Factors Affecting General Aviation

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F a c t o r s A f f ec t i n g A v i a t i o n

G e n e r a l

Fundamental changes have taken place in the general aviation industry. Before 1978,changes in the industry mirrored changes in the economy. If the economy was strong andgrowing, so was general aviation; if a slow-down occurred, general aviation lagged aswell. However, since the long and precipitous decline of aircra shipments began in thelate 1970s, this expected relationship has not held.General aviation took o in the 1960s as the economy grew at a rapid pace, fueled by theVietnam War and President Lyndon Johnsons Great Society social programs. Generalaviation manufacturers enjoyed a heyday, introducing new models and producing anaverage of more than 9,000 airplanes per year. Four airplanes in particular that wereintroduced in the 1960sthe Cessna 172, the Piper Cherokee, the Beech King Air 90, andthe Lear 23proved to be bellwether designs for years to come. The general aviation eetalmost doubled during the 1960s, and new-aircra shipments reached a high of 15,768units in 1966.The expansion of all segments of aviation continued into the 1970s, with more airplanessold in this decade than before or since. The general aviation aircra eet increased from131,743 to 211,045 aircra , and production hit a high of 17,811 aircra in 1978. New aircra were introduced in record numbers, particularly trainers such as the Piper Cherokee andTomahawk models, the Cessna 150 and 152, and the Beech Sierra and Sundowner, to nameafew.However, some clouds loomed on the horizon. As fuel prices soared during the 1970s,manufacturers began to focus on more fuel-efcient aircra . Airspace congestion wasanother problem that the

industry had been studying since the mid-1960s. As a result,the Airport and Airways Development Act was passed in 1970 to provide the funding toexpand and improve the airport and airway system over a 10-year period. And terminalcontrol areas (TCAs) were introduced to the countrys busiest airports; these requiredtwo-way communications with air trafc control (ATC), VOR navigation capability, andaltitudereporting transponders. Increasing regulations a ected the personal-pleasurepilot in particular.During the 1970s, the general aviation industry also began focusing on the issue ofproduct liability. The number of lawsuits and the size of awards were rising, and notsurprisingly, so were insurance premiumsfrom $51 per new airplane in 1962 to $2,111in 1972. This was a sign of things to come for the aircra manufacturers and, no doubt,a key reason for the steep drop in the production of general aviation aircra during the1980s. Product liability insurance costs for the general aviation airframe builders totaledabout $135 million in 1985, and based on unit shipments of 2,029 aircra that year, thecosts exceeded $70,000 per airplane. This was more than the selling price of many basictwo- and four-place aircra .These phenomenal cost increases during the rst ve years of the 1980s came at a timewhen the industrys safety record continued to improve. Improved safety notwithstanding,the number of product liability suits continued to increase. Even more signicant was theexponential growth in se lements, judgments, and legal costs. By 1986, Cessna Aircra Company decided to drop its piston-aircra production and self-insure up to $100million. Piper decided to operate without the benet of product liability coverage, andBeech insured the

rst $50 million annual aggregate exposure with its own insurancecompany Other factors were also working against the private business and pleasure ier. Airlinederegulation in 1978 at rst caused a decrease in the use of business aircra , as the aircarriers, including many new ones, served new markets and competed for customers bylowering fares. But as the airlines concentrated their ights at hub cities and merger maniastruck the industry in the early 1980s, service to many smaller communities was droppedor severely cut back as competition decreased. The use of corporate aircra started torebound, and the major manufacturers focused more a ention on turboprops and jets. Bythis time, these manufacturers had been purchased by larger conglomerates. In 1980, BeechAircra was acquired by Raytheon Company. Cessna was acquired by General Dynamicsin 1985 and then sold to Textron in 1991. Frances Euralair, an air charter, executive jet,and cargo operator, bought Mooney in 1984. Pipers owner, Bangor Punta Corporation,was bought by Lear-Siegler, which, in turn, was bought by investment banker ForstmannLi le and then in 1987 by entrepreneur M. Stuart Millar. Unfortunately, the recession ofthe early 1990s and costly liability claims forced the company into Chapter 11 bankruptcy by 1992.In the early 1980s, general aviation followed the rest of the economy into a recession.Interest rates were at an all-time high when President Ronald Reagan took ofce in 1980.Everything from housing starts to durable goods sales, including autos and generalaviation aircra sales, plummeted. The economy began to recover in 1983, but generalaviation did not, for a number of reasons. No doubt the high interest rates of the late 1970sand early 1980s had an

