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Easy to Understand, Great Exercises, Unbelievable Value

Get Going with


User Friendly

Simple Instructions

Easy Exercises

Clear Illustrations

Get going with the Internet
Torben Kjær
Translated from the German by Linda L. Gaus
© Copyright 2000 Author and KnowWare

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Table of Contents 3

What is the Internet? ............................................. 6 What are people searching for? .......................... 39
A brief history of the Internet................................ 7 Other search engines ........................................... 39
What can the Internet be used for?........................ 7 Google................................................................. 40
Myths..................................................................... 7 Northernlight....................................................... 40
How can I connect to the Internet? ....................... 8 FAST................................................................... 40
Computers ............................................................. 9 How many web sites are really out there? ......... 41
Developments........................................................ 9 Unpacking and installation ................................. 43
Web pages ........................................................... 10 WinZip ................................................................ 44
Web pages come from a web server.................... 10 Viruses ................................................................ 45
All web pages have an address............................ 11 The Internet Worm.............................................. 46
Computer addresses............................................. 11 Where are the files to download? ....................... 46
Guessing an address ............................................ 12 RealPlayer ........................................................... 47
Web sites ............................................................. 13 Radio on the net .................................................. 47
The Computer...................................................... 14 Shockwave .......................................................... 47
The connection to the Internet............................. 14 Quicktime............................................................ 47
The normal modem ............................................. 14 Adobe Acrobat Reader........................................ 47
ISDN modem....................................................... 15 Credit card numbers and security ....................... 48
Cable modems ..................................................... 15 Customs and import duties.................................. 48
ADSL-modem ..................................................... 15 Setting up your mail program ............................. 49
Fixed (dedicated) Internet access. ....................... 16 Your e-mail program........................................... 49
What should I choose? ........................................ 16 Sending an e-mail ............................................... 50
Internet service provider ..................................... 16 Receiving and answering mail ............................ 50
Dialer programs and Internet programs .............. 17 Off-line................................................................ 51
Manual Installation.............................................. 17 Foreign characters............................................... 51
On the net ............................................................ 18 The @ sign.......................................................... 51
Internet Explorer ................................................. 19 Signature ............................................................. 51
Netscape .............................................................. 19 Attached files ...................................................... 52
Where to find your browser ................................ 19 Smileys................................................................ 52
How to use your web browser............................. 19 E-mail and net etiquette (netiquette)................... 52
Toolbar ................................................................ 22 How can I find an e-mail address?...................... 53
Status line ............................................................ 22 Web-based e-mail ............................................... 53
Your browser remembers where it’s been........... 23 Here’s how to use Web-based e-mail ................. 54
Animations .......................................................... 24 Mood-trends on the net ....................................... 54
Frames: Several web pages at once..................... 24 A hierarchy of subjects ....................................... 55
Right click ........................................................... 25 Newsreader ......................................................... 55
Several windows simultaneously ........................ 25 Subscribing ......................................................... 56
Printing................................................................ 25 Threads................................................................ 56
Saving a web page............................................... 25 Using Newsgroups .............................................. 57
Problems.............................................................. 26 Joining in the discussion ..................................... 57
You cannot make a connection to the web How do you find the Newsgroups you are
server ................................................................ 26 interested in? .................................................... 58
The web site cannot be found.............................. 26 FAQ .................................................................... 58
File not found ...................................................... 26 Offline ................................................................. 58
The web page never downloads .......................... 26 Newsgroups and netiquette ................................. 58
The web page is downloaded very slowly .......... 26 Newsgroups and mailing lists ............................. 59
The best Web sites .............................................. 27 Webchat .............................................................. 60
Your First Surf-tour Around the Web................. 27 The Palace........................................................... 61
Use a web index: ................................................. 34 ICQ...................................................................... 61
Use a search engine when: .................................. 34 Gooey.................................................................. 61
Indexes ................................................................ 35 Private life........................................................... 63
Search engines..................................................... 36 Be critical ............................................................ 63
HotBot ................................................................. 36 How can it all be free? ........................................ 63
A simple search using HotBot............................. 36 Information overload .......................................... 63
Good advice ........................................................ 37 The Law .............................................................. 63
Changing the criteria used for search words ....... 38
More tips ............................................................. 38

© Torben Kjaer and knowware - 11-04-00

4 About this booklet

About this booklet

This is an introduction to the Internet. You can
read it even though you may be a complete be-
ginner, however, I assume that you feel comfort-
able using a computer. Although I am writing
about a Windows PC, most of the material here
will still be relevant if you have a Macintosh or
another type of computer. The illustrations in the
booklet are all from a PC running Windows 98.
Everything in the booklet was checked just be-
fore publication. But it is a fact that the Internet
changes so rapidly that some things may already
be out of date. You also have to remember that
this booklet describes many different programs,
which are often available in various versions,
constantly updated. So you will sometimes find
that what is written here does not exactly de-
scribe the program you are using. The examples
use the Internet Explorer 4.0 browser, but nearly
everything will work in the same way even
though you may be using another program.
If you have any comments on the booklet, I
would be very happy to hear from you. Maybe
you have found a section difficult to understand,
or you can suggest an improvement, or you have
found something that is out of date.

My address is [email protected].

You can reach the translator at

[email protected].

Enjoy your reading!

Torben Kjær

Thanks to friends and family who read through

the original manuscript and came to me with
comments and suggestions before publication.
You should also read the booklet Make the Most
Out of the Internet. It’s a kind of tour of the best
and most useful Web sites. In this booklet you’ll
learn more about how to use the World Wide
Web, which can provide inspiration for a more
fruitful use of the Internet.

© Torben Kjaer and knowware - 11-04-00

A quick Guide to the Internet 5

A Quick Guide to the Internet

This page gives you a short introduction to Once you know how to use your browser, then it is
what you can find in this booklet. If you are a time to learn how to use the different search en-
total beginner to the Internet, I would suggest gines and web indexes so you can find pages about
that you read the entire booklet from beginning the subjects you are interested in.
to end. But if you have begun to find your way Web indexes are easy to use directories of web
around, then you can see which sections you sites, categorised in a way that makes it easy to
will get the most out of. find what you are looking for. Read about web in-
The Internet is a global computer network of dexes on page 34.
thousands of other networks, all of which can Search engines are huge databases of millions of
communicate with each other. Computers that web pages. You can search through these databases
are directly connected to the Internet are called using search words, with the results presented as
servers, and they all have a unique address, links to all the web pages that fulfil your search
like or Read criteria. Page 27 shows you how to use search en-
more about the basics of the Internet on page 5 gines.
and about how Internet addresses are built up
and what they mean on page11. The Internet is much more than just the World
Wide Web. It is also e-mail, newsgroups, and chat.
You can get onto the Internet from your home
or work PC. Read how on page 14. An e-mail program is a program that can be used
to send and receive electronic mail. E-mail is just
There are two ways to access the Internet. Ei- as useful as the web, and can be used for lots and
ther you are on a local network that is attached lots of things. You can read all about e-mail pro-
to the Internet, this could be at work or at your grams and find some good e-mail tips from page 48
school or university. Or you dial into the Inter- onwards.
net using a modem and an Internet Service
Provider (ISP). To do this: A newsreader is a program used for reading and
writing articles on Usenet. Usenet is a collection of
• Buy a modem. Read about modems on thousands of what are called ‘Newsgroups’, which
page 14. are actually more like discussion or debating clubs,
• Choose an ISP (a company that sells ac- each of which concentrates on a particular subject.
cess to the Internet) Read about ISPs on Read about how to use newsgroups on page 55.
page 16. You can also talk (chat) with other Internet users.
• Set up your Internet connection. On page This can be done in huge, complicated, three di-
17 you can read how you do this if you use mensional worlds, or using simple text based pro-
Windows 95/98. grams. Read about chat on page 59.
And when you have done these things, the fun But no matter how fascinating you find the Inter-
begins. The World Wide Web (the web) is a net, don’t forget that technology has both its up
vast number (billions) of pages containing text, and down sides. Read some good advice, pause and
pictures, film, and sounds. These pages contain think about what you and others are doing, and
cross references to each other, so they are con- what they can find out about you, and form your
nected together like a gigantic spider’s web. own opinion on page 63.
You can read more about the web on page 9. And finally, on page 65, you can find a glossary
A web browser is a program that you use to with explanations of many of the technical terms
move around the web. Your web browser is you will encounter when you are learning about the
the most important program you will use on Internet, together with a list of country codes,
the Internet, and can do nearly everything you which are often part of e-mail and web page ad-
need. Read how to use your web browser on dresses.
page 19.

© Torben Kjaer and knowware - 11-04-00

6 What is the Internet?

What is the Internet?

The Internet is a global network of computers. ing so important that if they are put out of action
There are many different types of computers on the entire net stops. Even if part of the net stops
the Internet – PCs, Macintoshes, and others – and working, the rest can continue uninterrupted. All
many of these computers are parts of smaller communications simply find a way around the
networks, which are also just as varied. The In- damaged area.
ternet is based upon a common language that You will often hear that the Internet is nothing
allows all these computers to talk to each other. more than anarchy. In one way this is correct,
because there is no one institution that owns it,
but in practice a few institutions do control cer-
tain aspects of it. The owners of each individual
network, usually companies or Internet service
providers, make decisions about their own net-
works. So no one can make rules or regulations
for the entire Internet. But owners of individual
Local Net
networks can control their own part of the net.
But this does not count for very much, as it is
nearly impossible to check that these rules are
A server obeyed.
Even though the Internet really became a mass
A server
medium in the middle of the ‘90s, its roots go
back to the sixties. The initiative to set it up
came from the American defense establishment,
A server which started a research project with the aim of
linking different types of computer together in a
large network. The autumn of 1969 saw the first
two computers on two American university cam-
puses connected together. Slowly, more and
more computers were attached to the network. At
first there were few things the network could be
used for. A file could be moved from one com-
Local Net puter to another. As time went by, different ways
of using the net were invented. In the ‘90s the
Besides this common language, the Internet is use of the Internet has exploded. Now there are
actually no more than a huge collection of ca- millions of computers connected to the Internet,
bles, computers and software. These computers and new ways of exploiting it are being found all
are connected together in a continuous net. Most the time.
of the physical connections consist of optical Developments on the Internet go incredibly
cables or telephone lines that are either bought or quickly. As soon as a new or improved program
leased from telephone companies. In some cases is produced, it can be distributed around the
signals are transmitted via satellite links. world on the net in a flash. So it is quite usual
It is difficult to find the Internet in the physical that within a few months of the release of a new
world. Many of the connections are also used for program, it is in use by many millions of people.
other purposes, like ordinary voice telephone It has become normal practice that the even the
calls. And many of the computers are only at- best programs for using the Internet are free, or
tached to the Internet occasionally. The easiest can be tried out for a period without payment,
way to understand the Internet is to use it. before the user has to pay for them.
The Internet is a decentralized network of com-
puters or cables with no central connections be-

© Torben Kjaer and knowware - 11-04-00

What is the Internet? 7

A brief history of the Internet What can the Internet be used for?
At the beginning of the 1960s, an American re- Today there is a tidal wave of programs for the
searcher had already developed the theoretical Internet, which offer you innumerable ways of
basis for networking computers. Some years using it. So there is no ‘right’ way of using the
later, the Advanced Research Projects Agency, Internet, but many different ways, depending on
ARPA, a research institute of the American mi- your interests and needs. However, no one can
litary, developed such a computer network. In do without the two most important uses: e-mail
October 1969, two computers in two scientific and the World Wide Web. E-mail is electronic
institutes in the U.S. were connected with one mail between users of the Internet. The World
another. Wide Web is a huge collection of pages, all mu-
After a few months, two more computers were tually interconnected with each other. These
connected to this network, which was called the pages can contain text, pictures, films, sound and
ARPANet. In 1972 – when the network included much more. Using the web is a bit like flipping
23 computers – electronic mail, or e-mail, was through a huge book that has been written by
developed. At the end of the 1970s, the discus- millions of authors.
sion groups called newsgroups came into exi- As well as these two, there are many other op-
stence. tions. The Internet is home to many thousands of
Between the 1970s and 1983, the ARPANet was programs that users can fetch and use on their
connected to further networks. The large new own computers. The Internet also allows users to
network that resulted from these connections was talk to each other like an ordinary telephone, or
called the Internet since it connected several by using written messages. And it also contains
networks with one another. Also in this year, an ‘newsgroups’ where users can discuss (in writ-
address system was established that allowed ing!) many different subjects.
computers on the Internet to have names rather Because of all these different uses, the Internet
than the numbers by which they had previously can be perceived in many ways. Some may see it
been identified. as a huge library, in which they can wander
Gradually, more and more countries connected to around, others may think of it as an enormous
the Internet, and by 1988, more than 50,000 notice board, which lets them exchange mes-
computers were connected to this network. Until sages with the whole world. Or it can be seen as
this point, the Internet was used primarily by the a huge hard disk, full of free programs and files.
academic world. In 1989, an Englishman in- Or maybe it is an improvement on the postal
vented web pages, that is, pages on the World service, or the biggest shopping center the world
Wide Web. In 1993, a graphical web browser has ever seen!
was invented that allowed users to navigate ea-
sily from one place to another on the Internet. Myths
Thanks to this invention, more and more people
There are many myths about the Internet. The
outside of the academic world began to use the
biggest is that “the Internet is full of porno-
Internet – such as entrepreneurs the world over,
graphy, bomb making recipes and Nazi propa-
who set up web sites and used electronic mail.
ganda”. Nothing could be further from the truth.
At the beginning of the year 2000, there are more
By far the largest part of the Internet has nothing
than 200 million Internet users, and on the web
to do with pornography or propaganda, and, un-
it’s possible to find information of every kind,
less you are specifically looking for these things,
shopping opportunities, online games, old and
you will not find them. There is no reason to stay
new friends – or you can take advantage of in-
away from the Internet for this reason. But re-
vestment and banking capabilities, hear music
member that the Internet mirrors the interests of
and radio programs, see TV programs and films,
its users, and with over 100 million users spread
and much, much more.
around the world, it is obvious that you will find
things that you disagree with, find boring, or a
waste of time.

© Torben Kjaer and knowware - 11-04-00

8 What is the Internet?

Another myth is that ‘the Internet is owned by contain anything that other users can access. By
the USA’. It is correct that the Internet started in far the largest number of private Internet users
the USA, and that the American part of the In- are in this group.
ternet still dominates. But as a consequence of To use the Internet in this way, you need to at-
the decentralized nature of the Internet, it is im- tach a modem to your computer. A modem al-
possible for any country to ‘own’ the Internet. It lows a computer to communicate with another
consists of many networks, each of which is computer using the telephone system. Via your
owned by some country, company, or other or- modem you call your Internet service provider
ganization. So America cannot make rules for (ISP), which is a firm you have paid to give you
use of the Internet outside the American part of a connection to the Internet. If an ordinary tele-
it. phone does not give you a fast enough connec-
A third myth is that ‘all information on the Inter- tion, there are many other options: ISDN, ADSL,
net is available to everybody’. This is far from cable modems that connect via cable TV, satel-
the truth. There are masses of information that lite connections or even a permanent Internet
can only be retrieved if it is paid for, or if you connection. All of these give much better and
have permission to see it for some other reason. faster net access than is possible via an ordinary
And luckily, it is also a myth that “Internet users modem.
are all socially maladjusted and sad computer So there are many different ways to be ‘on the
freaks, with nothing better to do with their time.” Internet’. Some have a direct connection and of-
These days, men and women, old and young fer various services to users, while others con-
people are using the Internet. nect when they want to use it.

How can I connect to the Internet?

There are several different ways of being con- H eart of the Inte rne t!
nected to the Internet. At its heart are the com- co m pute rs w ith a
puters that offer some service or other to other pe rm anen t co nnection
Internet users. These computers are a permanent
part of the Internet. They are connected to the net
24 hours a day, so they can always be used.
These computers are called servers or hosts and uses the In terne t:
are usually owned by companies or organiza-
tions. Servers can contain web pages, transport co nne ct an s use se rcices fro m
the m ain part of the Inte rnet
electronic mail, or carry out a number of other


T he Interne t Internet p ro vider

O ther N ets
Nobody knows exactly how many people have
access to the Internet, but estimates set the figure
to be well over 100 million world-wide. Nearly
every country in the world can access the Inter-
M o dem net, and using a portable computer and satellite
You r C om pu ter
The majority of computers are not servers, but telephones, it is possible to access the net from
computers that are only connected to the Internet just about anywhere on earth. It has now become
when the user wishes. These computers do not normal for expeditions to Mount Everest to com-

© Torben Kjaer and knowware - 11-04-00

What is the Internet? 9

municate with the rest of the world via the Inter- What is the World Wide
Computers The World Wide Web (usually known as ‘the
All types of computer use the Internet: PCs, web’) is an enormous number of what are called
Macintoshes, UNIX machines, and many others. web pages, which are spread around thousands of
One of the best things about the Internet is ex- servers all over the Internet. These web pages
actly this, that it allows all these different types mainly contain text and pictures, but they can
of computer to talk to each other. There is usu- also contain sounds, films, animations and pro-
ally no great difference between being on the grams that can interact with the user.
Internet using a PC or another type of computer, The special feature of web pages is that they can
so this booklet will be of value for anyone who contain references to each other, which allow the
has an interest in the Internet. user to jump from one page to another, even
Most types of data available on the Internet can though the pages may be in completely different
be understood by all computers, no matter what physical locations around the world.
type they are. So there is no problem in sending When you follow such a reference - usually by
electronic mail between different types of com- clicking the mouse on the relevant place on the
puters, or seeing the same web pages on all types page - you jump to a new web page. This princi-
of machines. ple is called hypertext. References are called
links or Hyperlinks because they link web pages
Developments together.
Even though it has become much easier to be an
Internet user over the last couple of years, you To be able to use the web, you need a program
can still run into problems. Programs, standards, that can fetch web pages, display them, and al-
modems, and everything else change at such a low you to move from one page to another. This
speed that there are plenty of chances for some- type of program is called a Web browser or just a
thing to go wrong! browser (as it allows you to browse the web).
The Web browser must be installed on your own

S o und file
G raphic file

W e b page W e b page
w ith te xt and w ith te xt and
pictures pictures

W e b page F ilm file

W e b page
w ith te xt and w ith te xt and
pictures pictures

© Torben Kjaer and knowware - 11-04-00

10 What is the Internet?

When you work with your browser, it feels as • Web browser. The two most used browsers
though you are moving around the world visiting are Microsoft Internet Explorer and Netscape
web pages. In fact, it is not you going to the dif- Navigator. There are certain differences be-
ferent web pages, but them coming to you. Your tween these two browsers, which mean that a
browser is making sure that the web pages you web page does not appear the same in both.
want to see are brought to your computer where There can also be a huge difference between
they are displayed on your screen. the appearance of a web page in a new and an
The two most used web browsers are Netscape old version of a browser.
Navigator and Microsoft Internet Explorer. • Web browser accessories. There are certain
special accessories for browsers, called plug-
ins, which allow the browser to display spe-
Web pages cial types of file, which they otherwise could
There are more than 300 million web pages on not show. There can be a huge difference
the Internet that are distributed among hundreds between the appearance of a web page de-
of thousands of servers throughout the world. pending on which plug-ins the user has in-
Some of these web pages are rarely changed, if at stalled.
all, while others are updated continuously. Most
web pages display the same content to all users,
while others are altered for each situation or each Web pages come from a web server
user. When you tell your web browser to display a
A web site is a connected collection of web page, it connects to the web server containing
pages, all belonging to one particular company, that particular page. A web server is a computer
organization, or person. A web site always has containing web pages and a program that ad-
an entrance page, presenting the site and working ministers users’ access to them.
as a starting point for navigating around the The browser asks the server for a particular page,
pages on the site. This kind of entrance page is and if the server has that page, it is sent from the
usually called a home page. server to the browser. In technical terms, the web
Home page is also used in another sense: to des- browser downloads the web page. As the ele-
ignate the first page that a browser shows when it ments that make up the page (text, pictures and
starts up. This page, however, is more often, and so on) arrive at the browser, it displays them. As
properly, called the start page. soon as everything is collected, the connection to
the server is broken. If the user wants to see an-
A web page does not look the same for every
other web page on the same server, the browser
user. Its appearance depends upon:
connects again. Several users can collect the
• The user’s computer. The size of their screen same web page simultaneously without any
and the different options they have chosen problem.
can have a huge effect on the appearance of a
web page. Colors and objects like buttons and
text fields can appear different according to
whether the computer is a PC or a Macintosh.
• The preferences chosen in the web browser.
The user has a lot of control over how a web
page should be shown. They can choose be-
tween different colors and fonts (letter styles),
and specify that pictures should not be dis-
played. They can also alter the height and
width of the browser window, forcing the
web page to be displayed within these meas-

© Torben Kjaer and knowware - 11-04-00

What is the Internet? 11

All web pages have an address

To be able to see a particular web page, you have to be able to find it among the many millions of oth-
ers spread around the Internet. This is done using a Uniform Resource Locator (always abbreviated as
URL). As the name suggests, a URL is a standard way of describing the location of a particular re-
source (like the position of a web page). So a URL is an address. Here is an example of an address:
The first time you see a URL, it looks very confusing, but in fact it is built up very logically. It con-
tains the abbreviation http followed by the name of the computer containing the web page, and then
the name and location of the page.

