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* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Dynamic List for FBA/FB EvO * * By 404_not_found, JiMMy_PaGe and Shoometsu * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * English: * What is "Dynamic List" ?

- Dynamic List is very much like a loader for fba, but only for Neo-Geo, that al lows you to play games that aren't on the build * How it works: - It uses a file called "dynamic.ini" with some ROM information, like a dat, FBA reads and interpret those informations to load the ROM. The file "dynamic.ini" needs to be at main folder of fba, or it won't be loaded by the emu * How to create "dynamic.ini": - Use "Dynamic Creator Kit", you can get it here: * About "dynamic.ini" (only for non-newbies xD :P ) - Lets take a look at kof2002 dynamic for example: ID: 1 GAMENAME: The King Of Fighters 2002 - Challange To The Ultimate Battle PARENT: kof2002 ROMNAME: kof2002 ROMINFO: 2 players max, uses board-ROMs from neogeo RELEASEDBY: Eolith / Playmore Corporation (2002, Neo Geo hardware) NEOPROTECTIONXOR: EC SWAP: XX SRAM: 0 SMAPROTECTION: 0 ENCRYPTIONSCHEME: B ALTERNATETEXT: 0 TEXTROMSIZE: 0 PCM2: 4 SPECIALINIT: kof2002 265-p1.bin , 0x100000 , 0x9ede7323 , 1; 265-p2.bin , 0x400000 , 0x327266b8 , 1; 265-c1.bin , 0x800000 , 0x2b65a656 , 3; 265-c2.bin , 0x800000 , 0xadf18983 , 3; 265-c3.bin , 0x800000 , 0x875e9fd7 , 3; 265-c4.bin , 0x800000 , 0x2da13947 , 3; 265-c5.bin , 0x800000 , 0x61bd165d , 3; 265-c6.bin , 0x800000 , 0x3fdd1eb , 3; 265-c7.bin , 0x800000 , 0x1a2749d8 , 3; 265-c8.bin , 0x800000 , 0xab0bb549 , 3; 265-m1d.bin , 0x20000 , 0x1c661a4b , 4; 265-v1.bin , 0x800000 , 0x15e8f3f5 , 5; 265-v2.bin , 0x800000 , 0xda41d6f9 , 5 }; "ID: 1" --> It's not a cartridge ID, it's a ID especific for dynamic, each rom t hat you add on it, needs a different ID, for example, if kof2002 is the first game on the list ID = 1, if kof2001 is the second game on the list ID = 2...

"GAMENAME: The King Of Fighters 2002 - Challange To The Ultimate Battle" --> Gam e name, you can put everything here.. "PARENT: kof2002" If the rom is a clone from some other set, put the parent here , if the rom is the parent, put the zip name "ROMNAME: kof2002" --> zip name of the rom "ROMINFO: 2 players max, uses board-ROMs from neogeo" --> ROM information, you c an put everything here... "RELEASEDBY: Eolith / Playmore Corporation (2002, Neo Geo hardware)" --> Company that released the game, "NEOPROTECTIONXOR: EC" This is the xor value for encrypted C'ROMs (neo-cmc 42/50 ) protection... just some games use encrypted c's: kof99 encryption module (Neo-CMC 42), or "ENCRYPTIONSCHEME: A" Game kof99 s1945p garou ganryu preisle2 mslug3 zupapa bangbead sengoku3 nitd Xor 00 05 06 07 9F AD BD F8 FE FF

kof2000 encryption module (Neo-CMC 50), or "ENCRYPTIONSCHEME: B" Game kof2000 samsho5 samsh5sp kof2001 mslug5 pnyaa mslug4 rotd svcchaos matrim kof2003 kof2002 If your ROM Xor 00 0F 0D 1E 19 2E 31 3F 57 (needs extra code) 6A 9D (needs extra code) EC dosent use any encryption, put "NEOPROTECTIONXOR: 0"

"SWAP: XX" --> This is just for some old roms... If the graphics are messed up and the roms arent encrypted: "SWAP: C" If there's a black screen or a warn screen with red letters: "SWAP: P" If both: "SWAP: PC" If the sound is messed up: "SWAP: V" If your ROMs dosent need SWAP, put "SWAP: xx" "SRAM: 0" --> Generally, not needed, but when needed put "SRAM: 1", if its not n eeded "SRAM: 0"

