Harvard Style of Report Writing
Harvard Style of Report Writing
Harvard Style of Report Writing
Formal report writing in professional, technical and business contexts has evolved certain conventions
regarding format, style, referencing and other characteristics. These will vary in detail between
organisations, so the information given below should be treated as general guidelines which hold good
in the absence of any more specific `house styles'.
1.1 Format
The format will depend upon the type and purpose of the report, its intended readers, and the
conventions of presentation and layout prescribed by the organisation in which you are operating. In
general, there are two broad types of format which are differentiated by whether the summary and/or
recommendations are placed after the main body of the report, or are placed earlier, before the main
body. The eventual format chosen might be a combination or a condensed version of these two formats.
1.1.1 A format where the findings/recommendations follow the main body
• Cover sheet
• Title page
• Abstract
• Table of contents
• Introduction
• The body of the report
• Conclusion (and recommendations if applicable)
• References / Bibliography
• Glossary (if needed)
• Appendices
1.1.2 A format where the findings/recommendations precede the main body
• Letter of transmittal
• Title page
• Table of contents
• Summary and/or recommendations
• Body of report
• Conclusions
• Appendices
• Bibliography
1.2 Report checklist
Here are some aspects which may be found in each section of a report and which may be of use in
organising and checking the details in your own reports. Section 1.3 provides more information on the
content and setting out of some of these.
1.2.1 Title page
• title
• writer
• organisation
• date
• person/group who commissioned the report
1.2.2 Table of contents
• accurate, clear layout
• section numbering system and indentation
• complete
• page numbers
• list of illustrations if applicable
1.2.3 Abstract
• appropriate length
• complete summary of key information
• informative, not descriptive, in form
• impersonal tone
• connected prose
1.2.4 Introduction
• relating topic to wider field
• necessary background information
• purpose of report
• scope of report
• explanation of arrangement of report
• sections
1.2.5 Body format
• main headings indicating equal level of importance
• all subheadings relating to section heading
• choice of levels indicating hierarchy of importance
• hierarchy of importance shown by careful and consistent use of features such as capitals,
different fonts, underlining, bold, italics
• indenting
• numbering/letter system
• space between sections to enhance readability and layout
• when using charts, statistics and illustrations check for suitability, captions, reference in text and
• acknowledgement of all sources, including material referred to indirectly, direct quotations,
copied diagrams, tables, statistics
• ensure a systematic link between references in the text and the reference list and bibliography
1.2.6 Expression
• correct
• own words
• concise
• clear to intended reader
• formal and factual
1.2.7 Content
• logical development of ideas from one section to another, and within each section
• citing evidence
• relevant
• objective
• specific
1.2.8 Conclusion(s)
• arising out of the facts
• convincing
• a substantial basis for the recommendations
1.2.9 Recommendations (if applicable)
• based on the conclusions
• practical
• specific
• well organised, with the most important first
1.2.10 List of references
• sources in the text listed by the Harvard system
1.2.11 Bibliography
• texts consulted but not referred to directly in the report
1.2.12 Glossary (if included)
• arranged alphabetically
1.2.13 Appendix (appendices)
• placed at end of a report if included
• arranged in the order referred to in the report
1.3 Report sections
1.3.1 Introductions
Introductions to formal reports deal with the following aspects of the text:
(a) Topic or subject matter: how the report relates to a field, discipline or area of knowledge
(reference to external framework). This is normally expressed in terms of why the topic is of sufficient
importance or significance to deserve detailed coverage in a report.
(b) Purpose: what is the communicative intention in compiling the report (to describe, explain,
examine, review, discuss etc.).
(c) Scope: which aspects of (a) does the report seek to highlight in fulfilling this purpose; often takes
the form of an overview of the organization and structure of the report, ie the focus of the major
sections; may mention aspects of the topic which have been intentionally omitted.
