Bacteriological Analytical Manual (BAM) - BAM - Aerobic Plate Count
Bacteriological Analytical Manual (BAM) - BAM - Aerobic Plate Count
Bacteriological Analytical Manual (BAM) - BAM - Aerobic Plate Count
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BAM: Aerobic Plate Count
January 2001
Chapter Contents
Conventional Plate Count Method Spiral Plate Method References The aerobic plate count (APC) is intended to indicate the level of microorganism in a product. Detailed procedures for determining the APC of foods have been developed by the Association of Official Analytical Chemists (AOAC) (3) and the American Public Health Association (APHA) (1). The conventional plate count method for examining frozen, chilled, precooked, or prepared foods, outlined below, conforms to AOAC Official Methods of Analysis, sec. 966.23, with one procedural change (966.23C). The suitable colony counting range (10) is 25-250. The automated spiral plate count method for the examination of foods and cosmetics (5), outlined below, conforms to AOAC Official Methods of Analysis, sec. 977.27. For procedural details of the standard plate count, see ref. 2.Guidelines for calculating and reporting plate counts have been changed to conform with the anticipated changes in the 16th edition of Standard Methods for the Examination of Dairy Products (2) and the International Dairy Federation (IDF) procedures (6).
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back-and-forth motion of plates on flat level surface. Let agar solidify. Invert solidified petri dishes, and incubate promptly for 48 2 h at 35C. Do not stack plates when pouring agar or when agar is solidifying. C.
Calculated Count 12,700 12,400 15,500 14,500 1. Plates with 25-250 CFU. Formula: N = C / [ (1 * n1) + (0.1 * n2) ] * (d) a. Calculate the APC as follows: APC 13,000 12,000 16,000 14,000
where N = Number of colonies per ml or g of product C = Sum of all colonies on all plates counted n1 = Number of plates in first dilution counted n2 = Number of plates in second dilution counted d = Dilution from which the first counts were obtained
Example 1:100
232, 244
33, 28
= 537/0.022
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= 24,409 = 24,000 b. When counts of duplicate plates fall within and without the 25-250 colony range, use only those counts that fall within this range. 2. All plates with fewer than 25 CFU. When plates from both dilutions yield fewer than 25 CFU each, record actual plate count but record the count as less than 25 x 1/d when d is the dilution factor for the dilution from which the first counts were obtained.
2 0
EAPC/ml (g)
<2,500 <2,500
3. All plates with more than 250 CFU. When plates from both 2 dilutions yield more than 250 CFU each (but fewer than 100/cm2), estimate the aerobic counts from the plates (EAPC) nearest 250 and multiply by the dilution.
EAPC/ml (g)
7,150(a) 6,490
EAPC/ml (g)
>6,500,000 EAPC(b) >5,900,000 EAPC
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11. Syringe, with Luer tip for obstructions in stylus; capacity not critical 12. Work area, storage space, refrigerator, thermometers, tally, incubator, as described for Conventional Plate Count Method, above. 13. Sodium hypochlorite solution (5.25%). Available commercially. B.
Preparation of samples.
As described in Chapter 1, select that part of sample with smallest amount of connective tissues or fat globules.
Plating procedure
Check stylus tip angle daily and adjust if necessary. (Use vacuum to hold microscope cover slip against face of stylus tip; if cover slip plane is parallel at about l mm from surface of platform, tip is properly oriented). Liquids are moved through system by vacuum. Clean stylus tip by rinsing for 1 s with sodium hypochlorite solution followed by sterile dilution water for 1 s before sample introduction. This rinse procedure between processing of each sample minimizes crosscontamination. After rinsing, draw sample into tip of Teflon tubing by vacuum applied to 2-way valve. When tubing and syringe are filled with sample, close valve attached to syringe. Place agar plate on platform, place stylus tip on agar surface, and start motor. During inoculation, label petri plate lid. After agar has been inoculated, stylus lifts from agar surface and spiral plater automatically stops. Remove inoculated plate from platform and cover it. Move stylus back to starting position. Vacuum-rinse system with hypochlorite and water, and then introduce new sample. Invert plates and promptly place them in incubator for 48 3 h at 35 1C.
