Biology Unit 1 Edexcel Jan 96-June 05 Mark Scheme
Biology Unit 1 Edexcel Jan 96-June 05 Mark Scheme
Biology Unit 1 Edexcel Jan 96-June 05 Mark Scheme
Biology Edexcel unit 1 Jan 96 – June 05 Mark scheme
2. The diagram below shows some of the stages in protein synthesis and secretion in a
mammalian cell.
(a) (i) Name the processes taking place during stages A and B.
A transcription;
B translation;
(2 marks)
(ii) Name the process by which protein is secreted in stage F.
exocytosis / reverse pinocytosis;
(1 marks)
(b) Describe the part played by transfer RNA in the formation of the polypeptide chain during
stage B.
tRNA has an unpaired triplet of bases / anticodon; attaches to / binds to
mRNA codon / complementary bases; tRNA carries a specific amino acid;
which becomes part of polypeptide / reference to formation of peptide bonds;
(3 marks)
[Total 6 marks]
Biology Edexcel unit 1 Jan 96 – June 05 Mark scheme
3. The graph below shows how the quantity of DNA, measured in arbitrary units, varies with time
during the different phases of the cell cycle in an animal cell.
G1 S G2
4. The table below refers to some features of prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells.
Biology Edexcel unit 1 Jan 96 – June 05 Mark scheme
If the feature is present, place a tick (√) in the appropriate box and if the feature is absent, place
a cross (x) in the appropriate box.
Nuclear envelope ;
Cell surface membrane ;
Ribosomes ;
Microtubules ;
Mitochondria ;
[Total 5 marks]
5. The graphs below show the relationship between pH and the relative activity of three different
protein digesting enzymes: trypsin, pepsin and papain.
activity Trypsin
6 8 10
2 4 6 4 6 8
pH pH
(a) Explain why changes in pH usually affect the activity of the enzymes.
pH affects ionisation / changes / ionic bonds / hydrogen bonds; this affects
shape of enzyme / active site; could affect ionisation of substrate; affects
formation of enzyme - substrate complexes; enzymes may be denatured at
extremes of pH / at unsuitable pH values;
(3 marks)
(b) Comment on the effect of changes in pH on the activity of trypsin, pepsin and papain.
trypsin has an optimum activity at pH 8 (range 7.5 - 8.5);
Biology Edexcel unit 1 Jan 96 – June 05 Mark scheme
pH optimum close to that of meat / blood;
(2 marks)
(d) Rennin, an enzyme extracted from the stomach of calves, is used in the manufacture of
cheese. Maxiren®, an enzyme similar to rennin, is produced by gene technology.
State two advantages of using Maxiren®, instead of rennin in cheese manufacture.
1 may be cheaper to produce / extract;
easier to extract;
6. (a) The diagrams below represent the chromosomes during stages in the process of mitosis.
Biology Edexcel unit 1 Jan 96 – June 05 Mark scheme
Write the letters in the order that represents the sequence in which these stages occur.
(1 marks)
(b) State two ways in which meiosis differs from mitosis.
1 pairing of homologous chromosomes / eq;
chiasmata formation / crossing over occurs;
7. The table below refers to three organic compounds found in cell organelles.
If the compound is found in the organelle, place a tick (√) in the appropriate box and if the
compound is not found in the organelle, place a cross (x) in the appropriate box.
Ribosome ;
Chloroplast ;
Smooth endoplasmic ;
Mitochondrion ;
[Total 4 marks]
Biology Edexcel unit 1 Jan 96 – June 05 Mark scheme
8. The diagram below shows the structure of part of a molecule of deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA).
(a) (i) How many codons are shown in this section of mRNA?
four / 4;
(1 mark)
(ii) What is specified by a sequence of codons in an mRNA molecule?
sequence / order of amino acids / primary structure of polypeptide / protein;
(1 mark)
Biology Edexcel unit 1 Jan 96 – June 05 Mark scheme
(b) A tRNA molecule carries a complementary base sequence for a particular codon.
(i) Write the complementary sequence for the first codon in the mRNA sequence given
(1 mark)
(ii) Describe the role of tRNA molecules in the process of protein synthesis.
tRNA has an unpaired triplet of bases / anticodon;
attaches / binds / joins to MRNA codon / triplet of bases;
tRNA carries a specific / eq. amino acid;
correct reference to formation of peptide bond /
OR amino acids joined by peptide bond;
(3 marks)
[Total 6 marks]
10. Give an account of the structure and functions of polysaccharides in living organisms.
[Total 10 marks]
1 (a) polysaccharides consist of monosaccharides joined;
(b) by glycosidic bonds;
(c) correct general formula for polysaccharide;
2 correct details of bond formation / accept from clear diagram;
3 α glucose in starch / glycogen / α 1-4 linkages;
4 β glucose in cellulose / β 1-4 linkages;
5 starch consists of amylose and amylopectin;
6 amylase is unbranched / amylopectin branched;
7 glycogen branched;
8 cellulose unbranched;
9 starch / glycogen are storage carbohydrates;
10 (a) starch in plants;
(b) glycogen in animals / liver / muscle;
11 reference to osmotic effects / insolubility;
12 (a) can be broken down to glucose;
(b) glucose / starch / glycogen as source of energy;
13 cellulose in plant cell wall;
14 hydrogen bonding between hydroxyl groups of adjacent chains;
15 forming microfibrils;
16 has high tensile strength / reference to structural support;
17 credit for 2 other polysaccharides; e.g. callose, inulin, pectins,
peptidoglycans, chitin; name and correct function / location.
18 cellulose as roughage;
Biology Edexcel unit 1 Jan 96 – June 05 Mark scheme
11. The diagram below shows the structure of a chloroplast, as seen using the electron microscope.
12. Some people become ill if they drink milk or milk products as they do not secrete the enzyme
lactase in their intestine. This is known as lactose intolerance.
Lactose, present in milk, is converted to glucose and galactose by the action of the enzyme lactase.
In an investigation, milk was passed at different rates over lactase immobilised in beads of
sodium alginate. The rate of glucose production was measured at each flow rate.
Biology Edexcel unit 1 Jan 96 – June 05 Mark scheme
Rate of
/ arbitrary
units 2
0 5 10 15 20 25 30
Rate of milk flow / cm 3 min –1
(a) (i) Describe the effect of the rate of flow of milk on the rate of glucose production.
maximum rate between 15 – 20cm3 min-1;
rate decreases either side of maximum / increases to maximum
then decreases;
rapid increase at 5-10 cm3 min-1 flow rate / rapid decrease
at 25 – 28 cm3 min-1 / eq;
(2 marks)
(ii) Suggest two reasons why variations in the rate of flow of milk should produce
this effect.
1 too fast means insufficient time for enzyme to act on lactose / eq;
2 too slow means galactose / glucose / products will accumulate and inhibit reaction / eq;
(2 marks)
Biology Edexcel unit 1 Jan 96 – June 05 Mark scheme
13. An experiment was carried out to determine the effect of temperature on the activity of an
enzyme digesting the protein gelatin.
Gelatin was incubated with the enzyme at a range of temperatures from 5 °C to 60 °C. The rate
of amino acid production was measured over a three-hour period.