The above form of introduction differs from that of introductions to shorter scientific reports, in which
a brief statement of the aim of the experiment or the hypothesis to be tested is all that is normally
The above threepart structure also distinguishes formal report introductions from essay introductions;
the latter normally place more emphasis on the topic/field relationship through taking up a position (the
thesis of the essay) in relation to the aspect of the topic highlighted in the title (often in the form of an
arresting statement or thought provoking quotation).
Report introductions may—especially in the case of longer or more formal reports—refer in addition to
the sources of the information incorporated within the document; this is done in terms of categories of
sources (ie general statements about how and where you gathered your information: from books,
articles, statistics, other reports, interviews and so forth).
A final point to note: in this form of introduction the focus should be on the particular report which is
being introduced, rather than on the wider field or area to which it relates.
The length of the introduction will vary in proportion to that of the report.
1.3.2 Conclusions
Report conclusions, unlike introductions, cannot readily be analysed in terms of characteristic structural
features. Conclusions are distinguished more by function than by form. In general terms, the principal
function of conclusions is to relate to the purpose and scope of the report, as stated in the Introduction.
In other words, the conclusion should confirm for the reader that the communicative intention has been
achieved, and that the previewed aspects of the topic have been covered.
This general function can be more specifically expressed in a number of ways, including
• to restate purpose and scope
• to review or synthesise the main sections or units of the discussion
• to reiterate the principal points or findings
• to affirm the validity of argument or judgement
• To assert the viability of approach or interpretation
Two further points to note:
• Though normally and substantially retrospective, conclusions can extend or advance the topic,
for instance by disclosing a further perspective (to be pursued elsewhere) or by making an
additional, final judgment. Thus it is not strictly true to say that conclusions never contain
anything `new'.
• In reports, the conclusion section can take the form of a series of separately stated points and for
these the plural term `conclusions' may be used. Subsequent recommendations would then be
intended to address these points.
1.3.3 Abstracts The form and function of the abstract of a report include the following:
• definition, providing the essence of the report in a few words
• informative form, or
• descriptive form
• impersonal tone
• connected writing
• length 150250 words (for longer reports, 1/21 page singlespaced) American academic Kenneth K. Landes, irritated by what he perceived to be the inadequacies
of many abstracts in professional journals, wrote in `A scrutiny of the abstract' (1966):
The abstract is of utmost importance, for it is read by 10 to 500 times more people than
hear or read the entire article. It should not be a mere recital of the subjects covered.
Expressions such as “is discussed” and “is described” should never be included! The
abstract should be a condensation and concentration of the essential information in the
(Bulletin of the American Association of Petroleum Geologists vol 50, no 9) Informative abstract
An informative abstract is usually written by the author(s) of a report. It appears in the same document
as part of the complete text. This abstract describes the research or project and presents the main ideas
of the report in a summarised form. Informative abstracts do not duplicate references or tables of
results. To achieve economy of expression, the style of informative abstracts often omits terms which
identify the particular report (such as `this paper' or `this report').
Lawson, J. (1990) `The education of the future senior health manager'. Australian Health Review vol
13 no 3 pp 1848
Primarily due to economic forces, health services are being forced into a tight organisational
framework of hospitals, clinics and services which need to be managed by educated professional
managers. These managers need to be competent general and financial managers, competent planners,
knowledgeable about health status, health issues, the Australian health care systems and knowledgeable
about society, law and ethics. Assumptions that recruitment of people with such a formidable array of
talents would be difficult are incorrect as judged by current experiences. Very talented and experienced
candidates are being attracted to graduate education programs in health service management in many
Australian universities. Accordingly the future management of Australian health services should be in
good hands. Descriptive abstract
A descriptive abstract is compiled by someone other than the author of the report to appear in another
source, such as a data bank or library catalogue. A descriptive abstract describes the contents of a
report but does not include interpretive statements, conclusions or recommendations. It is possible to
base a descriptive abstract on the table of contents of a report. It is usually much briefer than an
informative abstract.
