Hollanda Vekalet

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Vize basvurumun HALT PUACA T.C KMLK NO17951198236...............................

isimli sahis tarafindan yapilmasina izin veriyorum, yukarida ismi gecen sahsin veya ilgili/baglantili oldugu acentanin, Hollanda Baskonsoloslugu ile baglantili veya anlasmali olmadiginin bilincindeyim. Tarih: Isim: Soyisim: Pasaport numarasi: Imza:

I hereby authorise.................. to handle my visa application. I am aware, that neither the above mentioned person, nor the agent he/she is employed by, has any agreement or connection with the Consulate General of the Netherlands.

Date: Name: Surname: Passport number: Signature:

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