The results are shown in the table below, expressed as rate of amino acid production in
mg dm-3 h-1
Rate of production of amino acid
Temperature / ºC
/ mg dm–3 h–1
5 14
10 19
15 24
20 31
25 40
30 51
35 68
40 93
45 98
50 89
60 33
Biology Edexcel unit 1 Jan 96 – June 05 Mark scheme
0 10 20 30 40 50 60
(4 marks)
Biology Edexcel unit 1 Jan 96 – June 05 Mark scheme
(ii) Comment on the effect of temperature on the activity of the enzyme as shown in the
rate increased exponentially / eq. until 40 °C;
slower / eq. increase to 45 °C / maximum / optimum rate at 45 °C / reaches a
peak at 45 °C;
reference to steep / eq fall / ref to specified figures / after 45 °C / 50 °C / after
optimum / OR correct ref to specified figs and temperatures;
reference to (kinetic) energy / movement of molecules / eq;
reference to denaturing of enzymes at higher temperatures;
(3 marks)
(b) The experiment was continued at 45 °C for a further 7 hours. At the end of this time, an
additional 292 mg dm-3 of amino acid had accumulated.
(i) Calculate the mean rate of reaction during the 10 hours at 45 °C.
[(3x98) + 292] ÷ 10 =) 58.6 / 59 mg dm –3h–1
(1 mark)
(ii) Give two possible reasons for the difference between the rate at the end of 10 hours
and the rate after 3 hours incubation.
1 substrate / gelatin / protein used up;
enzyme (starts to) denature(s);
2 inhibition by end product of reaction / ref to equilibrium reached / eq;
(2 marks)
(c) Protein-digesting enzymes can be used as an ingredient in biological washing powders.
Suggest how the results of this experiment could be used to design a suitable washing
programme using a biological washing powder.
set programme at (40-) 45 °C / optimum temperature;
ref to short time / up to 3 hours for washing cycle;
bring wash up to temperature before adding washing powder / ref to
pre-wash with powder;
(2 marks)
[Total 12 marks]
14. An experiment was carried out to determine the effect of temperature on the activity of an
enzyme digesting the protein gelatin.
Gelatin was incubated with enzyme at a range of temperatures from 5 °C to 60 °C. The rate of
amino acid production was measured over a three-hour period.
Biology Edexcel unit 1 Jan 96 – June 05 Mark scheme
The results are shown in the table below, expressed as rate of amino acid production in
mg dm-3 h-1
Rate of production of amino acid
Temperature / ºC
/ mg dm–3 h–1
5 14
10 19
15 24
20 31
25 40
30 51
35 68
40 93
45 98
50 89
60 33
Biology Edexcel unit 1 Jan 96 – June 05 Mark scheme
0 10 20 30 40 50 60
(4 marks)
Biology Edexcel unit 1 Jan 96 – June 05 Mark scheme
(ii) Comment on the effect of temperature on the activity of the enzyme as shown in the
rate increased exponentially / eq. until 40 °C;
slower / eq. increase to 45 °C / maximum / optimum rate at 45 °C / reaches a
peak at 45 °C;
reference to steep / eq fall / ref to specified figures / after 45 °C /50 °C / after
optimum / OR correct ref to specified figs and temperatures;
reference to (Kinetic) energy / movement of molecules / eq;
reference to denaturing of enzymes at higher temperatures;
(3 marks)
(b) The experiment was continued at 45 °C for a further 7 hours. At the end of this time, an
additional 292 mg dm-3 of amino acid had accumulated.
(i) Calculate the mean rate of reaction during the 10 hours at 45 °C.
[(3x98) + 292] ÷ 10 =) 58.6 / 59 mg dm –3h–1
(1 mark)
(ii) Give two possible reasons for the difference between the rate at the end of 10 hours
and the rate after 3 hours incubation.
1 substrate / gelatin / protein used up;
enzyme (starts to) denature(s);
2 inhibition by end product of reaction / ref to equilibrium reached / eq;
(2 marks)
(c) Protein-digesting enzymes can be used as an ingredient in biological washing powders.
(i) Suggest how the results of this experiment could be used to design a suitable
washing programme using a biological washing powder.
set programme at (40-) 45 °C / optimum temperature;
ref to short time / up to 3 hours for washing cycle;
bring wash up to temperature before adding washing powder / ref to
pre-wash with powder;
(2 marks)
(ii) Suggest possible advantages of using biological washing powders rather than non-
biological detergents.
works at/can be used at lower temperatures;
so energy-saving;
less harmful / damaging to fabrics / eq;
better at getting rid of organic / specific stains;
ref to environmental effect / biodegradable / no / less phosphate / eq;
(2 marks)
[Total 14 marks]
Biology Edexcel unit 1 Jan 96 – June 05 Mark scheme
15. (a) Cell A in the diagram below has two pairs of chromosomes.
Cell B, C and D have each arisen from A by cell division.
(i) For each of the cells labelled B and C, identify the type of cell division which has
occurred to produce the cell. In each case give a reason for your answer.
Cell B
Type of division Mitosis;
Reason no reduction in chromosome number / same number of
chromosomes / both diploid / still diploid / identical to Cell A;
Cell C
Type of division meiosis / reduction division;
Reason chromosome number halved / crossing over has occurred /
haploid / chromosomes different from A;
(2 marks)
(ii) Explain the reasons for the difference between the parts labelled P and Q in cells
C and D.
homologous chromosomes pair / synapsis occurs / bivalents formed;
chiasma formed / crossing over took place;
exchange of materials / genes / genetic information between chromatids;
(3 marks)
(b) State one way in which oogenesis differs from spermatogenesis.
one egg cell produced (in oogenesis) four spermatoza in spermatogenesis
polar bodies formed in oogenesis / not in spermatogenesis;
oogenesis in embryo / spermatogenesis from puberty onwards / final division
of oogenesis after fertilisation / not in spermatogenesis;
(1 mark)
(c) State two ways in which embryo development in flowering plants differs from embryo
development in humans.
1 double fertilisation in plants / ref to two male nuclei involved / only
one in human;
plant embryo develops in seed / human embryo develops in uterus;
Biology Edexcel unit 1 Jan 96 – June 05 Mark scheme
2 embryo supplied with food store / eq in plant / ref to food via placenta / eq in humans;
dormant stage of development of plant embryo / no dormant stage
in humans;
(2 marks)
[Total 8 marks]
16. The table below refers to components of the cell surface membrane (plasma membrane) and to
their roles in transporting substances across the membrane.
Complete the table by inserting an appropriate word or words in the empty boxes.
17. The diagram below shows the structure of a bacterial cell as seen using an electron microscope.
Biology Edexcel unit 1 Jan 96 – June 05 Mark scheme
18. Read through the following passage on the cell cycle and mitosis, then write on the dotted lines
the most appropriate word or words to complete the passage.
In the cell cycle, replication of DNA takes place during …….interphase / S phase;…….
At the beginning of prophase the chromosomes become visible and can be seen to consist
of two ……. chromatids;……. joined at the ............centromere;.....….. .
19. The monosaccharides glucose and fructose are reducing sugars. Sucrose is a disaccharide which
is not a reducing sugar.
