Weekly Evaluation Week 8
Weekly Evaluation Week 8
Weekly Evaluation Week 8
Teacher Candidate's Name: Cooperating Teacher:
. V\Abolr School:
This form has been designed to help cooperating teacher give the teacher candidate frequent specific feedback. After checking the applicable items in each area, continue with the successive sections and provide specific information regarding strengths and areas for improvement. As you rate our students, please consider how they rank compared to other interns that you have had in your classroom. I. Attendance _ Frequently absent .Rarely absent Exemplary attendance 4. Written Expression _ Written works demonstrate frequent misspelling and/or grammatical errors _ Writing is often unclear or disorganized ' jX3rganizes and clearly expresses ideas \}\L Frequently and effectively ' communicates with parents and/or administrators 7. Self-Initiative/Independence __ Passive: Depends on others for direction, ideas and guidance tX Has good ideas, works effectively with limited supervision i/, Creative and resourceful: Independently implements plans 10. Response to Feedback _ Unreceptive to feedback _ Receptive - BUT doesn't implement suggestions - AND adjusts jjerformance accordingly -^__ Solicits suggestions and feedback from others 2. Punctuality _ Frequently late _ Generally punctual A/Always on time 5. Tact/Judgment _ Thoughtless: Insensitive to others' feelings and opinions _ Limited sensitivity and diplomacy U^Perceives what to do or say in order to maintain good relations with others and responds accordingly J^Mighly sensitive to others' feelings and opinions: Diplomatic 8. Collegiality _ Prefers to work in isolation _ Reluctant to share ideas and materials \/ Prefers being part of a team illingly shares ideas and materials 11. Interaction with Students _ Sometimes antagonistic towards student _ Shy: Hesitant to work with students _ Relates easily and positively with students ^Outgoing: Actively seeks opportunities to work with /students _ Accepts responsibility for student learning 3. Oral Expression _ Makes frequent usage/grammatical errors _ Inarticulate tX*Articulate Expressive, animated 6. Reliability/Dependability __ Sometimes fails to complete assigned tasks and duties _ Sometimes needs to be reminded to attend to assigned tasks or duties JX|Responsible: Attends to / assigned tasks or duties V"fSelf-starter: Perceives needs and attends to them immediately 9. Relating Theory to Practice _ No evidence of implementing pedagogical theories __ Sometimes relates theory to oractice \XFrequently bases practical work on sound pedagogical theory 12. Interaction with Faculty/Staff Is sometimes antagonistic _ Shy: Hesitant to work with school personnel jL-^elates easily and positively _^t5utgoing: Actively seeks opportunities to work with school personnel
SCHOOL OF EDUCATION WEEKLY EVALUATION OF INTERN BY COOPERATING TEACHER, CONTINUED Summarize the proficiency level for each area listed. Identify at least two areas of instructional strength your teacher candidate demonstrated this week (Indicate with a "+"). Then identify at least two areas that the teacher candidate needs to focus on for the following week (Indicate with a "V"). After checking items in each area, please turn the page and provide more specific information.
1. Teaching Plans and Materials _ Plan has objectives for current lesson Plan has objectives related to appropriate SOL (if applicable) Plan is suitable for diverse learners Plan has procedures for regularly assessing student progress and making adjustments Plans are given to cooperating teacher in advance 3. Classroom Instructional Practice and Content Knowledge \_ Starts lesson from a point of engagement _ Provides objectives and establishes student's prior knowledge ^_ Provides opportunities for students to be actively engaged _ Provides opportunities for students to be actively engaged _ Collects, reviews, and grades homework, and links to classroom instruction _ Begins lesson on schedule j ^ses student responses and questions iji teaching -i- Uses appropriate wait time for students after asking questions _ Uses effective closure or summarization techniques -j" Uses instructional time effectively __ Content information is accurate and current v Students are asked higher order questions 4Effectively incorporates technology into instruction 2. Classroom Management, Interaction and Feedback Y Provides behavioral expectations at beginning of lesson .-- Reinforces appropriate student behavior Demonstrates enthusiasm for teaching Provides feedback to students about behavior Maintains positive classroom behavior ,ncourages students when they have difficulty *4. Impact OH Student Learning _ Student learning is evidenced by frequent work samples _ Student learning is evidenced by active engagement in class _ Student learning is evidenced by positive social interactions with peers and school personnel _ Student learning is evidenced by high rate of correct responses and successful performance on quizzes and tests
If there are elements of professional development or instructional development competencies that need more attention, please provide specific examples of how the teacher candidate may strengthen these areas.
In the space below, please describe how the Regent University teacher candidate ranks compared to other interns that you had observed. You may use the criteria assessed in (he final evaluation to highlight strength or weakness,
g Teacher Signature
In the space below, the teacher candidate will briefly outline plans to strengthen or improve areas noted above by the eoopcrating teacher.