Juce Tutorial
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Updated Feb 4, 2010 by kunitoki
Introduction Chapter 1 - The Starting Point Chapter 2 Component Basics What is a Component? How can I actually do stuff with a Component? How do I add a Component? Chapter 3 Listening for Messages What are these message classes? Where does the Listener go? What about the other message types? Chapter 4 Painting and Decorating Where do I paint my Component? What is a Graphics? How big is my Component? How do I actually draw something? Why am I painting 'under' the widgets? Why is everything black? How can I draw text? Chapter 5 Juce Strings What is a String? Where can I use the String? What can I do to a String? How can I modify a String? How can I combine Strings? How can I use a number as a String? How can i use a String as a number? How do I know how long a String is? How can I clear a String? Chapter 6 File handling (part 1) What is a File? How do I open a File? How do I read text from a File? How do I choose a file? How do I save text to a file? What else can I do with Files? Chapter 7 Intermission How can I use the debugger as a console? How can I make my own console? How can I make a class that's like another class? How should I make my new Component? How can I use my new Component? How can I make my Component more useful? Answers to problems Chapter 3 Chapter 4 Chapter 5 Chapter 6 Chapter 7
Most programming tutorials will start out by teaching you some fundamental (and fundamentally boring) core code things. For example, when you were learning C++, you probably did a whole bunch of boring processes on integers, floats, strings, functions, pointers, etc. You were able to see what you were doing by using the ready defined cout output stream, stuffing your results out onto the console. Yes, the console. My
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own progression as a C++ programmer began in this way, and I remained at the console output stage because every other kind of graphical output code was way to frightening to contemplate. I considered getting into Windows application development, but those darned Microsoft classes and typedefs made me nearly wet my pants. Yes, I mean that in a bad way. Everyone wants to be able to get into programming something that displays nicely on the screen with graphical elements, but its always such a chore to get to that point that its easy to burn out your enthusiasm. Ill be honest it happened to me. I stopped programming for quite some time. Then I discovered Juce. And again I nearly wet my pants. But this time, I mean that in a good way; all of a sudden I was able to do stuff that looked nice and wasnt scary! It took me a while to get my head around it all though, but I can promise you that its a far easier experience than any other libraries Ive happened upon. This tutorial is probably not very much like many other programming tutorials. I say that because Im going to teach you things the other way round. We will start with the fun stuff, because I feel its important to understand that first. This has two benefits. Firstly, its quite exciting being able to build graphical applications right from the start of your experience. More importantly though, it gets you to a stage where you know how to display the results of your cogs and gears behind the scenes experimentation. Juce has many classes that you can use throughout your program. Pretty much every base is covered (Strings, Arrays, Files, etc) and youll find you can make do without any other libraries. If I started by teaching you these though, youd have to take a lot of stuff for granted when I give you the basic tools to put your results on the screen. The aim of this tutorial then is to give you all the knowledge you need to be able to start programming your applications using the Juce classes. I wont cover all of the classes here, as many are very specialised. With luck, you should understand enough about how Juce does things by the end that you can easily figure out how to use these other classes by yourself, by reading the (very detailed) documentation. I will write additional guides on how to use certain Components though (for example, the ListBox, the TreeView, etc...). With all that said, I think its high time we began the tutorial!
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Now I shall begin to use some Juce terminology. This app is a basic launch pad for your Juce programming, and it gives you a single DialogWindow, which holds a single Component. What the DialogWindow is should be quite obvious thats the window bit the application presents itself as. The Component is probably less clear. Dont worry though, we shall get on to that in the next section suffice to say that its probably the most important type youll encounter!
What is a Component?
A Component has the following crucial properties:
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It is a rectangular region that can be positioned and sized to your needs. It can be painted on, with text, images and vector based graphics. It can respond to mouse activity. It can hold other components in a specified layout. A plain Component is just a clear rectangle with built in abilities as described above. You can set the size (width and height) and position (x,y) of the rectangle, and you can control its appearance by drawing directly onto it. It has callback functions which are called when mouse activity happens over it. It can also be filled with any number of child Components. The Component system is very sophisticated indeed!
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This, as you should be aware from your masterful C++ knowledge, means that the class MainComponent has all the same members and behaviour as the Juce Component class. Thanks to the object oriented nature of C++, we dont need to redefine the Component behaviour when we want to make our own version. As we know from running the app, its just an empty Component. As we also know, its already aware of mouse activity. The important thing, though, is that because its a Component we can add other Components to it, which is what we shall do next.
2) Create the desired Component in our Components constructor. In the constructors function body, we need to instantiate these Components, taking care get any required parameters in their own constructor calls. Examples...
button1 = new TextButton (T("Button 1")); slider1 = new Slider (T("Slider 1")); label = new Label (T("Label"), T("text here"));
Notice that, in the above examples, all the Component constructors have a String type parameter. This will be covered later. These parameters set the name of the Component (used for internal purposes where necessary). In the case of the Label, there is also a second parameter which specifies the initial text shown on the Label. For now, were going to just put in literal strings, using the T("string") macro. This isnt strictly necessary, but its handy to ensure that youre clearly defining a String literal. Were going to add three TextButtons, a single Slider, and a single Label. That means the following lines: In the private member declaration area...
TextButton* button1; TextButton* button2; TextButton* button3; Slider* slider; Label* label;
In the constructor...
