Format For Instruction Plan [for Courses with Lectures and Tutorials
Course No ECE300
Text Book:
1 John G Proakis, Dimtris G Manolakis, Digital Signal Processing Principles, Algorithms and Application, PHI, 4th Edition, 2009
2 Alan V Oppenheim, Ronald W Schafer, John R Back, Discrete Time Signal Processing, PHI, 2nd Edition 2008 3 S.Salivahanan, A.Vallavaraj, Gnanapriya, Digital Signal Processing, McGraw-Hill / TMH, 2007 4 S.K.Mitra, Digital Signal Processing- A Computer based approach, Tata McGraw-Hill, 2006, New Delhi. 5 Johny R.Johnson :Introduction to Digital Signal Processing, Prentice Hall, 2006. 6 Avtar singh, S.Srinivasan DSP Implementation using DSP microprocessor with Examples from TMS32C54XX -Thamson / Brooks cole Publishers, 2008
Other Reading Sr No Jouranls atricles as compulsary readings (specific articles, Complete reference) 7 Nikolaos V. Boulgouris, Juwei Lu, Konstantinos N. Plataniotis, and Arun Ross, Advanced Signal Processing and Pattern Recognition Methods for Biometrics, EURASIP Journal on Advances in Signal Process 8 Xin Cindy Guo and Dimitrios Hatzinakos, Image Authentication Using Added Signal- Dependent Noise, Research Letters in Signal Processing, vol. 2007, Article ID 47549, 5 pages, 2007 9 Giulio Agostini, Maurizio Longari, and Emanuele Pollastri, Musical Instrument Timbres Classification with Spectral Features, EURASIP Journal on Applied Signal Processing, vol. 2003, no. 1, pp. 5-14, 10 Amritpal, Manmohan, Waveform distortion estimation using multiple power quality events, Proceedings of ICSTC 2008, Sandiego, USA. Relevant Websites
Sr. No. (Web adress) (only if relevant to the courses) 11 http://www.dsptutor.freeuk.com/dfilt1.htm 12 http://www.mathworks.com/products/signal/de mos.html? BB=1 13 http://www.ee.ucla.edu/~dsplab/index.html 14 http://www.jhu.edu/signals/ 15 http://djj.ee.ntu.edu.tw/FRFT.pdf 16 http://www.medialab.ch/ds/vorlesung/LeastSquaresFilter.pdf
Salient Features Contains Informative material regarding digital filters Contains animated signal processing demos Interactive Digital Signal Processing Laboratory Contains animation related to DSP Fractional fourier transform linear phase filters
Part 1
Week 1 Lecture 1 Introduction to Signals and Systems, Classification of Signals- energy and power,periodic and aperiodic, even and odd Advantages of digital signal processing as compared to analog signal processing Signal processing applications Discrete time signals-Unit sample, Unit step,Unit ramp,exponential signals. Discrete time Systems-block diagram representations, classification-static vs dynamic, Time variant vs Time Invariant, linear vs nonlinear,causal and non-causal, stable vs unstable ->Reference :1,2.1 ->Reference :1,ch1-1.1 -1.2 ->Reference :1,ch11.1.2 real world examples
Lecture 5
->Reference :1,2.2
Lecture 6
LTI systems-Techniques for analysis of LTI ->Reference :1,2.3 systems,resolution of Discrete time signals into impulses,response of LTI systems to arbitrary inputs properties of convolution and interconnection of LTI ->Reference :1,2.3.4systems,causal LTI systems,stability of LTI systems 2.3.7
Week 3
Lecture 7
Week 3
Lecture 8
->Reference :1,2.4
Part 2
Week 4 Lecture 11 fourier series for continuous time periodic and ->Reference :1,ch4.1 aperiodic signals,power density spectrum of periodic signals, energy density spectrum of aperiodic signals Frequency analysis of discrete time signals DTFT,Properties of DTFT problems on DFT linear convolution and circular convolution problems on convolution problems on convolution FFT, Radix-2, decimation in Time Decimation in frequency inverse DFT Introduction to fractional fourier transform ->Reference :3,ch6.4 ->Reference :3,ch6.4.3 ->Reference :3,ch6.5 ->Reference :15 ->Reference :3,ch6.3.3 animation ->Reference :3,ch6 ->Reference :1,ch4.2 ->Reference :3,ch6.3
Lecture 12 Week 5 Lecture 13 Lecture 14 Lecture 15 Week 6 Lecture 16 Lecture 17 Lecture 18 Week 7 Lecture 19 Lecture 20 Lecture 21
Week 8 Lecture 22 Lecture 23 Lecture 24 Week 9 Lecture 25 The Z-transform, properties ROC, convolution using Z-transform inverse z-transform, analysis of LTI systems in zdomain Structures for realization of discrete time systemsstructure for FIR systems-direct form structure and cascade structure frequency sampling structure and lattice structure structure for IIR systems ->Reference :1,3.1-3.2 ->Reference :1,3.3 ->Reference :1,3.4-3.6 ->Reference :1,9.1-9.2 matlab using matlab
Lecture 26 Lecture 27
Week 10
Lecture 28
->Reference :1,9.5
Part 4
Week 10 Lecture 29 Lecture 30 Week 11 Lecture 31 Lecture 32 Lecture 33 Week 12 Lecture 34 Lecture 35 Lecture 36 round off effects in filters FIR filter design using windows (Blackman,hamming,hanningKaiser) FIR filter design using frequency sampling method IIR filter design BLT IIR filter design by impulse invariance Optimum approximation of FIR filters Linear phase filters revision ->Reference :1,9.6 ->Reference :1,10.2 ->Reference :1,10.2 ->Reference :1,10.3
Spill Over
Week 13 Lecture 37 Lecture 38 Lecture 39 Week 14 Lecture 40 problems on fourier transform problems on Z-transform problems on FIR filter design problems on IIR filter design ->Reference :1,2 ->Reference :1,3 ->Reference :1,9 ->Reference :1,9
Frequency 2
Out Of 3 Total :-
* In ENG courses wherever the total exceeds 100, consider x best out of y components of CA, as explained in teacher's guide available on the UMS
Plan for Tutorial: (Please do not use these time slots for syllabus coverage)
Tutorial No. Lecture Topic Type of pedagogical tool(s) planned (case analysis,problem solving test,role play,business game etc)
applications of DSP operations on sequences convolution problems on linearity fourier transform DIT-FFT DIF FFT
Case analysis Problem solving Problem solving Problem solving Problem solving Problem solving Problem solving
After Mid-Term
Tutorial 8 Tutorial 9 Tutorial 10 Tutorial 11 Tutorial 12 Z-transform basic structure of filters FIR filter design IIR filter design revision Problem solving Problem solving Problem solving Problem solving Problem solving