The Benedict’s test is used to detect reducing sugars. When reducing sugars are boiled with
Benedict’s solution a red precipitate is produced. This precipitate can be filtered from the
solution, dried and weighed. If excess Benedict’s solution is used, the mass of precipitate
produced is proportional to the concentration of reducing sugar in the solution. The enzyme
sucrase is a hydrolase and does not reach with Benedict’s solution.
(a) In an experiment, sucrase was added to a solution of sucrose and incubated for five
minutes. The Benedict’s test was then carried out on the resulting solution and a red
precipitate was produced.
Suggest an explanation for this result.
sucrase breaks down / hydrolyses / eq. sucrose / substrate;
to glucose and fructose / to monosaccharides;
(2 marks)
(b) A further experiment was carried out to investigate the effect of silver nitrate on the
activity of sucrase. The procedure described above was repeated, but different
concentrations of silver nitrate were added to the sucrase. The solutions were kept at the
same pH for the same time. The mass of precipitate produced by the Benedict’s test at
each concentration was measured. The results are shown in the table below.
Biology Edexcel unit 1 Jan 96 – June 05 Mark scheme
0 (control) 50
10 37
10 27
10 10
(i) Calculate the percentage decrease in the mass of precipitate produced in the
solution containing 10-5 mol dm-3 silver nitrate compared with the control test.
Show your working.
(23 ÷ 50) × 100 / eq;
Answer 46%;
(2 marks)
(ii) Suggest an explanation for the effect of the silver nitrate solution on the activity of
the enzyme sucrase.
silver nitrate is an inhibitor;
block / affects shape of active site;
substrate no longer able to bind;
reduces rate of reaction;
(2 marks)
(c) (i) Explain why it is important to maintain constant pH when investigating
enzyme activity.
(changes in pH) affect formation of enzyme-substrate complexes;
changes shape / tertiary structure / 3D structure / eq. of enzyme / active site
by changing (hydrogen) bonding / charges / ionisation;
ref to optimum pH / eq;
(2 marks)
(ii) State three precautions, other than maintaining constant pH, which should be taken
to produce reliable results in the above investigation.
1 constant / same temperature;
equilibration of enzyme and substrate;
same volume of Benedict’s;
same time of heating with Benedict’s;
same temperature for heating with Benedicts;
2 same filtration / drying method;
dry precipitate to constant mass;
same volume of sucrose;
same volume of sucrase;
3 same concentration of sucrose;
same concentration of sucrase;
leave enzyme and substrate for same time to react;
use same volume of silver nitrate;
(3 marks)
[Total 11 marks]
20. Read through the following passage about enzymes and their industrial uses, then write on the
dotted lines the most appropriate word or words to complete the account.
Biology Edexcel unit 1 Jan 96 – June 05 Mark scheme
As much as 75% of the world’s adult population maybe unable to tolerate and digest the
sugar in milk, and so this sugar is removed during the manufacture of some milk
products. This is done using the enzyme ........lactase / β-galactosidase;....... which
hydrolyses the milk sugar into ...........…..glucose;…................ and
..............galactose;.................... . Unlike the sugar in milk, these are both
............monosaccharide;.............. sugars. They are both .......sweeter / more soluble;......
than milk sugar, so milk products treated in this way are particularly useful in the
manufacture of confectionery.
[Total 5 marks]
21. The diagram below shows the structure of a liver cell as seen using an electron microscope.
Biology Edexcel unit 1 Jan 96 – June 05 Mark scheme
(b) The magnification of this diagram is × 12 000. Calculate the actual length of the
mitochondrion labelled M, giving your answer in µm. Show your working.
(Accept measurement between 11 and 12 mm)
11 ÷ 12 000; OR 12 ÷ 12 000;
= 0.92; = 1.0;
(2 marks)
[Total 6 marks]
(a) (i) Name the parts labelled A and B.
A glycerol / propan–1, 2,.3–triol;
B fatty acid(s) / fatty acid chain;
(2 marks)
(ii) Name this type of lipid.
(1 mark)
(iii) Name the chemical reaction used to form the bonds between A and B.
condensation / esterification;
(1 mark)
(b) (i) State one function of this type of lipid in living organisms.
energy store / energy source / insulation / waterproofing / production of
metabolic water / buoyancy / protection;
(1 mark)
(ii) State one feature of the molecules of this type of lipid which makes them suitable
for the function you have given.
insoluble / non-polar / high energy value / poor heat conductor / low density /
less dense than water;
[points in (b)(ii) need to be correctly linked to the answer given in (b)(i)]
(1 mark)
[Total 6 marks]
Biology Edexcel unit 1 Jan 96 – June 05 Mark scheme
23. The statements in the table below refer to three polysaccharide molecules. If the statement is
correct, place a tick (√) in the appropriate box and if the statement is incorrect, place a cross (x)
in the appropriate box.
Polymer of α – glucose ;
Biology Edexcel unit 1 Jan 96 – June 05 Mark scheme
Biology Edexcel unit 1 Jan 96 – June 05 Mark scheme
26. Read the following passage about the palisade cells of a leaf and write on the dotted lines the
most appropriate word or words to complete the passage.
The palisade cell is typical of plant cells in that it has three structures,
cell wall; vacuole / tonoplast and
chloroplasts / plastids;
starch grain / starch granules;
(accept structures in any order)
27. Polypeptides are synthesised from amino acids. The diagram below shows the molecular
structure of an amino acid.
(a) (i) In the space below, draw a molecular diagram to show how this amino acid reacts
with another amino acid to produce a dipeptide.
both amino acids drawn correctly / two residues correct;
removal of water shown correctly;
correct structure of dipeptide
(3 marks)
I. Name the type of reaction involved.
condensation / polymerisation;
(1 mark)
(b) State two functions of the R groups in a polypeptide chain.
(i) bonding / interactions within molecules / specific examples of bonds
.g. S S or H bonds;
(ii) forming active sites; ref to tertiary structure; interactions with
substrate / receptors; form receptors in membranes;
affect solubility; can act as buffers;
(2 marks)
[Total 6 marks]
28. Catalase is an enzyme which breaks down hydrogen peroxide into oxygen and water. The
activity of catalase can be measured by soaking small discs of filter paper in a solution
containing the enzyme. The discs are immediately submerged in a dilute solution of hydrogen
peroxide. The filter paper discs sink at first but float to the surface as oxygen bubbles are
produced. The reciprocal of the time taken for the discs to rise to the surface indicates the rate of
Biology Edexcel unit 1 Jan 96 – June 05 Mark scheme
An experiment was carried out to investigate the effect of substrate concentration on the activity
of catalase. A filter paper disc was soaked in a solution containing catalase, and then submerged
in a buffer solution containing hydrogen peroxide. The time taken for the disc to rise to the
surface was recorded. This experiment was repeated using a range of concentrations of hydrogen
The results are shown in the graph below.
Rate of
reaction 0.10
/s -1
0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180
Biology Edexcel unit 1 Jan 96 – June 05 Mark scheme
(d) Describe how this experiment could be modified to investigate the effect of temperature
on the activity of catalase.
use a water bath;
suggested range of temperatures (at least 3 stated);
use same volume / depth of hydrogen peroxide;
allow substrate / enzyme to equilibrate before adding filter
paper disc; ref to uniformity of discs;
use constant enzyme concentration;
repeat at each temperature;
plot a graph of rate of reaction against temperature;
(4 marks)
[Total 13 marks]
29. Read through the following passage on the use of enzymes in the extraction of juice from fruit,
then write on the dotted lines the most appropriate word or words to complete the account.
