The Search For Alien Life
The Search For Alien Life
The Search For Alien Life
Are we alone in the universe? It’s a question that every school kid has probably asked at some time—and scientists in particular want an answer.
In their quest after alien beings, astronomers have scanned the heavens for radio signals from another technologically advanced civilization;
they’ve sent probes to all but one of the planets around our Sun; they’ve studied extreme life forms on Earth to better understand the conditions
under which life can take root; and they’ve scrutinized the neighborhoods around distant stars.
We may never discover whether or not extraterrestrials exist—at least not until they contact us. But researchers continue to refine their search.
Discoveries that water likely flowed on Mars at one time and that Jupiter’s moon Europa may house a subterranean sea have intensified the hunt
for alien organisms in our own solar system. And the identification of approximately 100 extrasolar planets in recent years has raised hopes of
finding inhabited worlds similar to Earth elsewhere in our galaxy.
In this special online issue, Scientific American authors review the evidence for and against the existence of ETs. In Where Are They?, Ian Crawford
ponders what it means that all of our surveys so far have come up empty handed. In Is There Life Elsewhere in the Universe?, Jill C. Tarter, direc-
tor of research for the Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence (SETI) Institute, and her colleague Christopher F. Chyba assert that the search has
only just begun. Other articles examine the cases to be made for relic life on Mars and other bodies in our solar system, as well as the plans to
launch a new space telescope for spying on distant worlds. Buy the issue, read the articles and, the next time you gaze up at the night sky, make
up your own mind.—the Editors
2 Where Are They?
Maybe we are alone in the galaxy after all
ow common are other civilizations in the uni- in 1993 by J. William Schopf of the University of California at
verse? This question has fascinated humanity Los Angeles. These organisms were already quite advanced
for centuries, and although we still have no de- and must themselves have had a long evolutionary history.
finitive answer, a number of recent develop- Thus, the actual origin of life, assuming it to be indigenous to
ments have brought it once again to the fore. Earth, must have occurred closer to four billion years ago.
Chief among these is the confirmation, after a Earth itself is only 4.6 billion years old, and the fact that life
long wait and several false starts, that planets exist outside appeared so quickly in geologic time— probably as soon as
our solar system. conditions had stabilized sufficiently to make it possible— sug-
Over the past five years more than three dozen stars like the gests that this step was relatively easy for nature to achieve.
sun have been found to have Jupiter-mass planets. And even Nobel prize–winning biochemist Christian de Duve has gone
though astronomers have found no Earth-like planets so far, so far as to conclude, “Life is almost bound to arise . . . wher-
we can now be fairly confident that they also will be plentiful. ever physical conditions are similar to those that prevailed on
To the extent that planets are necessary for the origin and evo- our planet some four billion years ago.” So there is every rea-
lution of life, these exciting discoveries certainly augur well for son to believe that the galaxy is teeming with living things.
the widely held view that life pervades the universe. This view Does it follow that technological civilizations are abundant
is supported by advances in our understanding of the history as well? Many people have argued that once primitive life has
of life on Earth, which have highlighted the speed with which evolved, natural selection will inevitably cause it to advance
life became established on this planet. The oldest direct evi- toward intelligence and technology. But is this necessarily so?
dence we have for life on Earth consists of fossilized bacteria in That there might be something wrong with this argument
3.5- billion-year-old rocks from Western Australia, announced was famously articulated by nuclear physicist Enrico Fermi in
1950. If extraterrestrials are commonplace, he asked, where ZIP, ZILCH, NADA has come out of any aliens with whom we
are they? Should their presence not be obvious? This ques- share the galaxy. Searches for extraterrestrial intelligence have at
tion has become known as the Fermi Paradox. least partially scanned for Earth-level radio transmitters out to
This problem really has two aspects: the failure of search 4,000 light-years away from our planet (yellow circle) and for so-
for extraterrestrial intelligence (SETI) programs to detect ra- called type I advanced civilizations out to 40,000 light-years (red
circle). The lack of signals is starting to worry many scientists.
dio transmissions from other civilizations, and the lack of evi-
dence that extraterrestrials have ever visited Earth. The possi-
bility of searching for ETs by radio astronomy was first seri- by Guillermo A. Lemarchand; Scientific American Pre-
ously discussed by physicists Giuseppe Cocconi and Philip sents: Exploring Intelligence, Winter 1998]. In spite of all
Morrison in a famous paper published in the journal Nature this activity, however, researchers have made no positive de-
in 1959. This was followed the next year by the first actual tections of extraterrestrial signals.
search, Project Ozma, in which Frank D. Drake and his col- Of course, we are still in the early days of SETI, and the lack
leagues at the National Radio Astronomy Observatory in of success to date cannot be used to infer that ET civilizations
Green Bank, W.Va., listened for signals from two nearby stars. do not exist. The searches have so far covered only a small frac-
Since then, many other SETI experiments have been per- tion of the total “parameter space”— that is, the combination
formed, and a number of sophisticated searches, both all-sky of target stars, radio frequencies, power levels and temporal
surveys and targeted searches of hundreds of individual stars, coverage that observers must scan before drawing a definitive
are currently in progress [see “The Search for Extraterrestrial conclusion. Nevertheless, initial results are already beginning
Intelligence,” by Carl Sagan and Frank Drake; Scientific to place some interesting limits on the prevalence of radio-
American, May 1975; “Is There Intelligent Life Out There?” transmitting civilizations in the galaxy [see box on next page].
The Fermi Paradox becomes evident contains roughly a million solar-type trophes and to remain detectable with
when one examines some of the as- stars. If so, something like 1,000 civi- our instruments— that raises other prob-
sumptions underlying SETI, especially lizations should inhabit the galaxy as a lems, as discussed below.) Statistically,
the total number of galactic civiliza- whole. the number of civilizations present at
tions, both extant and extinct, that it This is rather a large number, and un- any one time is equal to their rate of
implicitly assumes. One of the current less these civilizations are very long- formation multiplied by their mean life-
leaders of the field, Paul Horowitz of lived, it implies that a truly enormous time. One can approximate the forma-
Harvard University, has stated that he number must have risen and fallen over tion rate as the total number that have
expects at least one radio-transmitting the course of galactic history. (If they ever appeared divided by the age of the
civilization to reside within 1,000 light- are indeed long-lived— if they manage galaxy, roughly 12 billion years. If civi-
years of the sun, a volume of space that to avoid natural or self-induced catas- lizations form at a constant rate and
o SETI program has ever found a radio telescope in Puerto Rico, which could any signals out of the detection band.
active in Earth’s vicinity but have decid-
ed not to interfere with us. If we can
eliminate each of these explanations of
1020 the Fermi Paradox, we will have to face
the possibility that we are the most ad-
Type I vanced life-forms in the galaxy.
civilization The first explanation clearly fails. No
Earth-level known principle of physics or engineer-
civilization ing rules out interstellar spaceflight.
NOT YET SEARCHED (Arecibo) Even in these early days of the space age,
10 engineers have envisaged propulsion
Earth-level strategies that might reach 10 to 20 per-
(radio leakage) cent of the speed of light, thereby per-
101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 mitting travel to nearby stars in a mat-
Distance from Earth (light-years) ter of decades [see “Reaching for the
Stars,” by Stephanie D. Leifer; Scien-
tific American, February 1999].
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 For the same reason, the second expla-
Percentage of Star Systems Searched nation is problematic as well. Any civi-
lization with advanced rocket technolo-
gy would be able to colonize the entire
galaxy on a cosmically short timescale.
