Word Problems
Word Problems
Word Problems
can sort and glue on the sheet provided) Key Word Flash Cards (students can identify each as a addition or subtraction key word, then the teacher can glue to chart paper or create a bulletin board) Steps to Problem Solving (students can sort and glue into their math journal for reference) Steps to Problem Solving Posters (students can put the steps in order then they can be glued to chart paper or used to create a bulletin board)
add plus sum and total in all altogether together added to combined increased by both more more than additional
subtract minus difference less difference between decrease by reduce by fewer than less than left take away how many more how much more remaining change
Read and underline the question. Box key words. Circle important numbers, cross out numbers you dont need. Solve: *draw a picture *make a chart/table *make a list *work backwards *find a pattern *write a number sentence Check your work! Ask Yourself
Read and underline the question. Box key words. Circle important numbers, cross out numbers you dont need. Solve: *draw a picture *make a chart/table *make a list *work backwards *find a pattern *write a number sentence Check your work! Ask Yourself
*draw a picture *make a chart/table *make a list *work backwards *find a pattern *write a number sentence
Ask Yourself