Enzymes made by microorganisms may be used in commercial processes. In order to
speed up the extraction of juice from fruit, enzymes called pectinases / cellulases
are used. The fruit is first chopped up / eq. and then the enzymes are added to break down the
pectin / cellulose present in the cell walls. These enzymes help to make the extracted juice
clearer / clarified / eq.
[Total 5 marks]
Biology Edexcel unit 1 Jan 96 – June 05 Mark scheme
S = 13, B = 2, C = 2
[Total 15 marks]
31. Cystic fibrosis is a genetic disorder caused by a mutation in the gene which codes for a protein
known as the CFTR protein. This protein is involved in the transport of chloride ions through the
cell surface membrane.
The diagram below shows how the normal CFTR protein is believed to function in the cell
surface membrane.
CFTR protein
Outer surface
Part of
cell surface
Inner surface
P i = inorganic phosphate
(a) (i) Describe the sequence of events that takes place when ATP is present.
ATP binds to CFTR protein / binding sites;
ATP hydrolysed / eq. to ADP + Pi;
changes shape of protein / opens (ion) channel / eq.
(3 marks)
(ii) What is the function of ATP in this sequence of events?
to provide energy.
(1 mark)
Biology Edexcel unit 1 Jan 96 – June 05 Mark scheme
(b) One symptom of cystic fibrosis is the production of very sticky, thick mucus which cannot
easily be moved. This occurs particularly in the lungs, pancreas and testes.
Suggest an explanation for each of the following.
(i) Many people affected by cystic fibrosis suffer from repeated lung infections.
thick mucus hinders removal of bacteria / pathogens from the lung.
(1 mark)
(ii) Reduced ability to digest starch in the small intestine is common among people
affected by cystic fibrosis.
mucus impedes the release of (pancreatic) amylase (into the duodenum).
(1 mark)
(iii) 95% of males affected by cystic fibrosis are infertile.
mucus hinders the passage / mobility of the spermatozoa.
(1 mark)
[Total 7 marks]
X { Y
(a) Name the parts labelled X and Y.
X nucleotide;
Y (organic / nitrogenous) base / purine / pyrimidine;
(2 marks)
(b) Name one enzyme involved in DNA replication and state the type of reaction it catalyses.
Enzyme (DNA) ligase / polymerase;
Reaction condensation / polymerisation;
(2 marks)
(c) Suggest why DNA replication is described as semi-conservative.
Newly synthesised molecule has one parental / original / template strand / has
half of the original;
(1 mark)
Biology Edexcel unit 1 Jan 96 – June 05 Mark scheme
(d) Name the stage of the cell cycle during which DNA replication occurs.
S / synthesis phase / interphase;
(1 mark)
[Total 6 marks]
} A
Biology Edexcel unit 1 Jan 96 – June 05 Mark scheme
Soluble in water ;
[Total 5 marks]
35. An experiment was carried out with cells of carrot tissue to determine the effect of temperature
on the absorption of potassium ions.
Slices of carrot tissue were immersed in a potassium chloride solution of known concentration.
The changes in concentration of potassium ions in the solution were determined at intervals for 6
hours. From these measurements, the mass of potassium ions taken in by the carrot cells was
found. The experiment was carried out at 2°C and 20°C. The solutions were aerated
Biology Edexcel unit 1 Jan 96 – June 05 Mark scheme
The results are shown in the graph below. Absorption of potassium ions is given as micrograms
of potassium per gram of fresh mass of carrot tissue (µg g–1).
At 20 ºC
K+ absorption
/ µg g-1 fresh mass
At 2 ºC
x x
100 x
0 x
0 1 2 3 4 5 6
Time / hours
(a) During the first hour, some of the potassium ions enter the cells by diffusion. State two
conditions which are necessary for a substance to enter a cell by diffusion.
1. membrane must be permeable to substance;
must be a concentration gradient / higher outside cell than inside;
2. substance must be in solution / a gas / a liquid;
(2 marks)
(b) (i) Calculate the mean rate of absorption of potassium ions at 20°C, between 2 and 6
hours. Show your working.
640 – 295 OR 345;
° 4;
= 86.25 µg g–1 hour–1;
(3 marks)
Biology Edexcel unit 1 Jan 96 – June 05 Mark scheme
(ii) Compare the rates of absorption of potassium ions at 2°C and 20°C during this
fastest uptake occurs at start / both decrease;
rate of uptake at 20°C is greater than at 2°C converse;
uptake at 20°C continues, levels off at 2°C;
credit manipulation of figures, e.g. final mass taken up at 20°C greater than at
2°C quoting Two figures from graph;
(3 marks)
(iii) Suggest an explanation for the differences in the rates of absorption of potassium
ions at the two temperatures.
reference to increase in temperature increasing movement / kinetic energy /
OR converse;
(So) faster / eq. diffusion at higher temperature; diffusion no longer occurs
when there is no concentration gradient / eq.;
ions also taken up by active transport / ref. to ion pumps;
active transport increases at higher temperatures;
reference to increased respiration / increased ATP;
uses more K+ higher temperature;
(3 marks)
[Total 11 marks]
Biology Edexcel unit 1 Jan 96 – June 05 Mark scheme
(a) (i) What differences are there between the amino acid sequence for the orang-utan and
the chimpanzee?
orang-utan has T / threonine instead of A / alanine and has D / asparagine
instead of E / glutamic acid / T and D / chimp has A and E;
(1 mark)
(ii) Name one other pair of primates in the table in which there is a difference in the
amino acid sequence.
chimpanzee and gorilla / gorilla and human / orang-utan and gorilla / orang-
utan and human;
(1 mark)
Biology Edexcel unit 1 Jan 96 – June 05 Mark scheme
(b) Comparisons of amino acid sequences have been used to determine evolutionary
(phylogenetic) relationship in the primates.
(i) Using evidence given in Table 1, complete the evolutionary tree diagram below to
show the possible evolutionary relationship between chimpanzees, gorillas, humans
and orang-utans.
ancestor Chimpanzee
(3 marks)
(ii) Give two ways in which the data in Table 1 support your suggested evolutionary
1. human and chimp have (exactly) same / eq. sequence (so must be
gorilla differs by one amino acid so more closely related to humans;
2. orang-utan more differences / 2 amino acids so not as close as
gorilla / eq;
(2 marks)
(c) When human blood serum is injected into a rabbit, the rabbit produces antibodies against
human serum proteins. When blood serum from humans and other mammals is mixed
with rabbit serum containing these antibodies, precipitation occurs.
Table 2 below shows the percentage precipitation when this rabbit serum was mixed with
serum from a human, a gibbon, a spider monkey and a hedgehog.
