Ooad Lab
Ooad Lab
Ooad Lab
OBJECTIVE: To develop a mini-project following the 12 exercises listed below. 1. To develop a problem statement. 2. Develop an IEEE standard SRS document. Also develop risk management and Project plan (Gantt chart). 3. Identify Use Cases and develop the Use Case model. 4. Identify the business activities and develop an UML Activity diagram. 5. Identity the conceptual classes and develop a domain model with UML Class Diagram. 6. using the identified scenarios find the interaction between objects and represent them using UML Interaction diagrams. 7. Draw the State Chart diagram. 8. Identify the User Interface, Domain objects, and Technical services. Draw the Partial layered, logical architecture diagram with UML package diagram notation. 9. Implement the Technical services layer. 10. Implement the Domain objects layer. 11. Implement the User Interface layer. 12. Draw Component and Deployment diagrams. TOTAL = 45 PERIODS Suggested domains for Mini-project. 1. Passport automation system. 2. Book bank 3. Exam Registration 4. Stock maintenance system. 5. Online course reservation system 6. E-ticketing 7. Software personnel management system 8. Credit card processing 9. e-book management system 10. Recruitment system 11. Foreign trading system 12. Conference Management System 13. BPO Management System Software Tools 1. Rational Rose Enterprise Edition 2. MSSQL 3. VISUAL BASIC6.0
Project to be implemented using VB as front end and MS SQL as back end. Draw all the UML diagrams required using Rational Rose.
Create a link between passport applicant and passport officer via a police who verify all the details and he will give report to passport officer. At first passport applicant fills the form and submit the required details, then police will enquire the details after getting the report then issue the passport to the passport applicant then passport renew after 5 years if necessary. Design the application for the above problem description.
Create a link between Student and administrator in which student approaches the administrator and the administrator checks the availability of book. If available the administrator issues the books to students and he/she will pay the cost and receive the books. Design and analyze the application.
3. EXAM REGISTRATION SYSTEM For National level examinations, the number of participants will be huge. So, far the benefits of rural students, we provide this online registration facility, where there is no need for them to come to the place for registration. Design the application for the above problem description.
Create a link between the user and the administrator in which the user can login and add the items and then user can get the dispatched item. The administrator can add the items/delete/modify according to users needs. Then it will prepare a report and it will dispatch the item after checking the availability and then receive the product and then give it to the user. Design the application for the above problem description.
Create a link between a student and administrator in which student select the college then viewing the college details and check whether the seats are filled in that college. If not, book the seat in that college then admit the student into that college. Design the application for the above problem description.
Create a link between customer and issuer in which customer books the ticket by specifying the specification and issuer checks whether the tickets are available if available issue the tickets to the customer then he/she will pay the cost and get the tickets. Design the application for the above problem description.
Once a particular branch is selected, then the entire functionality especially adding, deleting, updating employee details can be done only for that branch and not for any other branch. Design the application for the above problem description.
8. CREDIT CARD PROCESSESING SYSTEM The swipe card of magnetic stripe is read by a physical contact and swiping past a magnetic hard without swiping, transactions can be hazardous. In this project, we have worked to improve the safety of transactions by incorporating a private ID which completely avoids the swiping of cards. Design the
EBook Management is an application, in which the e books can be uploaded or downloaded and the eBooks can also be managed. This system also enables the user to view their activities in uploading or downloading eBooks. Design the application for the above problem description.
In the software industry recruitment process is basic thing that goes in hand with recruitment as specified by technical management team. The technical skills and experience of the candidate are reviewed and short listed candidate are called for the interview. After completion of interview selected candidate names are displayed. Design the application for the above problem description.
It is quite difficult for a person who has invested in foreign companies to convert currency manually. So we facilitate them with our foreign trading system. Also there is a requirement to facilitate conversion of currencies of any country to any other country. But there we implement conversions only from Indian country. Design the application for the above problem description.
The conference management system is a web-based application for the management of delegate registration, paper submission and review. This system offers functions for creation of a conference program and publishing of the respective proceedings. Design the application for the above problem description.
To manage the details of the project in a BPO and relate the project with employee details and project status. The Database Administrator of the BPO finds it very difficult to manage all the details without this BPO Management system. So by using these large data entries of the
project of clients, the employees related to them can be manipulated, stored and retrieved in a single click. Design the application for the above problem description.