This is the name of the protocol used to send the information between the server
http:// and your computer. A protocol is a set of rules specifying how communication
between computers should take place. Ordinary web pages are sent using Hy-
perText Transport Protocol, so most URLs start with the abbreviation http. The
name of the protocol is always followed by a colon and two slashes (//). As
nearly all addresses start with http://, it is often left out when an address is
given. It is unnecessary to include it when you type an address in most browsers.
The address of a web server. Most computers that have permanent access to the Internet -- so this includes web servers - have an address consisting of a number
of words, separated by full stops (called dots). In this case, the address of the
computer is See below for how the computer’s address is built
The position of the web page’s folder (directory) on the server. Names of folders
/gb/ are separated by slashes (not back-slashes as in DOS). In this case, the web page
is contained in a folder called gb. There is a difference between large and small
The file name of the web page. The .html extension shows that it is just an ordi-
login.html nary web page. Most web pages have either a .html or .htm. extension. This
stands for HyperText Mark-up Language and shows that the file is in that for-
mat. There is a difference between large and small letters, so login.html is
NOT the same file as Login.HTML.

Computer addresses
Computers with a direct connection to the Internet have an address consisting of two or more words or
abbreviations, separated by dots. In the URL shown above, the computer’s address looks like this:
Here are some more examples of addresses of computers:

© Torben Kjaer and knowware - 11-04-00

12 What is the Internet?

Addresses are read from left to right. The first part of the address is the name of the
www. particular computer. As many computers on the Internet are part of the World Wide
Web, it is very usual that they are called www, but there can also be other names, as
shown in the examples above.

The next part of the name shows which organization owns or operates the com-
lego. puter. There is usually only one part, but sometimes there are several parts, sepa-
rated by dots to localize the address still further.

The last part of an address is usually a country code., showing in which country the
com computer is. Here are some of the most common country codes:
dk Denmark at Austria
se Sweden no Norway
de Germany nz New Zealand
fr France jp Japan
fi Finland uk Great Britain
ca Canada kr Korea
au Australia ch Switzerland
You might imagine that the country code for the USA was us. And in some cases it
is, but in general another system is used in the USA. As the Internet was invented
in the USA, they do not feel that they need a country code. Instead they use a num-
ber of three letter extensions showing what type of organisation each computer be-
longs to.
com Commercial companies
edu Educational institutions, like universities.
gov The American government
mil The American military
org Non-profit organisations
net Organisations engaged in the maintenance of the Internet.
The com and org extensions are not limited to the USA, but can be used by anyone
who can afford to pay for them. So these addresses can actually be anywhere in the
world, even though the majority of them are American. There is also the extension
.int specifying an international organisation.

© Torben Kjaer and knowware - 11-04-00

What is the Internet? 13

Guessing an address
Even though web addresses can appear cryptic
at first glance, in practice they are very easy to Special Country Codes
work out. First, they always start with http:// so There are countries that have such practical
there is no need to remember that. And by far country codes that they can sell them to intere-
the majority of American and international sted parties for a tidy profit. In general, this
firms’ addresses follow the following pattern: applies to small, financially weak countries where the Internet is not used very much – but
they have a country code that in English or
So you can usually guess the address. IBM is another language has a particular meaning.
found at This applies, for example, to the Tonga Is-
Coca-cola is at lands, with their code .to – which allows the
Lego is at creation of addresses like or
In some cases, the www prefix is not – or to the tiny country Nuie in the South Sea -
necessary, as in - .nu is ideal for Scandinavian addresses like since it means “now.” If
Web sites you see web a address like this, it probably
doesn’t apply to a web site in that country, but
A web site is a collection of pages centred
to a web site that was registered there because
around a particular subject, company, organi-
of the meaningful name. Further countries that
sation, service or person. A web site can be
are trying to make money by selling their
many thousands of pages, or very few. The
country codes are Turkmenistan, with .tm – the
web pages are usually all located on one web
abbreviation for trademark – and Tuvalu, also
server, and there is always a home page. This
in the South Sea, with .tv.
home page is usually some sort of welcome,
perhaps containing a map of the entire web site
together with buttons or links to navigate
around the pages, and information on who
owns the site. The home page is usually the
page that is sent if you just type in the address
of the web server without giving a file name.
Some examples of web sites include Microsoft
at (, Buckingham pal-
ace (, and the web di-
rectory Yahoo (

© Torben Kjaer and knowware - 11-04-00

14 How to get on the Internet

How to get on the Internet

This section is for those readers who cannot ac- computer need to be changed into a type that can
cess the Internet yet. Setting up a working Inter- be transported over telephone lines. A normal
net connection may seem very complicated, but modem is also called an analog modem, in con-
it can be split up into a number of easy to under- trast to other types of modems that use digital
stand steps. technology, like the ISDN devices described be-
1. You should have a suitable computer, then: low.
2. Choose a method of connecting to the Inter- The connection with the Internet is activated
net: a normal modem, ISBN, cable modem, when your computer calls the telephone number
or DSL. of your Internet provider. This is how your
3. Choose a suitable Internet service provider. computer gets connected to the provider, which
4. Set up you Internet access. is immediately connected to the Internet.
Here is each step explained more fully: While you’re connected to the Internet, you can’t
use the telephone, since your modem is using the
The Computer telephone line. Also, nobody will be able to call
Of course the first thing you need is a computer,
like a PC or a Macintosh. In theory, you can ac- Modems come with different speeds, measured
cess the Internet with other types of computer, in BPS. A slower modem means a larger tele-
but in practice doing so is likely to be problem- phone bill for the same result.
atic as it will probably be difficult to find the 56.600 BPS modems are the fastest. If you are
appropriate software. buying a modem today, this is what you should
Ideally you should have a graphical user inter- get. Also make sure that it is a V90 modem.
face on your computer. For the PC this usually There used to be two standards for 56.6 modems,
means that you are using either Windows 95/98 K56Flex and X2. The new standard V90 is a
or 2000. As with everything else, the bigger and combination of these two types – and it’s now
faster your computer is the better, but you do not recognized internationally. You can get such a
have to have the newest and smartest machine. modem for relatively little money.
As long as it is powerful enough to run Win- 33.600 BPS modems and 28.800 BPS modems
dows, you will enjoy yourself roaming around are not such a good buy, but if you already have
the Internet. one, then you will find it fine to use. Modems at
this speed are a little slower than a 56.600 BPS
The connection to the Internet modem
You’ll need a device that can connect your com- 14.400 BPS-modems have not been sold for
puter to the Internet. This can be a normal mo- years, but maybe a friend who has upgraded has
dem or a so-called ISDN modem – both of these given you one. Sorry to say this, but the best
devices use the normal telephone connection. thing you can do is throw it away. A 56.600 BPS
But you could also use a so-called cable modem, modem will pay for itself in a matter of weeks in
which uses the TV cable network. Finally, there the form of a lower telephone bill.
is the DSL technology – in this case the telepho- There are two types of modem. An internal mo-
ne connection is specially configured so that it dem is an expansion card that is built into the
offers you a particular and extremely fast con- computer. An external modem is a small box that
nection to the Internet. sits next to your computer. Both types of modem
have a cable to a plug that should be put into the
The normal modem telephone socket in your wall.
A modem is a device that allows your computer External modem
to use the telephone system. A modem is an ab- If you do not want to muck around inside your
solute necessity because the signals from the computer, then it is best to buy an external mo-

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How to get on the Internet 15

dem. These have the advantage of portability; Internet. This type of connection is much faster
you can move them to another computer if you than either ordinary or ISDN modems, and no
want to. more expensive to use, even though it may be
The modem should be attached to your wall expensive to set up. If the service is available in
socket (the plug from your ordinary telephone your area, it is well worth investigating it.
can stay connected at the same time) and to the When you open your Internet connection, it runs
connection on the back of the computer that from your computer into the cable modem and
matches it (there should only be one). then over the cable network to the Internet pro-
A row of small lights on your modem keep you vider, whose concern is the further connection to
informed about what is happening with your the Internet.
connection. In fact, you will hardly ever need to Often, it’s the case that you won’t have to buy
see these, so your modem can be put under the the cable modem, but instead, you’ll rent it as
table or behind your monitor. part of your Internet subscription with the cable
Internal modem network provider.
An internal modem means fewer messy cables, The advantages of a cable modem are its high
but is more difficult to install. They are often a speed and the fact that it leaves your telephone
little cheaper than an external one. You will have connection free. The disadvantage is that you
to open your computer and plug the modem card must have a contract with a cable network pro-
into a free expansion socket. You only need con- vider; most of the time, there is a regional mo-
nect one cable, the one from the modem to the nopoly, so you’ll only be able to find one pro-
telephone socket on the wall. vider.
A normal modem has the advantage that it is There are also cable connections that only do the
cheap and can be used by everyone who has deed “halfway.” Here, you get data over the ca-
normal telephone service. Its disadvantage: it’s ble from the Internet, but you must send your
slower than the modem types described below, own data to the Internet using a normal modem.
and while you’re using it, you can’t use your This solution is not nearly as good as a true cable
telephone. solution, especially as it requires both normal
and cable modems. Don’t choose it unless you
ISDN modem really need a fast Internet connection and you
An ISDN modem is a piece of equipment which, don’t have any other choice.
if you have an ISDN subscription, can be an al-
ternative to an ordinary modem.
Using an ISDN modem and line gives you a
much faster Internet connection, and most sys- DSL (Digital Subscriber Line) is a new type of
tems also give you two telephone connections, so Internet connection, which is much faster than
you can still use your ordinary telephone to call either analog or ISDN. The DSL technology
out or receive calls while you are on the Internet. modifies the telephone connection so that it be-
comes a new kind of connection that can process
ISDN modems are more expensive than ordinary telephone calls and fast Internet connections si-
modems, and an ISDN telephone line costs more multaneously. A DSL connection requires a
than an ordinary (analogue) line. special DSL modem.
Not everyone can use DSL. In general, only
Cable modems customers who don’t live too far from the central
More and more cable TV companies are offering telephone station can use it. It’s unlikely, there-
Internet access via the cable that brings your TV fore, that you’ll find DSL connections in rural
signal into the house and a cable modem, which areas.
connects your PC to this cable. Your cable-TV There are different versions of DSL connections:
signal has nothing to do with your telephone line, ADSL (Asynchronous Digital Subscriber Line),
so you can call in and out while you are on the SDSL, HDSL, etc. However, the details are not

© Torben Kjaer and knowware - 11-04-00

16 How to get on the Internet

so important – what’s important is which prod- nearly all of the advantages of a dedicated con-
ucts are available where you live. Sometimes, nection.
these technologies are called xDSL – the x sig-
nifies that you’re talking about one of these
many different technologies. What should I choose?
For most people, the choice is simpler than it
A DSL connection means a very fast connection
might seem from what you have just read. In
from the Internet to your computer, but often, the
practice, the majority of people can only choose
connection from your computer to the net is
between an ordinary, analog modem or ISDN.
somewhat slower. This is not so important as you
ISDN is better, but a little more expensive.
might think, as most of the traffic is from the net
If you surf the net a lot, ISDN is a good choice.
to your computer.
The third alternative is a cable modem, and if
In contrast to the other types of connections, a this option is available in your area, then use it. It
DSL connection is permanent. That is, you’re on is may be slightly more expensive to set up than
the net as soon as you turn your computer on – analog or ISDN, but it is much better to use.
you don’t have to dial up an access provider.
At the time of writing a dedicated line is not a
There are no further telephone charges, but for
realistic alternative for individual users, but this
that, the DSL subscription is quite expensive.
could easily change, so keep your eye on the
It’s also possible that there will be a charge for
traffic over and above a certain limit – whatever
goes over that limit must be paid for separately.
So if you fetch many programs or a lot of film Internet service provider
and music files from the Internet, your usage will
The next step is an Internet account with an In-
probably drive up the subscription charge.
ternet service provider (ISP). An Internet account
DSL has the advantages that whenever your is like your telephone account: you pay a firm to
computer is turned on, you’re on the Internet, provide you with a connection to the Internet,
and you don’t have to pay any telephone just as you pay a telephone company to provide
charges. The disadvantages are that it may not you with a telephone connection.
be offered where you live, and installation and
Today, there are many ISPs, which can vary sig-
subscription charges tend to be quite high.
nificantly in price and quality.
If you’re using a cable modem, you probably
Fixed (dedicated) Internet access.
won’t have a choice between various providers –
The best Internet connection is a fixed or dedi- in this case, the local cable company is the only
cated line. Instead of using the telephone or TV possible provider. The question then is whether
cable, you install a cable that connects you di- it’s worth the price.
rectly to the Internet. You never have to ‘connect
to the Internet’; as soon as you switch on your If you’re using DSL, then your computer is per-
computer you are on. This is the type of Internet manently connected to the Internet – at least
connection most businesses use. There are no whenever it’s turned on. Only a few providers
charges per minute, nor any hassle with using the offer this type of connection – so a price com-
telephone at the same time. parison shouldn’t be too difficult. When making
your decision, consider the subscription price,
If you forget about the price, there is no doubt connection speed, and potential restrictions on
that a dedicated line is better than any other al- data traffic.
ternative. Unfortunately, such lines are usually
very expensive, both to set up and in monthly If you’re using a normal modem or ISDN, then
charges, so usually only commercial operations you have many possibilities to choose from –
can afford them. beware, it’s a jungle out there!
Individual users are better off with a DSL con- A number of ISPs are also telephone companies,
nection – if they can get one – since it offers and use their own lines for Internet access, so
you use them instead of your usual telephone

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How to get on the Internet 17

company. In practice this means that you use a layer between the net and the Internet programs
special number prefix in front of the number you you use while you are connected to the net.
call for your Internet access. You pay a special T H E IN T E R N E T
‘Internet’ minute charge for use of the line, and
get a bill from your ISP instead of the telephone
company. This charge is usually lower than the
price your ordinary telephone company would
D ialler program
have charged you for the same amount of tele-
phone usage.
Some ISPs offer you totally free Internet access.
But then you have to use their lines to call up M ail C hat
W eb N ew s
the Internet. This is actually an excellent way of Program B row ser R eader Program
doing things for some people. It costs you noth-
ing to get going, you can change your ISP any In general, you set up your Internet connection
time you like, and you have only paid for the by activating an installation program that came
time you have actually spent on the net. from your provider and entering some informa-
The price is not the only thing to be taken into tion from a letter that your provider sent you –
consideration. It is also a good idea to see what which might well have come with the CD.
your subscription includes. Does your ISP sup- Manual Installation
ply any programs? Is there a manual? Is there If you didn’t get such an installation program,
telephone support? If you do not already have a you can perform the installation manually.
modem, it can be a good idea to buy a package
If the dialer program is to fulfil its task, you’ll
that includes modem, Internet account and a pro-
need some information from your ISP. Here’s
gram pack. And it is always a good idea to ask
the information you’ll need:
others about the experiences they have had with
their ISP. Some have too few modems and a low
capacity, making it difficult to connect to them, • Your ISP’s telephone number; the number
and slow to use the Internet when you eventually your dialer should ring to access the Internet.
do get through.
• Your user name. This is the name used to
identify you from all the other customers
Dialer programs and Internet using the same ISP.
programs • Your password. A password is a code, not
Internet programs are the programs you use necessarily a word, which proves to your ISP
when you are on the Internet, like your browser that you really are the person you say you
which you use to look at web pages, and your e- are. In fact it protects you more than anyone
mail program which you use to read your e-mail. else, as it stops others from calling up and
identifying themselves as you by giving your
If you have Windows 98, 95, or 2000, then you
user name. So your password should be kept
probably already have all the programs you need
secret (but make sure you can remember it).
to get going. Your ISP may also give you a CD-
ROM with some of the same programs. When And that should be enough for now. All this in-
you need other programs, you can find them formation should be in a letter from your ISP. If
yourself on the Internet, and download them to it is not, call their support line and ask.
your own computer. In some cases, you may find that you need a little
more information from your ISP before your
The dialer program is a program that calls up
dialer will work, but we will come back to that
over the telephone lines and connects to your
ISP. The program looks after all communications
between you and the Internet, and sits like a The first time you use the Internet, you will have
to create a special file containing a few details

© Torben Kjaer and knowware - 11-04-00

18 How to get on the Internet

about your Internet connection. If you are run-

ning under Windows 95/98, here’s what you do:
1. Double Click on the ‘My Computer’ icon on
your desktop.
2. Double Click ‘Dial up Net-
working’ icon.
3. Double Click ‘Make New
4. Give your connection a name.
Call it the name of your ISP.

Wait for 10-15 seconds and then you will see a

message saying you are connected. You will
probably have heard your modem dial out and
talk to the ISP’s computer with some particularly
noisy whistling sounds. Don’t worry, as soon as
your connection is secure it all goes quiet. You
will not need to use your dialer again this ses-
5. Enter the name of your ISP. If you use their sion.
special lines as well, don’t forget to add any Now that you are online, you can use your other
prefix in front of the telephone number. Internet programs, like you web browser or mail
There is no need to use the ‘area code’ field, program.
Windows is produced in the USA, and works Some dialers start automatically when you acti-
best with European telephone numbers if you vate another Internet program, like your e-mail
enter the entire number in one field. program or browser. In other words, you do not
have to start your dialer when you want to go
onto the Internet, you just start the program you
want to use. But if this is the case, you should
always remember to disconnect from your ISP
when you are finished. Remember that there is
no problem in using several different Internet
programs while you are connected.
While you are connected, you will be paying
6. Click Next and then Finish. ordinary telephone charges to your telephone
That’s it! Your Internet con- company or ISP. How much this is depends en-
nection is now ready to use. tirely on who your telephone company, or ISP,
But there are ways to save. Choose the cheapest
telephone company available if you live in a
On the net country where there is a choice. Investigate all
Now you are ready to get onto the Internet. Start the different special offers and reductions avail-
your dialer program by double clicking on the able (often going under names like ‘friends and
icon. A dialog box appears where you should family’ or ‘favorite numbers’). If you use the
enter your user name and password: Internet a lot, a few cents a minute reduction can
quickly save you a lot of money.

© Torben Kjaer and knowware - 11-04-00

The Web browser 19

The Web browser

You need to use a web browser to be able to Where to find your browser
move around the web. There are many different You should get a web browser from your ISP
web browsers, but the two most common are when you open an account. One might also have
Netscape Navigator (referred to simply as been installed on your computer when you
Netscape) and Microsoft Internet Explorer (just bought it. But if that was the case, it is probable
called Internet Explorer, to differentiate it from that it was an older version, no matter which
Explorer, the file manager in Windows95). In browser it was. You can start by using the
this booklet, I am using Internet Explorer 4.0, browser you have, but when you have read the
and the illustrations come from that program. section on retrieving files from the net you can
If you use Netscape, there will be some differ- find the newest version from both developers at
ences in the menu names and other details, but in the following web addresses:
general things will be the same. I would suggest
that you use the newest version, whichever
browser you use.
Internet Explorer
At the time of writing, the newest version is
called Microsoft Internet Explorer 5.0 and it is How to use your web browser
available in most languages. (Note there is both The purpose of a web browser is to display web
an American English and international English pages and allow you to jump between them.
version). You can choose from among several There are no real differences between the way
versions: one contains the browser alone, a stan- different web browsers work. Some have more
dard version also includes an e-mail program, or options than others, but the general principles are
there is a full version, which is bundled with a the same. These principles are described on the
number of extra programs. next few pages.
The Windows 95/98 version is not just a web
browser – it changes the way you manage your
files. I will not be writing about this function in
this booklet, however.

