ALV Grid Control
ALV Grid Control
ALV Grid Control
ALV Grid Control – Pictorial representation
ALV Grid Control
Step by step procedure to create a ALV Grid Control :
1. Declare reference variables for the ALV Grid Control and the container.
Any other definition that you will need in the program can follow these definitions:
2. Createa standard screen and mark an area for the custom container control in the
graphical Screen Painter. Assign a name TESTCUSTOM to this area.
3. In the PBO module of the screen, you must now instantiate the container control
and the ALV Grid Control.
ALV Grid Control
4. Once you have created the ALV Grid Control and integrated it into a screen using a
container control (as in module pool programming, call the screen in our program) , you
must pass the data and its structure to the ALV Grid Control.
5. Refer to the global class CL_GUI_ALV_GRID for the possible parameters, events and
available methods in using ALV.
The following features of the ALV Grid Control make it a multi-purpose tool suitable for
many applications:
Layouts allow users to adapt list output to their requirements. Application developers
determine which saving options users have available for the layout of a list.
Self-defined functions created by application developers can be added to the toolbar. In
addition, developers can adapt the standard functions to their individual application or
even hide them if they are not needed.
Drag & Drop functions are programmable. The ALV Grid Control allows developers to
use the Drag & Drop control for implementing application-specific functions between
the ALV Grid Control and other custom controls.
Formatting, output and control options are provided through three different structures:
− The Field Catalog
− The Layout Structure
− The Print Structure
ALV Grid Control
As a minimum, you must provide the following two types of information for
displaying the data:
1. An internal table with the data to be displayed, called the output table
2. A description of the structure of this data that is declared to the ALV Grid
Control through the field catalog or through the corresponding structure of the
Data Dictionary.
3. Generally, the output table contains data that you previously selected from
database tables.
4. The reference to the output table that you pass to the ALV Grid Control should
be valid as long as the ALV Grid Control operates on it.
5. Besides defining this reference as a global table, reference can be held in an
ABAP Objects instance using a public attribute.
6. The field catalog is a table that contains information on the fields to be
7. For example, the ALV uses this table to identify the type of a field.
8. You can also use special fields of this catalog to determine the number format
and column properties of the list to be output.
ALV Grid Control – Displaying data
Once you have created the ALV Grid Control and integrated it into a screen using a
container control, you must pass the data and its structure to the ALV Grid Control:
Fill the internal table with data:
Data : GT_SFLIGHT type standard table of SFLIGHT initial size 0.
Pass the output table and the structure data to the ALV Grid Control. Again, ensure to
call this method only once after the ALV Grid Control is created:
In this case, the structure data is provided through the Data Dictionary.
The ALV Grid Control gets the field information from table SFLIGHT and displays
all fields of the table.
ALV Grid Control – Generating Field
Basically, you need a field catalog for each list that is displayed using the ALV Grid
Control. You have several options of generating a field catalog:
• Automatically through a Data Dictionary structure
• Manually in your ABAP program
• Semi-automatically by combining the above two procedures
ALV Grid Control - Generating the Field Catalog
If the structure of your output table corresponds to a structure stored in the Data
Dictionary (DDIC), the ALV Grid Control can use this information to generate the field
catalog automatically. In this case, all fields of this DDIC structure are displayed in the
Process Flow
To pass the structure to the ALV Grid Control:
1. Reference the structure with LIKE, or include the structure in a separate structure with
generate part of your output table automatically, and then add more fields.
2. Pass the structure in method set_table_for_first_display with parameter
I_STRUCTURE_NAME to the control created.
ALV Control - Generating the Field
Catalog Manually
It may be the case that the data you want to display is not at all or only partially
represented by a structure in the Data Dictionary. Then you must use the fields of the field
catalog to describe the structure of the output table.
Process Flow
The field catalog is defined in the Data Dictionary through table type LVC_T_FCAT.
Each row of the field catalog table explains a field in your output table. Depending on
whether a reference structure exists in the DDIC or not, you must at least fill the following
fields of the field catalog structure for each field
ALV Control - Generating the Field Catalog
Manually – Contd..
You pass the field catalog using parameter IT_FIELDCATALOG
ALV Grid Control - Generating the Field Catalog
ALV Grid Control – Process Flow
3. Read the rows you want to change, and adapt the fields accordingly. If your output
table contains more fields than are stored in the Data Dictionary, you must append
one row for each new field to the field catalog.
To display the output table with the settings of the field catalog, pass the field
catalog in method set_table_for_first_display
ALV Grid Control – Fields of Field catalog
Use field FIELDNAME of the field catalog to define a reference to a field in the output
All settings made through fields in the same row of the field catalog refer to the output
column specified in FIELDNAME.
