This document provides guidelines for potable hot water systems, including:
1) Recommended storage temperatures for potable hot water systems to reduce bacteria growth, ranging from 60°C for storage tanks to 37°C for warm baths.
2) Minimum storage capacities for potable hot water tanks, ranging from 30-73 liters for a dwelling with a bathtub to 23 liters for a shower.
3) Descriptions of different hot water piping systems, including gravity, forced circulation, single-pipe open-tank, and two-pipe open-tank systems.
4) Details on piping for hot water systems, including using larger pipes for hot water lines, insulating
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This document provides guidelines for potable hot water systems, including:
1) Recommended storage temperatures for potable hot water systems to reduce bacteria growth, ranging from 60°C for storage tanks to 37°C for warm baths.
2) Minimum storage capacities for potable hot water tanks, ranging from 30-73 liters for a dwelling with a bathtub to 23 liters for a shower.
3) Descriptions of different hot water piping systems, including gravity, forced circulation, single-pipe open-tank, and two-pipe open-tank systems.
4) Details on piping for hot water systems, including using larger pipes for hot water lines, insulating
This document provides guidelines for potable hot water systems, including:
1) Recommended storage temperatures for potable hot water systems to reduce bacteria growth, ranging from 60°C for storage tanks to 37°C for warm baths.
2) Minimum storage capacities for potable hot water tanks, ranging from 30-73 liters for a dwelling with a bathtub to 23 liters for a shower.
3) Descriptions of different hot water piping systems, including gravity, forced circulation, single-pipe open-tank, and two-pipe open-tank systems.
4) Details on piping for hot water systems, including using larger pipes for hot water lines, insulating
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This document provides guidelines for potable hot water systems, including:
1) Recommended storage temperatures for potable hot water systems to reduce bacteria growth, ranging from 60°C for storage tanks to 37°C for warm baths.
2) Minimum storage capacities for potable hot water tanks, ranging from 30-73 liters for a dwelling with a bathtub to 23 liters for a shower.
3) Descriptions of different hot water piping systems, including gravity, forced circulation, single-pipe open-tank, and two-pipe open-tank systems.
4) Details on piping for hot water systems, including using larger pipes for hot water lines, insulating
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Need for not water
W used for washlng cleanlng and cooklng eLc W WaLer ls usually generaLed aL a hlgher LemperaLure ( o C to 6 o C% ln a vessel and mlxed wlLh cold waLer aL mlxlng Laps or mlxlng valves W L ls beLLer Lo sLore waLer aL a LemperaLure much hlgher Lhan body LemperaLure ( o C% Lo reduce rlsk of bacLerla growLh and oLher waLer borne d|seases W equlremenL depends on funcLlon weaLher condlLlon llvlng sLandards and hablLs ueslrable 1emperaLure W Scaldlng63C W Supply Lo slnk60C W Supply Lo wash baslns33C W Supply for hoL baLh43C as run for use aL 41c W Supply for warm baLh37C W PoL waLer sLorage LemperaLure60 C
PoL WaLer SLorage CapaclLy W slze of Lhe sLorage vessel ls governed by Lhe maxlmum shorL Llme demand of Lhe domesLlc premlses W uependlng on local condlLlons Lhls shall be 3073 llLres aL 60C ln a dwelllng wlLh a baLh Lub and 23 llLres aL 60C for a shower or a Lap (for buckeL supply% W 1he capaclLy of Lhe sLorage vessel shall noL be less Lhan 20 percenL ln excess of Lhe requlred maxlmum shorL Llme demand
9lplng SysLems for PoL WaLer Supply W CravlLy sysLem by a Lank open Lo Lhe aLmosphere dlfference ln denslLy beLween Lhe hoL waLer ln Lhe supply llne and Lhe cold waLer ln Lhe reLurn llne W lorced clrculaLlon sysLem clrculaLed by a powerdrlven pump W Cne|pe Cpen1ank System W of a slngle dlsLrlbuLlon plpe LhaL carrles Lhe hoL waLer Lo all flxLures W A Lank lnsLalled on a rlser dlrecLly above Lhe boller wlLh lLs venL open Lo Lhe aLmosphere
W 1wo|pe Cpen1ank System separaLe waLer malns for supplylng hoL waLer and reLurnlng cold waLer W Lhe dlsLrlbuLlng supply malns are elLher ln Lhe basemenL wlLh up feed or ln Lhe aLLlc wlLh overhead down feed supply rlsers W 1he reLurn malns are ln Lhe basemenL
W eLurn connecLlons gravlLy reLurn whlch plLches downward Lo Lhe reLurn openlng ln Lhe heaLlng boller W expanslon Lanks allow Lhe waLer ln Lhe dlsLrlbuLlon sysLem Lo expand as Lhe LemperaLure rlses W An open Lank musL be mounLed aL Lhe hlghesL polnL ln Lhe sysLem a closed Lank can be locaLed aL any polnL Cne|pe C|osed1ank System expanslon Lank ls a pneumaLlc compresslon Lank noL open Lo Lhe aLmosphere W lorced clrculaLlon W smaller plpe slzes poslLlve flow of waLer ls assured LhroughouL Lhe sysLem W eLurn sysLems W ulrecL reLurn and reversed clrculaLlon
not water p|p|ng deta||s W pressures of the hot water and co|d water shou|d be made equa| at each f|xture W use |arger and smoother p|pes and |ong rad|us f|tt|ngs on the hot water ||nes W MAkIMUM LkMISSI8LL LLNG1n CI nC1 WA1Lk DkAWCII IL |argest Interna| D|a (mm) Length (mm) Not exceed|ng 20 12 Lxceed|ng 20 but not exceed|ng 2
Lxceed|ng 2 0
W A|r re||ef va|ve or tap at the h|ghest po|nts] a p|pe w|th open end connected at the h|ghest po|nt |n the case of an open tank system W Loss of heat reduced by cover|ng the p|pes w|th |nsu|at|on |s to m|n|m|ze expans|on and contract|on W Insu|at|ng mater|a|s |nc|ude asbestos woo| fe|t magnes|a cork etc W 1he asbestos cover|ng |s usua||y 2 mm th|ck W Vent p|pes W Lach pressure type hot water heater or cy||nder prov|dedw|th a vent p|pe of not |ess than 20 mm bore W 1he vent p|pe r|se above the water ||ne of the co|d water tank by at|east 1 +1 cm for every 0cm he|ght of the water ||ne above the bottom of the heater W not Water de||very p|pe W Not |ess than 20 mm d|a W Whenever m|x|ng of hot and co|d water |s done by a m|x|ng f|tt|ng the pressure |n the hot and co|d water system sha|| be equa| W 1he vent d|scharge at a |eve| h|gher than co|d water tank and preferab|y |n the co|d water tank supp|y|ng the hot water heaters