A database management system (DBMS) contains information about a particular enterprise, provides a set of programs to access and manage the collection of interrelated data, and creates an environment that is convenient and efficient to use. DBMS applications are used in many industries like banking, airlines, universities, sales, manufacturing, and human resources to manage important data and operations. A DBMS provides advantages over traditional file-based systems by reducing data redundancy, improving data integrity, and enabling data sharing among multiple users.
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A database management system (DBMS) contains information about a particular enterprise, provides a set of programs to access and manage the collection of interrelated data, and creates an environment that is convenient and efficient to use. DBMS applications are used in many industries like banking, airlines, universities, sales, manufacturing, and human resources to manage important data and operations. A DBMS provides advantages over traditional file-based systems by reducing data redundancy, improving data integrity, and enabling data sharing among multiple users.
A database management system (DBMS) contains information about a particular enterprise, provides a set of programs to access and manage the collection of interrelated data, and creates an environment that is convenient and efficient to use. DBMS applications are used in many industries like banking, airlines, universities, sales, manufacturing, and human resources to manage important data and operations. A DBMS provides advantages over traditional file-based systems by reducing data redundancy, improving data integrity, and enabling data sharing among multiple users.
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A database management system (DBMS) contains information about a particular enterprise, provides a set of programs to access and manage the collection of interrelated data, and creates an environment that is convenient and efficient to use. DBMS applications are used in many industries like banking, airlines, universities, sales, manufacturing, and human resources to manage important data and operations. A DBMS provides advantages over traditional file-based systems by reducing data redundancy, improving data integrity, and enabling data sharing among multiple users.
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< DBMS contains inIormation about a particular enterprise
ollection oI interrelated data
Set oI programs to access the data An environment that is both convenient and efficient to use < Database Applications: Banking: all transactions Airlines: reservations, schedules Universities: registration, grades Sales: customers, products, purchases Online retailers: order tracking, customized recommendations ManuIacturing: production, inventory, orders, supply chain Human resources: employee records, salaries, tax deductions < Databases touch all aspects oI our lives Database Management System (DBMS) Basic DeIinitions Database: A collection oI related data. Data: Known Iacts that can be recorded and have an implicit meaning. Mini-world: Some part oI the real world about which data is stored in a database. For example, student grades and transcripts at a university. Database Management System (DBMS): A soItware package/ system to Iacilitate the creation and maintenance oI a computerized database. Database System: The DBMS soItware together with the data itselI. Sometimes, the applications are also included. <n the early days, database applications were built directly on top oI Iile systems <Drawbacks oI using Iile systems to store data: Data redundancy and inconsistency N Multiple Iile Iormats, duplication oI inIormation in diIIerent Iiles DiIIiculty in accessing data N eed to write a new program to carry out each new task Data isolation multiple Iiles and Iormats ntegrity problems N ntegrity constraints (e.g. account balance ~ 0) N Hard to add new constraints or change existing ones Purpose oI Database Systems n the early days, database applications were built on top oI Iile systems Data is stored in separate Iiles Data is manipulated by a set oI application programs As time goes by, the number oI Iiles and application programs increases increasing complexity oI database application management Purpose oI Database Systems Limitations oI File Systems (1/3) Drawbacks oI using Iile systems to store data Data redundancy and inconsistency Redundancy: duplication oI inIormation in diIIerent Iiles nconsistency: the various copies oI the same data may be diIIerent DiIIiculty in accessing data eed to write a new program to carry out each new task Data isolation multiple Iiles and Iormats Because data are scattered in various Iiles, and Iiles may be in diIIerent Iormats, writing the appropriate inIormation to retrieve the appropriate data is diIIicult ntegrity problems Data values stored in the database must satisIy certain types oI .onsisten.y .onstraints ntegrity constraints (e.g. account balance ~ 0) become part oI program code Those constraints are Iorced by the database system developer Hard to add new constraints or change existing ones Purpose oI Database Systems Limitations oI File Systems (2/3) Drawbacks oI using Iile systems to store data Atomicity oI updates Failures may leave database in an inconsistent state with partial updates carried out E.g. transIer oI Iunds Irom one account to another should either complete or not happen at all oncurrent access by multiple users oncurrent accessed needed Ior perIormance Uncontrolled concurrent accesses can lead to