteJtsuoruep sdelsegl Surreedar panuuaJuoJ seoqs eq uo puB notr srq 8ur[r ]lnpe uB ot pdpuanD ',,dn-umoJ3,, Suraqpue ef,uepued -epul rcj paauaql Aqpanftnou pllqr 8uno,{B sB III{s eqt peureelno 'aloleq sreaf tl uJealot pJqpolJo/lrno,( asnecaq l;otueru snorf,suotrgnssruoseqsq IIIIS eql 'ssecre ,i11crnb B uec no.(sBer e8erolsur peqrte Lpeelopue Aldreqsere 8ur,b-eoqs sdelsaqr Jo Jo 'rolld Jneruotneuo sdelsaql q8nonp oBno 'seoqs sef,BJt fuoureyrl rnol, elt ot ^\oq Suuaqruerual elqnoJtLue eneqt(uop Llqeqordnotr 'fuorueru rno,t Sursnar,noA'tuaruuedap,s,{oq ot suonJeJrp eqt s({Jelf, A\ol aqt -lo; Jo serJots uortBOEA snoJournq taqrunu euogd rno,{teadar'tsat e IIer a{Bt 'saoqs rno,{au no[ ueqr6, 'slJo/r\ssacord /!roqtnoq {ulqr s(te'I eq]

reIeleOerols aOetols anrssed I ta,ieq a0etols a^tloe luolel I te,iel ponc'crleulolne'snorcsuocqns fuoueul :ssacce

fuouau uralOuol

AJ0r,rJ0r,r,J uotls [!Jal

fuoueu0ur>1ronn luElsul llpcOJ

flcvuors ^f,uorHnlro seHrvud irnlrl

Auonrxlt oI NI rI cNrltflc :Norrvwuod ^fuor{sl{ {o ssEcoud

'urerlf,fuorueru seterrsnlll 'Iooq s,dde1ruory aql peldepe'treqc 3urmo11o; 'ryll uelorg aqr ssed[qro uegr8uer]suer noA's>pom eql ssacord ^{or{Surpuersrapun leql sueoru puv 'urerlofuotueru ,iq eqt rl rnod ur eJaql\aruos r1 ',(rorualuu B aABq {BaJqB enr{no'{ regr sueeru Wq str t(uoPno,{reqr suBeru 'eepltueuodrurue sr slql 'urBrlf, ur s{BeJq rl JoJ e snonsuo)q?xs snousuoJ se,{roueru}o pue lertuatod e qtr/lr ssacord 'n8t"og ldecuooeqt saroldxa i.uoe '{ooq Jequl *,dde'Iallarueq roqlne

'SuueqruelueJ rno[;o troruaru elqrrretro teer8rno[ ]o TIBr eqt ar,no,i, uorin.Lnp tnoqe 3ur11et 'saxoq no[ ueql6 'serue{ eruu rrer{l /,q pazualcBrerlo rrsodap,beyes 'uoueturoJureJrnboe no,{ueqlN rueJe#lp IBJeAes euo ul tl tnd no,{ Jo 'rJ.reql t(uerEserroluel^l t{uc no,(;l InJesn ilooq slql ur rarlrBe llDJar ,{roureru JequeueJ t,ueo no/, esecur lroruetu lnoqe peuJealnol, reqzn ',,serJoruaru rood,,glla sJepeer JoC Jno Jo A\erner lcrnb B op II,aAr sseJrv puu e8e.rolg d.roura141 'eloq/K B sBurBqctuoureur "\r;orrlJenb sanbtuqcel,{rorueru aqt pue s{ql }o esner{f lBnpl^lpu tca#BosleUBO 'qull Llleur8rrosB^\uorteruroJur eql lenpl^lpur eqt srrelJepetuesard 'leuortorue'lercos cglcedseql 8urnr1 qslr{rt\ur sef,uBtsurncJrf, ro Surureal 'IBoA\aJB drorueyrl urerlc aqt ur s{url eJoruJo euo ueqn\ JnJJosesdel no,i Sunltetuos uorlBrruojurar{t teqt ePrceP t(usB^r iJequaueJ ot asoqf, noL plp ro ra8ro;noL plq iuorterurolul erp or pepuele ,{11ear ranauno,t or osnef,oq ra8ro;nol,ptq iuonerluoJulaqr IIBf,er,{puersur alqeunnol, arem ro re8ro; L1rurno,i pKI 'ureqf, fuoruaureqt tnoqe iurqt puBjlesrno/.dols 'Surqteruos prtJ no,(erur] txeu eqJ to8ro; nol, rerlr Surcunouue JIasJno[ '3ulJlsnl tue]rodurreq tou rq8ru drg or ryo,r rorra pue IBru esnecaq r{clr^rsqrlqrr\ Suueqruerueg'{ull {Ba^{B sequleqf, fuourerurno1 'llef,er ol cueruolneJoJSuuegruerueJ rnor{eaue8ropuB eleJluef,uof, eurl eql t1 'o1..1 i[roruaru peq B elr{ no[ ueaurter{] seoq {oot Jeleu no[ suearu 'tq8tl peeqre^oeqt roJ euo agl dtg Llpug noL aro;aquo parunt tq8ll IIBr{puB qcrod aqr re8 detuno,( ',i1yep seqrtr^rs asnnol q8noqr ua^E ituB^\no[ euo eq] sl elcetdacer ur aql eql ser{3]rA\s alqBIrB^B aeJqteqr }o qllqrK ^{oDI Je^eutqSnu no[ 'lened\oq 'sn a>[llare no,tjl 'q]rr^{s rq8rl eqt uo uJnt ot Jequeurer^4.11ef,rtetuotne noL 'urooJpeuelJepB ot ur {lB^{ nol, ueqlfi 'uo;;o snorf,suof, ]noqlr^\ tueqt ruroyed ueo no[ ter{r qJnu os urer{]peJrtJeJd aneg noL '8ur[t -eoqsor rBIIrulS'ssausnorf,suof, Jo le^al eqt ^\oleqperotsare slll{s ^4.ueyr1 'ra8uol ,{uesencuo ,{1er o^Bqt,uplp no[ os fuouraru ol 'eruu Ja^O 'eoe1d eJe^\ ur uual-Buo1 rnod ur peqcte sBA\ urerlf, III{s aqt fuoruaruaqt jo s1ull eql IIV 'ure8epue ure8eIII{s eqt peteadernoL

e erunyad;o lleruseqJ 'selro 8ur[e1d;oArouraur sraSSul grpr dn-sserp -ruerupeJotseqt Jo IIBler gdulord L11ecld,b uondaoredfuosues poolu Jo y 'fuoruau fuelunlolur q8norqr pellmer ere sef,enfuoueru etoruag 'seouerJedxe crlerunBr] saf,BJ] fuoruarueseqlot Sutue;ar Jo ueq/6,'eJeqpeJols osleeJB s,aq'seuolueur pessardeJ tnoqBsllet euoeruos qql :a.4,e1 q peJotseJB BrunBJt pepeeura8uol ou leuonorueJo serJourell{ 'lleoer JoJelqBIrBAB saf,Brt fuouaur Jo suollltur Lllerarll ere serror.uelnl oseqrq8noqlly 'euozperolof,der8 ruoplesere serroruaru ereql 'passecce 'a8re1 ur ureJqer{l ur deeppeJotsare o8e3uo1ruog selJouleul elorueg B 'sarJor.uetu eql PeJols Jo ,{rrlunb aql 'llef,eJ enrssed urol!\ (plo egt tuasardarot peJolor tsnr sr re,{e1 pue ot q8norgr eseqtJequeuer no1 'aAeIneJ rlnclglp arou tdruordteqt senf, tlsm eqt suletuocrertelelpplul eql ere ter{t serroureur pesnrrroples 'pallBf,or l,11crnb selJolueru ,{lsseproge eJB PUB esaql 'cte 'sluaruluroddeSuurncer'sraqurnuauoqdalarpuB sarueu aql pesnuoBBurJoJul serJouleul sulBluos pesn,{lruanber;:L11ep Jo ddel lsseu re,i,e1 slr{I'rolor enlq rq8uq tealc e ut relel slqt sezIIBnsIA -snorf,suof, esolf,radellsnq 'ennf,Beqt sl auo raddn eqJ 'ueqo fuoruetu ot eqr eqt ur papnlour e8erols;o sre,i.e1 sBulerq eqr Jo uolletuasardar egs 'ssef,f,B a8erols lepoul Jetpouesesn',i,pap1a B pue Jo IBnsrA sJalJo eqr jo sruelqordfuoruarueqt qtlll\ ,i,lentsuetxe palro^t setl oq^'\'dde1

ffif"il eI,.^*,'Ji,15ii*;,'1;:lJ;,1:'#,TJH'1,i ,unof, sI uollBtuJoJul B Jo}

ru{ar 3uo1 ur peJols sr eruu 3uo1 peJaquauleJ ter{r 'fuouraur uJel-lJor{s $r{l ot acuaraJerB ,{lruanbag sr fuouelu alqlrJel PellBf,-osJno 'sPuoJas oAIJpu sruall uenes Jo ArlcedeJ tunullxetu B seq fuoruaru ruJet rrotlg .e8e.ro1srrrJel Uoqs Sursn ar,no,{,'uonels se8 aqr lB eseqJJndprec rlpeJf, rno,( ro; q8noua 3uo1 Jequnu afeld esuef,rl rnort Jeqrueruernor{ uatlt\ 'Surqteruos uo {JoA\ nori,se ,{,lsnoeuutlnurs erep }o suolteulg .ruof, ro sdats tuere#lp IBreAesfuorueu ul plotl ol ,btcedec a8erots $ql esn no .A.rodrarrr Eulx.rorn Jo elelpelulur sr a8erols IIBJaJ luBtsul ot PatEIar ,(1aso13'iletal luelsq ro lBqr sI uollBrnP lselroqs aql

Z8Z '[routa1A1 fuorrpny rnol, o] tng serJorueru tuesealdunJo tue IBnsIn -see1d ol Suura;artou ar(e/N 'sauouaryrnod;o ,irrlenbeqr tnoqe 1ulr{l or InlesneJotuLlqeqords,tr ',i;otuaru ,brlenb eqt tnoqBpe{let el(e^t jo q8noply 'la,( pauoltuau t.ualeq ozn fuourou Jo tcadseuB sr eJaql 1ndu1 uouurrrroJul fuoueru,o ecueuodrur eql iuouBJtsr8ar ro; puetsrapunnol 'lec rnod, a8ere8 8urryeda8nq BJo roog l;ena uo JeAa ef,ueJnsur par{oJeas el,noA;1 ',(uedwof, rno[ o] urEIf, B truqns elqB eq l(uo/n no['uraql pall] en,no.{, JeuBsldrecarlBf,rpstueqt purJl(uBf, no,{;1 'lnoqe pe{let e^t stuets/.s uortezrue8ro ot JellurlsuortetuJo}ur aqt Sutzuo8atBJ Surpoc sellonur ssacord ptre sF{J 'e8erots;ouels'{stuerorlta uB sI Lrourarurnor{uI BlePaqr Jo aruoqrnoi{ ur srualraqt Surssef,ce pue Sutrolsor ,(eI aqJ 'JequeureJ uorsrJepsnorf,suoc alnbar [ueru ol e 'lro3ga elull grlrn a8erotsotur Aeun leqr pug serroruelu eruosq8noqrly 'Lq sn passed tueruruof,s(ssoq Jo uorlsenbEJeqf,Bet 'tno tr sBq eqt eqt arn8r;[pug eA\atur] aqr Lg qorqnrpuB xoq qlryrN iesn e/r\plnoqs Le>1 'spuBqJnour sLe>1Jo spuesnoql rno grlrn sexoqrrsodap-ales ot peeq alt jl sBs,fl 'lBAeIJleJ alqelf,Ipardun /t\olsur $lnser a8erotsJrtBrJE PUB Suneous,]l'fuorueru 1nqfuo ur iareq^\lng'araqnstuosaJeqtur punoJe -ruetuutott BtBpar{r rsol l(ueleq am 'spromrar{lo ul iJequeureJo^\ tBr{A\ lnd am aJaq^tpurJt(uBf,eA\rBqt tnq BtBpaqt requotueJt(uBc3A\tBql t(usrsnJo ,{ueulJo} uelqord eq1 'BtBpeqt Surssef,ce detspuof,es sr eql 'lrouraruJo uol]Baue8roJeqtre;o darstsJr]eqr tsnl sr e8erotg ssemv dloura;4 o1 Aay etII :uone.r1sr8aApue uoqezruefuO tq8la-fuue^uJoJtnoqBTulqf ol ,,'sJBei( ,lnyaznod pesn;eJ peq I reqr leraun; s.raqtorg.{,ur;oserroruotu passerder pareSSur lue3s eqJ 'sra^\ogeqr IIBjo llerusoqt ot uortreer fuetunlonur uB sB^r 'PBalsul'urlq letu ue^e re^eu pBq I 'pelp pBrl 0rl^\ uosredaqt ll du uortf,BerasueturL14 'dn uareaq1,11e tnoqBsSullee; ,iq pasnef, J(use/r\ -uortoruerle; pue 8urfucdorst(uplnof, 'q palleA\ sBuoos serrede I I 11e; ,ilareldtuor 'puep; Lpurey Jo lBreunjeqt ot puBqsnq parueduof,f,e B Lu I 'o8e 'ualto8ro; srea,{ o8e 3uo1peq Leqr Surqraruos Suueq 1 IBJe^eS -ureuraJ,{lueppnsJo ecuelJadxe pBq e^BqsJapBeJ aJns aqr u,1,, sucl tBqt 'srea,{ Arygu1;o lq8noqt t(ueneqnoL pualg pooqplq3 B
IiIZ\rUC UO Ardnts 'XZvl rON r^{(l NVEhInol

uef, no^ tnq sruelqoJd leuortueuB Jno^ a8ueqc t(uef, nod 'aouetsur JoC ')1uII 's>perq urer{f, l:oureru rno,( eJer{/r\eurur IBe^{ eqt uo TJoA\ueo noL -Jetep uec no,{ y1 llo8ro; noL Lgrrr tno ern8l} of paeu noL 'raqruaural oI 'sn dueur ro; tlnf,rlllp ere s{sBt eseql Jo 'sar3etens Suruueld pue 3ur1u1qr paaue8ro (lletap ot uonuelle 'uo3$epel -BJtuecuoc selnbar SuuaqruerueJf,rteuretsl,g'srrcr;appelerf,osse aql ,iq papunodruoc ere tn9 sJaCeV ot anbrun t,uare suralqord Lroruel4 'elgord fuoruaru u/t\o rno,t puetsJepun Jeueq no,( dlaq tq8rru rsll sn{J iSuuaqruaruar grlm srualqord a^Bq aldoed dueur 'ernseeru B sB$looq Sururen drouaur elqBIIB^BJo Jaqunu eql esn e^\ JI 'saf,uararJlpLrorueru anbrun gtlrn uroq are s8ureq ueunq IIV (Iooq s,dde1ur tsrl B ruo$ pardepy) d.roura;41 IIBre^O s8ur8uolaq rnd nol, araqm-aceds sllBleP eulll seceld snorJEA le8 ot Aroq ot sef,uarJadxaleuosred-crposrda :oq no s8ultll-rpeqtsaqll peer no,i,s8urqt Jo sllelep-spro/r\ leeru no.( eldoed;o sare, eql uoudnuetul uB JaUBpelJets ra8 ot eJerlt\ pue /!\oq suortonJlsu dets-lllnur ueDrJA\ suorlf,nJlsurdals-euo uallrJn\ 3aes norT. sEqqI-IBnsrA suorlenlrs dnor8 ur ,tes ot tue/r\ noL leqm-spJo/v\ suouBnlrs euo-ol-auo ur i(es ol luB/r\ noA reqm-spJo^\ ]aaru nol, eldoed;o ,5*"., ".p suorlcnJlsul dals-euo IBJo suorlf,nJlsurdals-qlnru IBJo



:(alqtuer) B Surprls uo jles 9 ol (ruallecxa) 1 ruor; oIBOS -rno[ a]BrpuB i\tolegpelsrl uoueluJo;urfuosues spql perrel er{t roJ ]o ,troureru rnod;o ,trrlenbagr tnoge {ulqJ ipersetro peqf,not 'pe11arus 'preeg 'uoasan,nol{, s8urqrJequaurarnor{op IIoA\A\oH 'ore 'fuoueyn1

b87. pue sllHs tBrll6,2el&sBurureel ierrnbf,eLyseenoL op uorletuJo;ur JBInf,rUBd rnod sr lBrL/K'Surureel aporrrlenpl^lpul rnol, az,{1eue Jo noL dlaq ol selr{ts Surureal JarlJBe puedxe ot tuBA\e/X\ Jno Jo uorssnosrp sal&S Eugu.real 'el,{rsSurureal eql IBnPI^lPur 0l SuturealJo epotu aqt Surqf,teru [qurnat Sulunal eql Jo sseuenr]f,eJJe 3ql e^oJdrur sr Le1 eqI '8urop ro Suraas tsequrBal oq^\ esoql ot ,{q roJ e^rtf,a#auls(trlng 'apolu srqt uI lsaq urBel puB reqrueurer aldoed etuos 'elltf,aJ$aut [11ero] Sutualsrldq Surureelteqt tou s(tl 'srrorJep sI rSlcads lnoqllA{ asoqrSurpnlcut'sleureall,ueurJoJenrloage,{pelncrtred J(usISurqoealdem.euo',tlateunuoJun 'SuruetsrlLq e8pal^{ou>l alnbce ol Jno-Surqceat ,{ezn-auo PetcedxaerarnaA\PuBPe{lel sJolcnJlsur tlSnorql ((peureel,, Jo ,iueyrl'Suruatstl sn ueryosr Burureel qtlr\,\perenba 'q8noua ,{ltuatsrsuof, ruJoJJed g8noue 3uo1snf,o}Jno ureturetu ro 'q8nouarse;a8pel^rouT ssef,oJd Jno JeqtBJ l,uec eA\ 'af,ueruroyedJo tnq 'asrad 'Surureal sulalqordJnO '/r\ou>I req/t\ a/r\ Jo seuotou ueuo eJB ateJtsuoruep alqe sLemle ot t(uale ed\lBqt $ sn;o [ueru ro; l,rlncl]Jlpaqa 'Lt11tqe A\olspue ef,uBruroyad Jo {lBI rno[ o] etull uorrf,BeJ luelslsuocut rno,{ afnglulB ^(eur sJa{Jo/r\of, rno,{ 'l1npeue puB asnods sy 'SurureelJo IoBI B sBseper8 rnod rsat 3uy11e; pararfuetursrur ueuo srsqrBetrnoz{'plF{l B are^\nod uet141'op l(uop ro 'op noAteq/|-drralr -cnpordrnol, l,q lnq 'urerq rnor{aplsq ,furec nod e8pel/lrou1 esnor{ Jo -erotsetll dq lou pessesse ^{,11ucld& slenelSururealpue e8pal,roql erB 'peq e^BrlLeu noL srualqord Sururealeqr puersJepun a8pal,r.ou{^\eu rnol Sursnar,noi(edoq a16 or eqr pJo/r\ Jo uorluetu eJatuaqr rB pueJp;o 8ur1ea; a^Bq B i,,8ulureal,, [eru nod 'ranelq]erepunJo IaqBIeqr grl,n eurlreJlle tueds en,no[ JI .aJII L11ep rno[ uI ]no deld suorloeuuof,retur /troqpuetsrepunrellaq uer eqt no,{ 'Sutuleel leraue8Jo auo ol fuoruaur ldacuoc arlt e8relueelr\JI Jo raqlo aqf fnorDIA\ euo e eH l,uu3 noa-Equree.I pue d.roure;,q 'slr{t Suropro; 'retdeqceqt uI JelB-l'$lf,rJt,{roruaru seepletuostB dolarrep Iool ll,err\ o1 er{t ll esnuBf,nor{'lseSuoJts $ sauouawrnol,Jo qcrqA{/t\ou>I no,t;l tagrrng 'snf,oJ gtlrtt ore3iratur suortcertsrp earululru ol sdatse{Bl eqt leql
'LZv'lroN hr,lNvahlno^ ii^Z\^Ic uo ardrus

Lq s^\ouI Ir Surees Surqteuros 'cte'sqder8 'surer8etp 'serntctd:suouelueserdal lensrl grlm selou se{Bl s8utqrJequeueJot uonBzrlensrn sesn eqr punor8>1tBq ur 3ur>11er aldoadro esrou[q pareeusrp lpulncrrred sr a8en8uel [poq s,raleads qttetr dlesolcot speeu eqr puBuorssardxa IBIoBJ sernlctdolur lndur IBqJaA ((selEISuBJJ,, f,1^o1, tndur,i;otrpnesassecord serntf,el3urrro110; ^r1ncrilrpseq
eJIP UellIJ/!\ S/\{OIIOJ IIer!\ SUOIIf,


stuarselope SururBal {ooq rreqt ruoU paldepeueqc 8ur roJ pelqesrp -/v\olloJ aql 'se1,{,rs Surureel stusruBr{f,eur aroldxaursradleleuuea[ aqr Jo 'looq rraqt u1 '[eznsrqr pue reQleqls BrBqrBg'1nnuarc48ur4copn fuosuas tsequreel sJeCCV ^ueuJ-sleuueqf, eerql IIB sesnoq/t\ Jer.rreel -lllnu B eq ,{erunol, rg 'sleuuBqf, Jo uortBulQruoc Jo leuuBqf,euo oA\t e [11enrnru g8norqr tsequreel leut no1 'anrsnlf,xe ](uare se1fisSurureal 'dematuosur erB perredurr sleuueqcreqto eqt ssalun-fiurssecordpue Surlulqr .Lapro uI tay87y tueuodrur ssaleJtnq uorteruJolurtuetrodrur eplnord op etsel er{J 'sleuueqf, f,rteqtseul)t ro/pue fuolrpne'lensrn pue Ilorus,o esuas q8norqr eceldselel Surureal pue rsory '8ur11arus Surrsel'(lauueqc rrteql -saut1/altrcer) fuolypne) Surqonol'(lauueqc Suueeq'(leuueqc lensr) i(q e^rj Suraas :sesuas rno q8norql ureel IIB erA.;nol,JoJrseqIJo^r teql /KerAeJ s(ta'I Sururealreq/vr (s)euo eqt tno arn8r;nod op ^,\oH'are sa1'{ts 'a1l,rs Surureelpaue;erdrno,{ ol tueqt r{f,teurnori;l Lluo eAItf,eJJe III/I\ sJetsuoru eq aoeds pue eurl rnol, aruetot esnnor{s>1cul pue sdrreqJ 'uortezrue8ro pue fuotueu qtr^{ peutd\uetur sr Surureal 'aJII q rnq loorlf,sur Lluo lou tuetrodun sr Surureel eporuperrej Jo -ard rno/.Surpuetsrapufl;Surltes ter{^\ur pue lseq ureel noL op /v\oH

rnoA oresn noz( eruos pe'a;ard eurrurarep uec sanrc dl"tHfft$TJ

982 fuoruerupal;lruepr,ilqeqordno/, teureal IBnsrA Lpreruud er,no,(;1 e 'uolletualJo B regr ,{neuroag elill sBOJB rcelqnsur pue IBnSIA eJlnbar ur Surpear surelqord nor{'looqts ul 's1sullensr^Hrlrn peg e^Bq,(eru sualqord ,trourau pellruepr dlqeqordnol, 'fuorrpnesr eldrsSurureal peue;ardrno,{;1 'rndur Jo eporrraqt or pereler,(lrcarrpsr drorueurrno,t Surureal t(usrll 'petf,euuoc,{ller8arureJB ;o Artlenbegr rBqt Sursufuns olur papl^lp Llq8nor se/r\ pue Lroruatuef,urs 'seporu,trosuas rlf,rq^\ slllls fuouraru,o teqr pue rsII srgt ueaA\leq seurrBllrrlsef,rtou[lq"q -ord nol 'rsrl srqr sued ureuef,grl,n Igluapt l,lparqnopun Jo III^I no r1Surop,{q Sulglaruoss/noul tuarlle^oruJo lol B sPeeu f,rlnlrce q8norqr lseq sureel 1ecrs,(qd 3u1op Surqf,led\ lsaq suonf,erlps/r\olloJ l,q pue sPuBq qtr/t\ srq :spJo/h asrcerdrul sesn ,,SIIBI,, luerua^oluolul spJo/r\ seJnlcrd,,salEISuBJl,, pue drlncrillp seq tndur fuorrpnepue lensr^qtoq Sulssarord

Jot{cuB eoueuuoyed((uo-spueg,, esues ot dpoq srq sasn pue senr^rtsB puB slrodsur petBurproof,.lled\ sr lecrs,iqd uorlsalrP,o ssues tuellaf,xauB sBq ' rerrree-I rlreqlseulx/elllrB'L eql s^rou1 l1 Suueeq^q Surgreruos spJon\ ua>1ods uo snf,oJ a8en8uel eql ot Lpoq s,re>1eads serou8r eqt sr Ilnurls lBnsr^[q perrer]srp spJonue4odsolur sernlcrd((selBlsueJl,, fuouraruul tl Jorloueol uortetuJoJul ueltrJ/$ezrleool ol serl [1no1s sessecord lndur IBnsrA
lBluJoJ eJnlf,el B uI lsag sulBel

IIaA\suortcerrP lBqre^s^\ollo} lndul punospue proit\ eldrrlnrutno suos l,lanrroega ' ' ' Jerr.ree.1 d..roltpnv eql
UO IiAZVUC ArdnJS'LZV-IrON ht.l NV3y\ no^

no^ sB'og 'srapulueJ pepJocal adet grlrn JaDeqr{f,nr.uop deu notr .nod ro; 'sJeCIqy dueul ro; ryo^r tou li,euttI JauJBallBnsr^ B l.ueJB no,{;l tng pydleq sI u/t\op s8utqr Sutlrm ,{ltuatsrsuoC 'sauo Suorts aqt ezlrurxetu pue sBaJB {eeA{ ssedLqot asn no,{ olout pue sdrr eqr eznuotsnc no,{ dl..{ uBf, tl tng 'seporu fuotueul/8uru-ree1 rno,t aaro8atef, ot esn uec no,( sexoq Lpll pue suortrurlep tnf,-rBelf, apr^ord l,useop >lro/neruegslqJ

senbruqrel L.rourayl dn Euluna

'Jorunqpue ,{seluBJ se^ol PuBsuonsBJrsqe qSnoJqlsurEsl'elnlcrd 8tq egr grlrn sur8aqoqt\ Jeurealelrtrntur 'enndaoredB eq l,erunoL rg '8ururea1 'lecrtcerd'crlsrlear eq uo-spueqsra;erd oq^\ JeureeleteJf,uof, B 'dars-dq-dars /.eurno1 'SurIulqr pernlcrurs'1ecr3o1 q8norqt srueeloq^\ raluBal lertuanbes'pa11elep eg l,eurno1 'Surssacord B uorteturolul Jo sruals,ts pazrlenpl^lpultrq peugaprequnJ ere se1,i,ls fuoruaru/8ururea1 'Surureal roJ uoneruJoJur Jotlf,ueot tl op pue tr ees'tr reeq ot speauoqrv\ JeuJBel fuosues-lrlnru B eq Leurno^ 'lle tueqt asnno,i.esnef,eq al[rs Suru:ea1 peue;ardrnoL eulJepl,pealc ot elqeun eg derunol, rg 'lletap ol uonuelteur ro an8rte; ennruSof, r.{tr/r\ srualqordcglcadsot anp IIe^{ pBert(useopoq^\ JauJBel 'elzznd e eqr;o rred oslEerBslrcrJap IBnsrA eq ,ieruno^ ccv anbrun rno 'e8en8uel uer{t rer{terErBplef,rreunu;o rndur fuorrpnuq8norqr tsaqrueel [eru noL 'eldruexeroC 'uollenbe aq] ot ur rotJBJslllls IBlr -ueqf,eu pue a8en8uel'gleru roJ sepntgrde crrsrld pnpl^lpul 'Irotv\eruery -tuls ,(penoslgf ueqt xeldurof,eJoruere fuoureu pue SururealasJnof,,O 'S>lsBl lBuorlf,rulsur SunelndluBul[llectsdqd ro sdnor8Sururealul pa^lo^ur Llenrlceara^\ noL uaqn nol, ro; rseqpe{ro^t l,lqeqordlooqls 'rl or petceuuof,uoure [ue ]nogttn fuottpn Jo sr IBnsrA tndur ueq^\ sruelqordfuoruarue^Eq i{erunol, tng 'fuorueu esuas [poq 'alytcetrno[ grlrn ,,leddn-lexrJ,, pue etelgte tote8rneutuellef,xeuB eq Leu no[ teureel f,rlaqlsaul{e ar,no/,;1 'loorlrs r{8tq rorues pue rorunl ul elf,rqe^Surqcearaqr euBsaqsaJntf,el uer{^t&lnotglp JBInJruEd pararunoJueaABq,teu nod 'trefuatunof, JeuJeel fuorrpnernoL e{llun 's8urnasesoql ur suor}Je -retul seq leqre^ er{l ot Surpuodser,blncl}Jlp oq,!\ tnq IIe/r\senf,lerf,os dn slcrd oqr!\rapearpoo8 B aq deu notr 'rndur lBqre^yrl,n sruelqord

aqt Jo sllerep aqt IIB euISBuI ot llasrnoL molle pue ItBq tts 'aurog rnol 'no[ ]sure3e peetsur no,( Jo] Jo uoJruof, eqt u1 ]o IJo^\ ot uortedrf,uue eqt esn 'tJets ot eoeld e epIAoJd uec ,i.rourerugtlrtt sereletul Alalxue rqt Surpuutsrepunrnq ualqord srqr ot uoltnlos aldruls B t(usl areqJ 'ure8e-Llqeresrru IIB, II,aH Jlesrl teader lllm [rotsrq pue erur] slq Suorrn eqt tB tno {uBIq II,oH '{Jo/v\t(uod\ fuouraru f,rteJJe tBqt part}J -ret s(aH 'lq8p; a8els;o ear8ap Burz,{1ered acueuedxe uer reOCV e uB lng 'pBerpJo esuosB rl]r/v\Sulleeds crlqnd qreordde aldoed Jo sto'I ol ,,'ri,BS Suro8 ar,nof lgr{.r re8ro; sLenle no[ mou{ no1 ir] /v\olq ol SuroB eJ(no ,, :u^\o str jo spJol\{gtlrlr Sutlltj sr ureJq rno,{ 'qtnour rno[ Jo rno spJo/!\eqr Surrra8 ur8aq no[ sy 'Surpunod sr ueeq rno[ pue Sururnqf, sr rloeruo]s rnoL '8ur1egs eJBspuer{ Jno i((tno {uBI9,, o1 l,1uouortBtuasard selesrno[ peue]s noA erreg sarurl [ueru ^\oH :r{..roura;41 IIII A sere}relq leql &aTxuv aql ezlwlqnt '8uteq-11ed\ Ieuoltorue leraue8 rno[ oslB pue Lroruaur rnoA anordrur ol elnpaqcs L11ep rno[;o rred B ]r aTBIN'LpelnBertr esn pue noL ro; IIer!\ $lro/v\ teqr uals[s B pul; or rirl 'lcafqns eq] uo sadel pue slooq Jo Jequnu B ur peurltno eJBpu sJetuecSurureal dllunruuror pue uortBeJf,eJur peJal;o eJEsesJnocSurureJt uonBXBIeJJo spur1 snorJBA 'uorlBJluef,uof, 9llrn eJeJJel -uI leqt srq8noqr qtr/r\ uonednccoard ruog dpoq pue pullu rno.( eer; UBJ uorlezrlensrl ro SurgreeJqdaep 'uorlexeleJ alf,snurenrsserSord;o senbrurlcet eqJ 'senbruqoet uortexeler snorJBA SursnJo rrgeq er{t ur teC 'JeqrueueJ PUB elBJluaf,uoJ l(uBc nort 'sassarlsaJII snorJBA Pue furo/| Lq pardncroard are srq8norlt rno/. jl 'JeqrueureJ ,brpqe rnoL uo tcedrur suonorue pue ot pooy\ ;pesserdapro pessertsno,{ ery;8ur1ae; no,{ ere A\oH :xBIeU ;remod iboruaru rno,{ sef,uer{ueteql eoeld pue arult B pul, no[ ue3 iraquauer ol 8urfur ar,no/, q]lq^A repun saf,uets -runcrrf, eqr e8uegc nol, UBO itueruuoJrnue pellrj-uortJeJtsrp 'Lsrou e ur Surqreuos JequelueJ ot Surr{rrnor{ ary :seruulsurnlqC aql az[1euv 'punu ur (s)a1&sStntueal rno,i,dael'mo11o;terp suormeSSns or{rJo eruospear

'((Jeqto tno rq8u puB JBeeuo ur saoS puB op o1 eql noL ller 1,, tl tBr{/t\ 'spron eqt pJeaq,(puanbar;aneq l,eurnoAdn Sur,ror8eJe^\noL ueq4l 'eJarl.A{eruos B tI elIJot uoga snorf,suoo eletu nod ptun SulqlLuealols,!rad .old t,ueo noL tng 'ot ureqt tuBA\no,t lou Jo Jeqterl \ sue8rofuosues rnoA ot /,e,r. rreqt e{BruIII^\ tueuruorrlue eqt urog IFrultS .luaserdl,lletuaru og tsnrunol, '8urqilue reqrueuer oI 3reqr,ueweg ol erloqC eqf e{BHl elqellorruooun grlrn lno tsrng Aeurno,{ro,(serue;srql ur qf,nru i3ur133r8 oor e81npul,uop rsnf'8urue]Berqtsselqrnru pue l,11ls reqler readde111m Legr 'e,i.e s,purur rno,(ul 'epnu egr ul Jo Jean\Jepun Surllls ef,uerpne ur rnod eur8eul 'tq8p; a8elsranbuocot >lf,rJt s(Jotce esnosleuBf,no1 uB 'sluedrcrtred eouarpne ruor; noL IBnPI^lPq .lo suoltcBerpuB sereJeqr uo qf,ntu oot SursncoJ pue drouaru ot uortueDerno,{esealf,ur tf,BJtslp uBf,srql'xBIeJ ot anf, rnod setutod rnoL esnuef, nod 'uortoeeJ af,uerpne e8ne8ot peeu IBJoJ q8noqlly 71esrno,i, punor8 ot tl te azeB puB eruxr; rq8rl B sBr{rns 11,nol, 'uortetuasard B lurod IBco,IBJtnau esoot{f, rno,{a{Btu ot otun s,tl ueq/N\ '8urfurolr peatsur Jo Suuequrerual sar8reue ro; rnort dn ear; uec nod ,rbarxue rnort eseeJoap ueo no[;1 'petdnccoLlanllf,nJlsuoo punu rno,(uerll\ sarJJoA\ sr pue sJBeJ rno,i.uo snf,oJ alult sseleABqno^ 'ef,ueruro}Jad ot {sel uo snf,oJ rnort eseeJcur 's8ulqt esaqrJo eruoslnoqe Allecrrsrlear nor{, Surlurqt ,tg 'esnods JoJJnu Jo rno,t ue Jo pealsuref,uerpne or 3ur11er al,noLueqt\ ef,ueJaleJ eruegInJesn no,i,senrS e pue loJtuoo ur noi{ Jo 'tsJolrstr stnd Surlurqr enrtrsod'rseqstr lB tr ozrlBnsh te uortenlrsaql ezIIBnsIA nol' rer;y isalllllqlssodetorual,t1uo f,rlsrlueJ Jo sJBeJ rno,{ary 'orJEuass esBc tsJo^\B Jeprsuoc iuortBntrsaqt tnoqBree; nor{op lBq/)N

ur perogcuedlurlJ l1 s1;,{esot teq/r\Jaqruetuar oC .af,rtf,erd no,t pue sf,uerpnB rno[ sBrorrnu aqr esn ieTI lea] 1l seopreq4t'Suroer uBeq rno[ pue SurrBen\s sruledrno,{ :suor]Jeer rnoAtnoqBIul{I 1ecrs,{qd
'pBeJpno^ uonBnlrs


^llenuEuof,aq 2lleg $q rsn[PBer seoq lIJerxapert leuosredsrq srleqt qf,lB^\ra>1cod JBa^\ seoq lef,ue B eq +eeddesrq rnoqeenbrunSurqrLue ereqt sI 'eslaeuoeruos ruog uede ruq les tBqt senlJJo selou letuaru aletu pue ot eureu JlesrnoL seturtIBJaAes srq /,es(zneu euoeuros teetu no[ ueqlx\ 'seopuor]e^Jesqo lryeJectng '[roruaru uI BlBpaq] eJnf,es JoqcueuB aprlord ol t,usaopSurqlatuos Suueegro Suraas ,(1dung :raaresqo regeg e eg ol Jlesrnol uIB{ 'uoIlBluJoJuI asol eql snorf,suof, IIIAInor{ro JequaueJ ol uorsrf,ap B alBlu 01 a^Bqnor{rng ,{sea t(usrl1 'furecdagr oSreoar{tJo esne{Blu or sdrqs iEJor"ru{q mup asoqtJo ,trrcole^eqt u/!\op^rols ot peeu no1 'SuueqruetueJ ueq,t. sueddeqtBqA\ uonetuaserdar tB IJol!\ l(uop noz( ro eleJnf,oe sr uortezrlensr^ uE terll tlsnouas iJBer;a1rnoA tno Surtooqs pue urerq rnoL lo surnl pue stsr/t\t eqt g8norqr Surllanerl (JBe tq8r.r rno,{ olur Suruooz sdrgsta{f,oJ pro/r\durf ;o sperpunqJo erntcrd 1er -uetu Inlepuom e dn ernfuoco] aurt pardnr:eturunpBq no1 iruooJrnod ol lues pue Suruelslltou JoJpaqsrundaralr no/. uag^r lear8 ll t(useAt

C c


Lueyq'3ur1urqt ur fua8erur Jo asneqt;o aldulexeuB sr ((iueetuI ter{^,\ easno,(oq,, 'uorssardxa aqJ :d.roure141 lBnslA-sasuas Jno esn 'raqreSor secetd elzznd petoeuuof,aqt Jo tseJeqr rnd uec no,{ 'eJotsfuecor8eqt ot tno st aql JI Jelsea acetdfuoruaruSurssrtu SurpurC ero;ege8ere8 ur JlaqsB uo 4a1noL tBorureregr pue fuo aqr pepeaqno.,{ -ruerueqr qloq purJot elqeeq Leu noL 'suonerf,osse eseqtg8norqa apls ilBoJuIBrrnor{tsol Lpeerleno,(peg 'Suruunr eJeA\ no,(;1 jtruotsureJarlr Suunp IJoA^, tuog Jo ol ,{e,rrno/.uo nor(eJellr'esec;euq rnoL Burfurec eJeA\ noA;1;sauecor8 rno[ yrlrn rnodumope q8norqr Suruunrla^r ;o s8eqaerqr pue esef,Jauq Surleosro8 no,(Lup aqr tl t(use/X\;urer plp ,iepreq16 .suorlBrf,osse ll etBAItoB selrjfuorueurrno,{ot ur oB 'laan tsBIteof,urerrnori, nol, pue r;a1 eJoq^r Llsnolnf,BJnu Jeqrueruar /r\oqeuos11,nol, ter{t Surdoq;lesrnod putl nod erult lxeu eql iSutlensnr;Llaruenxesr ,,'en8uolLru;o drr eqr 'r1t1,r uo rg8u s,11,, Bur188mts 3lxaluo3 lefuel1e uI uoTleurJoJullncl '/v\ou{Lpeerleno,{ 'ezrJo Surgleuros uoueruJoJur ot A\euer{r Joqtue pue suonsenb IrV -tueurol 8urful el,no[ ]eq^{;o Surueeu aql puetsJepun /,pee1c tBrll noL sJnseleyr1droruetutuJet3uo1ul rl eJots,{ltueueuradol elqe aq J(uo^r nor{'11 Surlelr8rn8er dldrulseJntBuxalduoc B}o uortBtuJoJur Lq Jeq -ruerueror ful no[;1 lezuorual4l ol Euu{"5 ar(no1 fBq/K pue}srepun rno/, lrec Surssrur B puIJ ot enrtf,etep pue eruoq nol, enup ot rxet e 3ur11er pua l,eur dn noL 'Lertr JaqtoueuI elBp tBt{t Jor{f,ue t(uop no,i;l tng 'u/t\optr elrJ/nol g8noua3uo1lseal te-ur peryedno,{a8ere8 8ur>ped qcrqm roquouer no,{ dleq uBf,tl 'drouraru turat uoqs ro;1n;d1eqeq ,(eruuortBruro}ur jo uonltader aldrurg :uorlezrJor,ue'\I elog Jo esn rnoif eJnpeg 'slleleP ,tlalBrnf,rB,orequnu eqr jo {f,Brr dael Peraqrxaruar rno[ sBetur] ,,r{,pnts,, sporJed pue senordul IIBceJ reuoqs 8urrro11e Jo fu1 'qderSoroqdautze8eue Sursn,{q asrcraxa fuourarulensr^Jo pur{ erueseqt op uBf,no1 'peloruer sB^\arntcrdeqt uar{^\slleteppeJaqueu 'teruroJ -er er{t B lle perrodarpue qderSoroqd peuruexe sluetsaluo3 stl sB,{roureru eJeql o8e sJBeA pesnfeqt /!\oqserue8nI B sBA\ IBnsrA 'uoltBnJesqo sramod rnod anordrurot suorsses ef,rlf,Brd peuueld esn Jo

tnoqe {ulq} puB J}o tg Suru:nt Jo uolloru eqt eleraSSexe'uo uorl eql aleel ,{lruanbar; nod 'rno tl lf,B uogr pue tl Sulop;1asrnol, ezIIBnsIA }l 'ezlJorueruot esuesfpoq 'reqruarueJot peou noL leqlr lnoqe {ulql eqf rxoU A\oJJoq'oueqlsaupt sl eporu rno,{ esn puB eJlotradal s(Jotf,B Jno asn Surureel paue;ard rno,(;1 :,fuourel I tpeqlseuDr-sasues 'edet rno,i, }o {leq tre1dno,{.se l1 leeder pue rapJooal edel e uo spuBJJe tsrl ro qcaeds rnod pJoJaU '8uos u/t\onl llerv\e;o sctr,tl eql uI Jeqrueru -eJ ot paeu no,i,s8urql eqf Sutuesut ro eurdqJ B uI fstl Sutddoqs rno/, Surnnd fu1 '1pcar fuoruau tdruord ot ,btnrtysuespunos pue auLqr 'protr rrer{l esn uBf, srer.rrealIegren :rlrouray4l .fuo11pnv-sasuas rnol asfl 'fuorueur rnor{ Suudtuord ur eq III/n a8erur er{t e^nf,eJJeeJour er{l 'uorlezrlensrl pue suortf,euuof, er{t snoe8ertno eJoru ar{J 'erueu tsJrJsrr{ ot uortJeuuof, PezrlBnsrnrno,{ 'esrnoc Jo 'q r{3lt{AAma$ Jo IA\oq a8ng e ur Surururrn\ssr fuec rno,{ '.{rlJ fueurpro a)illun 'eJntBeJluecr;ru81s tsoru s,uerufueC 'r]At IBer aqr sI slqt esneoegJIBII por Jo spunoru gtlrn peranof, sl rlslJ ruer8 rno ' (4loct r{sr; tuBIS e;o e8erut leluaru e ateerf, rq8nu nor{ 'uerufu"C uunts 'tuetlc A\eu rno,i.Jo eruu oqt JequeureJ ot paau noL;1 'serueu Suuaqruerual Joj IIaA{$Fo/v\ Lra8eutt IBtueW 'JetBI uler{r ro; Surgf,Jees tJets nod ueq^\ puttu rno[ ur dn dod lllm ere8elNJo a8eruruB reqr er sef,ueqc'putqaq rueqt e^Eel op no,i;l uole tng 'tuer{t lnoqtl^\ ruoor aqt ro tno Sutzaerqruog;1esrnol, dots ot q8noua aq Leru a8eurr eqt etearf, ot tueruotu B 3u1ry1 islleC ere8elp relo ldems are ,teqr sBtnoqB Surssol sLel rnor{ ezrlensrn-e8eurt IBtueuI eAIl 'spueq rno,{ qse^t -eur8urur uB etBaJJpue lelnej eqt pue tueqt te {ool rno,i. dorp no[ sy or paddots en,nori,eJeq^\ luls tuooJqteq eqt uo s,i.e>1 'eJar4\euos u \op tueqt tnd ol uets nor{ erurl lxeu aqr anbtuqoel 8urmo1 -lo; aqr Sursn fur 's,{e1rec rno,{ aceldsnu Lleuttnor nor( JI 'tl paeu no,{ ueq^\ IIEOaJ tdruord ot puB uorteruJo;ul Jo uolteJtst8ar IBIIIUI eql str anordur ol fue8erul lerueu pue uonezrlBnsrnesn uef, notr 'SuuaqueuaJ JoJJor{oue poo8 B sI puB dttnnearf, pue uotteut8Brul JoJ slsq eql sI pue pulru aql uI ueqr gllrn ,,r{,e1d,, seSeur lBtueu uSrsepor Lrrlqe uy 'sernlctd letueru eteJf,uof, olur petBlsuBJl ,ilssepro;;a JoqtBJaJBsecuauedxa pue sSurlaa; 'uorlemro;ur Sunuooul 'fuoruau IBnsrAq8nortp rseq JaqruelueJaldoad
NVEIAI no^ uo iiAZVuc ardrus'LZYaroN h{,1

'fuoulerusnorf,suoc rnor{ur sseoord aqr xIJ or dlaq lJlzn pue ,blnlrce aqr g8norqr Surpeacord;lasrnoL lee; 'uortef,olrlsBe ees tB qf,tr^{se SurddlulesrnoA PUB no,i dleq III/I\ slr{J 'sJosues aut8eurt Josuas qf,eaol esnoqrnoApunoJeeAolAI urooJ PUB 'asnoqrno[ a^Belnol, aro;aqruatsl,s eqr PUB xoq loJruof,eqr ezrlensrn ,buncasrno,{uo runl ol Jequoual ol 8urfur ar,nod .steeqetuouonatu JI e seSolelecrnoL ul rueqt ol Surlurodpue u/tlop rueqt Surtum 'sprom 'aldurexe 'lsr1 egr Surleedspue Sureas,iq ro; rcnpord (suortef,rjroeds s,/,uedruoc rnol, Sutztrorueru 'suuaqruerueJ;o,{rrlenbeqr anordurr fu1 ot ssauerene fuosues eq Jo spull rer{to grlrn peurqurof, uec pue fuo -tueru ere e8eur IBtuelAJ IBnsInpoo8 gtlrn IIoJ roJ InJesn suorlerf,osse 'llBrer ratBlroJroqf,uB eJnf,es erourB e^Bq SuueeqpuBSurLes) drotrpne 11,noL'(t1 IeuuBqf, rno,{ pue (ty Suraas ,{11erueur tl Surpear)Iauueqc IBnsrA pue rnod '(umop l1 Suttum) lauueqf,f,ueqtsaul{rno,{Sursn 'ure8elr ecrtoerd Lg ueqt puB elou rno,t re Surlool ^q ,i;oureruIBnsrA rnoL;o i{cerncce eqr {leqC 'pnol }! despue tl azrlensrl,se^{,a esolr ,etou rno,( rno,{ pBeU'rueqt acrtcerdpuB uA\ops8uyqralrr^\ ol paeu noi{ ,srqt op oI 'sloot fuoruau sBrueqt esnl,lenrlcenod sselun IIBteJ ro, tuanbasqns uouBturoJur erotsno,{dl",{ [11ear ](uop tnq fuoueur uJal seloN'sJepunuarrno,{umop Surlum rJoqsroy sldruordtear8 eJB Lldtutsle dots l(uop tng 'asnogrnod rnoq8noJqtsef,BldJo,{rauel ur B parsodpue uenrr^\ setou e^Bql,peerlel,lqegordno ieulr rq8u eqt tB aceld lq8lr eqr rB eAIJJe tue/r\no,i I luaulurodde rnod u^\op et.Jd\ ot sdeznle 'ure8esrqt r{es peau,tllear t(uop dlqeqorde^r ^{oDI e/N ot lnq :(.reqr,uewag ol Ara,, lsnf l(uoq-sepe1e.4g d.rosues,ppl I asfl 'lualue^our rnor(;o uqtr(qJ eqr ol ezrJotuelnl 'uouBJeA e^Bel JoJ nol, aro;eq op ol peeu no,{s8urqraqt Jo stuerlf,A\eurnod}o serueueql teadar 'tuooJaqt ssoJf,B uO 'erurt erueseqt tB Suuaq IIoJrsro urds r{f,Be -tuetueJ acncerd 'ectilo rnod punoJeSurcedJo JrBrlJ{sep rnod ur Suru 'ple fuoruaurB sBsseusseltseJ '8ur{f,or -utds ,{1duls rnol, as61 }o peatsul aql Jo utqrrigr eqf of Sutztrorueru rrerlf,Surloor rnoit ur 3u1rr1s pue fuI 'pulru rno,{ ur L-roulauerp aJBJI d11ecrs,{gd uonf,BeqJ JJo uec 1l Peurnrnortraqteq^\ relel repuo/r\ot tou IaeJIII/rtrl Inlepuo/v\ lv\orl


''l'( tr
'IuBq fuoruaru rnor{ 'eutllno letueru B uo Llar no1 eneq no'{ asnecaq8op B s.ll ur uorteruJoJul eqr pezrJo8etec,i.lsnornard /t\ouI no^ irpear e3re1fuan Jo sA\oroAu Jo lrel lnFalrod B re^o Sutlser 's8al JnoJgflm 'letutue tnous B pue IIet euo 'se[e PUBsJBeomt PeJe -Aoo JnJB sBlseeq eqr aqucsep ol a^Eq t(uoP notr '8op u^\oJg e8rel e se rno,( lgruapt Allcrnb no,t '3a1rno/, Jo lno alrq B loor rsnl oqm IuBIIBSSB nod uaql6. IBturuB snolf,oreJeqr rroder ol punod IBIuIUElecol rno,{.11ec 'tndur Jo suorlerf,osseeqt ezrue8ro dllerttut no,( ^\oq uo spuedep Lla8rel serJotueurIIBteJ r{laterncf,Bol hlpqe JnoI ''{rouraru e ldruord ol uorlrf,osseue Sutsn et,noA ',,' ' jo aru sPwtueJ lBqL, 'r{esnor( ueql6, 'lno>lJo/r\ e sla8 ,i;tzruearc rnori. 'pertnbar ere st suollelf,ossesnollqo sselueq/X\'l,llecrferuotnB dn pe11ec fuoruau aqJ 'reurnq eqr #o Suturnl Jo uollre aqr qrl/r\ Surlrsrgm todeal eqr Jo Punos Jnf,f,o suollelf,ossBeql no,{-,ilssalrJo#e PUB,(11ect3ol eql elBrf,ossB serurletuos 'uJoq sr Sutlutql a^ItBeJc PuB Jar{louB ol uI s^tolt,i.11ern1eu eepl auo 'suonBrJosse snorJBAq8norgr peqsrlduloof,e st ureal no,{ uopBzTIensIA esrl lBq1y\ qrnl/{ ssuoqercossv gllltr Paqquloc Jo

962 euo 'sePof, rarlel 3u1sn eg roJ PesI^eP uBc Suuegureurer $lf,rrr dueyq 'uorteur8erul rnol,_Lg Lluo petrurl sr (senbruqf,et Lroureur;qcrn ci -uoursuur InjesnSurdolenac :s{rul rruoruaunl uA{o Jnotr lue^ul due peeut(uo/r\ isJepunueJ lBuortlppe Llqeqordno[ '3e1 uelorq rsnt seqBoprnoi(pue eqceqtoorelqlrrer s]] B tuog Suua;;ns el,no,i, 'esrnol Jo .peJoqrueuoJ ot uoseeJ eq crsurJlur JI ou e_^Brl esr^\Jeqto plno/\{]Bq] sSurqrJsqruaueJot senJSurprnord [q . ,{rrxeldruoJ ef,nperL11en1ce erlt ,ieqt rng .ueprnqfuorueruaqt ot sertxa SurppeLq s8urqrerecrldruof, sanbrugoat esaqtreql ruais rq8Su r1 'fuoruaru ot ruaqt Surllrunuof,Jo ef,ueqJ Jetleq qf,nlu B e^Br{ noL 'demsnoJotunq ul luaqt Suralensr^puB B sluell onu egl.8uuted,ig ismetslq ul {f,nls uonoc gllrn rreqf,lBruap B uI IrBq 3urd1 euBCleerC rno[ Burzrlensrn uer noL ,lsrluepeql fut ot oB lerr or PUB eql IIel ot JaqueureJ e^Eqno,i;1 'sa8erur letuerupuB suouBrf,osse grlrn e^rtBeJc rnod eJotullq B eq ot aABqnol, ,sarulreuos

'patf,euuoc d11ec13o1 eru_srualr eqr ,11p3 o/nt rnoL roJ{uBt se8agr IIIJpue doqsJeqctnqeqt or oEot JequeueJot eABq no,f;r-,eouBtsur .slsrl roC JoJInJesn [pelncrrred st sauo8alec Sursndq fuoruerurno,{Surzrue8rg

nor.,11113 1o eq, srBe,s uo ::ff:::JTl?itrl;il "a"'$yili:#';i:f

'lse1x\ sl eulBuslq esnBf,eq rCI eqr rooJts Jo eplstsBear{t uo sr ecrilo s(Jotf,op rnol no^ ]Bqr JeqturueJ .suouerf,osse uuoj ot sef,uare#lp .s,pllr{l puB uosrredruocsasnr{f,rqm Sut4utyt sr Tonua"taltrpssra^uor aqJ rno,{ sBeureseqt sr tr esneJeq depqrrlq s(puau;rno[ JequeueJ no1 ',btrellruls^q ruer{tetercossB 's8ulrlt nod raquaurei ot But4uryl TocEoprn asnno^{ueq/A. 'uor}Blf,osse ro pa(no.r.8 pano(}o puH tsaldruisetlt Bursn ar,no[ 'Tulrp rno[ ro; sse13 Jo JrBqrno[ uo gruof,E asnno^( B ueq16 'Jequeual ol Paeuno,{sruarlJaqto eqt ot noL apln8reqr s8egeuoceq s8urpeaq ureurrno .requeuar ol s8urqr11 \aJa^Bqnozt sSurpeag os urBturepun sacerd Silrdnor8;o ep s[em ro 1ecr3o1 speerq]uounuoc Bur,llruepl rB Trolxt .ecird,tq ecardr1 oP ot ldurelle no,{;l Jeqr.uausJ sllBtep,tueruoot JBJ aJaqJ .aull ot eJB -tno eldlrlnru egr rnd o1pesu nol, ,ryo^\ le IBtuaruB olur elBp1o seoerd lcalord ]ueJJnf, Jo stuenafuolsrq ,s8opBuuaqruarueJ B al,nol,raqlaql6