button1 = new TextButton (T("Button 1")); button2 = new TextButton (T("Button 2")); button3 = new TextButton (T("Button 3"));
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slider = new Slider (T("Slider")); label = new Label (T("Label"), T("text here"));
Pagina 4
Now, thats taken care of the existence of these Components. They will be created inside the MainComponent, and will be accessible from within it. However, we still have yet to actually add them to our Component! To do this, the Component class has a nice simple function for us to use. You simply call it with the pointer to the Component you wish to add, and youre done. The syntax is:
addAndMakeVisible (myComponent);
Of course, this will also need to happen in the constructor. Add the following lines after the Components have been created:
addAndMakeVisible addAndMakeVisible addAndMakeVisible addAndMakeVisible addAndMakeVisible (button1); (button2); (button3); (slider); (label);
Thats the Components added to our MainComponent! Exciting stuff! Sadly, though, were still not quite done. Firstly, before we forget, we need to remind ourselves that weve recently created these objects using the new operator. This means they exist on the heap, and it is our responsibility to delete these and free the memory when the Component itself is destroyed. This might mean that we have to delete each one by hand in the destructor, but we must remember that they are registered with the Component. Conveniently, because the Component class is a clever device indeed, there is a single function that we can call to ensure our toys are properly tidied away. In our destructor, we just need to add the call:
deleteAllChildren ();
This will unregister all of the Components, and also delete them as it goes along. One call to rule them all. Splendid. With that, were very nearly there. So far weve (1) added the child Components, and (2) made sure that theyre cleared away. If youre in sharp mode, youll perhaps have realised one crucial omission. The Component, while clever, is not magical enough to instinctively know how you want your controls arranged, so you have to do that yourself. This is very simple, and the easiest way to do this is by using the Component function setBounds (...). A quick check of the docs shows that it has the following form:
Component::setBounds (x, y, width, height);
The first two parameters are the coordinates of the Components top-left corner. The other two specify the size of the Component. As you might expect, because this sets the layout of a particular Component, you call it for the Component you wish to place. So, to position button1, youd put something like this:
button1->setBounds (10, 10, 50, 20);
This would make it 50 pixels wide by 20 high, and would place it 10 pixels away from the top-left corner of the Component it lives within (in our case, MainComponent). We need to make a call like this for each one of our child Components, and then we will be all set to compile and see our wonderful creation! It is possible to arrange these dynamically, based on the current size of the Component they reside in, but for now we shall keep things simple. If you look at the file MainHeader.h, youll see some variables set to make the application configuration easy; two of these define the size of the app window it is 300x300. This is actually the size of the DialogWindow, and the MainComponent sits within that (a little shorter due to the windows title bar, and there are a few pixels of padding around the edges). Thats plenty of guidance though we just make sure our controls dont go too wide or off the bottom of the window! Lets make the following bounds calls (in the constructor, after the Components have all been created and added):
label->setBounds (10, 10, 280, 20); slider->setBounds (20, 40, 260, 20); button1->setBounds (20, 70, 260, 20); button2->setBounds (20, 100, 260, 20); button3->setBounds (20, 130, 260, 20);
Now weve positioned the Components, we are in a position to compile our program again! Build it, and you should see the app look like this:
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Now we have things on our window! You should hopefully be extraordinarily excited by this. However, as youll no doubt have noticed, these things dont really do anything. This is what we shall address in the next chapter, when we examine the message handling aspect of Juce.
Pagina 5
This means our class is now a ButtonListener as well as a Component! Is that easy or what? Of course, being a listener isnt quite enough for an object to actually receive messages. As mentioned earlier, it needs to be registered with a broadcaster before it will actually get any messages. Also, while being registered is enough for the messages to find their way to the object, it still wont respond unless you tell it what to do. As youre hopefully aware, base classes can have virtual functions. This means there is an interface for a particular behaviour (in this case, a function that is called when a message is received), but the actual code is left for you to define in your subclass. The function in question for this example is as follows:
void buttonClicked (Button* button) = 0;
Thats how it is declared in the ButtonListener base class. The =0 at the end of the line means that it is a pure virtual function. This means that you MUST define its behaviour for your class to be complete if you dont, the compiler will tell you that you still have an abstract class, and will fail. The MainComponent is now a ButtonListener, so we must give it this function and tell it what to do. In the public member section of MainComponent, add this code:
void buttonClicked (Button* button) { }
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This is enough to satisfy the compiler, although it still wont actually do anything. When the object receives a button message, this function is called with a pointer to the button that generated the message (notice the parameter, Button). If you remember, though, we need to register a ButtonListener with a Button (which broadcasts button messages) before any messages will be received. This is very simple, and we do it using the following form:
myButton->addButtonListener (ButtonListener*)
Pagina 6
The ButtonListener we want to register is MainComponent. The broadcasters we want to register it with are the three TextButtons we have created. We shall perform this registration in MainComponents constructor. Because we are inside MainComponent, we can get its pointer using the this operator. Add these lines to the end of the constructor:
button1->addButtonListener (this); button2->addButtonListener (this); button3->addButtonListener (this);
This means that MainComponent will now receive messages whenever we click on any of the three TextButtons! Its that simple. If you click button1, it will generate a button message, causing MainComponent.buttonClicked () to be called with the address of button1 as the parameter. Hopefully, you should already be able to see how we can respond to the button presses in our code. We have three buttons (button1, button2 and button3). The three member variables we created hold the addresses of these TextButton objects. If one is clicked, our buttonClicked function will receive one of these pointers. Thus, in order to determine which button is clicked, we need simply to compare the functions button parameter against our three button members:
void buttonClicked (Button* button) { if (button == button1) { // respond to button1 } else if (button == button2) { // respond to button2 } else if (button == button3) { // respond to button3 } }
If we put some code in these sections, it will be executed when the corresponding button is clicked. That is all there is to it! How can we demonstrate that this works? Well, weve already got a Label on our panel, which currently just shows text here. Well get it to change the text when we click on the buttons. If you look at the Juce documentation for the Label class, youll see that it has many functions. If youre an excitable and enthusiastic programmer, youll probably have had a scan through several of the class docs. All the ready made Components have a wealth of specific functions to do stuff, which is something that we can of course do for our own Components. The function were going to use is the appropriately named setText (). It has the following form:
Label::setText (const String& text, bool sendMessage);
The parameters may look a bit confusing at first, but well keep it simple for now. The sendMessage parameter should indicate to you that this class is some kind of broadcaster. It is actually a ChangeBroadcaster, something which well cover later in this chapter. For now, were going to ignore this fact, and just pass it false so that it doesnt send a message. The first parameter (if youre not wholly used to C++ syntax) may look a bit scary, but the important thing is that it is a String. Again, as earlier, were going to just use a string literal (and the T("string") macro) here, as Strings will be covered in a later chapter. So, to set the text on this Label, we use the following line:
label->setText (T(Text of my choice), false);
This will cause the Label to change its text to Text of my choice. We want our TextButtons to change the text, so we put a line like this in the response section for each of our buttons in buttonClicked (), as follows:
void buttonClicked (Button* button) { if (button == button1) { // respond to button1 label->setText (T(Button 1 clicked!), false); } else if (button == button2) { // respond to button2 label->setText (T(Button 2 clicked!), false); } else if (button == button3) { // respond to button3 label->setText (T(Button 2 clicked!), false); } }
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If you compile this now, youll see the Labels text change when you click the buttons. This gives you a prime opportunity to try out various exciting swear-words for each TextButton! Remember that the documentation lists many functions available for the Component types were using. See if you can carry out the following tasks: Task Get each button to change the text on a different button. Get the buttons to set the value of the slider. Consult the documentation for Slider and TextButton for clues about which functions youd need to use.
