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Project Management of EHV Substation
SUBMITTED TO: Sh. S.K. Singh Chief Manager (OS)


My foremost thanks to Prof. Chandan Bhar, Head of the Department, Department of Management Studies, Indian School of Mines, Dhanbad & Dr. Saumya Singh for motivating me in my project work at Power Grid Corporation of India Limited (PGCIL). My outmost thanks to all the staff members of DMS, ISM Dhanbad for their valuable support, encouragement, guidance and suggestion during the course of my summer training. I am also thankful to Prof. Pramod Pathak for his valuable guidance during the course of my summer training. For M.B.A. students, summer training is very important for their career. Everyone wishes to get a good organization to work for the project, which has contributed for me to get a project at PGCIL and gave me a chance to work with such a good organization and learn out most of it. It was golden opportunity and nice pleasure for me to pursue my summer training from Power Grid Corporation of India Ltd. (PGCIL), Kolkata. I would like to express my sincere thank to Mr. S.K.Singh, Chief Manager (OS) and Mr. Harsha Vardhana, Engineer (OS) who were my trainers in charge at PGCIL. I would like to thank all staff of PGCIL for the courtesy extended by them to me. I am also thankful to Mr. K.R.Dasgupta (AGM-HR) & Mr. B.K. Mundu (CM-HR) for their valuable guidance during my training. I am very much thankful to complete my summer Training under Mr. S.K.Singh (Training-In-charge) who imparted necessary guidance and knowledge for the fulfilment of the Project. Mr. Sitaram Paul M.B.A. 3rd SEM (Operation)





Acknowledgement Abstract Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 3 Chapter 4 Chapter 5 Reason for carrying out the project About the organization : Introducing with PGCIL

1-2 4 5-7 8-11 12-54 55-56 57 - 58 59


Power Grid Corporation of India Limited (POWERGRID) one of the largest electrical power transmission utility in India is working towards achieving its mission of Establishment and Operation of Regional and National Power Grids to facilitate transfer of power within and across the regions with reliability, security and economy, on sound commercial principles. It has been noticed that acquisition of lands for improvements in power sector such as construction of sub- stations some times cause economic and cultural disruption to the affected people. POWERGRID in recognition of this has incorporated the preparation of the Rehabilitation Action Plan (RAP) and its implementation as an integral part of the Social Assessment process. For the construction of Transmission system, Power Grid develops different substation through a systematic process. To build-up a new substation multiple entities & multiple stages are. Managing such a large set of activities requires different methods of planning and control. For this reason PGCIL break down the set of activities into several subsystems and provide methods of linking one subsystem with the other. Generally PGCIL completes any project through four key phases namely Conceptual phase, Planning phase, Implementation & Control phase & Feedback phase. This report is mainly focused on the project management of an EHV Substation. Construction of an EHV Substation follows different steps like site selection, acquisition of land, soil investigation, construction of power & water, levelling etc. On deciding to establish a new substation, concerned executive responsible for site selection shall make preliminary survey of the area & shall make various proposals of alternative site locations which shall be most suited for the construction of substation. Land acquisition activity starts after the approval is obtained from the competent authority for the recommended site. Powergrids official head such as Divisional Head/Group Head should meet personally with District Magistrate/Additional District Magistrate/Land Acquisition Officer of the area. The necessary land is acquired as per the provision of land acquisition Act. Soil Investigation is necessary for safe construction and water & power supply is required for various construction activities of the Substation. To complete the project within the time with least cost, Power Grid follows different framework of project management like Work Breakdown Structure, Cost Breakdown Structure, and Organisation Breakdown Structure etc. WBS serves the important task of providing a clarified view of the activities to be performed in a project and provides the reference for estimating activity duration, network representation of the project, planning, monitoring and control. Cost breakdown structure (CBS) is a methodology that links the individual elements in a WBS to a dimension of cost. By estimating the cost of each work package that constitute an element in the WBS structure, CBS enables a project manager to set up a project monitoring & control mechanism. Organisation Breakdown Structure helps manager to complete the task with functional expertise to minimise the time & to increase the efficiency by reducing the Based on the nature defect.

Chapter 1

Why summer internship ?

MBA internships offer a number of benefits to both students and employers. For students: It provides an opportunity to develop skills and experience in a new industry or functional role. ii) It allows students to explore an industry, build a relationship with a prospective employer or simply hone their skills in a familiar field iii) It helps to enhance their career & to develop their skill. iv) It helps to crystallize their career interests v) It also helps to evaluate a prospective employer & potentially secure a full-time job offer. For employer: i) Internships are a low risk try before you buy approach for selecting potential employees. ii) They can make employment offers to interns who meet their performance standards, and who are a good fit with the organization. Since MBA students have more prior work experience than undergraduate interns, employers also rely on MBA interns to fill short-term resource needs. Finally, employers can enhance their reputations as desirable places to work by offering interns satisfying experiences. i)

Why Project management?

i) ii) iii) iv) v) vi) vii) viii) ix) x) Increased understanding of the project and its purpose Clarification and alignment with organization goals Ability to define and control project scope Prioritisation of functional and project activities Ability to identify, monitor and track milestones Accurate projection of resource requirements Capability and mechanisms to measure performance Improved assessment and mitigation of project risks Improved communication amongst project participants Identification and communication of problem areas

Project management has emerged as a crucial factor that determines the success of an organization. Whether it is a question of facing an economic crisis or generating large turnover, project management plays a pivotal role in the growth of a firm. Since time immemorial, man has incorporated the idea of project management in the construction of monuments and various other architecture. However, since the early 1950s, project management started to be pursued as a major discipline in the corporate companies. Project management forms the backbone in the fields of civil engineering, defence, aerospace engineering and infrastructure development. It is very much important for a company which deals with a large volume of activities. Henry Gantt, known as the father of planning and control techniques, and Henri Fayol, famous for his 5-point management theory on project

management, are regarded as the two stalwarts of project management. Companies recruit project managers that lead the team in order to timely achieve the targets set by the clients and customers. In management terminology, the duration in which an entire project is carried out, from its inception till the end, is called the project life cycle. The project life cycle can consist of one or multiple project management approaches. The management approaches are the various project management methodologies that the team can decide to follow so that the target is achieved in allotted time. Stages of Project management: i) Project Identification ii) Project preparation or formulation iii) Project Appraisal iv) Project Scheduling v) Project execution/ implementation vi) Project monitoring or control Managerial activities under project management are focused towards achieving a welldefined project goal, which is essentially demonstrated by following three dimensions. Cost / budget / resource Time / schedule Performance / end-result POWERGRID, the Central Transmission Utility (CTU) of the country, is engaged in power transmission business with the mandate for planning, co-ordination, supervision and control over complete inter-State transmission system. POWERGRID, as on July 2009, owns and operates about 71,600 ckt kms of transmission lines at 800/765 kV, 400 kV, 220 kV & 132 kV EHVAC & +500 kV HVDC levels and 122 sub-stations with transformation capacity of about 81,200 MVA. This gigantic transmission network, spread over length and breadth of the country, is consistently maintained at an availability of over 99% through deployment of state-of-the-art Operation & Maintenance techniques which are at par with global standards. About 45% of total power generated in the country is wheeled through this transmission network. Power Grid Corporation of India Limited (PGCIL) develops different substation through a systematic process of acquiring the required technology, talent and resources using a mode that is different from the normal production method. To build-up a new substation multiple entities are involved (engineers, government, regulatory bodies, construction workers, local community, society and so on). It also involves multiple stages of process (contract award, design of building, construction, electrical system, fabrication, landscaping and so on). Managing such a large set of activities requires different methods of planning and control. For this reason PGCIL break down the set of activities into several subsystems and provide methods of linking one subsystem with the other. Due to this, the risk and uncertainty of task completion are likely to be high & it needs appropriate organization to mitigate these. Appropriate organizational form in PGCIL promotes team working among various functional areas & also among other participating sub-contractors.

Chapter 2

Introducing the PGCIL General Description

Power Grid Corporation of India Limited (PGCIL) Transmit the Power from Generation to Distribution. It was incorporated on October 23, 1989 under the Companies Act, 1956 as National Power Transmission Corporation Limited, with the responsibility of planning, executing, owning, operating and maintaining the high voltage transmission systems in the country. POWERGRID is not operating under any injunction or restraining order. Transfer of transmission assets from generating units Initially, it was engaged in the management of the transmission assets owned by the central generating companies such as the NTPC, NHPC Limited ("NHPC") and North-Eastern Electric Power Corporation Limited. The company is discharging its responsibilities efficiently in Construction and Operation & Maintenance of inter-State transmission system and operation of Regional Power Grids. It has been notified as the Central Transmission Utility (CTU) of the country.

Generation done by NTPC, DVC, NHPC etc

Transmission done by PGCIL

Distribution done by State Electricity Board

Power Grid Corporation of India limited (PGCIL), the Central Transmission Utility of India and one of the largest transmission utilities in the World, was incorporated on October 23, 1989 with an authorized share capital of Rs. 5,000 crores as a public limited company, wholly owned by the Government of India. PGCIL started functioning on management basis with effect from August, 1991 and it took over transmission assets from NTPC, NHPC, NEEPCO and other Central/Joint Sector Organisations during 1992-93 in a phased manner. In addition to this, it also took over the operation of existing Regional Load Despatch Centres from CEA in a phased manner, which is now being upgraded with State of-the-art Unified Load Despatch and Communication (ULDC) schemes. According to its mandate, the Corporation, apart from providing transmission system for evacuation of central sector power, is also responsible for Establishment and Operation of Regional and National Power Grids to facilitate transfer of power within and across the Regions with Reliability, Security and Economy on sound commercial principles. Based on its performance, PGCIL was recognised as a Mini-ratna company by the Government of India in October 1998. PGCIL has also been notified as Central Transmission Utility of the country after amendments in the Electricity Laws 1998.

The Department of Public Enterprises, Ministry of Industries and Public Enterprises, Government of India has conferred status of Nav-Ratna Public Sector Enterprise to PGCIL on May 1, 2008. Investment programme of the Company for XI Plan has been estimated based on generation capacity addition in Central sector and other generation projects for which transmission system is required to be built by Power Grid including Ultra Mega Power Projects (UMPPs). Based on this, an investment of about Rs. 55,000 Crore is envisaged to be made during XI Plan period. Regional power transfer capacity of National Grid has been enhanced to about 17,000 MW from 14,100 MW at the end FY 2006-07 through upgradation of Talcher-Kolar HVDC bipole and commissioning of Patna-Balia 400 kV D/c line (2nd Circuit) & Biharshariff-Balia 400 kV D/c line. Commissioning of these inter-regional links has strengthened the transmission corridors of Eastern-Southern and Eastern-Northern/ Western regions and would promote economic exchanges by facilitating transfer of power across the country. Further strengthening of this National Grid is being undertaken through implementation of various inter-regional links as a part of planned generation projects. Accordingly, the Inter-regional power transfer capacity of National Grid is envisaged to be enhanced to more than 37,000 MW by year 2012.

