Week 13

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Clearys Tiger Stars Lake Asbury Junior High School, 7-C Science Week 13 November 7th Schedule subject to change! Essential Question: What are electromagnetic waves? Objective: Summarize the properties of electromagnetic waves. Explain how electromagnetic waves are alike and how they are different, and describe the waves that make up the electromagnetic spectrum. Day Science Project Update Activities - Advanced Conduct your experiment and follow the guidelines on pages 10 and 11 of your guide. Make all notations in your logbook. Due 12/2/11. Activities - Academic Conduct your experiment and follow the guidelines on pages 10 and 11 of your guide. Make all notations in your logbook. Due 12/2/11. How do electromagnetic waves compare? Homework pages 314 to 316. How does the suns energy arrive to Earth? Homework pages 319 to 321.

Monday Chapter 9 Page 310

How do electromagnetic waves Vocabulary Page 313 lesson compare? 1, 12 concepts Homework pages 314 to 316. How does the suns energy arrive to Earth? Homework pages 319 to 321.


Practice waves and electromagnetic Practice waves and electromagnetic spectrum. spectrum. Wednesday What are the kinds of reflection? Homework pages 322 to 327. Thursday Vocabulary Quiz Tuesday 11/15 What type of images do mirrors produce? Veterans Day What are the kinds of reflection? Homework pages 322 to 327. What type of images do mirrors produce?


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