RESULTS OF SETI PROGRAMS are summarized in this diagram. The black
area shows which civilizations could have eluded our radio searches, either be-
For example, consider a civilization that
cause they are too far away or because their transmitters are too weak. To make sends colonists to a few of the planetary
sense of this diagram, choose a transmitter strength (vertical axis), read across systems closest to it. After those colonies
to the edge of the black area and go down to find the distance from Earth (hor- have established themselves, they send
izontal axis). For example, an Arecibo-class transmitter of 1014 watts must be out secondary colonies of their own, and
farther away than about 4,000 light-years to have eluded the searches altogether. so on. The number of colonies grows ex-
The color code provides more detailed information—namely, the estimated per- ponentially. A colonization wave front
centage of all star systems that have been examined for transmitters of a given will move outward with a speed deter-
power or greater. mined by the speed of the starships and
by the time required by each colony to
establish itself. New settlements will
quickly fill in the volume of space be-
ANDREW J. LEPAGE is a physicist at Visidyne, Inc., in Burlington, Mass., where he ana- hind this wave front [see illustration on
lyzes satellite remote-sensing data. He has written some three dozen articles on SETI and next page].
exobiology. Assuming a typical colony spacing of
10 light-years, a ship speed of 10 percent
that of light, and a period of 400 years
STEP 1: 500 Years STEP 4: 2,000 Years is not as time-consuming as one might
think. Humans could begin the process
by sending colonists to two nearby stars,
HOME PLANET a trip that might take 100 years with
foreseeable technology. After 400 years to
dig in, each colony sends out two of its
own, and so on. Within 10,000 years our
descendants could inhabit every star sys-
tem within 200 light-years. Settling the
entire galaxy would take 3.75 million
years—a split second in cosmic terms. If
STEP 7: 3,500 Years STEP 10: 5,000 Years even one alien civilization has ever under-
taken such a program, its colonies should
be everywhere we look.
million years to colonize it completely. develop from the earliest cities to space- our own— has yet to self-destruct,
Though a long time in human terms, this flight. In that case, full galactic coloniza- shows every sign of being expansionist,
is only 0.05 percent of the age of the tion would take about 50 million years. and is not especially reticent about in-
galaxy. Compared with the other rele- The implication is clear: the first tech- terfering with other living things.
vant astronomical and biological time- nological civilization with the ability and Despite the vastness of the endeavor, I
scales, it is essentially instantaneous. the inclination to colonize the galaxy think we can identify a number of rea-
The greatest uncertainty is the time re- could have done so before any competi- sons why a program of interstellar colo-
quired for a colony to establish itself and tors even had a chance to evolve. In prin- nization is actually quite likely. For one,
and planets form. In the past the concen- tures, still less to technological civiliza-
trations of these elements were lower— tions. As pointed out by Stephen Jay
The Author
possibly too low to permit life to arise. Gould in his book Wonderful Life, the
Among stars in our part of the galaxy, evolution of intelligent life depends on a IAN CRAWFORD is an astronomer in
the sun has a relatively high abundance host of essentially random environmen- the department of physics and astronomy
of these elements for its age. Perhaps our tal influences. at University College London. His research
solar system had a fortuitous head start This contingency is illustrated most interests mostly concern the study of in-
terstellar and circumstellar environments,
in the origins and evolution of life. clearly by the fate of the dinosaurs. They including circumstellar disks thought to
But this argument is not as compelling dominated this planet for 140 million be forming planets. He believes that the
as it may at first appear. For one, re- years yet never developed a technologi- cosmic perspective provided by the ex-
searchers do not know the critical thresh- cal civilization. Without their extinction, ploration of the universe argues for the
old of heavy-element abundances that the result of a chance event, evolutionary political unification of our world. He ex-
life requires. If abundances as low as a history would have been very different. plains: “This perspective is already ap-
parent in images of Earth taken from
tenth of the solar value suffice, as seems The evolution of intelligent life on Earth
space, which emphasize the cosmic in-
plausible, then life could have arisen has rested on a large number of chance significance of our entire planet, never
around much older stars. And although events, at least some of which had a very mind the national boundaries we have
the sun does have a relatively high low probability. In 1983 physicist Bran- drawn upon its surface. And if we do
abundance of heavy elements for its age, don Carter concluded that “civilizations ever meet other intelligent species out
it is certainly not unique [see “Here comparable with our own are likely to there among the stars, would it not be
Come the Suns,” by George Musser; be exceedingly rare, even if locations as best for humanity to speak with a united
Scientific American, May 1999]. favorable as our own are of common oc-
originally published December 1999
Assuming our current, comparatively robust space program continues, by 2050 we may finally know
whether there is, or ever was, life elsewhere in our solar system. At a minimum we will have thoroughly
explored the most likely candidates, something we cannot claim today. We will have discovered whether life
dwells on Jupiter’s moon Europa or on Mars. And we will have undertaken the systematic exobiological
exploration of planetary systems around other stars, looking for traces of life in the spectra of planetary
atmospheres. These surveys will be complimented by expanded searches for intelligent signals.
We may find that life is common but technical intelligence is extremely rare or that both are
common or rare.
enclosed in rocks ejected by large impacts. Thus, By 2050 we will have catalogues of extrasolar
whichever world first developed life may have then planetary systems analogous to our current cata-
inoculated the others. If life exists on Mars, we logues of stars. We will know whether our particu-
may share a common ancestor with it. If so, DNA lar planetary system is typical or unusual (we sus-
comparison could help us determine the world of pect it will prove to be neither). Currently the only
origin. Of course, should Martian life be of inde- worlds our technology routinely detects are giant
pendent origin from life on Earth, it may lack planets more massive than Jupiter. But advanced
DNA altogether. The discovery of a second genesis space-based telescopes will regularly detect Earth-
within our solar system would suggest that life de- size worlds around other stars, if they exist, and
velops wherever it can; such a finding would but- analyze their atmospheres for hints of biological
Lurking in the depths of tress arguments for the ubiquity of life throughout processes. Such worlds would then become com-
Europa could be our fellow the universe [see “The Search for Extraterrestrial pelling targets for additional observations, includ-
inhabitants of the solar Life,” by Carl Sagan; Scientific American, Octo- ing searches for intelligent signals.
system. The surface of ber 1994].
Europa, mishmashed by An essential part of our exploration of Mars Window on the Worlds
icebergs, hints at a and other worlds will be planetary protection.
subterranean ocean. Life
survives deep in Earth’s crust
and oceans. Could it survive
NASA now has guidelines to protect the worlds
that it visits against contamination with micro-
organisms carried from Earth. We have much to
A lthough we talk of searching for extraterrestri-
al intelligence (SETI), what we are seeking is
evidence of extraterrestrial technologies. It might
on this world, too? learn about reducing the bioload of spacecraft we be better to use the acronym SET-T (pronounced
launch elsewhere. Progress is demanded—scien- the same) to acknowledge this. To date, we have ILLUSTRATION BY RON MILLER
tifically by the requirement of not introducing concentrated on a very specific technology—radio
false positives, legally by international treaty and, transmissions at wavelengths with weak natural
we believe, ethically by the imperative to protect backgrounds and little absorption [see “The Search
any alien biospheres. for Extraterrestrial Intelligence,” by Carl Sagan and
And what about other planetary systems? Al- Frank Drake; Scientific American, May 1975].
ready we know of more planets outside our solar No one has yet found any verified signs of a distant
system than within it. Well before 2050 the first technology. But the null result may have more to do
truly interstellar missions will be flying out of our with limitations in range and sensitivity than with
solar system, perhaps sent on the wings of giant so- actual lack of civilizations. The most distant star
lar sails. They will directly sample the prolific or- probed directly is still less than 1 percent of the dis-
ganic chemistry (already revealed by radio tele- tance across our galaxy.
scopes) present between the stars. They will not SETI, like all of radio astronomy, now faces a
reach the nearest systems by 2050—with present crisis. Humanity’s voracious appetite for technolo-
technology, the trip would take tens of thousands gies that utilize the radio spectrum is rapidly ob-
of years—so we will have to study those systems scuring the natural window with curtains of radio-
remotely. frequency interference. This trend might eventual-
Plans for the next few decades of SETI also envi- should keep our robotic eyes open for probes or
sion the construction of a variety of ground-based other artifacts of an extraterrestrial technology. De-
instruments that offer greater sensitivity, frequency spite tabloid reports of aliens and artifacts every-
coverage and observing time. Currently all these where, scientific exploration so far has revealed no JILL C. TARTER participated in
plans rely on private philanthropic funding. For good evidence for any such things. her first search for extraterres-
searches at radio frequencies, work has com- trial intelligence in 1976 while
menced on the One Hectare Telescope (1hT), Sharing the Universe an astrophysics graduate
which will permit simultaneous access to the entire student at the University of
microwave window. A large field of view—and a
large amount of computational power—will en-
able dozens of objects to be observed at the same
A lthough we cannot state with confidence what
we will know about other intelligent occupants
of the universe in 2050, we can predict that whatev-
California, Berkeley. Her current
effort is over 1,000 times as
sensitive. Tarter’s career bears
time, a mix of SETI targets and natural astronomi- er we know, everyone will know. Everyone will a striking resemblance to that
cal bodies. Radio astronomy and SETI will thus be have access to the process of discovery. Anyone of Ellie Arroway, the heroine of
able to share telescope resources, rather than com- who is curious will be able to keep score of what Carl Sagan’s novel Contact.