'eroqs eqt rB te{uelq l{reeq rno^ uo nor{ re Surqruoq e^IP sI lBql eeq uBf, B ruory Suruunr jlesJno^ azrlensrl pue eJoqs-eeq-unJ ol 1l erBISuBJl nol, '.pg1 eceds ur paTJBdsr rec rno,{ teql JaqueueJ ol Peeu noL uaqlX 'c1a 'pueq euo uo sraBuI,=eAIJ'leclnod, uo '1c1ls8uo1=euo B serrt aqt=Jno, 'a18ueut e=eeJql 'rvreseesuo spf>l=ol\] 'cla 'airtg=ellJ :Lpueragrp Lpg311s rnoA dn les senf, tsII IBnsIAra;erd no,i;1 'aroqs=ino; 'aeq=eeryl 'oout-onu 'uru=euo :sonf, ro IenSIA seulr{grJeqlla 'sreqlunu Jequeuer ot ,ten Sursn sJaqunu jo tsII e dn Sutttes ,tr1 poo8 Jerpoue sr uorterf,osselnsrn e qtIA\ Paulquoo ruals,{sSutpoc y .Jequeual ol Jerseauele s,l1'raqrunu asnoq ro e8e rno[ uIBluoJ ot uaddeq srred rallBuls eql JI 'srr8rp eerql ro o^\l;o sdnor8 rellerus ot ur tl {eeJq no,i,ueq^\ IeIsBOrlsnru seuo3eq Jequnu auoqdelef lI8lP ueles e Suuaqueueg 'esn sn;o l,ueru feql {cIJl Jaqloue st 3ur4unq3 'uaqr SuuaqurerueJ to 'aen1l Lq puoces eqf pue 'auo,i.q saseerc seJuBr{Jrno,{ anordurt 11,noA .ur requnu qree ur rr31prsrl; eql teqr;lasrnoL Puluer no,i;l lng '{f,Irl 'LZ'bl-1aol fuorueur B lnoqtl^r requeuar ol tplltilP aq tq31u-0 rno,{,JoJuonBurquoc eqJ 'ryo/Keurer; e8erots Jelelo e Sutu8tsap ,tq retl -lurB} uortetuJojur eqr a>lBluot sr sJequnu jo selJesB Jeqlueurar o1 .(tem ,i,leterParurul lou,{eru qllq^\ Jo luoPuEJ euo 'a8eut lBtueru Aue fsaSSns e eJ qf,rq^\ sJequnu Jo serJas SuuequreuleJ JoJ enllcaJle osle aJBsIsIrJ 'snq1 'Sutuado JBInf,JIf, serl soruJeql B .sdrureqt sr 3ur11eds B loerroc etp asneoaqtou s(ll lng 'sTuueql Palleds eq Plnoqs ll e{ll sPunos1l iPlor ro eqr toq slurrp rno deal ot esn eA\rauletuor eqr jo 3ur11eds lnoqe let{l6, 'serpPnqrno se sledtc ieepl er{l 1e3nol, lurql e^\ tnq -uud rno ^\oN 'ledrouud Jo Iulqr ot sn Jo aruos Jo, PrBL{aq ,{eul ll "1 'led lf,erJor eql os uosrad e sr 1edV lsntu ssoq s(lootlrs aqt jo 3ur11eds -Surpue eqr Jo lqql ol aq lg8nu If,III auo ;5[drcuud aqr Jo PBe]suI no,{ uBf, /l\oH JEdrcuud aqt sI lootlrs eql Jo ssoq aqr rqr reqrueruer 'senf, ,(ue lnogrlA\ Ireql JequerueJ of 8urfuf rno,{ uBrlt ,t11crnbpue l,lastcard eJolu selueu aqf dn slles aPoc 'otreluO 'uorn11 :se{B-I renal e^I' eql 'rouadng PuB alrfl 'ue8rqcr;,11 tearC e^I, eqt IIBler ot S A W O H Pro/r\ eql Susn sI euo uA\oDI IIa^{
nOI il,tzvuc uo aldnrs't\zvaroN h{,1NVEIAI

tng 'f,IsnruSurl,uedruocce parearce8essatu pue eurl l,rots eqt dq aqt Jo esnBsaq stuanard uBql suortsBJlsrp tr eJour selBal),t11ecrdrb uorsr^eleJ 'no,{ro; S>lJo,r._'[ue'f,lsnru ]Br.{A{ arn8rJ peou ll,noL jr8urureal ot tno IIOA,!, JI ro; Lpelncruede s crsnruanboregterli Jo sPul{_aluos dorplreq anltf,e#e parsaSSns e^Br{serpnts tuof,eJ q8noqrly .lueuuoJrnuerno[ ur sesrou snoauBuxe tno 8ur>1lolq pueq eql l,q t lsEr er{t uo nod punorSol sdlaqosle1l 'rueorol purlu rno[ srrru:ad reqr rirnb;o asuedxe lno Bur eqr ,f,rsnuLpelncrued,esloupunor8lceg -{rolq JoJ uB loot alrtoe3i}e eq uBf, 'sluooJ uI qseP eql Jno lBt{l SutltcxeeJolu qf,nrusaceldol suorsJnf,xe pue sdur pulru uec larnf isn eruosro; BurlcBrtsrp ,ifsuy Inlepuo^\ retsoJ -telf,nJf,xe uBf,larnb trllear ul .TJEru JopessrueABqLeursuotuJes aq ar{t Jleql 'suollcellslPou grlm BoJB lernb B ur eJBIdaler lsntu Surureel roJ tBqt sread paqleord e^Bq elllB sraqf,Bat puB stueredqSnoqllv ltseJos eroqt la8 ,teqr plp znog iilo tl urnl l,uPlp no,i;l /\{olloJplno^\ rer{t secuanbesuoc Jo stBerqterrp r{tr/r\ aqt rooPrno[ lB eAIrrB s]ueredrno,{plp 'uorrnq renod eqr tlq noi rer;e ulqll/)fi. Wuo^Jasqlg, luo Peurnl nod tas uolsrlelet ro orpgr aqr;o reznod eqr dllenurtuoonoL eram:>porneruorl rno,i, leolSeu LlSurulaas lB pezerue Suroppltqc B ere^rnod ueqlfi 3esroNpunor8rlaug io crsn;,q asrl

sdIL EuSueef IBreuaC

'?untna1"tafto slr{t or JeJeJ 'suorsses se sJorBf,npE JerlJEe ruo$ uoueruJoJur Peureal l,llerrred eql uo pllnq pue uaa^{r3q ur acrlcerd,tlleruro;ur ol no[ selqeue snll 'erult ralo pecttcerd s,]l JI rseq peureter sr uorleuuo]ul '[pnrs o] elnulru tsBI eqr lltun tre,t\ ot tou noL peuren dlpereadar riSqi ueqlr ouo srrp tnoqe rq8u eJaA\sJaqJBetJnoI iIJoA\ t(uot\ suorsses ruBJC (ule8B-f,8eterls aqt af,rtcerd 'acrtcerd ,ecrtcerd iure8e pue ure8e PuB ,Bunpauos ueqt puv 'tl eJots ot pasn nod r{SereJts eqt A\erAeJ IIBf,aJol eurrt s,tl uer{a\ 'lleA{ fuan {Jo^/\ t(uoiu,plJoA{eqt ut senbrurlcet fuouraru tseq eqt 'psreeqar peuuBld rnoqll16 iesreeqeg .asruaqau .asreeqag

derunoL ,ecrlcerd qrl/N .pareclldtuoJ tuees,{eru srqrecuel8rsrg ly

:IUOI.^,IEIAI scloHJ.ay\ctNV sctNVHcEIAi

:ffiT,T:J;::,Tl;;i:H::il f, rsurl,ur^ueeneq,,#;u,T;i:fi

'srauJealclteqtseq{ pue froltpne 'lenstn ro; 'tndut rBPgtlrn perred,{ltntlle oq lecrsLqd [tV isaslrrexa 1ryd1aq uBf, ellq/\{ oePI^ Sutureel E q3]B/!\ no,i.ue3 iJeProf,eJ JooU rno[ op no^,i, edet rnoL uo 8ut,(e1dsafou Suttaeru Sutruocdn rno[ qllrlt {lBA'\{slJq aslf,rexorno,i.leped no,i ellt{rl Burpear ]noqe rBq^4N e 8ur1er ro a>[lQ 'eapl peq B eq tou rq8rru s1eerqSuunp 3ur133ntrng iqllBaq letrs,iqd rnol ot snoprezeqPuB Suttcerlslp oor llq PBt e aq lq8tul qql 'slleq el; 3ur133ntLg Surureal Sutnordurl lnoqB SutpPtI ereA\a/X\ 'Surnoru [q srqr op uerlo uec al1 'len; IBuoItlPPe ut dund ,{lsnonulluor ol Peeu e.ry\ 'pelllJ Dluet a8erols rno daal oI illld Surdaelsluelsul uB eq uc {ooq 3uru15 'Perll ureld f,nuof, B uerlt xelduloc erotu 8urqf,{ue PBaJot u1v\oP 'l"tJ uleJq rsnl pue pasnoJeJapun,tlSurseaJJureruoceq eA\ Jo saf,JnoseJ re8eeurrno dn esn e^\ sV'sluet e8erotsIenj Ietueur IIElus Lleuerlxa a^Br{ uBf, sn;o Luey4 :sileg arlf, al88n[ ro e]ilg asrtraxg ue apIU '{e \ 'peeJot JersBe aJoJeJeqt pue JeJBallpue rafuegs reedde txet eqt seleru,tc .ueredsuert aq1 'uolsuaqerdruoc jo la^el eqt PUBSurpeer rno,( Jo alBr aql anordur uBJ {ooqpueq Lcrlod rno,( ur e8ed e JeAo [cuaredsueJ] Joloc B 3urce14 'snf,oj rno,{ ut l1nf uBOrolor eI{J 'ryozmaded rno,( rePun Preoq relsod parolof, Llrq8uq;o ecerd e8rel B esn 'leuuetlJ IBnsIASuorts rno,i, 'rauJeel IBnsI^ eql Jo asn e{BIu ueo aced$lJo/n rno,i, ot Jolof, SutPPV ro;,{11reruud drl raqlouB sl sHI :Eururea1 ezlurfxen ol roloC asn 'serult reqto aqr ror Burqsen rBf, eqt e^Bel PUBseulr lead esaql esuelul elnpaqts ot Peeu no 'Jeqloue ueql Aep rno,{' Suunp 8uru.rea1 l,eru noL ;o fred euo Sutrnp lualf,I#e aloru Llleraue8 ere no/, fegf pur; pue rng 'enBItBJ IBsnorB;o selcl,r elqetclPardun L14e; e^Eq ,i11ectdl'r t(usl slr{J'{f,oll IBuIelu rno,i, SJaCICVesnef,eq lsef aldruts e ,(luessef,eu ;o salcAoaqt Jo erB^\Beruof,eg or l,r1 :setull Eulu.rea-I e1nPeqts 'IJo/v\ rreqt uo rueqt spunorS pue SuuePuE&\egr udnJJelul ueeJf,s eqt tB secuelSorpouad rBqt troder [",{I 'uolluene SuuapuBl\ }o snf,olar B pue prel\erJlas ]uettlturatul;o sesod-rnd lenp aql ro; AI eql eruooeqol PeuII3 Sursntrodar sraCCV euos 'ro1d aqt Lq Patf,BrtslP -ur sselaq esne3eqtseq,ilqeqord erB sunreg 'PIB Surureal Inlesn 11,noL B eg uf, AI 'gctem noA ruerSord cgycedsaql lnoqe Inleref, ar,no,{;l
iilzlruC uO ardruS'xzvl roN h{(lNVEhlno1

667. slsrlBr3eds lsotu tng 'uarpllqt pelqusrp Suru:ea1 uorllru o^u rapun ere^rereqt terlt 'gL6I ur potBturtsa uouef,npE ecrilO satBtsperrun Jo eqJ ',{renslenp}^lpu pelqesrp SurureelJo requnu eqt }o seterurtsE

COV pue seIrIIqesI(I Eu1u.rea1 :Prod\ IuuI{ v

'no,{ Joj sIJoA\ tl os luetuuoJrnue Bururual leuosrad rnod eteJtseqf,Jo '{uBq drorueru rnod ruog sedel aJrft?D 8uru"tna1 tuered pue reqf,Bet eql eseJeos 'nol, JoJ s>lJo/t\ tqn{ esle auoAue ueqt Jeneq A{ou>Inotr .Bur -uBal rnod atBlrlrcBJot se{Bt tr Jeneteq^\ op pue slf,ultsul rno,{ qrf^ o3 'oofr{e>1os,teqt '>poznnod ellr{zn slcrdqtoot uo A\eqf, ol paeu no,(;1 'tl roJ oB Jlezn eqt tsurB8eSurueel ro dn Burpuets re;erdnof 'rl op puB peaq! oB 'leqc .{sep rnor{ JI {sep rno.( ur lrr^\t or e{ll no.(;1 te ternb pue rq8rerrs dn Surnrs lnoqB plol uaeg a^Br{.4,eru noi leqrrn arrdsap tueel or ,{em Suour ro tq8lr ou sr ereqJ ielqegoJrrroC leC . --

scloHJ,at\ cNV scrNVHCAhl:AUOhrAhl

Jotoru auIJ ,trrpqesrp ,{rrpqesrp Jotorussor8 Llyllqestpa8en8uel puelxep snoeueluods ,irlpqesrpa8en8uel urerq oqt Jo tno {f,Bq uoueruro;ur te8 or ,blpqeq uV 4nd1ng ,irrllqesrprtroueut turel 3uo1fuorrpne ,blpqesrpl;oruaru tural 3uo1IBnsIA ,brpqesrp fuoruarururet uoqs fuottpne fuoulerururel troqs IBnSIA &111qestp :d.roura;rq fuorrpnu saIlIIIqBslp uoltf,BrtsqB uollf,BrlsqB senrlrqeslP IBnSIA ,{rrlqestP fuoltpne Sutcuenbes ,brlyqesrp Sutcuenbes lenstn urerq aql Lq peretsr8er uorleruroJureqr puetsrepunot drlpqeur uV :uor1el8a1u1 sertrlrqBslp qlnot pue etsel '11eurs fuorrpne seItIIlqBSIp lenrdecrad seItIIIqBSIp IBnsIA lenrdecred saslnduu fuosues;o y uorteterd:etur Eurerqeql ur ,{rryqesrp :Fnldecla4,4ndu1 'salllllqstp Sutureelclllf,ads ;o ra?.rnslw^lL Tooq fueuurns B sepr^ordrr'o' Jr\ te^ll s I'utl, /'q ntyc poo$ aqJ 'sluauodtuooesaql uee^ueqro ulqtl^\ eqt ruo{ trerlf, 3uuro11o; Sururealy 'rndrno ssacord Sururealeqt ur uoudnrslpe sr ,trrpqesrp ']ndut :stueuodtuof, Jno] seq SururealIIV pue froruaur 'Sutssecord '{tlqr 'ettllt 'pear '>1eads '((suonBInJIBO lef,IteueqrBurop pue 11ads 'uelstl or ,{rrpgerceyedruluB uI;1astllsoJlueru Leu qslqr!\ 'uelltur lo uI uelods 'e8en8uelSursnpue SurpuetsJepun penlo^ut sessecord lect -8o1ogc,isd 8,, crseqeqt Jo oJoruJo euo uI JepJoslp sBuoltef,npgJo tuetu -rredeq selels petlun eql Lq peqlrosep reProstp sI Sururealf,IJIOedt V ,r'uarpllgcPelgBsIP etuos'aer8estp aJer{tter{t Surteuruse Sururealuorllru rg8ra tsBellB aJB

er{t sasnJuof, JepJo puE Suorzn ur BtBpslnd ,punoresJequnu puB eqt srellal sdlUulerq Surureel 'tndtno pue [roruau ,uor]er85lur V 'lndul :Sutureel PoIqBSIP aqt f,rJrf,eds ot enp uorl e Jo stuauodruoc ur tuarurredrur -BlurojulSutssacord algnorl SurneqsuBetu drrpqesrp Suru-rea13urne11 e 'lleA{,fuen uorlBtuJo}ur Suruocur ssacord noL t(uo1v\ 'asrnoc;1oB uo tno urBJg eqt rnoAqit^ '[1uo dpoq ur ]ueserdarenod;1 'suelqord uonueue ol enp urerq er{r ot ur uoueluroJur8urne8 Lllerrrur elqnoD SurneqsuBatu acv Surnepl .CCV Burneqruog ruereglp st .firlqeslp SutureelB Surneq'deFenoaqt elrdsec 'stuordru,{s Surddel -ra^o ,{ueurerBeraqt esnBraq selrlllqesrp SururBal puB ccv }o suors -lltp [rerlrqre serur]euros tsure8e aqt an8replnor euo lqroq ro CCV '&rpqesrpSururealcr;1ceds sl 'surelqord B tl Burureels(lenpl^lpur u roj suosBer lno esBel ,{sea aql ol t(usl tl 'qCIV orurnuuBf,sertrllQesrp SuturealPuBseltlllQesrp Surureelonunu uer surelqord leuorluapv f,rllqestp Surureel parerrosse uB ruou tlnser ]f,BJ ,(eureSenSuel ur uellrr^\ gtlrn &1ncg;lp v .uorss -erdxaueltlJly\ro sseJord ro/pue a8en8uel ol ueurJ^\ IBJoro; aBenBuBI ro or peledurr uB sr srqt 'srurareldrurs .furpqe u1 IBroaAIef,eJ L411qe -srpe8en8uel enrsserdxe enpdacerB sr uounrrof,lsotu aqr l,1qeq-or.l Jo 'sanrlrqBslp 8u1u:Bel e^Bq perBrf,ossB sreQCV1o Kluotuw tBql e^erl eqt -aq srredxe eluos'loe; u1 'setrllqBslp Surureel cgycads eneq peterf,osse oslBsrecQv eruostBql sr uosBer fueuIrd eql .uorssnf,slp Surpnlcur sF{l er(oA\ [.]^ repuoA\LerunoL 's]1npB ccv lnoqB sr ul Iooq srq] erurs ar{ A\oqtnoqBSuorzn sJeqJBel isB/!\ nools srq anord ol uo tue1l\l,lureuac aH 'uosrpfl B^lv sBtuoqJ, sBd\ IV ,, ;IV uos"LnoL'sa?m,?uv1-lilap puas01pasnuo.t4 wrlt sryiutaryutot"t a\ qoog lo xog n anncat" no; plp \lol aWllD sntoH- mou Kogn a\ll Vrnru>f!I1,uop Kyqnnysuor 1 parnofiaftD\I , slpaftn arols lD.Laftas a\l pau,vlQ-raq?o rnaQ,, w :sertrlrqesrp uellrJ^\seteJrsnllr tndrno/uorsserdxe pue p1orea^( ueetaurupalqBsrp Surureel ^q uenrr^\ semBurmolloJ B eql
saoHIll,{ cNV sctNVHCll{ :IUOh{Ehl

-urf,urc jo ^trsJe^lun aql 'uol]Bf,nPeatenpBJ8 suollnlllsul uI PunoJ JoJ uauo ere stuerSordaseqt 'tre; ul 'sluePnls PelqestpSutur:ol roJ .{11ec1 seballooAue14 Jlcads sruer8ordSurdolenap ere sloorlf,sleuoltef,o^ pue 'saItIIlqBsrp Surureel ureel ol elBI ool reneu s(ll 'OSro 97 e:,noA Htpr Surleepro; set8ateJts Sutureal cgrceds;o deer uBf, seItIIIQesrp raqteql6 'spred\erInJ-repuom seereaqt uI Sutrotnt leroedg 'stlnPBul C'I uo Eutsnco;^{lSutsearrulare slsrlertadsSutureel 'CCV PooqrlnPe uI lserelul luerrnr er{l 3ut1a11ere4 'stlnpe uI gtlm Bur4ro.,r,r ezllelf,edsoqn sJolnl seq 'a1d Ietol sesnpue CT qrl^A stlnPe ro; Alleclllreds sdnor8 uoddns -urexa ro; 'ueuullulC ut ,batcog etxals[C uo]ro eql 'salels Pallun eql 'EaJB rno[ uI IBJ JaAoIIB saqluBJq gtr/n suonezrueSrolBuoueu eJBqlog -JaleJB JoJtf,Btuof, uec no,t sef,JnoseJ oA\l eJBsaIlIIIQesrq Sutureel grlm 'srlnPe uerpllqC ro; uoltelf,ossv eqt PUB,harrog erxals/,q uolro eql 'uaIPIIr{c ro; lsnl st uol]El gtlrlr /,1anrsn1cxe IJo^l oq^AsJolnl are eJeqJ 'CAV rno,{ se -perueJ IIa/v\se Ol rno,{ ro; leuolte)npe teqt atunssel,uoq dl".{ Iaes plnoqs no/, '[rrllqeslp Surureel E srelooun uol]Bnle^e rnoL;1 'pasou8elp aram seltlllgeslp Surureel rnoL leql 1,1 -eTlun sI tI' tf,V uatyll:11C paQQncrynHlM tot uonncnp1 eqt' 7bI-h6 A\B'I 'sruoldru,{s no,{ ssa1u61 d rllqncl ;o e8esse S Let eqt reUB looqls uI ere.^A rno,{ JI Sulrsar paseq sB^\sISouEBIp elqe^resqo pue [rotsrg uo L1e1os 'uoltenlela leuollef,nPe-oqcAsd Ieuortlppe a^Bq ot no/. a8ernocue eA eraldruoc e SurnBqjo ecuetrodrur eqt serorsrepun l,rrllqlssod slql '.hrpqeslp Surureel Pasou8erpunuB e^Eq Leru no/. 'srualqold elqecrldxeul aABr{lllls lnq sonsslCCV rno[ grlm sser8 -ord 8ur1tu eJ(noLpue Surryom sr eurJrparurno/,;1 'Lrenocarrno[ ut acard alzzndSutssttueqt ag .{eurrl 'PalqBstpSurueel osle a;e nof let{l 's1aqe1 uo ,tfrpqrssodaqt Japlsuof,ot no,{ JoJlueuodtut s(ll {utql a,,rlr eJB dn Sunq ra8 ot tue,r t(uop a,l q8noqrry 'saltllua ateredaspaJePISuoJ ul lV 'suotldtr)seP PUB o^\t eqt 'sutpuetsJepun PuB qf,Jeeser lutod slgl's^ suoltluljep ot ul\op setuof,seltlllqeslp Surureel OCV Jo enssleql 'etep 1o rndrno pue uolteteJdralut s(uIBJq salrlllgestp Sutureel SurreeJlJoJ eqt ur sJoJJe tf,eJJoJt(uBJ tr esnef,eq sr sselesn aurf,rpe14's8urqt Jaqro Suorue 'spunos Suturooul Jo Sutueatu


'retdBr{f, eseql 11e txeu eqt ur suortsenb JePlsuof, B iluelulBeJl B sBeurcrpatuesnot uorsrf,ep ur JaprsuoJ II,a/A, noz( plnoqs sanssl enrteuJatle teq711 ruog serdereqt rueerts 2sarderaql -urBlu .suorsr3ep sateredes tBqrN;dleq eplstno {e3s ot tuB/nnoL oq Surleru PuBtueruteaJtSurpunoJJns senssr eruoseroldxa IBJeueB ot tuBA\a^r 'tsJUtng 'luaql Jo Jequnu e;o seldrcuudeql euruBxe 'suortdotueruteertcryceds e1etunoL dleq o1 tnoqe suorsrcep II,ea 'no^( punoJeesoqtot Jo;1asrno,{ JrBJ ot t{usrtl 'auole ,(11elor oP t(uBf,nod 'dleqJlesJo Iro/n prerl eqt sr fuanoie.r rl rnoL 'd1aq eplstnogrPr dleqlas Burueqr8ueus ;o ecerde8rele q8noqlly eql eql Jo enssr rq81lq8lqor ur8eqe/KsBrardeqctxau ar{t roj srsBq sBuollBlurolul slqt asnll,a/fi, 'sreQev grlru ryoA\oq^\ sleuorsse;ord qrlBeq eql lBtuelu puB IetrpotuJo seuoSetes re ,(gauqpelool a/N .tueu -tBeJtrno,{ ur tuedrclrredelrtf,e ue Sunuof,aq pue leuorsse;ord qrlBeq Sursooqr asuBtrodrur tnoqe peiler er!\,g reldeq3 u1 aqt IBtueIurnoz{ Jo '8urqr eruesaqr qsrldurof, uBf,q1 rnoL;o Lllllqrssod qtr^\ Burleaq .lonuof, Burure8 eqr pue _-oB SurpuelsPPunot sroopsuadoCCV rnodJo f,rrleareqt Sundeccv .op ueo no[ Surqr eqt ]sJoA\ sr tl qtr/t\ Surleeplou rng iqll^{ IBepo1rualq -ord reqtoue;o lcedsordeqr te paurleqd\rano t(uop noL-edoq a16 IeeJ 'sluePnls Suru:ee1'rap1o PelqeslP JoJsef,I^ras uoddns qll/v\ sruerSord pue sarlrsJenrun snorJBA IBuoIlrsuBJl lnoqe uoItBtuJoJuI JelJosuortBzrue8ro eseqJ'qf,Jeasal srgl qsrldluof,f,B nod dlaq uBf,teqt suoltezlue8ro sef,uara;ar roJ eurospepnl3ure^Br{a1X\

11,noA il:i 'ale seJuBqC'ure8eatnor uortef,nparaq8rq aqr ful ot apllep deurnol, 'cl'I puB rnoi{ qrllN .urB]rBor elqB aclv rno[;o a8pelznoulpunoJ^\au -un_ uaeq en,no,i. sleo8leuoltef,npe etBnleneeJ dleq uec ,{rrllqeslp nod 3u1ure_a1 SulLpapunuB Suuenocsrq.stuepnrs lBf,rpeuCII roJ ef,rn -restroddnsrua11ef,xe sBq'acuetsulroJ ,eurclpayrl;oa3e11oc uB lreu
:AUOr'{Ahl scoHJat{ cNV SJTNVH3EI{

rea.' uBf, e8alloc pul; B r'qr

'Buruueld qf,r'esertfi:: pue

s(ll q8noqllv 'Ldereqrro eurf,rpeu penqtuoc roJ peeu rnol, tnoqe elrl 'spueu; ]Bqt pur; lq31u no -roddnsuer{t ssalare [11ue; pue san8Bellor 'rlnrl#lp tsnl sr reeev 'op eqt tet{t Sutrunsse sJeqf,eet stueredse dert erueseqt otur IIB} puB l,erulsrdereqtar{I 'uorlBnper8preznot sserSord tuarcrilnse{Btu ot tuees ,{1snol^qo s,eqs'rueued Sursn;uoc d;en t(useop dtpleeg [11eruaru rnq e sI eqs aq req s,tsrdereqt Jeq ipeJnf, t(ueceqsesnef,eq ernc ot stJolJe etBrtsn#ill^\ eqs1ng 'Lro8aterpuof,eseqt ur srrJar{s'seurpqesrp }o rar{ aer8ep eqt ssaulll t(usr Jo enuln ^g illt l,lleruaruz(laranes eqsesneraq 'fuo8alectsrrJeqt ur B IBtuau eJanes JoJtueruteeJtpeeu t(useopeqstng 'surordul[sJaq eJn]Buf,ruoJqf, slr; ueruo/v\ eqr Jo anul^ ,{g eev atp Jo 's8utequerunr{ruapuedepulpue alogllr sBuortrunj ot peredard',{dereqr ruo{ am,po,tS Llpnluana IIIIKstuaued eseqtrqt palcedxasr tl 'sruordul,{s euosreqtoqrreqt }o parncaq uer oqt\ slueuedJo sanssr ssel qrleaq leuouotue pue letuaru eJenes eql Jer{]oeqt ul 'SunuocqtJoJ t(uo/t\ aq gtlrn lJo^\ orlA\esoqt ere LroSetBf, B ["qI 'lll dlleluaruLlera^es a"Lnr eq] rr tBr{t erunsse ]o serrlllqesrp 'eJBJ -uorqf, aqt r{tr^\ ere qrleer{ IBepoq^,\sleuorsse}ord fuo8ateoauo ul ureruoAu er{tJo Jaqtreotur tlJ t(useopeqs 'slBuors Ielueru1o sauo8etec -se;ord qrleaq letuaruot xoperede eq uec dlaq sleesoq^{ tlnpe CCV uV suorldurnssv puu sJeppu-I (saqelnrC fnoqy 'llDiD ot aqt 4pq4aas nnm noCmpatym Jo enssr qtr^{ eldder8ot peeu11,no[ 'suottdo 'd1".{cutergcLsd Jeprsuoc eJoJeg no,t lueruteeJtsnorJBA leas 'snralqord ot{^\ asoqtot peqf,Blte eu8rts B llrts sr ereqt leuortoue puB rlrlear-l pJell\otLemBuol B eruoJseq/.larcos q8noqllv lBtueruSundecce

dfaH leuolssaloJd 0l uo!s!ra0 uaas awpue sJappel'saqrlnJt

9I )rardvHc

'l,cua8rarue ro; dluo pesneq ol uB r{trlnJf, B-uoseJ lsBIe se.,{deraqroqrdsd uortBf,rparu ro rnof pre8errteru no[ 'op stlnpe ACIV l,ueur sy 'd1et1 peeu rnor{Buuou8r ,eJezn sB roJ lr eql ((lesolc ul,, Aetsot pardurareq Leu nor{'eruruellp rueuteaJl er{t puB suelqord lBuollolue Jo letuetu f,IuoJrlf,ot peqf,Etre eru8rtseql ue^rC '{'zenro prdnfs ,l,ze1 se^IesJno sB e^recred,{lsnoauoue azn'euo1elr oB J(uBf, JI 'llerv\sesuondrunsse ed\ drlne; u/v\oJno aABq sreclov elN 'ot lou sr tng-sulalqord aqt auof,re^o ,uoga (p1noc luerf,rllns qtr1K rere#ns lBqr erunssB eqr daqr ,sprom reqlo q.lrm ary sB lo sasaasrp sluelqordleuoltoue ro lelueru ^\arl aldoed ,iui61 'reprosrp rnodJo ernlBueqt lnoge suortdrunsse /.l1nBJ or peredard ef,BJ ag 'uorteJrpetuf,rJlelr{cdsd Suto8uouB eIBl or ,te1otou s(]rteqt tnq uorsuarredLg eurf,rparu JoJ arnssard poolq Jo selegBlp urlnsura{e} or ,(e1os(tre^erlaqLuery ro; 'uotctdsns qll/t\ PaA\oIA q eJBf, ruJet3uo1'ddereqrculerqcdsO.ur-ei IIIts uor{s JoJpaeu eql asuauedxauBf,euoduereqr paldeoceIIa^{ dFle;

dlEH'rvNorsss{oud oI NorsrcEq aNV suacov-I,saucrnu3 )aas aHI

tnq tsrl rnod uo lsrderoqtrorleqeq B sr ereqt sdeqradrO 'tsrl lerreler rnor{uo l(ueJeaseqf-,{deraqf a8essetu Lderer{tJorneqeq pue fng 'rsrdereqte8esseru spueruruo3er l,lq8t.{ puel{ CCV rno1 'dnor8 Lde srq 4aqt ror^Br{ag urol pue ]srnerqo/.sd e relnf,rtJed qrrlr tlnsuoono/. stse8 e -Bns uercrs,iqd JnoI 'rsrSolorloAsd enrtruSof, Aq sreems Jeq Jelsrs JnoA 'uorsrcap s,dnor8 rnoL e1eruot tsrl IBJJajoJ uoddns rnor( Sursnaq LpeerleLeurnor{pue qrleaq leuorsseJord lBtuerurno[ esooqf, ot s,(ezn e/4. persaSSns 'CAV tBert or{A\sleuorsse}ord qrleer{Ielueur seuo8elBo eqt pue suercrsLqd;o peorqo/rr.t tnoqe paIIBr LpearleaA(eA ldde.ragl eanerrJaflv Jo r,ueel1surel l :suorsrJeq 'paeusn Aueu Jo ot (s)reppeleqt Jo ef,uetdecoe Lemenr8tuaurteerrCCV tnoqe suorl 'slq] -drunsse ,b1ne;eqt teqt [ep eqr ol prellrroJ 1ool e71N puetsrepunl,eru 'sa^rlreneq ot qurlJ uBf,e^\ s8unreqr sJeJJo sranerleq-uou'Aeparuos Jo ly 'aurcrperu dderaqrsr tueruleaJteql rer{rar{l6 'rltlruJ B se loureppul e sB dde.raql ro uonetrparu .rnod ^aara nod JI dleq f{ftur 11 'lranocer rnoA a8eroqes pue Lpres -sef,euun JeJJns noL 'sa188nrls rno,i,dn renoc ol ,trl pue peeu noL IIIA\ qclnrf, eqt trefar no[ rI 'ueqr ]ou 'reproslpeqt qtrA\ ouo eqt ar,no,i, '{llB retjv 'CCV puetsrepunt(uop oq^{ aldoedraqto }o suoltluorupe er{t eqt pue ef,rnpB arou81'speaurno,{tnoqe suorsrJep tf,eJJoo e{Btu ot Jlasrno,{ rno,i, dlaq Surlaasgtlrn aldder8noL sy ro; rsnn 'reprosrp 'Sutuotlcun; 'uorsrnanordrurol sasselS sr Sursnpue 'uorl panordullJoJpau8rsep r{f,BE -Bf,rpeu8ur>1er tueruuoJrlue larnb B ur Jo ryozl\or Surpeeuuael\teg af,uarel;lpelnrl sr ararlt 'ftllear uI 'srualqo1d plone or tno-dof, B sBpe -pre8arJo uorluenJelur ruJet-uoqsJeqtresBpe/v\erl lecrpaur,i,ruaBrarua ueuo sr eurf,rperu ,(dereqroqcdsd qlrnJf, er{] rBql slBuntJo}uns(tl Jo Jo e 2lno-doc tsnf r{f,]nJf, rnort t(usr 'ralceregf,IBJoru III/n}o tf,ajoPe sl QCV Jo ualq Jo -ord qlleeq lelueu BJl puv jre^ero; qf,tnrf, rno/, asnot Suro8l,11eer 'eprse no,{ery 'relero} stsel CICV ro rualqordqrleeg letuarue tng e qf,]nJf,rno,{ ssotot elqBeq 11,noL IBeqlllm 3a1rno,{ 'sqtuoru /!\eJ PuB ulqtl/n rBqr A\ouTno1 'uoddnsro; qf,]ruf,B esnno,{'3a1 rno[ {Berq noL;1
I/AZVU3UO ArdruS'XZVI rON h{,1NVEy\nOtr

L0f 'Lroaqrpardacce srqr ot Arenuoc peJeprsuoJ rlnpe Jo tuef,selope JoJurlelg Jo sBA\ uE uortducserd 'erun 3uo1B JoC'uoJpllrll uo tf,alleleJrxopered e s,urletrg tnoqe [roaqr pleq ,ileppr ]nq 'uenordun aqt sB^\srqt ]o eldruexauy 'letueuuadxe legl 'esues ur ]nB 'esn]o srea,{ e q8norqr perdeoce IIIts eJB aruof,eq e^Br{pue d-roaqt pesegere Laql 'qf,reesar uo q8norqr elu3a#e uenorduaeq sesef, ut t(uener{ serdereqt ureeJtsureru patdecce-Buo1 IIe 'leuorluenuoO'enJlLluesseoeu slr{I'sluarurJadxa l(usr leuoDuenuoJ -un (a8y noalq pue suortdoluaurteeJtuenord 'peqoreeseJ IIe/t\ueeA\toq uouJuuslp reall e dldrursleqel,{dereqrenrtetuetlepuBruBarlsureueqJ 'Ldereqr senssr JaprsuoJ eqt s(tel olv\t jo suonerlJlsselo oqt SurpunoJJns 'rer1l ruearlsureuper{srlqerse-llerv\ o8royor eqr 3ul^e11'serderer{r plBS nol, Sur8eJnocua eJB l,ue;o stueu eA\ JoN ',(dereqr enrteuretleJlnf,lrred -oddo Jou stueuodordJeqtreueJBenrter{t ezrseqdrue tuen\ osle e/N ot 'lsrl rnor{ IBJJOJOT uo petsrleq l(uoA\Llqeqord Jeqto eJEeJeqtteqt eJeA\B ot noL tuem ellr esnec eq reqr stueruteeJl 'suorldo -aq uorssnf,srP PePnlf,ur rno tnogBPeurroJur ol eq sn{] e^(a1x\ 'secroqc sBrIsn eIeru ot teqt o^erlaqam 'puocas 'sellasJno JoJ Jo qcee em secror{f, e{Blu or tq8u eqt e^BqIIB e/!\'sllnpe sBleqt eAeIIeq 'tsrtg 'Ldereqt a^ueruetle iuorssnrsrpsrqt pepnpq e^\ e^Bqd.l^ og e Jo sllelrld eqr tnoqe erntf,elB puB [erusrpg]lrn tsrdereqta8esseur ol B rnotr 'suondotueru IBJJoIoJ JoJtsenberrno,t taar8 rq8rruuerorsLqd -tBeJlseruer{ttsa8Sns steuetJleqt uoddnsmag'Lddequnsleuorssa;ord ro slqt SurleruJo {srr erp uru e^ruorssncsrp q serde qtleaq leluaru oruos -raqt enrleurerpSurpnlf,ur 'surelqordqlleeq letueru roj stueuteerl uI prepuetssBperel;o t(uere salde.raql earlelrJalle elq/t\ sleuorssa;ord are qtlBeq lBtuelu ,iq paldessB IIe^\ L11eraue8 salde.reql tuea.IlsulBnl 'tueqt euo fur or esooqcno,i;l tcedxa ot tBr{/r\ Jo /r\ou{ 11,nod IBreAes;o os saldrcuudeql eulluBxeII(aA\'11rerdeqc ul os enrlBruallB ueqJ'sef,uerelJlp crseq rraql PuersrePun 11,nort sardersqt aqt uB puB rueeJtsureru A\erAJeAo aplnord II,ea (uonoes3ur,lo11o; ul Jo 'prepuelsB tou tderagt antt 'uortdo tueruteeJtruBeJtsureru -BurelleuB sr Ldereqra8esseru esnBf,eq rB lsrl rnod uo J(usr rsrderaqr IIB e8esseru aql 'peref,rpull(usr drlenadsrer{ asnelegrl A\ou{ l,uop no,t
d'r1H'rvNorssecoud oJ NorsrJEC aNV susacrvl'saHJrnuc ):rES 3HJ

e^rlBrtrellBssolqtJoA\ tr PeJaPISuoc tueurqsrlqBtse B ogry\ aql lBf,rpeur Lg perou8ta9 ot pesn,,8ur1eaq qtlBj,,;o eapl aqt eruelsurroC 'ecrtcerd seruneruos'sselquo^\lueulearl grlrr Qnly?nw t(useq[1durs qf,Jeaser 'fuerrlqJB B e{Bru serurteruos qsJeasal l(useoPB]BP ter{/!\euros }o ]f,BI y sr ,(dereqtellteurefle pue rueertsurelu ueemfegaurl Surpl^lp slql 'sntetsureeJtsureu petuer8pue paldaccei(11eug selr\aref,crtcerdorlrif, crlltuelf,sar{r 'srq8r;p8el eldrrlnurpue Jo srseq lueru rag! 'sarcrlod sread ateurtr8alB srqt Japls ]soruJepunesuedxa -uof, r,uplp ef,ueJnsul esoqooql\ sJetunsuof, lBclpelgeJBf,ortcerdoJrgf, roJ elBunuojun se/!\llnsal er{J 'stuelutBeJt rreqt }o slr}euegoqr lnoqB operusrotcerdorrqf, slurell aql trperf,srp palueq uorterf,ossvIBrrpeJAi ot ue)rJeurv eqr 'ranamoq'sleau( 'sJotcerdolql ^q pateaJtL11ryssec JoC -f,ns ueeq e^Bqsruelqord elosnru pue turol '1oeqsnorJBA y]lrn sluerted ,(ueru'eldruexarog 'sardeJaqt elueuJetle pellef,.oseqt Suruunqsl,11ecr -ro8eter Joj pazrf,ltrJf, ueeq eABqsarderegt rueeJtsureru stueuodor4 Jo 'enrt eq or r1Surplog lltrr [ueu g]l,n qrBep/holse elp ot senurtuor .{'roaqr eql 'sJeurnsuof, sleuorssaJord auros sputtu pue }o aql ur parlsrlqBtse dple; eq or senurtuootr ',i;oeqt slqt papref,srp IIe^,\ e^Bqsleuorsselord peuuolul CCV [ueur q8noqrly ',{puecarl,p1e;Ilrun sBA\ urlBtlu }o r3e#elBsrxopBred ;o fuoeqr eql arp Peqruarlua ,{FurrJ 're Surlool ere^\ l,eqt ruoldru,i.s dluo eqt sB^/\ teqt 'erurJeqr tV 'stuertedtuaf,selope ul ,blnlroeredLqpaqsrurulp eqt ruog perlnserSuruoseer Lrlne; slr{I 'JapJosrp un\or8tnopeq ueet eqt esnef,aq Jeq eJourl,ue pepeeut(usen\ tr uB peunsseoqe daql 'luaf,selope roj alnre#e aq l(uplno/nurletlg teql sleuorsse;ord ql,rruntutuof, eqt parunssB r1 'a8e lef,rparu teqt pa/\{olloJ og plo puB ,trraqnduee^rtequotutuoJun eJEs8nrpJo st3e#eIBf,rxopBJBd 'trelJe lecrxopered B jo rlnser eql era^rurlBllu grl^r petBerluerpllr{cJo sle^el ,blnlrce Laql 'drlnlrcerad,tq pasnf,o; eqr uo ,ieqr peseerf,ep teqt pezrroeqr 'pesn uIIBtlU ueq/v\ lsrlJ se/v\ CCV Jo suelqord leuorlueue aqr rnoge oIDII ^,\eDIsuercrsl,tld af,urs 'senrtepas a{et riegr uaqn\ pue sJeqJJBasaJ enuJeJed.(q eruof,eq ueJpllr{JJoj 'aldruexaro; 'lensnun ot reqmeruos t(usrl1 'Apepleeqt ro uerpllgc ul rnrf,o ,illecrddrd".[ 'uor]re 3-p palcadxauB ruog alrsoddosa8ueqc paJnpu 3-p ere stf,e#alef,rxopered
'I\ZV'U-ONr^r(l NVAII nol iiAZVUSUO ArdnJS

jo tueudolanap pue r{rreeser panuuuof, e8ernooue III^\ ll e^arleqe^4A. 'tueruanorusrqt etuof,le^r 'srerunsuoJ em qtleeq lef,rpau pue letuaru sV 'serderegr prepuetsuBqt enuf,e#e 'sasec eJoru[18unuaes eurosur pue ]sof,-A\ol sanrleruellB eJB eseqtJo [ueyr1 Surpe isete]Sparlun eqt uI ereclef,rpeu ]o uorlrpuotrlrf,ueury eql :slualulBeJt eAEBuJellB snorJBA slrJaueq JePISuof,eJ a^oru eqt ot Jo slt{t JoJuoseeJ SutlledulooeJorue 'lalemog 'sl eJer{I 'sarderaqtesegl ruo{ ilf,aJ}elercr}euaqef,uerredxa or{A\stuarlf,pue stuelredlenpl^lpul Sut8rarua sr uonBunuexesrqt JoJsrseq rred u1 uB eqr Jo uoItBruJrIIB 'serdereqt elueuJelle Sursurordlsoru aqr 'ipnrs ot rea/,txeu uorteudorddeleuorsser8uo3 rBIIopuorllnu ozl\l e esnIIIIt\ ' sarwn"Ld lDrryarylvuonuaftununlo Kpn6 ayttol n{lo slqJ 'qrlBeH Jo salnlllsul IBuolrBNeql ulgrln\ PauroJuaeq sBqerIIIo /Keu 'seJrtJerd e (tuaruuJeno8 eqr eqr cgrluaros IBJepeC Jo sacrdsne Jepun eruosetenlele A11ecr;rruarcs peldecee ruleereqt eplstnosardereqt jo 'tuerudolenep or ur8aqlllzltruaruqsllqerse lef,rpau aqr teqt pauodartI 'eloqllr e sB u Suttseratur peuodar sr{eelrsl\aNul elf,uJetuef,eJV ruBeJtsureu ulr{tl1v\ eqt aoeld8ur1ersr suos}o uortnloner tueruqsrlqetsa 'stuerlf, rroql dl"q ol 'a8esseru uonBtlperu senbruqcat elrteu pue V Jo -Jetleeqt Surlrouoq aJB sleuorssa;ord eruos qrleeq letuerurueeJtsureru 'ruBeJlsureru arp;o rred eruof,eg Lpearlee^eq 'sdnor8dleqgas (elrterJ-ratle ue8aq atnilnJ.LaiunoJ sB pue tletseC seqf,ns(stueruteal;Lueyrl'sarderagt alrteuJetlBpue rueeJtsurBur tetlt Ldereqr Jo sruJoJ fuertrqre]Bq \auos er{ruo tcedrurue SurneqaJB sarde Jo suortef,l;rsself, -roqt IIoJ snorJB^ sseuennce#e eqt;o suoderletopceuepetuerunf,oq Jo 'ploru e 'tce; ul sl qrlql\ urllroruadSurqucsard ,ieqt 't1moul r,uplp erazn sraprlord erec qtleaq dpee eseqtg8noqllv 'eler s(elrlnp1oue rsnl 'urlpcruad;o fuanoosrp sacnlnod esneqt teqt pezrlBeJ slsrtuarf,s t(use,t. Jo eqr qll/N 'spuno^rSuuelse;teert ot serrtlnod pearq[p1oruposnper{ 'seunluef, suetcts,i,qd JoC'srsBq JlJltuelf,s aABq e serpeueJ IIoj ue'rord -un 'p1oLueruter{r perelocslp seq ef,uerf,s rueporu uorqseJ rellruls ul 'urats'i.s eununurs,[poq aqr Suusooqur adog puB r{tre}}o salqr8uetur eqt eqr ragre8 rer{r ef,ueprne Jo sseue^rrf,alJe petertsuoruap ueruroN elll sreeuord i) ploqaq pue ol tng '[dereqr padlaq,rsursnoC (

aq t(uec [eqt 'sJamsue srq peredard eq] qttBtu t(uop saf,uarJedxe JI 'ra -qf,JeoseJ Lq paredard sJe^\sue aql Suoue esoor.{f, tury ecJo; 4".['aIBtu ot uec tcalqns qJreesar B sasuodser eq] rlrull CCV tnoqe uorteurro;ur ,{r1r -uenb ot pesn seJrBuuolrsenb paJntf,nns pue anrlcelqo erp 'alduBxe JoC 'sJelunsuof,sEsn JoJuorsnluof, selBeJclBr{l uouBruJoJurelBJnf,cBur puB erelduocul aq uBf, tlnseJ eqJ luaruele ueunq eqt tno a^Bel uec Sane^\oq tpl8U oot t{f,Borddesqt Surmollo{ 's8urpur; aqr Suruotsrp ruog uorurdo pue serq reqf,reesaltuenerd ol tueuodrul sl ,blnlrcafqo,o tauet slql 'uorurdo leuosrad ro serq enrurunu or peu8rsepsl rlf,reasarpepury qJnlAI 'Jorner{equeunq }o acuesseeqt arntdec ,{lpesseceut(uop teqt seJnseetu anrlcelqo uo peseg s,]t '[11ereuaC'suor]Btrlurl tueJagul ser{qf,Jeeseg 'fa,{ euop ueeq eqt teqt aq Leru rl 'ssalqtJo^\ sr lderaqr JBInJrt t(useq Lldtuts r{f,rBeseJ -red e reqr ueoru t(useop stl;eueq parrodrnd Suruoddns erep ro r{f,Jees 'regtrnC 'etuortno eqt tleJJe qroq slcelqns uerunq;o Ll1 -er Jo IoBI e -xaldruor aqt pue s^\Bl' u8rseq 'reqtre (loot rceyad B t(usr ll puv 'a8pe1 -d\ou{ eseeJf,ur 'euo elgenlenur uB treqle 'loot e /,1uo sr qf,JeeseJ ot 'pt"r{ reqlo eqr uO '$lsrr [ueur oo] seTet oq^\ Ieuorsse;ord e Jo spueq eqt ut peceld '8td eeutn8 e eq ot slue,t. euo oN'uatur8ar tueruteeJl B uI uoItnBJ JoJaleuolter luetrodrur uB sr eJeql itueurqsllqetse f,rJrr -uerf,s er{r tuerua8eredsrp e -,,uslsnlt tBqt ppe ot uatseq ot tuelr\ e1X\ Jo 'rueqr Suuoldxa ruor; no[ epensslppue serdeJeqtelrteulatle sJeplsuoceq suoudo pueruuof,eJ tou rq8tu IeuoISSeJord qrleer{ Ietuoru Jo uerJrsrtqd rnotr 'sseuenule}Je rrar{l Surpre8al enleceJ no[ uor]euJoJur eqr pue pBaJno,{ strodar crytuelcs 'suor]do lueurleeJl snorJBA ezr{1eue no[ e8ernocua oA4. ol A\erAeJ nol, sy

s8ulpuld r1rruesegJo suops:Uur1 pue anFA aqt lnoqv pro/t\ V

rq8tu sarderaqt eAItBrLrerlB uoneunuexe f,rJltuerf,sV 'ueJpllr{c tuog Jo Jno teqt ur letuaruuedxe leq^\eruos sr srlnpe eCV rueJe#lp ere sanssr Joj tueruteoJl teqt st tutod rng 'fueloceJ rno[ o] elrlJnpordralunoc pue rred rno uo elqlsuodserrr eq plnon\ tBr{I 'lueuneeJt elrteuJatlB uI eJnJ leor8eru E JoJlsanb e ur /,deJaqt pJepuets erou8r sJepBaJ Jno 'CCV qll^r srlnpe ro; serderar{t J(uore e71A, ;o Lue teqr SurrsaSSns In}asn
'LZv'l JoN h{(l NVEhInol ilAZVuS uo ardnrs

Buole eq r'qrsruerureelrdh't,|ilffiffil;'ilfr pesn uBf, rnoqB

II' s^rl ot atBuntroJ er(no^sselun'reqtrng 't(uo/!\etuospue 1n;dleqeq III/\{ ot Adereqr;osadlr eruos 'suoudorno,{atenlene uec no,{sesenlf,[ueur ro sBroJqrrBes 2,{lereudorddeur parotruour paqlDsard Alruercr;;nsur tl sBlx\ipaPuaunuorerdllecrd,tr]Bq] ueql reA\olro qStq ool esoPetll 'acueuedxapeq erueseqt aABr{ sB/S, t(uop-)uolt\ ter{t erunsse 11,noL e^Ilf,elePB eg 'slr3#e OPIS luBsealdun l,uPIPrr ,{qmlno PUI}PUB PesnBf, Jer{ Jo {Jo^\ t,uplp uoltef,Iperu reqt uodar tq8lu puelu e 'eouetsulJoC 'tuaruteeJtJelncrtred tnoqe seopagslezn eq] sleeJ ef,Jnos rnod [.{^ e stuerulBeJ] sseua^l] lno purc 'lenpl^lpur ot IBnPI^lPuruou serJEA Jo -laJJeaqJ 'a1q1ssod sef,Jnos ,{uerusEuo [1er or sB peeu no[-op ](uo^\ 'sJaCCV Jerlto eql serJots ro ]o sof,uetredxa leuosradozr\t euo lsnf ruog uonruJoJur qtrl\ etep qf,reesaleqt of,ueleq'secrnJas leuolssa;ord elqBIrB^B;o [eue Suuepllznaq Suorue,{en rno[ puIJ o] [rr no/. sV eq] 'sreprnord erecqtlBer{letueru pue leorperu pue lBnpl^lpul }o ecuelradxe 'uorlrppe ul 'sreCCV e8palmoul er.{t tsrxesef,uare#lp ur tuBf,IJru8ts 'san1c srejJo tlf,reas IIB roJ tuaruteenJo poqterureln8ursou sr ereqt -er q8noqrlv 'ratunsuol qrleer{ e Ietueru InJerBf, SuraqJo ecuelrodrut aqt ero3srapun sl ASolopoqteur{rrBasar lanrns slr{]Jo lutod eql ot }o .ra8uue;41 eseC uA{O Jno eruoteg 'peqoJeeser Llelenbepe ueeq e^Egtou,{eru tl rer{t puetsJepun rno/. no1't :1ryrureq pJepuers t(usrtueuteeJr ar{J'Z ltuaunBeJl 'l'deragr JoJetntltsqns tou 'ot uontpp uB sBlI esnno1'1 'Sutunsse B uanordun[ue fut or elgBeg plnoqs no1 'Jele/t\oq']uaruatetssrrll ]o stea -ef,tuetJodrurIBJeAes eJeql',(deraqt uenoJdun[ue Lrl ol elqe eq eJB se uB plnoqsno[ 'r1npe sBteq] sruoltlsod rng 's^tolle{ooq slqt ur eceds 'renemorl'op B suoudo lueru sB ruro;ur o] ,{rrpqrsuodser IeeJ ro noz{ "lA. 'uoddns [aqr serderaq] rueensuletueqt pue s8urpugqcreeser anle^ Jo er{t ssnusrp reqt uorssardureqt gtlrn nol eneelo] tue/r\t(uop e716 eA\ 'seruerredxe lenpi^lPq grlrn uollBluroJule^llcalqo t11eep1 ecuBIBq spoqteruqtoq esnplnoqs r{f,reeser ot $lluenb ol tlnf,I -;;1psr uorteruJolq enucalqnsasnef,eq B teruJo,eJrBuuonsenb esnteql selpntsuBqt ueuo sselpepunJosle sI r{oreeser ad,{rqql 'Sutrunsuoc }o -erurt roJ aql pue Lpsoc sr lng CCV Jo sf,ItueuLp Surpuelsrepun InJesn ul sl slql 'sef,uerredxa seJer{s srq rcelqnseq] qJlr{/v\ teruroJ/r\elnretul ue Lq parntdecrenaq aq UBJetuauadxalenpl^lpul jo sseuqrlreqJ
'stlnser qJrBesar IBul, eql ol ur PerolsEj

'saHctnu3 sHJ d'rEH'rvNorssacoudoI Norsrcaq aNVsuaaav'I )EES


'enllf,npordretunoc '{deragtorlcikd st olur }o spur{ IBreAes ,(lsnoeuetlnurs 'tueulteert 3ur8un14 rno[ ]noqe suorsrf,ep eIeru no[ sesseqdruaeJ ]uBJ -reml{aq1 '{ooq srqrrnoq8norr{]SururemJo spro^\eser{r uenrJ^\e^eq a/N $ptqndurl rno qrle/K
'luarulBeJl InJuJeq ue^e ro /,ressaf,euunuB pronB no^ dleq lllm raunsuof, paurroJ -ur uB Surag 'eJBcrno,{ stueruele eleurpJooc ot drt pue dlaq ep}stno Jo Iees no[ aro;eq Jlasrnod e]ecnpe dlq8noroqt nol. rer{r pueruruorer erN 'ra8eueru asef,uA\o rno,( sBuouf,unJ or eABq rlnpe CICV uB sV 11.nol, 'surelqord aranassselqt1n{asoqt ro} alqBIIBABun ^(11ereue8 eJBSef,IAJOS eser{J'eldoed fll Llpluaru,{laranes qtr/v\dluo {ro/v\,{lpcrdr{r sra8eueru asec 'Llaleunuolun 'sleuorsse;ordeJolu Jo auo Hllrn erec rnoL eleulProof, pue peeu nol, sactmes aqt pury noL dl",{ plnof, orl^a re8eueru esBf,B eq plno^r 8ulqr tseq lxeu arlt 'crurll ccv uB lnoqtra\ 'petueuSer; puB pezrlercadserB sef,rnreserBf,rlllBeq asnBreq {sBt alqBplruro; B 39 uBf, sIqI 'ue1d tuatuteart e SurtelntuJoJot setuof, tl ueqlr un\o rno,{.uo l,1a8re1['CCV ur sezrlercads eq ]Br{t crurlr poo8 B qtrt\ BerBuE ur

ireueq Ieej euo^uBe{Bru or PePuaturt(us/r\ lBql ernrral ro 8u{ueds e }o turo} eqt >1001 ror^Bqeqsrru PUB Pa/y\olloj auntpalilsn{rJo uoneJtsrurupeeql '((aurf,rperu rnoA e{81,,ol tuoru -qsruorupe o8e eql tueseeldssalB peu^\Bds sreed;os8mpSurtset-1noJ 'un8elgqng ur pue eder8'l,ueqznens sroABlI jo splnbll pue srelqelSurtseltear8arnpord sarueduror rrer{l 8rup 'aurcrpatu e{Bt ot ueJpllqc e8ernof,ue 'sruotdurl,s alqetJoJr.uof,un e^erl oT Jreqt -eJot eurJrpeu e>lBt l,pa8ee aldoadlueu 'sseulll;o u8rstsrrJeqt ]V 'eArsBAJed sr arnc Bjo uortou aql '8uue;;nsd8ralleruou sn aeg Jo ssolrq8razn lcrnb 'srane;ef,npeJ aznurxeru ot eIBl plnoqs a/!\sllld rnoqBef,rnpe tnoqtrl\ ruer8 lef,rpau Surrra8 -ord uorsrlelet B r{f,tell\ eurze8eur pBeJ elqrssodrur ro B ot Lllenprn s,11 ((eurJrpal I Jnotr e{e'L'' 'esnge ef,uelsqns lertuetodtnoqe uJecuoceqt pue uerut8ertuaruteaJtaqt ur eurJrpeu ro uorsnlJur agr Sutpre8ar stutod,rern 8un:llJuoc '8ur1eru-uorsrJap uorted ur 'uouoesslqt ul 'uoISIJep -tcttredoAIIJB senssl Jeplsuof, eql Jo II(el\ 'os u/r\ornol, e{Blu nol, dleq ol tuBA\eA\AroN 'uorlrsodJno s(tBr{t 'aurf,rpeu strJeuag eqt serderaqt rarlto SurzrllQers tnoqtrzn Jo e{Bt or tlnf,rJJlp ueuo s(tr(uorurdorno ul 'srlnpeCCV ;o a8erue^pe >lf,BJl ur Jo sef,ueuadxa Jo leuosrader{t ur pue r{f,JeeseJ ssef,3ns pJof,eJ uanordB ser1 Japrsuof, r1 'uorrdo uB sBtueruteau SnrppJepuBrs tsBel nod eqr e eruof,eq rB plnoqs nol, '11e-arnc Jo qf,reasur at4unf{"Qn"tarp eroleqrer{r o^erleqqN\ 'Iqqt a^\ teq^{ noL llar or Suro8er(e^\'s,rnoii, ,i.lareulrln$ uorqlep aqr q8noqtlv 'lle rB eurf,rpeuesnot uorsrreper{l Surleur tnoqe s,l1's8n:pcgycads srr{J tnoqe l(usr eurorpeuJo uorssnlsrp

'fut or aplcep no,{ [dereqroqcAsd e grrm Buole ]r asn plnor{s nod 'uortdo tuauteert B sBll asoor{Jno[;1 'eurf,rpeu grlrn luau -tBeJtrnor{ sr e3rnpBsrqt 01 uortdecxe Lluo eql itunoJ3B {uBq rnod se 'asrrnJagto IIoA\ se sat8rauarno[ ereldap pue pesn]uof, eruocaq [eur no[ 'sIJod\ ,i11eer feq^/\Jo asuose no'{ anr8 III^\ erult B tB l,dereqr auo 3ur,{;1
d']rH'rvNorssscoud oJ NorsrJEC aNV susoavl 'sgHcrnuS )1ES aHf

oulslPelu rBr{l a^arleq oq^Aesoqt erB druBf, atrsoddo eqr ul 'sJeurnsuof, i(q pacerque eq plnoqs teqt q8norqrlearq reer8 B sr uorterrpatu ro tuetutealt A\eu due reqr enerlaq eruos 'suortrsod aruartxe JeqtBJotur pazuelod sdnor8 pue slenpl^lpur aruos grlrn sasBrq JBInf,nrEdleqr e^eq uoltBluJolul Jo sef,Jnos snorJen 'uortenbe aqt lno Suruos ,{q ruarua8eueu lef,Ipeur rno,{ ur eloJ anrtf,B uB a{Bt no,{ a8ernoJua e/N

epltep or rq8u e a^Bqstlnpv 'aperu[lln] tnd t,uo^\ ro lllin l,eqt tBr{A\ -lq8noqt eq ol seq 'pelef,rperu"'eQ ro eq ot uorsrf,ep ,(pea13 er{t tou 'lorluosJles ssolro Jo loJ]uocpuFu aq eqt gtlrtt pawJrpaur oi spro/v\ etenbesraqqv eruos'A11eury 'tuetu puv -tBertur eurf,rpeu sr rer.l Jo elor er{t tnoqe alqea8pel^\ou{ pue reprosrp Jo [rll""t aqr perder3eseqreCCV eqr reqr sesoddnsard parecrpaueq o] ef,Iotlf,e 'qlrnog 'ernf,lcrnb B tou qrl tnq sruoldruds Sur8euBtu slJos ur Jo uortnlosB srtl 'prlgJ 'stf,a#a eplsulyroulun pue u/t\oul lerruerod;o s{srr [1anr]BIaJ tr 'puooes 'slenpl^lpu atuos sr tnoqtrzlr t(usrrnq sselured rcI 'tslg sl PUBsatut4outos-e^Itf,alJe CCV,o tuaruteart er{t ur aurJrperu


'uounlos rcayed B rou eldurs B Jer{trau 'potef,rperu ot af,ror{f, eq er{t e{Btu plno^\ LlqeqordsrlnpeCICV Erl rng SurlqnoJl uortnlosssalured'enrtcega Lldturs ot tsoru'surotdurds ue eJeA\ eurf,rpeu 8ur1er;1;sruordru[slaql elarler o] esooqcAerpt(uplno^r^r{,01, 'eurf,lparu ;uortdo tueruteert srqt esnlaroq^{ sreCCV tnoqe ter{^\ tng elBl o1 esooqf,oq/!resoqlJo alBuollBrer{l PuBlsJePun r(see ol [Fre; s,r1 uonunbfl lgauaflAslg aql puu palerrpel [...e9 ol loN ro ag oI 'PoPIo^B eq or Surqreulos uortBtouuof, Etl-peuoltuaru am Butlueds agr or JEIIrurs anrte8euB sBqeurorpeu Jraqt 8ur1er '11tcafer oqr!\asoqtJoj rng .sruol -dur,{s Surlqnou rreqt Jo }arler ecuauadxa[11eur; lllm Leq]-uouerou -uoo anrtrsode sBqeurJrpeu Jraqt 3ur1er 'ly ecerqura oq^r sJeeCV JoC

'uarpllq] Jleqt Jo sanlesruaqtJoJ puodser [.r[ tuerutearl B sB eurf,lpeur 'ecueuadxa Jno ul ,o anssreqt rnoqe tuele^lQule 1ee;l,lereJ sJeqey
NVEI{nol ii.\zvuc uo ardru-s'LZvlroN h{,1

