(Part IV) Coordination Compounds, Reactions and Mechanism
(Part IV) Coordination Compounds, Reactions and Mechanism
(Part IV) Coordination Compounds, Reactions and Mechanism
• Inert
– Exchange ligand in a very slow rate
– t1/2 > one minute at room temp
• Labile
– Exchange ligand in a very fast rate
– t1/2 < one minute at room temp
Rate = k [ML6+*L’+
3. Mixed type
– Fast substitution
– Involve associative mechanism
– Intermediate: 5-membered complex
[Co(CO)3(NO)] + L [Co(CO)2(NO)L] + CO
II. Redox (Oxidation-Reduction) Reaction
• Addition Reaction
BF3 + F- [BF4 ]-
CN : 3 CN : 4
• Dissociation Reaction
[Cr(CO)5 (Cs)] [Cr(CO)4 (Cs)] + CO
CN : 6 CN : 5
IV. Oxidative Addition / Reductive Elimination
Oxidative Addition
2[Co(CN)5 ]3- + H2 2[Co(CN)5 H]3-
Co (II) H (0) Co(III) H(-1)
CN : 5 CN : 6
Reductive Elimination
[PdCl6 ]2- [PdCl4 ]2- + Cl2
Pd(IV) Cl(-1) Pd(II) Cl(0)
V. Free Radical