List of Journals

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Annex 1

List of Journals

In Order of Days Published


1. Olympic

2. Winner

3. Best Player

4. Four Four Tow

5. A Chit (Love)

6. A Lin Tan (Rays of Light)

7. Popular

8. Nan Net Khin (Morning)

9. The First

10.Weekly Eleven

11.Flower News

12.The Voice


14.Tech Digest


16.The Myanmar Nation

17.The Myanmar Times (English)

18.International News


20.Dhana Theik Di

21.Health Digest

23.Kid Zone

24.Sew Zone (Varieties)

25.Hmu Khin Myin Kwin (Crime Scope)

26.Science and Technology Journal

27.Global Economy

28.Pin Lae Pyaw (Sea Farers)


1. First Eleven

2. Forever

3. Shae Saung (Pioneer)

4. Zarmani

5. T-Club

6. Kha Yan Pyar (Violet)

7. A Linkar Yut Yee (Nectar of Art)

8. Pyi Myanmar

9. News Watch

10.Myanmar Newsweek

11.Pan Thitsar


13.International Affairs

14.Good Health

15.Family Health

16.Yin Kyay Lein Mar (Good Demeanor)

17.Hla Pa (Good Looks)

18.Moe Thauk Pan (Aurora)

19.A Kyo Saung (Broker)


1. Tet Lan (Forwards)

2. Word Sports

3. All Sters

4. United

5. Shopping Guide

6. 7 Day News

7. Yangon Times

8. Point

9. Shwin Pyone (Conviviality )

10.Put Tet (Dwarf)

11.Ma Naw Ma Ya

12.Ye Hmu Khin (Police Criminal Review)


1. 90 Minutes

2. In Arr (Vigor)

3. Sports News

4. Everyday

5. The Myanmar Times (Burmese)

6. Yangon Post

7. 24/7

8. Favorite

9. Yon Kyi Hmu (The Trust Weekly)

10.A Shae Ywar (East Village)

11.Khit Myanmar (Today Myanmar)

12.Tut Pi

13.Nay La (Sun and Moon)

14.Zay Gwet (Market News Weekly)


1. Premier Eleven

2. Star Sports

3. Euro Sports

4. Gi Ta Journal (Music Journal)

5. Pan Hlaing

6. A Tway Thit (New Thoughts)

7. Ku Mu Dra

8. Lhyat Ta Pyat (Lightning)

9. Live


11.International Eleven

12.Ayu Diga (Longevity)

13.Shew Thwe


15.Pyit Hmu (Crime)


1. High Lights

2. Champion

3. 256 Sports Sun

4. Yaung Chi Moe (Shower of Rays)

5. Ka Lay Journal (Kid Journal)

6. Hmu Khin She Dount (Crime Perspective)


1. Olympic

2. Winner

3. Best Player

4. Four Four Tow

5. First Eleven

6. Forever

7. Shae Saung (Pioneer)

8. Tet Lan (Forwards)

9. World Sports

10.All Stars


12.90 Minutes

13.In Arr (Vigor)

14.Sports News


16.Premier Eleven

17.Star Sports

18.High Light


20.365 Sports Sun

21.World Football

22.Three Seasons

23.Super Sunday
In Order of Contents

Film, Music and Miscellaneous

1. A Chit (Love)

2. A Lin Tan (Rays of Light)

3. Popular

4. Nan Net Khin (Morning)

5. The First

6. Zarmani

7. T-Club

8. Kha Yan Pyar (Violet)

9. A Linkar Yut Yee (Nectar of Art)

10.Shopping Guide

11.Gi Ta Journal (Music Journal)

12.Pan Hlaing

13.A Tway Thit (New Thoughts)

News Journals

1. Weekly Eleven

2. Flower News

3. The Voice Weekly

4. Lhyat Ta Pyat (Lightning)

5. Live

6. Ecovision

7. The Myanmar Nation

8. The Myanmar Times (English)

9. Pyi Myanmar

10.News Watch

11.Myanmar News Week

12.Pan Thitsar

13.7 Day News

14.Yangon Times


16.The Myanmar Times (Burmese)

17.Yangon Post



20.Yon Kyi Hmu (The Trust Weekly)

21.A Shae Ywar (East Village)

22.Khit Myanmar (Today Myanmar)

23.Ku Mu Dra


1. Health Digest

2. Good Health

3. Family Health

4. Ayu Diga (Longevity)


1. Opportunities

1. Kid Zone

2. Sew Zone (Varieties)

3. Yin Kyay Lein Mar (Good Demeanor)

4. Hla Pa (Good Looks)

5. Moe Thauk Pan (Aurora)

6. Shwin Pyone (Conviviality )

7. Put Tet (Dwarf)

8. Tut Pi

9. Shwe Thway


11.Ka Lay Journal (Kid Journal)

Fortune Telling, Supernatural , and Mystery

1. Ma Naw Ma Ya

2. Nay La (Sun and Moon)


1. Hmu Khin She Dount (Crime Perspective)

2. Hmu Khin Myin Kwin (Crime Scope)

3. Ye Hmu Khin (Police Criminal Review)

4. Pyit Hmu (Crime)

Science and Technology

1. Science and technology Journal

2. Internet

3. Tech Digest

Business and Economic

1. Global Economy

2. Pin Lae Pyaw (Sea Farers)

3. A Kyo Saung (Broker)

4. Zay Gwet (Market News Weekly)

Bi Weeklies

1. That Tan Yaung (Spectrum)

2. Commerce

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