e ect at the beginning of the slide. Acquisition costs, includingthose for avionics equipment, rose sharply during the early to mid-1980s, despite veryli le change in the design or features of the typical single-engine aircra . Used aircra were readily available, and prospective buyers were reluctant to purchase new equipmentat considerably higher prices. Total operating expensesincluding fuel, maintenance,and hangar charges, and insuranceall steadily increased during the 1980s, making itmore expensive for the occasional ier.Another major factor, discussed previously, was the sharp rise in product liability claims,which caused the light-aircra manufacturers to concentrate on their higher-priced lineof turbine equipment. The growth in number and availability of regional and commuterairline service to many smaller communities also likely reduced the desirability of usingprivate general aviation aircra when planning business or pleasure trips. And changingtastes and preferences among the traditional business and pleasure aircra users may havecontributed to the decline in the 1980s, even as interest in sports cars and boats seemed topeak. The level of professionalism required to y even a light aircra in todays air trafcenvironment has grounded many private pleasure iers. Some of these individuals choseto y much less expensive ultralights and kit planes in uncontrolled airspace.Another nancial pressure working against aircra ownership resulted from passageof the Tax Reform Act of 1986, which eliminated the 10 percent investment tax credit.This was followed by a luxury tax on boats and planes, which only exacerbated theproblem of declining new aircra

sales. Finally, foreign aircra manufacturers enteredthe traditionally U.S.-dominated market in a much bigger way during the 1980s. In the1970s, U.S. general aviation aircra manufacturers held a dominant position worldwide.But since 1981, imports of general aviation airplanes have exceeded U.S. exports indollar value. Many foreign governments supported their edgling aviation industriesthrough subsidization of research, development, production, and nancing, and foreignmanufacturers continued to gain an ever-increasing foothold in the U.S. market. Aircra made abroad accounted for more than 50 percent of all aircra delivered to U.S. customers. A I R T R A N S P O R T A T I O N 116 Even in the high-end market, sales of foreign-manufactured business jets accounted foralmost 40 percent of all business jets sold here in the early 1990s.Meanwhile, shipments of new U.S.-manufactured general aviation aircra continuedto fall, reaching a low of 928 units in 1994. As a result of the industrys devastatingdecline, due largely to product liability lawsuits, Congress passed the General AviationRevitalization Act (GARA) in 1994. The GARA ushered in a new wave of optimism in thegeneral aviation industry.With some exceptions, the GARA imposed an 18-year statute of repose, limitingproduct liability suits for aircra having fewer than 20 passenger seats not engaged inscheduled passenger-carrying operations. Cessna immediately announced that it wouldresume production of single-engine aircra in 1996. The New Piper Aircra Corporationwas formed, and in 1995,

general aviation aircra shipments nally increased a er a 17year decline.In 1997, the optimism so prevalent in the industry since the passage of the GARA wasevidenced by the release of new products and services, expansion of production facilities,increased student starts, increased aircra shipments, and record-se ing gains in aircra billings. These conditions suggested continued improvement in the general aviationindustry in 1998 and beyond. According to a poll of Aircra Owners and Pilots Association(AOPA) members conducted in March 1992, only 41 percent said that they were optimisticabout the future of general aviation. In response to a similar poll in January 1997, 51 percentresponded optimistically, and by April 1998, the poll of certicated pilots reported that74.5 percent of its members thought the state of aviation was the same or be er than it had been. This renewed optimism among the pilot community, aircra manufacturers, and theindustry as a whole could be directly a ributed to the strong economy and the passage ofthe GARA in 1994.In January 1997, Cessna delivered its rst new singleengine piston aircra since 1986. Inaddition, Lancair International, Diamond Aircra , and Mooney also produced new pistonmodels. Galaxy Aerospace rolled out its new business jet in the fall of 1996. Aerospatialeand Renault joined forces to produce light-aircra piston engines for certication in 1999.Piper announced plans to manufacture the Meridian, a single-engine turboprop whichrst ew in 1999.New manufacturing facilities opened to support expanded production. Cirrus Design broke ground on two facilities to support production of the SR 20. Also, Sabreliner