.s,re roeuo o r,'J;l I:i:il i:il':HrHitJ.f,t* z,r o,vu ur,,,.,,,, :{: J#

ere ^er{I 'sef,uetsqns ere pellouuof, sEpar;rsself, urletlg sBr{f,nss8nrp 'tcefqo [18uorrs sluar]edrreqr pue sleuorssa;ord qrleeq letuerupue IBrr -peu [ueru q8noqlly 'asnqeaf,ue]sqns roJ lerruarodaqr tnoqe uref,uoo uo peseq [1a8re1 ]ng stxetuoJ]o ,{ralrel B ur patue{ sr 'frcrlqnd aq1 sr
'lInf,JIJ /\{OqS

{lBt eqr uo sf,rtrJcua>lodstno Lq apeu srurelf, er{t tf,BJatunoJ ol 8urful stuauodord tprzn padolanep seq usrleuorlesuas Jo BJnB uV 'seouanbasuoc eJrp str Surrcrpard srotceJteppuB santJrnsll 8ur11orxe sJepBelJeegf, r{trA\ ateqep pateeq jo snf,oj er{t ueeq seq relnf,yrred ur suorterrparu tueln 'llJeru tnor{trlll eJBeruos pue pllel eJEeruos 'uortdo -rurls Jo asn eql . lueutBen B se eurf,rpeu Sursoddo JoJsuoseal Jo ,bauen B enerl a1doe4 esnqv ecuelsqns Jo anssl eql :pelerlpal ["'eg ol loN .ro 'ag oa 'tuerulBeJt stl srql lnoqB PUBJaPJosrP sqrLru ledsrp ot Ltyllqlsuodsar rno Jo ereA\B[1uea1 ere tnq ACV rnor{ 'Iooq srqt jo rerderlc ro; Ja^rsueeqt sB eurf,rparu Surloruord tou eJ(a/)N ,ilqeqord plnoqs no/, 'sror^eqeq petuB^\un luerrerd ol tsrrJ er{t pBaJeJ rc ;lasrnoL Bunupas ?utffinry Io lq8noql eqt qtr^\ elqeuoluof,un ar,no^( asnBf,aq luarutBerl rnor{;o rred sBaurf,rperuesn ot tuBlJnlar ar,noL;1 'slenpl^lpul uIBtreJ uI suelqord Surpaelq asnef,,{eur pue lolf, or ,{rrpge s,poolq aqt qtr^r erejretu osle uBf, tl 'auoJpu[s seLag sBulroui sseulll snorJes B ]nq aJBJ esnef,rrBJ tl 'sesnrrrrurBuaf, gtlrn tnog e Surunollojuerpllrlc z(quelet s,tl 'stle#a JI InJ -ruJBr{ ee{ t(usr uurdse ue^E 'snora8uep Lllerruatod aq uB3 qf,rr{^r Jo }o eruos'slce;;e epls tnor{trzr\sr eurJrpeu oN'esn $r qJeordde Llsnortneo lsnru no,{ 'qqy rnor{ e8eueur ot urlBtru Jo sruoldur,is ploo rnod e^erleJ ot eurJrperu ratunoJ eqt relo uB sr uousanb ut eurf,rpeu aql Jar{raq/N 'uor$caP PaurJoJur uB alBru ot UBJ no,i,se l,lqSnoror{t se;lasrnoL erBf,npE i>lJoA\euog rnol, op-$ eurl ruoltog eql 'pulrn eqt or u^\orqt sr uortnBf, jl snore8uep aq uBf, seurorperupedolanap,{1lreu JoJtusBrsnqtue ssef,xe'pr".{ Jeqto eqr uO'suoltf,eJur Suruetearqr-eJllroj sf,uolgltue sBqrns saurJrperueruos 'uouenbe lgauaq/1srr eql pue seere Jo strleuaq aqr an8re ot prer{ s(tl ,(er8 aql aJou8r ,(aq1 'erueJtxa eJBsuortrsod eseqr qroq 'suorurdo Jno ul

'uoseer[ue ro; ue1et eq t,uplnor{spue II^e IIBJo loor eql sr


,pasou8elp .puetsrepun -repun uB rena51 ],uop l,agl surol lf,BI laqr -druLs ruesealdun adecse uolte3rpeuJlassEstuanedslr{Jo Jequnu ot e ^q pasnag or sreadde 'uouelndodrlnpe pue tuaf,selope rl eCV eql ur asnqeecuetsqns tnoge fuoegr qtrnoJ B reL sraJ$o slql tsr8oloqcLsd 'srasnqe ef,uelsqns ragto Jo plro^al,B8oy eql .qllIs ur peef,f,ns aouerdeoce puB ureSureqt palqBua loqollB ro sSnrq 'strodS ernllBJ;osreed puE ur parnpuepBq pue trun IBrf,os s3rurepBf,B eqr ol UoISSIIUPB ol roud pasou8elp Jleqt uaaq l(uper{ stuauedeser{l 'dnor8 raad B qtl/t\ acueldecceure8 ot selcn{al se _ Jo lsolnJ loqolle ro s8rupesnstuelredsrqJo eruostBr{t strodertrun culelqcr{sds,prrdsoq IBf, -gl ur stuef,selope gll,n $Fo/\\ oq^,\ tsrSologcl,sd .ernllBr;o urarred v " 8uo1e;llB or perelersr asnqeef,uersqns rer{l sr srsagioo,iq eqr plql y

.r{rrnislnd egr pu sSurnero;o,i.lrsuerur reqSl! e 1o uorlBurgtuof,eqJ -tur puB ri.rrlgertesur suroldul,(s eqr Jo Eraproslp luo$ sllnsersrsclcv ur esngB eruaprf,urpesearcur aqr ter{/r\eruos rBqr s &111q1ssod puof,esV Jo 'esnqe ef,uetsqns reprosrp uee^\req pue aql Iutl crlaue8 ,teurareqt reqt stsaSSns 'uoursodsrpard slql cuaue8alqrssod uo B 91 " ,{l8ursearcur Sursnf,oJ Suro8uosr esnqeef,uelsqns pue pue ru$lorloJlB 'lsJlg 'sSurpur; ur qf,rBaser sseqt lnoqB sasegloddq ereqJ lereneseJB er'loqof,lB ,(lqyssod pue s8nrp asnpeseercur eABr{ sreCCV roJ puerl luelsrs uB ot Jo -uoo tnq tq311s sB^4, e aJeqttena,ropl .sdnor8o^\t eqt uaeluaq af,ue -reJJIP ,illecrtsrtels punoJ ruecgruSrs B l(usequortelndodlerauaS eqr;o rEr{rYrln sllnpBclcv uI esnqB puB asnef,uBlsqns Suuedruof, qrrBeseu ,,lsraad CCV-uou Jrer{luBqr suortef, -lparutuBlnurls esnqB L1a1l1 ol eJotusJeccv enrslndrul aJV,,.uorlsenb puocesB ol esrJ sanrS uousanbslqJ ((io^rlf,lppB sruelnturts l(ueJv,, 'uago sr reccv pasouSelp [1meuB ^q pesodsuor]senb rsJI;eqr Jo euo 's3rupleeJtssBpesneq uec pue BrJoqdne ;o s8urlealernpord uec daqt asnef,eq VOC erp l,q pollortuoc Llr5urs
NVal\ no^ ilIZVuS uo ardrus'LZv'woN r^r.l

rnd^erusecuenb"r";$X",:il:l'f i:],'li;l::#ilH:$gy

',,eqLey4,,'eJe suorlsenb asaqf ol sJeA\suB oqJ puB ,,Ser\.,, :(lou eq^B]AL, jsef,uetsqnsSuuatle punu IIB ruoU ef,ueuusqeIetot puauuof,al srueJSord no,i, esnqeef,uetsqnst(uoq iuortsanb aqr Jo tno stuelnruns teqt arunsse plnoqs 'rasnqeaJuelsqnsJo f,rloqoJle Sutranocal e aJEnol,;1 isJesnqB aJuetsqns/,pear1e ere oqA\ sreCCV Lq pasn aq l,aqt uBf, 'aurf,rpeu elnetuenerd aq'tuatxe uretJef, e ot 'uef, stuelnruDs leql Sutrunssy 'sJesnqe-of, acuetdecf,Bsnorqnp eqt 8ur>1ees ol Jo Surtrosertnoqtr^\ ssof,Jns purJ ueJ or{S 'reCCIV uB roJ ernlleJ;o elcLc 'uouezrue8ro 'uortuene eqr dors ueuo ''cJe '{slll{s Jo sruordruAs lerf,os 'l^11eurC 'esnqe ot pBel uec teqt s8ur eqt ur stueruelordrur leraue8 eql 's8nrp ro -Aerf,aqt Jo aruos Ionuof, osle suoueJrpeu eql loqof,le esnqe ol saslndur raq Iortuor req dlaq plnof, rlnpe CICV uB jo ,{ltntqndrur ot eqt uo suouBf,rpeu Jo tcedurr enrtrsod eqt tBr{t arunssB leorSol s,tl 'brIqerlesut eqr pue &rnrslndrur;o sruordru^(s uo stf,a#BJreqt ur enltetuanerd peJep -rsuoc eq uBf, Laql 'pr".{ raqto eql uO 'eurclperu elltetuenerd parap -rsuoJ [11ecrrsr1eeJ ](uec stuelnrults 'esnqBecuBtsgnsot uotttsodstp eq -ard cuaua8 e paapur sr eJaqt 'suelqord SuolaJll asnef,uec sruoldtu'(s JI asoqt ot sreqto Jo suoureer eqt pue CICV yo surotdru[s egr ]Bqr srepeer Jno ot uortBle^eJ ou s(ll :auI'IPaw eltrlulue^a.Id se sluBlnl'tlps 's8mp asnqeot ISrJ tB eq paepur z{eu 'uoneorperu uo uene pelloJtuol ot sJeccv eluos 'esnqBef,uBlsqns atnqlJl IIe^{ t(usr ,blnlslndur esoq.^a -uo3 uE3 uouBJrPelu tuelnturls tBqt Je^eosleq1Y\ ou sI eJeql lBt{l {srJ Surrsa8Sns t(ueJe eA{lBql azrsegdureot luBA\ ezn'srqt Japrsuof,e/!r sV /r'etBlnluncf,BeII Jo sesseJts eqt sB aseerf,ur/.eu {srJ er{t terlt persaSSns ueeq sBq tl 'gf,reeser tuelf,I} Jnsur ot enP uA\oulun sr PIo sree,{of Ja^o sraccv uI esnqBef,uBlsqns 'raqlrng 'Surlou r{trozr\sI stlnpe CCIV ro, ISIr peseerf,ul Jo ISrr aqt Lllq8rls B uele pue ruelqord roleru e sr uor]elndod lereua8 aql ur asnqe ef,uetsqns 'ssnosrp q8noua tuelrodun s,tl 'tueJllluSls [llecrrsrrets or l(use^\ sreCCV ur esnqe af,uetsqnspesBerf,ulJo Surpur; aql q8noqtlv 'selBts IBl -ueru peJetle otur SurdecseLq reeddesrpLrrleeJJreqt eTeur [aql 'peets -uI 'rl gtl,n Surdoc suBelu ou eABq Jo PUBreProslPrraqt;o Surpuers

'arnr e,o esruord parldurruB gtlrn tl peralroe^Bqro CICV roJ eurf,rpaur AlereururJf,srpur peqrJsserd aABqsuercrsLqd tsorutBqt e^erleq](uop ea\ 'suouuo^Jstur JeqloJo uorsnlf,xe aql ol petoruord stsou8etp ro B e^Bq InJeJBf,lnoqtrn\ uenr8ueeq seurtouros suolteJlpeur otll'peqlJf,sard rilssaleJeo Sureq l;olsrq eteunlJojun ;o ue seq eurf,rpatLesnqB ef,uBtsqns Jo suelqord egt puB tuerue8euBur uoltef,IperusselaJBf, sseueJA\B Jeurnsuoc Surnor8tuor; peAIoAe sBq Jo JBInf,IuBd sluelnults pue ut ur tnoge uJeJuoC IBJauaB esneurf,lperu luerulea{ uI reuged B ss qof moa 'suorsrJep ssaleJBJ qlr/h asruordruof,ot lueuodtur ool sr esnqB eruBlsqns reqlo luoU lJenocerro dlauqosJnoI .ueqt qrl^,\ rseqeqt aulruretoppue sualqord enbrunrno[ eroldxauec IBaPot ,{ezn no[ reqre8ol 'CCV Jo plelJeq] ur osletnq esnqB eruBtsqns BerB eql Jo ur tredxe uB dluo tou sr oqrv\euoeuros grlm >lro^\ tsnlu notr ls8ntp1n&a111 oiur sr,anDlu i(uop noi wtll alm to uonncryau-lpsq?notylWmt urno"rnoK @,nnarnoy.sl1I.]uolu]BeJ]eSnqBef,uE]SqnSPJBPuBrsq3norqr sr t(usBqor{^\reccv uB r{tr/Kpesn'(11eraua3 qceorddeqql Pere^of,er 'esnqB ef,uBtsqns,o senssl gr},n IBsp[aqr eroJag aqr sruoldruLs ocv eqr sarurteuros leeJt ot sluelntults asn(lsnonnDJ aA(eA\ tuoqlr\ ytlrn peJJeJuof, slBuorssejord etuostBqt nod 11er e^\ tnq esruedxe pleu Jnot(usr uBf, Jo slql 'uorurdo lradxe uB sBuenr8t(usr'tou aq,{Bru-Jel\sueaqf .esnqe eJuBtsqns Jo ruou SuuanoreJ or{A\ sr Jaccv uB JoJuorlsanbeql lor{of,lB Jo tno arBstuelnturtsreqter{A\ uousanbarp ol TrBq sn sBuuqslql Jo

etuosJo esoql elqueser Iunrp fup aqr Jo sror^Br{eq lBr{t >lurqre^\ eql rno uoddns ot BlBpr{JJBesaJ aneq ](uop a46 .ri11rue; [ue 1nq 'uoruesse req r.uouu^\Brpqtrd\puB peredtuet-toq'elqeturr surBtuer Surlulrp tnq sdotsot{^\ clloqoclB uB sI Iunrc Lrq er11'rusrlogof,leuo ernteratrl eqt trt peqlnsep slunre fug eqr euooeq leru ,beuqosurB]urBtuol e8eueruop or{/v\ esoql 'aJIIs,lBnpl^lpur ur f,o^Brl{eer^\ ot senurl ar{t -uor reprosrp 8ur,{lrepuneqt esneseq pe^rl-troqs eq Leru lecrSolorneu 'poqteru srrlt ot cr3o1 ereqJ ,beuqos'parou8rere senssl sr CeV eqr JI 'senssr ar{r CCV eqt uo lro/r\ Aaqr@lD llrun lusrlorlof,lB gtl,n IEept(uop I'aqt ter{t troder sf,Iloqof,le slBuorssoJord eurog CCIV grlartlrolr\ oqrv\
IIIZVUC UO Ardnrs ',LZV'l rON h{,1NVEI nOI

'sllnPB ccv


ot ruaes rnoL;o pue sserSord t(usaopeurJrpeu rno^ JI 'stleJleepls,i,ue peuroJurrotf,oprno/,Surdaalsepnlf,ur tueruteertur reutrede seqof JnoI 'euo A\auB pulj 'SuuotruoruSuto8uo uercrs,{qd rnol, tnorltr^\ pue tq8norlteroJalrrll gtlm eurcrpeu seqrrrsard uB eqt;o 8ur>1eru-uorsrf,ep jI 'ssef,ord rred eq ot uorre8rlqo pue rg8tr eqt ateolunruuloJ E a^Bqno1 'tuerred aqr ot suorsrf,ep Jreq],o srseq dlenrrcege ot{A\sUBIO sAenlet(uop suorsrf,ep IBf,Ipeupunose>leru 'autctparupeglJf,serd -rsLtldtuatadruof,ueng 'tl tnoqBJeq rno,{ {sB rno.(11 jo uortBnbetgauaq/1suaqr Jo no/. uuo;ul t(useopuetcts,{qd 'uorsrcaP PeuJolur ue o]Bru roJ ot uouenba tr;euaqftsu aqr Sursnpue Sutpuelsrepun lrlltqtsuodsar eiet pue qf,Bordde JBInuls elunssB B tsnru no1 'slrleuaqpue $lsIJ eql Llssalareo sg8razn sl,emle aqs-8rup Lue saqrJf,seJd Jeleu uerctsl,qdlueled '1urqa 'dorg 'suorlsanb -ruof, 8ur1se tnoqtl^\ euIO V itlegag pue tcy -lpau 8ur1erAq arecqrleeq rnod ol qf,eordde enrssed 8ut1erer,nol,;1 e 'uorletnderpeq 'penresapun uB CICV to eql tuerutBerllecrSolof,BruJBrld uanr8e^Bqos auop e^Eqoql\ esoql tng
dlEH'rvNorssecoud oI Norsrclo3HJ aNV suscavl 'saHcrnuc )1as

t(ue^BqI itBera^ool ^f,uepuet[ur rsol e^(l-lBrf,rJaueq pulJ I ]Br{tauo eprs,i.ue tdacxastf,e3$e pesnef, aql 'ete^alaol ue8aqarns l(useqrBZoJd -serdpoolq Lru ueqznpadolenaptoe#a eprssnolJes erour 'slee/K^\ej V B reuB pareeddesrp llelJe eprseqt tng qtnou [rp B ^g peraq]og sB/r\ I 'urlBtru 'stf,e#aepls aluosa^Bqop saurf,lpeuesar{I {oo1 rsrrJI ueq/a, 'peralocsrpe^Bq pue rotf,opdu;ar1ar ruotdru,{s rseq I aql sI o1!ueql jo uollewqluof, eql '[ep aql rnoq8norq] srsBl tBql tf,e]Je '8nrp Surrsel Surrulec saprnord B 3uo1e 'cezor4eql 'paraduret.troqs ro elgBtrrrrr.u(luaq^\ [ep aqr Jo sporredlerenesgllrn etu se^Bel puB 3uo1 tsBIt(useop 'ue^eunerBstsellestr 'lerf,rJeueq urlBlru qSnoqlly ll sr 'leei uele ue uo aur sdael pue rerulecaru sa1eru .[rlnlslndrur tl dru puB sseulpooru dleg saop1l lnq raDegruro;-rad lurqt eru dleq ro f,Bzord eqJ's8utqr reqto Suoure'{qllls uortezrue8ro,(ru t(useop senord 'ateJtuef,uof, sdlaqurlBtlu aqJ -tur puBEurruBts aru lBtualu/,u sasealcur 'sruotdurl,s ruera;;lp elarlal ot tueasdeqr esneJeq seur3rpatu ol\t eIBr I 'Lepe saluu eeJrlt,urlerrgyo suer8rlpu 0I pue,iep e ef,uof,ezord;osurerBIIIIru q uaur8er dltep OZ Lyrl'stlnsareqt Hrlrnpaseeld tng etu roJ1ro^\ plno/v\ luB tBqt s8mp;o uorleurgurof,eqt puE esopradord aqt Surpurjeturt eluospuedsor pBq 'e^rlrsodueag eABq uortBf,rpau ,{yq,, qlrd\ seJuerJedxa 3XX I leuosred 'uorlBruJoJur uo IEnlf,BJ uolslf,appeurJoJur eIBru ol noL a8rntnq ef,roql Jo tueruteeJl uB Paseq rno[ se eurf,rpeur esooqcLlpurlq ot nol, e8ernof,ue l(uop a41 'acnsnf 'uorrdo alqyssod sBeurf,rpeur -ul teer8E op e 8uuo1d JIesJnoA Lerunol -xe uoJj no[ ]uenerdsuortderuocsnu JBaJ noA;1 .ACV Jo tel Jo sruol 'tr -druLs eqr ereln?et{11ncnrun.Lp eurf,lpelnl esnef, uec ter{t suelqord eqr ,(llreroduratuBf,eurf,rpeu puB JepJosrp lf,eJJof, B lBf,rSolornau sl ccv seruerJedxg leuosJed euros 'raqra8ot ua{81 ag t,uplnoqsseurcrpeueruos 'srteJJe eplssnoreSuep Lllertuerodasnec uBJ uerur8ar rno,{or SnrppeqlJf,sard Jetunof,er{l ro reno Puorese Surppe dprerrlgrv 'srregeeplspaf,unouord uorterrpau ro -Jepun'uorrecrperuJelo llnseJuEf,eurf,lpaur asnsrusHI .uercrs[qd ur Jo rnof gttrttSurllnsuof, ]noqtl^{ esoprno[;o Sunul] eqt e8ueqcJo eseeJf, -ap 'aseerf,ul alqtsuodseJrl 'peqpcsard Aetr aqt ueqt reqlo Aem ol s,tl s,rr B ur ll SulsnLq spuequ/!\o rno,( otur sJeDelu alet t(uop 'anrlcegeeq
'xzvl roN h{(l NVaIAI no^ IJIZVUSuO Ardnrs

e^Eqtou ^Brueurf,rperu Lru;o strJeuaq aq1 'aru pepnlea^BqasraJeglo ue plno^{teqt sllBtap lueruuosse Suuaquerual'uorqse;paaueBro uB jo ut ,(epteqt op ol pepeou peqslJdruocceiSurrueerrs puB 1 Surqrfue^a 1 SurlleLeprll tnq ef,ue[ouuegrryt ]BesrBf,Surssrru pataar8peg 1 eqt 'peuonuau pBq Jotf,opLru sa8uegc eltqns eqt tnoqe lq8noqr I teqt spuerrarer{to}o raqunu e Surop uelet peq I lltun t(use/v\ 'uB^ l,ru ruor; puB euo d\au e 8ur,{nq aJBf, tl }o uelots ueeqpeq teesrec s,dqeq ]Br{tperenorslp1 'urletrU eqr 4oor [u 'e8uegc f,IteruerpB ueqt rar{ter eltqnse tcedxe ot eru I ^BptsrlJar{I 'enrftsod z{yq uaaq sequortBJrpeuqtr/v\acuauedxe Lyrl PIot uelf,tsriqd ';1asl,tu uIIBtlU 8urfur tnoqe uortetrseqou se^larar1f 'l,urarefro] urletrg '1esnlar Sutsn ef,uBtdaoce jo pue rusrryrdals 3uo1 IEUIJ lertrurJo ssaf,ord reede q8norgr auo8 l,pearlepeq I 'sruolqordCCV s(uos puersrapun Aru o1 qf,reasar q8norgr-reproslo aql Surlpueg luerBd-'c'qd ^lu ,{u 'sse1aref,J(usB/K 'srsou8erp uallo8 l,pearle anrslndrur B peq 'uolslf,ep tl I '(ru rer;e spuoces olu tnoge urletrg e{Br ot uorsrf,ap tB pe^rJJB [u I 'uorsnjuof, ,br.re1o Jo PBetsuI ut paturedplrorne Suuanof,srp jarler Lur pereqsI 'peUI1 L11eur; peq tB sree,( euru-Atrlr{tro; ur pe^rl per{ I 3o; aql teqt rer{ plot I 'lrrourue I sB ACV ,(ur;o [rllear er{] qtr/r\ elqetro}tuof,sBJ(usB^\ puB d;enocer[ru I 'raq ur lpea sB^{ 'urlB]lg 8ur1ersBA\ U I teqt tlleclraSolodeteq^\aruos requauer pue ete) eroleqCCV gtpr pesou8elp 3ut11er sezn lgd L, snopuatueJl s(ll B ,,'decrpuer{ 'uo suorl 3ol grlrn eJBrB unJ ot 8urful eTI sl uoneorparu tr;aueq eqr Jo tnoqtl^{ eJflSurnll 'aru roC 'troga qf,nru se eorl\t gtlm pue IIe/!\ssaltnq 'ef,uare;;1p tB pezerue uoltf,un; Illrs uBf,I eurf,rpeutnoqtr711 eqt sAeznle rue pue aIII s,rltBqA\eesot rsnl;;o depe a{B] I ellq^\ B ur eruo 'rl rue tnor{tl1y\ I uet{t eulf,rpeu uo rerddeqrrJB puB Janoq Suruonf,un}ru(I 'pouad 1,33o; ot rsn[peo] peureel eqt poolq ^tu 'asopquno, arlt Surleur I pue lerurou ot perunter arnsserd -rulla Lg 'qcnu oot ernssard poolq [ru paseerrultl rnq Suruor]cunJ IBr -ueru Lru ro; tseq sed\Lep e serurlJnoJurletrg 8ur1erteqt punoj per{ I 'uosred 'errradde tsol B /,ru ((leurJou,, aIII tea lsnf 1


OPIS aql a^rlce}Je tsotu eqt sJerjo (('slf,elJe lse1Y\ej 9llrn IoJluoJ ruotdtu,{s reqt la^el esoprunturldoaqt pur' or eq plnoqsleru Snrprno[;o leo8 eqJ 'sesoP raq8tq aqtrcserd tuetf,nleJeJB ot suercrsr{qd lagf esnBoaq ruotdrurts tunrurldoazrleal Janeusluauedetuos,tsuterqcLsd Lru JeIIeJ 'pef,uerredxe ennrsodeql Lq patuEr pBq I srf,eJle Jo ef,ueuadxeaqt ul 'gceordde -JB^{r\ sB^\esopraqSrqB qtr^\ eluelJesuof, fpeno ue Ierrt L61 sesnef, serulteruos uoltef,lpaultuBlnruns lertuatodasnqe tnoqe aqt Jo uJaJuoS 'nod JoJ1Kol oot aq l,eur esopurlBtlu z{ru'pueq Jeqto eqt uo 'urlBtlu atBrelott(uBf,no,t reqr epnlf,uof, nod pBelrqSrruesopreq8n1 ol aql anrteSeu aql '3^uf,elJaeq plnor eurrrperueqt tBqt ^{ouI Jo stf,elJe Je^eutqSru nol, '91 uo lBrrt urlBlru e tJBts nol, rnq sruer8rllu g sl esop unurtldo rno[ 'sesop t{8tt{ le sreeddBsrp sseuelule}Ja;oa8uer req] JI .stle#a enrteSau A\OJJBU e 'mopurm cDnedBJeql aABq B uauo seurf,rpaw 'tr ,(11enper8 asop1!\olB pue PUBe^IttsodSutrottuotu L11n;eJec aseercur gllrtt lJBlsol Peauaql azlseqdura esoP req8rqeqt r{trn\seouerredxe L4 'suorlBf,rPeur Llpatqnopun Jo uorlBurquof,ro uortBcrpeutuerejrlpB reprsuoc II!v\ I 'eruosreqroq oot auoceq JeAesa1c,i,c u/\r,op eroru pue dn eql jl 'elqBtrJJr .urlBl eruof,eq I ueq^\ spouedesaglSuunp;1asl,ru Jo erBf,e{Br o1 e^BqI -lU aqt tuo{ sseuueneun ear8ap eruosecueuedxa I tuBsBeldun;o op 'esopraq8rq ar{t olqlSllSeu r{tro^{ aqt ere^\tql lou dlalrulJap Jo stlJeueg seqf,BpBerl sseulzap puB pef,uerredxe sruerSrl|Lu 8ur1erperr dgeuq lng gI 'srelqerruer8rlpul rnoJeIBt I ^\oN .esopeuo ppe ot sB^\ I 0I Jo sesop uortducsard lerrrur,(ruef,ursepetue^Bq I pue Jotoopdru a8uegeAluo eqJ 'er.uoselqnort LFelncrrred uaeq e^BqtBqt euou tnq troJurof,srp qrBruols PIIUIPUBseqrBpBeq stlelJe epls rounu eruospBr{e^eq I Jo 'uorleruJo;urSurruoJur ralst8aror q8noue3uo1snf,o;uBf,I asnef,eq Llqeqord'paugeueqa^Bq ot stueos osle /.rouleu tuJetuoqs [61 's1se]uo snooj[u ure]ureurIIIts pue ralteq suondnrrelur elpuBquBf, 'qsBelernf,es Lpp; B uo tl re8 I '.ntsuoryanQgWDaru1Lur peuet or pa8eueru eABq t(ueleq I I rnq 'suelqord ro; ueaq ser{urletrg leuorteaue8ro,i,ru e^rtreJler{pelncrrred eJe/h,iagr f,rter.uerp ueaq tnq ituef,IJlu8rs,ilqeruepun
Nwhl no1 ilrzvuOuO ardnrs'tzv1l-oN h{,1


'sf,IJSIJeJf,BJEqf, 'strleuaq Pue sllelJe ePIs 'uouf,B jo sulsruBr{f,elu B lBnpl^lpur Jrer{l-seursrPeru }o AIaIJBA Jo s(Ar{A\ (Jel uI II(e^\ PuB s(^\oq eqr eururBxe PUBtlldaP JalBeJS slql JePISuof, -deqe eqt uI 'aurf,rpeu Jo sla^el esop runruttdo Sututturetap 3urmo11o; eperu e^Bq e1N\ ur IBrJI 3*p B jo af,uBuodrut eqt ot sef,ueJelalIBJeAas
)aas oI NolslcacaHI aNV suEaavl'sEHsrnuc d'reH lvNorsslcoud

'ag ueo[",{r
:tueuteerr Snrpot r{ceorddea'rrlenJesuof, Jo, suosealtuellaf,xe eJB e ereqrrequeruerEtel 'uo8em-pueq eurf,lperu uo durnI IIE eA\ero;eg aqt


ernf, l.uer dagr pue sseFrrrerl l(uare s8nrp

puB urlBtlu sBqf,ns sSmp Jo suonBurquos ro sSnrp peqlrlserd l,luoul 'ra/ -tuoJ eql Sursn uI pecueuadxa uercrslqd e pur; o1 ]lnll#Ip . _ssa1 Llleroedsaoq uEf, r1 'e133ru1s eq lllts uec tl tng 'saf,rnoserpepaeu ssef,f,B B ot rersBeSururoteq s,tl 'Surpeerdssr aSpelmoDl rEqt sr s^\eu pooS eql 'JepJosrp rnod jo luaruleeJt oqt ut eulf,Ipeu Jo enlen eqt tnoqe suerf,rsl,qd ruersrseJ saulllaruos Surqceer Surpnlf,ul 'uaddeq s8unlr eleru ot uorlentrs u/v\o rnod Jo loJtuof, eTBt tsnru no1 'fuenof,eJrno,i.ur Leld no,( alor tueuodurr eql ezlsBqdueer or tng noL e8ernoosrpol eperu t(ueJBstueturuof, eseqJ

eqt qrleeq Jo ef,uelslxe tnoqBlectrdals aq ot anurtuof,sleuorsselord s,tl 'stlnpeur pasnJaleu srurletrg Ietuatu etuosteqt Sutuatreeqslp leql sluetled suercrslgdare areq] terlt Surua CAV rleqt IIel IIIIs or{zrA -lJBeqsIP 'sef,JnoseJ s(tl potrturleABqsenruntutuof, [ueru 'l,lqerrer8ag ,(rensl lSur8ernocue CCV grlm sllnpeJo sPeeu or tueunnuruof,pue ur tseJelur eqt Sur,r.or8 slqJ 'sef,uelJadxa pue Ieuosradrno SuueqsjJetseql r{tr/\{arull leuotssa;ord eurospuadse^rteqt peTSB dnor8auo'o8e 3uo1toN .sllnpBpue stueo -selopB >potr lera^es ,{tlunuruof, rno ur sleuors AAV grltr [11ecr;rceds -se;ordqrleaq [ueru e^Bqo] ateunuoJere lBtuerupeuroJul-l1azn "/t\

'sllnPB ul ccv

lt|aua?euel^l pue aultlpah| aulrlpahl


9I )raJdvHc

pue LtelesJraql saqsrlqetse Sunsetelrsuetxe (s8nJp , e>lel A\oqeunuratepol III^\ no^ ueuo ,v\oqpuB ag plnoqs esoprno,( a3re1 eq III^\ dels txeu aqr '8nrpJelnf,rued asnol aperusr uorsroep JoUV e e 'esn B ll(noLBmp eqt tnoqeuolslf,ep alBru puBsuortdosnouenJeprsuof, 'reqla8o1's8nrp snorren s]re#e eplselgBrrsepun Illm eq pue no[ Jo pue algerrsap palcedxaer{tJo no,(ruro;ur plnoqs eH .8urnr1 l,1pp;o suralled PUBstuotdur/.s JBInf,ItJEd rno,( lnoqe uortetuJoJur pue fuorsrq .tuauuadxa uB re^o seqf,tB1!\ IBrrPaupellerepB qtr/v\uBls plnoqseH se tsltuelcse se/,11n;eJec lerJtSnrprnof Jo]ruourplnoqsuercrsLqd rnotr 'eTBt noL Bnrp ,as1a eqr ot l,1dde et{t III^\ ulletlg to lern SnrpBJo Trolt\erueg Jo qf,ntu Suyqreruos seqrrf,serd uercrs,iqd rno[ JI ue^A 'ef,roqf,;oSnrpaq] ueuo sr urlBtru 'tuaurteeJ] req]o qSnoqtly 'aldruexa oQV ur pesnare sSnrp uB sBurletlu esnII(e^\'1eutSnrprnoA,o ssecord tB lool e^t sv eqr 'eurorpeur ot apllap no[ ueq,l no[ JoJ esn lro/t\ 'JoJJe e pue lerrt Jo ssof,ord sr ruol III^I IBIJI8mp B ^troqtB Tool s(te'I .s,rul) -durLsaqt ot eurcrperu Surgf,letu'sumoulun eseqt eql IIB qrlA sesnBf, euo aql PUB ,{lnrslndurls(uqofasnerleql (s)uor]Bretle lBql ureJq oSroads lgtuapl ot q8nouapaf,uB^pe agr t(usref,uorf,s lBlrpew irar{to -uB euo Jo ssalpaeu eq saopro rannusuBJtoJneu jo erou peeu uqof seoe 'Jeqtouetou tnq leclruer{J euo SurseeJf,ap SurseaJour-uortf,B ro Jo stusruBqf,eru lBnpl^lpur eAEgol readdBclcv tBerl ot pesnsSnrpaql '((eJnJ,, esnBf, JBlncrlred u,ro slr rllrt\ qf,Be pue 'sed&gns CCV Jo ragrunue Llqeqordere erer{tter{t uortou aql suod -dnsLlSuons,{rrsranlp slql 'CCV IIBf,e^rreprosrpaqt Jo sesnef, pue sruoldrul,s ,,brsrenlp sr Snrp eqt ot ,illuare;;lp puodserrur) pue eqt to uqof uosBaleql 'paSueqf,un urBtueJ s(tur) ]ng pe^aller eJBstuol -drudss,ugo[',brnrslndrur a8eueru sdlaq ueuo o] qolr{,r\urlBtlg eqlrf,s -erd suercrsLqd enrrcadseJ Jreql ueq/il. 'Jeqtoue ssof,xe Lq s,rur; uB Jo JaltlrusueJloJneu Jo runotue luerf,rllnsuruB Lq pasneteq Leru euo PUB 'drr,uslndurl sruoldru,{s eABqqroq rul) pue urlo[ q8noql ue^E Eur{of Jo rorrg pue IBI{ Jo sserord V 4uaure8eue1[ aqrlpel{I 'PezrurxBtu strJauaq 'Suuotruour puB epls PeJrsep pez[urunu eq uBf,s]f,eJJe paluB/l\un qll/N 'elzznd tuatutBeJteqt;o arard tuetrodur uB 'Jala^\oq InJerBc

ot sanlf, epl^ord IIIlrr r{lJBesarsn{t adoq a16's8nrp snorren roJ uouf,B aql Jo rusruBqreu eql PUBurBrq aqt Jo ,{3o1oqc,{sdorneu lnoqe uortBtu 'tuetuteeu -roJul ACV leuop1ppe p1ail III^{ pue Suro8uo sr qf,reeseg uI Pasn,{1tuailnc esoql or PaPPBeq II}^r saurrrParu^reu 'AlparqnoPun

'ase3 aq rBqruI '1ryd1eg lou,teru ullBlT}r'asop {qql ot eunt aq ill/K rr urnurrxeru lB uele tBqt puru u1daa; 'sloegaeplsparue^\unpue $ge B -ueq rununxeuruae^ueqef,uBIBq urnuntdoeqt para^of,slp e^eq illlrr no^ 'turod reqt rV 'qBH oot sr le^el eqt atecrpurqre#e epls[]un la^al asop 'stuaurtsnlpe aBesop aIBu llyrr uelqsAqdrno1 aqt Sursearf,ur,tgenper8

ifi: urr'lruanordruJiltl?tift'ffi':l$"T1l1"":f rnq uo t,uop

uB3suonenJesqo JOH'ssacord ul penlonureq osler{eru sHr ,,amtoafqo,, asnods ol JnoA'asop radordrno[ arnuue]ep $ce#a ep]spalue/lrun pue saJuerJadxa anrlrsod;o anucalqns rno,{asnot sequerorsAqd rno,{'pealsul 'sseuanrtJa#a s,uIIBtIU etecrpur la^el poolq crtnadereqte Suqquresar ol 'sarncrpau reqto aril1un Surqilue punoJt,useqqcreaseJ Jo sessel3 'Aepe serulteerql uDlel esop/r\olB sruortducsard '[gereuaC IBIttq eqr '(lq Surpeer 'g'J 'uapl-Iaag) 'uoureuuor LpoqTpulur q eqt tnoqe e8paproul 8qmor8;o lqft1 u Sursudrns aluootnouB tou 'qrpaq praua8 panordunpe3ueuedxa nlnpe eser{tSaqrrng'stf,egeaprs ou Jo luBJuluas Pacueuadxa leu4ulrugtlrn uortusuBJo lueruenordrur $uaned eseqt;o,truofetu tsenagt 'sreaA Jo popadB renopa^tol 9-g 'uIIBrrx;o -1o; AlasolC req8q ytl,n petearl (asop7'3i7'3ru 8'-t') sesop stlnpeCCVJo sperpunq saruof,tno arec JoJ trodarurets,{s InJssef,Jns 'aldruexa 'Iool resolf, tseeltB roC B qrpaq a8releuo urgtr^rsleuorssa;ord sesop reqftq qf,nrugtl,n acuauadxe tueJJ^r ForurpJo strodarSurn8ulul 'stlnpB ro; Apelncured'suorlepuauruooeJ tualJnf,Suruortsanb esop are stradxe requnu Surznor8 'Lep7'8ru Jo urnurrxeru y papueuruo 0B Jo -oar eqt ueqt raq8q sasop u1ptrx Jo $Uaueqpu Hslr aqt aroldxaAger -peuralsAs ue8aqsJaqJrBasal Apuacar ol tr{t t1 'tce; u1 {4e; IFun t(usB/n 'uarpF{c qr}rtracuauadxa peseq d1a3re1 saSuer uo are patdacce aqt asneJaq Jeelrsseleresa8uer 'uuetry qrlA'sa8uer a8esop aqt
'LZvl roN h{(lNVsl/{ uO no^ IIAZVUC ordnrs

s(eurrrpau Josef,uauedxa rnof, uorru&"filTttffi: eqr puosrad or

-lredep uee^\teq parBqsdpedord l(uere BtBpJI .u^{op DIBerqruals,{saql 'sluatultedep jt lenpl^lpul rleqt ur srorre eleru saedoldruefelsod "r{l 'suorteool radord eqt ot tl.+o 11e rrodsueu ,i11crnb ol a^Bq oq^A sra8uasseru eqt ot EtBp pessaf,ordaql ssed,{aqr ,1sei ireql r{slulj daql ueq7)[,_'uoltBul.lo;utSunuof,ur ssacordpue elracar-d1ele;nc -f,Bot sr see,(oldrua eql (suorneu ,i,rore1n8er Jo qol aqJ .pa]Blerratur dlasolc e_re sqol rleql 'raqre8o] Tro^\ ot e^Br.{stuauruedep oznr eqr ut saedoldruaeql 'ranel\oq'dlruerrrga alerado ot ef,rllo lsod eqt JoC 'serlrlrqrsuodser JBInf,rtJBd uznoJreql e^Bq sluelulJdap qlog 'd-rerrrleq euo pue 'Surssaf,ord JoJ pue Surnref,eg Joj lueurredap B qll/v\ ef,IIIo tsod qcar-q8rq sBsuortcunj Jetuef, loJl -uof, slqlre'Jetuec loJtuof, uortuelte eqr urgtrzl\ sruetsdseqt Jo s8u,plas ,,blnllre Jotour JBInJTUBd pasnef,ere dtrnrslndrur ^q puB sseussaltseJ 'uotletluecuoJ 'uottuaDe uoeq seq rl IBtuJou ur se8ueqf,teqt parse88ns 'se8essaualref,eJ pue eraqdsruag PUBpuas,{11enurtuoo lBrqerer pue ruets urBrg er{t qtr^t snol Pelf,auuoc l'lateculul eJBulerq erlt Jo slred tuarelJlp eql .urersr{s -Jeu ur IBJtueJ eqt;o srred snoIJBA sllac elJeu eqt uael\teq suortf,eu '{sllaf,enJeu uaat\taq sde8 -uoJ elBlu etlt 'sesdeuz(s ssoJf,B PUB laABJl 'eunuedop sB uluoloJes PUBeuIIBueJpBJou qlns sra8uesseulBf,nueqC 'sseulnJ -eIB^{ poolq 'el 'suottcunJ crter.uotnealeln8er teqt sllel PUBeJnssard eAraujo sdnor8 sePnlJul uets ulerq er{I 'asuodsarB roJ urerq etli saied -ard pue seterf,osse Pue suoltJunJ crloqu.(s otur tndur eqt setBISuBJt 'sue8ro,{rosuas,fueuud eqt BrAtndur senreoeJ araqdsnuer{IEJqeJeO aql 'suilal ctlsllduts Apeno ul 'uetsureJq ar{t pue areqdsrureq lerqereo eql 'slred Lreruud oml ser{ uIBJq aql ut ruets,{s loJtuo3 uortuene er{I 'saurf,rpetusnorJBA sseue^rlf,elJe eqr ol Jo .cQV stBIeJeseqt A\oq eunuBxe ot tuB^\ e/| ,zno11 1o (s)esnec1ecr3o1 -orneu aqr ,retdeqc tsrrJ eqt ul Jo sesaqloddq aqt peroprsuoo l,gauq e^a

luelutea.Il cov

uB sB eul'rpal^l Jo ^qn

pue ^aoH eql

'eururJetep ot JersBe qctBr.uruordruds/eurerparu3r1t eleIu

tNal^{EcvNVhJ ENTJTCEy\ ANrsrclhl ANV

a\L snot.LDft uolnnpur' aq rno sDpanrasuor rcu nnotf t?ntp alqrlrDftD lo

sarrnos lo ayt putl a\i ut paryput an 1nlilpy K1t"v1ncnn4 ll,noC4urytaftn utot"l alqalnftD sanBnalloc \toqparayto8'uonnu.totur auros 'a.Lniv.Laul puD )r.LiDrW aA Sugntloa.LD 'iuauaBnuDur K1ryoa,t alqvlrDftD lncEolotnrumrl4 -{s4 \tl* acuarnQxa rc1v W\ smlawx yBnoyt\n sunns{,yd affi aA tou to :stJos Jo JeurBllslPE atBlsol sn JoJesIA\ rno eq Llqeqordplnozn 's8nrpelqBIIB^B uolssnf,slp ut8aq e^\ eroleg lt Jo

eqt ore tueruteert CCV ur ueuo ]solu pesn sesselcollrt eql',(ltuareylp peJotruour aq tsnru tBqt stf,el;e aprs enbrun aABq sselc qf,Be ur s8nrp uo eql 'urJq aqt ur slef,rueqf, snorJBA uortf,B rreqt or 8urprof,f,EpeIJIS -self, are s8nrq 's8nrp sesself, aqt ot serurt lrales perrelar a^Brl e/N Jo ' (eurleuarperou) eutrqdeutderou Jo eseeler d9,brrurcered/.q ef,npal r{pcelp sruglnrulrs eulos rgql agl SurseeJf,ap stredxe reqto 'self,rlf, uI punore uru Lltuopuer.or ,i1e1ll sselpue lseSSns qrl/N 'ltelJe ArepuocasE oq ol petcertsrp ssalsr aqs 'uouuaue pesnf,oJ eqJ pe^arleq sr lBnpl^lpq sFIt ur qa^al ,brrrrlceJo uollBln8ar PelBlf,ossB 'eururedop JeltrusueJtoJneu aqt jo uortf,npord tuelf,IlJnsul uB sI uoll -cun;sLp JBIncruBd asoqn JoCCV uB uI uolteJtuef,uof, pue sseutJele oluos arrordrur s8nrp luBlnurrls tBqt azrJoeql 'eldruexa ro; 'sreqf,JBeseJ 'asn JoJalgBIrB^E surBrueJ Jo eJotu os u/l\op{BeJq Jraqt ud\oP Surznols sJallrusueJloJneu Jo uoll -cnpord Sursearcurrer.{tre[q srqr qsrldruorce s8nrp er{J 'Sutuotlcun; rredur terll slef,rueqJoJneu er{t JetlB ot SJaCCV qrl/\\ pesn sI eulf,Ipelnl 'lenpl^lpu er{t uI uollf,un;sl,p }o BorBcglceds eqt uodn Sutpuadap Lllllqepen tear8 e^Bq sruoldru,ts'sdrqsuolteleJJetul SNC Jo l;txeld -tuof, ar{t ot enCI 'CCV;o suordru'{s sesneosdeznqled snomeu ruets'i.s Iertue3 eqr tnoq8nolp araqmLue uouounys[p ter{] azrseqlod'tt1srredxa no,i;1 'SNO eqt uI uorlcun;sl,p uB JerlJBe ruo# IIBf,eJ eruos 'uorssnf,slp (slueru ol snoSoleuBsl slql ,{ltuarcrye ateredo or slle; osle ruats[s egr

ersmp sser Ie o,, "::il;: ff :"ji:li,:l rtl;l,nffill: e 3 roasr rp fii

oslBeJrl-jlEq Jo lueueSeueruue^aun puB suorlBnlcngsetEarf, troqs eql 'Lepgcea srnoq petef,rparu -un dllerluesso 'srnotlrnoJfuaaauer{t ssel e^Bq IBJeAe_s sJaCICV,(ueru slB^r_erq peglrf,serd Lllensn tB t,usl urlerlg ef,urs .Surluroddesrp Jerler sr ,Enuaue uorr ruotdrul,s spouadL11ep rnoqtrur\ JoJ IBJe^es lcedsordell ;o ro setogelp ullnsul ot Jelluls Lderagttueuef,eldarseuortef,lpau ro; tuBlnlurts lurql nod;1 'aSetuB^pBsrpeq oslBuEf,aSeruenpe B slqJ Jo 'Surleedde urletrg Jo uortce tno pue ur tsBJ aql pug lqSrur Lpoq eqt uo uortBf,rpeu eqt Jo slreJJe lnoqB peuef,uof, sr oqr!\reclcv uy Lpoq eqr ur 3uo1drezr ra8ur1 t(useoppue ,(larBrpeuur 8urryomslretsr1 .se8erue^pe sB! urletlg uortBrnptror{seql slrl Jo 'sJnoqJnoJot eerql uB,grlm'srnoguales ot od\t urqtrn\JJo JeaA\ stf,aJJe Jo uollBrnp aBereAB eqJ- 'L11crnb tr_sesn u^\op tl $lBerqLpoq eqt os aJIIJIBT{ pue Ierf,rJeueq troqs B sBr{ 'uortBzrueSroslp ,{rrpgrrcerlsrp tl pue pe3npalpue ,uoireri -uef,uof, panordur 'ssauualB epnlf,ururlBllu,lo strJeueq pesBeJf,ur eqJ snolJos B slqt Jeplsuof, rq8ru uortducsard mau ilJe#e ePIs B speeueq ueq^\ uercrs^gd IIBO slaSro; slq ot Llpareader oq^{ raclcv' aql 'dcerureqd ot ur rl IIBoJ(uBrpuB rltuour r{ree uorrduJserd agr etlJ^/\ l,1uouBf,uBrclsdqd rnol, ,acuelsqns pelloJtuof,B sEpalBln ^euo -Bersr typ eqr ef,uls_'sle^el e8esop eunurerep 1"1i1 ol snip 'acuepln8 lBnpr^rpur B uo dlar suercrsLgd ro; a8uera8esop lereua8e ,(juo qrlA 'depred surer8rlpru 0g-02 ,{leleurxorddesr stlnpBCICV ro_J e8uere8esop eql'llld reln8eraqrJo esopuer8rlpru OI B ot tuele^ -lnb_a ,ilq8nor sr 'arepluaqdldqleuJo ruroyBuirce-Buoi ,us oz urlerlu 's111d 'g " ruer8rylur sr 0Z puBOI ur aIqBIIBABBnrppeqlrrseraTllpr^irqj ( Oq1ullg) ateppaq{Aqrehl

suorlerlPenl luelnurys

ot st TooB rno 'uotcts{y4tno(" r"o wlncnn4 to annpoayt pn&ar"srp auntparu {un Ku ol noCa7n.tnocua iuaru!tNro pstjl .5sn.nayl lur*rsJ"owa oi : lo
rNEhtacvNVI{ ANrCrqsl ONV ENrsrAEhJ {

nwn4a(bnrnuDaruor_a';#::##iTffi::##f ::yi#::,w

'naua uouef,Ipeu eqt ueq^\ rnf,f,o stcal;e PunoqaU Wnoqar"Ierol^Brleq aqt sI aTIB stlnpe pue uerPllqr CCV roj Sutlgnon PUBuoluluof, aroul ^lqereplsuoC'stf,eJte epls oseqr of,uelredxe osle stlnpe otuos'uarp1lqc ur uoruluof, erotu q8noql 'lelrt Snrp eqt jo slee^{ lsrlJ eql ur /.pe1nctl -red '8nrp eqr gtlrlt pelelf,osse osle ere seqf,ePeeqPUBseqre qcetuols 's1eel\ A\ej B JaryEreeddesrp pue fuerodruat-isLettle lou tn9-ueuo aJe slJa#a aPISeuoselqnoJl B eseql 'atnedde paseaJf,ep JoJatesuadruof,uBf, sluaruelddns utruettn pue sa{Bqs uretord q8rg 'sasopeqt Jo Sutrun eqt }o uorleln8er InJerBf, 'slcaga ePIs eseqr Lq pereqroq er,no^(;1 gtlm rueql Punor lJo/\r uec nor( 'se1c/,o uIIBllU esaqt jo uolteln8er aqt se^ordrut l,11enrce 'sraqqy atuos ul 'uerpllr{o ueqt stlnPe ro} f,Iteluelqord ssel ruoes PUB elqerre^ ere strelJe aql'suralted daals pue etltedde reln8arrl are stf,ejte o^\1 uI Punoj epls petroder Aluounuoc tsour eql 'esn ePI^\ Jo sePBceP ueeq e^Br{ stf,elJaIn}tureq ulret 3uo1 ou 'lce3[ul 's]f,el;e ePlsJo surel ur pJof,eJIf,BJt tuef,ep B ser{urlBtlg ',{rrcrlqnderrtte8aueluos etrdsaq 'srlnpe ot alqerlldde eq lou,(eur ro l,eru pu uerpll{r ur puno; erB CCV teert ot Pesn s8nrp eql }o lsolu ro} eprs patrodeg 'seulclparu esar{t grllt tuetuleerl }o fuorstq uor{s stf,a3Je /,p1e; B e^Bq stlnpe teqt pulru ur deal oslv 'uerorsLgd rnol, gllrlt uoIS -snf,srpB JoJlurod Surtrets B sBUCd ar{t sBr{f,ns eJuaJa}erB esn '8mp eqt ot peteleJ s,tl JI JaPuo^\ PuB luotdru,{s lensnun ue dolerrep nol,;1 'OJBJ aJBr{clqA\ Pu uolrruoc eJBqf,IrlA\ A\oDl ol llnf,Iillp s,lr os paprnord apls snolre^ jo af,uePlf,ul eqt tnoqe uollelurorul 'paUoder J(usrslf,e3$e are^{,taqr luoq/!\ lnoqB lBnpl^lpu aqt ot rBllnf,ed pue erer ore ,btroferu epls peuodar Knna sePnlcur UCd eql leql Pultu ur dea; aqt-tle#e 'stf,e5aeplsjo rsrl 3uo1reqtoue relorsrp ll,noL uutdse ro; furue eqr or dtg 's]oe#e aPISPelroder s(uIIBl nol,;1 irsrl Suol eqr [g peuerq8p; eq t(uoq 'UCId er{l ul 'ooaouera;ag -lU TSaC suetcts,(qd Jo rsrl 3uo1 B pulj 11,no^{. 'se^rl JIBI{ re8uol a^Bq teqt stues 'aunueraqdrueoJlxep sBqf,ns suoltef, -sardep-ltuB eql Jo euo Jo eurloruad .lperu replsuof, rq8ru sreCCV eseql 'dlt,{ qf,nru Jo eq or q8noue 3uo1 'sutotdru,(s os tsBI t(useop rl tBqt ,(1>1crnb urlBtru ealoqBleru srlnPBeruos
UO I/AZVUC Ardnrs',LZYUON h{,I NVll{ nOI

Suuq_ e8esop esBaJf,epLrt ,(eruuercrsdgd ot uI e rnotr :redsapt(uop 'suelqord arnsserd poolq dolenaptnq urletlg ruog panrJeueq e^Bqnol,;1 'uercrsl,qd rnoL ot tl uoder plnoqsno[ '1ensn uBr{rreqSrqsr lnq qf,nlu reql pelB^ela '06 rno[ t(usrernssard uBr{rragSrqsaoS reqrunu (crlorserp) JI uenE luot_tog ro OtI uEqr raqSrqsao8(crlorsLs) eqt taqunu dor eqlJI uBrr -ts[qd rno[ poolq rno,{rotruoru no,(;1 IIE] plnoqsno[ ]lesrnoLernsserd 'reeLB satult/!\3J .{11ensn 'Jr B rorruour,illecrpoued aq 'suralqord lllrr,r ernsserd Jotf,oprnod Poolq ,{ueSutnerlt(ueJenoL regr seunuJatep raUV 'lBIJlSnrp Suunp IEIIUI rnoz( Iee^{ B ef,uotseeltB ua{Bt ernsserd ,{llerruarod Poolqrno[ e^BqPlnoqsnoL-eldruls sr traga eprssnora8uep stqt Suuolluol^tr'L1tq8r1 eIBt ro erou8ror Surqlaruos t(usrll os 'Jane -^\or{'Surueleerqt eq uBO aJII ernssa-rd poolq qslH 't(uop stlnpel,ue14 'sle^elarnssard poolq pote^alegtlrn elqnort l,ue eneqrou rg8ru no1 'eseesrp fueu -oJoJ retel pue e8esn urletru uaan\teq drqsuortBleJ perpnts eqt t(usBg qf,rBesar qSnoqlleuoJplrql ur uJeJuoce l,lereJsr srql .sllnser serull 'uralsLs -eluosarnsserd relnf,senorpref, eteln er{t PoolqqBH ro eslndplder -*l1t ol sPuet UIIETIU ef,uIS'snorJes aJoru[lqereplsuof, slo^aleJns ere -serdpoolq patB^ele'sraqqy ro;8u1,{ouuB stf,ej$e erB punoqerellqrN 'stuoldtu,{s Lprerodruat pauerq8tar{ asBO spouedaseqlSuunp aldoad uEf, r3qlo -grJ [eAe SurrtaS >lsB] tuo$ IBarq e 3ur1e1 .stuetutsnlpB ro B Jounu etuosSurleru l,q srcageaseqlatBJelol uBf,srecQg rsoyq.punoqer Sulrnp f,rtsrJelf,BJer{f, LrrlrqBtrJJr uorsnJuof, are Jo esuelur ,r{reroduleg 'sarpoq Jraql seneel aurorpeur sBacuea8uen eqt e yrlrn pe8e TtBq eurocluerutBerturlBtru Jo lB^retu eqr Suunpl,lanrrcege -uelu aJeA\ aq1 'uoltBf,rparu eteJalotl(uef, riagl ter{l lBql sruoldruds eqt erenes tr purJsreqlo ellq^\ punoqerou ecueuadxa os stlnpBclcv etuos iPe^rl-uoqs lnq esuetur'punoqer aqt uo e^ol elll s,tl '[poq eqr rJelsBqeurf,lperu eqt ueq/v\-sruoldull,s par;rsuelurerourdpqSrlsqllA\-atels lensn stl ot SuturntarLq spuodsar [poq eqJ .,ifio1orq s,l,poq agr sefiueqc dprerodruetaurrrpeu eqt terll sr uaddeq ot sruees rBq/N .jJosree^\

er{t Jo tesuo rerlree uE esnef,rq8nu uIIe}lU teqt sr Lroerll tueJJnf, eql .SJ eABq Jo esJnocleturou ar{r Jo Ued sBsenlesrueqlPalse}Iueu [pte; st Lllenrua^e plno/\\ sf,n SuBreure aql teqt snsuesuocpeerdsaplzn eJaqf .auoJpu,(g elrernol pesou8erpun uB jo tlnseJ eqt sI sf,Il io luelu .dolanap eqt tBqr stsaSSns PUBCICV Surddepe^o Jo ef,uePlf,ul aqJ SJ 'sraprostP .rsrrj st qroq qllrn uarPllqf, ul pesou8elp l^11eotd,{r qqy aql o/oOS lBr{l lsaSSnssf,IlsllBls ,r.CICV e^Bq oslB slBnpl^lpur s(enernol lo


r{f,reeserSuro8uo Jo tlnser B sEpe8ueqf, stl slsaqlodl'q leur8lJo eql 'scrt esnef,ot sesef,eJBJ ut readde seoPuIIBIIU q8noqtly sru pasnD) ullerlg tBqt stsaglod/.q eqt roj slseq oql Paruroj suollenresqo aser{I 'panurluof,slp se^t uIIBIIU raUB readdesrpl,uPIP 'slcaga aPIS reqlo aTI -un 'sou aqt uaI{A\ pagyu8eruJaqun} sB^\ulef,uoc er{I'uollef,IParu eql are/v\ullBtIU 8uI Jo tf,e#e eprs snolJosB paleprsuoo eq ot q8noue tuanbary .IBt pauets perl uerpllqc rarye '\rroqs sf,Il jo ruau:do1e^aP er{r Jo suodeg 'uouueur ol tuBlJodrut st a8esnuIIBlIu PUBIaSUO 'llnPe uB sBlr dolenaP l(uol\ str uee/y\taquoltf,euuoc alqrssoder{l lng nol, 'g1 a^Btl t(uop nol,;1 'e8e;o srea,i. PUBZ uee^ueq sI lesuo Jo 9I 'antslndtuoo pue 'sctl Joloru a8e aq1 .qcaedspue Jorner{eqanrtuadar 'alanes 'Pllu aq eJotu Jo euo epnlf,ul pue xeldluoJ ro aldrurs pue IBTJBJ uBJ surordru[s eql 'sJorleqaq pue sluerualotu /;e]unlonul sesneJlegl 'eruorpul,S reproslp lecrSolorneu 'ouaua8 e sl (SI) aruorpur(Seuernol opeJnol jo sort egt SursnBf,urletrg rnoqe suodar peer e^Bq ,(eul notr 'sle^el Lue Jolluolu uec IIel Poolq ellqd\ rno,t ut saSuegc eq'[etr slqr ul 'uIIBtlU 8ur1er ur8eq no,{ reryePUBero}ag ]sal Poolq B 'eJBr os sI lf,e]re oPISslql asnBf, repJo ot Jolcop rnoli, 1se 'no[ selrlo^\ 1l ]l -eq stunof, suetots,{qdrsoyl IIef, poolq arrqin Jotruoru AleurlnoJ l(uoP 'sdorp lunof, tq8u or &11qe s,'i.poq IIer etlqn\ er{t JI peledrul sl esBesIP eqI .tunof, IIer poolq etrq/v\peJo/r\olB sesnBJlBtll uotsserddns /1|oueru 'erer i{leruerlxe Jaqlouv auoq sr tf,e#e epls snore8uep l,llerruarod rn9 'esn uBf, nori suonBf,IPeu Jeqlo eJBeJeql ,8rup eql enutuof,srp ot a^Bq no,i;l ueAE 'leruJou ot Tf,Bq arnsserdrnoA