Pagina 7
We also have another pure virtual function to define, courtesy of the ChangeListener base class. This has a slightly different name, but works in a similar way to before. Add this to MainComponent:
void changeListenerCallback (void* changeSource) { }
This is called whenever a change message is sent from a ChangeBroadcaster were registered with. Instead of a Button* parameter, we have a void*, but in principle it works in exactly the same way; when this is called, a pointer to the source of the change is received. Thus, our callback will be given the pointer to the Slider. Well, it will, once weve registered with it! In the constructor...
slider->addChangeListener (this);
This is nearly identical to the line required to register with a ButtonListener. Again, this gives us the ability to hear about changes made to the Slider, but weve still to put in any response code. The first thing well need to do is check that it is indeed the Slider that has changed. This is a simple pointer check, as with the Button pointer check we did before. Then, well do a similar thing to the TextButton response just update the Label text, this time with the value from the Slider. This means that we need to get the value from the Slider, using the Slider::getValue () function. This function returns a double (high precision floating point number), so well create a variable to hold the result. Remember, though, that the setText (...) function takes a String parameter for the text, whereas we wish to use a double. We shall therefore make our first genuine use of the String class, but only in passing for now. The String has a variety of different constructors, which can conveniently turn various different types into a String for us, behaving almost like a cast. Thus, in order for us to use a double as a String, we simply need to wrap it in a String constructor call.
void changeListenerCallback (void* changeSource) { if (changeSource == slider) { double value = slider->getValue (); label->setText (String (value), false); } }
With this function now added, a compile should show this program to work as expected. Now we are able to respond to both Button messages and Change messages without difficulty. To briefly summarise what weve covered in this chapter: Broadcasters send messages, Listeners receive them via callbacks. Listeners must register with a Broadcaster to receive messages. Any class (e.g. Component) can inherit Listener behaviour. A Listener subclass must override the virtual callback function. The callback should check the source and respond accordingly. Were still not quite ready to delve into the important world of Juce core classes. There is one more aspect of Components should understand before we can properly do things behind scenes, and that is the paint () function. The next chapter cover graphics.
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we can see them. Were now going to have a look at how we can make use of this feature ourselves. Its actually quite simple, and by the end of this chapter, you'll have the tools to begin to design the appearance of your own widgets.
Pagina 8
This function is a neatly prepared way for us to draw onto our Component; the single 'Graphics' parameter is the Components way of making our life easy. Notice that it is a reference, and that it is not 'const'; this shows us right away that it is something we can change. We are given an object, and we can do what we like to it. Add the following code to the public section of MainComponent:
void paint (Graphics& g) { }
What is a Graphics?
It might help to imagine a Graphics object as a special robot arm, whose sole purpose is to draw stuff onto a canvas. You can give it instructions on what to draw, how to draw it, and where on the canvas it should go, and it will happily oblige. A quick look at the documentation for the class will give you an idea of the kind of commands it can understand; names like 'drawLine()', 'drawText()' and 'fillAll()' are fairly selfexplanatory. In our paint function, we find ourselves presented with a 'Graphics'. This has already had its canvas assigned for us that'd be the Component rectangle. If we tell it to draw anything, it will appear on our Component.
When we were laying out the widgets earlier, we gave exact numbers, based on the size of the Component. Here, we're going to imagine we don't know the size yet (and that's true - remember that this Component is actually a little bit smaller than the DialogWindow). We will be using the following function to draw these rectangles:
Graphics::fillRect (x,y, width,height);
This is identical to the Component::setBounds() function we used earlier, where we gave a top-left corner and a size. Add the following lines to your paint() function body:
g.fillRect (x1,y1, w1,h1); g.fillRect (x2,y2, w2,h2);
The 'g' is the Graphics parameter we've been given to play with. Also, you'll notice that this is the first time we've used a '.' to call a function. This isn't a big deal, just remember that in this case we're using a reference, whereas so far we've just been using pointers. Now it is time for a task! Task Your mission is to calculate the x, y, width and height values for both rectangles! Work them out, and put them in place of the corresponding parameters in the function calls you just wrote. Here are some tips:
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You can use 'getWidth()' and 'getHeight()' as numbers. Each rectangle is half the width and half the height of the context. One starts at the top-left corner, the other starts at the centre. Both rectangles are the same size. You can use variables to store values. Remember, we're not using exact numbers, just proportions of the context's size. That means we'll have formulae using the context dimensions. Feel free to use a pen and paper to work them out, even though they are really simple! It's a good habit to have! Once you've got them worked out, put them in and compile the program. Run it, and take a look at the result (The solution is in the answers appendix).
Pagina 9
There are several important things to notice about the result. One is that the rectangles are both black. The other is that our widgets appear on top of them!
These are all listed in the documentation. We can set the colour of our painting operations simply by calling 'Graphics::setColour()' beforehand. Add the following lines after the fillRect() calls:
g.setColour (Colours::hotpink); g.fillRect (0,0, getWidth(), getHeight());
Notice how the Colour is retrieved from Colours 'on the spot', using the scope resolution operator '::'. This will draw a big pink rectangle over the whole context. Note that this can be achieved in one line using this:
g.fillAll (Colours::hotpink);
Try compiling and running both versions. You'll notice that they both look the same, like the image below:
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Pagina 10
Very pretty indeed! You notice of course that the black rectangles have gone; this illustrates that everything is drawn in order. If you draw something you'll draw on top of the previous operation. If you used a transparent Colour, you'd still see them. The Colour class, as mentioned previously, has a number of functions which can be used to alter the colour it represents. So far we've just taken a nice pink from the presets. Have a look at the documentation you can make it brighter, darker, more transparent, etc. Note, though, that these functions don't actually change the object! They return a modified Colour, but the object is the same (unless you specifically reassigned it). So, use one of these functions to try drawing our pink rectangle with a transparent pink Colour. This requires setting the alpha value to a proportion (between 0 (clear) and 1 (opaque)). Alter the line where you set the Colour, so that your Colour setting looks like this:
Colours::hotpink.withAlpha (0.9f);
The 'f', in case you didn't know, goes after a decimal value to indicate that it is a float constant. Build it, and look at the new panel.