The latest version of Netscape is called Netscape
Navigator 4.0, which has also been released in
several different languages. The program is
found in a full version (Communicator), which
includes e-mail and several other programs. It
can also be found as a simple browser
Even Communicator can now be used free by

© Torben Kjaer and knowware - 11-04-00

20 The Web browser

The title bar shows the name of the web page

you are on. (here Yahoo!)
The File menu is used to save the page to your
own hard disk, print it out, etc.
1. The button bar, full of useful buttons which
should be used regularly.
2. The address field displays the URL for the
page you are on. You can see where you are, and
often guess your way to more information. You
can also type an address in this field and press
Enter. Your browser will then download the page
you have asked for.
(optional) A hyperlinks bar starts off containing
a number of buttons to web pages which the
browser developer 'recommends'. But these can
be altered to point to pages you want, letting you
jump to them with a single click.
The page itself is displayed in the big window
(this illustration is of the popular web directory
Yahoo). Web pages can contain text, graphics,
films, sound, buttons, text fields and much more.
The words which are hyperlinks are in blue and
are underlined, and as you move your mouse
over a link the pointer changes to a hand. A link
poiting to a page which you have already seen
will be in lilac, not blue. This simple change
shows you where you have been.
The key symbol (not shown in the picture) shows
the security status of the document. Most docu-
ments have a broken key symbol, showing that
they are not especially secure.
3. The status line shows what the program is do-
ing, whether it is looking for a server, downloa-
ding a web page and so on. When you point at a
link using the mouse it displays the URL the link
points to. You can see if the link is on the same
web site or somewhere else in the world. The
URL and name of the file can often suggest what
the page is about.

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The Web browser 21

The mouse lets you choose any link in a docu-

ment and click on it. Most underlined words are
links, but pictures can also be links. You can see
this if the mouse pointer changes to a hand when
moving over them.

6. The browser icon shows whether the browser

is downloading a web page. When it is moving, a
web page is being transported to your computer.
When it is still, the browser is finished.

5. If the web page is larger than the window can

display you can scroll up and down or to left and
right. You can also change the window's size.
The text in the web page will automatically ad-
juct itself to the window’s size.

© Torben Kjaer and knowware - 11-04-00

22 The Web browser

The buttons on the toolbar are for regularly used functions. Those you will click on most are:

Your web browser remembers which web pages you have visited. A click
on Back jumps back to the previous web page displayed. Even though
you may have visited hundreds of web pages, your browser remembers
all of them, so you can click all the way back to your start page, the very
first page you opened when you started the session. Forward lets you
jump forward again.

A click on Home takes you back to the system’s home page, the web page the web
browser started with. You can make your own choice of which page you want as a home
page. Do this in Internet Explorer by opening the page you want, then clicking on
View|Internet options|General and clicking on the Use current button.

A home page should be a good jumping off point for exploring the web. As a default,
most browsers are set to a page chosen by your ISP or the company that produced the
browser (Netscape or Microsoft). It will usually be an advantage for you to find another
start page, either one that covers your interests, or a good web index (read about web in-
dexes and search machines on page 27).

When you click on Reload, your web browser will download the current page again.
You can use this function if the page has not been displayed correctly the first time.
(maybe something went wrong during the download, or you pressed Stop before the page
was completely downloaded.)

Stop is used to stop the browser downloading any more of a page. Maybe you have
changed your mind about following that particular link, or it is downloading so slowly
that you cannot be bothered to wait any longer. When you stop downloading, the browser
displays everything it has managed to get. You can follow the links on that part of the
page you have, even though it is not complete. You can also use Back instead of Stop,
which will stop the download and return to the previous page simultaneously.

Status line
While your browser is busy downloading a web can use this information to work out where in the
page, there is lots of activity in the status line at download process the browser is.
the bottom of the browser window. It is here that When you move the mouse pointer over a link on
the browser tells you that it is finding the web a web page, you can see what address it points to
server, then that it has found it and is connecting on the status line. This will show you if it is an
to it, and that it is downloading the web page you internal link on the same web site, or a link to
have requested. You do not need to keep an eye another web site.
on what the browser is doing, but as you become
more and more used to using your browser, you

© Torben Kjaer and knowware - 11-04-00

The Web browser 23

Your browser remembers where it’s been after which the text returns to blue. These are
The browser remembers all the pages you have the default colors – but many web sites change
visited since you opened it. These web pages are them so that they match the web site design bet-
like beads on a necklace, which you can work ter.
your way back along by pressing the Back but- When the browser is closed and re-opened, it
ton: starts afresh and you cannot use the Back or
Forward buttons, or the File menu to visit pages
you visited last time you used your browser.
However, it still remembers the pages you have
visited. You can see a list of all the pages you
have visited over the last 20 days by clicking on
S tart the History button. This list shows every single
page you have visited over this period, including
If you want to return to a web page a long way those shown in grey in the drawing above.
back in the chain, you do not have to use the The pages are sorted in the date order you last
Back button. Instead you can choose the File visited them, and you can go to any of them by
menu. This menu lists web pages in the order double clicking on its entry in the list.
you visited them. You can return directly to one
of these pages by clicking on the title. You can
also return directly to your start page by clicking Your favorite pages
on the Home button. If you want to be sure that you can return to a
But unfortunately, this list of web pages is in- web page after it has been deleted from the list of
complete. The browser only remembers the di- visited pages, you need to add it to your personal
rect path from your current page to your start list of favorite pages. When this is done, your
page. If you have used the Back button and then browser will remember the web page’s address
moved off in a different direction (by following a and title, so you can click your way to it at any
link or typing in a new address), then the pages time without having to remember its address.
you visited during your diversion will not be in- The web browser never deletes your list of fa-
cluded on the File menu and you cannot return to vourite pages.
them by using the Back button. The drawing When you are at a web page you want to add to
illustrates two pages (marked in grey) that can no your favorites, choose the Favorites menu, and
longer be reached using the File menu or the choose Add to favorites.
Back button, because the user has moved in an- In the dialog box, choose ‘No, only add page to
other direction. Favorites’. The title of the relevant web page
will then be added to a menu that you can dis-
play by clicking on the Favorite button again.
Click on the title of the web page to go to it.
The list can be edited by choosing Favorites|
Organize Favorites: This lets you delete an en-
try, change its name, create folders containing
web pages dealing with the same subject, etc.
By default, your browser shows all links on a etc. Your most visited web pages should be put
page in blue. If you have followed a link, the in the Quick links folder, which is already on
blue text will change to lilac, not only on the web your favorites menu. These favorites will then
page you came from, but on all web pages con- appear as buttons on the Quick links bar, so you
taining a link to that page. This is a quick way to can jump to these pages with a single click.
see if you have already visited a page that a link It is a good idea to use this option regularly
is pointing to. The browser remembers the pages while you are surfing around the web. ‘Add to
you have visited for a certain number of days, Favourites’ every time you arrive at somewhere

© Torben Kjaer and knowware - 11-04-00

24 The Web browser

you might want to return to. Better to have too the web site and an advertising banner. On the
many entries on this list than too few. You can left, there will be a frame with a menu, and on
always delete them again. When the list has be- the right, there will be a frame with the actual
come too long to manage, divide it up into fold- content.
ers. Even though there may be several frames on
screen, there is still only one address in the ad-
Pictures dress field. If you add a frame-based page to
Pictures on a web page can be links, just like your favorites list, it is not certain that exactly
text. In some cases, the entire picture can be the the web page you are displaying will be added.
link; in other cases, a picture can contain many Instead, you can add the frame on its own by
different links. right-clicking within its frame and choosing Add
to favorites -- though this means that the other
If you want to save a picture on your own com-
frames will not be included.
puter, right-click (Macintosh: Hold the mouse
button down a couple of seconds), then choose If you print a page using frames, you should
SAVE PICTURE AS... specify whether you want to print out the page as
it appears on the screen, or if you want to print
Animations out each frame separately (this is only possible
Web sites can contain so-called animations, that with some browsers).
is, short cartoons or pictures that move. Such
effects are often used in advertising, in order to Java: Programs in a web page
make it stand out. Often this is irritating, so you Java is a programming language used to write
can shut off the animations: choose small programs to be included in a web page.
TOOLS|INTERNET OPTIONS|ADVANCED and re- Yes, a web page can contain programs (called
move the checkmark next to PLAY ANIMATIONS. applets), just like it can contain pictures and
Now the animation will appear as a single pictu- forms. Using Java, a web page can contain
re, and most of the time you’ll be missing abso- games, animations, it can let you draw pictures
lutely nothing by doing this. If you find a web in it, or do many other things. The program is
site with an animation that you’d like to see, go run by the web browser on your own computer.
ahead and reactivate the animation feature; doing You need to be a little patient, as it can take sev-
so doesn’t take long at all. eral seconds for a Java applet to start after a web
Perhaps the most famous animation on the Inter- page has been downloaded. Badly written applets
net is at can crash your computer, but the developers of
Java maintain that it is impossible for them to
Frames: Several web pages at once contain viruses.
On some web sites you will see that your screen
is divided up into several sections (called
frames), each of which can contain its own web Some web pages contain what are called Forms.
page with its own scrollbar. Frames make it pos- These contain text fields that can be filled out
sible to produce more complicated web pages. after clicking on them. You can press buttons,
For example, there can be a small window con- click on drop-down menus and so on, and so
taining a contents page and a large window for send information to a web server. In this way, a
displaying the web pages themselves. web page can be used for two-way communica-
tion. You can send your address, a comment
By clicking on buttons in the contents page, you about the web page, the number of your credit
can move around several web pages in the large card, a search term, or a chess move. Depending
window, while the small contents window stays on how the form has been set up, you can type
the same. text into fields, put checkmarks into check boxes,
Pages that contain frames often look as follows: and make choices from a drop down menu. Here
at the top, there will be a frame with the logo of is a form from the Yahoo web index:

© Torben Kjaer and knowware - 11-04-00

The Web browser 25

slow-opening web page in another window.

There is no need to waste time waiting for a page
if you can do something else while it comes
After filling in a form, you will usually need to
press a button to send the information. Some- Only your own ability to maintain an overview
times you can send the form simply by pressing sets a limit to the number of web sites you have
your Enter key. open.

It is not the web page itself that receives your If you want to follow a link, you can do that in a
input, but a program on the web server contain- new window by right-clicking and choosing
ing the page. The program can react to your in- OPEN LINK IN NEW WINDOW. Then you can
put and send a new page as an answer, which follow the link and hold open – and continue to
could be a page containing the results of your read – the page from which you just jumped.
Of course, it is only on your screen that the form Printing
is filled in. Even though others may have down- You can print out a web page by choosing
loaded the same web page at the same time, they FILE|PRINT. A web page can easily cover many
get an empty form! paper pages, and you cannot see how many be-
fore you start. If there are frames on the page,
If you send a form, you will normally be shown a
you can choose whether to print out all frames
warning. This is to tell you that anything you
separately or just the screen picture as you see it
send could fall into the wrong hands. This is very
on your screen.
rarely a problem, but if you send personal infor-
mation or credit card details it is worth consid- Before printing, however, you should consider
ering. whether printing is really necessary. People who
are new to the Internet may reflexively print out
Right click just about everything since they’re so used to
When you click with the right hand mouse but- reading printed material. But often, printing is
ton (on the Macintosh you should hold the unnecessary – the web site will still be there the
mouse button down for about a second) on a web next time you click to it. Perhaps it has even
page, a small menu is displayed. Use this menu been updated – so it’s even more useful.
frequently, since it includes shortcuts to many Indeed, in some circumstances it’s best to print
useful commands, some of which can only be just one page: if you need a receipt for a pur-
accessed with it. chase, for example, or a user name or other in-
Most of the menu items are only relevant if you formation that you’ll need later on.
click on a picture or a Hyperlink. Instead of
Saving a web page
jumping to a link, you can add it to your favor-
ites list, for example. This is very practical if you It is possible to save the text of a web page on
find an interesting link but you do not have time your own hard disk. Whether you will save only
to see what it contains because you are busy do- the text – or pictures and other elements too – is
ing something else. This right-button menu also up to you
lets you save a picture to your hard disk. Many times it is more practical to add a book-
mark so you can return to the page later or to put
Several windows simultaneously the page in your favorites list – this way, you can
If you choose File|New|Window a new browser activate the page quickly when you want to see it
window opens displaying your start page. This again. But sometimes it is better to have a copy
new window is totally independent of the other on your own computer; maybe the page contains
browser windows, so you can work in several a very long text that you would rather read off-
windows simultaneously. You can read some line, or it contains information that you want to
text in one window, while you are downloading a refer to often without continually going onto the

© Torben Kjaer and knowware - 11-04-00

26 The Web browser

A page is saved by choosing FILE|SAVE AS… Let’s assume that we’re trying to find out some-
Give the file a name and choose whether to save thing about the Danish Princess Alexandra –
it as an HTML file, or a text file. You should hopefully you speak Danish. If the incorrect
choose HTML if you want to save as much of its URL is:
layout as possible.
ml, then start by typing:
in the address field. If this still does not give re-
From time to time, something goes wrong when
sults, then try:
you try to download a web page by following a
link or typing an address in an address field. and see if you can find the page you want from
Here are some of the most common problems: this first page.
You cannot make a connection to the The web page never downloads
web server
It sometimes happens that the browser never
Every time you ask your web browser to down- manages to completely download a page. Even
load a web page, you start a complicated process though the browser icon shows that there is ac-
that can involve several different computers be- tivity, it appears to have frozen. Something or
tween your own and the web server. It is not al- other has gone wrong and in all probability
ways possible to make a connection on the first nothing will happen no matter how long you
try and you just end up with an error message. wait. Click on RELOAD to start again.
The first time this happens you should not just
accept it, but try again (by clicking on the link The web page is downloaded very slowly
again or typing in the address a second time). The server could be overloaded because too
In many cases this is enough and you will con- many people are trying to access it at once. You
nect the second time. If you have tried several will either have to accept the low speed or try
times and still nothing happens, it could well be again later.
that the web site does not exist. New Web sites that are repeatedly mentioned in
The web site cannot be found the media are often hard to access at the begin-
You have either typed in an address that does not ning because of the number of curious people
exist, or followed a link to a web server that does whose browser requests are overloading the
not exist (like www.non-existant- server in question. It can also be that you have made Web pages containing many pictures take a long
a mistake in the address – a single incorrect time to download. You can tell you browser not
character is enough to stop your browser from to download the pictures.
finding the web site.
You can click on BACK or follow another link
File not found even though the page is not completely down-
loaded. This speeds up your surfing.
The computer can be found, but either the path
or the file name is incorrect. Maybe you have
made a mistake in the URL or have used large or
small letters in the wrong places.
It is not certain, however, that the mistake is your
fault. Maybe the web page has moved or
changed its name. If the web page can still be
found on the same server, you might be able to
find it by removing parts of the URL until you
find a page that can be used.

© Torben Kjaer and knowware - 11-04-00

The best Web sites

The best Web sites

The most-visited web sites on the Internet are
sought out by millions of visitors daily. Natu- Netscape produces Netscape Navigator, the
rally a list of such sites changes constantly, but a browser of choice for many Internet users.
snapshot of such a list could look like this:
Go is a portal like Yahoo. It offers an index of
Yahoo is a so-called portal, and as such, it is a web sites as well as a search function, shopping
good starting point if you’re searching for infor- opportunities, and much more.
mation on the Internet. Most importantly, it pro-
vides an overview of the contents of web sites;
however, you’ll also find news, reference works,
and much more. This site is one of the most vis- In the mid-1990s, Amazon opened as an Internet
ited web site in the world, with many millions of bookstore. Today, you can also shop for music,
visitors each day. In any given month, more than videos, toys, and other things too.
35 million curious people check out Yahoo, is probably the most famous “department store”
some daily. on the Internet – but despite its millions of cu-
stomers, it still hasn’t turned a profit.
AOL (America Online) is the largest Internet
provider in the USA – which is why many peo- Many web sites request that the user enter their
ple use this site as a starting point for their expe- name, address, and other information, for ex-
ditions on the net. ample when they want to buy something or
subscribe to a service of some kind. But typing
and re-typing this information gets annoying af-
ter a while. Passport allows you to register once,
MSN stands for Microsoft Network, the attempt then you can use it to supply information to
by the software giant Microsoft to establish a many different web sites.
web site with many and various offers for users
of the Internet.
Hotmail is a web-oriented e-mail service – here
you can receive and send e-mail. This means
Microsoft’s own company web site. that many millions of people visit this web site
multiple times a day. Many people even use HotMail as their only web site.
Geocities offers free web sites for individual In-
ternet users. Here you’ll find a nearly over-
whelming selection of web sites on all possible –
and some impossible – topics, which is what ma-
kes this web site one of the most-visited places
on the Internet.

© Torben Kjaer and knowware - 11-04-00

28 Your First Surf-tour

Your First Surf-tour

As a beginner on the Internet, it often feels very confusing when you go surfing around on the web.
You end up asking yourself, is this where everyone else is visiting? Where is something exciting hap-
So here is a surf tour I have put together, which will take you around a number of typical web sites.
Large and small, popular and specialized, useful and useless, mainly English language, with some oth-
ers as well. Jump on board and let’s go!
Yahoo is the most visited web site in the world, with many
millions of visitors each day. The two students who started it
are now multimillionaires – in US Dollars. Try moving down
the interesting categories you can find in the index. You can
find some very special things there, for instance there are 10
sites about air sickness bags. Yahoo is described in far more
detail in the section about searching the Internet on page 34.
This web auction house lets you browse around just like in a real garage sale, and if you find anything
interesting, you can put in a bid. You can also ask the seller questions, or see who else has bid on
While I am writing this, ebay is advertising that it has 1,512,205 different
things on sale. One of them is a red 1959 Cadillac, starting bid set at
US$10,200. Another is a football, autographed by O.J. Simpson; the
starting price was US$149, but bids are already up to US$177. And there
are three days of bidding left, so the price will almost certainly go up a
long way yet.
There are also a whole load of more ordinary things for sale, with prices
starting as low as US$1. Before trying ebay out, spend some time soaking
up the atmosphere on the site; it is a bit special. Learn the terms people
use there, and remember, there are swindlers on the net too!
Memepool is what is called a Weblog, which is a page full of
links to news, new web sites, and other very exciting places
you never would otherwise have found, all updated daily.
Weblogs are usually run by one or two people for interest’s
sake, and not commercially, which means you don’t have to
sit and look at all the advertisements that plague other sites.
But this does mean that they are very individual, so you will
get the most out of a Weblog if you share some of the editor’s
interests. Weblogs are usually formatted as a single, long
page, where new links are added to the top as the editor finds
them. There may also be a few personal comments added, or
short excerpts from other web sites.

