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u MCPAn kuMA8

MC8lLL 8uC SC uWlvLul

hls handy pockeLslze moblle
Lransmlsslon deLecLor can sense
Lhe presence of an acLlvaLed
moblle phone from a dlsLance of oneandahalf meLres So lL can be used Lo
prevenL use of moblle phones ln examlnaLlon halls confldenLlal rooms
eLc lL ls also useful for deLecLlng Lhe
use of moblle phone for spylng and
unauLhorlsed vldeo Lransmlsslon
1he clrculL can deLecL boLh Lhe lncomlng and ouLgolng calls SMS and
vldeo Lransmlsslon even lf Lhe moblle
phone ls kepL ln Lhe sllenL mode 1he
momenL Lhe bug deLecLs 8l Lransmlsslon slgnal from an acLlvaLed moblle
phone lL sLarLs soundlng a beep alarm
and Lhe LLu bllnks 1he alarm conLlnues unLll Lhe slgnal Lransmlsslon ceases
An ordlnary 8l deLecLor uslng
Luned LC clrculLs ls noL sulLable for
deLecLlng slgnals ln Lhe CPz frequency
band used ln moblle phones 1he
L ransml s s lon f r equency of mobl l e
phones ranges from 09 Lo 3 CPz wlLh
a wavelengLh of 33 Lo 10 cm So a clrculL deLecLlng glgaherLz slgnals ls requlred for a moblle bug
Pere Lhe clrculL uses a 022l dlsk
capaclLor (C3) Lo capLure Lhe 8l slgnals
from Lhe moblle phone 1he lead lengLh
of Lhe capaclLor ls flxed as 18 mm wlLh
a spaclng of 8 mm beLween Lhe leads Lo
geL Lhe deslred frequency 1he dlsk capaclLor along wlLh Lhe leads acLs as a
small glgaherLz loop anLenna Lo collecL
Lhe 8l slgnals from Lhe moblle phone
Cpamp lC CA3130 (lC1) ls used
ln Lhe clrculL as a currenLLovolLage
converLer wlLh capaclLor C3 connecLed
beLween lLs lnverLlng and nonlnverLlng lnpuLs lL ls a CMCS verslon uslng
gaLeproLecLed pchannel MCSlL1
LranslsLors ln Lhe lnpuL Lo provlde very
hlgh lnpuL lmpedance very low lnpuL
currenL and very hlgh speed of performance 1he ouLpuL CMCS LranslsLor
ls capable of swlnglng Lhe ouLpuL volLage Lo wlLhln 10 mv of elLher supply
volLage Lermlnal
CapaclLor C3 ln con[uncLlon wlLh
Lhe lead lnducLance acLs as a Lransmlsslon llne LhaL lnLercepLs Lhe slgnals
from Lhe moblle phone 1hls capaclLor
creaLes a fleld sLores energy and Lransfers Lhe sLored energy ln Lhe form of
mlnuLe currenL Lo Lhe lnpuLs of lC1
1hls wlll upseL Lhe balanced lnpuL of
lC1 and converL Lhe currenL lnLo Lhe
correspondlng ouLpuL volLage
CapaclLor C4 along wlLh hlghvalue
reslsLor 81 keeps Lhe nonlnverLlng lnpuL sLable for easy swlng of Lhe ouLpuL Lo hlgh sLaLe 8eslsLor 82
Lhe dlscharge paLh for capaclLor C4
leedback reslsLor 83 makes Lhe lnverLlng lnpuL hlgh when Lhe ouLpuL becomes hlgh CapaclLor C3 (47pl)
connecLed across 'sLrobe' (pln 8) and
'null' lnpuLs (pln 1) of lC1 for phase
compensaLlon and galn conLrol Lo
opLlmlse Lhe frequency response
When Lhe moblle phone slgnal ls
deLecLed by C3 Lhe ouLpuL of lC1 becomes hlgh and low alLernaLely accordlng Lo Lhe frequency of Lhe
as lndlcaLed by LLu1 1hls Lrlggers
monosLable Llmer lC2 Lhrough capaclLor C7 CapaclLor C6 malnLalns Lhe
base blas of LranslsLor 11 for fasL
swlLchlng acLlon 1he lowvalue Llmlng componenLs 86 and C9 produce
very shorL Llme delay Lo avold audlo
Assemble Lhe clrculL on a generalpurpose C8 as compacL as posslble
and enclose ln a small box llke [unk
moblle case As menLloned earller capaclLor C3 should have a lead lengLh
of 18 mm wlLh lead spaclng of 8 mm
Carefully solder Lhe capaclLor ln sLandlng poslLlon wlLh equal spaclng of Lhe
leads 1he response can be opLlmlsed
by Lrlmmlng Lhe lead lengLh of C3 for
Lhe deslred frequency ?ou may use a
shorL Lelescoplc Lype anLenna
use Lhe mlnlaLure 12v baLLery of a
remoLe conLrol and a small buzzer Lo
make Lhe gadgeL pockeLslze 1he unlL
wlll glve Lhe warnlng lndlcaLlon lf
someone uses moblle

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