Warped Intentions (By S.B. Redd)

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Q & A with Warped intentions

WHO Do YOU TRUST? Author S.B. Redd

There is often an inner voice that
speaks to us if someone we meet
has good intentions.

The question is whether we will

listen to it and, if not, what are the

close are they to you? is no different. He learns women

Q. What inspired you to write can be just as violent as men when
Warped Intentions? A. I hear that question a lot. Read- they’re stalking. And he learns there
ers think many of the characters are consequences behind the choices
we create are us. In my first novel, he makes.
A. Good Temptation.com, so many people asked
if Royale Cole was me. So I flipped Q. What makes you most proud
question. A lot
of my reasons the question to them, was there any about Warped Intentions?
for writing character in the book that you could
identify with? A few answered yes.
fiction is to
The only closeness I have to my char- A. I feel it is a complete book in
offer a male’s which I bring the drama, contempo-
perspective acters is that they convey a message
that I want to convey to my readers. rary issues, the hot stuff (of course),
ISBN-13: on various so- and along the way people should
978-0-9831152-6-7 cial issues. In learn something about themselves. I
Cover Price $14.95
Release Date: 9.23.2011
this book, the Q. What were some of the things think it’s my best book to date.
main charac- that you learned while writing
E-book $7.99 ter, Garner Warped Intentions?
978-0-9831152-7-4 Davis, meets Q. Is there a story behind the story
epub/Kindle formats somebody of writing Warped Intentions?
who doesn’t
Ingrams/Baker & Taylor/ have his best
A. (Laughing) Borrowing a line
MavLit Publishing interests at
from one of my old J-school instruc- A. I guess there is. After writing
www.maverick-books.com tors, people are kooks. But I think this book, and trying to find a place
heart. Like
that’s what intrigues readers. Who for it to be published, I learned a lot
many of us, we don’t learn about that
wants to read about some staid char- about the people in the publishing
person until something outrageous
acter. That said, I learned that we let business. There is some truth that
our guards down with various indi- you can’t judge a book by its cover,
Q. I hear you like to create bad- viduals that come into our lives for but the flip side to that argument is
boy characters. Is that true? How some of the craziest reasons. Garner that they often judge without merit

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