Mechanical Books
Mechanical Books
Mechanical Books
Shames, Prentice Hall yEngineering Mechanics- Timoshenko & Yound yEngineering Mechanics- Umesh Regl & Tayal yEngineering Mechanics- R.V.Kulkarni & R.D.Askhevkar yEngineering Mechanics- S.S.Bharikati & J.G. Rajasekharappa yStrength of Materials & Applied Mechanics- I.B Prasad yText Book in Applied Mechanics- Malhotra, Subramanian, Gaholt & Rathore, New Age yEngg Mechanics- KL Kumar, Tata McGraw Hill y Engineering Graphics yEngineering Drawing- N D Bhat, charotar yEngineering Drawing- Narayana and Kannaiah, Scietech yEngineering Drawing and Graphics- Venugopal, New Age y Thermodynamics yEngineering Thermodynamics- PK Nag, Tata McGraw Hill yAn Introduction to Thermodynamics- YVC Rao, New Age yThermodynamics & Heat Engines- Yadav, Central Book depot, Allahabad yBasic Engineering Thermodynamics- Roy Choudhury, Tata McGraw Hill yEngineering Thermodynamics with Applications- Burghardt, Hooper & Row yThermal Engineering- RK Rajput, Lakshmi Publications yEngineering Thermodynamics- Roger & Mathew, Addision Wesly (Work & Heat Transfer)
y Machine Drawing yMachine Drawing- KL Narayana, P kannaiah & K Venkata Reddy yMachine Drawing- PS Gill yMachine Drawing- Luzzader yMachine Drawing- Rajput y Mechanics of Solids yStrength of Materials & Mechanics of Solids vol 1- Punmia yStrength of Materials- S Ramamrutham ySolid Mechanics- Popov yElementary Strength of Materials- Timoshenko & Young y Mechanics of Fluids yFluid Mechanics & hydraulic Machines- RK Bansal yFluid Mechanics- PH Modi & SM Seth yFluid Mechanics- AK Jain yFluid Mechanics- KL Kumar y Metallurgy and Material Sciences yIntroduction to Physical Metallurgy- Sidney H Avener yA First Course in Material Science- V Raghavan, PHI yElements of Material Science and Engineering- Van Vlack, Addison Wesley yScience of Engineering Materials- Agarwal yMaterial Science- Singh y Instrumentation and Control Systems yMechanical Measurements and Control- DS Kumar
yMechanical Measurement- Beckwith, Marangoni & Lienhard, Addision Wesley yControl Systems: Principles and Design- M Gopal, Tata McGraw Hill yExperimental Methods of Engineers- Holman yMeasurement Systems Application and Design- EO Daoblin yMechanical and Industrial Measurements- RK Jain yHydraulic and Pneumatic Power control- Yeaple, N.Butterwoeths yIndustrial Hydraulics- Pipperger & Hicks, Tata McGraw Hill yMechanical Measurements- Sirohi and Radhakrishna, New Age yTheory and Applications of Automatic Controls- BC Nakra, New Age y Thermal Engineering yThermal Engineering- RK Rajput, Lakshmi Publications yThermodynamics & Heat Engines- Yadav, Central Book depot, Allahabad yIC Engines- V Ganesan yIC Engines- Gill, Smith & Ziurys y Hydraulic Machines and Systems yHydraulic and hydraulic Machines- Modi & Seth yHydraulic Machines- Benga & Sharma yElements of Hydraulic Machines & Fluids- Jagdish Lal yHydraulic Turbines- Nechleba M y Production Technology yManufacturing Technology- PN Rao yProduction Technology vol 1- L Krishna Reddy, Allied Publishers yProduction Technology- HMT
yProduction Technology- RK Jain yMetal Casting- TV Ramana Rao, New Age yManufacturing Engineering & Technology- RS Parmar yPrinciples of Metal Castings- Hiene & Roenthal y Kinematics of Machines yTheory of Machines- RS Khurmi yTheory of Machines- Dr Jagdish Lal, JM Shaw yTheory of Machines- Abdulla Sharif yTheory of Machines- PL Ballaney yThe Theory of Machines through solved problems- JS Rao, New Age yMechanism and Machine Theory- JS Rao & RV Dukkipati, New Age y Dynamics of Machines yTheory of Machines- RS Khurmi yTheory of Machines- Robert L Norton, Tata McGraw Hill yTheory of Machines- Dr Jagdish Lal, JM Shaw yThe Theory of Machines through solved problems- JS Rao, New Age yMechanism and Machine Theory- JS Rao & RV Dukkipati, New Age yTheory of Machines- Shigley, MGH yTheory of Machines- Thomas bevan, CBS Publications y Design of Machine Members yA Text Book of Machine design- RS Khurmi, JK Gupta yMechanical Engineering Design- JE Shigley yMachine Design- Pandya & Shah