© Torben Kjaer and knowware - 11-04-00

Your First Surf-tour 29
Amazon is one of the most successful web shopping
sites. They have now become the biggest book shop in
the world, and many say they are the best on the net. If
you want to buy from them, and live in Europe, then it
is advantageous to jump to the British branch, at The books may appear slightly
more expensive, but you do not pay tax on them when
they are delivered – there is no tax on books in the UK
– postage charges are much lower, and delivery times
much shorter.
Geocities is not a web site, but many millions of web
sites in one place. This is because Geocities allows any
individual Internet user to set up their own little web
site, totally free. In return, Geocities adds an advertise-
ment on each and every web page. Web sites at Geoci-
ties are divided up into ‘countries’ and ‘worlds’ ac-
cording to their contents. If you are interested in sci-
ence fiction, for example, then try visiting some of the
web sites in Area 51. If romantic poetry is more your
line, then visit Paris.
PC Webopaedia is a very useful encyclopedia and dictionary of com-
puter and Internet terms. You can look up words and find explanations
and links to relevant web sites. There is also a list of new words, and
the most looked up words.
So if you don’t understand a word like granularity, or a phrase like
‘blue screen of death’, then just look it up at PC Webopaedia.
Even if you are not interested in buying a Swatch watch, this
site is still worth a visit. It looks beautiful, and is an excellent
example of a company that uses the Internet as a showcase
for their goods.
While you are there, check out Swatch’s attempt to change
the way we measure time. The clock divides the day into
1,000 equal parts, going from 0 to 1,000 between one mid-
night and the next, and the time is the same everywhere in the
world. A crazy advertising stunt – or a brilliant idea that will
take over the world? Indeed, many Internet users think this is
the way time will be measured in the future, and have placed clocks showing the time in ‘swatch-
beats’ on their web sites.

© Torben Kjaer and knowware - 11-04-00

30 Your First Surf-tour
This is the publisher’s own web site. Check it out and see if
there are other booklets that interest you. You can see how many
countries KnowWare booklets are published in. And did you
know that this booklet has already appeared in Denmark, Ger-
many, Brazil, Portugal, and Finland?
Here you’ll also find a link to the publisher’s international web
site, where you can, for example, download parts of the English
versions of our booklets for free.
The Drudge Report is a famous American web site.
It specializes in gossip and rumor. Matt Drudge is
famous for publishing everything, whether or not it
later turns out to be true. And sometimes he hits a
bullseye. For example, the Drudge Report was the
first to write about Monica Lewinsky. There were
others who knew about the case, but they kept it
secret, while Matt Drudge just went ahead and pub-
The site is also interesting as it is laid out in its own
unique graphic style, which distinguishes it from
most other large web sites.
The people behind The Mining Company came up with a good idea:
When there are so many enthusiastic and clever people setting up excel-
lent web sites about their interests or hobbies, why not gather them all
into one place, add some advertisements, then share the money between
The Mining Company and the people running the web sites themselves.
In this way, The Mining Company could ‘mine’ the best private hobby
and special interest web sites and put them together into a comprehensive
reference system. The idea worked, and now The Mining Company has a
site with sub-sites covering everything from Java programming to paint-
ing on Porcelain.
Yes, a Russian index page with links to lots of Russian
pages. What sort of web sites they are, I can’t tell you, as
I don’t understand Russian, but once in a while it is inter-
esting to see web sites written in a foreign language, or
using a foreign alphabet. Unlike Asian web sites, which
cannot be displayed unless you have the proper character
set installed on your computer, you can usually see Cyril-
lic letters fine, though this may depend on your browser.

© Torben Kjaer and knowware - 11-04-00

Your First Surf-tour 31 is a very useful site if you are interested in Denmark,
thinking of visiting the country, or are Danish! It contains infor-
mation on everything from where to be vaccinated or get hospital
treatment to the names of all Danish mayors. You can find out
about everything official here, or find a link to somewhere where
the information is kept.
The Danish government is committed to putting all state informa-
tion on the web, and the site is also unique in that it uses very few
graphics, so it is very fast to download.
Much of the site is also in English, so even if you do not under-
stand Danish, it is worth a look.
The Vatican City state is, of course, also on the net. Notice that they
have their own land code, va. At the end of this booklet, you’ll find
a complete list of country codes.
You can read biographies of modern popes here, and read the latest
news from the Holy See. Everything is tastefully set on yellow
parchment, with menu choices like ‘crossing the threshold of hope’
and ‘catechism of the catholic church’.
This Chinese web site is part of the Chinese government’s official web
presence. But it is worth a visit, if only for the animated Chinese banners.
It is full of links, but unless you understand Chinese, it can be a bit of a
surprise where you end up. No matter, it is a good idea to be reminded
once in a while that the Internet does not consist only of European and
American web sites.
What a good idea. This sites provides you with a list of the
most searched-for words on the Internet search engines.
This is where you can satisfy your curiosity about what eve-
rybody else is looking for. And I am not giving anything
away by telling you that they are looking for sex and pirated

© Torben Kjaer and knowware - 11-04-00

32 Your First Surf-tour
This site offers UFO information. If you have seen a UFO,
or had a close encounter with one, you can report it here.
The site also includes articles, reports of sightings, links to
other UFO sites, and a chat room where you can talk to
others who are interested in the UFO phenomenon. And
you can even read some very sober articles written by peo-
ple who have been abducted by aliens, but lived to tell the
tale. Whether you believe in UFO’s or not, this site will
give you plenty to think about.
“Cool site of the day” has found an exciting link every
day since the childhood of the web, way back in 1994.
So if you have run out of ideas about places to surf,
you can do much worse than take a look at the day’s
recommended web site.
And if you have an hour or so to spare, you can al-
ways check out the archives. If you find that you are
using this site every day, then you can subscribe to an
e-mail service with cool sites in different categories.
What happens if a businessman forgets his briefcase on a plane and never turns up
to claim it? It finally ends up at the Unclaimed Baggage Central, which sells it and
its contents on their web site.
Personally I find it hard to believe, but the company guarantees that everything on
its site really does come from orphaned suitcases from all over the world!
Swaziland is on the net, of course. So if you happened to
be thinking of starting up a company there, just check out
the rules and regulations on this site. And if that wasn’t
what you were thinking of doing, then you can surf by
anyway to see that the Internet is being used everywhere in
the world. You can also read the annual report of the Swa-
ziland Central Bank while you are there.

© Torben Kjaer and knowware - 11-04-00

Your First Surf-tour 33
Web cameras are cameras that are connected to a web page, and take pic-
tures at regular intervals. Africam is a web site containing a number of dif-
ferent cameras, all of which are set up in different wildlife sanctuaries. They
are placed near water holes, or other places that attract a lot of animals, and
take pictures every 30 seconds. With a little luck you can spy on a lion or a
giraffe, or another exciting species.
Remember to surf by during daytime (in Africa, remember the time differ-
ence) if you want to see anything exciting.
This web site is connected to a robot in an Australian laboratory. Everyone
and anyone can have the chance to control the robot using this site. All you
have to do is be willing to wait your turn, and remember, this is not a game,
but a real ‘live’ robot, totally unique.
If you are registered as a named user you are given a higher priority, and can
push non-registered visitors off and take over control of the robot.
You can also chat with other users and keep an eye on what is happening in
the laboratory or on the web site.
There is lots of medical information on the Internet. A useful site
to start from is netdoctor, which contains links to many other sites
about both traditional and alternative treatments. Though run by a
commercial organisation, many of the sites it links to are non-
commercial, or set up by sufferers groups. If you are prescribed a
medicine, it is also worth searching for the name of the medicine
using one of the search engines (see page Error! Bookmark not
defined.), there are many sites run by universities, patient groups,
and medical companies that describe side effects, dosages, uses
and so on.

© Torben Kjaer and knowware - 11-04-00

34 How to find …

How to find … American indexes contain many links to Ameri-

can pages, Danish indexes include mainly Dan-
Beginners often ask: “where is the main index?” ish pages and so on. This can be both a good and
The answer is that there is no main index of the bad thing, depending on what you are looking
pages on the web. Quite simply, there are too for.
many web pages for this to be practical. But on The big advantage with search engines is that
the other hand, there are many indexes and they give you access to many more web pages on
search engines put together by different compa- the Internet, and you can search for very specific
nies and individuals. It is impossible to make any things. The disadvantage is that they are very
sense of the web without using some of these difficult to use and it can take much longer to
web indexes and search engines. This section find what you are looking for. You can easily
describes some of the most used ones. end up with thousands, or even hundreds of
There are two fundamental ways of searching the thousands, of results from a search on a search
net. Indexes are lists of web sites and web pages engine, which is far too many to use. Even
arranged by subject in a hierarchy. Search en- though there are a lot of ways to make a more
gines are databases containing the contents of a precise search, search engines are usually much
large number (though not all) of the world’s web more inconvenient to use than web indexes.
pages. So it is nearly always wisest to start with a web
Simply stated: An index lets you search by cate- index. And if you cannot find what you are
gory for a web site, while a search machine lets looking for there, then switch to a search engine.
you search for a web page containing a specific
piece of text. Use a web index:
Using an index is a little like looking for a book • if you’re starting a search on a new subject
in a library. If you are after a book about Japa- • if you don’t know where else to look
nese art, first you go to the non-fiction section. • if you are looking for a well-known site, a
Then you find the section dealing with foreign commercial site, or a web site owned by an or-
countries. Then you find the shelves dealing with ganization.
Japan, and finally a shelf with books about Japa- • if you are looking for web sites dealing with a
nese art. The only way you can use an index is if particular subject.
you have an idea of what it is you are looking • if you are not looking for anything in particular,
for. but just want to see what is available on the net.
Using a search engine is completely different. A
Use a search engine when:
search engine is actually an enormous database
of all the words that appear on many of the web • you have had no luck using an index.
pages on the Internet. You search by typing in • you are looking for a home page put up by a
one or more words, and the search machine will private person.
display a list of all the web pages it knows of • you are looking for web sites dealing with a
containing that particular word. very specific subject that cannot be found in any
There are advantages and disadvantages with • you are looking for information about a combi-
both methods. The advantage with an index is nation of different subjects.
that it is easy to use, and you do not have to • you are looking for web sites in a language that
spend so much time to find what you are looking is not covered by any of the indexes you know.
for. The disadvantage is that indexes only con- • you are looking for a specific web page (and not
tain a fraction of the web pages that exist on the a specific web site).
Internet. But this can also be an advantage. It
means that you are only presented with web
For example: If you want to find a web site about
pages that other people have evaluated and found
playing with Lego, then use an index (this sub-
interesting. And indexes are very influenced by
ject is so broad that it will almost certainly be
the people who collate them. This means that
covered in one index or another). But if you are

© Torben Kjaer and knowware - 11-04-00

How to find … 35

looking for information about the connection tains. The small words shown under each cate-
between smoking and a particular sickness, then gory are the most used sub-categories in each
you will probably have to use a search engine. If section. Click on the category that is the nearest
you are looking for a firm that produces car ra- match for the subject you are looking for. This
dios, then use an index. If you are looking for will display a new page containing sub-
your Spanish pen-pal’s home page, then use a categories of the category you chose. On this
search engine. If you are looking for information page you can choose a new sub-category, and
about Europe in the Middle Ages, then use a web continue in this way until you have found the
index. But if you are looking for information right category.
about a specific weaving technique that was used If you are looking for a web page dealing with
during the Middle Ages, then you will have to Japanese art, first choose Art, then Ethnic, Asian
use a search engine. and finally Japanese. Voilá: An index of sites on
the web dealing with Japanese art!
Indexes This sub-category consists of four parts: Where
One of the best indexes of sites on the web is the sub-category is placed within the hierarchy, a
called Yahoo. It is found at search field, a list of further sub-categories, and a
Yahoo is a hierarchical index of web pages on list of web pages belonging in the displayed sub-
the web. In many cases, Yahoo is the best place category.
to start when you are looking for something par- As well as searching down the hierarchy cate-
ticular. gory by category, you can also carry out a search
You can either click through the various main using one or more words directly from Yahoo’s
categories until you find the correct one, or enter main page. You will then be presented with a list
one or more search words in the search field, of categories that match your search terms and
which will give you a list of categories contain- that contain web sites matching them. If you try
ing them in the title or description. a search like this, make sure you do not make
your search too specific. If you don’t find any
The main page shows the 14 main categories that relevant categories using this search, then just try
Yahoo uses to classify all the web sites it con- clicking down through the categories, maybe the

© Torben Kjaer and knowware - 11-04-00

36 How to find …

one you are looking for is not called what you As with all other search engines, HotBot works
thought it should be! by continually searching the web for new pages.
If Yahoo cannot find anything in its own index HotBot contains a database covering every word
that matches your search, then your search is in all the many millions of web pages it knows.
passed over to the Inktomi search engine, and By using this database, HotBot can find the web
you see what that contains. The logic is that if pages containing the word or words you specify.
the best web index cannot come up with any- A list of pages found is then displayed with their
thing, then you will have to use a search engine. titles, a link, and a short description.
In addition to the hierarchical index, Yahoo can You can just click your way to any particular
also offer another index. What’s New is an index page from this list. As with all the other search
of the latest web pages on the web. This section machines, HotBot is far from perfect – there will
lets you keep an eye on developments on the always be web pages that HotBot cannot find for
web. What’s Cool is a list of especially good or technical reasons.
experimental web pages. Searching using a search engine can often feel
Many countries have their own Yahoo-like lists. like a very slow process, and is as much an art as
These contain web pages organised by subject a science. You simply have to try with a simple
and are used in roughly the same way as Yahoo. search, check out the results, alter your search
If you are after a web page in a particular lan- terms (maybe based on the contents of the pages
guage it is always worthwhile starting with such which appear), then try again, alter again and
an index. continue until you find what you are looking for,
or it becomes obvious that you never will find it
And to find these indexes? They can be found by – at least not today.
using Yahoo (choose Countries from the main
Search engines A simple search using HotBot
If the indexes named above cannot help you find 1. Type one of more words in the empty search
a web page, then you will have to search for it field. Separate each word with a space.
yourself using a search engine (sometimes Words can be in any language, and may in-
known as a search machine). Search engines are clude accented or ‘foreign’ letters.
integrated into an ordinary web page by using 2. Click on Search.
forms. They work differently and the same 3. HotBot finds all the web pages in its data-
search can give different results on different base that contain all the words you have en-
search engines. When you type in one or more tered as search criteria. HotBot displays a list
search words, the search engine looks for them in of the top ten results with a short description.
its database of web pages. Search engines collect Clicking on a result jumps you directly to the
their information by sending special programs page.
(called web crawlers, spiders, or agents) around
the net, which look for new web pages and then Search engines sort the results they show ac-
add them to their databases. In practice, this can cording to how well they match your search cri-
be done in many different ways, so there are teria. HotBot works by seeing how often your
differences between the different search engines. search term appears, so if it appears often, the
There are also differences between how the dif- page will be judged as more relevant than a page
ferent searches are undertaken. So the same where your search term only appears a couple of
search on different search engines will seldom times. If the word appears in the title or heading,
give the same results. it will be rated higher than if the word only ap-
pears in the body text. You will often find that
the results of your first search are not particularly
HotBot useful. For example, if you are interested in the
HotBot is a search machine that can be found at dance called the Samba, and search just for this word, then you will be presented with over

© Torben Kjaer and knowware - 11-04-00

How to find … 37

70,000 results. This means that HotBot contains • Type the words in the search field in lower
over 70,000 pages in its database containing the case. HotBot will then find all examples of
word Samba in some form or other. the word, no matter what case they are in. But
Notice that HotBot displays a number of adver- if you use upper and lower case, then HotBot
tisements at the top of the search results. They will only find the pages containing the capi-
can be irritating, but it is the income from them talization you have used. So a search for
that keeps HotBot in existence. ‘underworld’ will also find pages referring to
the dance group ‘Underworld’ as well as pa-
ges about the criminal underworld, but a se-
arch for ‘NetGuide’ will not find pages con-
taining the word ‘netguide’.
• Remember that the pages you find are often
just a part of a complete web site. You are
just dumped right in the middle of what might
be a very large and complicated structure. It is
just like opening a book at random and trying
to read one page; it makes little sense because
you don’t know what context it is in. Try and
find a link to the main page of the site and get
an idea of what the site is about. You can also
limit your search to main pages in order not to
run into this problem.
• It is not always a problem if your search re-
sults in thousands of web pages. In many ca-
ses, they have been so well sorted that the re-
The three text links at the bottom of the page are sults you want are right at the top of the list.
not part of the result. They suggest other places If this is not the case, then you will have to
you can search, and are actually another type of refine your search further.
advertisement – though a more useful one than
the banner advertisements at the top, as they • Type in the word in the language you want
show you where you can search in different, your results to be in. If you search for
though relevant, areas like news, or books. ‘Cologne’ you are unlikely to find many
German pages about the city, as it is known
The first result on the list often has nothing to do as Köln in German. You will only find pages
with what you are looking for. In this example, written in English.
you can see from the description given that this
link has nothing to do with Samba music, but is a • Be careful with your grammar and your spel-
server called Samba. In such a case then you will ling. If you search for frogs, you will not find
need to refine you search using more search pages containing the word frog. It is best to
words and criteria. supply the most usual form of a word. And
check your spelling, a single spelling mistake
can make any results meaningless.
Good advice
• Use as many search words as possible. The
• If a search does not give the result you want, more search words you use, the more precise
try using synonyms. If house doesn’t give the you search will be. But be careful that you do
result you want, then try bungalow, apart- not use so many search words that relevant
ment, building, home, etc. etc. web pages are not shown.
Don’t forget that different places use different
terms, ‘petrol’ in the UK is ‘gas’ in the US
and so on!

© Torben Kjaer and knowware - 11-04-00

38 How to find …

Changing the criteria used for search if you are sure that the page you are looking for
has a particular word in its title. A web page can
be all about vitamins, even though the word vi-
tamin may not be in its title.
But this option does let you reduce the number of
results when you have ended up with far too
many. For example, searching for Copenhagen
brings up over 27,000 results, but there are only
460 pages with the word Copenhagen in the title.

words the person

HotBot starts by looking for pages containing all HotBot finds pages containing the name of the
the words you have specified. When you want to person you have specified in the search field. If
refine you search, make changes in the field this does not produce the result you are looking
containing the text all the words. for, then try specifying all the words instead.
HotBot will then carry out a search without the
special criteria it uses for looking for a name.
all the words
HotBot only finds pages containing all the words links to this URL
you have typed in. This is the default, or stan-
HotBot finds pages that contain links to the ad-
dard, type of search.
dress you have given in the search field. So you
have to type an Internet address into the search
any of the words field for this type of search to work. This is the
HotBot finds all the pages containing at least one way to find all the pages that have links to your
of the words you have typed into the search field. own web page (if you have one). Or, if you are
Such a search will, of course, come up with far interested in finding out how many pages
more pages than if you used the standard ‘all the throughout the world have links to the danish
words’ type search. So if you are looking for parliament web site, then type in
pages about China’s capital city, then you should as your search term –
search for both spellings: Peking and Beijing. you have to put in http for HotBot to recognise it
But even if a page only contains one of the as a URL, and then choose links to this URL (the
spellings, you still want to see it, so you should answer is 390).
specify any of the words.
Boolean phrase
exact phrase HotBot finds pages that match the conditions of
If you use this, you should have entered a sen- what is called a Boolean (or logical) expression.
tence, or a list of words that would naturally oc- Oranges AND Strawberries will only find pages
cur together, in the search field. HotBot will only containing both Oranges and Strawberries. You
find pages containing exactly these words, in do not have to learn how to use these Boolean
exactly the order you have given. If you typed in expressions as Super Search lets you search like
rise and fall of Rome, you will not find a page this, but without these complications.
containing the phrase Rome, its rise and fall, as
the words are in the incorrect order.
More tips
• If you can read several languages, you can
the page title search for the same word in different lan-
HotBot only finds pages with the search word in guages. So you could try searching for car
the title. You should only use this kind of search bil voiture to find pages about cars in Eng-

© Torben Kjaer and knowware - 11-04-00

How to find … 39

lish, French, and the Scandinavian lan- which, due to its high quality, is good for pirated
guages. If you carry out such a search, re- copies of music. Warez is jargon made up by
member to check the any of the words option computer geeks, which refers to pirated copies of
as it is unlikely you will find any pages con- programs.
taining all three words. The classics sex, chat, and jokes will not disap-
• If necessary, you must search for different pear from the list anytime soon…
forms of a word, as HotBot only looks for Some of the words in the list reveal that many
exactly what you enter. So if you search for Internet users are not very skilled with search
auto you will not find pages with the word engines. HotMail is a web-oriented e-mail ser-
automobile on them – but neither will you vice that belongs to Microsoft, but recently the
find pages containing automatic, autosug- word has become a synonym for e-mail in gene-
gestion or autobiography (unless they also ral – more about this on page [PLEASE INSERT
include the word auto). This is usually an PAGE REFERENCE HERE!]
advantage, but if you do want different forms
of the same word, then type them all in (auto Instead of conducting a search using this word, it
automatic autostart) and remember to set the would have been much more practical to type the
option Any of the words on, or HotBot will address right into the ad-
only find pages containing all the words! dress field of the web browser – just as, instead
of searching for Yahoo, one should just enter the
• Be patient. It is seldom that you find exactly address
what you are looking for at the first attempt.
Experiment with different search words and Ebay is, without a doubt, the best-known auction
change the words you use. site on the Internet. Here you can buy or sell all
kinds of things. It’s not helpful to search for this
site with a search engine – its address is just
What are people searching for? Finally, let’s take a look at
Some search engines offer lists of the most po- current trends: Pokemon is a phenomenon that
pular search terms entered by users. These lists encompasses computer games, film, comics, and
can give you an idea of what people are sear- collectible cards, and Britney Spears is a current
ching for. Such a list depends, of course, on the superstar. Presumably, these terms and names
particular search engine as well as its date of will shortly be replaced by others.
creation, etc. Here’s a current list of the most At, you can find a cur-
popular search terms: rent list of the most-used search terms. At
1. MP3, you’ll find a list of popular
2. Sex terms that collect many search terms under one
category – so, for example, xmas, christmas, and
3. HotMail santa claus all belong to the category Christmas.
4. Yahoo Here you can follow the rise and fall of the for-
5. Pokemon tunes of famous people, and you can see what
influence current events or the season has – in
6. Warez December, you’ll see many more Christmas-
7. Chat related terms, which can hardly be surprising…
8. Jokes
9. Britney Spears Other search engines
10. ebay If HotBot doesn’t give you the result you are
looking for, then don’t give up. There is still a
chance you can find what you are looking for
In the last few years, sex has been at the top of using another search engine.
the list, but today, it’s been supplanted by pirated
copies of programs. MP3 is a music file format, Every search engine has its own method of sort-
ing web pages, its own method of searching its

© Torben Kjaer and knowware - 11-04-00

40 How to find …

database, and its own method of sorting the re- Northernlight

sult, so a search on another search engine is
likely to give a completely different result.

