Reading Report1

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Reading Report # 1

Francisco Alan López Valenzuela

Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland



Main Idea:

The story is about a restless girl that finds a new world, a world of fantasy where
impossible things can be possible.


Alice is a little girl who doesn’t like her classes and what she likes is dream(ing) and
think(ing) about impossible things. One day sitting by the river, taking a history class(,) she
sees a white rabbit running through the forest; she thought it was normal, but she realizes
the rabbit is wearing a waistcoat and looking a pocket watch, and what Alice does is try to
reach him. Alice falls down the rabbit hole and when she gets finally down she discovers a
new world, a world of fantasy where unthinkable things happen. Alice discovers that the
animals can talk and they wear clothe, but that is what she is expecting to find there; she
wants to talk with white rabbit, so in Wonderland all she does is chase away the white
rabbit and in her way she finds people and animals like the march hare and the mad hatter
in their un-anniversary tea party.

As Alice walks through wonderland(,) she discovers more strange things, she talks with a
cat that smiles called Cheshire cat(,) and also she gets to the queen’s garden(,) and meets
the army that is made up of cards(,) and the cards can talk and walk, and what Alice does
with them is paint the white flowers for red.

In the garden Alice meets the Red Queen and shares a crocket game with her. Alice must
lose the game because the Red Queen is a little bit moody. In the middle of the game the
Red Queen realizes that someone has stolen one of her tarts and she thinks that Alice stole
it, so Alice has a trial in which she fights for her innocence, but she loses it and she is
chased by the Red Queen who wants to take her head off. At the end(,) Alice wake(s) up
and realizes that everything was just a dream.


Alice’s adventure(s) in wonderland is an amazing book not only for the kids but for adults
too. I found it quite interesting and for me the story is pretty awesome because it takes you
to another world, a world where the imagination is everything and where all the thoughts
that you think are impossible are just possible. Alice’s adventure(s) in wonderland reflects
the childhood and the dreams of every child have. I think Lewis Carroll did an amazing job
even if her goal was to do a book for a little girl and a book that laughs at the situation of
UK back then, he did something that truly will last forever no matter what other stories for
kids(are) born(,) Lewis’ book is going to be one of the favorite one(s) of the most children.
In my opinion(,) the book (is) worth read(ing) it and worth cherish it for the rest of our

My favorite character in the whole story is the mad hatter, Lewis did a great job describing
the un-anniversary tea party, it was really fun to read it not once and not twice but hundred
times, the way he explains the things that surround them is just done beautifully.

The book is a master piece because he really catches your attention and makes your mind
works with the imagination, which is something that not every author can do. Well this is
my opinion and people can differ of it.


Carroll, L (1865). “Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland” Trad. Plaza & Janés , El Mundo.

Livery: noun.  A special uniform worn by servants or particular officials

Original Sentence :For a minute or two she stood looking at the house, and wondering what
to do next, when suddenly a footman in livery came running out of the wood

The man in the corner is wearing a funny livery.

Mutter: Verb. To speak quietly and in a low voice that is not easy to hear, often when you
are worried or complaining about something

`It's really dreadful,' she muttered to herself

Mary Ann muttered something hilarious to Edna

Timidly: adverb. shy and nervous; without much confidence; easily frightened

Please would you tell me,' said Alice, a little timidly

When Kelsey is in front of the head master she always speaks timidly.

Grunt: Verb. (Of a pig) to make a low rough noise

The baby grunted again, and Alice looked very anxiously into its face

The pigs were grunting when the food arrived.

Sob: Verb. To cry noisily, taking in deep breaths

The poor little thing sobbed again 

I found Karin sobbing in the living room.

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