Project Report On Strategies For Improving NBF in Corporate Sector
Project Report On Strategies For Improving NBF in Corporate Sector
Project Report On Strategies For Improving NBF in Corporate Sector
The credit facilities given by the banks where actual bank funds are not
involved are termed as 'non-fund based facilities'. These facilities are
divided in three broad categories as under:
Letters of credit
Co acceptance of-bills/deferred payment guarantees.
Units for the above facilities are also simultaneously sanctioned by
banks while sanctioning other fund based credit limits.
Facilities for co-acceptance of bills/deferred payment guarantees are
generally required for acquiring plant and machinery and may,
technically be taken as a substitute for term loan which would require
detailed appraisal of the borrower's needs and financial position in the
same manner as in case of any other term loan proposal.
1. Letters of Credit
Bank should normally open letters of credit for their own customers
who enjoy credit facilities with them Customers maintaining current
account only and not enjoying any credit limits should not be granted
L/C facilities except in cases where no other credit facility is needed by
the customer.
Where a customer enjoys credit facilities with some other bank, the
reasons for his approaching the bank for sanctioning L/C limits have to
be clearly stated. The bank opening L/C on behalf of such customer
should invariably make a reference to the, existing banker of the
In all cases of opening of letters of credit, the bank has to ensure that
the customer is able to retire the bills drawn under L/C as per the
financial arrangement already finalised.
2. Guarantees
The conditions relating to obligated being a customer of the bank
enjoying credit facilities as discussed in case of letters of credit are
equally applicable for guarantees also. In fact, guarantee facilities also
cannot be sanctioned in isolation.
Only genuine trade bills shall be co-accepted and the banks should
ensure that the goods covered by bills co-accepted are actually
received in the stock accounts of the borrowers. The valuation of
goods as mentioned in the accompanying invoice should be verified to
see that there is no overvaluation of stocks.
The banks shall not extend their co-acceptance to house bills/
accommodation bills drawn by group concerns on one another.
Where banks open L/C and also co-accept bills drawn under such L/C,
the discounting banks, before discounting such co-accepted bills, must
ascertain the reason for co-acceptance of bills and satisfy themselves
about the genuineness of the transaction.
Letter of credit is, a method of settlement of payment of a trade
transaction and is widely used to finance purchase of machinery and raw
material etc. It contains a written undertaking given by the bank on
behalf of the purchaser to the seller to make payment of a stated amount
on presentation of stipulated documents and fulfilment of all the terms
and conditions incorporated therein. All letters of credit in India relating
to the foreign trade i.e., export and import letters of credit are subject to
provisions of 'Uniform Customs & Practice for Documentary Credits'
(UCPDC). The latest revision of these provisions effective from 1st
January, 1994 has been issued by International Chamber of Commerce
as its publication No. 500 of 1994. These provisions neither have the
status of law or automatic application but parties to a letter of credit bind
themselves to these provisions by specifically agreeing to do so. These
provisions have almost universal application and help to arrive at
unambiguous interpretation of various terms used in letters of credit and
also set the obligations, responsibilities and rights of various parties to a
letter of credit.
Inland letters of credit may also be issued subject to the provisions of
UCPDC and it is, therefore, important that customers should be fully
aware of these provisions and shall also understand complete L/C
mechanism as these transactions will find increasing use in the coming
days. Complete text of UCPDC is not being reproduced. However,
important articles have been given as extracts wherever necessary. An
attempt has been made to explain the L/C mechanism in full as there are
some inherent risks and wrong notions while dealing with these
An important point which emerges from the above article is that any
dispute regarding the quality/quantity of the goods may have to be
settled outside the terms of letter of credit. Letter of credit thus provides
no protection on this account and the applicant must specify submission
of necessary weight certificate/quality analysis certificates etc. as
considered necessary to satisfy himself regarding the goods on the basis
of these documents alone.