Establishment of National Grid

POWERGRID has planned to create a strong and vibrant National Grid in the country in a phased manner to ensure optimum utilization of generating resources, conservation of ecosensitive right of way and for having flexibility to accommodate uncertainty of generation plans. Towards this, a perspective transmission plan has been evolved for strengthening the regional grids and to support the generation capacity addition program of about 78,000 MW during XI Plan. A framework for inter-regional interconnection has been evolved to establish National Grid in a phased manner. In line with the perspective plan, various inter-regional transmission schemes have been commissioned/ undertaken for implementation/ planned by POWERGRID. Inter-regional power transfer capacity of National Grid has been enhanced to about 17,000 MW in FY 2007-08. Four major power regions of the country namely, North-Eastern, Eastern, Western and Northern are now operating as one synchronous grid (same frequency). Southern Regional grid is connected to this synchronous grid through HVDC links.

Grid Management
In 1994, the Government of India entrusted POWERGRID with further responsibility of controlling the existing load despatch centres in the country with a view to achieve better grid management and operation. For overall improvement and better grid management in the country, POWERGRID modernised all the Regional Load Dispatch Centres (RLDCs) with the state-of-the-art Unified Load Despatch & Communication (ULDC) schemes at a cost of

about Rs. 2,000 Crore. These modernised RLDCs are greatly contributing to bring quality and economy in operation of power system besides improving data availability, visibility and transparency.

POWERGRID diversified into Telecom business to utilize spare telecommunication capacity of its Unified Load Dispatch Centre (ULDC) schemes, leveraging its country wide transmission infrastructure. As a part of this, POWERGRID has installed over 20,000 Km. Telecom Network and connectivity has been provided to all metros, major cities & towns including State capitals in North-Eastern Region, Jammu & Kashmir, etc. Presently, POWERGRID is one of the few telecom players with a marked presence in remote areas and is providing highly reliable services to various customers. The Company has acquired IP-II; ISP and NLDO licences to provide a variety of services .From its telecommunication business, POWERGRID received revenue of Rs. 125 Crore during FY 2007-08, a growth of 62% over last year (Rs. 77 Crore). Today, POWERGRID is serving major telecom players in mobile & NLDO segment.

Distribution Management
POWERGRID has taken lead role and making valuable contribution in Govt. of Indias nation building schemes of Accelerated Power Development and Reforms Programme (APDRP) and Rajiv Gandhi Grameen Vidyutikaran Yojana (RGGVY) aimed at bringing qualitative improvement in the distribution sector. Under APDRP, POWERGRID is acting as Advisor-cum-Consultant (AcC) to lend its managerial and technical expertise for improvement of distribution system in 177 distribution circles/ towns/ schemes spread over 18 States costing about Rs. 6,626 Crore. Out of this, 81% of the schemes have been commissioned and the remaining sanctioned schemes are expected to be completed by March, 2009. POWERGRID is also implementing some of these schemes on deposit work basis under bilateral arrangement in the States of Bihar, Goa, Meghalaya, Uttar Pradesh, Tripura and Gujarat at a cost of about Rs. 1,100 Crore, 90% of which have been completed. Under RGGVY, POWERGRID had entered into a quadripartite agreement with Rural Electrification Corporation (REC), State Government and State Power utility, for undertaking rural electrification works in the country. POWERGRID has been assigned the job for execution of rural electrification in 68 districts covering 87,300 Villages at an estimated cost of about Rs. 9,400 Crore. Cumulatively till Mar2008, POWERGRID has established infrastructure for electrification of 22,082 villages including 3 lakh BPL connections under rural electrification programme.


Chapter 3


Project Management of EHV Sub-station

There are several situations that involve performing large-scale activities in a non-repetitive manner. These include building a manufacturing facility, designing new products, construction of bridges and roads and designing new services. These activities differ greatly from the normal manufacturing and service operations. Typically these are one-off activities done at less frequent intervals. Project management offers alternative tools and techniques to handle the planning and control of these activities. Project management of an EHV sub-station is different from several mainstream activities. The type of activities involved in designing a new substation is planning for construction, Purchase of material, Scheduling, Cost Estimation etc. Power Grid Corporation of India Limited (PGCIL) develops different substation through a systematic process of acquiring the required technology, talent and resources using a mode that is different from the normal production method. To build-up a new substation multiple entities are involved (engineers, government, regulatory bodies, construction workers, local community, society and so on). It also involves multiple stages of process (contract award, design of building, construction, electrical system, fabrication, landscaping and so on). Managing such a large set of activities requires different methods of planning and control. For this reason PGCIL break down the set of activities into several subsystems and provide methods of linking one subsystem with the other. PGCIL develops different substations but it varies substantially from earlier. It has some following common features: i) The degree of uncertainty is likely to be significant ii) The number of entities involved in accomplishing the various tasks is many. The performance standards of one entity and deviations from the specifications at one part of the system have a significant impact on the other.

Establishment of 400 kV Switching Station at Baharampur associated with interconnection between India & Bangladesh Electrical Grids.
Managing the above mentioned project involves four key phases namely Conceptual phase, Planning phase, Implementation & Control phase & Feedback phase. A substation is a part of an electrical generation, transmission, and distribution system. Substations transform voltage from high to low, or the reverse, or perform any of several other important functions. Electric power may flow through several substations between generating plant and consumer, and its voltage may change in several steps. The interconnection of Electrical grids between the India & Bangladesh was discussed during the visit of Indian delegation to Bangladesh from 22nd November to 26th Nov., 2009. Various options for the interconnection were explored and keeping in view the technical, operational & economical considerations, the following scope of works for interconnection between India & Bangladesh grids was agreed:


Establishment of 400 kV switching-station at Baharampur (India) by looping in & looping out of Farakka-Jeerat 400kV single circuit line Baharampur (India) Ishurdi/Bheramara (Bangladesh) 400 kV double circuit line Installation of 500 MW HVDC back-to-back station (420/230 kV) at Ishurdi/Bheramara (Bangladesh).

There can be two alternatives for interconnecting the two grids i.e. between North Eastern region of India & Eastern grid of Bangladesh and Between Eastern Region of India & Western grid of Bangladesh. ER, India is well connected with other regions of India. An interconnection to ER, India would therefore facilitate export of power to Bangladesh from various generating stations in India as well as import of power from Bangladesh for onward transfer to load centres of India. Accordingly, it was planned to have the first interconnection between Eastern region, India & Western grid, Bangladesh. It was also envisaged to have the interconnection with high capacity viz. 400kV double circuit line so that more power can be exchanged in future utilizing the same corridor. The mode of interconnection could be either synchronous or asynchronous. In case of synchronous interconnection, both the grids would operate with same frequency & need to be regulated well to maintain the agreed power flow between the two countries. The asynchronous mode of interconnection, on the other hand, would ensure complete control on the exchange of power between the two countries in either direction as well as independent operation of the two grids. This may be achieved with the provision of HVDC back-to-back terminal at either end of the interconnection. Keeping in view the pros & cons of the mode of interconnection, it was decided to go for asynchronous interconnection with HVDC back-toback terminal along with 400 kV double circuit line between the two countries. The Indian side terminal station of the proposed interconnection was selected at Baharampur, where a switching station would be established by loop-in & loop-out of Farakka- Jeerat 400kV single circuit line. Regarding the location of HVDC back-to-back terminal, it was decided that the same would be established at Bangladesh end. In this regard, two probable locations of Bangladesh viz. Ishurdi and Bheramara was explored. After the joint visit Indian & Bangladesh technical team, the Bheramara location has been selected wherein 230kV substation need to be established by loop-in & loop-out of existing Ishurdi-Khulna south 230kV double circuit line. The detailed scope of work is given below. Scope of Work:
Indian Portion Transmission line

 Baharampur(India) Bheramara (Bangladesh) 400 kV double circuit line (Indian portion): 85kms  Loop-in and loop-out of Farakka-Jeerat 400 kV single circuit line at Baharampur(India) : 3kms


 Establishment of 400kV switching-station at Baharampur(India) 2nos of 400 kV line bays for loop-in & loop-out of Farakka- Jeerat 400 kV single circuit line 2nos of 400 kV line bays for Baharampur-Bheramara 400 kV double circuit line. 1 no. of 80 MVAR Bus Reactor Space provision for at least 2 no. of 400 kV bays Bangladesh Portion
Transmission Line

 Baharampur(India) Bheramara (Bangladesh) 400 kV double circuit line (Bangladesh portion): 40kms  Loop-in and loop-out of Ishurdi-Khulna south 230 kV double circuit line at Bheramara (Bangladesh): 5kms

 Establishment of 500 MW HVDC back-to-back station & 230 KV switching-station at Bheramara (Bangladesh) Installation of 500 MW HVDC back-to-back terminal (400/230 KV) 4 nos. of 230 kV line bays for LILO of Ishurdi- Khulna south 230 kV double circuit line Space provision for at least 2 no. of 230 KV bays Environmental Impact assessment
Forest involvement/ Clearance

As per the practise, preliminary route selection is done by POWERGRID based on such documents as the Forest Atlas and the Survey of India maps using bee line method, followed by field verification through walk over survey. All possible steps are taken to avoid the route alignment through forests. In cases where it becomes unavoidable due to the geography of terrain, the alignment is made in such a way that the route through the forests is the barest minimum. For selection of optimum route, following points are taken into consideration: i) ii) iii) iv) v) vi) The route of the proposed transmission line does not involve any human rehabilitation. Any monument of cultural or historical importance is not getting affected The route does not create any threat to the survival of any community It does not affect any public-utility services like playground, school, other establishments etc It does not pass through any sanctuaries, national park etc It does not infringe with areas of natural resources

As per the preliminary assessment based on forest atlas, toposheet and walk over survey of the area, certain forest stretches are likely to be encountered for this transmission system comprising of the following lines:
Name of the Transmission line Forest Involvement (Approx area in Ha) Baharampur Bheramara 400 kV D/C line (Indian portion) LILO of Farakka Jeerat 400 kV S/C line at Baharampur Social Issues/R&R measures 1 Ha 1 Ha

As per the prevailing law, land below transmission line is not required to be acquired and only land for sub station is acquired. POWERGRID is following the practise of land management to minimize the land requirement to the barest minimum. Generally 15 to 30 hectare of land is required for constructing a substation depending upon the type and voltage level. Even for this 15 to 30 hectare land, POWERGRID try to locate substation on Government land as far as possible and in the absence of Government land, private land is acquired. In order to ensure that indigenous (Tribal) people do not suffer adverse effects, utmost care is taken to avoid acquisition of land belonging to tribal community. In spite of that, POWERGRID has developed an indigenous people (Tribal) development plan (IPDP) which ensures that they receive culturally compatible social & economic benefits for any adverse effects. In order to minimize/mitigate impact of land acquisition and to provide people displaced/affected by our projects, means to improve or at least restore their former living standards, earning capacity and production levels through a process in which they participate through their own social and cultural institutions. POWERGRID has developed a progressive policy on Resettlement & Rehabilitation (R & R) in its ESPP. As per that, whenever affected families are more than 40, a detailed socio-economic survey of the proposed area is undertaken by the outside agency for making a detailed socio -economic profile. Based on that, a Rehabilitation Action Plan (RAP) is prepared, which lists out the measures for rehabilitation of all affected persons through IGS, training or other innovative schemes as per available skills and resources in the area. However, if the affected families are less than 40, Social assessment and management (SAMP) is prepared by POWERGRID inhouse. In the instant project, construction of new switching station at Baharampur is envisaged and approx. 40 acres land is to be acquired afresh. To meet the cost of R&R measures, a provision of Rs. 100 lakhs has been kept at Baharampur in the present FR. However, for Bangladesh portion, 70 acre land is to be acquired for new HVDC back-to-back station at Bheramara. A provision of Rs. 50 lakhs has been kept to meet cost of R&R measures.