Edwards, P. & Gould, W. (1988) New directions in apprentice selection: self perceived `On the job'
literacy (reading) demands of apprentices. Victorian TAFE Papers 8, 1417
This article is based on an investigation of the selfperceived, onthejob literacy tasks of electrical
mechanic apprentices. Among other things it indicates the nature of the reading they commonly
undertake and suggests implications for the kinds of reading experiences provided for them in trade
1.4 Section/point identification systems
An important difference between an essay and a report is the layout. This aspect of a report is not
merely a surface feature of the presentation. It represents important choices made by the writer
regarding the range of the material covered, the relative importance of the sections in the report, and
the relatedness of information within sections. As such, it plays a very important role in
communicating meaning to the reader. The report presents meaning and information in two
complementary and equivalent ways:
• the meaning represented by the words, thought, research, information
• the meaning represented by the layout
A writer usually chooses one of the following two layout systems: decimal numbering or numberletter.
Once a system is chosen, the writer must present this system consistently throughout the report.
1.4.1 Decimal numbering
First level 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0
(of importance/generality) N.B. The `pointzero' is not always used in decimal
(also termed the A heading) numbering systems
Second level 1.1 2.1 3.1 4.1 5.1
(also termed the B heading)
Third level 1.1.1 2.1.1 3.1.1 4.1.1 5.1.1
(also termed the C heading)
Fourth level
(also termed the D heading)
This is generally used with indenting to structure the text in the following way.
It is possible for a reader to gain a strong indication of the relatedness, and relative importance of the
parts of the text as a result of this layout, even though no meaning from the content is provided.
1.0 ______________________________________
1.1 _______________________________
1.2 _______________________________
1.2.1 ________________________
1.2.2 ________________________ _______________ _______________
2.0 ________________________________________
2.1 _________________________________
1.4.2 Number letter (still encountered, but becoming less commonly used)
First level (of importance/generality) I II III IV V VI VII
(A heading)
Second level A B C D E F G
(B heading)
Third level 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
(C heading)
Fourth level (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (f) (g)
(D heading)
Fifth level (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) (v) (vi) (vii)
(E heading)
I ________________________________________
A ________________________________
B ________________________________
1 __________________________
2 __________________________
(a) ___________________
(b) ___________________
II ________________________________________
A ________________________________
1.5 Table of contents
The table of contents is assembled from the headings and subheadings of the report's sections, and
includes the appropriate identification numbers/letters as well as the page numbers. Here are two
examples of setting out, although there are many variations.
1.5.1 Example A
Abstract i
1.0 Computer crime 2
1.1 Main types of computer crime 2
1.1.1 Theft of computer time 3
1.1.2 Theft, destruction, or changing programs/data 3
1.1.3 Alteration of data stored in computer files 3
1.1.4 Accessing a private computer system 3
1.1.5 Percentages of computer crime in Australia 4
1.2 How computer technology has changed
traditional crimes 4
1.2.1 The modem 4
1.2.2 Organised crime 5
1.2.3 Old laws 5
1.2.4 Access to computers
1.3 Why computer crime is so costly and widespread 5
1.3.1 Cost 5
1.3.2 Extent of computer crime 6
2.0 The profile of a computer criminal 7
2.1 The novice 7
2.2 The student 8
2.3 The tourist 8
2.4 The crasher 8
2.5 The thief 8
2.6 Other types 9
3.0 The law and penalties 9
3.1 Current law and intangible property 9
3.2 New laws - resistance to change 9
3.3 Examples of poor laws 10
5.5.2 Example B
1 Introduction ..............................................3
2 Professional footcare in Sunraysia.........................4
2.1 The practitioners
2.1.1 The pioneers .................................4
2.1.2 The early chiropodists........................5
2.1.3 The modern day podiatrists....................6
2.2 The changing roles
2.2.1 Chiropodial treatment.........................7
2.2.2 Podiatric treatment...........................7
2.3 State registration: The Chiropody Act of 1968
2.3.1 Implication for unqualified chiropodists......8
2.3.2 Employment of podiatrists.....................8
2.3.3 Effects on the consumer.......................8 free podiatric treatment..............8 health benefits cover.................8
2.4 Footwear vs footcare
2.4.1 The availability of quality footwear..........9
2.4.2 Specialist and sports shoes...................9
3 The role of the podiatrist in education...................10
4 Conclusion and Recommendations............................11
5 Bibliography..............................................12
6 Appendices................................................13
6.1 Time line of significant events.....................13
6.2 Directory of podiatrists in current practice........14
5.6 Referencing
The Harvard (authordate) system is the one usually encountered in the sciences and social sciences,
and is the system promoted in Professional Writing & Communication subjects and the University of
South Australia generally. All the examples below relate to the authordate system of referencing.