We can see how the Colour functions can be used to modify a Colour, and we can also see proof that the stuff 'behind' is still being drawn. We'll now draw a little 'border' rectangle in the bottom section. We'll draw a 'rounded rectangle', with soft corners. Also, not that this is 'draw' and not 'fill' this means that we'll just have an outline. We'll use a slightly transparent black, so that it blends with the background:
// set a transparent black colour... g.setColour (Colours::black.withAlpha (0.5f)); // draw a rounded rectangle (2px thick, 20 'round') g.drawRoundedRectangle (10, 160, getWidth()-20, getHeight()/3, 20, 2);
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Pagina 11
Notice that it's given the same rectangle bounds as the rounded rectangle we just drew. Compiling and running this gives us:
So now we can draw text! But it's really small, compared to the space it's in. How can we make the text bigger? Well, when you're using a word processor, to change the size of your text you edit the font properties. There is a whole Juce class dedicated to fonts (called 'Font', interestingly enough!) but we're not going to look at it in detail here. The Graphics class has a shortcut function, which allows us to simply specify a new font height. Add the following line before the drawFittedText call:
g.setFont (40);
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Pagina 12
There are a lot of drawing operations available from the Graphics class, but they're irrelevant at this point. Feel free to play around, of course; try drawing some ellipses or lines. One last thing I've not yet mentioned is that all the coordinate parameters are floating point values. Why would this be, if they're referring to pixels? Well, Juce draws with sub-pixel accuracy, and it's all anti-aliased. What that means, to those who aren't robots, is that everything can be smooth, sharp and precise. You don't have to restrict your coordinates to heavy 'quantised' blocks! So, we've seen how Components can be drawn on, using the Graphics class. We've also seen that there are several other classes that a 'Graphics' can make use of (including the Colour and the Font). Perhaps by now you can imagine (and appreciate) the kind of operations the TextButton uses in its own paint() function. Don't worry if it seems beyond you it won't be too long before you're easily making your own widgets, and in a later chapter we will do just that! Now, however, it is about time we took a look under the bonnet, and learned how to use Juce's core classes...
What is a String?
A Juce String holds text. If you're familiar with programming languages, you'll already know a bit about strings. If not, you may be surprised to learn of the chore that string operations used to be! In 'the olden days' of C, string handling was a really cumbersome business. The C language can handle 'null terminated strings', which are arrays of any number of characters, where the whole lot is ended with a null (zero). If you wanted to make a 'string', you'd have to allocate enough characters (plus one for the null) to hold your text. If you wanted to join strings together, you'd have to allocate MORE memory (so that enough characters run in a consecutive sequence in memory), copy the needed bytes over, then free the old memory. Pretty complicated! C++ comes with the STL (which is an 'official' set of classes), which includes a string class for making such things simpler. You may have already used it in your past C++ experience. Juce, however, effectively renders the STL obsolete for our needs (being a set of ready made utility classes), and comes with its own String class. And very handy it is too! With the String class, you don't have to worry at all about how the memory is organised, or what might be involved in manipulating strings of characters. The interface is entirely logical and intuitive, which I hope to demonstrate in this chapter. You can really use the String as if it were a built-in C++ type, like an int or a float. You can create one anywhere and just use it however you need. Let's try it out. We'll give our MainComponent a String member: In the private declaration area...
String text;
This enhances our MainComponent, giving it a dedicated space to store text. Now, in any of our functions, we can access this String just by using this 'text' member object. This object will be created as the constructor is called. By default a String is created empty, but if we wanted it to start out holding a particular phrase or value, we'd just assign it here, like this:
String text = T("Text goes here!"); // or using constructor... String text (T("Text goes here!")); // or initialising after instantiation... String text; text = T("Text goes here!"));
Notice that it's perfectly valid to assign a value to the text after the variable has been created (If you've never made null-terminated-strings before, that won't be interesting to you!). We're going to allow our 'text' to start empty.
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As just explained, you can assign the String whenever you like. Our String 'text' is always available to use in any of our MainComponent member functions. If we want to set it to a particular value, we can, assigning it by name:
text = T("This new text!");
Pagina 13
That means we can do stuff with our String in the functions we already have. Currently our application uses the buttons to directly set the text in the Label Component. Let's adapt it to instead change the value of our String. The function that we need to change is of course the buttonClicked() function. For this example, we're going to make the following changes to button1 and button2 only: In buttonClicked() ...
if (button == button1) { text = T("Monkey"); } else if (button == button2) { text = T("Tennis"); }
This will cause button1 and button2 to set the text. Right now though, this won't appear to do anything (the Label is no longer connected to our buttons). We need to make use of this String so we can see the result. We're not going to use the Label, we're going to use our 'home-made' text display code (in the paint() function). The 'drawFittedText()' call currently uses a string literal. Let's change that, so that we're instead drawing whatever text we have stored at the time. In MainComponent::paint()...
g.drawFittedText ( text, 10, 160, getWidth()-20, getHeight()/3, Justification::centred, 1 );
Compile and run this program. You should probably be puzzled, because the buttons don't do anything. The buttons are setting the String, let me assure you of that! This is time to become aware of an important fact when building GUIs. Changing the value of a variable does not cause the interface to update. You can logically reason this out for yourself (your code could change the values at any time, and you don't want the interface to constantly be updating itself when you don't want it to). In our buttonClicked() function, we're setting the text, but we also need to update the GUI. This is called "triggering a repaint", and will result in the new value of the String being displayed. We want it to update whenever we click any of the buttons. Though our function has separate code blocks for each button, there is also space for more code after the checks; it'd be handy if the Component were to always redraw itself whenever it receives a button message. Add this: At the end of buttonClicked()...
void buttonClicked (Button* button) { if (button == button1) { ... } else if (button == button2) { ... } else if (button == button3) { ... } repaint (); }
Compile this, and you should see that the top two buttons will now change the text on the bottom. The third button still changes the Label. In case it wasn't entirely clear, what we've done is call 'repaint()' (the Component's function for getting it to update) every time buttonClicked() is called, after the buttons have had their individual effect. So we've seen how we can assign a String, and we've seen that we can paint its value on our Component's face. It's now time to see how the String can be really used.