Technology Features
Salient features of Sub-stations Equipment and facilities

The design & specification of substation equipment are to be governed by the following factors: 1. Insulation coordination 420 kV systems would be designed to limit the switching over voltage to 2.5 p.u. and is expected to decay to 1.5 p.u. in 5 to 6 cycles. Consistent with these values and protective levels provided by lightning arrestors, the following insulation levels are proposed to be adopted for 420 kV & 245 kV systems: 420 kV a. Impulse withstand voltage for - Transformers & Reactors - For other equipment Switching surge withstand voltage Minimum creepage distance Max. fault current Duration of fault Corona extinction voltage 1300 kVP 1425 kVP 1050kVP 10500 mm 40kA 1 Sec 320 kV rms 245 kV 950 kVP 1050 kVP 6125 mm 40kA 1 Sec

b. c. d. e. f.

To control the steady state, transient and dynamic over voltage to specified levels, compensation equipment shall be provided. 2. Steady state stability The steady state stability is the ability of a system, to return/remain in the state of equilibrium when subjected to small or gradual changes of disturbances. The steady state stability limit is the maximum power that can flow through some lines in the system when the entire or part of the system to which the stability limit refers is subjected to a small disturbances without loss of its stability. The steady line stability is usually quantified by measuring the relative angular displacement between the two buses (nodes) in a network when a small disturbance is applied somewhere into the system. In an integrated power system consisting of large number of generator, load and line etc., a maximum relative angular separation of about 30 degree between the two buses may be assumed to be acceptable (safest) limit for maintaining the steady state stability of the system. Angular separation for different alternatives have been studied & found to be in order.


3. Switching schemes The following switching schemes have been considered in various substations: 400 kV & 230 kV Substation AC switchyard at Bheramara 400 & 230 kV sub-station Switching station at Baharampur 400 kV substation 400 kV side One & half breaker One & half breaker 230 kV side One & half breaker Not applicable

4. Substation Equipment :

The switchgear shall be designed and specified to withstand operating conditions & duty requirements. a) Power Transformer: Power Transformer shall conform to IEC: 60076/IS: 2026 in general. These transformers shall generally have OLTC, the range and requirement of which shall be finalized based on the system requirement. The air core reactance shall be of the order of 20%. Tertiary windings shall be provided for large auto transformers, which shall be capable of being loaded to one third of transformers loading. Insulation level of tertiary winding shall not be less than maximum transferred surge from HV/MV winding to tertiary winding. b) Circuit Breakers: Circuit Breakers shall in general comply to IEC 62271-100 & IEC- 60694 and shall be of SF6 type. The rated break time shall not exceed 40 ms for 420 kV and 60 ms for 245 kV circuit breakers. 420 kV circuit breakers shall be provided with single phase and shall be provided with pre insertion closing resistor of about 400 ohms with 8 ms insertion time. The short line fault capacity shall be same as the rated capacity and this is proposed to be achieved without use of opening resistors. c) Isolators: The isolators shall comply with IEC 62271-102 in general. Isolators shall be motor operated. Earth switches are provided at various locations to facilitate maintenance. Main blades and earth blades shall be interlocked and interlock shall be fail safe type. All earth switches shall be motor operated type. d) Current Transformers: Current transformers shall comply with IEC 60044-1 in general. All ratios shall be obtained by secondary taps. Current transformers shall have five secondaries, four for protection and one for metering. The burden and knee point voltage shall be in accordance with the requirements of the system including possible feeds for telemetry. e) Capacity Voltage Transformers/Voltage Transformers: Voltage transformers shall comply to IEC 60044-2 in general. These shall have three secondaries out of which two shall be used for protection and one for metering. Accuracy class for protection core shall be 3 P and for metering core shall be 0.2. The voltage transformers on lines

shall be suitable for carrier coupling. The capacitance of CVT shall be 4400/6600/8800 pF depending on PLCC requirements. f) Surge Arrestors: Station class current limiting, heavy duty gapless type surge arrestors conforming to IEC 60099-4 in general shall be provided. The rated voltage of surge arrester and other characteristics are chosen in accordance with system requirements. Surge arrestors shall be provided near line entrances, transformers so as to achieve proper insulation coordination. These shall be fitted with pressure relief devices and diverting ports suitable for preventing shattering of porcelain housing providing path for the flow of rated currents in the event of arrestors failure. g) Shunt Reactors: Shunt Reactors, wherever provided, shall comply to IEC: 289/IS: 5553 in general. 420 kV shunt reactors shall have linear characteristics upto 1.5 p.u. voltage. These should be ONAN cooled. The neutral of line reactors shall be grounded through adequately rated neutral grounding reactors to facilitate single phase reclosure against trapped charges. The neutral of 420 kV class shunt reactors shall be insulated to 550 kV peak for lightning impulse and shall be protected by means of 145 kV class surge arrestors. Substation Support Facilities: Certain facilities required for operation & maintenance of substations as described below shall be provided in new substation and in existing substation they have already been provided and would be extended, wherever required. 1. AC & DC power supplies: For catering to the requirements of three phase & single phase AC supply and DC supply for various substation equipment the following arrangement is envisaged:a) 2 nos. batteries of 220/110 V for control & protection and 2 nos. 50 V battery for PLCC would be provided at new substation. Each battery would have a boost and trickle charger. b) Suitable AC & DC distribution boards and associated LT switchgear would be provided at new substations. c) In new substations, one no. 250 KVA DG set shall be provided. 2. Fire Fighting System: Fire fighting system in general conforms to fire insurance regulations of India. The fire fighting system is proposed with both AC motor & diesel engine driven pumps. Automatic heat actuated emulsifying system is proposed for transformers & reactors. In addition for alarm system based on heat/smoke detector are proposed to be installed at sensitive points in a substation e.g. Cable vault, Main control room, MCC room etc. Further adequate water hydrants and portable fire extinguishers shall be provided in the fire fighting systems if already available would be extended for meeting the additional requirements. 3. Oil evacuating filtering, testing & filling apparatus: To monitor the quality of oil for satisfactory performance of transformers, shunt reactors and for periodical maintenance oil evacuating, filtering, testing and filling apparatus would be provided at new substations. Oil tanks of adequate capacities for storage of pure and impure transformer oil would be provided.

4. Lighting and communication: Adequate normal and emergency AC & DC lighting shall be provided in the control room of substation. The switchyards shall also be provided with adequate lighting. A telephone exchange of 24 lines shall be provided at new substations as means of effective communication between various buildings of the substation. 5. Control Room: Substation/HVDC control room would be provided to house substation/ HVDC work station for station level control along with its peripheral telemetry equipments and recording equipments, AC & DC distribution boards, DC batteries etc. Central air conditioning will be provided in the building as functional requirements. Protection & Control: Protective Relaying System The protective relaying system proposed to be provided for transmission lines, auto transformers and bus bars to minimize the damage to the equipments in the events of faults and abnormal conditions, is dealt in this section. Transmission lines 400 KV and 230 KV lines shall have MAIN-I protection and shall also have numerical distance protection scheme carrier as three zone distance type with carrier aided inter-tripping feature. 400 KV and 230 KV lines shall also have MAIN-II protection which shall have numerical distance protection scheme like MAIN-I but from different make that of MAIN-I. In case of loop-in loop-out of transmission lines, the protection scheme shall be studied and suitable up-gradation if required shall be carried out. All 400 KV lines shall also be provided with two stages over voltage protection. Further, all 400/220 kV lines shall be provided with single and three phase auto-reclosing facility to allow reclosing of circuit breakers in case of transient faults. These lines shall also be provided with distance to fault locators to identify the location of fault on transmission lines. Auto Transformers These shall have the following protections; 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) Differential protection Restricted earth fault protection Over-current and earth fault protection on HV/MV side Over fluxing protection Overload alarm

Besides these, power transformers shall have BUCHOLZ relay, protection against high oil and winding temperature and pressure relief device.


420 kV Reactors Reactors shall be provided with the following protections:a) Differential protection b) Restricted earth fault protection c) Back-up impedance protection Besides, these reactors shall also be provided with Bucholz relay, protection against oil and winding temperatures & pressure relief device. Bus bar protection The high speed bus bar differential protection which is essential to minimize the damage and maintain system stability at the time of bus bar faults shall be provided for 400 kV and 230 kV buses. Bus bar protection scheme shall be such that it operates selectively for each bus and incorporate necessary features required for ensuring security. The scheme shall have the provision for future expansion. For existing substations, the existing bus bar protection shall be augmented wherever required. Local Breaker back up protection This shall be provided for each 420 KV and 245 KV breaker and will be connected to deenergise the affected stuck breaker from both sides. Time synchronisation equipment Time synchronisation equipment complete in all respect including antenna, cable, processing equipment required to receive time signal through GPS or from National Physical Laboratory (NPL) through INSAT shall be provided. Substation automation system The functions of control, annunciation, disturbance recording, event logging and measurement of electrical parameters shall be integrated in substation Automation System. The automation system shall be provided with the facility of communication and control for remote end operation. PLCC Power Line Carrier Communication (PLCC) equipment complete for speech transmission, line protections, and data channels shall be provided on each 420 kV and 220 kV transmission line. The protections for transmission line and the line compensating equipment shall have hundred percent back-up communication channels. The PLCC equipment shall in brief include the following:Coupling device, line traps, carrier terminals, protection couplers, HF cables, trunk selectors, automatic exchange, and maintenance and testing instruments.


