Fisher 500B

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OSU Xo Wet TTT m Te MODEL 500-B i) LJ 0 0 Ly 4 my L 0 Lu Wl < = CHASSIS SERIAL NUMBERS FROM 20001 TO 29999 INCLUSIVE PRICE: $1.00 FISHER RADIO CORPORATION - NEW YORK Symbot 2 ce cs ce cs.9 10 ci cna cr4,15 7 cre ae 20 a2 ca ce as as ce 20 31,32 as a 38,39 cao car car 43,44 cas cr 48,49 50,31 ese 3,54 css 56 cs? 59 60 cer cor cs 8 68,69 PARTS DESCRIPTION LIST CAPACITORS, 10% tolerance for al fixed capactors,uniss otherwise noted or marked GMV [guaranteed minimum value All capacitors not marked uf are pF (ou Deseripti Ceramic, 100 GMV, N1500, 1000¥ Ceramic, 21, 5% ,N7S0, 1000 Ceramic, Feed, 1000 GMY Ceram, 244, +60 ~20%, 500V Coram, Faediny, 1090 GH Cerone, immer Fim, voroble Ceramic, 1000 GMV, 1000V Ceram, 8, .5,NPO, SOV Ceramic, 38, 5% ,.N750, 1000V Ceramic, 21, 5%, N750, 1000¥ Ceramic, 10, NPO, 1000V Ceramic, 24, 5%, N150, 10007 Ceramic, Timer Ceramic, 47, 5% ,N750, 1000¥ Ceramic, 100, 5%, N1500, 1000¥ Ceram, 8, =, NPO, S00 Ceramie, 1000, 1000v Ceram, 27, 5%, N180, 1000¥ Ceram, 21, 5%, N750, 1000¥ Ceramic, 10, 36.5, N1S0, S00V Ceramic Feedthry, 1000, GY Ceram, 1000, 1000 Ceramic, .0204, 20%, 500V Ceramic, 2200, 1000V Ceram, 2700, 1000 Ceramic, 5000, +80 20%, S00V Ceromi, 0244, +80 — 20%, 500V ceramic, 82, N1500, 1000¥ Ceramic, $000, +80 20%, 500V Ceramic, 2709, 1000 Ceromie, 8000, +80 20%, 500V Mylar, 047, 400¥ Ceramic 24, 5%, 1000 Ceramic, 470, 1000 Ceramic, 68, 2200, 1000 Cerami, 0244, 20%, S00V Ceramic, 2700, 1000V Ceramic, 7, NFO, 1000V Ceramic, $000, +80 ~20%, S00v Ceramic, .Olut, 20%, 500V Mylar, .0474f, 00 Mylar, .047, 10%, 250 Ceramic, 390, 1000 Mylar, 0474, 00V Myler, 047, 10%, 250V Ceramic, 330, 1000 Ceramic, 18,470, 1000V Ceramic 2700, 1000¥ Ceramic, 1800, 1000 Ceram, $000, +80 —20%, 500V Ceramic, 390, 1000 rt No 0070-5 50970.32 50071-2 €50009-4 cs0009-3 covets 50071.2 cczocios00s 50197-25 5007035, ¢50070.22 50070-8 662-123 5007029, cczocsoso0s 0072-3 $0070.37 50072-3 ccczops10005 592-107, 50089-5 0072-5 5007217, ‘cs00us. 0089-4 0070-7 0089-6 0089-6 50197-20 s0072:19 500708 5007213, 5007012 50072-17 €¢50070.20 ¢50197-30 50197-82 0072-1 0197-20 ¢50197-52 0072-1 50070213, ¢50072-17 0072-8 50089-6 0072-1 70 Ceramic, 054, +80 20%, 100v o.72, 73" ceramic, 380, 1000¥ ©74——Eleevole, ut, SOV 7S Ceramic, Feed, 1000, CMV 76 Ceromic, 560, 1000¥ 77 lacolyne, 4 section ‘A 500t, 250V 8— Sout, 250v c— souf, 250 D— sou, 250 78 Hecate, 3 section c— aout, asov A— 1o0out, 35 8— 10004, 95 10, 81, 82,83. Ceramic, 005ut, +80 —20%, 500V Ce elecholye, 2 scion A Adut, Soov 8 — 20006, 250 85 ——_Elecholyic, 1004, 25 66,87 Ceramic, 0oSuf, +80 —20%, 500V 48 Elect, 2004, 250 49,90 Ceramic, 00Su4, +80 20%, S00V 691,92 Molded, ou, 20%, s00v cs0073-2 50072.1 599-187 0072-14 s01480-21, cso180.29 50009-6 049145 ¢50180.20 (50089-6 cr747 RESISTORS AND POTENTIOMETERS In ohms, 10% tolerance, Ye wot, unless otherwise noted. K=Kilahm, M=Magohm Symbol Description 8 Composition, 270 82,2 Dep, Carbon, 100K, 5%, J6W RS Dep. Carbon, 100K, 5%, YW R7 Dap. Carbon, 100K, §%, %4W 89 Compesition, 100K R10 Dap. Corton, 10K, 5%, 14 Rit Gloss, 276.5%, 1 R12 Dep, Carbon, 10K, 5%, kW RIS Glows, 276, 5%, 1 Rid Gloss, 330K, 5%, 1W BIS——Dep. Carbon, 47M, 5%, YW M6 Gloss, 390K, 5%. 