inconsistencies E.g. two people reading a balance and updating it at the same time Security problems ot every user oI the database should be able to access all the data Purpose oI Database Systems Limitations oI File Systems (3/3) Provide a way Ior eIIicient data management storage and retrieval oI the inIormation Manage large bodies oI inIormation DeIining structures Ior the storage oI inIormation Providing the mechanisms Ior the manipulation oI the inIormation Ensure the saIety oI the inIormation stored Avoid abnormal results when sharing the DB among several users Objective oI DBMS Banking: all transactions Airlines: reservations, schedules Universities: registration, grades, student inIormation Sales: customers, products, purchases ManuIacturing: production, inventory, orders, supply chain Human resources: employee records, salaries, tax deductions Telecommunications: keeping record oI calls made, generating monthly bills Database System Applications Recall that a database management system (DBMS) is a collection oI interrelated data and a set oI programs to access and modiIy those data. A major purpose oI a database system is to provide users with an abstra.t view oI data The system hides certain details oI how the data are stored and maintained View oI Data in a Database The objective oI data abstraction is to simpliIy the interaction with the database Irom the user perspective Most oI database users are not computer trained However, more complexity Irom the design perspective omplex data structure to represent data View oI Data in a Database The eed Ior Data Abstraction Slide 1-11 Typical DBMS Functionality DeIine a database : in terms oI data types, structures and constraints onstruct or Load the Database on a secondary storage medium Manipulating the database : querying, generating reports, insertions, deletions and modiIications to its content oncurrent Processing and Sharing by a set oI users and programs yet, keeping all data valid and consistent Slide 1-12 Typical DBMS Functionality Other Ieatures: Protection or Security measures to prevent unauthorized access 'Active processing to take internal actions on data Presentation and Visualization oI data Example oI a Database (with a onceptual Data Model) Mini-world for the example: Part oI a UVERSTY environment. Some mini-world 039908: STUDETs OURSEs SETOs (oI OURSEs) (academic) DEPARTMETs STRUTORs Slide 1-14 Main haracteristics oI the Database Approach SelI-describing nature oI a database system: A DBMS .atalog stores the /escription oI the database. The description is called meta-data). This allows the DBMS soItware to work with diIIerent databases. nsulation between programs and data: alled program-data independen.e. Allows changing data storage structures and operations without having to change the DBMS access programs. Slide 1-15 Main haracteristics oI the Database Approach Data Abstraction: A data model is used to hide storage details and present the users with a conceptual view oI the database. Support oI multiple views oI the data: Each user may see a diIIerent view oI the database, which describes only the data oI interest to that user. Slide 1-16 Main haracteristics oI the Database Approach Sharing oI data and multiuser transaction processing : allowing a set oI concurrent users to retrieve and to update the database. oncurrency control within the DBMS guarantees that each transa.tion is correctly executed or completely aborted. OLTP (Online Transaction Processing) is a major part oI database applications. Slide 1-17 Advantages oI Using the Database Approach ontrolling redundancy in data storage and in development and maintenance eIIorts. Sharing oI data among multiple users. Restricting unauthorized access to data. Advantages oI Using the Database Approach Providing backup and recovery services. EnIorcing integrity constraints on the database. Slide 1-19 Additional mplications oI Using the Database Approach Flexibility to change data structures: database structure may evolve as new requirements are deIined. Availability oI up-to-date inIormation very important Ior on-line transaction systems such as airline, hotel, car reservations. Economies oI scale: by consolidating data and applications across departments wasteIul overlap oI resources and personnel can be avoided. Slide 1-20 Extending Database apabilities ew fun.tionality is being added to DBMSs in the following areas: ScientiIic Applications mage Storage and Management Audio and Video data management Data Mining Spatial data management Time Series and Historical Data Management Slide 1-21 When not to use a DBMS Main inhibitors (.osts) of using a DBMS: High initial investment and possible need Ior additional hardware. Overhead Ior providing generality, security, concurrency control, recovery, and integrity Iunctions. When a DBMS may be unne.essary: I the database and applications are simple, well deIined, and not expected to change. I there are t real-time requirements that may not be met because oI DBMS overhead. I access to data by multiple users is not required. Slide 1-22 When not to use a DBMS When no DBMS may suffi.e: I the database system is not able to handle the complexity oI data I the database users need special operations not supported by the DBMS. 2-1 2-23 DataBase DataBase System Ar.hite.ture System Ar.hite.ture 2.1 Data Models, Schemas, and nstances 2.2 DBMS Architecture and Data ndependence 2.3 Database Languages and nterIaces 2.4 The Database System Environment 2.5 lassiIication oI Database Management Systems 2.6 Summary Physical Level: describes ow the data is actually stored Describes low level data structures Logical Level: