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Scale: coping stress yang berfokus pada masalah

Case Processing Summary

N %

Cases Valid 35 97.2

Excludeda 1 2.8

Total 36 100.0

a. Listwise deletion based on all variables in the


Reliability Statistics

Alpha N of Items

.172 17

Item Statistics

Mean Std. Deviation N

item1 2.5143 .85307 35

item3 3.0857 .74247 35

item4 2.4286 .94824 35

item5 2.5714 .69814 35

item6 3.0857 .81787 35

item7 2.8571 .64820 35

item9 2.2857 .62174 35

item12 2.6000 .49705 35

item14 2.0286 .70651 35

item16 2.4000 .55307 35

item19 2.8000 .67737 35

item15 2.9429 .68354 35

item20 2.5429 .95001 35

item23 2.6571 .68354 35

item24 3.3714 .54695 35

item25 2.2000 .40584 35

item29 1.6857 .52979 35

Item-Total Statistics

Scale Mean if Item Scale Variance if Corrected Item- Cronbach's Alpha if

Deleted Item Deleted Total Correlation Item Deleted

item1 41.5429 7.314 .385 -.028a

item3 40.9714 10.146 -.185 .259

item4 41.6286 10.064 -.190 .289

item5 41.4857 9.375 -.010 .185

item6 40.9714 8.793 .074 .149

item7 41.2000 7.694 .474 -.017a

item9 41.7714 10.064 -.160 .235

item12 41.4571 9.903 -.105 .206

item14 42.0286 9.499 -.041 .198

item16 41.6571 8.644 .268 .088

item19 41.2571 8.432 .236 .083

item15 41.1143 8.222 .289 .059

item20 41.5143 7.551 .262 .031

item23 41.4000 8.835 .127 .129

item24 40.6857 10.045 -.151 .224

item25 41.8571 9.773 -.046 .186

item29 42.3714 11.182 -.463 .308

a. The value is negative due to a negative average covariance among items. This
violates reliability model assumptions. You may want to check item codings.

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