yDesign of Machine Elements- VM Faires yMachine Design- Schaum Series y Metrology yProduction Technology- RK Jain & SC Gupta yEngineering Metrology- RK Jain, Khanna Publishers yBIS standards on Limits & Fits, Surface Finish, Machine Tool Alignment yPrecision Engineering in Manufacturing- RL Murthy, New Age yManufacturing Engineering & Technology- Kalpakjian, Addision Wesley y Machine Tools yProduction Technology- RK Jain & SC Gupta yProduction Technology- HMT (Hindustan Machine Tools) y Heat Transfer yFundamentals of Engg Heat Transfer and Mass- RC Sachdev, New Age yHeat and Mass Transfer Data Book- CP Kothandaraman, New Age yHeat Transfer- Ozsik yHeat Transfer- Holman yA Course in Heat & Mass Transfer- SC Arora & Domkundwar, Dhanpatrai & Co yA Text Book of Heat Transfer- Sukhatme, University Press y Computer Aided Design/ Computer Aided Manufacturing (CAD/CAM) yAutomation, Production Systems and Computer Integrated Manufacturing- Mikell P Groover yCAD/CAM Theory & Practice- Ibrahim Zeid yComputer Control & Manufacturing Systems- Yoram Koren
yCAD/CAM/CIM- Radhakrishnan & Subramanian, New Age yGeometric Modelling- Mikell P Groover, PHI yNumerical Control & Computer Aided Manufacturing- TK Kundra, PN Rao, NK Tewari, Tata McGraw Hill yComputer Aided Manufacturing- TK Kundra, PN Rao, NK Tewari, Tata McGraw Hill yCNC Machines- BS Pabla& M Adithan, New Age y Automobile Engineering yAutomotive Mechanics vol1 & vol2- Kirpal Singh yAutomotive Mechanics- GBS Narang yAutomotive Engineering- Nuten Steeds & Havret yAutomotive Engineering- William Crouse yAutomotive Mechanics- Heitner y Power Plant Engineering yA Text Book of Power Plant Engineering, Rajput, Lakshmi Publications yA Course in Power plant Engineering- Arora & S Domkundwar yPower Plant Engineering- FT Morse yPower Plant Engineering & Economy- Skrotaki & Vopat yAn Introduction to Power Plant Technology- GD Rai y Refrigeration and Air Conditioning yRefrigeration and Air Conditioning- CP Arora, Tata McGraw Hill yRefrigeration and Air Conditioning- Manohar Prasad, New Age yA Course in Refrigeration and Air Conditioning- SC Arora & Domkundwar, Dhanpatrai & Co
yPrinciples of Refrigeration- Dossat, Wiley Eastern yASHRAE Handbook, HVAC Applications yRefrigeration and Air Conditioning- SK Wang &Z Lavan yHandbook of Heating, Ventilation, and Airconditioning- Ed. Jan and F. Kreider y Jet Propulsion and Rocket Engineering yFundamentals of IC Engines- Gill, Smith & Zierys yRocket Propulsion- Suiton yThermodynamics of Propulsion- Hill & Paterson yGas turbines- Cohen, Rogers & Saravana Muttoo, Addison Wesley & Longman y Non-Conventional Sources of Energy yNon-Conventional Energy Sources- GD Rai yNon-Conventional Energy- Ashok V Desai, Wiley Eastern yNon-Conventional Energy Systems- KM Mittal, Wheeler yRenewable Energy Technologies- Ramesh & Kumar, Narosa yRenewable Energy Sources- Twidell & Weir ySolar Energy- Sukhame ySolar Power Engineering- BS Magal Frank Kreith & JF Kreith yPrinciples of Solar Energy- Frank Keith & John F Kreider y Un-Conventional Machine Process yModern Machining Process- Pandey PC & Shah HS, Tata McGraw Hill yNew Technology- Bhattacharya A, The Institution of Engineers India 1984 yDevelopments in High Speed Metal Forming- Davies & Austin, The Machinery Publishing Corporation co ltd 1985
yManufacturing Technology- Adithan & Gupta, New Age yManufacturing Engineering & Technology- Kalpakjian, Addison Wesley y Production Planning and Control yElements of Production Planning & Control- Samuel Eilon yModern Production, Operations Management- Baffa & Rakesh Sarin yOperations Management- Joseph Monks yOperations Management- SN Chary yInventory Theory Control & Practice- Martin K Starr & David W Miller yProduction Control A Quantitative Approach- John E Biegel yProduction Control- Moore y Automation in Manufacturing yAutomation, Production Systems & Computer Integrated Manufacturing- Mikell P Grover yComputer Control of Manufacturing Systems- Yoram Coreom yCAD/CAM/CIM- Radhakrishnan yAutomation- W Buekinsham y Finite Element Method yIntroduction to Finite Elements in Engineering- Chandraputla, Ashok Belegundu, Prentice Hall yAn Introduction to Finite Element Method- JN Reddy, Tata McGraw Hill yThe Finite Element Methods in Engineering- SS Rao, Pergamon y Robotics yIndustrial Robotics- Mikel P Groover, Mitchell Wesis, Tata McGraw Hill
yAn Introduction to Robot Technology- P Coiffet & M Chaironze, Kogam Page ltd London 1983 yRobot Dynamics and Controls- Spond & Vidyasagar, John Wiley yRobot Analysis and Intelligence- Asada & Slow Time, Wiley Inter-Science yIntroduction to Robotics- John J Craig, Addison Wesley y Computer Graphics yProcedure Elements for Computer Graphics- David F Rogers, Tata McGraw Hill yComputer Graphic Principles and Practice- Foley, Vandam Feiner & Huges, Addison Wesley yPrinciples of Interactive Computer Graphics- Newman & Sprouu yMathematical Elements for Computer graphics- David F Rogers & Adams