Table 2
What do these data suggest about the phylogenetic relationship of the four mammals in
Table 2?
gibbon closest to human;
hedge hog distantly / eq. related (to human);
spider monkey more distant than gibbon (to human)
(2 marks)
Biology Edexcel unit 1 Jan 96 – June 05 Mark scheme
(d) (i) Describe how fossils can be used to provide evidence for human evolution.
sequence of changes can be seen;
ref. to dating of fossils;
skeleton / eq. shows trend from quadripedal to bipedal locomotion / eq.;
changes in hands show evolution of dexterity;
changes in jaws / teeth show changes in diet;
changes in skull / eq. show evolution of brain;
(3 marks)
(ii) Give one disadvantage of the use of fossils in providing evidence for human
incomplete record / eq. incomplete / eq. fossils / unreliable dating / fossil
(1 mark)
[Total 13 marks]
Biology Edexcel unit 1 Jan 96 – June 05 Mark scheme
40. The table below refers to features of prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells.
If the feature is present place a tick (√) in the appropriate box and if the feature is absent, place a
cross (x) in the appropriate box.
Biology Edexcel unit 1 Jan 96 – June 05 Mark scheme
41. The diagram below shows a plant cell which is undergoing mitosis.
42. Glucose oxidase is an enzyme which catalyses the oxidation of glucose from gluconic acid and
hydrogen peroxide.
An experiment was carried out to investigate the effect of pH on the activity of glucose oxidase.
The activity of this enzyme was determined at a range of pH values. The results are shown in the
graph below.
Activity of enzyme/arbitrary units
4 5 6 7 8 9
(a) (i) State how the different pH values could be obtained in this experiment.
reference to use of buffer solutions;
(1 mark)
(ii) Describe the effect of changes in pH on the activity of this enzyme.
Biology Edexcel unit 1 Jan 96 – June 05 Mark scheme
optimum / eq is pH6;
activity decreases on either side of optimum; little activity av pH4 /
pH 8 / extremes;
(2 marks)
(iii) Explain why changes in pH affect the activity of enzymes.
reference to charges / ionisation of R groups / eq / hydrogen bounding /
ionic bonding;
affects shape of active side;
affects binding with substrate; denaturation at extreme values;
(3 marks)
(b) Glucose oxidase with another enzyme, peroxidase, can be used to measure the
concentration of glucose in solutions.
The solution to be tested is first incubated with glucose oxidase, and then with peroxidase,
plus an indicator which changes colour when it is oxidised. Peroxidase breaks down the
hydrogen peroxide formed by glucose oxidase, and simultaneously changes the colour of
the indicator.
The intensity of the colour produced is directly proportional to the concentration of
glucose in the solution, as shown in the graph below.
Intensity of colour produced/arbitrary units
0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6
Glucose concentration (%)
(i) From the graph, determine the concentration of glucose corresponding to a colour
intensity of 6.5 arbitrary units.
0.56 %; (accept values 0.55 to 0.56%)
(1 mark)
Biology Edexcel unit 1 Jan 96 – June 05 Mark scheme
(ii) Describe how this method could be used to compare the concentration of glucose in
two samples of fruit juice.
use same / equal volumes* of fruit juice; add same volume* / concentration of
glucose oxidase to each;
incubate for standard / stated time / stated constant temperature;
add same volume* / concentration peroxidase + indicator; read intensity of
use graph to find glucose concentrations;
[* accept stated volumes, but not amounts]
(4 marks)
[Total 11 marks]
Biology Edexcel unit 1 Jan 96 – June 05 Mark scheme
44. A comparison was made between the volume of juice which could be extracted from the same
mass of three varieties of apples, with and without pectinase. In this comparison, the same mass
of pectinase was added to apples from each variety. The results are shown in the graph below.
Volume of juice / cm 3
Variety Variety Variety
Without pectinase With pectinase
(a) (i) Calculate the percentage difference in volume of the juice extracted without
pectinase from variety A compared to the volume extracted from variety C. Show
your working.
90 - 60 / 30; (allow 90/91 - 60/61)
30 30
90 × 100 60 × 100;
33.3% Less from C; 50% more from A
Answer …………………………
(3 marks)
(ii) Explain the effect of the use of the pectinase on the volume of juice extracted from
the apples.
pectinase increases the volume of juice/makes it easier to extract the
enzyme catalyses the break down of pectin in cell walls;
(2 marks)
Biology Edexcel unit 1 Jan 96 – June 05 Mark scheme
(b) The effect of increasing the mass of the pectinase used on the volume of juice extracted
was then investigated.
The results are shown in the graph below.
Volume of juice/cm 3
0 1 2 3 4 5 6
Mass of pectinase/arbitrary units
Using the information available from both graphs, suggest how a manufacturer of apple
juice could make use of these results.
increase in concentration of the enzyme increases the volume of juice
use variety B/eq.;
add up to 4/4.5 units of pectinase;
above 4.5/5.0 increase in concentration does not increase the volume much;
(3 marks)
(c) Suggest two factors, other than apple variety and use of pectinase, which could affect the
extraction of juice from apples.
1. temperature (at which process carried out);
pH; crushing / chopping/pressure used;
2. ripeness of apples;
age of apples / ref. to storage time;
(2 marks)
[Total 10 marks]
Biology Edexcel unit 1 Jan 96 – June 05 Mark scheme
- occurs in nucleus
- unzipping of section of DNA/cistron
- synthesis of mRNA, role of RNA polymerase
- reference to role of nuclear pores
- occurs in cytoplasm, free and on RER
- ribosome structure, sub-units, rRNA, proteins, A and P sites
- ribosome activity, peptide bonds, polysomes
- mRNA codons, sites for binding, control, initiation, termination
- tRNA structure, anticodon, internal bonding
- tRNA activity, AA complex, anticodon-codon
- protein structure, peptide and other bonds
- potein use, in cytoplasm, role of secretory vesicles
S=13 marks
B= 2 marks
C= 2 marks
[Total 15 marks]
Biology Edexcel unit 1 Jan 96 – June 05 Mark scheme
47. mitochondrion 1
ribosomes 1
chloroplast 1
centrioles / centrosome / basal body 1
nucleus 1
50. (a) (i) protein / polypeptide / enzyme / named protein / a peptide hormone 1
(ii) (R.E.R. has) ribosomes/eq 1
(ribosomes / R.E.R. are) site of protein synthesis 1
(iii) (after 10 mins) proteins / polypeptides move to Golgi apparatus max 3
where protein is modified/eq /OR credit for suitable example
of modification such as glycoprotein formation
and enclosed in membranes to form vesicles /eq /OR ref. to packaging
so most activity in vesicles after 45 minutes
(iv) amino acids moving (diffusing) between sites / max 2
not being used / remain in the cytoplasm
proteins used in other parts of cells / not all proteins go to the Golgi /
e.g. of other use / moving between sites
proteins also synthesised in mitochondria / mitochondria have
ribosomes / ref. to free ribosomes/not attached to R.E.R.
ref. to amino acids being broken down / metabolised/eq
Biology Edexcel unit 1 Jan 96 – June 05 Mark scheme
52. (a) break open cells / break cell walls / release cell contents /eq 1
increase surface area for pectinase / enzyme to work 1
increase/eq volume / quantity / rate of flow of juice 1
(max 2)
Biology Edexcel unit 1 Jan 96 – June 05 Mark scheme
54. solvent ;
enter / diffuse into /eq ;
insoluble /osmotically inert / non-polar /eq ;
lipids / triglycerides / fats / oils ;
glycogen ;
plant ;
Biology Edexcel unit 1 Jan 96 – June 05 Mark scheme
Biology Edexcel unit 1 Jan 96 – June 05 Mark scheme
Support / other
Plants and cellulose cell wall –
Bacteria and peptidoglycans –
Fungi and chitin –
Glycosides and cell recognition , receptors –
Scientific content: max 13
Balance: max 2
Coherence: max 2
Scientific content
Above average
13 Excellent
11 Good
Essays in this category demonstrate a sound understanding of the topic, contain a
significant amount of material relevant to two or more units of the specification, and
suitable examples where appropriate.
