Priesthood Records From Dec 2005b
Priesthood Records From Dec 2005b
Priesthood Records From Dec 2005b
warning: "You must not be harsh with your own wives and children. You must be more kind and patient and loving." , I then sent a short message through Lyle to my brother LeRoy Jeffs. I told Lyle to call LeRoy the next day, on our birthday, and tell LeRoy this short message, "Tell LeRoy I love him, I am praying for him, and yearning for him. Stand loyal to God and Priesthood." I told my brother Lyle Jeffs that is all he should say.
maintenance. He told me the motorcycle I drove had radiator trouble and they were fixing it. The motorcycles will be ready, he said, by Wednesday. I am seeking of the Lord to know if we are using those again.
We are in the midst of winter. After all these phone calls, I had the ladies hasten. I said, "Hasten, and clean my room. I need it. In the midst fo their working, some were distracted to what they wanted to do or what they thought should be done. There was not a heavenly oneness exerted. I sat in my chair in the living room We had dinner with the ladies here with me and reading mail, and by 9:30 p.m. I felt a great weight rest upon me. I had Naomie tum off all the lights. I Isaac Jeffs present at 7:15 p.m. had her tell the ladies to stop their noise, their I talked to Lyle and he said this daughter of noisy cleaning efforts, and to sit quietly, and to Lissa Jessop named Ida Jessop, around age twelve shut the door to my room where they stayed for a years old, or thirteen, she did move in with Lyle's few hours. I laid back in my chair and was taken in family and she is doing well; and Lissa Jessop was hand, and went through the heavenly session and very glad to have it so. This girl's father is Oscar atonement process. I was shown that there was the Jessop, who is now apostate. presence of God right here in this home, the Lyle also told me about the Johnson boys, presence of father, and if these ladies had Kendall Johnson and Orval Johnson's sons who responded, they could have witnessed great things, were involved in homosexuality. I still was not heard revelation given, and participated int eh satisfied with the report. They still were not clear greater ordinances and blessings, but they were not enough whether or not these boys were involved prepared. I finally at 11 :20 p.m. I was able to be up with these immoralities after they received the and walk downstairs to a bedroom down there. I Aaronic Priesthood. So he will make sure to be sent Naomie to give the ladies instructions to quickly get my room cleaned. I had her give a clear on that when I talk to them again. I instructed Lyle Jeffs to be very careful and not short message that they were not one after the allow the Lord's message to get in the hands of our order of heaven, and that the Lord had me in hand enemies, but that he must be awake and realize that and they were not prepared. I gave instructions to there are traitors right in the congregation who will them through Naomie what to do through the carry the false report to our enemies; and to be night, to get some sleep and then be up early listening to some trainings; and to be prayerful and careful and only give what the Lord has me say. not making noise while I am in the heavenly After dinner I called John Wayman and told seSSIOns. him to interview his two sons, Paul and Nathan, to By 1:30 a.m. in the morning this morning I was see if they are remaining clean and pure and preparing for marriage. We discussed the able to walk up to my room, after the ladies retired motorcycles. John Wayman said he was in Pueblo, to their rooms, temporarily appointed for them. I Colorado at the time I called, just after 8:00 p.m. experienced the heavenly session until 7:30 a.m. and he was going to stay there. I said, "You need this morning. I was shown that though these ladies to get to Short Creek by morning to listen to the fell short in not being able to receive the offered Lord's message to the Priesthood people." He had blessing the night before, they can still qualify but traveled to Salina, Kansas, by my instruction, and it will not just be handed to them, that I must train licensed the empty trailer that carries the them further. I was shown that I will be going to motorcycles in Kansas to match the license plates Short Creek to perform more marriages, and then to match the vehicle we use to pull them. He told to R17 and even R23 to perform marriages. Also, me the motorcycles are in the repair shop for
Saturday, December 3,2005 Page 686 Record of President Warren Jeffs
these two young Blackmore girls will be sealed to me at R17. I was able to be up and doing and meet with Isaac and the ladies for a kneel-down dedication prayer about 8:30 a.m. We had breakfast and then I sent Isaac to go on the errands to purchase needed supplies for this house. I then sat down with the ladies and gave a special training, reading the October 23, 2003 revelation, the Lord correcting members of my family for not being prepared for the offered blessings. And I explained to these ladies this morning, and I did record the training, I explained that they still haven't learned that constant fervent oneness, and thus they are not always ready; and they need to be ready at any time to be used in the heavenly sessions and the ordinances, and they should be living so the angels are here. We then had another dedication prayer and I told them to get this house cleaned today and press forward in this mission. I am grateful for these ladies. They are bright and cheerful. They receive correction with rejoicing and get right busy. I ask the Lord to bless us, protect us, and keep us safe.
It is now 11 :45 a.m. End dictation. Praise God from whom all blessings flow.
Adding something else, Patricia. I am sitting here looking at Naomie's hair do of many braids, where we went to the African Braids hair salon. What was it called African Braids? African Braid Actions. A negro woman braided her hair. It took four hours to do this braiding job into tiny narrow braids. We have taken pictures for our archiving to show what we have had to do to go into hiding. These hairdo's are reversible, but we are preparing to be in hiding among the wicked so I can go and perform more marriages. Naomie is a great part of my disguise. I thank the Lord for her. On one side you have 36 braids. Naomie has 78 braids. When I look at this, when I look at N aomie I remember the scripture, "Women should not decorate themselves after the plating of the hair and the outward appearance, but to be of a meek and quiet Spirit. But Naomie is meek and quiet of Spirit and sweet, and she obeys the Lord's directives to braid her hair when we should. So we learn the lesson that whatever the Lord directs is righteousness, and he will open up the way of deliverance in His time and way. God bless the work and Kingdom of God to grow this day in my heart and character and among His people, in the name of Jesus Christ, amen.
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