Sample of Letter of Credit
Revolving L/C
Revocable L/C
Irrevocable L/C
Confirmed L/C
Transferable L/C
Acceptance L/C
Red Clause and Green Clause Letter of Credit: All letters of credit as
discussed above provide a sort of guarantee of payment against
documents which are drawn strictly in terms of subject letter of credit. In
other words the benefit of L/C accrues only when shipment of goods is
completed. Red Clause Letter of Credit goes a step further and authorises
the advising bank to grant an advance to the beneficiary at the
pre-shipment stage itself. The advance by the advising bank shall be
recovered at the time of negotiation of documents under that L/C. In case,
however, no shipment is effected by the beneficiary and he fails to present
documents under L/C, the bank making advance under red clause letter of
credit will claim reimbursement of advance made from the issuing bank.
Green Clause L/C is one which authorizes the bank to grant
further finance to exporter for storage of goods in the name of the bank,
payment of dockyard, port and insurance charges etc.before the
shipment is taking place.
This gives the applicant an opportunity to specify the documents that are to be
presented by the beneficiary for claiming payment. In most of the cases it will
be a certificate of default of payment by the importer / applicant on due date.
This is one of the most convenient facilities preferred by the importer client
and also the overseas seller. Under this arrangement, importer client can get
the consignment directly from the overseas seller. Bank undertakes to pay the
overseas seller only in case of default by the importer. Less number of
documents are called for in this transaction.
Step 7: Issuing Bank sends the documents to the importer for collection of
Step 8: Importer makes the payment to the issuing bank
1. Applicant/Opener.
It is generally the buyer of the goods who gets the letter of credit
issued by his banker in favour of the seller. The person on whose
behalf and under whose instructions the letter of credit is issued is
known as applicant/ opener of the credit.
3. Beneficiary.
The seller of goods in whose favour the letter of credit is issued.
4. Advising Bank.
Notification regarding issuing of letter of credit may be directly
sent to the beneficiary by the opening bank. It is, however,
customary to advise the letter of credit through sane other bank
operating at the place/country of seller. The bank which advises
the letter of credit to the beneficiary is known as advising bank.
5. Confirming Bank.
A letter of credit substitutes the credit worthiness of the buyer with
that of the issuing bank. It may sometimes happen especially in
import trade that the issuing bank itself is not widely known in the
exporter's country and exporter is not prepared to rely on the L/C
opened by that bank. In such cases the opening bank may request
other bank usually in the country of exporter to add its confirmation
which amounts to an additional undertaking being given by that
bank to the beneficiary. The bank adding its confirmation is known
as confirming bank. The confirming bank has the same liabilities
towards the beneficiary as that of opening bank.
6. Negotiating Bank.
The bank who negotiates the documents drawn under letter of
credit and makes payment to beneficiary.
The function of advising bank, confirming bank and negotiating bank
may be undertaken by a single bank only.
Letter of Credit Mechanism
Any business/industrial venture will involve purchase transactions
relating to machine/other capital goods and raw material etc., and also
sale transactions relating to its products. The customer may, therefore,
find himself on either side of a L/C transaction at different times
depending upon his position at that particular moment. He may be an
applicant for a letter of credit for his purchases while be the beneficiary
under other letter of credit for his sale transaction. It is, therefore,
necessary that complete L/C mechanism covering the liabilities and
rights & both the applicant and the beneficiary are understood for
maximum advantage.
The complete mechanism of a letter of credit may be divided in two parts
as under:
1. Issuing of Credit.
The advising bank may also be required to add confirmation and in that
case will assume all the liabilities of issuing bank in relation to the
beneficiary as stated already. Refer to diagram given below for complete
process of issuance of credit.
Stage 1: Buyer and seller conclude a contract of sale, specifying the terms of
sale and settlement by L/C. Buyer instructs his bank to issue L/C as per L/c
application and sales contract
Stage 2: Issuing Bank verifies its own customer’s (Applicant’s)
creditworthiness, if satisfied, issues a letter of credit and sends it to its
corresponding bank (Advising Bank) in the city/country of Beneficiary (Seller).
Issuing Bank Authorities the Reimbursing bank honor reimbursement claims
under L/C.