This is a configuration we want this button to take when it is created, so we put it in the constructor. Put the above line in the MainComponent constructor anywhere after that object has been created (the end will do fine). Compile it, and notice the behaviour when you click on that button. We can now toggle between some kind of 'mode'. We can say that, if the button is 'on', we do one thing; if the button is 'off', we do something else. To find out button3's 'toggle state' (whether it is on or off), we use this:
button3->getToggleState ();
Is that simple or what? That function returns a boolean (true or false) value. If it is true, it means the button is 'on'. Remember that a function call effectively gets 'replaced' by the value it returns. That means we can use this call anywhere we would do a conditional check (or we could assign a bool variable with the result of the call). We're going to use the state of this button to choose whether the text is shown in upper or lower case. One thing we could do is set the value of the String in the button call. This would be like the assignments for button1 and button2, but would have a conditional check on the button's state to decide what to do. We don't want to do that here though. We've already seen that we can assign a String, we want to try something new! Before we code the behaviour, let's change the text on the button to reflect its new purpose. In the constructor, where button3 is created, change the text to say "display mode" or something to that effect.
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Now, instead of changing the buttonClicked() behaviour for button3, we're going to alter the paint() function. We can check the state of the button at any time, not just when it has been clicked. Find the following line:
g.drawFittedText ( text, 10, 160, getWidth()-20, getHeight()/3, Justification::centred, 1 );
Pagina 14
This draws the exact contents of text to the panel. We don't want to change 'text' itself though, we just want to change how the text is displayed. For this, we're going to use a temporary (local) String variable. Just before the above function call, we'll create a String object.
String textToDraw;
Now, every time paint() is called, a temporary String object will exist for us to use. As you may suspect, it's probably not the best idea to do too much memory allocation in 'paint()' for day-to-day programming, as you don't want your repaints to be a big CPU drain! A few variables shouldn't be a problem though.
In the last chapter, I pointed out that, in the Colour class, functions like these don't actually convert the object you're calling it from they just return a modified temporary which you can use for assignment. This is exactly the same here with the String class. If you wanted to actually convert the String to upper case, you'd say:
text = text.toUpperCase ();
We're not going to convert it though. We're going to assign this converted version to our textToDraw local String. We're going to choose the conversion by the state of button3. That means the following code: In paint(), before the text is drawn...
if (button3->getToggleState ()) { // button is ON... (getToggleState() == true) textToDraw = text.toUpperCase (); } else { // button is OFF... textToDraw = text.toLowerCase (); }
We have now got a local String which exists for the duration of the function. Its value is set (according to the state of button3), and then it is painted. Except that it isn't yet! We're still drawing the main text String! Change the String parameter in drawFittedText() from text to textToDraw. Compile and run it. Now button1 and button2 set the text, and button3 just changes the case of the displayed String. Remember too, that the String member text is not actually changed by button3. Many of the other String functions can be used in this way. In the documentation, any String functions that return a const String will return a modified version of the String, leaving the original intact. Also, the fact that they return String objects means we can stack these functions up. For example, if we wanted to have a capitalised, quoted version of a String, we could do this:
textToDraw = text.toUpperCase().quoted();
A lot of these functions are quite specialised but a quick read of the documentation should explain how they work. There's little need to cover them all here!
This shows two things; you can add several items together at once (as many as you like!) and you can also mix string literals and String objects. It's important to bear in mind exactly how the T("") macro works when using them in String assignments. While we've so far found that we can treat a T("text") string literal as if it were a Juce String (when calling functions, for example), it's actually not a String. The reason it matters here is because you can't 'add' two of these together like you can with Strings. What a T("") actually becomes in your code is a pointer to a null terminated string. Adding this to a String is fine because it knows how to deal with them, but you can't add two together, because they
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won't understand what want them to do. In any case, there's little reason to want to put two together (when you can just combine their contents into one), but you should be aware of it. Just to make the point clear, you can do this:
String text = T("Name: ") + name + T(" -rank A");
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You can, of course, change the T("") for a String("") if you absolutely need to do something like this, but you should probably see how it's not going to ever be an actual issue.
The String takes care of converting the number into text, so that it can be manipulated as a series of characters rather than a number. An integer value is straightforward the number '9' in text form is just the character '9'. The two characters '4' and '2' (in the correct order) are all that is ever needed to represent the number '42'. With floating point (fractional decimal) numbers, there is not always one way of displaying the numbers think of pi as an example! How does the String class know how many decimal places to use when we try to use a float (or a double) as a String? Well, you just tell it! We've already turned a double into a String, in the changeListenerCallback() function. This constructor actually allows us to supply a second parameter (check the documentation), so make the following alteration.
void changeListenerCallback (void* changeSource) { if (changeSource == slider) { double value = slider->getValue (); label->setText (String (value, 2), false); } }
Now, when you adjust the Slider, the label is updated with a rounded version of the value (to two decimal places). Easy! So we can use any number as a String. What if we want to use this String as a number?