pete for them, as is frequently the case now. The searches have been done and which groups are Today she is the director of
1hT will also demonstrate one affordable way to looking at what, from where, at any given moment. research for the SETI Institute in
build a still larger Square Kilometer Array (SKA) The data generated by the searches will flow too Mountain View, Calif. When not
that could improve sensitivity by a factor of 100 quickly for humans to absorb, but the interesting observing, lecturing or fund-
over anything available today. For SETI, this factor signals, selected by silicon sieves, will be available raising, she enjoys flying a
of 100 translates into a factor of 10 in distance and for our perusal. In this way, we hope to supplant private plane and dancing the
1,000 in the number of stars explored. the purveyors of pseudoscience who attract the cu- samba.
These arrays will be affordable because their rious and invite them into a fantastic (and lucrative)
hardware will derive from recent consumer prod- realm of nonsense. Today the real data are too often
ucts. To the extent possible, complexity will be inaccessible, whereas the manufactured data are
transferred from concrete and steel to silicon and widely available. The real thing is better, and it will
software. We will be betting on Moore’s Law—the be much easier to access in the future.
exponential increase in computing power over If by 2050 we have found no evidence of an ex-
time. The SETI@home screensaver, which more traterrestrial technology, it may be because technical
than a million people around the globe have down- intelligence almost never evolves, or because techni-
loaded (from www.setiathome.ssl.berkeley. edu), il- cal civilizations rapidly bring about their own de-
lustrates the kind of parallel computation available struction, or because we have not yet conducted an
even today. By 2050 we may have built many adequate search using the right strategy. If hu-
SKAs and used them to excise actively the growing mankind is still here in 2050 and still capable of do-
amount of interference. If successful, such instru- ing SETI searches, it will mean that our technology
ments will certainly be more affordable than an ob- has not yet been our own undoing—a hopeful sign CHRISTOPHER F. CHYBA
servatory on the lunar far side. for life generally. By then we may begin considering is a planetary scientist whose
Recently other wavelength bands besides the ra- the active transmission of a signal for someone else research focuses on the origins of
dio have been receiving attention. Generations of to find, at which point we will have to tackle the life and exobiology. He recently
stargazers have scanned the heavens with naked difficult questions of who will speak for Earth and led the Science Definition Team
eyes and telescopes without ever seeing an artifact what they will say. for NASA’s 2003 Orbiter mission to
Europa. He now chairs the space
Further Information agency’s Solar System
Exploration Subcommittee,
INTELLIGENT LIFE IN THE UNIVERSE. I. S. Shklovskii and Carl Sagan. Holden-Day, 1966. which recommends priorities
EXTRATERRESTRIALS: SCIENCE AND ALIEN INTELLIGENCE. Edited by Edward Regis, Jr. Cambridge University for solar system exploration.
Press, 1985. Chyba is a former director for
THE SEARCH FOR LIFE IN THE UNIVERSE. Donald Goldsmith and Tobias Owen. Addison-Wesley, 1992. international environmental
Dava Sobel. Delacorte Press, 1992. Council staff at the White House.
EXTRATERRESTRIALS — WHERE ARE THEY? Edited by Ben Zuckerman and Michael H. Hart. Cambridge Uni-
versity Press, 1995. At the SETI Institute, he holds
THE ORIGIN OF LIFE IN THE SOLAR SYSTEM: CURRENT ISSUES. Christopher F. Chyba and Gene D. McDonald in the endowed chair named for
Annual Review of Earth and Planetary Sciences, Vol. 23, pages 215–249; 1995. his graduate school adviser,
originally published November 2002
In a photograph hanging outside her office, Jill C. out to come from a telescope operator’s CB radio.
Tarter stands a head taller than Jodie Foster, the actress Tarter’s current project is the Allen Telescope Ar-
who played an idealistic young radio astronomer ray, consisting of a set of about 350 small satellite dish-
named Ellie Arroway in the film Contact. Tarter was es in Hat Creek, Calif. The system, which will span
not the model for the driven researcher at the center of about 10,000 square meters and will be the first radio-
Carl Sagan’s book of the same name, although she un- telescope array built specifically for SETI projects, is
derstands why people often make that assumption. In funded by private investors. Its observing speed will be
fact, she herself did so after reading the page proofs that 100 times as fast as that of today’s equipment, and it
Sagan had sent her in 1985. After all, both she and Ar- will expand observable frequency ranges.
roway were only children whose fathers encouraged Tarter has often been a lone and nontraditional en-
their interest in science and who died when they were tity in her environment. Her interest in science, which
still young girls. And both staked their lives and careers began with engineering physics, was nurtured by her fa-
on the search for extraterrestrial intelligence (SETI), no ther, who died when she was 12. As with most other fe-
matter how long the odds of detecting an otherworldly male scientists of her generation, Tarter says, a father’s
sign. But no, Tarter says, the character is actually Sagan encouragement was “just enough to make the difference
himself— they all just share the same passion. about whether you blew off the negative counseling”
In her position as director of the Center for SETI Re- that girls interested in science often got. Her mother
search at the SETI Institute in Mountain View, Calif., worried about her when she departed in the 1960s from
Tarter has recently focused on developing new tech- their suburban New York home for Cornell University,
nology for observing radio signals from the universe. when women there were still locked in their dorms
The concept, first presented in the 1950s, is that a tech- overnight. She was the only female student in the engi-
nologically advanced civilization will leak radio signals. neering school that year. (Tarter is a descendant of Ezra
Some may even be transmitting purposefully. Cornell, the university’s founder, although at the time
So far there haven’t been any confirmed detections. her gender meant that she would not receive the family
Amid the radio chatter from natural and human scholarship.)
sources, there have been some hiccups and a few heart- “There’s an enormous amount of problem solving,
stoppingly close calls. On her first observing run at of homework sets to be done as an engineering stu-
Green Bank Observatory in West Virginia, Tarter de- dent,” Tarter recalls. Whereas male students formed
tected a signal that was clearly not natural. But it turned teams, sharing the workload, “I sat in my dorm and did
them all by myself.” Puzzling out the problems alone
JILL C. TARTER: SETI SEARCHER gave her a better education in some ways, she says, but
“it was socially very isolating, and I lost the ability to
■ Grew up in Scarsdale, N.Y., and is a descendant of Cornell University’s founder. build teaming skills.”
■ Most influential cartoon: Flash Gordon. Her independence and eventual distaste for engi-
■ In the July Astronomical Journal, she and two colleagues conclude that neering led her to do her graduate work in physics at
there are no more than 10,000 civilizations in the Milky Way at about our Cornell, but Tarter soon left for the University of Cal-
level of technological advancement. ifornia at Berkeley to pursue a doctorate in astronomy.
■ “I just can’t ever remember a time when I didn’t assume that the stars were While working on her Ph.D., which she completed in
somebody else’s suns.” 1975, Tarter was also busy raising a daughter from her
may have been a defining moment of her ability to delegate au- earth’s listening posts and is already planning even larger tele-
thority. Radiation and chemotherapy treatment required that scopes for future Arroways to use.
she step down temporarily as Phoenix project manager and cut
back on her travel, thereby forcing her to assign tasks to oth- Naomi Lubick is based in Palo Alto, Calif.
originally published in Magnificent Cosmos-Spring 1998
for Life
in Our
If life evolved
independently on
our neighboring
planets or moons,
then where are the
most likely places to
look for evidence of
by Bruce M. Jakosky
CATASTROPHIC OUTFLOW CHANNEL on Mars—Dao Vallis—is on the flanks of
the volcano Hadriaca Patera. Scientists believe the volcano’s heat may have
caused groundwater to well up, or erupt, onto Mars’s surface at this location.