The Google search engine is at
Google is an innovative search engine, as it uses
completely different criteria to sort its results.
Google sorts pages according to their popularity;
in other words, how many links there are to a
page from other web sites. A search for olympic
games is very likely to produce the official
Olympic web site, as so many other web sites
link to it. On the other hand, a private web site
The Northern Light search engine is at
about the Olympics, which has not been updated Northern Light is
for years and is only known to a few people, is
different than other search engines in that it can
unlikely to appear in Google’s search results.
sort the results it comes up with into different
folders, each about its own subject. This makes
Northern Light similar to a web index like Ya-
hoo. These folders are not permanent, they are
created by the search engine as the results of
your search come in. If you search for the word
Java, which is a programming language, an is-
land, and a type of coffee, then Northern Light
will more or less sort the results. In practice, you
will end up with a number of different folders, so
it will still take you quite a bit of time to find a
result that is relevant.

And the method really works. Google is also the FAST

only search engines that has a button – labelled You’ll find the search engine FAST at
I’m feeling lucky!, which takes you directly to All the Web would re-
the first result on the list, which in this case is the ally be a better name than FAST – the advantage
official Olympic web site. of this search engine is the fact that its database
Just like other search engines, Google can also contains more web sites than almost any other
display a list of the top ten results so you can search engine’s. FAST contains, according to its
decide yourself which you will click on. own report, about 200 million web sites, which is
If you know that you are looking for a very ob- certainly a lot, but not nearly all the pages on the
scure web site, or a new one that nobody really web.
knows about, then Google is not the right search FAST is useful if you’re searching for an obscu-
engine to use. re term such as a seldom-used word that would
yield few results using other search engines. For
more run-of-the-mill searches, FAST is less
useful exactly because it produces more results
than most other search engines.

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How to find … 41

How many web sites are really out are these really different web pages or just the
there? same page in different versions?
There are many reports about how many web Or try a search for your name using HotBot
pages are on the Internet. At the moment, the ( – that is, try this if your
number is estimated to be close to 1 billion. But name is a reasonably uncommon one. In this
this number cannot be correct – for several case, you’ll probably be the first to try this par-
reasons: ticular search, so you’ll also be the first to see the
results page. Here, the page that you see doesn’t
• it’s not possible to count the number of web
really exist; it exists only when this search is run
pages precisely. Web sites contain millions
and then nevermore. Of course such a web page
of different web pages and many owners of a
is not covered by the abovementioned estimates.
site would rather not know how many pages
And there are many other pages that are the re-
are on their server. Thus, this number is
sult of searches – results from databases – that
based on random samples and approximati-
only exist for a brief moment.
So the correct answer to the question about how
• secondly, the number of web pages is gro-
many web pages there are out there is that it ma-
wing constantly – more and more countries
kes no sense to count them – and that there are
are using the Internet to a greater extent, mo-
infinitely many web pages.
re companies are establishing web sites, and
existing web sites are being expanded. The-
refore, any estimation of the number of web
pages goes out of date very quickly.
• thirdly, random samples have proven that
many web sites exist on multiple servers on
the Internet. One of these studies estimated
that as many as 40% of all web sites are just
copies of other web sites.
• fourthly, estimations of this kind assume that
one can count individual web pages. In rea-
lity, many web sites are not fast units. Visit
the portal Yahoo, for example
(, and have a look at the
contents of the main page with its news, ad-
vertisements, etc. Now surf a little across
the net and then return to Yahoo – not by
using the Back button on your browser, but
by typing the address in anew. Now the
main page probably looks different, with
new advertisements and likely also new
news and other elements. Is this a new web
site or is it the same page, just changed a
Or take a look at the news service CNN at The text is in English, but it’s
possible that the advertisements can appear in
another language. That’s possible because the
web site recognizes where you’re located and it
customizes its advertisements accordingly. In
other country, things would look different. So

© Torben Kjaer and knowware - 11-04-00

42 Downloading programs

Downloading programs
One of the best things about the Internet is that cess to these many thousands of programs. The
you can download programs to use on your own best are to be found at
computer. This can be done from your web and Here is an example of how
browser. Just as a web page can include links to to use
other web pages, it can also contain links to files
that are available to users of the Internet.
When you choose a link that points to a file, the lets you search for names and
file will be brought to your computer and saved descriptions of nearly all the shareware and
to your hard disk. In technical terms, this is freeware programs to be found there. When you
called downloading a file. have found the program you want, you can
download it to your own computer and start us-
The Internet is bulging with programs for your ing it.
computer. Most of these are either shareware or
freeware. 1. The first page of contains a
text field and a drop-down menu containing
Freeware are programs that may be used for the names of various operating systems.
free, and that may be freely copied and given Choose which operating system you want to
away. find programs for in the drop-down menu (i.e.
Shareware is the name of a special type of soft- Windows 95, Macintosh or another). It is im-
ware, which you are allowed to copy and try portant that you choose the correct category,
before deciding whether or not you want to buy or the programs you find will not work on
it. Most of the programs on the Internet are your computer. The list includes a category
shareware. There is normally a time period of 30 called PC Games. This is because many PC
or 60 days during which you can try the pro- games run under DOS, and so will not be
gram. If you want to go on using it after this pe- shown if you only search for Windows pro-
riod, you must pay for it. When you pay for a grams (even though the games will run fine on
shareware program you do not talk about buying a Windows computer).
it (you already have it on your computer), you 2. Next, type one
talk about registering it. Shareware programs or more words
always contain information about how they in the text field.
should be registered. If you already
Before running up your telephone bill getting know the name
hold of a program, you should check that it can of the program
be used on your computer. If you use Windows, you want, then all you need do is enter it here.
you should not download a program for a Mac- Or you can type in a word describing the sort
intosh, and you should remember that there are of program you are looking for. Searching
differences between Windows programs. 32-bit takes place using both the name of the pro-
Windows programs can only run on Windows grams in the database, and a short English de-
95/98 or Windows NT. If you use Windows scription, so you search word must be in Eng-
3.11, you should not download a 32 bit program. lish. In this example I have typed in the word
If you run Windows 95/98, you can usually run a simpsons, because I want to find software
program designed for Windows 3.11 (usually having something to do with the TV series
called a Windows 16 bit program), but you The Simpsons.
should only do this if there is no version avail- 3. After typing in your search word and clicking
able for Windows 95/98. Search, a list of results is displayed, in the
Programs are spread around the Internet on thou- form of file names and descriptions. The word
sands of different computers, but despite this, you searched for is highlighted in bold in the
they are not so hard to find. A number of serv- description. In this example I have found a
ices on the Internet specialize in giving easy ac-

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Downloading programs 43

number of programs, pictures and sounds that 8. The file will now be downloaded. A small
are connected with The Simpsons. window will keep you informed as to how
4. When you have read the description, you much of the file has been transferred, and how
should click on the file name of the program long it will take before the process is com-
you have decided that you want. You will then pleted. It can take a long time to get a program
be shown addresses of the various computers file. It depends on how large the file is and
where this program can be found for down- how fast your modem is. A file of about 5 MB
load. can easily take an hour or more to download.
You can minimize the window and carry on
5. The addresses are sorted by country. Choose a using your browser while this is happening, so
computer as close to your location as possible, you can surf around other web pages while
or in the USA. It may sound paradoxical, but you are downloading a file. You can even
it is often faster to download a program from download several files simultaneously if you
the USA than from the country next to yours. wish.
Experience will teach you which is best.
6. Click on a file name. You will be asked if you
want to open the file or save it to your hard
disk. It is usually best to start by saving the
file. Before doing anything, some web brows-
ers will issue a warning that programs down-
loaded from the Internet may contain viruses.
This is correct, but the danger of getting a vi-
rus infected program is not so great that it
should stop you getting programs from the
Internet – though the risk is large enough to
make it sensible to install an anti-virus pro-
gram When the file is downloaded, you’ll need to in-
stall it on your computer. How this is done de-
pends on several things. In some cases, the file is
compressed using a packing program (a special
program that shrinks files so they are quicker to
download from the Internet). If this is the case,
then the file first needs to be unpacked or ex-
panded (read about how this is done a little fur-
ther on). In other cases, the program is ready for
use. It can be started by double-clicking on the
program icon, which usually has the program’s
name under it. But most programs have to be
installed first. This is done by double-clicking
the icon called Install or Setup and then answer-
ing the questions about how the program should
be used. If you are unsure, just accept the sug-
7. Next is to specify where on your hard disk you gestions the program makes itself.
want to save the program that you are down-
loading. It is a good idea to have a specific
folder just for this. Give it a name like New Unpacking and installation
from the net. This will mean that you will al- Nearly all the programs you can find on the In-
ways know where these downloaded programs ternet are in packed files. Imagine that you want
end up. to transport a Volvo in a container that only
measures a half meter in every direction. Can it

© Torben Kjaer and knowware - 11-04-00

44 Downloading programs

be done? Yes, but only if you cut the car up into WinZip
very small pieces and pack them as tightly as WinZip is a brilliant packing program that PC
possible in the container. Packing (or compres- users often need to use. The program is very easy
sion) programs do the same with files. By using a to use after you have gotten to know it, but it
packing program, you can make files much may seem a little confusing the first time. The
smaller. program is shareware and can be found at
A file that was 2MB is now only 1MB. A packed
file like this, which can, by the way, hold several
I have downloaded a theme for my desktop for
files, can also be called an archive. The advan-
Windows 95/98 (this is a background picture,
tage of this is that the file is easy to transport.
new icons and mouse markers, etc.). The file is
Before it may have filled two diskettes, but after
called I copy the file to my
being packed it only uses one.
hard disk in a folder I call Simpsons. Notice the
And when the program is downloaded from the icon that looks like a filing cabinet in a clamp.
Internet, it only takes 10 minutes, instead of the This means that my system recognises the file as
20 minutes it would have done unpacked. An- a zip file, which cannot be used until it is un-
other advantage is that several files can be packed.
packed together into one file. This makes is eas-
Now I open the file
ier to manage file transportation and storage.
by double-clicking on it. As I have
Technically, the method used to pack a file is installed WinZip on my computer, it
that the pack program analyzes the file and puts automatically registers that I am trying to open a
it into a format so it fills less space. For example: zipped file, and the program takes over and
If somewhere in the program there is a sequence shows this window:
looking like this: 2525252525252525, the pack
program can change this to 8x25. But just as you
cannot drive a Volvo that has been cut into small
pieces, you cannot use a program in its packed
state. Before the file can be used, it has to be un-
There are many different packing programs, each
of which uses its own format to pack programs.
The most used format for PCs is called Zip, and
you will almost certainly find files packed in this
format. You can recognise them by their .zip
On the Macintosh, the most popular format is
.sit. We do not need the top menu this time. Under-
neath this are a row of buttons and a big window
showing the contents of the compressed Simp- file. This shows that it contains
many files (34 in total) and I can see the names
and sizes of them all. I simply want to unpack
every single file, so I click on the Extract button.
The program now asks me where the files should
be placed after I unpack them.

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Downloading programs 45

When you download a program from the Inter-
net, there is, in theory, a risk that it can infect
your computer with a virus. Everybody has heard
about viruses that can take over your computer
and destroy all your data. In practice, the prob-
lem is not so great as journalists make out in
newspapers and computer magazines. I have
worked intensively with computers for over six
years and have only twice met a virus, and their
I choose to put them in the same folder as the
effects were fairly innocent on both occasions.
compressed file, i.e., in the Simpsons folder.
But for safety’s sake, it is a good idea to install
Then I click on the Extract button. And there it an anti-virus program that can intercept any dan-
is! After a couple of seconds, all the files are gerous viruses if the worst should happen.
there in their original size and ready to use. The
packed file is still there, even though its contents But first we should see what a virus actually is.
have been copied and unpacked. This means that A virus is a little program that can copy itself –
you can unpack the file again if you need it. If hence the name. And most viruses are pro-
you don’t think you will use it again, you can grammed to muck up your computer by deleting
delete it. or corrupting files, writing idiotic messages on
your screen, or, in the worst case, deleting the
On the Macintosh, you can use the shareware contents of your hard disk.
program StuffIt Lite, which you can find at This program comes There is nothing mystical or supernatural about a
complete with the StuffIt Engine, which can help virus. Just like all other programs, they do what
you unpack nearly all compression formats they are told to do by the person who pro-
you’re likely to encounter on the Internet, in- grammed them. The programmers themselves
cluding .zip. may be anti-social individuals who do not feel
they have enough excitement in their lives, so
It is a good idea to use a fixed procedure when they get their kicks from trying to sabotage other
you download files. Create two folders just for peoples’ computers. The problem with viruses is
downloads – if you use Windows 95/98 you that they are programmed to hide themselves
could call them New from the net and un- inside other programs so that you do not spot
packing – and put them on your desktop. them. In this way, they can spread from one
Every time you download something, put it in computer to another – by being downloaded
the New from the net folder. After you come from the Internet, for example.
off the Internet, copy it to unpacking, unpack
You can only infect your computer with a virus
and install the program, and then you can delete
by downloading a program or certain other files
the contents of the unpacking folder. If you
(from a word processing program, for example)
have enough space on your hard disk, you can and then using them. The most common virus at
keep the packed file in the New from the net present is one called a macro-virus, which can
folder. This means that it is always available if hide in files produced by the word processing
you want to install it again, or if a friend wants a program Word or the Excel spreadsheet program.
copy. You CANNOT get a virus into your computer by
looking at web pages or reading e-mail.
Luckily, there are what are called anti-virus pro-
grams that can be installed on your computer to
guard against it being infected by a virus. Anti-
virus programs can be bought everywhere you
can buy software. Well known ones include

© Torben Kjaer and knowware - 11-04-00

46 Downloading programs

Norton Anti-virus and McAfee Anti-virus. You Where are the files to download?
can get an excellent anti-virus program at: I have already described how to download pro- grams from above. There
Anti-virus programs run in the background while are also many other web sites where you can find
you are working with the computer. If you good downloads; generally, the procedure will be
download a virus-infected file from the Internet, similar. If you’re looking for programs for the
the program will warn you that it has detected a Internet, check out
virus in a certain file. If this happens, keep calm If you know the name of a specific program or
and just do as follows: the name of the company that makes it, you can
1. Delete the virus. This should be a simple task often download it directly from the company’s
with the help of the anti-virus program. web site by guessing the address. For example,
Normally the file hiding the virus can be sal- you’ll find McAfee’s anti-virus program at
vaged, but in bad cases this may not be pos-
sible. You’ll find the e-mail program Eudora at
2. Carry out a thorough virus check of your
entire hard disk. This should also be a simple Alternative browsers and plug-ins are available
process using your anti-virus program. at
3. Check all your floppy disks for viruses by If you can’t find the browser you want here,
putting them in your disk drive and running you’ll certainly find it at the web site of the
the anti-virus program on them. company that makes it; try
4. Contact everyone you could have passed the
virus on to (or who could have passed it on or
to you). That is, everyone you have ex-
changed files with since you got the virus,,
both by diskette or over the Internet. depending on which browser you use. You
should know that sometimes, these programs are
loaded onto your computer in a special way.
The Internet Worm Internet Explorer, for example, first downloads a
In 1988, the Internet experienced its most com- small program of .5 MB to your computer. Once
prehensive collapse to date. The collapse was you activate the program, it will take care of
caused by the so-called Internet worm. Such a downloading the rest of the program for you.
“worm” is a virus-infected program that copies
itself from computer to computer and thus
spreads itself across the whole Internet. The 23-
year-old inventor of this program only intended
to spread his little program across the Internet,
not to cause damage or have it be detected. But
because of a programming error, the program
spread itself much faster and further than he’d
expected, and it laid approximately 6000 com-
puters low, which subsequently had to be shut
off and repaired by technicians before they could
be returned to service. At the time, this
amounted to about 10% of all Internet comput-

© Torben Kjaer and knowware - 11-04-00

Accessories for your web browser 47

Accessories for your web browser

A Web browser on its own can only show ordi- can hear these radio stations by using your web
nary web pages. But some web pages have built- browser and RealPlayer. Try:
in films, music, programs, and animations that
the browser on its own cannot show.
Plug-ins are extras for your web browser that
allow it to use these formats. When the browser
itself cannot show a particular format, then it You can find a list of radio stations at:
calls on the accessory to do the job for it. Plug-
ins are a kind of building brick that expands what ompanies/News_and_Media/
it is possible for your browser to do. Using one Internet_Broadcasting/Real_Time/
lets you watch a film directly from a web page,
or play music.
There are literally hundreds of plug-ins for vari-
ous purposes. Three or four of them are very Shockwave is a plug-in that allows your browser
popular, as many web pages will only display to show animations and programs in two differ-
correctly if you have them installed. These plug- ent formats (called Flash and Shockwave respec-
ins are described below. You can find a list of tively). They are used to build small games or
plug-ins for download at cartoon films in web pages. The plug-in can be downloaded from, but
is already included with Internet Explorer 4.0.
So plug-ins are programs that you need to You can see an example of a web site that uses
download and install (read how to download Shockwave at:
programs on page Error! Bookmark not
defined.). The program attaches itself to your
browser itself, so it is activated next time you
open a web page containing a file that uses the Quicktime
plug-in to work. Quicktime is a plug-in that allows your browser
Remember to check that the plug-in can be used to show films in the special Quicktime format. It
with your browser and operating system. Some can be downloaded from
plug-ins can only be used with certain browsers. There a quite a few
And some plug-ins are included with the browser web sites which show films in Quicktime format,
from the start. Which these are depends on which including
browser and which version you have.
Adobe Acrobat Reader
RealPlayer PDF is a special format for laying out pages with
RealPlayer is a plug-in that allows your browser text and pictures. PDF files are actually designed
to play sounds and show films in special Re- for printing out the pages on paper, but for prac-
alAudio and RealVideo formats. tical reasons it is also used for some web pages.
RealPlayer can be downloaded from You can download the Adobe Acrobat Reader that can display these files from
Radio on the net
There are a lot of radio stations on the Internet.
Some of them are ordinary radio stations that
also broadcast normally. Others are totally new
stations that can only be heard over the net. You

© Torben Kjaer and knowware - 11-04-00

48 Shopping on the net

Shopping on the net

There are lots of shops with goods for sale on the There is a slight risk that a third party could
Internet. The most usual things on sale are CDs, eavesdrop on the personal details you give when
CD-ROMs, books and software, but you can also making an Internet purchase. To minimize this
buy other things. There is an index of English risk, secure websites have been created. All data
speaking shops at sent to these pages is encrypted into a special code so that no one except the person running the
Companies/Shopping_Centers/ page can see it. When you request such a secure
Online_Shopping/Some of the best-known web page, you will see a dialog box telling you
shopping sites on the net are that you are entering such a secure area. You can
(books and music) and always check that you are in a secure web site by
(which will send flowers anywhere in the looking at the status line in your browser, which
world.). will display an icon of a locked padlock or key.
The level of service for things bought over the While you are in this secure web area, all data
net can be much lower than what you are used to. sent using a form will be encrypted so no one
It can easily take a month before what you have else can use it. As soon as you leave a secure
ordered actually arrives in the mail. It can also be area, you will see a message informing you that
very difficult to get the firm to take responsibil- all future pages are insecure.
ity for a complaint about the goods you have Customs and import duties
bought. However, you can often save a lot of
You should know a little about customs regula-
money by buying in the USA or elsewhere.
tions when buying over the Internet. If the
sender has a presence in an EU land, the VAT is
Credit card numbers and security included in the price – exactly as if you were at
the supermarket. Depending on the countries
To be able to buy at these Internet shops, it is
and relationships involved, the tax assessed may
nearly always necessary that you have an inter-
vary, but you don’t have to worry about that.
national credit card, like VISA or Mastercard.
You order your goods, fill out a form with your But most of the business transactions on the In-
name, address and other relevant information, ternet involve the USA. If you purchase some-
including the number of your credit card. thing here or in another non-EU country, it’s
your duty to pay the appropriate VAT and any
No matter where in the world you buy a product,
applicable customs duties. That is, you must
it is the law of your own country that applies to a
count on an additional cost of at least 16% if you
credit card purchase. In most countries, this
live in most European countries. Random sam-
means that in order for money to be debited from
ples are taken; if your shipment is not investi-
your credit card, you must give proper authori-
gated, then it’s your duty to pay the appropriate
zation. Whether this can be given over the Inter-
taxes to the authorities.
net is an unanswered question, so in theory it is
the firm that sells you the product that takes the
risk, as they are sending you the goods without
real proof of your identity.
So if money is charged to your account without
your actually buying anything, all you need do is
go to the credit card company and tell them that
the transaction was unauthorized. In most cases,
this will lead to the amount being credited to
your account. So, assuming you keep an eye on
what is charged to your account, there is no great
risk involved in buying things over the Internet.

