IdEAs Executive Summary

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Secretariat: Indonesia Entrepreneurship Association | IdEAs c/o Jalan Majapahit No. 28 C-D, Jakarta 10160, Jakarta Pusat, Indonesia Tel. +62 21 380 6902 | Fax. +62 21 380 4636 | Email: [email protected] Website: | Twitter: @IdEAs_News

Executive Summary: The Indonesia Entrepreneurship Association (Asosiasi Kewirausahaan Indonesia) or IdEAs is an Entrepreneurial / Entrepreneurship-oriented Organisation which was initiated and founded by the Executive Committee / Organising Committee (OC) of the Indonesian Students Associations International Symposium 2010 or SI 2010, which took place at the Embassy of the Republic of Indonesia at London, United Kingdom. The main topics of the SI 2010 are Entrepreneurship, Leadership and Education and IdEAs was founded as a follow up and an implementation of SI 2010s Vision, Mission and Goals. Our aims; amongst others are to be the initiator, incubator and accelerator for entrepreneurship and entrepreneurial learning throughout Indonesia which will involve, engage, collaborate and synergise with the Youth Communities, Students in Indonesia and abroad, Academia and Academic Institutions, Private Sectors and the Government, which will be carried out through spreading the spirit of entrepreneurship, developing and enhancing a conducive entrepreneurial learning environment and by increasing interests, investments and capital for entrepreneurial ventures.

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