The possible combination of volcanic energy and water makes this an
intriguing place to search for life.
canism has supplied heat from the earliest epochs to the re-
cent past, as have impact events. Additional energy to sustain
life can come from the weathering of volcanic rocks. Oxida-
tion of iron within basalt, for example, releases energy that
organisms can use.
The plentiful availability of biogenic elements on Mars’s sur-
librium, which fosters the reactions necessary to spawn living face completes life’s requirements. Given the presence of water
systems. On Earth today, nearly all of life’s energy comes from and energy, Mars may well have independently originated life.
the sun, through photosynthesis. Yet chemical energy sources Moreover, even if life did not originate on Mars, life still
suffice—and would be more readily available for early life. could be present there. Just as high-velocity impacts have jet-
These sources would include geochemical energy from hy- tisoned Martian surface rocks into space—only to fall on
drothermal systems near volcanoes or chemical energy from Earth as Martian meteorites—rocks from Earth could similarly
the weathering of minerals at or near a planet’s surface. have landed on the red planet. Should they contain organ-
isms that survive the journey and should they land in suitable
Possibilities for Life on Mars Martian habitats, the bacteria could survive. Or, for all we
know, life could have originated on Mars and been trans-
ooking beyond Earth, two planets show strong evi- planted subsequently to Earth.
dence for having had environmental conditions suit- An inventory of energy available on Mars suggests that
able to originate life at some time in their history— enough is present to support life. Whether photosynthesis
Mars and Europa. (For this purpose, we will consider Europa, evolved, and thereby allowed life to move into other ecological
a moon of Jupiter, to be a planetary body.) niches, remains uncertain. Certainly, data returned from the
Mars today is not very hospitable. Daily average tempera- Viking spacecraft during the 1970s presented no evidence that
tures rarely rise much above 220 kelvins, some 53 kelvins be- life is widespread on Mars. Yet it is possible that some Mar-
low water’s freezing point. Despite this drawback, abundant tian life currently exists, cloistered in isolated, energy-rich
evidence suggests that liquid water has existed on Mars’s sur- and water-laden niches—perhaps in volcanically heated, subsur-
face in the past and probably is present within its crust today. face hydrothermal systems or merely underground, drawing
Networks of dendritic valleys on the oldest Martian sur- energy from chemical interactions of liquid water and rock.
faces look like those on Earth formed by running water. The Recent analysis of Martian meteorites found on Earth has led
water may have come from atmospheric precipitation or “sap- many scientists to conclude that life may have once thrived on
ping,” released from a crustal aquifer. Regardless of where it Mars—based on fossil remnants seen within the rock [see box
came from, liquid water undoubtedly played a role. The val- below]. Yet this evidence does not definitively indicate bio-
leys’ dendritic structure indicates that they formed gradually, logical activity; indeed, it may result from natural geochemical
meaning that water once may have flowed on Mars’s surface, processes. Even if scientists determine that these rocks con-
although we do not observe such signs today. tain no evidence of Martian life, life on the red planet might
In addition, ancient impact craters larger than about 15 still be possible—but in locations not yet searched. To draw a
kilometers (nine miles) in diameter have degraded heavily, definitive conclusion, we must study those places where life
showing no signs of ejecta blankets, the raised rims or central (or evidence of past life) will most likely appear.
peaks typically present on fresh craters. Some partly eroded
craters display gullies on their walls, which look water-carved. Europa
Craters smaller than about 15 kilometers have eroded away
entirely. The simplest explanation holds that surface water uropa, on the other hand, presents a different possi-
eroded the craters. ble scenario for life’s origin. At first glance, Europa
Although the history of Mars’s atmosphere is obscure, the seems an unlikely place for life. The largest of
atmosphere may have been denser during the earliest epochs, Jupiter’s satellites, Europa is a little bit smaller than our
3.5 to 4.0 billion years ago. Correspondingly, a denser atmo- moon, and its surface is covered with nearly pure ice. Yet Eu-
sphere could have yielded a strong greenhouse effect, which ropa’s interior may be less frigid, warmed by a combination of
radioactive decay and tidal heating, which could raise the for possible life, as would the weathering of minerals reacting
temperature above the melting point of ice at relatively shal- with water. Thus, Europa has all the ingredients from which
low depths. Because the layer of surface ice stands 150 to to spark life. Of course, less chemical energy is likely to exist
300 kilometers thick, a global, ice-covered ocean of liquid on Europa than Mars, so we should not expect to see an
water may exist underneath. abundance of life, if any. Although the Galileo space probe
Recent images of Europa’s surface from the Galileo space- has detected organic molecules and frozen water on Callisto
craft reveal the possible presence of at least transient pockets and Ganymede, two of Jupiter’s four Galilean satellites, these
of liquid water. Globally, the surface appears covered with moons lack the energy sources that life would require to take
long grooves or cracks. On a smaller scale, these quasilinear hold. Only Io, also a Galilean satellite, has volcanic heat—yet
features show detailed structures indicating local ice-related it has no liquid water, necessary to sustain life as we know it.
tectonic activity and infilling from below. On the smallest Mars and Europa stand today as the only places in our solar
scale, blocks of ice are present. By tracing the crisscrossing system that we can identify as having (or having had) all ingre-
grooves, the blocks clearly have moved with respect to the dients necessary to spawn life. Yet they are not the only plane-
larger mass. They appear similar to sea ice on Earth—as if tary bodies in our solar system relevant to exobiology. In partic-
large ice blocks had broken off the main mass, floated a ular, we can look at Venus and at Titan, Saturn’s largest moon.
small distance away and then frozen in place. Unfortunately, Venus currently remains too hot to sustain life, with scorching
we cannot yet determine if the ice blocks floated through liq- surface temperatures around 750 kelvins, sustained by green-
uid water or slid on relatively warm, soft ice. The dearth of im- house warming from carbon dioxide and sulfur dioxide gases.
pact craters on the ice indicates that fresh ice continually Any liquid water has long since disappeared into space.
resurfaces Europa. It is also likely that liquid water is present
at least on an intermittent basis. Venus and Titan
If Europa has liquid water at all, then that water probably
exists at the interface between the ice and underlying rocky in- hy are Venus and Earth so different? If Earth
terior. Europa’s rocky center probably has had volcanic activ- orbited the sun at the same distance that
ity—perhaps at a level similar to that of Earth’s moon, which Venus does, en Earth, too, would blister with
rumbled with volcanism until about 3.0 billion years ago. heat—causing more water vapor to fill the atmosphere and
The volcanism within its core would create an energy source augmenting the greenhouse effect. Positive feedback would
EUROPA’S SURFACE is lined with features that suggest “ice tectonics.”
Blocks of ice appear to have broken up and shifted, perhaps sliding on
slush or possibly even floating on liquid water. Either way, spectral
analysis of reflected light indicates nearly pure water ice on Europa’s
surface. The horizontal black bars through the image designate data
lost during interplanetary transmission.
Titan apparently had some liquid water during its early histo-
ry. Impacts during its formation would have deposited
enough heat (from the kinetic energy of the object) to melt
frozen water locally. Deposits of liquid water might have per-
sisted for thousands of years before freezing. Every part of Ti-
tan’s surface probably has melted at least once. The degree to
which biochemical reactions may have proceeded during such
a short time interval is uncertain, however.
Exploratory Missions
evidence of planets orbiting three dis- can be analyzed for unique markers that
tant stars similar to our sun [see box on help researchers piece together charac-
pages 23 and 24]. Planets around these teristics such as the celestial body’s tem-
SPACE-BASED TELESCOPE SYSTEM that can search for life-bearing planets has
been proposed by the authors. The instrument, a type of interferometer, could be as-
sembled at the proposed international space station (lower left). Subsequently, electric
propulsion would send the 50- to 75-meter-long device into an orbit around the sun
roughly the same as Jupiter’s. Such a mission is at the focus of the National Aeronau-
tics and Space Administration’s plans to study neighboring planetary systems.