© Torben Kjaer and knowware - 11-04-00

Newsgroups on USENET 49

Electronic mail (e-mail) And second, you can access your mail server no
matter where in the world you are, and no matter
Electronic mail (e-mail) is the method you use to what computer, what mail program, or which ISP
communicate directly with other Internet users. you are using. All you need to do is enter your e-
In its simplest form, all you do is send a text mail address and the address of your mail server
message to another Internet user. In most cases, and your e-mail program looks after the rest.
they will receive it within a few seconds. Most mail programs ask for these details the first
Most Internet users have an e-mail address. This time you use them. All mail programs need to
consists of three parts. A user name, an ‘at’ sign know the following:
(@) and the address of the computer the user is
• Your name (user name)
attached to. Here are some examples:
• Your e-mail address
[email protected]
• The address of your mail server
[email protected] • Your password
[email protected] The mail server’s address is usually mail fol-
On most English language computers the ‘@’ lowed by your ISP’s address. For example, my
sign is on the ‘2’ key, though you might have to ISP is called prestige, and my mail server ad-
hold down both the ‘ctrl’ and ‘alt’ keys simulta- dress is Occasionally you will
neously to access it. It means simply that the find that there are different addresses for incom-
user is at the computer given in the next part of ing and outgoing post. If this is the case, you will
the address. This computer functions as a mail have to enter both of them in the mail program.
server, meaning that it looks after receiving,
sending and managing electronic mail. You will
need a mail program on your computer if you
want to use e-mail. There are many excellent
mail programs available, most of them for free.
You will probably have come across Eudora, and
Netscape includes an e-mail module. Outlook
Express is included with Internet Explorer; I will
use it as an example here.

Setting up your mail program

When you start your mail program, it automati- No matter which mail program you use, the first
cally checks your mail server to see if you have thing you must do is enter your own e-mail ad-
received any mail. If you have, it will be down- dress and the address of your mail server. You
loaded to your computer. When you send a letter, cannot use the program before you have done
it will be sent from your computer to the mail this. You will also be given the choice of enter-
server, which then takes over and sends it to the ing other information. This can include your
person to whom it is addressed. name, to be included with all the mail you send,
and also an organization name (company or uni-
versity etc.) if this is relevant.

Your e-mail program

There are several advantages to this way of do- Your e-mail program consists of three parts. A
ing things. First, you can receive e-mail at any number of folders (an in-folder for incoming
time without having to have your computer mail, a folder for mail that has been sent and so
switched on. The mail server is always operating on), a window showing the mail in the folder that
and it looks after any messages until you collect is open, and finally the contents of the mail that
them with your mail program. is open.

© Torben Kjaer and knowware - 11-04-00

50 Newsgroups on USENET

Bcc: stands for blind carbon copy and is the

same as cc:, except that the recipients named in
the To: and Cc: fields cannot see that this person
has been sent a copy.
The subject: field should contain a very short
description of the message. Always try and write
a good and relevant description. For example,
Resume of our meeting of 22/6 is better than
Hello! Some people receive many e-mails daily,
and the more relevant this subject line is, the
easier it is to manage a long list of e-mails.
You use the large text field to write the text of
your e-mail. Some mail programs let you control
the font, size, and color of your text, but these
Sending an e-mail
are uncommon. This means that you have no
Click on the new mail button to send an e-mail. control over whether the person you are writing
Type the address of the recipient in the To: field. to can see your formatting. Unless you are sure
If you want to send it to several different people, they can, it is best to stick to normal text.
you can enter several addresses, separated by
commas. The mail will then be sent to everyone
whose address you have entered. Receiving and answering mail
Most e-mail programs check automatically to see
if you have received mail when you start them.
They also keep your mail, both incoming and
outgoing, until you delete it yourself. When you
receive a new e-mail, you will see in the list of
received mail that there is a new e-mail that you
have not yet read. When you have read an e-
mail, you can choose to reply to it immediately.
This is done by choosing Reply, either on a menu
or by pressing a button. The sender’s address is
automatically entered as the recipient of the new
e-mail, and your own address is entered as the
sender. The subject remains the same, but the
abbreviation re: (standing for regarding or reply)
is added in front. So if you reply to a mail with
the subject Party invitation, the new subject be-
It is not necessary to enter your own address; comes Re: Party invitation. You can always alter
your mail program will do this automatically the subject to something else if you wish.
every time you send an e-mail. You should bear in mind that your reply will
In the Cc: field (Cc stands for carbon copy), you usually only be sent to the sender of the original
can enter the addresses of anyone else you want e-mail. This means that even though the mail
to send a copy of the mail to. This can be used if may have also been sent to others (because their
you send a mail to one person, but think that oth- addresses were either in the To: or Cc: fields),
ers should also see it. For example you may send these others will not see your answer unless you
an e-mail to your boss, and also want other em- also put their addresses in these fields. However
ployees to see a copy of it. The original recipient some mail programs do send any reply to every-
of the e-mail can see that copies of the e-mail one who received the original mail – be careful,
have been sent to other people. this may not have been what you intended.

© Torben Kjaer and knowware - 11-04-00

Newsgroups on USENET 51

When you reply to an e-mail, the text of the to use the American US-ASCII, which only
original mail will automatically be included in contains standard English characters.
the new mail. The > character will appear in If you are using a computer or program that can-
front of each line to show that it is quoted from not use special characters, or know that the re-
the original message. This is often a good idea. If cipient cannot see them, you will have to use the
you receive a letter consisting of a number of nearest equivalent English characters, or write
questions, you can just add your replies in the things out in full (the £ currency symbol is one
right places. So your reply will look like this: example where misunderstandings could arise –
safest to use the word ‘pound’ if you are un-
Hi! sure!).
Thanks for your mail. You wrote:
>How do you know if there is an
>elephant in your refrigerator? The @ sign
That is easy to see. You will notice The @ sign has many different names in diffe-
the footprints in the margarine. rent languages. In German it’s called a “bracket-
All the best,
monkey,” in Swedish a “cinnamon-snail,” in
Finnish a “cat’s tail,” and in Italian a “snail.” In
You should only include the original text if there English it’s just referred to as an “at” sign.
is a reason to do so. Many users of e-mail pro- Actually, this at sign is several hundred years
grams that automatically quote the original mail old. It comes from the Latin word “ad,” which
forget to delete it. So you often receive e-mails means “at” (imagine that!). In the Middle Ages,
that appear, at first glance, to be the same e-mail scribes carefully wrote the d around the a, and
as you sent out, and you have to scroll through it thus the sign looks like this today: @.
before you find the reply. In England, this symbol was used by merchants
for expressions such as “2 carrots @ 5 Pence,”
Off-line that is, more like the French “.”
If it takes you an hour or so to read and answer Gradually, the @ symbol was used less and less
your mail, it will quickly become expensive if – but it still appeared on some typewriters and
you are online the whole time. So most e-mail thus also on the first computer keyboards.
programs let you use them off-line. This means
The reason that this symbol became a permanent
that you can break the connection with your ISP
part of e-mail addresses was that the inventor of
(‘putting the phone down’) as soon as you have
electonic mail on the Internet, Ray Tomlinson,
received your mail. You can then read it in peace
needed a symbol to divide the username from the
and quiet and take your time replying. When you
address of the computer. He wanted to be sure
are finished, you call up again and send your e-
that the symbol he chose would not be used for
other parts of an e-mail address, and thus he cho-
se @ -- the only symbol on the keyboard that
Foreign characters wasn’t used for other purposes. This develop-
Some years ago, sending mails that included ment was also entirely logical since this symbol
country-specific and accented characters such as means “at,” which reinforces the fact that an e-
æ, ø, é and ß was a big problem. This problem is mail address refers to a particular user at a par-
virtually solved, as there is now a standard in ticular firm or organization. Today, the @ sym-
force for sending them. This has been descrip- bol is a symbol of the Internet and of modern
tively named ISO-8859-1. Most normal mail communication generally.
programs follow this standard without you hav-
ing to do anything, so you can use any of these
characters. In some programs you may have to Signature
specify that ISO-8859-1 be used, as they default Most mail programs let you compose a signa-
ture. This is an ending that will be added to all
the e-mails you send. For example, I could write

© Torben Kjaer and knowware - 11-04-00

52 Newsgroups on USENET

yours sincerely, Torben, or write out my address Yes, the weather in Denmark is al-
and telephone number. If you write to people all ways good :-)
over the world, remember to write your signature
in a language they can all understand, which will If you rotate this page through 90 degrees, you
probably be English. can see that the smiley looks like a smiling face
(hence the name). Smileys are used to emphasize
You should be a little careful with what you in- the meaning behind a sentence, but be careful not
clude in your signature. It is not certain that you to use too many of them. An e-mail containing
want everyone you send e-mails to know your many Smileys is a sure sign that the sender is
physical address or telephone number. On the new to the Internet.
other hand, it can be a very good idea to include
:-) This is the most usual smiley. It shows that
the address of your web page, if you have one.
something should be taken ironically, or just
Many people choose to include a quotation in for fun. Sometimes it can be used to add a little
their signature. This is usually a bad idea, as such energy to a message. The nose is often left out,
signatures are usually ignored when reading e- hence: :)
mail. To set up your signature in Internet Ex- ;-) Shows that the sender is winking. Usually a
plorer 4.0, choose TOOLS|STATIONERY and click sign that the message is ironic.
on the signature button. :-( Shows that the sender is upset or annoyed.
There are hundreds of different Smileys, most
Attached files of which are much sillier than this.
:-* Kiss
You can attach any type of file to your e-mails. 8-) The sender is wearing sunglasses.
This is done by choosing INSERT|ATTACH FILE
and then choosing a file on your hard disk. You E-mail and net etiquette (netiquette)
can attach anything, text from a word processor, Netiquette describes how you should behave on
graphic files, or program files, but remember that the Internet. As most people are still beginners in
the person you are sending the file to should be the world of e-mail, it often happens that misun-
able to use it. So a Word file will be useless if derstandings arise because they have not learned
they haven’t got the Word program, and a Win- how to behave properly on the net. The advice
dows program is useless for a Macintosh user. given below is both for your own and others’
You should also remember that if you attach a benefit:
large file, it will take a long time for the person • Never send advertisements by e-mail.
you send it to download it. So you should only
send large files (bigger than 1MB) if you have • NEVER WRITE E-MAILS USING ONLY
arranged it beforehand. When a file is as large as CAPITAL LETTERS! It is nearly unreadable
this, it is a good idea to pack it before sending it and very impolite, rather like carrying on a
using a packing program. (read about the packing conversation by shouting all the time.
program WinZip on page 44). Very large files • Try not to make your language too harsh. A
(larger than 5-10 MB) should not be sent by e- hard tone in an e-mail often seems much wor-
mail as they can give server problems both when se than the same thing said in an ordinary
received and during the transmission process. conversation, because the people involved
cannot see each other’s reactions. So you risk
Smileys getting an angry reply to an e-mail that was
Smileys are special pictograms that have been meant to be friendly, but was written a little
invented to show what mood a writer is in. A too harshly. A single well-placed smiley can
smiley looks like this: :-) formed by a colon, hy- often show what you really mean.
phen and right bracket, and means that the text • Sooner or later you will receive a chain letter
should be taken to be ironic or a joke. For in- via e-mail. Do not send them on, and do not
stance: answer them. Chain letters are stupid and a
waste of other people’s time, whether they are
on paper or sent by e-mail.

© Torben Kjaer and knowware - 11-04-00

Newsgroups on USENET 53

• You will also receive warnings about new, • Do not send films, fun programs, or such un-
dangerous and mysterious viruses. Some peo- less you know that the person you are sending
ple mistakenly believe that e-mail can contain them to will enjoy receiving them. It is quite
viruses. Ignore them, and do not forward possible that they have already received them
them. In nearly all circumstances, they are a from three other people, and maybe they do
hoax. Mistaken warnings about e-mail viruses not have a computer that can use them any-
spread incredibly fast, and are a kind of virus way.
themselves in that they waste more time than
the real viruses that do actually exist.
How can I find an e-mail address?
• Are you sure that you are sending the e-mail There is no central register of e-mail addresses
to the right person? Many people send their on the Internet. But some countries have set up
first e-mail from a friend’s computer, or from their own directories. The best place to start if
one in a library or school. If you answer this you are looking for someone’s e-mail address is
mail, it could well be someone other than the at one of these addresses:
person you think who will end up reading it.
• Remember that e-mail (and all other commu-
nication over the Internet) is not secure. In
theory, anyone with a little technical know-
These are international databases of e-mail ad-
ledge could read your mail. So it is not a good
dresses. Search for a name, and if the person is in
idea to entrust great secrets or wild gossip to
the database, you can see their e-mail address.
an e-mail. Imagine the worst possible situati-
Neither of these two databases is particularly
on, that your boss/wife/worst
comprehensive. If you don’t strike lucky here,
enemy/girlfriend/local police (make your own
then you could try searching directly for the
choice) happens to read that particular e-mail.
name in a search engine like AltaVista. If you
And remember that people can archive their
are lucky, you may find the person’s web site or
e-mail for years.
web page – assuming they have one – and their
• Remember that an e-mail always exists in at address may well be on it.
least two examples. Even though you may
have deleted your copy, the person you sent it
Web-based e-mail
to may have kept theirs. You cannot burn
your letters on the net. In the first 25 years of its existence, e-mail was
only possible if you had a special e-mail program
• It is very easy to make an e-mail public, by of the sort we’ve just described. Today, howe-
forwarding it or sending it out to a newsgroup ver, there’s another possibility: Web-based e-
(read about newsgroups on page 55). So be mail. Here you don’t need a special e-mail pro-
careful what you write about! gram; instead, you can send and receive your
• You should also be careful about forwarding electronic mail using a Web site on which you’re
e-mail you receive. It is always best to check registered as a user. The best-known example of
with the sender before doing it. On the other this kind of setup is HotMail – the company that
hand, there is no need to be nervous about invented it ( Today, there
doing it if there is a good reason for it and are many other companies that offer you Web-
you know that no problems will arise. based e-mail. Here are a few examples:
• Never attach large files to an e-mail -- espe-
cially if the recipient is not expecting them.
• Do not over use e-mail. Meaningless and ir-
relevant e-mails are a nuisance. Some things
are better said on the telephone or face to face
than by e-mail. E-mail should be used to im- Web-based e-mail has several advantages as
prove communication, not to confuse things! compared to more traditional forms of e-mail:

© Torben Kjaer and knowware - 11-04-00

54 Newsgroups on USENET

• Wherever you happen to be in the world, if Here’s how to use Web-based e-mail
you have access to the Internet, you can send The first thing you should do is have a look at
and receive e-mail. With traditional e-mail, different Web-based e-mail services and decide
this is not possible. For example, you could which one suits you best.
be underway in Nepal, visit an Internet café, Once you’ve made your selection, set up your
and send and receive e-mail using your very new e-mail address according to the instructions
own address. If you don’t have a computer on the Web site. You’ll probably have to provi-
of your own, you can use Web-based e-mail de some information – a user name and password
at the library or on a friend’s computer – at the very least. The user name is the text that
wherever you can get Internet access. stands in front of the @ sign in your new e-mail
• Secondly, Web-based e-mail doesn’t cost address. If your user name is torben77, for ex-
anything, while traditional e-mail costs you ample, and you’ve chosen HotMail, then your
money – it may seem like it’s free, but only address will be [email protected]. You
as long as you subscribe to an Internet provi- can only use your given name as your username
der. Often, an Internet subscription offers – if it’s relatively uncommon – otherwise, it’s pos-
even for families – just a single e-mail ad- sible that someone else has already chosen it.
dress. Instead, each family member can set One solution is to put a number after your name
up his or her very own Web e-mail address. – your year of birth or another number that will
• Thirdly, Web-based e-mail is very easy to stick in your head – or you can choose a special
use and it doesn’t require that you install any combination of your first and last names.
programs on your own computer. You must remember your username and pass-
But Web-based e-mail does have disadvantages: word at all costs!
• There are many restrictions on how much Finally, you’ll need to find out how your Web-
server space you can use – that is, there’s a based e-mail service works. In addition to sen-
limit to the amount of e-mail you can store in ding and receiving e-mail, one can often
your account, especially if you receive mes- I. organize mail in folders
sages with large files attached to them II. delete old mail
(image, music, and such files, for example). III. create an address list
Generally these tasks are accomplished with the
• Secondly, there’s always the (relatively rare)
help of buttons, but this will depend on which
risk that the server will not be available ex-
service you’ve chosen.
actly when you need it most.
• Thirdly, there are security problems with Mood-trends on the net
Web-based e-mail. It has already happened
Every now and again, a new or heretofore obscu-
at several large mail services that due to er-
re Web site will suddenly and unexpectedly be-
rors, many e-mails were deleted or someone
come very popular. This can happen if visitors
gained unauthorized access to other people’s
to the Web site send its address to their friends,
who send it to their friends, etc. Or sometimes, a
• Fourthly, traditional e-mail programs offer news service or another big Web site will create
you many more possibilities – for example, a link to an obscure site – at which point it will
the sensible storage of e-mail messages, the be mentioned on other Web sites on the net, and
administration of e-mail addresses, the cu- so on, until there are links to it all over the net.
stomization of the program to suit your own Sometimes, a Web site will become popular be-
needs, and the ability to work offline. cause it’s mentioned in the news. But even Web
Some people have a traditional e-mail account sites that are just funny or strange can experience
and a Web-based e-mail account. This way, they a sudden popularity. Sometimes, these mood-
can choose which they wish to use and decide trends take over and a perfectly normal Web site
which is the most practical solution. will be visited by millions of people in the space
of a few days.