PIIBsI qroq olul

'tuBf,Ulu8rs uec drrpqerrelsrgt ,tuarutBert aq Bnrp CCV .surer8r11lru roJ sseue^rtselJe cunedBraqt eqr gI Jo s^\opurm IIBrus qrl/N se^\ol sero suerSrllud esop bz seq31qsBeq uBr elBpruaqdll,qtetuJo -se-eq 'luacred urer8rllrru ang-Llua^\tsBq8tq uer,brlql OZe'r.ql -IrBAeql lBql elels stxet opBJt B lef,Ipetyosop s,8nrp Jo tuef,raddtuenl 'lereue8ur teqt stroder ol uel rnoq^B luo$,{ren sctreua8 lsrcerureqd 's8nrpctreua8roJrotf,BJ aBWle truued suoueln8er IBlol rno lerapjg 'etBpruer{d1,(qraru gllrn }eller ulordru,ts rood;o suodarletopf,eueeql roJ suoseer eJB pue 1ect3o1 eJer{J's8nrp TJBruepBJt cuaue8ueet\taq saJuereJ ',{es eJB seruedruo)eJueJnsur tBqA{ol drer1uo3 JIp elqeulef,slP eJer{t

Laqr pareeddesrp suelqord uon"rrp".ii'YrtJiltill {reqpeqrrrA\s ueq^\

parrodardlluecerpeq stuerledslq Jo lere^astBqt eru plot rolcop Ltu . '[lSurlsere]ul'urlBtlu grl,n stf,ejJe aseqrpacuaujdxeranaupeq 'etBplueqdlLqteuI vglc ruelqordLru eqt sB^t tBrlt snor^qoeluBreguoostl I

'8ursnueeq peq I aurf,rpauJo puBrq agr Burpre8er sBA\ pe{se aq suortsenb tsJI;eqr Jo euo 'aSueqc uouBf,rperu reprsuof, B plnoqs JeqteqA4, perapuoA\ puB lle/lr fuan Surryozn ueaq t(upBqaurf,rpeu .e^\ ^(u reql rulg PeuroJul | 'uercrsLqd qrrm trsrncrpou5dl,ru Buirnq Lru 'loJtuof,ruol -druds ul suortentcng dru pue LrrpqerurlpeseeJf,ur Burcueuedxa ue8aq1 'uortceuuof, elBtu ,(lluersur B r,uplp 1 qSnoply .pearsur srBplueqdldqi -elu pesn sqluoul roc l,ru I IBreAes ipooqroqqSreu ur sraccv Jo stol erBeraqr ag[eru-urlBllu vglc ]o tno sunr uauo [cerureqd [htr,,3uj 'lla^\ fuen 'ure8req tr e dpressaceu It9^ ot lueest(usaop serurteuros elBPluatldldtpeur l(u_sl ctreua8'ecuauadxa uJ 'pueJqf,rJeue8 Jno arrrs -uadxa sselql aseqornd stuerlc alnber saruedruoo ot eJueJnsur Lueyrl '8nrp c_traua8 sBro etueu opeJtrrar{t e JepunelgBIrB^B s8nrppaqlrls ere -ard tsoyq 'uc e^otu e^{ erojaq tueluluoc IBuu B apnlf,ul ot luB^\ e1)N 'sf,Il aql JoJuollB_f,lparu uollBulqluof, gflrlt uI tl eqpcserd oslBsuBrcrsLqd eruos 'sruelqord qtr^\ esoqtroJ peqlrcserd tr ,u5r sr leuorluanBarenes -Pltqc sr sJ/aav roJtuerulBertE sBpeploned11eraue8urlBtru qSnoql -lV 'sllr;o fuotsrq,i11rue;Jo oJBAB uerJrsl,qd B sr rnod ter{r ,ero;ereql 'luetrodur s(rl 'sf,rteql uesJo^\ eruos pue glBurLirepun rq8rrusesef, ur

'surats^s loJtuos uorluene Jreqt ur suortcurys^p JBInJruBd eqr to esneceqstuelnrults aser{l 'luelulBeJl uI lueuodrut aq Jo qlee or ,(puaralJlp puodser ,l{erusJeQCV ur eql uBf, uortce ur saJueJeJJIp tnq-ourruedop elqBIrBAB esBeJJuIuB -suortBf,rPeru qloq Jo, eluBs aql sI llnser eql 'rlo^Jeser er{] ol PPBol ll rl Jo eroru roJ seqcrEesullellu PUBesn Penulluof, roj OIqBIIBAB elelu ot eurluedop;o stunorue snorcard arql4n suup eulrueteqdrueorrxa6l 'uortf,npord slt sesBeJf,ul urlBtlu ellq^/\ JannusuBJtoJnau aqt Jo a>lerdnarer{l s)llo1q 'ralamoq teururBJeqdrueorrxeql'aururedop elgelle^B to tunorue aqt tsooq ot lroltr B qrog 'urletlg ueqt uoltf,B lecrSolooeruregdtuere#lp l,1lq8t1s e^eq ot sreedde reqt uonef,rpeu tuelnrurts Jaqtoue sr eululeregdrueoJtxaq ( O au.upaxaq ) aurrueleqduruo.llxeq 'sreCCV;o dnor8 IIBtusB ol Lue ut patuerunf,op l(ueJe seJue anbrun eq ^(eurpue pBaJeA(eA\ qf,JeeseJ -uadxa asaqt ter{t ezrseqdureol tuBlr\ e/N 'pa$BJ eA(eA\ senssleqt Japls -uof, ot tuBA\ i{eur nor{ autclparu JsqlouB ol t{Jll1!\sno,{ eJoteq 'op no[ '8mp cueua8 eqt r{tr/y\sualqord Lue ecuatredxe lou ,{eu no1 JI tng 'eruerelllP eqr rol no,( eSreqc ro IInj q asuadxa peppe eqt re^of, reqtra IIII!\ seluedruoc ef,uernsul lsotu 'puerq apert ar{r roJ,tlrsseoau lecrpeur eqt satBf,lpulpue tl saqlrcserd,{11ec -llloeds rotf,op rno,{ 'uIIBrlU VSIC ,i.1uoesn ot sl uollnlos reldruls V JI

,p rrrruodus drxeu o,{ fil"ff ii:t #n I ?it a rr cer rn .""t -ili "* rl

rno,i.Jotluour ol eqt eABgol stuees teqr Auedruof, Jenocsrp sruoldru'{s 'pelllJ uouducserdrno,( a^Br{no[ arut] L11n;arec peeu ot ll,noL ueql rno,{ IsB ot $ uoltnlos auo eqt r{3eeaureus,rarlddns JoJ}srcBruregd

'LuedruoJ UrX eqt ruog B s111d ueqt aulf,Ipeu;o ,{rrtuenbruaraglp ,tpueclJlu8ls uletuof, uBf, 'sreqto uet{t ,{ueduroC louuof, CgV eqt ruog erepluagdl,{greu eql ,brlenbreueq e^Bq eruos 'srarlddns ruara#lp Jo requnu B esnselrelu -reqd ro; reqt sr sreurnsuof, uelgord eq1 'tlrull aqt ot stltull /.rore1n 'satuedtuoc -Baratp qsndt(uop Alqeqord,(ueur uI Snrpeqr ot ssarule;
IiAZ\/UCUO qrdnJs'LZva rON h{,1NVEI{ no^

'3*p eqr 3u1>1el [lueppns no,(;l l,1uoenssr dols uE seluoreqpunoqau 'PunoqeJ tnor{tl^\ tuaura8eueru ^uB ruordurds tf,e#a,(peers seprnord uo e ri 's>1eam reno [poq aq] ur dn sp11nq dllenper8tuelnruus$ql reUV lerenes .[cerureqdegr or ul 1l IIf, uBf,aq tnq qtuolu r{f,Ba uortducsardalqellr}er-uoueuo [1uo atrr/K uBf,uErf,rs,iqd rno 'Aep sruerSrllurg.zl I or gt.g1 ;o aSuer red a8esop pelderceuB seqpue srelqelsruurBIIIIruL to g-Le roqtraur g seluost1 'l'ep B a_Juo [1uo uele] sr rra1d3 'uortf,e Jno} ]o uorleJnpJnor.{ -,buenuor uearq8leue qrllN 'Iae,rrrsrrJer{r ur slce#e ecuauad lerf,rJeueq -xe tena^{oq 'tg8ru no1 Jellar ruoldru[s ecrlou nod aro;eqslee/!\JnoJ ot o^tl roJue{Br eq ot peau [eur rra1L3'euupaxec puBurlB]lu e{llun 'ccv jo luelutBerl aql ut ldaoxe esnlBf,lperu rar{to ou sBr{ 'setets petrun aql ur pef,nporlur rl sB^\ll eroJeq adorng ur sreeA,tueru pesnsemueldC ruulnrults erlJ roJ (@ua1f3) eugoura4 'slre#e punoqereJenes ecuauadxe urlelru azrloqeteudlplderoq^\ ro asoqtroJlelrlJausqeg oslerqSru 3*p srql Jo uouernp ra8uo1 arjll .eurrp -exec rusruBqf,euruere#lp eqr Lq padleq eq rqSruroq^\ srepuodser Jo -uou urlerlg JoJateuntroJun slr{J .lenuetod esnqe sl strJo esnef,eq sllnPBaav ro, eurrpaxec eqpcserdol tuBtrnler uauo 3rBsuBrf,ls^qcl 'gt8uens s(tuelnrurts sn{t ot petelar eq [eru sF{I 'oP srlnpeJo sluef,selope uerl] stf,e#aeplspef,unouordarour acueuadxeot reeddeuerpllqC 'reCICV aql lo a8eaqr or drgsuorleler 'sesop aluose^Bqol tueossrf,a#oapls s(aurJpexeq r{8ttl fuarrur pasn ueq^\ retear8Lllq8rlse ser{tr-uorldacxa euo qtrl\ lelluarod esnqe uIIErlUJo esoqtor rBlltulserBtuBlnurls re8uonssrqt stf,eJJe eqJ epls Jo 'urlErru uBqt e^rs -uedxesselsl aurrpexaq 'drrlecltcerd .urlBtrg IBrf,uBurJ reltetu B sV 'o Jo reqr JIBII[laleulrxordde 'depred surer8rlpu 0t ol 0I ruo+ sa8uers]lnpe 'alqBItB^E oslBerB'srnoqe^lo^\t or rqSra ccv roJ esoplerrd,treqJ uortBrnpe yrpr 'sqlSuarls ruurSrllltugI ro 0I ,g rl selnsueds 8urlce J_o -Buo1 'srnoq xrs ol rno; rnoqe sr qtoq jo uorternp eql .talqet urer8rlpru g e ro TIXIIa qr8uarrsuoodseat/ruer8rlllurB sBelqelfene ourrpaxa6l g sr

',(cerureqd ot ur tl eqr euoqd uBf,pue IIUerqtuoru euo B gtlrn uouducsardgruotu xls B etIJA\ sllnPB oA\l e{Bl ol PaaurqStu PUB rno ,iep rad sesop uBf,uBrsrs,(qd ot uorPllqC 'erulrPaq aqt uerlt Llpldereroursot1c,(cut ezlloqeteru tuees '/,ep puBJeuulpuee.ry\teq,t11ensn E eruo uelBl ere Lagl 'sruerSrllru tsoy{ 0OI or 0I ruog rp8uarrsur a8uerpue ruro; telget uI arBsct1c,{ctu 'sself, srqt ur s8nrppeqrrrserd[luoturuof, ]soru eqt er (6uruerd -roN) eunuerdrsep (@ltue-Uo1) aurruerdnul'tuatuteerrCCV roC pue 'sraprostp 'CCV ,betxuepue deelsroJoslelnq (uorsserd pue Surna/!\peq -ap) sraproslp ere slql poolu ro; Lpreruudpeqlrcserd ssBIf, uI s8nrpeql sluusserdappuy cpcdeua

'peteolpulJtuof,eq plno^{ rral[3'sesnef, Jaq]o Jo osnqe ecuetsqnsjo tlnseJ B sBa8euep Janrl eruos peurBtsns,{pearle an,nod, 'peJJnof,o seg e8erueptt{t setef,Ipul uoltBlele slql'uoltef,IPeu JI aqr dors [lererperurul III^{ aq 'saru[zua aser{]}o qe^el Poolq Pele^ele re^rl Jo le^el eql rolluolu ol slsel Poolq ctpotrad spulJ eq JI 'saru,{zue sI oP III^\ rolsoP rno,( 'rra1L3 elel nol';1 'uollrun; reAII ;o aSeureP lce; .Je epls snorres,{llerruerodrng aJBJ 'uoudacxa euo gllrlt sluBlnlulls v slf,e#e apls ere reqto eqt Jo esoqt ot TBIITUIS ue1L3 grlrlt Patelf,oss 'uoDdo tueruteaJl B se fra1,{3 tnoqB uetcts/.qd rnol, gtlrn tlnsuoc ot tuB^\ fq8tu nof 'asnqe aouetsgnsSutrenoJeJJoj ef,uetsqns;o fuorslq B e^Bq nod;1 'sJesnqB eoroqc Jo tueulean eqr og rq8rru ua1[3 'esn 8mp snoueleJ]ul saAIoA -ur /.lruenber; esnqe Snrp snorreseruls 'asnqe roj turoJ nl uB ot peue^ -uof, eq t(uBf, pue alqnlos JetEA\J(usItI teqt sr Snrp slt{t Jo a8eluenpe uV 'zro\Ina rc 4n?uyaq;o s8urlea;[ue ecnpord ](usaoPPUBe^Ilf,IP -pB-uou s(tl esnecaqof,uetsqnspallortuoc B sBpoIJISSBII l(usl rral[3 ',(11enper8 op ot aneg nol rt '8nrp aqr 8ur>1eldots ot aplf,ep noL;1 '.(ep Lrena rra1l,3 a{Bt ot e^Br{ nor( 'papaeu sB a{Bt uec no,{ r{olqrvrUIIBIIU eTlun 'sear8ep8utfuen sr ur ,ipoq rno,{ ur s[ezn1e Snrp er{] teqt sueetu tl tnq IBIrIJeueq $ }eller ruordur,ts ponunuof, eql 'uorteJnp uoqs s(urletlU Jo tBqt ot JBIIurls uortenba a8eluenpesrp/a8erue^peuE ser{ uoltf,e Jo uol}Brnp 3uo1 ar{J
'J-Zyy:) y(1(krlf< 'KZV1 l.ON K,( NV7K nOA

'uoursod Suulrsro 3urd1 ruorydn Surna8r{1mo1s rt B dq ezlurlultuuer nod 'sseutzztp dolenapno,(;1'falp rno[ ur JeqrJ Sursearcur ro^splnuerour 3u11uup[q uortedr]suocaSeueul uBf,no^ ..(puec preq uo Surlcnsro um8 Surznaqc tt a]Br^ellB no[ ,rualgord sr srql [q uec e lf 'eruu JeAosreeddeslp uar;o uonf,npordenrlespasBeJcep uelqord e.{I Jo 'uoruulof, ,ssaurdeals sseurzzrp lsoru eql eJB puB elrssac leuorsef,f,o uorledllsuof, -xe 'glnoru Lrp 'ueJpllqoueqt stlnpe ur uotuuro3eJoru eq ot tuees V sluBsserdeplrue ctlcLclrt snolre^qtr^{ l,1lq8r1s streJJe fuen epls PUB 'luesserdePlluB uB uene er.ltJeJaJd tq8lru tueur Jo loJtuoc urordruLs -teert^ullBtlgqrl^ Llanrssacxa .se^rl atentf,npsuordru^(s asoq/h sToCICIV dpoq eql uo lf,a#a [peersB eABqs-r1cdcu1 JIBI{ 3uo1e^Bq.{aql esnef,eq 'uorsserdep leltrueqf, lnoqtl/\\ eldoaduo tceJleSur8ueqf,-pootu aneq t(uop pue Sunuroj Lue -rlqBq t(uerBdr.lJ 's"Laufino?st"ailIn rc t(uerBsself,sn{t ur sSnrpeqJ. 'uluotoJespue autrqdeutderousJeunusueJloJnau eql Jo slunorueelqe -lfeneuI esBeJOuI ot pelBIaJ stuessardeplrue uE sr crlcl,orJr uortoBer{J Jo 'esop luurrdo rnod aulluJeleP JoJJo ol pue IBrJt sseooJd asnIllm aq ,luesserdap e lo -llu uB seqrrf,sard uenrsLgd rnor(JI ,aro;ererlJ .rlf,rBssoJ I3BI B ol Jo 'clcv anPpeurJep lle/t\ t(uerBsla^el asoQ Jo tuelutBerl eql ur scr1c,{oul orlnadereqt Sururrurelap elqBnlB^ eqt uI sseleJB stsetpoolg Jo sasop 'esopaqr lsnfpeol peeuB elBf,rpul plnon le^el poolq re^\ol ro req8rqe 'sruerBIIIIru or 0gI sl Snrprelnf,ruBd e;o-iauer-crrned 00t -Brer{l aqr 'qa^el esopredord eunuretappue rxsrloqerau seler JI }o oterlput ot pesneq uec stsetpoolq ,stuelnruns elllun .^Bp surer8 red 'lllltu 00t ol rlnpB tualutBertaqr uI eulluerdlsecl sz sl uorssardep 'eldurexeroC 'fuenJo s8nrpaseql;o se8esop 1o o8uerlensneqr lensneql 'stuesseJdaprrue crlcl,oul Burtrets s,iepurqlr/r\ lueredde eq uec uerpllqt CCV ur stre#e lerf,rJeueq . yo 'LlSurtseJetul 'Jnf,JostueurelordruraJolaq$laen\oArJ euo ot roj [11ep ol lI e>lBl sPaeu tuatted aqt 'uorssardep pesnsr crlc^{crnB uerl/X\ JoJ

'asop fuen B qtr^e\ Surtrets 'qreo.rdd JoJJe pue 'tstrtellcl^sd e aprn8ot elnper{f,s esoppozl IErl B esn ol paau plno^Aaq -prepuetsou qtl716'paqf,reasa.r [laprm ueeq la[ ],useq rr lsuodar letopceue ^\eu osor{t tf,a#a a,ttltsodat11 ur uercrs.{qd .(1uopatuoutnf,opsr sasop,&\ol Jo '..l\ol oot;o q8rq oot ore teqt sasop asol ot suonef,rperu JrJtelqrl,sdJoJuoruulof, sI tl (('tf,elJo tE sseuennoa#a ,r\opur.ld cunaderagt,, E ruo4 stlnsal srqt A1e1rl 'enltfe#a 5re sesopruer8rl 'suelqord 'A\ol d;an teqt 'rana^\oq'troder stradxa -yuu CCV eulos 7Z-OI Lpelncrrred uaeq t(uentsqrnq reduet tor{ pue Ieuonuene ro; 1ryd1aq sJllf,[:tr] eql l,rr.trslndurr's8ur.rrrs pooru 1o sruordul,s qqy eqt eseaJf,ap

ou firnrlce solecrpul 0/+.

aArlelol ftrnrlce + lo solPcrpur roqtunN.


ourl^lduloJd aurlAlclrJuoN

+ ++





o^llepos */t1;ng1cv


'uer:rsLqd rnoA ot stf,el;e aprs Lue trodar se ot paau nol 'a1el no.{ uor]Bf,IparuAue gtl.nrt 'aslnot JO 'JepJoul aq tuere#lp e ol e8uBt{l V 'no[ roJ lro^\ sct1c.(rtr]aql rg8nu s8nrpJo ssBIf, jo auou ter{t puu oslB rq8rru no1 'uonepes ssel sesneJteqt auo raqtoue [u ol paeu tq8nu no['aurolperu rnoz(ol palsn[pB](ueleq no[ slee^r ^\aJB raUB;1 '1enbapateorf, t(uere sorlcArur IIB reqr easuef, no'{ rng eql ACV gtltr PasnLllecrdl^l t(uere treqr 8ur,nro11o; uI s8nrp eql Jo euros 'uortepes;o saar8ap scrlc'(lJt aqt Jo I{JBE '8ursn el,nod sesnec 8ur^LrBA Snrp er{t Jo tlal;e ennepas aqt qtr^n tualqord E ef,ualredxa rq8tru no1

'sauIJIPeu plol puB q8nof,Jetunof,agt JeAo^{,ueru s8mpluBlnruns pue Surpnlcul'paploneaq osletsnrus8nrp requnu V .etBloror{c pue Jo Jeeq'aurzlr'un8o/.'a8esnes'sursrer tenrl,aseegc a8enoc ldecxaeseeqc 'seueueq 'ueqlo 'eururerl; Suorue'apnlcuraunueJdt r{8tr{spooC ur 11e Sututetuof, sef,uetsqns plo're tsnruno[ 'traya eplssnore8uep plole slql oI 'ernsserd poolq ur esrrd:eqssrqt esnef, uef, Jotrqrqul OVn eqr pue eutruerdlSururetuoc pooj 'suortelrperu Jeqtoueallrteq uopoeJel -ul uV ',(cua8rarua ol lecrpaurB eteaJf, g8noua qBIq dn roogs uBf,eJns 'sISIJf, -sard arnssard uec poolq B af,uerJedxa nod 'saurf,rpeu PoolqJnoA ro spooJ uretrer gtwt uorteulqtuosur rotrqlqul ovw uB e{Bt nol,;1 l,uop [qrr,rog lueuo .{ranruar{t eqpcsardsuercrsr{qd 'sreccv roj erroqr tuellaf,xeuB srolrqrqul ovl/{ elBtu ot luaesplno^\ uoucBJo uorrBrnp3uo1aqt qtrA\peurquof, slseljelBrrrloueqer{J Jarlar ruoldru[s rnoq rno;-,{rue^l] Jo tr;auoqpeppeaqt rltrl\ suortuf,rpeutueln -rultsJo asoqtot JBIIurls stf,aJJe eJB JIeqI *'stuesserdepnue crlc,i,ruteql ueqt CCV Suneerr qol ra]teq E op ot readdesrotrg]qulOVW eqJ Jo 'uorlf,unJ ulBrq ul e8ueqf,relnf,Itrede roJ elqlsuodsar [leltue sr lecrrueqoa18urs due reqr olunsse cttsrldulls re; l,lqeqords,t1'sJaDnusueJtoJneu ol oot Jo saurr{zua .troueleoJf, tetll qecluaqf, pue sJallnusuBJloJnau snorJBA }o suolleulquof, Sutrrlonulstuele Jo uregf,xaldruocB ur auolJelur s8nrq 's8nrp eqr Jo stcelJa ar{r [pealp sruor]ce sn{l IBIrIJeuaq ro} elq}suodsar 'rezranoq 'ulroul Jegter{A\ J(usr 'uruotoJes tJ uo pue euuqdeurderou stuessardepltuB jo uortJB er{] petuelunrop sBqqf,rBesar erp f,l}ltuerf,s 's8nrp onu esegtr{trl\ tuoJe#rp yo sauo8aleJ sr er{t eql tarler ruordtu[s ]nq srorrqrqulovw pue scr1l,f,rrl roJ aruBs sI sJettlrusuBJtoJneu uluotoJes pue eurqdeurdarou uo tf,alJe er{t IEuU eqJ 'esnJoJelqBIIB^B sJenrlusueJtoJneu sequreJqeqt os aru[zua eJotu srotrqlqq ovw 'uruotoraspue auugd ovw aql Jo uortf,Bal{t esearf,ep -aurdarouu^\op sIerqtBql au,i,zua sr (ovyt) asBprxo u eurluBouotrAl 'luaJelJlpsr uortf,B tusruBqf,eueqt rng .uruotores Jo puE eurrgdeurderou elqBllene sseerrursrotrqlqulovl\ ,stuesserdep -ltuB cr1c,{cur ot rBllluls 'dnor3 srql ur sSnrpearqt ere (6ereure4) ar{t aururorddrlLuerlpue (@llprBN)eurzleueq.l'()ue1fueyr1) plzexoq -rerosl 's8nrptuessardapltue ssBIf, jo B puof,as erBsrotrqrqulOVW

srorlqFlul ovn


-d.H Surpnloul'lortuoc aslndtul srualqord Surteartur sseu peuosse Jo -lnJasn str eteorpurf,EzoJd tnoqe strodarSurn8utureJoruaqr Jo aruos 'rq8rrur1 Lpelnclrredeq 'ranamoq ,{rrnrslndrur ur Surseerf,ap 1n;d1eq 'CCV yo surordruds Lue eneqol reed enrtruSoc uo stJe#ae,utrsod oqt -de l,usaopll 'uoncunlsLppoourleraua8 uoueln8erpue ,tr111qetrr Jo -rr enrtrsod ul stuesserdaplrue roqto ot Jellurlssl cBzoJd uo sroalJe sll ePrrolq co.rpr(11auBaxonld '3*p ar{r eldoadaruosSurneal'erlqnd aqt pesn} }o In}ree}z{pressacauun -uof, seq /,rrorlqndeql 'oplf,lnsro af,uelorl sesnef, teql Snrp elnf,nrl -sep B sBpaf,unouop pue Snrprepuo^\^\ou or{t sBpepleraqueeq seqtl drlcrlqndtuof,arqcnu ponrererseqrl 'cBzord preorlLlperqnopun o^er{ Jo notr '(6ulrrnqilelN) uordordnq pue (6cezor4; eptrogcorp,(qeuuexong eJB uortuaru trJarureqt s8mptuesserdepltue ,{ltuacal oA[ peJnpoJrur sluusseJdappuy Ja/$,aN 'suonornsar AqSurprqe,oalqedecare ,{aqr eplcep eqt I ot elqe eq plnoqs tenemoq '.illnpv 'snorres Suueeqcro; sacuanb are -osuof, pue areln8ar tlnorillp q terp eqt esnecaq eqt ot Alrreduarppqr 'suonf,rJlsoJ JoJureqt aqlnsard t(uop suercrs,{qd fuerarpaqt qtr/n o^rl ueo oq^\ stlnpeCICV roJ ef,roqcpoo8 B eq tq8nu srotrqrqul OVy\t eql 'ccv ur sef,uBlBqul lBf,rueqrorq ar{l lf,srror ol ,{lluuaJ}lp {rg^ sSnrpeseql tBql elqeqordsr l1 's,{ep rer }o -lBruB ur sluordrur{s or penordruruoder etuos 'esuodseJ tuaJe#lpB eAEr{ ulees'ranamoq'sreqqy 'rorrqrqq OVI/{ ue 8ur1etreUB$lea^\ Ierenes JoJ uorsserdep qtr^\ stuenBd t,uop ,i11ensn Jorlalruordudsaf,uerJedxe 'aurruerr{l srsrJf, sseJxe gllrn uorlcunluoJ ur Lluo sJncJo ernsserd poolq q8lq eql 'arnssard poolq zlrolpuBtBaqueegplder '8uueu -un ,{r1ncl}Ip'uortedltsuoc'qtnour fup epnlcur l,ag1 'stuBsserdaprrue l1c/.cut Jo esoqtor rellrulseru srotlqlqq OVh[ ar{t}o s]oe#eaplsrer{to 'suouf,BJerur epls 'e8esop Snrppue srcelJa tnogBuorteruJolulJo ecJnos 's8mp uorrducsard-uouuoruruof,ur rseqaqr dlleraue8are stsrf,erureq4 rrlrf,edseqr pesnspunodruof, pelletap orolu e^eq III^\ lnoqe uortBruro;ur rnod 's8nrprnoqe alqea8paln\ouleJB suerf,rsl,qd sesJnu pu tsrceruJeqd retunoc-oqt-Je^o tnoqe no,{ eqt q8noqlly 'asnt(uplnoqsnoAseurf,rparu noA rnoA>1se ter{t pueruruof,er osleplnol\ alil. 'plone qf,Eetot tsrcerrueqd ot seurrrpeupue spooJ tsrl pellereP no,{anrSIIIA\uBlf,rsLqd e rnol Jo
UO nOI IIAZVUC ArdruS'XZv'l roN h{.1NVEI^{

'op uolssardap ef,ue gtlrtt slenpl^lpurueqt Lllcrnb erourstf,e3$o lerf,r;eueq -tradxe ot ruoas sreCCV tBqt lsaSSns strodarletopreue 'CICV ro; tueru -teert B sBf,BzoJd qf,Jeeser uo aplll sr eJeqtq8noqlly'sesneJseurneuros ar{t ot I Bruruosur eJnpeJ Sururou eqt ul tl aIBt aldoedtso14'.(epred salnsdec Jo euo Jo esopprepuetsE serlpue selnsdec o/v\t ruer8rlyru0Z ul seulof, 'eldurs LlanueleJ f,BzoJd;o sr a8esop redordeqr Surunurateql r1 'slf,eJJe aPIS esnBf, serurteruos esop uBf, PeluBA\un -reno aql-q8noue seq/.pear1e l,poq eqt ueql\ urruetll lBtueruelddns e 8ur1erot rBIIuls sI tceJJe ar{I 'ssau,{retryIruerlnser g]l,r,r eql asoprano ',{1ddns etenbepe e^er{Lpeerleoq^\ eldoad uB Jo pull e atBeJf i.erurr ur Ief,rueqsaqt;o ,brtuenbeqr seseerf,ur f,BzoJd 'pueq reqto eqr uo JI 'rilddns sacelder 'stuarualddns uot{s uI s(teqtIBlr^ Surqraruos tr uItuBlIAoIII eqt qlnlnl 'tle#a Surrulec paroadxa sesnBf, sartrtuenb pue alqelIBAE eseeJf,ur stf,B ot sdeqred'1ecnueqf, 3-p eqt 'uruotores urBtJeJ e;o l,lddnsatenbepeur sr araqtJI 'urerqs(reeCIV uB lenpl^lpur uB ur /,cuenlJepJBInf,rtJBd slcauol e teqt SNIOeqt uo uorlf,Bs(JBzoJd eq Jreqtur uo Suro8Surgrerues a^Bq,{llressaceu eqt rq8trutl 'sureJq t(uop 'tnoqe suroldurlsrelluls q]r/n e1doe4 suoneretle urerq pe{ler en(e^\ qql ;o ,brsra^rpeqr ruo{ rlnsarrq8rru cezordot uortf,BarSursufuns 'atBts ue IBrntBusltl sl TeCICV Lq 'aldoadasaqlur uats,ts asoqt aIIIun tou sruordurl,s pef,uelJedxe Sursnec snonJeu ol rc l1 'ssau(.lantf A]erxue'Bruruosur leJtuecarql4n ZZn[ sruees sesneJ serurtoruos 'aldoedlsoruur tf,a#eSururleo seql1 q8noqlly B tl 'uoruruoc ssolrg8rel\ pue BeqJJBrp'easnep'sluesseJdeprlue lsoru eqt eJB Jeqlo uBtll slf,a#aOPIS JaA\eJ PUBsseurs/r\oJP sBr{ esnBJ f,BzoJd t(usaoP 'srcelJe ePIs PstuBA\ -un eteeJf, snql pue suersLsLpoq eldrrlnu uo IJB s8nrp[ueyq 'elqnorr esnef, teqt [poq erp Jo sued esoq]Lluo uo L11ecr;rcads plnon\uortef,r tf,B -peur'sppozn alqrssod Jo tsaqeqt ul 'reruweqe8pels uBqt reqtBruep B IIB 'euuqd B qtr^\ ruelqordurerq B reUBSuro8ot ur{B sr srqt }o tteJJeeql -autderou eql tJelJBl.useoptnq uuotoJas JeDnusuBJloJneu sesBaJf,ur 'stuesserdapnue Jer{toeTlun tl 'stra#astl ur cglcadsaJorusr cezoJd
'Bnurlnq Pue EruBtuol




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'slf,eJ$a eluos ePIs -elqnorl ro rleJ PasnBJ lro/t\ l,uPIP rl ueq/n Pe^Ief,eP ernf,e JoJsedoq 'a8rarua ue8eqstf,ageepls r{8tq gtl,n f,ezord ot {ool {pr{q oq^\ a1doa4 snorres eruos;o suodarueq^\ fu8uedlqepuetsrepun ale/r\Lagr reqt Snrp rapuo/!\srql tnoqEsuorlBloadxe q8tq qf,nspeq Luery .stf,eJJe ou apls ,an1l Lllenrln grlm sulelqord;o ,bauel B JoJaJnf,B esnuoJd Sunueas ol .tsod ,{lanrssocxa 3*p /Keuslql Sulpunorrns,b1cr1qnd se^t eqr Jo qcnn ',teme parrrecro8 eldoad ,{ueru'q8norqr1eeJq srqt JeAotuatuetrf,xeeql ur AlateunuoJun .ureJq petuelequtt dllectuar{f, eqt roJ luerulearr Snrpcgloedserotu ol pre^\ro} dels luer8 e paruasarder SnrpsrqrJo tuarudole^eper{J '3*p;o ad,{r /t\eue st Llnn tl esnef,aq asrerd f,ezoJd lue8enenxepelraoal ,{11erl1u1

'uerf,rs^qd Jno^ grlm uorletlnsuof,ur pue spoeuanbrunrno,( ot Surprocce eperueq Jenequene ppot{s Snrpsrql asnot uorsrf,ep 'luaua8eueru urotdrur(s V aplnord UBO oBzor4'utletlu qrl/t\ uouButqruof,u1 ',brnrslndrur puB sseur -pootu elqur^E eq rq8rur cuzord JoJerlaruotdul,{s sBsreCCIVro} ef,roqf, 'peJolruoul ,t1aso13 tsnu srJeJJe 'erer eq apls alrnb sr uortf,Barsrqt q8noqlly 'r18ur>1ut dols Alarerpaurur tsnru pue ']l A\e} ot t8tal1o snorJes e^Br.{ E tnq B IeplclnsJo tuelorn euloceq[aqJ 'aldoad,i,ueur ro;1n;d1aq uEf,ll 'rellrulssr f,BzoJd eq grlrn uortentrseql 'stf,eJ$e s,8nrpaqt rotruour ,i.1aso1o ot tuelted pue uercrs[qd agl ro; sl pren8a;es Lluo aql '8nrp repuo^\ slqt 01UoIIJBOJ s,uosred eouBApE lJrpard ot rtemou sr eJer{I 'tl B ur eTBtAeqrJI suoltoearSuruelearqt,ell aneqpue tl ot c8n1yn eldoad are eruos dueu seq pa^Bs reqt Snrpelqenle^B s(ll 'eldoad11t1 tnq 'sanr1 ol Pesn B rBql suouseJulaqr srqEgrBql 3*p pesnL1ap1m sr ullrf,lusd '8nrp e;o Ara;es Surunsse ra8ueptuereqq eqt puetsrepunuBf, eqt ur 'acuetsurJoJ'urlpcruad uolrunbafgauaq/4srreqt raplsuof,nol,;1 nori, Jo

snolJas sI sJar{lo }leseuosPJed\ol Jo ef,ueloln 'f,EzoJd 9llrtt sacuatradxe PBqPEr{e^Bq oq,r\esoql;o ured er{r ezrlulullu 01papuelul t(usrtuelu -ruor slrlJ ',{poqfue^a rno ued r,uplp self,BJnu tBqt uorlBzrlBar ro} slr aqr uro{ ued ur petlnsal3*p srqt ol uoltf,Baranrle8euaqr Jo ,brsualul aql 'aldoed eruosJoJsrralqord snouesalearr ol lerluerod aqr pue srcel;aepls a^Bq s8nrpilV 'ssqlu;rfril vEnrp or'1-1eeAef, tuBlrodrurue ro8ro; aldoad'8nrp elf,Brnu^teu eqt reno eldooq aqr IIBJo rsplru oqr uI 'sraProsrP cuterqc,{sd;otuauraSeuBlu 3-p }o surroJ raqto IIB puBurlBrlu sasoddo ueeq e^Bq sJer{ro'elelur rer{r dnor8 auleseql Lq parerlsaqf,ro -t13a1 oruos 'dn Sunrdseneg sJoArAJns eJB f,Bzord sdnor8rroddng ro;


'uolluallB BrPau elqErouPeAreJaJ seqrl 'sreptosrp suolteutqwoJ Jo sseullllBruau snorJes alour gtlrn Jo aq epls slqr q8noqrly 'aldoaduretref, pelerf,osse durupue arer sr tf,aj$e uI eplf,lnsJo ef,uelornSulretrdrcerd lBrlualod slr sed\teIJBr.u uo JoJ eqr sB/n f,BzoJd JsuBtuareddeauBf,oqrEqr tseJJe eprssnolJes pelJodery

Jelleq tI 's(uortBcrpeu ccv Jo sruelqoJd lBuonuenBeqt tBaJtot sluees sr luBlnullls B ot JBIIruls uortf,B rusruBr{Jelu tl EeurpruolcrBqr sJBaddE ro 'suoltBf,Iperu sf,rt tuelnruns elet Leql uoqlv\aseeJf,ur esor{A\ slenpl^lpulSJ/CCV roJ1ryd1eq [pelncrrred eq ]q8ru tl 'eruorpu^S ellernolJo scDeqt ecnPer Pasn ot oslBsr eupruolc 'cav roJtuelutBerl e sedlSursearf,ur ueeq sq pesn poolq q8yqro; tl ,{puereg '(ernsserd (sa.rda1e3 uB Pesneuo) uolrBrrperuanrsuarred,iqltue q (@eqppolC) '8nrp srql Sursn;oLrrpqlssod tnoqe uercrs/,qd aqt rnol, grlrn {let ol tue^{ rq8ru noL 'sernzras fuorsrqe a^Bqno/.;1 'sruoldru[rCeV rreq] Jo 'sernzres rrer{troJlorer8al 1oo1orl^a ueJplrqJ JoJellerpef,uelJedxe 'lenaunoq 'pauodal ueeq seqrl 'CCV roJtuerutearl CAV eluoster{t 'sseulpanrsserdep fuerutrdB sB /.1erer suercrsLgd lotar8el egtroserd f,IuBru lueluleaJteqt ur Pesn ueeq oslBsBq1l 'sJepJosrp eJnzrss Joj Jo paqrrrsardSnrptueslnluocuue uB sr 6(61o1a.l8al) 'aurdazer,ueJeC

s8ruq reqto
'srlnpe tq8ru CICV raqto Lg parrodarslgauaqIBnpeqt ef,ueuadxe no^ 'ur[nqlle/a. ]noqBuercls,{qd rnod gtlrntllBt uBf,no[ '8nrp lBruatu -tredxeue 8urfut pulru t(uop no[;1 'seurf,rperu rueeJ]sureru urol agr rq8nu lt '8nrp srqt tnoqe poureolsr eJorusV 'sf,rlf,[cutJo s]uelnurts ot pepuodser t,ua^Bqoqlrrslenpl^lpulul dllreuud pesnsr urungllerN 'lBtueuuadxateqnraruos auros sseua^rtf,el;e rroddnsstrodar ur sr1 peJaplsuot IIIrs s,tror'aldoad 'CCV Surteert SnrpE sBpenordde ro; uaeq t(user{ tr Iecrurlr q8noqlly 'aro;eraqJ 'le^ordde yqg ro; perrnbarsleut lef,rurlf,elrsuetxe eql ,(q uaaq t(usBrlurrtnqllelx\ ro sseua^rtf,elJa Lra;esaqJ ra,i peqsllqBrsa pue '8unce re8uol tnq urlerrg ueqt 1n;:emod sr teqt tueln ssel -lults B pue tuesserdeplrue ue Jo uorlBurgruof, sr tl 'lcage u1 'Suruort E -cunJanrtruSoc panordul JoJosletnq uorteln8alpootu ro; Lluo tou Inj -esnsI urrtnqlla/N teqt sueetuslqJ 'aunuedop esoqt osle pue uruol Jo -oJes pue eulJqdautdarou sle^el eqt eseeJJur sreadde esneJeq ot tr Jo estruord rBInoItJBd rl 'CCV JoJlueuteeJl B sBJeurof,^\eu seq eArtBIeJ e sr 'stlnpepuB stuarsalope ar{I qtr/v\pesn'uurnq11e/N tuesserdap-lrue (@u.ufnqlle \) uoldo.rdng
IIIZVUC UO Ardnrs ',LZV'l l_ONhr,l NVE'\ nOA

'uerPllgl q ,(puercr#nsur ueeqPBqlr esnBf,eq srlnpB plrBstuef, Paqf,reeser -selopB esnstr petf,rnsar ot tnq s,02,eqt ur tr pa^orddeVCC aql 'srepro -srpenrssardep-lueru tuerutBeJt ur pesnrles eldurrs sr unlqfn eqr B jo '1ryd1eq Snrpsrqt pug rq8nu no[ 'sruordru,{,s enrqndruoc -enrssesqo eneqnoL;1 'suorssesqo pesnef, ^q patBroosse J,annIJ aqt urn.Lq Aq Surseanep sruotdurlr CCV pe^erlerser{]l teqr sreCIeV pue suerc -ts,(qd ruo$ suodar letopoeuepenref,er eABr{ e/X\'stuordul,sanrslndruoc 'EpB -enrssasqo seruuatuos sr qlr^\ sreCOV roJ peqlrcsard IIUB{euV 'sJepJosrp -uBC ut .{1uo elgBIIB^e l,lsnotnaJd elrslnduoc-olrssesqo teaJl ol pesnuouef,rpetu/heu LlenrreleJ sr @Iuugeuy (aurure.rd1uro13 B 'lenualod asnqe Lue eABq Jesnge ef,uetsqns B SuuanoJeJ ere no[;l uolrdo t(usoop esneJeq tI uB eg oslerq8lur tl 's8nrpreqto ot IIe^/\ papuodser t(ueleq nol, tl e^lte -uretlB poo8 B eq rg8ru rl 'rl eIBt oq^\ esoqt ]noge roj DIro^\tr lo o/o09 uerPllql uI lnq stlnPB sseua^ltla#e ur s(eurpruolc rnoqBu^\ou{ sr sso'I 'etrsuorterrldde eqr Sur8ueqf, peznulqru aq seruueruos l,q 's,i.ep uBf,tBt{t qser ul{s B esneruBf,qf,ted a^rJot fln rsel UBJlerll ".{J srrodeg '8nrp eqr Jerlarurordu/.s soprlord rlcled ulTSeqt teqt lsaSSns sosaler Llznols sr reqt qcred ul)tsB sBelqellene eurpruol3 'lqBra^\ Jo uer8oll>[rad surerSorcrug ]o tuaruteeu /,11ep sr e8esop e eql prepuBrs 'lueua8eueru ulordruLsLpears saprnord ter{r uorlf,eJo uorl -Brnp re8uol stl sr e8etuenpB uV asolot 8urful a;11 lBuortrppB irq8rezn rno,(tuedsa^eq no,i;l rlleueq e l,llressaJeu B t(usrerlraddeperBlnullts 'osrnof, 'arnsserd poolq sre.rolpue atrladdeaql setelnruus eurpruolC JO 'seurf,rpeu Jeqtorano sa8etuenpe e^Bqtenenoq'saopr1 'eldoad IBJe^es etuosro; Snrper{tJo slrJeueq q8ra/htno arlr stce#eeprseseql 'uorsserdap LcuepuatB suesro/n en8rle;sosnef, 'sJeCCVJoJsa8eluenpe pJe^rot pue tl -slp Jelnf,lrred ozv\t eleq rq8ru eupruol3 'euecseqt uo IBATJJe tuecer ,{1 -eAnBIer strJo esnef,eq eplseqt t18noqt1y petuerunropIIe/\{t(uerestf,e#e '3uol QCIVJo (urlerlU eqt luetutBanJoJaoror{f,;o8rup rsJrJ t(usrry 'Alleraueo'Jelezl\oq se,ilq8noJor{tsBperpnlsuaeg l(userleutpruol3 'stuelnrurtse{Bf l(uef, oq^\ sreCCV roJ e^nBuratlBpoo8 B oslBs(ll 'op stuesserdepltuB uBql

'Brseur1sl,p enrprel sBunrou{ JepJosrp tueurenotu Surlqesrp Lllerruerod asnec e osleuBJ suonef,rpeuf,rtoqoLsdrtue 'stce;;a 'sesef, eplspetou Alsnornard seplseg aqt ererur [1uo In;esneq aseqtrog 'Surssacord errrtruSof, Je^,rols uortepes pue lllnnLaql suoseeJ (sseu#l]s eAIsssJXe ePnlJurslf,eJle epls 'sJacQV tsour Jo tuelutBsJtaql roJ elqerrsepun tuaql elBru terlt stf,elJe epls e^BqscrroqoLsduue aql 'srorleqoq 'arueltxa enuf,rutsepJlas e ytlrn slenpl^lpulA\aJ dlaq ot urees op riaql 'tuerutean Alererere scrtoqr,(sdrtue q8noqr eCV roj peqlrcsard -lV 'sreCCIV B pue dtrnllcerad Jo dnor8qns Jo srolleqaqe^rtrnusepJles -Lq'z{rrnrslndur eJanes teeJtot pesnsaurrteuros are s8mpeseql oql oslB 'lortuof, t(ueJeurpruolc reqr auoJp -u[S a]ternol sorterelasar{t roJ oslesuerorslq4 lopleH aqucsard 'surotdurds Jo crtoqcr(sd lorruol ot ,(preuud pesns8nrpere (61opleH) ( loppadoleqpue (6eurzeroql) aurzeurordrolqc'@1pe11ayr1 ) aurzeplrolqJ srrloqedsdpuy 'uorssardap f,ruetu ;o Lror -stq ,tllrueJ e^Bqno,i;l uortdo uB aq B sserls rq8nu tJ 'af,uerelotur pue stsJnqtno radruat ',blnlslndul Jo sruoldru,i.s ur CCV aqr SurBBuBtu enrl -celJe eq uB) r1rseSSns serpnts etuostuou BtBe 'sruotdru[s esaqrerel -n8eror dleg rq8rur tunrqtll 'sruotdurr{s crueursdepanosreCICVoruos ar{r uaeq seq tl 'aldoaduleuec roj strJau ;o Llrnrtf,Breno reqr parseSSns -eq sePl^ord 'QCIV roj ruelurBeJ] B r1 prBpuBts t,usl unrqtll q8noqrly 'suortf,unJ 'uortf,unj aseqlJotruoluor pepaaueJB stsetpoolq crporJad ploriiqr ro daupll leturouge esnef, uBf,tl sef,uetsur erer ul 'stleJ;eapls 'eaqr pauodar IIB ere stuef,selope euf,e;o Suruesron\ ure8rq8razvr ul pue 'uoueurrn 'sosop -relp puBeesneu puBlsrrqt pasBarcul qStq tB uortBu -lproor elcsnu 'sseursmorp epnltur stf,e}Je epls Jo I]BI puB sseu)Fe^{ 'utnrqtll eqt Jo rusrloqeteru gtl,n Suueyalul ^q suouf,BeJ eql esJeAPB esnBf, suorlecrparu uBf, Jar{tossneceg suou3eJerur SnrpJolluoru ot eABr{ osle /,aql 'sterprreqt ur eletur rete/r\pue tlBSetenbepe ulel 'Lpoq -urBtu ot Peoulunrqtll a{81 oqA\slBnpl^lpu1 aql ur ef,uelBq retem eql ol sI stl 'srurojtalqBt eseeler rlES A\ols PUB PerBIar sseue^lrre#e ur ur tJoqspue 'lxt1e 'alnsdec sgt8uerls8ur[JBA saluocunrq]l-I PUE
'LZV-Il-ON h{,1NVE'\ nOI UO I/AZVUS Ardnrs

ot peeu,{urtng 'e{orusot a8rnaqf rsedle8 ot sqtuoruJo DIeeA\ IBreAes e{Bt plno/\{tl teqt ^\eol I 'serurlIEraAas lrnb ol peru /,11n;ssecrnsun peq pue sreeL,{ueruroJra{ous Lep rad;1eq B pue lced e sB^\L, :XX 'cov reqt roj tuerutBaJ] ziaqllllun ssef,cns eprll peq Laql pe]rBts reqt uoder 8ur>1ours ol perrt oq^,\sre{oluseruos 'CCV jo sruol trnb -dur,{s eAeIIeJ rtlSrurtl ter{t Sursufuns t(usr}l os tuelnrurtsB sr euuoJrN 'fuoeqr SuusareturuB s(trlng 'srlnpBCAV rer{roJo suoder uo ssan8 uB pue acueuadxe poteonpe lBtopf,eue leuosrad peseq ueql eroru Surqlou sl slql 'sreCCV are Sururnb ,blnclJJlp tear8 aneq oq^\ srelotus eJoJ-pJBg l'ueu sdeqra4lre]ous e no[ aJV serlnorlN

snoaueller$I I
'uorsseJord lecrpaureqr tuoJ,uortBru -rolul reqtrnj roJ uelB [elg 'le]ueuuadxa ^HBtr{ snqr pue ^reu,ban sr tuarulearr CICV ur s8nrpeseqtjo esneqt teqr azrseqdueot tue^\ e/N 'suollef,IPetu ur tuBlnllllls rlllA\ uorlBurqruof, a^nf,eJJe tsoru eq Plno/lr [ar1t os suelqord leuor]ueue grl,n dl"r{ redsngrou pre8roCrer{treN 'uorssardap puB en8rte;Jo $f,eJ;eapls eruoJle/trun esnef, aqt t(useoptr 'aurpruol3 elll -un 'urBrqeqt uo tou 'Apoqaqr uo ^{1uo stce tr ter{t sr pre8roC tnoqe sn\eurseqaql 'sseusseltser pue sreduretuoqs hrllqerlrrr Jo Ief,rsLqd sruoldrur(s eql qtr/v\sreCCV dl".l Aeur'pre8ro3 '8nrp enrsueueddgrrue 'CCV lrla,t PalBlf,ossB sarulteruos Jorneqeq anrsserSSe azrululru ol sreadde eqt redsngteql 'alttf,IPPe-uou sepadol el)IPUIselPnls A\e, esBJ V '8nrp,{tatxue-1tue B -a^ep semredsng'sluordru/,s eq.(eu (6ple8 ACV Surteertur 1ryd1aq -roC) me; rBr{rtroder suercrsAqd y IolopBNpuB (@edsng) auorrdsng sap{Iqlssod re^{aN 'sJep.Iosrp lrtor{f,[sd-uou JoJuor]ef, -lpeur crloqcLsduueequcsard [1arersuerJrurlc'tce;;a eprssnolJes Jo srrl] 'peddorsare s8nrpeqt ueqn\readdesrp asnef,eg t(useoptl tnq scrloqc, -ltuB,o esnruret-Buol reUBl,1uo l,11ensn sreadde sn{J toe#aeplseJe^es dpoq pue af,BJ Jo stueurenoru eqt fuetunlo^ur sesnef, erseurls,(p e^rpJBJ

pasnI lBqr e^erlaq1 '8ur>1ours paddors pBr{I reuE}lBr{B puBree[ e uIIBllU 8ut1er PetretsI llrun tenamoq tenaq ra8 r,uplp suelqord uorterl -uecuof, eql '8ur>1ouls ot aSeueu plp 1 'rroge reer8qll/N dors lBnprser '[seapaueesSuutrnb(arur] reql Suunq 'sonere8rc ruo{ A\BJpr{tr/r\ run8 ourtof,rupe/v\eqJ qtuour ol I agt Suunp sB/!r suroldurLs Surlqnort aseqte^Br{t,uplp I erurt Lluo egr '[lSuyrsere]ul 'srea,t uaeurJtsualtB roJlonuoo or pa8eueu peq I reqr redruel/.ruqrrznsualqord snorres peq oslBI 'saltlllqlsuodser rlnpe grlrn edocot olqe oq t(uplnoA\I teqt pereeJ pue repue/!\ot pulru ,tru;o l,cuap -uet eql lnoqBL>lcrued er.uBf,eq'rsJllsqol eqr rseprBq all]Bt ot s(02( | ApeeLur ur ;1es[urpeurer] per{ I 'retJerr{rJo tno sBA\ rornBr{oq slqJ 'erult 3uo1e roJuA\opSututspalnber Suroptnoqe poteurl reqr SurgrLue -sercord luer8 l,ru uarlmatunser,{u erepdn I pue pepueqot ruepuedep ot elqeun sBA\ 'peddotsJanauuouBJtueJuof, ure]ureurot eTorus lur 1


'sree^JoJpesnueeq e^Bqteqt serdreqt ureertsurBru petderf,B-lle^\ eqt ot uorssnf,slp rno;o rred a8relB eto^eposleII(e^\esrnof, puv Jo 'tuaurqsllqetsa ureeJtsurBu otur /,e,l JreqtSurpur;ere tBqt serdereql eqt eAItBuJotlB f,ItoxesselJeqrosBIIe^\ sesardereq) uoria.Laual aseql ixau tnoqe TIet II,e^\rardeqctxeu aqt ul i,brleeg lentrln pezuerndruof, no[ a.teg lrsldereqte8esseru pelJtJaAe ureJgB pa]rsrn no[ eleg JeAe 'ueql gtl,n 'CCV rno[ punorB peeu IBepol dleq leuorsseJord [eru nod 'a8erue^pe senssl r{tl^\ Surleap er,no,{;1 pe^losarun tseqJreqtot sar8eterts 'lq8rru aseqtesnnod dl"r{ ot tsrdereqt }o aoueprn8 peeu teneznoq B eqt no 'pessnf,srp eA(eA\ serSateus dlaqlas eqt epnlf,urIIIA\{ro^\ sn{tJo ]rd

ere no[ ]Bqt uortdrunsse snoeuoJJe JepunateredonoL;1 i,,paxl} er{t aq er{t aqt rerl IIBuec tl,,;o a8ers pue ssacord;au8 tnogeuorssncsrp 'uolteurlsap 'Leurnofrnor{ur aceld -Jeeeqt JeqLUaueU agl IBUIJ sBtou Sutuetse se^(1uo pre8arplnoqsnoL rng '[renocerrno[ ur 1ryd1eq lr l,leruerlxeeq uBf,sruordruLs rno[ Jo eruosa8eueru Snrpe Surpurg or
'uoltef,Ipau-jlas sBeulelJeJ esn ot uer{t srualqord leuortueltB ro; dleq tl 'tBaqtreeq prder lef,rparrrla8 ol esuesreneg qrnu se>leru B Jo urelqord JBInJsBAorpJBc pue sseu'{raDrIanrssacxe eqt esnef,osle uBf, ll 'a^nf,eJJaaq o] pllru oot s(tr tBqt sr eureJlBcqtr/tr ualqord eql 'sruotdur[r CCV rraq] roJ eurf,rpeu 8ur1er ur8eg Laql reUB s{urrp esaqt Jo r3^{eJetunsuof, ,iaql tBqt uoder osle l,egl .etBrtuef,uof, puB u,t\op rulef, rueqt dl".{ strqeq esaqt Les ^{aq1 'Lep Lrane slurJp peteuragef, Jo suBf,snorotunu puB aeJJor;o srod {ulrp or peIIBt e^(ed\ stlnpe fueyr1 'uorlef,rparuJles roJ esn l,puanbart stlnpB CICV tuelnurrts e sr auIeJUeC 'leuuetod gcreeseJser{lr sdeqrad 'leuualod tuaruteeJl due aneq t(useoptlJr ue^E ls^roul oq^{ tnq'CCVJo tuourteau ro; suottdo Jo tsII E uI eultof,ru pug t(uolr no1 'sseuennf,aJ;e euros aneq rg8rur uln8 Jo seqf,tedauuocru eq,{elguorteJeprsuoc SurtsaraturuB s(tr tnq CCV JoJtuerutBeJt e se 8ur>1otus etef,o^pe t(uop /.1ureuec a16