Internally, the ALV Grid Control uses the field COL_ID to identify columns at the
Refer to Structure LVC_T_FCAT to get the Fields of the Field Catalog
ALV Grid Control – Methods of CL_GUI_ALV_GRID – A
activate_reprep_interface :Activate the report/report interface.
CONSTRUCTOR :This method is called automatically if you create an object of
class CL_GUI_ALV_GRID. When the control is generated, it is created on the
frontend and linked to a container control.
get_current_cell :You use this method to get the value and properties of the grid
control cell on which the cursor is placed.
get_filtered_entries :Returns a table with all indexes that are currently hidden on
the screen using the standard "filter" function.
get_filter_criteria :You can use this method to get the current filter settings and
pass them on to other components of the system. A row of the table describes the
selection conditions for column entries that are not displayed. Columns for which no
filter is set are not listed in the table.
get_frontend_fieldcatalog :Get the current field catalog from the frontend. You use
this method if you want to modify the field catalog used during display (for hiding
specific columns, for example).
get_frontend_layout :Get the current layout structure from the frontend. In the layout
structure, you determine properties of the grid control .
get_scroll_info_via_id: Get the current scroll position in the grid control:
• The row index (field index of structure lvc_s_row) indicates which row is
displayed first (vertical scrolling).
ALV Grid Control – Methods of CL_GUI_ALV_GRID – A
• The column name (field fieldname of structure lvc_s_col) indicates which
scrollable column (the key fields are static) is displayed first on the left (horizontal
get_selected_cells : Get selected cells in the cell selection mode. The ALV Grid
Control returns the values, the column name and the row index of the relevant cell.
get_selected_cells_id :Get the column and row index of the cells currently selected.
get_selected_columns :Get the field names of selected columns.
get_selected_rows : Get indexes of selected rows.
get_sort_criteria :Get the current sort criteria for sorted columns of the grid control.
get_subtotals: Returns the current subtotals of the ALV Grid Control. Having created
totals for at least one column, users can calculate at most nine subtotals. The list is
sorted by the values of one or several columns (called the subtotals column). If a value
is changed in the subtotals column, the subtotal is displayed (this is also referred to as
control level change).
get_variant :Get the current layout.
Offline : You use this method to determine if the ALV Grid Control runs without
front-end handling.
refresh_table_display : You use this method to refresh the output table in the grid
control. This is necessary if you change the display of the data by means of methods
(for example, using set_frontend_layout , or if you want to display new data selected
in the same ALV Grid Control.)
ALV Grid Control – Methods of CL_GUI_ALV_GRID – A
register_delayed_event : You use this method to register either one of the delayed
events (you cannot register both events at the same time).
set_3d_border :You can use this method to display the border of the ALV Grid
Control in 3D format.
save_variant_dark :This method assigns a name for the layout to be saved. If the user
saves the current layout, the ALV Grid Control suppresses the dialog box for saving a
layout and issues a simple confirmation message instead.
set_current_cell_via_id :Set the cursor on a specific cell in the grid control. The grid
control scrolls to the position specified if the cell is not visible.
set_filter_criteria :Set current filter settings. A row of the table describes the selection
conditions for column entries that are not to be displayed.
set_frontend_fieldcatalog :Set the field catalog for an ALV Grid Control instance.
set_frontend_layout : Set a layout structure at the frontend that you have got and
modified using method
set_graphics_container : The toolbar of the ALV Grid Control includes a function for
displaying graphics that can be used to display the table data in a diagram using the
Graphical Framework (GFW). In the default setting, this graphic is integrated into a
dialog box container control. If you want to use a different container control, pass the
associated reference variable using this method. The ALV Grid Control then displays the
graphic in this container. 17
ALV Grid Control – Methods of CL_GUI_ALV_GRID – A
set_selected_cells : Select cells in the grid control. All other selections are removed
before the ALV Grid Control selects the cells passed with the call.
set_selected_cells_id : Select cells using row and column indexes.
set_selected_columns :Select columns in the grid control. All other selections are
removed before the ALV Grid Control selects the columns passed with the call.
set_selected_rows :Select rows in the grid control using the table index.
set_sort_criteria :Set sort criteria for columns of the grid control. Settings only take
effect if you refresh the table using method refresh_table_display
set_table_for_first_display :Display an output table in the ALV Grid Control
instance. In the call sequence, you must specify either a reference structure of the Data
Dictionary or a suitable field catalog . Before execution, you can use optional
parameters to load a layout, sort the table by fields, set a filter for columns and define
properties of the grid control.
