Questioner Final

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Dear Respondents, I am Md. Aminul Islam Shakil, the students of BBA Program in Bangladesh University of Business and Technology (BUBT). For the fulfillment of the semester entitled Internship, I have to prepare a report on Level of Employee Job Satisfaction. So that, some Information would be needed from you. It is assured that all the information will keep confidential and safely use in this report only. Please read carefully the question and put a tick () in the respective number and kindly give your responds where necessary. Office Use Only Date of Interview: Name: Contact Number: Serial No.

Personal Information:
Sex: a. Male b. Female



Religion a. Muslim b. Hindu c. Christian d. Buddhist e. Other

Marital Status a. Single b. Married c. Divorced d. Widowed

Permanent Address: ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________

Present Address : ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________

Academic Qualification: a. HSC b. Graduate c. Post-graduate d. Others.


a. Less than a year b. 1 3 years c. 4 6 years d.7 10 years e. more than 10 years

Report related

1. From which department employee belongs to?

2. How long have you been working with this Pubali Bank?

Compensation Package

1. Which Salary pays system in your Bank? a. Work Basis

Highl y Satisf ied

c. Other



Dissatisfi ed

Strongly Dissatisfi ed

b. Organization Basis

Career Advancement:

Highl y Satisf ied

1. Are you satisfied with your salary? 2. How much you are satisfied with the Pubali Bank towards the nonmonetary benefits? 3. Are you satisfied with the welfare facilities of the Pubali Bank? 4. Are you satisfied to get vacation time and an excellent fringe benefit package?



Dissatisfi ed

Strongly Dissatisfi ed

1. Satisfaction level of the employee about the career development program in the organization?

2. Are you enjoying any opportunity in developing skills and talents?

3. Do you have any new and interesting opportunity to learn any new subject?

Highl y Satisf ied

a. Yes b. No



Dissatisfi ed

Strongly Dissatisfi ed

Reward and recognition 1. Does your bank evaluate employee performance? a. Yes b. No

2. Do your organization provide any reward or punishment after evaluate the performance of each employee? a. Yes b. No

Highly Satisfie d
1. Are you satisfied with your top management? 2. Are you satisfied with your coworkers? 3. Are you satisfied with your subordinates? 4. Are you satisfied with your nature of job? 5. Are you satisfied with Pubali Banks promotion policy? 6. Are you satisfied with your job? 7. Are you satisfied about your work position? 8. Are satisfied with your supervisor who respects you and treats you fairly? 9. How much are you satisfied with your assigned work? Task and work environment:

Satisf ied

Neut ral

Dissatis fied

Strongly Dissatisfie d

1. How is Pubali Banks policy and practices? a) b) c) d) e) Excellent Very Good Good Bad Very Bad

2. Are you facing any job pressure? a. Yes b. No

Highly Satisfie d
1. How is the physical environment of the Pubali Bank?

Satisf ied

Neut ral

Dissatis fied

Strongly Dissatisfie d

2. Are you enjoying freedom and independence in your job? 3. Are you allows to use your skill and abilities in your organization? a. Yes b. No

4. Are you willing to continue with the Pubali Bank? a. Yes b. No

5. Is it possible to make any important decisions in your job? a. Yes Working Condition: b. No

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