Sterility controls
Check sterility of spiral plater for each series of samples by plating sterile dilution water. CAUTION: Prepoured plates should not be contaminated by a surface colony or be below room temperature (water can well-up from agar). They should not be excessively dry, as indicated by large wrinkles or glazed appearance. They should not have water droplets on surface of agar or differences greater than 2 mm in agar depth, and they should not be stored at 0-4.4C for longer than l month. Reduced flow rate through tubing indicates obstructions or material in system. To clear obstructions, remove valve from syringe, insert hand-held syringe with Luer fitting containing water, and apply pressure. Use alcohol rinse to remove residual material adhering to walls of system. Dissolve accumulated residue with chromic acid. Rinse well after cleaning.
Counting grid
1. Description. Use same counting grid for both 100 and 150 mm petri dishes. A mask is supplied for use with 100 mm dishes. Counting grid is divided into 8 equal wedges; each wedge is divided by 4 arcs labeled l, 2, 3, and 4 from outside grid edge. Other lines within these arcs are added for ease of counting. A segment is the area between 2 arc lines within a wedge. Number of areas counted (e.g., 3) means number of segments counted within a wedge. Spiral plater deposits sample on agar plate in the same way each time. The grid relates colonies on spiral plate to the volume in which they were contained. When colonies are counted with grid, sample volume becomes greater as counting starts at outside edge of plate and proceeds toward center of plate. 2. Calibration. The volume of sample represented by various parts of the counting grid is shown in operator's manual that accompanies spiral plater. Grid area constants have been checked by the manufacturer and are accurate. To verify these values, prepare 11 bacterial concentrations in range of 106-103 cells/ml by making 1:1 dilutions of bacterial suspension (use a nonspreader). Plate all Incubate both sets of plates for 48 3 h at 35 1C. Calculate concentrations for each dilution. Count spiral plates over grid surface, using counting rule of 20 (described in H, below), and record number of colonies counted and grid area over which they were counted. Each spiral colony count for a particular grid area, divided by aerobic count/ml for corresponding spirally plated bacterial
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concentrations, indicates volume deposited on that particular grid area. Use the following formula:
To check total volume dispensed by spiral plater, weigh amount dispensed from stylus tip. Collect in tared 5 ml plastic beaker and weigh on analytical balance ( 0.2 mg).
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accidents. Round off counts as described in I-D, above. Report counts as SPLC or estimated SPLC per ml.
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. American Public Health Association. 1984. Compendium of Methods for the Microbiological Examination of Foods, 2nd ed. APHA, Washington, DC American Public Health Association. 1993. Standard Methods for the Examination of Dairy Products, 16th ed. APHA, Washington, DC. Association of Official Analytical Chemists. 1990. Official Methods of Analysis, 15th ed. AOAC, Arlington, VA. Donnelly, C.B., J.E. Gilchrist, J.T. Peeler, and J.E. Campbell. 1976. Spiral plate count method for the examination of raw and pasteurized milk. Appl. Environ. Microbiol. 32:21-27. Gilchrist, J.E., C.B. Donnelly, J.T. Peeler, and J.E. Campbell. 1977. Collaborative study comparing the spiral plate and aerobic plate count methods. J. Assoc. Off. Anal. Chem. 60:807-812. International Dairy Federation. 1987. Milk and Milk Products: Enumeration of Microorganisms--Colony Count at 3C. Provisional IDF Standard 100A. IDF, Brussels, Belgium. Jarvis, B., V.H. Lach, and J.M. Wood. 1977. Evaluation of the spiral plate maker for the enumeration of microorganisms in foods. J. Appl. Bacteriol. 43:149-157. Niemela, S. 1983. Statistical evaluation of Results from Quantitative Microbiological Examinations. Report No. 1, 2nd ed. Nordic Committee in Food Analysis, Uppsala, Sweden. Tomasiewicz, D.M., D.K. Hotchkiss, G.W. Reinbold, R.B. Read, Jr., and P.A. Hartman. 1980. The most suitable number of colonies on plates for counting. J. Food Prot. 43:282-286. Zipkes, M.R., J.E. Gilchrist, and J.T. Peeler. 1981. Comparison of yeast and mold counts by spiral, pour, and streak plate methods. J. Assoc. Off. Anal. Chem. 64:1465-1469.
Hypertext Source: Bacteriological Analytical Manual, Edition 8, Revision A, 1998. Chapter 3. *Authors: Larry Maturin and James T. Peeler
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