describes wat data are stored in the database and what relationships exist between data View Level: describes only part oI the entire database View oI Data in a Database Data Abstraction Levels View oI Data in a Database Data Abstraction Levels Physical Level: describes ow the data is actually stored Describes low level data structures Logical Level: describes wat data are stored in the database and what relationships exist between data View Level: describes only part oI the entire database View oI Data An architecture Ior a database system S.hema the logical structure oI the database Example: The database consists oI inIormation about a set oI customers and accounts and the relationship between them) Physi.al s.hema: database design at the physical level Logi.al s.hema: database design at the logical level Instan.e the actual content oI the database at a particular point in time Physi.al Data Independen.e the ability to modiIy the physical schema without changing the logical schema Applications depend on the logical schema n general, the interIaces between the various levels and components should be well deIined so that changes in some parts do not seriously inIluence others. nstances and Schemas 2-2 2-28 Data Model: A set oI concepts to describe the structure oI a database, and certain constraints that the database should obey. data types relationships Provide data abstraction Data Model Operations: Operations Ior speciIying database retrievals and updates by reIerring to the concepts oI the data model. generic operation: insert, delete, modiIy, retrieve user-deIined operations Data Models, S.hemas, and Instan.es Data Models, S.hemas, and Instan.es 2-3 2-29 S.hemas, Instan.es and Database State S.hemas, Instan.es and Database State Database S.hema (meta-data): The description oI a database. ncludes descriptions oI the database structure and the constraints that should hold on the database. S.hema Diagram: A diagrammatic display oI (some aspects oI ) a database schema. (reIer to Fig 2.1 2-5) Database Instan.e: The actual data stored in a database at a particular moment in time. Also called database state ( or occurrence, snapshot) (reIer to Fig 1.2 2-6) The database s.hema changes very inIrequently. The database state changes every time the database is updated. S.hema is also called intension Each schema construct has its own current set oI instances. cI database 2-4a 2-30 Figure 2.1 Schema diagram Ior UVERSTYdatabase schema construct Known data: name oI record types, data items 2-4 2-31 Figure 1.2 UVERSTY Database 2-3 2-32 deIine empty state initial state load state update update valid state satisIy database schema 2-5 2-33 DBMS Ar.hite.ture and Data Independen.e DBMS Ar.hite.ture and Data Independen.e Proposed to support DBMS characteristics oI: - nsulation oI programs and data/program and operations (program-data and program-operation independence) - Support oI multiple views oI the data. - Use oI catalog (database description) DeIines DBMS schema at three levels: (see 2-9) - Internal s.hema at the internal level to describe data storage structures and access paths. - Con.eptual s.hema at the conceptual level to describe the structure and constraints Ior the wole database. - xternal s.hema at the external level to describe the various user views. Mappings among schema levels are also needed. Programs reIer to an external schema, and are mapped by the DBMS to the internal schema Ior execution Three Three- -S.hema Ar.hite.ture S.hema Ar.hite.ture 2-6 2-34 Figure 2.2 The Three-schema architecture 2-6 2-7 2-35 Data Independen.e Data Independen.e Logi.al Data Independen.e: The capacity to change the conceptual schema without having to change the external schemas and their application programs. Physi.al Data Independen.e: The capacity to change the internal schema without having to change the conceptual schema. By adding or removing a record type or data item to expand the database (2-11) reduce the database Database storage structure 2-8 2-36 Database Languages and Interfa.es Database Languages and Interfa.es Data Definition Language (DDL): Used by the DBA and database designers to speciIy the conceptual scema oI a database. Data Manipulation Language (DML): Used to speciIy database retrievals and updates (insertion, deletion, modiIications) provide appropriate languages and interIaces Ior each category oI users. provide appropriate languages and interIaces Ior each category oI users. DBMS Languages DBMS Languages 2-10 2-37 DBMS Interfa.es DBMS Interfa.es - Stand-alone query language interIaces. (casual end user) - Programmer interIaces Ior embedding DML in programming languages: (programmer) -Pre-compiler Approach -Procedure - User-Iriendly interIaces: -Menu-based nterIaces Ior Browsing. -Forms-based nterIaces. -Graphical User nterIaces. -atural language nterIaces -ombination oI the above - nterIaces Ior the DBA: -reating accounts, granting authorizations -Setting system parameters -hanging schemas or access path 2-11 2-38 DBMS Component Modules DBMS Component Modules The Database System nvironment The Database System nvironment Figure 2.3 2-12 2-39 Database System Utilities Database System Utilities To perIorm certain Iunctions such as: - oa/ing data stored in Iiles into a database. - Backing up the database periodically on storage. - File reorgani:ing database Iile structures. - Report generation utilities. - Performance monitoring utilities. - Oter functions, such as sorting, user monitoring 2-12 2-40 Data dictionary utility: - Used to store schema descriptions and other inIormation such as design decisions, application program descriptions, user