Brachiaria reptans is an annual grass that grows 15-60 cm high, rooting at nodes. It has ovate-lanceolate leaf blades 2-8 cm long and 3-17 mm wide. Its inflorescence is 5-16 cm racemes with 1-4 cm spikelets borne in pairs on the rhachis. It is found on roadsides and undisturbed ground from 0-400m altitude in Kenya, Tanzania, and tropical Asia, and has been introduced throughout the tropics. While palatable, it is not a very productive grass.
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Brachiaria reptans is an annual grass that grows 15-60 cm high, rooting at nodes. It has ovate-lanceolate leaf blades 2-8 cm long and 3-17 mm wide. Its inflorescence is 5-16 cm racemes with 1-4 cm spikelets borne in pairs on the rhachis. It is found on roadsides and undisturbed ground from 0-400m altitude in Kenya, Tanzania, and tropical Asia, and has been introduced throughout the tropics. While palatable, it is not a very productive grass.
Brachiaria reptans is an annual grass that grows 15-60 cm high, rooting at nodes. It has ovate-lanceolate leaf blades 2-8 cm long and 3-17 mm wide. Its inflorescence is 5-16 cm racemes with 1-4 cm spikelets borne in pairs on the rhachis. It is found on roadsides and undisturbed ground from 0-400m altitude in Kenya, Tanzania, and tropical Asia, and has been introduced throughout the tropics. While palatable, it is not a very productive grass.
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Brachiaria reptans is an annual grass that grows 15-60 cm high, rooting at nodes. It has ovate-lanceolate leaf blades 2-8 cm long and 3-17 mm wide. Its inflorescence is 5-16 cm racemes with 1-4 cm spikelets borne in pairs on the rhachis. It is found on roadsides and undisturbed ground from 0-400m altitude in Kenya, Tanzania, and tropical Asia, and has been introduced throughout the tropics. While palatable, it is not a very productive grass.
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Brachiaria reptans escription ecumbent annual, 15-60 cm high rooting at nodes. LeaI-blades ovate-lanceolate, 2-8 cm long and 3-17 mm wide. InIlorescence oI 5-16 cm racemes on an axis 1-8 cm long; racemes 1-4 cm in length with a triquetrous rhachis. Spikelets, glabrous, narrowly ovate, 1.5-2.2 mm long, borne in pairs and crowded on the rhachis. abitat #oadside and undisturbed ground. Altitude range 0-400 m. istribution Kenya; also Irom United #epublic oI Tanzania, tropical Asia and introduced throughout the tropics. Use Palatable but not productive.
Edited by F. Guiso Gallisai Information taken from Ibrahim, K. M., Kabuye, C. H. S. 1988. An illustrated manual oI Kenya grasses. #ome, FAO. 765 pp.