Now, before we test these, we're going to do a little tinkering with our app. So far, we've only got TextButtons and a Slider for user input. What I've kept secret, however, is that the Label is a handy user input widget in its own right! Task The docs show that a Label can become a TextEditor when it is clicked. First, however, it needs to be configured. This is what you must achieve to complete the task. Here are some clues: You must add two Label function calls to the constructor. We want to edit the Label by clicking on it once. We saw earlier that the Label is a ChangeBroadcaster. We'll want to know when the user has entered text. The two lines you'll need are in the answers appendix. Have a look through the Label class documentation and see if you can figure them out for yourself. Once you've converted the Label, try building the app. If you click on the Label, you'll now be able to type something in! Who'd have thought we'd have such features built in to our quiet, unassuming test app! We shall demonstrate how the String can be used as a number. Hopefully in an earlier chapter, you tried to set the value of the slider using the setValue() function. Don't worry if you didn't, you're about to! The Label is a ChangeBroadcaster. You should already have reached the conclusion that a change message will be sent if the user types something in (if you haven't that's what happens!). Our reactionary code then will live in the changeListenerCallback() function:
void changeListenerCallback (void* changeSource) { if (changeSource == slider) { // the slider has been adjusted... double value = slider->getValue ();
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label->setText (String (value), false); } else if (changeSource == label) { // text has been entered... } }
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This gives us somewhere to respond to the change. What do we want to do when text has been entered? Well, we're going to try to take a numerical value from the String, and then use that to set the value of the slider. First of all, we need to get the actual text from the Label:
label->getText ();
This returns a String of whatever text the Label is currently displaying. Remember that the function call above, as it returns a String object, can be treated as if it IS a String object. Thus, if we wanted to get a double precision floating-point value from the text, we can say:
double value = label->getText ().getDoubleValue ();
Notice again how we can 'stack up' these function calls. We're getting the double value of the String retrieved from getText(), and we're assigning it to a variable named 'value'. We'll also want to set the value of the slider, using the setValue() function. Here are the amendments you need to make:
void changeListenerCallback (void* changeSource) { if (changeSource == slider) { // the slider has been adjusted... double value = slider->getValue (); label->setText (String (value), false); } else if (changeSource == label) { // text has been entered... double value = label->getText().getDoubleValue(); slider->setValue (value, false); } }
Note at this point the importance of the 'false' parameter in setValue(). As pointed out earlier, this determines whether or not this assignment will trigger a new message being called. If it were true, then we'd cause the Slider to call this function again, whereby its value would be pasted into the Label! This kind of circular behaviour is rarely what you want, so you'll want to keep an eye on those types of parameter. Now if you compile and run this application, try entering a value. It will happily accept decimal values. If you enter a value outside the range of the slider, it will be clipped. If you enter text that is not a number, then you get zero. That's handy built-in error checking! We're almost done with the String class now. Before we move on to something more interesting, I'll quickly point out two things that the String class can be which you'll undoubtedly make use of at some stage.
The rest of the String functions are fairly self-explanatory, but if you get stuck with the docs, just ask a question on the forum. For now, we know enough of the String basics to be able to use them all around our programs. Let's just recap what we've learned about Strings: A String holds any amount of text. We can join Strings together with a '+'. We can assign Strings with an '='. Strings can return modified versions of themselves. Strings can be converted to and from numbers. We can easily find out how long a String is. Now that we've got an understanding of the String class (a fundamental piece of Juce), we are in a good position to investigate some more classes. Because of the structure of this tutorial, I have decided that your next class subject will be the File. In the next chapter, we'll learn how to save and load stuff! This may seem like an odd choice of topic, but the order will make sense soon enough!
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Pagina 17
What is a File?
The Juce File class allows you to hold references to files on your computer. When you create a File object, you create a link to a single item on a drive. The item may exist, or it may not, and it may be either a file or a folder. That's the basic principle behind them. We're going to begin our study of the class by learning to open a file that already exists. First, load up notepad (or something similar) and create a plain text document. Type in some arbitrary nonsense, and save it in a simple location with a memorable filename (for instance, "C:\filetest.txt"). Before we actually try to use this file, we'll do some quick spring cleaning. The MainComponent we've been working on is full of things we don't need, so we'll empty it out and start fresh. For this chapter, we'll build upon our first "Starting Point" code (which has no child Components yet on the interface). The last chapter introduced a text entry widget, via the Label. The Label is not the only text entry Component though. In fact, it's actually not really one all by itself. The reason you can use it like that is because it can turn itself into a TextEditor another Juce Component type. The TextEditor has all the text entry features you could need! Let's add one to our MainComponent. In the private declaration:
TextEditor* text;
Make sure you also have the 'deleteAllChildren()' call in the destructor, so that our child Components are destroyed. We of course need to position it on the panel too, so we must add the resized() function and set the editor's bounds: In the public section:
void resized () { text->setBounds (10,10,getWidth()-20,getHeight()-20); }
Note that we're giving it a 10 pixel margin, making use of the size of MainComponent. Compile and run this.
You should notice a couple of odd features of this text entry window we've created. Firsly, the flashing caret is halfway down the box. Secondly, it only types one line, and you can't press 'enter' to create a new one. As far as notepads go, this is poor! But don't worry, this is just the default TextEditor behaviour. By default, it expects to be used as a single strip of text (as we saw when we used the Label). We can change that though, with a few simple function calls just after we've created it: In the constructor:
text->setMultiLine (true); text->setReturnKeyStartsNewLine (true);
These two lines of code are entirely self-explanatory! Compile again, and try entering some text.
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Notice also that this editor has a right-click menu built in! Without even doing anything, we've got copy/paste, and even undo/redo features.
Notice that the '\\' is not a typo! In C, null terminated strings use 'backslash constants' to indicate characters that you can't type on the keyboard. For instance, a 'newline' is '\n'. The '\' means "the next character is a special code", which also means that you can't type a '\' normally! To actually use a '\', you put two together (to show that it's not a code after all, and you actually want a slash, as it were). We're going to go for the former of the above two examples (assigning after creation), because we're going to keep our File as a member of MainComponent. Thus, we'll always have a place to remember a particular file. Add the member object in the private section, and assign it in the constructor: In the private declaration:
File currentFile;
In the constructor:
currentFile = T("C:\\filetest.txt");
Our program, when it runs, will now have a link to this file. It's not actually tried to open the file or anything yet though, it just knows where it is. To open it for our needs is incredibly simple. Laughably so. Before I get onto that though, I shall point out that it's important to check your files! As I mentioned earlier, a File object may be linked to a file that doesn't even exist. This may be the case here (for example, if you typed in the filename incorrectly), so we'll get into the habit of checking it first. If a file doesn't exist, then comparing a File object with File::nonexistent will return true. This is one way of checking, but there are several. The one we're going to use is a simple bool returning function. It is used in the following manner:
If (currentFile.existsAsFile ()) { ... }
Now we can perform a task only if the file definitely exists! We want to open the file in our editor, and for that, we'll create a function of our own (with an appropriate name). Create the following function.
void openFileInEditor () { }
What is it that we need to do in this function? Well, we've seen that we should have some kind of safety check in there (make sure the file exists). Then, we want to read the text from the file, and put it onto the editor. The editor part of the task is easy. The TextEditor has the same 'setText()' function as Label, so we can use that. We just need to get a String of the text from the file. How can we do that?
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This couldn't be easier. Look through the File documentation, and see if you can spot the function for yourself. It's just about as obvious as you can get. In case you're having a hard time finding it, here's the answer: you can get a String (containing the whole file's text) just by making the following call:
currentFile.loadFileAsString ();
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Did I say it was simple? That function returns a String, so we can use that directly in our setText() call. Give your function the following form:
void openFileInEditor () { if (currentFile.existsAsFile ()) { text->setText (currentFile.loadFileAsString()); } }
As this is a test, we want the file to be opened automatically when we launch the app, so put a call to this function in the constructor (after the File has been assigned): In the constructor:
... currentFile = T("C:\\filetest.txt"); openFileInEditor ();
Assuming that you've got the path typed correctly, when you compile and run the app, you will see the contents of your file in the TextEditor. Brilliant!
