Enter Register Number
Programme / Year / Sec: General Core(Basic Engineering Sciences) / I / A03 Course Code CHY102 CSE102 CSE181 EEE101 HSS102 MAT102 MEC103 PHY112 PHY181 Attendance Code H H 9 H H H H H 8
Semester 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
Course name Environmental Sciences Programming Languages Programming Languages Laboratory Basic Electrical and Electronics Engineering English for Technical Communication II Mathematics II Engineering Mechanics Physics II Physics Laboratory
Credits 2 2 1 4 2 3 3 3 1
Grade C U C D C U U U C
SGPA:2.6667 Note:
* Those who have failed in any of the course(s) in the current semester(Even Semester 2010-2011) and wants to complete the courses in the ensuing Summer Term(June 4th 2011 to July 3rd 2011 ) are instructed to register(Online in SIS) for that courses. * The Last Date for online registration is 04-06-2011(before 5.30 P.M).The class work starts from 06/06/2011. Copyright 2011 Design by KLU Software Development Team.