New Planets around Sunlike Stars
U ntil recently, astronomers had no direct evidence that planets of any
kind orbited other stars resembling the sun. Then, last October, Michel
Mayor and Didier Queloz of the Geneva Observatory announced the detection
mum 2.3 times that of Jupiter; it would not seem terribly out of place in our
own solar system.
The third new body, also identified by Marcy and Butler, circles the star 70
of a massive planet circling the sunlike star 51 Pegasi [see “Strange Places,” Virginis. This “planet” is rather different from the other two. It is the heftiest
by Corey S. Powell, “Science and the Citizen,” SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN, January of the group, having at least 6.5 times the mass of Jupiter, and its 117-day
1996]. Geoffrey W. Marcy and R. Paul Butler of San Francisco State Universi- orbit has a highly elliptical shape. Marcy has asserted that it lies in the
ty and the University of California at Berkeley swiftly confirmed the finding “Goldilocks zone,” the range of distances where a planet’s temperature
and, just three months later, turned up two more bodies orbiting other, sim- could be “just right” for water to exist in liquid form.
ilar stars, proving the first discovery was no fluke. Despite such optimistic talk, this giant planet probably has a deep,
Nobody has actually seen these alien worlds; all three were identified in- suffocating atmosphere that offers poor prospects for life. In fact,
directly, by measuring the way they influenced the movement of their par- based on its great mass and elliptical orbit, many scientists argue that
ent stars. As an object orbits a star, its gravitational pull causes the star to the 70 Virginis companion should be classified not as a planet at all
wobble back and forth. That motion creates a periodic displacement, known but as a brown dwarf, a gaseous object that forms somewhat like a star but
as a Doppler shift, in the spectrum of the star as seen from Earth. The pat- lacks enough mass to shine.
tern of the shift reveals the size and shape of the companion’s orbit; the
shift’s magnitude indicates the companion’s minimum possible mass. No
other details (temperature or composition, for instance) can be discerned
through the Doppler technique.
T here is a reason why astronomers are finding only massive bodies in
fairly short-period orbits: these are the kind that are easiest to discern
using the Doppler technique. Uncovering a planet in a slow orbit akin to
Even from that limited information, it is clear that the new planets are un- Jupiter’s would require at least a decade of high-precision Doppler observa-
like anything seen before. The one around 51 Pegasi is the oddest of the tions. One possible way to broaden the search is to look at gravitational
bunch. Its mass is at least half that of Jupiter, and yet it orbits just seven lensing, a process whereby the gravity of an intervening star temporarily
million kilometers from the parent star—less than one eighth Mercury’s dis- magnifies the light from a more distant one. If the lensing star has planets,
tance from the sun. At such proximity, the planet’s surface would be baked they could produce additional, short-lived brightenings. Many stars can be
to a theoretical temperature of 1,300 degrees Celsius. The planet’s orbital monitored at once, so this approach could yield statistics on the abundance
period, or year, is just 4.2 days. of planets. Unfortunately, it cannot be used to detect planets around near-
One of the planets found by Marcy and Butler orbits the star 47 Ursae Ma- by stars.
joris; this body has somewhat less extreme attributes. Its three-year orbit Another possibility involves searching directly for the radiation reflected
takes it on a circular course about 300 million kilometers from its star (cor- by large planets around other stars. Normally, Earth’s atmosphere would
responding to an orbit between Mars and Jupiter), and its mass is at mini- hopelessly blur together star and planet. Adaptive optics—a means for can-
perature, atmospheric pressure and within a billion years of Earth’s forma- oxygen in a planet’s atmosphere is the
chemical composition. tion, as soon as the heavy bombard- first indicator that some form of car-
The vital signs easiest to spot with ment by asteroids ceased, primitive or- bon-based life may exist there.
spectroscopy are radio signals designed ganisms such as bacteria and algae had Oxygen leaves an unmistakable mark
by extraterrestrials for interstellar com- spread around most of the globe. These on the radiation emitted by a planet.
munication. Such transmissions would organisms represented the totality of For example, some of the sunlight that
be totally unlike natural phenomena; life here for the next two billion years; reaches Earth’s surface is reflected
such unexpected features are examples consequently, if life exists on other through the atmosphere back toward
of the kind of beacons that we must planets, it might well be in this highly space. Oxygen in the atmosphere ab-
look for to locate intelligent life else- uncommunicative form. sorbs some of this radiation, and thus
where. Yet sensitive scans of faraway an observer of Earth using spectroscopy
star systems have not come across any Algae and the Atmosphere to study the reflected sunlight could pick
signals, indicating only that extraterres- out the distinctive signature associated
trials bent on interstellar radio commu-
nication are uncommon.
But planets may be home to noncom-
E arth’s humble blue-green algae do
not operate radio transmitters, but
they are chemical engineers par excel-
with oxygen.
In 1980 Toby C. Owen, then at the
State University of New York at Stony
municating life-forms, so we need to be lence. As algae became more wide- Brook, suggested looking for oxygen’s
able to find evidence of even the sim- spread, they began adding large quanti- signal in the visible red light reflected
plest organisms. To expand our capacity ties of oxygen to the atmosphere. The by planets, as a sign of life there. Closer
to locate distant planets and determine production of oxygen is fundamental to to home, Sagan reported in 1993 that
whether these worlds are inhabited, we carbon-based life: the simplest organ- the Galileo space probe recorded the
have proposed a powerful and novel isms take in water, nitrogen and carbon distinctive spectrum of oxygen in the
successor to Galileo’s telescope that will, dioxide as nutrients and then release red region of visible light coming from
we believe, enable us to detect life on oxygen into the atmosphere as waste. Earth. Indeed, this indication of life’s
other planets. Oxygen is a chemically reactive gas; existence has been radiating a recogniz-
The simplest forms of life on our without continued replenishment by al- able signal into space for at least the
planet altered the conditions on Earth gae and, later in Earth’s evolution, by past 500 million years.
in ways that a distant observer could plants, its concentration would fall. Of course, there could be some non-
perceive. The fossil records indicate that Thus, the presence of large amounts of biological source of oxygen on a planet
celing out atmospheric distortion—may offer a way to overcome this The newfound planets represent only the tip of the iceberg. Continued
problem. In theory, an adaptive optics system conceived by J. Roger P. observations, careful data analysis—and innovative technologies, such
Angel and refined by David Sandler and Steve Stahl of Thermotrex Corpo- as a space-based interferometer—will soon yield many more such dis-
ration in San Diego could capture an image of a large planet at Jupiter’s coveries, giving us a better sense of the true variety of worlds out there.
orbital distance in a single night of observation. —Corey S. Powell, staff writer
without life, so this possibility must al- We can easily estimate the “Goldi-
ways be explored. In addition, life could locks orbit”—the distance at which CO2
be based on some other brand of chem- conditions are “just right” to generate
istry that does not produce oxygen as and sustain life as it exists on Earth. For
carbon-based life does. But compelling a large, hot star, 25 times as bright as VENUS
reasons lead us to expect that life on our sun, a hypothetical Earth-like plan-
other planets would have a chemistry et would lie at about the distance that
similar to our own. Carbon is particu- Jupiter circles the sun. For a small, cool
larly suitable as a building block of life: star, one tenth as bright as the sun, the
it is abundant in the universe, and no planet’s orbit would resemble Mercury’s H2O CO2
other known element can form the course.
myriad of complex but stable molecules But proper location means little if a
necessary for life as we know it. planet’s pull of gravity cannot hold on O3
to oceans and an atmosphere. If distance
Searching for Another Earth from a star were the only factor to con-
sider, Earth’s moon would have liquid
life to take place and serves as a source be seen only on Earth: although Venus,
of needed hydrogen for living matter. Earth and Mars all have atmospheres rich MARS
Planets similar to Earth in size and dis- in carbon dioxide (CO 2 ), only Earth car-
tance from their sun represent the most ries abundant water (H 2O) and ozone
(O 3), a form of oxygen usually found high
plausible homes for carbon-based life in
Faced with this quandary, in 1986 we
proposed, along with Andrew Y. S.