Coupling devices shall be suitable for 4400/6600/8800 pF for 420 kV CVTs and 4400 pF for phase to phase coupling. The pass band of coupling devices shall have sufficient margin for adding communication channel in future if required. Necessary protection devices for the safety of personnel and low voltage part against power frequency voltages and transient over voltage shall also be provided. The line traps shall be broad band tuned suitable for blocking the complete range of career frequencies. Line trap shall have the necessary protective devices such as lightning arresters for the protection of tuning device and shall be equipped with corona rings. The career terminals shall be of single side- band (SSB) amplitude modulation (AM) type and shall have 4 KHz band width. Decoupling network consisting of line traps and coupling capacitors may also be required at certain substation in case of extreme frequency congestion. Control concept All the EHV breakers in substation/switching stations shall be controlled and synchronized from the switchyard control room/ remote control centre. Each breaker would have two sets of trip circuits which would be connected to separately fused DC supplies for greater reliability. All the isolators shall have control from remote/ local whereas the earth switches shall have local control only. Township In a substation, township Quarters of different categories like B, C & D types are provided. The different type of buildings like administrative building, shopping complex, primary school, recreation centre, guest house etc. are also provided. The township generally provided within the substation area. Some temporary stores/ warehousing are proposed to be constructed for storing substation materials, it is also proposed to construct some houses to accommodate erection personnel, operation and maintenance staff. Detail engineering & construction drawing shall as per MNW of the project. Other facilities of Substation Township like roads, water supply, sewer line, telephone lines, electricity supply etc. are provided as per the requirement of the project. The provision of quarters & or the future expansion is also considered in the township estimates.


Construction of Sub-station
For the construction of a substation we need the following steps:a) b) c) d) e) f) g) Site Selection Land Acquisition Soil Investigation Construction of Power Construction of Water Levelling Approach Road & Drainage Site Selection INFORMATION AND DATA TO BE CONSIDERED FOR SITE SELECTION 1. LOCATION: a) Name of the location b) Distance from the nearest town/ city c) Number of villages affected d) Number of affected owners (villages wise and total) e) Approximate distance from communication system of any department Based on load requirements & the studies carried out for the future load projections, decision for particular transmission system is taken. Transmission system comprises of transmission lines from generating end (power station) to intermediate switching stations & to receiving station (load centre). Remote substations are established near the load centres where from load is fed to the bulk consumers through step down transformers. Also intermediate switching stations are established in between for the purpose of grid stability/reliability. Selection of site for these switching stations or substations is very important activity & needs meticulous planning, far-sightness, skilful observation & handling so that selected site is technically, environmentally, economically, & socially optimal & is the best suited to Power Grid Corporation of India Limited. On deciding to establish a new substation, oncerned executive responsible for site selection shall make preliminary survey of the area & shall make various proposals of alternative site locations which shall be most suited for the construction of substation. These alternatives shall depend on various factors. Subject to other parameters like technical, environmental, economical & social which need to be taken care of while selecting the alternatives of the site, concerned executive should also discuss the matter with district authorities, SDM/Tehsildar so that following factors are also taken into consideration. i) No master plan/further development plan activity is earmarked there. ii) The land does not belong to any politically connected or influenced person who is not interested in his land being acquired. iii) The total land does not belong to one or two persons.


After the alternatives are prepared by concerned group, a committee shall be formed with representatives from corporate engineering, corporate environment management & the regional HQ. The committee shall make a preliminary survey of the various alternatives & shall submit recommendation for the proposed sites in order of priority for approval of competent authority. 2. LAND:a) Size (MxM) b) Government / Private c) Agricultural/ Residential / Industrial / Barren d) Number of crops / year e) Approximate cost 3. TECHNICAL:- Take-off arrangements - Topography of the site - Type of soil - Constant water/ Drinking water - Soil resistivity Take-off arrangements Route of the transmission line and take off location of the site should be such that transmission line length remains minimal as far as possible. Also good take off arrangements preferably at three sides are possible for the proposed and future transmission lines. As such 400KV substation is generally associated with the 220KV portion of the State Electricity Boards also; take off arrangements and corridors for the 220KV line also are to be considered while selecting the site. It is desirable that the representatives from of the Electricity Boards are kept in contact and their help is taken in respect of the above take off. Take off arrangements for proposed/future transmission line should also be taken care of Master plan from the revenue authorities should also be consulted & the location be kept at a reasonable (5-10Km.) distance from the envisaged/proposed major installation/Airdrome etc. Topography of the site The land shall be as levelled to the extent possible and shall not be in low lying area. It should be preferably that no major drains are passing through the area. As far as possible land to be selected should be on an elevated area. The above factors will minimize the cost of levelling. Type of soil It is obvious that the type of soil will influence the cost of foundation. Hence due care shall be taken to ensure firm soil with adequate bearing capacity. Black cotton soils, clay soils etc., shall be avoided as the cost of laying of foundations and special treatment for laying of roads etc., will be expensive. Soil with high bearing capacity shall always be preferred. Water Ground water in sufficient quantities suitable for drinking and construction should be available in the land. Utmost importance shall be given for quality of water, as the same is to be used for various purposes and for drinking water purpose through out the life of the substation. For this purpose PGCIL may check the water from open wells or bore wells in the vicinity.


Soil Resistivity The electrical resistivity of the soil in the proposed land should be as low as possible. If the resistivity is high, the cost of laying of earthing grid for the switchyard will be very high. 4. Environmental & Social Issues: No & type of fruit gardens effected/ existing crop / building etc.  Industrial location , pollutants in the vicinity  Any major drain / Nala in the vicinity POWERGRID realises that power transmission projects may have some unavoidable environmental and social implications, while implementing such an ambitious programme. Therefore, POWERGRID has integrated environmental and social management procedures into its corporate operations. POWERGRID has laid down guidelines for its approach towards these issues in its Corporate Environmental and Social Policy and Procedures (ESPP). The ESPPs outline POWERGRID's commitment to deal with environmental and social issues relating to its transmission projects lay out management, procedures and protocol to address them. The ESPP provides POWERGRID with a framework for identification, assessment and management of environmental and social concerns at both corporate as well as project levels. The ESPP document comprises of four sections. Section-I elaborates the environmental and social policy of POWERGRID. Section-II contains legal enactments, regulations, requirements of Multilateral Agencies and their implications on transmission projects. Section III outlines the environmental and social assessment and management framework guiding POWERGRID's projects. Section IV details the organisational support required to operationalise POWERGRID's ESPP. In each section the detailed description is followed by a matrix which summarises the issues/ process described. POWERGRID's Environmental & Social Policy Statement POWERGRID believes that its guiding principles of Reliability, Security and Economy now have to match with the rising expectations of a cleaner, safer, healthier environment of people both affected and benefited by its activities. The key principles of POWERGRID's Environmental and Social Policy statement are: - Avoidance of environmentally and socially sensitive areas while planning project activities. - Minimisation of impacts when project activities occur in environmentally and socially sensitive areas. - Mitigation of any unavoidable negative impacts arising out of its projects. - POWERGRID considers this mission to be of the highest priority and will create and alter organisational structures to absorb and deal with environmental and social concerns. POWERGRID recognises that most of its staff operates out in the field and thus staff development will focus clearly on their responsibilities. POWERGRID will impress its environmental and social concern upon contractors and others associated with its operations and activities and they have to maintain the same. POWERGRID's operations will be consistent with applicable national regulations and international norms. This policy and resultant procedures will be subject to constant review in tune with its guiding principles of prevention, minimum disturbance and innovative remedial measures.


- Policy, Legal & Regulatory Framework POWERGRID undertakes its activities within the purview of Indian laws keeping in mind appropriate international obligations and guidelines of Funding Agencies. POWERGRID sees its responsibilities under the present legal framework as two fold with regards to their projects. Firstly, mandatory requirements under the law and the guidelines of Funding agencies, and secondly, prescriptive requirements that influence management procedures addressing environmental and social issues. - POWERGRID's entitlement framework is based on progressive trends in Indian policies, with respect to the inclusion of project affected people (PAPs), and the nature and extent of compensation and rehabilitation. In order to provide a framework for the Rehabilitation & Resettlement (R&R) process and to supplement existing procedures. POWERGRID reiterates that displacement is not and will not be a major consequence of their projects. Irrespective of whether displacement occurs, the entitlement framework will be a base for all its management procedures. The objective of framework is to ensure that PAPs are rehabilitated and acquired assets are replaced. Public consultation will proceed at every stage from identification of PAPs to payment of compensation. The site group will in close interaction with the State Authorities during the implementation of the Rehabilitation Action Plan (RAP). Although, POWERGRID will implement the RAP, assistance of the State Authorities will be taken for administrative services. Implementation will be planned, monitored and corrective measures if required will be incorporated in the Plan. Apart from the State Government, the PAPs, the village leader including the Pradhans will also be consulted and associated during the implementation of the RAP on regular basis. - A committee will be set up comprising of POWERGRID, representatives of local authorities PAPs and Gram Panchayats or any well reputed person as mutually agreed with the local authorities and PAPs. This committee will address the grievances of the PAPs. POWERGRID's ENVIRONMENTAL AND SOCIAL ASSESSMENT AND MANAGEMENT FRAMEWORK Social issues associated with transmission projects are chiefly related to land acquisition carried out for substation sites. Again, POWERGRID will exercise flexibility in siting substations. POWERGRID has demonstrated its trustworthiness and capacity to build safe towers at railway, highway and other crossings. As far as possible, POWERGRID plans and conducts its construction activity after the harvests to avoid damage to crops. In case damage to standing crop is unavoidable, POWERGRID provides compensation at market rate for the same. POWERGRID ensures that hazards due to fires are non-existent by adopting high standards of safety. - POWERGRID tries to avoid resettlement and rehabilitation (R&R) in all its projects by siting substations on government land as far as possible. In case rehabilitation is totally inevitable, POWERGRID addresses R&R issues arising due to land acquisition through its R&R Policy. POWERGRID ensures proper valuation of land, assets, compensation for each category of PAPs and minimisation of lengthy cumbersome procedures. Again, POWERGRID will exercise flexibility within a transmission project for siting substations. POWERGRID's experience from its past fifty five substations indicates that a typical substation requires an area of 50 to 150 acres of land. Out of which 50% is usually private land and 50% government land. The land use of this area would usually be 70% agriculture

and 30% wastelands. The land acquired would be owned by 30-50 persons. Approximately 20-30 lessees would be involved, often with informal and unrecorded lease agreements. Hence, projected affected persons (PAPs) could lose agricultural land and their livelihoods. Till date, POWERGRID has acquired only one homestead for its past fifty five substations. POWERGRID enhances opportunities for marginalised groups through the RAP & IPDP. - POWERGRID will consult with the public and the local authorities on all socio-economic issues that arise from its project activities. POWERGRID uses the best possible tower designs to avoid unaesthetic intrusions on the landscape. POWERGRID's substations often provide feasible infrastructure facilities to nearby villages. Unavoidable social issues that could occur in a power transmission project and wherein POWERGRID shall emphasise careful management are: Transmission Lines - Temporary disturbance during construction and erection of transmission towers. - Loss to crop. - Change in land prices - Aesthetic appeal of an area - Temporary loss of access to Common Property Resources. - Temporary change in land use intensity. Substation - Loss of livelihood due to acquisition of private agricultural land. - Loss of common property resources due to acquisition of revenue land. - Loss of homestead. - POWERGRID places great emphasis on efficient management and quality service by addressing Environmental and Social issues as an integral part of its project cycle. POWERGRID is also committed to undertake appropriate environment and social assessment for its projects so that negative impacts are effectively minimised and mitigatory measures are developed and put into place. - Environmental and Social Risk Assessment will be a vital part of POWERGIRD's environmental and social management strategies. POWERGRID's risk assessment process will identify existing risks and forecast potential risks in its power transmission projects. POWERGRID will evaluate these risks both qualitatively and quantitatively and will also compare and prioritise these risks. The risk assessment process will provide an informal, scientific basis for Cost Benefit Analysis. In this way, POWERGRID will strengthen the selected management options, and will provide development without unduly harming humans or the environment. 5. Other Considerations - It shall be preferred that Substation location bears minimum no. of trees or fruit gardens etc. The environment should not be of polluted nature. - If the substation is located near sea coast, the insulators and the bushing may be affected with saline breeze. - The substation site shall not be in the vicinity of cement plants or other industries, mills etc. which emit pollutants. - Care should also be taken that located site is not in the vicinity of a sewer drain / Nala so that township and habitants of the township can live pollution free.