Now, what we need to do is very straightforward. If we need to bring up a file selection window, we need to create a FileChooser object. If we just make a local (function scope) instance, we know that it will be tidied away after the function has finished, which is what we want. The documentation for the FileChooser class perfectly explains how it should be used. Basically, you call one of the 'browse...' functions from the FileChooser object, and respond based on the result. If the browse function returns false, it means that no file was chosen, so we can put this call inside an 'if' statement to quickly obtain the result. The actual File chosen (if one is chosen) is retrieved with a separate function call. Here's the code we need to bring up a FileChooser (for opening a file) and open the result:
void chooseFileToOpen () { FileChooser chooser (T("Choose file to open")); if (chooser.browseForFileToOpen ()) { currentFile = chooser.getResult (); openFileInEditor (); } }
Now we just need to change the constructor a little to make use of our new feature. That means stripping out the line where you tell it the old filename (yes, just delete that line), and changing the function call from 'openFileInEditor()' to 'chooseFileToOpen()'. Run this program, and marvel at how you can now suddenly choose the file yourself! Notice in particular that you can now trigger this with just a single function call. From this thought, move on to the obvious idea that this is something you'll want to be able to do at will (not just when the program starts). By now you should know exactly what it might take to have an 'Open file' button. Time for another simple task then! Add a button to MainComponent that will allow the user to open a different file. Chapters 2 and 3 have all the information you'll need (you've done this before!). Here are some clues: You must create a pointer for the TextButton. You must create and add the TextButton. You need to be able to listen to Button messages. You need to position the TextButton. You'll need to reposition the TextEditor. And of course you'll need to respond to the button... See if you can do this simple task. Example answers are in the appendix section. If you've done it properly, you should hopefully end up with something a bit like this:
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Pagina 20
The actual layout of the Components isn't particularly important at the moment, so don't worry if yours looks different. Now, we have a program that allows us to load any file we please as text! Perhaps you forgot to take out the call in the constructor (the one we did before the task) and had it ask you for a file when you load the program. If you did, great! It's always good to learn things from experience. So, our program loads up (empty) and presents us with a button to load existing text. We'll take it to the next logical step, and add a button for saving. We don't know how to save yet, but we'd do well to have a button ready to try it out with for when we do! Next task! Add another button, in the same way as before. Make sure you have a relevant section within buttonClicked() for it!
That's our 'save' function. We now need a chooser function, just like the one for the open button. In fact, it's so much like it that we can get away with copying and pasting the original, and making a few slight edits. Below is the new one, with bold type highlighting the bits that have changed:
void chooseFileToSave () { FileChooser chooser (T("Choose file to save")); if (chooser.browseForFileToSave ()) { currentFile = chooser.getResult (); saveFileFromEditor (); } }
Compile and run this, and you'll delight at the power of your application! You can save and load text files! Notice anything peculiar about the save function? It's actually behaving more like a 'Save As...' feature, as it always asks you where you want to save. In most applications, 'Save' will save the currently open document to the file it belongs to, whereas 'Save As...' will prompt the user for a location. If a document is newly created, it will not yet have a file allocated; a call to the normal 'Save' will in this case require a prompt. Try to improve your 'text pad' application in this respect. You should end up with four buttons (New, Open, Save, Save As...). Notice the difference between the "Save" and "Save As" operations, and the functions we've made. Also, try to see the importance of the 'New' command (think of the 'Save' action behaviour).
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You will, of course, want to spend time making sure it looks the part too! Get your buttons lined up nicely. There is actually a more appropriate Component (the MenuBarComponent) but that's a bit beyond this tutorial for the time being. It should of course go without saying that any of the other classes can be learned through experimentation (that's how I learned them), so if you're feeling adventurous, try some of them out.
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Chapter 7 Intermission
In this chapter, we're not going to focus on any one particular Juce class. We are instead going to look at ways in which we can test the other internal systems. In the first few chapters, we played around with a bunch of Components on our MainComponent. Each one could be used to do or show something, but only really one thing at a time. The label shows one piece of text, the slider holds one value, and the buttons each trigger one action. It was a nonsense program, but we learned how to do some key things, and how the Component system works. The last chapter saw us building a basic application that actually had a purpose. In doing so, we saw practical uses for certain class functions (such as File::loadFileAsText()). Ideally, we'd be able to make a 'real' program to demonstrate all things, but that would take too long. There are a great number of functions that you can only appreciate the use of through practical examples, and you'll most likely need to use them at some point. In 'the old days', we'd test out the workings of various functions and classes by using the console. Yes, that relic i mentioned in the introduction chapter. This provides an ever-present dumping ground for any old data you felt like generating. You don't need to add a Component to the screen just to have somewhere to try out a few processes. All you need to do if you have a console is perform some test, check the results and output some meaningful text so you can see for yourself what happened. That was 'the old days'. In our modern age, we're using Juce, and it's making us very happy. How can we have the luxury of the console, without having to actually worry about any other libraries? There are two things you can do to get this kind of functionality. The first is to use a debugger, and the second is to just make your own console. We're going to try both methods in this chapter.
Note that it takes just a single String. We can use this anywhere we like. For example:
for (int i=0; i<10; i++) { DBG (T("The current number is ") + String(i)); }
This will send ten lines of text to the debug console, each ending with a number from 0-9. The DBG() calls are not function calls, but macros representing function calls this means that you can completely omit them from a release build. In case you don't understand how that is, read up on macros! Basically, if it is in 'debug' mode, 'DBG()' will be replaced with an actual function call (to send a message to the debugger), but if it isn't (e.g. Release mode), it is replaced by a blank space (so nothing happens!). This means you can liberally plaster them all over your code, and not have to worry at all about using up too much CPU in release mode from doing "pointless" tests. Try it out for yourself. Go into any of the code we've already done, and add some DBG() messages. You could, for example, do:
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void foo () { DBG( T("Function foo() called!")); ... }
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Build a debug version, and look at what your debugger displays. If you have it set up correctly, it should be working right away. Note that I'm only familiar with the Microsoft debugger within Visual C++, so I can't offer any real debugger advice (this one just works without extra configuration, but I imagine some others may be more problematic).