-ern r{Bro e rrr^,\o 5;:.}:frl'"ffi ,lXlJlli} fi:T : r o ae qs n ^'"": I

[ul pasou8erpun ]Bert ot sree,{ esoqt11e 8ur>1orus ,,'CICIV



,pdeq psurBel suelqord_1ecr8o1oqc[sds]srror^Bqaq reqtoeql se /har^ 'speau Lcuapuadap ro '1ero oq aJII ur aql lO ll_lrr\ JaIEI sanssr ,.tcue;ur 8u'np.srnrroBurn'rreqlJI :uorrlredruoi iq 11t^ poor{rlnp' req roJ ur enssr ,fueruud 'anga8epunore egl e8ers pdlp'eg'"qr ri plt,{, eqrJI "i
'sJnf,3o BurnBJt alun aqr rB ruatudole^ep eqt lBnxes -oqcdsd;oe8ers s,pllqceqr or erBlarsurordudi ,Ldr1.,r", lecr8oloqcl,sd eqt lBqt e^erleqsuBrpnarc aqJ, .Surtuere t$noua pooa )I]BI spnlsur d Jo seulnBJl eseql 'sruelqoJd ssal ur leuououreeJenes er! ,sasoJnou tlnseJ lBtll e^erlaqslsrde.reqt uerpnarg,eldruBx3 PooqPIFIc sBlunBrl Jo ro{ 'sruelqord agl serroeqlpue l,deragr lecrSologcdsd asnDr Surpr-e8ar ]o 'oqcl'sd 1o ol oloqeqr ur uorrf,arrpsepl^ordregr lqanoqiJo looqls e d".{I .uonetuarrorelncruede Jneq iluuorssaiorO Jo staualaqt eurnsse 'speeu qllBeq rnod spuetsrepun oq/Krsrdereqr pulJ lBtuelulsoy{ B lercads or tlnf,IIIIpeq uBf,tl ,mau^(lanrreler sl CCV rlnpe;o rdacuocaqt of,uts sreq61v roJ etutuegq l,dereqa aql 'slenpl^lpur lerurouJo lertuetod agr eseerr -ul or pau8tsep 's,02, ere petuerro rueruecuequaJles ur eqt PuBs,09, ,sraqro .eg pedolenap esor{tLllercedse Lep,ircr,," qrr^ eJeJ:etur rBql illrs sutoldruds e^eq [eu oq^\ rnq selllllqlsuodsor ]lnpe grl,n edocor pelsnrpe erB IIe^\ Altuercrgns o!^ esoqtot r3lBf,sreqro'.suelqordlBuortolue ro gllrn aldoedSurdlaqpre^\otpa.reeS aruoS.sarderagl IEtueluereAes ore enrtBruerlB ruBeJtsurBu puB elgBllene;o[eile Suuapllzneg sr aleql B

nr sr r Bu1 er rrssnuerf,eqr d, ru.,::r:.,ii, Jljj;?HJl T3il Hill[:i

ddeJaql pue aJohl ddsJaql

:-= z I uardvHc

peyrolq CCV uB puu or [eznaq] t(usrlooq auoqdaletIBf,olrnol, ur Suusylaqr teqt ^\oDI ^(peerle no1 'CICV reerr srsr8olotlcdsd pue suercrs[gd qloq ]Bqt /r\ou1Lpearleno1 luels ot areq/r\/r\oul nol, op A\oH 'seoPoqrt\asla euoatuos purJtsnlu noL 'ayll rnort ul CCV;o tcedrul eqr spuetsrepun rnor{ter{l rsldBrer{t uletueJnoL;1 '[dereqrotlcrisd Surpre8al e>letu nol, sacrogc Paf,ulnuocun eqr uI pe^lo^ur l,lanrlcEeuroJeqot sr nol, ro; 3u1ql lueuodrul eqJ '3urryomt(ueJB teqt susrueqf,atu esuaJeP eqt req Slpo* raq dlaq uer suelpnerC pue sruotdru,{s Iorluoo ol ^{oq req qf,BetuB3 stsrror^Br{eg eql 'JeclQV ue roJ sselesn ddereql are uBIPnerC IBroIABqeg pesnsanbruqcet regr Surrsessns ro uI eqt t(uale e/X\ 'araldruof,ur pue &1ne;sr srsou8erp Sunueredrood oqt tnq py Bulluarncl, ur seperS 3u111e; e^Bq[eu sluaredreH .suelqord s(raclcv pe^raf,er uB JoJuortBuBldxe B Jood,,,osrsou8Blp dFee13 e 1n;esn t,usl ,,SultuelBd .CQV SIq Llpug lBuorsseJord pasou8elp qrleeq qtrno; B lltun urq ro; l,du 'enrsuadxe lutueul -Jeqroqf,l,sd azrrtcel;eul ur srea[ otr1 petsel{ aqs .sulalqord Jor^Bqaq eJeless(uos JoJdlr.{ rgSnosaqsueqt\ penref,eJ $sou Jaq eqs -Belpeqr seA\ rood,,'rulg grlrn eurlr puadsor alqeunueaq ,,8urpuog ueeq pBq eqs .euoq PBqpuB tuBjur uB sB^\uos req ueqA\lll iilsnorres Jaq,o eletullf, oq/r\stsrderaqt tua leuoltorue aqt uo l,preulrd pasnooJ -reJllPeerql gllrn srBIIop spuesnoqllueds sJno ef,uBtulenbce uy Jo Jo 'uotldurnsse ,anrlcnp l,r1ne; qtl^{ stJuts B ueryossacord ef,urs eqt Lllercadse -ordrelunof,uauo sr Lderaqtrlllrads e ot esnBre Bunjeuuoc ,qqv Ji, lueluleeJl er{l ul lng ',{deraqf aleudorddeue ot peel uBf, tnoqe uorsrf,ep sluelgord uB eqt leuorlotue s(lenPl^lpur Jo esnBf, sBesnqB . lenxes8ur -Llluapt 'aldruexe rog 'd1aq ro; eq IeuorsseJord oq^\ eruos 1n;d1eq laas uBf,uoIlBSnBc;o fuoeqt B uo pesBg enbruqcetcrtnederer{l relncruedy 'dn SurznorB erezn nod uaql\ slaporueloJ slsrror^qegeql puB Juorneu nod lagel suBrpnalc PBqPEqno,{ arunsse eqJ- 'sesnBf, raqlo ol sruordruds rno[ elnqrruB ,terud".{I .ccv 8ut -lBaJl pue SurnuSocar SutureJtanref,eJ ut Lueur l(uop slslderagroqc,{,sd tBqt sr sreclcv roj ualgord eqJ 'lueql dl".{ ot serdereqt ereql sB ere sruelqordlecrSologcLsd esnef, tnoqBsarJoer{t orlt ,{uerusBeJBeJeql Jo
IdvuaHJ auol/{ cNV AdvuaHI

'palun[ {,tu qllmp pal711ts 'aa.8ap anml{tt^tl I 'I paryI I asTwraq I ffiq aun rt{ ayt a7alloc mo pa4un1l mq'sn1tsrluou4 dpoqoN,, :leqreg I lo :sn{t e4l1Surqteruos feru Surlurql pe]rotslpaql 'rducs enrte8au oB e s,(e1der ^(llenutruoo r{eruer{S'sartlnJ teqt pulul Jar{ur adel B eteaJf, -l;ilp raq seteraS8exe ueuo eqs 'reprosrp ot anbrunstrf,r;ep aqs req ser{ [q q8noqlly 'eldoadreqto ot jleslaq Sulreduroc lt o] sppeaqs 'pooq -pllt{r raq Suunp ueuo reqev uV qonur selref,ar lreqpea} oAuBBeu 'uorsserdep urou relJns oql\ esoqtro;1ryd1ag Lpelnclrredsr pue sruelqord;o,{reue^B r{trzl\ eldoeddl".{ ot ,(em1n;remod seSur8retue e sr ,{dereqfoqr,tsd slql 'Jorleqeqpue etetsleuorloue s(euo ecuengur[1 -puno;ord srq8noqtter{t sr /.deraqroqcLs4 anrtruSoO teuat rrseqaqJ }o ddereqloqeds4 an4ru8o3 'nor{JoJenle^ a^eq rueqt;o .{ue lulqr no,(;l aplrep uec no 'OCV gtl,n dn Surmor8 srualqord qrmr petercosse ureuaf,roJ enle^ elqrssod rreql tnoqBstuaururoJ pepnlrur osleeA(eA 'se^rlrrer{trnoq8norqtueqt qtl^r l,lec eldoedsernlle};oaEeSSBq lBuorl -oruoaqt uo snf,oJ [eql req]B5 'senssr CCV ro; [llecglcadsdl.q rolJo os t(uop [".{I 'are Lagt ]eqt\ moul 11,noL rueqt eunuexeII,a/!\tnq stueru -leeJtpJepuets uortueruII,ea teqt sardereqt JaqtoJo Joqrunu t(ueJe V 'tueunearr CICV;o rred tuetrodrur ue eq uf, rlf,nl.ln. ere rnq sarderaqroqodsd l,uare teqt suoudoIBJeAes pepnpur oslv 'tsJrJ are pessnf,srp pesn,{luoruurof, tsoru aql ',fuoBetBf, CeV rol serdeJaqt dnor8pue sardereqt qree ulqllrN 'serderaql lBnpl^lpul jo sauo8atec otul Pepl^lp ,(lq8norare /,aq1 'r{f,Ba steuetaqt aurltno lgeuq pue Jo satderaqt oqt tuerelllp Jo raqunu B tB 1ool II,ea 'arro11o; suortf,es ul terlt 'tsII rnoA lerraJar uo pepnlrul l(us1ry dgznrepuo/r\pue 1n;dleqse^{terlt ,{deraqr pul1 Jo relnf,ruBd ur ueeqa^Bqderuno,{rg 'serdereqt e elqBIrB^B;o Llauenaql [q peyteq;1esrnol, LeurnoL 'd1aqleuorsselord Sullaasur8eqnoAsy pug 'z(dereqr aqt ipulru Jo plro/r\Sursn;uoc ot atuof,le^4N ul peq nol regmIIB tB J(usr slql ie{Btsrur alqrrretJo pull euroseg ol sruees eJer{J'o1no,{stf,aJrp qf,nof,aqt uo u/tropall puB af,rllorer{ otur eqs 'tearg 'Je r{tr1!\ notr 'dnor8 froddnsrno[;o tueruturoddeuB e>leru IIBr!\ Jeqruau B ruog IBJreJer la8 puBTroA\oruoq e rno,t op no^(oS 'leuorssa;ord

elgerJo;tuocun eldoaderuog 'stsrJorleqeg senssr ere roj t(ueJB pulru eql tsourJeuq ar{J 'sluelqordesnet tBqt sror^Bqeq pue stuol Jo sterces -druLsor{t qtr^\ sleepteqt qceorddecrteur8erd sr ,{dereql e lBror^Br{eg dderaqa leror Bqeg 'senssr Jeqto uo snf,oJ ,{8raue ae{ uBf,slql .JIes esuos ol dn arutrsod e }o s(reCICV trerroc uBf,{lBr-JIeS lBql 8ut>1urqr eqt Yll,n seroJJelul 1ecr3o11l etBl^ellBplnoc 'tsrdereqte lno\irrro lderaql anuluSo3 sr'uolsserdap pezualndtuof, uele teqt petseSSns [ ]uecerV .stuolqord;of]euen e ro;1ryd1aq uBr tl a^erleq aq sreqto,sseuenrlf,e#e str uousenbspuorsse;ord etuosq8noqlly 'relndoderuof,eg dlluacar seql,dereqroqcdsd enuruSoC 'slueluluoc aleudorddeuttno unlq ro tdnuetur no[ seurl]Jo Jaqunu eql srql 'uortce8ur>1er tltull uec,(SeleJts eJoJeq,,'uetsll pue lool 'dotg,,,Les ol uJBel uec no[ 'eltqndurl eJB nol,;1 'slq8noq]un\o rnod;o r{cenud etll w llasmoC ol3ur41a ^qsuortf,rno[ Ior]uof,ot rrrBOI no 'sror^Bqeq uEf, ef,uanltq ot pesneq osluec ,(deraqroqcl,sd e^nruSoc;o seldrcuudeql aW ol (.'autllaryto tsour$rI s.uDae a\DuL pa7vuoru uafta mq Ksoa 1uspm aafiap{u Suwat nl !1asiwto yno.t(tu,1 ry '>lr"offbI ("qpaup\m"Lafto ary sann 'I I 1puo\ oi nno1- OOV {,u tnoqo Wp mou\i,uplp I aun rt"r{ arp a8alloc iuaftrI ua\/X,.ir,Durs uto 1,, oi K.nn 'e3a11oc 'ecelderot urBal :qtr/!t ,,'pldntstuB I Jo tno pelunu I esnBf,ag,, er.{s'sesseJf,ns JeqJosuortBurJr#B epnlJurplno/\{edel A\eurag .eder Plno./y\ antle8aureq etlr/herot streJar{l asnIaqrBU dl"r{ plno/r\lsrderaqtar{J 'Jaq eJrrupe pue tradsar sJe{Jo/!\oc ra11.qo[ er{t uo IIe^\ sruro;radpuB slrf,rjepreq roJ pelBsuaduroc eqs ,llllear sBq u1 ',b1ne; suortdunsse ere rag .ptdntspeepul sl eqs-rlej B s(tl ,q-.p slee}atlsjl ]q] seurnssB SuruosBer deal 1ecr3o11l selBruaqs ur pue uB 'qunp slealaqs ,rce; srqtjo esnef,eg dtll"er uo peseq tf,e, B sr teql :a8a11oc tno >1ung plp Jo 's8urlee; arp ruog stce' eqr ereredas dl"q plno^\ eqg '8ur1qqr req leqcl[ ro; y 1ecr3o11l lducs req eurruexe Iaqf,egdleq plno^\ lsrderarpenrrruSoo umop 4oo7 ffiowlI-LLoffbw a14oa4 ^li w pa{tprb ,rioffi Karlt ra\io
^dvuEHI alroy\ cNV IdvusHI

'erult eqt tB 8ur1ee; ar{s,!\oq pue rorneqeqeqr pepaecerd sel\ [lererparu -rur ter{t stueneer{t setou eqs 'sJnf,f,o rorner{aq uelqord eqt erurtqf,BO fulue ue seTeru eqr pue [rerp e sur8aq ruedrrlrrede 'ruerSord ur Lpeg 'sJoIABqeq onltrsodarou 'rneuSurtnlnsqns ,(q Lqllearl sasuodser -un eqt ureelun ot sr sdnor8dlaqlas ur ISBIeql 'stueneInlsserts ol asuodser sr ro peureale sepalaplsuoc 8ur>1orus SurteereloeqJ 'salduexe o^u eJE Surlotus dots pue rq8rel\ loJtuof, ot sruer8or4'seldrcuudleror -^BqeqesnsurerSord Lueyrl'tueruuoJrnueer{t ruo4 d1at1las In;Ssaf,f,ns se suouce'qceorddeIBJorABqequl llnurls ot sasuodser pel\arn eJB

r{lelerurrln ot petredxesr uosradqJBE aq Ienpl^lpurreq roJalqrsuodsar 'Jorleqegut\o rno[ tnoqe s(U IoJ]uof,ot paeu noL sloot oqt Suurnbce 'Jene/!\oq 'uouelndrueur tnoqe lou sr lueruteeJt tueJJnC IBJorABqeq 'euo eruoolel\e t(usrrsrderaqt B IBJor^Bqeg Lq petelndrueupue pellortuoc Suraq;clrq8noqr aqJ iDlror{sf,rlcele pue ster 'srerloreaser Jo sa8eul dn arnluoc Laqr esnef,eq dderaql Ieror^BqegJo eapl eq] qtr/n
TJ.LoxglDrolMla B.r, $utrs



seeJB surelqoJd clllf,edslutodurd ot uouenlele e8en8uel Jo stlnser B eql sesn tsrderaqteqJ 'tsrderaqrqceadse yo dlaq eqr arrnbarrg8ru tBr{t saurlrgBslp qreedslf,urtsrpe^Bq[eu sreq]o 'suroldu[r ccv rleq] 'uarpllql ro; lsnf ol Petelersualqord uoueclumuruof,e^Bqstlnpedueyrl a8en8uel qceeds;o,bauene uo sesnooj t(usltl 'senssr pue l,deraql rlceadg dde.laqa a8en8uu1 pus qcaadg

ere tenel\og 'sraqqy ro; pau8rsep sdnorg .rroddns lenlnu saprnord teqr Suruesdnor8B ur tseqIro^r Ldereql leror^Br{ag sanbruqcat eqJ Jo Lrlllqelul paseerrul tesIIIII\reqr aldoad;o p^\orcpue IIBruSurd #o -doqseqt plo^BpuBre88rneqt jo Bepreqt esn'LeptFrlJIp Lpelncrrred e 'seI]IAItJ PBqe^(no[JI Peteqq8nonp [em aqr q]ootusuBf,tBeJte;o tcad -sord eqJ 'uorsnlcuocstr tB pre^\erB pue eroqf,eqt ro, erull;o pouad par; -rcads e ueld '.Toog{f,egc rno[ Surcueleq;ol,-ra8pnrp e]BJot eurl Etl eqr ueqA 'e;11 rnoL ur suouentls,{ueruot saldrcuudprorneqeqdlddeuBf,no^

,euo uBf,t:1i:i:rU":t$"r: -eqBglt,n[lpnptntput uec pur] 1ro^,r\ no[


'eldoedrer{totuog sesuodser aartrsod q8noJqtflestr spred\eJ etlr Jor^Bqeq pa8ueqceqr ellq/Ke reUV 'rer{Iortuoc ol SurLrl sraqtoJo slle#a ar{l ecuauedxo [1a>lll ol sselsr aqs'sanbruqf,a] asn IBror^Bqaq ot sluBelaqs 'elqnort otur ;aq ra8 ter{t srorneqeg ,bauel B e^BquBO reqev uV Jo

'spJB/\{eJ suoncB ueld pezrlB puB }o -uosrade q8norqt tl Iouuor ot A\oqureel raq sdlaqreurert ro tsrdereql eqJ 'ror^Bqeq relnsruBd e a8ueqf, uorsrrapeqt selBuIluerlr eqJ ot 'lenpl^lpur eqt spuer{ eqt ur Iortuor stnd [dereql lBror^Bqeg pooC Jo 'Jorleqeq anrtrsodef,JoJur -eJsteJt leuosred-l,deraqt Jorneqeq;orred lerSaruruB eJespJBA\eu '{ler!\ Sutxelar'3uo1e 8ur1etJo eesor SurAp ueeq s(aqs ernotrr Suuuer e ,{rr rq8rur aqs 'poo; uo e8urqot sr TJo/lr dep In}sseJts ot asuodser e re req 'pooj ueqt reqto s8urqrgtlm llasreq pre^\erot ureel ro rote lecrdAr JI -re8u;aregr rsedSurlleznplone tq8nu etls 'tq8re^\ esolol Surr{rls(eqs }l 'ecuetsul JoC'asuodseJ alrtBuJatleuB atntlrsgns rueqr plo^B ot s,{em Jo surBel tuedrcrtredaqr 'sre88utlBnpl^lpurrer{ parJrruepl aqsrerJv sBr{ 'uollsB eql eJB eser{J PeluB/v\un lJo les leql s.ta88ui stuele pue s8urlaay

serunBrl eqJ 'tsBdeqt plo q8nonlt 1ro/r\ot sr IBoB tnoqe Sunetcosse-eeg 'slee,{ eql Jo} aruy s,lsrdeJeqt uo 3urL1 pue r.{f,noc IeJeAas Ieed\ e sAep s ro rnoj spuads ruerlf, aqr srsLleuv ul 'uerpnerg,tllecrsselr srsl(puy 'Lderaqr yo ed,b eqt uer{t lueuodu:r eJorusr tuarlf, pue elqe ueen[eq drqsuorlelarSurryozn poo8 B ]Erlt slsaSSns qJreesar tsrde.raqr -lfenepetrurl eql 'tuerudole^ep xaldurocegr 8ur ,btleuosred;o ssacord 'sseF{tro^\ -f,p.rr;o ,irlncr;;lp aqr ot anp ued ul sl qoreeser jo {rBI aql eruof,tno^q parroddns ueeq l(usetl s(truBerut(useopslql 'qf,JBaseJ str sseueluf,elJe ler{t sr [dereq] crureu,{poqcLsd uslclluc roleru y Jo 'ecuerf,s uBql tJBuB eJotu,(larrur;epsr /,deraqroqcl,sd cnueu,iporlcl,sd B 'sernlleJ req,{q pesnersualqord IEuoIl pereadar -oruaeqt jo aruospaqsot elqe aq 'renemoq'rg8rru eqs 'pllqc B sBpBq er{ssurelqordlecr8olorneuerueser{r a^BqIIIrs llllr\ or{S'sreqto pue JIes -raq uaoA\taq srerrrBq eteerf,teqr sesuelep dorp pue suorlcayadur p1o ot req ldecoeol ureel uec eqs 'seJnllejpue stJngrsedgrlm sruJet eurof, 'serroeqtuerpnerC JeCCV ue dlaq uec Lderaqlogr,tsdf,nueuLpoqcl,sd aqlrf,sep pesnrurat IIBqltBr B sr sn{I ol ruo5 pa^rrepLderaqroqc,tsd ddureglogrds4 erureudpoqel(s4 'sllnPBgrlrn >po^\ot{r!\sJolnl ol noAJeJaJ sef,Jnos uBf, esaql 'dnor8uoddns Jo 'Ltrsrellun 'tsr8o1 lBlol Jo euo Iooqf,sleuortecon -oqcLsdleuortef,npe q8norqr saf,JnoseJ ot uB aseqlssef,Je lue^\ rq8nu 'umor8 anerl no 'paAIoAe osleeABqspeeuesaqttearuot saf,JnoseJ sV srlnpe,o sanssr Sururealanbrunaqt Jo a8paprou>l pue sseuere^rB 'af,ueruJotrad rnor{ }o ltrlenb aqr astruorduof,o] enultuof, 'eroru[ue 'snf,oJ ol uBf,surelqordSuru-rea1 loorlf,sur ](uerenor(1l ueAE ,irrpqe eqt qrrl\ pera;:etul CCV asneraqa8palznoulul sde8tuo{ tlnser Aluo eqt t(ueresaulllqBslpSutu;ee1 auos 'suelqord Suru.reel esnBf, jo 'senrlrqesrp 8ur,$rruapl Suru-rea1 pue Jo acuelrodun eqt pazrseqdrue q'I pue CCIV;o depeno egt paul -ruexertgauqazrn tetdeqf, JerlJBe ul 'tuaruteeJt uB rno'{;o fred tuetrodur uB eq osluuBf,uouerpauer leuorternpa'asrad dderaqtB tou q8noqlly uouBrPaweu lBuoqernPg 'ruerSord [deraqr eteudorddeue u8rsapo] pue

.l,gredura;o qrlEeq tuo$ erBor{^\ srsrSoloqcdsdjleg lBtuelu snorrB^ ernlleJe Luog tlnseJ_spuno^\ rBqt e^erleguorletuarro sn{l leorSoloqcl,sd gtlrn srsrderaql'dderaqrf,nuBu,tpoqcdsd raqroue sr L8olorlcds4,Jlas

su, ddueursnef, a1 qor o e eo, s Hr"i,{xfii :,lir]J:lHJ,il; I? "",',1'[H;

'Jellaq ot tuarlr pue lsrdeJaql rlesrar{PuBrsJapun tuerl) eqt sa8ernooua uee/ueq drqsuortelar Suununu eqJ 'rleamns {rsfs d.rreg;o s8ur -qf,Balaqr ltrolloJoql\ stsrderaqt snooJ eJBsenssr eql Jo leuosradralul 'sruBeJP stll,iru e3en3ue1 pue Jo eql qllA\ elqBuoJruof, eq,{eruegS ',{rrnltBarf, tueq B r{lr^\ recev uB roJ ol Surleadde uec ,(dereqrsnlJ 'lnos eqr Jo sterf,es aq eqr llolun dlaq .llB o1 senlf,eqt erBsluBerp pue [selue;'L8o1oqil,ylq sn o] uoruruof,puB oJBJ uerunr{eJllue eqt Lq peJer{s seueqt pue serJorueru stsrsuof, terll }o snorf,suof,un enrtf,ellot aqt Jo tdecuoc eql uo paseqsr dd?.raqa ueprmf 'sesueJep SuunlonrtseJ;o leo8 eqt areqsIIB tnq tuare, 'lderegr paseguerpnerC sed[r reqlo ere araql yo JIp ^llq8rls sr qrBE 8urri1 tsrd puB u/y\op ro issalSurtceratur -BJeqlrno[ grlnt r{pcalp eJoruSuncere]urpue dn 8uru1sre;ard no,{ oq 'le^al rrojruof,rno,{ yrlm op or tsotu suqdlqeqordrer{lo eqt re^o euo Jo ef,roqf,v 'ccv yrFr tlnpB ue roj ssaulnJosn e^Bqleu sarderaglqrog '(ruaudole^eP;o e8ers reIIrBe ot IrBq Suro8,{llreroduer) uorsser8ar uB ro ,tletxuesselLllensnsI eJeqt'srs,{1eue uerlt f,rtseJp $ Lderaqr ur ssel .Iee^\ rad earql ol auo slqt uI SutrnlcnJtseJ ,brleuosrad asneJeg aqr L1>1eazn sellonur ,{deragr;o edLr slqJ .lsrdereqreql Je^reJ Jo suorsses e pue lllrn,t1rcalp eJotustf,BJetul JrBqf, ul dn slrstuerll aqJ .esuetur ssslsr rl tBr{] tdarxa srsdleuy or rBlltuls sr ddB.raqloqcdsd cndteuv :anod Jrer{l pue dn Suttror8Jo sBtuneJt senrleJ eqt luerlJ eqt ,sacue Jo uleql_sqoJ -uadxa or tsedmo {'v74 ts,tleueeqr Sursn,{g 'rsedeqr ruo+ iernfr; reqlo snoIJBA (s)fueredeqf eJ3^\aqs ro JI sBsasntuerlf, aqr arn8r;dzllopeqs B seuroreq Llesodrnd aqs 'al]rll sleadspuB^\ar^Jo lno srrstsr{1euB eql 'seuo dqrleequn Joj stusrue -qf,au esua;ep dqtpatl Surtntrtsqns drrleuosredsreuoarntf,nJtsar pue
AdvuaHI auol\ aNV IdvuEHI

uf, stasler{t JIeseqr Jo tred f,Itsllerotu'p13lraql 'PuBlsraPun luellf, 'LdereqloqcAs4 cruleu/.q Sutqtrcsap o8a aqt sruro)ur saims tueJelJIP ;o seldrcuudeqt lo eruosst\orroq (Vf ) slsdpuy Fuolltesuu.ra 'rueqt relo lorluof, patlrull seq eqs-reProslP req Jo ued s,roCCV uB Jo euros 'CCV tnoqe alqee8pal ler8alut uB ere srolner{eq -^\oul sr tstdereqtaqr teqt tueuodutr Lllerrn s,tl 'Jotneqeq e8uer{f, ol sPeeu }o senssl req uortetuo{uoc sesnteqr ,{deraqtslql ul '(srer{to PUB slt{I fuepunoqaqr puetsrepunroq dltq plnot qceorddeesuesuou,ou 'sllnPB eurosra#o Plnoc ,{deraql Artleeu cclv IenPI^lPulroj sllJeueq 'ror^Bqeq eJB ur se elqrsuodseJJr sJotf,e; petunof,srp saf,uauedxa lsed-tuasard agt 'eloqd\B sBuosredaqr sldeccetnq rolneqeqelqlsuodser.rt uo sr srsegdulE rnoqe eluuo{uof, sr rsrderaqteqJ 'srer{to;o srq8lr aql Surrelol^tnorltll\ ureal tuellf, eql dleq ot sI leo8 fueruud eqJ spaeuraq lgqles ot s,{em 's1eo8 rurol 3uo1pue trotls sautltno rer{t tceJtuof,B eterto8aulstderaqrpuB luellf, aqr ',tdereqtJo Sutuut8eqeqt tV 'stuallf, ller{r ro} Jleqt or sleqBlcttsou8elpl,1dde t(uoP srsrderaql 'roIABI{eq Lde.leqa dfSeag ere alqlsuodser aldoadteqt eldrcuud aqt uo saterado 'nod ot seuo ul\oul reuaq eqt leuoltpp jo qf,reeser e^alpue serderer{t 'no,t ol 'sturensuocaceds esnBf,eg er{tJo aruosepnlf,urIIIrnaarr 1ryd1aq Jo Lpelnorrreduaag serlter{t ,(deraqrB uortuoru ol IIeJa,r }l sn anr8rog ',i,ueur eJB s,tl elqBIIB^B rsll ot elqgssodutl sarderaqt areqt asnBoeq os IIB Lde.raqa Jo sloogts snoeuu11ecsu4l 'luerutlruruoJurJet3uo1e SuutnbeJ eqt lou;o aBeruB^PB seqrl 'suotsses Jequnu eqr ueld pue sleo8 '^,irlqf Jo PuBxISuee/lueq,t11eord,b ure}-troqs slt{t Jo esoogf, c1;1ceds tuerted pue lsrdereqtegr ',{dereqt e a18urs testno eqr rV 'pouad arurtJeuoqsB JeAotf,rlluof,ro urotdurLs uerpnargreqto sesanbtuqcelpue selroeql uo sesnf,o; 'sarderaqr pasBq rl eruBs qtr/v\seleredoade.lega clureu,(q luJal uoqs 'patturtl-elul.I eqt

-lrolruof, B ralJo rq8rtu qceordde crgredura sIqJ 'saoqsn\ur saftPsluual111 3uwn4 pue tuerlt aqr Surpuetsrepun uo srseqdula ue tnd 'suotsse;ord
IiIZVUS UO Ardnrs 'LZVI rON I^{,1 NVEI nol

-slulr1a; sLe,"l'sBt{ rlnp' uBroJLtunres ,ba;"rrJ:fi:l"fi: oqrt\ pue

',{deraqroqcLs4 .suorldo anrrruSo3pue aqr leror^Bqeg;o suorrdaf,xe qrllN elgBIrB^B;o heue^ eqt gllrn nod peurleq^\Je^o l,uaneq o/t\adoq a46 'lnJesn BurBrpoqcl,s4 pulJ rq8nu nol, 'cneruerper{t roJ rlBUB e^Bqno,i;1 :srualqord snouengrlrn ol relleq tno tf,e uaqt pue rurotsurerq dnor8 aqt sdleq ol IBaP s,{em 't"oltaup sEulrroul 'tsrdereqroql .s8urlae; eqt dn tuad Jo uorsserdxa aqr se8eJnooue f,rterueJp aql .aldoeduee^rtaqpue JIess(euo teruJoJ ,8urde1d urr{trll\_stf,ruuoJ ,teruodot sarnbolllos pue elor lesreler elor sesn puB dnorSB ur euop sr LderaqrSFII .suelqord;o SurpuBlsrepun uB 'serldtureureueqt sV Jelsojol sanbtuqcetf,IlBruBJp Burerpoqc[s4 sesn uruBrpoqcAs4 'erntnJeqt ur s8urqrro; Buo1 no,{ ellr{zn eJIl rnod ur selrtrsod aqr ssrur noL selrJprBqt ,brpqerrusueqt loJtuof,ol ol urBel nod d1et1 snroJslr{I 'tuesardaqt uo snf,oJ sr se e8etue^pe uBf, eql uB slbtltleerf, uo srseqdrua 'raCev uB JoC'srsBq aqr lBnpl^lpuruB uo auop eq uBf,_tr tnq tBruroJ aqr perreJerd sr dderaqtdnorg JIes eql eAISSeJdxe aAItBeJf, sezrseqdrue ,{deraqJrlBtseo pue ar{t osle 1o slcadsB 'noL ot txeu JrBqf, drdrue oql uI slls luered rnod gflrn tclltuof, lsed e ssnf,srp pueterd no,{ ot _oq/v\ a^Bqrq8nu tsrdereqttletseC aqr 'eldruBxe JoC'^\ou SuurnccoeJe^\ [eqr ]l seluasardeqr ur ueqr Surrulerdq peroldxe are lsed eqt ruo{ 'r!\oN senSSI eJaHaql-lueluoul luasarder{l uo sseueJB/r\e Sursnrol PUB

,(qBurpuelsrapunJles eseerrur srr,deraqr or llelsec JoIeoB ;l,l'"x

'Jorunq pue LtrnlteaJf, rnoi{ or leedde,terupue Bur Jo asues -PuBtsrapunJlos ratsoJ rounq Jo slunourE ot slqJ qceorddB lBraqllsasn 'sleqel pue serue8 qrr,lrdl"l"rr,roc paur;epere pultu eqr jo s8urryom aqt ]f,B_nsqB teql sl vJ;o a8eluB^pB 'lBturo; dnor8e seq^(11eraua3 uv r{deragr eql'Le1d eldoedsarunB sqranedanrrdepeleru aulqf,Bel ro eqi ^(quorref,runruruof, suraued eurruexelenpl^lpur eqt sdlaq osle Jo VJ 'u8rer oe{ pllqC oqr Surnr8ro sreed grl,n epotll tuorBd oqt uI Burlce -f,rlleuosted eqr Jo sued eseqtsesn ,{lateudorddeur uosrade uaqm ,erntBru Jnf,cosruelqord tBqt sr vIJo leuel f,rsBq .rredpetuerJo,{rrlear y eqr 't1npv aqJ, pue Llrleuosradeqt j! Jo frcd mou ry31.t juqffi I ernteu -lur er{t q puqc aqJ, ?uered eqJ, pelleqBlsr ror^rleq sprBpuels Jo
AdvuaHI auol^[ aNV IdvuEHJ

eJB Jeqto qf,Beol uoddns aprnorduec stuedrcrue4'3ut133ru1s or{^\ esoql rueJaJIP or adoq Je#oIIaA\Surdorareoglr\ esoqJ 'fuanocar;ose8ets 'sdnor8tsoul ul 'slaPoru /.deraq1dnorg alor saptnord tB ere sreqrueru 'sersBtuBJ sJeqlo]qr JeAof, rnor{eJBqs sJBeJ PUB -srpot JerleJ 8ut1aa; uB snoruJoue eq uBf,1I 'leoq alueseql ut IIB,i' sr dnor8Lderagte;o rred Suraqtnoqe s8utqrtsegeqr jo euo 's,eqe Ldereqt{ees oqd\ anbtun qtl^\ euole 1aa; ,{poqLueeIIIun sef,uelJedxe ',btun;o 8ur1aa; ruog tlleuaq uBf, aldoadtso141 PUBaldoadrer{lo ol uonf,euuor B peeu slenpl^lpu| EurlSSnrrs teqt sr ,{duraqldnor8Jo ale -uouer aq1 'ror^Bqeq;oSurpuelsrepun Sutratso; pue SutpllnqIIIS roJ alf,rqe^eql sBdnor8eqt asnrerp setderaqroqc,{sd dralrenB ere eraql Jo

Ade.laqloqr^s; dnolg
'lq8noqt cglcadsB ueqt raLIlBruollf,Brelul Jo looqrs 1ecr8o1or1cl,sd B aqr,o uolssnoslP ol uo dnor8uo sr snf,ojesoq^\sardereqt,osrlJeueq dnor8 e asnqllq^{ }o aruos'satderaqlsnoIrBA elour III^I el6 'tEruJoJ Jo rno LSoloqc,isd pue gceorddecgtcedsaqt uo uaeg setl rBJsnqt snf,oJ 'elnf,npordrelunoJeq uBf, arult euo tB dl",{ Jo spuDl/.ueruoot Suuoldxa reqt reqrueueg 'no,{ro; fuan eq uec teqr slg8rsur lueuodurl e^Bq,i,eu aqs 'leuotssa;ord 1ryd1eq pelurolul-ccv uE sv 'senssl PUB IBroI^Bqeq lBuollolua;o ,batrB^B roj eplnordot peulert sr 8ur>pom,tpearle c1;1cads Surlasunof, ecueprn8 pue eqJ ro ere nortuoq^\ gtlrn tslJtBlqf,l,sd rst8oloqo,i,sd 'luelulBeJl aAIl -teJJa aq ro; ,hesseJeuun l,eur ,,tq8noqr1ecr8o1ogc,(sd,o looqls,, relnf,Il 'uorsserdrut -red e 8ur>1aag Suormeqt qrIA\ noi{ enealot tuBA\t(uoP e/X\ 'a1,bs pue suelqord IBnPI^lPutrno,{ pue ddereqr or plnoqsnoL'l'deraql B ueelueq\Jwtiltsag aqr lno arnBIJ fur r{lqeqord lsageqr tno arn8lj or 8utfut ueqt rerpe1 'Buere,o PulI slql ut la^el ssalunef,roqf, or rsaqaqr r,usrAlqeqord lJo}uof, rno'{ esBeJcur sr po3 rno,,{ 'aPivts are a\i uo elqeuoJtuof,un no,tJI 'Jelutqt elarf,uoJ BruBrpoqc.{.s4 'lecncerdB ere no,{;l UBIPnaJC IIe^\ fuen ryot\ rou ,lqeqord 11lltsrs,(1euy 'lueqr Jo rno/.;o sacerd [ue tnoge lecr8eu SurqrousI eraql 'stuelqord tueJe#lP 'renanoq 'seop qlBE 'CCV eq Htl,n 1ryd1eq uBf,lBr{t qreorddBuB re#o eA(aA\ sardereql passncslp JoJsuoudo tueruteeJlsBpeJe#o/.laurtnoJeJE eqr Jo euou 'uouetperuegIBuoIlBf,npE puB Aderagl a8un8ueflqcaedg
iiAZVuS UO ArdruS '.xZVl rON hl,l NVAIAI nOA


luarper8ureqt q8noqrly 'dnor8 poxnu e ur ,(deraqroqcLsd ruor; tlJaueq ,(eurnod 'sraqqv roJ Llleeryrcads dno.r8 pul; t(uuf,nodyr uerrg B 11lrs 'splan{s elrsue}ap rno Sursrer prer{ rB os >lrol\ ot e^Bq t,_uop 'seJualradxa e,t. ccv paJeqs IJo/KeruB{eql Jo ,ssoq ulqrl/N '8uuoo; B paleu8rsep tno lenbauo sr dnor8eqt ur auofuene -rltl/)N'1ryd1eq [rer aq uBf,Surllasdnor8 aq] teqt rseSSns suodar -3euB .stlnpB lerop tng 'sn ro; ,illeclllceds are pauSrsap sdnorS znag clclv roJ Ldereqrdnor8 pue lenpl^lpul Jo strJeueq paredruof, aqr t(userlqcreeseg 'tuerutEen Jo spoqteuIlsaq eqt Jo euo aq deu puB speaurno ol petrnsAIIBapl ^(dereql dnorg 'uorteruroJur sr elgenlBnur srqt ,CCV sr grlm snjo ,{ueulroc 'eloq^\ B sBdnorSeql stse}Je A\orlpue suortf,B tr -retur 'slll{s aqt ol Jo -lerf,os ssef,ord enJesqo ,bruntroddouB sr eraqJ tueal or eoeldaJes seprnord pue leroos B Burltesdnor8y leuosredrotur 'lue_else-Jl3s crtnederer{t lenpl^lpul tsooquBf,tBql aoueuedxa 1n;:anode 'rar{toueauo ruog sllHs BurdocurBelpue st dnor8er{rur srer{to3urd1ap1

tJ#:: euu d eI "u;' il :l:X* Jil]: rosf, e axep Bqs l""i:il:l ifi IL'*



t ?if: '\'rt*1

sruelqordAlttue;Lue14 '4e6lururet troqs e Lllensnsr Lderegl .{1tueC 'tsrdeteqt 'Sururen alltf,edsord leuoltlppe srql roJ1leqc stq nof urtlA 'uollernPecISBq puoL aqt Bjo sleltueperJ qcreesa: -eq Sururerl,i,dereqr ,i11rueJ enrsuelurq8norqt sao8Lllecrd,il lstdereql 'srolasunof, cutetgc,(sd esJnu l,11rue; 'slsr8oloqcl,sd stsrlercads pue y 'suenrs,{qd 'sraryozlr Llgue; tsoy4 ere rou ere ststdBJaqt IBrJos Leql sl ilerltlrf, L11eer slt{I rno/. eqs .CCV tnoqe elqee8pal^4,oul sl i;lesrl dl",{ or '{rrpges,,(11rue; ro; rno/. xt| ot Buro8eqs tcadsaraurnue8e^eq ot rueaseqs seopro ,{11ure; req e oq sl ireq a>p1nol 'L11rueJr{tIA\l'lanlroaga{ro^\ ol I'l111qB uer{l y sr tuetrodrurssel/,1qeqord uonetuelJoounadereqts(leuorssa;ord 'l(deragr L11ue; ]l esnPlno/r\aqs ra! PePaeu oqr!\JeqlsB 'leuorsse;ord qrleaq lBrueu Pelsnrle A\ou{ noL;1 'suoIlBP -ueunuof,erro; sraCCV rot{to 1se'tstderaqtrnoL ro; dogs noAuaqlX 'Suutas dnor8eqt ur sleo8rreqt alerqre ot senbluqJeltuereglp l'1lq8t1s Allrueg ureel pue rq8noq] Jo slooqf,s ruarel;lp ruou eruof,slsrdereqr 'lBuorssejord lenpl^lpul lnoqB uollBlu uB esooqcno,{dl",{ ol {ro/!\auBU e se/,dereql ,(11tuB} 'peelsul 'd\ou -Jolq l(uonl eA\ lI A\eIAaJ lereua8eruosJelJoot tuBA\em 'sreleg eqt taru eA\uaq^\ LdereqfLltuey olor er{l a^\ Pessnf,slP ef,uIS lo 'Jeuaqsuolt)un' tl os ruets.fu ,(11ueJ alnlf,nrlseJ eqt pue selor eleudorddeurJo plSll rrreelun'ApealceJoluatef,Iunululof, 'slqt ot rueel ot paau sJaqruau,{11ue1 qsrldruorreoJ 'llun relqllear{ Llpre; aqr dleq ot sI Lderaql LltrueC;o leo8 /'reruud eql e eruof,eq /.de.raqa dgureg 'alqBuoJtuor 'la^el tro;uroc rno,( a8ne8 eq fl Ieej t(uop no.,i, 1ryd1eq IIp{ dnorBoN ,v\oH'Suturofrnoqe8ur pue slf,ultsulrno[ ]sn{;no,{ ot IeoJtl seoP -{qqr ar,noLdnor8eqt Jo ,brleuosred rno {caqC 'seltlleuosred e^Br{ eqr dnor8reqto sruelqord sPUII teq^{ pue l,deraqr sdnorg 'e^Br{sreqruaru }o aql ul eq ol patcedxeere nod 3uo1^aor{ PuIg 'qeo8 s,dnor8 lnoqB rno dnorg [ue ot ylasrno[llruluoc no,{ero;eg >1se suorlsanb 'LderegtotlcLs4

JaPBJSr{lJnoj A\ou Jno^ }l 'suolsses ^\eJ B uI r{ll/v\ lleP eq uBf, B sB1t\

llJI)edS 'reProslPro sseulll raq tnoqe uosred B sar{f,eetuorternpeoqr^sd uorleJnpeoqeds4

er{l PeJuelJedxa ue jo sef,InJOS salnbar dnor8 slllls lercos e ,dnor'B uoddns B eIIIun 'euo ezrue8ro ot stlnpB CAV reqto gtpr trauuor or elqB aq rq8ru nod 'eere rnoA ur dnor8 elgBIrB^B eABqr(uop nod;1 uB 'elzzndtuerutBeJt eqt;o ecord Inlesn B ag 'asBr ,(ue u1 'ccv e^eq uec sdnorg sllllS l(uop stlnpB lBr{] srse lBrlos -qloddq egr or .srlnpe roj dlarer rnq sruaf, {f,Bq^{orqr B sr srqr sdeqred -selope puB uerpllgc ueeg setl ddereql dnorS qqJ oov roJ elgBIrB^B 'Surltes dno.r8e ur eorl -oerd cgrceds-eures eqt sr alf,rqe^ eqt tnq (tuere#lp eq Leru sreeev ro; sleo8 eqJ ,lasreq arnportul pue tf,etuof, e[e eleur o] Burureel se qf,ns 'lsapour eltnb Lllensn aJBsseulll letueru erenesgtlm lBnpr^rpur uB ro; sleo8 eql 'suelqord leuortotue ro letueru erelas reqto pue eiuarqd -ozlqf,sgllrlt eldoad lBeJl ot pesn ueeg z(lleuorrrpeJt enetl sdnor8 eseqJ 'sJorleqeq eleudordde aJoru,zlrau artnboe ol rueql [Pttt Pue suoflenlls sJeqtuau dnorg IBrJos,(e1d-a1oJ dpoelp rueqr_r{f,Eet sdnor8 slllls lBrf,os'{slllls-esarltqsrlod ot seprunl 'roddo aplnord,(pcelput sdnor8 q8noq,tV'suortesreluor atertrur 11e ,surnt eIEt ot ureol sJequeru pue senf, dnorg .sJer{to IBqJeA-uoupBoJ srorre lBrf,osegr 3u1u3sgo ruou Surureel puB slllls p^rrB Jo sessaf,f,ns Surcrreerdro; Surnes e aprnord or pazrue8roare sdnoro slll{S IErf,oS

oseBurrerrrrce;.',"r.,"9,S"":Iffi 1lli; rBrf, i;lil;'H[i:iff

3u1u1era sllHs IBrcoS

eqt 1d11ue; tnoqtr^4, IIaA\ ue rnq .t"^ Irg^ t(useopLdereqr,i11rue; reaj Asea eq rou rq8t* riqf 'dderaql Sutuut8ageJoJeg d11ue; rno,{ ur euoLrone ruo$ tuarutrruruof, e le8 ot luetJodruy 'sserSord s,r1 uorsses tuosqeasnef,eq 1lolq sJaqrueru roJ qf,Be lueserdeq ol raqlueu ,{11ue; dranatcadxelllm rslderer{t eqJ 'srea[JoJuo oB],uo,l,ideragr aqr tnq rsrdel".{raqt^qtr/!\,(lyeorpolred lteqt ot paoutq8rurd11rue; ur rno^ auros3ur1se uBts plnoqs nod ,LderaqtpeuersnoL uaq^\ lqoi isuortsenb

'urerSord eqr Jo eq ro; ((setenper3,, sdnor8UoddnsSuto8uogflm PaJnlJnJls fg8nu surer8 -ord eruos 'suolssas cglcedsJo snloj eqr eq Plno/t\l,11ue;eJllua aql Surdoopue elll Jo se8ets tuaro#lp te tced roj uortetnpfl 'sar8aterrs -xe lnoqe uolleruJolul aplnord ot terllv\'slce;;aeplspue suolteclPeru ' e 'lt uotsl^ue e^r sV plno/KsJeCCV ro; ruerSord leuollB3nPaoqcfsd 'runJoJ alrtoeJatul uB ur aceld eTBl eA\ Jno e^Itoe#A'sJePBeJ qll^\ lf,BJalulJ(uef, leql plnoqs uortmnpaotlcLsd aql roj sr uonetuJolul Sur8ueqJxe runlperuslqt jo a8eluenpeslP 'esJnof, 'se^lesueql etef,npeot esnuef, sraPBor lr{l uollBluro;u1aplnord JO Jot{touele,i.sI Toog slt{I ol ueag seqtl Sunuznur leo8 JnO 'uonBrJB^ '[ep aql Jo pue eq] tB oluoq {teq dn.mo11og elqrssod J(usI eueldB uo sr raleadseqr asnef,aq Surpeaq 'uonentrs B tor{s-euoB are ,{aqt lnq leluJoJJBIItuls esnsaf,ueJsJuoS .uonuuolur eJeqs sJe{Eads B Surlnpeqrs[q rt ]o uoItBIJA aterodJoout ot sdnor8uoddns COV eruos 'erult slql tE CICV ro, uollecnpaoqc,{sd oltrll sI aJeql ,{rrleerur tng asuel lueserdaqr Pesna^eq o71N pezrue8ro 'tl roJ [rlpqtsuodsererotu serunsse arecqrleeq rag ]noqBalqe Pu .a8pelmouI oJotusr Jatunsuof, qlHr!\ ut ruats,{s oJBf, qllBer{B PJB/l\o] eqt aql elour eqr pardruordslql 'sassen8 tseq aqt lseel t ro sre^t\su qll^\ 'tuellf, JegJoJsuoISIcaP or{r!\leuorssa;ord aPeru agf IeuorsseJord sB^\aqs I{rlBeqletueru tueloneueq'cttstleu:eledB}o se/v\ IePoruImIPauIPIo eql 'sJaIu-uoIsIJeP se aAIlcB sa^Ies -ureqt slenpl^lpur eqt-erec qtpeq ueeq letueru rler{t ruog Sutsstur eulof,aqe^BqsJetuns .(18urseeJf,ul per{ aoerdtuuuodrur ue teqt eJBA\e -uoC .r{tlBeqlBtuau ur lueruenourJerunsuoc aqr Surznor8 tuog penlo^a ruory snoIrBA peal seqrdotuoo eqt 'sdnor8leuollesnpeoqcAsd sPIeU sleuorssalord g8noqrlv 'srualqordleuortoule ro leluaru Hrlrneldoadro; /nau LlanrrelalB sI uollBJnPeoqcLs4 er{t alqelrB^esesJnoseJ o1uorlrPPB 'stlnpB rue8rllarursBpelBenar,faql JI sa^lesueqtJo erecra]teq ,{leranes ueAA'lelluetod reer8serl eIBt ot ureel uec aldoedpalqesrp q8noqr B r1 ',trr1ear uetlt gsl,n BJo erou q CCV ro, uollernPeor{3,isd .lV eref,ot ureel uer tlnpe ue tBqt sr eldrcuud 8ut,(lrepun Jlesraqr_oj ol eql 'srualqord lenplnlpul a8eueru loot B sBpeptnordsI uolterurolul
nOI i:lzvuc uo crldms'LZvaJ,oN hl,l NVEIAI

saJeqs secllJes seteuopeqs(dnoJ8 setetrlrJeJ Jeq eqt B PUB leuorsseJoJd 'luatue^lo^ul e fuee1 JI rBqr luetuerrnbar uauo sr ereql lBuorsselord;o ueuo ere sdnorS ,{puanbasuo3'tuetua^orudleq-Jlas paf,BJque oqr e^Bq .urats,(s Aueru'rueruqsrlgBtse aqr qrleaq letueru leuorsseJord HrlrnfuSuy eA\,, B sdnor8 rroddng ,,1Saq.,lroul ol asuodseJ sedn 8urudsued ul eABq 's8urtaeru SurrellllteJpue Surzr egr -ue8ro surnt eIP sJequaruagr 'pearsul 'Japeel tuaueruradou sr eJaql 'VV sBqrns sdnor8derg'an1el[ u1 'sdnor8esaqr peel puB ezrue8ro sef,I^Jes qflBaq sesBJ lsoruul 'suollBuoP gflrlt lBlualuJo sJeunsuof, elerado ro e8regrJo ee5 sdnor8esaql '?u1"wrqs Suuncuo 1,11e pue -raue8sr snf,oJ eqJ 'raqto qf,eeol dleq elqBnlB^ur rarjo uBc sreqtuetu 'd1eq3les eleuortereqI dnor8 Fnpl^lpur ter{r sr sdnorg rroddngro Jo sdno.rg poddng ro d1ag,;1ag irtBuurf,ulSuI sn ulol uec no[ 'BaJB rno[ ur dnor8B pul] l(uBO nor{;l sdeqre4.Buo1 oor erojaqacelduI srqt elll urBrSord e^Br{II,ea 'Ir.l qrllN .uonBf,rpeu B puo[aq pepeeulderaqr Lluo eqr eg rq8nu ]r 'eruos roC .tl;o a8etue^pe e{Bt 'sraqqy ro; ruerSord B etuof,eq noL;1 leuouef,npeotlc,isd }o aJBA\B 'seare Jleqt ut dnor8rBlltulse dolanapot ryo^{eruB{B sBtl esnuec sJepBaJ eruosedoq a41 'dnor8 leuorlBf,npeoqcLsd eaueSroot eturt eqr pulj e oA\sEuoos sBesnor ueld eA\euo er{l sr pautllno e/v\ unlnf,rJJnf,eqJ 'sunroJ rBIIurspetBtllr3BJ e^Bqpue sdnorS eseqr;o ,rana lBuouBf,npe 'seteconpe -^Aorl SuortseJB e/N itsrxalaz(1,septeqt sdnor8 leuortef,npa -ogol,sd stlJeueq ot urees rq81ru l1 Jo PuBaleuorterer{t ssnf,srp rrBJun 'dals tsrrJ3ql aq sdearrlB plnoqsuorlBrnpE'paauno,i dleg leuorssa;ord 'sruelqord rno,{ eJnlBu "toPulI eqt euruJatepot elqBuneq Leurno/, 'trBtsor aceld aqt aq LlqeqordJo ar{l puBtsrepun no.( plnoqs 1l llruo 'serderaqrogclsdJo 3uo1 eJo puo eqt tB sreadde t$l uorlrassrgrg8noqrlv '8uru:ee1 eluBqueot pesneq IIE plnor 8ur,ie1d puB fureod,surllj ,uorssnosrp slor dnorg 'stuedrorrred Jo tsaretureqt ploq pue IBrretBU r{cBet eqr eql ol sanbruqoal &auen E esnplno^\ repeelpoo8 V .spoqteu leuortBf,npe;o Surqceal euoreq oqr!\sreureelluaia!!ry IBuoItIpBnqtl^{ peroq,tl>1crnb ueuo eresraCCIV'serntJal,oserres tsnl eq ](uplnoqsuortBf,npeoqcLs4 e
rdvuaHl suol^I aNV IdvuEHJ

'e^rrf,elJe eq l(uo^r rallortuoc e l,q pe1dnor8 y 'ramod JoJpeeu B-suosBar Suormeqt JoJseloJdrqsrapeol eunsseeldoadatuos 'Llqenar8ag'dlaqJles Jo qeo8 eqt ot tuetutnuruooB pue sllHs aldoed ureur orlJ poo3 ser{eqsleqt are repealdno.r8 uoddns B ro, suorlecrJllenb 'sdnor8 lenpl^lpul Jo ,brlenb aqt ur ,{rrpqeuenlear8 sI oreqt 'spunorSpeqtuerelJlpgrlm aldoedi(q unr pue pezrue8ro ere 'uortneo pron\B l,agr esnef,eg are i1n;d1eq sdnof dleqlles IIB toN Jo ezn arB ppErsn1u 'sdnorSaseqrJo slueuodord3nsBrsnqlua am qSnoqllv 'reprosrp ql/tr a^rl t(useopoq^t lsrderaqt eqt B dq u/!\ouIun serurteruos sarBeleJts Surdor;o e8pelmoul peuJBe.pJerl 'dnorg er{t ereqsuBf,sreqruaru d1eq11eg }o ernlcnns eqt ulqtllN eqr '[deregr eqr ruog Surssnu ecerd sr tuetrodul eqt '.CCV seq ler]uerJedxa eql uauo sr pue tsrdereqroqc/.sd sselu6l'l,dereqt leuoulperr ur Surssrru fuenocer;orred ler8elurue sr slqJ 'sruelqord leqr ro; l;lyqrsuodser erunsse ,{lenuceuec oq \ sJaqtuaru Suuamodule sdnor8esaqa ro; are 'sJsqlueru dnor8 Jer{losEsluelqordaureseqt ruorySuuegns ef,ueuedxaeqt Jo



'sraPeal qllBeq dnor8 UoddnssurBrtpuB lBluelu B qll/tt re{ro^\ IBIf,os V sJolluotuoqt\ JoteulpJooc dnor8rroddnsB serl'elduruxaro; 'yleuurf,urC releerc eql surBtu Jo llf,unoc cov erlJ'sraqtuetuslr ,o ,irlllqrsuodsar -ar dnorBeqJ 'satctlodro suer8ord s,dnor8 rnoqe suorsrf,ep aqr eIetu l(useopaqs'aa; B roJro srler8esruedxa sepr^ord Jeqleqt\ .dnor8 JOq ags e;o Llllenb aqr anordurruec tuetlnsuof,IeuorssoJordJo seorlJes e eqI 'peel aqr 8ur1ereroJeq sdrqseorruardde elJesPUB LuBJSord lJo/t\ [..[ 'stuedrcruedse aul] Surpuads eqt Jetje alor dtqsJepeel aunssesJaqrueu'aldruexe eqt JoJ'dnor8 snoulLuouy 'suorsses sf,Ilot{of,lv uB uI 'qo[ aql uo ecuauadxaure8 osleuBO srepee-I -lqru crpouad [q pazuollo; doqs{ro^\ pualee/h B eq ueo SururertaqJ 'uorsserSSe legran gtlrn Burleapro; sar8atBrls dnor8Jo srrsBq qsBel oslBplnoqs tI 'esngB puB sctrueudp eqt pllgr ol slrlupeoqrv\ euo Jo reqluelu dnorSIBplJIns qlr/t\ Fep 01^roq pue l,rr1e B -ltuaPlJuof, epnlf,ul plnoqs Sururertaql 'Sururen atuose^Br{ Jo senssl plnoqs uieqr'sleuorssa;ord eql l(uere sdnor8uoddnsjo srepBOI q8noqlly

'Surzrlodouour are slenpl^lpul d\eJ teqr ro eraq^\ouSuro8aq e ol sureos e rBqt uorssncslp alelnturtsuauo senbruqretaseqJ 'srqSnogr Jaq 'urnt ur Jegrueru ol r{f,Be Sur8ernof,ue sJeqruaru Jo tualls [uo{ tndut ro;8ur1sesBqf,nssanbrurlcat ol speeueqs 'eualJeturot Jepeal asn 'uorssnoslp aleururopor surSeq eql JoJatun s,lr 'JeAerr\oq eqt euoeuos 'atnQlJtuof, aag st euod-rane ot puB tseJelurureturerusJeqruetu aur; JI SurdocrnoqBuorssnf,slp ue pernl3nJtsun ,eldruBxe Joc Hrla,r ;1 sl ccv 'PePeeu ernlsTurs sB aplnord ol uI dals ol paredardeq plnoqs rotBtl PaPPB -llceydnor8y '/.saunof, uounuof,Jo salrupuB seulr Surpuepue Suruets lnoqB selnrqsrlgetse plnoqs dnorSaqr lBqt 'qSnoqr ueerusaop1l 'rol -elllllBj aql Lq tas BPuoBe grirn ateldruof,uonBzrue8ro ue pFp E e^Bq plnoqs dnor8 eqt ter{t uBetut(useopslqJ .crdol B ot If,rts pue surnl eIBr sr ter{t os enrteJadulr eJnlcnr}s'dnor8 rroddnsCCV uB ul III^\ sraqrueur 'l,1pcr8o1ot1cLsd taqroue auo tBaDot ^\oq lnoqB selru unq oq rref,sreqrueru rBelf,lnoqlllN 'snroJB lnoqll/t\ sraPuB/t\ uolssnf,slp JI Suyroqeuof,aq eql uec dnor8 uro;.ear; ri11erot .uorledrcruedAlruntroddolenbe ernsue V ot selru eq lsnu erer{J 'rltoerlf, oot sr dnor8 eql }l tsol ere dnor8 dl..{ aqJ 'erntf,ruts {oBI B sr ualqord lerluerod reqtouv JIes BJo slrJeuaq Jo

'JeqteSol Surureal eJB oq^\ eldoad uo tno uraql 8urfur JoJBuare acrloerd eqt apl^ord sdnor8 Sururerl sseuelrlrassv 'ureqt ]noqe Surpear rsnl Lq ureel ot tln]l#lp ere daql '.slll1seseql qrBer ol rduene $looq Lueur q8noqlly .ueqr Sutsn plone pue uolteoluntutuof, Jo Jo seporu enrssarsSe elrssed ezruSo -f,or ol tueel sluedrcrlred dlaq ol sr Sururerl sseuelruessv;o leo8 er{J 'peleoluntutuoJ eq rnor{ 'lso1 l(uol\ a8esseru st lutod rno,{ tBr{r an8en os Surqreuros des ro plnoqs no,t Surqleruos [us ol IIBJno^ raqretl4(\ 'uorlerruo;ur due aplnord ](useop tl 'elnf,ageur dllenba Etl rnq IBuoItBluoUuoJ eq tou l,eul uorlef,runruuroc onrssed 'rapuaJep e pue re1celle uB rltr^\ ataldruof, spunor8alrreq olur suor] -BsJaluoc urnl reqr uorlesnf,f,B notr Jo sluetuelets eJBsa8pssaur anrssar8 -By 'aurelq erBf,runruruo) t(uop reqr s8urlaa; pue speau sluaualels Jo Jeelo 'antuesse eJBsa8essetu eser{I :erdeqc JarlJBauB ur peuouuatu eA\ sa8nssaw aW aottcerd uBf, JaCCV uB 'suorsses Sururerl sseualruessv ul I 'ssauen8el eAIssBd qlyn Suuemof, Jo spueunuoJ enrssarsSB qtrl\ luauoQ -do raq JeAo Surlmoq Jeqlle 'uouectunturuoo e^rrf,aJlagllrn ,blncr.glp seq uerlo aqs 'lFpB CICV uB JoJSururen sseuenruessepueunuoJar ,(FI31.{e/X\ 'seuo antssedJo aAISSeJSSe JerpBJsa8esseru ueqr enruesseytlrn r(pea1catef,Iunturuof, ot tuedrcyrred eqr saqf,eat Surule[ sseualruessv