- While selecting the site, the prevailing market value of the land around the proposed site is to be ascertained. The cost of the land as per the records in the local land registration department may also be obtained. As the extent of the land to be acquired is more than 50 acres normally, the cost of the land is also one of the important factors in site selection. Land with more number of trees or in the industrial area shall be avoided. - It should be preferred that site is near to the town/city. - The nearest town/city is easily approachable. - The land should be close to National Highway & preferably by the side of Highway. - 33/11KV power supply shall be as nearer as possible to the proposed site. - Possibly such site should be preferred which remains feasible for P&T connection/STD facility. Site with Power lines/P&T lines passing across/over it should be avoided or at least such crossings if not avoidable should be minimum possible. - Land in high seismic zones are to be avoided. - The highest flood level recorded in that area is to be obtained from the local authorities. The proposed land shall be above the recorded MFL. - While selecting the site, schooling & medical facilities should also be kept in mind, so that our staff members/family members living in townships don't face hardships. - Considering all the above mentioned aspects the site selection committee shall recommend all the above alternatives in order of priority duly bringing out the salient features, advantages and disadvantages of each site, for approval of the competent authority.

Land Acquisition
Basics of Land Acquisition Land is a state subject. Land acquisition activity starts after the approval is obtained from the competent authority for the recommended site. Land is to be acquired for starting the construction activities. Land being the state subject, acquisition for the sub-station land is carried out through land acquisition deptt. of the concerned state govt. POWERGRID will be required to follow up closely at various stages of acquisition. POWERGRID's official head such as Divisional Head/Group Head should meet personally with District Magistrate/Additional District Magistrate/Land Acquisition Officer of the area. The total impact of the project and the transmission system, beneficiaries etc. should be explained to the state officials. Close interaction is required with state officials by our POWERGRID's officials. This will help in processing of the land acquition activities much faster. POWERGRID shall ensure that all the land acquisition documents are submitted in accordance with provision of land acquisition Act. During taking over of land, proper demarcation of land has to be done with permanent stone pillars. Steps for Acquisition After assessing the area of the land and after getting the confirmation from corporate engineering regarding approximate Acres to be acquired, the tentative plot is earmarked on the khasra map. This will give the details regarding khasras to be acquired. The area should be so drawn that wherever possible part acquisition of a plot is avoided. Plots so marked on the khasra map should be earmarked on the ground & walk over survey should be carried out.


In case of any difficulty/constraint on the ground, area can suitably be adjusted on the map so that Power Grid get a clear site available for them. For the purpose of getting khasra no. etc. Power Grid should approach Tehsildar/N.Tehsildar & Patwri etc. After satisfying power grid regarding the plots to be acquired, they should prepare a list of land owner alongwith survey number, revenue village etc. Final area should also be surveyed alongwith revenue deptt. official so as to avoid any dispute at a later date. During survey of the proposed site with reference to the revenue records, the following are to be ascertained: a) Exact area of the land with survey or khasra numbers. b) Exact area of land to be acquired in each survey or khasra number c) Details of revenue village/hamlet. d) Ownership details of land i.e., Govt./ Private. It may so happen that part of the land is owned by the Government and part by the private owners. Separate application is to be moved for each case along with relevant enclosures. The particulars of the total land (Govt. or private) to be acquired and along with the map of the plot to be acquired are to be submitted to the Distt. Collector of the concerned district. These details are to be submitted alongwith the standard application form, as applicable in a particular State. Draft copy of notification, details of plot to be acquired, khasra map & list of owners etc. Land Acquisition Officer after examining the case submits to DM or DC, who after incorporating observations, if any, forwards the same to State Govt. In some of the states the cases are referred to a screening committee constituted by State Govt. whereas, in other states the decision are taken by the concerned energy deptt. in consultation with land acquisition deptt. of State Govt. Application should be submitted alongwith a resume stating necessity of the project, importance of the project, its benefits, alongwith a copy of Govt. order for construction of S/Stn., so that timely acquisition of the land is appreciated by the officials of State Govt. at state level and at district level. Association of POWERGRID in channelling the information from one office to another will help in expeditious disposal of case. The approval of the Government is communicated to the District Collector for taking up further action for carrying out the necessary formalities like draft notification, draft declaration, assessing the value of land etc. Separate applications are to be submitted for acquisition of Government land and private land.



Soil Investigation
Levelled site is to be handed over to the Contractor. Site demands a detailed soil investigation to arrive at sufficiently accurate, general as well as specific, information about the soil profile and the necessary soil parameters of the Site in order that the foundation of the various structures can be designed and constructed safely and rationally. To investigate the soil following tests are carried out:a) Bore Holes b) Dynamic Cone Penetration Test c) Trial Pits d) Field California Bearing Ratio Test e) Electrical Resistivity Test f) Plate load test

POWER SUPPLY is required for various construction activities of the Substation. Power supply for regular Operation and Maintenance of the Substation can be had almost along with commissioning of the substation. A 3 phase, 440 V AC supply is required at various locations in the substation area forgiving power to various contractors, as listed below: 1) Switchyard erection package which includes laying of earthman 2) Running of borewells for construction water. 3) For laying the pipeline of fire protection system. 4) General lighting i.e. illumination in the Switchyard area as the work might be under Progress during the night also. 5) Power supply to site office and lighting of storage yard. The construction power is to be taken from the State electricity Boards usually at 33 KV or 11 KV as per local availability. The continuous maximum demand of 250 KVA shall be sufficient to cater the construction power requirement. It should also be seen that in case 11 KV power supply is unreliable or far off so as to render poor voltage at the receiving end, then Power Grid may go for 33 KV supply Which can also be used as a reliable auxiliary supply for operation of various substation equipments. It is desirable that there should be two different sources of power supply. Auxiliary supply should be from two independent sources. In case supply is coming from one substation of Electricity Board then the same should be from two different transformers. Idea behind this is to have uninterrupted and reliable power supply. 11 KV or 33 KV supply should be arranged on priority basis in initial stage as it is used for construction activities and subsequently for auxiliary power for operation of substation equipments. As demanded by site conditions independent bay may also be taken from source of 33 KV or 11 KV supply depending upon the case. LT Distribution Lines After getting the electrical supply of 11/33KV and transforming the same to 440V suitable LT line (440V 3 Phase 4/5 wire system) is to be laid in the substation on temporary basis in the Switchyard area, and on permanent basis for the bore wells/stores and other vacant area.


Once the substation is commissioned, the LT line in Switchyard area may have to be dismantled. While laying the LT line, the following points are to be taken into account. i) Power supply is required for Control room, Fire fighting works, Switchyard Erection, Township and for Stores. ii) The LT line shall generally be laid all around the Switchyard for easy distribution and for better illumination of the entire area. iii) The LT lines are to be laid in such a way that they do not obstruct the various works to be taken up i.e., switchyard erection and equipment, roads and culverts, building etc. iv) The LT lines are to be extended to various bore wells (by the time construction power is envisaged the bore wells are generally made ready or the drilling points are identified). v) Provide distribution boards on the LT Poles in the Switchyard area @ one distribution board in three poles. This will enable tapping of the LT supply to various contractors. vi) If the distance from the 11KV/400V transformer to the filter machine points is very long, the overhead conductor upto the filter machine points shall be so selected to reduce the voltage drop.

Water is required in a substation for the following purposes: 1) Construction activities in Switchyard and Township. 2) For drinking purpose in the residential colony. 3) For storage water for fire protection system. 4) For make up water for air-conditioning plant. 5) For plantation and Horticulture. Exploration While selecting the site for construction of the Substation, preliminary survey will be conducted to ascertain the availability of ground water in sufficient quantity in and around the substation premises. Care shall be taken to see that the available water is suitable for construction and drinking. Based on the preliminary survey, detailed survey for the ground water is to be carried out with the assistance from the Ground Water or Irrigation Departments of the State Government. The ground water survey will reveal the following: 1) Number of water sources. 2) Depth at which the water is available. 3) Expected water yield at each source. The ground water survey may be preferably carried out during summer season during which the water yield will be lowest. The yield thus established will help us in ascertaining the minimum water availability during a year. In case there is a likely delay in getting water from Bore wells then possibility should also be exposed to extract construction water from neighboring canal, if any


Implementation Strategy:The Indian portion of the transmission system would be funded and executed by POWERGRID. The transmission charges corresponding to Bangladesh portion of the transmission system would be paid by Bangladesh as per CERC norms. The Bangladesh portion of the Transmission system would be executed by Bangladesh for which funding is proposed by World Bank/IDA. POWREGRID would provide consultancy upto commissioning for the project. In this regard, POWERGRID along with Bangladesh will evolve a suitable commercial mechanism under bilateral agreement. While the project would be executed by Bangladesh, POWERGRID would prepare the bid document, assist in bid evaluation and undertake supervisory/ advisory role from concept to commissioning. POWERGRID would also provide supportive role in regard to operation and Maintenance of the project against payment after commissioning of the project for a period of 2-5 years. Project Cost Estimate:
The estimated cost of the project based on 3rd quarter 2009 price level is as follows:

(a) Indian Portion (Rs. in crores) Total Cost 160.34 9.52 169.86

1. Transmission System 2. Interest during Construction TOTAL (b) Bangladesh Portion

1. 2.

Transmission System Interest during Construction TOTAL

(Rs. in crores) Total Cost 708.87 27.97 736.84 156.44 million USD

Basis for cost estimate: For the purpose of working out unit rates for 400 kV D/C transmission line & A/C Switchyard portion, the average rate of last three contracts awarded by POWERGRID updated to 3rd quarter 2009 price level has been considered.