Cheng, now at the University of Hong
Kong, that monitoring the mid-infrared
wavelengths (longer than visible red
wavelengths) emitted by a planet would
PLANET be a better method for finding planets
and looking for extraterrestrial life. This
STAR type of radiation—really the planet’s ra-
diated heat—has a wavelength 10 to 20
times longer than that of visible light. At
these wavelengths, a planet emits about
40 times as many photons—particles of
light—as it does at shorter wavelengths,
and the nearby star would outshine the
planet “only” 10 million times, a ratio
1,000 times more favorable than that
which red light offers.
MIRROR MIRROR Moreover, three compounds that
should appear together on inhabited
planets—ozone (a form of oxygen usu-
ally located high in the atmosphere),
carbon dioxide and water—are easily
form perfect images. If the halo sur-
rounding the star extends beyond the TELESCOPES TELESCOPES
planet’s orbit, then we cannot discern
the much dimmer body of the planet in-
side it. By making a telescope mirror and
the resulting image very large, we can,
in principle, make the image of a star as
sharp as desired, but the size of the
equipment needed to achieve such reso-
lution renders the project infeasible.
We can predict the performance of ROTATING INTERFEROMETER could
telescopes and thus know in advance reveal the existence of a planet around a a
what kind of image quality we can ex- distant star. The four telescopes arranged
pect. For example, to monitor the in- as shown above in the authors’ proposed
frared spectrum of an Earth-like planet instrument would produce a composite
circling, say, a star 30 light-years away, view of the sky partially darkened by nu-
we would need an enormous space tele- merous bands; the star to be obscured
would be hidden by one strip. As the in-
scope, close to 60 meters in diameter.
strument rotates about the line connect-
With current technology, the cost of ing the center of the device with the star,
such an instrument would rival the na- the dark bands will also rotate. A nearby
tional debt. And even telescope enthusi- planet would pass in and out of the bands
asts such as ourselves regard the size of (panels a–c). Scientists could then ana-
this device as daunting. lyze the pattern of blinking to determine
how far the planet is from its star.
Rethinking the Telescope
first image would be the reverse of the near the star. We can analyze this signal
second, when Bracewell combined the by rotating the interferometer about the
two so that they overlapped precisely, line joining the instrument and the star.
the light from the star—both the core The image will change intensity as the
and the surrounding halo—would be device rotates; planets should display a ering light from a nearby star; it would
canceled out. (The light would not dis- recognizable pattern of variation [see il- instead be the heat radiated by dust
appear, of course; energy must be con- lustration on this page]. particles in our solar system, referred to
served. Instead the light from the star After working out the design for this as zodiacal glow. The faint signal from
would be diverted to a separate part of interferometer, Bracewell realized that a distant planet would be almost imper-
the telescope.) Scientists refer to this type the main obstacle to locating a Jupiter- ceptible against the background glare.
of device as an interferometer because it like planet would not be the overpow- Any hope of discovering a planet would
require averaging data for at least one ods for discovering planets around oth- it can be made rather long, roughly 50
month to see through this glowing er stars. We assembled a team that in- to 75 meters in length. The size of the
background. cluded Bracewell, Léger and his col- instrument offers an important advan-
In addition, we found that when we league Jean-Marie Mariotti of the Paris tage: with this arrangement, the signals
tried to adapt Bracewell’s design to hunt Observatory, as well as some 20 other from planets are complex and unique.
for planets smaller than Jupiter that or- scientists and engineers. In particular, With the proper analysis, we can use the
bit closer to a sun, a problem arose. No the two of us at the University of Ari- data from the interferometer to recon-
interferometer can perfectly cancel out zona have been studying the potential struct an image of a distant solar system
starlight—the area darkened is rather of a new approach. We have designed [see illustration on this page]. As we
small, light from the star always leaks envision the orbiting interferometer, it
around the edges, and any excess would point to a different star each
light presents a significant obstacle day but could return to interesting sys-
when we try to see extremely dim, tems for more extensive observations.
small planets such as Earth. If pointed at our own solar system
To tackle these restrictions, a num- from a nearby star, the interferometer
ber of researchers, including the two could pick out Venus, Earth, Mars, Ju-
of us, have been working on alterna- piter and Saturn. And the data could
tive strategies. In 1990 one of us (An- be analyzed to determine the chemical
gel) suggested that arranging four composition of each planet’s atmo-
mirrors in a diamond pattern allows sphere. From our solar system, the de-
better cancellation of starlight. But to vice could easily study the newly dis-
suppress the background glare of zo- covered planet around 47 Ursae Ma-
diacal light, each telescope would joris. More important, this
have to be eight meters in diameter. interferometer could identify Earth-
Alain Léger and his collaborators at like planets elsewhere that would oth-
the University of Paris then suggested erwise elude us, and the device can
the first practical solution to this check all these planets for the presence
complication. They proposed placing of carbon dioxide, water and ozone.
the device in orbit around the sun, at UNIVERSITY OF ARIZONA OASES PROJECT
Building such an instrument would
about the distance of Jupiter’s orbit, be a substantial undertaking, perhaps
which would naturally cool the tele- IMAGE OF DISTANT PLANETS, creat- an international project, and many of
scopes to an appropriate temperature ed from simulated interferometer signals, the details have yet to be completely
indicates what astronomers might reason-
and would minimize background worked out. We estimate that the
ably expect to see with a space-based tele-
glare from zodiacal light. Because of scope. This study displays a system about proposed interferometer will cost less
the decrease in background glare, the 30 light-years away, with four planets than $2 billion—about 10 percent of
orbiting interferometer could be rela- roughly equivalent in luminosity to Earth. nasa’s budget for space science re-
tively small: a sensitive instrument (Each planet appears twice, mirrored search over the next decade. The dis-
could be built with four individual across the star.) With this sensitivity, the covery of life on another planet may
telescopes as small as one meter in di- authors speculate that the instrument arguably be the crowning achieve-
ameter. The instrument has one signifi- could easily examine the planet recently ment in the exploration of space. Find-
cant drawback, however. Because it is found orbiting 47 Ursae Majoris. ing life elsewhere, nasa administrator
so effective at canceling out a star’s light, Daniel S. Goldin has said, “would
the device can sometimes conceal a an interferometer with two pairs of change everything—no human endeav-
nearby planet as well. mirrors all arranged in a straight line. or or thought would be unchanged by
Here the matter rested until 1995, Each pair of mirrors will darken the that discovery.”
when the National Aeronautics and star’s main image, but significantly, each Remarkably, the technology to assist
Space Administration solicited from re- pair will also cancel the starlight leak of in this discovery is at our fingertips.
searchers a road map for the exploration the other pair. Soon we should be able to answer the
of other solar systems. nasa selected It turns out that because this interfer- centuries-old question, “Is life on Earth
three teams to investigate various meth- ometer cancels starlight very effectively, alone in the universe?”
originally published December 1997
f all the scientific subjects that have seized
the public psyche, few have held on as
tightly as the idea of life on Mars. Starting
not long after the invention of the telescope and continuing for 1993
a good part of the past three centuries, the subject has inspired innu-
merable studies, ranging from the scientific to the speculative. But com-
mon to them all was recognition of the fact that in our solar system, if a planet
other than Earth harbors life, it is almost certainly Mars.
Interest in Martian life has tended to coincide with new discoveries about the myste-
rious red world. Historically, these discoveries have often occurred after one of the pe- SAMPLE ALH84001
riodic close approaches between the two planets. Every 15 years, Mars comes within IDENTIFIED AS
about 56 million kilometers of Earth (the next approach will occur in the summer of METEORITE FROM MARS
2003). Typically, life on Mars was assumed to be as intelligent and sophisticated as that
of Homo sapiens, if not more so. (Even less explicably, Martian beings have been pop- 1996
ularly portrayed as green and diminutive.)