Student Mark Analyzing System create interface between Staff and Student, in which staff contains details about the student, analyzing marks of the student, then assigning grade, then preparing cleared and failed list thus preparing a report of each and every student. Then that report is issued to student. Design the application for the above problem description.
Create a link between user and a system in which the user will register and then enters into the game of quiz according the users wish he/she can select General/sports/scientific. According to the option the system will display the questions and then user will answer the question and should give submit then scores will be displayed. Design the application for the above problem description.
Create a link between supervisor and the customer in which the customer places the orders and then supervisor check whether that product is available then supervisor will issue the bill and customer will pay the bill and deliver the products. Design the application for the above problem description.
Create a Library Management System in which librarian helps the student in searching and issuing the books. The student also returns the book, borrow the book. The librarian checks the return date and if necessary asks them to pay fine. The student after paying fine librarian issues the library card. Design the application for the above problem description
Create a link between employee and the employer through adminstrator who maintains the company details,employee pay record,maintain retrospective pay adjustment and then store that payslip and then issue the payslip to the employee.Design and analyze the application using Rational Rose.
Create a link between a patient and expert system in which first he/she enters the search then find the glossary for that following search and then diagnose what type of diseases it is and then finally it will show all the details regarding each and every type of the diseases.itians will maintain the system and login details. Design the application for the above problem description.
Create a link between bank and a client via a very useful machine called ATM for withdrawing money from the bank at any time and at anywhere. Each and every client will have a pin number given to them by a bank, through this pin number we can credit an amount or debit an amount and mini statement will be issued at the end of the operation. Bank should take care about money loading and ATM system maintenance. Design the application for the above problem description.
Create a link between a customer and bank employee who keeps in track of customers account details such as creating an account then depositing money in that account then helps the customer to withdrawing money, viewing the account details. It helps the bank employee to manage the accounts and sanctioning the loans according to the rules. Design the application for the above problem description.
Create a link between warden and student in which student enquire the details, request the application if interested ,then he will fill the application and then submit it to the warden ,if he /she needs permission he/she gets from the warden ,the warden is solely responsible for the maintenance of the hostel. Design the application for the above problem description.
Create a link between product seller and customer in which customer on viewing the product details and he will specify the purchase information along with that credit card number has to be specified .then seller checks the credit card number is valid if it is valid then product will be delivered to specified address and then details should be updated. Design the application for the above problem description.
Create a link between participant and the issuer in which participant approaches the issuer for tickets then issuer has to check the availability and then issuer will issue either permanent /temporary membership card, if temporary renew after a period then participant has to pay the cost and receive the tickets. Design the application for the above problem description.
Create a link between insurance advisor and customer via administrator in which customer will approach for the policy then insurance advisor shows the policies available then customer will select the policy by specifying the formalities and then customer completes the formalities said and then insurance advisor issues the policy. Design the application for the above problem description.
Create a link between applicant and RTO in which each applicant is given a test for traffic rules. If applicant passes this test then he/she will be tested for driving. The RTO issues him/her a learning license for 6 months period, and then permanent license will be issued. There are different types of license for 2 wheelers LMV and HMV. For LMV the period of validity is 10 years. Design the application for the above problem description.
In multinational companies everybody will not be allowed to enter the company. For each visitor a pass will be given after getting all the details about the visitor. The visitor has to mention the in-time, the person to be met, purpose of the visit, in the register maintained by the security. The security will issue the pass which contains all the details about the visitor and his/her vehicles (if any) while leaving the visitor should return the pass. . Design the application for the above problem description.
Create a link between supervisor and the customer in which the customer places the orders and then supervisor check whether that product is available then supervisor will issue the bill and customer will pay the bill and deliver the products. Design the application for the above problem description.
In a hotel there are different categories of employees from management to room boy. The manager books the room for the customer through phone or directly. The star hotel maintain some functions like shopping fests,VIPs conduct malls with collaboration, and also receiving of foreign delegates. Design the application for the above problem description.
Project Template
Project Case Study: A detailed study of one aspect of a real-world problem from many different viewpoints. An exploratory case study should be carried out and documented using a linear analysis structure.