However, for 500 MW HVDC back to back station including AC line bays at Bheramara, in absence of in-house rates, budgetary quotations were invited from leading HVDC equipment manufacturers. For working out estimate for HVDC equipment, average of unit rates quoted by M/s ABB, M/s AREVA, & M/s BHEL have been considered. The cost estimate is inclusive of Excise duty and CST for Indian portion (as funding for supply of equipment is envisaged to be done through Domestic Sources). However, customs duty & VAT (CDVAT) @ 35.00% has been considered for the supply items for HVDC, transmission line & Substation in Bangladesh. F&I @ 4% have been considered in the estimate. Project Overheads & Contingencies: The following overheads have been charged along with provision for contingency onto the cost of the transmission system, except afforestation cost, as a percentage of the equipment cost: a) Maintenance during Construction b) Establishment Charges including Audit & Accounts c) Losses on stock d) Contingencies Funding Arrangement Phased fund requirement The anticipated year wise fund requirement for the project including interest during constryction is given below: (a) India Portion Year 2010 2011 2011 -- 2012 2012 2013 TOTAL (b) Bangladesh Portion Year 2010 2011 2011 -- 2012 2012 2013 TOTAL (Rs. in crores) Total Cost 180.45 371.78 184.61 736.84


(Rs. in crores) Total Cost 41.18 86.05 42.63 169.86

Mode of Financing INDIAN PORTION The Indian portion of the project is proposed to be funded through POWERGRIDs internal resources and through loan from Domestic sources. For the total project, equity component (30%) is proposed to be met through POWERGRIDs internal resources and loan component (70%) through Domestic sources. Based on the assumption that the project being financed from equity and loan in the ration of 30:70 and the equity component being released simultaneously along with the loan component, the interest during construction works out as Rs. 9.52 crores.

The Bangladesh portion of the project is proposed to be funded through World Bank/ IDA. Based on the assumption that the project being financed from equity and loan in the ration of 30:70 and the equity component being released simultaneously along with the loan component, the interest during construction works out as Rs. 27.97 crores. Monthly fixed charges for Indian Portion Considering rate of interest on Domestic loan @10.5% p.a., return on equity @ 15.5%, depreciation @ 0% for land, 3.34% for building, 5.28% for transmission lines & substations and 6.33% for PLCC, O & M charges @ Rs. 0.741 Lakhs per Km for 400 KV D/C (Twin Bundle), @ Rs. 61.92 Lakhs per 400 KV bay for Substation, Debt: Equity ratio 70:30, interest on working capital @ 10.5%, the tentative monthly fixed charges work out as Rs. 279.25 Lakhs for Indian portion.(Annexure-3.0). The transmission charges corresponding to this portion of the transmission system would be paid by Bangladesh as per CERC norms. Time Frame Interconnection between Electrical grids of India and Bangladesh is scheduled to be commissioned within 24 months from the date of issuance of letter of Award.


Indian Portion 0.10
3.00 0.00 1.54 6.25 1.85 2.49 100.25 32.98 0.00 148.46 7.42 4.45 0.00


(Rs. in crores)



Preliminary Survey & Soil Investigation Land Acquisition for Sub-station and R&R compensation Cost of Compensation for Transmission Lines i) Route clearance including damage Compensation ii) Compensation towards Forest, Corp & PTCC Civil Works i) Infrastructure for Sub-stations ii) Non-residential buildings iii) Colony for sub-stations Equipment (Supply & Erection) cost a) Transmission Lines b) Sub-stations c) HVDC Sub Total (A to E) Maintenance during construction Engg. & Administration @5% of F Losses on stock Contingencies @ 3% of F Customs duty & VAT (CDVAT) @ 35.00% (For Bangladesh portion only) Sub Total (A to K) Interest During Construction (IDC)

Bangladesh Total Portion Project Cost 0.10 0.20

2.88 0.45 0.00 6.25 0.35 1.57 80.84 0.00 445.18 537.62 26.88 16.13 128.25 5.88 0.45 1.54 12.50 2.20 4.06 181.09 32.98 445.18 686.08 34.30 20.58 128.25

160.34 9.52 169.86 36.06

708.87 27.97 736.84 156.44

869.21 37.49 906.70 192.51



1. Customs duty & VAT (CDVAT) @ 35% has been considered for items to be supplied in Bangladesh 2. Interest rate on loan has been considered @ 10.5% for Domestic loan for Indian portion and @ 7.0% for World Bank loan for Bangladesh portion subject to actuals. 3. The project is scheduled to be commissioned within 24 months from the date of issuance of letter of award. For the purpose of phasing of funds, the investment approval has been assumed on 01.07.2010 Exchange rate considered: 1 USD = Rs. 47.10 1 EURO = Rs. 69.24


Framework:Work Breakdown Structure:Work Breakdown Structure (WBS) is an organised methodology to split an overall project into non-overlapping components, and identifying deliverables for each component. For the above example, the entire project takes 609 days to complete. The entire project consists of several sets of activities and homogeneous grouping of these activities are done. WBS serves the important task of providing a clarified view of the activities to be performed in a project and provides the reference for estimating activity duration, network representation of the project, planning, monitoring and control. It also helps the manager to understand the interactions among the activities and the need to manage the interface points as the project progresses. Further, it provides a basis for creating an appropriate project organisation and establishing milestones and control points for project evaluation.


Organisation Breakdown Structure:Based on the nature of the tasks involved, the functional expertise required is identified for each element of WBS.
Organizational set up:

In POWERGRID the Organizational concept has been given due importance and the basic structure of organization has been made with a view to achieve the following objectives: a) To group related functions together to have clearly defined roles for the relevant functional heads. b) To have well defined Responsibility & Authority centres in the structure. c) To have well defined communication channels and optimum span of control in the organization. d) To have optimum man power e) To have optimum decentralization of activities as far as possible. At the first level in the organization, corporate centre will be planning, monitoring and controlling the objectives and activities of the organisation. At the second level, the regional HQs will be playing the role of controlling the activities in the regions and will report to corporate centre. In POWERGRID, 9 regions have been identified as NR-I, NR-II, SR-I, SRII, WR-I, WR-II, ER-I, ER-II and NER, and these regions will be headed by GM/ED. At the third level in the structure, the substation groups will be controlling the activities of the respective Substation and associated lines under that group and will report to the Regional HQs. The Groups will consist of basic working units such as substation construction/ maintenance, line construction/maintenance. The groups will have both service and technical functions, to cater the basic functional requirements. 1) Project Management:The project of transmission system will be planned, implemented, monitored and controlled through integrated project management & control system (IPMCS). IPMCS uses PERT/CPM technique as the basic management tool. For effective project planning and review, three tier level of planning and review have been adopted. Level-I Planning is done by the corporate monitoring group, a central planning cell, which is in the form of an overall project schedule called the Master Network, for the project which forms the basis for all subsequent planning and monitoring of the activities. This covers broadly all the packages of the project and indicates activities of engineering, contracts, manufacturing, erection and commissioning. The master network is prepared using computerised techniques which subsequently helps in comparing the actual progress of the project with the scheduled progress. This gives indication of the likely critical areas and helps in preventing the same, thereby resulting in smoother implementation. The master network also acts as a source for the planning to be done at Level-II & level-III.


Level-II Planning is done package wise and is worked out and finalised with the respective contractor/vendor during the pre-award stage. Level-II networks are made within the milestones identified in the Project Master Network (L-I). Level-III Plans deal with elaborate schedules and weekly/monthly rolling plans which are prepared for activities of engineering, supply & field activities. These form the basis of monitoring by the various functions. The system envisages monthly review of the level-II programmes with contractors and at field on a weekly basis. A site monthly progress report is sent to the head office having four sections, i.e; a) Project completion trend b) Salient achievement for the month c) Programme for the next month d) Areas needing attention of top management Risk Analysis:Revenue risk:The capital cost of the transmission system comprises of i) an equity component and ii) a loan component. This is recovered through the annual transmission charges consisting of return required for the equity, an interest for the loan component together with the depreciation charges, the operation & management charges and interest on working capital from the beneficiaries as per notification in pro[portion to the benefits derived by them. These are recovered in monthly fixed charges from the beneficiaries. In addition to annual charges Income tax, FERV and incentives etc. as per notification would also be payable. The bulk power transmission agreement (BPTA) which covers the payments for transmission charges for all the existing projects as well as those that may be included in future after approval by CEA already exists. Regulatory Risk:BPTAs have the provision that the transmission tariff for new/existing transmission assets commissioned as well as the additional tariff payable due to additional capitalization from year to year, etc. shall be computed by POWERGRID based on norms/ methodology to be specified by the Central Electricity Regulatory Commission (CERC) as amended from time to time. Environmental risk:Transmission line projects are environmentally friendly and do not involve any disposal of solid effluents and hazardous substance in land, air and water. Moreover, in forest areas trees are felled below each conductor to facilitate stringing. On completion of construction only one such strip is maintained for O& M purpose. Therefore the actual loss of forest is restricted to some selected area only. However, as per the requirement of forest

(Conservation) act, 1980 approval of Ministry of Environment & Forests, Govt of India for diversion of forest land shall be taken before construction of line and compensatory afforestation shall be done on double the area of degraded forest land to compensate the loss of vegetation, due to diversion of forest land if there is any after detailed survey. Project Monitoring:As on 31 st march, 2009, POWERGRID operates about 71,500 ckt. Kms. of transmission lines and 120 Sub-stations with a transformation capacity of over 79,500 MVA. POWERGRID has team of dedicated experts in the field of substation and transmission line engg. Equipped with state-of-the-art technology, software capabilities and computer aided facilities for planning, design, operation and maintenance of transmission system. It has a well established system of continuous feedback from the field and upgrade the system accordingly. Based on the feedback as well as in pursuit to economize the cost and implementation period, its experts are vigorously pursuing the standardisation of transmission line designs, substation/switchyard layouts, technical parameters of equipment, etc. POWERGRID has developed a project monitoring system matching with the organization structure, complexity/intricacies involved in the project implementation and management information system. The system calls for increasing details of planning in all the facets of functions such as engineering, contracts, site and corresponding levels of monitoring and control, for generating a management summary report to the top management. This management summary report highlights the project completion trends, actions being taken/ to be taken for the attention of the top management on exceptional basis of critical areas. Further, the monitoring system envisages a regular total project review called Project Review Meeting (PRM). This review meeting is headed by Regional in-charge with representation from all functions viz. Contracts, Engineering, Field, Personnel, Finance, Corporate monitoring Group, etc. The participants discuss project critical, project interface problems and project completion trends, etc. From the discussion held during the PRM emanates a status report and also an exception report put up to the chief executive and Directors which highlights extremely critical areas needing immediate attention and assistance required. Once in three months the PRM is held at corporate centre. These discussions help in identifying the critical areas and seeking decisions for speedy project implementation. Success Criteria:The above transmission system has been evolved by carrying out detailed studies by using latest available power system analysis software (PSS/E) and the proposed system is adequate to transfer power to the respective beneficiaries with reliability and security. Regarding achieving its objective in the stipulated time frame, it is to mention that POWERGRID has in-house expertise in all specialised areas of transmission with systems upto 800 KVAC, 500 KV HVDC, Gas Insulated Sub-stations, Static VAR Compensation, Series Capacitors, FACTS (Flexible AC Transmission System), Controlled Shunt Reactors etc.