It was after one of the close approaches in the late 19th century that Italian as-
tronomer Giovanni V. Schiaparelli announced that he had seen great lines stretching
across the planet’s surface, which he called canali. At the turn of the century, U.S. as-
tronomer Percival Lowell insisted that the features were canals constructed by an ad-
vanced civilization. In the 1960s and 1970s, however, any lingering theories about the
lines and elaborate civilizations were put to rest after the U.S. and the Soviet Union sent
the first space probes to the planet. The orbiters showed that there were in fact no
canals, although there were long, huge canyons. Within a decade, landers found no ev-
primitive form of life. Moreover, such Although the landers found no evi- lyzed; however, its distribution of oxygen
life-forms may still exist on Mars if, as dence of life on present-day Mars, pho- isotopes, minerology and other charac-
some researchers have theorized, pore tographs of the planet taken from orbit teristics place it in the same group with
spaces and cracks in rocks below the by the Viking craft, as well as earlier the other five Martian rocks.
surface of the planet contain liquid wa- images made by the Mariner 9 probe, The distribution of oxygen isotopes
ter. Why should researchers even care strongly suggest that great volumes of within a group of meteorites has been
about the possible existence of such a water had sculpted the planet’s surface the most convincing piece of evidence
simple form of life billions of years ago a few billion years ago and perhaps as establishing that the rocks—including
on the red planet? Certainly, the preva- recently as several hundred million years ALH84001—come from Mars. In the
lence of life in the universe is among the ago [see “Global Climatic Change on early 1970s Robert N. Clayton and his
most profound scientific questions. Yet Mars,” by Jeffrey S. Kargel and Robert co-workers at the University of Chicago
almost no hard data exist that can be G. Strom; Scientific American, No- showed that the isotopes oxygen 16,
used to theorize on that issue. vember 1996]. oxygen 17 and oxygen 18 in the silicate
Confirmation that primitive life once In addition, various meteorites found materials within various types of mete-
flourished on Mars would be extremely on Earth and known to be of Martian orites have unique relative abundances.
useful to those studying the range of origin—including ALH84001 itself—of- The finding was significant because it
conditions under which a planet can fer tangible proof of Mars’s watery past demonstrates that the bodies of our so-
generate the complex chemistry from because they show unambiguous signs lar system formed from distinct regions
which life evolves. Then, too, the infor- of having been altered by water. Specif- of the solar nebula and thus have unique
mation could help us understand the ically, some of these meteorites have oxygen isotopic compositions. Using this
origin of life on Earth. Ultimately, these been found to contain carbonates, sul- isotopic “fingerprint,” Clayton helped
kinds of insights could elucidate vari- fates, hydrates and clays, which can be to show that a group of 12 meteorites,
ous hypotheses—which are currently formed, so far as planetary scientists including ALH84001, are indeed close-
little more than guesses—about how know, only when water comes into con- ly related. The combination of trapped
common life is in the universe. tact with other minerals in the rock. Martian atmospheric gases and the
Of course, the entire argument hinges specific distribution of oxygen isotopes
Inhospitable Planet on ALH84001’s having come from the has led researchers to conclude that the
red planet. Of this, at least, we can be meteorites must have come from Mars.
came available for scientists to study. ing was that ALH84001 fell from space ment of unique features that led us to
The duration of the meteorite’s space 13,000 years ago. hypothesize that microbial organisms
odyssey was determined through the From the very moment it was discov- came into contact with the rock in the
analysis of still other isotopes, namely ered, the meteorite now known as ALH- distant past. Basically, the case for an-
helium 3, neon 21 and argon 38. While 84001 proved unusual and intriguing. cient microbial life on Mars is built al-
a meteorite is in space, it is bombarded In 1984 U.S. geologist Roberta Score most entirely around the globules.
by cosmic rays and other high-energy found the meteorite in the Far Western Individually, none of the features we
particles. The particles interact with the Icefield of the Allan Hills Region. Score found are strongly indicative of life.
nuclei of certain atoms in the meteorite, recognized that the rock was unique be- Collectively, however—and especially
producing the three isotopes listed cause of its pale greenish-gray color. within the confines of the tiny discoids—
above. By studying the abundances and The sample turned out to consist of 98 the globules can be plausibly explained
production rates of these cosmogenical- percent coarse-grained orthopyroxene as the ancient vestiges of microbial life.
ly produced isotopes, scientists can de- [(Mg,Fe)SiO3], a silicate mineral. There The features fall into several categories
termine how long the meteorite was ex- are also relatively minor amounts of of evidence. One category centers on the
posed to the high-energy flux and, feldspathic glass, which is also known presence of tiny iron oxides and iron
therefore, how long the specimen was as maskelynite (NaAlSi3O8), olivine sulfide grains, which resemble those
in space. Using this approach, research- [(Mg,Fe)2SiO4], chromite (FeCr2O4) and formed by terrestrial bacteria. The sec-
ers concluded that after being torn free pyrite (FeS2) as well as carbonate phas- ond group revolves around the presence
from the planet, ALH84001 spent 16 es and phyllosilicates. of organic carbon molecules in and on
million years in space before falling in the globules. Finally, unusual structures
the Antarctic. Carbonates Are Key found within the globules bear a striking
To determine how long the meteorite resemblance to bacteria fossils found on
lay in the Antarctic ice, A. J. Timothy
Jull of the University of Arizona used
carbon 14 dating. When silicates are
T he most interesting aspect of ALH-
84001 are the carbonates, which
exist as tiny discoids, like flattened
Earth. Another relevant piece of evi-
dence suggests the globules formed from
a water-rich fluid below 100 degrees C.
exposed to cosmic rays in space, carbon spheres, 20 to 250 microns in diameter. NASA Johnson Space Center research-
14 is produced. In time, the rates of pro- They cover the walls of cracks in the ers, along with Monica Grady of the
duction and decay of carbon 14 balance, meteorite and are oriented in such a British Museum of Natural History and
and the meteorite becomes saturated way that they are flattened against the workers at the Open University in the
with the isotope. The balance is upset inside walls of the fractures [see illustra- U.K., performed the first isotopic analy-
when the meteorite falls from space and tion on page 60]. The globules were ap- sis of carbon and oxygen in the carbon-
production of carbon 14 ceases. The parently deposited from a fluid saturat- ate globules. The carbon analysis indi-
decay goes on, however, reducing the ed with carbon dioxide that percolated cates that the globules have more car-
amount in the rock by one half every through the fracture after the silicates bon 13 than any carbonates found on
5,700 years. By determining the differ- were formed. None of the other 11 me- Earth but just the right amount to have
ence between the saturation level and teorites known to have come from Mars come from Mars.
the amount measured in the silicates, have such globules. Most carbon on Earth is made up of
researchers can determine how long the It was within the carbonate globules 98.9 percent carbon 12 and 1.1 percent
meteorite has been on Earth. Jull’s find- that our research team found the assort- carbon 13. Various reactions, however,
A combination of geologic and meteorological phenomena gather mete- orites, they will in time become exposed near the mountain. The reason is
orites at the bases of Antarctica’s mountains. After landing, the meteorites that the winds slowly but continuously “ablate” the ice above the mete-
become buried in compressed snow, which eventually becomes ice. orites, turning it into a gas. Ablation exposes areas of ice that had been
Sheets of ice move toward the edges of the continent, carrying the mete- buried deep under the surface, so meteorites are found on ice that is gen-
orites with them. If a mountain blocks horizontal movement of the mete- erally more than 10,000 years old and is bluish in color.
SEGMENTED OBJECT (above, left) is 380 nanometers in length and was found in a carbonate globule in meteorite ALH84001.