Eqqela ssauearuassv

crporJad qcns 'lorluoo f,fllenb JoJtusrueqJeu eruospue se ;o s,i.amns srepeeleqr roJ uerSord Sururerre ro; [qqol ol ernsag 'dnor8 rroddns e Suruelslnoqe Surlurgr sr leql uonezrue8ro Jo ued eq rq8lu notr uB 'ur\o rnor{8u[uro; JePrsuof, auo Jo reqtoue roJ Iool 'uo Suro8Ereqmgrl,r alqerroJruof,un puB dnor8 IeeJ e puane nodyl 'dnor8 aqt setutlfceyeqs^roq e^resqopue Surure[ peq sBqrepeal aqr jl rno pulC 'suorlsenb pue Jeunsuof,esr^\B eg .dnor8 1su dlaqlas e qceorddenoL ueq/r\ruaur8pnfpooa rnod puedsns t(uoq 'srapeeleqr ot Sururerlpue uoddns aplnord ot slutlnsuof,pleA puB Jeetunlongtlrn s>Fo/rr 'punor8lceq aqs
NVal{ no^ iilzvuc uo ordrus'xzvl JoN I^{,1

uBe,u,o.,o,ffi ,:;#:sK::,'"rJ:1,^ ;l?*li#,HT,f

69. eroruJo uorlf,urys^p ot peel oslBsuelqord eseql sar[\y''rC or Surproccy 'tuaruo^oru,(poqpue errusodprem{^\BpuB uorlBurproof,aLe-pueqpue 'gcnot ot ,brrrrtrsues eruBIBqgrlrn zblncr.glp ePnlf,urasaqJ 'srualqord ecuetredxaIII/I\ egs 'sesuos f,rsegeseqlJalseur t(usaopIBnplAIp IBJeAes -ul ue Jr leqt sezrJoeqr '[rrzrer8 arnf,as puB euo] B qrlm drqsuorrelar 19 'arnlsod 'stuatuanoru pezrue8ro-lle/n elf,snu 'acueleq ade o} 1ecrs,{gd speelsesues eeJr{taseqtJo uortBJ8atur l,pea 'tuaurdola^epIBtuJou qtl716 'eloq \ e se,i,poqeqt puB sued [pog lBnpl^lpul 'parecrld ol eqr Jo uorlrsodpue lueurelorr eqr esues ,b111qe Surnlonul 'asuas -rrrof, eJoruleqlreruossr uorldacoudor4 'ecuBIBq JBlnqltsel eqr esues alltf,Bt er{I 'sesues anpQacou4o.rd Jnlnq pue rlf,not seAIoAuI pue '4lifri eqr epnlcur uretsureJq ur paler8erursesues -usaft eql JrseqaqJ 'retel dolarrapteqr 'SutpeersBqf,nssassacord parecrld -ruof, eroruroJ uonBpunoJeql seuof,eqsrqJ 'e8e1ooqf,s saqoear pllql B arull aql dq Jlteruolne seruof,aq Llleraua8'aro;eJeqt'tndur fuosuas 'nreJII ,(Feadrlcedec ur s(uletsuleJq Jo er{r ;o fualse]z\t IBuoIlBzIueBro pue ruaudole^ep aqt uo spuadap lnduy IBnsrA fuorlpnexeldurocol tcBer ol ulerq eqr Jo Lt111qe rBqr slruqns eqs 'lS Jo eereeqt ur qf,reaser erp pue Sulrlrr\ elrsuetxe euop seq or.{/r\ }redxe uB sr serr{yueef 'V 'JCI 'O-I ro/pue CICV qrl^{ qen -pl^lput LueuruI uelqord aroc aql sr uouf,unJsLp uorrer8atur,i;osues anrtdepeue se{Bu puB Jeuueru terlr e^elleq ststdereqtIS 'esuodsar tuerf,rlreuB ur erep fuosuessaaue8roureJqSuruoucun;-llel\ eqJ 'esn ro; rndur l;osues Jo uoueaue8ro eqr sl uoner8alul fuosuag tparfl 'looq srqr edocseqr puo,{egsl uorteueldxepellelep B pue Jo xaldurocreqlBr sl IS puF{aqfuoar1r aql 'slsrderaqJlBuorrednccgl,q pef,rlf,Brd pue pedolenap,tderaqrJo ruroJB sl (lS) uoner8elur fuosuag uoue.r8elul d.rosuag ',blnltcnpord sanordruluollef, -runruruor elrlre#e rBq] Suuroul 't1 ro; ,{edor 8ur1pm daga 'sillIs ere uollef,Iunruruoo Jrar{tef,uequaot seel,oldueJreqt ol SurureJlJa#o setuedruor Lueyq'selllsJanrun sdnor8dtrunruuoo g8norqt elqEIrB^B pue are Laql ',blunruuor rnor{ur dnor8 B elef,ol ot ,tsea LFp; eq plnoqs rl
.r.dvuaHl euohl aNV rdvuEHJ

'sulre1f, aseqluoddnsot slle;qf,rBesar Poqraurelgenle^B eq IIIts tq8tu 19 'uortuane eJntnjellsuatxe pue uorteJtueouof, panordtursBqf,ns JI ueAE 's1aae1 raq8rqlB uolter8atutfuosuas penordtul sturelo or Jo ,stsrdeJeqt elBler uanordun aql 'qf,not grl,n sertlnlrlJlp pue ef,uBIBq IS 'o slcadse 'uotteutproof, arrordrut sdleqIS rqr slse88ns r{JJBaseJ :q lectsAqd ,ser^(y 'rt Sutl'pntsueqt [dererp Eulop srseqdura uo erorueceld srsrdereqr 19 'spromJaqrou1 'ra^{ ueeq t(uaneqacrtoerdaqt }o stcedse padolanap IIa^,\ eqr qf,reesar lBf,rteroaql l^qzn slql sdeqro4'suelqord ol qoeorddeuo pue sl -spuBq clteuSerd e ue>1er ,i11ereue8 ldereql leuorrednf,f,o3o aurld seq -llslp eql 'tr sanordsrp qsrBesar petrlull rBqt anrt oslBs(trtng 'srrJeueq str s,15 elep patrurl ]qt enrt s(tl 'ls uo etBpqf,rBas Jo sturBlf, srroddns -er o^uroddns sF{rroJ uosBer lsrrj aqJ Jo llBI eqt ot patBlersr uorsrf,ep '[deraqr rueeJ]surBtu sB epnlf,urol suoseaJ e IS 'slqr grl,n Surllsarm roj rerlv .ruersls qtlBer{IBr IBrenes peplrep eA\ -uetu aqt paqsrlqBlse Jo sreglualupetsedser pue penlB^ orBoq^\ stsde 'ldereqr enrl -rerlr [q leuorredncf,o pacrrcerdsr IS lBq] sr epls dtu eql -BuralleelqBuorlsenb sBpeqlrf,sep B ,{Fuanbausl IS 'srgeuaq srurBlf, Jo slt uoddns ot r{f,Jeesal tuerorllns3ur1ce1 'uorrdo tuotuteoJtB se,(de -reqJ uouer8arul fuosuasuouuaru Lllensr t,usaoparntererll qCIV eql 'uortBlnrults sle^alJe^\olJelsetu jo puB etBJa -lot ot surBeltuallf, er{t sBuorlelnruns eqt eseeJf,ur [11enper8 suors o] -sos eqt sueld[11n;arec aqr trrleer uJ 'uorssas ,ie1d rsrderaq] pasrnradns B uBql erour elnll eg o1reeddeuec AderaqrIS 'ranresqo eqt IBnsBJ oJ 'uoltotu ut dpogreq ar{l retoors Jo esues ratserutuerlr erp dleq or spreoq pue sdruerPUBaf,ueleq esues eqt ofelnrurlsol s8urnssesn,ideragr Jo 'Peqcnol eg or elll t(useopoq^\ tuarlf, B r{]r/v\ [1zno1s ,{1rua3 pue IS s{Jo/t\ tsrderaqfoql 'uol}Blnulfs alltcel saprloJdurls s(tuerlf, of eqr 'Surqqng'tueruelour ernsserd snoro8rn patlddero Surqsn-lq pue uortrsod (qJnol [Poq PUB ecuBIBq f,rseg azrue8ro ,trrpqe er{t or Jo suor]esues s(tuetsulBrq uaqr8ueusot pau8rsap lderegJ uouer8erul fuosueg eqr sr 'Sunperuos SurlcnJlsuof, slrsualn Jo Surrea Sursn'Surtum;o Arrnrtf,B eqt Inlesofund rltrlr\ eJaletur qllls 'uJnt u1 'Ll111qB]s erour esaqtur sdeS pef,uB^pB lBuortotuepuB le^el [rlnlrce 'uedsuol]uene ttrnrlre Jororupauueld sBr{f,ns'{qllls peoue^pe

oslB sBureeJtsurBtuoqt ruou pe^olueJ JeJse eJBlBt{] eruos lnoqB PBOJ 'no^ ot rerlrlue; Llqeqord are reqr eruos rnoqe pear IllA\ no1 IIIllr no 'stlnpe CCV lenpl^lpul ro; stlJeuag ro#o rq8tu pue /.eznLue ut 1n; -luJeq ruaest(uop teqt eruos pepnlcur e^Bq e46 'serdBreqteAItBLrIerlB jo ,tteuen B ra3$o sreleeq [qdosollqd eBy A\eN ro sre]uec Sutleeq f,ItsIIoH

Ade.raql earleurellv
'no,i. Lde sreedde eg ro; Ierf,r;eueg lq8rru pue sselrureg .Jer{t 'urerual Lueruq8noqtly 'uoltuene rno'{ suousanbpera/lrsueun 19 enordruruele rq8ru pue ecuBIBg pue uolteulproof, grlrn dl",{ rq8tu r1 'uortdo uB sB,tderarlr replsuof,ot tuelv\rq8tu no[ 'l1npe CICV uB sV IS
s(uerpllr{f, eqt sef,ueque tuarudtnbe stql Sursn tBr{t Pe^resqo seq eqs 'sllnseJeqr tnoqe JrtsBrsnqruasl eqs 's8uules eseqt uI uourruof, sI spreoq JetooJSpue s8ur/hsJo esn eqt teqr stroder aqg 'edoJnE uI tuooJsself, rJossatuoy\ B ul pe{Jo1!\Jer{f,eets,ratq8nep ^tu 'sleaz{,{ueurJoC,,3yX 'erult 3uo1 e JoJunlnf,IJJnf, sll otur seldrcuud 19 pererodrocul seq 'edorng ur ,i.pelncnred 'uoneonpa 'enlen s,Lderaql rJosssetuo]Al IS Jo stunof,f,Bletopf,eue Sutstruord osle aJBoJer{1 'Lrnful eqr ssed/,qot suoJneu ueel\teq suollf,auuof, se8ro; ndaN 'ecttrerd ecrlcerd tuetsuof, sBuIBJq ar{t uI peteaJf, are sri,eunqred q8norqr slll1s Jreqt ure8er ot ureel ueryo sruuJrn aIoJts 'eldruexa rog 'Pe^erleq,i,lsnornard snonreu pue ureJq eqt rerp 'reneznoq ueqt alqeledeJ eJotu eJEruets,i.s (ecuaplna Surmor8 sr ereql 'pernleu pue padole^eP Apeerle seq tl ef,uls eABq suedxa anrsuodsarssal eq plnod\ ulerq tlnpe aqt tegt parsaS8ns euos 'uarPllqc Jo lualulBerl aql uo PesncoJsBt{qrrBeser IS elqBIIB^v 'Llqenlef,uoC 'sTsel reqto uuoyed ol ,{8raua lBluaru dn aar; plno^\ slrp 'urBJq pepBolJa^o ue uo urBJts aql ef,nPal PIno^\ surals,{sulBues ut 8ut -uortrun, panordurr teqr s(lenP srueesosle rI 'uollf,un; ol Ll111qe 1ecr3o1 -l^lpq uB qtr^{ aJejiJetu ,{lureuac uBc esuBIBqPUBuollBulPJoof, Jood
(('ruBel PUB elBrluef,uoJ ol seIlIIIqB


Htl,n sllnPBeruosro} lualulBeJr]o

Idvu:rHI Edol/{ oNV IdvusHI



'uortf,Ber srql Surcnper IrydleLIa8BssBur ]r.{ftlu no^ ,esereqr $ $ql ul pulJ 'dderar{r ueqt aJnuol sBeJorua8esseur acueuedxarterunor{ ,paqf,nol SuraqeTISIpnor{;1 'relelrror{'euori;ene l(usr ddureqr a8esselnl roJ

"rr."*t5l1tr:rtji:i oqt snJo asoql ro; 1n;d1ag arrnb eq uBf,slr{I 'qrSuarrspe^\euerpuB 'uorsuat acead;o s8urleeJ qrln\ r1Suroeldat eJnperuBf,tl 'uorlexeler'o turo} srqt ot se^leslueqltBert pue aSessBtu tuog lljeueg eldoadLueyri
'funfur [ltpoq esnef, uec 'e8esseru snoro8rnsasnoqt\ uosrad uv 'aSesseur a;eseql uI peurBJlsBqoq/r\tsrderaqt PsurBJlun Jo ef,rlf,Brd B pesue3rl roj lool ol ernseg 'rl fui ot eplrep noL;1 .uoEBXBIer lBluelu Jelnf,snul eAaIqcB ,ipoq eqr of sasn Ldereql a8esseyrl PUB Jo uortelndruBur ddereqa a8essu;,11 'reQclv ssellser roJ B e {oBqA\BrP eq plnor teqr acttrerd pue euldrosrpJo IBeptear8e selnbar e8otrtezremoq'enncaga eq oI 's8urqrJaqto Suoure'uorterluef,uof,pue uollBxBlersatoruordr1esnBceq rlnpE clcv uB roJ lerf,rJeueq plnor eq Llapl/t\l,usl 11'tlnser e sV .,bercos 11 ,{rtunoosrql ur pef,rtf,erd uretselg Jno ot UaIIBst tn9 eJBf, qtleoq leraua8JoJlBrlualod snoturoueseq e8otr 'slBe, eseql parpllB^puB peprocar stsrluerss'slBof, a^rl reno 3ur>11en Surteegurou suBeqrreqt ro "1".{ SurddotssBqf,nssleeJSurpunotse ruroJradot elqe ere s8otr paqsrld -luof,f,v 'tqSnoqr aldrurs'e18urs uo pultu raq snf,oJ 'aut14nslp B ot a\] ("qsanq o\m auo'l3o eqr alqeueot paurldrcsrp Apoqpue punu eq1 ere 'Plro^rePIStno ruo{ eqt Ilnruts Jo tnqs ot Surureal^q ssausnorf,suor uart181ag ot sr leo8 eqJ fpoq aq] Je^o fualseu ure8 ot sasrf,rexe pcrsl,gd (uortBllpetu pue SurqleoJg sesn uerpul luarf,uBue sre8otr rBqr aurldrcsrp

adoc ur'rrse^\sB ol r'qr srs'ryrr,n uorsuer


'suondo lue{uleeJl (ueql Luu fut ot eplcapno[;1 IuuorlueluoJ aceldarol tueqt esnl(uop 'lrydleq 3q_tou,{eu ro derureqr slueuteeJl ;o leluauuadxa sBsenrteuretp eseql preSarplnoqs no^ '/r\ouerotu ^\eJB ppBor 3uro3 er(offi .uounef, '1ooq srqr lnoq8norql Jo spro^\eurospapnllur e^eq a/l\ iaq uBf,Laqr
Nvahlno^ IiAZVUSuO ArdruS',LZVI tON r^{,1



ilueurqsllqersa IBf,IPaueql rlq l(usBr{,(1urer -JeJll lnq tseof,tsa^\aqt uo relndod anbruqcelB sI ,oa8esseyrl uleJg eqt ieuozrqft11rru lo rno rq8rertss,rlJI sespunosteqr Lderaqrer{t s.ereH ulurg a8ussu;,11 'asnods puelJ, 'alqeuoJtuof, Jo pue elrua8 are sanbruqceteqt Suturnsse uuoyad uBf,JnelerueuV 'elueruelle uB eq uuc sa8essBtu e uo e8esseru pesuef,IlB qtl/t\ suolssas Surpen 'ra8pnqrnol, puo,{eqere tsrderer{r JI 'sssue^rsuaJeP ellrf,4 Yrllt euo,tuero; suoderletopreuBreH crtnaderaqtter{t tsaS8ns In;asnaq rq8nu e8esseur 'qf,not ol uorsre^Baqt eznrsuesep ra11 sr Lllenper8ol peu8tsep ,i,dereqr 'req ,{11enxas sluellr pesnqe esoq/t\ e^Bq $srnerr{cAsd ot rueqr perraJar Jo{ ue 'aldruExa sr grlrn Jo IBJeAAS 8urryom,(1tuaunf, sJno ef,uBlutenbce

or q8noue lsBj l(usl retnduot aqr ef,urs 'dSolougraraqt ur qcrr18e;o llnser eql sl{rlleeH lenuln }o Iertuetod orlnaderegraql ,,ilSurtseratul 'uolrlsBJ slqr ur peurBel,{11pear orotu eq plnol sllHs uorleurproof, 'peads Jololu,{ueru LlqenracuoC JetsBJ re slll{s eqt ecncerduBf,er{s B 'orreruorne eurocegqll]S eqr ueq/N 'Lroruaur ueqr sexrj r,Irlrr; arls ut actlcerd,(lpeteader uosrad 'uortotu ^rols uBf, Illun qlpls.Surqclec V q sl IIBq aqt trrleag lentrln ul .punor8erlr Bu1u1q eroJeq dlznols erotu ol aq Ps^otu rl JI IIBqu^rorql B q318f, urBelot tuerlBde rol rersBe pFo^{ rr '{rsluenerd,iryner8 af,JoJ aqt tng .acedJa/hols }B euop jo B eJe^r [eqr JI ralseeqf,nrueq plno^\ sllHs rolotu Surureeleg.stur]rrl e>loJts Surdlaqur lertuetod slr paau8oreJaler{ sraqf,reaseJ IB3rpalAI 'PIro^\ elBurallEsrqt ur e133n[ ureal ro e>ll9B eplr uB] eqs 'plroA\ ol pelereue8relnduoo B ulqtrn\ stf,_B l,11enpe ,saas l,1uotou tuerll eqr ,selBBoB trns tnq pue , [poq pazualndruoc Suruuoc .plro^{ e]EuratleuE sateen r"qi L8olou e -qf,er relndurof,e sr ,Alprg lenurn iauo re8uertsuela uB JoJ^tou puv Argeag 1enr46 'seJnzres ef,npurseurrletuos u^toul ol are slq8r1SurqsegesnBf,eq a8esse;,qulBrg pIo^B plnoqs sreprosrp eJn4es qrlrh slBnpr rpul :SuruJe^4, pJo^\tueuodrur euo sr arer{I Jo 'aldoad urerg Jo srurelc tr lsoul roJ sselurer{aq ol sreedde lng a8esseyrl aqr arndslp^Jo^ uoddns reqlre ol qcreeser ,{,ue ereqJ ;sauoqdpearl J(usr pue sa133o8 grlm eurcrperu rno,{ aceldarnoL rer{r puauuof,eJ l(uop . ,(lureuaoa^r tnq suorleur8eurJno ol sleadde ,{deraqrBurn8utul qt1i

-euos^roJ 3ur1oo1 sragruaru erB dllurBJll 'oo0l$-00t$ lnoqBuee^ueq Sur8uerslsor ro; alqelrele erBuBruxBIeU pue eurqceueeJq parueu seurqf,BuurBrqauoH 'uorsses 97$ lnoqB sr aSesseur rad urBrqJo tsor eqJ
'uollBJluef,uof, anordrur pue AlrnlteeJf, pue uortexeleJ eseeJf,ur or pasoddns s luarutBeJl

',iepqr'q r* ['fi;/ut:ilHffiil?Y]'it: euo uBf, aq,{eru 'ap'o riaqr rnor

eqJ 'etBtse{llrueeJpB ef,npur'urer;o rened eqr seqf,ns,spunos snouol 'sa133o3 seuoqdpeeq dn -ouoru pue srgSllSurqseu pue ol Jo surelle4 areq/trseds srurt8 ro pulur pellel sretue3ol oB siuarl3 Pe]ooq are ,(er1r

'ruetsl{saununur eqt Jo luauoduoJ tueuodul ue 'q1el-J.Io requnu eqt esBersuruBf, sanbruqoal eseqJ 'ruels[s eunurull aqt ef,ueque uec uorlezrlensln leqt ef,ueprne s]ues -ard sursnoC uBturoN 'urailoH ffiqo7g a\L,ts,ug lo WaH Iooq slq ul 'sruelqord lecrperu;o 'baue^ B qlr/v\ eldoad dl",{ uer tl saterrpul qf,reasor eSnBJoq ureeJlsuleu eql olul{em slt Surleru un8eq sBq uortezrlensrn uonBzrIBnsrA 'snf,oj srq enordur puB u/t\op txlef, Jeq Surdlaq 'CCV gtl,n rlnpe uB ro; ref,nper ssensB sBInJesneq uBc rl .eq ol suedder{ Ienpl^lpq eqt ereqmdue elqBIrB^Bpue eery-lsof,Lllenrln 'uree1 ot dsea ere sanbluqf,et er{J 'uortBXBIeU elrsnlnl elrssarSor4 gtlrn surelgord;o ,bauen y PetBaJtaJBuorsuet Jo ,barxue gllrn petBrJossB 'seslf,Jexe agr q8noJgr tuerlf, eqt eptn8 uec sadet uortexelar tauren ro tsrd -BJar{tB r{tl^\ sanbtuqcet asaqt Surureel grlart Buoly 'sa8erurtueseald $ Jo uortezrlBnsr^ pue SurqlBerq deap qSnorgr pecuBque ,{11ensn srql 'PoxBIer ere solf,snu eqt IIB lltun [poq er{] ur sdnor8 elcsnru snorren er{l Surxelar pue Sursuer,{11enpl^lpu dg penerqf,Bsr uouBXBIarelf,snu deeq '^(peln8eJsesrf,Jexa eqr seop eqs reqt tsog Etl q8noqrle 'pepeeu sBruaqt esn uec eqs ,sanbruqf,et eqr sureel er{sreUV 'L11ep uaqr sallcerd ueqt pue Surrras dnor8 B ur Jo }les -Jer{Lq senbruqf,et uoIIBXBIaJsuJeelluerlf, aqJ 'uortexular etoulord reqt selueuretle aqt;o [ueru or relllurs s(]l esnef,eqereq rl pepnlf,ur e^(e/v\lnq luBeJlsulBlu eql olul [em s]t epBlu i(11eer seq Ldereql srr{J uonexelag elJsnIA[ ea.rssa.rEo.r4 'uorteur8etur Jno ot sleedde tBr{r ,idereqr srqt ot palBIeJ stuarudole^ep ^teu ro; uado sJBepuB sar{a rno,( dea; 'e8els qcJBasaldpee uB ur lllls dSolouqf,ol A\eu enrsuadxe uB s,ll '( i) nns n4 OO0'O0Z$ 'Surtu,r,rpueq Surpu eTq sBgf,ns qlpls ro tV .slllls roloru ureel ot elqe aq rq8rur tlnpe CCIV ue trrleeg lenurn q IoJluoJ Jototu ssor8Jo eurJ grl,n srualqord JoJ esn petrurl auros eABq 'stuetulBart plnof, ll {qqr op e^\ tng CICV leuonrperl aouldar uBf, ll srqr pepnlf,ur t(ue^Bq al(\ {uF{l e^\ esnBraq,brleeu lenul^ }o uorssnf,srp 'PIro^\ IBer eql ur lr oP plnor aq os paads eqt peseercur ,(11enper8 uarlr pue Lrrleeg lenuln ul .eru}l a133ntot Jlasurq ltl8ner ,ffiolouqcet srql;o sradola^ap aqr Jo euo 'Llaterntoe ,brleal alBlnurs IBntce uBql JeA\olssI etult ,btleag IBntJIn
AdvueHJ suot\ aNV IdvuEHI

B iureJqalrtuenul pue eAnBeJf, Joj uorsJalrpteer8 B aq plnol uonezrlensrl'aqe SurqlouJI 'urergeql ur s8urqrSuruos arp tno Suruealo'sp1eudutt sesJennusueJloJneu Surzrlensrn fut PUE 'srualqord taneznoq lq31u raCCV uV 'enp^ e^Br{rq8nu rl reqr srsaSSns Jeqto sU 'rloJeeser perueunf,op ,iq ro Jagunu u SurleaJlur ssaulnlesn uaeqt.usBqCICV Surreerlur ,tdereql uortezrlensln sseuelltf,a#e aqJ Jo '1ryd1eq eqr punoJseq eqsdre8erur sepnlf,ur r{lercadsB sasn saurrletuos eqs 'eruoq lB esn leqr edel olpne peu8rsap Alpnlua^e III^\ aqssenbruqf,ar rueel or rsrdereqrB r{lr^\ sTro^\tuerlc aql eql 'surqfuopua 'srallnusueJtoJneu Surruleceql lno Surpuas ureJq req arnlf,td rq81utuosradsnoIXuB 'sller ref,uBf, uV Sullq8g srarplos Jo duue uB sBuatsAseununurs,l,poq Jaq ezrlensrn tq8rur tuertBdreruec y 'seJrsep eqs srlnseJ Jo aJnlf,rdleruaruB aleeJf, s(uBelluerlf, eql eql ol 'sJeureel Suonsro; Alprcadse talseur ot ,i,see Lpp; sr uorlBzrlensrn IensIA 'l,deraqrsrqt,o tl;aueq puu tueuodruoclueuod -tul uB sI uoIlBxBIeU'SC1y JoJlueuleeJl rcunlpe ue sBpuB sruerSord sseulla^\ JeJuBf, dlanrsuelxe ut tlrueun3 pesnSuraqsr uorlBzllBnsrn
'LZv-IloN iiAZVuC uO ardru.S I^{,1 NVflIAI no1

-uof, uaxe ot srrreal ^llBnpurS aq3 'seneiv\ureJq eJnseeu lBql seurqJeu ruo{ {lBqpeeJ snonuuuof, se^rarer luerlf, eqr ,If,BqpeeJolg cEE ul

{rBqPeeJolg cflg 'uraqrfur ol unq t(uplno^\ Llureuac 'esnor eldrurs aJBS sesrf,Jexe aJB tl pue aqI

'luatuuoJrnue aqr luoJt uonElnrutlsssesxe llolq ot ueql esnplnos tno TaCICVue sdeqra4'Llllyqucrldde rapl^{ e^Brlrq8nu senbrutpel eseql

etuos s/r\ouog puB sasrf,Jexe Surgteerg Jo spur{ tueJe}Jlp sasnanbruqcet ezetue-Iu^\oul-llal\ eqJ 'qulqpllrlo Suunp dralxue pue ured Jo tueru -a8eueru eql ut 'esJnoo 'sl sanbruqrel esaqt Jo Jo esn uotutuof, lsotu aqJ senbpgra.1 quIqHIqJ IBrrqeN 'lleA\ se 's,i,em Jeqto ur dleg lq8rur ter{t anbruqcel uorlBXEIeJe sBuouel 'ssalaqreuoN .aleldulocur -lpery IeruepueJsue{ pueuuof,eJ uec am sI sluIBIf,aseqr Surrroddns qf,JBesar tng,brnueerf, pue ,(8reua sesealf, 'poolq eqt ur suortertuaf,uof, -ul rl teqr rurEIOosle IAII Jo stueuodor4 alBl3BI puB arnssard poolq pesearf,epJo $raJJa lecrSolorsl,qd eqr dq sB PeJnsBeru uonBXBIer sef,npord IAIJ rBql petBrtsuoluap sBq rlsrBeseu 'uor]BXBIeJ Jo alels redaap e Sunlceer spJe/hol ssarSordreq s^\ollo; pue setBtlperu eqs ellq/h relndurof, eqr ot dn palooq sr tuerlc V '&rrrrff,B eAB^\urBJq ernsBeluol sralndtuof, Jo esn eqr qrrn\ qcer q8tr{ auo8 ,{ltueoar seq ]AIJ 'uorleJluaJuoc snf,oJol tdrueue ou grlrn,ilaar; rr\ou or srq8noqr sltrurad Jotellpau er{J 'BJtuErureq sleedar Lpualrs eqs se sedaJeq sesolc luednrued eqr uorlBllpeu Suunq 'ArrleuosradJeq ol paqf,reu pue uos -rad qcee ot enblun punos lerJes B sr BJtuBureqJ 'suonetlperu raq Eur -JnP esn ot tuedtcyrred qoee ro1D.wrmil lerceds B slJeles Jotf,nJtsul aqJ 'l,ep e ef,rlu 'salnurur Aluaml awoq le PeJltf,erd uarlr pue suorssas pue{ee^r otu ,(lalerurxordde;o poued e ur rq8net Lllensn g enbrur{Jet uorlerlpeur er{J .,bue1c lBtueru pue uorlBxelar ripog deep sacnpord tBgl enbruqcel lBluau aldrurs B sl IAIJ

or rBf,orrcaro.,;"::i,:i: rurod ese ##ff:sffillil",.'l#:ll

(nf ) uopsqpelt 1uluepuersuu"ta



i{ooq slql rnoq8norgr Sutpeequaoq 'rsBIJoJlseq eql a^(ad\ aes eJaqd\ ot e^(e/r\ Pe^Bs 31 rerdeqc or uJnl os 'lce; ul 'peqslur;etrnb lou aJ(e^\ no/, uaq^{ PIP rno,{PeUBls fng 'Surpear nor(ueqt /v\oueJorutol B /t\ou1 noA edoq eA, 'CC17 rnor( Sut8eueu ro; an(e4t ,{uerupaulruexopuB uolletruo;ul Jo IBaPtear8 B PeJBr{s ser8alens 'uorqsejreql ut aleradoot puat sreqev teqr noL ller ol e^Bql(uoP e/N 'SunpAueur /.3reuepue aull tuerorllnsSuusanultnoqlrznSurqrfuane ,i,geuq'atueltalq ,{deraql B euof,aq l(uoq 'ef,uore dlag apls Surldures


i{ooq slgr rnoq8norqr Sutpeaquaeq eas a^(e/heJeqd\ ol 91 rardeqc ol uJnl os 'rsBIroJ lseq eqr Pe^eseA(eA\ 'toe; no,i rno,{PelJEls ueqlt plp uI 'peqslur;ettnb Jou eJ(a/t\ 'Surpeer rng ro; noL no,i.ueqt ^\ou eJorurol B zv\ou>l adoq eA, 'CCy rnor{ Sur8eueru en(e11t dueul peuIUBXe sar8etens pue uolletruolul Jo IBaP tear8B PeJeqs 'uorqseJ l(uoP e/X\ reqr ut eteradool puet sreCCV reqr no,i. ol eABq 11ar 'Sulrpr(ueur /,8rauepue erult tuerf,rlrns SunsenultnoqtrznSutgtfuane Lgauq 'aruenapq /.deraqJ B euoreq l(uoq 'ecuo re dlaq apls Surldures
|/,\ZVUCuO aldruS'LZV-IION hl,l NVE|I notr

(ssousnorrss ul l,uPIP I PUB ItBq ellqA\B srqt etu pe{sBeuoetuos IIB sf,a8 ipanD&slp a\ ua\ffb,lnq 1UU,nl 01 aqKDuL ,Krclo :auo "Laa$ auoauros wD iasno\ aqory uD?fnq oi a\w U saopsaftnraraflKy KuvrumoH -eq plno^{ ,ssan8 ,alo[ aqJ .eur]noJ I ,tcalord 8tg B s(rlrng, eqr aru ene8enrre8eu fuan auoaruos ,iepo1 .asnoq eqopBue Surpllnqjo uortuetul eqr gll,n uosf,nJol pa^otu rsnt j 'pear-llem dlqeqorder,no1.sernotu ur .srnoq repun ur srseqt salol eq] r{f,tecor q8noue {f,rnb ar,no1 9t 't,uop puB) uBf,no^ roruesB etrr^\ (elqproq s(lrpuB plp I esnBf, 'daa1s or roicop rno^ JEc ol lsnl urle]lu;o eldnoce Burznolp,ns-,tq punoJuof, puB spuar{ rnor{ezBruB nod puB enssr tou lsnl uuc ue sr 'ecuelsurroJ daalg ICICV ot slcedse poo8 are areqt asJnor JO,, :prBog utrellng ralnduof, B uo pereedde teqt Surtsodtuef,er snlt replsuoC isreqqv-uou relo se8el -uBApB enrSteql sattrlrqe sn olqenle^pue enbrune^Bq osluel(\ .sartrlrqe -srpqtr^\ aldoaduBqt eJotuqJnu eJB rBqr uortf,r^uoJtuJr}B e/l\ ploq E/N .S]INPB ECBJ SaI]Inq#P eqr PSqIJJSoP SE E/T\ a^\ uena Iooq CICV SB $q] rnoqSnorqredoq puE tusnulrdo;o pBerql B aAB3.&\ perrl e^(a/(\ ol 'selllllqlssod pue edoq tnoqe srretdeqr srqt asnef,eq ssacord Surlroxa 'Fy'ofB sI ]l 'teqt uBt{t ero]{ iserlrr.ue; qtl^\ sellesrnoturenbreerpug rno sretndruo3 sJIteJ,(11eur; e,t.esnef,aq Jno uBf, lred ur sseoord Surlrcxaue sl qql 'looq rno Jo rerdegc IBUIJ Surrlrzn eqr d11ry,{oI ar,e41.rl sl rlql

'{tluniloddo alrelsgo 0l ruou

8I )rErdvHS

'rolrelxe q8nor rno,{.r{teeueq Pelrnq le,r.ef e st ,i.1nrlarol{I la8ernoc 'raooJaIol sa>lm U,olta e{Br pue uets[s Uoddns e dn ro]snul 'd1".{ leC 4 'rena^Aorl'ta8ro; l(uoq a.LD a\i llD \1.Lofin no1:Tooq slql Jo lBeABr aql 's8urqr ful or plege sn se{Blu ernller fuorsq rno PUBsunq PUBsasue}eP lo 'lsel AseeuB l(usl qql qteeueq pelrnq ueryo eJe slualel rno ;o sre,(e1 'leuuatod rnor( Surqsealunpue sallIIIqB 'set]lllQestprno[ rno,( SutranocslpJo ssacordeqr ur8eq uBf, no[ PUB]s -repun noL ueql6 '{ooq slr{t Jo Inos PuB ueeq eql sernlder raqqv slr{J

,;Q-I1O/\\ I JVHJ J.NOCI XIJSIINOH I TNIJ,TI EAS.I-IEr J,NVC I A\OADT 'nnom nou4l,uop 1 1! qsndnoLplnoA\-ssen8 lerurou'nou1 l(uoPI 'oq s1-316ru^us 1 ,2r1
1l\ou{ :[es o] rBq^/Y\ CCV e^Bq tou puE uottnq e qsnd PInof, no,{ 11,



suelqord eltqnspBr.l e^Bqslenpr^rpur petjr8erorus(plroa lBsrSolorneu aqr jo [ueur ]Bqt ralof,srpLeu a,r.,araldruof, eroursi ueq/N "ape1^oul se se lear8 terlt urerq Jo slalf,odsuretuof, ,'l^rt|qeslp IIO^\ l^rrlrge pezrlErf,ads e aneqot sureos sn tng .sortlllqe Jo serlrlrqBslp rno rno Jo qf,Ba .dnor8asranrp erBsJeccv a1)N JeqtrslnoqBszrlBreueS alqlssodurs,r1 ol e urerg pezrlerradg eql pue C61V 'lnJssef,fns or ,(rrlrqe eq ;no.(grlm op:r IBaptear8 r"-r{,,SSEIB,, tnoge epnlrllaJno rno.( iUirl " -lt y t"o'''{tItua-hnvssnl8 tnoKs1:rogderaru ssel8 ,bdruap"r""d"ri;o eqt sr srseq rno 'ureql tB /,e.,rr a8ueqf, rnq aqr ot Iool e1!\ Qov ur tua -JaI-{uI seIllnf,IIIIP ezlullurur t,usJ eqr ot rerdeqcsrgrSurtrJ./y\ leo8JnO ur

rnq auo.{ue ot;lasrnof eredruoo ](uoC-'dn arnse.* l,.rop noi ;1esrno.{ tet{t rerdeqc slrlt ur ratel teaur II.aa sreeqv eql InJSSaf,f,ns or;lairnoL areduroc noA ueq.r ap.rrapr(uoc 'ocv rnol;o Burpu"rri"p.rr, ra]raq e q8no:qr Sur8ueqc.ripearle aJIIrno^ sl ipa8ernocrip eq r(uop eseald

3 s",se3srn .,J;'i5 i:: {:iifix"# ffi u#,J1 q,n sf,n o.{,, il ili

'no.( roj salllllqeqordrul ore sanrlrqrssod eseqt ler{t 1aa;lq8lru no[ ,s]lcl jep rnod grl'nt 3ur133nns 'sseupBs pue jalleqsrp ,uorcidsnsr{tr^ry\ serrlllg -rssod srqr laar8 [uru no[ ,;ap:os!p rnoL;o sruord*,ir Jo uorssnf,srp ".1i .sarJanoJeJ l^lauanxe qtrl\ Surleapel,nol Jo safuenbasuocsnolJes JI Jler{t ur sa8etstueJelJlp [ueu ]B eJBsJapBaJ ter{t ^\oul oIN .uot1etu Jno 'tsauog epr.tord ol .{lsnoues -JoJuleteJnf,f,B furpqrsuodserJno aIBt e/N 'uo enour a^{ srojeq tueluluo3 lBuortlppB uB ppe ol palledruof, IaaJe1)il. '1uot ot sepBrsper{r uI pueuap rearSu} og IIr.r saltlllQerno reqr rsaS -Bnsreqr spuarr ernlnJ pu' ruarrnf, rnoqe peji 11,nol,^o11o1 r'qr suorl -res aql uJ 'ureql ulr{ll^t seItIIIqBeql .flruepl pue enncedsradtuaro#lp .sertlnf,rillprlaqr Burznu e tuo5 sanrlrqeslppallec-osrno tB lool II,oA -lulur pue sr;r8rler{l Sutzttutxetu'sanlos patef,rldulooumo Jraqt Jo IoJl -uof, aIBt ot ureel oq^\ sreCICV ot elqBIrBAB sertrunuoddo Burtrcxe eql 'azlllIIqISsodaznsB aroldxa ureoJ[]rnuearf, puB suorteur8eur ;no LI,t1)N '^,lous8urgr atrJo^BJ tal ot SuroBeJ(a1X\ Jno jo auo op ol Buro8 eJ(e1X\

sellHlqrssod Pue edo11 -l(of lnoqv

IllNnIuOd.lO Ol 31JVIs^Be NouC

or &lllqe uB euoreq osleuBf,snf,o;rJlqsor [rryqeul slql 'trou1 nod sy 'poor{pllHo Apelncrued'lorneqaq se ul leuoltrsoddo parerfuatulslru uI s,tt ,{lluenbarg'e;r1rno,{ ur saceldsnoIJBA f,Itetuelqordeq uB3snf,oJ pue tnoqtl/)N'se8etuenpeslp sa8etue^pB rJlqsor drrpqeulue 'uortsanb sBqelqlrf,BJtslp SuraqtBqt stxetuof,Jo JaqurnuB uI peuoltuetu aA(eA\ 'CCV;o suordrur{s ,{reulrd erp Jo euo sr uonuarreur/r{rrllqlrJerrslq ^fruqpre.t1sl(I pue uonuaueul Jo a8eluuapv eql 'e^Bq 'luaql er{l s(lalPuv ePISul seIlIIIqB re^of,slP eqr CCV gtlrn snJo l,ueru sartrlrqBslp tB {ool ^\au B elBt s(leloS 'sanr1rqa a\1 pu{ lllm no(, 'san\rqnsrp mo ,,s!p,, a1vtno{" 11 to 'uonf,nportur eqr ur a,l pJBs Burgreruos tnoqe no,(purruerpue tnoqe 'uoncesSuttrollo; eqr ot s8urgr peTIBreA(eA\ Jo eruosezrJeruruns tuezlrert u1 'sa8erue^pBsrp se8etue^pB pue qloq aq uer stlnpBCICV Jo saf,uara;lp ueAISan,emlooq slqt rnoq8norqa eqr pue sruordruAs ^\oq;o saldruexe 'stasse seln9 slrJrJeP lou-SeIIIIIqBSIP sE 'nnoN'sqr8uensrnoL ol rnori,uo snco;noii,reqr lsaSSns Suro8eJ(eA\ eABq Lg rno,i,Surssed,{q pesn3oJ uo uo Surzrlerrdec sasseuleam perse8 -Bns ur an,em ser8eleJts aqt;o Luey4'seItIIIqBSIp seItIIIqB sde81en pue -PI^lPu rnor{SurrlrruaPluaaq seqSuroPuaeq err,no,{ Iro^\ eql }o qlnhl 'eldoad Alqlperculetuosgrlrn ulBrq pazrlerceds parJIS 'stlf,IJep rno Lq ueppH uauo pue tltlzl\ uI B Jo uorsueurp eqr areqsel6. 'senrlrqesrp seItIIIqB sde8snoru ut pue pexnu sUIS tear8e^BqsnJo Luey.q -roue e^Equeuo sreqev e^\ tegr sr turod aqJ iperyB are stlnpe CeV teqt SurrsaSSns ar(en6 tou IIB teql ro qCV ur tuerper8urue sr sseuperu drqsuouelertuereddesrqr ro} srBeA e{Bl ol PuBlsrePun af,uelss 'sseuPEru III/h lf lBqr ulBrq uBunq eqr rnoqB ueeA\laq u^\ou{ eplll os sr erar{J pue ,{trnllBarc IUII Pe^Jesqo e^Bq uB PerBqep,(1sse1Pua suadxE'sSutns grlm slnog Pooruare^es Surureel orulre;IlreUBapltlns peultutuoc[em8ulueH pue 'set]lllQesp ere^esPBr{uosrPgPUB urolsua 'PelqnoJleJeA\ uBzol/\IPIIBossBsld 'serrlnrrlJlp d:olsrg ro Surureel suralqord qrleeq lelueu grlrn pe188nrrs ro ur stsuJB pue sJe{qqt elrtBeJf,lear8 aqr Jo LuerysuleJq pezllBlf,eds

ot eqr 2rbrnuearf, etnqrrtuor urerq CICV eqt Jo SuurznprBq seop,v\oH 'slqt patou ,{lpereeder aABq uerpllqc CCV Jo serpntg.uosred,,eBEreAB,, ar{] uBqt e^rlBerf,erotu eq ot pual sreQCIV'dnor8 B sBlBqt lrBJ B sr tl 'sureJq pazrlerf,eds rno 'ryrugns e/Xt'pernunu sl tl J} pef,ueque 1o rred sl rJISsrqr rer{r tairemoq eq uBf,,btntlearl 'rred uI 'anrt eq ^(eur slqJ 'sesseuleal\Jno ssudLq ol ((self,shu,, eArlBeJO esrf,Jexe leql-stuelqord rtueruos Bururoc Jno eA\ -JaAo ruo{ sllnseJ Jno ,{ltntlearf,slqt teqt pefseSSns aleq sJelrJA\ eruos ',btntteart 'seyr111qeslp puB sanrlrqe;oa|;ord Jo IJISeqr ereqssnJo ,(ueu '8ur1urgrenrleurSelul raqraS sn q IBnpl^lpuruB sBr{ Jo qf,eqSnoqrly -ol aruof,reql seeplpue srqSnoqrporurolslp l,eue lse^ eqr ur ]red Jo e deld tl t(useopdrrpqrrcertsrq ,blnltearf,roJ -saop rnq ,blnlteerf,esneo alqlsuodseJ s(leg/v\ r{ltcexeeulrruelepor elqlssodurs(tl 'ureJgpezrlerceds s(raclclv uB Jo uorssncslp ul ,blnlrBeJf, rno peuoDualue/a, :d1ranue.r3 'a8palznoulrnod asnelqenlB^ure{Bru uec noit 'sallryqe Jo rnod eznurxru alll rnoAu8rsapuer no,(uerl{t 'a8pelmoul Jo [poq or crlf,elf,o pue SurrsareluluB qlr^\ dn papue no iIuBq fuouraturnortur uouBwoJul snoeuBllsf,snu plp Jo slol erolspuB ef,rlouo1nor(alqBue tnq seper8 rnod padlaq a^Bqrou rq8nu s8urqr,{ueruos ,i.qpetf,Busrp Bulag erpedoltdcue uerungB eJeA\ leqr nol, iBrArJt;o 'ranezn_oq_'uorlueru rer.{f,Bet eqJ.dt111q1roerlsrp jo uorlreuar t,uplp rno/, e stuerutuoJpue saper8 ued e8relur eJe/h lonpuof, rood eql ((.stueeJp -["p' ' ']set uo,{els l(useoq,,sBqf,nsstueruruof, pue tJoJJe lf,npuof, pue ur saper8 rood pulJ rq8lru no[ ,sprecuoder loor{rs rnod ^\erler nod;1 'tl spuetuep 'uorlealerceds stnu rl -rad /'1uorou plro^\ tlnpe aqr rrBJul 'r$lercedsB eq uec nol, ,l1npeue sBlng 'SutqrfuaAe poo8 aJB oq/h stsrlBJeue8 ol patoedxaare uar le aq -Pltgc esnBceq aSetuenpe rnol, ol $rp esnot elqBl(ueJe^\ noL pllgf, B sv 'sluelet PUEslse 'Jalul ol ur tsoru saleredo IBnPIAIPUI Peqf,lBlueJeslsBl ueq/h,ilanrfca3ge uV '{sBr uasoqf,B uo elgrlueouof,ot suortoeJlsrp 8ur lno llol ol drl11qe -{lolq;o elqedec'r1npe B peuruue}ep seluof,eg ueuo pilqc uroqgntser{J 'pooqrlnpBul e uBf,srrlJ .>lser ol W Itol e loor 8urdof,In3ire^\od aruof,eq
[rNmuoddo oJ E'rsvrsso nouc

lsure8e pJBnAar!\JI 'op sJeqro ueqt alotu qsllduocf,B ol ,(8raue eJtxe ol eql esn uBf, alN ',btntloeradr{g rno Ieuueqc /,11n;asodrnd Peurgel a^eq sn jo tsoru 'sllnpe eruof,aq e^r erult eql l,q teqt sI sA\eupoo8 er{J .pauueldun ere ^eqr jl ssalasodrnd pue tuerf,rllaur aJBsuoltf,e s(JeCCV aqr tanen\or{'deru stq ot Suure;eJ tnoqtrzr\ tno suBts oql\ uosrad ,i;aru1apeqt or JBIIUTIS ilse; ra8uasseu pldeJ e aq uec ,btnrrceredLll auop s8urqr sra8 regr of,IAJas 2peuoqd nod rerye satnulul aar;-,$ro; r(ltcexe ef,IIIo s(Iralf, eql ra8uassau prder rnog ol IIIg aqt sJelrlep e^ueluasardal esor{llraf,rnJes nol, plno/r\ JO latel s[ep o/vu SaAIJJB ueq/lr l,rleuad agr euo e 11ec tl 'l,eporuld /,ed pue 0O:g Lq asnog IIeu reln8er [q rt pues nod p1no16 'srelJBlsJoc -unof, er{] uI enp s(tBr{r IIIq xet ,bradord rnort JePrsuof,s,la1

&Flreerad/.11 ;o a8elue^Pv eql

'sluarualels SursseJJegrua lno [lsnotras ueIB] eg 'btntslndrur esnBf,aq unlq,(lpefrcxe a^\ sBsera3uelut pue Lpeell ruar{t ssardxa or elqeun eq tnq rou rq8nu e/v\tg 'L1esrf,uof, seepl teer8 e^Bq rq8nu elN 'ereyatul seltlno|$lp reqto asnBf,eqpedder -un surBrueJserurleruosef,JnoseJ isPuIuI lnyaznod srqr "{lerBunuorun ut\o Jno ur uorssesSuruuolsuleJq luetsuoJ B uI seAII Jno aAII uauo elil, 'sJa/v\sue Suour ou eJB 'lle eJer.{t }o tseg 'ssacord enneerf, aqt or stesseelgenle^ul ere tq8noqr ,{lsnouroua Jo sureJl Surmop earyJnO iSututeuetue pue SurpJBA\eJ ssecordsrqt purJ sn jo l,ueyrl 'uralqord pasodord B ot suoltnlos elgls -sod dn ureerp sluedrclrred 'Surleetu Surtaryeur alerod:ot B Jo Suttaeu L11rue; sr unJoj eqt Jeqtar{A\'eldruexa ro; 'uorssasSurtuJotsuleJgB ul B 'seepl antteut8eur ,i11ryrepuo1n grrm dn eruof, ot sn selqBue e1,bs3ur1un1r rno 'srqSnoql lueSranlp pue luBne -laJJrLlSururaasuael\laq suouoeuuof, Sutteutcse, Jelof,slp e/n 'sfaurnof '3u11uqt eAItBeJf, tuelet eteuul ro; Ieluaru Jno uo go oB Lgddeq eA\sV uB eABqsn jo l,ueyrl '8ur1urqt :,{ttnneeJf,Jo tuJo} Jeqloue 'lenemog 'st eJeql 'sJotf,BJo suerf,rsnru'stsnJBpelualel ere CCV gtlrlt stlnpe Luey4 'sBeJB elrlf,uuslp B r{tlzr\sn Jo eruos apynord Jeqto pue srqt ur eBetuBApB ol srueasSuurmpreq erp 'paremsueun sulerueJ uoltsenb srqr q8noqrlv
'LZvl JoN hr.lNval^l no^ iirzvuc uo ardnrs

E qrrd\ tlnpe enrsrf,epB atuof,eq uBf, A\ou tq8u Surqrl;ele stuBn\ oql{ 'Peef,cnso1 e^rrp B puB uorlrquB er.uof,eq PIF{OCCV elgBllBsul eql uec itttntslndrur 'ppon 1Jo/rl eqr Jo uolssnf,slp rno ur tno parurod e/K sV 'laal us^e uB uo s8urqr dael ot s{ro^\ eJI^\ rulef, srq ollr{^{ Sunserelul eJIl se>letu asnodselqBrlf,xe ar{I 'ller!\ tno IJo^\ ueuo uBJ sluoueradurel etrsoddo gllrn aldoed odu uealUeq a8erueu V 'stuetuBJeduretf,rtetueJp eJotu Htlrlt satBtu ot u^{BJp are eldoad ur1er,{ueru pue tf,BJuB op sarrsoddg iseJnlBu elqBllf,xa oJoul gflrlt esoql se SurtsaJetul se LFeeu eq tou Leru tnq qtlllr a^II ot JersBe deru stueruJadruetrulef, grla,r a1doe4 ag 'tulg ot eldoed smerp letlt e1ryeds ernseeurBrtxe uB jo qtr/!\ tlnpe uB seuof,eq ,{lruanba{ pllqt ccv Lpoour 'elqelrcxe eqt 'uorqsel rBlltuls ul 'arnlctd egr ra8 no,( >1urqle^\ tnq arnseeJt rlcJeesur a13un[ Jo tseJeeuaqt JoJJo peeq noL regt puauurof,er t(uop a^\ /y\oN ipeqteJsun adecsapuB-Jaqtoue JaUBeJntuenpe Surtrcxe auo otur a8unld oraq anrs -1ndur Jno qctel\ eA\sBueeJ3ser{t uo petenrJ ureurer sadeJnO 'eldoad sppo-lle-etuooJeno 'f,IurBuLp '3ur>1et-isrJeJeA\deql terlt moul no^,i. stullJ eJntualpe uonf,B luef,eJ ur seoJer{er{r }o euros tnoge {ulqr no[;1 iSurlrcxe eq UBJ aldoed enrs -lndrur esneceq pBq t(usl sarurleurossural esoqt Suruesool lng 'paureJ saslndrurrnof Surdaa>1 ]noqe 1ooq srqt tnoq8norqr s8urureznlBJaAes tno 'A\ou seAlesJno tsrpeJtuof, ot 3uro3 eJ(e1x\ PessoteA(ellttBrll A\Ou)Ia/x\ dfla;qndurl;o a8que pV eql 'q3,, ,,ijb JeAoeq l(uBJ nort 'turellxe aldoad Suueeq lear8 s,tl 'IIoJ re8uno,( qf,nru Jo tusersnqtue pue ,i,8reue3qt e^Bq ot tuaes e16 'alll-pltu rlq eA(e1K ef,urs 'rana,roq ,tno peue^e sBq eJof,saql 'sraadJno purqaq s:ea,(rq8re ot xrs tnoqB ueeq sdemleen(e/rr ter{t ern8r; sJoqtne aqI 'a8e elpplru ul tesseuB eq,{eru ,{trnuceradLg 'seotetod qcnof, aqt Je^o a8pa uB rurq Surnr8 ,rr; r{11ecr -sLqd puB rurls l,ers rurq dl".{ oqe l,eur Alyrrrrcepremol elrrp s,reCCV uV 'saltrlrqrssod ma; e uoltuetu ot 'tsoq Atoqs-TIBt uedxe suortelal rrlgnd 'ueruselesredns e ro euof,eq uBc eH 'selo] reecly 8uy1pt-tseJ V tlnpe Jo f,relren e IIU UBO 'se^II enllf,npord pue SurprezneJ aABq uBf, e^\ 'rusrloqeryo^\ otur Surprls
ArrNruuoddooI ElcvJsrro r'{ouJ

'ssallser spoauJotuelul uV 'uorsselord ro; per;r1enb B pulru snorrnf, srtl ,{lanbrunsn eletu ter{t serlrlenba^Bqop sn;o Luerutng 'uoslpg .r]AIsB erB tuBrllrrqseIIe e/v\ rou srotue^ureq or tno tnf, erBstlnpBclQV IIBroN 'sreqf,Bar sly Jo euorp eqt ot Suruatsrl puB suortetrral 'stce; ssolpue Sunuro;-red Sularorueu Jo ueprnq eqt ruo$ peeryse/v\ uB 1l ueq^/\suoDue^uljo Jequnu SurqsruotsB pelBeJf, pultu elltJsj srH qtrznos op en\''tu'B 00:t te lelqrssod rl aperuoq^\ ruol ot epnrrter8 IIB sratndruof, Jo ruoJ, ul trs a^\ sV 'fuorsrgst ',{es Jno daqr sBtseJaqJ 'rlnpe 'paqsunog eq e8elarnrs(Jeqlou srq Jepun fueurproenxaue Sururooeq 'petBrJarddeun 'enrtdnrsrp-eloq pue pootsrepunslru punor e ur 8ed erenbse sE^\eH 'reeqv ue;o lecrd& sr pooqplql s(uosrpE setuorl1 'srsou8etp ytlm srrl dlureuar aqr looqrs ur ror^Eq -aq arrrrdnrsrp 'CCV peq e^Bqrq8nu aq teqt 'ranemoq'req poo8 slH B s(tl 'sruelqordSururealcr;roeds uortueu t(uop pooqpllqr s(uosrpg Jo 'sLepesoqtur u.roulun aJelrseurlrqeslp stunof,f,e Surureeleours 'aruoq tB rurq rq8ner pue eper8.{UtJer{t ur looqrs Jo tno urlg {oot reqtou 'aJIJ s1p1 uI ernlleJB oq plnollr aq tBrlt petrrperd pue ',bryqrlcertsrp srq srH pue Surrrr/!\puerl pezrf,ltlro'rulg elpueq t(uplnor srar{f,Bel 'polqesrp Surureelse uosrpEseruoql or perre;ere^Bq sroqtneLuery rolueaul eql lare no/. s8unlr Infapuod\ eqt IIB reprsuocno,{ seepud no11e pue senrlenbut\o rnod azru Jo lueuoru B tsealtE JlesJnod -8ocer'ulaqt pBeU'selJots ssef,f,ns etEISuBJt sf,rtsrJatf,BJerll olur UBJ CCV eseqls,(eAeqt etBJlsnllllBr{1seqf,le]S eluostB lool s,lelA\oN Jelf,BrBqf, snoe8ertno pue Inlapuom rno,i iJounq Jo esuas urrBr{cot elqBeq l,uPlnon nori.'uortlqlqulslP rno,( lnoqtr^4. grlnt sJer{lo 'l,11eutg 'etercerdde sreglo teqt ,brlenbSurgsar;ar eq uec ,bsauoqrno B 'A8o1ode Jo Jraqt rlrupBAllpearuec luerusseJJBque lnoqtr/t\ sasseu{Be/!\ euofuaneroN 'tlerl elqerrrupe aq uBf,a1&srg8prlrro; V 'tasse uB uB euof,eq uec Surqtfuenapue Surgilue Lesot ,brpqe rno,t 'spronr IBJntBu 'eplsdn ue sBqosleuolllqryulslp Inprnq llqlqul ol ureel nod;1 lBqran 'peaJl ot JBaJ sJeqtoaJer{/!\ Surdunl ur ,i,qssaccns eteJtsaqoro ar.{ UBJ 's1supatBlnf,lef, eIBl ol surealtlnpB 'auop sBurqr8urua8-arnsolf, roJ peeu Suons CCV enrslndruleqr JI
NVEIAI no^ ii,\zvuc uo ardrus'LZvl roN r^{,1

'CCV pBr{aq ernsru(l ,tcadsoner .e}ll uI Jo sertrssef,eu egr;o eapl aplll pue sllBtep peeq ou qtr^\ uetu roJ Ieortf,erd ,i,eoeds se^rJer{te}oql 'uortualur e18urs uo tualed eqt qtp\ ri.euoru B B slr epetlr peq or{^\ l,11uu;,{qrleernB ro} rmd nV uB sBpe{ro^\ eruo L, 3XX 'tseJeluljo BaJB ur eouelsrsJed uB ueurnq.radns rlqlqxa UBJeuepuntu uo Surgraruos $Fo/n eq ellq \ alqltf,BusrpLlq8rq sl orl^\ raeCIV eqJ 'rol 'ryom -uenul eqt t(usaopuounlos e ueqm 8ur lo s{colq Surppnqeql ere -A.ndee>1 af,uetstsrad r{trlv\peldnoc 'uorteldsur s>leaJts ol aqt eseql Jo 'ulalqord B ot ra^\suear{t tnoqe tgSlsuy qsel}aql-of,uauedxa ,,iBgV,, Jo uB ot speeluerlo ssruleldoedreqlo tegt sdrgsuorteler s8urqtarrtou pue 'lnlesn o1dcuepuer Sunperuos otur padoleneppue pallpour CCV eqJ eg uBf,iiegr eJoreq seaplPIIrr\srosueJ sJoluB esnBf,eq Pulru poJntf,nJts ,{trssacau sr a1, e Surlurgr Surlaeqnee{ V '/.;srtes Jelau uec er{ teqr
d r