© Torben Kjaer and knowware - 11-04-00

Newsgroups on USENET 55

Newsgroups on USENET
USENET is a collection of tens of thousands of
Newsgroups. ‘Newsgroups’ is actually an unfor- comp about computers, networks, software, etc.
tunate name as they have very little to do with sci about science.
news! A newsgroup is a more like a sort of dis- rec hobbies/sports/art/books/films, etc.
cussion club, which is composed of numerous e-
mails collected together in one place. Every soc cultural and social subjects, religion, etc.
newsgroup concerns a particular subject, and is talk debate about anything and everything
full of discussions, questions and answers, sug- news about USENET itself
gestions, articles and so on. misc anything which cannot be classified as any
There is not a lot of difference between using a of the above
newsgroup on USENET and using ordinary e- alt different subjects, anything from TV series
mail. Instead of sending e-mail to a person, you to dumb blondes to pseudo intellectual dis-
send it to a newsgroup, where every Internet user cussions about sex and relationships. In
can read it. practice this is where most of the action is.
Just as there are mail servers for distributing
mail, there are also news servers for distributing The newsgroups themselves are found further
articles to newsgroups. All news servers on the down in the hierarchy, with more descriptive
Internet are connected via a net (hence the name names. If you are interested in African culture,
USENET), which is used to distribute the articles for example, then look in the group
between them. Using this method, an article you soc.culture.african, if you oppose the In-
send to a particular news group is sent to all ternet, then look in the
news servers all over the world carrying that alt.destroy.the.internet group, and if
group within a couple of days. Articles are only you are interested in cats, then rec.pets.cats
stored on a news server for a short time, usually is for you.
about a week, before they are deleted. Newsgroups can be entertaining and worthwhile,
The owners of each news server decide what but they can also be a complete waste of time.
newsgroups are available on their server. So not Many contributions are in the wrong place, or are
every Internet user is able to see every news- just endless discussions about meaningless sub-
group. Commercial ISPs usually carry all the jects. Some newsgroups never deal with the
main newsgroups (though some of a more radical subject they are supposed to, or are openly a
nature may be censored), while educational, spoof group where no real discussion ever takes
government, and companies will have a much place. In reality, no more than one third of all
smaller selection of newsgroups available (if any newsgroups contain any real activity. There is a
at all!). huge difference between the tone and atmosphere
in different groups. Some groups are dominated
by a particular culture or opinion. Others are a
A hierarchy of subjects
permanent battlefield between different groups.
There are newsgroups for every conceivable Yet more are very apathetic, or concentrate on
subject: philosophy, computers, sex, cooking, rather obscure and nauseating subjects (though
Shintoism, kite flying, and much more. Anybody often in a rather amusing way).
can make a contribution to a group, express their
opinion, make a suggestion or ask a question.
As with everything else in the computer world,
these newsgroups are also arranged in a hierar- A newsreader is a program that displays news-
chy to make them more navigable. There are at groups and their articles for you, and allows you
least 40,000 newsgroups at present, and the to send contributions to a newsgroup. A news-
number is still rising. At the top of the hierarchy reader is very similar to a mail program. Just as a
are such groups as: mail program sends and receives electronic mail

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56 Newsgroups on USENET

via a mail server, your newsreader lets you read long, it can take some time to download. Once
and send contributions to newsgroups using a you have this list, you can mark the newsgroups
news server. you want to subscribe to. This subscriber list can
always be altered later. If you cannot find the
groups you want by working down the hierarchy,
you can always search for a word, and all the
newsgroups containing that word will be dis-
There is often a newsreader included with your played.
web browser. If you use Internet Explorer, your
newsreader is called Outlook Express, which is You choose a group from your subscribed list by
also used as a mail program. It is started by double-clicking on its name. The newsreader will
choosing CHANGE TO|NEWS. then download the subject lines from all the mes-
sages in the selected newsgroup. Then you can
The first time you open your newsreader, you click on one of the messages to see it on your
will have to enter some information, the most screen.
important being the address of your news server.
This is often your ISP’s usual address, prefixed
with the word news and a dot. So my ISP is
UNI2, and they run a news server called

The illustration above is Outlook Express dis-

playing a list of all newsgroups in the top win-
dow on the left. The newsgroup
is marked. The right hand windows shows the
contents of the newsgroup. I have marked one of
You will also be asked for your name and e-mail the articles, which is then displayed in the big
address. This is so that people reading your con- window in the lower half of the screen.
tribution can see who you are.

Subscribing There can be literally thousands of messages in a
All news readers let you subscribe to any number single newsgroup. To be able to make some sort
of newsgroups you choose. This merely means of sense of this huge amount of information, all
that you tell your newsreader which newsgroups contributions are divided up into threads. A
you are interested in (just like adding a web page thread consists of the original posting plus all the
to your list of favorites). The first time you start answers and commentaries to it and each other.
your newsreader, you tell it which newsgroups As long as postings keep being sent on the same
you want to subscribe to. Some programs will subject, the thread will continue.
automatically show you a list of all the news-
A thread starts when an article is replied to by
groups available (very few ISPs carry all news-
another user. Imagine that you have sent in an
groups; most carry only a limited selection).
article with Antique chair for sale to the
With other newsreaders, you will have to down-
gb.junkshop newsgroup. All articles replying
load this list yourself. As this list can be very
to this original article will be headed re: An-

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Newsgroups on USENET 57

tique chair for sale and will belong to ordinary e-mail, the program will automatically
the same thread. This thread only stops when insert a Re: in front of the subject to show that it
nobody replies or comments on the articles in it. is in answer to another contribution. Further-
Some threads can (and do) continue for years. more, the message you are answering will be
Most newsreaders are built up around this con- included as a quote in your new message with a
cept, so that every comment in a thread can be > in front of every line. If you do not think this is
read in the correct order. This means that it is necessary, you can delete all or part of it. It is
also very easy to drop a thread when you lose often a good idea to use these quotes liberally, as
interest in it. If a thread has been running for the message you are replying to will be deleted
some time, then it is probable that the first article sooner or later making your reply hard or impos-
has been deleted on the server, and so it can be sible for other readers to understand.
very difficult to find out what the discussion is If you want to start a new subject, then press the
actually about. new message button. Such a contribution is
called an original message. Make sure you
choose a good subject line for your post. A bad
Using Newsgroups subject line will often mean that no one can be
When you use USENET, you should know the bothered to read it. A misleading subject line can
difference between the three different levels. mean that others feel they have been tricked into
Top Level: All the news- using time to read it. Remember that other users
groups you subscribe to. pay to read your message in some way or an-
You can remove news- other, not only with their time but also with their
groups you no longer wish telephone bill, because it takes time to download
to subscribe to, and add what you have written. Maybe 1000 or more
others to the list. If you people will all use a minute each to read what
click on one of the news- you have written. It soon mounts up.
groups in the list, you
jump down to the next
Middle level: All the arti-
cles in the newsgroup, sorted by threads. A
thread can contain any number of articles. The
first article may be too old and hence has been
deleted. When you click on one of the articles,
you go down to the lowest level. You can also
start a new thread by sending in an article.
Bottom level: This displays the article on screen,
so you can read it. If there are any Hyperlinks in
the text, you can follow them. You can also reply
to the article.
Most newsreaders can manage to use ‘foreign’
Joining in the discussion characters and symbols. Some newsreaders need
In Outlook Express, you join in the discussion by configuring to use a special character set as is
choosing the Follow Up Article button while you described in the section on e-mail and European
have the contribution you want to reply to on characters on page 51.
your screen. What you write will be shown as an
answer to that post, and hence part of the same
thread. A message which is an answer to another
message is also called a follow-up. Just as with

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58 Newsgroups on USENET

Most newsreaders also let you send a personal FAQ

letter to the author of an article. In this case, the Many newsgroups are very specialized and use
message is sent as an ordinary e-mail and cannot their own jargon. For this reason, it is a good
be seen in the newsgroup itself. idea to follow a newsgroup for a while before
When you have read a contribution in a news- you try taking part in the discussion. It often
group, your newsreader will mark that you have happens that a large amount of knowledge has
read it. Next time you use your newsreader, the been accumulated over a period, especially after
articles that you have already read will not be the same questions have been asked, discussed
shown. This makes it easier to keep track of all and answered several times.
the many articles.
Many newsgroups have an enthusiastic partici-
pant who has taken it upon themselves to collect
How do you find the Newsgroups you are all this knowledge in a file called an FAQ. This
interested in? stands for Frequently Asked Questions A FAQ is
You can find newsgroups you are interested in an article that contains answers to the questions
by looking at the list of all the newsgroups that that often appear in the newsgroup. Experienced
are on your news server. This will certainly turn and long time participants easily get annoyed if a
up some newsgroups you are interested in sub- beginner asks a question that is already answered
scribing to. But as the list will almost certainly in the FAQ.
include many thousands of different news There are three ways to find a FAQ. First, it is
groups, it might well be difficult to find precisely often sent to the newsgroup itself. Look for a
the subject that you are interested in. contribution with FAQ as its subject. Secondly,
You can also find newsgroups as links on the most FAQ’s are sent to a special newsgroup
World Wide Web. When you search for a par- called news.answers. And finally, you can find
ticular subject on an index like Yahoo, you will an index covering most FAQ’s at
also be shown any relevant newsgroups in the
results. These newsgroups will nearly always be
last on the list, because they start with the word
Usenet, followed by the newsgroup’s name. Offline
Following the discussions in newsgroups can
soon become an expensive luxury if you have to
be on-line for several hours to read all your fa-
vorite groups. So most newsreaders can be con-
figured to be used offline.
This shows what happened when I searched Ya- Instead of retrieving the entire contents of a
hoo for information about the American TV newsgroup, you can choose just to retrieve the
comedy show Friends. Most of the results show subject lines of each individual contribution.
links to ordinary web pages, but at the bottom of Then you simply mark the articles you want to
the list there is a link to a newsgroup called read, and your newsreader will only download Clicking on this link will
the contents of the marked articles.
start your newsreader and display this group.

Newsgroups and netiquette

When you send a contribution to a newsgroup, it
is very important that you follow some guide-
lines for good behavior. The guidelines already
given for e-mail should be followed (read about
e-mail and netiquette on page 52). And you
should also bear these points in mind:

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Newsgroups on USENET 59

• Avoid asking members of the newsgroup Unfortunately, you cannot count on others fol-
about topics that have already been addressed. lowing these guidelines. In fact the reverse is
See if there is an FAQ for the group and read true; many newsgroups have a very uncomfort-
it first. able tone. It seems that most people find it easier
to be more stupid, irritating, and negative when
• Do not mock, threaten, abuse, hassle, or oth-
they write than they would ever be face to face.
erwise irritate other newsgroup users. A
For this reason, some newsgroups bear more than
mocking or abusive e-mail is called a flame or
a passing resemblance to the walls of men’s
flamemail, and can result in a flamewar,
public toilets!
where threats and abuse fly back and forth
between different users. A flamewar can
really ruin a newsgroup for everybody else. Newsgroups and mailing lists
• Remember that other members of a news- Newsgroups and mailing lists have the same
group can come from any country in the purpose; to allow Internet users to talk about
world, and from a completely different cul- different subjects with each other. But there are
tural and social background. You cannot be differences between the two methods.
certain that other users know anything about
Old messages in newsgroups are deleted auto-
your country, political system, or popular en-
matically. This means it is sometimes difficult to
follow a discussion if you did not see how it
• Avoid sending contributions to a newsgroup started. On a mailing list, the old messages are
if a personal message to a contributor would not deleted. They just stay in your mailbox, and
be better. Most newsreaders let you choose you can decide yourself when you will read them
between these two options when sending a and when you will delete them. You do not need
message. to check with your newsreader to see if any new
• Give some time to consider what you write. contributions have been sent. Everything is
Remember that in principle the whole world automatically sent to you.
can read what you send, including your boss, Furthermore, most mailing lists are controlled,
your children and the caretaker of your meaning that someone has read all articles be-
building. There is no privacy at all in news- fore they are sent out. So your mailbox will not
groups. And all contributions are archived be filled up with irrelevant messages that have
forever – not on the news-server itself, but at nothing to do with the subject. On the other hand, most newsgroups are uncontrolled, mean-
• If you answer another contribution, remember ing anything can (and usually does) gets sent to
to quote it, or describe what it was about in them. There are some controlled, or moderated
your own words. When others come to read newsgroups, where an individual keeps an eye
your message, the original could have been on postings and participant’s behavior, but these
deleted. are few and far between, and are usually only for
very specialized subjects.
• Avoid including the entire message you are
answering, just include the important sections
that you have decided to comment on.

© Torben Kjaer and knowware - 11-04-00

60 Chat

Chat on the Internet means talking to other users Text-based chat programs work by displaying
by writing text on your screen. It is mainly used everything said up on the screen. The nickname
for entertainment and the nearest thing to com- of the person ‘speaking’ is on the far left.
pare it with are telephone chat groups where one Hanson> So, where do you live?
can also just jump into a conversation with com- PostModern> CPH, Denmark. You?
plete strangers.
FlyGuy enters the room
A computer on the Internet that runs a program
theWitch> Hello?
that allows users to chat with each other is called
a chat server. Hanson> Sorry, I have to go. CUL8R
guest1203 enters the room
There are two different ways of chatting. One is
called Webchat, and is simply a web page that calorieGIRL> how are you FlyGuy?
you download, which allows you to chat with FlyGuy grows wings and takes off
others who also have this page open. guest1203> Hi, what are you talking
The other method is to download a special Chat about?
program that you install on your computer, to let You join in the chat by typing something in a
you chat with other users who use the same pro- field at the bottom of the screen and then press-
gram. No matter what sort of chat you use, most ing Enter to send it.
things are the same.
As well as the talk, you can also see messages
You will always have to give a handle or nick- telling you who has come into or left the room.
name when you start to chat. This is the name Many chat systems also let you do things, so
you will appear as. It is usual to choose a name certain commands let your character appear to do
other than your own, usually something funny, something instead of just speaking. This is what
or a set of initials, or a couple of words put to- FlyGuy did in the example above. The way this
gether, like ChatMan or The BOSS, No1 or is done is very different in different chat systems.
something similar.
You can usually ‘whisper’ to another user,
A chat server usually is running a number of meaning that you can send a private message,
different chat rooms. Chat rooms are similar to which only you and they can hear.
ordinary rooms in that when you are in one, you
can chat to everyone in the same room, but can’t
chat to people in other rooms. Each Chat room is Webchat
for a specific interest. Even though there may be The advantage of Webchat is that you do not
many thousands of people using the same chat have to install a new program on your computer
server, there are seldom more than 20 people in – just find a web site offering chat, and start
each chat room. This means that it is more or less communicating. But Webchat is more limited
possible to keep up with what is happening. compared to dedicated chat programs, and the
Some chat systems let users create their own chat options available are often clumsy and difficult
rooms, and invite others to join them there. to use. Different Webchat pages are of different
Some chat systems organise their rooms into a
system of buildings or pavilions, or some such. Here are some examples of the chat genre:
This is both to make the experience richer and
create an atmosphere, but also to make it easier
to keep an eye with what is happening in all the
different rooms. There could be a system set up
like a hotel, with rooms called ‘lobby’,
‘reception’, ‘the bar’, ‘the discotheque’, ‘the ca-
sino’, ‘the swimming pool’ and so on.

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Chat 61

Each Webchat-page works differently, but there

are some things they all have in common. You
fill out a field with a nickname or handle, which
is the name you want to be known as. When you
want to say something, you write your text in a
field and then click on a button to send it. All
Webchat systems are built up like IRC, which is
described below.
If you spend a lot of time chatting, you will get
bored with Webchat very quickly and will
probably want to try one of the real chat pro-
grams. In my opinion, the program described
here is the best one available.

The Palace In addition, you can adorn your person with

various items by clicking on the little suitcase in
You can download the chat program the Palace
the lower right corner: a t-shirt, a hat, a bicycle, a
for free from the company’s homepage:
parrot, and many more.
A visit to the palace costs you nothing, but of
The Palace is a graphical chat program, which course it’s also possible to pay something and
means that the chat room and participants are get additional privileges. In this case, you gain
depicted graphically on your screen. entrance to further rooms, you can create your
The program is easy to use. You install it, start own figure instead of being just another little
it, and choose the menu item FILE|CONNECT, green ball, and you can leave objects on the
whereupon the program connects you to the Pal- screen for other people.
ace server. Then you’ll see many tiny figures,
most of which look like green balls with faces.
These are the users who are currently connected ICQ
to the server. If you want to say something, type ICQ – pronounced “I seek you” – is a chat pro-
it in the little field under the picture. In just a gram that does not lock you in a chat room, but
moment, you’ll see your comment appear in a instead, allows you to call other users. While
speech bubble above “your” head. It’s worth- with other chat programs, chatting is rather like
while to activate the menu item OPTIONS|LOG going to a bar and talking to the people there,
WINDOW – this helps you maintain an overview ICQ is more like a telephone. If other people
over who’s saying what. have this program – and millions of others do –
and it’s currently running on your computer, then
If you click on doors, windows, steps, and other you can talk to them. You can create a list of
things, you can move about the palace, and per- friends and acquaintances and keep track of
haps even find a quiet place to have a long chat who’s on the net at any point in time. Many
with one of the ball-people. If you’d like a people use ICQ as an e-mail program if they
bird’s-eye view, choose the menu item OP- want to establish contact with other people.
You’ll find the program at

Gooey is a chat program that you use with a web
browser. Here, the chats are not divided into
rooms, but instead, you chat with other Gooey
users who are currently on a particular web site
using the browser. If, for example, you go to the

© Torben Kjaer and knowware - 11-04-00

62 Chat

Filmsite Internet Movie Database

(, you can chat with other film
fans. If you change over to CNN
(, you can chat with others who
are interested in this web site. Here, for exam-
ple, you can pose questions about how to use this
web site, discuss its advantages and disadvan-
tages, talk about current events, or just find other
people with similar interests.
You’ll find Gooey at

Nine Good Tips

1. Get used to using the right mouse button in
your browser – the popup menus are often
2. If you’re loading a big file or Web site, don’t
waste your time – open a new window and
do something else while you’re waiting.
3. A long list of your favorite Web sites is as
good as gold and can save you a lot of time.
Don’t forget that you can add search pages to
this list.
4. If you want to keep current on what’s hap-
pening on the Web, check out Yahoo’s
What’s New feature as often as you can.
5. Only use a search engine if you’ve already
searched a Web index like Yahoo in vain.
6. Take a careful look at the URL of a Web
site. You’ll soon learn to read certain kinds
of information out of it – where the Web site
is, whether a company or private person is
behind it, what it’s about, and above all: is it
worth your time to look at it?
7. Make yourself a personal homepage if you
have the opportunity to do so. It’s fun,
you’ll learn a lot, and you’ll make the Web a
better place. In the booklet Web Design,
you’ll learn more about this topic.
8. Every now and then you should check whe-
ther your web browser is up-to-date. It could
be that a new version has come out, or that a
new (and better) competitor has come onto
the scene.
9. Eat healthy food, drink lots of water and get
enough sleep!