1W RIT Dep. Carbon, 47M, 5%, YW R18, 19 Dep. Carbon, 220K, 5%. %4W 22 Campostion, 470 523 Compeiion, 820 B24, 25 Dep. Carbon, 330K, 5%, YW 826 Composition, 580K, 5 827 Composition, 82K, 5% 828 Composition, 560K, 5% 529 Composition, 150K R30 Composition, 82K, 5% B91,32 Dap. Corbon, 470K, 5%, %4W 132,34 Dep. Carbon, 120, 5%, 14 Part No, Raa0ct04s 1R¢208F104K 208 100K 208100K c208F104K kaa0cio2s 83062721 3062724 3063343 eaa0c475s kaa0ce75s 250103-1 c208F471K nc20aee21k ra30¢3344 Rc208FS64) nc208023) Rc20RFS64) ‘Rc200F154K Rc208233 eaz0c1243 31,52 ass 138,39 R61 62, 63, R66 Rea 70,71 77,78 Reo naa kas. B90 92 393 195,96 w98 rot, 102, 103, 104, 1106, 107, 108, 109 eno ena ans 16 m7 PARTS DESCRIPTION LIST Composition, 1 1c208F102K Composition, 2.70, 8% 20892751 Composition, 1.2, 5% RC208F125) Composition, 1K ncz0ari02k Composition, 58K c2088563K Composition, 150 ncz0arisik Potentometer, 500K, oss Convol R50160-101-1 Composition, 680K Rcr0Br Bak Composition, 47K RC208F47 3K Composition, 1K ezoaF102x otemrometer, 500K, Table Convo! R50160-101-2 ep. Corbon, 220K, 5%, hW naa0c2743 Composition, 150 ac208F151K Compontion, 27% nc2088372K Composivion, 10M croBFi06K Composition, 1 nczosr102K Dep Carbon, 2.2M, 5%, eW woa0e7231 ep. Carbon, 220K, 5%, YsW naa0cz249 Dep. Carbon, 220K, 5%, YW raa0cz241 Comparison, 580 RCIOBFSEIK, Composition, 68K nc208%682K Dep Carbon, 1.80, 55, YW eaapciess Dep. Carbon, 47K, 5%, 14 W raz0ea73y Poteniometer, 500K, lance Contal R5O160-103 Dep. Carbon, 22K. 5%. WW aa0c2735 Poteriometer, 500K, Volume 50160-1048 Dep. Carbon, 47%, 5%, Yh na30c4735 Compesiton, 27% nc208F273 Composition, 82K c200F822K Composition, 12K, 5% ne208F1224 Dep. Carbon, 220, 51, %W naa0c2714 Composition, 1.2K, 5% nc208F1221 Dep. Carbon, 220, 5, YW na30c214 Composition, 390K, 3, 2083941 Povernomerer, 25K Phote Inv, Ad, RSO03-2 Compesiton, 33K nca0nra3aK Composition, 68K, 5% ncz08r683) Fotenttometer, 25K Phote Inv. Adj, RSOYOS-2 Composition, 99K 1¢208F339K Composition, 58K, 5% nc208F6834 Composition, 10% RC209F 06K Dep Carbon, 5.9K, 5%, Yow naa0c3925, Composition, 38K c208F333K Composition, 12 200F123K Dep. Carbon, 150K, 5%, AW nas0cisas ep, Corben, 330K, 5%, HW nasoca34s Composition, 1K 208F102K Composition, 56K Rc208FS6aK Compaston, 1K Rea08r10%K Dep. Carbon, 47K, 5%, YW 32004735 Composition, 1.5K ncz08e1 52K Composition, 1K 1208F102K 20 a3 nae eae R130 ne Symbol a is 3 n 52,3,4, ° sio sa Composition, 15K nc2004159K Composition, 220 ncn03221K Composition, 100% czoarioak Compontion, 5.4K, 5% RC208FS64) Dep. Carbon, 22K, 5%, YW a30c2233, Composition, 2.7K nc208F272 Gloss, 180, 