set_toolbar_interactive : This method triggers the toolbar event. If you add self-
defined functions to the toolbar, you use this method to recreate the toolbar
ALV Grid Control – Events of CL_GUI_ALV_GRID – A
set_user_command : You can use this method to replace standard functions of
the ALV Grid Control with self-defined functions. To do this, you must get the current
function code in event before_user_command and change it using set_user_command.
after_user_command : The ALV Grid Control triggers this event after the
user_command event if the user has chosen a standard or a self-defined function. You
can use this event to perform final actions after the relevant function has been completed.
before_user_command :The ALV Grid Control triggers this event before the
user_command event if the user has chosen a standard or a self-defined function. You can
use this event to perform introductory actions before the relevant function is executed.
button_click :After the user has clicked a pushbutton in the ALV Grid Control, you
handle this event in the event handler method.
context_menu_request :In this event, you can add self-defined functions to the
standard context menu of the ALV Grid Control and hide and disable existing functions.
delayed_callback :This event is triggered if the user clicks a cell other than that currently
selected. The ALV Grid Control triggers this event with a short delay of 1,5 seconds.
ALV Grid Control – Events of CL_GUI_ALV_GRID – A
ALV Grid Control – Events of CL_GUI_ALV_GRID – A
onf1 :If the user requests the F1 help for a cell, the ALV Grid Control tries to call the
documentation for the associated data element. If no documentation exists (for example,
because the field has no reference to the Data Dictionary), you can use this event to
display a self-defined F1 help. You also have the option of overriding the default F1
print_end_of_list :You use this event to output text with the WRITE statement during
print output. The text is inserted at the end of the entire list and is displayed in the print
preview. In this context, the ALV Grid Control goes to the list output of the classic ALV.
print_end_of_page :You use this event to output text with the WRITE statement during
print output. The text is inserted at the end of each page. During print output, the ALV
grid Control goes to the list output of the classic ALV.
print_top_of_list :You use this event to output text with the WRITE statement during
print output. The event is triggered once before the print_top_of_page event. The text is
inserted at the beginning of the entire list and is displayed in the print preview. In this
context, the ALV Grid Control goes to the list output of the classic ALV.
ALV Grid Control – Events of CL_GUI_ALV_GRID
– A Glance
print_top_of_page :You use this event to output text with the WRITE statement during
print output. The text is inserted at the beginning of each page and is displayed in the
print preview. In this context, the ALV Grid Control goes to the list output of the classic
subtotal_text :Output text for subtotals in the grid control if the subtotal criterion
(column used by the user for calculating the subtotal) is hidden. In the default setting,
the ALV Grid Control outputs the column header of the subtotal criterion and the value
to which the subtotal calculated refers.
toolbar :This event is triggered by the ALV each time the toolbar of the control needs
to be regenerated. To add self-defined functions to the toolbar, you trigger the event
using method
user_command :The ALV Grid Control triggers this event only for self-defined
functions chosen by the user. Query your function code and call your function in this
ALV Grid Control - Changing Standard
Define an event handler method for event BEFORE_USER_COMMAND .
This event is triggered after the user has selected a function. I.e., ALV Grid Control passes
control to the application before the function is executed.
Use event parameter I_UCOMM to restrict the function code to the function you want to
Implement your own algorithm for the function within the event handler method. In this
context, you can call methods of the ALV Grid Control.
Reset the function code to ensure that the standard function is no longer executed:
To do this CALL METHOD <Instance of the ALV Control>->SET_USER_COMMAND
exporting I_UCOMM = SPACE.
If you never need specific functions of the tool bar, you can hide them for the entire life-
cycle of the control. To do this, you use parameter IT_TOOLBAR_EXCLUDING of method
SET_TABLE_FOR_FIRST_DISPLAY to pass a table that contains the function codes to be
ALV Grid Control-Defining GUI Elements in
the Toolbar
Process Flow
1. Define an event handler method for event TOOLBAR.
2. Declare a structure for defining a toolbar element:
data: ls_toolbar TYPE stb_button.
3. For a pushbutton, for example, you would fill the following fields:
CLEAR ls_toolbar.
MOVE 0 TO ls_toolbar-butn_type.
MOVE 'BOOKINGS' TO ls_toolbar function.
MOVE icon_employee TO ls_toolbar-icon.
MOVE 'Show Bookings'(111) TO ls_toolbar-quickinfo.
MOVE SPACE TO ls_toolbar-disabled.