© Torben Kjaer and knowware - 11-04-00

Be critical 63

Be critical
It is more than probable that the Internet will something away will nearly always want some-
quickly become a part of your everyday life. thing in return. Many web sites are supported by
Before you have realized it, you have got into the advertising revenue. Of course they want you to
habit of using e-mail regularly, and searching the stay there as long as possible so you see as many
Internet before going down to the library or advertisements as they can push at you.
looking in the telephone directory. For your own Some firms offer free information about a certain
sake, it is a good idea to give some thought to subject in the hope that you will end up buying a
questions like how much security you want or certain product. It can often be harder to differ-
need, how active you will become on the Inter- entiate between marketing and real information
net, how much you wish to guard your private on the Internet than in traditional media.
life and so on.
At other web sites you ‘pay’ for all the free in-
Private life formation or service by giving personal informa-
Before you begin to use e-mail for your job, tion about yourself, your age, occupation, in-
studies, or private life, you should be aware that come, and so on. The purpose of collecting these
e-mail can rapidly become an onerous duty and details is usually to be able to come back and try
an invasion of your private life. E-mail can be and sell you something. It is also very probable
used to get employees to work in their free time, that the information collected will be sold to
and to send up to the minute, but totally unneces- other firms who will also use it for marketing
sary information, which does nothing but waste purposes.
people’s time. Information overload
If you begin to use e-mail seriously, it means that There is a nearly infinite amount of information
you may have to check your mail regularly, often on the Internet. A search for a relatively obscure
at least once a day, or maybe more often. The subject can give several thousand web pages as a
Internet can quickly become an enormous influ- result. A web page about something that interests
ence on your everyday life. you can contain several hundred links to other
Be critical similar pages. The consequence of all this is that
Experience shows that people often forget to use you will get used to making quick decisions on
their critical faculties when something new and whether you have found what you are looking
exciting bursts on the scene. The famous Ameri- for. You will have to learn to skim over text very
can radio broadcast of ‘The War of the Worlds’ quickly (in every language you can understand)
and the panic it created shows that a new me- if you cannot already do that.
dium can appear to be much more trustworthy The Law
and impressive than that which it supersedes, for Due to the Internet’s decentralized structure,
no other reason than that it is new. There is no there is no common, agreed, international law
reason to make the same mistake with the Inter- that can be applied to it. But some countries try
net. There are as many lies, exaggerations and to make laws that apply to their part of the net. In
incorrect information on the Internet as there are countries such as Iraq and France, it is illegal to
on any other media. use programs like PGP to encrypt e-mail This
How can it all be free? may well mean that it is also illegal for someone
Nearly everything on the net is free. You can to send an e-mail encrypted in this way from a
find free current affairs and up to the minute country like Denmark, where the program’s use
news, free programs, and free information about is legal, to a country where it may not be used. In
every subject under the sun. But you should be a theory, it might also be illegal to send encrypted
little sceptical when things are just given away, e-mail that crosses France’s borders on its way
because there is usually some motive for such to the recipient. In practice, no one knows how a
generosity. The firm or person who is giving court would react if a case of this kind was ever
to be taken up.

© Torben Kjaer and knowware - 11-04-00

64 Security

Unfortunately, there are many security issues You should also be aware that it is very easy to
and problems connected with using the Internet. search on the Internet. Using DejaNews (see
Many of them have no solution at present, but page 59), anybody can search for your name in
this makes it no less important that you know all existing newsgroups in just a few seconds.
they exist. This means that anyone could be watching eve-
There is a general problem in that you leave rything you write, even though you thought that
electronic footprints everywhere you go. Every you were only talking in a little private news
time you connect to a server, that server can: group without many members.
• See which type of web browser you are A further security risk is a little file included
using. with the Netscape web browser, innocently
• See which web page you were on before named cookies.txt When you connect to a web
you arrived at that server. server, the server can enter certain messages
• Read your IP address. If you are a private here. This is usually used to save any configu-
user, all this means is that the web server can rations you have changed on a web page, so that
see which ISP you use. If you are sitting at you find the same options available next time
work, then your address may well show the you connect to the same page. But there is no
name of the company you work for. So at guarantee about what is being written in your they can see how many ‘cookies’ file. It could also be personal infor-
visits they have had from your workplace or mation that you have given out without think-
school. Technically, it is possible to find out ing, and that then can be used to target adver-
exactly which computer visited the site. tisements or some such. So be careful when
filling out on-line forms that ask you to give
But a web server cannot discover your e-mail
personal information.
I could go on describing security and privacy
On several occasions, serious faults have been problems like these, but that is not really the
found in web browsers, meaning that in theory, point. The point is that you should understand
a server could read files on a visitor’s computer. that you can be observed in many ways without
These faults have always been fixed immedi- you realizing it.
ately, but what about the faults that no one The best way to protect yourself is to be aware
knows exist yet? of the risk, and always be careful. Even though
Another example of your digital footprints is the you may have nothing to hide, you have every
list of web sites you have visited. Other people right to protect your private life. It is better to be
who use your computer can follow your move- too careful than to believe that no one is inter-
ments around the net in detail. ested in knowing anything about you. There is
no doubt that in the future, cases will arise of
A third example is if you have a home page
companies and individuals who have misused
containing personal information, things like
information about people’s private lives ob-
what you do, your picture, your home address,
tained by disingenuous means from the Internet.
and so on. Think that millions of people can see
you, learn your address and so on. I really do
not know if this is a problem, because it has
never been possible before, but I am sure that
some people will find unpleasant and un-
dreamed of ways to use this information.

© Torben Kjaer and knowware - 11-04-00

Glossary 65

32 bit Used in many different ways, but when in Cookie A little piece of information that a web
the context of a Windows program (the most com- server saves in a file on your computer, so it can be
mon usage) means that it can only run under Win- used at a later date. So if you give your name and
dows 95/98 or NT, and not Windows 3.11. address to a web site when you buy something,
AOL American on-line service (the largest in the then next time you visit the site, you will be recog-
world). nized and so will not have to give this information
Applet A small program written in Java and de-
signed to be built into a web page. Crosspost To send the same contribution to sev-
eral different newsgroups, all of which cover rele-
Au A format for sound files vant subjects.
Avatar A visual representation of an Internet user, Cyber anything connected with the net.
which can be in the form of a cartoon figure, a
three dimensional shape, a photo of the user, and Cyberspace A word invented by the science-
so on. Avatars are used especially in chat pro- fiction author William Gibson, which describes the
grams, where you do not see the actual person you global computer network of the future. It is now
are chatting with, but their avatar instead. often used to describe the world found on the In-
ternet. It is a word with a very broad meaning, and
Avi A format for video files is also used in connection with virtual reality tech-
Bandwidth The name given to the capacity of a niques. The word cyber is misused all over the
connection on the net. The bigger (or wider) the place, and usually does not mean more than ‘we
bandwidth, the faster data can be transported. At are also on the Internet’ (cyber actually comes
the time of writing, bandwidth in most places is not from the Greek kubernan = to steer, and is used
wide enough for downloading film or other types scientifically when control systems are being dis-
of data, which make such huge demands on a sys- cussed).
tem. Dedicated Internet connection A direct Internet
BBS Bulletin Board System. An electronic meeting connection (i.e. without using a telephone line and
place where a user can find files or communicate a modem). With a dedicated connection, you are
with other users. There are BBSs on the Internet, always connected to the Internet.
and there are BBSs not on the Internet that can be Dialer The program used for calling up your Inter-
reached via a their own telephone number. net service provider.
Beta A program that is not yet finished, but is re- Dialup Internet connection Connect to the Internet
leased so users can try it out. It is best to avoid beta via a telephone line and a modem. With a dial up
releases unless you really need the newest features. connection you are only connected to the Internet
Remember that they can give problems. They are temporarily, until you tell your program to break
sometimes known as ‘Preview versions’. the connection.
Bounce When an e-mail is returned to the sender DNS Domain Name System. A system that
because it could not be delivered to the address ‘translates’ a computer’s address to four numbers
given in the to: field. separated by full stops or ‘dots’ (For example from
Cable-modem A special modem used when you to An address in
access the Internet via cable TV instead of the tele- this form is actually the only way a computer can
phone system. understand it.
Client A client is a program that asks a server to Domain The area that a computer belongs to. A
perform an operation for it. Examples of client computer with an address is called imv
programs are web browsers and mail programs. and belongs to the area (which for those in
Coffee (also Tea, Cola etc. etc.) Something you the know is the university of Aarhus in Denmark).
can drink an awful lot of while waiting for web Download To transport a document or other type
pages to download. of file from a computer on the Internet, or a BBS,
back to your own computer. See upload.

© Torben Kjaer and knowware - 11-04-00

66 Index

EFF Electronic Frontier Foundation An organiza- GIF A graphic format that is often used on web
tion that fights for the standpoint that some of the pages. Uses 265 colors and is most efficient for
rights named in the American constitution (for in- simple drawings.
stance, freedom of speech) should also be enforced Hit Every movement in a web page. A movement
on the net. is when one downloads a page, presses a button on
E-mail, e-post Electronic mail. a page, follows a link to another page and so on.
Encryption Coding of data so that it can only be Popular places like Yahoo or
read by a recipient who holds a key, and not by can have several million hits a day.
anyone else who may intercept the message. See Homepage The central web page in a collection of
PGP. web pages. A home page is usually a combined
Extranet An intranet that has been expanded to welcome to users, a front page for the site owner,
include a firm’s customers or other selected or- and an index to other pages on the site. The word is
ganizations. also used to describe the web page that is shown
when your web browser starts.
FAQ Frequently Asked Questions. A list of the
most common questions about a subject, together Host A computer offering some sort of service to
with answers. Read every FAQ you find; you will users on a network. This could well be as a
become much wiser. webserver.
Firewall A security system between a local net- HTML HyperText Mark-up Language. The lan-
work and the Internet that is used to protect the guage used to write web pages. Actually text files
former from users of the latter. It is a computer that with built in markings that are interpreted by the
all Internet traffic has to pass through, and that is web browser. The current standard is HTML 3.2.
programmed with a number of rules governing HTTP HyperText Transport Protocol. The protocol
what type of traffic is allowed through. Firewalls used to transfer HTML documents (web pages).
are often used by companies that are connected to Hyperlink See link.
the Internet, and they often give problems, as some
programs cannot be used from behind a firewall. Hypertext Text containing links, which are con-
nections to other pieces of text or other resources
Flame, flaming slang for reacting aggressively (like other web pages).
against a person in a newsgroup. Acting aggres-
sively means to throw insults, threats and so on at IE4 Microsoft The web browser Internet Explorer
them. It is good netiquette to avoid flaming other 4.0
users. Infobahn, the The European equivalent of the
Freeware Free software. There is lots of it on the American ‘information superhighway’. Both of
Internet! these are phrases dreamt up by politicians (or their
public relations firms), who have never really
FTP File Transfer Protocol. A protocol for trans- caught on.
porting files on the Internet. When you download
files from a web page (like from Internet2 An experimental network that connects, you may notice that the url academic institutions. Much like the Internet, but
does not start with http:// but instead begins with much faster. The Internet2 is used for transferring
ftp:// - There is no noticeable difference for you as video or other resource-intensive data. Knowledge
a user. There are also dedicated FTP programs that and technology that is developed here will eventu-
are used to transport files between computers. ally be applied to the Internet.
Gateway A computer or program that translates Internet service provider (ISP) A company offer-
from one protocol to another. As the Internet func- ing connections to the Internet.
tions with common protocols, there is no need for Intranet A local net using the Internet protocol
gateways on the Internet itself. But there are gate- TCP/IP and ordinary Internet software. An intranet
ways to other networks and on-line services, so it is can be connected to the Internet, but it does not
possible to send e-mail from one system to another. have to be.
IP Internet Protocol. See TCP/IP.

© Torben Kjaer and knowware - 11-04-00

Index 67

ISDN A type of digital telephone connection that dinary CD are up to eight times bigger for the same
offers more possibilities than a normal (analog) quality.
connection. For example, it offers a faster connec- MP3 files are often mentioned in the same breath
tion than a normal modem. as criminality on the net, as they are often used for
Java A programming language used to write pro- pirate copies of music, distributed via the Internet.
grams for web use, which can be stored on web But there are also many sites where MP3 files have
pages, and then automatically downloaded and been placed with the full co-operation of the artists
used on your computer. concerned, who can then sell their own music
without having to use the music industry’s distri-
Javascript A programming language that can be bution system (another reason the MP3 format is
built into a web page itself, and can be used to de- unpopular with the industry).
velop the functions on that page. This can give The term MP3 is the second most used search word
moving buttons, animations, simple games and so on the Internet. If you can’t guess what the most
on. Javascript and Java are two completely differ- used one is, then read about
ent languages. on page 31)
JPEG, JPG A graphic format that is often used on MSIE Microsoft Internet Explorer Browser. Inter-
web pages. Uses 16 million colors, and is very effi- net Explorer is the most popular web browser, with
cient for photographs. Netscape Navigator in second place. One reason
Link A connection from one web page to another for this is that Internet Explorer is pre-installed on
web page, or to a film, a sound file, a picture or a most new computers. It has some advantages and
program. Connections usually consist of a word disadvantages compared to Navigator. Which you
that is highlighted with an underline and a special prefer to use is mainly a matter of personal choice.
color, but a link can also be a picture or part of a MSN Microsoft Network. An on-line service
picture. owned and run by the software giant Microsoft.
LISTSERV A program used to administer mailing Nameserver A computer that runs DNS. Your In-
lists. ternet service provider has a nameserver that
Lurker Someone who follows a newsgroup without translates all computer addresses to numbers.
taking part themselves. Newsgroups Discussion areas where Internet us-
Mail server A computer on the Internet that can ers can discuss, comment, and ask questions . Each
receive and send electronic mail. newsgroup concerns itself with a single subject.
MIME Multipurpose Internet Mail Extension. De- Newsreader A program that is used to read and
spite its name, a standard description of file for- send articles to newsgroups on the USENET.
mats. NNTP Network News Transfer Protocol. The pro-
Mirror server or mirror site When a file server or tocol used to transport newsgroups over the Inter-
web server becomes overloaded due to its popular- net.
ity, a mirror site is often set up. This is another On-line service A commercial network for paying
server that contains exactly the same files or web users only, often based on different technology to
pages as the original server. Mirror sites are often the Internet. In practice, the borders between the
set up on different continents so that everyone can Internet and on-line services are becoming very
get quick access. blurred. The most widely used on-line service is
Mov Extension for a video file in the Quick-Time now AOL (still known as America on-line in the
format USA).
Mozilla Nickname for Netscape (and the name of PGP Pretty Good Privacy. A program used to en-
the green dragon that is Netscape’s mascot). crypt information sent over the Internet. Worth
MP3 Is an audio file format. MP3 files are mainly using if you are worried about third parties inter-
used for music, as their quality is virtually the same cepting and reading your messages. Illegal to use
as that on an ordinary CD. Music in MP3 format in some countries.
fills about 1MB per minute, so most pop songs will Plug-in A program that is like a building block that
take 3 - 4 MB. Even though these files are big, they can be added to another program to give it new
are a revolution for sound files; the files on an or- functions. There are many Plug-ins for Netscape,

© Torben Kjaer and knowware - 11-04-00

68 Index

allowing it to show films, display special text for- which a restaurant served the lunchmeat Spam
mats, three dimensional worlds and so in, directly (cheap ham) in every dish.
in Netscape itself. Surf moving around the web with no other purpose
POP Point Of Presence. A telephone number than to be entertained.
where you can connect to the Internet. Even though TCP/IP Transmission Control Protocol/Internet
an Internet service provider may be in one place Protocol. The standard that makes everything pos-
geographically, they often have different telephone sible. The basic ‘language’ of the Internet .
numbers in different locations, so users need only
call up a local number to connect. TCP/IP-stack A program that you must have on
your PC as a layer between the client programs
Portal A portal is a web site that functions as a (like a web browser) and the Internet. The TCP/IP
‘door’ or starting point to the net. Portals always stack calls up your Internet service provider and
include an index of web sites and search tools. manages all communication (that is made using
They often include other offers, like free e-mail, TCP/IP). Windows 3.1 and 3.11 do not include a
news about what is happening on the web, inter- TCP/IP stack, and so you will have to install one
esting places to visit, and so on. Many users use a yourself.
portal as their start page as it is a good place to
start a web tour. Well known portals include Trumpet Winsock One of the many Winsocks and available free on the Internet.

Protocol, A set of standards for the transmission of UNIX A very common operating system for servers
data on a network. Protocols may be on several on the Internet.
different levels. The basic protocol standardizing Upload The opposite to download. To copy a file
all communication over the Internet is called from your own computer to one of the computers
TCP/IP, but above this, individual types of pro- on the Internet.
gram function with their own protocol. HTTP is a URL Uniform Resource Locator. A standard for
protocol, Gopher is a protocol, and e-mail is a resource addresses on the Internet. These resources
protocol. can be web pages, programs or other files, e-mail
ram Extension for files in the RealAudio sound addresses, and many other things. A URL de-
format that can only be played by the RealPlayer scribes the exact address and which protocol
program. should be used to access the resource. Examples:
Server A program or a computer that can offer a and
service to a client, as when a web server gives ac- mailto:[email protected],
cess to a web page, or a file server gives access to URLs that describe a Danish search engine and the
software. American president’s electronic address, respec-
Shareware Software that may be copied and dis-
tributed without charge (via the Internet, for exam- Usenet A large group of newsgroups, where users
ple), but that should be paid for if it is used for can discuss and exchange viewpoints on all sorts of
longer than a limited try-out period (usually 30 different subjects via e-mail.
days). Virtual A very misused word, given meanings from
Site A ‘place’ on the net - actually a server. In ‘artificial’ to ‘non physical’, ‘not real’ to ‘anything
normal use, the term is not so much used to de- taking place electronically over the Internet’.
scribe a server, but a collection of pages on a par- VRML A language used to construct three dimen-
ticular server. sional objects on the web. There are VRML worlds
Snailmail The old-fashioned letters that are deliv- on the web that you can visit if your web browser
ered by the postman! is expanded with a plug-in that can display these
Spam, spamming 1. Unsolicited advertising sent
out in mass e-mails. 2. A not particularly pleasant Web browser A program that is necessary to have
activity that consists of sending the same message in order to be able to read and navigate around web
to many newsgroups, no matter what the groups pages on the World Wide Web. Netscape Naviga-
are actually about. Originally, the expression tor and Microsoft Internet Explorer are the best
comes from a well-known Monty Python sketch, in known web browsers.

© Torben Kjaer and knowware - 11-04-00

Index 69

Web pages Files written in a special HyperText

format (see HTTP). Web pages can contain text,
pictures, film, sound and links to other web pages.
Web server A computer connected to the Internet
that runs a program allowing users to download
and view web pages on their own computer.
Winsock Windows Socket. The name of the
TCP/IP-stack for the Windows operating system.
World Wide Web A gigantic collection of web
pages, pictures, text files films and sounds which
are all connected to each other via links.
XDSL A designation for several technologies,
which enable permanent and fast Internet connec-
tions over a normal telephone connection. These
technologies, which include ADSL, HDSL, and
SDSL are often collected under the term xDSL.
For private users, XDSL represents a realistic al-
ternative to ISDN or an analog modem connection.

© Torben Kjaer and knowware - 11-04-00

70 Index

@, 49 off-line, 51
16-bit, 42 password, 17
32-bit, 42 PGP, 65
address, 11 plug-ins, 10
alt, 56 protocol, 11
archive, 43 Radio, 47
Attached files, 52 Reload button, 22
Bookmark, 23 reply, 50
browser, 9 secure websites, 48
cable TV, 8 server, 8
carbon copy, 50 Shareware, 41
Cc, 50 Shopping, 48
Chat, 62 signature, 51
cookies, 66 smiley, 52
country code, 12 Smileys, 52
Customs duties, 48 subject, 50
dialler, 17 Threads, 57
dialler, 17 title, 10
download, 10; 41 Toolbar, 22
Electronic mail, 49 URL, 11
E-mail, 7; 49; 65 USENET, 56
e-mail address, 49 user name, 17
FAQ, 60 Virus, 44
Favorites, 23 VRML, 70
flame, 60 web browser, 19
flamemail, 60 Webbrowser, 9
flamewar, 60 Webchat, 62
Follow Up, 58 web-server, 10
forms, 24 WinZip, 44
Frames, 24 World Wide Web, 7
freeware, 41 Yahoo, 35
Frequently Asked Questions, 60
handle, 63
home page, 22
home-page, 10
host, 8
HotBot, 36
HotJava, 24
Hyperlink, 9
Information overload, 65
Internet service provider, 8; 16
ISO-8859-1, 51
ISP, 8; 16
links, 9
mail server, 49
mailing lists, 61
modem, 8; 14
netiquette, 52; 60
news server, 56
Newsgroups, 56
Newsreader, 56
nickname, 63
Offline, 60

© Torben Kjaer and knowware - 11-04-00

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