Biology Edexcel unit 1 Jan 96 – June 05 Mark scheme
9 Slightly above average
7 Average
5 Slightly below average
Essays in this category contain factually correct and relevant material. Some areas
should show a progression from GCSE, particularly if a mark of 9 is awarded.
Below average
3 Some correct facts
1 Very few correct facts
0 No correct information
Essays in this category contain few relevant facts. The material that has been included
has little depth and barely reaches the standard expected at GCSE.
S = 13 marks
2 A balanced essay covering all the main areas outlined
Some discussion of each area covered with, suitable examples where applicable
Material all relevant to the topic
Few, if any, errors
1 Most of the main areas of the topic covered, but possibly one or two lacking
Some discussion of each of the areas chosen
Some irrelevance, either in the areas chosen or in the material within an area
Some errors
0 Very limited account, possibly only one aspect chosen
Material mostly irrelevant
Large number of errors
B = 2 marks
2 Material logically presented, with little or no repetition
Essay has coherence, ideas are developed well; continuous prose used throughout
Essay has an introduction and a conclusion, summing up the main points
Technical terms have been used correctly
Spelling, punctuation and grammar are sound
1 Material is presented in an orderly way and some ideas developed
Continuous prose used throughout
The introduction and conclusion may be present, but brief
Technical terms are used and generally in the correct context
Spelling, punctuation and grammar are generally sound
0 Essay style not used
Material in note form or numbered points
Very poor standard of spelling, punctuation and grammar
C = 2 marks
[max 15]
Biology Edexcel unit 1 Jan 96 – June 05 Mark scheme
Structures Liver cell Leaf palisade cell
Mitochondria ;
Starch grains X ;
Microtubules ;
Golgi apparatus ;
Glycogen granules X;
X is incorrect. If there are no crosses, assume blanks are crosses. If a mixture of ticks and
crosses, blanks are incorrect.
Biology Edexcel unit 1 Jan 96 – June 05 Mark scheme
Biology Edexcel unit 1 Jan 96 – June 05 Mark scheme
Biology Edexcel unit 1 Jan 96 – June 05 Mark scheme
66. Phospholipids ;
Proteins ;
(Mono)saccharide / sugar / carbohydrate / named monosaccharide ;
Receptors / recognition sites /eq antigens ;
Endocytosis / phagocytosis pinocytosis ;
Statement Glycolysis Krebs cycle
ATP is hydrolysed X;
Biology Edexcel unit 1 Jan 96 – June 05 Mark scheme
69. (a) Monohybrid involves one character, dihybrid two characters /eq ;
Monohybrid one gene / locus, dihybrid two genes / loci /eq // monohybird one pair of
alleles,dihybrid two pairs of alleles involved ;
Credit for examples genotypes / phenotypes of both;
Monohybrid reference to allelic interaction at one locus /dihybrid gene interaction
between two loci / reference to epistasis (accept “eye colour” for monohybrid) ;
Heterozygous cross monohybrid gives 3:1, dihybrid 9:3:3:1 (accept correct ratios for other
specified crosses) ; Max 3
(b) Continuous has (complete) range of measurements / phenotypes, discontinuous only a few
categories /eq ;
Continuous is polygenic / controlled by a large number of genes, discontinuous one / only
a few genes ;
Continuous likely to / may be influenced by the environment, discontinuous little / no
environmental influence ;
Credit for examples of both (accept “eye colour”/“coat colour in mice” for discontinuous)
Allow 1st and 4th points if shown on clearly labelled sketch graphs. Axes must be
labelled. Max 3
Biology Edexcel unit 1 Jan 96 – June 05 Mark scheme
(d) Accept marks from genetic diagram. If unclear whether mother is AA or Aa, can only
score mark for person 6’s genotype.
Person 6 / father is XA Y / A /eq
Person 7 / mother is carrier /eq is heterozygous / Aa ;
All the females / daughters will be unaffected / eq ;
Half /eq of the sons / males will be unaffected /eq (or converse) ;
There is a one in four /eq chance (but not ratios)
of producing a sufferer (or converse) Max 4
72. (a) 7; 1
(b) (Repeat the experiment at) a range of closer pHs (between 6 and 8) ; 1
(c) In very /eq acidic conditions / high concentration of H+ ;
Reference to changes in R group / side group ionisation charge /eq ;
Bonding disrupted /eq ;
Shape of enzyme / active site /eq denaturation /eq ;
Substrate / urea does not bond /eq with active site ; Max 3
(d) (Change in pH) affects shape of enzyme / active site ;
Enzyme-substrate complex formed less efficiently /eq ; 2
(e) Use (buffer solution) pH7 (throughout) / optimum pH ;
Same / stated volume / concentration of urease / enzyme ;
Range of concentrations of urea / substrate ;
Use the same / stated volume of urea / substrate ;
Named variable kept constant / e.g. time, temperature /
same volume of buffer; Max 4
Biology Edexcel unit 1 Jan 96 – June 05 Mark scheme
Biology Edexcel unit 1 Jan 96 – June 05 Mark scheme
Biology Edexcel unit 1 Jan 96 – June 05 Mark scheme
One role in living
Disaccharide Constituent Monomers
Glucose and galactose
Biology Edexcel unit 1 Jan 96 – June 05 Mark scheme
82. (a) 7 1
(b) Repeat experiment at a range of pH values at closer intervals / at
smaller intervals of pH /eq (on either side of the optimum) 1
(c) In very /eq acidic conditions / high concentration of H+;
Reference to changes in R group ionisation /eq
Bonding disrupted /eq;
Enzyme / active site changes shape / tertiary structure changes denaturation ;
Substrate / urea does not bond /eq with active site; 3
(d) Shape affected more at pH 9 than 8 / more denaturation at pH9 than 8 H converse ;
Enzyme-substrate complex formed less efficiently / eq 2
Biology Edexcel unit 1 Jan 96 – June 05 Mark scheme
Biology Edexcel unit 1 Jan 96 – June 05 Mark scheme
Active transport
10 (Molecules / ions) move up / against concentration gradient;
11 Requires protein channel / carrier in membrane;
12 Credit further details of mechanism of active transport;
13Credit example of active transport, such as sodium / potassium / proton pumps;
Endocytosis / exocytosis /pinocytosis / phagocytosis 14 Description of process;
15 Active transport / endocytosis / etc require ATP / energy;
Diffusion / facilitated diffusion / osmosis do not require ATP / energy;
Biology Edexcel unit 1 Jan 96 – June 05 Mark scheme
Process Takes place against Requires energy in
a concentration the form of ATP
Diffusion X X
Facilitated diffusion X X
Osmosis X X
Active transport √ √
Any two correct boxes for one mark