Purpose: provides information about why the project is undertaken, usually stated in one sentence. Scope: The extent of research conducted in this project. Method: How information was gathered?
ii) iii)
Library research. Interviews Questionnaires Observation Diaries Historical documents Collection of current documents
Note: Not more the two or three sentence for the above. Problem Statement: A problem statement should describe the problem, describe its causes, and identify potential approaches or solutions to the problem. It should also specify who has the problem or who is the client/customer? Note: Not more the two or three sentences IEEE Format SRS Document: 1. Introduction 1.1 Purpose 1.2 Scope 1.3 Definitions, acronyms, and abbreviations 1.4 References 1.5 Overview 2. Overall description 2.1 Product perspective 2.2 Product functions 2.3 User characteristics 2.4 Constraints 2.5 Assumptions and dependencies 3. Specific requirements 3.1Non-functional Requirements
3.1.1Softwares Used 3.1.2Hardwares Used Project Plan: Human Resource Plan Identify by name, the individuals and organizations with a leading role in the project. For each, describe their roles and responsibilities on the project. Next, describe the number and type of people needed to carry out the project. For each resource detail start dates, estimated duration and the method you will use for obtaining them. Communications Plan Create a document showing who needs to be kept informed about the project and how they will receive the information. The most common mechanism is a weekly or monthly progress report, describing how the project is performing, milestones achieved and work planned for the next period. (Gantt Chart) Risk Management: Some examples of common project risks:
Time and cost estimates too optimistic. Customer review and feedback cycle too slow. Unexpected budget cuts. Unclear roles and responsibilities. Stakeholder input is not sought, or their needs are not properly understood. Stakeholders changing requirements after the project has started. Stakeholders adding new requirements after the project have started. Poor communication resulting in misunderstandings, quality problems and rework. Lack of resource commitment.
Risks can be tracked using a simple risk log. Add each risk you have identified to your risk log; write down what you will do in the event it occurs, and what you will do to prevent it from occurring. BRIEF DESCRIPTION ABOUT THE UML DIAGRAMS
Use case diagrams model the functionality of a system using actors and use cases. Use cases are services or functions provided by the system to its users.
Basic Use Case Diagram Symbols and Notations
Draw your system's boundaries using a rectangle that contains use cases. Place actors outside the system's boundaries.
Use Case
Draw use cases using ovals. Label with ovals with verbs that represent the system's functions.
Actors are the users of a system. When one system is the actor of another system, label the actor system with the actor stereotype.
Illustrate relationships between an actor and a use case with a simple line. For relationships among use cases, use arrows labeled either "uses" or "extends." A "uses" relationship indicates that one use case is needed by another in order to perform a task. An "extends" relationship indicates alternative options under a certain use case.
Use Case diagrams show the various activities the users can perform on the system. System is something that performs a function. They model the dynamic aspects of the system. Provides a users perspective of the system.
Class diagrams are the backbone of almost every object-oriented method including UML. They describe the static structure of a system.
Basic Class Diagram Symbols and Notations
Classes represent an abstraction of entities with common characteristics. Associations represent the relationships between classes. Illustrate classes with rectangles divided into compartments. Place the name of the class in the first partition (centered, bolded, and capitalized), list the attributes in the second partition, and write operations into the third.
Basic class
Active Class
Active classes initiate and control the flow of activity, while passive classes store data and serve other classes. Illustrate active classes with a thicker border.
Use visibility markers to signify who can access the information contained within a class. Private visibility hides information from anything outside the class partition. Public visibility allows all other classes to view the marked information. Protected visibility allows child classes to access information they inherited from a parent class.
Associations represent static relationships between classes. Place association names above, on, or below the association line. Use a filled arrow to indicate the direction of the relationship. Place roles near the end of an association. Roles represent the way the two classes see each other. Note: It's uncommon to name both the association and the class roles.
Multiplicity (Cardinality)
Place multiplicity notations near the ends of an association. These symbols indicate the number of instances of one class linked to one instance of the other class. For example, one company will have one or more employees, but each employee works for one company only.
Place constraints inside curly braces {}.
Simple Constraint
Generalization is another name for inheritance or an "is a" relationship. It refers to a relationship between two classes where one class is a specialized version of another. For example, Honda is a type of car. So the class Honda would have a generalization relationship with the class car.
A basic class with attributes and operations 3. SEQUENCE DIAGRAM Sequence diagrams describe interactions among classes in terms of an exchange of messages over time.