starteda large expansion program at their Missouri facility.In 1999, Cessna announced plans and orders for the new Citation modelsthe CJ1, CJ2,Sovereign, and Ultra Encore. Raytheon announced that it would begin deliveries of itsPremier I, an entry-level jet that features a composite fuselage with metal wings, in 2000.Mooney delivered its rst Eagle in 1999.Boeing Business Jets announced its plan to build a larger version of its long-rangecorporate jet, the BBJ-2. Boeing Business Jets, a joint enterprise of Boeing and GeneralElectric, entered the market in 1998 with the longrange BBJ, which was based on a hybridof the 737-700/800 aircra . Twenty-eight aircra were delivered in 1999. Airbus andFairchild are also marketing business jets that are based on aircra originally designed forcommercial operations.During the 1990s, fractional ownership programs o ered by Executive Jets NetJets,Bombardiers Flexjet, Raytheons Travel Air, Flight Options, and TAG Aviation grew ata rapid pace. From 1993 through the end of 1999, these ve major fractional ownershipproviders increased their eet size and shareholders at average annual rates above 65 C H A P T E R 4 T H E G E N E R A L A V I A T I O N I N D U S T R Y 1 1 7 percent. Despite this record growth, only a small percentage of this market has beendeveloped.Fractional ownership programs are lling the niche for corporations, celebrities, and businesspeople who do not y enough to warrant having their own ight department.Fractional ownership providers

o er the customer a more efcient use of time by providinga faster point-to-point travel time and the ability to conduct business while ying. Inaddition, shareholders of fractional ownership nd the minimum start-up concerns andeasier exiting options of great benet.The 1990s truly represented a revitalization of the industry. Total billings in 1999 soared35.1 percent over 1998, reaching $7.9 billion, and units shipped increased from 2,200 to2,504, or 12.6 percent. Put into perspective, general aviation sales in 1999 were quadruplethose of 1991. The last year of the decade also marked the rst time in the GAMAs historythat both billings and shipments increased for ve consecutive years. It marked the rst fullyear of deliveries of the Cessna 206H Stationair and T206H Turbo Stationair. Deliveries ofthe compositeconstruction Cirrus Design SR 20 began, and Mooney Aircra Corporation began production of the Ovation 2, a faster and more fuel-efcient version of the rms best-selling model, the Ovation.The biggest jump in 1999 sales revenue, similar to 1998, was in the turbofan aircra segment. Sales rose 23.9 percent, in large part because of strong incremental growthand fractional ownership programs. The decade closed with across-the-board growth ingeneral aviation activity, corporate ight departments, fractional programs, and charterights.The new millennium started out with a continuation of the 1990s. New manufacturingfacilities were being built and old facilities expanded. Sales of general aviation aircra continued to set new records for value of aircra shipped. Much of this record sales valueis for aircra at the higher priced end of the general aviation eetturbine-poweredaircra and is likely due in part to the increase in fractional ownership. More

than900 turbine aircra were delivered in 2000 (see Table 4-2) as production capacity soaredto keep up with record backlogs in manufacturers order books. Cessna, for example,doubled the number of Excels it delivered and increased Bravo production by 50 percent.Dassault Falcon Jet deliveries reached 73, ve more than in 1999, and its backlog of ordersincreased. Learjet 45 deliveries were up from 43 in 1999 to 71 in 2000. Even deliveries ofthe venerable Raytheon Hawker 800 XP increased by 22 percent.Piston-aircra shipments grew by almost 11 percent, buoyed by an infusion of newtechnology from Lancair and Cirrus Design and by increased piston deliveries fromCessnas Independence, Kansas, plant. The year 2000 saw the rst deliveries of LancairsColumbia 3000. Cirrus delivered 95 new four-seat SR 20 models. Cessna piston deliveriesincreased to 912 units.However, clouds were on the horizon, and by 2001 the economy slipped into a recession.While sales reached another high, largely the result of strong turboprop and jet sales, thetotal number of shipments fell for the rst time in six years. Unexpected events, such as thetragedy on September 11, 2001, the economic slowdown during the rst three years of thenew millennium, and the increase in costs related to fuel and liability, vividly demonstratethat the future, as in the past, will bring new challenges to the general aviation industry

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