"SMAPROTECTION: 0" --> If your rom has a "xxx-sma.bin" bin file, put "SMAPROTECT ION: 1", if it hasnt put "SMAPROTECTION: 0" "ENCRYPTIONSCHEME: B" --> This is only for encrypted C'ROMs: Put "A" if the encryption is the one used on kof99 (Neo-CMC 42) Put "B" if the encryption is the one used on kof2000 (Neo-CMC 50) Read the "NEOPROTECTIONXOR" part to get the Xor's values and infos If your ROM dosent use any encryption, put "ENCRYPTIONSCHEME: N" "ALTERNATETEXT: 0" Special code for 512kb (or more) s1, if it's 512kb put "ALTER NATETEXT: 1" Here are some games that use it: kof2000 ct2k3sp (256kb s1 size, but it also needs) matrim svcchaos kof2003 (1mb s1 size, but it also needs) If your ROM dosent need this code, put: "ALTERNATETEXT: 0" "TEXTROMSIZE: 0" --> This is a special code to extract the s1 from the end of th e C ROMs, use it only if the rom dosent have a s1... "TEXTROMSIZE: 0x020000" --> if the s1 data on the C ROMs is 128kb "TEXTROMSIZE: 0x080000" --> if the s1 data on the C ROMs is 512kb "TEXTROMSIZE: 0x100000" --> if the s1 data on the C ROMs is 1mb If your ROM dosent need it, put: "TEXTROMSIZE: 0" "PCM2: 4" Special code for games that uses neo-pcm2 encription on the sound ROMs (V-ROMs) 1 --> mslug4 2 --> rotd 3 --> pnyaa 4 --> kof2002 5 --> matrim 6 --> mslug5 7 --> svcchaos 8 --> samsho5 9 --> kof2003 0x0A --> samsh5sp if The game dosent need it, just put "0" as the "PCM2" value "SPECIALINIT: kof2002" --> This is for extra protections needed by some ROMs.. Avaliable inits: kof2000 cthd2003 svcchaos svchaosa svcsplus svcplus svcplusa svcboot kof2002 kof2002b kf2k4spe kf2k4spl kof2003 kof2003b kof2k4ex

kof2k3up kof10th kof10thu kf10thep kof98 kof99 fatfury2 garou garouo matrim rotd pnyaa matrimbl mslugx mslug3 mslug4 mslug5 ms5plus samsho5 samsh5bl samsh5sp neo_pvc_bank1 If your ROM dosent need it, put: "SPECIALINIT: NE" * To do on Dynamic List: - Fix Preview bug - Fix ROM check, it doesn't warn you if the roms are right or not "Dynamic.txt" By JiMMy_PaGe "Dynamic List" By 404_not_found. Code updated, and improoved by JiMMy_PaGe and S hoometsu

Em portugus: * O que o "Dynamic List" ? - O Dynamic List parecido com um loader para fba, mas apenas para Neo-Geo, que p ermite a voc rodar os jogos que no esto no emu. * Como funciona: - Ele usa um arquivo chamado "dynamic.ini" com algumas informaes da ROM , como um dat, o FBA l e interpreta essas informaes para rodar a ROM . o arquivo "Dynamic.ini" precisa estar na pasta princi pal do fba, ou ento no vai ser lido pelo emu. * Como criar um "dynamic.ini": - Use o "Dynamic Creator Kit", voc pode pegar aqui: * Sobre o "dynamic.ini" (apenas para experts xD :P ) - Vamos usar o dynamic do kof2002 como exemplo: ID: 1 GAMENAME: The King Of Fighters 2002 - Challange To The Ultimate Battle PARENT: kof2002 ROMNAME: kof2002 ROMINFO: 2 players max, uses board-ROMs from neogeo RELEASEDBY: Eolith / Playmore Corporation (2002, Neo Geo hardware) NEOPROTECTIONXOR: EC

SWAP: XX SRAM: 0 SMAPROTECTION: 0 ENCRYPTIONSCHEME: B ALTERNATETEXT: 0 TEXTROMSIZE: 0 PCM2: 4 SPECIALINIT: kof2002 265-p1.bin , 0x100000 265-p2.bin , 0x400000 265-c1.bin , 0x800000 265-c2.bin , 0x800000 265-c3.bin , 0x800000 265-c4.bin , 0x800000 265-c5.bin , 0x800000 265-c6.bin , 0x800000 265-c7.bin , 0x800000 265-c8.bin , 0x800000 265-m1d.bin , 0x20000 265-v1.bin , 0x800000 265-v2.bin , 0x800000 };

, , , , , , , , , , , , ,

0x9ede7323 0x327266b8 0x2b65a656 0xadf18983 0x875e9fd7 0x2da13947 0x61bd165d 0x3fdd1eb 0x1a2749d8 0xab0bb549 0x1c661a4b 0x15e8f3f5 0xda41d6f9

