This document provides the prayer times for Nottingham, United Kingdom from May 1-31, 2011 according to the Hanafi method. It lists the daily times for Fajr (dawn), Sunrise, Zohar (noon), Asar (afternoon), Magrib (sunset), and Isha (nightfall) prayers over the month-long period. The prayer times are calculated using the Islamic Society of North America method for Fajr and the Hanafi method for Asar.
This document provides the prayer times for Nottingham, United Kingdom from May 1-31, 2011 according to the Hanafi method. It lists the daily times for Fajr (dawn), Sunrise, Zohar (noon), Asar (afternoon), Magrib (sunset), and Isha (nightfall) prayers over the month-long period. The prayer times are calculated using the Islamic Society of North America method for Fajr and the Hanafi method for Asar.
This document provides the prayer times for Nottingham, United Kingdom from May 1-31, 2011 according to the Hanafi method. It lists the daily times for Fajr (dawn), Sunrise, Zohar (noon), Asar (afternoon), Magrib (sunset), and Isha (nightfall) prayers over the month-long period. The prayer times are calculated using the Islamic Society of North America method for Fajr and the Hanafi method for Asar.
This document provides the prayer times for Nottingham, United Kingdom from May 1-31, 2011 according to the Hanafi method. It lists the daily times for Fajr (dawn), Sunrise, Zohar (noon), Asar (afternoon), Magrib (sunset), and Isha (nightfall) prayers over the month-long period. The prayer times are calculated using the Islamic Society of North America method for Fajr and the Hanafi method for Asar.
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Prayer Calculation Method:Islamic Society Of North America
Asar Calculation Method:Hanafi
Prayer times for Nottingham (Nottinghamshire) 1 May 2011 - 31 May 2011
Date Fajr Sunrise Zohar Asar Magrib Isha
Sun 1 May 04:15 05:33 13:02 18:10 20:32 21:49 Mon 2 May 04:14 05:31 13:02 18:11 20:34 21:50 Tue 3 May 04:12 05:29 13:02 18:12 20:35 21:52 Wed 4 May 04:11 05:27 13:01 18:13 20:37 21:53 Thu 5 May 04:10 05:25 13:01 18:14 20:39 21:54 Fri 6 May 04:08 05:23 13:01 18:15 20:41 21:55 Sat 7 May 04:07 05:21 13:01 18:16 20:42 21:56 Sun 8 May 04:06 05:19 13:01 18:17 20:44 21:58 Mon 9 May 04:04 05:17 13:01 18:18 20:46 21:59 Tue 10 May 04:03 05:16 13:01 18:19 20:47 22:00 Wed 11 May 04:02 05:14 13:01 18:20 20:49 22:01 Thu 12 May 04:01 05:12 13:01 18:21 20:51 22:02 Fri 13 May 03:59 05:10 13:01 18:22 20:52 22:04 Sat 14 May 03:58 05:09 13:01 18:23 20:54 22:05 Sun 15 May 03:57 05:07 13:01 18:24 20:56 22:06 Mon 16 May 03:56 05:06 13:01 18:25 20:57 22:07 Tue 17 May 03:55 05:04 13:01 18:26 20:59 22:08 Wed 18 May 03:54 05:03 13:01 18:27 21:00 22:09 Thu 19 May 03:53 05:01 13:01 18:28 21:02 22:10 Fri 20 May 03:52 05:00 13:01 18:28 21:03 22:11 Sat 21 May 03:51 04:58 13:01 18:29 21:05 22:13 Sun 22 May 03:50 04:57 13:01 18:30 21:06 22:14 Mon 23 May 03:49 04:56 13:01 18:31 21:08 22:15 Tue 24 May 03:48 04:54 13:01 18:32 21:09 22:16 Wed 25 May 03:47 04:53 13:02 18:33 21:11 22:17 Thu 26 May 03:46 04:52 13:02 18:34 21:12 22:18 Fri 27 May 03:45 04:51 13:02 18:34 21:13 22:19 Sat 28 May 03:45 04:50 13:02 18:35 21:15 22:20 Sun 29 May 03:44 04:49 13:02 18:36 21:16 22:21 Mon 30 May 03:43 04:48 13:02 18:37 21:17 22:22 Tue 31 May 03:43 04:47 13:02 18:37 21:19 22:23
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