This is something you can read up on, but basically it stops the file from being included more than once in any compile, using pre-compiler macros. Traditionally, you use the filename in uppercase with underscores; you want it to be unique to the file. Any text between the two blocks gets ignored if it's already been parsed. Put those lines in, and treat them as the beginning and end of the file. Any subsequent code we enter will go in place of the ellipsis (...). Now we have a file ready for our new class. We are going to be using Juce code here, so we must #include it:
#include <juce.h>
Now we can use the TextEditor class in our declaration. We want TextConsole to be a TextEditor, so:
public: class TextConsole : public TextEditor { };
It always helps to put the brackets in there right away, primarily to make sure you don't forget the semi-colon at the end! Also, it's very important that you have this in the public section! Looking through the TextEditor docs, we can see that there are no 'pure virtual' functions, and there are no required parameters in the constructor. That means our TextConsole is currently ready to be used but only as a TextEditor. If there were pure virtual functions, we'd need to define them first. Also, if any constructors required parameters, we'd have to set them in our own constructor. Even though we don't have to, we'll give it a parameter anyway just to show how. We need to make a constructor for our class:
TextConsole () { ... }
To give parameters to the TextEditor part of the constructor (remember it IS a TextEditor, so that constructor will be called too), we use the initialiser list.
TextConsole () : TextEditor (T("Console")) {
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... }
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We've given the TextEditor constructor some text, because that parameter is the Component name parameter. If you had more base classes that needed parameters, you'd separate each additional constructor call with a comma. So we have our constructor, which currently has no code in its body. What do we need to do here? Well, think back to the last chapter when we first added a TextEditor. The first thing we saw was that we needed to reconfigure it using a few functions. These were called from the constructor of the Component it sat inside. If we wanted it to behave like that in every program we wrote, we'd have to put those lines in every time. Or would we? The constructor is just a place where we tell it how it needs to start life. We could very easily put those functions from before into our constructor here; that would mean that it would exhibit that behaviour (multi-line, return creates new line) automatically! We don't want quite that behaviour though. What do we need from it? A quick think and a browse through the TextEditor class shows the following functions to be of use.
SetMultiLine (true); setReadOnly (true);
Add these to the constructor. Because it is a TextEditor, we can just call these functions without an object (as they belong to us!). Now if we were to create it, it would be completely useless to the user, but it would be able to display any text we told it to (using functions). You wouldn't be able to type anything on it, but you could call 'setText()' to change it from the code. 'setText()' is too inflexible for our needs though we want to add new lines to it, not set the whole thing. We need to make a new function:
void addLine (const String& text) { ... }
This is as good a name for a function as we need. We'll want to use it to add a new line of text to our console. How will we achieve this? Another browse of the TextEditor class documentation is required! There are two main functions we need. The most obvious is:
insertTextAtCursor (String textToInsert);
Which will put the text at the current cursor position. Our function will take a String parameter (text), so we'll be using that. However, we'll be wanting each bit of text to be a new line, so we must add a 'newline' character to the end. I've already explained how to make one of these, using a backslash code. We can simply say (text + T("\n")). The other function we need is:
setCaretPosition (const int newIndex);
Which allows us to move the cursor; we'll always want to insert text at the end. We therefore need to be able to find the end. This is easily done we just need to find the length of the String of text held in the editor. That means:
int size = getText().length();
Now we have a special TextEditor with 'an extra button' that can do something specific for us. Let's give it a try!
Include the file before the declaration of MainComponent. That's all we need to do to be able to use our new toy. Now we just have to add it, in exactly the same way as we did with the TextEditor, and the TextButton, and the Slider, and the Label.
class MainComponent : public Component { private: TextConsole* console; public: MainComponent () { console = new TextConsole; addAndMakeVisible (console); // a few test lines... console->addLine (T("Testing1!")); console->addLine (T("Testing2!")); console->addLine (T("Testing3!")); } ~MainComponent () { deleteAllChildren ();
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} void resized () { console->setBounds (10, 10, getWidth() - 20, getHeight() - 20); } };
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Compile and run this new application, and you should see your test lines sitting happily on the editor. So we now have a working 'text output' console. It's not quite the same as a real console, or using the debugger. Some of you may be scowling at the page, because you know something I've not actually pointed out yet Juce can do console apps just fine. Yes, that's right, you can make DOS style applications, but we're not here to learn that, are we? No, we're not. I've not just wasted your time though. We've just learned how to adapt a Component into a new type to suit our needs, that we can now use anywhere. You can do this kind of 'additional' customisation with any existing class. All you need to do is derive from it, then configure and enhance to taste. We have, in truth, been doing something like this the whole time (with MainComponent), but doing it this way should make the Component model a little clearer. The purpose of this TextConsole is to allow us to test core classes quickly and easily without having to build special displays for them first. I expect that you don't want to have to add new buttons, labels and things just to be able to try out some new class that I'm teaching you. Despite the TextConsole's usefulness in outputting information, we'll still need to add a selection of controls so we get a say in what's being tested.
Answers to problems
Chapter 3
A) To set the value of the slider from a button click...
slider->setValue (53, false); // set value to 53
Chapter 4
The simplest solution is as follows:
int w = getWidth()/2; // width of a rectangle int h = getHeight()/2; // height of a rectangle g.fillRect (0,0, w,h); g.fillRect (w,h, w,h);
Chapter 5
The two lines to configure the Label as a user-input device are:
label->setEditable (true); label->addChangeListener (this);
Chapter 6
Here are the steps that must be taken. 1 - MainComponent must derive from ButtonListener.
Class MainComponent : public Component, public ButtonListener
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{ ...
Pagina 25
3- The TextButton must be created and added in the constructor, and MainComponent must register with it as a listener.
MainComponent () { ... open = new TextButton (T("Open")); addAndMakeVisible (open); open->addButtonListener (this); ... }
Chapter 7
The first code for the TestBed:
Class TestBed : public Component { private: TextConsole* console; public: TestBed () { console = new TextConsole; addAndMakeVisible (console); } ~TestBed () { deleteAllChildren (); } void resized () { console->setBounds (10, 30, getWidth() - 20, getHeight() - 40); } };
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28.03.2011 21:35:33