IrrNnJuoddo oJ alcvJ-sso },\oul

-Breqt eq uBf,tl 'esodJnd erueseqt senJas reproceredel B otur 3ur>11er teqt pug [eru nol '8ur]um a{ll t(uop noA;1'seapl {tBI B uer{t erotu Jo uorssardxe uaurrn\Jo rualqordB ueuo sl slqJ 'atrJ/v\ eter{[eru no1 ot
.3JBqs sJar{to

uolteruJorulpue slq8rsurelqenle^ eql qtr^r ssecord Surtum eqt speaJ oslB tnq,{ruelndodseruequar(1uo uetsll ot [rrlqB oqJ 'ue]srlpuB tou suorlesJaluof, suJnl alel ol lualuof, eJorueJBeA\'lalndruoJ eql otur ur srq8noqrrno Suunodrar;y '/,eme eldoede^rrpum teqt sessef,xe leqre^ ro; raltno uB saprnord ro, pue uorsserdxajlas tsrrqt B ser{cuenb 3urru46 'rq8nelsuo ur8eq leqra^ eqt urou [e^neSur8pe suoruedurof, sBJeAoazel? uets saLgispJo^\;openbsSuur; e Surce; Jno ot are /,aqr 1ee; Leruoqr!\sJauetsrl stseJetur suedsuortuen eql pue Jo 'senlesrno sserdxe eurt pe ot qf,teruLllensnt(usaop TIBIot peeuJnO -ldnuelurun 'palurlun;o ,i.rnxnl eqr eABq t(uop elr 'suorlenlrs tsotuul iuottdnuetur lnoqtr^{ IIBI ot ef,ueqce Surnequeqr rarddeqsn seleru Sunpou rnq sJapBeJ tnoqe /r\ou1t(uop el6 'eseelda,l sBqcnu sB Jno 4el l,lpulj uBf,e^r teqt sr Suuuzntnoqe s8urgr8ur,lsrrestsoru eqt jo euo 'spulru CCV rno otur [lssaprogadod srq8noq]Ianou puB snoe8euno 'se1o['sroqde]ayq 'seepl;o e8eueqeqr seunt-oulJ ssaoord pue sedeqs Surrrpeaqt '{pelooc l1tuarf,U+ns lduosnuerueq] uaq/v\'rete1 'rueql seq Josuef, paeu aqt rnoqlrt\ sJetndruoc otur A,\oU srq8noqtJnO ot Jno uec 'sn Jo' ar{Jrupoo8 e sr SurtyJl\r leqt acuauadxeruo{ A{ouI e/N 'ssaf,ord ur stesse agr qqy dueruteqt o^arleq lear8 ere seurlenb e16 ',{ftnllealf,IBJntBu s(JaCICIV elBnnJBuBf,ssacord uB Surtum eql rell.rA\ aql toN' ' 'seaplateraue8 ,,ielll peq B r{f,ns -rseq op pp eq rer{zlt ot eruit peq eq ueqJ 'slletepLlpp eqr elpueq ol 'sluetunocf,B 'sredee>lasnoq ot l,euourq8noua sJeuepJBB srelznel eJrr{ pue '[laleunlroC 'a]ll L11ep sllHs r{ueru3ur>1ce1 E sE^\eH ro] uetrr PBqer{ 'ellq^rqlroar ,(1ql -peJf,uloruospue L11ts ero^\uraqryo Lueryseapl f,nsetuejSurteraue8 erun srq tuads eH ,{qrleam ,(puepuedepur turq eperupBq uoltuelur srq esneoeq ra8uol l,ue >pomot peeu ou peq eq 'tulq A\euTI eruu eqr rV
'xzvl roN r^{(l uO NVE1I nol iiAZVuC qrdnJs

'a8reqcq aq ot sleltueperc radord eqt e^Bqt,uplp eqs tlereuntroj -un 'qf,rBaser eql,o uollf,erlP eql lnoqe seeplu^\o req PBqaIrrBSlBtll aqt r{f,reeser Jo sa^IIeqr se^tr slq] qtl^\ ruelqordLluo aql 'srcalqns qol eqg 'ryt8pelcadxaunuB ere^\ otur Surnleppal,ofueaqs]Bqt perenoJslp e JeH sllHs Surznarn:etur 'tuetsrsse qf,JeeseJseqol 8ut]seratuluB Surpuel ur Lllenruana'/.3o1oqc[sd eer8ape ra8 ot looqf,srq8ru o] tuellr eqs 'jlesrer{ro; sleo8eruose{etu ot peplrap eIrrBC'reqtoue or qol e8em runrulultuSuuoq euo ruou Surr;uppue sa8alloc lera^es 'slll{s papeeuer{t urBel or q8noue 3uo1snf,o;ol to tno SurddorprerJv eqs alqBunro peroq oruef,eg sEruer{t peddorp[11ctnblnq s]seretulro ,(gaug se^\oqs JlesraqSutpur;/,r1nc sreerBc snorrB^tnoq sllsBlsnr{rue -$lp teer8e^Br{ot peueesaIrrBC'l1npeSunoLPuBluecseloPe sV uB 'saper8 rood pue luslrltlrf, tnq alnll uI patlnser 'pelqulnIpue Surrrurpuetll,ssaru reH '8ut]trm srq8noqlpezrue8rosrp reH 'ryol\aluoq ro slcaford semlcefqnse]IroAB] eqs PePIo^ lnq Surpear sE/!\ arcorpau,{1uo peAIeJaJ rueBIIIatuI ur paurnl Alarerpue seper8 rnq ef,ueturoledlooqosraH raq aqs 'stueredpue sreqf,Eat peturoddesrp 'plJo/n rar{ uo PaPruluIor{A\euo[ue te raq '[11en]ue^E suotueduor ,{1uo 'sraadraq pue pelreuseqs 'sarsetuJ s1ooqqrl^{ perdncroerdSutruof,eq 'uortoefar sree,{ ,(ueurJaUV aTJJBC e paprole eqs 'asnlf,eJ erueJag 1o
'sJelsBJBqf, e^elleq-e{Blu Jeq aJa/ll

'rre88ergE se^\eqs esnef,eq uerPIIr{) Jeqro^q Peuunqs ot 8ur,{rl sLeunle sB^\eqs 'pllqr [ddetlun puB ]lnf,I.#p t 'aJIIreq ur tutod srql ol te8 eJB or peleneJteqs pBoJl,1cor eqt Jo eJBA\Bun oIJJB3Lnue oql\ Lueyq


'$ eqsueqt ra8uno,{sree'{ uet tsBeltB s{ool oq^\ etalqte ',{11ue; crta8raueuB s,eqs 'slseJetul Jo r{reuenqf,IJB pue spuelryesolf, ol relndodpue IeoIIIJJ'Leuotu:lle rl aAEL{ stuees e 'ralrln B sssef,cns eqs 'spuel5req dq palurpe pue pollue sI pue p1osreal'0g sl eIrrBC 'eJIIreq erueque ot Sutttur roJ UI8 B esnot peurBelsetloq^\ ueuloa CIAV Suruoolq-erele;o Lrols reprorer edet eqt esnereqctlnad eqt sr 3uuro11o; er{J ilceq IIBr t(uo1!\

sv 'sluelBtanbrunreq etBrJsrdde etuBJsrer{to 'ourqs[1pur; ol plnoc 'suolrdecrad1las entte8au ruog peerC'sef,ueturenbce pue lertuatodrag 'I;erroosrpJles ssef,oJd Suunq sPueIU Sutlcerlle ue8eqaIJJBC s1t1l Jo 'tsrl rellas lseg aqt uo sProf,ar eTorq1oog raq uer{^{rodlcef eqr tlq eqs .le^ou B pue serrots uoqs 'selcrtre etrJt\ ot eturt eABq sesJnoc paddorpegs ,lualet Surlum ot Jar{ req pera^of,srp rauv 'ruerSordatenper8rer.{ eqs re^eu eqs peqsrurJ :aded eqt otuo esBe gtlrn r!\og ot ue8aqspron\req 'Surtrr/\{pueq e tnoqe uJaf,uof, [q palagunf,ueun 'slq8noqt raq ezrue8ro raq rq8ner peq Surpear e^ol s(errreC .l,ueu ot jo 'Suuago lsJrj Jeq uJnteJ etll 'reded rr Jo tsJrJ ,,v,, uB sB/!r Alsnolnf,eJrlnl ol rossejord roj petrB^\ sBr{tBerg eqr eqs req pleq puB slrBureq trg eqs 'tl asnot ^\or{peurBel e puBretnduroo Lnq ot pepllap eqs,looqcs etenper8 uolteredard 'Tq ro; ul sreded par ur perenof, Iooqls aper8,{sseur eqs ;o s,(epeqt ef,ursSurlrzn pepro^epeq rnq slset8ur1erre poo8 sB^r 'Joleepued\eu Jer{ ued tsalJeJs semsreded3urtu46 ^{eul oIJJBO eqt Jo 'l,8o1oqc'{sd ruerSordalenper8 ur B ur llorua o] e8ernoJpue eJuepr]uof, eqt Jaq ene8tueredB sBsseJf,ns pue Surrlsrtes Jeq re8uol ou semqof raH 'sseltser or ue8agerrreC'looqcspauBtsuerplrql eqr ueq/N ta8 'atuoq tB serlrlrqlsuodser ruo$ pepeeueqs rag atrdser peplnordqof eurr rred y 'suelqord Suuear-pllq] allos ol aqt ,blnlrearf, puBuotleut8eur ollrreJreq pesnaqg 'paLofua uerplrr{raq] 'ssoqu^\o req Sureqpe{ll eqs .uerpllql o^\r puE eqsseur^rlf,B Sursootlc Jo Jeqloru eql uoql Pue ell/r\E sBsJBed leranestxau agl pe,iotuaaqs 'uarpllqt petuB^rs[em1e pBq aqs esnef,aq errrBc roj elull LddeqB sB/r\ slqJ Llpe; B roj ueld or ueSegpuB peruelu deqr 'Lepqurg qtanrlqt req uO 'ryoA\rag g8nonlt teru peq eqslsr8o -loqcLsdB qlr/t\ af,uBuroJ snorras pBr{erJJBc'{eJII ur turod srqr tv B req 'Puno,perl eqseqclu aql ot rdacf,B paplreppuB ereedyo arnseeur B punoJpeq aqs 'eerSep uB pef,ue^pe pelnbar rBqt IroA\ ur InJssesf,ns eq or ,{rrpqereq tnoqe stqnoppsleerf,arnllBJ;ofuorsrq3uo1re11.suortdo Jeq ssasse Lllectfslleerot PUB uolteJtsn$Jeq/t\olle^\s pe8euetu of ar{S
IIIZVUC UO Ardms',^ZyatoN hi,l NVaIAI no^

uoItJnB e^BIs,{r1nce; aqt (stJods Joj JBe^fuene[auoru ]o rol B pesreJ B ro, eepl srH 'ruord eqr aIII sruene8rq ro; spun; eslerpue ezlue8ro uI stq'sctutePese IIe/v\ e111e sreadpuB sreqf,Bet or 'br|qe srq pasrerd ant]tsod sB^\ B op r,uplp eq q8noqllv'urt[roJ af,uetredxa Iooqssq8lft 'seroqf, eseql oP or erull PelIuII {rlrlt seA\ ssausnq stuerlf,slqJo [ueru esnBceq stueredSurryon eJe^r In]ssof,cns 'ssaulsnq uI srH 'srueet PUB PaJIqeH IJoA\ot sra8eueer lecol PauIBJt eq B erBf,ulv\Bl pue SurdeaIasnor{ pauBtsaq 'plo srea,{ 1 sezn uaqlN f 'sarlrAIlcB luef,seloPB er{] rreqt ro; [euou eq] pepeeu[aql esnef,eq tuerue8uBrre gtlrlt Lddeq JeplosrH isateJ eJeA\ s8urlqrs teqlraruostB sJatsIS tsaJaluralrssecxe Sutlueq eq] ol uI luen\ slq pue sJeqroJq ot [auoru Surpuel'sseursnq eq sraded Pare^IIeP er{l ueqt raIIrBe eq '.pllrlt SunoLB sV 'esloauo,{ue eltrll palnber aq eqr u^\ot ur etnor radedrsaSSrq peq eg 'dae1s asnereq ,brleuosred PaTIUPB stq srH 'estrfuelue sem puB ssalpunog ,(8reua PUB slq eII sF{ur sllnPBaql Jo '{ueru 'sruelqordrrruepef,B SurlooFa^o 'Jeuueul raneu uH gtlrn fuSuepa,{ers 3uo1,Llarr uB Sur8e8ua qf,nspeq aq asneJeq slq sJeqf,Eal tnq ryo/v\Ioot{f,sslq uo s(J [".1a 'rulg uo g8nor oo] t(ueJell\ 'rllsllulldo pue ,(lpuetr;sl tulf eq PuBs(c ,(lrsoruPa^Ief,ar PIIqI E sv e :nauerdeJluaIryssef,f,ns'rur[;o fuots eqt q eJeH's8urqroP ol s,{ezn uB arnteu slg 'rneuerdeJtue sB panordrulpue A\autno 1eesot Sutureali, 'sseltser uB eql ,,'[1lun]loddo sBlI E IBJnlBu eq uBf,JaCQV alqEllBsur 'a8ueqf, saqoJBas s,i,en1e,, auoeluossI oqr!\ JoJ slroldxapue 'ly of spuodsat rnauerdarlueatql'4rysutaua.t4auuE uonaftouqP roqtne pue fuuoq1 WD'rrre>lcnJcl -nB s(BJIJeury tsorueJoJ tuarua8eueur C Jetedot Surprocf,V .rnaua.rda.r1ufleql 'ef,uere#lpaqr IIB epeurr;13petrng raq Suuelof,slq 'eJIIreq Jo seqf,undaqr gll,n IIor PUB Jlasreqre q8nel 'Sutlelerl ot rar{ rq8ner e^eq sreeLeql 'uarpJllcpuer8pue Surrtrlrr ^\ou sI elrrBc 9rl,n ,(epgurqqrelul, req SurrBrgeles ,o suorsrn 1n;,(ot 'acuetdef,reJlas ereeddaep;o rurod E peqreereqs puB 'sattro;req q8norql Pe^ou eqs llrun nor8 ot penuluof, ef,ueplJuorraq

'sBeplu^\o srq qtr^{ Leld ot ecueqr eql sr JotBnrtou dreruud eqr-,tauour eqt t(usrtl ,ull[ Joc .lBturuepaSec e e{ll IeeJplnot\ eq t8reua srq lauuer{f,pue qrosqeol stcelordsrq lno -qrl/N 'alqBluqtun srluaruarrteJ 'elotu/.uB >lro^\ peeut(useopeH tnq o1 'sessaf,Jns sseursnq slq eqt Jo staJJes Buueqs Jlesrurq Jo 'sretuerere3Lep eureria8 soaPl^ 3ur11as sseulsnq ISIrq B seoposleeH aqr sr Jo ureqc e Suruado;ofurpglsea; Burl,pnrs pue uarpllqc Bunod
uoltef,Bl e Surdole^ap Allueunc lllrtt seIIIluBJol sJelef,IBI{I ef,IAJes sl eH 'sreluer arBf,^"P PIt.{r Tf,Is urer{f, srq pue errnres Surueelc Jo ulY\ou] [lleuorreu sly JoJsasrqf,ue5slles or{^,\uetu ,{qrleatr B /r\ou st *i[

eqror -uo Burnoru Lpaaee Buorm pue lue^\rer{^\ Buuna]]",i:iiirfi rno

-xa Sutu.teel sarnllBJ pesnsrteznle eH 'paredsord sB eqt ser{ teqr ,{ueru lBql etuos'sasseursng snorerunu aq petJets 'sree[ aq] JaAO PUB PellBJ

'sasudrerua Surppnq ot uortuelte srr{ sFI 3to^epot purqeqqooq sI{ rJeldFaSea 'pelenperS ueq/N .ruerSord eq eq

il jl

l\ i i

/1 l,l U


{il, r{fil illl


ffiwt ll
',LZv-lroN h{,1 NVEIAI nol IjAZVUCUO Ardnrs

-retunof, teqt stsaretul pue tJoddns;o lto^\tau qf,Ir B pedoleneP sBq eH i srelcod (sJouopIeuuel 'SursrerpunJ s]esseeJB -od;o ul tno [auou eqt sureqc [llecrrcerd ep1 ursnuudo pue uorssedsrH 'saf,uerpnesrq ezrJeurseru letlt suoltelueserd etEeJJof ,{frlqe SuEce PuB rusBlsnqlue 'rournq Jo asuasslq sesnall '8ur -qf,Bet JoJ spJeA\B snorerunu uod\ serl puB sqt8uarls r{ueru ser{ tJeqog 'dnor8 eqt urog etuor slceford qf,Jeesal arntnJ Suru8rseppue BtBpSuuard.retul roJ seepl tseg eqr Jo etuos 'uoll -edrcrlred s,auorfuena Surrelnrults eJBs8uuaeru e8ernoJua ler{l suorsses qf,reaseg 'ryo^\ tB unJ e^eq pue sqof rlaqt e^ol ruee] eqr uo a1doe4 'lcuarcr$a lead ]e uouf,unJ ot rueal r{)reeseJ slr{ pezlue8ro seq tJeqoU 'sloaford qf,reesereqr Jo slletep sselPuePUEtuerue8eueru egl selpuBq tuBtsrsse tuerf,rlle srH 'plJo/v\agt JeAoIIB suollelueserd 8urnt8 Sutu8tsap'sluapnls pue 'sluer8 pue sradedSurtum 'stcelord qf,JeeseJ retuef, IBJIPoU a8rel B qtl^\ $lro^r eH Surgeeel erult srq spuads er{ oJaq/y\ 'suadxa lef,usuels r{tld\ ,(1rue8r11etur ot pue A\ou>lot spaeu aq Sutqr[ue tno puIJ o] sf,Itsltets {let 'asudretua aqt }o rotf,erlp enlleerf, aqt sB ;o a8pel^rou{ tuerf,r;Jnsserl all slq stuelet srq esn ot aerysl eH 'srcafqnsqf,JeeseJ sBtdecxa sluat]ed,(ue eest(useop eH 'qf,reaserleorSololq ul [rlelcads B t{tlulrCIy\ uB sI ]raqog 'eJuelf,S eql Jo PIJOA/\ uI eqf,Iu SIq punoJ ser{ oq^\ TaCICV ue 'lregog tearu s(te'I 'drqsecrtuardde;o srear( llnor.,Jlpegr g8norqr re8 ot uorsrn esn uBf, lslluelf,s eq-plno/v\/,rueerp ar{] tng 'r(eA aql 3uo1B/!\oq-^\oDl lBf,Iuqf,al pue slll{s 'slce; Jo esnoq -eJots e alnbce ol peeu op stsllualf,S 'plJo^/\slr{t }o aldoad BePI er{r JoJ puB sesatltodLq SutreJaueo un; oq uBf, stlnseJ lsel Sursrd.rns Surzr{1euB 'JauBeJp enneut8etul uB eq or sPeeu 'renamoq 'sluetu -uedxa aseql su8rsapoq^\ lsltuelf,s eql 'uoutsod poo8 E aq lou rq8rur 'qoI llerap Suttcexa sselpuapue slset antttledor jo IInj 'tlns s(uelrlut{f,4] qBI 'Joleepue e^rteaJf,^lq8t.{ e Sananoq 'eq uef, tI Suorts s(JeCCV V spueruePacuelf,S 'ef,uelf,sro PIJoa ue L11ectd,b t,usl teqt uoISIOeJd snoro8u eqt ur rl; plno^,\ CCV gtl,n rlnpB uB A\oq rePuo^r rq8tu no1 lslluel's aql

fq8noql Jo UIBJIB sesoleq ueq^{ fuourerusrq 8ot ol srar{toslse ,umop SurqrLrane selrJ^\eH 'JornBqeq e^Jesqo srq Llpyareono[;r snornqos(]r 'lnJsserf,ns -acv sEr{ OJII Jo sBerB IIe e{Bru ot speau sH aql IIIrs eH eq sllqs Surdooeqr padole^epd11eug ueqog ,eJll-plru ,r\oN sBr.{ ul '?Jt1 slq ur af,uelBq urBturBtuor pallBj aq re^auaq^\ eqr perellnsosle eSeurBur puB qrlEeq slH .sllBep er{r puB sdlqsuorrBler er{rjo erer alel o1 eq pe]f,e18eu asnBf,eg ruBetqf,rBeser pooSB puB sluerS,o sarJas rsol at1'lurod auo ]v .suossel e petueaprBqsrq loSro; eq re^aueq^\pace;rnsar dllecrpouadsuelqord lnq dlqtooruserolu unr ot ue8aqalll srH 'sdrqsuoneler ul pue slq IroA\ tB perueuadxa sdemle peq aq surelqord eqt puersrepun rulg pedlaq tl .tr;eueqparoedxa -un uB slg a8eureureqI PBqeJI^{pe8uertse grl,n ue8aqeq Surlesunof, 'd1".{roJ paeu srg pa8pel/r\ourf,B laarec ar{ pue a8eureru e;o rcedsordaqr SurcBjpuB pauarqSlr;tleuo'I 'Iro^\ slq q lueur PallEJ -a^Io^ur-re^osrq qrl/\{ spuaru slq dueu ruou puB req luo{ luBlsrp Jo euof,eq pBq eH 'erro^rp roJ psllJ ree,(e Jo eJI^\srq ,arurtsrgr Suunq 'lro/r\ llerep yll,n [rpctglp srq o1pelBlersale] -slu snolJas apruoslBaH 'lcalord aq] uo Jer{f,JBaseJ Jorues eql IeJoAes gtlrn r(puersuocpenSre pue ,buoqrne Surldef,)Belqnort peq e11.rea,{ IBrotrop-lsodsrq Suunp suelqord snouasotur uBr aq rnq looqf,sJo srea,{ 3uo1srq Suunp tulq pale^rtotu tsrtueros SuruocaqJo rueeJpslH e 'de,re ureqt e^orp d1>1crnb sseurssoq srq sBsPuerupetf,BrtlB ureqf, srH 'pe^ll-uoqs sdemle ereA\sdrqspuel{ slH 'uortuetep ur suooureuB,tueu tuads aq ,rualqordrornegegsnorJes B euBf,eqre^au et1 qSnoqrlv ,,i/(q/K,,,{sBot suossal Surrdruretur Lllenurr -uof, 'antldn-rslP pue 'eltlcerad,tq tsrou 'snouncsB^r 'spuelry aH puB sJa -I'{f,Bel ol Sutssalq slq ag PaKru B pue pllql rq8uq B se/rr Le,r aqr 3uo1e salf,Btsqo dueurtanamoq 'aJeA\ eJaqI 'eII rleJJede aneq ot stuees ueqou 'tueel poo8 B e1Bru["r{J 'roluerueldut eql $ uBsnseJI^{sn{ puB srualqorde^los ot sEapr eql setBJeueS fueuorslrr oqzn orp sr rJeqou ,eSerueru q .tsequeql lrns slr{ sertr^rlf,eSurpueuep dllecrsLgd tuqr peurBelsBquaqog ,enncuaddq erBsuossrq qroq eculs 'strodsJo raqurnu B ur ,(11rue; qrr^\ seled sn{ -tctued pue suorlcnpordJeteaqt,tlrunruurof,ur sulroyad ^(ileuorsecoo 'loqc rlf,rnqf,slr{ ul s8urseH .ursrlor{B1ro/n ot self,uepuar ef,uBIBq srq
IIIZVUC UO Ardms ',LZv'l roN h{(l NVsl/{ nol

erer{^\fue^e spuorrj^reu sarBru[llenurruoc eqs esn'f,aqt";l"^ff;':$ roj uelqord e t(usrs1{I 'qf,nu os peor aqt uo SuragL1euo1 aqs sra8 seruelurenbcy 'sertro tuere#lp Suuoldxepue eldoad JI {se serurteruos A\euSunaarusenoleuuv 'arntcrd aqt jo rred ,(1uo ssef,f,ns sr IBrf,uBurC 'uorsrlrp Jeq ut uosredsales eqt sB,tauoruJo rol B e{eru ot JeuuBru dor crtsersngtua puB $f,npord aqt Jo ,brlenb aqt pasnseq eqs 'suors ror{ -snuurof, eBreluree req pedleqe^Bqqe8;o {13 pue reuuetuAlpuau;repl 'uosradseles eqs lBrrparuB sBpa^rJqtser{pue uortrsodaqt JoJpaJrqse/r\ 'le^Brt ot ,{lruntroddosrqr ,iq pan8utur sB^\ euuv'[r]unoc eqt tnor{Snorqr suortBf,ol aql pepnllur .(roturat seles 'suorssrunuof, eJorurlrea ot eJueqf,aqt pue strJaueq ur qtrl\ fue1es poo8 e perelJoqol aql 'slcnpordrreq] IIesot osrnueref,Ief,rtrrf,E pepeeururl; tuerudrnbepue [1ddnslerrpeu a8relV 'rer{ro; rf,e}redpaurees tBrll uouducsep qot B pBerpue spetue^l radedsmeu pBeror ueBaqagg et{t '9rro; req tou era/v\ 'tuetsuoJeqt slletap rag tng ,{rrleuosrad leoruqf,et elrsuelur uB Surlrcxeeq1 'lrun eJef, petrnstueruuoJrluesrqtjo eJnlBu ur sreedIBreAes pelro/v\oq^r esrnuparalsr8alplo rea,(67,e sr euuv Jo, 'selBs ur lJoA{Jer{ur ssecf,ns Punoj sBq oq^\ ccv gtlrntuBuroA\ sr euuv 'aSueqcPUB B uonElnluns saABJc oq^A [ueru ur palnbeJ IoABJ] elrsuetxe Ienpl^lpu eqt Joj snuoqe sr sqol seles aql 'punoreSurnou ,(lleorsLqd lcnpord eqr Surqcrrdr{lereuorssed ro dq l,Sreuessef,xe a8regcsrp oslBUBJuosJadseles 'setoruoJd af,rnJas eql Jo lf,npord egr tnoqe tueruetrf,xe snor8Btuoo etereuaB ".{ reCIeV B uec crta8raua eql pue f,rtsersnqrue 'uedsuortuelte pelrurl B qtrn\ uosrad 'se1es sseltser ot potlns-lle^r Jerrqregter eg ot puel suortf,Brelur B u1 pue 'sn /.ueruroJ saqf,rupoo8 uatjo are sqol sales 'CCV gtlrn Jo '8ur1let-tseJ slr{I isnrrrf,B tB tlnpe uB eq deur lenpl^lpur Sunureqr 'mou1 --qs ro treseper{l ur puBS plnof, orl^\ IIes lnos Sursud:etueeqr no.{-LpoqAue or SurqrLue plnoo oq^{ euoeruos teru rela no/. ene11 11as uosradseps aql JIesuIq tB un; elod ro aa8o -1ode ol lcrnb s,agsr{ep esaqttnq qtnoru slg ur tooJsrq stndl,lpuorsecco osle eH 's8urteeur rulq putruer ot rxrBIBuB qtr/t\ qf,le/!\B seq pue Jo
IrrNruuoddo oI EIJVJSSC|r,\OUC

'stcelordut uot]edtcttredpareqspue selrus 's8nq grlm reqtoue auo roJ uortselJB rreqt ,t11rue; pessardxe er{J 'uepreSe3re1 pepual B 'pa, or{A\ro{etuatuoq B reqtou req puB rau8rsap PUBernllurnj rllnq 'ruere#lp are^{sSurqreuoq tv B pBps(tere8re14 Ioot eurqcBtu sB^\ 'seqf,teIs 11cuad rar{ uo prerl dllenba tn9 sarntdlncs peu8rsep ryoA\or pesn}er IIoA\ur [.{^ req r,uplnof,eH 'srceford Jo drrlenb Perunl rare8relnl Pue]srepun crlBJJa tnoge ,h8ue os sB^\eq esnBceq aql uolja ul s,creq aneSsre -qf,eet tre raq 'o auo 'Surruearp[ep rgSneol,eqr ueqd\ req peqsrund req 'uorqsBJ sreqf,Bel req Surlleg 'mo1s L11n;ured uI pnolBpBer req Jo l,ue14 eqsuer{^{req pesBat sreadreH 'looqcsJo atnurlu fuaneperBqlereSreyq 'rotuetueldur e 'lereSrBIAI;o fuors eql sr areH .spro/v\ ccv InJssecsns _ 8urno1 grlrn no,{Suue/!\oqs ueqt nol, ro; Surqraruos Burxg ro Burleru dq uoltcelJessardxa L1ary1 ol eJorusl eq tolueueldrut uB sr asnods rno,( jl 'rl xrJot ^\oq Surmoul ,{larerperuurpue Surqreruos 3ur>1oo1 Lldurs tB aH 'parcnnsuof, peu8rsep plnoqsBurqlaruos ro eq ;o elqedersruees A\oqJo s>lJo^/\ eurqf,Bu B A\oqspuBtsJapun [1anl]lntul Jotuerueldrur uy 'uortf,B q8norqrJlasurq sessardxe plJo/v\ spuBtsrepun 'ecua8r11etur puBrqu^\o sn{ eqr puB eH jo sBqrotuerualdruraqJ 'rotuarualdrq uB uosredsrqr sllBl eqlo) dqle; aftnuuocaq; '1oog Jar{u1 's8un1tSuuredeJ Jo _ Joqtne 'qe8;o Surrcnrrsuof, ro; g13eql e^BqsraCCV IIBroN UI8 B e^Bq "rtlorl)auuoc eruos raqunld aql ueq^\ rreJBS uo iplo sree[ gg s(eqs JJoseo8Llyddeqoql\ uozr]rf, roruesB etuof,eq [eru pue [gua]tnq sseltoor seLddeqsl eqs .plolu e II3^,\ eql otul tlJ or arnssard ot lBterf,os ur enrS](useopeuuv tBrp edoq e16 uleuof, B ^q aceldeuo uI pelueseq ot e^Bqno[ sr{es ]Bqt elnJE ,,;e8e 'srapuoA\ eJeqrs1,, eqs 'ernlnj req Jo ued e sBueJpllrlf,uorsrlue t(useop pue furetu ol e8rnl,ue aneq t(useopaqs 'alll raq ur turod srqt tV .suorl -sanb rreqt JeasuB ^\oq eJns o1 l(usraqs 'uA\opeluesor sueldreq tnoqB spuolUpue L11ure; 'punor-reeLstserelul,{ueu ensrndol ,bru reH TSB -nuoddo eqr ra}ro slelBrt rag 'Surpelqrellor pue Surlcedlceq 'Suruns '8utt1s Illtlumop eurrt ee{ req puedsot sa^ol puu f,rle8reuesr euuv
ijAZVuc uo qrdnrs'LZv-l JoN h{(l NVal{ no^

SurrouLq pacuequepue 3ut>1u1qr luenelerrl ^q perlslrnousI rounH 'xog B ur JoC eserqdeqt Lq petelnrultseref, eql Ief,rpeu leuosredul Jo arntcrdlelueu parereSSexe re q8nel e^\ oS 'pepl eqt 'lBnPI^lPuIuB sB Jo uoqs sllB,ueuo ,{trlearrql ^\oDI IIB e1)N aoul plnoqsoq^\ sleuorsselord suet:rs[qd;o papr rno o] se tuerled rlf,Be Jetunof,sunJe8erursF{I 'uoDf,aJur tf,BJtfueuun Jo leoJqt arosrno[;o '8ut1trus 'ptdeJ Surcrmas ruJoJlunpue leuosredrur Jo saJntcrd leluaru dn eserqdaqJ sarnluocpue luernetserpooj tsBJ Jo erueueqt salquraseJ B 'Pasop are sef,rlJo (srotroptsoru ueqd\ srnoq arp Suunp erBf,qrleeq ur-dorp eplnord tBql sJatuef, oJBJ ot tue8rn eqlJcsap pesns(ll 'Jorunqjo uoltepuno; eqt sB ,{rrprnsqe;o eql ',,snont8uof,ul elduexe uB srxog D ur Joe 'uorsserdxa [lprnsqe ro snorolpnleql Jo esues ot sleedde B retlr ,{rrlenbterl],, se noL uosrad retsqalN'/KouT rounq eqt pro/y\ saurJeP tseruuryaqr Jo {ulqJ tnuoc aql 'pl5{c r{f,Ba enbruneqr srcadser loorlf,s osle Suru:ee1 }o stuelerpue selArs B eql'Surureal uo-spuerlsezrseqdue tBql Iooqcsrrosseluolnl puene [".[ 'sef,uerradxa ra]taq e^BqIIIA\ueJpll{o req ter{t ernsueot sdets uelBl serlPIIEIIe^\ oor,{1uosLepIooqls Pernuol roq srequeruarlere8relAl

spuer{ ruou dl"q eruosgtlrn asnoqu/rrorraqt Surppnqpue Suru8rsep pa[ofue e^Br.{ pueqsnqrerl pue lere8reyrl'sf,rueqrau pu uB ur pary18 pue petualer 'rg8rrq ere uarplrqo eerql rleqJ 'spro/!\uBrlt speepyrpr elqBtJoJruof, crqderSB o1 Perileruraqrunld eJoruoslBsr oqrr\rauSrsap Jatseru A\ouq eqs 'splelJleuortrpeJt-uouur ueruon l,oldua or qsnd B s,[teloospue sartrllQe raq ]o uorteurquof, e q8norgt uorun s,reqrunld eqr jo raqruaruB aruef,eq 'rate1 'raqrunldB eruof,aq r.uerSord eqs ot 1e -uortef,ol B ur pellorue eqs'looqcsqBH reUV ' serlrunuoddo ro; eJe/r\ ereqt uer{^\erult e te e8eJo aruooor A1cn1 sB.&\ Surmor8 teJB8reyl


's8urqr tf,rulsuol ot poTIIosleeqs 'uosradLpueg ]uaplseraql sBruroyad xg Suruortcun;leru 'rec L11ue;eqt leder ol penol eqs pue sef,uerldde 's8urgrSurxr;-tsag plp eqsrer{^\Suropauoq le ,iddeq se^rlere8reyrl

osnoq erBIoqBIe aqs aelr uB ,".11;ff:1"tttt:ffitT ep'.,, 'rerp* fiffi

.rournHD ./,ap rosTo noaNaql-waur"Lrcd1uu;l


("- L-d

tuelBt slq Jo e8elue'rpB eIBl o1 elqBsB/!\ srqt op ot psurBel eq 'ruF{ tB tou 'urlrl gtl,n q8nel sraqto os slq8noqr slq ,i11eug sruuaq uaq^4A. 'ueq/1| snoJoulnqeql aJBr{s A{oq o1 aJeqzn Burureal Jo suollBlf,ossB PUB sr cnuof,JnatBruB lBuorsse;ord Jo eqJ ccv uB JoJssaf,f,ns taJJes Jo pue solnJslq Jo sarf,uetsrsuof,ur tno parurodtBr{l eql isuoltBln8er selol ]B pesnuepareadde renau eH 'JorunqJo esuos poo8 fuen e eABq ol PeueesJeleu Jeqf,Bel s(f,rurof, 'uoseeJ aql eurosJoC'suorldnrsrp eqt porercerdde sLetrleef,uerpne ur aqt auofuene lou ,eslnor;g .Bur -u/nolf,rreqt eqr gtlrn ssBIf, Surrdnrsrp serlrcedec ro} padolanep-lle/v\ pBq oql\ asoqtLllensneJB peJeqrueureJ seuoeqr 'dqseJB sf,ruroJ tsaq uJoq eluosq8noqlly 'uelParuortueplsereuo tseel tB e^eq stuoorsselr tsol4J 'l,uury ,pll^ Jraql atrnb eq uec sanSolouour Suuepue/v\ 'suoltlglqul Aq paredurequn 'ssnu^(laurlnoJ sreqto s8urqrSurcrtou ro; ry13 a^Br.{ B stlnpepue uerpllgc ooy dueyrl'suonf,rpBrluos eql
',LZV'l JON W,l Nvll,^l nOI IJIZVUSUO Ardnrs

'uleql rB PrBqos sassacf,ns lro^\ ot peq aq esnef,eq ler)os slq Jo pnord lpelncrrred sr all 'z{rrruapl SuousE pue spuer{ esolf,seq eH 'cnuof, dnpuelse }o esues sBJeeJef, e Sursrurord paqrunel ser{pue s,02,l,pea slq ul A\ousr sruueq 'seapl lelou pue snorounq dolanepor ,bryqe slq ro, suorteaue8 -Jo snorJen rno rq8nossBly\ uets,is y4 eqt JeAoSururourqf,Ba Lq puB euunoJ [pauroc B plp 's]uene looqcs dueu rc] saruotuaral nlsnlrll to eqt sBA\ 'luelBt f,nuof,slq JoJsesBs/v\oqs eH PePr^ordsenrnrlJelooqf,s t{8tr{Jo requrnu V 'seu1l aleudorddeeqt tB }Jo pue uo selol eql tr:n] ot peurBal ag srH pBrlag sBpeterf,ardde /.11eug plnor rounq Jo esuas ,irlrelndod aruosure8 ol un8aq peq pue qeued sself, ra8uol ou sB/!\ arp all 'a8pel/v\ou1Jles lueuodrur qrur perureIooqrs q8tq peretuesruueq 'ef,ueralJlp egJ 8tq B aperusuorsses 'll uoq/!\ lno Stpo* rulg dp,{ ot pue pueq }o }no to8 rorneqeqs(sruuecl ,(uo1 '1oodSurrooqs 3ur11em 'peAofua a{l ro qroq l,agr lurod or peer8e s8urqrop ot raqra8orre8 Lpeln8arplnom Larp tBqr IBapB eperusruuaq A\eu{ pue pH B sBuoucelar pef,uerredxa pue Luol 'd1",{ ot 1!\or{ peq oqn,\ ueru elrtrsuesB sB^\'Luo1 Jolesunof, eqJ 'uelgord srq qtrl/\ dl".l JoJrolesunocacueprn8Iooqf,sB ol lue,,K sruuacl'1oor1cs q8tq rorunf u1 'se1o[ srq ]B Surq8neluBrp reqter ryef e r{rns Sureqro} urlq sraadsrH 'tno ulg peunt peq Lpoqfuane esnef,eq perraJard re SurqBnBI sq8nel,{ue snororunq aruos per{IIIts eH 'tsertno lo8 reneutl tnq lerreteru B peq sruueq 'looqcs elpplru peretueer{ eurr aql Lg Ierf,os eurof,eq 'spooru snorres Jo peru eJe/v\ slq ur seterusselJ ueq^r e{Bt ot pJBqlpelnlr -red semsruuecl'rq8rlaull eqt erBr{s auoLueSuutel reneupue a8ers esla JetueJ3ur33oq'erurteqr IIE uo sB^\ eH Jlo tr paurnt Jaleu eq esnef,eq ellq/!\B reryB petetrrr euef,aqLaql tnq snorrellqse^rag tq8noqr ,(11e1rrur sreadsrH 'sa1ol,{ueru plot pue sself, pardnrretur oo] arp ,{puersuof, eH 'llB eq tB atnf, sE^{ {qqr t,uPIPsrer{f,Bel srg 'rana^\oq'looqcsPeretueeq uer{/N 'ellrll sBA\ ueq^\ rusrf,rtrr3 aq adecsa pa8eueursruuaq '[uun; pue a]nC '3urt1r,{raleotur sLemle or selv\ pue dotsuou pue Lpee pe{ler oq^,\relppot pere}-pel{lery'parreq -per B otur znerS [q"q eql 'uos ]uB]ur rreqt peluBuLeqr ueqA\rueql pepln8peq dSE Jo puH eruos perepuo^{sluaredsrg leqr ,(pcayedos JI 3ql ll} euBDlclu eql 'PIHI E sB((ef,Eual^I sruuecl,, PallBf,sB^\sruuoc
.\rrNnruoddo Ersvrsso nouc oI

,blnlrce euo ot Jlesreq tltull ot pBorq oot ueeq sl'ezn1e aABqstseJetul JeH 'JaaJBf, eteJodroc Suldolelap uo e sarS.reua snroJot tou pepllep sBqeqs 'rlnpBclcv uB sBa;11 8ur rar{ raq .n11 /,11n;ssaf,f,ns l'ltddeq sr oq^\ etuenellq lBuorsse;ord sr eruuoC pue B 'qof SurLed ruory srq aseql sesneH 'trolJe eplll gtl,n ruro;-rad lesurq qf,Btepot seqf,Bordde uBf,eq IIIIS B urBel ol ssoor{c ,{eu aq Jo 'stseretullear srq Surnsrnd roj elull Jo $[]olq ^\ollB or sulrls elqnop ur srnor{1ro1!\ elnper{rs srq 'runrulqru Jo atult-ued e or qof 8ur[ed B ur ]uatutsenur ryo,r [eru aH aqr dae>1 sr{em regtunu B tno sarn8ry ot etueuellq leuorsseJord eql Jo 'ry Sutop Lauorurlreeor ueld t(useop arteeqrpooqroqq8rau rsnl ag 'suor]f,npord ut SutsIIIts UBO os aJIIslq ueld ot seprf,ep 'cusrleerun sueerp eq eq ere srr.{ tBqt SurldacoB pue erntBruSurequeqt reqtBu 'tsoru sa^ol ag Surql aqr Surop8urnr1 aTeruot B ar{ tuelet tuerf,rilnssTf,EI szlrouleH .le^el ,ir11tqe qrreu t(usaopSut8uts a^ol srq leqr ezrlear slq Leu aq tlpurg Jo 'urlq setBnltotu tllds esoq^{ lsrlJeelrteeJf,eqt JoJuortrsodord pereg B aq Lerusrseq l,11aeznuo uB lerf,Jerutuof, SurluBJC'unJeqt sulnJ B rno L11ep asnereq eql pur-r8 s(trBeq ansrndot lou srq lro1Kslq ul errsep peplcepe^Bqosle ,{erueH 'esleauoduerrnq t(useoppue dddBr{ rulq salBrurr asnBf,aq 8un1rfua^e aH '8ur1cLref,uBtsrp Jo eFlll B ur selqqBp -Buo1 eler ro srnoqro; LgdosollqdpBar,ra11eq dn [p.rr uBf,eq ,aturJ aeg slr{t ul 'sBeJB rer{to ur esnroy dn ll see{ eq 'ryozuslr{ q L8raue Lg '9o[ e ,{.q peunsuof, oq ot ]ou Ieuoltotue ellssef,xetselur ot Sursn;er sasoor{f, stsaretulslq [q pegrosqB eq rBr{1 deuruosBareuo puB sl eq aurjapeJ 'suoseel;o dtaue^ B roJ uesoqf,seq oq/l\ ot Jlestun{JoJssef,f,ns 'Jele^\oq 'rarapuem ssolture t(usr uB Ienpl^lput Sutuoddnsjlas B sr eH ']uaru ep1'Surnll B sa{Buraq lem aqr ol Alnuepl slq {url l(useopeH -lllJInJro; tou ',tauou ro; qo[ B ]B $lro^t elue11ellq eql lguorsse]ord 'sanlesJno uoddns uBf,e^&\ paplnord 'stsaratul tueJelJlp[ueru eldrues](uBJeA\ter{t uoseeJ ou s(ereqJi^rlllqesrp ro qteep llrun uaqr gtlrn pue ruar{trelseru 'sanr1 ur sertrlr]Je^{eJB esooqJot e^Bqatr lcns eqt eperuoq/)N Jno legt alru elueilello FuorsseJord eql
I/IZVUC UO CrrdruS'LZVIrON hr,l NVA'\ nOtr

'serlrtuePl rleqr roJ rlf,Jeas Jlar{rur seepl^\eu tno 8ur^Jrz{snq or{A\stuef,selope aJB eseqtgrlrn Surryoztur stesse seJueuadxe eJB rag 'sre8e pue stsaJalur peuosse 'srea,{,(ueru -uael ibtc reuul rog lrll1| lJoA\Jeetunlo^euop sBqeruuo3 'eldoadSurtseretur ,(ueu grlart spuoquJoJ req pedlor{e^BqstsaJetur parrel reH 'elrsualxe sr stseratur raruroj puB tuerrnf,,o lsrl reH 'Lqdosollgdu:arsegpuB dqderSorogd 'ef,ron'3ur33o1c 's8urqlraqro Suoue pelpnrssBqeqsree,{, tsedeqt uI 'tueruorueqr tB Lcue; Jeq qf,tec ot suaddeqranatBq^\otur ,{8raualetueru tuepunqe reg st\ortlt aluuoC 'i(epeqr ro; qofreq saqsrurj ueqlil. 'ereq/!\es1a aqs [1e8re1 sr puru JOr{ elrq^\ tolldornB uo {Jo/t\ uBf,egs 'raturedpef,uerJedxe ue 's{Jo/v\ sI eqs esnBf,eg eqssBsSurs Jeutredraq gllrn slBr{JLllecrpo PUB -ued aqg 'adet uo Dlooqot sualsrlpue surearp,(Bp 'slro,t\ er{selrq^r eqs sLolueegss8urqt op uBf,eqs 'req ro] tce3:edsr uesoql seq eqsIrol!\ eql 'ud\o Jer.{ uosuedruof, IInp ot ur eJB saAII s,eldoad Jeqlo terlt se^arleq eqs 'uorsrf,ap pener8erraneu Jeq seq oqs 'uedo suorldoreq deal puB ef,rnpe rreqr erou8rot peprf,ep aqg 'l,emJeqlo l,ue LddeqSureqaur8erur t(uplnoo 'ranelroq 'aruuo3 ',(ddeqoq ra^e plnol\ aqs^.oq aur8eul t(uplnoo [".1I 'aJIIreq ro; sueld cglcads8ur1eu rou Lq lerruerodreq else^\o] Sursooqc aruuoC serq8uq se auo,i,ue eur8erull(uplnoc Leql 'sseussal 'sluaredra11 -rulBSutruaas tnoqe perJJoA\ Jerl sJolasunof, sJeqf,Bet pue 'a8e11oc oB ol ot alll req jo sreadrnoJJo unururlu B dn Surnr8aur8etult(uplnoc eqs 'SutqrLuB otur l,ldaepe^lep or Surddots tou rnq SurqlfueneSurldrues 'a;11 ur 3uo1e Surruutls roJ of,uereJerd pe8pelrnou{f,e raq er{S'errorlc e18urs ot eJIlreg SurmorrBu;orq8noqr eqr rBeqt(uplnof,eruuoC e 'JaeJef, pue a8alloctnoqe suorsrf,ep e e1elrrot eruuo3 Surpensrad rallllz[sry\ 'uo;;e leerSarrdseq lreg SulprnS 1BInJssaf,snsun peurBluer pue Surlesunof, ,{lqerasrupelle} orlt\ rolesunof,eruBpln8eqr 'rallllAl re 'srlnl ro; turos tleJ eqsloor{f,sr{8tq u1 'a1/.rsellrer{ llJ tl esnef,eq rlnpe SunodB sBaperueqsef,Ioqce talured esnoqe sB8urnr1 sa1etuoruuoC B

'uortrsodJo B sBqoqr!\Jeccv B uB Inlssof,f,nsJo oldluBxa sr oruuoc deuourlerruersqns eq rnoqtrm lananoq '1n;ssef,cns uec no1 'snorueJ pue qf,rr auoteq peepurrqSrtuno[ 'pueuep ur erBs]uelBtpuB sr]13 rnoA;1 't! op or naK salquuawqt a1fasa/rr1o uoTqsntptn op ol uroq arafinno("Tnqmlno atn&il noc uaqftn paftalqJpst ssaJJns :8urzno11o; sr sar{f,te{s aqt atrsodruof, ur parpoque ssef,f,ns aqt Jo uoltlurJepSurLpepunaql 'lle te 'euntroypue erue;ot peel tou rq8nu lBql suJnl Pue slsl/v\l Sutstrd-lns qtl/y\ auo enueuJatleuB elet ot spuel aH 'ssaf,rns etnor peglrcserd ^rolloJsdeznle ot aqr reCCV uV t(useop 's,{em lueuodrur eJoluur 'ssectnS'uoqs 'tce; eq peJnsBotu uBf,tena,trroq 1p; lqStu sJeccv dueru ul 'troqs aldoadeql etuos,lcrlsprel, srqrtsure8e 1p; lq8ru teru ezl\ 'suoltoruordpue sesreJ Jo peJnseelnJ Surduedruocce reeJB) gtlrn JeppBI eqr dn qurlll [papro uB sesserf,ns sornsearu lcrrspre[ leuor]rpert er{I 'luolueJnsEotu stl Jo pJBpuBts puB sseccns uorlrurlepeqt uo Jo spuadap 't(ueJe Leqr reqr an8replno^\ eruos'1n;ssaccns [lqeruepun erB tl 'uon{se} slenpl^lpu eseqt uBf,stlnpe IIB e^erloqeA\q8noqlly CCV se^rl eqr;o selduexeA\oje lsnl ere seqJ]e1s atrsodruof, eseql Inlssef,f,ns

:ssertns q feq/K
'sreJjoaJIIsrepuo^\eql IIe o1 tueqt ef,nporlul o1 trB^\t(uBf,eruuoc 'uoos fep euo uarpllt{) Surneqot pre^\ro; 8ur>1ool pue raqreSotsreart ere e^IJreUBspuer+tseq lllrs ere pueqsnqraq pue eqs '[nue spuergreq e8etueruB seqaI{S 'spuer$r.{tr.ry\ arnsrel pue Jetuef,ueet eql tB erurt req sertr^nsB Jaatunlo^req 'ryom req JoJeurrt alenbepeepnlJurol olnpeqJs raq sueldL11n;arer 'qo[ eqs ArrlenbB ]uerlr fuenasenr8 sl,emle pue slll{s req rrrBelor prBq pa{ro^r sBr{er{s '1ro^\ raq lnoqB sselerBc s(eqs lBr{1ro ef,uBtsgns aJntcnJts sBr{ s,eruuo3rBgt ,i1duI ot luB/r\](uop e/x\ Jo ou OJII 'eldoadJer{toyrlm Burtceuuoo sdol sr lB eqs 'BeJe tueuodun dran euo ur tredxe uB sr eqs 'puy 'arrnbceol ,bru -nuoddo eqt a^BqJeneusJeqto[ueu e8pal,rnou>l seouerJedxe;o puB qtlee^\ E seq aqs '8urqt euo Auete uadxe uB t,usl eruuoc leqr enJts(tr g8noqrly,,'8urqt,{uetB slef,xa renau er{S itxeu aqt or Surqreuo ruo$ SurrrlgJo osneqt s(teq4t,,:a1[lseJII s(eruuoC ezrf,r]rrf, aldoedAuery
iiAZ\.U3 UCrArdnrs ',LZv'lrON r^t.lNVE'\ no^

uesoqf,Jaq ur eurJtsnl Suropsr 'ecue]surJo] 'aruuo3 'oot ,{e1oEteqr 'noL rot ecroqcB tou l,ldunssr uouef,npe leuoltlppeter{r eplJepnod;1 'sndurecstr sBfutunoc eloq/!\aqt sesnt1 'lleuurf,ur3 ur paseg'ef,ror{J JoJ tuellef,xeuB sr 'eldruexe 'alnlnru1uoruneql'runlnf,rJ -Jnf, u/r\orno'{ u8rsepot no,{d\ollBpue SururBal e8ernooua patceJrpJlas ',b1nce; tuog ecueprn8 seursre^run roJ eql pelrperf,f,e rBr{1 grl,n {ool serPnts rno,{uSrsap ue rsererul BerB treles or &I11g1xeu PUB }o lBuolrlppB e^Bqno[ 'looqcs e]Bnper8 'stuelet pue stsaJotut ul rnol, saqotetureqr [ Jo BaJE asooqf, uE uBf,no^ 'aoedu,ro rnoL ]es uBf,pue uorloales asrnof, tuopeog e^Bqnol, 'a8allot ul 'qe^el req8rq ol ef,uelpe noL ur se1n;Surueeru lueseeldeJorusr Iooqf,stBrlt relof,srp rq8rru notr pue rnol, grlm ule8e rr 8ur,fut ;lasrnodot tuerulrrutuoopuno'/v\eu 'sef,uauodxe Japrsuof, loorlcst13rqtueseeldun esnef,eg Jo looqls uo dn ane8no,i;1 'uouef,npa eJou alnbar dlrnrtearrpue ,brpqrxepJo le^el retear8B roJllrolletBqt sqotarlr 'lereua8ul 'peplo^Beq plnoqspue sreCCV roj rlnf,rlllp ereuortezrue8ro paads tunnuarde eceldteql uo pue sqo[ Lrrua ro pollllsun 'slllIs pef,ue^pB s,,{epol ]noqtr^r plro^4, 1ene1 uI eAIAJns tlnf,t;;lp arou Surruoceg 'uorteonpa ot s,rl aJou Surnsrnd 'Jeneaoq'op Japlsuof, nol, a8ernoouo ol e41 'pedofuaueq] peJnpue 'sn;o dueurrog aq ot eroru 'esJnoc alf,Btsqo rlntllJlp B surBtueJ Iooqf,s 'sf,ISBq eql PerelsBru eq raryB,i11crnb sBr{ sasserSord uer;o CCV gtlrn lenpl^lpur uB uB tBqt sr s^\eupoo8 eqJ 'peeqe Sutnou eq deursaterue8esrq 'sar8aterts pue leuorlezrue8ro sef,IAeP ,fuoruaur ot Sutureals,agellr{41 'sar8ateJts asn ssedLq uJeel ot peJrnber d8rauepue arun eqr Lq pe/!\ols LerussarSord aq slq'8urql euo roC ',sraadsrq ueql Je/nols aq alqer arull tBq^\otuos ot sreadde 'eqcru anbrunslg spulJeq aroJeq strets leruerudole^ep IBrntBusrH aslBJ oqA\JeruoolqetBIB ueuo sr reeCIV uV Jo requnu B sef,ueuadxe reaeN ueql atel repeg-eqrlN rnotr ErtprU 'pedolanep L11n; s(tr lrtun uoueerf,qf,Ba 'IJOA\slq lueuetrf,xa eql saJnunuaq 'tuered e ro tsluB uB ot JBIIuTIS Jo 'spre^teJ sr pre^\erfueunrd fuepuooes eseqt'rul[ rog i,{euou aJB ".{J slg;o lcadsareqt Aluo tou pourBa seq ;o srodosletnq san8eallor eH 'lnlssef,f,ns sr ruyf'ryol\ ree]unlo^ req g8norqr sreqtoor If,Bq osle enr8ot sa8eueru stuJetu^to Jaq uo eJll sa^rl aqs 'euocur tseporu tn9

'a8ueqo aqt uI Jeqsn or pedlaq e^Bq [eur aBeratndruof, eqJ 'enr]Blouur aloru eJBoqlr esoqt JoJruooJ 8ur>1eusr plJo/r\ {JoA{ eqt ter{t sn ot srueestl '8urn1os-ruelqordaAItBaJf, eteler 'SurcuaraleJpuB uortezrue8ro uorl ot Jo -decxa eqt qrrn\ 's1111s aql IIV 'peuunts eJe^\ em 'tsr1srql /!\Esed\ uerl/K

sepoln[ Lueyqur uor]Bf,runuuoJ o uoItBuIJoJul e1 ar druof, r.{tr 3ur1e -uorsr ul /r\ 3oe o yq ,blnlreerCr seeplA\eNot uortef,tlddyo slsaqtu,($o Surcuara;eg pue uouezrue8rgo SurnlogrualQordo (qreu 8urpn1cu1) 3ur1urg1 lernrrJe srs.,{1euy uortenleA![ pue o aql ss,,s,06, roJ sIIT{s gol,, 'tB 8uuul{ are e^\ lBr{/v\;osaldruBxe B erBereH 'sreccv ro} plro^\ rerlpueru BJo ^\e} arnlctd eqt se/v\ e8edeqt uo erer{t lr{8lg ipelrf,xe[lqereequn eruBraq alt 'arnJn;aqr otur ses,(1eue Jreqttoalord pue spueJt]ueJJnc azl,leue oq^\ stradxadq saloruepuB Dlooq eruosSurpearpeqsrurJ ueqlfi e^4, ipuodaqpue s(066I er{l }o plro^{ eqt ur ,i11ry1rneeq eseq} or llJ sf,rlsrratf,BrBr{f, tBqt no,i 11ar parqSlleparBe41 'sdemanbrun un\o Jno ur s8urqrSuroprarddeql,lleraua8ere oq^\ sIf,rranru uauo 'peaue8rouBr{teAuEeJf, eJB 'l,11eurg e^{ eJotueg ot puel oslea/N 'sllBtep gtlrn er e^\ uBqt serntcrd8rq egt ro 'stletsa8 qrrznJeneq eq ot puel sJeCCV olN 'operueg UBO suortezrleJaua8 e 'dnor8 esJenrp aJee^&\ ma; B q8noqlly 'CCV grlrn stlnperoj IIe^r epoq spueu erntnJpue tuarrno ^(qn noL llar ot pe$uord em 'rardegcsrqt}o Suruur8eq rV eqr {qqr ezn

sreoov roJ{oopno lq8lrg eql

'uonBf,nPe leuorrlppBto trjeuaq eqr tnoqlrA\ ryoA\

ruog rJlqser{t ueeg sBr{ punoJordtsoru eqJ E06,puB s,09,3gt Jo eSuBr{f, 'setBJ ,srea[ pJof,altB peuBtsuaeq a^eg sesseursng ]sBd IIBlus IBJeAes eqr 'dtqsrneuardarlua;o a8rnsB ur puert srqt Suraes Apeerle or(e/X\ l"^O 'qdrunur plno/v\ ur Ienpl^lpul er{t qcFI^A Bre^\eu B sBu^\ep plno/Ks,066I aqt teqt petorperd',10002 rpuaun&alq eueprnqv puBnlqsreN .s,0g6l q aqr padeqsteqt se8uegc rea;8 aqr ,(uerupetrrpard Llarerncte aT96l '{oog Jo'retsBf,eroJ ur Peqsrlqnd nrspuaunSayT srH (spuartSurpeals(plro^\ eqr'rrlqsleN uqofJo IIEq1ersfuc ruoU s^\eupoo8 arorus,ereql aq] 'ro^BJ rno ur peddll seq ef,uBIBq Turqr a71N er{r 'sesseu{aA\ ueqt reqtBJsqt8uerrs slr{ stuaruelnb EraCeV uB det 11luu -ar qol ^\eu eq] ]o tsotu teql sl aceldlroA\eql ul ulqs srql lnoqe ued egl 'penordruleq uBc uolteJrunururoJ puB peuJBel uBc eq InJJaPuoa,t 'raaamoq_'cr3o1 'pueq tB r.uelqord or cr8ol uortBcrldde aqr peurld Jo -lrslp errnbarqllls esaql 'lsBt rlntl#lp reqtouBag rqSrurs,066I er{] pue eqr eurldrcsrp-Jles Joslll{S stsdleue 8ur>1qqr IBf,Itrrf, ro; Iertuesse aqr Sutdole^eq'clteruelqord plnor ter{r eeJB sr uortef,runuuoC aq uB 'aoe1dryot\ /neu slql olul azeeJg tcadxeuef, eA\aJojaqsBeJB ot Jno jo eluosuo 'esJnoc 'sdlqsuortBleJ IBe/v\ Surtou pue sef,Jnos lue {JoA\ot peau op art\ }o 'seeplSurtearc peluelet eJBsn -re#lPruo{ uotleruio;ut Sutzrseqlu,{s tB 're{ro^\ /r\euaqr al;ord eqr sarlrlenb rlJ ;o [ueyq }o CCV rno 1urq] e/A. '[1a.tuear] Iulr{t pue suralqord a^los uB3or{/!\sJeryo/r\ speaue8erelndurof,eql Jo plJo^\IJo^t eqJ. 'uorlf,rj ef,uerrs Jo urBruopeqr IIIISsl lulqr uBf,lBrlt sralnduroc ',blnllearl lal, lng Jo lueudolenep or{J Jo alqBdec t(uere sretndurof, igsero[eql ueg/!\tdacxe-tno peuJnqJo peJoqte3 t,uop ["qI .uBf,suBrunq uBq] Jelleq a{Bt puB seull l,lquressB eqt unJ ueuo {JoA\ ef,rllo aultnoJJo aJBc uec I'eq1 'sn JoJSutaue8Jo Jo qonur e8eueu ueo sralndurof, aqt ^\oNI 'Jeuuetu.(paads B ur tl ruroyad puB {ro^\ eunnor Jo alunlon e3re1 ezrueSro e plnos oq^\ seel,oldrua e^Bq ot elqBJrsep sB^r .s1sBt euunoJuo eturt JregtJo tsotu tl uBrunq 'acr;;o eqt ur sratndruof, IEATJJB eJoJag luads sJe>lJo/rr eqr Jo




, r {

'alqrssod Surlnruruof,elel srqt epBur seq ssardxa Jo IBJapaJ eulqoeru xe; 'ratnduroc g8norqr sreqto grlm Lllotnb {url or ,b11tqeeql 'etuoq le Surryorv\ ,{rrpqrxag aqt 8ur,{olua are eldoed;o sraqtunu Surlrorg Jo 'suratsr{s f,ueJf,neernq e8rel ul{rll\ Sunpon }o uolssarddo eqr uoJ, sn ee5 ^4,1aterurlln ill/t\,i8o1ougf,al slql tBtlt pualuof, euaprnqv PUBttlqsleN 'aadoldrue elerodrof, eqt ol tuopee{ ^\eu Sur8uuq sr ,{Solouqcar ^\eu pue ef,Bldryom aqr SuruuoJsueJtst ,i.ruouocepeseq-uoltBurJo;ul aql 'r{rntuar lxau eqt uI Llplder eAIoAa ot anultuof, ,{lparqnopun III/\{ e8uegc slql 'aouernPue ro paads 'rlt8uerls leetsLqd senle^ Jlaqt ueqt raqleJ stualel puB seapt anbtun Jleqt JoJsre1Jo/v\ leql uB plJollr,B petBeJssetl 'ffiolougJel ''{tarcosuorlBruJo}ur uB ol IBIJISnPUI
't\ZVarON l^l,l NVAIAI nOI UO IIAZ\/UC Ardnrs

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'olnluonpe -llomele oJotu ftelcos Jnout e;doed,{ueul1oien'1aL41 ou st oJoL{l'so^tlJlor.ll tuoJlpereeddeslp o^eLlol stuoos^lteuel

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i Stills, i, Lancet. 1008-1012,1077in conditions children, abnormalpsychological G.F. (1902). Some 1082,1163.1168. 2 Goldstein, andGoldstein, (1990). NewYork:John in AttentionDisorders Children. M. Managing S. WileyandSons. 3 American (2nd (1968). mentaldisorders Diagnostic statisticalmanualof and Psychiatric Association. ed.). \Uashington, Author. DC: 4 American (3rd (1980).Diagnostic statistical manual mental of disorders and Psychiatric Association. Washington, Author. DC: ed.). 5 American (4th (1987).Diagnostic statistical manual mcntal of disorders and Psychiatric Association. Washington, Author.DC: ed.). 6 Zu*.tkin, A.J.,Nordahl, S' !il.E.,Rumsey, Hamburger, & M., T.E.,Gross, King,A.K.,Semple, J., The of onset. glucose with hyperactivity childhood in meabolism adults R.M.(1990). Cerebral Cohen, of 323 NewEngland Joumal Medicine, (30),136l-1366. 7 Zm.tkin, A.J.,& Rapoport, (198i).Neurobiology attention with hyperactivity: disorder of deficit J. Psychiary, Academy Child andAdolescent of of where have come 50yearsl we in lournal theAmerican 26,676.686. 8 Leuine, (198?).DevelopmentalVariation Leaming Educators Massachusetts: Cambridge, Disorders and M. Inc. Publishing Service 9 Ingersoll, (1988). with AttentionDeficit Disorder. Guide Coping to Child:A Parents B. YourHyperactive NewYork:Doubleday. 10T.11.g.n, Lykken, N.L. T.J., K.J.& Segal, (i988).Personality S., A., D.T.,Rich, Bouchard, Wilcox, Psychology,54 and Personality Social apart together. and similarity twins in reared 6),1031-1039. Joumalof 11Ch.rr, S.,& Thomas. (1984). Adult to Disorders: Infancy Early From of Behavior OriginandEvolution Life.NewYork:Brunner/Mazel. 12Ingerroll, YourHyperactive Child. B. 13F.ingold, (19?5). House. New B. \UhvYourChild isHyperactive. York:Random 14 Sri,h, L. (1975). House. New Behavior Chemistrv. York:Random YourChild's 15Toffl.r,A. (19?0).Future House. NewYork: Random Shock. 16Co*ingr,D.E.(1990). Press. Duarte, California:Hope Behavior. Svndrome Human and Tourette 17Erikron, NewYork:\il.\7. Norton& Co. E.H.(1950). and Childhood Societv. 18W.irr, G. & Hechtman, (1986).Hvperactive Press. Children GrownUp. NewYork:TheGuilford L.T.