inIormation, usage standards, etc. (comment) -Active data dictionary is accessed by DBMS soItware and users/DBA. -Passive data dictionary is accessed by users/DBA only. Tools, Appli.ation nvironments, and Tools, Appli.ation nvironments, and Communi.ations Fa.ilities Communi.ations Fa.ilities 2-13 2-41 Classifi.ation of Database Management Systems Classifi.ation of Database Management Systems Based on the data model used: Data models -Traditional: Relational, etwork (see 2-19), Hierarchical - Emerging: Object-oriented, Semantic, Entity- Relationship, other. Other .lassifi.ations: umber oI users : Single-user (typically used with personal computers) vs. multi-user (most DBMSs) umber oI sites: entralized (uses a single computer) vs. distributed (uses multiple computers). Homogeneous vs. Heterogeneous ost oI DBMS soItware. $10,000~100,000 $100~3,000 Purpose general purpose special purpose e.g. airline reservations, telephone directory, on-line transaction processing system 2-14 2-42 Figure 2.4 A etwork Schema Database Application Architectures (web browser) Old Modern Four types oI database users ave users: invoke one oI the permanent application programs that have been written previously E.g. Bank cashier, people accessing a database over the web The typical user interIace Ior nave user is a Iorm interIace where the user just Iill in the appropriate Iields oI the Iorm Appli.ation programmers: computer proIessional that write application programs hoose a tool Irom many tools to build a user interIace to the database nteract with the system through DML calls Sophisti.ated users: nteract with the system without writing programs Form their requests using a database query language (e.g. Analysts) Spe.ialized users: write specialized database applications that do not Iit into the traditional data processing Iramework E.g. computer-aided design systems, expert systems, environement modeling systems Database Users The Database Administrator (DBA) oordinates all the activities oI the database system The DBA has a good understanding oI the enterprise`s inIormation resources and needs The DBA has central control over the system Database administrator's duties include: Schema deIinition, speciIying integrity constraints Storage structure and access method deIinition Schema and physical organization modiIication Granting user authority to access the database Acting as liaison with users Monitoring perIormance and responding to changes in requirements Routine maintenance (DB backup, Ensuring Iree space Ior the DB, etc .) Database Administrators < (Most oI) Database systems are accessed remotely through a network < The lient/Server Model lient machines, on which remote database users work Server machines, on which the database system runs Application Architectures Database Client machines Server machines Network Application Architectures < Two-Tiered Ar.hite.ture The application is partitioned into a component that resides at the client machine t remotely invokes the database server machine through query languages statements E.g. using ODB, JDB Ior interaction between the client and the server < Three-Tiered Ar.hite.ture The client machine acts as a Iront-end and does not contain any direct database calls The client machine communication with the server appli.ation through an interIace oI Iorms (not direct queries) The server application communicate with a database system to access data application User Database systems Network Network TwoTiered Architecture Application client User Database systems Network Network ThreeTiered Architecture Application server < 1950s and early 1960s: Data processing using magnetic tapes Ior storage N Tapes provide only sequential access Punched cards Ior input < Late 1960s and 1970s: Hard disks allow direct access to data etwork and hierarchical data models in widespread use Ted odd deIines the relational data model N Would win the AM Turing Award Ior this work N BM Research begins System R prototype N U Berkeley begins ngres prototype High-perIormance (Ior the era) transaction processing History oI Database Systems < 1980s: Research relational prototypes evolve into commercial systems N SQL becomes industry standard Parallel and distributed database systems Object-oriented database systems < 1990s: Large decision support and data-mining applications Large multi-terabyte data warehouses Emergence oI Web commerce < 2000s: ML and Query standards Automated database administration ncreasing use oI highly parallel database systems Web-scale distributed data storage systems History (cont.) The architecture oI a database systems is greatly inIluenced by the underlying computer system on which the database is running: < entralized < lient-server < Parallel (multiple processors and disks) < Distributed Database Architecture Extend the relational data model by including object orientation and constructs to deal with added data types. Allow attributes oI tuples to have complex types, including non-atomic values such as nested relations. Preserve relational Ioundations, in particular the declarative access to data, while extending modeling power. Provide upward compatibility with existing relational languages. Object-Relational Data Models <DeIined by the WWW onsortium (W3) <Originally intended as a document markup language not a database language <The ability to speciIy new tags, and to create nested tag structures made ML a great way to exchange data, not just documents <ML has become the basis Ior all new generation data interchange Iormats. <A wide variety oI tools is available Ior parsing, browsing and querying ML documents/data ML: Extensible Markup Language