Stage 3: Advising of a L/C to Beneficiary by Advising bank with/without adding
Stage 1: The beneficiary after shipping the goods presents the prescribed
documents for payment to the confirming bank
Stage 5: Issuing Bank sends the documents to the importer for collection of
Letter of credit offers almost complete protection to the seller but the
buyer is put to many disadvantages and has to make payments against
documents only. Before agreeing to open a letter of credit in favour of
the seller, the opener must be satisfied with the creditworthiness and
general reputation of the seller. Entire success of an L/C transaction
depends on proper conduct of the seller. Confidential report on the seller
must be obtained at the time of first transaction with him.
Letter of credit also does not offer any protection for the quality/ quantity
of goods supplied under the L/C. It would, therefore, be necessary to
know the nature of goods and specify submission of quality
reports/inspection reports from an independent agency to ensure receipt
of goods of proper quality .This is particularly important in case of import
of chemicals and such other goods.
The opener has to submit an L/C application to the opening bank. The
instructions contained in the L/C for application is the mandate for the
issuing bank and letter of credit will be issued in accordance with this
application. It is, therefore, necessary that complete and precise
information must be given in the L/C application form specifying therein
the description, unlit rate and quantity of the goods covered under IX
and details of documents required in absolute clear and unambiguous
terms. The reference to underlying sale contract must be avoided as far
as possible. The L/C application must nevertheless contain all the
required/information based on which L/C could be opened by the bank.
After the L/C has been issued by the bank, a copy thereof must be
obtained immediately. The L/C must be scrutinised to ensure that it has
been properly issued and is in conformity with L/C application.
Discrepancy, if any, must be brought to the notice of opening bank
The L/C must state on the face of if that it is irrevocable and must have
been issued by a bank of repute. If the issuing bank is not widely known,
confirmation from a local bank may be insisted upon before acting on
such a Credit.
The L/C must be scrutinised to ensure that the terms indicated are in
conformity with the underlying sale contract. It does not contain any
ambiguous clauses and documents required therein can be completed. If
it has some conditions which cannot be compiled with, the matter should
immediately be taken up with opener for amendment of L/C. Shipment of
goods before ensuring that all the terms and conditions can be complied
with may be risky as no protection will be offered under L/C.
On Receipt of Documents under L/C
The negotiating bank will transmit the documents to the opening bank
after negotiation and obtain reimbursement in terms of the L/C. The
opening bank will be given a reasonable time to scrutinise the
documents and decide whether the documents are drawn in accordance
with the terms of credit and are acceptable or to reject the documents.
Reasonable time has since been specified by Article 13(b) of UCPDC
and it is not to exceed seven banking days following the day of receipt of
the documents. In case documents are rejected by the opening bank, it
must give due notice of such rejection to the negotiating bank by fastest
means and also place the documents at the disposal of the negotiating
bank. The receipt of documents will also be advised by the opening bank
to the applicant.
Applicant must independently scrutinise the documents received
under L/C and ensure that the documents can be accepted. In case
any discrepancy is noted in the documents which are not acceptable,
the documents must be rejected and an immediate notice should be
given to the opening bank for such rejection. The opening bank may
be instructed to take up the matter with negotiating bank suitably.
Notice of rejection must invariably be given to the opening bank in
The documents if acceptable must be taken upon due date for
which necessary financial arrangement shall be made in advance.
After examining and approving the Principal’s application, the bank draws up a
contract with the Principal - the Counter-Indemnity. The Counter-Indemnity
states, among other things, the rights and obligations of the Principal and the
bank in relation to possible payment for claims under the guarantee.
Once all of this is in place, the bank then issues the guarantee.
By issuing the guarantee the bank offers a security to the Beneficiary that is
separate from the Principal stability or will to fulfill his part of the contract. For
example, a guarantee can be issued to secure the repayment of an advance
payment if delivery does not take place.
Bank guarantees can also be used to secure performance under a contract.