In support of above, it may be stated that POWERGRID has been rated as Excellent since 1993-94 in achieving the MoU targets with Ministry of Power and is recipient of Prime Ministers MoU Award consecutively for many years for being amongst top ten PSUs. As on 31 st March2009, POWERGRID operates about 71,500 ckt. Kms. of transmission lines and 120 sub-stations with a transformation capacity of over 79,500 MVA. POWERGRID has maintained the transmission systems availability over 99% consistently. Major projects commissioned during last three years include Tehri Trans. system, Dulhasti combined Trans. system, 400 KV D/C Bhadrawati-Chandrapur Trans. system, 400 KV D/C NeelmanglaMysore Trans. System, System strengthing-IV in SR, Tala-Siliguri Trans. System etc. Sustainability:System Design Philosophy:The power evacuation system is designed in the most optimum manner such that losses in the system are minimal. The system and equipment parameters are chosen according to the present trends in technology, the conductors available are such that the losses in them due to internal resistance as well as due to external effects such as corona and RIV are bare minimum. The busbar materials and the clamps and connectors are chosen after meeting the stringent international requirements so that there is least loss of energy in them. The transformers, reactors and other switchgear are also similarly selected and evaluated before award itself for most efficient operation from thermal loss and efficiency. System operation philosophy:The power flow in a particular line varies due to demand variation, failure of equipment, line faults etc. For the system to be stable and to use optimised resources, it is very important to record the power flow at each and every time. This necessitates the monitoring of operation of the system on a three shift basis. System Maintenance Philosophy:The maintenance management system in vogue in POWERGRID aims at keeping the system under stable conditions while ensuring minimum maintenance cost and safety of equipment and personnel. The maintenance management schedule detailed work specification covering all maintenance jobs permit to work system, long term maintenance planning meeting for about 30 minutes for finalizing maintenance schedule for next 24 hours and resolution of interface problems between departments. These meetings are supplemented by meeting of HODs for one hour on alternate days to accelerate the decision making process and to laydown the priorities and guidelines for maintenance work during next 72 hours. 1) Spare part Management System:The primary objective of spare management system will be to ensure timely availability of proper spare parts for efficient maintenance of the substations and lines without excessive


build-up on non moving and slow moving inventory. The spare part management system for this project will cover the following areas: a) b) c) d) Proper codification of all spares and consumables Spare parts indenting and procurement policy Ordering of critical mandatory and recommended spares Judicious fixation of inventory levels and ordering levels for spare parts based on experience in other projects e) Development of more than one source wherever practicable. 2) Training of Personnel:-

The expertise available with the country is adequate to cover maintenance of Transmission line and sub station EHV equipments etc. Also available technical expertise within POWERGRID is adequate to cover operation and maintenance requirements of equipments. Hence, training in these areas can be arranged by POWERGRIDs training facility with the help of training officers, equipment suppliers and consultants, site commissioning personnel as well as POWERGRIDs own specialists. 3) O & M Manuals:a) Adequate O & M manuals will be distributed to all concerned as per the policy of the company. b) O & Manuals will be available to all concerned prior to commissioning of substation & transmission lines to avoid problems in preparation of commissioning documents as well as proper installation & commissioning of equipment.


President & CEO

VP Supply Chain

Chief Executive Design & Distribution Services

Chief Manager Design Service

GM Procurement

Electrical Engineer Draft man

Civil Engineer Designer

Head Procurement Supply Chain

General Manager

DGM Commercial Manager Procurement Head Co-ordinator Project Manager Electrical Engineer Civil Engineer

Project Co-ordinator


Supervisor Commercial Officer

Store Incharge Safety Engineer Supervisor Store Supervisor


Cost Breakdown Structure:Cost breakdown structure (CBS) is a methodology that links the individual elements in a WBS to a dimension of cost. By estimating the cost of each work package that constitute an element in the WBS structure, CBS enables a project manager to set up a project monitoring & control mechanism. WBS Project




Finance OBS Works Company Design Labour HR Equipment Total Cost A typical work Package Material CBS


Project Cost Estimate:

The estimated cost of the project based on 3rd quarter 2009 price level is as follows:

(c) Indian Portion (Rs. in crores) Total Cost 160.34 9.52 169.86

3. Transmission System 4. Interest during Construction TOTAL (d) Bangladesh Portion

3. 4.

Transmission System Interest during Construction TOTAL

(Rs. in crores) Total Cost 708.87 27.97 736.84 156.44 million USD

Basis for cost estimate:

For the purpose of working out unit rates for 400 kV D/C transmission line & A/C Switchyard portion, the average rate of last three contracts awarded by POWERGRID updated to 3rd quarter 2009 price level has been considered. However, for 500 MW HVDC back to back station including AC line bays at Bheramara, in absence of in-house rates, budgetary quotations were invited from leading HVDC equipment manufacturers. For working out estimate for HVDC equipment, average of unit rates quoted by M/s ABB, M/s AREVA, & M/s BHEL have been considered. The cost estimate is inclusive of Excise duty and CST for Indian portion (as funding for supply of equipment is envisaged to be done through Domestic Sources). However, customs duty & VAT (CDVAT) @ 35.00% has been considered for the supply items for HVDC, transmission line & Substation in Bangladesh. F&I @ 4% have been considered in the estimate.


Project Overheads & Contingencies:

The following overheads have been charged along with provision for contingency onto the cost of the transmission system, except afforestation cost, as a percentage of the equipment cost: e) f) g) h) Maintenance during Construction Establishment Charges including Audit & Accounts Losses on stock Contingencies

5% 3%

Funding Arrangement Phased fund requirement

The anticipated year wise fund requirement for the project including interest during constryction is given below:

(c) India Portion

Year 2010 2011 2011 -- 2012 2012 2013 TOTAL

(d) Bangladesh Portion

(Rs. in crores) Total Cos t 41.18 86.05 42.63 169.86

Year 2010 2011 2011 -- 2012 2012 2013 TOTAL

Mode of Financing INDIAN PORTION

(Rs. in crores) Total Cost 180.45 371.78 184.61 736.84

The Indian portion of the project is proposed to be funded through POWERGRIDs internal resources and through loan from Domestic sources. For the total project, equity component (30%) is proposed to be met through POWERGRIDs internal resources and loan component (70%) through Domestic sources. Based on the assumption that the project being financed from equity and loan in the ration of 30:70 and the equity component being released simultaneously along with the loan component, the interest during construction works out as Rs. 9.52 crores.


The Bangladesh portion of the project is proposed to be funded through World Bank/ IDA. Based on the assumption that the project being financed from equity and loan in the ration of 30:70 and the equity component being released simultaneously along with the loan component, the interest during construction works out as Rs. 27.97 crores.

Monthly fixed charges for Indian Portion

Considering rate of interest on Domestic loan @10.5% p.a., return on equity @ 15.5%, depreciation @ 0% for land, 3.34% for building, 5.28% for transmission lines & substations and 6.33% for PLCC, O & M charges @ Rs. 0.741 Lakhs per Km for 400 KV D/C (Twin Bundle), @ Rs. 61.92 Lakhs per 400 KV bay for Substation, Debt: Equity ratio 70:30, interest on working capital @ 10.5%, the tentative monthly fixed charges work out as Rs. 279.25 Lakhs for Indian portion.(Annexure-3.0). The transmission charges corresponding to this portion of the transmission system would be paid by Bangladesh as per CERC norms.

Time Frame
Interconnection between Electrical grids of India and Bangladesh is scheduled to be commissioned within 24 months from the date of issuance of letter of Award.


Indian Portion 0.10
3.00 0.00 1.54 6.25 1.85 2.49 100.25 32.98 0.00 148.46 7.42 4.45 0.00


(Rs. in crores)



Preliminary Survey & Soil Investigation Land Acquisition for Sub-station and R&R compensation Cost of Compensation for Transmission Lines i) Route clearance including damage Compensation ii) Compensation towards Forest, Corp & PTCC Civil Works i) Infrastructure for Sub-stations ii) Non-residential buildings iii) Colony for sub-stations Equipment (Supply & Erection) cost d) Transmission Lines e) Sub-stations f) HVDC Sub Total (A to E) Maintenance during construction Engg. & Administration @5% of F Losses on stock Contingencies @ 3% of F Customs duty & VAT (CDVAT) @ 35.00% (For Bangladesh portion only) Sub Total (A to K) Interest During Construction (IDC)

Bangladesh Total Portion Project Cost 0.10 0.20

2.88 0.45 0.00 6.25 0.35 1.57 80.84 0.00 445.18 537.62 26.88 16.13 128.25 5.88 0.45 1.54 12.50 2.20 4.06 181.09 32.98 445.18 686.08 34.30 20.58 128.25

160.34 9.52 169.86 36.06

708.87 27.97 736.84 156.44

869.21 37.49 906.70 192.51



4. Customs duty & VAT (CDVAT) @ 35% has been considered for items to be supplied in Bangladesh 5. Interest rate on loan has been considered @ 10.5% for Domestic loan for Indian portion and @ 7.0% for World Bank loan for Bangladesh portion subject to actuals. 6. The project is scheduled to be commissioned within 24 months from the date of issuance of letter of award. For the purpose of phasing of funds, the investment approval has been assumed on 01.07.2010 Exchange rate considered: 1 USD = Rs. 47.10 1 EURO = Rs. 69.24


Abstract Cost Estimate Preliminary & General Civil Works Sl. No 1.0 Transmission Line 400 KV D/C Baharampur (W.B India) Bheramara (Bangladesh) Transline (Indian Portion) LILO of 400 KV D/C Farakka Jirat Transmission Line at Baharampur Sub Total Sub-station Prelim survey & soil Invest 10.00 10.00 10.00 Land Cost Crop & PLCC Compensation 127.28 Forest Compensation (incl. NPV) 11.33 Total Cost 138.61


4.28 131.56 R&R Cost Infra structu re

11.33 22.66 NonResidenti al Buildings Colony

15.61 154.22 Total Cost

Sl. No

1.0 400 KV Switching Station at Baharampur Sub Total Total

200.00 200.00 331.57

100.00 100.00 122.66

625.00 625.00 625.00

185.00 185.00 185.00

249.00 249.00 249.00

1369.00 1369.00 1523.23

Details of Preliminary works for Transmission Lines 400 KV D/C Baharampur (W.B. India) Bheramara (Bangladesh) Transline (Indian Portion) A. Cost of Crop & PTCC Compensation i) Cost of Crop Compensation excluding forest stretches ii) Cost of PTCC Compensation Total Cost of Crop & PTCC Compensation B. Cost of Forest Compensation Forest Area Rate per in Ha Ha j) Cost of Compensatory afforestation on doubly degraded 2.00 45,000 ii) NPV for forest area diverted Cost of Compensation toward forest 1.00 0.22 Km 1,043,000 84.78 85.00 100,000 50,000 84.78 42.50 127.28

0.90 10.43 11.33


Details of Residential Colony Proposed at Switching Station Baharampur (India) All figures are rounded off
Sl. No 1. Description Residential Quarters: a) Type B1 @ Rs. 12,500/Sq.m Type B2 @ Rs. 12,500/Sq. m Type B3 @ Rs. 12,500/Sq.m b) Type C @ Rs. 12,500/Sq.m c) Type D with Servant Quarters & Garage Sub Total Cost of Infrastructure @ 31% (Roads @ 5%, Fencing & Boundary wall @ 4%, Lawns, Gardens, Plantation @ 2%, Water Supply @ 6%, Internal Sanitation @ 6%, Internal Electrification @ 8%) Total Residential Colony Nos Area (sq. m) 60 70 80 100 176 Rate per Amount (Rs. Sq. m (Rs.) Lakhs) 12,500 12,500 12,500 12,500 13,500 60.00 53.00 40.00 13.00 24.00 190.00

8 6 4 1 1




Details of Civil Works Proposed at Switching Station Baharampur (India)

Sl. No.