Biology Edexcel unit 1 Jan 96 – June 05 Mark scheme
Name of organelle Description Function
Centrioles /
Biology Edexcel unit 1 Jan 96 – June 05 Mark scheme
Biology Edexcel unit 1 Jan 96 – June 05 Mark scheme
Biology Edexcel unit 1 Jan 96 – June 05 Mark scheme
Statement Starch Glycogen Cellulose
Polymer of aglucose
Biology Edexcel unit 1 Jan 96 – June 05 Mark scheme
Biology Edexcel unit 1 Jan 96 – June 05 Mark scheme
109. 1 Daughter cells have same number of chromosomes as parent cell / are genetically
identical to parent cell;
2 Concerned with growth / repair / replacement of tissues / asexual reproduction;
3 Reference to cell cycle consisting of interphase, mitosis, cell division
4 (During prophase) chromosomes condense / eq so each consists of a pair of chromatids
joined by centromere;
5 Reference to centrioles / movement / position
6 Formation of spindle by microtubules;
7 Disappearance of nucleus / nucleoli
8 Breakdown of nuclear envelope;
9 (At metaphase) chromosomes attached to spindle fibres
10 Lined up at equator of cell :
11 1 (At anaphase) centromeres split / duplicate / separation of chromatids
12 Daughter chromosomes / chromatids pulled to opposite poles of cell (at telophase)
chromosomes / chromatids reach poles of cell;
13 Formation of nuclear membrane / (daughter) nuclei formed;
14 Followed by cytokinesis (in animal cells) / or description
15 Formation of a cell plate / eq in plant cells;
Plasmids X
Mitochondria X
Any two correct boxes for one mark
Blanks are incorrect
Circle correct answers
Put in appropriate number of ticks for total mark
Biology Edexcel unit 1 Jan 96 – June 05 Mark scheme
112. (a) (net) movement / eq of, molecules / ions / particles / gases / solute / named
example ;
from high concentration to low concentration / down a concentration gradient ;
[ignore references to membrane] 2
(b) concentration gradient / eq ;
temperature ;
(diffusion) distance / thickness (of membrane) ; [not ‘size’]
permeability (of membrane) ;
surface area (of membrane) ;
size of, molecules / ions / particles ;
polarity / solubility in lipids / eq ; 2
(c) (active transport) up / against concentration gradient / from low to high
concentrations / involves carriers / ATP / energy / respiration ; 1
Biology Edexcel unit 1 Jan 96 – June 05 Mark scheme
115. (a) pH ;
enzyme concentration ;
enzyme (solution) volume ;
substrate (solution) volume ;
total volume ; 2
(b) more collisions / complexes ;
with, enzyme / active site (and substrate) ;
in unit time / eq ; 2
(c) enzymes are working as fast as they can / reference to Vmax ;
all active sites occupied / eq ;
substrate concentration is no longer a limiting factor ;
enzyme concentration is limiting ; 2
(d) line on graph begins at zero and is below original line ;
less kinetic energy / molecules moving more slowly ;
fewer collisions (between enzyme and substrate) ;
less energetic collisions ;
in unit time / eq ; 3
Biology Edexcel unit 1 Jan 96 – June 05 Mark scheme
Biology Edexcel unit 1 Jan 96 – June 05 Mark scheme
Contains glucose
Is a reducing sugar
120. H2O ;
(di)polar ;
Hydrogen / H ;
Solvent ;
(specific) heat capacity ;
[not latent heat capacity]
Biology Edexcel unit 1 Jan 96 – June 05 Mark scheme
Marking Prokaryotic cell Eukaryotic cell
1 Smaller Larger ;
2 Do not have a nucleus / nucleolus Have a nucleus / nuclear envelope /
/ have a nucleoid nucleolus (allow description) / no
nucleoid ;
3 Do not have membrane-bound Have membrane-bound organelles /
organelles / absence of named presence of named membrane-bound
organelle organelle ;
4 Smaller / 70S ribosomes Larger / 80S ribosomes ;
5 Mesosomes / description of No mesosomes ;
6 Circular DNA Linear DNA ;
7 No histones / chromosomes Histones / chromosomes ;
8 Murein / mucopeptide / Cellulose cell walls (if present) ;
peptidoglycan cell walls / no
9 Flagellum with no microtubules / Flagellum with microtubules / 9+2
eq / reference to basal structure arrangement / reference to basal
structure ;
Biology Edexcel unit 1 Jan 96 – June 05 Mark scheme
124. (a) Reference to named stain (acetic orcein / acetocarmine / Feulgens / Schiffs) ;
Warm / heat ;
Break open tip with (mounted) needle /eq ;
Mount in stain / acid / water ;
(gently) squash under coverslip / eq ; max 4
(b) (i) A; 1
(ii) C; 1
(c) Synthesis / division / multiplication of organelles (or named organelle) ;
Growth ;
Replication of DNA/ chromosomes ;
Protein synthesis / name of specific protein being synthesised ;
Any normal cell activities, named example (e.g. respiration) ; max 2
126. (a) (i) The production of juice is increased / more juice is produced ;
Four times as much / 15 cm3 more juice was produced ;
The rate of production increases / the graph has a steeper line with
pectinase ;
Production lasts longer ; 2
Biology Edexcel unit 1 Jan 96 – June 05 Mark scheme
Biology Edexcel unit 1 Jan 96 – June 05 Mark scheme
Component DNA mRNA
Cytosine present
Uracil present
Is single stranded
(c) Daughter cells {suitable / eq} for surviving in the present conditions /
preserves desirable characteristics / eq ;
Rapid / eq ;
Only one parent is needed ; 2
131. (a) To {remove / digest} {protein / named example / blood / gravy / eggs} ;
(proteins broken down to) peptides / amino acids ;
Correct reference to solubility ;
Less {heat / energy} required / lower temperature needed /
less damage to material ; 3
(b) Do not denature at temperatures that the detergents work at / greater stability ;
Biology Edexcel unit 1 Jan 96 – June 05 Mark scheme
Centromere : ;
Chromatid ;
[accept constriction for centromere]
[accept single line for chromatid]
Biology Edexcel unit 1 Jan 96 – June 05 Mark scheme
Biology Edexcel unit 1 Jan 96 – June 05 Mark scheme
137. Catalysts ;
Activation energy ;
Substrate ;
Active site ;
Temperature / non-active site-directed inhibitors ;
Change / increase or decrease ;
[only accept decrease if referring to inhibitor]
138. (a)
Cellulose Glycogen
1. β-glucose α-glucose
2. 4 glycosidic bonds 1, 4 and 1, 6 glycosidic bonds
3. Unbranched / straight / linear Branched / compact / eq
Biology Edexcel unit 1 Jan 96 – June 05 Mark scheme
Collagen Insulin
1. Fibrous Globular
2. Three (polypeptide) chains / triple Two (polypeptide) chains / eq
3. Chains held together by hydrogen Chains held together by di-
bonds / chains not held together by sulphide bonds / eq
di-sulphide bonds
4. Large / about 1000 amino acids Small / 51 amino acids
OR length can be variable OR fixed / precise length
5. Repetitive / repeating sequence No repetitive sequence