19W.irr, G. & Hechtman, Hvperactive L.T. Children GrownUp. 20W.irr, G. & Hechtman, L.T. Hyperactive Children GrownUp. 21Leuine, DevelopmentalVariation Leaming M. and Disorders, 22Gol.rnrn,D' (1992,JanuaryiFebruary). that \Tounds never heal:howtrauma your changes brain.Psychology pp.62,66,88. Today, 23Kil.u, D. (1983). Peter Svndrome. York: The Pan New Avon. 24Al.hoholi.sAnony*our.A.A. !7orldServices:New York,NewYork. 25Longr.r.,D.l. (1980). LivingMorewith Less. Scottdale, Pennsylvania: Herald Press. 26Drrdig, e. Heward, \iil.L.(1981). (Znded.). Sign Here; contracting forchildren theirparents. a book J,C. and Ann Arbor,Michigan: Edward Brothers. 27Winrro.,, (1978). S. Getting Organized. York:WamerBooks. New 28Lrpp,D. (198?). Don'tForget: Exercises a Better Easy for Memory Any Age.NewYork:McGraw.Hill. at 29s.h.ib.r, B. andTalpers, (198?) Unlocking Potential. Maryland: AdlerandAdler. J. 30 S.h.ib.r, B. andTalpers, Unlocking Potential. J. 31 S*ith, S. (1986). Easy No Answers. Leaming The Disabled Child at Homeandat School. Newyork: Bantam Books. 32 Silu.r,L. (1984)The Misunderstood Child.NewYork:McGraw.Hill. 33 S.h.ib.r, B. andTalpers, Unlockin&Potential. J. 34Cousins, (1989). N. Head First. The Biology Hope. of NewYork:Dutton. 35 Gli.k, D. (1992, 13).Newage meets hippocrates. p. Newsweek. 58. Jul1, 36U/.irr, G. & Hechtman, L.T. Hyperactive Children GrownUp. 37W.irr, G. & Hechtman, L.T. Hyperactive Children GrownUp. 38W.irr, G. & Hechtman, L.T. Hyperactive Children GrownUp, & Goldstein, (1990). S. M. Managing Attention Disorders Children: Guide Practitioners. in A for NewYork:Wiley. 40 M.di.rlEconomics (1991). Company. (45th Physicians Reference. ed.), Desk Author. 41Comings, D.E. Tourette Syndrome Human and Behavior. 42Clrrk, B. S. V. PharmacologicalBasis of Nursing Practice. Queener, & Burke,Karb, (1990). St.Louis:C.V. Mosby Company.

43 Ing.rsoll, YourHyperactive B. Child. 44 !f.nd.,, P.H.,& Reimherr, F.W.(1990). Bupropion treatmenr attnention.deficit of hyperactivity disorder in adults. AmericanJoumalPsvchiatrv, (8),1018.1020. of 147 45 S9l*i, P,M., Klein,M.H.,Greist, Sonell, & Erdman, (1991). S.P. H.P. Computer.administered therapy J.H., fordepression, Computing,(2),98.102. M.D. 8 46Ayr.r, A.J. (1981). Sensory Integration theChild.LosAngeles, and Califomia:Westem Psychological Services. 47Liul., P.(1990, October 12.14).Mind game the90's. for USA !ileekend, p.16. 48\ilillirrnr, G. (1990, Experiencing etemity. pp. Longevity, 52.58. June). 49 Cousins, Head N. First. The Biology Hope. of 50Addu.i,L. (1991, September Mv childcouldn't attention. 3). pay p. womens Day. 102, 106. 51Rroo,D,J.(19?9). Allergies theHyperactive and child. NewYork:Simon schuster. &



52F.ingold, YourChild's B. Behavior Chemistry. 53 D..k.r, P.F. (1985). : NewYork:Harper Row. & Innovation Entrepeneurship: and Practice Principles. and 54 Kolb.,K. (1990). Conative \ilho YouAre andHowYou The Connection: the Uncovering Link Between \fesley. Perform. York:Addison New 55Noel/Levitz (1989, presentation Thomas for at October). Visualof skills thenineties, Conference. 1ob MoreCollege. 56Nrirbitt, (1984). (Znded.). Books. Megatrends. York:Wamer New J. 57 Nrirbitt, & Aburdene, (1990). for New P. Megatrends TenNewDirections the 1990's. York Monow. 2000: J. 58Nrirbitt,j. & Aburdene, Megatrends TenNewDirections the 1990's. for P. 2000:



AppsNorx A

Susgested Reading List

Bain, L. (1991). A Parents Guide to AttentionDeficit Disorders. New York: Dell. Comings, D.E. ( 1990). Towette Syndrome Human Behnuior. and Califomia: Hope Press. Cowart,V.S.(1988)."The ritalin controversy: what'smadethis drug's opponents hyperactivel" Joumal of the American Medical Associat ton, 259,257.I.7523. Dardig,J.C. and Heward,\7.L. (1981). Stg,n Here: AConwacangBook anl"Their Paren*. Bridgewarer, New Jersey: Fournies& F, for Children Associates. Gauthier,M. (1984). "Stimulant medicationsin adultswith attention deficit disorder". CanadianJournalof Psychiatry, 439 (79), 435.440. Golin, M., Bricklin, M., Diamond, D. and the RodaleCenter for ExecutiveDevelopment.(I99I). Secrets Executive of Success. Emmaus, Pennsylvania: RodalePress. Goldstein, S. and Goldstein, M. ( 1990). ManagingAttentionDisorders in Children.New York: John Wiley and Sons. Ingersoll,B. ( 1988). Yow Hyperactiqre Chill,: A Parent's Guide to Coping with Attention Deficit Disorder.New York: Doubleday. L"pp, D. ( 1987). Don't Forget:Easy Exercises a BetterMemoryat for


Succesrr,o RsaDINc Ltsr

Att) Agr. New York: McGraw-Hill. der V elopmental ariationand LearningDisor s. Levine, M. D. ( 1987) . D eqt PublishingService,Inc. Educators Massachusetts: Cambridge, Cambridge, AheaA School. in Levine, M.D. ( 1990). Keeping PublishingService,Inc. Educators Massachusetts: Liden,C.B., Zalenski, J.R.and Freytag,L.(1992).Attention deficit of a Towardestablishing standard carefor adults.Transacnon disorder: 7566 Health CareSystems, Senes(No.2). Tlansact Monograph , Monroeville,PA 15146. Haymakeq Book New York: LorayneH. and Lucas, (1974).TheMemory J. DorsetPress. on effects sympL. Marres, J.A. and Boswell, (1984)."Methylphenidate 41,105-106. tomsof ADD in adults". Achivesof GeneralPsychiatry, California:CelestialArts. Satir,V. (I97 6) . MakingC ontnct.Berkeley, and CoILege Potential: B. Scheiber, and Thlpers, 198i ) . Unlocking J.( PeopLe-A Stepby StepGuide. Other Choices LearningDisabl.ed for Maryland:Adler and Adler. : Silver, L. B. (1991) . Attention-DeficitHyperactiuityDisorder A Clinica| Washington,DC: American andTreatment. Guideto Diagnosis Inc. Press, Psychiatric New York: William Don't (Jnderstand. Thnnen,D. ( 1990).YouJust Morrow and Company. New York:Bantum. Turecki,S. (1985).TheDfficultChild". 'Weiss, Grown Children G. and Hechtman,L.T. ( 1986). Hyperactiqte New York: Oxford University Press Up. 'Weiss, in L. (1992). AnentionDeficirDisorder Adu\ts:PracticalHelp for Taylor Publishing. Dallas,Texas: Spouses. andTheir Sufferers


SuccgsrEn Rp,qDrNG Lrsr

\fender, P.H.,& Reimherr,F,\7.(1990). "Bupropiontreatmentof attention-deficithyperactivitydisorderin adults".American Journal of Psychiatry, (8), 1018147 1020. \Uender,P.H. ( 1987). The Hyperactiue Chill", Adolescent, Aduh: and AttentionDeficit DisorderThroughtheLifespan.New York: Oxford University Press. \Uinston,S. (1978) GettingOrganiTed. York:WarnerBooks. . New Wolkenberg, (1987,October 11)."Out of a darkness". E New York TimesMagazine, 62, 66, 70, 82.83. pp. Woods,D. (1986)."The diagnosis treatmentof attentiondeficit and disorder, residualtype". Psychiatric Annals, 16, 73-28. Yellin,A.M., Hopwood,J.H. and Greenberg, L.M. (1982)."Adults and adolescents with ADD: clinical and behavioralresponses to psychostimulants". 7, Journalof Clinical Psychophamacology, I33-


Zametkin,A.J. et al. (1990)."Cerebral glucose metabolism adults in with hyperactivityof childhood onset".The New EnglandJournalof Medicine.323 (20). 1361.1366.


AppeNorx B -

Resource List
ADDult Support Network M"ry JaneJohnson 2620lvy Place,Toledo,OH 43613 , This organizationis really a one-womanoperation, but M"ry Jane Johnsonhas done a superbjob of developinga nationwide network for ADD adults.Thenetwork publishesa quarterly newsletter(ADDult News), has a pen pal programand compilesinformational packetsfor ADD adults.Ms. Johnsonis alsocollecting data on adult ADDers through a questionnaireshehas designed. you are interestedin parIf ticipating in her research, write to Mary Janeand request questiona naire. She has also informed us that she is organizinga national ADD adult conferencescheduledsometime in 1993.The conferencewill most likely be held in the Midwest and will probablybe just the first of many to follow. Attention Deficit Resource Center LawrenceL. Melear,Ph.D., Directot 1344JohnsonFerryRoad, Suite 14, Marietta,GA 30068 1-800-537-3784(voicemail) The center is a non-profit clearinghouse information on Attention for Deficit Disorderwith a specialfocuson ADD in adults.It publishesa bimonthly newsletter, The ADDVISOR, that offersa wealth of practical information on coping with ADD as an adult. Books and cassette tapeson the topic of adult ADD are availablethrough the Center's resource services. There are alsoperiodic conferences, workshops,and home-studyprogramsfor ADD adults.Write for free information.


Rrsounce Lrsr Attention-Deficit Disorders Association (ADDA) PO. Box 972,Mentor,OH 44061 1-800-48i-2282 Children with Attention Deftcit Disorders (CHADD) 499 Northwest 70th Avenue,Suite 308 Plantation,FL 33317

(305) -3700 s87

Both theseorganizations serveasnational clearinghouses inforfor mation, supportand advocacyfor ADD individuals.CHADD has numeroussatellitesupportgroupsthroughout the country. Challenge, Inc. PO. Box 488,\7. Newbury MA 01985(508) 462-0495,

(800) 7.33.2377.

Inc. is a national,nonprofit,parent-based Challenge, organization primaryfocusis its bimonthly foundedin 1986.The organization's newsletter,Challenge, which wasthe first national newsletteron Attention Deficit Disorder, and which features articleson children as well asadults.Challenge, Inc. offersmembers many other benefits, prices. such asprescription medicationat wholesale Individual Membership- $25ly ear Professionals Membership-$4llyear (for professionals the field in who wish to be listed on Challenge's Professional ReferralList) DisabledUSA President's Committeeon Employment the Handicapped1111 of 20th Street N\7, 6th Floor,\il7ashington, 20036 DC This publication includesreportsabout the continuing progress disfor abledindividualsand new opportunitiesfor rehabilitationemployment. Learning Disabilities Association (LDA) (formerly the Association for Children and Adults with Learning Disabilities) PA 4156LibraryRoad,Pittsburgh, 15734(417) 341.1515 This international organizationof parentsof learning disabledchildren, adults with learningdisabilitiesand professionals approxi. has mately 800 state and local affiliateswhoseactivitiesinclude education, legislationand research. The Nen^usbnefs newsletteris published six times a year and includesinformation about new developments in the field. Freeinformationalpacketsand numerouspublications,


Rpsounce Lrsr programs,are also availablefrom including a list of post-secondary the LDA. National Netrvork of I-earning Disabled Adults (NNLDA) 808 \Uest82nd Street, F--2, Scottsdale, AR 85257 Formedin 1980,the NNLDA providesa supporrnetwork for leaming disabledadults,self-helpgroups,and national organizations. It also advocatesfor accommodationsfor the learning disabledadult in institutions and the work place.National activitiesinclude a newsletter and annual workshop. National Rehabilitation lnformation Center (NARIC) 8455 ColesvilleRoad, Suite 935 Silver Spring,MD, 709L0-33L9

(301) (800) s88-e284; 34-NARIC

For a nominal fee,this organization search database information its for can regardingthe rehabilitationor employmentof individualswith disabilities. Orton Dyslexia Society 8600 LaSalleRoad,ChesterBldg.,Suite 382 Baltimore,MD 2L704

(800) ABC.DI23

Numerousstateand local chapten of the intemational Orton Societyprovide educationand promoteresearch dyslexia. variety of materials,a in A newsletterand information aboutpost secondary educationoptioru are available. The Orton Societyalsoholdsnational and sate conferences. OSERS News in Print Office of SpecialEducation and Rehabilitative Services330 C Street, SW fOtS SwitzerBldg.,\Tashington,DC 20707 This newsletter conmins ongoing reports about federal activities related to individuals with disabiliries. STEP Systematic Tiaining For Effective Parenting STEP AGS Publishers' Building, Circle Pines,MN 55014 STEP groupsare offeredby variouscommunity organizations, local schools,community centers,churches,synagogues, adult education programsand mental health providers.For additional information, contact the national STEP coordinator.


Rr,souncr, Ltsr

Vocational and PostsecondarvSchool Organizations

Association of Independent Collegesand Schools One Dupont Circle, NW \Tashington, DC 20036 A free directory is availablethat includesa list of 630 accreditedprivate business in schoolsand colleges the United States. National Center for Research in Vocational Education 1960Kenny Road,Columbus, OH 43710(800) 848-4815; (614) 486-3655 Ohio in The center offersa variety of materialson technical education,career planning and employment preparation. National Association for Ti.ade and Technical Schools 7Z5Z'S7isconsin Avenue, N\7, \Tashington, DC 20007 This association distributesa handbookwith lists of accreditedtrade and technical schoolsthroughout the United States. National Association of Vocational Education Special Needs Per, sonnel (NAVESNP) Z0Z014th Street,Arlington,VA 72201(703)572-6IZL in This national organizationof professionals vocational education, focuses the educationalneedsof handicapped, disadvantaged, and on other specialneeds'individuals.

Learning Materials A.D.D.Warehouse

300 Northwest 70th Avenue,Suite 102,Plantation,FLA 33317

(800) 233-e273
This catalogoffersa variety of books and tapesavailablefor purchase. may be lessexpensive, this is an excellent Although other sources compilation of availablematerials. Recording for the Blind, Inc. (RFB) 20 Roszel Road,Princeton,NJ 08540 (800) ZZt-4492or (609) 457-0606in New Jersey


REsouncnLrsr recordings availableby mail. Approximately 60,000free-of-charge are year.All requests must be accompanied Gpes can be bonowed for one by an applicationform and detaileddiagnosticinformation regarding Eligibleindividualsinclude the individual'sneed for theserecordings. handicapped. thosewho are visually,physicalh and perceptually Talking Books Handicapped National Library Servicefor the Blind and Physically (NLS) 1791Taylor Street,N\7 \Tashington, The Library of Congress

(202) 882-5500 DC 70542

etc. literature,magazines, are availablefree Popularnovels,classical The collecof chargeto individualswith specificreadingdisabilities. tion is availablethrough local and regionallibraries.
Pleasenote that the tapcsavailnblefrom eachof thesesources must be playedon specialtape players that are available loan. for

Variable Speed Thp" Recorders Available at Radio Shack,other electronics'retail storesand mail order catalogs, thesetape recorderspermit changingplaybackspeed without lossof voice quality.

Newsletters for ADD Adults

ADDendum, PaulJaffe,editor c/o CPS, 5041-ABacklick Road,Annandale,VA 22003 editor ADDult NEWS, Mary JaneJohnson, OH 43613 Toledo, 76Z0IvyPlace, eachwith its own particularspeTheseare excellentnewsletters, while rhe ADDuh the cialry. ADDendumhtghlights latestresearch of experiences ADD adults. largelyon the personal NE\fS focuses recommend both thesequarterlynewsletters. We highly The ADDVISOR Seethe Attention Deftcit Resource Center in the sectionon organizations,for information on this newsletterthat includesvaluable information for ADD adults.


REsouRcr Lrsr

Computer Resourcesand Software

ABLEDATA National Rehabilitation Information Center The Catholic Universityof America, 4407Eighth Sreet, NE \Tashington, DC 20017 (202) 635-5822 This cenrerdistributes a detailedlist of commercialproductsfor useby individualswith a variety of handicaps.

Electronic Bulletin Boards

(Accessed Modemsand Personal via Computers) A variety of on-line supportgroupsare availablethrough several computerservices. example,America On-Line@ has a Disabili. For ties Forum that includesa folder relatedto ADD in adults.ProdigyO and CompuServe@ have ADD bulletin boards. also Look for files labeledAttention Deficits, LearningDisabilities, etc. You can nerwork with other ADDers across counrry through thesefiles. the

Macintosh Editing Software and Letter Tbmplates

ktterworks @ Round Lake Publishing American Handbook of BusinessLetters@ Nova DevelopmentCorporation Quickletter@ \Torking Software,Inc. Correct Grammar@ \Triting Tools'Group

Macintosh Organization Softrvare

First Things First@ Visionary Software


RpsouRcr, Ltsr

MiscellaneousMacintosh Software
Last Resort@ rWorking SoftwareInc. This is for impulsive ADDers who fail to back up their work or use surgeprotectors! This softwaremaintains a copy of every keystroke and enablesyou to recreatethe document you lost when you forgot to saveyour work or when the power went out. Mindset@ VisionarySoftware personal This is a wonderful positive self-talk product that displays here and now" and "l such as,"l acceptmyself Phrases affirmations. the trust the intelligencewithin me" flash across top of your screenat periodicintervals.

IBM Letter Tbmplates

K"y Cortespondence@ SoftKey

IBM Organization Software

About Time@ Inc. SoftSystems Messages@ SoftwareGrove Commence@ Inc. Jensen-James,


AA (Alcoholics Anonymous), IZ8-29, 138, 365, 367 acceptance: of diagnosis,I7l-23 lI3-14 of imperfections, access, fourth step of as memory 74-75, 780-82 , acquisition,as first step of memory,71 action: cognitive tempo and, 64-65 inaction balanceand, 62-64 reactiontime and, 66-67, 75 will and, 65-66 active working memory,72-73 ADD, seeAttention Deficit Disorder ADD Council of Greater 367 Cincinnati, 7, 1,53, additives,food, 74 345 adolescence, of decrease hyperactivityin, lL, 39 identity vs. confusionin, 39-42 "l don't care" attitude in, 38, 4l medicationand, 308 risky behaviorin, 41, 82-83 adoption studies,22 adrenalin(epinephrine),18 age and ADD, 30-45 in adolescents, 39-47. in adults,47-45 in elementaryschool children, 35-39 hyperactivityand, Il', 39 33-35 in preschoolers, in toddlers,30-33 aggression, 44 alcohol, 43 alcoholics, alcoholism,I75, 133, 316,318 AlcoholicsAnonymous(AA), IZ8-79, 138, 365, 367 Alducci, L., 378 regulationof, L9-20 alertness, allergies, 379 35, alteredcognitivetempo, 64*65 American Medical Association (AMA), 308 American Psychiatric Association(APA), 9, 10 Anafranil (Clomipramine), 345 thinking, 795 analogical Freudian, 350, 351, analysis, 356-57, 360 357 Analytic Psychotherapy,


INoEx -

anger, 116, 734-35 answering machines,258 antidepressants, 330, 54, 336_44 Bupropion (\Tellbutrin) , 344 MAO inhibitors,339-40 tricyclic,328, 336-38 seealsoProzac antipsychotics, 346-47 anxiety, memory and, 288-89 APA (American Psychiatric Association),9, 10 apologizing,L65 appointmentcalendars,269,

differencescausedby, 46-79 fantasyof future and, 4IL-I3 impact of growing up with,

initial discoveryol 106 labelsgiven to, 8-9 learningdisabilitiesand,


as maliciousbehavior, 74-?,5 prevalence 25-26 of, research 8-9 , 16-17, on,

rg-25,310-1 1

270-7 r

Assertiveness Training, 368-69 Associationfor Children with Learning Disabilities,302 associations, visualization combinedwith, 294-95 asthma,35 attention,8, 9, 246 advantage lack of, 384-85 of manifestations problems of with, 11-13 neurologicalcontrol center for, 327-78 one channel operational systemand, 48-49 selective, 62 seealsomemory Attention Deficit Disorder

as running in families, 206 substance abuseand, 316-17 symptoms 10-15, 46-79 of, with and without hyperactivity, 10, 73, 28 9Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder(ADHD), 9 audiologists, 34-35 auditory leaming, 286 auditory memory 283, Z9Z , auto-defense and attack mode.


axons,17-18 Ayres, A. Jean 369-70 , balance,124-46, 369, 37I importanceof, LZ4-25 maintenanceof, 145-46 "one rat study" and, l3Z, I34 personalscheduleand,




133 benefits 38I-404 of,

definition of, 8 diagnosis and treatmentof, 3, 8-11 , 106-23

problematicaspects I?.6 of, questions evaluatingissues for of, 130-31 safetynets and, 138-39 simplicity/complex ity equarionand, 140-42


INp* slicing and dicing techniques for, L43-45 betweenstructureand freedom 125-26 , value of examining issues involving, 127-28, 143 118 after diagnosis, bargaining, bartering,I44, l8Z bedwetting,336 BehavioralTherapy, 350, 351, 353-55, 359 Better, Cathy, IZ3 377-79 biofeedback, blame: 85-86 mechanism, as defense cycle of, see disapproval, and ages developmental theoryof,2L-73, 7.4,29 370-71, blood pressure, 331-32, 339, 340, 345 blood tests,108, 337, 346 L50-52, 155., body language, 165, 168, 169, 170, I7Z, breathing, deep, 288 budgets,143 bulimia, 341 bulldozers,103 bulletin boards,264 Bupropion (Wellbutrin) , 344 Bush,George,150 (Buspar),347 Buspirone caffeine,349 appointment,7.69, calendars, 270-71 Canada,345 programs, 376 cancerwellness do can't/shouldn't list, 137-38 (Tegretol),344 Caramazepine carbon paper, 757-58 careers, work see Catepres(Clonidine), 344-45 CAT scans,17 (CNS), centralnervoussystem 328, 34L, 371 ADD as disorder 8, of,

337 bone marrow suppression, boredom, 11, 43, 98, l4l boundaryneeds,7IZ-13 brain, 9, 126, 37I of, filtering mechanism 51 frontal lobesof, 18*19 imagingand, 16 of, two primary components 377 seealsoinformation processing; neurotransmitters 373-74 Brain Massage, brain scans,108 brainstem 377, 369 ,

46-47 rZ5,17.6 ,
early damageto, 73 messenger systemof' 17- 18 327 hemisphere, cerebral childbirth: complicationstn, 23 for, 377 natural techniques children, 345 and, 379 allergies hyperactivityand, 9, 27-28 lead poisoning and, 73 negativeself-perception by, 5-7 developed Ritalin'seffecton, 307-8 SensoryIntegration and, 371 undervaluingof, 177 society's


INor,x children (cont.\ spacingol 208-9 temperamentalstylesof, manners and, 157.-54 socialhazards 152-56 in, technologyand, 179-80 telephones and, 154-56 unspokenrules in, 164 verbal vs. nonverbal, 150-52 written, I82 seealsorelationships; speech Community Times, 123 complexity/simplicity equation,


Tourette Syndromeand,

tricyclic antidepressants and, seealsodevelopmentalages; family relatibnships "chip on the shoulder"attitude,

computers,406-7 Cognitive Psychotherapy and,

chiropractors,308 (Thorazine), chlorpromazine

choice, memory and, 289-90 chores, family, 737 chunking, 796 Cincinnati, University of,

communicationand, 148-49 leaming stylesand, 181-82 random access memory of,

usefulness 758-59 of, consultants, 190, 191 continuing educationclasses, 182 control, as defense mechanism,

Clinical Depression, 54 Clomipramine (Anafran iI), 345 Clonidine (Catepres), 344-45 closure, 44, 388 CNS, seecentral nervoussystem codependency, 85 coding, memoryand, 7I-7?.,

convergentretrieval, 75 coping strategies, defense see mechanisms Corgard (Nadolol), 347 counterculturetherapy, 309 Cousins,Norman, 309, 375 cravings,54-55 creativity, 44-45, 385-86 credit cards,43 Cylert (pemoline),330, 335-36 Dardig,Jill C. , 238 dating, 194-Z0I descriptions relationships of in, 194-99 survival tips for, 199-Z0I

Cognitive Psychotherapy,

352-53, 359
cognitivetempo, 64-65 collectiveunconscious, 357 Comic personalitysketch,

communication,407 art vs. scienceof, L49-52 computers and, 148-49 importanceof skills in, 148,



INogx -

deep breathing, 288 80-105, mechanisms, defense

1 3 03 5 1 ,
blame, seeblame charactersketch descriptions of, 97 -I03 "chip on the shoulder" attitude, 90-91 control, 95-97 denial, 93-94, 116-17 examplesof, 87-97 and, 357 Freudiananalysis function of, 80-81 94-95 learnedhelplessness, manipulation,88-90 overuseof, 81'-82 perfectionism,83-85 risky behavior,82-83 "take me or leave me" arritude, 97-93 "who cares"attitude, 86-88,

desktop frles, 764 details: aversionto, 50 globalthinking vs., 17'6 ages'30-45 developmental 39-42 adolescence, d, adulthoo 42-45 elementaryschool years,

infancy, 30 preschoolyears,33-35 toddler years,30-33 dextroamphetamine (Dexedrine),330, 334-35 106-10 diagnosis, of, acceptance LZL-7'3 bargainingafter, 118 after, 118-21 depression importance of, 104-5 as medicaldilemma,3, 8-1 1 medicaltestsin, 108-10 personalunderstandingof, 110 reactionsto, LI4-15 and, 107 self-education seealsotreatment Diagnosticand Statistical Manual (DSM), 9-10 diet: and food additivesand sugar'

withdrawal, 90 17-18 dendrites, denial: mechanism,93-94 as defense in grief process,116-17 I41,, 345, 347 depression, ADD comparedwith, 3,

and, Cognitive Psychotherapy

tyramine and, 339 Diet Therapy 379 , thinking, 795 differential 165 digressions, directionality, 60 disinhibition,63 53 dissatisfaction, divergentretrieval,75

1 after diagnosis, 18-21 euphoriavs., 126 quiet zones,2I4 designated (Norpramin), 336, desipramine

needsand, 54-56, LZ6, desires,





do adequately list, 136-37 Doc in a Box, 399 (L"pp), 279, 283 Don't Forget dopamine,18, 327 do well list, 133-36 down time, 213-14 Dreamachine,3T4 Drucker,PeterF., 393 drugs,seemedication;substance abuse dry drunks,318 dry mouth, 320, 337, 340 DSM (Diagnosticand Statistical Manual),9-10 dyes,food, 24 DynamicTherapy,358 ear infections, 34-35 eating: patternsof , 33 physiological slowdownafter,

empathy 33, 357-58 , employment,seework endorphins,18 Entrepreneur personalitysketch,

environmentaltoxins, 23 epinephrine(adrenalin),18 ergonomtcs, T56 Erikson,Eric, 30 euphoria,depression , 126 vs. "Everyday,Get out the Door" lists,7.73-74 facilitation, 62-63 failure: substance abuse and, 316 talking yourselfinto, 169-70 faith healing,308-9 family chores, 237, ?.38-41 family meetings,230-41 bargainingand negotiation in, 237-38 contractsand, 7.39-4I designof, 233-4L diffusingof anger in, 234-35 effectivebrainstormingand problem-solving in,

Edison,ThomasAlva, 301, 388 education,I82, 189-90 learningdisorders and, 307-3 Montessori,3Tl educational remediation,356,

Educationfor All Handicapped Children Act ( 197 , 302 5\ EEG Biofeedback, -79 377 elementaryschool years, industryvs. inferiority in,

235-36, 239-39
equal opportunity participationin, 733-34,

establishing rulesfor, 233,

emergencies, determination of,

expectations of perfection

emotional incontinence. L)l-Z emotionalliving space, TLZ emotions,extremeswingsof, 57

and,Z4l-43 familychores and, 237,

generalprinciplesand rulesof conduct{or,237


INor,x goalsand objectivesof,

professional counselingand,

sharedauthority in, 779-30,

family relationships, tZ5, 44,

food dyesand additives,24 Ford, Henry, 170 forgiveness, yourself,78 of "found" ttme, 776 freedom,structurevs., L25-26 Freudianpsychoanalysis, 350,

ADD in, 206 descriptions 201-8, of, 209-t7,218-20 years, in elementary school 38
emotional temperature and,

rz7 z0L-43 ,

351, 356-57360 ,
friendships, relationships see frontal lobes,18-19 functional dysfunctionals,44 Future Shock(Tof{ler), 74 genericdrugs, 333-34 genericletters, 182 Gestalt Therapy 309, 359 , ( G ettingOrganiTedWinston),

716-17 equationsof, 203, 205 eveningsout and, 225-78 financesand, 209 mealtimes and, 220-?.5 principlesof governmentand,

249, Z5Z
global thinking, detailsvs., 126 Gone with the Wind, 80-82, 94 govemment, family, seefamily meetings grief process, 94, ll4-I7 group (paired) association, 295 360-71 Group Psychotherapy, Assertiveness Training, 368-69 Family,2L2, ?.3I,362-63 Psychoeducation, 363-65 Self-help 354, 365-68 , SensoryIntegration, 369-7 I Social Skills Training, 363 haloperidol(Haldol), 346 handwriting, 64 hard to get, playing, I99 Head Firsc, The Biolog1of Hope (Cousins\ 375 , hearing loss, 34-35 help, askingfor, L44

privacyand, 210- 11 levelsand, 230 stress survival tips for, 708-9,


Family Therapy, Z3l, 717, 362-63

fax machines,180 FDA (Food and Drug Administration) 3L6, 345 , feedback 166-67 , bio-, 377-79 Feingold,Benjamin,74 FeingoldDiet, 379 filing systems, 26I-62 finances,140, I43,209 food, tyramine in, 339 Food and Drug Administration

(FDA) 3t6, 345 ,


INos,x -

heredity,parentingvs., 20-7,1,


Heward,William L., 238 hidden agendas,176 high blood pressure, 320-ZL,

331-32, 339,345 humor, 399-401 97,

hyperactivity, 126, 379 8, ADD and, 9-10, 23, ZB adolescence decrease and in,

as asset deficit, 15, 44, vs. 386-87 in boysvs. girls, 27-ZB fluctuatinglevelsof, 56-58 as rangeof behaviors,L4 sedatives and, 308 hypertension,320-21, 331-32,

therapyand, 3I?.-I3 triggering , 53 of inaction, seeaction inattention, seeattention index cards,275-76 infancy, trust vs. mistrustin, 30 inferiority,sense , 5-7, 35-39 of information explosion,24 information processing, 3 cognitive tempo and, 64-65 input/output problemsand,

6r-7 |
learningdisabilities and, 60 inhibition, 67-63 Innoqt ation and Entrepr eneurship ( Drucker) , 393 in/out baskets, 264 input/outputproblems, 61- 71 action/inactionbalanceand,

hypotension, 340 IDP Dynamic, 53 I-messages, 1,71-77., 368 235, (Tofranil) 336 Imipramine , (working)memory, immediate

brain shut down and, 69-7 | cognitive tempo and, 64-65 description 6l-62 of, mental fatigueand, 67*69 output learningdisabilities,

immunesystem, 309, 375, 376 impulsiveness, 77, 89, 166, 8,

reactiontime and, 66-67 will and, 65-66 input/perceptual learning disabilities, 300 instant recall, 72, Z8l insurance, 11, 308, 333, 334 1 integrationlearningdisabilities,

t 7 5 ,3 2 7 benefits, 44,387-88 of
childhood accidentsand,

datingand, 194-95,196,200 definitionand description of, r3-t4, 67.-64 medication and,325 Prozac and, 370, 340 shopping and, 43, 56, I43 speech and,62-64, 166,187

300 intensity ,, , 52-53,I7Z, L96-97 200

intention, selective, 62 intercom Zl5 s, interfacing, I47


intimacy, fear of, 196 Inventor personalitysketch,

irritability, 53 (Marplan), 339 Isocarboxazid job skills, 406 Johnson,Samuel,278 JungianTherapy, 357 "Keep it simple,"138, l4l, 762 kinestheticmemory,283,

liver, 336 Living More With Less (Longacre),140 locking in and blocking out,

logic, 167 Doris Janzen,140 Longacre, long term memory, 73-74 340 low blood pressure, magazines newspapers, and

imaging, 16 magneticresonance mail order catalogs,260 disorders, 345 manic-depressive manipulation, as defense 88-90 mechanism, manners I5Z-54 , MAO (monoamineoxidase) inhibitors,339-40 Marplan (lsocarboxazid)339 , marriage,44 Therapy 372-73 Massage , ((w e"
ttme rtt and, 200

kinesthetic/tactilelearning, 286, 787 kleptomania,340-41 Lamaze technique,377 language and speechtherapy,

355-56, 360 L"pp,Danielle , 279,Z8l, 7.83

g, lead poisonin 23 learnedhelplessness, 94-95 learning, tips {or, 297-98 (LD) , 246, learningdisabilities

278,299-303, 388 356,

definition and rypesof, 300 educationand, 302-3 incidence of, 299-300 spatialdifficultiesand, 60 learningstyles, 76, 181-82,

270*25 mealtimes, of, descriptions ZZ0-73 survivaltips for, 723-25 110, 313-49 medication, authors'disclaimerabout,

authors'personalexperiences with, 320-?.3 and, 118 bargaining levelsand, 377-73, dosage

auditory, 286 ic, tactile/kinesthet 786 visual, 785, ?.86-87 letter openers, 257 letters, generic, I87 Levine,M., 67. Lithium, 345-46

drug trials and, 325-77 of effectiveness , 377-79 genericvs. trade name forms of, 333-34


INngx --

medication (conr. ) miscellaneous, 344-49 reboundeffect and, 330*3 1,


3r4-r5, 343

substance abuseand, 315-17 taking of, 3I3-I4 at workplace,185-86 your role in useof, 318-20,

seealsoantidepressants; stimulants; specrf drugs c (Naisbitr.), 407 Megatrend.s Megawends 2000 (Naisbitt and Aburdene), 407-8, 409 Mellaril (thioridazine) 346 , memory, 60-6I,71,-76, 183, 9,

paperpile management and, 765-66 registration and, 7I-72 relaxation techniques and, 288 Ritalin and, 322 rote, 72, 74, Z9l storage and, 77.-74, 280-82 techniquesfor, 287-97 transferand, 75 visual,7.83, Z9I-97., 294 memory leaming disabilities,

men: control and, 95-97 language women vs., 150 of leamed helplessness and, 95, 96 mental fatigue, 67 -69 mental health professionals: referralsfor, L07 two main categories 304 of, typesof, 108 seealsopsychotherapy message centers,215-L6 methylphenidate see Ritalin, , genericvs. trade name forms of middle ear infections, 34-35 middle finger sign, 150 Minnesota,Universityof, 22 mnemonic devices,295-97 monoamineoxidase(MAO) inhibitors,339-40 Montessori education,371 moral inventory, 130, 138, I47 motivation: job performance and, 69, 98 memory and, 76

246,Z7g-303 access 74-75, 280-8?. and,

acquisition and, 71 anxietyand, 288-89 associations , 294-95 and auditory 283, Z9Z , choice and, 289-90 comprehensionand, 291 context and, 79I function and process of,

information input and,


kinesthetic, 283, 292-93 lapses 280 in, leaming and, 284-87 mnemonic devicesand,

multi-sensory, 293 observationand, 290-91 overall, 283


INpex -

motor coordination, 33-34,

37 5 4-7 mouth, dryness 320,337 in, , 340

movies,family trips to, 725-78 multi-sensory memory, 293 musclerelaxation,288, 375 "must-do's"and "should-do's, "

"no," inabiliryto express, 84 noise,183-84 nonverbal communication, 150-52,r55, 165,169,

169, 170, Zrl 172,

"No pain, No gain," 167 noradrenaline(norepinephrine),

"My Child Couldn't Pay Attention" (Alducci), 378 Nadolol (Corgard), 347 Naisbitt, John, 407 408, 409 , Nardil (Phenelzine), 339 National Institutesof Health,

327, 3Zg, 337, 339, 341

Norpramin (desipramine) 336, ,


nuclear magnetic resonance

nurture,naturevs., 20-2I,77. observation,memory and,

natural childbirth techniques,

obsessive-compuls disorders, ive

nature,nurture vs., 20-ZL, 22 needs,desires and, 54-56, 126,


Oedipal stage,350 office equipment, 182-83 Office for the Study of Unconventional Medical Practices, 309 Office of Education, U.S. , 299 "on the run" conversations, 215 organization, 244-77 3, beginning tips for, 246-50 cardinalrulesfor, 26I-67 filing systems and, 26I-62 generalmessmanagement,

neurologists, 108 neurology, 17-18 neuroses, 350 neurotransmitters, 18 drug response and, L6-I7,

functionof, 18, 327-28 seealsospecific

newrotTdnsmitters newspapers magazines, and

325,337, 341

Neu.,sqre 309 ek, New York Longitudinal Study,

generaloffice management,

nicotine, 347-49 NMR (nuclearmagnetic resonance), 16

paperpile management,

259-61, 262,263-69
practical messmanagement tools, 256-59


INoEx -

(cont.) organization questionnaireon, 244-45 Ritalin and, 370, 327, 329 simplicity and, 262 spatialdifficultiesand, 60-61 time management and,

Parent handling the Disorder

(Ph.D. 321 ),

parenting, heredity vs., Z0-ZI,


Orton DyslexiaSociety, 302 otitis media, 34-35 output leaming disabilities,300 seealsoinput/output problems outsidehelp, hiring of, 144 overall memory, 283 overpersistence, 49-50, 59 paired (group) association, 295 paperpile management,

parents,40 blame theory and, ZI-23, 29 family meetingsrole of , 279,


feelingsof inadequacy and,

individual strengthsand weaknesses 206-8 of, seealsofamily relationships Pamate (Tranylcypromine),339 party animals,100-101 passing normal, 103-4 for (Physicians PDR Desk Reference), 330 peer pressure, 40 pemoline(Cylert), 330, 335-

bulletin boardsand, 764 cardinal rules for, 76I-62 categorizationof, 260-61 color-codingand, 266-67 cuesand promptsand, 265-66 desktop files and, 764 filing systems for, 261-62 in/out basketsand, 264 ongoing to do lists and, 267-68 personalyellow pages and,

336 Penicillin, 343

perceptuauinput leaming disabilities, 300 perfectionism, 83-85 personalyellow pages,264-65 pessimism, 53 Peter Pan Syndrome,97 -99 pets,52, 27.3 Ph.D. (Parenthandling the Disorder), 321 (Nardil), 339 Phenelzine phobia, definition of, 154-55 physicians, 108, II0, 324 PhysiciansDesk Reference

planning notebooksand, 260, 266, 776 Post-ltNotes and, 267, 776 schedulingand location of handling of , 267 simplicity and, 262 storageand access 763-64 of, to do's of , 263-68

planning notebooks, 260, 766,

playing hard to get, L99


INoex -

Plumberpersonalitysketch, 398-99 postage scales and stamps,

256_57 Post-lt Nores, 267,2T6

Post-Traumatic StressDisorder,


powerlessness, LZ9, 130 pregnancy,complicationsin, 23 preschoolyears,initiative vs. guilt in, 33-35 primary sleepdisorder 20, 336 , Prince Charming, I98, ZOI privacy, Zl}-Ll procrasrinarion, 1, IZ-13, 51, 1

Dynamic, 358 Freudian, 350, 35L,356-57, 360 Gestalt,309,359 group,360-7I 357 Jungian, Psychodrama, 359 Psychodynamic, 357 356, Reality, 358 Self.Psychology, -55 357 stigma attached 304-6 to, Sullivanian, 7 35 Transactional Analysis358-59 , quiet zones, 2I4 randomaccess (RAM), memory 72-73 R"pp, Doris,379 reaction time, 66-67, 75 reading skills, 165 RealityTherapy, 358 rebound effecr, 330-3L, 335
recovery: acceptanceand, lzl-7.3 balanceand, 124-46 definition of, llz depression and, LL8-ZI goal of, 130 grief process ll4-I7 in, hitting rock bottom and, LZ5 moral inventory and, 130 self-evaluarion and, 133-38 "should-do's"and "mustdo's, 139-43 " social benefitsof, I77 twelve-step programs and,


Professional Dilettanre personalitysketch, 402-4 progressive musclerelaxation,

proprioceptivesense,369 Prozac(fluoxetine hydrochloride) 324, ,


benefitsof, 320, 340-4I controversyover, 342-43 dosage levels of, 34I side effectsof, 341, 342-43 psychiatrists, 108 Psychodrama, 359 Psychqdynamic Psychotherapy,

Psychoeducation, 363-65 psychologists, 108, 109 psychotherapy, lI4-15 Analytic, 357 Behavioral, 350, 35I,

353-55, 359 Cognitive, 352-53, 359


see also fteatment


INopx -

registration,memory and,

71-72 memory and, 7l-72 rehearsal, -ZI7 relationships, 147 43, dating, 194-Z0L of, descriptions 157-62, -77, 175-77, 1,94-99, 167 201-8, 209-12 feedback and, 166-67 -67 in groups,L57 impaired socialskillsand, 76-78 t67--73 orre-orr-orrer tipsfor, L6Z-67, survival -87, 199-201, 170-73,177

Ritalin,58,64, 93, ll7, 118, 329-34,337 343, 3?.4, , 381 of benefits , 370-22, 329 childrenand, 307-8 315 substance, ascontrolled levels , 327,326,329 of dosage of, durationof effects 329-30 generic tradenameforms vs. of, 333-34 of, sideeffects 370-21', 330-32 rotememorization, 74, 79I 77, rules: of, followingand questioning

t7 at workplace, 4-93 also communication; see speech familyrelationships; 7.88, 375 techniques, relaxation 374 Relaxman, religion,I45 l8Z writing classes, remedial lists,273 reminder problems, 35 respiratory zones, relaxation restand

-78 r77

unwritten, 164, 178-79 "runner'shigh," 18 personalitysketch, Salesperson

-98 397


postage, 257 scales, weekly, L3Z-33 schedules, Scheiber,Barbara,785 3-4 schizophrenia, "school" lists, 274 Scientistpersonalitysketch,

reticular activating system, retrieval, of memory, 7 4-7 5 stamps,257 retum address "revolutionarybad ejectot," 142 risky behavior: in adolescence, 82-83 4I, in adulthood, 58 benefitsof, 44 childhood accidentsand,

308 sedatives, 374 disorders, seizure attention and selective intention, 67 190-91 self-employment, self-esteem: of and acceptance imperfections,lI3-14 of boosting , 7, 111 low, 5-7 , 35-39, 4?. and, 130, 382 recovery

58 3l-3?.,
mechanism,82-83 as defense


INoex -

self-evaluation, 133-38 can't/shouldn'tdo list,

do adequately 136-37 list, do well list, 133-36 self-help books,244-45 self-help programs, 365-68 354, self-medication, 316-17,318 Self-Psychology, -58 357 (SI), Sensory Integration

369-7 r
SerenityPrayer,LZ9 serotonin,327, 337, 339, 34I sex, t,82,84, 101 4 sexualabuse, 373 shopping,impulsivityand, 43,


socialskills, 38, 44 impairment 37, 42, 76-78 in, Social Skills Training, 363 socioeconomic status,44 sorting and filing, 60 space,sense 60-61 of, space cadets,99-100 speech: developmental lagsin, 34-35 digressions and, 165 hyperactive,I4-I5 impulsivityand, 62-64, L66, 187 reaction time and, 66-67, 75 rhythm and, 150 timing of, 165 verbal incontinenceand,

Short AttentionSpanThearcr, The, 11 short term memory, 73, 37.7 "should-do's" and "must-do's,"

seealsocommunication; relationships speechand language therapy,

SI (Sensory Integration),

355-56, 360
sports: action/inactionbalanceand,

369-7 r
siestas,5T Sign Here: A ContractingBook for Children and Their (Dardig and Parents Heward), 238 simplicity/complexity equation,

spatialdifficultiesand, 60 postage, stamps, 757 stamps,retum address, 257 standards, lowering of, 145 staples, 257 S.T.A.R. (Stop, Think, Act, and Reflect), I87 , 319 stenopads,275-76 STEP programs,741 Still, G. F., 8 stimulants, 3-4, 316, 328,


single-mindedness, 11 skin patches,345 sleepdisorder, primary, 20, 336 sleeping pattems 33, I42 , Smith, Lendon, 24 -49, 354 smoking 347 , socialactivities, selectionof,

as preventative measure,





stimulation, over- vs. under-, 1 2 6 ,1 . 4 1 Stop, Think, Act, and Reflect

( s . T . A . R . ) ,8 7 , 3 1 9 1
memoryand, 72-74' storage,

stress,139 of, assessment 230 disorderand, 746-47 indicatorsof, 1.32,134 work-related,183 structure,freedomvs., 175-26 Stuff Inventory,250-5I abuse,41, 43, 44, 55, substance 8 7 , 1 0 1 ,3 3 6 of medications,315-17 success, 404-6 sugar,24, 379 Sullivan, Harry Stack, 357 supportgroups,63, 106-7'

Talpers,Jeanne,285 ia, Tardive dyskines 346-47 T-cells, 3 75 teacherplan books, 272 teachers 79, 40 , ADD recognitionand, 38-39 negativefeelingsinstilled bY,

5-6, 34,35,59
Tegretol (Caramazepine)344 , 154-56, ZZ8 telephones, callbackschedulefor, 276 communicationproblemson'

mannersand, I53 es mealtim and, 773 survival tips for useof, 156 at workplace,184-85 television, 797-98 styles,of temperamental children 22.-23 , templates,I8Z work, l9l-9/ temporary TerribleZ's, 31, 33, 34 Testy, TelephoneTyrant Syndrome(TTTS), 154, 156 " "therapeuticwindow effect,

133 34
group communication in,

referralsfrom, professional

symptommanagement,186 Training for Systematic EffectiveParenting(STEP) T4I programs, theory of, 61 systems, TA (TransactionalAnalYsis), 358-59 52 tactile defensiveness, learning, tactile/kinesthetic

338 350-80 304-23, therapy,

306-10, 37l-79 alternative, your own case and being manager 3lI-17. , remediation,357, educational

and, 3lZ-13 impulsivity and speech, language

369 tactile sense, "take me or leave me" attitude,

seealsomedication; psychotherapy

92-93 442

INnrx -

thinking, analogical vs. differential, 295 Thioridazine(Mellaril), 346 Thorazine (chlorpromazine),

toxins, environmental,23 Transactional Analysis(TA),

Transcendental Meditation

Three (or Four) Big Boxes,751,

(TM), 377
transfer,memory and, 75 Tranylcypromine(Parnate), 339 trash cans,252 rreatment, lI0-23 bargaining and, 118 costof, 111 personal role in, 110-11 seealsomedication;recovery tricyclic antidepressanrs, 328,

time: daily logs and sheets and,

270, z7z-73
elasticsense 58-60, 131, of,


"Everyday, out the Door" Get listsand,?.73-74 "found, 276 " management 269-77 of,
management tools for,

triggers, 355 TS (Tourette Syndrome),

procrastination and, 11,

332-33, 346
TTTS (Testy, Telephone Tyrant Syndrome),I54,

17.-13, 276-77 51,

reminder lists and, 773 "school"listsand, 274 steno padsand index cards and, 275-76 waterproofalarm watches and, 775 weekly schedules and,


twelve-step groups, 55, 128-30,

1 3 93 6 5 3 6 7 , ,
twins, studieson, 22 tyramine 339 , underarousal, 57 -58 20, UndifferentiatedADD, 9 U nlockingP otential(Scheiber and Talpers),285 verbalincontinence,L02-3 vestibular sense, 369 Virtual Reality,37 4-7 5 visualization techniques, 288,

TM (Transcendental Meditation),377 toddler years,autonomyvs. shameand doubt in, 30-33 "To Do" lists, 59, 147, 767-68 Toffler, Alan, 74 Tofranil (lmipramine),336 toilet training, 33 touch, sensitivityto, 57 Tourette Syndrome(TS),

visual learning 285, 286-87, ,

332-33, 346

37 -7 s 6




vocationalplanning, 189-90 "V" sign, 150 wanderingmind syndrome,47 watches,waterproof and alarm,

noise, doors, and telephones ?t, 183-85 office equipmentand, 182-83 office managementand,

77s t t ((mg

754-56 and,I77-79 rules

190-91 self-employment, selling your ideasat, 178 and, socialrelationships

and, 200

I3Z-33 weeklyschedules, weight loss,354, 355 Wellbutrin (Bupropion) 344 , "Wlwt DrivesMe the Craziest" list, 250 white blood cells, 332 "who cares"attitude, 86-88, 90 will, paralysisof, 65-66 249, Z5Z Winston, Stephante, withdrawal, as defense mechanism,90 Day, 378 Woman's women: control and, 96 of language men vs., 150 and, leamedhelplessness

17 4-93
and, 183 stress technology and communicationat, 179-

temporary, I9l-92 written communicationat,

11, workaholism, IZ, L26 273,777-28 "workdetails," (immediate) memory, working 781, sketch, Writer personality 390-93 I8Z, written communication, 301 16 X-rays, personal764-65 yellowpages, , 372 Yoga, l7I-72, 234, you-messages, 735,368

94-95 work, 175

of, choiceand change 144, 187-90 and, 181-82 computers in, difficulties 43, 44,49 innercircleat, L79 job skillsand, 406 and, 185-86 medication


About Authors the

Kate Kelly prepared Ms. Kelly is a master's clinical specialist psychiatricnursing. in Her professional backgroundincludesexperience as a therapist, as professor clinical coordinatorfor psychobiological assistant and research. Her graduate educationfocused chronic mental illnessand this on orientation eventuallyled her to an interestin the mental health selfhelp movement.She becamea championfor individualswith severe mental illnesses, suchasschizophrenia, believingthat even thosewith severe impairmentscould leam to managetheir own illnesses. Ms. Kelly'sprior publishing creditsinclude an article entitled Fostenng publishedin the Archives of Psychiatric SeIf-HeIp anlnpanentLJnit, on Nursing.This article chronicledthe resultsof her work in developing a model for an inpatient groupthat helpedchronicallymentally ill patientslearn and shareeffectivecoping strategies. Followingher diagnosis with ADHD in 1989,Ms. Kelly'swork moved in a new direction. Combining her personal and professional interests in adult ADD, shebeganto focuson this emerging areaof mental health. Responding the need to provide services ADD adults, to for she founded the adult supportgroup of the Attention Deficit Disorder Council of GreaterCincinnati in February 1990.Although sheno of longerfacilitatesthis group,shecontinuesto consultwith the Council on adult ADD and supportgroup issues. The information Ms. Kelly gathered from availableliteratureand the personal storiesof ADD adultsin Cincinnati and nationwide leadto her work in writin g I'm I.'J Inzy , Stupid CraTyJ Currently she is ot or ? usingher personaland professional experiences knowledgeto give and presentations adult ADD for lay and professional on groups. She also works in private practiceleadingpsychoeducational therapygroups for ADD adults.

Peggy Ramundo as Recognized an outstandingteacher,Ms. Ramundo compietedpostand Montessori graduatework in leaming disabilities,behavior disorders children most of with culturally disadvantaged education.\Torking her career,shebecamean advocatefor the right of everychild to leam. and implementeda non-gradedprimary curriculum, taught She designed summerenrichment readingprogramsand servedasa demonstration teacher.A committed and innovative parent, Ms. Ramundohas served aspresidentof the boardsof the Clifton Child Study ParentGroup and 'West Montessori.\fhen the parent corporation closed Center Rooms a the \fest site, she spear-headed movement to createa new school. Under her direction, the new non-proflt Clifton MontessoriCenter wasformed to continue the tradition of providing tuition-free scholarshipsto many children from low-income families. in ADD diagnosis 1987,Ms. Ramundobeganextensively After her son's as Drawing on her experience a dedicated researching disorder. the teacherand parent, she co-foundedthe Attention Deficit Disorder Council of GreaterCincinnati and continuesto serveasa boardmember. as Ms. Ramundo works professionally an educationalconsultant.In 1990,she foundedNIADD, The National Institute for Attention Deficit Disorder.As Executive Director, she conductsworkshopsand throughout the country for parents,educators in-servicetraining sessions and and mental health professionals, lecturesextensivelyon ADD. in she diagnosis, beganto focuson ADD issues After Ms. Ramundo's and adults.Currently, she is helping collegestudentsand adolescents their leaming at the post. manage youngadultsaccess availableservices, about courseselectionand careers. level, and make decisions secondary has or YouMeanl'm Not Laz), Stupid CraTyJ? evolvedfrom Ms. and the personaland professional experiences Ramundo'sresearch, of experiences the countlessnumbersof ADD children, adolescents and adultswith whom shehas worked. Her other publishing credits include handbooksfor parentsand teachersentitled, Tipt, Toolsand and Teclmiques Mutaging AttennonDeficit Disorderand Understanding far Deficit Disorderin the Clnssroom. ManagingAu,ennon

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