, , , , , , , , , , , , ,

1; 1; 3; 3; 3; 3; 3; 3; 3; 3; 4; 5; 5

"ID: 1" --> No o ID do cartucho, um ID especfico pro dynamic, cada rom que voc adic iona no dynamic, vai usar um ID diferente, por exemplo, se o kof2002 a primeira rom da lista ID = 1, se o kof2001 o segundo ID = 2 e assim por diante... "GAMENAME: The King Of Fighters 2002 - Challange To The Ultimate Battle" --> Nom e do Jogo, voc pode colocar qualquer nome aqui.. "PARENT: kof2002" Se a ROM um clone de um outro set, coloque o set parent (princ ipal) aqui, se a rom o parent (principal) coloque o zip dela mesma "ROMNAME: kof2002" --> nome do zip da ROM "ROMINFO: 2 players max, uses board-ROMs from neogeo" --> Informaes extras da ROM, voc pode colocar qualquer coisa aqui... "RELEASEDBY: Eolith / Playmore Corporation (2002, Neo Geo hardware)" --> Empresa que lanou o jogo, voc pode colocar qualquer coisa aqui... "NEOPROTECTIONXOR: EC" Esse o "Xor value" para as C's encriptadas (proteo Neo-CMC 42 / 50 )... apenas alguns jogos usam: Modulo de encriptao do kof99 (Neo-CMC 42), ou "ENCRYPTIONSCHEME: A" Jogo kof99 s1945p garou ganryu preisle2 mslug3 zupapa bangbead sengoku3 nitd Xor 00 05 06 07 9F AD BD F8 FE FF

Modulo de encriptao do (Neo-CMC 50), ou "ENCRYPTIONSCHEME: B"

Jogo kof2000 samsho5 samsh5sp kof2001 mslug5 pnyaa mslug4 rotd svcchaos matrim kof2003 kof2002

Xor 00 0F 0D 1E 19 2E 31 3F 57 6A 9D EC

(precisa de codigo extra) (precisa de codigo extra)

Se sua ROM no apresenta esse tipo de encripto coloque: "NEOPROTECTIONXOR: N" "SWAP: XX" --> Isso serve apenas para roms velhas... Se os grficos esto fora de ordem, e no so encriptados: "SWAP: C" Se aparece uma tela preta, ou um tela escrito "Warning" em vemelho: "SWAP: P" Se aparecer os dois: "SWAP: PC" Se o som est estranho: "SWAP: V" Se a ROM no precisar de SWAP, coloque "SWAP: XX" "SRAM: 0" --> Geralmente no preciso, mase se precisar coloque: "SRAM: 1", se no pr ecisar: "SRAM: 0" "SMAPROTECTION: 0" --> se sua ROM tem um arquivo parecido com: "xxx-sma.bin" bin file, coloque: "SMAPROTECTION: 1", se no tiver coloque "SMAPROTECTION: 0" "ENCRYPTIONSCHEME: B" --> Esse codigo apenas para as C'ROMs encriptadas: Coloque "A" se a proteo a mesma usada no kof99 (Neo-CMC 42) Coloque "B" se a proteo a mesma usada no kof2000 (Neo-CMC 50) Leia a part do "NEOPROTECTIONXOR" para pegar os Xor's values e informaes Se sua ROM no apresenta esse tipo de encripto coloque: "ENCRYPTIONSCHEME: N" "ALTERNATETEXT: 0" Codigo especial para s1's de 512kb (ou mais) Alguns games que possuem s1 de 512kb: kof2000 ct2k3sp (usa uma s1 de 256kb, mas tambem precisa do codigo) matrim svcchaos kof2003 (usa uma s1 de 1mb, mas tambem precisa do codigo) Se sua rom no apresenta s1 de 512kb (ou mais) coloque: "ALTERNATETEXT: 0" "TEXTROMSIZE: 0" --> Codigo para extrair a s1 do fim das C ROMs, use apenas se a ROM no tiver s1 "TEXTROMSIZE: 0x020000" --> se a s1 nas C ROMs 128kb "TEXTROMSIZE: 0x080000" --> se a s1 nas C ROMs 512kb "TEXTROMSIZE: 0x100000" --> se a s1 nas C ROMs 1mb Se sua ROM no precisa desse codigo, coloque: "TEXTROMSIZE: 0" "PCM2: 4" Codigo especial para os jogos que possuem v'roms encriptadas 1 --> mslug4 2 --> rotd 3 --> pnyaa 4 --> kof2002 5 --> matrim 6 --> mslug5

7 --> svcchaos 8 --> samsho5 9 --> kof2003 0xA --> samsh5sp Se o jogo no apresentar o neo-pcm2, coloque o valor como "0" no "PCM2" "SPECIALINIT: kof2002" --> Isso serve para roms que apresentam protees extras: Inits suportados pelo FBA: kof2000 cthd2003 svcchaos svchaosa svcsplus svcplus svcplusa svcboot kof2002 kof2002b kf2k4spe kf2k4spl kof2003 kof2003b kof2k4ex kof2k3up kof10th kof10thu kf10thep kof98 kof99 fatfury2 garou garouo matrim rotd pnyaa matrimbl mslugx mslug3 mslug4 mslug5 ms5plus samsho5 samsh5bl samsh5sp neo_pvc_bank1 Se sua ROM no precisa disso, coloque: "SPECIALINIT: NE" * O que falta ser feito Dynamic List: - Corrigir bug com o preview - Corrigir checagem de ROMs, o dynamic roda a rom sem te avisar se o CRC e o tam anho esto errados "Dynamic.txt" By JiMMy_PaGe "Dynamic List" By 404_not_found. Codigo, e melhorado por JiMMy_PaGe e Shoometsu

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