5.6.1 Citations
When you write an assignment you must cite in your text references to all material you have used as
sources for the content of your work. These citations must be made wherever and whenever you quote,
paraphrase or summarise someone else's opinions, theories or data (in your text). Your references
may be to books, periodicals, articles, newspapers, reports or personal communications. A list of
references, in alphabetical order of authors' surnames, must be attached to the end of your report,
giving complete details of all references actually used in the report (see 5.6.2). For the citations in your text, only the author's surname, year of publication for the material
cited, and page numbers, if required, should be listed. Page numbers for your references are necessary
only when you quote or paraphrase particular passages, lists or figures from your sources:
Smith (1971, p. 45) has argued that 'the relative seriousness of the two kinds of errors differs from
situation to situation.' If you paraphrase material from your sources you must make it clear from your reference that
you are giving a modified version of someone else's work in your own words:
A recent study (Jones and Smith, 1974) has shown . . . Reference to material written by more than two authors should include the surnames of all
authors the first time the citation appears. In later citations of the same reference, include only the
surname of the first author and the abbreviation et al. (meaning 'and the others'):
A recent study (Jones, Smith, Brown and White, 1973) has shown . . .
The research previously cited (Jones, et al., 1973) Reference to different authors with the same surname should be distinguished by use in the
authors' initials:
A recent study (C.L. Jones, 1974) has shown . . . but A.G. Jones (1956) has suggested . . . When you have read an account of original work by one author (primary reference) in another
book or article (secondary reference), both sources must be acknowledged in your reference:
Smith (Jones, 1961) states that . . .
Smith's experiment in 1952 (cited in Jones, 1961) states . . .
Jones (1961), in reporting Smith's 1952 study, states that . . .
Smith is the primary reference, Jones is the secondary reference. If you need to cite several references at the same point, separate the authors' names by semi
colons, with surnames in alphabetical order:
Recent studies (Brown, 1971; Miller and Smith, 1972; Jones, 1966) show . . . References to two or more publications in the same year by a given author should be
distinguished by adding a, b, and so on:
A recent study (Jones, 1974b) has shown . . .
Recent studies (Jones, 1972, 1973a and b) have shown . . . References to personal communications should include initials, name, pers. comm. and date:
they probably represent distal turbidities (K.A.W. Crook, pers. comm., 1971) . . .
5.6.2 References
The reference list is placed at the end of the report. It is arranged in alphabetical order of authors'
surnames and chronologically for each author. The reference list includes only references cited in the
text. The author's surname is placed first, immediately followed by the year of publication. This date is
often placed in brackets. The title of the publication appears after the date followed by place of
publication, then publisher (some sources say publisher first, then place of publication). There are
many other minor differences in setting out references (eg use of commas, colons, full stops) depending
upon personal preferences or house styles. The important thing is to check for any special requirements
or, if there are none, to be consistent.
Some lecturers require only a reference list. Others require, in addition, a bibliography. While the
reference list includes only those texts cited in the body of your paper, a bibliography includes all
material consulted in the preparation of your report.
Notice that the titles of books, journals and other major works appear in italics (or are underlined when
handwritten), while the titles of articles and smaller works which are found in larger works are placed
in (usually single) quotation marks.
Beasley, V. (1964), Eureka! or how to be a successful student, Flinders University, Bedford Park,
South Australia.
Betts, K. and Seitz, A. (1986), Writing essays in the social sciences, Melbourne, Thomas Nelson.