30 recawieiK Wirewound, 15, 50 #719-106 Composition, 5.6, 5 c2005624 Composition, 3.9, 5% nc208F3354 Composition, 1.2K, 1W RC208F122 Gloss, 180,47 wroawieik Gloss, 1.24.70 rrorwiaax Dep. Corbon, 10K, $, ™4W ea20c1004, ‘Composition, 820K ncronrezax COILS, CHOKES & TRANSFORMERS, Description Part No. Fm Antenna Coil teie.113 (Choke, -5 Micro Henan 1300664 Chote, BF tea9-180 -W RF Coil tavo-t14 FM Oxciltor Coil assie-nie Choke, .68 Micro Henry 300661 Choke, 2 Mier Henry 150026.21 Choke, 3.8 Micra Henrie 1500668 Tronttomer, Output 960-1169 Tonstormer, Out as0.116-4 Transformer, Power as0.142 Tansformer, FN IE 662.117 Tronsormer, FMF 122987 Trensformer, FM, IF azso2i0-2 FM Limiter Co 1670-145, FM Roio Detector a50210-9 MISCELLANEOUS, Descript Part No. Silicon Diede 1806-126 Fuse, 2.28, Solo saa19 Dial tome, 10082. Printed Cir. Phone, Tape Emliztion PCSO187-3 Printed Cxeut, Tone Control Peso187-9 Printed Cru High iter cs0187.2 Switch, Selector 5059-118 Swit, Side $30200-5, Switch, Sid, Phe Reverse $50200-2 Switch, MP Fier 859-120 Saleniom Recir, Bridge sn755-140, Dipole Assembly 4880227-1 Dress Pane 138059-112 eb, Dus, Rear 50221 Kab, Dua, Front 50323 Kab, Ovnmy, Oval 50224 Knob, Tong #503252 ob, MPX-Fiter 5925-1 Diol, Gloss 057-109 se Holder 562-151 ALIGNMENT INSTRUCTIONS Read These Instructions With Extreme Care Before Attempting Alignment. CHASSIS: 1 —For the entire alignment procedure, set the Selector Switch to the FM position ond the volume control to minimum, 2— Turn the Tuning knob maximum counterclockwise. (Dial pointer should line up with calibration mark at the beginning of the dial. Reset the dial pointer if necessary.) 3 — Allow the Receiver and test equipment at least 15 minutes warm-up time. Adjust the line voltage for 117 volts AC 50-60 eps. Use fully insulated tools: a small screw-driver for trimmer capacitors C10 and €20, a K-Tran tool for Z1, 22 and Z3; a hex tool for all 24, 25, L1, L4 and L5, SIGNAL GENERATOR INDICATION GENERATOR ‘COUPLING 21,22,23 | Maximum negotive 1p nd boom vetage Ungrounded tube fd bow Z4 | (below s volt) shield of VI Test Point 2 Set dial Maximum negotive Ungrounded rubs 25 tp set pointer for ei Test Point 9 ° ‘ologe ‘oxreme ‘hisid of V1 cond botiom | (bet Sv) ecw positon Hot ieod of OC Vivato Tet point 14) Ground lead of Be Vivi to one fion of two. series shiald of V1 omnected cesistors [47K wired be: tween Tost point 3 cond ground. LUngrounded ube Zero indication on zero canver lal. leans yo 120, ohm Jrviaten) tem poin'2 | us, eondtr | Adat for_moxs src ih ge 08m Soe reat soren oa ee nae to Brent onenne 2254 wih spun renin, 'ten| anton? | czoenacto |S’ ROr eel sa NOTE: (Steps 1 and 2}: Decrease signal generator output while aligning IF transformers so that the VIVM. Indicates not more than specified voltages. Repeat steps 4 and 5 to obtain proper dial calibration and maximum sensitivity.

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