Such a guarantee does not however mean that the bank completes the project
in the event of non-performance. Instead the bank’s undertaking is a payment
obligation. Funds are then available to the Beneficiary to enable him to, for
example, complete the project with another party.
In general banks issue two different kinds of guarantees: Accessory and Non-
Accessory guarantees.
This is a guarantee from the buyer's bank for a short period of time (usually 1
or 2 months) covering payment for shipment of product if there is a problem
with the principal LC.
Guarantees can be divided into two kinds – those that are linked to the
underlying contract – an accessory relationship, and those that are
independent or an non-accessory relationship. The former are often referred to
as “Borgen” in Sweden. The latter category can be broken down further into
Demand Guarantees and Standby Letter of Credit.
A contract of guarantee can be defined as a contract to perform the
promise, or discharge the liability of a third person in case of his default.
The contract of guarantee has three principal parties as under:
Types of Guarantees
Tender Guarantee
This is usually issued for an amount equal to between 1 and 2 percent of the
contract value.
It gives the beneficiary compensation for additional costs if the party
submitting the tender does not take up the contract and it must be awarded to
another party.
Performance Guarantee
Normally issued for an amount equal to between 5 and 10 percent of the
contact value, this guarantee assures payment to the beneficiary in the event
that the contractor fails to fulfill contract obligations.
Advance Payment Guarantee
This enables the beneficiary to get a refund of advance payments made in the
event of default by the contractor. It is issued for the full amount of the
advance payment, but may contain reduction clauses, which enable a
reduction in the maximum amount upon evidence of progressive performance.
Facility Guarantee
This is normally not trade related. Its purpose is to provide security to another
bank to advance money to an individual or company. It is often used when a
company does not have any credit record and wishes to expand offshore.
Maintenance Guarantee
This ensures that the contactor does not abandon the contract after
completion of the construction phase, but continues to honor any maintenance
obligations as per the original agreement.
Customs Guarantee
Contractors often need to import equipment temporarily to carry out a contract.
Import duty would normally be payable, but the customs authorities will grant
exemption if the contractor undertakes to re-export the equipment on
completion of the contract. The contractor then has to provide the customs
authority with this guarantee, which prevents the contractor from selling the
goods in the domestic country, instead of re-exporting them.
Shipping Guarantee
This enables the buyer to obtain release of the goods from the carrier, despite
the bill of lading being lost or delayed.
A reference to.
The underlying transaction requiring the issue of the guarantee.
Any demand for payment under the guarantee should be in writing and in
addition to other documents which may be specified in the guarantee, for
example, a certificate by an architect or engineer, a judgment or an
arbitrational award, be supported by a written statement (whether in the
demand itself or in a separate document or documents accompanying the
demand and referred to in it) stating that the Principal/ Applicant is in breach of
his obligation(s) under the underlying contract(s) or, in the case of a tender
guarantee, the tender conditions and the respect in which the
Principal/Applicant is in breach.
A reduction clause.
A guarantee may contain express provision for reduction of the guarantee
amount. The amount is reduced by a specified or determinable amount or
amounts on a specified date or dates or upon presentation to the Guarantor of
the document(s) specified for this purpose in the guarantee.
Effective clause.
A guarantee enters into effect on the date of issuance unless the terms of the
guarantee expressly provide that such entry into effect is to be at a later date
or is to be subject to conditions specified in the Guarantee and determinable
by the Guarantor. Advance Payment Guarantees usually contains such a
condition and do not allow for the guarantee to come into effect until the
advance payment has been received by the Principal/Applicant. Whether or
not the guarantee is transferable
When any bank reaches a stage where it is likely to exceed the norm, it
should not undertake any further commitment on account of guarantees.
It is essential to realise that guarantees contain inherent risks and that it
would not be in the bank's interest or in the public interest generally to
encourage parties to over-extend their commitments and embark upon
enterprises solely relying on the easy availability of guarantee facilities.
The guarantees are issued by the banks against counter guarantees
given to the banks by the customer. The banks may also require a
cash margin and/or other securities as per sanction.
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