6. Sequence of amino acids may vary Sequence of amino acids does not
between molecules vary between molecules
Name of molecule Formula Structure
H H ;
Amino acid H H
N C C ;
C5 H11 COOH ;
(α) Glucose /
hexose ; C6 H12 O6 ;
Biology Edexcel unit 1 Jan 96 – June 05 Mark scheme
Biology Edexcel unit 1 Jan 96 – June 05 Mark scheme
Label marks:
Chromosomes ;
Centrioles ;
Spindle fibres ; 5
(c) Anaphase ; [ignore reference to I or II] 1
(d) Spindle fibres: Pull {centromeres / chromatids / chromosomes} {apart / to
opposite poles}
{Pull / hold} chromosomes into position ;
Centrioles: {Produce / organise / assemble} spindle (fibres) / microtubules ;
{ Organise / assemble} tubulin ; 2
Biology Edexcel unit 1 Jan 96 – June 05 Mark scheme
Carbohydrate One role in living organisms
Form in which plants transport carbohydrate / energy source;
In plant cell walls;
146. (a) Tissues are groups of (similar) cells performing similar functions;
Organs are a number of tissues that perform a function 2
(b) Magnification is the number of times bigger an image is than
the {specimen / original};
Resolution is the {ability to distinguish two points as separate
points / degree of detail visible} 2
Biology Edexcel unit 1 Jan 96 – June 05 Mark scheme
5. Heat insulation;
Qualification: Subcutaneous / adipose / blubber
OR Prevents heat loss from body;
6. Buoyancy;
Qualification: Less dense than {water / muscle};
7. Making beeswax;
Qualification: Formation of honeycomb;
8. Membrane fluidity;
Qualification: Reference to cholesterol;
9. Cell membrane structure;
Qualification: Reference to phospholipids;
10. Reference to hormones;
Qualification: As steroids;
11. Source of metabolic water;
Qualification: Reference to respiration
OR Desert adaptation 2 x 2 mark
Biology Edexcel unit 1 Jan 96 – June 05 Mark scheme
151. (a) (i) Sucrose is a non-reducing sugar therefore gives negative result
{with Benedict’s reagent / in table 1};
It is hydrolysed into {monosaccharides / glucose and fructose
/ reducing sugars);
The orange precipitate in table 2 indicates a higher concentration
of sucrose / eq; 2
(ii) 1. Maltose is {detected / eq} at a lower concentration;
2. Maltose is a disaccharide;
3. Therefore twice as much glucose after being hydrolysed;
4. Compared to a glucose solution of same (molarity / concentration}
eq; 2
(b) 1. Add {biuret solution (at room temperature) / KOH and CuSO4};
2. {Stated / equal) volumes of both protein solutions;
3. Control of one other variable (e.g. time, temperature, volume of biuret);
4. Purple / lilac / violet / eq;
5. Intensity comparison / {darker / eq} colour means more protein /
reference to use of calorimeter; 4
Biology Edexcel unit 1 Jan 96 – June 05 Mark scheme
Name of organelle Two features of structure One function
Golgi (apparatus /
Cisternae / {flattened / membranous / {Transport / storage} of
network} {sacs / tubules}; proteins / synthesise
proteins / translation;
(Contains) {thylakoids / lamellae /
(Contains) {stroma / chlorophyll / DNA
/ starch granules};
(surrounded by) two membranes /
double membrane / envelope;
Biology Edexcel unit 1 Jan 96 – June 05 Mark scheme
Biology Edexcel unit 1 Jan 96 – June 05 Mark scheme
Biology Edexcel unit 1 Jan 96 – June 05 Mark scheme
Biology Edexcel unit 1 Jan 96 – June 05 Mark scheme
Biology Edexcel unit 1 Jan 96 – June 05 Mark scheme
Name of biological Smaller molecules Name of bond joining
molecule from which it is the smaller
made molecules
Fatty acids and Ester;
Cellulose / polysaccharide (1, 4) Glycosidic;
/ disaccharide;
165. (a) (i) (Inner) membrane of mitochondrion {is folded / forms cristae};
(Inner) membrane of mitochondrion has {ATPase / stalked particles /
Biology Edexcel unit 1 Jan 96 – June 05 Mark scheme
electron carriers};
Nuclear membrane has pores;
(Outer) nuclear membrane is continuous with the endoplasmic reticulum;
(Outer) nuclear membrane has ribosomes; 2
(ii) Chloroplast; 1
(b) 1. Cylindrical;
2. Occur in pairs;
3. Lie at 90° to each other;
4. Made of microtubules;
5. Arranged in {triplets / nine groups};
[Maximum 2 marks from marking points 1-5]
6. Reference to spindle formation / organisation;
7. Reference to {microtubule organising centre / assembling the tubulin}; 3
Biology Edexcel unit 1 Jan 96 – June 05 Mark scheme
167. (a) Ring drawn around one phosphate, one sugar and one base (linked together); 1
(b) 1. Part of the DNA molecule unwinds;
2. DNA strands {separate / unzips / H-bonds break};
3. (Mono)nucleotides line up against their complementary bases;
4. Against {sense / one} strand;
5. Reference to RNA polymerase;
6. Individual mononucleotides join up by [condensation reactions /
(phosphodi)ester bonds};
7. mRNA strands separate from DNA molecule;
8. mRNA migrates into cytoplasm / eq; 5
(c) (i) Ribosomes / rough endoplasmic reticulum; 1
(ii) Ring drawn around U C G; 1
168. (a) Clarifying {wines / vinegar / fruit juices} / improves colour extraction
from fruit skins / peeling fruit skins; 1
(b) (i) Same concentration of enzyme;
Same pH;
Same time for incubation;
Same {type / age} apple;
Same temperature for filtering;
Standardisation of apple chopping; 2
(ii) The line goes up / rate increases;
Because of increase in {kinetic energy / collisions};
Reference to optimum at 40 °C 2
(iii) {Rate of production / line} decreases;
Because bonds break;
Therefore the active site changes shape / reference to denaturing
of enzyme;
Substrate will not fit / enzyme-substrate complex will not form;
Enzyme is denatured at 60 °C;
Reference to optimum at 40 °C; [only allow once, either here or in (b)(ii)] 3
Biology Edexcel unit 1 Jan 96 – June 05 Mark scheme
169. (a)
Disaccharide Monosaccharide
Galactose Glucose Fructose
170. Nitrogen / N;
{Alpha / α} helix;
Hydrogen / H;
R groups / side groups / side chains;
Biology Edexcel unit 1 Jan 96 – June 05 Mark scheme
174. (a) Magnification How many times bigger the image is than the real size
of the specimen / eq;
Resolution The ability to distinguish two points as separate points / the
{degree / amount} of detail visible; 2
Biology Edexcel unit 1 Jan 96 – June 05 Mark scheme
Biology Edexcel unit 1 Jan 96 – June 05 Mark scheme
(b) (ii) 1. (In first 20 minutes) there were no secretory vesicles / only
non-radioactive material in vesicles;
2. (Because) radioactive proteins have not yet reached the vesicles;
3. (Because) {proteins / radioactivity / eq} has yet to pass into
Golgi apparatus;
4. From RER (into Golgi);
5. (After 20 minutes) reference to formation of vesicles
(from Golgi) now containing (radioactive) protein; 3