The document discusses the importance of education and learning new skills in order to adapt to changing times, noting that society is progressing rapidly in the modern age due to advances in technology and it is crucial for individuals to continue educating themselves throughout their lives to have success. Examples are given of how certain skills become obsolete and new skills are required to keep up with new innovations and ways of working.
The document discusses the importance of education and learning new skills in order to adapt to changing times, noting that society is progressing rapidly in the modern age due to advances in technology and it is crucial for individuals to continue educating themselves throughout their lives to have success. Examples are given of how certain skills become obsolete and new skills are required to keep up with new innovations and ways of working.
The document discusses the importance of education and learning new skills in order to adapt to changing times, noting that society is progressing rapidly in the modern age due to advances in technology and it is crucial for individuals to continue educating themselves throughout their lives to have success. Examples are given of how certain skills become obsolete and new skills are required to keep up with new innovations and ways of working.
The document discusses the importance of education and learning new skills in order to adapt to changing times, noting that society is progressing rapidly in the modern age due to advances in technology and it is crucial for individuals to continue educating themselves throughout their lives to have success. Examples are given of how certain skills become obsolete and new skills are required to keep up with new innovations and ways of working.
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