Basic Sequence Diagram Symbols and Notations Class roles
Class roles describe the way an object will behave in context. Use the UML object symbol to illustrate class roles, but don't list object attributes.
Activation boxes represent the time an object needs to complete a task.
Messages are arrows that represent communication between objects. Use half-arrowed lines to represent asynchronous messages. Asynchronous messages are sent from an object that will not wait for a response from the receiver before continuing its tasks.
Lifelines are vertical dashed lines that indicate the object's presence over time.
Destroying Objects
Objects can be terminated early using an arrow labeled "<< destroy >>" that points to an X.
A repetition or loop within a sequence diagram is depicted as a rectangle. Place the condition for exiting the loop at the bottom left corner in square brackets [ ].
Illustrates how an object interacts with each other. Emphasizes time ordering of messages. Can model simple sequential flow, branching, iteration, recursion and concurrency.
An activity diagram illustrates the dynamic nature of a system by modeling the flow of control from activity to activity. An activity represents an operation on some class in the system that results in a change in the state of the system. Typically, activity diagrams are used to model workflow or business processes and internal operation. Because an activity diagram is a special kind of state chart diagram, it uses some of the same modeling conventions.
Basic Activity Diagram Symbols and Notations
Action states
Action states represent the no interruptible actions of objects.
Action Flow
Action flow arrows illustrate the relationships among action states.
Object Flow
Object flow refers to the creation and modification of objects by activities. An object flow arrow from an action to an object means that the action creates or influences the object. An object flow arrow from an object to an action indicates that the action state uses the object.
Initial State
A filled circle followed by an arrow represents the initial action state.
Final State
An arrow pointing to a filled circle nested inside another circle represents the final action state.
A diamond represents a decision with alternate paths. The outgoing alternates should be labeled with a condition or guard expression. You can also label one of the paths "else."
A synchronization bar helps illustrate parallel transitions. Synchronization is also called forking and joining.
Swimlanes group related activities into one column. Activity modeling means to describe sequencing and conditions of actions. Such descriptions commonly are control flow and object flow models.
5.COLLABORATION DIAGRAM A collaboration diagram describes interactions among objects in terms of sequenced messages. Collaboration diagrams represent a combination of information taken from class, sequence, and use case diagrams describing both the static structure and dynamic behavior of a system.
Basic Collaboration Diagram Symbols and Notations
Class roles
Class roles describe how objects behave. Use the UML object symbol to illustrate class roles, but don't list object attributes.
Association roles
Association roles describe how an association will behave given a particular situation. You can draw association roles using simple lines labeled with stereotypes.
Unlike sequence diagrams, collaboration diagrams do not have an explicit way to denote time and instead number messages in order of execution. Sequence numbering can become nested using the Dewey decimal system. For example, nested messages under the first message are labeled 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, and so on. The a condition for a message is usually placed in square brackets immediately following the sequence number. Use a * after the sequence number to indicate a loop.
Transition A solid arrow represents the path between different states of an object. Label the transition with the event that triggered it and the action that results from it.
Initial State
Final State An arrow pointing to a filled circle nested inside another circle represents the object's final state.
Synchronization and Splitting of Control A short heavy bar with two transitions entering it represents a synchronization of control. A short heavy bar with two transitions leaving it represents a splitting of control that creates multiple states.
A component is a physical building block of the system. It is represented as a rectangle with tabs.
Representation of a component
An interface describes a group of operations used or created by components.
Deployment diagrams depict the physical resources in a system including nodes, components, and connections.
Basic Deployment Diagram Symbols and Notations
A node is a physical resource that executes code components.
Association refers to a physical connection between nodes, such as Ethernet.
Package diagrams organize the elements of a system into related groups to minimize dependencies among them.
Basic Package Diagram Symbols and Notations
Use a tabbed folder to illustrate packages. Write the name of the package on the tab or inside the folder. Similar to classes, you can also list the attributes of a package.
A Simple Package
Visibility markers signify who can access the information contained within a package. Private visibility means that the attribute or the operation is not accessible to anything outside the package. Public visibility allows an attribute or an operation to be viewed by other packages. Protected visibility makes an attribute or operation visible to packages that inherit it only.
Dependency defines a relationship in which changes to one package will affect another package. Importing is a type of dependency that grants one package access to the contents of another package.