Accounting AND Book - Keeping: Mandeep. D Manas. K Nisha. N Deepak. G
Accounting AND Book - Keeping: Mandeep. D Manas. K Nisha. N Deepak. G
Accounting AND Book - Keeping: Mandeep. D Manas. K Nisha. N Deepak. G
What is ACCOUNTING ? ?
Recording Classifying Summarizing In significant manner and in terms of money. It is known as an art of RECORD KEEPING.
Accounting is the art of
Significance to Accounting
Accounting, as a basic and the key framework that any business is built upon. Financial position of business can be known by accounting. Accounting as the base for any business. Accounting is essentially a measure of how well are we doing..?? Accounting when properly maintained, avoids FRAUD.
Sub-fields of Accounting
Financial accounting
Managerial accounting
Cost accounting
Social accounting
Human Resource accounting
Types of Accounting
Personal accounts
Natural persons account Artificial persons account Representative personal account
Real accounts
Tangible Intangible
Nominal Accounts
Nominal Account
To avoid confusion and to achieve uniformity , accounting process is applied within the conceptual framework of Generally Accepted Accounting Principles(GAAPs). GAAPs is used to descibe rules developed for the preparation of the financial statements and are called concepts , conventions ,postulates, principles etc. Accounting principles are basic norms and assumptions on which the whole accounting system has been developed and established
Entity Concept Money Measurement Concept Periodicity Concept Accrual Concept Matching Concept Going Concern Concept Cost Concept Realisation Concept Dual Aspect Concept Consistency Materiality
Purpose of Accounting
Systematic recording of transaction. Ascertainment of profit or loss Ascertainment of the financial position of the business. Providing information to the users for rational decision making.
Limitations of Accounting
Accounting is not fully exact. Accounting does not indicate the reliable value. Accounting ignores the qualitative elements. Accounting ignores the effect of price level changes. Accounting may lead to window dressing.
What is Book-keeping
Bookkeeping is the recording of financial transactions. Transactions include sales, purchases, income, and payments by an individual or organisation.
Types of Book-keeping
A transaction is either recorded in debit or in credit column of the same account
Single Entry
Double Entry
Two entries of each transaction are carried to ledger, one in debit column and other under credit heading.
Purpose of Book-keeping
(2) Base of accounting (3)Financial statement is not a part of this process (4) Managerial decisions cannot be taken (5) No sub-field
(4) Management takes decisions on the basis of these records (5) It has several sub-fields.
(6) Financial position of the business is ascertained on the basis of the accounting reports