The minute structure resembles fossilized bacteria, or microfossils, found on Earth. For example, the vertically oriented object to the
right in the right-hand photograph is believed to be a microfossil. The object, which is also 380 nanometers long, was found 400
meters below Earth’s surface (in Washington State) in a type of geologic formation known as Columbia River Basalt.
can alter this ratio. For example, in gen- whether the carbonates were formed at odds with a growing body of evidence
eral a sample of carbon that has been a temperatures that could support micro- that the globules formed at relatively
part of an organic chemical system— bial life, because terrestrial organisms low temperatures.
say, in plant matter—is somewhat more do not survive at temperatures above We are extremely interested in the
enriched in carbon 12, whereas carbon about 115 degrees C. The NASA-U.K. age of the carbonates, because it would
in limestone is relatively enriched in team analyzed the oxygen isotopes in allow us to estimate when microbial life
carbon 13. The carbon in the globules the carbonate globules. Those findings left its mark on the rock that became
of ALH84001 is more enriched in car- strongly suggest that the globules formed ALH84001. Yet all we can say for sure
bon 13 than any natural materials on at temperatures no higher than 100 de- is that the carbonates crystallized in the
Earth. Moreover, the enrichment is dif- grees C. Earlier this year John W. Valley fractures in the meteorite some time af-
ferent from that of the other 11 Mar- of the University of Wisconsin–Madi- ter the rock itself crystallized. Various
tian meteorites. This fact suggests that son used an ion microprobe technique research groups have come up with ages
the carbon in the globules—unlike the to confirm our finding. ranging from 1.3 to 3.6 billion years;
trace amounts of carbon seen in the It should be noted that another re- the data gathered so far, however, are
other Martian meteorites—may have search group, led by Ralph P. Harvey of insufficient to date the carbonate glob-
been derived from Mars’s atmosphere. Case Western Reserve University, has ules conclusively.
Analysis of the distribution of oxygen analyzed the chemical composition of
isotopes in the carbonates can provide the minerals in the carbonates with an Biomineral Clues
information about the temperature at electron microprobe and concluded that
which those minerals formed. The sub-
ject bears directly on the question of
the carbonates formed at 700 degrees
C. In our view, Harvey’s findings are at T he first category of evidence in-
volves certain minerals found in-
side the carbonate globules; the type 84001 is the first proof that such mole- associated with biogenic activity. Close-
and arrangement of the minerals are cules have existed on Mars. up SEM views show that the carbonate
similar, if not identical, to certain bio- On Earth, when living organisms die globules contain ovoid and tube-shaped
minerals found on Earth. Inside, the and decay, they create hydrocarbons as- bodies [see photomicrographs on pre-
globules are rich in magnesite (MgCO3) sociated with coal, peat and petroleum. ceding page]. The objects are around
and siderite (FeCO3) and have small Many of these hydrocarbons belong to 380 nanometers long, which means they
amounts of calcium and manganese car- a class of organic molecules known as could very well be the fossilized remains
bonates. Fine-grained particles of mag- polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons of bacteria. To pack in all the compo-
netite (Fe3O4) and sulfides ranging in (PAHs). There are thousands of differ- nents that are normally required for a
size from 10 to 100 nanometers on a ent PAHs. Their presence in a sample typical terrestrial bacterium to function,
side are present within the carbonate does not in itself demonstrate that bio- sizes larger than 250 nanometers seem
host. The magnetite crystals are cuboid, logical processes occurred. It is the lo- to be required. Additional tubelike
teardrop or irregular in shape. Individ- cation and association of the PAHs in curved structures found in the globules
ual crystals have well-preserved struc- the carbonate globules that make their are 500 to 700 nanometers in length.
tures with little evidence of defects or discovery so interesting.
trace impurities. In ALH84001 the PAHs are always Nanobacteria or Appendages?
An analysis of the samples conducted found in carbonate-rich regions, includ-
with high-resolution transmission elec-
tron microscopy coupled with energy-
dispersive spectroscopy indicates that
ing the globules. In our view, the rela-
tively simple PAHs are the decay prod-
ucts of living organisms that were car-
O ther objects found within ALH-
84001 are close to the lower size
limit for bacteria. These ovoids are only
the size, purity, morphology and crystal ried by a fluid and trapped when the 40 to 80 nanometers long; other, tube-
structures of all these magnetites are globules were formed. In 1996 a team shaped bodies range from 30 to 170
typical of magnetites produced by bac- at the Open University showed that the nanometers in length and 20 to 40
teria on Earth. carbon in the globules in ALH84001 nanometers in diameter. These sizes are
Terrestrial magnetite particles associ- has an isotopic composition suggestive about a factor of 10 smaller than the
ated with fossilized bacteria are known of microbes that used methane as a food terrestrial microbes that are commonly
as magnetofossils. These particles are source. If confirmed, this finding will be recognized as bacteria. Still, typical cells
found in a variety of sediments and soils one of the strongest pieces of evidence often have appendages that are general-
and are classified, according to size, as to date that the rock bears the imprint ly quite small—in fact about the same
superparamagnetic (less than 20 nano- of biological activity. size as these features observed within
meters on an edge) or single-domain (20 In our 1996 announcement, Richard ALH84001. It may be possible that
to 100 nanometers). The magnetites N. Zare and Simon J. Clemett of Stan- some of the features are fragments or
within ALH84001 are typically 40 to ford used an extremely sensitive analyt- parts of larger units within the sample.
60 nanometers on an edge. ical technique to show that ALH84001 ALH84001’s numerous ovoid and
Single-domain magnetite has been re- contains a relatively small number of elongated features are essentially identi-
ported in ancient terrestrial limestones different PAHs, all of which have been cal in size and morphology to those of
and is generally regarded as having been identified in the decay products of mi- so-called nanobacteria on Earth. So far
produced by bacteria. Most intriguing, crobes. Most important, the PAHs were little study has been devoted to nano-
some of the magnetites in ALH84001 found to be located inside the meteorite, bacteria or bacteria in the 20- to 400-
are arranged in chains, not unlike pearls where contamination is very unlikely to nanometer range. But fossilized bacte-
in a necklace. Terrestrial bacteria often have occurred. This crucial finding sup- ria found within subsurface basalt sam-
produce magnetite in precisely this pat- ports the idea that the carbonates are ples from the Columbia River basin in
tern, because as they biologically pro- Martian and contain the vestiges of an- Washington State [see “Microbes Deep
cess iron and oxygen from the water, cient living organisms. inside the Earth,” by James K.
they produce crystals that naturally PAHs are a component of automobile Fredrickson and Tullis C. Onstott; Sci-
align themselves with the Earth’s mag- exhaust, and they have also been found entific American, October 1996]
netic field. in meteorites, planetary dust particles have features that are essentially identi-
and even in interstellar space. Signifi- cal to some of those observed in the
Organic Carbon Molecules cantly, ultrasensitive analysis of the dis- ovoids in ALH84001.
tribution of the PAHs in ALH84001 in- ALH84001 was present on Mars 4.5
formed on Mars or in the Antarctic. of water within the pore spaces of a sub- a “sample-return” mission will be
Mars had liquid water on its surface surface reservoir would facilitate their launched to collect Martian rocks and
early in its history and may still have an survival. If the carbonates within ALH- soil robotically and return them to
active groundwater system below the 84001 were formed as early as 3.6 bil- Earth two and a half years later. To take
permafrost or cryosphere. If surface mi- lion years ago and have biological ori- off from the Martian surface for the re-
croorganisms evolved during a period gins, they may be the remnants of the turn to Earth, this revolutionary mis-
when liquid water covered parts of earliest Martian life. sion may use oxygen produced on the
Mars, the microbes might have spread The analyses so far of ALH84001 are Martian surface by breaking down car-
to subsurface environments when con- consistent with the meteorite’s carbon- bon dioxide in the planet’s atmosphere.
ditions turned harsh on the surface. The ate globules containing the vestiges of Through projects such as the sample
surface of Mars contains abundant ba- ancient microbial life. Studies of the return, we will finally begin to collect
salts that were undoubtedly fractured meteorite are far from over, however. the kind of data that will enable us to
during the period of early bombard- Whether or not these investigations determine conclusively whether life
ment in the first 600 million years of confirm or modify our hypothesis, they came into being on Mars. This kind of
the planet’s history. These fractures will be invaluable learning experiences insight, in turn, may ultimately provide
could serve as pathways for liquid wa- for researchers, who may get the op- perspective on one of the greatest scien-
ter and could have harbored any biota portunity to put the experience to use tific mysteries: the prevalence of life in
that were adapting to the changing con- in coming years. We hope that in 2005 our universe.
ditions on the planet. The situation has
an analogue on Earth, where thin gaps