Thesis Statement Quiz

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Thesis Statement Quiz

Pick the answer that would qualify as a thesis statement. Only pick one per question. Pick the BEST answer. 1. A. How does a dog communicate? B. Does a dog communicate? C. A Dog communicates through his voice and tail. D. I love dogs. 2. A. Lawyers work harder than judges. B. Do we need lawyers in order to get justice? C. Lawyers go to college for eight years. D. Are lawyers worth the money we pay for them? 3. A. Credit Cards are stupid. B. Without credit cards, no one would be able to afford the luxuries they have. C. How people get credit cards. D. The best ways to keep your credit rating high. 4. A. The American Army rocks! B. My father died in The Gulf War. C. There are other peaceful alternatives to war. D. Should eighteen year olds be forced to register for the draft? 5. A. Teachers should be better prepared to deal with all problems that might arise. B. Should teachers be forcibly retired at 50? C. Teachers work hard. D. What is a teacher?

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