Description Preliminary Works Survey & Soil investigation Total Preliminary Works Infrastructure for Sub-station Levelling/ Site Surfacing Fencing Roads & Drainage Water Supply Power Supply Rain Water Harvesting Total Infrastructure Non- Residential Building Transformer foundation & Rail track Control Room Building Fire fighting pump home, DG set building etc. Total Non-Residential Building


Area (Sq. m)

Rate per Sq. m (Rs.)

Amount (Rs. Lakhs)

Rounded off

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.


10.00 10.00 250.00 150.00 135.00 20.00 65.00 5.00 625.00


1. 2. 3.

1 LS



150 35 185.00


Abstract Cost Estimate Transmission Lines (Indian Portion)

All fig. In Rs. Lakhs

Project: Interconnection Between Electrical Grids of India & Bangladesh

Sl. No. Description 400 KV D/C Baharampur (W.B. India) Bheramara (Bangladesh) Transline (Indian Portion) 85 Km 3045.88 2207.64 70.71 350.56 187.39 161.27 191.29 6214.73 889.61 207.96 183.52 1653.11 189.83 9338.76 109.87 138.61 9477.37 111.50 LILO of 400 KV D/C Farakka Jirat Transmission Line at Baharampur 3 Km 255.93 78.65 3.33 45.26 22.29 22.49 6.38 434.32 59.90 17.36 6.48 168.57 0.00 686.63 228.88 15.61 702.25 234.08 Total Cost

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

8. 9. 10. 11. 12. A

Tower Steel Conductor Earthwire Insulator Hardware Fittings Conductor & Earthwire Accessories OPGW Fibre Optic Cable & Accessories SubTotal Supply Cost ED @ 8.24%, CST @ 2% & F&I @ 4% Erection Stringing Civil Works River Crossing/ Aviation Requirement Total Equipment Cost Equipment Cost per Km Preliminary & General Civil Works Total Cost Total Cost Per Km

3301.81 2286.29 74.04 395.82 209.69 183.75 197.67 6649.05 949.51 225.32 190.00 1821.68 189.83 10025.39 154.22 10179.62


Abstract Cost Estimate Substation Summary (Indian Portion)

All fig. In Rs. Lakhs

Project: Interconnection Between Electrical Grids of India & Bangladesh

Sl. No. 1. 2. Description 80 MVAR, 420 KV Bus Reactor Sub Total 1.0 400 KV Equipments Circuit Breaker Isolator Current Transformer Capacitive Voltage Transformer Lighting Arrestor Bus Earthswitch Sub Total 2.0 36 KV Equipments Control & Relay Panels PLCC Equipments Telecom Equipments Switchyard Erection Equipment Structure Other Equipment (Busbar matts) Equipments Civil Works Erection Sub Total 7.0 Substation Auxiliaries Total Equipment Cost Preliminary & General Civil Works Total Cost 400 KV Switching Station at Baharampur 530.50 530.50 404.04 226.29 199.58 105.03 30.04 0.00 964.99 8.53 284.30 74.77 66.12 423.00 178.00 213.00 66.65 880.65 487.92 3297.78 1369.00 4666.78

3. 4. 5. 6. 7.



Price Break-up of Ex-works Price Mode of Transaction (direct or bought out) 6

Sl. No. 1

Item Description 2 400 KV BAHARAMPUR SUB-STATION Part A: POWER GRID ASSESSED QUANTITIES 420 kV Bus Shunt Reactor LT Transformer 400 kV Equipments 12 kV Equipments Control & Relay Panel Other/common Equipments Substation automation system for 400 kV substation PLCC Telecom Equipment

Unit 3

Quantity 4

Total Exworks price 5

A.1.1 A.1.2 A.1.3 A.1.4 A.1.5 A.1.6 A.1.7 A.1.8 A.1.9

Nos/ Set No Nos/ Set Nos/ Set Nos Nos LS Nos/ Set Nos/ Sets Sets Nos/ Sets Nos Sets Nos Nos Nos Nos Nos Nos Km Km

4 2 161 16 15 2 1 28 21 9 8 12 1 4 1845 173 4 108 158 1.0 9.5

44,566,734 1,919,326 63,911,943 429,930 9,562,646 75,242 6,275,984 8,045,211 7,972,166 6,450,937 4,183,538 540,672 901,110 90,112 2,611,071 277,394 64,880 734,988 7,893,761 788,472 3,049,785

Bought Out Bought Out Bought Out Bought Out Bought Out Bought Out Bought Out Bought Out Bought Out Bought Out Bought Out Bought Out Bought Out Bought Out Bought Out Bought Out Bought Out Bought Out Bought Out Bought Out Bought Out

A.1.10 LT Switchgear A.1.11 Batteries/Battery Charger A.1.12 AC system for control room A.1.13 DG set along with Control Panel A.1.14 Fire Protection System A.1.15 Illumination System Control Room cum Administrative office: Fire Fighting Pump House: Switchyard Panel Room Township Lighting Street Lighting A.1.16 Power & Control Cable A.1.17 40 mm MS rod for main Earthmat A.1.18 Steel Structure Lattice Structure for Towers & Beams




Bought Out


B.1.1 B.1.2 B.1.3 B.1.4 B.1.5 B.1.6

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22

Pipe Structure for Equpments Part B: VENDOR ASSESSED QUANTITIES 400 kV I type Layout Air Conditioning System Fire Protection System Illumination System Power & Control Cable PLCC Part C: MANDATORY SPARES 420 kV Circuit Breaker 420 kV Isolator 420 kV Current Transformer 420 kV CVT 390 kV Surge Arrestor Fire Protection System Control & Relay Panel Substation Automation System LT Switchgear PLCC Air Conditioning System 220 V Batteries 48 V Batteries 220 V Battery Charger 48 V Battery Chareger DG Set Illumination System(for Control room & switchyard) Illumination System (for township) Erection Hareware Items LT Transformer 420 kV, 80 MV AR, Three Phase Bus Reactor Telecom Equipment




Bought Out


10 1 6 13 4 2

9,855,900 180,222 11,867,123 4,886,268 18,440,487 193,689

Bought Out Bought Out Bought Out Bought Out Bought Out Bought Out


1 1 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

1,109,946 927,589 2,559,100 1,586,814 475,798 430,127 957,430 295,384 337,916 1,013,749 45,056 212,948 61,312 177,457 38,320 91,237 901,110 901,110 1,284,082 502,843 299,415 2,559,100

Bought Out Bought Out Bought Out Bought Out Bought Out Bought Out Bought Out Bought Out Bought Out Bought Out Bought Out Bought Out Bought Out Bought Out Bought Out Bought Out Bought Out Bought Out Bought Out Bought Out Bought Out Bought Out


Chapter 4


Analysis & Interpretation:Power Grid Corporation of India Limited generally takes a large volume of activities. To complete this activity within the time the organization break down this activity into different structures namely Work Breakdown Structure, Cost Breakdown structure & Organization Breakdown structure. Project management helps PGCIL to complete the task within the projected time. Work breakdown structure (WBS) is a breakdown of work into as small a task as possible. It helps to define and organize the scope of the total project more accurately and specifically. It also helps for assigning the responsibilities, resource allocation, monitoring the project and controlling the project. The WBS makes the deliverables more precise and concrete so that the project team knows exactly what has to be accomplished within each deliverable. This also allows for better estimating of cost, risk and time because we can work from the smaller tasks back up to the level of entire project. Finally it allows us to double check all the deliverables specific with the stakeholders and make sure there is nothing missing or overlapping. Here PGCIL breakdown the total activity into different sub-activities likes substation engineering, procurement, control panel, substation automation system, air conditioning system etc. All these sub-activities are again comprised of different small activities like site construction consist of civil works, survey report submission, contouring report submission, soil investigation, site levelling and establishment of site office, store etc. These small activities taken some duration to finish & all these duration present the total duration of sub-activities and finally all the sub-activities represent the main activities. WBS represent with help of GANTT chart. Based on the nature of the tasks involved, the functional expertise required is identified for each element of WBS. This complement structure is known as organization breakdown structure (OBS). In PGCIL project manager has the direct reporting relationship with the chief of the respective functional area. For this reason it has the optimal utilization of specialized resources in multiple activities. The cost breakdown structure (CBS) is an adjunct to the WBS it shows the costs associated with each work package. It helps to estimate the cost of each work package that constitute an element in the WBS structure, CBS enables project manager to set up a project monitoring and control mechanism. At higher levels, it provides useful means for budgetary control and review. For the above project the estimated total cost is Rs. 169.86 cr. (for India portion) and Rs. 736.84 cr. (for Bangladesh portion). So, CBS is an integral part of project management. As this project is in progress so it is difficult to apply Critical Path Method (CPM). About uncertainty of this project is mainly on land acquisition. POWERGRID's official head such as Divisional Head/Group Head should meet personally with District Magistrate/Additional District Magistrate/Land Acquisition Officer of the area. The total impact of the project and the transmission system, beneficiaries etc. should be explained to the state officials. Close interaction with state officials will help in processing of the land acquisition activities much faster. POWERGRID shall ensure that all the land acquisition documents are submitted in accordance with provision of land acquisition Act. During taking over of land, proper demarcation of land has to be done with permanent stone pillars.


Chapter 5


Conclusion:Power Grid is the Indias principal electric power transmission company. Power Grid controls its substation construction activity by breaking down it into several sub activities. The projects are being managed efficiently by making use of Work breakdown st ucture, r Organization breakdown structure and Cost breakdown structure. Work breakdown structure breaks the entire activity into different sub activities. In Organization breakdown structure, the organization of the project is broken into different responsibilities. Cost breakdown structure controls the entire project cost as per above two breakdown structures. This form of project management reduces complexity and results in efficient execution of the project. In Power Grid, this type of management is resulting in timely completion of projects with minimum cost.


1. B.Mahadevan (2009), Operations management, theory and practice, ISBN 978-817758-564-3, fifth impression, pp 405-434 2. www.powergridindia.com 3. www.workbreakdownstructure.com 4. www.buzzle.com 5. www.topmba.com


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