Clanchy, J. and Ballard, B. (1981), Essay writing for students, Melbourne, Longman Cheshire.
Marshall, B.R. (1985), 'Common Writing Problems in Tertiary Education' Australian Educators
Journal, Vol 7, No.3, pp. 5664.
White, R.V. (1979a), Functional English, SunburyonThames, Nelson.
White, R.V. (1979b), English for Academic Purposes, SunburyonThames, Nelson.
5.6.3 Quotations
When the exact words of a writer are quoted, they must be reproduced exactly in all respects: wording,
spelling, punctuation, capitalisation and paragraphing. Quotations should be carefully selected and
sparingly used, as too many quotations can lead to a poorly integrated argument. Use of a direct
quotation is justified when:
• changes, through paraphrasing, may cause misinterpretation
• the original words are so concisely and convincingly expressed that they cannot be improved
• a major argument needs to be documented as evidence
• the student wishes to comment upon, refute or analyse the ideas expressed in another source.
Unless it is clearly stated otherwise, the citation of another's opinions or conclusions often signifies
your acceptance of the point of view as your own. The intention of the original text must not be altered. Short quotations (up to 4 lines)
Incorporate the quotation into the sentence or paragraph, without disrupting the flow of the text, using
the same spacing as in the rest of the text. The source of the quotation is either acknowledged in a
footnote or in the text. Use single quotation marks at the beginning and end of the quotation:
The Style Manual (1978, p. 46) states that 'the modern tendency to use single quotation marks rather
than double is recommended.' Long quotations (more than thirty words)
Do not use quotation marks. Indent the quotation from the remainder of the text. Some writers
recommend the use of smaller type or italics to set off indented quotations. Introduce the quotation
appropriately, and cite the source at the end of the quotation as you would in your text. Interpolations
These may be used in quotations when words in the original text need to be changed (eg, in tense) or
added to fit in with the essay, the material may be introduced into the quotation by enclosing it in
square brackets [ ]. A common interpolation is the use of the term sic in square brackets. This is Latin
for `thus' or `so', and indicates that the original has been reproduced exactly, even though it appears to
have an error. Ellipsis
Irrelevancies within very long quotations can be omitted by the use of an ellipsis which is indicated by
three spaced dots (. . .). Nowadays it is not usual to place an ellipsis at the beginning or the end of a
quotation which is intended to stand alone or forms part of one of your own sentences.
5.6.4 Referencing practice
How would the following citations be entered in your text, and recorded in your reference list or
bibliography, using the Harvard system?
1. A reference to James Elliot's article 'Nursing citizenship—a neglected issue', which appeared in
1985 on pages 5361 of issue number 4 of the second volume of The Australian Journal of
Advanced Education.
2. A quotation from page 15 of the book Socialization after childhood, which was written by
Oliver Graham Brim and Sharon Wheeler, and which was published by John Wiley and Sons in
New York in 1966.
3. A reference to the 1983 publication Developments in design and materials in Engineering, a
book resulting from the joint authorship of Julia Elaine Miller and Grant McGrath, and
published in Sydney by Science and Design Press.
4. A reference to an issue raised in 1986 by Susan Eisley in her article in The Australian Podiatry
Journal (vol. 16, no. 3, pages 4851) entitled: 'Regulation of podiatry: an emerging
responsibility for the profession'.
5. A quotation from one of the contributions to a 1978 collection of papers/articles edited by
Louise Norman under the title of Ergonomics and computers and published by McGrawHill in
New York. The lines are taken from the first paragraph of 'Psychological factors in stress
related fatigue' by Alessandro Jacox, found on pages 3642 of the book.
6. A reference to an article called 'Ethical issues for the surveyor' on pages 4047 of the
International Surveying Review. The article was written by Julia Claire McClosky in 1981, and
appeared in an edition of the journal published in that year (vol. 28, no.2).
7. A reference to the second volume of the journal Physiotherapy today, to Brian K. Miller's 1985
article 'Just what is a professional?', found in issue number 4 on pages 2127.