Is Teaching Still The Noblest Profession
Is Teaching Still The Noblest Profession
Is Teaching Still The Noblest Profession
To dream is universal. Ever since I went to school, I dreamt of being a teacher. I am lucky to have taken up teaching as I felt it was the noblest of professions. Teaching for me is an interactive process that is full of emotions, deeply satisfying & extremely rewarding. The only thing 'Constant' in one's life is change. With changing times societys attitude towards teaching have changed. So also have the attitudes of students and teachers. But isn't it the same with all other professions? Here we need to generate a different point of view. Earlier the commitment levels of teachers were high and needs low. Today the needs are higher but the level of commitment is not as much. Earlier for students, teachers were the sole source of information; today students have abundant sources of information & distractions as well in the form of print and electronic media. Teachers can never pay cheque into any childs heart. A little understanding coupled with the right attitude and a desire for teaching paves the way. Studies have proved that in a significant number of cases a student starts liking a subject if he likes his teacher. No other profession shows such an influence. Some students are gifted who need mentors and advanced instructions; while, there are some who need greater patience and tenacity on the part of teachers. However, both the cases are equally rewarding. The respect and reverence that most students show towards their teachers is unparalleled in any profession. Society's deep rooted bias related to teachers monetary benefits though true is compensated for me when students succeed in exams, quiz competitions or sporting events. It is only this noble profession where such a success is not weighed down by materialistic gains as the success of the teacher is reflected in the success of his/her students. Today's students are the future of tomorrow and this future is in the hand of teachers today. A responsibility - beyond comparison in society; and so, I still believe that the teaching profession is rightly said to be the noblest one. -Shubhra Srivastava 07 Dec2011, Dehradun (IN)