In the butn_type field, you specify the type of the GUI element for the ALV
Grid Control. For possible values, see the value range of domain TB_BTYPE.
4. Use event parameter E_OBJECT to append the new definition to table
APPEND ls_toolbar TO e_object->mt_toolbar.
5. If you want to define additional elements, go back to step 3.
6. Call method set_toolbar_interactive , if you want to rebuild the toolbar.
ALV Grid Control–Drag &Drop Behavior for all
Use this process if you want to define a standard Drag & Drop behavior for all rows
or columns.
For example, if attribute dragsource is set in the behavior, you can link all rows or
columns to objects that have set attribute droptarget and use the same flavor.
Process Flow
1.Define the layout structure of type LVC_S_LAYO.
2.Define your Drag & Drop behavior and get the associated handle using method
get_handle of class cl_dragdrop.
3.Assign the handle to field s_dragdrop-row_ddid or s_dragdrop-col_ddid of the layout
4.Pass the layout structure with method set_table_for_first_display .
You can also subsequently pass the layout structure with the Drag & Drop behavior
using method set_frontend_layout .
Each row or column can be dragged by the user or appears as the target for any Drag
& Drop operation.
To check the Drag & Drop behavior defined on the screen, you must have at least
one drag source and one drop target that have the same flavor.
ALV Grid Control - Output of Exceptions
Exceptions are a graphical means to indicate that a threshold value in a list line has
been exceeded.
For example, as far as the flight model is concerned, you would use the red traffic
light to indicate that a flight is full.
The different colors help the user to quickly understand what the data displayed
You can use three different statuses:
ALV Grid Control - Output of Exceptions –
1. Define the layout structure of type LVC_S_LAYO:
2.Add a variable of type C to your output table, as shown in the following example:
DATA: light TYPE C. "to display exceptions
3.Set field EXCP_FNAME of the layout structure to the field name of the exception
gs_layout-excp_fname = 'LIGHT'.
4.If you want to display the exception as an LED, you must set field EXCP_LED of
the layout structure.
Read one row of the output table at a time in a loop, and query the fields that are related
to the exception. Set your variable for the exception display format (which is
LIGHT in our example) to '1', '2' or '3' (see above), depending on the threshold
value you have chosen.
ALV Grid Control - Output of Exceptions –
Output of Exceptions
6. Pass the layout structure and the output table using method
set_table_for_first_display .
If you have changed the values for an exception in the output table, refresh the
output using method refresh_table_display .
The ALV Grid Control contains an exception column at the beginning of the list:
ALV Grid Control - Coloring Rows
You can change the color of rows in the grid control to highlight data in the list.
The column color can be set using field EMPHASIZE of the field catalog.
Process Flow
1. Define the layout structure of type LVC_S_LAYO.
2. Add a four-digit character field to your output table, as shown in the example below:
DATA: linecolor(4) type c. "Color for corresponding line
3. Select your data and copy it into the output table.
4. Read one row of the output table at a time in a loop. To change the color of a row,
assign a four-digit color code to the character field.
5. Assign the name of the internal table to field INFO_FNAME of the layout structure
(in our case 'LINECOLOR', see step 2).
6. Pass the layout structure and the output table with method
If you do not want to color the cells for the first display, postpone step 4 and refresh
the output table with method refresh_table_display .
ALV Grid Control – Coloring Cells
You can change the color of cells in the grid control to highlight data in the
Although you can also use this process to color entire rows, this is much more time-
Consuming than the procedure described in Coloring Rows .
The D&D Behavior for Special Rows/Cells process is the analogous method to the
method for selecting cells.
Process Flow
Define the layout structure of type LVC_S_LAYO.
2. Add a color table of type LVC_T_SCOL to your output table, as shown in the
example below:
DATA: CT TYPE LVC_T_SCOL. "Table for colors
3. Select your data and copy it into the output table.
ALV Grid Control – Coloring Cells –
Read one row of the output table at a time in the loop. One row of the color table has
three fields.
4. If field NOKEYCOL is set, you can change the color of key fields. Assign values to
the remaining fields as follows:
− If you want to color the entire row, assign the corresponding values to the
fields of structure COLOR. Field fname does not receive a value in this case.
− If you want to color specific columns of the row only, you must append
one row for each column to the color table. Assign the name of the desired column to
field fname, and the corresponding values to the fields of structure COLOR.
5. Assign the name of the internal table to field CTAB_FNAME of the layout structure
(in our case 'CT', see step 2).
6. Pass the layout structure and the output table with method
If you do not want to color the cells for the first display, postpone step 4 and refresh
your output table with method refresh_table_display