r : 1st , AY 2010 2011 COURSE DESCRIPTION This course aims primarily to develop the student's communicative and thinking skills for academic study
LEARNING OBJECTIVES At the end of the semester, students are expected to be able to; A. COGNITIVE AIMS
1. Comprehend oral and written materials ranging from general interest to specific discipline with emphasis on inferential and critical reading 2. Organize information efficiently in the forms of outlines, charts, etc. both for the materials read and materials to be written. 3. Organize information using orderly strategies i.e. chronological, logical, spatial, etc. 4.
Summarize and paraphrase materials read 5. Interpret and construct non-prose texts 6. Write unified and coherent paragraph/essays using different rhetorical devices
1.Value the skills
and knowledge that will be learned in the subject. of learning the skills in English.
GRADING Student must at least obtain 60% passing score or better in order to pass the course. Course work is weighted as follows: Major Examinations 40% Quizzes 30% Recitation/Classroom Participation 15% Projects 10% Attendance 5% TOTAL 100% Major Examination There are three (3) written and/or oral major examinations for the course. Customarily, the exam will be closed notes. If you are going to miss a major exam, it is your responsibility to alert your instructor prior to exam schedule. Failure to do so will result in an exam grade of zero. QuizzesApproximately, three to five quizzes (be it announced or unannounced) will be given for each term. A make-up quiz is allowed if and only if one could secure an excuse letter duly signed by the guidance counselor, parents or physician. Make-up quizzes shall be done not later than two days after you return from class. Recitation/Classroom Participation Every class discussion requires students participation so as activities. It will be based on class/group collaboration and on the announced means of evaluation. The rate will come from individual, group and instructors assessment.