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Common causes of obstruction of appendiceal lumen: y y y y y y Fecalithe Hypertrophy of lymphoid tissue Inspissated barium from previous xray studies

Tumors Vegetable and fruit seeds Intestinal parasites Proximal obstruction of lumen

Closed loop obstruction

With continuing normal secretion by the appendiceal mucosa

Distention due to: increase of intraluminal pressure to 60 mmHg : rapid multiplication from residual bacteria

Stimulates nerve endings of visceral afferent stretch fibers

Produces vague, dull, diffuse pain in the midabdomen or lower epigastrium

More distention

Reflex nausea and vomiting and increase severity of diffuse visceral pain

As pressure in the organ increases, venous pressure is exceeded

Capillaries and venules are occluded but arteriolar inflow continues

Engorgement and vascular congestion

Inflammatory process soon involves the serosa of the appendix and In turn parietal peritoneum

Characteristic shift in pain to the right lower quadrant

Progressive distention, bacterial invasion, compromise of vascular supply and infarction progrsses

Perforation occurs

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